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SENATE HANSARD 14_April_2016_25-44


Thursday, 14th April, 2016

The Senate met at Half-past Two o’ clock p.m.







           THE HON. PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE: I have to inform

the Senate that I have received a non-adverse report from the Parliamentary Legal Committee on all Statutory Instruments published in the Government Gazette during the month of March, 2016.

HON. SENATOR TAWENGWA: I move that Questions

Without Notice and Oral Answers to Questions With Notice be stood over until the rest of the Orders of the Day have been disposed of.


Motion put and agreed to.



HON. SENATOR MLOTSHWA: I am standing in for Senator

Ncube.  I move that Order of the Day, Number One be stood over and we revert to Questions for Oral Answers.


Motion put and agreed to.


HON. SEN. KHUMALO: Thank you Madam President.  My

question is directed to the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education.

Is it Government policy that other children’s school fees is paid for under the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Programme whilst there are other children who are not in the programme but are unable to pay their fees.  Is that not a discriminatory policy?  


Thank you Hon. Senator.  The funding mechanism which the Hon.

Senator is referring to is under the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education and Science Development.  I believe that the question be redirected towards that Ministry in order to yield a response.

Generally, what I can say for my Ministry is that we have many organisations that help indigent learners like Camfed.  Econet has something called Joshualites.  They find opportunities to come in and assist a few of our young learners.  In principle, we are predisposed to working with those that assist any of the sub-groups within our learner population.  However, the specific question should be directed to the Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development Ministry.   Thank you.

HON. SEN. MLOTSHWA: Thank you very much Madam

President.  My question is directed to the Ministry of Primary Education.  Does the pledge to have children recite some information in schools improve their lives?  Hon. Minister, I think it could have been better to introduce the reciting of the SDGs in schools than this pledge because it was going to improve their lives.


EDUCATION (HON. DR. DOKORA):  This is an original question

with a very interesting slant.  If the Hon. Member has taken time to understand the source of the words, they could be clearly saying; does the Constitution help the lives of people.  The preamble to the

Constitution carries a greater part of the content of the pledge.  I do not know whether you are familiar with the constitutional requirements to teach the Constitution.  Does teaching the Constitution help the young people’s lives?  I do not think that question should arise in this honourable House, especially when as a Ministry we are mandated to teach the Constitution.  However, I thank her all the same, for the slant of the question.  Thank you.

*HON. KOMICHI:  Thank you Madam President for giving me this opportunity to pose my question.  My question is directed to the Vice President of our nation, Hon. Mnangagwa.  With the time that has lapsed since the disappearance of Itai Dzamara, when will the Government announce that he is now late?



MNANGAGWA): Hon. Madam President, the Hon. Senator was

reading from a piece of paper.  Is it a question that he is asking on his own behalf or he was given that question to ask from another source?  It does not matter who gave him the question.  However, if he has an idea of what is going on, we do not know.  What we are doing as

Government is that we are still looking for Itai Dzamara.  If you have evidence that he is now late, it would be of great assistance to help us as Government.

We are in the process of trying to find him and that is what we always say day in day out.  That is what we can say about Dzamara.  The information that says he is now late; we need you to come and give us that information if you have evidence.  I thank you

*HON. SEN. MAVHUNGA: Thank you Madam President.  My

question is directed to the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education.  Hon. Minister, I would like you to shed more light on what measures you have put in place to strengthen adult education.  We have not really seen any tangible measures that you have put in place on adult education.  I thank you.


EDUCATION (HON. DR. DOKORA): I thank the Hon. Senator for her question.  In March, 2015, we came up with a programme to expand adult education, through what is known as informal education.  We were given an opportunity that covers two or three grades each year after an assessment has been done.  There are others who say that they have gaps that they want to cover in secondary education.  Since March last year each school has opened its doors for such people to be assisted.  We further made sure that before we had means of requesting schools to start such programmes, we actually made the process less cumbersome to start non-formal education or adult education.  What the schools now do is that they only inform the heard of district in their area.  Those who want to engage in adult education, be it primary or secondary, practical or academics, they are not for free.  They come at a cost but the cost is quite affordable.  People should go to schools in their vicinity, whether primary or secondary, and they will be assisted there.    I thank you.

*HON. SEN. MACHINGAIFA: Thank you Madam President.

My question is directed to the Minister of Justice, Legal and

Parliamentary Affairs who is also the Vice President of Zimbabwe. The people out there are asking if there is an opportunity for them to access Parliamentary debates which are in vernacular languages.  They would want to use these debates in vernacular languages but they are only in English.  They want to know when such a measure will be put in place for them to access the parliamentary debates in vernacular.



MNANGAGWA): I want to thank the Hon. Member for the question.  The books that he has talked about, the Hansards, the parliamentary debate can be translated to Shona or Ndebele.  So far, we can translate into seven vernacular languages.  What we do not have are the resources, hence we fall short in terms of capacity.  We have people in our nation who can do the translations into the various vernacular languages.

Our Constitution is also supposed to be translated into 16 languages and so far we have managed to translate into seven languages.  We are now sourcing more resources to ensure that we cover the eight or nine other languages that are in the Constitution.  It is not as if a board needs to sit for the translations to be done, but we can do it.  The challenge is on resources.

We want to thank you for that question.  It will be easier for those in the rural areas to go with the Hansard as it is easier for them to understand if it is in vernacular, a language which they understand. It is something that we have not been able to do because of resources.  I am hoping that it is something that we should embark on in the near future. I thank you.


President. My question is directed to the Vice President of Zimbabwe.  We would want to know what measures the Government has put in place in terms of our ancestors the likes of Mbuya Nehanda, Chingaira, Chiwashira, Mapondera and others, to ensure that their remains are repatriated back to Zimbabwe.  In our culture, when a person dies he should be given a proper burial.  Also, is compensation from the people who murdered these ancestors going to come concurrently or otherwise?



MNANGAGWA): Madam President, Moyondizvo the question that you have asked is a difficult one. You named individuals whose skulls are not here, I do not know if that is true, if all of them were taken but there are some names which you mentioned and we do not know that their skulls went there. Some came but the skulls are still to come back.  We are still engaging with the Government of the Queen.  They admit that they have some of the things but some they do not have.  We are not going to sit idle, we will continue searching and seeking that these be repatriated back to Zimbabwe, of which they agreed some of them, they do have.

You also mentioned about compensation for the skulls is not the only compensation we want but we want compensation for the settling of the white settlers here in Zimbabwe over and above the skulls or heads.  We also want compensation for the looting that they did from this nation.  I am sure if you read the history books, they will inform you that there was a Loot Committee.  The white settlers sat down and came out with a board to discuss looting.

All that is evident, those are issues that are discussed and they take time, they are legalistic.  They have returned some; the Germans returned some of them and have remained with one.  The British are hard headed, we actually had to force them out of this nation.  So for us to get the remains of our ancestors that they have, we need to engage them and engage a legalistic approach for us to get our heritage back.  The compensation that you mentioned about is broader than what you have mentioned, about the skulls or heads or our ancestors because in our African culture it is not ideal that the body is this side and the head is somewhere else; that is our heritage and our belongings, so they should return them.

What I urge is that you sit down as traditional leaders and come up with a position to support the Government that as traditional leaders you want that resolution for the repatriation of the heads of those ancestors of ours and you take it to the Attorney-General in order for us to expedite the process as well.  I thank you.

HON. SENATOR MLOTSHWA:  My question is directed to His Excellency, the Vice President of Zimbabwe. Does not the disappearance of $15 billion in the diamond sector reflect the high level of corruption in the country and what is Government going to do to recover or prosecute the perpetrators?



MNANGAGWA):  Thank you Madam President and thank you Hon. Member for the question.  The manner you have structured your question is like you are questioning on the basis of fact.

I think at the current time, there is an allegation that there is $15 billion which is missing.  That has to be investigated.  Actually, Parliament can constitute itself to find out how that happened, if that really happened - but Government is in the process of investigating.  This is why in the integration and consolidation of the seven diamond companies, there is auditing of each and every single company which was engaged in diamond mining.  All the diamond mining companies have been stopped, except those who have now complied.  There is forensic auditing of all these companies and the results will come and will be made public.  I thank you.

HON. SENATOR MLOTSHWA:  We believe that if the Head of State admits that it happened, it means that Government is doing something and has investigated and knows that it happened.



HON. MNANGAGWA:  If the President said it happened, then he would be having the facts and there will be an investigation.  The fact that there are investigations means that the issue is an allegation that there is prima facie information that has been laid before the Head of State that there is corruption of this magnitude in this area – can this be investigated.  This is where we are, but if you have some other information besides what I am stating, please bring it forward and assist us. I thank you.

HON. SENATOR MAKORE:  My question can be responded to by our Vice President, Hon. Mnangagwa since you are the Leader of the House.  The most suitable person was supposed to be the Minister of

Higher and Tertiary Education –[HON. MEMBERS:  He is there.]- Thank you very much.  So I will now direct the question to him.  Is there a policy on sexual violence in all tertiary institutions?



(HON. DR. GANDAWA):  Thank you Madam President and I want to thank the Hon. Member for asking that question.  Yes indeed, there is policy on sexual harassment in all institutions of higher and tertiary education and all institutions always adhere to this policy.

*HON. SENATOR MANYERUKE:  My question is directed to

the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education.  I would like to find out how far your Ministry has gone in terms of registering schools in resettlement areas to address the challenges children face in travelling long distances in order to write Grade Seven examinations?


EDUCATION (HON. DR. DOKORA):  Thank you Senator

Manyeruke for that question.   There are stages that we have come up with and these set guidelines as to when a school can be registered.  We look at whether the infrastructure is there in terms of classrooms, ablution facilities, the administration blocks and accommodation for the teachers.  We do not want just house but we are saying that the teachers should have the same rights as the children in that they should have adequate accommodation.  Those are the issues that we consider. When all these are in place, the officials in my Ministry will not delay registration.

Cognisant of the problems that are in resettlement farms that is in areas that were inhabited by the white settlers, we know that there were no schools and there are no schools that have reached such stages for registration.  We have put an opportunity whereby we consider if there is adequate infrastructure for children to use as classrooms as well as toilets to ensure that when it comes to examinations, the District Education Officer ensures that examination papers are taken to a school that is registered to ensure proper storage and safety. They will then take the examination papers to the venue that is used as a school to ensure that they write their examination.  I thank you.

HON. SENATOR KHUMALO: My question is on traditional

chiefs.  Since I do not see anybody responsible, I will ask the Vice President of the country to answer the question.

There is a tradition of how the chiefs are anointed.  In Shona, they change people.  In Matabeleland, the tradition is, somebody should be born a chief but we are finding that the Government can now choose anybody and say that one is fit to be a chief and shift the current chief so that there is a new chief who is now appointed by Government who is not born a chief.  Is that the new policy now? Maybe, the policy now is that anybody can be  seconded as chief.


MNANGAGWA): Thank you Madam President and thank you Hon Senator for the question.  The input of the question is that others are born chiefs, others are given but that argument cannot be sustained.  If you go to Mashonaland and say you were not born a chief when you are a chief, I do not think they will be friendly to you.  These are traditions; the Shonas’ on this side of the country has their own tradition of how chiefs are anointed.  The Ndebeles’ have their own tradition of how chiefs are anointed but both become chiefs because they have been born


The Government itself has no jurisdiction of going around looking or picking individuals as chiefs.  If a chief is deceased, the role of Government after two years, that is the period required under the Shona tradition,  will go there and ask the relevant houses to seat down and indicate the next person to be installed as chief.  That is what

Government must do.  If that is not followed, it is corruption and it must be fought wherever it is found.  If we become aware of a situation where the procedure was not followed in the manner I am describing, you have the right to lodge a complaint.  In the same manner under the Ndebele tradition, once a chief is deceased, again Government will come and ask the relevant elders of that area as to who is the next chief.  Government has the obligation to anoint that particular person who has been agreed upon in terms of the tradition to be anointed chief.  We have no policy as Government just to look for anybody because they are tall, short or fat, then they become a chief.  There must be a reason why they must become a chief, whether Shona side or the Ndebele side.  There must be reason why the families concerned chose you to be chief.  So, anything outside what I am describing is corruption and must be eradicated.

HON. SEN. SINAMPANDE: Thank you Madam President.  My

question is directed to the Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, Dr. Gandawa.  When will the grants for university and college students be effected again?




President. I want to thank the Hon. Sen. for the question that seeks to assist our students in colleges and universities.  As you might be aware, the Government has a policy of cadetship which assists students with tuition fees and everything they require to attain their education.  However, the grants and loans has since been suspended due to the constraints that we have in the fiscus. Should our situation improve, they will be revived but currently we are not able to assist the students with the grants and loans.  Suffice to say that, we are looking at other funding mechanisms to try and come up with strategies to assist students.  As you might have discovered, we have since started  to assist a few students depending on the few resources that we have but it is a matter that we are seized with and we are very positive that one day we will be able to revive this to assist the populace that really need this assistant.

*SENATOR CHIEF CHISUNGA: Thank you Madam President.

My question is directed to the Deputy Minister of local Government,

National Housing and Public Works; District Administrators and

Provincial Administrators, which Ministry do they fall under between

the  Ministry of Rural Development and Preservation of Culture and

Heritage and Local Government, National Housing and Public Works.


CHINGOSHO): Thank you Madam President. I want to thank the Hon.

Chief for the question he has posed.  The split in the Ministry of Local

Government has also divided the Provisional Administrators and the District Administrators.  The Minister of Local Government has DA’s in the urban provinces as well as the PA’s.  We have Metropolitan

Provinces and they are two, Harare and Bulawayo.  So, the PA in Bulawayo as well as the DA in these Metropolitan Provinces are under the Ministry of Local Government Public Works and National Housing but all the others are under the new Ministry of Rural Development and

Preservation of Culture and Heritage, that is the position currently.

Thank you Madam President.

HON. SEN. B. SIBANDA: Thank you Madam President.  Could I

ask from the Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, what the policy is with regards to the provision of accommodation in tertiary institutions, in house accommodation?




President.  I want to thank the Hon. Senator for a very pertinent question.  Students accommodation has always been a challenge in all our institutions of higher learning but with the budget that was presented by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, you will realise that there is provision for the infrastructural bond and we have actually floated for the infrastructural bond which we are very positive will alleviate the challenges in terms of student accommodation.  We are at an advanced stage and have since received bids from financial institutions that are willing to put up accommodation in all our institutions be it polytechnics and universities.

We are now at a stage where we are consulting with the Reserve

Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) and the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development to finalise the modalities so that the cost of setting up the accommodation will not choke our students.  It will be a challenge if we do it on our own so we want to be advised by both the RBZ and the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development on the funding mechanism that will allow these institutions to put up accommodation in our institutions.

It will not solve the problems as of today but at least we have started and are very positive that the problems that we are currently facing in our institutions in terms of accommodation will be a thing of the past once we start implementing this policy.  I am very positive that before the end of next month, May, we will have finalised all the processes and selected institutions with favourable conditions to put up accommodation in all our institutions.  I thank you.

HON. SEN. B. SIBANDA:  Could the Minister confirm whether it

is true or not that you are considering introducing bunk beds at tertiary institutions and if this is a suitable arrangement for those institutions?

HON. DR. GANDAWA:  It is a myth and not a fact that we are

considering putting bunk beds in our institutions.  I think that information is a misconception of what we intend to do.  I thank you.

HON. SEN. MLOTSHWA:  My question is directed to the

Deputy Minister of Information Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services.  Minister, where are we in terms of e-learning development, are the students managing to use twitter to share ideas in class?  Also, are we able to use our fingerprints for a pin in order to identify ourselves?



SERVICES (HON. MLAMBO):  Thank you very much Hon. Sen. for

the question but I think it is a mixture of questions. I see in there biometrics technology, not really ICT belonging to my Ministry, no, perhaps if the question could be rephrased.

+HON. SEN. MLOTSHWA:  Should I ask the question in



Hon. Sen. I think you should rephrase the question in English.

HON. SEN. MLOTSHWA:  I am trying to understand Minister,

where we are as a country in terms of using the social networks.  Can students now share ideas using Twitter in class?  Also can we identify ourselves using our fingerprints as a pin into these gadgets that we are using?

HON. MLAMBO:  Thank you very much, it is a bit clearer now

but still mixed a little.  Let me start with social networks.  Indeed many people can share and communicate through social networks.  Basically, we have about 13 to 15 social platforms in this world, not only in Zimbabwe.

You are aware of the majority of them, we have Facebook, Viber, WhatsApp and things like that.  People communicate, sending information and photographs and they love bad pictures for that matter.  So the networks are very busy everyday transferring that kind of information across all social strata i.e. children, old people and so forth.

We are very advanced and compared very well with the rest of the world in terms of communicating using social media.

We are not yet doing as badly as other countries in terms of the negative side of social media which we have to guard against.  I remember the Minister was speaking to the nation that we are not yet at a point where we can consider banning social media.  This is because our citizenry are still using social media responsibly as it has very negative consequences if abused.

Coming to the other issue which is bio-metrics, it is more to the

Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development but just as it may, it touches to some extent our Ministry as well.  Bio-metrics is the use of human features which are very unique from DNA science which can uniquely identify a person.  The very easy examples are eyes and fingerprints.

Right now, quite a number of buildings can be accessed using biometric means like the fingerprints.  There is a gadget right at the door where you touch and the door opens once it identifies your fingerprints.

These fingerprints are pre-loaded into a database in the computer of that building and when you touch, the computer verifies your fingerprints with what has been stored in the database and it allows you in.

Better ways are using facial features which are also very unique, you do not touch anything.  The problem with touching is sometimes the fingers are dirty or sweating and they spoil the fingerprint reader.  When using facial features, you just stand there and the computer scans and compares your facial features with those that have been pre-stored in the computer and allows you entrance.  Others are the eyes, when you get there, you open your eye in an iris reader and again the computer scans and compares your iris with the pre-stored iris features and allows you in.  I thank you.

HON. SEN. MLOTSHWA:  Madam President, my

supplementary is seeking information whether as a country, we are at the level that the Minister was just explaining.  Are our children using those social media in class as a way of sharing ideas?


once you are talking education then you better pose the question to the relevant Ministry.

HON. SEN. MLOTSHWA: Alright, then I will put it in writing.


Questions Without Notice were interrupted by THE HON.

PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE in terms of Standing Order No. 62.



  1. HON. SENATOR B. SIBANDA asked the Minister Transport and Infrastructural Development to:
  2. State how much it has cost the Government to construct the

Harare-Airport road;

  1. Explain the reason for the delays in completion of the same.




Madam President, it did cost the Government US$15.8 million to construct the Airport road up to the stage of commissioning.

b).  The completion of the remaining works are delayed because of changes in procuring procedures.  The Ministry is currently waiting for an approved list of suppliers from State Procurement Board, after which  we will be able to purchase kerbing materials and complete the project.



  1. HON. SENATOR B. SIBANDA asked the Minister of

Transport and Infrastructural Development to:

  1. Explain why it has taken over 20 years to construct the Bulawayo-Nkayi-Gokwe road.
  2. State whether the construction of the said road is a priority project or not.




Madam President, the delay in construction of the Bulawayo-NkayiGokwe road is because of the unavailability of funding.

  1. Madam President, the above project is a priority project because of its linkage; Bulawayo - Nkayi - Gokwe which are cattle producing and cotton growing areas close to Bulawayo. This is why we had to link the road to one of the completed bridges - Mbembezi, in 2015.  Once enough funding is secured, we will also open Ingwingwizi bridge, then attend to the rest of the road.   I thank you.




  1. HON. SEN. CHIMHINI asked the Minister of Primary and

Secondary Education to:

  • explain the import of the Ministry’s instruction to schools to deposit all school levies into the School Service Fund (SSF) with immediate effect, which is a departure from previous regulations governing the handling of school development funds;
  • to state whether parents were consulted, as custodians of the school levies;
  • to explain how schools will access funds for expenses previously funded by school development levies, which were not funded from the school service fund;
  • to explain how the instruction will cater for staff previously employed by School Development Committees;
  • to explain the 3% of the School Service Fund (SSF) to be deposited with Treasury and its purpose.


EDUCATION (HON. DR. DOKORA):  There has not been any

Ministry level instruction to schools to deposit school levies into the School Services Fund (SSF).  What the Ministry has done in line with current efforts to align the Education Act and all the Statutory Instruments with the new Constitution, was to widely consult with all stakeholders, Members of Parliament and Senators included on their views vis-à-vis management of levies and other funds generated for the purpose of enhancing teaching and learning.

There is a questionnaire on levies collection and use which was sent to all schools in Term 1, 2016 and the Ministry is analysing their responses to facilitate course of action.  I speak in this manner cognisant of the operation of the law as stipulated in the Education Act 2006 (Amendment) Section 38 subsection (i) and Non-Government schools establishing Schools  Services Fund into which (1) ‘all fees and levies

… shall be paid’ and (2) ‘…all monies paid as fees or levies shall be deposited.’

  1. To state whether parents were consulted as custodians of the school levies.

      As already explained, the consultations are ongoing.  It is the

Ministry’s view that there is buy-in by our stakeholders and a good example is the outreach program where, as Ministry, we managed to reach out to all the 8 651 schools throughout the country.  Through this platform, the Minister, Deputy Minister and Secretary were able to share with school Heads and SDC Chairpersons the envisaged education transformation and progress made to date on the new curriculum.

The sub-questions (c), (d) and (e) fall away as a consequence of the consultative phase that is now concluding.




Second Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the Zimbabwe Delegation Report on the 133rd Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU).

Question again proposed.

HON. SENATOR MAKORE: Thank you Madam President for

giving me this opportunity to share on the report presented here by Hon. Senator Chief Siansali, the Report on the 133rd Assembly of InterParliamentary Union held in Geneva.   Firstly, I would want to make a clear observation that the institution with a noble purpose was formed almost over a century ago which is 100 years.  It is a very notable response that just after independence; we also joined as a new formed Government into this particular institution being of 167th in this particular institution.

The topical agenda that was shared in Geneva was that of migration caused by various ways in either Africa, Arab countries themselves, meaning to say there has been a vast exodus of people from their countries of origin into other countries as migrants; migrating from their countries as a result of war. Again, it shows that in any country it is either you are a refugee who goes into that country for safety - it appears really that there is an anti-migrant feeling in various other countries.  It is not only because of wars in the areas that these people come from, for example it has been effected by ICs this suspicion is showered on the auspices that no one knows exactly who this person is because of a hidden agenda of war.

Generally for the spells of this, it shows that the proliferation of wars, again the persecutions that are in existence does make all - again shortage of expected democracies and respect of human beings and respect of different opinions.  I want to say the Parliaments as has been indicated in this particular report have got a role to pay but that role can only be meaningful if Parliaments are respected by various executive authorities of those different countries.  Saves to say in a number of situations, we normally notice Parliament as if they are talk shops because normally what they debate and suggest are not taken seriously by the Executive themselves.

This shows that the lack of equality in terms of authority bestowed in these three arms of State, sometime present themselves as a problem if there is a disregard of Parliaments themselves.  You have seen the noble idea for which this institution was formed over a century ago.  Up to now, the purpose for which it was formed still exist because there is vast shortages either of finances, the financial backing so that the operation becomes smooth with relation to this particular institution, sometimes it is far short.  Member States sometimes cannot even subscribe as is expected, to this particular body.    We are only saying that we are experiencing a lot of migrants.  The migration is caused sometimes by the shortage of jobs or the political influence of that particular country.  People run for safety but alas, if you observe the current events, you see people again being chased away from those particular countries.

We have experienced death along the Mediterranean, when people are in transit particularly in their camps, a lot of people die on their way. It is very alarming the loss of lives that we are experiencing. We also experience child marriages under this auspices and torture, torments and rapes - you name it, and also divorces of those people because they would then be regarded as if they are less human than other persons as a result of these particular treatments.

Parliaments in those particular countries I wonder whether they also defend such kind of people or whether there is also a policy that institutions can fall for which sort of liaise with the countries of origin where those people are coming from.  Mr. President, it is alarming.

Africa, internationally and world over, we are experiencing vast torments as a result of this.  We are experiencing human trafficking which we have witnessed alarmingly. We have experienced also xenophobia from our SADC country, quite a number of people perished as a result of this.  Very painfully, some were burnt alive. There is total disregard of human lives and human rights. I wish as far as I see, that Parliaments should regarded as equal and should also be listened to by our executive institutions of various Parliaments.

Secondly, I also want make a recommendation, perhaps at the end, as far as my opinion calls, that we must be serious on this issue so that we put our budgets for purposes beyond call of duty by Parliaments; for the purposes that we can at least share and be able to embark on the assistance to save human lives.  We have experienced Mr. President that wars are persistent, sometimes because of power hunger and need to remain in power.  I believe we have to regard lives as very important elements.

Mr. President, I want to thank this particular body.  It is a very important body.  This body sometimes cannot discharge of its duties to the best of its ability on the basis of various limitations which they have.  It is my humble belief that I call various Parliaments and Governments to regard this institution as one of the most alleviating instrument for us to go forward in terms of human regard and the upholding of democracy at large. Thank you.

HON. SEN. TAWENGWA: I move that the debate do now


HON. SEN. MASUKU:  I second.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Tuesday, 3rd May, 2016. MOTION




(HON. DR. GANDAWA): I move that Orders of the Day, Numbers 4 to 6 be stood over until Order of the Day, Number 7 has been disposed of.

Motion put and agreed to.



BILL [H.B.8, 2015]

Seventh Order read:  Second Reading: Manicaland State

University of Applied Sciences Bill [H. B. 8, 2015].



(HON. DR. GANDAWA):  The Ministry wishes to establish the

Manicaland State University of Applied Sciences through the Act of Parliament.  The University will be launched with four inaugural faculties of Engineering, Tourism and Natural Resources, Horticulture and Environmental Sciences, Agriculture and Life Sciences.


  • Manicaland State University of Applied Sciences will have the niche area in applied sciences in order to proffer scientific and technological solutions to challenges that militate against socio-economic development of Zimbabwe.
  • Manicaland Province has various economic activities which are a result of the diverse natural resources found in the Province. Therefore, they are in economic developments that will come with the establishment of a State University in a Province which has diverse agricultural and industrial activities.
  • In addition, the Province posses scenic landscapes and other tourist attractions. Thus the proximity of the proposed State University campuses to these economic activities reduces the cost of research and site visits by lecturers and students, while positively influencing production levels through research skilled human capital development.


It is proposed that the University will be established as a multicampus University, taking cognisance of the distribution pattern of the natural resources prevalent in the main centres of the Province.

Here are the proposed campuses and related programmes:

  • Mutare – Shall be responsible for Engineering because of the manufacturing and mining activities in areas in and around the city of Mutare.
  • Makoni – Shall be responsible for Agriculture because of high rainfall. This is traditionally a flue-cured Virginia tobacco, maize and wheat growing belt and is complemented by animal husbandry.
  • Nyanga – Shall be responsible for Forestry, Tourism and

Hospitality, Wildlife, Horticulture, Fruit and Vegetables and Fisheries because of the obtaining pleasant and ideal climatic conditions.

  • Chipinge – Shall be responsible for Horticulture and irrigation – supported agriculture, in particular wheat and cotton in Middle Sabi and Sugarcane cultivation for biofuels.

The recommended multi-campus approach will bring operational excellence to each of the campuses due to proximity to resources and related activities.  The developments at these sites will be in phases.  It is proposed that each site should have a Techno Park as part of the infrastructure and programmatic developments.



proposed to house the Administrative Headquarters of the University due to its centrality as well as being located in the Central City of the Province of Manicaland.

Mutare has a comprehensive and robust infrastructure to support most of the needs of a modern University.  The Fern Hill Farm Campus is envisaged to host the first Faculty of Engineering.  There are several other institutions of higher learning in Mutare.


The key objectives for the university will be:

  • Specialisation in applied sciences;
  • Mineral sciences;
  • Forestry sciences;
  • Agricultural sciences;
  • Wood technology; and
  • Tourism and hospitality

Agriculture: because of high rainfall in areas such as Makoni - traditionally well known for growing flue-cured Virginia tobacco, maize and wheat and animal husbandry.

Forestry, Tourism and Hospitality, Wildlife, Horticulture, Fruit and Vegetable and Fisheries: have been proposed because of the obtaining present and ideal climatic conditions.

Horticulture and Irrigation: supported agriculture, in particular wheat and cotton in Middle Sabi, and sugarcane cultivation for biofuels.

Resource Mobilisation for the University

The Foundation Steering Committee, on the proposed State University was very positive about prospects for useful and successful fundraising activities for the proposed project. They confidently made it clear that there were business executives, bankers and local business persons who were eagerly waiting to trigger processes into operation on receiving Government notification granting the establishment of a State University in Manicaland.

More importantly, the establishment of the Manicaland State University of Applied Sciences is in line with the Government policy to have a state university in each province of Zimbabwe. I thank you.

SENATOR MAKORE:  Thank you very much Mr. President.

The motion that was brought in by the Deputy Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development, to us is a welcome development.

We have listened from the contributions that were made here as regards universities in terms of accommodation.  Minister, the question that comes to mind is a displaced type of attitude by our university students as a result of not finding accommodation, grants and loans.  That in itself makes our children wild as a result of not getting adequate accommodation at the university.  It is not pleasing to note that when our children go to school, they become wild because of vast shortages of accommodation.

It is my humble observation that even if that institution is set in Manicaland, we welcome it but we have to put a stop to mushrooming of universities without providing adequate resources that are necessary for lives and culture to be maintained in terms of the development of our children.  We want to mould a student who will be cultured and not affected by various problems through shortages.  I do accept that the development is called for.  Thank you very much.

         SENATOR CHIEF CHISUNGA: Thank you very much

President for giving me this opportunity. I want to make a contribution to the motion by the Deputy Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development.

I applaud very much the idea of establishing universities especially institutions to do with applied sciences.  I believe this will go a long way in making sure that the exploitation of our natural resources is adequately addressed through the establishment of the faculty of agriculture as well as tourism.

We have had some inferior institutions like Mushandike in Masvingo where half baked graduates would be produced but now the introduction of the Mutare State University will be a welcome idea towards addressing such an anomaly.  Thank you.

I would also want to applaud the issue of engineering.  Whilst it is a noble idea to make sure that we invest quite a lot in engineering but I also have my concerns particularly on issues to do with having graduates who will be unable to get employment in our country.  Recently, we have heard a question which was answered by one of the ministers concerning the unfinished work of the road to Bulawayo because of the unavailability of resources.

I want to check whether our resources are well prioritised in order to finish the already existing projects which are on course.  For instance, the Lupane State University – I understand that currently or a few years back, lessons have been taking place in Bulawayo because the institution was not finished.  I think we should direct our energy toward existing projects so that we have notable projects which we can stand and say we have finished or done this other than creating new institutions which I think will not fulfill the desired results.

We have a number of our people here in Zimbabwe.  I want to be apprised whether the creation of this university will go a long way towards creating employment in our country because at the moment, we are having thousands of school leavers who are unable to secure employment.  It is a matter of trying to find whether we can strike a balance by prioritising employment creation vis-a-vis the establishment of these learning institutions.

As a country riddled with resource shortages, I think being a noble project, it would be good if the project would be implemented at a later stage because at the moment we seem to be having other pressing priorities.  I thank you.

*SENATOR CHIEF CHIDUKU: Thank you Mr. President for

giving me the opportunity and I also want to thank the Minister for the Bill that he has brought to this House.  We have been waiting for this university over a long  time.  When land was being settled, we left that land in Manicaland reserving it for the university during the land resettlement era.  We were wondering why this was taking long and delaying.  We wondered where the problem was because those who were willing to assist were available.  So, I just want to thank the Minister that it is a good initiative but you are dragging and the people of Manicaland are actually waiting for that university.  I thank you.

*HON. SEN MUTSVANGWA: Thank you Mr. President. I want

to congratulate the Ministry for finally bringing this motion to this House. It has been a long time and Manicaland was mourning for the establishment of a university. I am sure the majority of people will agree with me that Manicaland is quite a big province among the ten provinces.  For that reason it means that all the children from

Manicaland did not have the opportunity to go to universities because all these universities were not accessible and were far.

I am sure you will agree with me that before independence, Manicaland had the most schools in terms of secondary schools so for that reason, Manicaland trains a lot of children such that even after independence we got quite a lot of schools and our children did not have the opportunity to attend university. I want to thank the Minister for seriously considering the issue of engineering and manufacturing especially considering that Mutare is close to Chiadzwa where we are talking of value addition and beneficiation.

They have come to set up the university in relation to polishing of diamonds.  People from Manicaland have been be-mourning the fact that we are exporting raw diamonds.  With engineering and the manufacturing that is going to be set up, I am sure the value addition and beneficiation will benefit Manicaland at large.  With our children being admitted into those universities and engaging in   polishing of diamonds, it will assist us.

We also know that tourism is quite important in Manicaland.  If you want to refresh and rest, Nyanga is the right place to go, even the best hotels are in Nyanga.  So we also want our children to train in becoming good managers.  We want them to train and become good managers so that they can manage other areas.  They also need to value what they have; they can only value it after they have been conscientised in schools.

The bananas were rotting and other produce in the valley.  If our children are taught the value of all those things and are able to add to value and beneficiate these products, we will also alleviate the challenge of children roaming the streets.  I want to thank you Minister and I urge you to expedite the process.  I know we are facing challenges and in terms of education, our President since 1980 up until now, has put so much emphasis on education and the truth is that those from Manicaland were struggling that they had to spend 35 years in their province without a university.   I thank you.

*HON. SEN MAVHUNGA: Thank you very much Mr. President

for the opportunity that you have given me to thank the Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education for the proposal to establish the University of Mutare.  I want to thank the multi-compass approach that he has come up with which will assist the students.   In my own opinion it has selected areas that deal with what is happening in Mutare, for example tourism.  What it means is that children in those areas, in terms of their practical, can access higher education in closer areas.  It will also assist in the exchange of ideas and sharing of experiences.  It will assist more children in the sense that they will be coming from their homes and will not be resident there and it will alleviate the issue of accommodation.  I like the issue of the multi-compass approach. I thank you.

HON. SEN. MLOTSHWA: Thank you Mr. President.  I take this opportunity to thank the statement from the Minister and congratulate the Ministry in managing to facilitate and implement the university that will assist the children of Zimbabwe.

Minister, we are seeing a problem in these tertiary institutions.   I remember sometime there were these parties by the children that they call the vuso parties and there were children who were prosecuted for organising these vuso parties because they take the advantage of being away from their homes and start to behave very wild.  How far have you gone to make sure that this kind of wild behavior does not happen in these institutions as we open more institutions like these?

Again, the girl child and the sexual harassment, the poverty alleviation, I remember that a question was asked during the question and answer session about the sexual harassment but you did not fully explain the policy that will make us know that really these institutions are protected as far as that is concerned because the girl child really needs to be protected.  Because of not having these grants, children come from different households and with different financial levels, at times they end up wanting to supplement for a few things that is required by the institutions.  Again, the girl child when they have to rent rooms, what is the proper arrangements that are put in place in the opening of this new institution?  What are you going to put in place to make sure that we do not witness the same thing that we see in the other institutions that the girl child is abused by the landlords?  After failing to pay their rents, they have to succumb to arrangements that are not proper because the landlord wants to take advantage of this poor girl.

Again Minister, due to the poor services in our tourism sector you mentioned of Nyanga and Hon. Sen. Mutsvangwa also mentioned that it seems as if Nyanga is the only place that you can go and rest.  We have Matobo and we can also go and rest there.  The poor service delivery in the tourism sector now, as the service enablers Minister, you must ensure that when you open these institutions, you get people who come and train because they are going to be absorbed somewhere in the country’s sector.

I am concerned about tourism because the enablers, things like roads and police services are not making the department viable.  So as we train more people in the tourism sector, we must also link with the concerned ministries that enable the tourism sector to flourish.  So that at least there is enough work in the country by the time the graduates are able to work, because we have to ensure that after being absorbed by these institutions they are also absorbed by the sectors that employ them.  Otherwise we will end up having millions of graduates selling airtime in the streets. I thank you.


SEN. TAWENGWA):  Order, order may we please stick to the issue of the establishment of the Manicaland State University of Applied Sciences per say.  The other issues, I believe, will follow as the university will not be opened until and unless it has provided accommodation for the girl-child et cetera.  We have to demand for those issues before it opens but for now, let us stick to the issue of the Bill itself, whether we are for the Bill or not.

*HON. SEN. MASHAVAKURE:  Thank you Mr. President.  I

want to thank the Minister for this Bill that is going to expand our education sector as so many people were waiting for the Bill.  We are happy that this Bill has come because we had waited for it for a long time.

I hope that these universities that have the terms, applied sciences will train students who will be able to employ themselves and impart life skills to ensure that they have a source of livelihood and become employers  and not for them to aspire to become employees.  When it is termed ‘applied sciences’, it means that once a student goes through that, he should be equipped on how to use these applied sciences in having a source of livelihood for him or herself that is what is important.

In other countries, I remember meeting someone who said that in the United States of America, they do not want to be General Managers but want to be Managing Directors of their own companies as their aspiration.  We also require our students to have the same aspirations.  I think this is something that needs to be inculcated in our students and universities such as the Manicaland State University of Applied Sciences.  It equips them to use their minds as well as their hands to come up with their own businesses.  We need to encourage the same in other universities where there are no applied sciences.

It surprises me that in all the other university Bills that have come to this Senate, there is a lot that we talked about in terms of applied sciences.  I think in Marondera there is one such university but we tend to forget one applied science which is medicine.  I do not know, maybe it will be part of the Manicaland State University of Applied Sciences.

We once heard rumours that it will be at Midlands State University.  I thought of it because there are times when I visited our hospitals here in Harare with patients and realised that especially after hours, the doctors are not available and you are dealing mostly with the nurses.

I think that it is an issue that the Government needs to consider that if other faculties are to be established in Manicaland, they should have the applied science called medicine in order to increase the number of medical doctors as this will enhance our medical services.  We find minerals everywhere and also heard that there is a Pan African Minerals Faculty that will come to the University of Zimbabwe, for people to do mining and medicine is a bit difficult.  So I think the Government should actually setup the Faculty of Medicine.  I am sure that the manufacturing that was set up at the Manicaland State University of Applied Sciences will assist us.

Some of us use Braille, our paper for Braille was difficult to get and we could only get it from Manicaland as we used manila.  Now it is difficult to get it and I have since resigned from the use of Braille but I believe my counterparts need this Manila to use Braille.  I hope there will be a boost in the manufacture of Manila paper and they will be able to access this until they become of age like us.  I thank you.



(HON. DR. GANDAWA):  Mr. President, I move that the debate do now adjourn.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Tuesday, 3rd May, 2016.



DEVELOPMENT (HON. DR. GANDAWA), the Senate adjourned at

Eighteen Minutes past Four o’clock p.m. until Tuesday, 3rd May, 2016. 


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