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No. 7






















Quarter past two o‟clock p.m The Speaker in the Chair




Members Present

Printed by Order of the House





Absent with leave


Hon. Chidakwa, Hon Nyamudeza, Hon. Mudau


  1. Hon. Mwonzora seconded by Hon. Mangwana moved:


That this House


  COGNISANT of the fact that Article 6 of the Global Political Agreement     provides that there shall be set up a Select Committee of Parliament to spearhead     the drafting of a people driven constitution of Zimbabwe.


 ACKNOWLEDGING that the Coomittee on Standing Bules and Orders on the  12th of April 2009 did set up a Committee known as the Constitutional  Parliamentary Select Committee ဨCOPAC);


   REALISIŎG that the said Committee did undertake and complete drafting the  .ew Cဨnstitution of Zimbabwe as ðrovided耠for in terms of Article 6 of the Global     Political Agreement;


   MINDFUL 䁯ဨ the fact that ဨrticlu 6 /Ŧ the Global Po䅬)tical Agreement furɴher     provides that COPсC mqst table thd ɒeport and Ѧraft Constitution of Zimbabwe  before this Honourable House;


           NOW THERFORE, adopts the Report of the Constitution making process and;


               FURTHER NOTES the draft Constitution of Zimbabwe tabled before it.


On the motion of …....................: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.



  1. Zinyemba seconded by             Hon. Tazviona moved:


That the motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Public Service  Labour and Social Welfare on the status of residential care institutions in  Zimbabwe [S.C 21,2012] which was superseded by prorogation of the Fourth  Session of the Seventh Parliament be restored on the Order Paper in terms of  Standing Order No. 43.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned 5 th

FebruaryDeputy Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development)


[Time elapsed: 1 hour 25 minutes]


Question again proposed:


That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows:-


May it please you, your Excellency the President:


We, the Members of Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to Parliament Hon. J.M. Gumbo


               On the motion of …....................: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on remittance of revenue to Treasury generated by Government Ministries and department- (Adjourned 5 th February - Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs).


[Day elapsed: 1]


Question again  proposed: 


That this House;


Noting that not all revenue generated and collected by various government ministries, departments and agencies is remitted to Treasury.

Concerned that the government has been unable to grant its workers meaningful salary increases and frozen the recruiting of staff and failure to carry out some of its regional and international financial obligations.

Now therefore, calls upon all the Government ministries' departments, parastatals and other related bodies to remit all revenue accrued directly and indirectly by them to the treasury.  Further calls upon Government through the Treasury to facilitate adequate or reasonable remuneration to its workers, to enable the Government to among others:


  1. i) motivate its workers ii) retain its highly qualified personnel iii) maintain high professional standards iv) improve their efficiency
  2. v) become accountable and transparent vi) utilize each dollar for the good of nationhood (Zimbabwe) vii) Prevent and control corrupt tendencies by whomever F. M. sibanda On the motion of …....................: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Second Report of the Portfolio Committee  on Education,

Sport and Culture on the Challenges in the Education Sector  in Zimbabwe. (S.C.19, 2012). (Adjourned 17th July – Hon. Karenyi)


[Day elapsed: 1]


   Question again proposed:  That this House takes note of Second Report of the  Portfolio Committee on Education, Sport and Culture on the Challenges in the     Education Sector in Zimbabwe.

(S.C.19, 2012). – Hon. Mangami


               On the motion of …....................: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion that leave be granted to bring in a Bill to amend the            Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act in Section 121 by the Repeal of Subsection          3 (Adjourned 27th March Gonese )

[Days elapsed: 2]


Question again proposed: That leave be granted to bring in a Bill to amend the

Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act in Section 121 by the Repeal of Subsection                                                                                                          - Hon.



On the motion of …....................: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. Karenyi seconded by Hon. Mudau moved:



That this House Takes note of the special Report of the Portfolio Committee on Local Government

on Local Authorities (S.C.28, 2012).


On the motion of …....................: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. Kanzama seconded by Hon. Mudarikwa moved:


That this House:


RECOGNIZING the historical prominence that prisons played during the struggle     for our Independence as they accommodated  the entire leadership and heroes and     heroins of the struggle.


COGNISANT that prisons such as Hwahwa, Sikhombela and Gonakudzingwa  were the most

notorious incarceration centers at the disposition  of the cruel  settler regime,

ANT that prisons such as Hwahwa, Sikhombela and Gonakudzingwa  were the most notorious incarceration centers at the disposition  of the cruel  settler regime,


NOTING  that other younger democracies has honoured prisons that housed their     leaders during the times of tribulation as evidenced by Robbin Island prison     accommodated veterans of South African Liberation Struggle against apartheid  such as Robert Sobukwe the former President Nelson Mandela to mention a few.


NOW THEREFORE RESOLVES:  That the following Prisons Hwahwa,                Skhombula and

Gonakudzingwa be accorded the recognition of monumental  status in honour of our leaders such as His Excellency the President R.G. Mugabe,         Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo and many others who underwent imprisonment in these                prisons.


On the motion of …....................: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Poor Performance of Zimbabwean Athletes in             all Sporting Disciplines (Adjourned 5th February 2013- Hon. Sibanda D.S.


[Day elapsed: 1]


Question again proposed:


That this House


Concerned by the poor performance of Zimbabwean athletes in all sporting  disciplines at international for a;

   Noting that  the inadequate resources  being channelled to the Ministry of     Education, Sport, Arts and Culture are inadequate for the development of sports  thereby deprive our athletes' national pride as well as a place among competing     nations;

               Aware that various reports have been submitted to the Ministry of Education,                Sport, Arts and

Culture over the incompetence of our Sports governing bodies in  particular  the Sports and

Recreation Commission  and its affiliates like the       Zimbabwe Football Association;

   Now therefore, This House  calls upon the Minister of Education, Sport, Arts and     Culture to;

  • dissolve the Sports and Recreation Commission
  • request the Ministry of Education, Sport, Arts and Culture to provide              parliament with specific objectives and targets on how the nation will  achieve success in all sporting                   disciplines;
  • calls upon the Minister of Finance to allocate adequate resources in the              National budget  for sports development – Chitando


               On the motion of …....................: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. Hon. Mutomba seconded by Hon. Nyaude moved:


That the motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on  Industry and

Commerce on the Agreement signed between the Government of Zimbabwe and  Essar Africa Holding Limited regarding the New Zimbabwe Steel Limited . (S. C.  26, 2012) which was superseded by prorogation of the Fourth Session of the  Seventh Parliament be restored on the Order Paper in terms of Standing Order  No. 43.


On the motion of …....................: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.




  1. On the motion of …...................... seconded  by …........................ : The  House            adjourned at  …............................................  o‟clock  p.m.












                * QUESTIONS WITH NOTICE

*1.      HON CHEBUDO:  To ask the Deputy Prime Minister Prof. A. Mutambara as Head

of  the Inter-Ministerial Committee to inform the nation about the US$600m  Chisumbanje Ethanol project;


  1. the progress that has been made;
  2. the challenges being faced and
  3. the fate of affected communities


*2.             HON CHEBUNDO:  To ask the Minister of Industry and Commerce to inform the  House on the measures That have bden put in place to protect the health of thd     public agaiost product proliferation of bottled water in the country and to;


Р a)  G聩ve a lhst of the certified / registered companies / brands to guard against`      unceRtified suppliers.

  1. Justũfy the price of a litre of bottled water which coóts the ųame`as a litre of  (    耠



J3.              HON CHEBUNDO;  To ask the MinIqter of Industrᅹ and Commer聣e0to knformĠthe            House on;M


  1. The statws ဨF ZISCO and ZIMASCO in terms of shareholding;
  2. Why new Zimbabwe Steel is failing “to take off” inspite of the deal between government  and Essar; and
  3. Measures in place to address the plight of workers at the two companies.


*4.   HON CHEBUNDO:  To ask the Minster of Energy and Power Development to              inform  the House;


  1. How much ZETDC is owed by the Executives in government and senior               government officials unpaid electricity bills.
  2. The measures in place to recover the money; and
  3. Why the Ministry is not switching off supplies to these individual properties


*5.             HON CHEBUNDO:  To ask the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare to explain to                the House:

  1. The measures in place to efficiently manage the War Victims Pension Fund; and
  2. Whether those implicated by the Judicial Commission of inquiry to have               exaggerated disabilities are not still drawing  pension from the fund


*6.             HON CHEBUNDO:  To ask the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare to avail to the              House the report of the Commission of Inquiry into the War Victims  Compensation Fund.


*7.    HON. CHEBUNDO:  To ask the Minister of National Housing and Social Amenities

To explain to the House the status of the VIP housing scandal of the mid

1990s where government officials and politicians were reported to have illegally  benefited and


  1. a) Make public the Commissioned Inquiry Report  led by Mr R.S.M. Hoza and                        confirm whether culprits paid back loans improperly advanced to term; and           b)  Provide statistics of the current national public houses and


  1. Clarify whether there are still public houses occupied by non – government and  civil service employees at the expense of bona fide employees.


*8.         HON CHEBUNDO:  To ask the Minister of Local Government to explain to the

House                the current set up of ZUPCO which appears to be doing well as evidenced

by the      fleet on the roads and;


  1. a)  Inform the House on the mechanisms in place to avoid recurrence of corrupt       activities that had previously run down the company for example,  the

bribery tender case involving the then Chief Executive Officer, the Board            Chairperson, Charles and the Gift Investments Bus Supplier Company and             b)  state conclusions on the investigations if any.


*9.             HON CHEBUNDO: To ask the co-Ministers of Home Affairs to explain and justify       why the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) is enrolling/integrating its „General  Hand employees‟ as regular „Police Officers‟, issuing them with Police ID Cards        with different ranks and enlisting them on the Salaries Service Bureau as police  Officers such as the cases of:


  1. Ellen Gosvore ID 58-200625Y18, born on 01/04/82 and employed as a general hand by Kwekwe Police on 16/10/06, and still performs General Hand duties, but now enlisted as an attested regular Police woman, EC number 5906324R with salary deposited in CBZ Banking Account 66560577140018, with allowances and deductions of a regular Police Officer.


  1. Muvengiwa Mpofu, ID 58-090380R26, born 02/10/64 and employed as General Hand on 01/09/88 at Kwekwe District Police H/Q, EC No. 157393T now Constable.


  • German Magadzire, ID 58-147025M83, born on 28/11/74 and employed as a „Camp BarGeneral Hand on 10/03/99 at Kwekwe Police Camp (Cactus), EC number 1092734 now a Constable


  1. Abina Mutare, ID 32-058695B32, born on 16/05/72 and employed as a General Hand at Kwe Kwe District Office on 16/10/06, EC 5906407G.


  1. One Makoni, a typist with the Redcliff Police station, enrolled as an „Assistant Inspector‟.


  1. Four other general hands with Redcliff Police station: Palume; Nemangwe; Mauto and Kwenda enrolled as constables.


  • The secretary for KweKwe DISPOL, one Mangena now an Assistant Inspector, while one, Muzinda a Typist also with the Kwekwe District now a sergeant.

viii.  Mrs. Murisa, Typist for Officer in Charge KweKwe Central now a sergeant


  1. General Hands Kapfuwa – Kwekwe Rural: Gono – KweKwe CID: Nophilo Sixolo and Mukondo – KweKwe Central all now constables and


  1. Ask the Co-Ministers of Home Affairs to state the action taken against such  activities, and give reasons  why a „commission of inquiry‟ has not been set-up to investigate such activities.









That this House

  COGNISANT of the fact that Article 6 of the Global Political Agreement    provides that there shall be set up a Select Committee of Parliament to spearhead     the drafting of a people driven constitution of Zimbabwe.


           ACKNOWLEDGING that the Committee on Standing Rules and Orders on the                        12th of

April 2009 did set up a Committee known as the Constitutional  Parliamentary Select Committee (COPAC);


   REALISING that the said Committee did undertake and complete drafting the  new Constitution of Zimbabwe as provided for in terms of Article 6 of the Global     Political Agreement;


   MINDFUL of the fact that Article 6 of the Global Political Agreement further  provides that COPAC must table the Report and draft Constitution of Zimbabwe     before this Honourable House;


           NOW THERFORE, adopts the Report of the Constitution making process and;


               FURTHER NOTES the draft Constitution of Zimbabwe tabled before it.




That the motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Public Service  Labour and Social Welfare on the status of residential care institutions in  Zimbabwe [S.C 21,2012] which was superseded by prorogation of the Fourth  Session of the Seventh Parliament be restored on the Order Paper in terms of  Standing Order No. 43.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned 5 th

FebruaryDeputy Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development)


[Time elapsed: 1 hour 25 minutes]


Question proposed:


That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows:-


May it please you, your Excellency the President:


We, the Members of Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to Parliament Hon. J.M. Gumbo



  1. Adjourned debate on motion on remittance of revenue to Treasury generated by Government Ministries and department- (Adjourned 5 th February - Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs).


[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed: 


That this House;

Noting that not all revenue generated and collected by various government ministries, departments and agencies is remitted to Treasury.

Concerned that the government has been unable to grant its workers meaningful salary increases and frozen the recruiting of staff and failure to carry out some of its regional and international financial obligations.

Now therefore, calls upon all the Government ministries' departments, parastatals and other related bodies to remit all revenue accrued directly and indirectly by them to the treasury.  Further calls upon Government through the Treasury to facilitate adequate or reasonable remuneration to its workers, to enable the Government to among others:


  1. i) motivate its workers ii) retain its highly qualified personnel iii) maintain high professional standards iv) improve their efficiency
  2. v) become accountable and transparent vi) utilize each dollar for the good of nationhood (Zimbabwe)

vii) Prevent and control corrupt tendencies by whomever Hon. F. M. sibanda


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Second Report of the Portfolio Committee on Education,

Sport and Culture on the Challenges in the Education Sector  in Zimbabwe. (S.C.19, 2012). (Adjourned

17th July – Hon. Karenyi)


[Day elapsed: 1]


       Question proposed:  Th䁡t this House takes note of Second Report of the Portfolio

Committee on Education< Sport and Culture on the Chall%nges in the Educction     Sect䁯r  in Zimbabwe. (S.C.19, 2012). – Hon. Mangami


  1. Adjourn䁥d deɢate on motioѮ that lea6e be eranôåd to ring 聩n a Bill to†ame.dĠtဨe

Cဨiminal Procedure andဨEvidဨncѥᄠAct mn Sectyon 121 by the Repeal of S|bsection

3 (Adjourned 2‷ Ŵh March -Hon. Gonese )

[Days elapsed: 2]


Question proposed: That leave be granted to bring in a Bill to amend the

Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act in Section 121 by the Repeal of Subsection                                                                                                           - Hon.






That this House Takes note of the special Report of the Portfolio Committee on Local Government on Local Authorities (S.C.28, 2012).







That this House:


RECOGNIZING the historical prominence that prisons played during the struggle     for our Independence as they accommodated  the entire leadership and heroes and     heroins of the struggle.


COGNISANT that prisons such as Hwahwa, Sikhombela and Gonakudzingwa  were the most

notorious incarceration centers at the disposition  of the cruel  settler regime,

NOTING  that other younger democracies has honoured prisons that housed their    leaders during the times of tribulation as evidenced by Robbin Island prison     accommodated veterans of South African Liberation Struggle against apartheid  such as Robert Sobukwe the former President Nelson Mandela to mention a few.


NOW THEREFORE RESOLVES:  That the following Prisons Hwahwa,                Skhombula and

Gonakudzingwa be accorded the recognition of monumental  status in honour of our leaders such as His Excellency the President R.G. Mugabe,         Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo and many others who underwent imprisonment in these                prisons.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Poor Performance of Zimbabwean Athletes in             all Sporting Disciplines (Adjourned 5th February 2013- Hon. Sibanda D.S.


[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed:


That this House

Concerned by the poor performance of Zimbabwean athletes in all sporting  disciplines at international for a;

   Noting that  the inadequate resources  being chanelled to the Ministry of     Education, Sport, Arts and Culture are inadequate for the development of sports  thereby deprive our athletes' national pride as well as a place among competing     nations;

               Aware that various reports have been submitted to the Ministry of Education,                Sport, Arts and

Culture over the incompetence of our Sports governing bodies in  particular  the Sports and

Recreation Commission  and its affiliates like the       Zimbabwe Football Association;

   Now therefore, This House  calls upon the Minister of Education, Sport, Arts and     Culture to;

  • dissolve the Sports and Recreation Commission
  • request the Ministry of Education, Sport, Arts and Culture to provide              parliament with specific objectives and targets on how the nation will  achieve success in all sporting                   disciplines;
  • calls upon the Minister of Finance to allocate adequate resources in the              National budget  for sports development – Chitando


10.    HON. MUTOMBA          HON. NYAUDE


That the motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on  Industry and

Commerce on the Agreement signed between the Government of Zimbabwe and  Essar Africa Holding Limited regarding the New Zimbabwe Steel Limited . (S. C.  26, 2012) which was superseded by prorogation of the Fourth Session of the  Seventh Parliament be restored on the Order Paper in terms of Standing Order  No. 43.









               Micro-finance Bill (H.B. 2, 2012) – The Minister of Finance.  (Referred 29th               September 2012)



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