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Wednesday, 9th March, 2016

The National Assembly met at a Quarter-past Two O’clock p.m.


(THE HON. SPEAKER in the Chair)




THE HON. SPEAKER:  I would like to inform the House that Parliament in conjunction with the Ministry of Mines and Mining

Development will convene a one and half day workshop to conscientise

Committees on provisions of the Pan-African Minerals University of

Sciences and Technology Bill, Minerals Exploration and Marketing Corporation Bill and the Mines and Minerals Amendment Bill.  The seminar will be held at the Harare International Conference Centre from the 14th to the 15th March 2016.  All members of the following

Committees are invited and must attend without fail:

  1. Finance and Economic Development
  2. Mines and Energy
  3. Industry and Trade
  4. Youth Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment.

All Committee Chairpersons of Portfolio Committees are expected and must attend this seminar which will start at 0830 hours on Monday

14th March, 2016. The programme will be circulated in due course.


THE HON. SPEAKER:  I wish to inform the House that the sport competitions between Members of Parliament and the staff of

Parliament which were scheduled for Friday 11th March, 2016 from 1300 hours at the Alexander Sports Club in Milton Park Harare have been postponed to Sunday 13th March, 2016.  The venue and time remain the same.

HON. MARIDADI: (While he had finished giving his intention to move a motion.) Mr. Speaker, I thought it might interest you that I am wearing this white ribbon in commemoration of Itai Dzamara who disappeared while - [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections]-

THE HON. SPEAKER: Hon. Maridadi, why do you invite me to

rule you out of order.  That has nothing to do with your notice of motion.

Do not tempt me next time.

HON. CHAMISA: Good afternoon Hon. Speaker Sir.  I rise to move a motion in terms of our beautiful rules; Order Number 59 (1) on adjournment of the House on a definite matter of urgent public importance.  I realise that the obligation I have as a Member of Parliament and indeed as Members of Parliament on such a motion is just to read it out to you and then upon reading it out to you, I am supposed to forward to you the written statement, upon which you then make a determination.  So, if you may favour yourself, Hon. Speaker just to visit Order 59 (1), which is very explicit, articulate and very eloquently captured on those aspects.  Hon. Chamisa having intended to give notice to move a motion in relation to the disappearance of Itai

Dzamara – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections] –

HON. CHAMISA: What is surprising Hon. Speaker Sir is that this is a very serious issue.  Some of our colleagues may disappear very soon.  They may not know it but they must take this seriously Hon. Speaker Sir. Hon. Speaker Sir, I have looked at the rules.  I am supposed to state the matter first then upon stating the matter before the Chamber, I am then supposed to favour you with a statement.  What is precedent is for me to come and state the matter; then what is antecedent is for you to receive a statement – [ HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear] –

THE HON. SPEAKER: Order, order, Hon. Chamisa, I need to

have sight of the written statement that you read.  Then Subsection 2 (a) and (b) shall then follow.  I cannot proceed with subsection (a) and (b) until I have studied that statement.

HON. CHAMISA: I agreed Hon. Speaker Sir.  Indeed, I have not yet asked you to invoke…

THE HON. SPEAKER: I have ruled that.  Can I have the statement in advance, not now. – HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections] – I have ruled; submit your written statement, I need to study that statement.  Can I have the the written statement?

          HON. CHAMISA: I have heard you Hon. Speaker Sir.  I get the sense that you are saying that you need to consider a written statement which obviously…

HON. SPEAKER: I am not opening a debate

HON. CHAMISA: I am not debating…

HON. SPEAKER: Can you hand over the statement, if you do not want, then I will ask you to – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjection]-Order, order.  Let us behave ourselves, we have taken more than 15 minutes of our question time.  So we are proceeding with Questions Without Notice.

THE HON. SPEAKER: There are vehicles, ABW 2561 Toyota Hilux and ABY 4196 which are blocking other vehicles.


HON. PHIRI: Thank you Hon. Speaker. My question is directed to the Minister of Local Government, National Housing and Public Works, in his absence, the Deputy Minister.  We now have ease of doing business in Zimbabwe.  What measure is the Ministry doing to make sure that Local Authorities are helping in this endeavour to quickly get licences and other necessary documents?

THE HON. SPEAKER: Order, order! This is an administrative question, we want questions on policy.

HON. MPALA: Good afternoon Mr. Speaker Sir.  My question is directed to the Deputy Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing, what is the Government policy on City Councils in urban areas funding football clubs.

THE HON. SPEAKER: Order, order! Hon. Member are you sure

that question should be directed to the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing or Sport and Arts?



CHINGOSHO): I would like to thank the Hon. Member for the question.  However, I would like to advise the Member that that question is on social responsibility, so it should be directed to the relevant

Ministry – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections]-

THE HON. SPEAKER: Order, order, order. Hon. Chibaya hold

your cool.  Hon. Deputy Minister, the question is straightforward.  Do councils have policy to fund football clubs? That is the question.

HON. CHINGOSHO: Thank you Hon. Speaker.  The question

falls under social responsibility for the Ministry, so I would need time to check what the policy says – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections]-

          HON. MURAI:  On a point of order Mr. Speaker, I think it is very embarrassing that the Deputy Minister is waffling and giving deputy answers to this question. – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections] -

THE HON. SPEAKER: Order, Order on my right, Hon. Chasi

please, I said order.

Hon. Member, the Hon. Deputy Minister did not waffle, he said he is going to look into the matter.  The Minister responsible, I am advised together with a couple of other Ministers, is winding up on an issue related to drought relief.  Otherwise he should have been here to elaborate on the answer.

HON. MAZIWISA:  My question is directed to the Vice President and Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs.  It is common cause that the Government is implementing ZIM ASSET whose primary goal is to strengthen the Zimbabwe economy and also to improve the general welfare of Zimbabweans.  It is also common cause … – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections] – my question is, in circumstances … – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections] –

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Order, order!  Hon. Members … –

[HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections] - Order!  This is my second warning, if there is no peace in listening, I am going to name and throw out some members for disorderly behaviour.  – [HON. MEMBERS:

Hear, hear] - May Hon. Maziwisa please be heard in silence, Hon.

Maziwisa, please go straight to the question.

HON. MAZIWISA:  Thank you Mr. Speaker, the general

background to the question is we have seen a lot of effort …  THE HON. SPEAKER:  No, ask your question.

HON. MAZIWISA:  The question is this, why is it that in circumstances where we have seen a lot of projects on the ground - the likes of what we have seen in Kariba, Hwange and so forth.  What is Government doing to ensure that the different projects that are being undertaken under ZIM ASSET are taken to the people for public knowledge for purposes of making sure, not only that people are aware but most importantly, ensure that what we have seen in the past where President Mugabe has been criticized in a way that somewhat is unjust and unfair might stop? – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections] -

What efforts is Government taking to ensure that that stops? – [HON.

MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections] –



MNANGAGWA):  Mr. Speaker Sir, I heard part of the question but the majority of time I heard noise and I cannot reply to noise.

With respect to the aspect which I heard from the Hon. Member, it is true that the ZANU PF Government is implementing a policy under ZIM ASSET.  He mentioned the fact that there are significant projects like the Kariba-South Project which is being undertaken by a Chinese company for the expansion.  At its completion, I am advised that it is about 60 to 62% complete now, when it is completed, it is going to add 300mw to the country’s national grid.

Limiting myself to the area of energy, we do have the Gairezi Project which is going to be on stream.  We also have the Hwange Seven and Eight which we have secured a loan of US$1.4billion for and will take something like three years to complete.  That one again will bring some 600mw to the national grid.

Besides these projects that are Government driven, there are several others that are privately driven.  In terms of approval, Cabinet has already approved three other energy projects that will come on stream between 18 to 36 months, that is in relation to the aspect of energy.

That is not the only thing, we also have in the area of agriculture, everybody is fully aware that we have secured a loan from Brazil of three phases.  Part one of phase one of that loan has seen equipment coming in and we are currently receiving part two of phase one with regard to agricultural equipment coming from Brazil.  There will be phases two and three but as a result of the current Elnino phenomenon, the climate change, we are now focusing on making sure that we mechanise our irrigation agriculture in this country so that with the water bodies that we have, that water is used for irrigation for two seasons a year.  So, even if we have a drought, we are going to have reasonable yields as a result of irrigation.

The next issue is we secured US$150million facility with Belarus and the equipment is coming.  Again, it is directed to three sectors of the economy: agriculture, water and forestation, that is the question of dealing with wild life as well as estates in the eastern highlands.  Then we were advised in the negotiations, again focusing on agriculture as well as manufacturing with India, that once it is concluded, we should be able to come to this House and brief the House on that area. In the area of infrastructure development, there is a lot that has been done and negotiations are very much advanced in the area of road construction to dualise our highways and construction of bridges.

In the area of tourism we are certain that we project that in the next two years or so, we should be able to double the inflow of tourists in this country. Zimbabwe is being represented at various international expos where we are selling the Zimbabwe brand to attract more tourists into this country. I am not sure about the other part of the question of the Hon. Member because I did not hear it as I said ...

THE HON. SPEAKER: The other part I may assist. Is that how do we make the general public aware of what is taking place.

*HON. MNANGAGWA: Mr. Speaker Sir, this House is a

platform where we inform the rest of the country, and as we speak what we say here it is published. All the Hon. Members, come from various constituencies which cover the totality of Zimbabwe. I have no doubt that that alone is a method which can spread this but as Government, respective line Ministries do inform the public through the publication of what they are doing. These things are visible in that they are capital intensive and people get to see visibly what is happening. I wonder why someone would worry about how the people will know when we are here representing the people outside there. I have no doubt that we have the capacity, capability and the wisdom to inform our people outside there as well as the media there on.

*HON. S. CHIDHAKWA: Thank you Hon. Speaker. My

supplementary to the Vice President is that you talked of the equipment from Brazil. May you explain to us if it is benefiting everyone in the country because we witness it is being given to people during rallies by the First Lady.

*HON. MNANGAGWA: I want to thank the question that was raised by Hon. Member of this august House Hon. Chidhakwa. I am sure he is not drunk Hon. Chidhakwa.  The equipment that came from Brazil has tractors for ploughing, planters, irrigation guns for irrigation purposes as well as cultivators. The measures that the Government has put in place are that; each province should identify eight irrigation schemes. This should be done by the Agritex Department. When the eight irrigation schemes have been identified and in some other areas they can be nine; the point is no province will get less than 8 irrigation schemes but we are going to distribute them equally. This equipment is paid for and it is not for free.

When the extension officers have identified these schemes, they are the ones who do all the planning and the receiving of the equipment. The Government supports them with seed and fertilizer and whatever inputs that are required. They need to pay for the equipment that will have been given to irrigation schemes. The equipment to be taken to those provinces the challenge is how did the First Lady take that equipment to the provinces. The First Lady has the right as the First

Lady of the nation to distribute this equipment so there should   be no concern about this issue. The rally is not given but people are given that equipment. –[HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.]-

THE HON. SPEAKER: Order! Order! Let us have order.

*HON. MUNENGAMI: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir. My point of

order concerning the response that was given by the Leader of the House is that the equipment is being distributed by the First Lady at rallies. It is a place where slogans for ZANU PF party are being  made. So if this equipment is for the nation at large like what he said that this equipment is distributed through Agritex Officers, that is how it should be distributed not at rallies. We want him to explain why that is happening and it is not going through the Agritex Officers.

*HON. MNANGAGWA: I am happy that Mr. Speaker Sir, this

Hon. Member asked a question that will put to rest this issue and most will be satisfied with it. If you consider the fact that we have eight rural provinces with each one getting nine irrigation schemes. If you multiply that they are around 81 and these will be the irrigation schemes that will be given. That is what is happening, there is no single day when equipment was distributed in Harare.  This equipment was distributed to irrigation schemes, to people who were present at the irrigation schemes not rallies.  They are a bit lost, so I am happy that I have enlightened them and I hope this will put the matter to rest.

*HON. CHIDHAKWA:  We want to thank the Vice President for

explaining what is happening in the various provinces.  The issue we are asking is that there are some people who do not attend the rallies where equipment is being distributed.  Are these people going to be given equipment at another gathering since they are not attending the rallies?

HON. MNANGAGWA: Mr. Speaker Sir, are you aware that Cde

Chiune’s wife, a prominent member of MDC is heading one of the projects?  She is the one who received the tractors, are you aware of that – [Laughter] -.

HON. KUPHE:  My question is directed to the leader of the

House.  It is exactly one year since the disappearance of Itai Dzamara – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections].  Since then, he has not been found and no arrests have been made. We demanded that a report be made every month to this Parliament so that we know exactly what is happening.  Itai Dzamara is a son, father and a husband.  So, the family wants him.  What is Government doing to make sure that Itai Dzamara is found?  If  he is dead, let his body be handed over to his family. If he is still alive, in whatever form he is, let him be given back to his family.

Thank you.


MNANGAGWA):  Mr. Speaker Sir, the same question the Hon.

Member has asked, I could have said the same myself that it is exactly a year or so now since Mr. Itai Dzamara disappeared, and it was reported here.  I assured this House that as Government, that we will leave no stone unturned in the investigation about the disappearance of this citizen of ours.

Also, the matter went to court and there was an order that the Ministry of Home Affairs  should make continuous updating reports, that should be done.   I am not aware whether they have been doing it on a monthly basis to the courts.  Let me assure this House that that concern is not only a concern to the family, it is a concern to every reasonable citizen of this country.  So, I do not know if there is any other Hon. Member who does not worry about such a disappearance, then I doubt that person should be honourable because we would not want to have any citizen in this country to suffer or to disappear without any information as to whether he is alive or what, and we are all concerned.  We wish that anybody, with any information confirmed or unconfirmed, let that information come forward, it will be examined.

*HON. CHIBAYA: I want to thank you for the response given by the leader of the House.  My request is that the Minister of Home Affairs should give us a response on what they have been doing concerning the court order in giving regular reports on the whereabouts of Itai Dzamara.


MGUNI):  Mr. Speaker Sir, let me say it is a concern to all of us because we do not want a situation where a person disappears without trace.  What we have done  is that the  Police have formulated a Committee that involves human rights lawyers, Itai Dzamara’s relatives and friends.  The Committee sits every month to gather any information that can lead to the recovery of the great man.

Mr. Speaker Sir, secondly we have intensified our relationship with the media including ZBC  so that they keep on highlighting that we are hunting for the man.  Also, we have set down and put an amount of money amounting to US$10 000 which can be paid to anybody who can help us to find Itai Dzamara – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear].

*HON. MANDIPAKA:  Thank you Mr. Speaker, I need to be

enlightened.  I heard the Deputy Minister saying that Itai Dzamara was  great, I want to know in what way  he can be called a great man?

THE HON. SPEAKER: Order, order!


MGUNI):  Hon. Speaker, every citizen in Zimbabwe is a great person – [HON. MEMBERS:  Hear, hear.] -  [HON. ZINDI: ‘Muchitionawo kuno uku’ Mr. Speaker.] –

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Order, order.  May I address myself to

Hon. Zindi.  When we discuss in Caucus, follow what you have decided.  I am being guided by a list given by the Chief Whips from both sides.  I am following this list.

HON. ZINDI:  I have a point of order – [HON. MEMBERS:

Inaudible interjections.]

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Please sit down.

          *HON. MAPIKI: Thank you Mr. Speaker.  My question is

directed to the Deputy Minister of Health and Child Care.  What is the Government policy concerning hospitals that were built in resettlement areas?

HON. GONESE:  I have a point of order Mr. Speaker.  It is a practice in this House to have at least two supplementary questions.  As far as I can recall, we had one supplementary question from Hon. Chibaya.  Hon. Maondera rose to ask a supplementary question.  I am requesting the Speaker’s indulgency to allow that supplementary question.

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Order, order! When the Chair has ruled

against any supplementary question, I was satisfied that the Hon. Minister gave a comprehensive answer.  Secondly, a statement is being prepared by Hon. Chamisa on the same subject.  So, why belabor the issue when the statement is going to come?  Please, do not take over the Chair’s position; there is only one Chair.

*HON. MAPIKI: My question is directed to the Deputy Minister of Health and Child Care.  What is Government policy concerning hospitals that were built in resettlement areas five years ago?  People are travelling 100km to hospitals and others are giving birth along the way, yet the hospitals have not been opened.  I thank you.

                          *THE DEPUTY MINISTER OF HEALTH AND CHILD

CARE (HON. DR. MUSIIWA):  Thank you Mr. Speaker.  I would want to thank Hon. Mapiki for the question that he raised.  The Government policy is that we were supposed to build a hospital and clinics to ensure that people do not travel more than 10km from their homes to the health centre.  What I can say is that there are some clinics that were built in resettlement areas.  These clinics were built by the communities and sometimes by Members of Parliament.  The operational budget is not there so if the clinic is built without an operational budget, we then wait to be told as a Government to assist them in getting adequate health personnel.  What delays is that the money is not available.  In some cases, the clinics are completed before we are notified of the clinics being built.  Thank you.

*HON. MAPIKI:  These hospitals were built five to six years ago.  I do not know what you mean by the fact that you have not been notified.  How long does it take for you to be notified?  What is the position?

*HON. DR. MUSIIWA:  Thank you Mr. Speaker.  I thank Hon. Mapiki for asking the same question.  On the question that I responded to, Hon. Mapiki did not explain.  These hospitals were not built by the Government.  They were built by the communities in the rural areas or by the MPs.  What happens is that when Government embarks on a project to build hospitals, it has the budget allocated to it to ensure that the structure has capital for development as well as the salaries of the health personnel.  This is not what will have happened.  It is good for people to build their own hospitals or clinics but there are measures that should be taken because there are financial constraints that are experienced.  Even in Government hospitals, the health personnel, especially nurses are not enough.  What we do is we take the written requests and find them personnel and resources to operate that hospital.

I thank you.

*HON. MUTSEYAMI: Thank you Mr. Speaker, there is an Hon. Member who said big head sit down - Hon. Matangira.  He was talking of my head.  It is Hon. Matambanadzo.  My supplementary question is..

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Order, Hon. Matambanadzo, can you

withdraw your statement?

*HON. MATAMBANADZO: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir. I

withdraw the statement although he is not sure who said that statement so, he is now pointing at anyone.

*HON. MUTSEYAMI:  Mr. Speaker, my supplementary question

goes to the Hon. Deputy Minister of Health and Child Care.  I heard what you said that the Government is facing financial challenges for these hospitals to start operating.  Since the Government is so concerned about the challenges that people are having in rural areas, why do they not take the money that is being used by the Vice President who is staying at Rainbow Towers and the money that we used at the

President’s birthday; bring those resources together and assist two or three clinics to operate.

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Order, order.  I think this question was asked before and there was an explanation given by the Leader of Government business here that accommodation is being sought. I am repeating the answer so, the question does not arise.

*HON. CHAMISA:  Mr. Speaker, I will pause my question in

Shona and my request is that this question must be a lesson to our

Minister. I know he understands Ndebele better than English.  If we had translation it would actually be ideal.  We are the only Parliament without translation.  I think that should be addressed.

My question is directed to the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs.

We realised that of late, the police is impounding people’s vehicles known as mushika shika and they are made to pay a lot of money for the release and there are road blocks all over.  Is this Government policy or is it a measure by Government? Is it a way of trying to raise funds because it is something that is not supported by the law itself, may you enlighten us in this regard?


MGUNI): These are very pertinent questions that the Hon. Member brought.  The first one, police are there in the country to provide public order and security. If there are vehicles that are carrying passengers without correct registration and these vehicles are not fit, they should be checked and have to pass fitness tests.  The police have to protect lives especially for those passengers that are inside.  They are aware that our policy says they must not be partisan but straight forward administer the law.  So, if the vehicle has faults and has no required permit to do that; we have to protect the people inside, we have to impound that vehicle.

However, the roadblocks – Zimbabwe is so peaceful, I think people must appreciate that.  Do not look always at the negative side of it because those roadblocks have now maintained peaceful status in Zimbabwe due to the fact that people are scared to carry firearms in this country.  The roadblocks, some people will say they are too many yet they have got various purposes.  Some are looking for offenders that are moving in the cars, some roadblocks will be checking the status of the cars, some roadblocks will be looking for smuggled goods so they have got various purposes.  Therefore, I think Zimbabweans must cooperate especially Members of Parliament, must uphold the work that is done by the police.  I thank you Mr. Speaker.

HON. ENG. E. MUDZURI: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  Is the Hon. Minister aware of the harassment that ordinary drivers go through, when they are charged spot fines – when they do not even carry US$10 in their pockets?  Being charged for having no fire extinguisher for instance or a GVM label on your car and they say they want to impound the car or else you pay a fine on the spot.   I also want to extend this supplementary question to say is this now a new rule that everyone has to pay a spot fine?

HON. MGUNI:  Thank you Hon. Speaker.  The question that the Hon. Member asked I could not hear it because there was a lot of noise around me, I picked here and there, can he pose it again please.

HON. ENG. E. MUDZURI:  Mr. Speaker Sir. Before I ask, I just

want to put a point of order.

THE HON. SPEAKER:  I have not recognised you for a point of

order.  I said ask your supplementary question.

HON. MUDZURI:  My question is; is the Minister aware of the harassment that ordinary drivers go through by the police when they are asked items like a pin on your fire extinguisher or no fire extinguisher or GVM number and police ask that if you do not pay a spot fine, they impound your vehicle.

The second part to that is, is there no room for non-spot fines because the police are now saying there is no room for non-spot fines?

           HON. MGUNI:  Mr. Speaker, I heard his two questions.  The

first one is that we need to educate the public that by following the rules, it is not harassment.  The police demand what should be in that vehicle especially if it is a passenger licenced carried vehicle.  You should have a fire-extinguisher and other things.  Yes that is not harassment.

The second thing is that, yes, there is room that people cannot be charged and spot fines demanded if the driver has full particulars.  For example if he has committed a crime of not putting on his seat belt, he should have a driver’s licence, his identity card and a proof of address.  The fine could be paid somewhere else or if the fine is above $20 he has to go and pay somewhere else but if the driver is untraceable, a spot fine will be issued.  I thank you.

*HON MATIMBA: My question is directed to the Minister of Environment, Water and Climate Change.  My Constituency is surrounded by conservancies.  My question is, is there any legislation that can protect the community that is losing their livestock by wild animals that are destroying people’s livestock?

                           THE MINISTER OF ENVIRONMENT, WATER AND

CLIMATE (HON. MUCHINGURI): Thank Mr. Speaker. I want to thank the Hon. Member who posed that question.  Yes we do have legislation, our Ministry has departments, one is CAMPFIRE and the National Parks that assist the conservatives to ensure that there is protection of the community.  They also work with rural district councils to employ rangers whom we train to provide protection and avoid this destruction.  CAMPFIRE is available to protect the people and again the National Parks also assist people in the community with programmes to train those communities.  I thank you.

HON. CHIPATO:  Thank you Mr. Speaker. My question is directed to the Minister of Health and Child Care.  Minister we would like to be enlightened on students who trained in nursing in 2013 and up today they have not been employed.  Thank you.


(HON. DR. MUSIIWA): Thank you Mr. Speaker. I want to thank the Hon. Member for posing that pertinent question.  It is true, it also concerns us as Government that we have nurses who were trained and qualified, it is not only those trained in 2013 even those who qualified in 2012.  The position is that the Government currently does not have finances to employ these nurses.   Our request was that this august House as we vote for the budget, we should vote for more funds to be allocated to the Ministry.  We need nurses in the hospitals.  They are supposed to be employed after completion but for now, there is no budget for that.  Once we get the required finances, we will employ them.

HON. DR. LABODE: Minister, I hear you but my concern, as a Committee in which you also sat, you were part of that committee and where we agreed that if we acknowledge if a nurse was trained in 2013 and up to now the nurse does not practice; literally we are saying that nurse is useless. We agreed that since Government does not have money, let us suspend training for three years so that that we then recruit those who are outside.  Three years these nurses who are already on training - so what is your problem?

HON. DR. MUSIIWA: Thank you Hon. Speaker. I want to thank Hon. Dr. Labode for the comment.  The comment she has put to the House is quite a valid point.  However, it is very difficult to restart training once you have stopped training. What happens is, if you close a training institution, the critical teaching staff will be disbursed, when you restart the programme it is going to difficult to redo it.  In any case, we need those nurses, what we require at the moment is finance to employ them.  Thank you.

THE HON. SPEAKER: Order, order, order. Hon Minister, it was not a comment, it was a question.  Why not suspend the training and employ those who have been trained.  That is the question.

HON. DR. MUSIIWA: Thank you Mr. Speaker.  What the Hon.

Member has actually asked is a suspension of training.


HON. DR. MUSIIWA: When you have a suspension of training it means the training school is closed.  – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjection.] – We have

THE HON. SPEAKER: Order, order.

HON. DR. MUSIIWA: Training schools by their nature are actually training establishments.  They are just like a school.  We have tutors   – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjection.] – the schools are different from the hospitals so if you close the training schools, they become redundant and then you have to re-open .  – [HON. MEMBERS:

Inaudible interjection.] –

*HON. CHINOTIMBA: I wanted to ask the Minister that in this country since 1980 we witnessed doctors coming in from Cuba as well as nurses because there we a lot of …

*THE HON. SPEAKER:  Order, order. Hon Minister, order!

Hon. Minister, you are not listening to the supplementary question.  *HON. CHINOTIMBA: Thank you Mr. Speaker.  My issue is

that we cannot suspend training of nurses but Zimbabwe is well known for its high literacy level and educated people.  South Sudan and Namibia, Botswana are countries which needs nurses, the Ministry of health should be in partnership with those countries and send nurses to Sudan and  Eretria.  Just a few months ago, there were nurses who were being sourced to treat Ebola but Zimbabwe was selfish and did not send our people there.  Why are we not sending our people there?

*HON. DR. MUSIIWA: Thank you Mr. Speaker. I want to thank

Hon. Chinotimba for his contribution.   I am sure that the programme that he was talking about that we suspended nurse training, we did it using another strategy.  Our output was 900 per year of trained nurses, currently we have reduced training.  For those who were trained before, we have a programme that is underway to partner with other Governments in order to export these nurses.  We will enlighten you once the time is ripe.  By the time they go, we will be done with the documentation on their working conditions.  I thank you.

HON. GONESE: Thank you very much Mr. Speaker Sir.  With

the support of my core-pilots, I move that the time for Questions Without Notice be extended by 15 minutes.

HON. MATUKE: I second.

HON. SPEAKER: I had not finished.  I have asked for any seconder and it was seconded, now I am asking for any objection?

HON. NDUNA: I object – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible


HON. SPEAKER: Order, order! I am afraid, the objection came from a Member from my right against his own Chief Whip.

Questions Without Notice were interrupted by HON. SPEAKER in terms of Standing Order Number 64.



  1.          HON. SARUWAKA asked the Minister of Environment, Water

and Climate, to explain the following in relation to the implementation of the Pungwe project:

  • Why Mr. Frank Nyaumwe led Committee which was popularly elected by villagers in Ward 17 and 19 in October last year to lead them in the project was disbanded and replaced by a handpicked one.
  • What role Mr. Oliver Sakupwanya was playing in the project, who appointed him and what was the criteria used to appoint.
  • Why are the Tsonzo Small Scale Farmers being excluded from benefiting from the Pungwe pipeline water?
  • What role (if any) is the Mutasa Rural District Council playing as the appropriate local authority?
  • Who is funding the project?

                          THE MINISTER OF ENVIRONMENT, WATER AND

CLIMATE (HON. MUCHINGURI): Thank you Mr. Speaker. I would

like to thank Hon. Saruwaka for his questions…

THE HON. SPEAKER: Order, order! Order Hon. Members or we

shall now invoke Section 108, can we listen to the answers in silence.

HON. MUCHINGURI: Mr. Speaker Sir, the project is being implemented by the community under the leadership of the respective headman as organised by the District Administers’ office.  How the community organizes itself under the headman is a decision made by the community through their own system which the Ministry of Environment, Water and Climate is not involved in.  Our national responsibility is to provide water to communities.  The issue of rights and ownership of the project remains that of the communities.

In response to part B, Mr. Speaker Sir, as I have said earlier, the communities have orgarnsied themselves under their headman and allocated responsibilities among themselves.  The Ministry has not noted any challenges so far with the structures and arrangements made by the traditional leaders.  If any should arise, they should be addressed through the DA’s office.

In response to part C, Mr. Speaker Sir, the Ministry of Environment, Water and Climate respects the constitutional responsibility to provide to all citizens in the country.  The villages are organising themselves under the leadership of the respective headman, the different villages are at various stages with the project depending on how organised and committed they are.  The Ministry therefore, through ZINWA is providing technical expertise for the design and construction of the offtech infrastructure.

In response to Part D, Mr. Speaker Sir, the RDC has always been involved in the project as an important stakeholder representing the beneficiaries along the pipeline.  The negotiations for access to the

Pungwe pipeline water by the local community were done between Mutare City Council and the Mutasa RDC together with other stakeholders.

Regarding the funding of the project, resources are being mobilised from various stakeholders, the communities have so far committed significant resources in the form of cash, labour, quarry stones and sand for the construction of access roads and tanks.  I thank you.

          HON. SARUWAKA:  Mr. Speaker, with your indulgence

Supplementary questions to the five responses that the Minister made.

My first supplementary question …

THE HON. SPEAKER: Order, order just one question.

HON. SARUWAKA:  The question was in five parts, there was no way in I which I was going to stop the Minister from proceeding with her response.

THE HON. SPEAKER:  May you ask one supplementary

question please.

HON. SARUWAKA:  The main supplementary question I would

want the Minister to respond to is to give a clear answer as to who is funding the project?  We have noticed that there have been varying reports as to the source of the funds and as a result, people are being fleeced of their money; being asked to pay and then goal posts being changed.

I really want a clear cut answer from the Minister to state whether this is a Government project or community programme.  What is the role of the Government in this particular programme?  Is Government funding this project or not, is the question that I want the Minister to respond to.

                          THE MINISTER OF ENVIRONMENT, WATER AND

CLIMATE (HON. MUCHINGURI):   Mr. Speaker Sir, the Hon.

Member will recall that Pungwe Project was constructed in 2000 during the time when I was Governor responsible for Manicaland Province.

It was a deliberate decision, after consulting the local authorities that there was need, as the pipeline passes Mutasa District, that we allowed some water valves  to be put in place so that as funds are availed, we are able to extend this water to the Mutasa communities.  This year we felt that it was necessary, looking at the serious drought that we are facing, that Mutasa-Pungwe Project and also Muchabezi and Matabeleland that we would together with the funds that are sourced by ZINWA and also the contributions from the Mutasa community, will be able to pursue these programme.  So, whilst we think we are making progress, all these rumours are coming up.  I cannot respond to rumour, but if the Hon. Member has information we will be more than happy to investigate.  I thank you.



  1. HON B. MPOFU asked the Minister of Environment, Water and

Climate to  explain what the Ministry is doing to completely eradicate the human and wildlife conflict in Chikandakubi Ward in Hwange West considering the fact that the demarcation between the community and forest land commission is too small.

                          THE MINISTER OF ENVIRONMENT, WATER AND

CLIMATE (HON. MUCHINGURI):  Madam Speaker, Chikandakubi

Ward area adjoins Fuller Forestry Commission and the common human/wildlife conflicts reported are lions and hyenas attacking livestock and elephants destroying crops.  So far, no reports of people being injured or killed in the area have been recorded.  Animals have no boundaries and they traverse the lands in search of food and water and have an inclination in their search to follow same particular corridor.

Mr. Speaker Sir, currently the Ministry is running a project …

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Order, order, it is Madam

Speaker in the Chair.

HON. MUCHINGURI:  Madam Speaker, currently the Ministry

is running a project funded by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) in wards 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 14, 15, 16 and 17 in areas surrounding Sikumi Forest and Hwange National Park.  Under this project, FAO is testing the effectiveness and range of the Ambush Chilli educator by creating a virtual fence around resource centres which are waterholes.

It is being tested under controlled conditions but the intention is to then extend it to communal areas to cover all the resource centres like waterholes, fruit tree orchards, gardens and even dump site areas normally frequented by these animals.  Under this project, FAO has developed a multi-mitigation toolkit to manage human/wildlife conflict.  If this project is successful, there is scope for replicating it to other areas on a full scale, resources permitting.

In pursuit of the collective management concept, issues of land use planning, types of crops to grow in such areas, creation of buffer zones on adjoining land is pertinent and requires the involvement of all stakeholders.  As of now, there is a training workshop organised by FAO in collaboration with my Ministry targeting field officers on how to holistically manage the processes.

The Ministry is hoping that the initiatives taken so far will be extended to other areas but for this to take effect, we are hoping that the donor community will assist to fund the project.  Let us all be cognizant of the fact that as our human population grows, the tendency is to encroach into the wildlife territory.  The best way to avoid human/wildlife conflict is for human beings to avoid settling in animal territories and pathways.  I thank you.



  1. HON. A. MNANGAGWA asked the Minister of Environment, Water and Climate to inform the House what the Ministry is doing to reduce the carbon emissions from the transport sector.


CLIMATE (HON. MUCHINGURI): Madam Speaker, I want to thank Hon. Mnangagwa for the question.

  My Ministry uses the Environmental Management Act (Chapter

20:27), as read with Statutory Instrument 72 of 2009 on Atmospheric Air Pollution in addressing carbon emissions.  These instruments provide a framework for vehicular emission standards as stipulated in the fifth schedule of the Statutory Instrument 72 of 2009.

These standards enable my Ministry through the Environmental Management Agency to conduct routine road side emissions test to enforce the minimum emission limits set in terms of the Statutory Instrument. During these routine tests inspections, vehicles are tested to determine whether or not the emissions are within the stipulated limits. The parameters tested include carbon monoxide, particulate, matter, soot and nitrious oxides. Vehicles emitting the prescribed limit are issued with an order to have the vehicle repaired and re-tested by the Agency before being permitted to be used on the country’s roads. A total of 4

900 vehicles have been tested since 2015, with a compliance rate of 79%. 1 031 vehicles were repaired as a result of the operations.

Madam Speaker, my Ministry through EMA has proposed amendments to Statutory Instrument 72 of 2009 to create a legal framework for the licensing of vehicles on a yearly basis. This is meant to ensure that vehicles meet the minimum emission limits set in the proposed regulation. In addition, my Ministry also promotes various initiatives that are meant to reduce carbon emissions from vehicles such as the use of fuel additives that reduce the consumption of fuels by 30%  and increase vehicle life span.

Currently, my Ministry through the EMA has set up ampient air monitoring  points and is acquiring the mobile and stationary ampient air monitoring equipment through the UN development programme (UNEP) for the purposes of monitoring the geno ampient air quality and compliment the point source vehicle monitoring. I thank Madam Speaker.

HON. MUTSEYAMI: Thank you Madam Speaker. My

supplementary to  the Hon. Minister is how practical is the presentation that you have done with regard to managing of these vehicles in terms of the carbon dioxide emissions. Bearing in mind that all these trips that we do in this country whenever we move it is so clear that you could see a vehicle that you can even determine without even using a machine that this vehicle does not comply with the presentation you have just done.

This trend is just almost across the country and if you go to Checheche, Mutare, even here motika dzacho dzinobuda chiutsi chakasviba is it in the books or on the ground.

HON. MUCHINGURI: Madam Speaker, I would like to thank

the Hon. Member for his question. I want to say that I have already stated that we did undertake an exercise to establish the extent of the seriousness of this whilst looking at the parameters that we set in the

Statutory Instrument 72 of 2009. I have already stated that through the UNEP we have already procured equipment that will be put to use. We are hoping that as we unroll that programmed, it will be a starting point and we will review as the programme progresses. I thank you. –[HON.

MEMBERS: Hear, hear.]-

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Thank you Hon. Minister.

Those who are outside if you can please close that door and we do not want to hear what they are saying. We hear voices from outside. I do not know where the noise is coming from. Okay I think it is from somewhere there.


  1. HON. CHIKUNI asked the Minister of Environment, Water and Climate to appraise the House on whether the Minister is still considering cloud seeding as a mitigating measure against the effects of unpredictable rainfalls.

                          THE MINISTER OF ENVIRONMENT, WATER AND

CLIMATE (HON. MUCHINGURI): Thank you very much Hon.

Chikuni for the question requiring me to appraise the House on whether the Minister is still considering cloud seeding as a mitigating measure against the effects of unpredictable rainfall.

Madam Speaker, by way of introduction, the Government of Zimbabwe has been proving funding for the national cloud seeding programme. This is one of its yearly priority areas of focus and carried out by the Meteorological Services Department.

Since independence, the national cloud seeding programme has been carried out every year except for 4 years due to various reasons. I also wish to advise Hon. Members that before the cloud seeding programme became operational, extensive research and experimentation was done for 5 years. After these 5 years of experimentation, the scientist determined that cloud seeding for the purposes of increasing precipitation enhanced the rainfall amounts by at least 25%.

On average Madam Speaker, seeded clouds start precipitating 15 minutes after seeding. This is significant and in line with the findings of other experiments in many countries of the World. For your information, a minimum of 50 countries worldwide are presently conducting cloud seeding for various purposes. I understand that, due to increasing impacts of climate change, the number of countries intending to embark on cloud seeding is increasing, including some of those in SADC,

Zimbabwe has been approached in this regard and is already assisting.

Madam Speaker, responding directly to the question at hand, the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development availed U$300 000.00 on 10 January 2016 for the purposes of cloud seeding. On 11 January (the next day) cloud seeding operations commenced. This year we hired and deployed 2 aircrafts for the exercise, in order to reduce time for flying to the target areas as well as, maximizing on capturing as many rain-pregnant clouds as possible. One craft is based in Harare and should cover all the Mashonaland provinces, Manicaland as well as parts of

Midlands. The second aircraft is based in Bulawayo to cover the Matabeleland provinces, Masvingo as well as parts of Midlands.  As such the exercise has been countrywide.

As of Monday, 29 February 2016, U$86 000 is the balance of the funds remaining. This amounts to approximately 15 days of cloud seeding.

To date since the national cloud seeding programme commenced for the 2015/16 rainfall season, the provincial breakdown of cloud seeding is as follows.

Province                         Areas seeded & number of                              Total

                                        Seeding sorties per area                     

Mashonaland West


Chinhoyi (2), Lions Den(1) Karoi

Center (5), Murombedzi (2), Chakari

(1), Vuti (1), Guruve (5), Rafingora (3),

Chiweshe (1), Magunje (1), Orange




  Groove (1) Mudadzi(1)  
Mashonaland Central Centenary (1), Chikonyora(1),

Madziwa(1), Mt. Darwin(4),

Karanda(1) Mudindo(2)




Mashonaland East Murewa(1), Marondera Centre(1),

Nhowe Mission(1), Mtawatawa(1),

Nyamatikiti(1), Chitsungo (1)



Manicaland Chimanimani(2), Chipinge(1), Town,

Nyanyadzi(1), Watsomba(2),

Penhalonga(1), Osbon Dam(1),




Midlands Gokwe Centre(4), Kana Mission(1),

Gwehama Mission(1), St Paul

Misssion(1), Chalala(1), Lusulu(2),

Nyarupakwe(1), Njelele(3),



  Nembudziya(1), Sengwa(1),


Masvingo Mwenezi(1), Nerupiri(1),

Gutu(1),Bikita Centre(1), Silveira

Mission(2), Ndanga(1), Mashava(1)



Matabeleland South Kezi(2), Matopos(1), Mapisa(1),

Solous(1), Bubude(1), Plumtree(1)



Matabeleland North Lupane(2), Hwange Town(1),

Kamative(1), Mabikwa(Lupane)(1),

Tegwani Mission(1), Nkayi(2),

Imbuma(1), Nyamandlovu(1)



Bulawayo Ndabazinduna(1), Khami Ruins(1) 2


Lastly, Mr. Speaker Sir, for Hon. Members’ information, any member who wishes to witness the cloud seeding operations taking place is welcome.

Let me know and we will take you up there. I wish to advise those interested that the operations are extremely bumpy and turbulent. Some people have even passed out!

My Ministry is extremely thankful to Parliament for supporting this yearly national cloud seeding programme. May this support continue! I thank you Madam Speaker.

HON. MARIDADI:  I want to thank the Minister for the elaborate answer  I think when Ministers are responding to our questions, there is this tendency of self indulgence, where they tell us about things which are not relevant to the question.  I think it was only ten percent of her response which was relevant.  All the information about the scientific is not relevant.  The Minister must tell us the amount of rainbow that has been increased and the mitigation to drought not all that self indulgence of telling us what they have done.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Hon. Member, this question

was coming from Hon. Chikuni and the member was satisfied with what was being said by the Minister.

HON. MARIDADI:  If the original questioner is satisfied, it does not mean everyone else is satisfied.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Hon. Member, we cannot

have that.

HON. SANSOLE: Thank you Madam Speaker.  With all the

information that her Ministry has, is there liaison between her Ministry and the Ministry of Agriculture regarding the changes in rainfall patterns so that the later Ministry can disseminate information to farmers to enable them to craft measures so that the planting season can be undertaken in such a way that it conforms to the changing rainfall patterns?

HON. MUCHINGURI:  Thank you Madam Speaker, in every

Cabinet meeting, I present a report before Cabinet informing the Hon.

Cabinet Ministers on what to expect on a daily basis.  At that platform, every Minister is advised on information which they can utilise in making various decisions that affect their Ministries.


  1. HON. MAJOME asked the Minister of Women Affairs, Gender and Community Development:
  2. To provide statistics on protection order applications and their outcomes during the period 2012 to 2014;
  3. To provide comparative statistics of direct applications by victims and those involving third parties.


Thank you Madam Speaker.  I want to thank Hon. Majome for raising this question.   The Government of Zimbabwe remains committed to ending all forms of gender based violence in our society.  The country is a signatory to various national, regional and international declarations on the rights and protection of children and women.  The Government has further put in place protective legislative instruments and implemented programmes to ensure the fulfillment of all children and women’s rights. 

Madam Speaker, the Government takes a multi-sectoral stance at approaching this scourge that has bedeviled the nation.  The right to protection from sexual abuse and violence is also elaborated in our

Constitution in the Bill of Rights, Section 51 and 52 of the Constitution.  It gives provision for the right to human dignity and personal security respectively.  Section 52 states that;

Every person has the right to bodily and psychological integrity, which includes the right –

(a) to freedom from all forms of violence from public and private sources.

These sections in our Constitution prohibit any form of abuse of girls or women.

Madam Speaker, the Ministry administers the Domestic Violence Act which was enacted in 2006.  The Act makes provision for the protection and relief of victims of domestic violence and provides for matters connected with or incidental to domestic violence.

However, the Honourable Member who raised the request for the provision of statistics of protection order applications is fully aware that these applications are made in court, under the Judicial Services

Commission which falls under the Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs.  The Honourable Member is highly knowledgeable in these issues as once a Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Women Affairs, Gender and Community Development and a Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs.

However, the Hon. Member is free to make requests and questions on statistics from the relevant Minister  of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs.  The same applies to the request to provide comparative statistics of direct applications by victims and those involving third parties.  The requests of such a nature are best and sufficiently answered by the Minister responsible for the Judicial Services Commission.


  1. HON. MAJOME asked the Minister of Women Affairs, Gender and Community Development:
  2. To state whether it would be not prudent to tighten the law and

make it more effective to allow the police to apply for the protection orders on behalf of victims; and to further state whether enough is being been done to inform the public about how to get protection orders;

  1. To state when the Ministry will table before Parliament, its report on the recent United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, and progress in implementing the SADC Protocol on Gender and

Development’s 2015 targets.


tightening the law, Section 5 of the Domestic Violence Act clearly emphasises the role of the police in the realisation of the provisions of the Act under the title: “Duties of police officers in relation to domestic violence.”  The Act in this Section stipulates that:

There shall be a section at every police station which shall, where practically possible, be staffed by at least one police officer with relevant expertise in domestic violence victim friendly or other family – related matters.

Madam Speaker, the Act further provides that a police officer to whom a complaint of domestic violence is made or who investigates any such complaint shall obtain for the complainant, or advise the complainant on how to obtain shelter or medical treatment, or assist the complainant in any other suitable way.  The police officer may also advise the complainant of the right to apply for relief under this Act and the right to lodge a criminal complaint.

Madam Speaker, Section 6 makes provision for the police officer to arrest a perpetrator of domestic violence without a warrant.  It states that:

“A police officer shall, after taking into account the factors mentioned in subsection (2), arrest without warrant any person whom he or she reasonably suspects has committed or is threatening to commit an act of domestic violence.”  This means that the law already provides for a police officer to arrest and act on behalf of a complainant of domestic violence as this constitutes a criminal offence towards a complainant.

Madam Speaker, the Act further gives provision that in considering whether or not to arrest any person in terms of that subsection, a police officer shall take into account the risk to safety, health or well-being of the complainant and the seriousness of the conduct constituting the alleged act of domestic violence referred to in the subsection and any other factor that makes her or him reasonably believe that the person has committed or is threatening to commit an act of domestic violence.  The police officer is given a mandate to take all reasonable steps to bring the person suspected of having committed or threatened to commit an act of domestic violence before a magistrate within 48 hours.

Madam Speaker, the law regulating the applications for protection orders is tight enough to be effective.  It allows a police officer to advise a victim of domestic violence to apply for a protection order and it further allows an arrest of the perpetrator without a warrant.  If the Hon. Member seeks to know the effectiveness of the police officers, the question must be directed to the Minister directly responsible for the police, the Minister of Home Affairs.

Madam Speaker, the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, Gender and Community Development is engaged in robust awareness raising campaigns to educate members of the public of the prevention and protection against gender based violence.  We are part of the multisector approach to ending sexual abuse and violence in Zimbabwe led by the Judicial Service Commission.  The Zimbabwe Republic Police is also a member and these initiatives have resulted in the establishment of a Victim Friendly System through the amendment of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act.  This enables survivors of gender based violence to access health, justice, welfare and other services.  The initiative promotes a coordinated and integrated approach to sexual violence and abuse to ensure that necessary action and referrals are made where survivors have experienced any form of abuse.

Madam Speaker, of late Cabinet set up an Inter-Ministerial Committee, popularly known as IMC on rape comprising of Ministries of Primary and Secondary Education, Home Affairs, Health and Child Care, Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs and our Ministry.  The Committee deliberates, recommends and carries out programmes to educate, disseminate and share information on prevention of domestic violence and gender based violence.  My Ministry has partnered with relevant stakeholders to roll out this initiative at national, provincial, district and ward level.

The Government remains fully committed to ending all forms of gender based violence.  This strong commitment is embedded in the passion to fight sexual abuse and violence and improve the well being of children and women.  Madam Speaker, these initiatives have led to breaking the silence by victims, hence an increase in the number of reported cases.  Interestingly, Hon. Members will appreciate that men also are not embarrassed to make reports because of the effort by the Ministry, the men fora, Padare, Enkundle and other stakeholders.

The last part of her question is in relation to the Commission on the Status of Women, which is going to run recently in New York.  The

Ministry will only give a response once the delegation led by our

Minister, Hon. Chikwinya has returned.  I thank you.

HON. CROSS:  Madam Speaker I am disappointed in both

answers this afternoon because it seems to me that the Ministry is not adequately monitoring what these other agents of Government are doing on behalf of women.  I would like to ask the Minister what monitoring mechanisms do they have.  Are they aware of the statistics?  Do they examine them?  Do they take effective action in terms of making sure that these other Ministries do their jobs?  It seems to me that women are still discriminated against when they go to a police station.

HON. DAMASANE: Thank you Madam Speaker.  I would like to

thank the Hon. Member for the supplementary question.  I alluded to a Cabinet Committee to show that Government is serious and they want to really monitor and evaluate, hence that sub-committee by the Cabinet comprising of the five Ministries.  When you look at the structure of those Ministries, they have something to do with implementation, monitoring, awareness creation, et cetera.  We do not take each other’s duties and all the five Ministries delegated their personnel according to the needs.

If I may cite an example Madam Speaker, when you are doing research, when you get statistics, you have to verify why you want them and where you want to send them.  That is why I alluded in my presentation that every member is free to go to the Judicial Services

Commission for statistics.  This Cabinet Committee is chaired by the

Ministry of Women’s Affairs, Gender and Community Development.

When you have a basket of issues, it does not mean that you carry them.

In our traditional setting, we have what is called, “nhimbe” which means you cannot do it alone.  So, we are doing it together, that is, the implementation, evaluation and awareness creation.

I am sure when Hon. Members see advertisements; they would see the stakeholders and the court of arms of the flag of Zimbabwe.  That would be a silent Ministry of Women’s Affairs, Gender and Community Development if you see UNDP, churches and the traditional chiefs.  You will remember a billboard on the way to Masvingo, which spent two years from 2012 to 2013, there were two chiefs who said no to child marriages.  That alone speaks volumes.  We are partners, we are not alone.  I thank you.



  1.   HON. MAJOME asked the Minister of Defence to explain why the deployment of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces to the Equatorial Guinea for the Confederation of African Football Tournament was not done in accordance with the requirement of Section 214 of the

Constitution of Zimbabwe which states that, “the President must cause Parliament to be informed promptly in accordance and in appropriate detail, of the reasons for their deployment …” and to further state when Parliament would be informed.


Madam Speaker, Section 214 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, Amendment 20 of 2013 states that when the Defence Forces are deployed in Zimbabwe to assist in the maintenance of public order outside Zimbabwe, the President must cause Parliament to be informed promptly and an appropriate detail of the reasons for their deployment and where they are deployed in Zimbabwe, the place where they are deployed outside Zimbabwe and the country in which such troops are deployed.

Madam Speaker, the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary defines deployment as, “to move or cause troops to move into position for military action.”  This implies Madam Speaker, that the theatre in which they are deployed is in a state of war or threat of war and the purpose for which they are deployed is to engage in combat operations.

With regards to the deployment in question, there was no situation of war in the country or threat of war and the purpose was not to engage in combat operation but merely to ensure a safe and peaceful environment and safety for the African Cup of Nations Tournament in support of and at the request of the host nation.

In light of the nature of business for which the Defence Forces were deployed, we did not consider it necessary for His Excellency to cause Parliament to be informed because there was no military action, which would have involved direct loss of life to soldiers through military action, neither did it involve expenditure of fiscal resources, which Parliament directly controls as all resources were provide by the host nation.

Furthermore Mr. Speaker, deployment or movement of troops within the Zimbabwe Defence Forces is a daily routine.  For instance we have troops moving to various friendly countries for purposes of military training and cooperation, diplomatic assignments, business trips and peace support operations. If we were to report all these to Parliament, this would mean coming to Parliament on a daily basis.  So in our view, there is need for clear distinction on the type of deployment that warrants reporting to this august House and those that do not warrant such reporting.

Mr. Speaker, our view is that the deployment in question as well as the current deployment in the same country, which is for military training cooperation and many such deployments to countries like

Namibia, Pakistan and China where we have hundreds of troops on various missions, therefore do not warrant reporting to Parliament in terms of the provisions of the Constitution mentioned above. However, if the august House’s interpretation of this clause is that we will be required to report every movement of our troops to foreign countries for purposes of training, military cooperation, official business, medical attention or diplomatic assignments, then we will be more than prepared to do so, though in our considered opinion this is not what this clause envisages.

HON. MARIDADI:  Thank you Hon. Minister of the response and I am thoroughly impressed by your gymnastics with the word deployment.  You contradict yourself, in one breath you said deployment is for purposes of military action and yet when you continue to read your statement, you continue to use the word deploy, deploy, deploy.  You are basically saying when you are deploying, it is not for military action but you continue to use the word deploy.  I do not want you to give an answers but I am just telling you that you are contradicting yourself in your statement.  Thank you.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: What is the supplementary


HON. MARIDADI:  It is that he is contradicting himself with the use of the word deployment.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  So you are lecturing to the Minister.  You are out of order Hon. Member.


  1.            HON. MAJOME asked the Minister of Defence when he will

table a motion for Parliament to approve the ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty which was signed by Zimbabwe December, 2014.


Madam Speaker, in International law, Zimbabwe belongs to a group of nations that follow a dualistic regime.  This means that the procedure of becoming party to International Treaties or Conventions involves two stages, i.e. signing and ratification.  As regards the ATT, Zimbabwe has already signed, which is an indication of its intentions.

It is now in the process of stakeholder consultations after which the august House will be informed of the next stage.  Part of the delay is due to the fact that we are also seized with the urgent business of realigning our statutes with the Constitution.  I thank you.


  1. HON. MASIYA asked the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Services to explain whether the Ministry regulates the distribution of relief food in rural wards in view of the fact that Plan International and the Social Welfare are giving 15kgs and 50kgs of sorghum to households respectively.


you Madam Speaker.  It is the responsibility of Government to care and assist its citizens especially in times of drought through provisions of food assistance.  Cooperating partners only come to complement

Government efforts.

Where the partner has a joint programme with Government, the package will be the same, like in the case of Joint WFP and Government programme where Government is availing 50kg maize per household and WFP provides pulses, vegetable oil and corn soya blend CSB+ for under 5s).

As for other partners, they provide assistance per person per month while Government provides assistance per household per month, hence the differences in the package size. Currently, the Ministry through the department of Social Welfare is distributing only maize to vulnerable food poor households and not any sorghum.

HON. MASIYA: Thank you Madam Speaker.  I asked this

question following the knowledge that Plan International is giving 15kgs of sorghum per month and as you come to follow up on the list of intended beneficiaries you leave out those who are getting 15kgs per month.  The rest you give 50kgs per month so, there is this disparity of 45kgs, and these families are having a shortage of 45kgs per month. My question is how do you regulate this?  Thank you.

                          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  You mean those who are

being given sorghum are not getting anything from Government?

HON. MASIYA:  They are getting 15kgs in Chiredzi, it is true from Plan International that is why is specified Plan International.

HON. ENG. MATANGAIDZE: Thank you Madam Speaker.

The detail required from the question in the first instance was for him to site Chiredzi in particular.  What I gave him now was policy as it stands.

So, yes, I think if that that is the specific question can I have leave of the House to get back to him.  I thank you.

HON. CHIBAYA:  Thank you very much Madam Speaker.  Hon.

Minister we also have people who are vulnerable in urban areas, for example in my constituency in Mkoba, are you also doing the same programme in urban areas?  I thank you.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: It is not coming from the

original question.  That one was very particular asking about those who are being given something by Plan International and those which are being given by Government.  So, it is quite different, if you have a separate question I think you can ask it on its own.


  1.            HON. MKANDLA asked the Minister of Primary and

Secondary Education to explain whether there are plans in place to build a school in Jambezi Ward 7 in Hwange East Constituency, considering that children from Chenje and Neluswi Villages walk long distance of between seven to ten kilometers to the nearest school, Sikombi Primary School in Ward 4 in Nemananga.



Madam Speaker.   Our response is that school infrastructure development is one of the priorities of the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education. For the record, we have made it public since 2013 that we have a deficit of 2 056 schools countrywide.  This deficit includes schools in Matebeleland North where intend to construct school to decongest some schools and to reduce distances travelled by learners.

For 2016, the Ministry intends to deliver 100 brand new schools through joint venture partnerships, Government bonds and loans.  In

Matebeleland North work has already begun in Lupane where a new Government primary school is due for completion.  It is our hope that all the needy areas will benefit from the current and subsequent initiatives to build schools.  Thank Hon. Speaker.

Questions With Notice were interrupted by THE HON. DEPUTY

SPEAKER in terms of Standing Order Number 64.



  1. HON. M. MKANDLA asked the Minister of Environment, Water and Climate why Kamalala Primary School in Hwange has no source of water and teachers have to rely on water brought by pupils from their homes?

                          THE MINISTER OF ENVIRONMENT, WATER AND

CLIMATE (HON. MUCHINGURI): I would like to thank Hon. M.

Mkandla for that question.  My Ministry is aware of many schools, clinics and other Government establishments that do not have source of water within a reasonable distance.  Resources are being mobilised through Government, NGOs and other stakeholders to ensure that every citizen has access to safe drinking water.  For example, Rural Wash Programme.  The Government has also drilled an estimated 1 700 boreholes through its agencies and partners.  Efforts are continuing to cover more areas.

Mr. Speaker Sir, it is also important that as we plan for schools and other services, water and sanitation be considered so that the necessary facilities are included in the construction of these service centres and not to be after thoughts or add on  features.

My Ministry due to unavailability of underground water has had to put in place piped water scheme in some areas.  The Pungwe and

Mtshabezi pipelines are examples of major pipelines for urban centres.

The communities along these pipelines are set to benefit water for community irrigation schemes and gardens, drawing water from the pipelines through off take valves.

I want to end my submission with this appeal that, the onus to report on our areas that have critical water shortages lies with us as

Members of Parliament.  The District Administrator’s office, the District

Development Fund’s office and the ZINWA office have a role, among others, to receive reports of broken down hand pumps, malfunctioning pumps and dried up boreholes or dams.  Where they can fix the problem, this is done there and then.  Should there be need, the reports go up to provinces for consolidation before we receive the provincial priorities for funding.

At the national level, the Inter-Ministerial Committee on water, sanitation and hygiene called National Action Committee (NAC) on WASH, led by my Ministry then proposes allocations based on areas of need, geographical spread and aridity of area.

I therefore urge our Members of Parliament to involve themselves in the local planning process.  Communicate with our offices to avert any serious suffering on the part of our communities and institutions.  I thank you.



  1. HON. CHIRISA asked the Minister of Environment, Water and Climate to explain measures in place to alleviate the problem of use of underground water by residents as an alternative source of water.

Secondly, to explain what advice can be given to the Ministry of Agriculture in terms of climate change effects on agriculture?

                          THE MINISTER OF ENVIRONMENT, WATER AND

CLIMATE (HON. MUCHINGURI): I want to thank Hon. Chirisa for

the question.  Mr. Speaker Sir. Any person wishing to drill a borehole is required by law to seek a permit to do so.  The authority to drill a bore hole is granted after considering the extent of abstraction from the  proposed boreholes, purpose of abstraction and the effect of the proposed abstraction to other groundwater user in the vicinity.

In light of the above, in residential areas, it is not permitted to abstract water for any purposed other than primary (domestic) use.  My Ministry is aware of people abstracting bulk water for sake in Harare and these are being brought to the book in collaboration effort between ZINWA, Catchment Councils and the Police.  In the past week, at least two illegal bulk water dealers have been arrested and fined for abstracting groundwater for resale from residential areas.

On second part of the question, My Ministry developed a Climate Response Strategy and key stakeholders were consulted during the development of the strategy.  In light of the climate change phenomenon, some of the strategies recommended for use by the agriculture sector include:

  • Utilisation of water from existing dams that are currently being underutilised such as Mazvikadei, Zhove and Biri dams. ZINWA has reduced tariffs for small scale farmers from US$5 per mega litre to US$4 per mega litre which is a 20% reduction to encourage the uptake of water from existing

dams for irrigation.  The agricultural sector should take advantage of this strategy to increase crop production through irrigation.

  • Use efficient irrigation methods such as drip irrigation which increase efficiency and conserve water.
  • Employ rainwater harvesting especially where small areas can be used to produce high output of produce that are of high value.
  • Use soil and water conservation techniques
  • Avoid farming techniques and practices that result in high

erosion and siltation.  Siltation is threatening the gains made so far to store the increasingly scarce water due to erratic rains.

  • Ban the use of methyl bromide which deplete the ozone layer and adapt to environmentally friendly alternatives.
  • No cutting of trees for curing tobacco. It causes deforestation.  Rather let us encourage use of solar energy,

bio gas as renewable energy alternatives to tobacco curing through use of trees.


  1. HON. M. SIBANDA asked the Minister of Environment, Water and Climate to explain the policy regarding the stipulated number of boreholes within a ward or village?

                          THE MINISTER OF ENVIRONMENT, WATER AND

CLIMATE (HON. MUCHINGURI): I would like to thank Hon. M.

Sibanda for the question.  Mr. Speaker Sir, the policy does not stipulate the number of boreholes per ward or village but the number of people to share a borehole, which are 250 people per borehole.  It also depends on the need to meet constitutional expectations.  Boreholes can be drilled where there are no other water sources, for example, dams, piped water schemes and natural springs.



  1. HON. M. SIBANDA asked the Minister of Environment, Water and Climate to state the measures that the Ministry is taking to de-silt dams in Gwanda North Constituency.


CLIMATE (HON. MUCHINGURI): I want to thank Hon. M.

Sibanda, once again for the question.  Mr. Speaker Sir, my Ministry has a plan to de-silt the major rivers and dams to improve access to water for communities.  The process however, requires extensive amounts of resources due to the level of siltation obtaining in our major dams and rivers.  Some dams in Matabeleland South are almost completely silted.

While Government is at an advanced stage to mobilise resources (through mineral recovery from silt in river and dams), all stakeholders are urged to ensure that we minimise erosion and siltation especially from illegal mining activities and poor agricultural practices such as stream bank cultivation, cutting down trees and illegal settlements.

Government on its part has acquired earthmoving equipment from

Belarus, which will be used, among other things, to de-silt our water bodies.  A Cabinet Committee chaired by Vice President Mnangagwa is spearheading this process and I am sure that as soon as the equipment arrives, we will hit the ground running.  This high level Committee is a clear demonstration that Government is taking de-silting very seriously.  Where there are small dams, communities can mobilise themselves and carry out the de-silting exercise with the guidance of the Cabinet Committee.


  1. HON. M.S. NDLOVU asked the Minister of Environment, Water and Climate to explain whether there are plans to construct dams in the following rivers:
  • Nata;
  • Natane and

(c ) Mahena


CLIMATE (HON. MUCHINGURI):  I want to thank Hon. M. S.

Ndlovu for the question.  Mr. Speaker Sir, My Ministry, through ZINWA has a continuous programme to measure river flows across the whole country.  this information is used to determine the amount of water that can be potentially stored from these rivers by building dams.  Most potential sites have been identified for all districts and with the advent of climate change, ZINWA is intensifying efforts to update the database for potential sites and revising the amount of water that can be store at these potential sites.  Hence the construction of dams from Nata, Natane and Mahena rivers can only be considered once this review is completed.  However, mobilization of adequate resources is also required so that the construction of dams from all identified rivers and sites is realised.

We need to also ensure that dam construction is matched with economic activities that guarantee maximum usage and up take of the water.  Let us avert drought by making sure irrigation schemes are put in place to produce enough food to address hunger and poverty.



HON. MATUKE: Madam Speaker, I move that Orders of the Day, Numbers 1 to 11 be stood over until Order of the Day, Number 12 has been disposed of.

HON. KHUPE:  I second.

Motion put and agreed.






HON. CHAPFIKA: I move the motion standing in my name;

That this House takes note of the Zimbabwe Delegation Report on the First Annual General Meeting at the African Parliamentarians’ Network on Development Evaluation (APNODE) held at African

Development Bank Headquarters, Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire from 23rd to 24th July 2015.

HON. KHUPE:  I second.

HON. CHAPFIKA: 1. Background

The African Parliamentarians’ Network on Development

Evaluation (APNODE) was launched in March 2014 at the 7thAfrican Evaluation Association (AfrEA) Conference in Yaoundé, Cameroon. It was initiated by African Parliamentarians based on their recognition of the important function of evaluation in national decision-making and the crucial role of Parliamentarians in ensuring that evaluation evidence is used for strengthening decision-making, with a view to greater development effectiveness and inclusive growth.

2. Members and partners

The founding members of APNODE are Parliamentarians from seven African countries, namely, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, United Republic of Tanzania, Togo and Uganda.  Membership is open to current and former Parliamentarians from Africa, civil society organizations, private sector organizations, research institutions, national and regional evaluation associations, African national Parliaments, development partners and other individuals and organizations demonstrating a keen interest in the network.  APNODE benefits from the support of a number of partner organizations, including the African

Development Bank, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the United Nations Children's Fund, the United Nations Development Programme, and UN Women. The Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) of the African Development Bank in line with its mandate to promote an evaluation culture within the Bank's Regional Member Countries and as part of its evaluation capacity development initiatives, has agreed to host the temporary APNODE Secretariat until the establishment of its first

Secretariat in Yaoundé, Cameroon, expected in 2016.

                          3. Objectives

APNODE was established to fulfill the following objectives:

3.1 Raise awareness and promote knowledge amongst Parliamentarians and within national Parliaments about the importance of using evidence generated by evaluation for oversight, policy-making and national decision-making.

3.2 Enhance the capacity of individual Parliamentarians to demand solid evaluation evidence and make use of it in parliamentary duties.

3.3 Encourage Parliamentarians to work towards the institutionalization of evaluation to inform evidence-based decisionmaking and policy-making.

3.4 Share experiences across countries in Africa and beyond and examine the potential for international cooperation in this area.

3.5 Support parliaments in ensuring that evaluations at country level are responsive to concerns of gender equality, vulnerable groups, and equitable development results.

3.6 Assist Parliamentarians in contributing to the development of a culture of evaluation and evidence-based decision-making at all levels of government and by other stakeholders in development.

3.7Work to bridge the gap between evaluators (as providers of impartial evidence) and Parliamentarians (as users of evaluation evidence).

4. The First Annual General Meeting

The First Annual General Meeting of APNODE was held at the

African Development Bank Headquarters in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, from the 23rd to the 24th of July 2015.  The meeting was attended by Parliamentarians from Gabon, Kenya, Nigeria, Mali, Liberia, Togo, Mauratania, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Somalia, Uganda, Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire and Zimbabwe.

5. The Zimbabwean Delegation

The Zimbabwean delegation was headed by the Speaker of the National Assembly, Hon. Adv. J. F. Mudenda and included the following:

  • D. Chapfika
  • T. Khupe
  • I. Zindi
  • A. Masumba (Secretary to the delegation)
  1. Presentation on evaluation as a tool for enhancing development

The meeting received a presentation on development evaluation from Mr. SamerHachemand Hon. Musyoka.  The AGM was informed that independent evaluations provided credible evidence of what works and what doesn’t in public policy programmes.  It was highlighted that the use of evidence in the public policy and decision making process leads to quality policies and programmes and ultimately to better governance.  The presenters bemoaned that the use of evaluation evidence in public policy and decision making in Africa was still at its infancy.

They attributed this state of affairs to lack of awareness by decision makers of the value that evaluations can bring to their governance.  The presenters underscored the need to instill the culture of evaluation evaluation in all government institutions and agencies.  It was indicated that members of parliament needed to understand and adopt development evaluation if the approach was to succeed in the respective countries.

7. Adoption of the APNODE Constitution

It is not possible to spell out all the provisions of the APNODE constitution but an enumeration of the salient aspects will suffice.


The constitution had been provisionally adopted by the Steering Committee at a meeting held in Ethiopia in September 2014.  It, however, needed to be formally adopted by the APNODE membership.  The constitution was, therefore, presented to the meeting for its consideration and possible adoption.

The Constitution provides for 5 categories of APNODE membership as follows: founding members, full members, associate members, affiliate members and partners.  The constitution also provides for the possibility of members of APNODE to establish individual, country or regional Chapters of APNODE.

The constitution further provides for a secretariat headed by an Executive Secretary to service the organization.  The first office of the secretariat shall be located in Yaounde, Cameroon.  The constitution further makes provision for an Executive Committee of 14 members which shall be responsible for giving directions to the secretariat and ensuring that the decisions of the Annual General Meeting are implemented. Members of the Executive Committee shall serve for a two year term which is renewable once.

The constitution also provides for other important matters such as the election of the Executive Committee, the conduct of Annual General Meetings of APNODE and the funding of APNODE activities.

After extensive deliberations, the AGM adopted the constitution.

8. Election of the Executive

Since the constitution had been formally adopted, there was the logical need to elect a substantive Executive to run the affairs of the Network.  It was proposed that in order to ensure continuity in the affairs of the Network, the Steering Committee should coopt other members and continue as the substantive Executive.  After considerable debate,the proposal was adopted and the following members will constitute the first substantive Executive Committee of APNODE:

Senator Roger MbassaNdine (Cameroon)      -                  Chairperson

Hon. Susan Musyoka (Kenya)                -                  Vice Chairperson

Hon. Mahmoud Thabit Kombo (Tanzania)              -                     Treasurer

Hon. Evelyn NaomeMpagi-Kaabule (Uganda) -           Member
Hon. GirmaSeifuMaru (Ethiopia)                    -   Member
Hon. Kojo Appiah-Kubi (Ghana)                    -   Member
Hon. Assou Jean-Marie Apezouke (Togo) -           Member
Hon. ImbassouOuttara Abbas (Cote d’Ivoire) -           Member
Hon. David Chapfika (Zimbabwe) -           Member
Hon. LoulaZarough (Mauratania)                    -   Member
Hon. Andre Moussounda Mikala (Gabon) -           Member

3 representatives of Development Partners to be nominated by

APNODE’s Development Partners.

The Executive Committee will meet at least twice a year prior to the Annual General Meeting to review arrangements for the same, prepare the agenda of the AGM and to consider any other matter concerning the membership.  It was also agreed that a Virtual Meeting of the Executive Committee would be held at least once every month.

9. Consideration of Operational Policies

The AGM also had opportunity to deliberate on the proposed operational policies of APNODE.  The operational policies covered such important matters as allowances for AGM meetings, travel authorization, membership and annual membership fees.  After extensive deliberations, the operational policies were adopted.

10. Consideration of Draft Programme of Activities and Budget for 2015 – 2016

The AGM also deliberated on the budget and proposed programme of activities for the period 2015 -2016.  The activities that were proposed include the following:

  • Advocacy and networking
  • Capacity development
  • Outreach, and
  • Resource mobilization

After lengthy deliberations, the AGM adopted the budget of $140 000 and the attendant programme of activities.

12. Resource Mobilization

This session was dedicated to an open discussion on APNODE resource sustainability.  The expected outcome was to have a clear understanding on how the Network would secure resources (human, financial and technical) to fulfill its mission.  It was brought to the attention of the AGM that the Constitution of the Network articulated the finances as accruing from the following sources:

  • Annual membership fees
  • Voluntary contributions from members, APNODE Chapters, Governments, development partners, evaluation partners and any other interested stakeholders
  • Grants from other similar networks and parliamentary Associations
  • Various fund raising activities approved by the Executive

Committee, and

  • Any other source approved by the Executive Committee or the

Annual General Meeting

13. Conclusion and Salient Issues

The following key issues emerged from the deliberations of the First

Annual General Meeting of the African Parliamentarians’ Network on Development Evaluation:

13.1 Zimbabwe was chosen to host the Second Annual General Meeting of APNODE in July 2016.

13.2 That national Parliaments should report on the progress regarding the formation of APNODE caucuses or chapters by 31 December

  1. These caucuses should be fully funded by national


13.3 That national Parliaments should conduct advocacy workshops on development evaluation.

13.4 It was agreed that member Parliaments should contribute 30% of the APNODE Budget.  For 2015/2016 the total budget is $140 000.

13.5 Parliaments were urged to approach partners such as UNICEF and

USAID in their respective countries in order to fund their activities.

13.6 That regional evaluation workshops should be held in order to popularize the concept of Development Evaluation.

  1. 7 It was agreed that membership of APNODE would take effect upon receipt of proof of payment of membership fees. It was agreed that the different categories of members will pay annual membership fees as follows:
Membership category Annual membership fees
Founding members $250
Full members $250
Associate members (individuals) $150
Associate members


Affiliate members Free
Partners $500


13.8 It was agreed that member Parliaments would contribute articles to the APNODE Newsletter.  In this regard, draft themes of articles are to be submitted for approval.


Given Zimbabwe’s offer to host the 2016 edition of APNODE, the following recommendations are being submitted:

  1. That the local Chapter of APNODE should be launched urgently to ensure that by the time the AGM is held, it can report on its activities. This Chapter should be fully funded by Parliament
  2. That the Parliament of Zimbabwe pays its maiden annual subscription to formalize its membership of APNODE.
  3. That the necessary administrative arrangements be put in motion to concretize Zimbabwe’s offer to host the Second Annual General Meeting of APNODE in 2016. Specifically, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Office of the President and Cabinet should be informed of this development in writing.
  4. That an Organizing Committee be established to deal with the logistics of hosting the meeting. The logistics should necessarily include issues of funding, accommodation, translation and transport amongst others.
  5. That advocacy meetings be held with sister Parliaments to popularize APNODE ahead of the Second AGM. I thank you.

HON KHUPE:  I rise to second the motion.  Like what the  Chairperson alluded to earlier on, APNODE focuses on enhancing capacities of parliamentarians to improve their oversight role, policy making and national decision making by ensuring the processes are evidence based.

APNODE supports parliamentarians through ensuring that evaluations conducted at country level are responsive to the needs of women and the vulnerable groups.  Evaluation is critical to parliamentarians because it enables them to hold their Governments accountable and to promote an evaluation culture at decision making levels.

Once a project/programme has been started, it is important to evaluate it in order to measure its outcomes and impact especially on the livelihoods of the people.  As APNODE, we are talking about evaluation development and development is the ability of a country to satisfy the needs of the people using its own resources.  The needs being food, shelter, health, education, clean water and jobs amongst other things.

If we look at food, currently in Zimbabwe three million people are food insecure and rural poverty is at about 80%.  In 2005, the World Food Programme and the Government of Zimbabwe launched a zero hunger programme.  Currently there are programmes to distribute food to those who need food.  The question is have we evaluated those programmes to see whether those three million people who are food insecure are receiving the food in a non-partisan way?

If we look at health, we are talking about the prevention of mother to child transmission so that we have an AIDS free generation.  Are we evaluating these programmes to see their impact and outcome?

On education, Mr. Speaker Sir, we have youths who completed their

‘O’ levels.  We want to see where those youths are, are they being trained on other skills?  What is happening to these youths?

On clean water, women are walking long distances to go and fetch water yet we have programmes of digging boreholes, dams and so on.

Are we evaluating these programmes to see their impact and outcomes?  If we look at electricity, for instance, women are walking long distances in search of firewood yet we have bio gas programmes.  These programmes were started but are we evaluating them to see their impact so that people can use bio gas for cooking and lighting which is what other countries are doing?  If we look at jobs, two million jobs were promised, have we evaluated why those jobs have not been created or how many at least were created?

I am talking about these things so that we know the importance of evaluation, so that we know the reason why we are supposed to evaluate projects/programmes.  At the end of the day evaluation helps to assess whether funds were used properly.  Every year we allocate money to ministries and after allocating those monies, we are supposed to evaluate whether or not the monies were used properly.  This Ministry hass used so much, what was the money used for?  Are we doing that?

Evaluation helps to provide justification for a project.  When you evaluate a project, you are justifying its existence but if a project is not evaluated, how do you justify its existence?  Evaluation ensures transparency and accountability.  Right now, we are being told that about US$15billion was generated from diamonds but under US$2billion was remitted to Government.  Did we do an evaluation to say, how many carats were mined?  How much were they sold for?

How much money was received?  What was that money used for?  If we had done that, we would not be talking of US$15billion that is missing from the sale of those diamonds.  This is the reason why it is important for evaluating whatever we do.

We hear people talking about going to Botswana to study what they are doing in regards to their diamonds.  During my tenure as Deputy

Prime Minister, I went there with the former Minister Mines and Energy,

Minister of Industry and Commerce and the Minister of Information and Technology to study how Botswana is dealing with its diamond issue.  We came here, submitted reports and recommendations to Cabinet but no one bothered to implement the recommendations made … - [AN HON. MEMBER: Hear, Hear] – Key policy decisions must be based on evidence.

It is, therefore, important for policy makers to demand and use evaluation in national decision making processes.  Evaluation must be mainstreamed at national level to assess the different implications of any planned policy action including legislation and programmes in all areas and levels.  Evaluation helps to determine whether a project/programme has been worthwhile in terms of what was intended and what was expected.

I would like to conclude by urging all Hon. Members to support this report so that we establish our own Chapter of APNODE.  Hon. Chapfika alluded earlier to the fact that we are supposed to be hosting the APNODE Summit in July, 2016 and by then we are supposed to ensure that we have our own Chapter as Zimbabwe.

Finally, evaluation is key to development.  Let us develop the culture of evaluating all our programmes/policies and all our decisions must be evidence based.  This is the only way we can deliver real change to the people of Zimbabwe.  The equation is very simple, evaluation equals development, and development equals a better life for all.  I thank you.


Order, order.  The Minister of Transport and Infrastructural

Development would like to make a Ministerial Statement.  Hon. Chief

Whip, may you adjourn the debate.

HON. MATUKE:  Mr. Speaker Sir, I move that the debate do now adjourn.

HON. DZIVA:  I second.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Thursday, 10th March, 2016.





you Mr. Speaker. A request was made by the Committee on Transport and Infrastructural Development that I make a statement regarding the carnage on the roads. In particular relating to the recent accident that took place in Kwekwe, on Thursday last week.

          Mr. Speaker Sir, it is with a heavy heart that, I address you when the

Nation is still mourning 32 of our citizens who perished in a road accident on

Thursday 3 March 2016, when a Harare bound Pfochez Bus collided with a Sprinter combi heading in the opposite direction, 20 km out Kwekwe. Thirty four others were seriously injured and hospitalised in Kwekwe, Gweru and Harare hospitals.

Our heartfelt condolences go to all the families that lost their loved ones in that fatal accident. Our prayers are with all those who survived the crash but are still fighting for their lives in hospitals. We pray that the Good Lord extends His healing hand to them.

Hon. members, allow me, to update the House on the policy thrust my

Ministry is pursuing in view of the road crashes in the country in general and the Kwekwe crash in particular in respect to insurance cover and compensation to the victims.

1.Third Party Insurance

This august House has requested me to comment on how much is being collected through Third Party Insurance and to what extend has it been used in alleviating the plight of road traffic accident victims. Mr. Speaker Sir, Third Party Insurance is administered privately by insurance companies and therefore the Ministry cannot comment with confidence on the actual amount collected monthly or yearly by private insurance companies individually.

Below is a table of what the law says people should be compensated and what the industry has advised my office that they are actually doing, which I have to verify.









Any person $1 000.00 $2 000.00
Any Event or

Incident (Non Buses)

$5 000.00 $10 000.00
Any Event or

Incident (Omnibuses)

$10 000.00 $20 000.00
Property Damage $2 000.00 $3 000.00


May I acknowledge that, in other countries, Third Party Insurance is administered by Government, but in our case, we have been relying on insurance companies as agents since the colonial era. I have already advised Cabinet of my efforts to set up a Road Accident Fund and I will submit the paper to that effect to Cabinet in the next four weeks. Allow me therefore, at this stage, to defer discussions on this proposal which I am consulting relevant stakeholders as I prepare it.

  1. Traffic Safety Council of Zimbabwe And The Collection Of

Motor Levy

Mr. Speaker Sir, the Traffic Safety Council of Zimbabwe as the Lead Road Safety Agency in the country, gets 12% of every Third

Party Insurance Policy issued in the country through a Motor levy. The money collected is used for the promotion of road safety in the country and this is clearly stated in the enabling Act of the Traffic Safety Council of Zimbabwe. So for the avoidance of doubt, the money that traffic Safety Council of Zimbabwe is supposed to get from Insurance Companies is meant for  promotion of road safety, not for compensation which  is the responsibility of Insurance Companies.

However, taking note of the situation on the ground in the case of the current road crush in Kwekwe, the Traffic Safety Council of Zimbabwe assisted Kwekwe Hospital with replenishment of blood and medication that had been used up by crash victims to the tune of U$3 000.00.

Currently, the Third Party Insurance costs $30 per term and therefore the Traffic Safety Council of Zimbabwe gets 12% of

$30=$3.60 per term per car. On a monthly and annual basis, the Council collects an average of $224 000 and $2.688 million respectively.

On this note, may I say that of late, the Traffic Safety Council of Zimbabwe has had problems in collecting the 12% levy from Insurance Companies mainly because the Industry has been plagued by fake Insurance policies, while some Insurance

Companies are not complying with the requirements to remit the money. Regrettably, the Traffic Safety Council of Zimbabwe has no garnishee powers to get the money from the bank accounts of defaulting Insurance Companies.

In order to ensure compliance, my Ministry has been in consultations with the Insurance Council of Zimbabwe (ICZ) in the past month to introduce electronic Insurance Cover Notes. This project which will see Insurance Companies being linked to databases of ZINARA and CVR and therefore, no vehicle will be able to get motor vehicle licence without a valid insurance policy.  The system has already been designed and is expected to be operational in the next three months.



To complement the above initiative, given the inadequacies of the current system in meeting the post-crash needs of road accident victims, my Ministry has developed the concept of Road Accident Fund.  The Ministry has already made a commitment to submit the proposal to Cabinet in the next four weeks.  The paper is being worked on by an allinclusive stakeholder Committee set up within my Ministry and the completed documents are expected to be brought to this august House within the next two to three months for interrogation and possible legislation of the Fund.

Finally, allow me to say that my Ministry remains very committed and dedicated to curbing road traffic carnage in the country.  With your support, we will not fail our travelling citizens and their families.  On that note Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the Hon. Members who have been listening but just to add that the Kwekwe accident was a terrible one.  You could actually shed tears if you had visited the place.  What actually happened is that ten people had the necks guillotined, heads thrown away.

Mr. Speaker Sir, as you read about some bodies that have not been identified, this is where the problems is.  There are bodies and heads on the site.  When I visited the site on Friday with other Ministers, when looking around, we picked another head – [HON. MEMBERS: Uuuuu !] – So, it was a terrible accident.  I regret to say that at times we are very late to come up with legislations that can assist our people and this is one area that one would not want to see being repeated.  When I talking of coming here in about two to three months with a proposal, it is because of the system of coming up with laws but if one was to actually fast-track this legislation, it should come even by yesterday and make it into a law.  Mr. Speaker, we do not even know what is going to happen tonight or tomorrow.  As such, a situation like that can repeat.  It is a very sad story, it is not something that one would want to think about.  Those who survived, I think they are much traumatised because the bus and the sprinter were coming from opposite directions so people in the bus could actually see heads being hacked.  It is something that if you witnessed the incident, you get very much traumatised. This is the kind of situation that we have.

The accident was caused by a tyre burst and because of speeding, the sprinter coming from the opposite direction could not avoid going directly into the bus.  This is what transpired.  I want to thank the Chairperson of the Committee who has asked me to come and make this statement which I prepared at a very short notice, but I thought it was very important that we bring it to the attention of the Hon. Members.  I thank you – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear].


Thank you Hon. Minister for that gesture, it is a pity that we lost lives.

HON. NDUNA: I am the Chairperson of your Committee Mr. Speaker.  I want to thank the Minister for having responded at a knee jack reaction time, to come and give this House a Ministerial Statement.  I want to agree with the Minister that we should act immediately to alleviate any future happenings of such disasters.  Mr. Speaker, immediately, what I hear from the Minister is that there is no enforcement in terms of insurance collection.

Therefore, we urge him to redouble the efforts of remittances of the twelve and half percent; that should go to Traffic Safety Council of Zimbabwe.  What I need to bring to your attention is that the registered vehicles in 2015, 571 000 vehicles that were insured, what was suppose to accumulate to Traffic Safety Council of Zimbabwe is US$8.5 million.

Since the dollarisation, we have never gone below 400 000 vehicles.  So, I say, instead of the awareness campaign for road traffic safety awareness, if we can use some of this money towards ensuring …

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Order, order, Hon. Nduna,

you need to seek clarification from the Minister if you have anything that you want clarified, more than making a debate over it.

HON. NDUNA:  Mr. Speaker Sir, cumulatively, I believe we could have got U$48 million which was there for enforcement.  He has alluded to the fact that enforcement is lacking and they are seeking to garnish the accounts of the insurance companies.  I urge, then if you get to the garnishing point and if you get that money, some of that money should be employed to alleviate the plight of those that have been bereaved in compassionate compensation and for those that were injured including those that had their limps amputated.  This can alleviate their plight in terms of compensating them for their injuries and paying their hospital bills.  It will not be asking too much to do it in retrospect.

However, it would be my fervent view that going forward;  if you can collect that money effectively and it can be accounted for every cent, we will be asking you again to come in and say to us how much has come in from the insurance sector so that we know that this money gets to be employed optimally for the compensation of those victims.  Today all of us are affected Hon. Minister.  Every one of us in this House is affected by road carnage in one way or the other.  We want enforcement to be done on the insurance companies so that we can optimally ensure those that have been bereaved and those that have been injured.  I thank you.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Hon. Members, I have asked

you to seek clarification where you did not understand well from the Minister, not debating over this issue.

HON. MANDIPAKA:  Mine is a question from what the Hon. Minister has said.  I want to find out whether they have conducted a survey within the region or outside the region in terms of or in relation to the introduction of such a fund.  Thank you.

HON. MARIDADI:  Thank you Mr. Speaker.  Firstly, I wish to

thank the Minister for the report.  Minister, it shows you have your heart in the right place.  I would also want to thank Hon. Nduna for prompting the Minister to bring that statement.  It was very timely.  Minister, the $2.6 million being collected as Road Accident Fund, you were saying that you do not have a mechanism to force the disbursement of this money in the event of an accident.  What mechanisms are you putting in place to ensure that this money is used for purposes of compensating victims of road accidents?

HON. MAONDERA:  What I want to seek clarification from the Minister is, you said the Kwekwe accident and many others are as a result of the defects on vehicles.  Is he aware that departments like VID, when they find a vehicle with a defect, they only fine the drivers and they are allowed to proceed with their journey with the same vehicle with defects?  I know he does not superintend over the police but the police and VID, which he superintends over are letting vehicles with defects to proceed after they have been fined.  Is it fund raising; you collect money and you do not care about the safety of the people.  Can he clarify on that?

*HON. MURAI:  Thank you Mr. Speaker.  I would want to thank

the Minister for timeously bringing in the response.  All of us are deeply pained by the catastrophe.  What I wanted to say had been already said by the Hon. Members who spoke before me.

HON. CHAPFIKA: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  Again, let me echo my colleagues’ sentiments on thanking the Hon. Minister for a quick response to this very critical and urgent issue.  Do you not think that there is need to seriously look at the issues that this House has been calling on Government to adopt?  The combis and vehicles that are dumped into this country, which are more than five years old is a source of economic destruction.  They do not only cause death to many people because some of them break down on the way from Beitbridge to Harare.  The amount of foreign currency used in procuring spare parts for these vehicles is maybe ten times the value of the vehicle.  Urgent action needs to be taken.  I know that from a political angle it might be unpopular but in the long run, you will find that it will reduce the carnage on our roads.  I think it is high time Hon. Minister you take a comprehensive approach to those issues.  Thank you.

HON. J. TSHUMA:  Thank you very much Mr. Speaker Sir.  May

I also thank the Minister for coming up with this statement on such a sad event.  My point is on the other aspects that I have not heard being touched, the aspect of tyres.  Most of these bus owners are trying to be economic and are buying retreads.  Retreads are not good for public transport.  So, I think that the Ministry must come up with a policy to ban retreads, especially for public vehicles.  They must use original tyres because as long as it is retreads, we are not going to solve this.  As we hear, it was a tyre burst.  The car might be in good condition but that tyre burst can cause accidents.  If you go on the highway, look at how many pieces of tyres you see.  It is because even the huge trucks use retreads.  Please, let us ban retreads.  They are going to keep on killing our people.  I thank you.

                          THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORT AND


Thank you Mr. Speaker.  Let me thank my colleagues for the questions.

I am very much aware that it is a subject that really touches everybody’s heart here.  The Chairman of the Committee, Hon. Nduna talked about us having been able to collect a lot of money from around 571 000 cars.  Unfortunately, we only collected US$224 000 or we collect approximately $2.6 million.  That is what we can only account for.  It is difficult for us to collect money because the people have to remit the money through their own volition.  We do not force them to pay.  There is no mechanism of forcing them to pay, like what Hon. Maridadi did say.  It is a question that I think maybe we need to look at as legislators as how we can force people to pay the money.

The collection is rather done by those who are honest and who feel the responsibility of being responsible enough to pay the money.  This is why I have said we are coming up with a proposal whereby we are going to link up ZINARA, CVR and insurance companies together so that we do away with fake licences.  Most of the cars the Hon. Chair talked about, are going around with fake licences.  I was arrested at one time at a road block for using a fake licence.  I asked one of my guys to go and pay at ZINARA.  When he got to ZINARA, he was mobbed by guys who said this is ZINARA so we can give you a licence. He paid and we put that fake thing on the car.  I thought all was fine but this is what is happening and this is what we are trying to curb through this proposal in order to make sure that we collect enough money that we can use to compensate our people.

It can only be done through the Road Fund.  We are proposing that we come up with a proper way of alleviating this burden from our people and Government.  You must know that after the accident, Government declared it a national disaster and it is Government again paying.  It means it is you again paying.  So, if we do it through a fund, it would be easier for all of us and we can make sure that we can assist our own people.

Hon. Mandipaka, yes, we are making the comparative study and that is why I talked about South Africa.  They are actually having a problem because they started this thing but it is also giving them problems.  From what they have experienced, we are trying to come up with a modified policy and we hope that when we come up with ours, it would be better.  We have done a regional study and we hope this will assist us to come up with a better concept.

Hon. Maondera, you talked about VID and ZRP, that is our problem.  You do not have to say there is nothing happening there.  There is something happening.  We experience it and our people experience it.  We said to VID people go on the road and make sure that every car that passes your road block, you are satisfied it is roadworthy but it never works that way.  How to prevent corruption, whether it is VID or ZRP, one Zimbabwean like myself or yourself will say it does not happen.  If they do not, then I do not know why we should do that - it happens.  All we can say is we pray and we hope that our people can try and be honest so that whenever they allow a car to pass, it is really worthy to pass.  Otherwise those things do happen and I will be the first one to agree because VID falls under my ministry.  I really do not know whether I should cry or not cry or whatever I should do to make sure that we are clear or be rid of this corruption because it is there.

We are trying as much as we can.  I was whispering to another colleague that some people are saying that we want to start our own association whereby we will just be standing with the police and we will not be in uniform, arresting police or the people themselves.  So, you get confused at one stage you want to say, I think that should be allowed to happen, but you then say you might employ tsotsis. Again, it is something that I cannot really deny that it happens, but those are things that happen.

The Hon. Member who stated that what he wanted to ask has been asked and I thought that was really very responsible and honourable for him to do that.

Hon. Chapfika – commuter omnibus, yes today it is not the question of commuter omnibus but I hear you about commuter omnibuses.  That is actually an area for Local Government, they are mostly in urban areas but they also ply our roads and your question is, why do we allow as many as them being allowed into the country because we lose out a lot of money and so forth.  I will agree with you but I want you to keep that question and ask the Minister of Industry and Commerce, that is where you can get your answer.  My role is to make the roads, I do not drive on the roads I just make the roads and the cars whether they come in or out is an issue of Ministry of Industry and Commerce and you know that pretty well, having been Minister in those Ministries.

Hon. Chuma – the issue of retreaded tyres is an issue that is worrisome as well but again, it is an issue that should be directed to the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.  My ministry’s role is to make roads and bridges and it ends there.  You should be allowed to drive on the roads, you should be allowed by Industry and Commerce to buy cars and drive them and have good tyres - that is the role of another ministry.  The point still is made and I take it and I will also pass it to the Minister to say can he do something about retreaded tyres being used, particularly on public vehicles, it would be better if it is your own car.  Maybe if something happens to you, it is your own problem but particularly on public vehicles, it is better if we do not use retreaded tyres.  I want to thank you Mr. Speaker I think I have tried to do justice to the questions.

I thank you.

On the motion of HON. MATUKE, seconded by HON. DZIVA,

the House adjourned at Nine Minutes to Six o’clock p.m.








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