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NATIONAL ASSEMBLY HANSARD 25 November 2015 42-24


Wednesday, 25th November, 2015

The National Assembly met at a Quarter-past Two O’clock p.m.





         THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  I have to inform all members of the Zimbabwe Women Parliamentary Caucus who are interested in playing golf to register their names with the Women’s Caucus Office Number 181 for training to be held on Thursday, 26th November, 2015 at 0900 hours at Chapman Golf Club.

*HON. CHINOTIMBA:  Thank you Madam Speaker.  I rise to

raise a point of order.  My point of order is, we debated about PSMAS in this august House.  However, the PSMI doctors are on strike and people are dying.  On the 20th February 2015, the Government ordered for a forensic investigation of PSMAS and to date, the report is not yet out.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Order, order Hon. Member.

Today is Wednesday and we are going to have all the questions we may need in the House.  The Ministers are here.  Hon. Member, please wait for time for Questions Without Notice and then put across your question.

*HON. CHINOTIMBA:  Mine is not a question.  I would want to present the forensic report of the investigation – [HON. MEMBERS:

Inaudible interjections.] –

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Hon. Member, you cannot

present a report unless you raise a motion.


*HON. CHIKOMBA: My question is directed to the Minister of Agriculture, Hon. Made.  Farmers were told that they will be given their back-pay at the end of September, but to-date, they have not received anything.  There is cotton which is over US$3000 and this is rotting in the rains and being destroyed by white ants.  What is being done to salvage the plight of the cotton farmer?

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: You have been explaining yes,

but what is the question?

*HON. CHIKOMBA:  Farmers were told that they were going to be paid according to how their cotton had been graded.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: You are supposed to say out

your question so that the Minister responds.

HON. CHIKOMBA: My question is, when are the cotton farmers

going to be paid the balance of their payments.  I would also want to know when the Government will collect the cotton which has not been collected from the farmers.


you Hon. Member for raising this question which is too broad – [HON.

MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections] –

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Order Hon. Members.  Your

whispers are too loud.

* HON. DR. MADE: You are talking about something specific on the first part of your question.  I would advise the Hon. Member to write down the question so that we can make a follow up.  However, regarding the policy on cotton farmers, cotton farmers and ginners made an agreement that there was going to be partial payment.  After their cotton was sold, they were going to be given a back-pay.  As far as we are concerned, that agreement should be upheld and they should receive their back-pay.

On the collection of cotton which was bought by the Cotton Marketing Board and was supposed to be taken to the ginneries, this is the responsibility of the Cotton Company of Zimbabwe (COTTCO).  We are all aware that Government is going to be involved in COTTCO so that we can uplift the livelihoods of cotton farmers.  As a Ministry, we are going to give the measures we are taking to protect the farmer.

Let me hasten to say, we are giving inputs to the farmers so that they can do their cotton farming in time with the aim of making them have a good livelihood.

*HON. CHIKOMBA: I understand what the Minister has said.  My question is, Government promised that farmers would be paid in

September but the rains are upon us and farmers have not been paid.  How are they going to manage to go back to the fields and do the ploughing.         *HON. DR. MADE: Madam Speaker, I responded and requested

him to put his question in writing so that we make a follow up and we will be able to see why farmers have not been paid.

*MR. MURAI: Thank you very much Madam Speaker.  My

supplementary question is why is it that Zimbabwe as a country does not have an agricultural policy?

          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon. Member, that one does not

arise from the original question.

*HON. MANGAMI:  My supplementary question to the Hon.

Minister is that, since Government is giving cotton seed to the farmers, is Government going to buy this cotton so that farmers do not suffer?

*HON. DR. MADE: Thank you for asking this very important question.  The answer is yes, Government is going to buy the cotton harvest from the farmers because Government cannot supply the inputs and fail to buy.

HON. MATANGIRA: Thank you very much Madam Speaker.  My

supplementary question is; we understand that Government has taken over or wishes to take over COTTCO.  Is it not wise that as a Government policy, Government shows goodwill to the farmer that they also take over whatever is owed to the cotton farmers who supplied their cotton and those who intend to grow cotton would come in because Government will now be involved?  I thank you.

*HON. DR. MADE: Thank you Hon. Member.  This is not a question but a comment and a suggestion.  The Government is looking at a wide range of proposals and I thank the Hon. Member for that valuable question.

HON. MPARIWA: Thank you Hon. Speaker.  My question is

directed to the Minister of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development.  Can the Minister inform this House on whether all the farmers who were owed money by the Grain Marketing Board (GMB) have been paid? – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –

         THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Order Hon. Members.  The

Minister would like to hear the question from the Hon. Member, you are making a lot of noise.


AND IRRIGATION DEVELOPMENT (HON. DR. MADE): Thank you Hon. Member for the question.  It is not a policy issue; farmers who have delivered to the GMB will be paid.  However, to say whether all of them have been paid would be very specific, but they are all being paid.



THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I have to acknowledge the

presence in the Speaker’s Gallery, of students and teachers from Siziphile

Primary School from Matebeleland North Province – [HON. MEMBERS:

Hear, hear.] –

HON. ZINDI: Thank you Madam Speaker. My question is directed to the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development. My question is in relation to the issue of the road resurfacing or rehabilitation, that is,

Harare-Mutare highway. As we speak, I would like to find out from the Minister what is the policy is in terms of mediocre performance by contractors when they are given tenders to undertake such major jobs and yet in less than a year, the road is already being patched up.



Thank you Madam Speaker. I would like to thank Hon. Zindi for asking such an important question. I think it is something very visible that some sections on our roads – particularly on this road which was recently rehabilitated, that is, the Plumtree-Harare-Mutare road, some sections are showing signs of failure. There are various reasons to this, the first one which we suspect is the major one and it has to do with lack of supervision and poor workmanship.

When it comes to the point of what the Ministry’s policy is – when there is a problem of construction, the contractor is supposed to carry out corrective measures at his own cost. That is the solution to this problem. The contractor is supposed to go and correct all defects of construction at his own cost.  That is the solution to this problem and that is what is stated in the contract.

*HON. ZINDI: Supplementary. I was very much worried when I heard the response given. We are saying Zimbabwe has no money and we are supposed to be very frugal in using the amount which we have but the Minister is responding and saying when the workers are carrying out their work, there is no inspection and yet they have to be paid after doing such a shoddy job. My question to the Minister is, when they awarded the tender to this South African company which is constructing the Plumtree-HarareMutare highway, I am one of those people who drive along South African roads and they have magnificent roads yet this is the same company which is constructing roads in South Africa and doing the same job in Zimbabwe.

Why are they doing a shoddy job in Zimbabwe and yet they do the best in South Africa? May I please have a response?

HON. MADANHA: The actual issue is poor workmanship. The supervision is there and the engineers are there but the problem is poor workmanship. That is the correct answer which I can give to this problem. Definitely as a Ministry, we have seen that something was amiss on the quality of our roads. So, what we are doing as a Ministry is that we are  taking corrective measures so that whoever is responsible for delivering poor quality work must account for his actions at his cost. That is the solution to this problem.

HON. T. KHUMALO: My question is directed to the Deputy

Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development. What is

Government’s policy on issues of the engineers that we trained at our local universities and why are we not using them to avoid this poor workmanship? What is Government’s policy on these engineers?

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: We cannot talk of engineers in Zimbabwe when this contract was already awarded to a South African company. Can we talk of that company and that particular road?

*HON. MUTSEYAMI: Supplementary. Thank you Madam Speaker

for giving me the chance to ask my question. I thank the Deputy Minister for the way he answered the question.  You are now answering this way because we will be looking at the roads which have been repaired but they are in bad shape. It is less than two weeks since these roads were repaired and they are already bumpy and at times the tar melts. Are you telling me that when this poor workmanship was in progress you were not aware that this was going on? Were you not aware of what was happening? Do you not have inspectors?

  THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon. Member, that question

was responded to in English.

*HON. MAONDERA: On a point of order. My point of order is that when Hon. Khumalo asked a question you said it is not the duty of our engineers in Zimbabwe. If the Ministry awards a tender to a company….

*THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Do not put words in my

mouth. Hon. Member can you resume your seat. I just want to respond to your question. The supplementary question that was raised was seeking to establish why our local engineers are not being employed. We are looking at a road which was not done properly by a company which was given a tender. We are talking about engaging our engineers when we are talking about rectifying a problem.

         *HON. PHIRI: My question is directed to the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare.   Are there any plans in line with giving out food in the urban areas where people are in trouble because of unemployment?  I noticed that last time they did not get their share of rice.


people who are getting drought relief this time are those whom we got from a report which is called ZIMVAC, which only looks at people in the rural areas.  Those in urban areas get help from public assistance programmes. So, the drought relief that we are giving to districts is only channeled to rural areas.  Thank you.

*HON. MAPIKI: Thank you Madam Speaker.  My question is directed to the Minister of Mines and Mining Development, Hon. Moyo.

In the past few days, the media talked about Dangote, a millionaire from Nigeria.  We would want to know the progress on this investor?


DEVELOPMENT (HON. F. MOYO): Thank you Madam Speaker. Let

me explain about Dangote; the man wanted to invest in cement production and we had to talk about supply of limestone because that is what he can only supply.  However, investment progress is under a different Ministry which I cannot answer for.

HON. T. KHUMALO: My question is directed to the Deputy Minister of Transport, in terms of the law of your Ministry which says when roads are being built by contractors whom you have awarded a tender, our engineers are supposed to supervise. So, my question is what is then Government policy on the issue of supervision to avoid this chaos that you are telling us about?



Thank you Madam Speaker.  The Ministry has got engineers who are doing supervision but what happens in construction is that there might be poor workmanship which can go unnoticed but the contract is clear that any defect of construction on the road, the contractor is supposed to rectify those defects at his cost.  I thank you.

HON. D. P. SIBANDA: Hon. Deputy Minister, earlier on you

indicated that there could be a problem of supervision.  Could you tell this

House specifically at what point in your Ministry’s hierarchy, supervision could be lacking.  What is the policy in terms of response to any queries that could have been put forward to your Ministry regarding infrastructure that falls under your Ministry?

HON. MADANHA: Thank you Madam Speaker. I also want to

thank the Hon. Member for asking this question.  Maybe there was a misunderstanding of some sort.  I did not say that there is lack of supervision in the Ministry but I said that it is one of the causes – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] – One of the causes of poor workmanship is lack of supervision, which is correct.

Now, the Ministry does its supervision through the Department of State Roads and this department is the one responsible for all the supervision and any defect which is a result of construction by the constructor is supposed to be rectified by the contractor at his cost.  The Ministry will not foot any bill for the rectification of those works. I thank you.

HON. CHIDAVAENZI: My question is directed to the Minister of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development.  The 2015/16 season has already started, are you are going to support A1 and A2 farmers. If so, in what terms, is it financially or in form of inputs and is that support available.  Secondly, when and how is that support accessible?


thank the Hon. Member for the question.  Firstly, the support for all the farmers is related to inputs support in relationship to those farmers who have delivered their maize to the Grain Marketing Board and there are a number of famers who have done so.  Payments to those farmers is being done and has been done before. Government is supporting a programme for 300 000 vulnerable households and this programme has already started.  Secondly, Government is supporting cotton farmers to the extent of one million households, a quarter hectare of inputs in terms of cotton.  Thank you.

HON. SARUWAKA: Thank you Madam Speaker.  I would like to check with the Minister when he spoke about the Government’s programme of support to about 300 000 for the vulnerable.  Could the Minister explain to the House, how this particular Presidential Input Scheme is being conducted.  Is it being done in a manner that is fair in terms of identification of beneficiaries? Who are those members who form the committee which is doing the selection and if you can also explain the role of elected officials that is the Councillors and Members of Parliament in that committee?

HON. DR. MADE: I would like to thank the Hon. Member for

raising that question.  In the provinces, relating to the programme of the vulnerable group; that relates to the Ministry of Public Service Labour and Social Welfare because the identification is through ZIMVAC as has already been indicated by the Deputy Minister here.

At the Provincial, District, Ward levels, there is a standing committee that deals with that subject.  However, if the Hon. Member has a specific item he can put it in writing or he can raise it with me by giving me any area of concern, we will be able to intervene.  Thank you.

+HON. L. SIBANDA:  Thank you Madam Speaker.  My question is

directed to the Deputy Minister of Welfare Services for War Veterans, Hon. Tshinga Dube.  I want to find out from you, we have heard from radio and television that the war veterans should come and re-register with your Ministry.  How are those who do not have radios or do not have access to newspapers going to know about it?




(HON. T. J. DUBE):  There is no better way of disseminating information to the public other than using media such as radio and television.  Those who do not have access to radio, television and newspapers will hear it by word of mouth from their colleagues – [Laughter] –

            *THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon. Members, let us shorten

our laughter.  We cannot continue laughing, let him answer.

         *HON. MAONDERA: Minister, what are you doing as a Ministry

to make sure that those who fought in the struggle for independence are the ones that benefit?

+HON. T. J. DUBE: Those people know each other.

         +HON. T. KHUMALO: My question is directed to Minister Dube

on the fact that your Ministry disseminates information to the intended public through radio and television, yet you are aware that not all areas in Zimbabwe receive radio and television signals from ZBC and ZTV.   Why do you not utilise the services of Studio 7 which is accessed in most areas

[HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections] –

         +HON. T. J. DUBE: Madam Speaker, Zimbabweans have a lot of ways of disseminating vital information.  These methods include the use of dissemination of information through political parties, newspapers, radios and television.  This means that nobody can miss vital information which is to their benefit.

         HON. CHASI: Thank you Madam Speaker.  In terms of our

Constitution, Section 75 (1), there is created there-in a right to education to every citizen of this country and every permanent resident of this country.  I would like to extend my question to both Ministers responsible for education who are present today.  I would like to understand what Government is doing to prepare itself for this very dear right.  I raise this issue in particular in view of the developments in our neighbouring South Africa, a few weeks ago, where it was clear that the authorities there were caught flat footed when people began to demand this right.

I would like to know what specific steps are being taken in the two Ministries to ensure the realisation of this particular right and to ask whether the two Ministries would consider the creation of a fund for the country to be prepared to fulfill this right.  I thank you.


EDUCATION (HON. DR. DOKORA): Thank you Madam Speaker.  I

would like to thank the Hon. Member who raised the question arising out of a constitutional provision, which is located in the aspirational aspect of our Constitution but it is desirable that the State provides for its citizens in the various categories that he refers to.  The enjoyment of this right or the satisfaction of this condition is conditional upon the State availing itself of the resources to achieve this objective.  It is quite clear to both the questioner as well as the Ministry that at this stage of our development, the economy cannot sustain that right.

HON. CHASI: Madam Speaker, contrary to what the Minister has

said, that section is very explicit and very clear that this right is a substantive right.  The implementation can be progressing and this is the question that I am putting to the two Ministers, to say that Government must take steps immediately to prepare for the implementation.  This is not an aspirational right, it is an immediate right.

HON. DR. DOKORA: Every citizen and permanent resident of Zimbabwe has a right to a basic State funded education, including adult basic education.  We are walking this path as a nation.  Recently, we carried out in 2013, a census of the requirements that this nation needs in terms of educational institutions and we were able to identify 2056 institutions required across the nation.  In recent weeks, we have started delivering by using the US$22 million facility provided for through the Arab funds.  The State, in its budgetary provision, takes care of the teachers’ remuneration and indeed, under Public Sector Investment Programmes, takes care of a large portion of the infrastructure requirements for the nation.  Indeed, yes the State is about its tasks of providing supported education.

HON. NDUNA:  Thank you Madam Chair.  On the issue of

education, I would want to find out the plans that the Government has in providing food for children from Grade 1 to Grade 7.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  I will not allow the Minister to

answer that because it is an outstanding question.  It is not originating from the previous question.

HON. D. SIBANDA:  Thank you Madam Speaker.  My question is directed to the Deputy Minister of Transport and Infrastructural

Development.  What is the Government policy with regards to appointing and termination of service of board members?  I am asking this question with regards to the NRZ Board Chairperson, Engineer Mabhena who just woke up one day only to find his contract terminated.  What is the Government policy?


would want to thank the Hon. Member for asking such an important question.  I would like the Hon. Member to know actually that the Minister is empowered by the law to appoint and disappoint board members.  There are so many reasons why a board member can be fired.  What the policy says is that the board member should hold the qualifications which are necessary and adequate for the job that he is going to execute.  I thank you.

HON. CHAMISA:  On a point of order Madam Speaker.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  What is the point of order?

HON. CHAMISA:  Thank you very much Madam Speaker.  I have

stood to raise a very important point of order that relates to the attendance of Ministers – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] -  I think you must wait and listen; do not just open your mouth without listening –

[Laughter] –

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Order Hon. Member.  I am

presiding.  You are not the one to talk to Hon. Members.  Can you please put across your question or point of order?

HON. CHAMISA:  I withdraw that, only that my character is averse to people who are very funny.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Just go straight to your point of


HON. CHAMISA:  Madam Speaker, we have observed as Parliament and we must commend as I raise a point of order in terms of our Standing Order Number 92.  We have noted that there are Ministers who are very religious and punctual to their business in Parliament.  They are very consistent.  I must mention that we have discovered that the Vice

President, Hon. Mnangagwa, Hon. Made, Hon. F. Moyo, Hon. Mabuwa,

Hon. Dokora …

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  What is the point of order?

HON. CHAMISA:  That is the point of order – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] – These Ministers, including Professor Gandawa are Ministers we have seen, even if you check with our Hansard, they are Ministers who make it a mandate to come to Parliament for Question Time.

Our Constitution in terms of Section 107 is very harsh and hostile to Ministers who play truant with Parliament.  I must say that there are Ministers who have become notorious and this is the point of order Madam Speaker.  We have Vice President Mphoko, Hon. Mumbengegwi, Hon. J. Moyo, Hon. Sekeramayi, Hon. Mohadi, Hon. Parirenyatwa, Hon. Zhuwao and Hon. Bimha.  These Ministers have not availed themselves for

Parliament business – [HON. MEMBERS:  Hear, hear.] –

It is our duty to defend the Constitution because we have that power and authority.  It has nothing to do with either being ZANU PF or MDC.  It is just to make sure that those who are being paid by the taxpayer are indeed accountable to the taxpayer – [HON. MEMBERS:  Hear, hear.] – I may need to read Standing Order 63(1).  In order to fulfill the requirements of Section 107 (2) of the Constitution, Vice Presidents and Ministers must attend Parliament and Parliamentary Committees in order to answer questions concerning matters for which they collectively are responsible. It is a must, it is peremptory and it has to be a mandate.  Every Minister shall report and those who fail to report shall be in contempt of Parliament –

[HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] –

This is a very serious point of order and I may need to have your full attention Madam Speaker.  A Minister who is unable in terms of that order to attend for a good reason, is given the allowance and latitude to approach the Chair, yourself Madam Speaker, to say may I be granted the leave of absence so that he or she is not able to attend to the questions that are raised by members.  We come here and we have a lot of work.  We leave a lot of things; some are farmers, some are Comrade Chinotimbas – [Laughter.] – They have a lot of things that they do.

It is very important that the business of Parliament is taken seriously, and I so require Madam Speaker, that you pronounce yourself on this matter.  It is important so that we move to the next level.  We instigate contempt of Parliament charges so that Ministers are accountable to the people.  We are not going to ask President Mugabe or the police to come and do it on our behalf.  We will not go to the riot police to say go and get these Ministers but we can do it on our behalf because we are the riot police, President and we are everything when it comes to the oversight role in Parliament.  Thank you very much.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Hon. Member, I hear you and

your point of order is noted.  We are going to write to the Hon. Vice President so that he will help us to whip in the Ministers who are supposed to be here.  Actually, there are some who do not even know that the House is supposed to be attended to.  Thank you.

HON. D. SIBANDA:  My supplementary question goes to the Deputy Minister of Transport.  If the Minister has such powers to hire and fire board members willy-nilly, when he hires such members, does he also check on qualifications? I would also want this House to know that Engineer Mabhena did not have such qualities to head such a big organisation.  According to what we know, Engineer Mabhena has always been with the NRZ; he has worked for it and he is a qualified engineer.

Can you explain to this august House, Hon. Deputy Minister?

  1. MADANHA: Thank you Madam Speaker. As I stated before, the Minister is empowered by the law to hire or fire board members.  He does not do this on his own, he recommends to the Cabinet, which will make the final decision. I am not very much aware of the reasons behind the firing of Engineer Mabhena, but what I do not understand is; what is so special in Engineer Mabhena that he cannot be fired? – [HON.

MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order Hon. Members. For those

who need to know about this question, I think it is very important.  Can this question be put in writing so that – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –

Hon. Sibanda having stood up to raise a point of order.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I am not recognising you, can you resume your seat – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] – Hon. Members, the whole House would like to hear what happened on Mr.

Mabhena’s case, so if we put this question in writing, the Minister will go and research on what happened so that everyone knows.

HON. KHUPE: Madam Speaker, it is not fair for the Hon. Minister to say, what is so special about Engineer Mabhena, he must withdraw that

– [HON. MEMBERS:  Inaudible interjections.] –

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon. Minister, do you have

anything to say on this one?

HON. MADANHA: Thank you Madam Speaker.  For those who

have been accompanying the press, they can see that there are a lot of changes in the board members – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] – I am sorry Hon. Members, I have got nothing to withdraw but what you can do is put your question in writing so that I can bring you the correct answer on why he was fired.  I thank you – [HON.

MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  I think the Hon. Minister said, what is so special about the case of Engineer Mabhena – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] – Hon. Minister, in short, can you tell the House, what you meant – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible

interjections.] –

HON. MADANHA: Thank you Madam Speaker.  I think the whole

House knows that a lot of people were given three months’ notice and they lost their jobs.

Hon Chinotimba having stood between the Hon. Minister speaking and the Chair.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon. Chinotimba, would you

please sit down – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] – What is this?

*HON. CHINOTIMBA: My point of order is that we have about 40

000 workers who were fired on three months’ notice and out of all those people, why should we waste our time talking about Engineer Mabhena? What is so special about him and his case versus the 40 000 workers who were fired? So, I repeat what is so special about Mabhena? – [HON

MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –

HON. D. SIBANDA: My contribution is that you people from ZANU PF are used to bad habits. May you please be quiet? Madam Speaker my point of order is that the Minister clearly said what is so special about Engineer Alvord Mabhena. That is what we are asking him to withdraw – [HON MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –  THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: The Minister was still

explaining. May you continue?

HON. MADANHA: If there is any Hon. Member who is interested in knowing the details of why Engineer Mabhena was fired, I think just put your question in writing so that we can prepare a detailed answer – [HON

MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  If I call for order I mean

everyone. From now onwards, I am not going to accept any point of order concerning this question. We are abusing the rules of this House.    HON. WADYAJENA: We must take this House seriously – [HON MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] – My point of order is so simple. Hon D. S. Sibanda is not dressed properly. Look at her sleeves. Look at her.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon Sibanda, honestly you are not dressed properly. Leave the House – [HON MEMBERS: Inaudible

interjections.] –

HON. D. SIBANDA: Madam Speaker, this is an African attire and I am well dressed.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: No, do not come here. I want to

talk to you from where you are. You have corrected it but you were not dressed properly. I think you have to apologise. Hon. Members we have rules in this House. You cannot just shout. Can we proceed?

HON. D. SIBANDA: Thank you very much Madam Speaker.

Madam Speaker, I feel we are being victimised. This is part of the sexual harassment of women – [HON MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] – We are allowed to put on Africa attire unless if you are suggesting that we should not put on African attire in this House then I will withdraw.

*HON. MUPFUMI: My question is directed to the Deputy Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development. We know that ZUPCO imported some buses and this was done four months ago.  These buses are still parked because duty has not been paid for them. We have no cash at the present moment to pay duty. What is Government’s policy in relation to this matter? I thank you.



Thank you Madam Speaker.  I am not very sure whether the Hon. Member has directed his question to the rightful person because ZUPCO falls under the Ministry of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing.  I thank you.

HON. CHIMANIKIRE: Thank you Mr. Speaker. My question is directed to the Deputy Minister of Mines and Mining Development. A few weeks ago, the Minister announced in this House that Government policy was going to ensure that one company is going to be formed in tandem with ZMDC in order to mine diamonds in the Chiadzwa area.  May the Minister apprise the House as to how far this Government policy has been adhered to and do we still have diamond mining in Chiadzwa?  Thank you.


DEVELOPMENT (HON. F. MOYO): The Government position is that a decision has been made to consolidate diamond mining companies not only in Chiadzwa but all diamond mining companies in the country.  The current position is that we have been consulting the companies so that this policy position is not implemented with attrition from a legal point of view.  We hope that all the companies will have held their annual Extraordinary General Meetings so that we get a position as to whether they agree to consolidate or they do not.  For those who would have decided that they do not want to consolidate, then obviously, we will engage them with regards to who we are going to deal with their position going forward.

At the moment, a few have had their Extraordinary General

Meetings; I am not able to disclose the outcomes of those EGM’s.  It is also important to note that almost all these companies had their agreements with ZMDC as well as their operating licences expired at the moment. So that is the other complication that we have, but we will be able to apprise this House on this important matter once development has unfolded.

Thank you.

HON. MUTSEYAMI: With the presentation that has been done by

the Minister, my supplementary question is, can the Hon. Minister tell this House as to whether the mining of diamonds in Chiadzwa specifically is happening as we speak right now.  Bearing in mind the fact that it has been put to the attention that all the licences for Chiadzwa mining companies have expired, what is the position?

HON. F. MOYO: Some mining is taking place in Chiadzwa for those companies whose licences are in order. For those companies whose licences have expired, obviously the law would not allow them to continue to operate. Thank you.

+HON. J. TSHUMA: Thank you Madam Speaker.  I am directing my question to the Minister of Mines and Mining Development.  As far as the Ministry is concerned, are they aware of the policies which are to be followed on coal mining in Hwange.  As we speak right now, ZPC in

Hwange no longer has coal and Kariba has no coal.  So, what is

Government policy regarding the mining of coal?  Is the Ministry aware of the day to day operations of coal mines because we may run short of coal as time progresses?


DEVELOPMENT (HON. F. MOYO): I respect the question that has been raised because it is very important with regard to power supply to the country.  Yes, it is correct that there is some level of coal shortage supply to the power stations at the moment but I would want to assure the House that a lot of effort is now directed by the Ministry to correct the challenges that are affecting coal supplies to the power stations.  I believe that we will be able to normalise coal supply to power stations in the shortest time possible but we take note of the concerns that are being raised. They are being addressed. I thank you.

HON. J. TSHUMA: What I really wanted the Deputy Minister to also expound on was the issue of those grants that were issued in Hwange and surrounding areas.  Some people were given grants and they are not working on them, hence the coal production is low.  What is the Ministry’s policy on the timeframe of the turnaround so that those grants can start working in order for us to have enough coal?

HON. F. MOYO: Thank you Madam Speaker.  I think we need to recognize that at the moment, the main power generating plant that uses coal is in Hwange town itself.  You can only commercially supply coal to that power station from coal fields that are within the vicinity of that power station.

The people who have applied for grants for coal are outside the radius that would supply coal to the power station that we are talking about at the moment.  The issue of people who have applied for grants, I think is a separate matter. Those who have got business plans to open up new power stations are presenting those to Government and are receiving attention.  I thought we were dealing with the issue of Hwange Power

Station which can only be supported by coal concessions that are within its vicinity.  Those are the mines I am saying we are dealing with to make sure that they jerk up their performance and support the Power Station adequately.

HON. MUNENGAMI: Thank you Madam Speaker.  My Question

is directed to the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education, Hon. Dokora.  Madam Speaker, Hon. Dokora once assured this House on the issue of exam leaks. He actually assured that this year there were not going to be any leaks again.  However, that is not the situation on the ground. We have heard people who have appeared in court facing charges on exam leaks.  Rumours are moving around that those leaked papers are going to be re-written again.  So, can the Minister explain to this House whether these rumours are correct or false - if it is true that those papers are going to be re-written, especially Mathematics Paper 1 and 2.


EDUCATION (HON. DR. DOKORA): Thank you Madam Speaker.  I

would like to thank the Hon. Member for the second part to the question.

The first part had almost alarmed me, whether I will be coming to Parliament to answer on rumours or to treat the business of the House as a serious matter?

The fact of the matter which the Hon. Member asks us to comment is the leakage which took place, extended to some 32 persons and the 32 persons were accounted for fully.  The source of that irritation in the system has been accounted for including those that were accomplices in the process.  The implication of the activities of that one person and her accomplice do not extend to a massive misconduct or breach of examinations.  One or two provinces, what was circulated during the time of the examination was a fake creation of craftsmen who were making money out of innocent examination candidates.  In other words, they simulated ZIMSEC examination questions.   In fact, the Mathematics Paper was coded as 4028 and the fake paper was circulating as 4008 and was being sold as the examination paper.

The content totally was unrelated, but people were making money out of the crazy notion that they wanted to have access to the paper.  What it also means and I have a lot of respect for the Hon. Member who raised the question…

Hon. Wadyajena having made some noise.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon. Wadyajena please.

HON. DR. DOKORA:  We heightened our security surveillance system in order to contain and minimise any such breach.  My ideal situation would have been to have arrived at the November examinations with a Tender Board authority to institute the additional authority that I had wanted.  We could not meet that target and I do not have control over the other system.

HON. MUNENGAMI: Thank you Hon. Minister.  I think you

acknowledged that the extent of leakage actually extended to about 32 people.  That was because of the correct paper.  Still you did not answer my second question of whether there is going to be any re-writing of those people who were convicted because of the leakage which arose?

HON. DR. DOKORA: There are consequences for action of a criminal nature and those consequences are not contained within the Examination Act itself.  The provisions, do not extend to protecting a person who has breached the examination system.

Questions Without Notice were interrupted by THE HON.

DEPUTY SPEAKER in terms of Standing Order Number 64.



  1. HON. MANGAMI asked the Minister of Small and Medium Enterprises and Co-operative Development to state initiatives the Ministry has undertaken to make the local Small and Medium Enterprise owner relevant and competitive in line with rapid development in technology.


you Madam Speaker.   I would like to thank the Hon. Member for a very pertinent question.  The Ministry is assisting SMEs in minimizing the growth of their business through the following areas among many of the strategies that we have in place:-

  1. Business Management training in areas such as record keeping, financial literacy, financial management, business planning, project proposal writing, costing, business registration and a lot of other management skills that we give them. In 2015, 500 small scale miners, especially youths have received training in Shamva, Bindura, Mazowe, Umzingwane, Mberengwa, Shurugwi, Umguza….

HON. CHAMISA: On a point of order.  I am not sure if the question that is being answered is the one which has been asked because she is referring to the minimization of the growth of SMEs, yet the question is about initiatives being undertaken to improve the competitiveness.  Is that the same question?


HON. CHAMISA: Okay, you have used the word minimise.  So, I thought you were answering a wrong question.


no point of order Hon. Chamisa.  Minister, you may continue.

HON. NYONI: Thank you, the second point is that co-operative development, small scale miners are being organised to form mining cooperatives where they pull their resources together.  The Ministry has registered 35 co-operatives who are into mining.  Registering them into cooperatives is a way of formalizing them and it becomes easier for them to access support in terms of loans and equipment facilities and therefore improving their competitiveness.  I thank you Madam Speaker.


  1.   HON. CHIBAYA asked the Vice President and Minister of

Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs what action will be taken by Government in the event that a Minister disobeys a ruling of the courts, as is the case with Gweru councilors who were ordered to go back to their offices by the High Court and the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing has defied this.



much Madam Speaker.  I would like to respond to the question by Hon.

Chibaya to the Vice President and Minister of Justice Legal and Parliamentary Affairs.

Madam Speaker, contempt of court is an act of deliberate disobedience or disregard for the laws, regulations or decorum of a public authority, such as a court or legislative body.  It is also behavior that opposes or defies authority, justice and dignity of the court.  Civil contempt generally involves the failure to perform an act that is ordered by a court as a means to enforce the rights of individuals or to secure remedies for parties in a civil case.

Criminal contempt can occur within civil or criminal cases.  Criminal contempt is punitive.  Courts use it to punish parties who have impaired the courts functioning or bruised their dignity.  Madam Speaker, our

Constitution provides in Section 66 that we are all equal before the law.  The same Constitution under Section 165 provides for the rule of law.  The rule of law essentially relates to a system of governance which respects and abides by the laws of the country and those agreed upon within the international community.  It is a principle premised on at least three fundamental pillars.  Firstly, supremacy of the law as opposed to the influence of arbitrary exercise of power.

Secondly, that all citizens are equal before the law regardless of political position, wealth or other non-legal considerations.  Lastly, is the sanctity of the judiciary whose decisions must be effective instruments in the protection of the rights of citizens.

Where the rule of law prevails, the decisions of magistrates, judges and international tribunals would therefore have to be totally respected by all and sundry at all times.  The rule of law also includes compliance with the Constitution of Zimbabwe, which is the supreme law of Zimbabwe.  Failure to follow court orders compromises the rule of law.  The above notion applies to everyone, including Cabinet Ministers since no one is above the law.

Madam Speaker, the issue of separation of powers comes into play here.  The court has power to enforce its orders as a consequence of the binding nature of such orders in terms of Section 165 of the Constitution.  The judicial authority of the court, the rule of law and the administration of justice should not be undermined.  It is a crime to unlawfully and intentionally disobey a court order, thereby violating the dignity, repute or authority of the court.  Contempt proceedings are concerned with the unlawful and international refusal or failure to comply with a court order.

Madam Speaker, we are a law abiding nation.  Whilst I do not intend to exonerate the Minister or to condemn him as alleged, we as the Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs have not been favoured with the full facts of the alleged contempt.  Therefore, there might be need for my Ministry to gather more information on this matter so that we might have an appreciation of what the Hon. Member is alleging.  I thank you.

HON. MUTSEYAMI:  Thank you Madam Speaker.  With the

presentation that the Minister has done, it is quite eloquent and I appreciate it.  However, a supplementary question arises Hon. Minister as to when we can expect as a House which abides by the separation of powers to hear a response with regards to specifics in line with the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing.  I thank you Madam Speaker.

HON. C. C. SIBANDA:  Thank you Madam Speaker.  As I said, this is an issue where we have not been favoured by that contempt.  We have not been favoured by that contempt as a Ministry.  So, if we are favoured by that contempt, then we can respond.  I thank you.

HON. CHIBAYA:  Thank you very much Madam Speaker and Hon. Minister.  I think the reason why we put Questions With Notice is to allow the Ministry to research.  Inasmuch as I appreciate the response by the Minister, I do not understand why their Ministry did not do a research to get the facts on the ground of what is actually taking place.  I thank you.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Hon. Chibaya, I think the Hon.

Minister has responded very well and he has articulated the case in question.  What he is saying is that he needs more time to investigate into the issue of what is happening with the Ministry of Local Government.  So, we will give the Hon. Minister time to go and research on the issue so that he will come with a full answer to the House.

HON. MUTSEYAMI:  Madam Speaker, it arises specifically because this question was given in this House orally.  Hon. Speaker, Mudenda advised the Hon. Member to put the question in writing so that it would be responded to with enough research.  That process was done Madam Speaker.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Thank you Hon. Mutseyami,

this is what the Hon. Minister has responded to in the first instance and he is going to further investigate into the issue and bring the answer.  Let us give him an opportunity to do that.  Failure to do that then we can actually take action on this question.  Hon. Minister, you have been granted the right to investigate into the issue of the Ministry of Local Government,

Public Works and National Housing in relation to the Gweru Council.

HON. CHAMISA:  Thank you.  Madam Chair, it has to do with the time frame.  You know that in our Constitution, in terms of Section 278(2), we are supposed to have an independent tribunal to preside over such circumstances and instances as the one obtaining in Gweru.  It is not the only one; I think we have many others.  When is the Ministry going to initiate that law through a Bill so that there are necessary changes made to the law to also be able to guard against such occurrences in future?



much Madam Speaker. The submission that we did as a Ministry is to the effect that we have the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing in the House and it is the duty of the same Minister to respond for himself.  As of now, we have given Government policy on the position of the contempt of court. –

The Hon. Minister C. C. Sibanda having been speaking to the gallery.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Hon. Minister of State in Vice

President Mnangagwa’s Office, can you please speak to the Chair.



Speaker, as of the time frame on when Parliament will come up with the laws, I think that rests with Parliament Madam Speaker.

Hon. Maridadi having stood up to ask a supplementary question.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Order Hon. Members, I will not allow any other supplementary question because you have already made four supplementary questions.  However, I will advise the Minister of

State in Vice President Mnangagwa’s Office to go and make a thorough research on the issues and also allow the contributions that have been made by Hon. Chibaya and Hon. Chamisa on the issue of time-frame to also be considered on that issue.  Hon. Minister, please make sure that when you are coming with your answer next time you also factor those issues.



  1. HON. MARIDADI asked the Minister of Small and Medium

Enterprises and Co-operative Development whether the Ministry has plans to formalise Siyaso in Mbare and other informal business centres in order to facilitate the ease of collecting tax.


you Madam Speaker. I want to thank the Hon. Member for the question on formalization.  Madam Speaker, formalization can be defined as recognition, regulation and promotion of an economic activity under the laws of the land on which a business is operating from.  The Ministry has identified formalisation of Micro Small to Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), as of paramount importance to revamp and develop the sector in line with the Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation (ZIM ASSET), which clearly articulates the importance of MSMEs.  Therefore, the Ministry is in the process of coming up with a formalisation strategy which is targeted, not only at specific areas, but the whole of the informal sector throughout the country.  Let me hasten to say that this formalisation process is at an advanced stage.  It is also important to note that the formalisation  strategy’s main goal is not tax collection alone, but the growth and development of the sector.

Let me turn to Siyaso in Mbare.  Siyaso is divided into various sections.  The first section is where the Ministry of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing provided workspace for 400 people after Operation Murambatsvina.  That figure rose to about 1500 people.  As a way of formalising the informal traders there, some of them formed cooperatives and registered with the Ministry.  One such cooperative is Best Multi-Purpose Cooperative, which has 58 members.  They have since constructed one office block with a total of six shop blocks with 99 shops.  The members were each allocated a shop which they use for individual trading purposes with ownership of the building being retained by the cooperative.    The excess shops are sublet to non members on a monthly

rental basis.

The open space is also sublet to non members on a weekly rental basis.  Members and tenants are engage in both manufacturing and retail business.  Major lines in manufacturing include mechanical engineering workshops which produce grinding mills and other entrepreneurial machines, metal fabrication, production of window frames and door frames, carpentry, furniture manufacturing, shoe manufacturing and other leather processing businesses.  They are constructing a building which will house a conference hall and plans are in place to utilise the building for their Savings and Credit Co-operative (SACCO) or let it out to a bank that has SMEs facilities.

However, this is not enough as Siyaso is congested.  More land is needed to accommodate them since the provision of workspace is one of the first steps to formalising the informal sector.  I need to point out that formalisation is a process and the Ministry will continue to explore various strategies for formalising the informal sector throughout the country.  I thank you Madam Speaker.


  1. HON. MARIDADI asked the Minister of Industry and

Commerce to inform the House;

  1. The current status of the ESSAR deal;
  2. When was the ESSAR deal signed?;
  3. Who negotiated and signed on behalf of Zimbabwe?;
  4. How much money did ESSAR deposit to Treasury? and
  5. Why after His Excellency launched, the deal work did not commence?


(HON. MABUWA): Thank you Madam Speaker Ma’am. I would like to

thank Hon. Maridadi for asking these very important questions.  It is actually five in one.  I will try to articulate all the five questions.  In response to the first question, I wish to advise Hon. Members that my Ministry and the Zimbabwe Iron and Steel Company (ZISCO) Committee have been engaging ESSAR to establish the position regarding the implementation of the transaction.  The delayed take off of this investment project is due to issues surrounding the conclusion of the ZISCO transaction itself that was accompanied by a fall in the price of steel on the international market.  The price of metals, including steel, has increasingly been fluctuating on the global market and this has negatively affected the viability of the steel industry.  Owing to the highlighted undesirable trends, the investor (ESSAR) has slowed down its pace in concluding the deal.

On part b of the question, the Share and Asset Purchase Agreement

(SAPA) on ZISCO was signed by the Government and ESSAR Africa

Holdings Limited on 9 March, 2011 and was subsequently launched at Redcliff by His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe Cde. R. G. Mugabe on 3 August, 2011.

  1. Cabinet, at its meeting in 2010, set up a committee to work on the resuscitation of ZISCO. The then Minister of Industry and Commerce was tasked by Cabinet to engage potential investors in ZISCO. He was assisted in this exercise by technical experts in the Ministry, ZISCO management and board, financial advisors (CBZ), Ministry of Finance and

Economic Development, the Attorney-General’s Office and the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe.

The former Hon. Minister of Industry and Commerce, Prof. W.

Ncube signed the SAPA on behalf of the Government of Zimbabwe.

  1. The value of the investment by Essar in Zimbabwe was originally expected to be US$750m comprising Essar’s clearance of the Sinosure and KfW debts amounting to US$300m and the US$450m for recapitalisation and the steel plant at Redcliff. The expunging of the Sinosure and KfW debts are part of the conditions precedent on the Essar side, prior to closure.

So far, the investor (ESSAR) has invested US$14.5m in CBZ to cover part payment of the salaries for ZISCO Steel workers. ESSAR has also invested in exploration of iron ore deposits at Mwanesi Range as well as in drawing up feasibility plans and steel revival plans for ZISCO, in conjunction with potential contractors to the programme.

  1. Members, you may need to note that the Share Asset Purchase Agreement (SAPA) had conditions precedent that required both parties to the agreement to fulfill first, before full closure of the agreement could be released. Fulfillment of those conditions precedent took a long time to realise and hence there was a delay in the closure of the transaction.

May I also advise the House that during the operationalisation of the deal it became necessary to amend the SAPA. The protracted discussion on the SAPA could not yield positive results and subsequently, led to the outcomes that I have already alluded to. During the process of concluding the ZISCO-ESSAR deal, a number of exogenous factors also adversely affected the global steel industry leading to a reduction in the price of steel. It is against this background that the Ministry of Industry and

Commerce has urgently assigned the ZISCO Committee to work on the best available options that can speed up the operationalisation of ZISCO. I thank you.

HON. MARIDADI: Supplementary. Thank you Hon. Minister for

that indepth answer. Ordinarily, you would expect that when a Head of State and Government goes to commission whatever he goes to commission, you expect that everything has been done and it is all systems go. We expected that after the launch for which I was the Master of

Ceremonies on that day, work should have commenced the following day. For the Government of Zimbabwe then to come back and say SAPA was renegotiated and amended and now the Essar deal cannot take off because there were some disagreement, what it means is that His Excellency, the President was sold a dummy. People told him everything was okay when things had not been concluded.

If you go to the Essar website today, Essar is actually saying we have closed shop in Zimbabwe. That is what the Essar website is saying, - we have closed shop in Zimbabwe. We are not operating in Zimbabwe and they list the reasons. One of the reasons listed is that there is so much corruption. It is very difficult to do deal in Zimbabwe because there is so much corruption.

Now, my worry Hon. Minister is that anyone worth his salt, who wants to invest in this country from wherever they are, they want to find out what happened to Essar deal because the Essar deal would have been the biggest investment in this country ever since 1980. The Hon. Minister talks of US$750m which would have been the biggest. I am really worried that this is the state of affairs but Essar has closed shop. I think the nation needs to know that and people have been fired. They have closed their offices in Harare at the corner of Leopold Takawira and Jason Moyo. People have been sent home and that is the position of things. To tell the nation that something is being done about it and hope that Essar will come back and resuscitate ZISCO, it might not be the correct position. I thank you.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: I think Hon. Maridadi, this

comes as a comment and not as a question. We have heard your comments on the issue.


  1. HON. KAUNDIKIZA asked the Minister of Primary and

Secondary Education to explain why there are no Government primary and secondary schools in Uzumba, Maramba and Pfungwe.


EDUCATION (HON. DR. DOKORA): The school infrastructure

development is an issue of concern to the Ministry and measures are being taken to ensure that decent and adequate infrastructure is provided to all learners countrywide, not just in the specific area. The Ministry will soon roll out the joint venture partnership programme to develop school infrastructure in order to cater for the deficit. Already, the forerunner has recently announced a US$22m loan facility from the Arab funds that is initiated and targeted 17 primary and secondary schools.

A number of companies have so far expressed interest to partner with the Ministry in its endeavour to provide decent infrastructure. With regards to Uzumba, Maramba and Pfungwe, plans are at an advanced stage to establish Machekera Government Secondary in Uzumba. Over and above that, the Ministry intends to establish some additional schools in the area in order to reduce long distances that are traversed by learners.



  1.   HON. L. MOYO asked the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education to explain the steps the Ministry has taken to speed up the transfer of Mwenezi Primary School in Mwenezi West Constituency from the Baptist Church which illegally took ownership of the school without parents agreement given that Mwenezi Rural District Council is dragging its feet over the issue.


EDUCATION (HON. DR. DOKORA): The Ministry notes with great

concern the inconsistencies, administrative gaps and inadequacies in the submissions with regards to transfer of schools from Mwenezi Rural District Council  to the Baptist Church in the same district. It is a standing policy that schools consult the Ministry first before such transfers are effected.

The Ministry, through the Provincial Education Director, in a letter dated 25th October 2010, advised the council on steps to be followed. Like all Baptist schools in the particular locality, Mwenezi Primary School remains under Mwenezi Rural District Council. It is not a Baptist Church school. Of particular note is the following: the Mwenezi Rural District Council Social Services Committee came up with recommendations to the full council but there is no evidence that the full council acceded to the take-over of schools by the Baptist Church. The Social Services Committee in its recommendations proffered the following conditions which were never fulfilled:-

Their minute C27/09.3 that the three delegates request Pastor Chigoyi to give first preference to the most needy schools, especially those without building structures for the process of take-over, that is, schools in the resettlement areas. Quite clearly, this shows that the effort was really arising out of a poverty trap.  There was no proof additionally at the school site…

HON. CHAMISA: On a point of order!  My very sincere apology to the Hon. Minister for disrupting his very eloquent answer, I just want to say at this moment, we are not properly constituted in terms of quorum which is supposed to be 70.  This is the second time we are having such a problem.  If you were to count or the bells were to be rung, perhaps we will then be able to constitute a quorum.  We are supposed to be constituted properly and legally.  As it is, we are not able to constitute ourselves properly for purposes of transacting business Madam Speaker.

So, I would want to say if you may be able to just count, you will see that we are not in good position quorum wise.  You do not want to blame some of us; we are supposed to make sure that things are done properly.  I thank you.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: I will allow the procedures of

Parliament to take place, that is Sergeant-at-Arms to ring the bells so that we can alert Hon. Members who are outside and then count the Members who are in the House.

[Bells rung]

         [Quorum formed]

HON. DR. DOKORA: Thank you Madam Speaker.  I was

almost concluding after citing the minutes of the sub-committee of the Mwenezi Rural District Council (RDC).  The second quote from the minutes shows under C 29-09b, that all schools that need financial material assistance from the Baptist Church should apply through council and Ministry of Education so that there could be proper accountability for whatever assistance offered.

Further, the fact that there was no proof of voting at the school site is a clear indication that due processes were not followed.  The Mwenezi RDC suspended payment of administrative levies which suggests that the attempted transfer was not properly handled.  Furthermore, the 2008 minutes of Parents Assembly Meeting do not reflect that the 57 parents who were present acceded to the transfer.  It was a proposal and remains a proposal and seemed to be a reaction to the non-payment of levies during the harsh economic meltdown.

As Government, we are willing to assume the responsibility and it will be noble to hand over to the State rather than for the school to keep changing hands, putting children at risk and at the mercy of those who may only want to collect dues from them.  However, the church is welcome to build on new sites designated for schools and not to assume control of council schools.  If councils have challenges, they return the schools to Government.  Thank you.


  1. HON. SARUWAKA asked the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Services to state the formula for calculating the lump sum that the former civil servants receive upon retiring?


you Madam Speaker.  I thank the Hon. Member for his question.  The lump sum payments are calculated as follows:

  • A calculation of full pension is done first, based on length of service and pensionable emoluments as at the date of retirement.  That is, length of service multiplied by the final salary and allowances.
  • Then a third of the full pension is calculated.
  • The one third is then multiplied by the age factor which is on life expectancy.  The result of this calculation constitutes the lump sum, for example, at the age of 65, the age factor is 8.47.  Assume a full pension of $15 000.00; the one third would be $5 000.00, thus the lump sum would then be $5 000.00 x 8.47 = $42 350.00.  I thank you.



         THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: All members of the Portfolio

Committee on Transport and Infrastructural Development will travel to Chiredzi next week to witness the official opening of the Buffalo Ranch Airport.



  1. HON. ZHOU asked the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Services to:
  • state whether is it Government policy that beneficiaries of the

Workers’ Compensation Fund of the National Social Security Authority

(NSSA) to collect their money from the Peoples’ Own Savings Bank (POSB) only and not from any other bank accounts.

  • explain what happens to the money that would have been returned to the NSSA Head Office in the event that the beneficiary has failed to collect the money for a period of two months.



Hon. Zhou for the question.  (a) Payments under the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Fund are done through a manual warrant payment system and it is only the ZIMPOST which can host such a system and not banks.  The Workers Compensation Insurance Fund pensioners are all over the country, with some in the most remote parts of the country.  ZIMPOST was chosen for its wide geographical spread, as some of their post offices are located in the most remote part of the country, which makes them accessible to the majority of our beneficiaries.

NSSA is currently in the process of migrating to an electronic payment system for Workers’ Compensation Insurance Fund pensioners.  In doing so, NSSA will always ensure that its pensioners have ease and convenient access to their pensioners.

(b)     When NSSA sends out warrants to ZIMPOST, they are valid for two months.  The two month period is meant to safeguard Authority funds and ensure that NSSA money does not lie idle with the paying agent.

I f a beneficiary fails to collect the money within the two months of warrant being issued, the uncashed warrant(s) together with the funds are returned to NSSA.  Once NSSA receives the uncashed warrants and the funds, the beneficiary is contacted to establish reasons why the warrants were not cashed.  Reasons for warrants not being encashed vary from the beneficiary being deceased, ill and in hospital or being committed elsewhere.

  • Where the beneficiary is deceased, leaving behind qualifying dependants (surviving spouse, children or other dependants), relevant documents are requested and the benefit is then paid out.
  • Where the beneficiary is contacted and found to be alive, the

unclaimed money is paid together with the following month’s payment, or paid when the beneficiary will be available and in a position to collect the money.

HON. RUNGANI: I move that the debate do now adjourn.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Can we proceed with question

time but I think question time is over.  You cannot move to adjourn questions.

On the motion of HON. RUNGANI, seconded by HON. MUKWANGWARIWA, the House adjourned at Fourteen Minutes to

Five o’clock p.m. 





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