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  • Create Date July 21, 2016
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Thursday, 21st July, 2016

The National Assembly met at a Quarter-past Two O’clock p.m.






THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  I have to inform the House

that Hon. Members are invited to join a Coalition for Parliamentarians Against Trafficking In Persons (PATIP) in order to promote and enhance participation of all Members of Parliament in the fight against human trafficking.  The contact person is Mr. Sheppard Manhivi in office number 509, Fifth Floor, Pax House – [HON. MEMBERS:  Inaudible interjections.] – Hon. Members behind there, did you hear what I said?  We have to respect the House please.


THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  I also have to inform the

House that the General Manager for Rainbow Towers is inviting all Hon. Members from outside Harare to a cocktail on Wednesday, 27th July 2016, starting at 1830 hours at the Rainbow Towers Hotel.


THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  I have to remind Hon.

Chairpersons of Portfolio Committees, Chief Whips, Leader of

Government Business, Leader of the Opposition and members of the

Chairperson’s Panel that buses ferrying members to the Liaison and Coordination Committee Retreat in Bulawayo will leave Parliament Building at 0900 hours tomorrow morning.

*HON. MATANGIRA:  On a point of order Madam Speaker.

My point of order is on the Opening Prayer.  My request is that – [HON.

MEMBERS:  Inaudible interjections.] –

*THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Order Hon. Members.  We

want to hear what the Hon. Member is saying.

*HON. MATANGIRA:  Thank you Madam Speaker.  We have

been listening to this Prayer being said from the time we got into Parliament and we realised that the chaos and confusion that happens here in Parliament here in terms of representing the people comes from the fact that the prayer is in English not in vernacular.  Hence, we do not understand the prayer not translate the values of Member of Parliament.

My request is, the prayer be made in vernacular, firstly, in Ndebele, Shona and Tonga.  I say so because people do not understand the meaning of the prayer and what it says.  The prayer is setting the tone for deliberations in this House.  I thank you – [HON. MEMBERS:

Inaudible interjections.] –

*THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Can we have order in the House.  Hon. Member, I have heard your request.  For us to pray five times for the same thing, I do not think it is proper but we pray using a language that everyone understands in this House.  Parliament mostly conducts its procedures in English.  We do not use all the languages, mainly English, Ndebele and Shona.  If you want this practice to change, you can raise a motion in the House on the issue.  I thank you.




First Order read: Consideration: Pan-African Minerals University of Science and Technology Bill.

Amendments to Clauses 2, 11, 12, 13, 16, 22, 23 and 28 put and agreed to.

Bill, as amended, adopted.

Third Reading: With Leave, forthwith.






be read the third time.

Motion put and agreed to.

Bill read the third time.



HON. RUNGANI:  I move that Orders of the Day, Numbers 2 and 3 be stood over until the rest of the Orders of the Day have been disposed of.

HON. D. SIBNDA:  I second.

Motion put and agreed to.



Fourth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the

Presidential Speech.

Question again proposed.

HON. RUNGANI:  I move that the debate do now adjourn.


Motion put and agreed.

Debate to resume:  Tuesday, 26th July, 2016.




          HON. MASHANGE:  Madam Speaker, I move the motion

standing in my name that: this House takes note of the Report of the Delegation to the United Nations Climate Change Conference held in

Paris, France from 29th November, to 12th December, 2015.

HON. SARUWAKA:  I second.


        1.0         Introduction

The Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Environment, Water, Tourism and Hospitality Industry, Hon. Wonder Mashange led a delegation that travelled to Paris, France, to attend the Paris United

Nations Climate Change Conference. The landmark 21st Session of the

Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on

Climate Change (herein after COP21) ran from the 30th of November 2015 to the 12th of December 2015.  Other members of the delegation were;-

  1. L. Zemura, Member of Parliament;
  2. T. Saruwaka, Member of Parliament;
  3. Senator Chief F. Charumbira; Member of Parliament
  4. G. Kwaramba, Member of Parliament
  5. B. Mpofu, Member of Parliament
  6. N. Samu, Parliament Programme Coordinator 7. Mr. J. Gandiwa, Assistant Clerk of Parliament and
  7. Mr. J. Mazani, Committee Clerk.

2.0         Brief Background and Constitutional Justification of attending the Paris United Nations Climate Change Conference.

Mr. Speaker Sir, our attendance of COP 21 was principally motivated by the need to enhance the oversight role of Parliament as envisioned in section 327 (2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe which provides that

“An international treaty which has been concluded or executed by the President or under the President’s authority-

  • Does not bind Zimbabwe until it has been approved by Parliament;


  • Does nor form part of the law of Zimbabwe unless it has been      incorporated into the law through an Act of Parliament

Standing Order 20(e) of the National Assembly, which enjoys constitutional recognition by virtue of Section 139 of the supreme law, makes it clear in peremptory terms that  a Portfolio Committee must “consider or deal with all international treaties, conventions, and agreements relevant to it, which are from time to time negotiated, entered into or agreed upon…”

Mr. Speaker Sir, our attendance of the Paris Climate Change Conference was further actuated by the need to enhance the competence of Committee Members in understanding the technical and policy imperatives relating to multilateral environmental negotiations and agreements. This is instructive in view of the fact that Zimbabwe is a

State Party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change which has 195 State Parties, making it the largest membership based agreement of the United Nations. The other objective was for the

Committee to understand the geo-politics …..

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Order Hon. Members.  I

know you whisper to each other but I think you can lower your voices so that we hear what the Hon. Member is debating.

If you cannot lower your voice, it is better to go to the lobby or somewhere else.  May you continue?

HON. MASHANGE:  Thank you Madam Speaker maam.  The

other objective was for the Committee to understand the geo-politics and geo-dynamics of climate change negotiations and how legislative activism and interventions can be deployed to help address the challenges posed by climate change.

Mr. Speaker Sir, climate change is one of the world’s most topical issues that is central to contemporary debate on socio-economic development and international relations.  Thus, our participation as MP’s was further meant to sharpen our skills in understanding strategic issues relating to climate change. Such competencies will come in handy when Zimbabwe in general and Parliament in particular considers the approval for the ratification and implementation of the Paris Agreement as well as the Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol.

                2.1    Methodology and Operational Strategy

Mr. Speaker Sir, I wish to point out that all the delegates from

Parliament were registered by the National Focal Point as State Parties. This enabled us to have unrestricted access to all meetings and events, particularly to the meetings of COP21 that were being convened under the Conference of the Meetings of Parties (CMP), Meetings of the

Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), meetings of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) and the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP). Thus, for logistical arrangements and greater coverage of the concurrent meetings, we had to split ourselves into various teams. In order to enhance the objective acquisition and mobilisation of relevant facts and information, the delegation was briefed by the then Head of Negotiating Team for Zimbabwe, Mr. Washington Zhakata who himself is a seasoned negotiator and climatologist.

3.0    Key Outcomes of the Paris United Nations Climate

Change Conference

Mr. Speaker Sir, I am pleased to highlight that COP 21 delivered a historic Paris Climate Change Agreement that will ultimately supersede and replace the Kyoto Protocol that was concluded in 1997. In a summative form, it is important to note that since the conclusion of the

Kyoto Protocol, controversies arose over certain points of the Protocol. State Parties continued to negotiate on the areas of disagreement in subsequent years up to the adoption of the Paris Agreement. The landmark Paris Agreement has far reaching repercussions on the development trajectory of this country as well as that of other nations. The Paris Agreement, if fully implemented in its letter and spirit, will put the world firmly on track to a low-carbon neutral and sustainable future that will keep global temperature rise under 2 degrees Celsius. This will avert the most catastrophic impacts arising from the ruinous effects of climate change.

In its preamble, the Agreement identifies climate change as “an urgent and potentially irreversible threat to human societies and the planet”. This is principally because climate change has calamitous impacts on the human and other life forms as well as global environmental and climatic systems. As you may be aware, climate change is associated with extreme weather events such as unprecedented and unpredictable droughts and flood cycles. The increasing periodicity of droughts in this country show clearly how disruptive climate change can be to drivers of socio-economic development. Agriculture, which is the spinal cord of our economy, is fundamentally rain-fed and any negative deviation in rainfall patterns is likely to impugn efforts by the State to rejuvenate the economy through agriculture. In view of the foregoing, I now move to how the negotiating process was conducted up to the time a Paris Agreement was adopted.

                4.0    Negotiating Framework: Setting the Tone for the


Mr. Speaker Sir, for purposes of providing leadership and policy guidance to the Conference as well as the negotiating framework and context, the Paris United Nations Climate Change Conference was attended by more than 150 Heads of State and Government. This made it the largest gathering of Heads of State and Government at one place in the history of mankind. Close to 40000 delegates from both State and Non-State Parties to the Convention attended the conference.

His Excellency the President, Cde R. G. Mugabe, addressed the gathering on the 30th of November 2015.  In his address, he emphasised the need for the provision of funding for adaptation for developing countries. President Mugabe castigated developed nations for shifting the burden for climate change mitigation to developing countries. The Africa Group and the Group of 77 plus China were totally against this shift in position owing to its propensity to stagnate economic development in developing countries. His Excellency the President, Cde R.G. Mugabe, called upon developed countries to honour their obligations of financing adaptation in developing countries as outlined in the United Nations Climate Change Convention which recognised as fundamental the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities. In definitive terms, the principle states that developed nations, which historically have quantitatively contributed more to global warming, must bear a far larger share of the collective repair bill. The President further impressed upon the developed countries to accelerate their emission reduction activities in order to save this planet from the catastrophe caused by climate change.


Order, order, order Hon. Members. Why do you not respect this Hon.

House Hon. Members.  The Speaker has already said that if you want to chat with your friend, you can go to the lobby not in this Chamber.  This Chamber is for debate and people want to hear the debates that are going on in this Chamber.  If you need to chat as friends, please leave this Chamber and go to the lobby.  You may proceed Hon. Mashange.

HON. MASHANGE: His Excellency, President Abdel Fattah El Sisi of Egypt, who was representing the Committee of Heads of States on Climate Change for Africa, emphatically stated that the new agreement should not harm African countries’ efforts to eradicate poverty and their right to develop. His Excellency, President Jacob Zuma of South Africa called for a legally-binding agreement based on equity and differentiation that will enable ambitious action through the provision of Means of implementation (MOI). His Excellency President Barack Obama of the United States of America recognised the historical role of his country in contributing to climate change, stating that the

United States embraces its responsibility to do something about it.” He called for the agreement to, inter alia, create a durable framework as well as pave the way for progressive ambitious targets and ensure support for countries in need.

President Xi Jinping of China stressed that the Paris Agreement should follow the principles and focus on the full implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, create institutional arrangements that compel concerted efforts, respect differences in countries’ economic structures and capacities and not deny the legitimate needs of developing countries to improve living standards and develop economically. President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation highlighted that it was possible to marry economic development with sustainable environmental management, saying Russia stands ready to exchange energy efficiency solutions. He called for the new climate agreement to build on the principles of the founding Convention and be legally-binding with the active participation of developing countries.

The United Nations Secretary General, His Excellency Dr. Ban ki Moon called for an ambitious agreement, inclusion of loss and damage, and transparency in implementation and monitoring of compliance. Mr. Speaker Sir, from the addresses by various other Heads of State and Government, the delegation noted that the common denominator in all the speeches was the fact that leaders were in full support of a binding agreement that will usher a paradigm shift in approaches to the dangers posed by climate change to human civilisation.

5.0    The Negotiating Process.

The Committee leant that Zimbabwe, in-order to leverage on regional and continental solidarity, was negotiating under the auspices of the Africa Group as well as the Group of 77 plus China. During negotiations, it emerged that the following were the sticking issues and areas of acrimonious divergence.

5.11 Differentiation

  1. The developed countries, led by the United States and the European Union preferred to have an Agreement which was wholly applicable to ‘all Parties’ of the Convention, whether developed or developing, in respect of mitigation, adaptation and provision of financial resources. The net effect of this would have been to dilute differentiation as prescribed by the United Nations Climate Change Framework Convention on Climate Change which recognised historical liability and the “principle of common but differentiated responsibilities”. Transitional economy countries including Zimbabwe and other non-Least Developed Countries were being omitted in the Draft Agreement and yet they are specified in the founding Convention as vulnerable. The draft text referred to Africa, Less Developed

Countries (LDC’s) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) as highly vulnerable. However, Latin America would not accept an Agreement that excluded their region in terms of vulnerability. This created dissension between and amongst the developing countries. This was compounded by the fact that other developing countries were getting preferential treatment by the developed nations.

  1. Speaker Sir, it was disheartening to note that the developed countries created a ‘divide, rule and confuse’ approach. The delegation noted that this strategy was partially successful as witnessed by the consistent refusal by the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) to move from their position advocating for 1.5 degree Celsius cap against the wishes of other developing nations which were advocating for a cap of 2 degrees Celsius. US$250 million was pledged to these nations to finance climate change adaptation. Nevertheless, G77 plus China remained resolute and unwavering owing to the brilliant diplomatic prowess exhibited by South Africa which was chairing the G77 plus China geopolitical group.

Mr. Speaker Sir, I wish to categorically state that South Africa, as Chair of the G77 and China, faced a lot of pressure from the leading developed countries. The South African Presidency was said to have been called several times by many Western leaders to try to sway South

Africa from the principled G77 and China positions on the Draft Agreement.  The delegation applauds and salutes the leadership commitment displayed by South Africa.

                5.2    Financing

Mr. Speaker Sir, your delegation was rattled by the consistent refusal by the developed countries, which bear a large historical responsibility for climate change, to commit themselves to unequivocally funding climate change mitigation and adaptation. In one of the Draft Agreement Texts on Financing, the European Union, New Zealand and the United States proposed climate change financing must be done only by those countries in “a position to do so…”  Negotiators from the developed world also coined the use of the phrase developed countries “willing to do so” must provide providing support to developing country parties. This infuriated developing countries who wanted a firm commitment on climate change financing in respect of mitigation and adaptation.

5.2.1 Analysis of the Commitment by the Developed Countries to Providing Climate Change Finance.

Mr. Speaker Sir, G77 and China were not amused by the conduct of the developed countries and strenuous efforts were made to reject such machinations. Under financing, developing countries argued that developed countries must provide quantifiable resources for promoting the migration to climate neutral and clean energy pursuant to the need to limit the emission of greenhouse gases. The delegation perceives as unfortunate that the resultant document does not reflect the position of the developing countries and less developing countries in respect of climate change financing. As it stands, financing will be voluntary and most disturbing; all countries will be required to put something on the table to qualify for assistance for their Intended National Determined Contributions (INDCs). As usual, this may not be transparent and preconditions may be imposed and these can be prejudicial to countries like Zimbabwe that have been under a barrage of incessant sanctions by the Western Countries.

                5.3    Ambition

  1. Ambition refers to targets in respect of reducing the greenhouse gas emissions, particularly Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Methane (NH4). The Small Island Developing States (SIDS) were pushing for the 1.5 degree Celsius target as opposed to more than 2 degrees Celsius target suggested by the oil producing states who fear real economic losses due to decreased demand of petroleum products if more renewable forms of energy are introduced drastically to meet demands of the SIDS. Ultimately, a target of not more than 2 degrees Celsius was agreed upon. This is a victory for developing countries whose carbon emissions are functionally correlated to the use of antiquated technologies. Thus, Effective mechanisms and significant resources to eliminate obstacles to technology transfer and development at affordable cost are needed for developing country parties. Energy efficient technologies are also required to reduce carbon emissions.

                6.0    Overall Assessment of the Agreement

Mr. Speaker Sir, your delegation is of the view that the Paris Agreement is an ambitious and balanced agreement that would mark a turning point in the fight against climate change. The wheels of addressing climate change were turning slowly since the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997. However, the delegation was pleased to note that in Paris, the wheels rotated.  Six years after the previous Climate Summit in Copenhagen ended in monumental failure and unmitigated acrimony, the Paris Agreement appeared to have built much of the momentum required for concerted efforts to combat climate change. The Paris document is indeed a compromise accord that coalesced complex divergent positions into one acceptable outcome. It is a good starting point. Now that the document is in place, one may ask, what is our role as legislators in this complex governance matrix?  Mr. Speaker Sir, the responses and answers to this question will occupy the rest of this

Report. Our work has just begun.

                7.0    Legislative Intervention and Activism

Mr. Speaker Sir, it is of paramount importance to note that legislators from 80 National Parliaments and 20 Regional Parliaments attended the Parliamentarians Meeting on the Occasion of the Paris

United Nations Climate Change Conference. The legislators adopted an Outcome Document that reaffirms legislative concern over the consequences of Climate Change and the determination by legislators to formulate national laws that will address the scourge. It is instructive to point out that legislators share part of the responsibility for the effective implementation of climate change policies as well as developing, adopting and modifying legislation that deals with climate change. They also pass national budgets necessary for climate change mitigation as well as approving international agreements. In this regard, and in-order to show leadership commitment to the process, the delegation recommends that;-

National Assembly Environment Committee Recommendation

Number 1/2016

“…the Executive must urgently bring before Parliament the Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol for approval before the end of July 2016.

This recommendation is consequent upon the realisation that between now and 2020 when the Paris Agreement is expected to be operationalised, the Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol will be a bridging instrument meant to ensure there is no lacunae in the implementation of climate change emission reduction targets as well as other allied obligations. The Doha Climate Gateway, an outcome snatched at the last minute on the last evening of the 2012 Climate Conference, led to the adoption of the Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol that records the Second Commitment Period in it. This commenced on 1 January 2013 and will end on 31 December 2020. The Committee leant at COP 21 that 56 State Parties had ratified the Doha Amendment and Zimbabwe as a State Party must join the family of nations that have ratified this Initiative.  In this respect, Mr. Speaker Sir, your Committee will invite the Minister of Environment, Water and Climate to appear before it so that the Ministry gives us its position on how Zimbabwe will proceed on this matter.

Mr. Speaker Sir, the delegation further recommends that;-

National Assembly Environment Committee Recommendation

Number 2/2016

“…the Executive must urgently sign the Paris Agreement once it is open for signature on 22 April 2016 as well as secure its approval by

Parliament before the end of October 2016. 


The delegation wishes to report to this august House that the Paris United Nations Climate Conference requested the Secretary-General of the United Nations to be the Depositary of the Paris Agreement and to have it open for signature in New York, United States of America, from 22 April 2016 to 21 April 2017. In pursuance and fulfillment of this mandate, the Secretary-General of the United Nations  convened a highlevel signature ceremony for the Agreement on 22 April 2016 at the

United Nations Headquarters in New York, United States of America.

It is also pertinent to note that pursuant to Article 21 of the Paris Agreement, the Agreement shall enter into force on the thirtieth day after the date on which at least 55 Parties to the Convention accounting in total for at least an estimated 55 percent of the total global greenhouse gas emissions have deposited their instruments for ratification, acceptance, approval or accession. There is, therefore, need for us to show progressive leadership by being part of the pioneer group to sign the agreement. This is a duty we owe to posterity.   Mr. Speaker Sir, it must be noted that there are many benefits which come with signing

both the Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol as well as the Paris Agreement. If the country ratifies the Agreements, It stands to benefit from the resources and opportunities made available under the Agreement. The Doha Amendment has opportunities to enable the country to access financial resources from carbon trading under the Clean Development Mechanism.

8.0    Observations by the Delegation: Funding of attending COP Meetings and the Provision of Policy Leadership during


Mr. Speaker Sir, the delegation was extremely disturbed that for two consecutive years, our Ministers of Environment have not been attending the High Level Segment component of the Conference of Parties meetings. This creates a gap in the provision of policy direction to our negotiators. In one of the consultation meetings at COP 21, some

Ministers almost walked out of a consultation meeting after a Permanent Secretary had taken the floor on behalf of his Minister who was not available. This created an unnecessary embarrassment to the bureaucrat.

In this regard, and taking cognisance of the centrality of climate change issues to human development and progress, the delegation recommends


National Assembly Environment Committee Recommendation

Number 3/2016

“…the Executive must ensure that a Minister responsible for Environment issues must attend all High-level Segments of the meetings of the Conference of Parties of the United Nations Framework

Convention on Climate Change. 

Furthermore, the delegation submits that a Legal Expert conversant with and competent in climate change negotiations should always be part of the delegation that attends COP Meetings. Mr. Speaker Sir, your delegation noted with serious concern that the whole Zimbabwean Delegation from the Ministries had no person who was legally qualified to advise the delegation. We checked the composition of other delegations from Zambia, Botswana and South Africa, all being our neighbours and noted that each had a lawyer among the delegates.  To make matters worse, the delegation further noted with concern that the funding for all the key negotiators from the Ministry of Environment, Water and Climate was provided by the United Nations.  Treasury was not able to provide funding for almost all delegates and the question which arises is what would have become of us had the United Nations not provided funds for negotiators to attended this landmark conference. Mr. Speaker Sir, this is a question we will not attempt to answer, save to recommend that;-

National Assembly Environment Committee Recommendation

Number 4/2016

“…the Executive must consistently fund participation of our delegates so that they are empowered to speak freely on behalf of the country without fear or favour.”

                9.0    Conclusion

Mr. Speaker Sir, COP 21 ended on the 12th of December 2015 with the adoption of the landmark agreement and a vote of thanks being extended to the Presidency of the Republic of France for successfully organising and hosting the 21st Session of the Conference of Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Let me take this opportunity to express our gratitude to the United Nations Development Fund, its partners the European Union and Swedish International Development Agency as well as Parliament of Zimbabwe for funding our attendance of COP 21 in Paris, France. I also wish to thank the Administration of Parliament for flawlessly coordinating all the logistical arrangements. As a delegation, we certainly leant a lot from the conference and there is no doubt that the information gathered and experiences leant will be shared with fellow Members of Parliament in order to push forward the frontiers of executing effective Executive oversight functions in pursuance of our constitutional obligations as articulated in Sections 117,118 and 327 of the Constitution of

Zimbabwe.  I thank you.

HON. SARUWAKA: Thank you Mr. Speaker. Let me add my voice to the report presented by our Chairperson Hon. Mashange on the trip to Paris. Let me say it is unfortunate that we have had to make this presentation seven months after the visit and also after the subsequent signing of the agreement in New York on the 22nd April 2016. However, I still have some comments to make on the trip on the important matter of climate change.

Hon. Speaker, I must start by thanking UNDP for making it possible for Parliament of Zimbabwe to send delegates to the important Climate Change Conference. It was a privilege that we were among the 4,000 delegates gathered in Paris to transact on the important subject of climate change. My Chairman has already indicated that in the history of mankind, the gathering was the biggest where over 150 heads of states congregated, which goes to show the importance the issue of climate change is being considered in the arena of world matters.  Over 195 countries were also represented at that conference.

The Zimbabwe delegation was made up of Ministry officials, Members of Parliament and the civic society.  The experience that I had was that working together as the different stakeholders really helped us in formulating and agreeing on particular country positions.  I would want to applaud the delegation for managing to work cohesively.  At times you find that when people go out, you begin to see differences but in this particular delegation, people really showed that indeed Zimbabwe can form a formidable team in dealing with international matters –

[HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] –

The topic of climate change Mr. Speaker Sir is a fairly technical matter and I would want to take a few Hon. Members down memory lane, maybe a bit back to school so that we just unpack a few of the terms and move together.  Over time, people begin to forget simple terms that help in understanding the climate change issues.  While the topic might seem abstract in understanding it, the impacts are very real and everyone understands them and I just want to go a bit on the terms.

You would understand Mr. Speaker Sir that climate change talks about the weather.  Weather to us relates to the particular condition of the atmosphere at any given time.  Whether we talk of precipitation, temperature and wind, as we move forward, you will understand how these things impact on the phenomenon of climate change.  On climate, we are referring to the average conditions of weather over a long period, maybe 10 to 30 years.  When we are talking of climate change, we are talking about the change of these average weather conditions over time.  Seasons have moved and I remember in past motions where people were giving real examples and problems that they are facing as a result of climate change.  It is because of this climate change that leaders in this world realised that they must come together, put their heads together and see how they can mitigate the impacts of this changing phenomenon.

Today Mr. Speaker, it is not surprising that as a result of climate change, people are experiencing extreme weather conditions.  We have got typhoons, droughts, floods.  Only recently there was heavy hailstorm in Lower Gweru.  These are things that never used to happen in this country.  The phenomenon of climate change is real and we are experiencing it on a day to day basis.

Mr. Speaker Sir, climate change also has a lot to do with global warming.  Scientists are pointing towards global warming as the major culprit of climate change.  Global warming is just referring to the average rise in temperature over time.  You would realise that in the arctic circle glaciers are melting, resulting in sea level rises.  We are lucky that Zimbabwe is landlocked but there are countries along the coastlines that are threatened by the rise of the sea level.  So, it is that serious that if the world does not take action to arrest climate change, this can result in a lot of conflicts as a result of the shrinking land surface.

Mr. Speaker Sir, I must say scientists have invested a lot of their time in trying to understand the climate change phenomenon.  There is an organisation called the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) which made a report in 2014.  It was apparent from their report that scientists are indicating that 95% of global warming is caused by anthropogenic or human activities.  What it means is only 5% of the causes of global warming are caused by nature.  So, as humankind, there are opportunities for us to do something about climate change.

I must tell the House that through this panel, they also indicated that last year was the hottest year ever, so we must be worried as humankind that temperatures are continuing to rise due to our activities.  The rise in temperatures is bringing a lot of problems to the survival of humankind.  Indications are if nothing is done, the problem might actually get worse.  This is why people congregated in Paris Mr. Speaker Sir, where state parties were trying to negotiate on what level of temperature rise could be permissible.  What targets can we put for the whole world in terms of the temperature rises acceptable so that there will not be more disasters.

Mr. Speaker Sir, I must say human activities, especially those to do with fossil burning also are related to industrialisation.  The argument that was put forward by industrialised countries that benefited from using irresponsible methods of carbon emissions, they were pushing an agenda where they want people to adopt clean energy.  It is well and fine but clean energy is very expensive.  Therefore, the argument was if developed countries want the developing countries to constrain their activities towards the two degrees limit, then they must also be able to sponsor the new technology which is not affordable at the present moment to the developing counties.  That was the thrust of the argument to say developing countries have the right to develop, so if we have to develop using clean energy which is more expensive, the developed countries must be able to pay for the technology transfer into clean energy.

Mr. Speaker Sir, I am happy that as Members of Parliament a lot of us understand the impact of climate change because in our communities, we have had situations where we have to battle with the impacts.  For Zimbabwe, I am aware that we now know that our weather pattern, especially in as far as rainfall is concerned – is now very erratic to the extent that droughts occurs more often.  That has a direct impact on the survival of our nation since Zimbabwe is basically an agro-based country which is supposed to derive its survival from agricultural activities.  Climate change has a very negative impact in that regard and we need as a country to come up with mitigating measures so that we reduce the impact of climate change.  Climate change the world over is a threat to food security.  Like I indicated earlier on, it causes conflicts around land because if the sea level rises, it means communities along the coast line are forced to push inwards and it puts a lot of pressure on the land that is already being occupied by others.

So, the thrusts of the debate in Paris was also to suggest to countries the technologies  that are now available on the industrial level that help in cutting emissions since the emission of carbon dioxide is the major contributor to the rise of the average temperature in the world.  The Conference came up with a target of two degrees celsius from preindustrial average temperature which was a fair target for the majority of the countries because the countries along the coast lines wanted 1.5 degrees celsius.  Those in the desert that depend on oil production to fuel their development were actually looking for 2.5 degrees celsius, because if people move away from fossil fuels, it impacts on their means of revenue because they make money through the sale of fossil fuels.  So the two degree target then became a fair target which according to scientists, will still help us manage the extreme impacts of climate change.

Mr. Speaker Sir, I think as a country we are lucky that we have got so many opportunities of harnessing clean energy.  We have plenty of sunshine, so in terms of development, we have got opportunities to develop a network of solar energy which can help in supplying energy for our operations.  I must hasten to say solar energy is very expensive. This is why we need the support of the developed, industrialised countries to bring in the technology at affordable cost so that we do not add towards global warming but at the same time we are not prejudiced in our developmental path.  Also, we are blessed with many rivers that flow throughout the year.  I am happy that as someone coming from Manicaland, I have seen a lot of effort towards the setting up of small hydro plants, which is moving very much in line with the thrust by scientists that we must go hydro because hydro produces very clean energy as compared to thermal energy.

In terms of another response which the world must do towards climate change other than mitigation, we must also adapt. We must develop resilience to the negative impact of climate change.  When climate change then happens, how do our people survive under the negative impacts for example the extreme weather conditions?  We are now aware that rains are erratic but when they come, the rains are very heavy.  So, it means when it comes to construction, we must start building stronger houses.  Mr. Speaker Sir, you know very well that when floods take place in rural areas, we have witnessed houses being swept away, it is because they were not built to withstand heavy rains.  We must construct our houses with floods in mind, so that we build strong houses.  Our engineers must be involved in the design.

We must also, as a country, research for short season varieties for agriculture because we no longer have the standard three months of rainfall.  The rains are erratic, it rains for a few weeks and the rains disappear.  So, through our research department in the Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development, we should come up with species that can grow and bear fruit within the short space which is now available as a result of the climate change.  We must also invest in irrigation infrastructure.

Mr. Speaker Sir, in conclusion, the signing was indeed a major success.  It was our hope that after the conclusion of the agreement in Paris we were going to attend the signing ceremony was then held in New York.  It was unfortunate because in Paris, we had been sponsored by UNDP and they could not fund the New York trip we, as Parliament, were then unable to send a delegation from Parliament for the signing ceremony.  Parliament was then not represented.  It is only the Executive which went to New York, which is a sad story that we seem not to attach a lot of value to the role of Parliament leaving us to depend on well wishers for us to participate in an important international fora.  When things are tight, I want to suggest that the component of Parliament must still be accommodated by Treasury so that we do not have a situation where it would appear that this country can do without the Legislature.  At the end of the day, whatever agreements that are signed by the President and the Executive they must still come through this House so that they are domesticated.  Mr. Speaker, I am talking about lack of support by Treasury to the Legislature, otherwise I want to thank UNDP and other financiers who made it possible for us to go to Paris and become part of this momentous agreement where we strongly believe it sets out an agenda where Climate Change issues can be treated with more urgency.  Thank you – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.]

Hon. Zindi having stood up.

HON. NDUNA:  Thank you Mr. Speaker, I want to add my voice to ….

*HON. ZINDI:  On a point of order Mr. Speaker.  I think you should consider gender balance.


You may continue Hon. Nduna.

HON. NDUNA:  Thank you Mr. Speaker.  I stand here as the

Chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee on Transport and Infrastructure.  It is very important that I add my voice because as a nation, we are importing 6 000 used vehicles from Asia, Japan in particular.  Mr. Speaker Sir, 80% of carbon emission and carbon environmental ozone depleting substances come from carbon emissions, which come from automobiles. I make a clarion call that in the realm or in the programme of enforcement of the laws of this country that we also tutor the VID officers and the police, law enforcement agencies to the effect that the vehicles that are bellowing smoke like steam trains need to be outlawed from our roads Mr. Speaker Sir, thereby, protecting the ozone in particular Zimbabwe and globally in general.

I also want to say as there is compensation that comes to the developing nations because of the delinquencies caused by VW and Mitsubishi and other automobile entities or producers in the global community, Zimbabwe also needs to benefit in terms of compensation. We might not be the ones that are suing these multinationals because we do not have that capacity to sue them but we should also benefit from such compensation.

Those countries that are developed should not act like a bull in a China Shop. They should remember that Africa in particular as a continent plays a very big role in terms of numbers as a developing nation we are still archaic and historic and moribund of our development in particular as we utilise fossil energy such as coal and other antiquated ways of energising our communities. We are depleting the ozone layer hence a lot of resources should be given to the developing nations and

Zimbabwe in particular and Africa in general.

I want to speak to the electrification of NRZ. The Global

Community has moved away from the use of steam engines as a mode of transportation in terms of the rail systems. They have gone onto utilising the electron magnetic forces and the electrification of their trains. This is in order to enhance the issue of environmental protection. I want to add my voice in this way   in that there should be less and less vandalism in terms of our electrification infrastructure when it comes to issues to do with NRZ. At some point, NRZ used to have tracts and tracts and kilometers of electrified network. Alas this is no longer the same and I also, in the same vein ask for the Executive to make sure that they open up NRZ for private players to come in, who are going to enhance efficiently and optimally the network in terms of electrification so that we move away from the fossil energy, thereby reducing in totality the ozone depleting substances that is coal.

Mr. Speaker Sir, as I conclude, I want to ask the Executive in particular the Ministry of Transport to expeditiously acquire the emission measuring units so that our vehicles are outlawed from the roads as long as they have emissions that are above and beyond the allowable emissions. That was we optimally protect our environment and thereby reducing our emissions that are dangerous to the environment. I thank you – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.]

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: In order to correct the gender imbalance I recognise Hon. Zindi. - [AN HON. MEMBER: Saka isu ve Committee hati debate saka ndakuenda zvangu ini.]- Order, Hon. Zindi, just a minute. Hon. Ladies, there is a lady who might have dropped a five dollar note in the Ladies it has been picked up by a Minister. If you find that you are missing a $5.00 note in your purse, you can call around and pick it.

HON. ZINDI: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir. Thank you for having acknowledged my proposal for gender balance. I rise to also add my voice to the report submitted and moved by Hon. Mashange and supported by Hon. Saruwaka. I think the issue of climate change is a subject that should be taken very seriously. Why I am saying so is because it is something to do with the future generations well after us. I think the current generation should not be so selfish to the extent that we deny the future generations a well developed and conducive climate for all the possible developments that they should also undertake in order for that future to come. In my contribution, I would like to highlight the effects of Climate Change to Africa   and in particular of course to Zimbabwe. I will also talk of remedies and the way forward which I think should be the way forward by the current generation of leadership of the world in as far as climate change is concerned.

In terms of the effects of climate change, I want to say climate change is very real and we need to acknowledge that. For example, Zimbabwe in particular, we experienced snowing.  We received snow in lower Gweru and to many of us, that is a new phenomenon and that phenomenon we do not understand to what extent it is going to have on our environment because this is a new phenomenon. Due to lack of resources we never undertook or assigned some scientist in order to study that effect and what caused that. Of course, generally we understand that this was due to climate change. Further, we also experienced a heat wave which is equally a new phenomenon to us as Africa and particularly here in Zimbabwe. The heat wave affected the whole of Africa as a continent and such a heat wave has got untold effects. For example, we saw rivers drying up, we saw livestock and people dying because of the drought which is the resultant effect of that heat wave.  Mr. Speaker, that heat wave of the last season possibly has also contributed to the cold period that we are going through – we do not know.  But, the cold period that we are going through this winter is equally something which is a new phenomenon and we all bunch this together as effects of climate change.

Therefore, with all what I have highlighted, they have got an effect on our crop production.  In terms of crop production, if we do not have enough water for irrigation, then it means that the resultant effect is hunger and hunger leads to conflicts.  A hungry man is an angry man.

What impact can that contribute to Zimbabwe?  Currently, we know that Zimbabwe is under or going through a very difficult economic situation and we always say, if we have good rains, at least when people have food to put on the table, that is from good harvest; then money will be something else to supplement their food but at least the basic, which is the food is what we all say every family should be able to afford.

Now, we have the crisis of money, we have food shortages and all that combined lead to hunger and hunger leads to conflicts and civil unrest.  We are saying the issue of climate change should be taken seriously, particularly when we are focusing on the remedies.  Yes, the developed countries have or in one way or the other, said that we should stop developing all whatever contributes to the climate change as Africa.  But, I tend to disagree with that approach because all the developed countries have contributed to the current climate change that we are talking or reeling under.  Therefore, for them to then start dictating to us in terms of our development, I feel that it is very unfair.  If they would like to dictate to us at the pace or how we should develop using our natural resources, for example coal, we have abundance of coal which we should exploit to our advantage.  Now, if we are told not to utilise that coal simply because of its contribution to climate change; then the developed world should contribute in the form of alternative or renewable source of energy to Africa and of course, Zimbabwe should benefit in terms of that.

Mr. Speaker, for example in terms of remedies, I think that our system as a Government should consider the issue of harnessing water seriously.  Whatever resources that we have at our disposal, we should get the largest chunk of it and sacrifice all other things at the expense of developing irrigation systems in terms of also harnessing and also the issue of dam desiltation which I think should be the focus by the Government.  At least to allow every family to be able to irrigate and have food on their tables because of this issue of climate change, I see that it is very real and we need to start to take measures in order to mitigate against the effects of climate change.  Therefore, the issue of water is very important.

The drip irrigation is the other way to go.  Most of our farmers should actually have the drip irrigation and the Government can assist farmers through having to reduce or subsidise the drip irrigation installation on all farms and all the equipment that comes with drip irrigation.  That is my contribution in terms of remedies or in terms of mitigating against the effects of climate change.  Mr. Speaker, the developed countries as I said earlier on have contributed to the climate change that we are talking about.  Therefore, they should be pressed upon in terms of having to contribute the largest chunk in order for Africa to actually keep pace with development other than being told not to develop because their development is contributing to effects of climate change. Again, us as Parliamentarians, we need to impress upon the Executive whether through motions, through the Portfolio

Committee as we are pressed upon through the sections according to the report here that Sections 117, 118 and 327 of the Constitution gives legislators the power to ensure that all what we envisage as a way to alleviate climate change is pressed upon legislators to ensure that, that is effected.  That is how I should make a recommendation in my conclusion.  I thank you Mr. Speaker.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Order, there is a vehicle

registration number EDI 975, a jaguar which is blocking other vehicles.  Can the owner please attend to that?

HON. MASHANGE:  Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  In view of the fact that most of our recommendations were taken on board by the

Ministry, I now move that the report be adopted by this House.

Motion put that;

This House takes note of the report of the delegation to the United Nations Climate Change Conference held in Paris, France from 29th

November, to 12th December, 2015.

Motion put and adopted.





you Mr. Speaker Sir, I wish to make a Ministerial Statement on the state of co-operatives in Zimbabwe.  Co-operatives in Zimbabwe fall under seven categories and these are: the housing co-operatives, fishing, manufacturing, agriculture, services which includes transport and catering, savings and credit co-operatives and mining cooperatives.

Mr. Speaker Sir, I will begin with the housing co-operatives.  The first housing co-operative, Kugarika Kushinga was launched in 1989.  The housing cooperatives are the largest sector contributing 83% of registered cooperatives in the country.  Between 2010 and 2015,  the housing cooperatives built 99 840 houses for themselves; 46 267 of which are at various stages of completion.

The following cooperatives have received their title deeds in

Harare alone:  Mupedzanhamo in Glen Norah with 800 members, Three

Stars in GlenView with 40 members, Kambuzuma in Kambuzuma with

101 members, Mufakose in Budiriro 1 with 70 members, Sunshine in Crowborough with 71 members, Rutendo in Budiriro with 43 members and New Generation in Dzivarasekwa with 15 members.

Zimbabwe is being ranked as number 1 in housing cooperative development in the whole of Africa with over 4 000 registered housing cooperatives whose membership is over half a million nationwide.  This is according to the International Cooperative Alliance Report of 2015.  Malawi, South Africa and Uganda have visited Zimbabwe to learn from our experience.

2. Fishing Cooperatives

          There are 127 Fishing Cooperatives.

Province Cooperatives in the transport sector
Mashonaland West 62
Matabeleland North 26
Masvingo 4
Matabeleland South 5
Manicaland 5
Midlands 5
Total 127

Their contribution into the food basked is as follows:

Estimates of catches of Fishing Cooperatives under National

Parks and Wildlife per month

Area No. of Cooperatives Approximate catches per cooperative
Chivero 24 (bream) 600 kgs
Darwendale 20 (bream) 90 kgs
Kariba 14 (kapenta) 2,475 tonnes
  4 (bream) 4,500 tonnes
Binga 26 (bream 7 tiger) 1,800 tonnes


Manufacturer Success Stories

The cooperatives have not been very much affected by the economic environment as prospective clients shy away from formal shops in town where prices are relatively higher than those charged by cooperatives.

Table below shows estimates of income of cooperatives at Siya

So Mbare January – December 2013

Name Jan-Dec 2015 US$
Welders – Metal Fabrication 196 560
Chieziya – Welding and Furniture Making  
Tin Smith – Metal Containers 140 400
Gumtree – Carpentry and Welding 234 000
Roadside – Three legged post, buckles and coffin handles 458 000
Carpenters – beds, wardrobes, kitchen units and dressing tables 196 000
Simukai Tailoring – uniforms and worksuits 63 040
Tisunungureiwo – plastic recycling for buckets and cups 321 000
Kuzvitonga Leather Works – shoes and belts 193 440
Best Multi-purpose – grinding mills and schools furniture 369 400
GROSS TOTALS 2 384 000


3. Arts and Craft Cooperative

There are 57 arts and craft cooperatives registered since 2009.  They are involved in stone and wood carving patterns baskets and tie and dye.  They are spread country wide as follows:-

Province  No. of registered Arts and Craft Cooperatives
Harare 10
Mashonaland West 8
Matabeleland North 2
Matabeleland South 2
Bulawayo 2
Mashonaland Central 5
Mashonaland East 2
Midlands 10
Manicaland 16
Total  57


  1. Transport Cooperatives


The Ministry has registered 19 transport cooperatives in

Mashonaland West, Bulawayo, Harare and Manicaland as shown below:

Province  No. of registered Arts and Craft Cooperatives
Bulawayo 7
Harare 5
Manicaland 6
Mashonaland West 1
Total 19

Transport cooperatives run taxis, buses, trucks and combies.

Success stories

  1. Transport Cooperatives especially Rixi Taxis run a fleet of 20 taxis.
  2. Tinzweiwo Buses and Liza Trans are cooperating Harare-

Gaborone and Francistown routes in Botswana.

  1. Tshova Mubaiwa Transport Cooperative is doing well in


5. Agricultural Cooperatives

There are 194 registered agricultural cooperatives since 2009 and these are spread across the country as shown in the table below:

Province  Registered Cooperatives in the agricultural sector
Harare 05
Masvingo 15
Mashonaland West 08
Matabeleland North 05
Matabeleland South 29
Bulawayo 12
Mashonaland Central 21
Mashonaland East 34
Midlands 31
Manicaland 34
Total  194

They are in piggery, cattle ranching and fattening, tobacco farming, goats and chicken raring, marketing and supply of agricultural produce. Let me give you another example of how much the Hurungwe Cooperative Union has delivered to the GMB.  Their largest contribution was in 2013 and they were my pride.  Their total alone was over 500,000 tonnes.

The Hurungwe Co-operative Union Maize Deliveries to the GMB


Name of depot   Tonnage (tonnes  
  2013 2014 2015
Karoi 174,106 67,498 15,765
Mkwichi   66,968   4,442 -
Vuti 105,109 10,882 30,675
Lions Den   51,006 - -
Magunje 124,081  6,851 53,525
Collection Point   10,657 - -
Mudzimu     2,224 -    27,085
Mhangura        618 - -
Total 534,791 89,673 127,050

In the early 1980s, Government constructed 360 warehouses.  70 of them have been registered under the Central Association of

Agricultural Co-operatives (CACU) to give loans to its members.  These warehouses are being used by co-operatives to store their wares.

Savings and Credit Co-operatives (SACCOs)

Since 2009, two hundred and fifty-four Savings and Credit Cooperatives have been registered as follows:

Province No  of Registered SACCOs
Harare 65
Mashonaland West  5
Matabeleland North 66
Matabeleland South 14
Bulawayo   8
Mashonaland Central 14
Mashonaland East 20
Midlands 42
Manicaland 20
Total 254


The Ministry is encouraging every SME cluster and co-operative to form SACCOs to on-lend to their members.  For instance, CACO has mobilized and bought agricultural inputs worth US$348,798 for its members.


There are 92 mining cooperatives, mainly in gold and chrome mining in five provinces.

Province No of Registered Mining Cooperatives
Mashonaland West 20
Matabeleland South  5
Mashonaland Central  5
Manicaland 20
Midlands 42
Total 92


Mining co-operatives have made a major contribution to the country’s gold and chrome production.

In conclusion, the world over, co-operatives have been found to be an economic model for the future.  It strengthens principles and value based work ethics.  To strengthen co-operatives, the Ministry offers preregistration and post registration training and support.  Once a year, in July, Zimbabwe co-operatives observe International Co-operative Day to which co-operatives come from all over the country to showcase their work and achievements.  This year this event will be held on 23rd July,

2016 at the Harare Agricultural Showground.  The Hon. Vice President E.D Mnangagwa, will be the guest of honour.  Hon. Members, you are all invited to attend this very important occasion.  I thank you.

HON. NDUNA:  I want to start by applauding the Minister for a statement well done.  I think it is the first of its kind, to get to hear a Minister trying to make sure that we follow how funds have been utilized in the informal sector. She is trying to broaden the base in order to enhance revenue collection in terms of tax collection.

I now want to touch on the tail end of her statement.  She touched on the 20 mining co-operatives in Mashonaland West and I want to say that 10 of those mining co-operatives are in my constituency namely;

Chegutu Gold, Kubatana, Danangwe, Gidi-7, Mutangi-ndimi, Pickstone Mine, Blue rock, Inezi Mine and Three Chairs Co-operative.  Between them they have contributed more than 40% to the fiscus as she has alluded to.  My clarification request is that the Ministry of Small to

Medium Enterprises harmonise their operations with the Ministry of Mines.  This should be with a view to make sure that there is also a mining reform so that the co-operatives that she alludes to can optimally conduct their business without fear of law enforcement agencies, as they are operating without the said mining certificates, even if they have cooperative mining certificates from the SMEs sector.  Can there not be a mining reform that skewers the mining co-operatives towards getting their licences only once from the SMEs department, so that they do not need to be licenced again by the Ministry of Mines?

HON. NYONI:  Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  This is a very pertinent question.  My Ministry registers co-operatives in the sector and activity of their choice.  After that, we make sure that they go to the relevant authorities or Ministries because we cannot do everything.  The Minister of Mines administers the Act under which anybody who does mining no matter who you are, large or small have to comply with. So we encourage any cooperatives that register with us to go back to the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development and if they are in agriculture, they should go back to the Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development so that they are given the rightful papers. I think what we need to do, taking your point Hon.

Member is that we need to accompany them as a Ministry of SMEs.

We need to accompany and educate them so that they get those papers easier than if they are on their own. You also need to be aware that in the ease of doing business, SMEs are lobbying for all these stringent regulations that keep them from operating freely. I think this will be one of them that we need to deal with as a Ministry so that we push the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development to make it easier for the SMEs to get licences for their mining activities. Thank you for the pertinent question.

+HON. B. TSHUMA: Thank you very much. I have heard of a lot of fishing cooperatives in the area of Binga. When I had a chance to be there, there was a complaint on the ownership of the cooperatives. People in Binga are complaining that as a local resource, people who own these fishing cooperatives are people from other regions. May I know what you are doing as a Ministry so that locals can participate in this fishing industry? That is the first thing on cooperatives.

Secondly, you talked of cooperatives in Matabeleland North. I come from there. Can you help me on the breakdown of information on the activities on the ground there? I have never seen them and I need that information. Can you help me? Again on the housing cooperatives here in Harare, there are big locations where there are indications that there was a housing cooperative which is here, but there is nothing in

Matabeleland North. I thank you.

+HON. NYONI: I thank you Mr. Speaker Sir. I would like to thank the Hon. Member with the question. On ownership of cooperatives, when a person comes to register a cooperative, we do not ask where he hails from. The person simply comes, whether they are 100 and would like to register a cooperative on fishing. We have no right not to register such a person because he does not come from the area. I am sorry Hon. Member that is not our work.

If the Hon. Member loves that his people be involved in cooperatives of fishing, he is free to gather them and register them. They can also join others so that they can work together. We have no right to ask someone where he comes from.  As for the savings and credits which come from Matabeleland North, I request the Hon. Member to put that in writing so that I can research and give proper feedback. I cannot have the information at my fingertips on me right now.

Even with the housing cooperatives, my Ministry does not make up these cooperatives, but people make up their own cooperatives. My Ministry simply registers those who would have approached us. When others are registering their cooperatives about 4,000 of them, what makes you not make your people register their cooperatives? If they approach us, we will register them. We do not form cooperatives but we simply register them. I thank you.

HON. P. D. SIBANDA: Thank you Hon. Speaker. Hon. Minister, you have indicated that people have got to gather on their own. Unfortunately if I speak in Tonga you will not hear. So I have to speak in English. You are on record Hon. Minister going into provinces including Matabeleland North Province where Binga is situated. You went there to do workshops for specifically ZANU PF members to form cooperatives – [AN HON. MEMEBR: Ah!]- Do not say ah, nyarara mhani iwewe.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Address the Speaker.

HON. P. D. SIBANDA: Thank you Hon. Speaker. You are on record and I can give you the date and time when you were in Lupane gathering ZANU PF members and telling them to form cooperatives. I appreciate that from those ZANU PF members that were in Lupane, there were two or three people that came from Binga. Why can you not do the same as an Hon. Minister of Government to communities in specific areas, without selecting those that come from your political party?

HON. NYONI: Thank you Hon. Member. The Hon. Member is correct that I was in Lupane invited by the ZANU PF youth and ZANU PF women. I give an outstanding workshop for them, not only to form cooperatives but also to enter into businesses. I want to emphasise that I was invited. Hon. Member go back to your constituency and invite me and I will be there – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.]-

HON. P.D. SIBANDA: Hon. Speaker, I just want to express my gratitude to the Hon. Minister...

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: But I have not recognised you yet. Can you sit down – now you can stand up – [HON. MEMBERS:

Inaudible interjections.] – Order in the House.

HON. P. D. SIBANDA: Hon. Speaker I think my first reason of standing up is to appreciate the Hon. Minister for her genuine response. I do not need necessarily to be told to go back because I am already back and that is where I am. What I wanted to say to the Hon. Minister is that as Hon. Minister of Government, is it not possible for her to realise that in that particular area, we have resources. She has said that she is not responsible for putting the cooperatives that are there which come from Mashonaland Central, Mashonaland West and so on, that are fishing in Binga.  Does she not feel like she has got an obligation to get down to the ground and say as a matter of trying to empower the people of that area, can you come together.  I assist you as a Minister who is responsible for the formation and running of cooperatives and small and medium enterprises.

Hon. Speaker, before I sit down, let me acknowledge my brother Hon. Mupfumi.  I am informed that he got a doctorate in philanthropy from some unrecognised college called IP or something of that sort.  Dr.

Mupfumi, I acknowledge you.  Thank you Hon. Speaker.



NYONI):  Mr. Speaker Sir, let me reiterate to the Hon. Member that he is passing the buck.  It is your responsibility Hon. Member as a representative of the people to go down to your constituency and educate your people on what Government offers.  Once that happens, I have said to you I will be ready to come where I am called.  Secondly, Binga is one of two districts in Matabeleland North that has an office of the SMEs.  My officers are in Binga, so let the Hon. Member be educated from now on that you can go to my office.  It is a Government office and the officers can assist you with tactics of organizing people to enter into cooperatives or be involved in SME activities.  I thank you.

HON. J. TSHUMA:  Thank you very much Mr. Speaker Sir.

Perhaps before I go on to air my views to the Minister, may I categorically correct this issue and say genuinely I want to congratulate our Hon. Member, Dr. Esau Mupfumi for being accorded an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Philanthropy.  It shows that our Members are doing good to the community and that is what we need for every Member to work well and be recognised like what he has done.

+ I am happy with the report submitted by the Hon. Minister on SMEs.  It is good that we have a Minister who wants the people to develop.  We appreciate the great work, please continue.  I would like to inform the Minister that there are anomalies where people who are coming up are impeded by high prices on licencing.  I will give you an example of those who are in the mining industry.  When you want to go into a special grant, they want $5 000.  These people are starting, so where do they get this amount.

I would like to request that when you are discussing with other Ministries, if they cannot reduce the price, may people be allowed to work and pay in installments because these people are just developing.  If it is a once off payment, the people cannot develop.  This is why people end up doing unlawful things.  If people discover there is gold, they cannot access it because there is an impediment of a licence fee.  In a one stop shop, can you allow people to pay in installments when they are starting up to finishing off.  I thank you.

HON. NYONI:  Thank you Mr. Speaker.  The question is pertinent and the suggestion is positive.  People who are developing should be helped on licencing fees so that they cannot be impeded by the issue.  However, I advise you to direct the question to the Minister of Mines and Mining Development.  Having said that Hon. Member, at present we are talking of the issue of ease of doing business.  After that all these things would have been clarified.  I will help push some of the things so that those who want to go into mining or other areas in SMEs should not be charged high fees to access those areas.  I thank you.

On the motion of HON. RUNGANI seconded by HON.

MUKWANGWARIVA, the House adjourned at Twenty-One Minutes

past Four o’clock p.m. until Tuesday, 26th July, 2016.




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