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No. 53


















Quarter past two o’clock p.m

Acting Speaker in the Chair    



Members present

Bidi N. Chief

Bushu S. Chief

Chamisa N

Chandengenda D. J.

Chebundo B

Chibaya A

Chimanikire G

Chimbaira G

Chimombe Chief G.

Chimutengwende C

Chinamasa P A

Chininga E T C

Chipanga T S  Chisvuure E.

Chiurayi S.M Chombo I M. C  Coltart D.

Dokora L. D. K.

Gabbuza J. G.

Gonese I. T

Gumbo J. M.

Gwachiwa  C

Gwanetsa, K.K

Gwetu M

Kangai K. M

Kanzama F

Kasukuwere S

Katsande A

Khupe T


Made J. M

Madzimure W

Majange C

Makova C W

Malinga A. M

Malisa Chief C

Marumahoko R Mashakada T.

Matamisa E E

Matimba K. M

Mathema C

Mathuthu T A

Matuke L

Maziriri E.

Mguni N.

Mhashu F

Midzi A. B

Mkosi E. T. M

Mnangagwa E. D

Mohadi K. C

Moyo J. N

Mpariwa P

Muchena O. N.


Chief P. M

Mugabe L  Muguti E.

Mukahlera T. L. A.

Mungofa P.

Mupukuta L. S

Murerwa H. M.

Musa C. J

Mushore L.

Mushoriwa E.

Mushohwe C C

Mutasa D N E  Mutezo M.

Mutomba W

Mutsekwa  C                           Ncube W                                 Nyauchi E                      Steveson B G

Mzembi W                               Ndlovu M M                            Pote C. M                           Undenge S

Ncube A                                   Ndlovu S. D                             Shumba I. M.                      Zhuwao P

Ncube D. M                             Nguni S R                                Sibanda G. J.                  Zinyemba M

Ncube F. D.                             Nyambuya M R                      Sikhala J                              Ziyambi Z

Zwizwai M


Absent with leave

Butau D

Dandawa T. M Chief Mugabe S.

Satiya C

Shana Chief N Z J


  1. Member sworn –


Livingstone Chineka


  1. The Speaker informed the House that owing to power failure at the printers, copies of yesterday’s Hansards were not yet available for distribution to Honourable Members.


  1. Questions without Notice.


  1. Questions with Notice.


  1. Porusingazi, seconded by Hon. Kanzama moved: That this House –


WELCOMES the election of the Hon. Minister of Environment and Tourism as Chair of the 16th Session of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development.


APPRECIATING the support given by African Countries and the non-aligned states to Zimbabwe, which resulted in this victory.


CONCERNED about the apparent disrespect by the EU countries and USA, Australia, Canada and New Zealand of the sovereignty of African countries and their right to chose their representative.


NOTING that the thematic cluster for the 16th Session of CSD includes; Agriculture, Rural Development, Land, Desertification, Drought and Africa.


CONGRATULATES  the Hon. Minister on his election to this top UN Position.


PLEDGES to support the Hon. Minister to ensure that the 16th Session of CSD is a resounding success against all odds.


On the motion of the Minister of Science and Technology Development:  Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. The Minister of Science and Technology Development moved that Orders of the Day Nos. 2 to 46, for today, stand over, until Order of the Day No. 47 has been disposed of.


Motion put and agreed to.


  1. COMMITTEE: Interception of Communications Bill  (H.B. 4C, 2006) - The Minister of Transport and Communication.


(House in Committee)


Clauses 1 to 20 put and agreed to.


Bill to be reported without amendment.


(House resumed)


Bill reported without amendment.  Third reading, with leave, forthwith.


Bill read the third time.



  1. Bill transmitted to Senate without amendments –


Date Transmitted


Interception of Communications Bill (H.B. 4C, 2006)-------------------------- 13th June 2007.


  1. The Minister Justice, Legal and Parliamentary moved that Orders of the Day Nos. 1 to 45, for today, stand over, until Order of the Day No. 46 has been disposed of.


Motion put and agreed to.


  1. The Minister of Justice Legal and Parliamentary Affairs moved:


THAT WHEREAS section 280(6) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] provides that the Minister of Justice. Legal and Parliamentary Affairs may, by statutory instrument amend or replace the Standard Scale of fines whenever the Minister considers such an amendment to be necessary.


AND WHEREAS section 280(6) provides that the statutory instrument may not be made  unless a draft has been laid before and approved by resolution of Parliament;


AND WHEREAS the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs has laid before

Parliament, for its approval, a draft statutory instrument for the amendment of the 1st  Schedule to the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act;


NOW THEREFORE This House resolves that the said statutory instrument be and is hereby approved.


Motion put and agreed to.


  1. On the motion of the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs: The House adjourned at three minutes to five o’clock p.m. until Tuesday, 31st July 2007 at a quarter past two o’clock in the afternoon.


  1. M. Kangai,

Acting Speaker.



TUESDAY, 31st JULY, 2007





THE MINISTER OF MINES AND MINING DEVELOPMENT:  Bill to amend the Precious Stones Trade Act [Chapter 21:06] and to provide for matters connected with or incidental to the foregoing – Precious Stones Trade Amendment Bill, (H.B. 5, 2007)




  1. Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the 19th State of the Nation Address (Adjourned 22ndMay 2007 The Minister of State for Agricultural Engineering and Mechanisation).


[Time elapsed: 39 minutes]

Question proposed:  That this House -


Conveys its profound gratitude to His Excellency The President for his 19th State of the Nation Address to Parliament;


Expresses its commitment to and support for the views contained in His Address; and


That a respectful address be presented to His Excellency the President, informing Him of  the sentiments of the House – Hon. Kanzama.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the election of the Hon Minister of Environment and Tourism as Chair of the 16th Session of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (Adjourned 12th June 2007- The Minister of Science and Technology Development).


[Day elapsed: 1] Question proposed:  That this House –


WELCOMES the election of the Hon. Minister of Environment and Tourism as Chair of the 16th Session of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development.


APPRECIATING the support given by African Countries and the non-aligned states to Zimbabwe, which resulted in this victory.


CONCERNED about the apparent disrespect by the EU countries and USA, Australia, Canada and New Zealand of the sovereignty of African countries and their right to chose their representative.


NOTING that the thematic cluster for the 16th Session of CSD includes; Agriculture, Rural Development, Land, Desertification, Drought and Africa.


CONGRATULATES  the Hon. Minister on his election to this top UN Position.


PLEDGES to support the Hon. Minister to ensure that the 16th Session of CSD is a resounding success against all odds – Hon Prousingazi.




That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Youth, Gender and Women’s Affairs on National Youth Service Centres and Vocational Training Centres  (S.C. 5, 2007).




That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Transport and Communication, on the challenges in the roads sector. (S.C. 8, 2007).




That this House takes note of the Third Report of the Portfolio Committee on Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs on the Operations of Courts (S.C.9, 2007).




That this House takes note of the Report on the Citizenship of Zimbabwe Act.




That this House takes note of the First Quarter Budget Review on Ministry of Defence.




That this House takes note of the Second Report of the Portfolio Committee on Lands, Land Reform Resettlement and Agriculture on the State of Preparedness for the Winter Wheat Production (S.C. 11, 2007).


9.         HON. MHASHU              HON. SHUMBA


That this House  takes note of the Fourth Report of the Portfolio Committee on Education, Sport and Culture on Challenges on the Operations of State Universities  (S.C. 10, 2007).




That this House takes note of the Report on the 49th Session of the Executive Committee and the 29th Conference of the African Parliamentary Union held in Bujumbura from the 24th –28th November 2006.




That this house –


DISTURBED by the State of conflict and polarization in Zimbabwe.


CONCERNED with the failure of the government of Zimbabwe to address and resolve the economic and political crisis.


DISMAYED by the government’s failure to create a culture of tolerance, harmony and unity of purpose.


NOW THEREFORE this house urges the government of Zimbabwe to embark on process of dialogue and consultation with all it’s citizens to resolve the crisis.




That this House takes note of the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Welfare on enquiries on the Industrial Action by Health Personnel (S.C. 14, 2007).


  1. Chebundo

Hon. Mawere


That this House takes note of the Joint Report of the Portfolio Committees on Health and

Child Welfare and Public Service Labour and Social Welfare on the Findings on Consultations on the Proposed National Health Insurance Scheme (S.C. 15, 2007).


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the Privileges Committee on Hon. Minister Obert Moses Mpofu’s case (Adjourned 22nd May 2007The Minister of State for Agricultural Engineering and Mechanisation).


[Day elapsed: 2]


Question proposed: That this House adopts the Report of the Privileges Committee on Hon. Minister Obert Moses Mpofu’s case – Hon. Sekeramayi.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Operation Murambatsvina (Adjourned 24th May 2007 – The Minister of Rural Housing and Social Amenities)


[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed: That this House-


MINDFUL that it is now two years since Operation Murambatsvina was launched in Harare on 19 May 2005;


AWARE that government subsequently launched Operation Garikai/Hlalani Kuhle as a rapid national housing programme to cater for the homeless;


DISMAYED by the lack of real progress by Operation Garikai/Hlalani Kuhle or by any other programme;




  1. call upon government to provide adequate funds for completion of Operation Garikai/Hlalani Kuhle as a matter of urgency.
  2. calls upon the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and Urban

Development to prioritise the provision of housing above all other responsibilities.

  1. calls upon Government, in the meantime, to accept the need and assistance offered for temporary shelter for homeless people – Stevenson.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the arrest and detention of Legal Practitioners acting in the course of their duties (Adjourned 23rd May 2007 – The Minister of Rural Housing and Social Amenities).


[Day elapsed: 1]



Question proposed:  That this House –


SHOCKED by the arrest and detention of Legal Practitioners acting in the course of their duties.


FURTHER SHOCKED by the total disdain and contempt of court orders shown by the Zimbabwe Republic Police over recent arrests of Political and Civic Leaders, Legal Practitioners and other Zimbabweans.


DISMAYED by the violent disruption of a peaceful demonstration by members of the Law Society in protest against the arrest of their colleagues.


DISTURBED by the implications of such conduct on the independence and effectiveness of the Legal profession in the execution of its duties.


CONCERNED by the Executive’s failure to condemn such conduct.


NOW THEREFORE calls upon Government to uphold the rule of Law and institute investigations to bring the perpetrators to account – Hon Gonese.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the Delegation to the International Conference on African Legal Resources held from 20 to 22 March 2007 in Abuja, Nigeria – (Adjourned 22nd May 2007- The Minister of State for Agricultural Engineering and Mechanisation).


[Days elapsed: 2]


Question proposed:  That this House takes note of the Report on the International Conference on African Legal Resources held from 20 to 22 March 2007 in Abuja, Nigeria – Hon L. Mugabe.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Welfare on the challenges in the health sector. ( 4, 2007) – (Adjourned 22nd May 2007The Minister of State for Agricultural Engineering and Mechanisation).


Question again proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio

Committee on Health and Child Welfare on the challenges in the health sector. (SC. 4,

2007) – Hon Chebundo.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion to rally SADC and AU support for the removal of sanctions

(Adjourned 16th May 2007 – The Minister of State for Agricultural Engineering and Mechanisation).


[Days elapsed: 2]

Question proposed: That this House-


NOTING that the Southern African Development Community (SADC), has justly and rightly called for the removal of the illegal sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe by Britain and her Western allies, as well as for Britain to honour its Lancaster House obligation to provide compensation for land distributed to the majority of the people in Zimbabwe;


FURTHER NOTING that former Secretary General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, acknowledged that these sanctions are illegal and must be removed;


OBSERVING that the illegal sanctions are the proximate cause of the hardship ravaging the ordinary people in Zimbabwe and were intended to achieve that purpose;


NOW THEREFORE, invites the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to;

  • convey its profound gratitude and a deep sense of appreciation to, and support for the SADC countries’ call for Britain and her Western allies to comply with international law by lifting the illegal sanctions and for Britain to comply with her Lancaster House obligation to provide compensation for land distributed to the majority of the people in Zimbabwe;
  • appeal to the African Union, through the SADC Secretariat, as the only hiatus in the international chain calling for the removal of the illegal sanctions, to do so at the earliest opportunity and be recorded on the side of international justice in this matter.

(c ) urge the African Union, through the SADC Secretariat, to rally economic support        for Zimbabwe to reverse the damage done by the illegal sanctions – Hon. L. Mugabe.


Amendment proposed“NOTING that there is a deliberate attempt by the government of

Zimbabwe to conceal the truth about the so-called sanctions against the people of Zimbabwe imposed by specified countries;


FURTHER NOTING that the ordinary people of Zimbabwe are receiving substantial humanitarian assistance from the accused countries;


FURTHER NOTING that the accused countries are among our major trade partners;


OBSERVING that the hardships ravaging the country are self-inflicted;


COGNISANT that the Pan African Parliament as well as SADC and the AU are making efforts to resolve the current political issues affecting Zimbabwe;




  • RESOLVES to call upon the Pan African Parliament, SADC, AU and the United Nations to acquaint themselves fully with the truth about the ongoing and deepening crisis in Zimbabwe;


  • FURTHER CALLS upon SADC, the AU and the UN to use their international mandate to intervene in the crisis on behalf of the suffering people of Zimbabwe – Hon Mzila Ndlovu.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the rapid deterioration of social amenities, public utilities and infrastructure in urban councils (Adjourned 22nd May 2007 – The Minister of Indigenisation and Empowerment)


[Day elapsed: 1]

Question proposed: That this House-


CONCERNED by the rapid deterioration of social amenities, public utilities and infrastructure in urban councils;


ALARMED by the failure by urban councils to deliver uninterrupted supplies of basic services such as clean water, sewage reticulation, refuse collection, health services, efficient transport and affordable accommodation to urban residents;


FURTHER CONCERNED by the unwarranted political meddling into the affairs of urban councils by central government;


NOW THEREFORE, calls upon government to give councils the autonomy to run their own affairs and provide adequate budgetary resources for urban council’s capital budgets. – Hon. Chisvuvure.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Public Accounts Committee Report on the Social Development Fund (Adjourned 22nd May 2007 – The Minister of State for Indigenisation and Empowerment)


[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed:


That this House takes note of the Public Accounts Committee Report on the Social Development Fund. (S.C. 6, 2007) – Hon. Misihairabwi-Mushonga.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Fourth Report of the Portfolio Committee on Mines Energy Environment and Tourism on the Challenges Bedevilling Gold and Diamond Mining in Zimbabwe (Adjourned 17th May 2007 – The Minister of State for Agricultural Engineering and Mechanisation).


[Day elapsed: 1]          Question proposed: 


That this House takes note of the Fourth Report of the Portfolio Committee on Mines

Energy Environment and Tourism on the Challenges Bedevilling Gold and Diamond

Mining in Zimbabwe (S.C. 7, 2007) – Hon Mungofa


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the delegation to the Voter Registration Observer Mission to the Republic of Angola (Adjourned 17th May 2007The Minister of State for Agricultural Engineering and Mechanisation).


[Days elapsed: 2] Question proposed: That this House-

TAKES NOTE of the report of the delegation to the Voter Registration Observer Mission to the Republic of Angola – Hon. Pote.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on erosion of worker’s income s due to hyperinflation. (Adjourned 17th May 2007 – The Minister of State for Agricultural Engineering and Mechanisation).


[Days elapsed: 2]


Question proposed: That this House –


NOTING with concern the erosion of worker’s incomes due to hyperinflation.


CALLS UPON THIS HOUSE to urge the government to review the taxation system on employee incomes so that all incomes less than the poverty datum line (as reviewed monthly) are exempted from taxation - Hon. Mushoriwa.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the untimely death of the Hon. Member of Zaka East and Deputy Minister of Mines and Mining Development, Mr. Tinos Rusere (Adjourned 17th May 2007  - The Minister of State for Agricultural Engineering and Mechanisation).


[Days elapsed: 3]

Question proposed: That this House -


EXPRESSES its profound sorrow on the untimely death on Thursday 1st March, 2007, of the Hon. Member for Zaka East and Deputy Minister of Mines and Mining Development, Mr. Tinos Rusere;


PLACES on record its appreciation of the services which the late Member selflessly rendered to his people, Parliament, the Government and the Nation; and


RESOLVES that its deepest heartfelt sympathies be conveyed to Mrs Rusere and family - Hon. Col Makova.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Second Report of the Portfolio Committee on Local

Government on the take over of water and sewerage services by ZINWA (Adjourned 17th May 2007  - The Minister of State for Agricultural Engineering and Mechanisation).


[Days elapsed: 3]


Question proposed: That this House takes note of the Second Report of the Portfolio

Committee on Local Government on the take over of water and sewerage services in the City of Harare and the proposed take over of these services in cities and towns in the rest of the Country. (S.C. 3, 2007) - Hon. Zinyemba.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Local Government on the operations of the Local Government Board (Adjourned 29th March 2007 - The Minister of Rural Housing and Social Amenities).

[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Local Government on the operations of the Local Government Board. (S.C. 2, 2007) – Hon. Matuke.   


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on assaults and arrest of civic organisation leaders and individuals on 11 March, 2007 (Adjourned 28th March 2007The Minister of Rural Housing and Social Amenities).

[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed:  That this House


APPALLED by the savage, brutal and frightening torture and assaults perpetrated upon the church, civic, political and student leaders as well as other peace loving Zimbabwean who intended to participate in a prayer meeting on the 11th March, 2007;


CONCERNED by the callous and cynical disregard of the rights of the arrested persons to have access to their lawyers, medical treatment and food.;


WORRIED by the Government’s failure to deal with perpetrators of similar abuses in the past;


DISTURBED by the Government’s failure to uphold the rule of law and observe international standards in dealing with public gatherings and demonstrations;



  1. Condemns the persons responsible for the torture and assaults and
  2. Calls upon Government to institute investigations into incidents and identify the perpetrators in order to bring them to account for their actions – Hon Chimanikire.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Second Report of the Portfolio Committee on Foreign

Affairs, Industry and International Trade on the Management Contract between Ziscosteel                 and Global Steel Holdings Limited (Adjourned 12th June 2007The Minister of Rural Housing and Social Amenities).

[Days elapsed: 3]


   Question proposed: That this House takes note of the Second Report of the Portfolio

Committee on Foreign Affairs, Industry and International Trade on the Management Contract between Ziscosteel and Global Steel Holdings Limited (S.C. 31, 2006) – Hon. Mutomba.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the 2006 Year End Monetary Policy Statement. (Adjourned 8th March 2007The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs). 


[Days elapsed:  6]


Question proposed: That this House takes note of the motion on the 2006 Year End Monetary Policy Statement presented on Wednesday, 31st January 2007 by the Reserve Bank Governor, Dr. Gideon Gono – Hon Mashakada.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Third Report of the Portfolio Committee on Mines,

Energy, Environment and Tourism on the Fuel Shortages in Zimbabwe (Adjourned 7th    March 2007The Minister of Rural Housing and Social Amenities).


[Days elapsed: 7]


 Question proposed: That this House takes note of the Third Report of the Portfolio Committee on Mines, Energy, Environment and Tourism on the Fuel Shortages in Zimbabwe (S. C. 39, 2006) - Hon Gabuzza.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Half-year Budget Performance for the Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare (Adjourned 20th February 2007The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs).  

[Days elapsed:  2]


Question proposed:  That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio

Committee on Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare on the Half-year Budget Performance for the Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare (S.C. 32, 2006) – Hon. Mawere.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Defence and Home Affairs (Adjourned 6th December 2006Governor and Resident Minister for Manicaland).

[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Defence and Home Affairs on the Half-year Budget Performance for the Ministry of Defence (S.C. 33, 2006) – Hon. Col. Makova.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Second Report of the Portfolio Committee on

Defence and Home Affairs (Adjourned 6th December 2006The Minister of Rural Housing and Social Amenities).

                                                                                                          [Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed:  That this House takes note of the Second Report of the Portfolio Committee on Defence and Home Affairs on the Half-year Budget Performance for the Ministry of Home Affairs (S.C. 38, 2006) - Hon. Col. Makova.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Third Report of the Portfolio Committee on Education, Sport and Culture (Adjourned 29th November 2006The Minister of Mines and Mining Development).

[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed:  That this House takes note of the Third Report of the Portfolio

Committee on Education, Sport and Culture on the Half-year Budget Performance of the Ministry of Science and Technology Development (S.C. 37, 2006) – Hon. Mhashu.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Second Special Report of the Committee on Public Accounts on Financial Management (Adjourned 29th November 2006) – The Minister of Rural Housing and Social Amenities).

[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed:  That this House takes note of the Second Special Report of the Committee on Public Accounts on Financial Management in the Public Sector (S.C. 34, 2006) – Hon. Chief Chimombe.


  1. Adjourned Debate on motion on the Second Report of the Portfolio Committee on Education, Sport and Culture – (Adjourned 29th November 2006The Minister of Rural Housing and Social Amenities).

[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed: That this House takes note of the Second Report of the Portfolio Committee on Education, Sport and Culture on the Half-year Budget Performance of the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education (S.C. 35, 2006) – Hon. Mhashu.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Fifth Report of the Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Welfare (Adjourned 29th November 2006The Deputy Minister of Home Affairs).


[Days elapsed: 2]


 Question proposed: That this House takes note of the Fifth Report of the Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Welfare on the Half-year Budget Performance of the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare (S.C. 26, 2006) - Hon. Chebundo.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Second Report of the Portfolio Committee on Youth, Gender and Women’s Affairs (Adjourned 29th November 2006The Deputy Minister of Home Affairs).

[Days elapsed: 2]


Question proposed:  That this House takes note of the Second Report of the Portfolio Committee on Youth, Gender and Women’s Affairs on the Half-year Budget Performance of the Ministries of Youth Development and Employment Creation, Women’s Affairs, Gender and Community Development and Small and Medium Enterprise Development (S.C. 30, 2006) - Hon. Mahofa.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report Of The Portfolio Committee On Education, Sport And Culture (Adjourned 7th November 2006The Minister of Justice Legal and Parliamentary Affairs).

                                           [Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed: That this House takes note Of The First Report Of The Portfolio Committee On Education, Sport And Culture On The Half-Year Budget Performance Of The Ministry Of Education, Sport And Culture (S.C. 27, 2006) - Hon. Mhashu.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Third Report of the Portfolio Committee on Local Government (Adjourned 7th November 2006The Minister of Justice Legal and Parliamentary Affairs).

[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed: That this House takes note of the Third Report of the Portfolio Committee on Local Government on the Half-year Budget Performance for the Ministries of Local Government, Public Works and Urban Development and Rural Housing and Social Amenities. (S.C. 28, 2006) – Hon. Zinyemba.  


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Third Report of The Portfolio Committee on Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs (Adjourned 7th November 2006The Minister of Justice Legal and Parliamentary Affairs).

[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed: That this House takes note of the Third Report of The Portfolio

Committee on Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs on the Half-Year Budget

Performance for the Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs. (S.C. 29, 2006)  - Hon. Chipanga.  


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Transport and Communication, (Adjourned 31st October 2006 J. M. Gumbo).


[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed:  That this House takes note of the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Transport and Communication, on the effects of the Mid-Term Monetary Policy on the supplementary budget allocations for the departments in the Ministry of Transport and Communications. (S.C. 25, 2006) – Hon. L. Mugabe.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the high levels of corruption (Adjourned 31st October 2006 J. M. Gumbo).


[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed: That this House-


CONCERNED with high levels of corruption in the public and private sectors.


FURTHER CONCERNED with the existence of rent-seeking activities, patronage, clientelism, racketeering, black market activities, trafficking  and  smuggling activities in the economy.


FURTHER CONCERNED with the high levels of asset stripping and  plundering of public and private assets.


THIS HOUSE calls upon government to seriously address this cancer in our society – Hon. Madzimure.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Budget, Finance and Economic Development (Adjourned 4th October 2006The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs).


[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed:  That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Budget, Finance and Economic Development on the Mid-Term Fiscal and Monetary Policies for 2006, (S.C. 24, 2006) - Hon. Butau.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Lands, Land Reform, Resettlement and Agriculture (Adjourned 28th September 2006The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs).

[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed:  That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio

Committee on Lands, Land Reform, Resettlement and Agriculture on the State of Preparedness by the Agricultural Sector for the 2006/7 Summer Crop Season (S.C. 23, 2006) – Hon Gabbuza.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the physical assault on Zimbabwe Congress of Trade

Union’s leaders (Adjourned 4th October 2006The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs).

[Days elapsed: 3]

Question proposed: That this House-


CONCERNED by the savage and brutal physical assaults on Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) leaders, workers and other peace loving Zimbabweans who were exercising their democratic right to express themselves;


FURTHER CONCERNED by the degrading and inhuman conditions the arrested persons were subjected to upon their incarceration;


      DISTURBED by the government’s lack of tolerance for any form of dissent;


FURTHER DISTURBED by Government’s failure to observe international labour conventions and adhere to acceptable international standards in dealing with demonstrations;


      NOW THEREFORE this House:

  1. condemns the persons responsible for the physical assaults and inhuman treatment; and
  2. calls upon government to institute investigations into the matter and bring the perpetrators to book - Gonese.


48.    HON. L. MUGABE



NOTING the publication of the report by the investigator into the Zimbabwe congress of      trade unions (ZCTU) presented to the minister of public service, labour and social welfare;    APPRECIATING that the report exposed and unearthed gross mismanagement and abuse  of funds;


   ALARMED by the violation of guidelines on retention of records and the opening of unauthorised bank accounts and the use of unauthorised signatories to the accounts;


   SHOCKED by the ZCTU unconstitutional salary payments to is president, Mr. Lovemore Matombo; and the illegal dismissal of the ZCTU’s trustees;




  1. the minister of labour should deal with the matters in terms of section 120 of the labour act to bring order on the labour movement; and


  1. the trustees who had been illegally dismissed should resume their duties with immediate effect.


  1. COMMITTEE: Consideration of an Adverse Report by the Parliamentary Legal Committee on Statutory Instrument 13A, 2007 – Prof. W. Ncube.













*1.    HON. CHIKOMBA: To ask the Minister of Environment and Tourism to explain why game wardens assault and fine owners of livestock that stray into the Game Park in areas such as Kamakuyu, Vumba, Simchembo and Sikwiti and yet the National Parks Authority does not compensate the same farmers when problem animals such as elephants and buffaloes destroy crops which are their only source of income.


[Deferred from Wednesday, 13th June, 2007]




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