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No. 16


















Quarter past two o‘clock p.m

The Speaker in the Chair    



Members present

Bushu S. Chief

Butau D

Chandengenda D. J.

Chapfika D.

Chebundo B

Chidarikirre F E

Chimanikire G

Chimbaira G  Chimombe Chief G.

Chinamasa P A

Chihota P C

Chininga E T C

Chipanga T S

Chiwewe W  Chisvuure E.

Damasane A.

Gabbuza J. G.

Goche N T

Gonese I. T

Gumbo J. M.

Gwetu M

Kadzima P

Kanzama F

Katsande A

Mabika Chief J

Madzimure W

Madzore P

Mahofa S. B

Makova C W

Malinga A. M

Malisa Chief C

Maluleke T. H

Marumahoko R

Matimba K. M

Matiza J. B

Matonga B

Matshalaga O

Mathuthu T A

Mawere M

Maziriri E.  Mguni N.  Mpariwa P  Mubau T.

Muchinguri O.C.

Mudenge I S


Chief P. M

Mugabe L

Mugabe S.

Mungofa P.

Murerwa H. M.

Musa C. J

Mushoriwa E.

Mutomba W

Mzembi W

Ncube F. D.

Ncube W

Ndlovu M M

Porusingazi E

Pote C. M

Satiya C

Shana Chief N Z J  Shumba I. M.

Sibanda G. J.

Sikhala J                                                                                                                         

Zinyemba M

Absent with leave

Chindori-Chininga E. T.

Dandawa Chief T. M.

Kaukonde R. J.

Langa A.

Midzi A. B.

Misihairabwi-Mushonga P.

Musa C. J.

Mushore L.

Rusere T.


  1. Reports from the Parliamentary Legal Committee NOT being adverse reports on the following Bills –


Date received 


Criminal Procedure and Evidence Amendment Bill (H.B. 3A, 2006)

Consideration - today


Judicial Service Bill (H.B. 7A, 2006)…………………………………...5 October 2006

Consideration - today


  1. The Speaker reminded all Women Parliamentarians of the meeting with  Stakeholders in the Senate Chamber on Friday 6th October 2006.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the SECOND READING of the Domestic Violence Bill (H. B. 9, 2006) (Adjourned 4th October, 2006 - The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs).


[Days elapsed 3]


Question again proposed: That the Domestic Violence Bill (H.B. 9, 2006) be now read a second time: The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs.

Bill read a second time.  Committee – Tuesday 17th October.


  1. The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs moved: That Order of the Day No. 2, for today, stands over until Order of the Day No. 12 has been disposed of.


Motion put and agreed to.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned 28th

September 2006The Minister of justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs)


[Time elapsed: 58 minutes]


 Question again proposed:  That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows-


That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows: –


May it please you, your Excellency the President:

We the Members of the Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to ParliamentHon. Chief Chimombe.  


On the motion of the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs: Debate adjourned until Tuesday 17th October 2006.


  1. Maluleke, seconded by Hon. Mawere, moved that this House –


EXPRESSES its profound sorrow on the untimely death on 15 September 2006, of Hon. Member for Chiredzi South Constituency, Aaron Baloyi;


PLACES on record its appreciation of the services which the late Member of Parliament rendered to his people, Parliament and the nation; and


RESOLVES that its deepest sympathy be conveyed to Mrs. Baloyi and family.


On the motion of the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, debate adjourned until 17th October 2006.



  1. CONSIDERATION: Criminal Procedure and Evidence Amendment Bill (H.B. 3A, 2006) – The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs.


Amendments in Long Title, Clause 4,6, 9, 10, 12, 25, 27, new Clauses inserted after

Clause 28, Clause 29 and schedule put and agreed to, and Bill, as amended adopted.


Third Reading, with leave, forthwith.


Bill read a third time.


  1. CONSIDERATION: Judicial Service Bill (H.B. 7A, 2006) – The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs.


Amendments in Part I to Part XI of the schedule put and agreed to, and Bill, as amended adopted.


Third Reading, with leave, forthwith.


Bill read a third time.


  1. On the motion of the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs: The House adjourned at twelve minutes to five o‘clock p.m until Tuesday 17 October 2006 at a quarter past two o‘clock in the afternoon.




  1. L. Nkomo







  1. COMMITTEE: Domestic Violence Bill (H. B. 9, 2006) - The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs).


(See notice of Amendments)


  1. SECOND READING: - Petroleum Bill (H. B. 5, 2006) The Minister of Energy and Power Development.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned 5th October

2006The Minister of justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs)


[Time elapsed: 58 minutes]


 Question proposed:  That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows-


That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows: –


May it please you, your Excellency the President:

We the Members of the Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to ParliamentHon. Chief Chimombe.  


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the death of Hon. Baloyi (Adjourned 5th October 2006

The Minister of justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs)


[Day elapsed: 1] Question proposed:


That this House –


EXPRESSES its profound sorrow on the untimely death on 15 September 2006, of Hon. Member for Chiredzi South Constituency, Aaron Baloyi;


PLACES on record its appreciation of the services which the late Member of Parliament rendered to his people, Parliament and the nation; and


RESOLVES that its deepest sympathy be conveyed to Mrs. Baloyi and family -Hon. Maluleke




That this House takes note of the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Transport and Communication, on the effects of the Mid-Term Monetary Policy on the supplementary budget allocations for the departments in the Ministry of Transport and Communications. (S.C. 25, 2006)




That this House-


CONCERNED with high levels of corruption in the public and private  sectors.


FURTHER CONCERNED with the existence of rent-seeking activities, patronage, clientelism, racketeering, black market activities, trafficking  and smuggling activities in the economy.


FURTHER CONCERNED with the high levels of asset stripping and  plundering of public and private assets.


THIS HOUSE calls upon government to seriously address this cancer in our society.





That this House-


NOTING the publication of the report by the investigator into the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) presented to the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare;


APPRECIATING that the report exposed and unearthed gross mismanagement and abuse of funds;


ALARMED by the report‘s findings that the ZCTU was involved in the sales of foreign currency at parallel market contravening the exchange Control Act {Chapter 22:05};


FURTHER ALARMED by the violation of guidelines on Retention of Records and the opening of unauthorised Bank Accounts and the use of unauthorised signatories to the accounts;


SHOCKED by the ZCTU unconstitutional salary payments to its President, Mr.

Lovemore Matombo;


AND NOW THEREFORE resolves that:-

  1. Condemns the ZCTU leadership for unethical business practices with vital business services and the non-remittance of Pay as You Earn for its employees;
  2. The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe and ZRP should move in and bring in to book all the people involved;
  3. The Trustees who had been relieved of their duties should be re-instated with immediate effect;
  4. The Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare should in terms section

120 Subsection 3(b) ii put a new look management at ZCTU;

  1. The new look ZCTU should concentrate on its core business of representing the workers rather than stay always that have failed to address bread and butter issues in      this country; and
  2. The new look ZCTU should play their part in NEDPP in-order to turn around the




That this House-


TAKES NOTE of the Fifth Report of the Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Welfare on the Half-year Budget Performance of the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare (S.C. 26, 2006).


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Budget,

Finance and Economic Development on the Mid-Term Fiscal and Monetary Policies (Adjourned 4th October 2006The Minister of justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs)

[Day elapsed: 1] Question proposed:  


That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Budget,

Finance and Economic Development on the Mid-Term Fiscal and Monetary Policies for 2006, (S.C. 24, 2006) Hon. Butau


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Lands,

Land Reform, Resettlement and Agriculture (Adjourned 28th September 2006The

Minister of justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs)


[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio

Committee on Lands, Land Reform, Resettlement and Agriculture on the State of

Preparedness by the Agricultural Sector for the 2006/7 Summer Crop Season (S.C. 23,

2006) – Hon Gabbuza


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the physical assault on Zimbabwe Congress of Trade

Union‘s leaders (Adjourned 4th October 2006The Minister of justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs)


[Days elapsed 3]

Question proposed: That this House-


CONCERNED by the savage and brutal physical assaults on Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) leaders, workers and other peace loving Zimbabweans who were exercising their democratic right to express themselves;


FURTHER CONCERNED by the degrading and inhuman conditions the arrested persons were subjected to upon their incarceration;


      DISTURBED by the government‘s lack of tolerance for any form of dissent;


FURTHER DISTURBED by Government‘s failure to observe international labour conventions and adhere to acceptable international standards in dealing with demonstrations;


      NOW THEREFORE this House:

  1. condemns the persons responsible for the physical assaults and inhuman treatment; and
  2. calls upon government to institute investigations into the matter and bring the perpetrators to book - Gonese


  1. Committee of Supply









  1. HON CHEBUNDO: To ask the Minister of Home Affairs to outline the out come of investigations into the following murder cases;
    1. Wonder Manhengo of Nembudziya, Gokwe who died in 20 June 2000;
    2. Mandishona Mutyanda of Amaveni, Kwekwe who died on 29 June 2000 after an       attack on 18 June 2000;
    3. Henry Swan Elsworth, a commercial farmer gunned down at his Kwekwe farm on 12 December 2000;
    4. Robert Fanwick Cobbet, a commercial farmer, murdered on 6 August 2001 in


  1. Vusimuzi Mkweli of Gokwe who died on 9 September 2001 after several attacks by suspected political thugs;
  2. Kufa Rukara of Gokwe, who died on 20 November 2001 after an attack at Tenda

‗torture‘ Camp on 4 October 2001;

  1. Rambisai Nyika of Gokwe, murdered on 24 December 2001;
  2. Simwanja Mijoni of Kwekwe who died on 15 January 2002;
  3. Charles Sibanda of Zhombe, who died on 2 March 2002;
  4. Funny Mahuni of Kwekwe who died on 3 March 2002; and
  5. Tipason Madhobha of Gokwe, abducted and murdered on 2 May 2002.


   [Deferred from Wednesday, 27th September, 2006]


  1. HON GWETU: To ask the Minister of Energy and Power Development to state:


  1. the policy regarding service delivery and distribution of electricity to industry and households in view of the current load shedding and erratic supply of electricity; and


  1. the reasons why ZESA does not compensate residents whose electrical gadgets are damaged by high voltage when electricity is restored after load shedding.


   [Deferred from Wednesday, 27th September, 2006]


  1. HON MPARIWA: To ask the Minister of Energy and Power Development to state:


  1. the progress that the Ministry had made in ensuring the supply of electricity to Crowborough North, in ward 36-37 of Mufakose, Harare; and


  1. the whereabouts of materials, for example cables, meant for the above programme.


[Deferred from Wednesday, 6th September, 2006]


  1. HON MDLONGWA: To ask the Minister of Energy and Power Development to explain the policy regarding proposed replacement of ZESA load limit meters in the Bulawayo high density areas and whether residents were consulted on the same considering the high costs involved in the exercise and the impending October deadline.



  1. HON MADZIMURE: To ask the Minister of State for State Enterprises, Anti Monopolies and Anti-Corruption to explain why ZUPCO, a transport organization, falls under the Ministry of Local Government, Public Works and Urban Development instead of Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications.


[Deferred from Wednesday, 6th September, 2006]



  1. HON MPARIWA: To ask the Minister Local Government, Public Works and Urban Development to state:
    1. government‘s plans to resuscitate the water reticulation system in Mufakose; and
    2. the average life span of water pipes.
  2. HON MPARIWA: To ask the Minister Local Government, Public Works and Urban Development to state:
    1. whether it was the responsibility of the council or the residents to buy water meters; and
    2. the amount or revenue that has been collected through the sale of water meters to Mufakose residents and what the funds where being used for.


  1. HON GUMBO: To ask the Minister of Local Government Public Works and Urban Development to state when and how the Ministry is gong to resolve the boundaries of Chiefs‘ areas, Provinces, Districts and Wards demarcations in the newly resettled areas and old communal areas.


  1. HON GUMBO: To ask the Minister of Information and Publicity to indicate when the people of the Low Veld and outlying areas will receive the services of both Radio and Television for which they are forced to buy licenses and yet they are not getting any services in return


  1. HON GUMBO: to ask the Minister of Finance to state:-
    1. how much it cost the Reserve Bank to undertake Operation Sunrise (Zuvarabuda);
    2. the total value of the old bearer cheques collected;
    3. what will happen to the old bearer cheques still not exchanged particularly in the rural areas;
    4. why the RBZ limited exchanges to $100 000 000 (old bearer cheques) per week without coming up with an alternative way of disposing the excess;
    5. how the limit of $100 000 000 (old bearer cheques) was determined considering that ordinary people were keeping more than that amount at home in cash to meet everyday expenses and realizing that rural most folks do not have bank accounts.





Domestic Violence Bill, 2006 (H B 9, 2006)



On page 5 of the Bill, in line 41, delete the words ―or jealousy‖.

On page 5 of the Bill, in line 18, delete the words ― household effects or other‖.




On page 12 of the Bill, in line 30 in paragraph (a) insert the words ―or any officer involved in development work‖.

On page 12 of the Bill, insert after paragraph (b) the following paragraph

―(c) members of the traditional leadership‖.




On page 13 of the Bill, delete clause 15 and substitute the following clauses

  • Establishment and constitution of Anti-Domestic Violence Board
    • There is hereby established a board, to be known as the Anti- Domestic Violence Board, which shall consist of not less than five and not more than twelve members appointed by the Minister after consultation with the President and in accordance with any directions the President may give him or her.
    • The Minister shall appoint one representative nominated by each of the following-

(a) the Ministry responsible for justice;  and

(b) the Ministry responsible for gender or women‘s affairs;  and

  • the Ministry responsible for health and child welfare; and
  • the Department of Social Welfare in the Ministry responsible for social welfare; and
  • the Zimbabwe Republic Police; and
  • private voluntary organisations concerned with the welfare of victims of domestic violence, children‘s rights and women‘s rights; and
  • the Council of Chiefs referred to in section 37 of the Traditional Leaders Act [Chapter

29:17] (No. 25 of 1998) or any other law that may be substituted for it;  and

  • the groups representing churches in Zimbabwe; and
  • the Ministries responsible for education; and
  • any other body or organisation which the Minister considers should be represented on the Board.
  • The chairperson and the deputy chairperson of the Board shall be persons qualified in the prescribed disciplines and shall be appointed by the Minister in consultation with the Minister responsible for social welfare.
  • All appointments shall be published in a notice in the Government Gazette.
  • The provisions relating to the terms and conditions of office, vacation of office, dismissal of members, filling of vacancies, meetings and procedures of the Board and other related matters shall be set out in the Schedule.


  • Functions and powers of Board
    • Subject to this Act, the functions of the Board shall be
    • to keep under constant review the problem of domestic violence in Zimbabwe;
    • to take all steps to disseminate information and increase the awareness of the public on issues of domestic violence;
    • to promote research into the problem of domestic violence;
    • to promote the provision of services necessary to deal with all aspects of domestic violence and monitor their effectiveness;
    • to monitor the application and enforcement of this Act and any other law relevant to issues of domestic violence;
    • to promote the establishment of safe-houses for the purpose of sheltering the victims of domestic violence, including their children and dependants, pending the outcome of court proceedings under this Act;
    • to promote the provision of support services for complainants where the respondent who was the source of support for the complainant and her or his dependants has been imprisoned;
    • to do anything necessary for the effective implementation of this Act.
    • The Board shall submit annual reports to the Minister on issues related to domestic violence and may append to such reports such recommendations for legislative or other action as it deems fit.
    • The Board shall, for the better exercise of its functions, establish one or more committees in which it may vest such of its functions as it thinks fit:

Provided that the vesting of any functions in a committee in terms of this section shall not thereby divest the Board of such functions, and the Board may amend or rescind any decision of any committee in the exercise of its functions.

  • Funds of Board

The funds of the Board shall consist of

  • any moneys that may be payable to the Council from moneys appropriated for the purpose by Act of Parliament; and
  • fees and charges raised for services and facilities provided and other things done by the Board and
  • donations, which may be accepted with the approval of the Minister; and
  • loans, which may be raised with the approval of the Minister and the Minister responsible for finance; and
  • any other moneys that may vest in or accrue to the Board, whether in the course of its operations or otherwise.
  • Secretariat of Board

The Board shall appoint a Secretariat to assist it in carrying out its functions in terms of this Act:

Provided that the Minister, with the approval of the Public Service Commission, may appoint a person employed in his or her Ministry to be part of the Secretariat.



On page 14 of the Bill, insert after clause 16 the following clause

                   “17            Special jurisdiction of community courts

  • Community courts shall have jurisdiction to deal with cases involving the following acts of domestic violence
    • emotional, verbal and psychological abuse referred to in section 3(1)(c) and defined in section 3 (2)(c)(i), iii, (iii) and (v); or
    • economic abuse referred to in section 3(1)(d) and defined in section 3(2)(d).


  • To the extent that it has jurisdiction to do so, a community court may issue a protection order in terms of this Act.‖




On page 14 of the Bill, insert after the now clause 19 the following Schedule





  1. Terms and conditions of office members 2. Disqualification for appointment as member.
  2. Vacation of office by member.
  3. Dismissal or suspension of member.
  4. Filling of vacancies of Board.
  5. Meetings and procedure of Board.
  6. Committees of Board
  7. Remuneration and expenses of members of Board and members of committees.
  8. Disclosure of interest of members of Board.
  9. Validity of decisions and acts of Board.
  10. Execution of contracts and instruments by the Authority.
  11. Minutes of proceedings of Board and Committees.


Terms and conditions of office of members

1.(1)  Subject to this Part, a member shall hold office for such period, not exceeding three years, as the Minister may fix on his or her appointment.

  • Subject to paragraph 8, a member shall hold office on such conditions as the Minister may fix in relation to members generally.
  • A retiring member shall be eligible for re-appointment as a member.


Disqualification for appointment as member

  1. The Minister shall not appoint a person as a member and no person shall be qualified to hold as a member if he or she—
  • is not a citizen of Zimbabwe or is not permanently resident in Zimbabwe; or
  • is married to a person who is engaged in any activity connected with any business, if in

the opinion of the Minister such financial interest or activity is likely to interfere with the impartial discharge by that person of his or her duties as a member; or

  • has, in terms of a law in force in any country —
    • been adjudged or otherwise declared insolvent or bankrupt and has not been rehabilitated or discharged; or
    • made an assignment to, or arrangement or composition with, his or her creditors which has not been rescinded or set aside;  or

(d) has, within the period of five years immediately preceding the date of his or her proposed appointment, been convicted—

  • in Zimbabwe, of an offence; or
  • outside Zimbabwe, in respect of conduct which if committed in Zimbabwe would constitute an offence;
  • is a member of Parliament;
  • is currently serving on two or more boards of other statutory or corporate bodies; and sentenced to a term of imprisonment imposed without the option of a fine, whether or

not any portion has been suspended, and has not received a free pardon.


Vacation of office by member

  1. A member shall vacate his or her office and the member‘s office shall become vacant—
  • one month after the date upon which he gives notice in writing to the Minister of his or her intention to resign or on the expiry of such other period of notice as the member and the Minister may agree; or
  • on the date he or she begins to serve a sentence of imprisonment imposed in Zimbabwe without the option of a fine—
    • in Zimbabwe, in respect of an offence; or
    • outside Zimbabwe, in respect of conduct which if committed in Zimbabwe, would constitute an offence; or
  • if he or she becomes disqualified in terms of paragraph (a) , (b) or (c) of paragraph 2 to hold office as member; or
  • if he or she is required in terms of paragraph 4 to vacate his or her office.


Dismissal or suspension of members

4.(1)  The Minister may require a member to vacate his or her office if the member —          (a) has been guilty of any conduct that renders him or her unsuitable as a member;  or

  • has failed to comply with the conditions of his or her office fixed by the Minister in terms of paragraph 1(2);
  • is mentally or physically incapable of efficiently carrying out his or her functions as a member.
  • The Minister, on the recommendation of the Board, may require a member to vacate his or her office if the member has been absent without the permission of the Board from two consecutive meetings of the Board of which he or she was given at least seven days‘ notice and that there was no just cause for the member‘s absence.
  • The Minister may suspend a member—
  • whom he or she suspects on reasonable grounds of having been guilty of conduct referred to in paragraph (a) of subparagraph (1); or
  • against whom criminal proceedings have been instituted for an offence in respect of  which a sentence of imprisonment without the option of a fine may be imposed;

and while that member is so suspended he or she shall not carry out any functions as a member.


Filling of vacancies of Board

  1. On the death of, or the vacation of office by a member, the Minister shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy.


Meetings and procedure of Board

6.(1)  The Board shall hold its first meeting on such date and at such place as the Minister may fix and thereafter the Board shall meet for the dispatch of business and adjourn, close and regulate its business as it thinks fit:

Provided that a meeting of the Board shall be held not less than six times in each financial year of the Agency.

  • The chairperson of the Board—
  • may at any time convene a special meeting of the Board; and
  • shall convene a special meeting of the Board on the written request of—
    • the Minister, within such period as the Minister may specify; or
    • not fewer than two members, not later than fourteen days after his or her receipt of such request.
  • Written notice of any special meeting convened in terms of subparagraph (2) shall be sent to each member no later than forty-eight hours before the meeting and shall specify the business for which the meeting has been convened.
  • No business shall be discussed at a special meeting convened in terms of subparagraph (2) other than—
  • such business as may be determined by the chairperson of the Board, where he or she has convened the meeting in terms of paragraph (a) of that subparagraph; or
  • the business specified in the request for the meeting, where he or she has convened the meeting in terms of paragraph (b) of that subparagraph.
  • The chairperson or, in his or her absence, the vice-chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Board:

Provided that, if the chairperson and the vice-chairperson are absent from a meeting of the Board, the members present may elect one of their number to preside at that meeting as chairperson.

  • Five members shall form a quorum at any meeting of the Board.
  • All acts, matters or things authorised or required to be done by the Board may be decided by a majority vote at a meeting of the Board at which a quorum is present.
  • Subject to subparagraph (9), at all meetings of the Board each member present shall have one vote on each question before the Board and, in the event of an equality of votes, the chairperson shall have a casting vote in addition to a deliberative vote.
  • Any proposal circulated among all members and agreed to in writing by a majority of all members shall have the same effect as a resolution passed at a duly constituted meeting of the Board and shall be incorporated in the minutes of the next succeeding meeting of the Board:

Provided that if a member requires that such proposal be placed before a meeting of the Board, this subparagraph shall not apply to such proposal.


Committees of Board

7.(1)  For the better exercise of its functions, the Board may establish one or more committees and vest in the committees such of its functions as it thinks fit:

Provided that the vesting of any functions in a committee shall not divest the Board of those functions in relation to any matter that has not been decided by the committee.

  • Where it has established a committee, the Board shall appoint at least one member of the Board to be a member of the committee and shall designate that member, or one of those members, as the case may be, to be chairperson of the committee.
  • The Board shall not appoint a person to be a member of a committee if he or she is disqualified in terms of paragraph 2 from appointment as a member of the Board.
  • The office of a member of a committee of the Board shall terminate—
  • in the case of a member who is a member of the Board, upon his or her ceasing to be a member of the Board;
  • in the case of a member who is not a member of the Board, if he or she would be required in terms of paragraph 2 to vacate his or her office had that paragraph and subparagraphs (a), (b) and (c) of paragraph 2 applied to him or her.
  • Subject to subparagraph (4), members of committees of the Board shall hold office on such conditions as the Board may fix for members of the committees generally.
  • The chairperson of the Board may at any time and place convene a meeting of a committee of the Board.
  • Subject to paragraphs 6, 9, and 12, the procedure to be followed at any meeting of a committee of the Board shall be fixed by the Board.


Remuneration and expenses of members of Board and members of committees

  1. Members of the Board and of committees of the Board, shall be paid from the funds of the


  • such remuneration, if any, as the Minister may from time to time fix for such members generally; and
  • such allowances, if any, as the Board may from time to time fix to meet any reasonable expenses incurred by such members in connection with the business of the Board or of the committee concerned, as the case may be.


Disclosure of interest of members of Board and members of committees

9.(1)  If a member of the Board or of a committee of the Board or a spouse of such a member—-

  • tenders for or acquires or holds a direct or indirect pecuniary interest in a contract with the Agency or any project proposal under consideration by the Agency; or
  • knowingly acquires or holds a direct or indirect pecuniary interest in a company or association of persons—
    • applying or negotiating for a contract with the Agency; or
    • applying for approval of a project proposal by the Authority;

(c) owns immovable  property or holds a right in immovable property or a direct or indirect pecuniary interest in a company or association of persons which results in his private interests coming or appearing to come into conflict with his or her duties as a member; the member shall forthwith disclose the fact to the Board or to the committee, as the case may be.

(2)  A member referred to in subparagraph (1) shall take no part in the consideration or discussion of, or vote on, any question before the Board or the committee, as the case may be, which relates to any contract or right, immovable property, interest or project proposal referred to in that subparagraph.


Validity of decisions and acts of Board

  • No decision or act of the Board or act done under the authority of the Board shall be invalid by reason only of the fact that a disqualified person acted as a member of the Board at the time the decision was taken or act was done or authorised.


Execution of contracts and instruments by the Agency

  • Any agreement, contract or instrument approved by the Board may be entered in to or executed on behalf of the Agency by any persons generally or specially authorised by the Board for that purpose.


Minutes of proceedings of Board and Committees

12.(1)  The Board shall cause minutes of all proceedings of and decisions taken at every meeting of the Board or of a committee of the Board to be entered in books kept for the purpose.

(2)  Any minutes referred to in subparagraph (1) which purport to be signed by the chairperson of the meeting to which the minutes relate or by the chairperson of the next meeting of the Board or the committee concerned, as the case may be shall be accepted for all purposes as prima facie evidence of the proceedings of and decisions taken at the meeting concerned.






  1. Interception of Communications Bill (H.B. 4, 2006) - The Minister of Transport and Communications (Referred 26th July 2006) (Extended from 5 September 2006).





Bills to be transmitted to the Senate                                                          Date Transmitted


  1. Criminal Procedure and Evidence Amendment Bill (B. 3A, 2006


  1. Judicial Service Bill (B. 7A, 2006)…………………………………6 October 2006









Committee Room No. 4 at 1000 hrs


PUBLIC ACCOUNTS: Hon. Misihairabwi-Mushonga (Chairperson) Hon. Chamisa,

Hon. Chief Chimombe, Hon. Senator Gava, Hon. Kadzima, Hon. Matimba, Hon. Senator Mavhaire, Hon. Moyo L, Hon. Mupukuta, Hon. Ncube F D., Hon. Senator Nyoni, Hon.

Senator Patel, Hon. Satiya, Hon. Stevenson, Hon. Senator Thembani - Clerk- Mr. Daniel


Committee Room No. 1 at 1400 hrs



(Chairperson), Hon. Senator Chief Charumbira, Hon. Chibaya, Hon. Senator Gumbura, Hon. Gwetu, Hon. Senator Haritatos, Hon. Senator Madiro, Hon. Maluleke, Hon.

Matutu, Hon. Maziriri, Hon. Mpariwa, Hon. Mushore, Hon. Senator Nyathi, Clerk- Mrs. Nyakauta


Committee Room No. 4 at 1400hrs



(Chairperson), Chief Bidi, Hon. Biti, Hon. Bhebhe, Hon. Senator Chief Charumbira,

Hon. Senator Chikava, Hon. Senator Kabayanjiri, Hon. Kanzama, Hon. Senator Khumalo, Hon. Khupe, Hon. Majange, Hon. Senator Malinga, Hon. Mashakada, Hon.

Matuke, Hon. Mushoriwa, Hon. Mzembi, Hon. Ncube, D. M. Clerk – Mrs. Khumalo


Committee Room No. 1 at 1000hrs


TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONS: Hon.. Mugabe L (Chairperson), Hon..

Chimbaira, Hon. Chikomba, Hon. Senator Magadu, Hon. Mdlongwa, Hon. Senator Moyo, Hon. Prof. Moyo, Hon. Ncube D. M, Hon. Senator Ndlovu R, Hon. Porusingazi,

Hon. Pote, Hon. Senator Sai, Hon. Sikhala, Hon.. Ziyambi, Hon.   Zwizwai, ClerkMr. Nyamayaro




Committee Room No. 3 at 1000 hrs



Porusingazi (Chairperson), Hon. Senator Chimene, Hon. Senator Georgias Hon. Gumbo J. M., Hon. Senator Hove, Hon. Chief Mabika, Hon. Malinga, Hon. Mhashu, Hon.

Senator Muchengeti,  Hon. Mugabe, Hon. Mukahlera, Hon. Senator Mumvuri, Hon.

Mushoriwa, Hon. Mutomba, Hon. Ndlovu, Hon. Senator T. Ndlovu, Hon. Chief Shana.

Clerk – Mr. Ratsakatika.


Government Caucus at 1000 hrs


LOCAL GOVERNMENT: Hon. Zinyemba, (Chairperson), Hon. Chidarikire, Hon.

Chimanikire, Hon. Gonese, Hon. Machaya, Hon. Majange, Hon. Senator Majuru, Hon.

Matimba, Hon. Matamisa, Hon Matuke, Hon. Chief Mudzimurema, Hon. Senator

Munotengwa, Hon. Senator Musarurwa, Hon. Stevenson, Hon. Senator Tavengwa. Clerk

– Mrs Nyawo

Committee Room No. 1 at 1000 hrs



(Chairperson), Hon. Chipanga, Hon. Gwachiwa, Hon. Kadzima, Hon. Khupe, Hon..

Madzimure, Hon. Senator Malaba, Hon. Senator Mbambo, Hon. Senator Moyo, Hon.

Mubhawu, Hon. Mutomba, Hon. Mutsekwa, Hon. Prof. Ncube W., Hon. Hon. Senator

Rungani, Hon. Senator Sinampande, Hon. Zinyemba. Clerks – Mr. Daniel and Ms Manyeruke


Committee Room No. 4 at 1000 hrs



Mzembi (Chairperson), Hon. Chief. Bushu, Hon. Senator Chief Chiduku, Hon. Senator Chikwanha, Chief. Chimombe, Senator Dete, Hon. Gabbuza, Hon. Katsande, Hon.

Senator D. Khumalo, Hon. Mahofa, Hon. Mguni, Hon. Mkhosi, Hon. Mugabe, Hon. Pote, Hon. Senator Zvinavashe. Clerk – Mr. Ndlovu




Committee Room No. 4 at 1000 hrs


EDUCATION, SPORT AND CULTURE: Hon. Mhashu  (Chairperson), Hon. Senator Chimbudzi, Hon. Senator Chindanya, Hon. Madubeko, Hon. Maluleke, Hon. Maziriri, Hon. Mguni, Hon. Senator Mkusha, Hon. Moyo L, Hon. Prof. Moyo J, Hon. Mupukuta, Hon. Mutomba, Hon. Mutsekwa, Hon. Pote, Hon. Chief Shana, Hon. Senator Chief Sengwe. ClerkMrs. Sunga.

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