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SENATE HANSARD 11_May_2016_25-48


Wednesday, 11th May, 2016

The Senate met at Half-past Two o’clock p.m.







Senators please collect their copies of the Eighth Parliament 2016 charts from the Public Relations Department at Pax House, third floor, in office Number 4, South Wing.




remind the following Committees of the Sustainable Development Goals dialogue organised by the Office of the President and Cabinet and the United Nations Development Programme to be held tomorrow at the

Rainbow Towers Hotel at 8.30 a.m.  That is; the Thematic Committee on Human Rights, the Thematic Committee on Gender and Development and the Thematic Committee on HIV/AIDS.





President. I move that Orders of the Day, Numbers 1 and 2 be stood over until the rest of the Orders have been disposed of.

Motion put and agreed to.



         Third Order read: Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech.

Question again proposed.

HON. SEN. TAWENGWA: Thank you Madam President.  I

move that the debate do now adjourn.

HON. SEN. A. MASUKU:  I second.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Thursday, 12th May, 2016.




         Fourth Order read: Adjourned debate on the call for Government to implement the devolution of power as provided for in the Constitution.

Question again proposed.

HON. SEN S. NCUBE:  I move that the debate do now adjourn.

HON. SEN. MARAVA:  I second.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Thursday, 12th May, 2016.



Fifth Order read:  Adjourned debate on motion on the resuscitation of the Zambezi Water Project

Question again proposed.

HON. SEN B. SIBANDA: I move that the debate do now adjourn.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume:  Thursday, 12th May 2016.



Sixth Order read:  Adjourned debate on motion on malnutrition among urban and rural communities.

Question again proposed.

*HON. SEN. MARAVA:  I feel it is very important to take this motion raised by Hon. Sen Khumalo seriously because the future of this country depends on it.  It has an impact on the inheritance of our children.  It has issues that have to do with the core of the Zimbabwean’s life.  We need to leave a very good legacy.  So, we should put our heads together and ensure that we leave a decent inheritance for our children, so that our country can compete with other states.  A lame economy starts at the time that the country is conceived and an economy of a country needs to be looked after so that the children will have to inherit this inheritance with provisions in abundance.  So if we come up with a weak economy, our children will not enjoy the inheritance.  As a country, we urge Government to step in.  I was quite happy when Government mentioned that it would take steps to ensure that children at school are now going to be fed.  But you know our Government, all is about talk shop.  We are very good at talking but poor in delivery.

THE HON. PRESIDENT:  Order Hon. Senator. You are an Hon

Member so you should also make honourable statements.

*HON. SEN. MARAVA:  Thank you Madam President but the

crux of the matter is that we are very poor economically because we do not have sufficient resources.  No-one can argue that we are a poor country caused by several reasons, some of them being self inflicted.  The future of this country requires that everyone looks at it holistically and we blame each other wherever we are at any time of the day.  We should continuously ask ourselves on a daily basis what we would have done for the children because the future of our children rests on us.  We do not want our children to be mourning at our graves and insulting our graves for having left them no legacy to speak of.  When a child is born, he/she requires nutritious food for nourishment.  The food should also be enjoyed by the child.  At the moment, if you go around most households, there is barely any sadza, bad as it is in terms of taste on its own without relish people cannot access it.  Sadza is only good when you have good relish.  We should self introspect and be honest with ourselves.  Sadza is our staple food and there is not much in it except the starch.  It is important that at the moment we should be talking of an improved staple food for Zimbabweans or the elementary food that people are doing without.

We should put our heads together.  Government did us well and declared a state of disaster but because of our lack, we need the help of the entire world.  We cannot just be extending the begging bowl all the time but should be self resilient and also try and assist ourselves so that others can come in and help us.  Even finance companies, if you do not show them that you have raised the initial capital, they will not support you.  We should behave in the same manner. We should be resilient and ensure that our Government is not blamed.  We should do away with the cancer of corruption.  I do not know what type of traditional healers or n’angas we should consult to eradicate this cancer.  What is bad Madam President is bad.  We should try and look down upon it.

If a child was to grow up and go past secondary education, the majority do not go to university but those that go, despite not having enough good food to ensure that they will have a balanced diet for them to grow up strong, you may have a child with very disturbing features, big head, short or thin.  Whatever level those children will attain, they will not perform like those others who have been properly nourished.  The same applies at high school because of lack of resources. I urge ourselves to put our heads together as a Government because our Government should pull up its socks and ensure that human beings are properly developed.  It is a different ball game altogether as opposed to the development of mines and other forms of productions that our economy requires.  The greatest asset that we have which we should develop is human.  The human asset is important.

*HON. SEN. MAWIRE:  On a point of order Madam President, maybe I am mistaken but I have observed that the Hon. Member has transgressed from the motion that was moved by Hon. D. T. Khumalo.  She talked about nutrition at all levels.  The Hon. Member is now talking about mining equipment and the acquisition of mining equipment.  I believe he is lost.


about nutrition, I think he is on the right track.  May I plead with the Hon. Senator, you have gone ballistic.

*HON. SEN. MARAVA: The problem that we have Madam



want you to stray.  Talk about nutrition and the effect of nutrition on children.  Yes, continue in the same vein.

*HON. SEN. MARAVA:  Maybe it is be because I am speaking in vernacular.  Maybe she wants to hear me speak in English.


hearing you.  You were straying.

*HON. SEN. MARAVA:  Any form of food Madam President -

the Hon. Senator did very well.  Even a 99 year old or 100 year old will enjoy the food.  That is why I am saying, where do we start in ensuring that we have good nourishing food because if we start on the right track for us to be able to travel in the proper gear, we will not have any problems.  That is the issue at hand.

Charity begins at home and it should start with us doing this to our children so that this culture becomes inculcated in them and it becomes a way of life for them.  Most of the food is not expensive.  It is natural food.  In our area, we have very cheap food which is responsible for body building.  We have some insects called Harurwa.  It builds brain power.  If you have not seen that, Madam President, it is important that Members of Parliament become familiar with this type of insect.  Well, I will bring them.

Madam President, nutritious food should not be only available in supermarkets like TM and OK.  In the communal lands, crickets and mice are responsible for building our bodies.  We should teach our children the food elements that are found in these foods such as proteins and others so that when they do not have funds from the bank, they will still be properly nourished because of the body building foods that they will be consuming.


of having a lot of point of orders.  Where has the issue of banks crept in?

*HON. SEN. MARAVA:  Before another point of order is raised

Madam President, I want to thank you.

*HON. SEN. BHOBHO:  Thank you Madam President.  I would like to thank the motion by Senator Khumalo.  We are happy with this motion where we are all contributing, but I would like to thank the previous speaker, that his explanation is very good, if we listened very carefully.  His debate has touched me that at the time when we were born, the type of work that we were doing was nutrition based and we used to look after those children that were underweight.

Those that were born after independence would want to thank those that liberated us because at the time that we attained our independence, a lot of people were taught about nutrition and children were sent to school.  Thank you Senator. If you go around the country, it is very rare to see children that at suffering from kwashiorkor and undergoing feeding at the hospitals.

In our communal lands, people now understand.  Even in towns, we used to have a list of children that were malnourished, but now it is a thing of the past.  A malnourished child cannot develop properly.  There are difficulties in that child growing up and it affects their mental capacity.  We should thank ourselves for having done well as a Government.  If we have excelled in that area, we should give ourselves a thumbs up.  Men used to run away from us if a child suffered from kwashiorkor as they would be urinating uncontrollably, including everything else that comes with it, but because we have learnt and our President is educated, he has liberated us.  It has opened up our minds and we were taught how to look after that child from the time of conception up to the time the child grows up.

I am glad that we are a prosperous country.  He talked about things that we acquire from the communal lands.  We should work hard.  Let us work.  There is very little in the form of hunger in Zimbabwe.  We are the eyes of the Government.  We come from various areas.  There may be want in your area, but others might have it in abundance.  So as committee members, we should report that a certain area is backward and people can be sent to go and alleviate that problem because to say that there are some people who are failing to access food to ensure that their children are properly nourished, it is because there are grown up men who are not using their hands to work for themselves.

Women are not aging fast because they are having good food.  The same applies to men.  This is a good motion.  It has encouraged us and we thank our president who gave us the knowledge.  God should look after him until time immemorial.  Thank you Madam President.

*HON. SEN. TIMVEOS:  Thank you Madam President for

giving me the opportunity to debate on this matter.  I would like to thank Senator D. T. Khumalo who raised the motion, seconded by Senator Makore which is on nutrition.  This is an important motion because it is appealing to Government to ensure that it disseminates sufficient information to community leaders as well as Members of Parliament to reduce the incidents of malnutrition.  As Government, we are being urged to give information.  Are we doing that?

Madam President, I want to inform you that the issue of nutrition is important.  A lot of diseases are caused by malnutrition in this country and other countries.  I want to talk about obesity.  I heard yesterday a certain Hon. Senator who debated saying that those of us who are obese means that we are having good food.  Obese as I am, it is not good because two weeks ago I had difficulties in breathing.  The doctor told me that I was suffering from blood pressure.  I then wondered where this high blood pressure was coming from because I am not distressed or stressed.  The doctor informed me that I was too fat and that I need to cut out on fats and that I should take a lot of vegetables and I should cut down on red meat.  Beef is not good, even chickens that we are consuming these days have chemicals. Genetically Modified foods are now abundant on the market.  It is the duty of the Government to inform Zimbabweans that we have Genetically Modified Organisms that are on sale and that we need to reduce our intake of those foods.  It is no longer like the time that we used to have natural foods.  A lot of people in the rural areas are healthy because they are in the communal lands and they lack cooking oil.  They have very few portions of meat.  We think that we should have a glut of meat on our plates, for example, having a big portion of T-bone steak.  Gout is caused by the consumption of excessive red meat. Red meat is not good for one’s health. Meat on its

own is not good enough.

The traditional chicken normally referred to as a Roadrunner is good enough.  You should not spoil your husband by giving him too much meat. You are slowly but surely reducing your loved one’s life by giving them too much meat. In terms of our children, I have a child who is ten years old. If you give that child rice, chicken and vegetables, the child will have rice and chicken and will not eat vegetables. They laugh at my child because the child is too fat.  They laugh at him because he is not consuming vegetables.  When I admonish the children to have vegetables they grudgingly accept that.  We should not be too westernized.

Diabetes and other dieses are now on the high.  I did look at it and observed that by removing a lot of salt, sugar and sugary foods – one would eliminate diabetes.  Raw salt should not be taken; the salt should be boil in the mix.  A lot of Zimbabweans are ignorant of that fact. These days I watch Zee World Channel which on the Indian bouquet on the DSTV.  They have adverts for fruits and they advise that one must eat fruits and vegetables which they advertise hourly.  Spices and such other things should be taken.  The Indian diet is very healthy and I believe that we should emulate them.

This motion urges governments to educate people so that diseases like high blood pressure, cancer and diabetes should be treated.  I was treated of cancer but I fear that it might re-occur. When I talked to doctors and researched further on how I came to be suffering from these dieses, they told me that it was because of my lavish lifestyle. By living a lavish lifestyle I was shortening my life.  We need to educate our populace that we should go back to having beans and cut away fats and cooking oils. We should have fruits and vegetable.  Those that are into farming it is good; whatever it is that you have grown, you are aware of the chemicals that you would have used; rather than using commodities that you do not know what chemicals have been used in growing them, specifically imported foods from other countries.

If you look at South Africans, their shape, they are so round so and big because of Genetically Modified Organisms foods.  We have to fight GMO and they should not come into this country because the Government will waste a lot of money on these GMOs and lot money trying to fight diseases.  There are others who hardly can afford a plate food on the table, these are in the majority. We should look into it and ensure that our children have enough nutrition. I thank you Madam President.


President. I want to add a few words to such a good motion that was raised by Hon. Sen. Khumalo which says that the food that we enjoying should be nutritious and that it should be good for building our bodies. We should not just take any food for the sake of eating.  We should take our food in moderation and ensure that we are properly nourished. I reiterate once again that Hon. Sen. Khumalo, you have done well by this motion and you have recognized that as chiefs we need to ensure that our subjects eat good food.  I want to thank you because of that reminder so that we cognizant of this fact at all times.

Let me hasten to say that Mr. President, if you look closely, people in the communal lands are healthy.  Look at me and my body.  We eat to live and we have a balanced diet which ensures that we remain shapely.

If you look at me, you would want to believe that I am a twelve year old.  I once told my brother that a chief is but just a chief but you see that my body, I am quite young. Those are in the know, in the National Assembly, when we used to play football, I would run.  It is because of the diet that I eat.  It is a balanced diet and not glut of food.

In the communal lands, we have round nuts, roasted maize, wild fruits in the like of tsombori, nhunguru and matohwe. I could name a lot and a variety of these wild fruits that our elders used to show us as children that we should partake of. We are never used to live on sadza alone as is now the case in the urban centres. Our elders used to observe this  and we are still observing the tradition of ensuring that whenever we have meetings with ward and village assemblies, we encourage our subjects to eat balanced diet.  Nutritious food is important, especially to women when they are expecting. It is important that expectant mothers are taught on the type of foods that they should take; in order to ensure that they deliver a healthy bouncing babies.

Mr. President, we want as Zimbabweans to be seen as a country that has healthy people.  Looking at our Army, if they fail to get a balanced diet, they will lag behind in terms of training and will not develop properly.  If you look at the Police Force, recently we were at the National Sports Stadium on Independence Day; you would observe that the manner in which they were doing their drills, they were fit because of the balanced diet that they enjoy.

I have decided to add a few words on this motion, but Mr. President Sir, I would want to say that if one has risen to debate a motion, as Chief, I would say that it is good for you to debate.  We should hear the peoples’ views.  This is what we have come here to hear rather than come and sit. The Chair says, is there any debate?  No one debates - is there any debate? No debate and motions are run through.  When one stands to speak, we try and raise points of orders to deflate the speaker – [HON. SEN. MARAVA: Taurai Mambo] – Words should not be put in the Chief’s mouth] - We should not stifle debates but should allow debates to go on, on these motions.

As a House, I urge us to debate these motions because this is the reason why we came and we should not go and gorge ourselves with junk food that we have left in the hotels, misusing Government funds without corresponding work being done.  All Hon. Senators who have not debated on these motions Mr. President, I challenge them to stand up and speak on them.

HON. SEN. MAKORE:  On a point of order Mr. President.  As Senators, we are very responsible.  We seem not to respond to certain motions; it is a sign that most of these motions have long stayed and majority of us have debated on most of the motions.  It is not true that

Senators come here just to waste time and money of the Government.

We are very responsible. In fact, that point must be withdrawn.  Thank you.

*HON. SEN. MUSARURWA:  I want to thank Hon. Senator

Makore, for reminding me that the majority of the motions have been debated and that I should withdraw.  The point that I would want to reiterate Mr. President, is that Hon. Senator Makore should check on the ones that have not been debated and should debate …


topic of the motion is about nutrition, not about motions.

*HON. SEN. MUSARURWA:  Thank you Mr. President.  I

believe on the issue of nutrition, those that have ears have heard.  Thank you so much, I rest my case.

*HON. SEN. MACHINGAIFA:  Thank you Mr. President for

giving me this opportunity to debate on this motion, which I support.

The motion was raised by Hon. Sen. Khumalo, seconded by Hon. Sen. Makore, which urges our people to have a balanced diet so as to avoid malnutrition and that we should have natural foods. This is an important motion.  I recall our President, His Excellency Cde. Robert Mugabe, he said he does not take any of  these  fancy foods, but takes straight-run ealie meal, dried vegetables from peas, leaves and straight run sadza that is properly boiled.

This issue is very important, but for it to be raised in this august House, it shows the gravity and importance of the motion.  We have a kitchen where we come from. Once the lady of the house has come up with such food which is going to be consumed, it is her prerogative to inform the family that we should have pumpkins or other foods such as mapudzi. You take the seeds from these pumpkins that come in various forms so that they can be further processed and used as part of the cooking oil for cow peas.  We should have other natural foods such as bonongwe, sunha or nyevhe which build our bodies.  We should not accumulate a lot of fats in our bodies.  We need to have healthy bodies.

On that same vein, Mr. President as we were growing up, each home had an area reserved for the court which is called a dare.  In these dares or mupandas, traditional foods would be consumed, but that was lost at the advent of independence.  To those that have a lot of money, this is not an excuse for one not to have traditional foods. No matter how educated one becomes, and how well good you are when speaking the

English language, it does not mean that you despise traditional foods.

We used to have clubs where women were taught about these nutritious foods. They would impart knowledge gained from these clubs to their families and would talk about the values of cassava.  Cassava leaves could also be processed as a vegetable and as a result, people had well built bodies.  This is an important motion for us to understand as has been earlier on said by the previous speaker.  Once this issue has been raised in this august House, it is part of our duties; when we go to our communities we should impart the same knowledge to our constituents.  We should go back to our roots and use natural foods.  The ‘jiggies’ that children have these days is junk food.  Those that produce the ‘jiggies’ have said it is junk food. Our children are now addicted to these ‘jiggies’ but they are not nutritious.  They have a lot of fats, they are sweet and leave behind things that affect the body.

It is my wish Mr. President, that this should not be a talk show but that women who are in this august House have responsibility because they are the ones who prepare our meals.  They should prepare our meals in accordance with these traditional foods that we would want.  They might have forgotten about it but we will remember it and they should know how to process it.  If we stick to our natural foods, we will be on the right track.  We should not lose our way.  There was a song that says, ‘children used to be fed on milk only but when the father came home he vomited pieces of meat.’  The children exclaimed that we are being fed on milk and vegetables, where is our father getting the meat from?

HON. SEN. MLOTSHWA:  On a point of order.  The Hon.

Member said we have a responsibility to cook them correct food.  I do not know whether we are his wives.

*HON. SEN. MACHINGAIFA:  Thank you Mr. President.  I am

respecting women because they are the ones that prepare our meals.  They are the ones who teach children how to cook.  As the father, I cannot tell my wife what to cook.  I have given them the freedom of the kitchen to prepare the meals.  If I am giving a woman her due respect, I do not believe that I have erred – [HON. SEN. MLOTSHWA: Inaudible

interjections.] –


Member, we have gone past that issue.  May the Hon. Member continue.

*HON. SEN. MACHINGAIFA:  As Zimbabweans, we should go

back to our traditional ways and eat nutritious foods which enable us to work hard; we should not be seen sweating within a short time.  If we have a lot of fat, we cannot run long distances.  If I was to compete with these youngsters, they would leave me toy-toying when they will have given up because I do not eat fatty foods.  I use peanut butter and roasted seeds.  That is all what nutrition is all about.  Thank you Mr. President.

+HON. SEN. JUBA:  I would want to add my voice on this motion.  I am seeing we are being by-passed by our grandmothers.  Children should eat porridge that is thoroughly cooked.  These days, children are being given undercooked food and we see malnourished children with thin legs and big heads.  Food should be thoroughly cooked.  We used to eat our traditional dishes and that is how we grew up.  Our grandmothers were knowledgeable.  Even if I stay without a jersey, it will have no effect on me.  I started going to the hospital when I gave birth because my body was strong.

If you put children from the rural areas and those from urban areas together and make them compete, you find that the rural child will excel.  Some urban children are obese and that is not healthy.  Children in the urban centres are not all that strong because of the food that we give them.  Some of the food is not valuable for them.  When I was affected by diabetes, they wanted to give me sadza prepared using refined mealie-meal but I said no, I cannot take that.  Now, my diabetes is down.

My grandfather would carry a basket on his head and pick traditional fruits.  I would eat those fruits.  Our bodies were strong and we did not have problems with head-aches.  I remember when I was injured at school, my grandfather said the wound would heal.  He simply used water to clean the wound because the body was strong.  If you give your body the wrong food, it becomes lethargic.  I therefore request

Hon. Members to teach the young generation to thoroughly cook food.  We are burdening our Government by not teaching our children that food should be thoroughly cooked and that they should eat the right foods.  We should take care of ourselves and protect the younger generation as well.  I thank you.

*HON. SEN. MAWIRE:  Thank you Mr. President.  I also rise to add a few words on this debate that was raised by Hon. Khumalo.  It is an important matter in our country.  It is all about nutritious food, which ensures that we enjoy a healthy life and that we do not become prone to diseases.  I would want to thank you for raising this important motion.  This matter has been debated and there may not be any need to belabour the point on the issue of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) as compared to natural foods.  This august House has seen it fit that traditional foods that we have is the way to take.

We have Government departments, such as the Ministry of Health and Child Care and the Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development.  Farming of beans and other nutritious foods is known.  We have workers who are in these Ministries, such as

Agricultural Extension Workers.  Now that we have realised that this an important issue that has been mentioned several times, yet it appears there are others from the lower ranks that are resisting this issue of promoting traditional foods which has led to people consuming foods that have led them into suffering from diseases.

We should now go and inform the officers in the Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development and Agritex so that they carry out these duties, enlightening our people on the ground to appreciate the importance of having a balanced diet, based on natural foods and know the merits and demerits of every foodstuff and also appreciate the consequences of ingesting such food stuffs.  It has become just a talk show, His Excellency President Mugabe addressed the issue of these food stuffs and reference has even been made in terms of ZIM ASSET in cluster one, in terms of Food Security that we should have good natural foods.

We urge our Agritex officers and those in the Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development,        in conjunction with Parliament to ensure that information is disseminated to the populace.  I raised these issues in support of the two Senators who tabled this Motion.  I thank you.

HON. SEN. KHUMALO: I move that the debate do now adjourn.

HON. SEN. MARAVA:  I second.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Thursday, 12th May, 2016.




Seventh Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on malnutrition  among urban and rural communities.

Question again proposed.


DEVELOPMENT (HON. T. MUZENDA): I move that the debate do now adjourn.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Thursday, 12th May, 2016.




Eighth Order read:  Adjourned debate on motion calling for  rehabilitation and maintenance of War Shrines.

Question again proposed.


DEVELOPMENT (HON. T. MUZENDA): I move that the debate do now adjourn.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Thursday, 12th May, 2016.




Ninth Order read:  Adjourned debate on motion to congratulate

His Excellency, the President Cde. R. G. Mugabe and the Government of Zimbabwe on successfully leading the African Union  (AU) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) as Chairperson.

Question again proposed.

HON. SEN CHIEF MUSARURWA:  I move that the debate do now adjourn.

HON. SEN. MUMVURI:  I second.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Thursday, 12th May, 2016.





Tenth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the Zimbabwe delegation Report on the 38th Plenary Assembly of the SADC Parliamentary Forum.

Question again proposed.


DEVELOPMENT (HON. T. MUZENDA): I move that the debate do now adjourn.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Thursday, 12th May, 2016.



Eleventh Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the role of  traditional leaders.

Question again proposed.

+HON. SEN. NDLOVU:  Thank you Mr. President for giving me

this opportunity to briefly debate on the motion that was tabled by Hon.

Sen. Mawire on traditional leaders.

Mr. President, others have debated before me on this matter.  We are saying that the authority of the traditional leaders should be restored as our current traditional leaders are no longer being respected.  You will find that in a particular region the traditional leader is no longer accorded the respect he/she used to have.  We know that the traditional leader is the custodian of traditional values.  When you are passing through the homestead of a traditional leader, you should do so respectfully yet it is no longer like that as they are now considered like ordinary people.  These are the traditional leaders that we used to have and no longer like ours that are elected and expire.  We should respect our traditional leaders by according them their authority and dignity.

In their jurisdictions, there are laws whereby traditional leaders will not allow certain things to be done.  I come from Gwanda under

Chief Mathe and when Chief Mathe was there, we were still very young.  My grandfather was part and parcel of that traditional leadership and people would dress properly when appearing before the chief. When you commit a crime and you are advised that you are going to Chief Mathe, you will know that there is something rare you are going to meet. Even today, petty thefts like stealing chickens and goats are taken to the courts and not to traditional leaders.

Now the traditional leaders do not know their function.  Some of us undermine the authority of our traditional leaders.  You will find that you come from Matabeleland South and go to another region, for example to Matabeleland North or Midlands.  I will go to another traditional leader to approach a traditional leader from another region.  When I go to him, I do not tell the truth that I have been taken to a traditional leader and then my traditional leader will discover that this person has moved to another region.  Let us respect our leaders.

If you are transferring from one point to another, the first person to approach is the traditional leader so that he knows that there is a person like this who comes from this particular area and this person is looking for this.  You do not give yourself a place without being given a place by the traditional leader.  No, we should not allow that.  Councillors have now surpassed the traditional leaders.  Traditional leaders are now below the Councillors.

So we are saying the Government should agree with us – traditional leaders should be given back their powers so that people can live amicably in their regions as has been happening before.  I thank you Mr. President Sir.


TAWENGWA): Thank you Hon. Senator.

HON. SEN. MAWIRE:  Mr. President, I move that the debate do now adjourn.

HON. SEN. MARAVA:  I second.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume:  Thursday, 12th May, 2016.


Senate adjourned at Nineteen Minutes to Four o’clock p.m.



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