Records and Information falls under the Human Resources and Administration directorate and is located on the Second Floor, Office 201A and 201B.
To provide efficient and effective records management, secretarial and telephone services to Members and Officers of Parliament.
- Official mail i.e all mail addressed to the Clerk of Parliament is opened, stamped, recorded and given file references.
- Officers action and return files to Records/ Registry for safe keeping within five days of receiving a file.
- Mail for posting is recorded before it is forwarded to the Post Office for stamping
- Officers are encouraged to use residential addresses for personal letters
- The department is in charge of the Switchboard.
- Priority is given to incoming calls.
- Fault reports are reported through Switchboard, who keep a record before submitting the list to the Supervisor on a weekly basis.
- Technicians from external service providers are called in to service the faults.
- Secretarial services (for Parliament business) are provided to Members and officers of Parliament.
- Members of Parliament leave work related to Parliament and/or constituency for typing and collect at an agreed time with Records Office.
The department is headed by the Records & Information Supervisor assisted by a Deputy Supervisor.
The department has a staff complement of 29 with 9 officers in post and 20 vacancies.