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SENATE HANSARD 15 March 2016 25-35


Tuesday, 15th March, 2016

The Senate met at Half-past Two o’ clock p.m.








the Senate that the ICT Department has created email addresses for all Hon. Members which will enable you to receive mail and documents electronically from Parliament.  Passwords will be configured at an ICT Desk which will be stationed at the Members Dining Room from today until Thursday this week between the hours of 12 noon and half past four o’clock in the afternoon.



First order read: Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the

Presidential Speech.

Question again proposed.

HON. SEN. TAWENGWA:  I move that the debate do now


HON. SEN. MASUKU: I second.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Wednesday, 16th March, 2016.




Second Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the Zimbabwe

Delegation Report on the 133rd Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU).

Question again proposed.

HON. SEN. SIANSALI:  I move that the debate do now adjourn.


Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Wednesday, 16th March, 2016.




Third Order read:  Adjourned debate on motion calling for  rehabilitation and maintenance of War Shrines.

Question again proposed.

*HON. SEN. CHIEF CHIDUKU:  Thank you Madam President

for giving me this opportunity to contribute towards this motion.  This motion is quite traumatising and requires every one of us not to simply mention things that happen on the surface but comment whole heartedly.  In my opinion, there should be signs or bill boards to indicate their location.  My wish is that now and in the future will ask but what is this and an explanation will be offered that these are the liberators of this country; that sign or billboard.  I mention that even living heroes should be allowed to put on some important regalia to indicate that who is this person and then people will explain that this is a person who contributed towards the liberation of the country.

In this country, we do not have various political parties.  Everyone wants to run the country but that came from people who sacrificed their lives  and we remained behind enjoying ourselves, doing whatever we wanted, others were working, marry and getting married.  These people devoted themselves into liberating the country.  Some lost their lives there, some were wounded and some came back home. Such a group, in my opinion should be given enough respect that the public will have to ask that who is this one.  People would actually know that this is a person who fought for the liberation.

These shrines are still there even in our communal lands in the constituencies.  We have them but they need to be refurbished.  If there is need to collect the remains, they can be collected.  Traditional healers know where some of the liberators lie and we just sited, some eating and others fighting over some things or fields which we do not know where they came from.

I am therefore, suggesting that this motion should be debated until things have been put into their correct perspective. This motion is about our country. As we are progressing in our lives; driving cars, none of us here does not have a car; these are things which were fought for by our liberators.  Therefore, this motion should remain on the Order Paper so that we debate it until it is exhausted.  With those words Madam President, I thank you.  Whoever moved this motion actually thought deeply about it.  I thank you.


President for giving me the opportunity to add my voice to a motion that has already been discussed by several previous speakers, that is in connection with shrines that arose as a result of the war of the liberation that was waged against the white colonial regime.

Our main problem is lack of resources to do whatever it is we may wish to do in this country or outside the country where these shrines are.

It will be difficult to correct these anomalies if we are depending on our Government or assistance from other countries. Despite the fact that these are important shrines but budgetary constraints are the limiting factor.

The alternative solution to this problem is that we have friends of Chimoio association and the like which will be tasked with the running of such shrines and preserve them for the future generations which should then serve as a remainder of the liberation war that was waged for this country.  These formations could be started by the liberation war veterans but eventually they will pass on but the deeds that they have done will still be remembered.  If we were to go where the late War Hero Chitepo passed away, we could construct a library to give information to people about what transpired for the history of that war liberation hero.  People could even be levied a fee to ensure that the place is well kept.

I recall in 1985 I went to York in Britain where they have the York Minister Church.  This is where the bishops for the northern diocese of York are inaugurated.  You are aware that the Archbishop of Canterbury is the highest ranging church person in the United Kingdom.  York is the second biggest diocese of Anglican in the north.  In 1985, when I went there, one would insert a coin into a slot and get to hear the history of that country.  The funds raised from such activities help towards the maintenance of that place.

Earlier on, I alluded to a library, which will enable those that want to read to know the history of that place for a token fee.  In a way, these libraries would be perpetually there.  That will assist the nation in knowing the history as well as creating employment for even the habitants of those places where these shrines are.  In so doing, they will be in a position to also help us in maintaining such shrines.  They should even create employment for curators and people that work in museums and monuments.  People should think along those lines to be in a position to keep such memories.  Some sort of education in whatever form whether prerecorded as history will be able to teach people about our history.  This could start as far back as the 1980s because others might want to leave that out but history is important.  Others that still recall what happened as regards the history of that time, this history would be preserved and people will be able to read it.

We should be able to create tourism, not just for Hon. Members and others but for everyone when they visit Tembwe and other such places. By so doing, we will be creating employment because they become tourist destinations that would be run as Zimbabwe and its neighbours. I want to believe that it would be a good thing and people should seriously think about it.  This will help us work without looking at the Government because the Government is constantly mourning that it has no funds.  Wherever the shrines are; at provincial or district area, we should be looking after them.  I thank you Madam President.

+HON. SEN. JUBA:  Thank you Madam President for the opportunity that you have given me.  I remember when the war ended there were some contemporary problems where you would hear that a particular individual died at a particular place.  Our child came back to Zimbabwe and we did not know his whereabouts.  Somebody who was a war veteran told us that someone died in Bindura.  We reported to the traditional leader but the traditional leader told us it was none of our business.  Now he is haunted.

My brother asked me to go to Bulawayo.  We did not locate the person; he left his gun and went away.  No one can bury someone who is not related to him.  The war veterans contributed towards the liberation of this country but you cannot re-bury them.  They will ask are you related to me since you are re-burying me.  It becomes difficult for you to justify yourself.  It is difficult for a person to be dead and his spirit to be wondering around.  If a train derails somewhere, each time people pass through there, people would cry.  Each time when a train passes through that place, it stops a little because a lot of children perished there.  No one can bury someone who is not related to them.  We should work together because if you are able to go there you can manage to help.  What do you have to do?  I remember this young man who had a problem.  He was haunted and the wife left.  It is a painful thing for such a thing to happen to an individual but there is nothing we can do.

In Tsholotsho, there is a train where people were buried.  To date, we do not know what to do with that.  The same applies to Lupane.  We have problems related to that.  We do not know what to do for such scenarios.  We cannot even have answers for that.  Those who had knowledge on such matters are now dead.  Those who remained do not know what to do when someone dies elsewhere or far from his place.  When the chiefs came to this place, they did not take these people from where they died but they did whatever they wanted to do as traditionalists.  Let us pull our ideas together in order to solve this matter since we have war shrines all over.  What should we do as Zimbabweans so that we live peacefully and happily?

I remember Zambians who died in Gabon.  People from Zambia

had to go there and do the traditional rites for them.  These people can see just like us the contemporaries.  This is a painful motion.  So, what can we do with this situation?  There is nothing we can do because we do not know where the children are after having died in the war.  Let us put our ideas together so that the spirits of those who died in the war can rest.  With those words, I thank you.

*HON. SEN. MAKWARIMBA:  I would want to add my voice

to what others have said.  It is true that everyone knows that the good living that we are having is as a result of the sacrifice of fallen heroes that are scattered in various bushes.  The Provincial and National Heroes Acres are much better as compared to the District Heroes Acres; there is no ownership.  The Government takes care of Provincial and National Heroes Acres, which means that the District Heroes Acres are being neglected.  It is only during the heroes commemorations that the people and the serving prisoners go to spruce up the areas.  This shows some disrespect to these people that died for the liberation of this country.  Rural District Councils should also budget for the maintenance of these

District Heroes Acres.  They could even spruce up the area quarterly.

Thank you.

*HON. SEN. MAKORE:  Thank you Mr. President for giving me

this opportunity.  I would also want to thank the mover of the motion, Senator Mohadi.  This is an issue that has been debated by most of the members in this august House.  The Hon. Members from diverse political backgrounds have spoken on this.  This shows that the liberation war was protracted as a national agenda.  We should remember our fallen heroes and heroines.  Those that went to fight in the liberation struggle and the selflessness that they exhibited showed that they were brave.

I recall that on the 20th of August 1966, there was the battle of Chinhoyi.  The courage that they had fuelled the way to take on the colonialists.  The war has a tendency of bringing people together.  It builds a nation.  We did not come to Parliament because we are clever.  We came here because of the liberation of this country.  We were liberated by those brave sons and daughters of the soil.  We should always bear this in mind Mr. President that in whatever we do, we should never forget our past. With regards to the issue of shrines, I had an opportunity to go to our Diplomatic Mission in Zambia, we went to

Freedom Camp.  We saw the mass graves where our heroes were buried.  We inquired as to who was taking care of the graves.  The Zambians are doing that, they are providing security at these shrines. I cannot say that Zimbabweans are not doing anything about it but as of the security of those shrines, the Zambians are providing it.  What is the relationship between us and the Zambians?  Have we set aside a fund for those shrines, if it is there, then fair and fine?

I was concerned that the Zambians are taking care of those shrines.

The shrines are in dire need of sprucing up.  Apart from this Freedom Camp, I have not been to other shrines including these shrines that have been mentioned in this motion.  Mr. President, if that is the picture in all these shrines, it would mean that we are not holding our heroes and heroines in the highest esteem. If we lose this as a country, we will have lost our morality.  There are those that waged the Second World War and in these countries, the majority of those people that participated, the living and the dead are both being taken care of.  If you were to go to Hatfield, the large pieces of land were given as compensation for those that had fought in the Second World War.  They have big properties as compensation or bonus for participating in the war.

Mr. President, a replication of the same should have been done for us blacks.  We should also be looking after our shrines properly, we should be able to maintain and remember our history.  We should spruce up our past image because the past is part of the present and future.  I do not know if you dream like me, at times I dream talking to the dead.  There were those that we had, the likes of Philip Mhonde, he urged us to tell his relatives that he had died in Dzapasi.  Well, he was calling me by my first name, James.  He said, “I perished at Dzapasi”.  I ran and saw uncle Reuben, I informed him about the message that had been relayed.

I had done my part.  There is some communication between the living and the dead.  Mr. President, some of the problems that we may have, that may lead us not to function properly may have the influence of the dead.

In conclusion, I want to thank Hon. Sen. Mohadi for raising such an important motion; it shows that we are one and that we should never forget our past.  This motion that she brought, calls upon us to work harder so that we be able to then raise funding and ensure that we do things properly. To Chiefs, here is the challenge, you ask where the children have gone to.  Some Chiefs have said there is need to perform some rituals.  Let us put our hands together and ensure that we do that so that we bring peace to the spirits of our dead heroes.

There are recommendations that have been mentioned.  We want this motion adopted so that we see a change in the manner in which the shrines are being kept.  With these words I thank you Mr. President.

SEN. HON. MOHADI: I move that the debate do now adjourn.

SEN. MLOTSHWA:  I second.

Debate to resume: Wednesday, 16th March, 2016.




Fourth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion to congratulate

His Excellency, the President Cde. R.G. Mugabe and the Government of

Zimbabwe on successfully leading the African Union (AU) and

Southern African Development Community (SADC) as Chairperson. 

Question again proposed. 

*HON. SEN. GOTO: I want to thank the mover of this motion

Hon. Sen. Chief Musarurwa and the seconder Hon. Sen. Mavhunga.

This is a good motion.  It also helps us to follow the President’s footsteps.  Firstly, I want to thank the President for the period that he was the Chairperson of the African Union.  He was a good leader, well understood by a lot of countries, about 53 countries that he led, if I am not mistaken.  He ably led the African Union.  If you lead such a number of countries, this shows that the President has good leadership qualities.  Even in church, you listen to the Ten Commandments.  The President exhibited good qualities of a good leader which we should emulate so that we become good leaders.  He did not discriminate.  The President accepts the good and the evil, from that you will be able to come up with solutions.  He is a man who is easily approachable, he is lovable, he has all the qualities which I cannot mention, so all of us that are in here should emulate our president.

In short, I want to thank the President, I saw him turning down another appointment as the Chairperson of the AU because he was tired and he was honoured with a position of the Rapporteur of the African

Union.  We are delighted in that.  We joined the commemoration of his 92nd birthday, I want to go further and congratulate him for having lived such a long life; we may fail to even reach that age.  With those words, I would like to thank the mover of this motion, Hon. Sen. Chief Musarurwa and the seconder Hon. Mavhunga.  May the Lord bless you for remembering our President, he is a good leader, and he is not discriminatory.  For all of us to be able to live better lives, it is because of his good qualities, it is us who err but the President remains steadfast in knowing and discharging his duties to his family.

I would like to thank the Hon. Chief who came up with such a motion.  It shows that the chiefs are working in conjunction with the President.  Even on his birthday celebrations, I once spoke on other motions, the chiefs are there to support the President and I would like to urge you to remain steadfast as chiefs in discharging your duties for the family of Zimbabwe in your traditional areas.

We are here because of the President and he is the one who has enabled an addition in the number of the women’s quarter.  He has empowered the women who are here; I am one of the few Senators at the advent of independence who are now senators with equal rights because of the love of our President.  Thank you so much for listening to me Hon. Members.

*HON. SEN. MACHINGAIFA: Thank you so much Hon.

President.  I rise to thank the mover of such a good motion that has been brought into this august House, moved by Hon. Sen. Chief Musarurwa and seconded by Senator Mavhunga.  A motion which seeks to applaud the good leadership qualities of our President and the work that was well done by His Excellency, the Commander in Chief of our Defence forces and head of Government.   A brave man who is a well thinker, who knows what a black person is, how best he can live and what a country

I thank those that moved the motion, so that we should pay respect for the able manner in which His Excellency discharged his duties.  If you are at a party and your father is given the biggest drum, you applaud because honour has been bestowed upon him.  The eyes that I was given, Mr. President are to ensure that I see the good that this country has, so those that are here, if they have heard these good and constructive words, should be able to support the good things.

President Mugabe did extremely well such that whenever you would attend a meeting, the house will be bursting its seams, journalists would wait until the President has spoken because he is newsworthy.

After the delivery of his speech, a lot of people would live the auditorium.  He is a courageous man who speaks the truth.  Despite that we were many in the African Union, why are we not given leadership in those areas.  A lot of people are hesitant to say it as it is, he is a strong leader, and he said he is going to turn down aid that comes with strings of gays and lesbians.  He even says gays and lesbians are worse than dogs but they are some that are greedy because they want material things such as money and cars; they will embrace homosexuality.

The President is a brave leader whom I liken to Jesus Christ; he is carrying the cross just like our Lord Jesus did when he died on the cross for our sins.

HON. SEN. MARAVA: On a point of order! Mr. President, I think that amounts to blasphemy.  While we respect our President we must not put him to temptation.  I thank you.

*HON. SEN. MACHINGAIFA: Thank you Mr. President.  Our

Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins, today the President is suffering on our behalf, and I have not erred on that regard.  Six months after getting into Parliament, we now spot big bellies, how many years has he led this country yet he has not heard the opportunity to grow his belly because he will be busy leading this country.

Mr. President we are not turning back.  We pride ourselves in having such a strong brilliant leader who has led this country for the past 36 years.  Other countries saw it fit that if it were possible they wanted our President to have a second run of the Chairmanship of the African Union.  No other leader has been described in such words, he has completed his Chairmanship but he has now become the Rapporteur of the African Union so that he can advise.  I thank you

*HON. SEN. MAWIRE: Thank you Mr. President for this

opportunity that you have afforded me to say two or three words.  I support and salute the President for having led the African Union as the Chairperson.  We are proud of such an achievement, before going any further; I would want to thank the mover of this motion Hon. Sen. Chief Musarurwa for bringing this expression of gratitude to our own leader despite the fact that the international world has done so.  I would also like to thank the seconder of the motion Hon. Mavunga. This is an important issue in Africa and the world as a whole.

I rise to congratulate our President for a job well done on behalf of Zimbabwe in discharging the Chairmanship of the African Union. We have a leader who diligently discharged his duties, a President who led other 53 heads of countries. I have failed to raise my own family so that my family becomes a better family so that they can become the envy of the village or the province in the country.  But I have observed that our President was able to lead 53 other heads of governments and states who maybe even educated more than him.   Because of his intelligence and because of his grace and his humility, he was able to lead the African Union.

Every time I watched the television I observed whenever he was delivering a speech, the summit, conference or meeting would pay attention.  There would be a lot of clapping and appreciation of his delivery, this is because of his ability to lead and also resolve conflicts.

He resolved conflicts in a lot of other countries. He is an energetic leader who travelled all over to ensure that there is peace.  This cannot be done by us mere mortals and as peers we even fail to reconcile ourselves but he was able to go and reconcile different ethnic groups and nations to ensure that there be peace.

He has achieved a lot of things and I cannot state them because I was not aware that this motion would be raised to thank our President for the job well done.  I witnessed this when he was vacating his chairmanship and said that he was passing on the baton to others.  The entire meeting raised its objection and they said that if a man has said he has had enough, he should not be forced to continue.  That is when they suggested that he should become the Rapporteur of the African Union.  This was because of his ability or as a means of appreciation of his good leadership qualities so that he can become an advisor to the leadership of the AU.  Our President is consistently raising our flag high, Zimbabwe you are on the map because of our President.  Congratulations to the

President of Zimbabwe, makorokoto, amhlope, thank you.

SENATOR MUSAKA:  I thank you Mr. President for giving me

this opportunity to also make my contribution to this motion raised by Senator Chief Musarurwa seconded by Senator Mavhunga.  I also wish to thank the mover and seconder of the motion. Mr. President, I think the leadership of President Mugabe during his tenure as Chairperson of AU was commendable.  In particular, his insightfulness on detail on issues and principles he stands for on issues such as industrialisation for the African countries, self sufficiency for the African continent, peacekeeping missions, African must defend itself.  His principles on all these issues – it is the integrity which he stands for Africa.

Mr. President, President R. G. Mugabe is the generation of the

African Union.  He was not at the 1963 Conference which created the

Organisation of the African Union (OAU), now African Union (AU) in

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  He was incarcerated in jail in Southern

Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe.  Otherwise he would have been there.

However, when he was elected Chairperson of the AU, this gave him the opportunity to be part of the founding fathers.  He showed the qualities; he took the leadership of the AU to its original founding self sufficiency, economic independence, political independence.  He really talked a lot about the AU not being a donor driven policy making organisation but self sufficiency in order to be effective in implementing its policies on issues of peace keeping, conflict preventions, industrialisation, economic plans et cetera. The first peace keeping mission the African continent mobilised resources and decided to stand together to defend themselves was the one in Sudan (AUS) – the African Union mission in Sudan.

I give also thanks to President Omar al-Bashir of Sudan, yes some might say okay he did not come to power through the ballot box.

Nevertheless, he did something commendable,  I saved in the Antis President Omar al-Bashir of Sudan rejected the UN peace keeping forces composed of imperialists because he did not trust them. He stated this cannot defend me and indeed Africa responded to this call and that mission was very successful.  This peace keeping force brought peace in

Sudan and South Sudan was created.

In Somalia, more AU peace keeping force is about to come.

President Mugabe is a strong believer in self defence.  His coming to the AU reinforced and reinvigorated Africa as a continent to be very successful, it is really succeeding.  You can these days go into the streets of Mogadishu and see some semblance of peace, some semblance of development and order was not the same in the past.

The other issue President R. G. Mugabe spearheaded is that the African countries should mobilise resources to fund itself, member states’ asserted contributions must be raised and paid.  Every effort should be made to ensure that African countries fund the AU in order not to be dictated to by donors when funding will scythe the AU policies in peace keeping, agriculture or health et cetera.  The moment the AU depend on donor funds, it will be compromised.  President Mugabe believed in self sufficiency.  His assumption of the AU leadership reinvigorated the tenets of the founding father which were being eroded.  Thank you President Mugabe and long live Africa and the AU.  I thank you.


TAWENGWA): Order, order the motion before us is not about Gaddafi at all.  I am sorry, it is not about Gaddafi but about President Mugabe.

HON. SEN. MUSAKA:  I thank you Mr. President, sorry I was only trying to emphasise the point that President Robert Mugabe emphasised on self dependence.

On industrialisation, when he was a leader, he again strongly emphasised in the African Union (AU) that we do not need one country manufacturing all the goods.  We cannot just depend on Nigeria or South Africa as industrialisation must be fairly distributed in all regions.  Zimbabwe should manufacture certain types of goods, and send them to Kenya in a reciprocal principle.

He was also very strong on the issue of human rights.  It is the principle, what kind of human rights do you have where the Head of State would be sitting.  For example in the United States of America, crying, my hands are tied, I cannot do anything, when children are being shot down.  So, again, it is on principle that human rights should be for all and not for a few individuals.

It is on these principles that I stand here to congratulate His Excellency for a job well done.  I would have said more but I have been advised not to lecture you on some of these things.  All the same, I wanted to focus on the principles of President Mugabe.  I thank you.

*HON. SEN. CHIMBUDZI:  Thank you Mr. President, I thank the mover of the motion Hon. Sen. Chief Musarurwa and the seconder Hon. Sen. Mavhunga.

I want to thank the President for his good work in his capacity as the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces.  I also want to congratulate him for the double chairmanship that he had as African Union and SADC Chairperson.  Before assuming the position of AU

Chairmanship, he spoke much on the United Nations Security Council.  It was his wish before he became AU Chairperson that Africans be in that United Nations Security Council.

This shows that he is a brave man.  When he became the AU

Chairperson, one of his major aims was to ensure that there is peace in Africa.  There were destabilisations in Africa, including Mali and there was a Peace Agreement.  The Malian President came here to thank the President for a job well done.      The President loves to see Africa at peace.

I admire his leadership qualities that are borne out of the fact that he is a christian and led by christian values. The grace of the Lord leads him.  He is also educated and thus able to discharge his duties. He resolved disturbances in the Democratic Republic of Congo and

Lesotho.  He also looked into the dispute between the FRELIMO and RENAMO in Mozambique because he is a peace loving man.  He wanted to ensure peace prevails in SADC.

It would not be pleasing for Zimbabwe to be at peace when

Zimbabwe is not an island and its neighbours are at war as that tends to also destabilise our peace.  Our President wants to see Africa developing in a peaceful continent.  He fulfilled his promise as AU Chairperson that he would raise 300 herds of cattle.  He is not the first AU Chairperson, there have been several other chairpersons before him who have not been able to come up with donations.   Zimbabwe paid its contribution in the form of cattle to ensure that the peacekeeping activities go further.

We should emulate our President in his honesty, lead people and keep our promises.  As leaders, we should not be greedy, if you are given an entire share, deliver it just as the President did.  He never kept anything for himself therefore, we should not be greedy.  This attains to portray the President’s image in a class of his own.

I want to congratulate him on his 92nd birthday and may the Lord richly bless him and give him good health.  I thank you.

*HON. SEN. JADAGU:  Thank you Mr. President for affording me the opportunity to add my words about our President who was the

AU Chairperson.  I want to say once again, congratulations Zimbabwe, Gushungo, and President Mugabe.  If you look at his age, the majority that we have seen will have become senile but in his capacity as the AU

Chairperson, he was not senile.

We listened to him several times making deliveries in Africa.  In all the countries that he has been to, he exudes the image of an educated person and his language spoke of depth of knowledge from a Pan- African perspective.  We also observed, on our televisions, that after his deliveries, his audience is content that a leader has spoken.  We witnessed this on several occasions.

Some of his schedules were hectic and I used to think that he would miss some of his engagements but he would never fail to fulfill his commitments.  It would be one plane after the other and he would never fall sick.  We were apprehensive that he might fall asleep but he limits himself in the food that he eats.  He is not greedy in all that he does.  He is a visionary leader in Africa.  He was not saying that he is the only President in Zimbabwe but would talk about his predecessors in the country that he would be visiting so that they would understand what a leader is all about.

I would want to believe that the majority of our Presidents in

Africa learnt a lot from his experience and his expertise.  He did something that I observed in Zimbabwe, last month, there was a launch that he conducted at State House.  I was in hospital.  There was a repeat of that programme.  I observed that his leadership qualities, he was with elderly women that are older than even ourselves or of the same age with us; he would give them a chance.  There was a book that was being written, the veneration of the late Julius Nyerere, he also gave a veneration of the contribution of the late President Julius Nyerere to Zimbabwe.  He was born by a woman Mrs. Bona, with a gift to be able to handle us.  Congratulations to all ladies because you are mothers and congratulations to all men because you are fathers. Let us respect our father because if disrespect him, we have disrespected the heavens and our ancestors.

He is a leader, a hero and visionary.  I would want to thank you for giving me the opportunity.  Let me lastly say, President Mugabe you are our Hero, a hero of Africa, a hero for Zimbabwe and hero for the war veterans and a champion for all the presidents and all our spirits. We celebrate the work that was done by the gallant son of Zimbabwe. I thank you.

*HON. SENATOR KOMICHI: Thank you Mr. President. I would want to thank the mover of this motion Hon. Senator Chief Musarurwa.  I would want to speak on behalf of those that were aggrieved by the chairmanship of President Mugabe.  I am going to be a lone voice.  I am going to speak about what displeased me that which this country suffered when he was on this wowed tours of Africa.

Zimbabwe, as a country was left without a leader because most of the time, he spent outside the borders in Africa. He left the country when it was in serious problems.  There was a large vacuum.  We know that in this country there are no Cabinet meetings that take place during his absence. The country’s business took a back seat during this period.  This is witnessed by a lot of jobs that were lost, companies were closed, and people lost their jobs when the President was at the African Union.  Workers were chased away.  He ran back to try and save the situation but failed to salvage the situation to save these people.

During his time …

HON. SENATOR MOHADI: Thank you Mr. President. This

motion that we are debating now is for those who want to congratulate His Excellency.  That is the motion.  If you do not have any words to congratulate him, why should you oppose? If you want to oppose why can you not move another motion to oppose rather than debate on this one – [AN HON. SENATOR: Freedom of speech.]


you heard her. She is very correct when she says her motion is to congratulate.

*HON. SENATOR KOMICHI: Excuse me Mr. President; the

motion has the positive and the negative aspects.  We are here to debate as adults.  We are allowed to analyse any motion with a view to support or not support.  The fifteen that spoke earlier on, I am the sixteenth person, this is an intellectual debate for the people of Zimbabwe to know that at the time when all these good things were said to be happening; you were unable to notice the negative effects.


address the chair.

*HON. SENATOR KOMICHI: The economic growth as

reported by the IMF is 1.7%. This is a fall….


order, Hon. Senator Komichi is reading.


almost next to me and I saw him getting a pen and putting down notes.

These are just scribbled notes.  I am sorry to say that.

*HON. SENATOR KOMICHI: The time when the President was

globe-trotting, the country experienced problems.  Peace does not come because there is no physical conflict.  Peace may also mean that lack of physical confrontation, peace also means that you are living quietly, do you have sufficient funding, are you collaborating do you have good relations, are you drinking your beer, are you paying respect to your ancestors.  There was no physical fighting, no peace, no work or harmony.  That showed that this country was not at peace.  When he was away – [HON. SENATORS: Inaudible interjections.] – hear me out we are enlightening one another ….

*HON. SENATOR MAVHUNGA: On a point of order.  The

motion is congratulating the President for the work done as AU and SADC Chairperson and not here in Zimbabwe.  I urge him to stick to the motion. – [HON. SENATORS: Inaudible interjections.]


order. May we have order please? I will send you out.

*HON. SENATOR KOMICHI: Thank you Mr. President. Peace

should be upheld in this country.  We should not be limited to physical confrontation.  We should be able to move around at night and have rallies without any victimisation.  We hear that there are people who are exchanging words the time when the President was in the African Union all this was taking place.  We also observed that the message that we sent to the African Union during the tenure of His Excellence the

President’s Chairperson, there are several Presidents that violated their

Constitution.  One that is unpopular for sacrificing the citizens on Pierre Nkurunziza   are people who are forced to run into a third term against his contract.  At present, there is no peace in Burundi; there is civil war.

In the neighbouring country Rwanda, the President is giving himself 17 more years to rule that country.  All this took place during the tenure of the chairmanship of His Excellency as the AU Chairperson.  What are we learning from these long distance leaders when there is no peace in their countries? – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] -  These are some of the issues that came out that we experienced in Zimbabwe and

Africa at large during the tenure of the President’s chairmanship of the AU. I thank you Mr. President.

*HON. SEN. CHIPANGA:  I rise to add my voice to this motion on the tenure of our President as the Chairperson of the AU, as well as the SADC Chairperson.  Mr. President, I would want to remind this august House that during that period, when His Excellency, Cde. Mugabe was the Chairperson of both the AU and SADC, we saw and heard a lot of things that have never been mentioned by the previous chairman of the AU.  He is not the first inaugural chairperson of the AU but he did things differently.  He is the first President to say that as Africans we should ensure that our own wealth in the form of industrialisation remains in Africa.  This means as Zimbabweans who grow tobacco, Nigerians who produce oil, Tanzania has banana plantations; these products should not be exported outside the continent but there should be inter-trade amongst us.  Each African country should bolster its strength in whatever form of industry that it runs.  We should have beneficiation of our minerals in Zimbabwe.  That has never been uttered by previous or past Chairpersons of AU and other African countries.

We should have an intellectual debate as said by the Hon. Member who said any debate has pros and cons.  If a book becomes one-sided, it would not be good.  That is what we learnt at school.  However, for one to stand up and say that companies closed in Zimbabwe during the absence of His Excellency attending the AU, that is child play.

An Hon. Member having passed between the Chair and the Hon.

Member debating.


order, Hon. Jadagu.

HON. SEN. CHIPANGA:  President Mugabe as we know him, did not stay in Addis Ababa for even two weeks.  I am glad that the majority of us are no longer teenagers or in our late twenties, we are all mature people.  We are aware that our economy nose-dived.  The closure of our companies started and the reasons for these we know except those that want to keep their heads buried in the sand.  For one to say that these were closed when the President was on whirlwind of SADC tours, is merely politicking.  The SADC capital is in Botswana; you can go there and come back in the afternoon.

*HON. SEN. CHABUKA:  On a point of order Mr. President, the Hon. Member is now criticizing the Member who has debated.


is not criticizing the Member, he is debating the motion.

*HON. SEN. CHIPANGA:  This is what an intellectual debate is all about.  Once one has spoken and then say that this is not factual, I am saying there is no wisdom in such allegations.  I was saying that we would want to see what happened during the period of President

Mugabe’s tenure as Chairperson.  I wanted to highlight that the allegations that were made that there was no peace and people did not have money to buy beer and people did not have food are mere mentioning which saves us nothing.  Mr. President I would want to say that the leadership of President Mugabe as AU Chairperson, the world over or even in Africa, people are aware that there were some business people from South Africa who are clamouring to have our President lent to their countries for a minimum of two years.  It shows that he is a cut above the rest.

We are losing the plot in as far as why we have not had sufficient economic growth.  It is because of the sanctions – [HON. MEMBERS:  Hear, hear.] -  These sanctions were imposed because President Mugabe is a man who is steadfast in his beliefs.  He even dares the British that if they are not agreeable with him, they can impose the sanctions and

Zimbabwe will move on, unlike these other countries that say lesbians and gays should be allowed to have their marriages solemnized and they accede to that.  He is against such behaviour and he is morally right and would want him to maintain that stance.   If only the Lord did not allow people to get old, you will be with us for another 100 years.  You may even have another 100 years to live.  Be that as it may, I want to say in conclusion, it is good that we should debate and show the pros and the cons as advocated for Hon. Sen. Komichi. We should not have a figment of our own imagination.  If it was a thesis, it will be thrown away, you should simply not go against the grain for the sake of so doing.  I thank you.

*HON. SEN. MAKORE:  Firstly, I want to thank you Mr.

President for affording me this opportunity to debate on this motion before us.  I want to thank the mover of this motion.  We all congratulate

President Mugabe for attaining the post of Chairperson of the African

Union as Zimbabweans.  This was our turn as Zimbabwe to lead the AU.  It is not because Hon. Sen. Makore is capable of leading AU, so whoever is the President at the time when the turn to assume the AU Chairpersonship comes, will be in such position despite their ability.  When people discharge duties, we want to congratulate those that excel but there are other areas where we did not do so much.  As, a country, we would want to see how we discharge our duties.  We are not arguing but we are reviewing the work.

In his position, on the discharge of the duties, our President changed things because he is a fighter, he said it will be better if it were possible that all leaders should be there until they die.  Others listened to it and others then extended their periods of leadership contrary to their constitutions.  That has led to the conflict that we are talking about. We observed that Yoweri Museveni in Uganda was reelected for the seventh time, in Burundi we also observed that Nkurunziza also assumed power.  As leaders of Africa holding chairpersonship positions, we should ensure that democratic institutions are strengthened.  Human Rights should be observed in Africa.  That should be insisted on by the


We have a problem in Africa where the norm is that whoever assumes a leadership position does not relinquish it.  They do not think of others who should succeed them.  We want to congratulate President Mandela who became President for a single term, he was a hero.  I believe that those that lead Africa should learn the lesson of respecting human rights.  The entire Continent should have tolerance to divergence views.  Well I see it in this august House, we respect Cde Mugabe as leader of this House.  He is the President and we give him his due respect but we should have the opportunity to assist him as he leads us in an unbiased manner.  This is what has killed this country because people sing for their supper.  They are liars, they lie to the President, we should

tell it as it is.

Mr. President, we are the peoples’ representatives, we are the Government.  The reason why people go backwards is because when you look at our country, leaders are given credit in ensuring that the people live well in this country.  It is a good motion, we did contribute towards a motion by those that fought during the war, when we tell you about the roles that were conducted during the war, you will be surprised because it is a natural agenda.  We are doing it so that this country becomes a democratic State that will create wealth for our children.  Our children should go and work so that we could enjoy our independence.  Not that we should mourn, in Africa we should not fear, we should respect our leaders and they should give that opportunity.  We should be ploughing our fields, developing our industries and those that are educated with degrees attaining employment.  We should not be angry about peoples’ views, peoples’ views should be respected.

We thank the President for his contribution in the African Union, anyone who assumes a position, will do something.  Anyone who came to this august House and fails to do anything, then well if you did come to sit down here, just come to rot, you deserve your dues – [HON. SENATORS: Hear, hear] – we should exercise these privileges and immunities but in so doing we should not be disrespectful in giving due respect, we should state the facts, that is our key point.  If you do not understand that, you are going to leave this august House without having learnt anything.  We are given these opportunities to become older and better and more appreciative.  We should be nation builders and look at the gaps and address them so that Zimbabwe becomes a better country.  We should not just respect those that are in the graves without us enjoying anything.  I thank you Mr. President.

*HON. SEN. MARAVA:  Thank you so much for this

opportunity that you have granted me.  There is no country without elders.  I was quite happy when I read one time that there is an Indian person who is 145 years old, who is still walking  today.  It is a gift that comes from the Lord.  We thank the Lord for the gift of life.  That gift of life was also granted to our President.  We should be grateful for the years that he has achieved, whole heartedly; he is now in a group of the elite old men of this world.  When we are debating here, we should tell the truth that the President is 92 years and as Zimbabweans we are grateful.  He is not a South African or Canadian citizen.  He is a gift to Zimbabwe.  If you have the majority of elders living to 130 years, it

does help us that will have advice us of a several pools of advisors and that way, we will not lose our history.

Mr. President, an advisor or consultant in other countries are paid a lot of money and they are well respected. We have our advisor, our President who is now 92 years old, we thank him.  As he grows older, he has had several experiences, both good and bad.  One of the good things that he did was to lead the liberation war struggle up until we attained our independence as he waged the struggle from Mozambique.

We voted for him and I even learnt to draw the picture of President Mugabe and we went to celebrate as I was holding a drawn picture of the President – that was the time, bygones will stay bygones.  This is why the whites say we should call a spade a spade.  We should do that, our President is still alive; he could do a lot of good things because he is still alive.  If we fail to tell him the truth, then we will be failing in doing our duty.  We should not be bootlicking, those are into bootlicking should know that it does not take our country any further; it does not help the development of this country.

Our President was the second one to sign the Kampala Declaration on the issue of statelessness, other countries domesticated that Kampala Declaration to assist their citizens but regrettably domestication of that document has not been done in Zimbabwe.  We have not yet started using it, but it is an important aspect which could assist our children that are in this country and those who are in the Diaspora as asylum seekers.

Other countries are benefiting from a document that our President is one of the first few signatories, yet we are not beneficiaries.

Mr. President, when his Chairman tenure of African Union ended, he gladly passed on the baton, as Zimbabweans we did not even make an effort that our President should be given another term.  Once a turn has come, one attains that position of Chairmanship regardless of our qualities, we led for that period and we did it.  Our President did not embarrass us except for the few occasions here and there.   We no longer have any income per capita, the strength of the US dollar has gone down, that can only be maintained by a leader of this country. Our

President has no power over it because the American dollar is not our currency but it has helped us to stabilize our economy, we thank the

Americans for their dollar.  Where would we have been without the American dollar?

I want to thank our President, he is the one who accepted to have the Government of National Unity, at the time  of dollar for two, all of us were there.  We thank him for having led us during that time, if we were closer to the GNU, we should have been better.  If it was possible and I believe it is possible, it is not difficult that when we come into the Senate, we take the oath of loyalty to Zimbabwe.  The Constitution that we now have, which was signed by the President, we should fight tooth and nail that it should come into full operation for the benefit of all our children.   By so doing, we will have created a good image as other countries are watching to see if Zimbabwe will do what it has set itself to do that came out from its people.  We will overcome, let us keep on walking.

HON. SEN. CHIEF MUSARURWA: I move that the debate do

now adjourn.

HON. SEN. MOHADI: I second       Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Wednesday, 16th March 2016.





Second order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the Zimbabwe

Delegation Report on the 38th Plenary Assembly of the SADC Parliamentary forum.

Question again proposed.

*HON. SEN. CHIMBUDZI: Thank you Mr. President.  I am supporting the mover of the motion Hon. Sen. Mohadi and her seconder on the delegation to the Plenary Assembly of the SADC Parliamentary forum.  I would want to thank the Zimbabwean delegation that attended the meeting.  It helps us as a country because when Parliamentarians go there, they will learn the practices of other countries.  A lot of ideas were exchanged; issues were debated that were meant to further develop SADC.

If you look at the report on bullet 3.7, there is mention of the establishment of a SADC Parliamentary institute which was an objective that Namibia should have taken.  Namibia said it was unable to do that, Zimbabwe accepted, of which it was good, it helps us as a country to benefit because the institution will be based in Zimbabwe, despite the fact that it belongs to SADC.  Our children are going to be employed.  Bullet 3.7 talked about a climate change, it is an important in Africa, and we should have the expertise to manage climate change and how best to tackle it as the SADC region, of which Zimbabwe is a member.

Climate change has adverse effects on the livelihoods of people and livestock; it also brings a lot of diseases.  It gives us the opportunity to prepare so that when such a phenomenon like climate change occurs,

SADC can exchange ideas on how best to alleviate the severity of climate change.  We thank the delegation that went and dealt with such an important issue of climate change.

Bullet 7.4 speaks of the quarter system. Zimbabwe was praised together with Namibia for the increase of the numbers of women.  There is no development that takes place when women are left behind.  We thank this country for the stance it took on the issue of the quarter system which is now being praised by the entire SADC region and other countries.  In education, health, farming and all these disciplines they will not be any development if the women are being left behind.  Zimbabwean women are there and we thank the delegation because of those deliberations, we were able to articulate our views as a country on the beauty of the quarter system for women.  With those few words I would like to thank you.

SENATOR MOHADI:  I move that the debate do now adjourn.


Motion put and agreed to.

         Debate to resume: Wednesday, 15th March, 2016.



Sixth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the role of Traditional Leaders.

Question again proposed.

+SENATOR MASUKU: Thank you Mr. President of the Senate

for giving me this opportunity to debate on the matter of traditional leaders. I would like to thank Senator Mawire and her seconder.  This motion talks about respect of traditional leaders and that the Government should align the laws that will make traditional leaders work easily.

I will begin with respect to traditional leaders.  Respect should not just start with the traditional leaders; charity begins at home, so they say.  So, for traditional leaders to be helped to lead, people should know how they live with others, with the family.  If there is respect for family, do you respect your children and your wife, thereafter we go to neighbours, how do you live with your neighbours?  That is respect.

We go further to the district or constituency, do you have respect or are you not a problem to that district and what kind of a person are you in the country?  Traditional leaders will not be respected, if the people they rule are criminals, that will make it difficult for the chiefs instead of looking on matters of development, they will concentrate on reprimanding.   They will be looking at matters arising from criminal elements in the district.  If chiefs are respected, it would be easy for them to help in development issues in areas of their jurisdiction because they will be consulted.

Of late, traditional leaders had jurisdiction to give serious sentences, even to give deterrent sentences to people such that people will not repeat the same mistakes again.  With these contemporary rights, traditional leaders no longer have those powers to do that because it is said it is not within their jurisdiction.  The second part is that the

Government should align laws so that traditional leaders’ jobs are easy

to do.  Traditional leaders must be given powers over matters pertaining to tradition, how we live culture-wise and give sentences.  Because their powers were withdrawn, it is therefore required that traditional leaders powers be restored back to them.  In our courts some matters take long to be finalised because of the heavy workload.  Our justice system should be given to chiefs so that we do not waste time at our courts because some matters are for traditional leaders.

A traditional leader should not be a comedian; you find a traditional leader at a bus stop waiting for public transport, what is that?  Are we elevating our traditional leaders?  Mr. President of the Senate, there was an issue that traditional leaders be given vehicles, it was a good plan but to realise that because of our economy, that has not happened.  Even those that managed to acquire cars initially, all the vehicles are obsolete.  We should prioritise that the rights of traditional leaders are restored.

I recommend that roads leading to the homesteads of traditional leaders are repaired and they are assisted through Zunde raMambo.

Traditional leaders were supposed to get electricity as basic privileges.  If this august Senate could also emphasise that the Ministry responsible for traditional leaders prioritises their welfare so that they can easily execute their duties.

In conclusion, I heard other Hon. Senators saying that some traditional leaders are old whilst others are young.  I remember, in Matabeleland South, there was a traditional leader who reigned before he attained 18 years of age.  I am pleased because traditional leaders have a lot of support.  These alleged young traditional leaders have their cultural responsibilities uncalculated in them at a tender age. When the time comes for them to reign, even before maturity, the elderly traditional leaders advise them accordingly, so that they are able to execute their duties diligently with the backing of mature traditional leaders.

I am also happy that traditional leaders are not in recess whenever Parliament is in recess because there is no time of day where they have nothing to do in accordance with their jurisdiction.  Let us respect our traditional leaders and accord them their place by not removing their respect as subjects.  I thank you.

*HON. SEN. MABHUGU: Thank you Mr. President for

affording me this opportunity to debate on the motion of traditional leaders.  I hail from a traditional homestead where we were taught from a tender age to date to respect traditional leaders. Even though I am the eldest, there are younger male siblings to whom I pay respect whenever we meet by clapping my hands and they reciprocate.  We respect those of the lion clan, regardless of their age.  Respect should be accorded to the chiefs because charity begins at home. If as a mother, you do not show respect to your husband, the children will emulate the same.

As members of this august Senate, we should start by respecting chiefs and give them due respect.  As parents, we are allowing our children to leave home half-naked with exposed thighs, we should teach good manners to our children.

Respecting chiefs is in line with our culture because as Africans, if we respect our chiefs, we will lead good lives.  We are grumbling about things not going well because of our failure to respect our tradition.  We complain of inadequate rains in certain areas because of certain wrongs that were done.  Chiefs please take us back to our traditional ways and champion the observation of these traditional ways of life because if we are to do that, we will live peacefully in Zimbabwe.  We should bestow your traditional authority.

I will start with myself, and apologise if ever I have erred against you and give you due respect.  I reiterate the same that charity begins at home, we should also be aware of the adage that we start by respecting ourselves so that others reciprocate.  With those few words, let us respect our chiefs as we used to do in the past. I thank you.

+HON. SEN. MKHWEBU:  Thank you very much President of

the Senate for giving me this opportunity to contribute on this motion that was moved by Hon. Sen. Mawire, seconded by Hon. Sen.


I briefly debate on this motion by vigorously supporting that all the authority should be restored to traditional leaders.  The Government should look into this matter and give authority to traditional leaders so that they are able to lead in their areas of jurisdiction freely knowing their demarcation that they operate from this part to what part. There are serious problems in their places when they do not have the powers.

Of late, we have seen that there is a lot of death.  Traditional leaders were the first port when it came to problems in their places.  They would look into why they have all these death.  I am saying this because there are some homesteads where you find there is no one there.  There are just ruins and everyone has just passed on.  The traditional leaders would look into such matters.  They would find out why that homestead had perished.  Now, traditional leaders do not have that power.  I say that traditional leaders’ powers should be restored, as custodians of nature and all things within their jurisdiction, they should be supported.

Others have made contribution here Mr. President that respect is now lacking.  People are no longer respecting our traditional leaders.  If you meet traditional leader, you can just say anything that you want. If you see a traditional leader, you should restore the necessary respect in accordance with our culture and tradition.  Of late, our elders would remove their hats and talk to our traditional leaders but our youngsters of today do not know that.

Someone said this House should be first to give that respect to the traditional leader.  This House should lead by example on this matter of restoring respect to our traditional leaders.  They should be given their original jurisdiction.  As a result of not giving them their respect, you find that it has brought a lot of problems.   Traditional leaders used to look into how did this one kill this person.  There should be reparation if someone kills somebody. Now, you find people are dying from a particular homestead because chiefs no long have their original jurisdiction which has been given to the courts.  If someone kills someone unintentionally, that is the chief’s responsibility to look into because there should be reparation if someone is killed.  If there are no reparations, then that is a problem that would harm that family.

With that, I am saying, traditional leaders’ powers should be restored to them.  I am in support of this motion.  I thank you.

*HON. SENATOR MOEKETSI: Thank you Mr. President for

affording me the opportunity to give a few words about our chiefs.  I would want to say that the time when I grew up and became aware that there are chiefs and now times have changed.  In my view we have strayed.  We lost our way when we attained our independence.  We behaved as if we embraced a lot of the English culture and at the same time losing our traditional values or culture.  That is my perception. I also believe that, in straying from our traditional ways, we came up with laws that are not good. I do not know if it has become law, the one that deals with sex workers.  We want to legalise sex workers, it is anathema to the African woman. It means that upon attaining our independence, had we consulted our chiefs, all these ills that we are speaking against would not have been experienced if we had maintained our tradition and traditional leadership.

Please forgive me, chiefs, I was thinking that since we have chiefs in this august House, they could assist us in coming up with laws that will take us back to our traditional ways.  I also hear the chiefs as the people that are advocating for speaking in English like I have just quoted. I ask for your forgiveness, this is how we have lost our culture.  If we had followed our tradition, we would not have experienced all these problems that we are facing. I plead with you for forgiveness as I stand in this august House, maybe we could not have experienced the problems that we have as Zimbabwe.

My father was a mine worker.  He would inform us that there will be rituals to be performed by chiefs at the mine so that work could be done properly.  The current management at these mines ignores these traditions. The chiefs are busy swallowing hook line and sinker, everything that is coming from these miners.  We are now mourning today, there is no longer any respect for the chiefs and the pits are all over.  Miners are dying. As we speak, we could be still accessing the diamonds at Chiadzwa.  It could not have been difficult to mine it because you as chiefs could have been in the fore front on how this was to be done.

I urge you chiefs not to have words put into your mouths.  I am a daughter of the Tangwena Chieftainship.  I am of the Simboti totem; my grandfather is the one who was responsible for the crossing into Mozambique.  Because of the adoption of the English culture, we have adopted – forgive me, there is no one during this time who would accept that a child can wake up and say I have had a dream and the father would allow that child to go and tell the chief.  They are displaced outright because we have now modernized our culture.  I am of the opinion that the liberation war fighters went there to fight against the whites because whites were oppressing us.  However, upon attaining our independence, we strayed and left our ways.  The chiefs should lead and should give us the words that will help Zimbabwe.  Lastly, I would want to urge the chiefs that are in this august House that they should be responsible.  I thank you.

HON. SEN. MAWIRE: Mr. President, I move that the debate do now adjourn.

HON. SEN. MARAVA:  I second.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume:  Wednesday, 16th March, 2016.

On the motion of HON. SEN. MASUKU seconded by HON.

SEN. MOHADI the House adjourned at Seven Minutes to Five o’clock p.m.    





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