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NATIONAL ASSEMBLY HANSARD 21 September 2017 44-04


Thursday, 21st September, 2017

The National Assembly met at a Quarter-past Two o’clock p.m.


(THE HON. SPEAKER in the Chair)




THE HON. SPEAKER: I have to inform the House that I have received a Non-Adverse report from the Parliamentary Legal Committee on the Mines and Minerals Amendment Bill (H. B. 19, 2016).


          THE HON. SPEAKER:  I also have to inform the House that Hon. Members are cordially invited to the Walk of Life, a sponsored walk organised by the Passengers Association of Zimbabwe which seeks to sensitise every person on road traffic accidents.  The event will take place at Harare Gardens, between 1430 and 1600 hours, on Saturday, 30th September 2017.  Hon Members interested in participating in the event should register with the Public Relations Department.







  1. MNANGAGWA): Mr. Speaker Sir, I move that the Insolvency Bill [H.B. 11, 2016] which was superseded by the end of the Fourth Session of the Eighth Parliament be restored on the Order Paper at the stage which the Bill had reached in terms of Standing Order No. 161(1).

           Motion put and agreed to. 







AFFAIRS: I move the motion standing in my name that the Estates Administrators Bill [H.B. 8, 2016] which was superseded by the end of the Fourth Session of the Eighth Parliament be restored on the Order Paper at the stage which the Bill had reached in terms of Standing Order

No. 161 (1).

          Motion put and agreed to.



            HON. MATUKE: I move that Orders of the Day, Numbers 3 and

4 on today’s Order Paper be stood over until the rest of the Orders of the

Day have been disposed of.

          HON. RUNGANI: I second.

          Motion put and agreed to.



          Fifth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the

Presidential Speech.

          Question again proposed.

          HON. SHAMU: I rise to join Hon. D. M. Ncube in speaking to

His Excellency, the President’s Speech and may I begin by thanking Hon. Ncube for eloquently moving the motion with the support of his seconder Hon. Mlilo paved the way for us to contribute our thoughts to the speech which was delivered by the President of the Republic of

Zimbabwe, Cde R. G. Mugabe, Commander-in-Chief of the Zimbabwe

Defence Forces, Grandmaster of the Zimbabwe Order of Merit at the Official Opening of the 8th Session of Parliament.

          I would like just to start by going back in history. In an article written in the year 1982  for the 1982 Britannica Book of the Year by His Excellency, the President R. G. Mugabe then being the Prime Minister of

Zimbabwe. His Excellency wrote and I would like to quote “when in

1652 Jan Van Riebeeck representing the Dutch East India Company landed on the Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa and laid the foundation of a future Dutch Cape colony, no one would have foreseen that the process thus begun would assume such proportions 250 years later.

           It engulfed in successive stages not just the Cape Colony, but also the Orange Free State, the Transvaal, Basutoland, Switzerland Bechuanaland, Southern Rhodesia and Northern Rhodesia. The national liberation struggle that transformed Southern Rhodesia into Zimbabwe was an event in this process and was the sum of many linked events.”     Mr. Speaker Sir, the question is why am I making this quotation at this point in time. I would like to emphasise that His Excellency’s observation was correct then. His Excellency’s thoughts, conclusions and guidance are still correct today. Let us, with speed and vigour, align our laws to the Constitution of Zimbabwe as we seek to fulfil the aspirations of the heroic people of Zimbabwe as expressed during the constitution outreach campaign. An important link in the revolutionary process and road that we have chosen for our nation.  Mr. Speaker, what I will avoid doing in my contribution is to deal with any one specific area of concern as outlined by His Excellency the President.  I feel that was well done by Hon. Ncube and Hon. Mlilo, the mover and seconder of the motion respectively.

          However, I believe that the opportunity for me to thoroughly debate specific areas that relate to the alignment of our laws to the Constitution will avail itself as the 30 Acts remaining for alignment will be brought before this august House.

          Mr. Speaker Sir, what I believe is important at this juncture is to underscore the fact that whatever we do in our country relates in one way or the other to global trends.  The world is indeed a global village. It is important for us to be reminded that a tiny elite of countries and multinational corporations control in an authoritarian fashion the destinies of the world, its economies and its natural resources.

          Mr. Speaker Sir, a handful of imperial powers impose their will on us, sanctions on progressive governments like the Zimbabwean Government.  They plot against us, and impose prices on the world at will.  In this our journey, as we struggle for economic freedom, the deepening and strengthening  of our right to be masters of our own destiny is anchored on control of our natural resources.  His Excellency, Cde. R.G. Mugabe is the champion of that noble cause.

          Mr. Speaker Sir, it is my fervent hope that the hard work, absolute commitment and diligence called for by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Cde. R. G. Mugabe, will produce robust and well informed debates that will say ‘no’ to the wealth of this country being concentrated in the hands of a few that will not allow economic and social inequality among social classes to grow.

          Mr. Speaker Sir, food, water, shelter, and justice must be for all our people and all these aspects are carried within the concepts of what His Excellency said we must discuss during this debate.

           In the past, we were colonized and enslaved.  Our stolen labour built empires in the countries of our erstwhile colonisers.  Now, we are politically liberated.

          Now, with every step we take in our quest for the total liberation of

Zimbabwe; let it be for the benefit of every Zimbabwean, young and old.

In aligning the laws of this country with the Constitution, we must do it bearing in mind that it is being done with the interests of the people as the main objective.

          Mr. Speaker Sir, this is the Zimbabwe we have and no other.  The whole population of our country are the people of Zimbabwe and no other.  I thank you.

          HON. MANGAMI: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  Allow me to begin by thanking His Excellency, Cde R.G Mugabe for an impressive

Official Opening Speech of the Fifth Session of the Eighth Parliament.

          Mr. Speaker Sir, the activities for this last Session has been clearly elaborated by the President and it is now our duty to perform.  The

President talked about a lot of Bills that are going to come to this august House.  Of the things which the President talked about, I am only going to look at three of them, that is the Cooperative Society Amendment Bill which happens to fall under the Ministry of SMEs, the Motor Vehicle

Accident Fund and the Teaching Profession Council.

          The Teaching Profession Council seeks to regulate and promote ethical conduct within the profession. When this council comes into being, it will standardise the profession bearing in mind that teachers are very important people in the society.  Mr. Speaker Sir, you know very well as a teacher how important the job is, to enlighten even the legislators who are here who happen to have passed through these teachers.   I therefore, commend the President for having that in the pipeline to have a council which will regulate this teaching profession.

          It is therefore important to ring-fence the profession from nonteachers like in any other profession.  So, the teaching council will become the regulatory authority or a regulatory board which will be allowed to de-register those who would be found wanting, which is a very important thing if that is brought into being.

          Mr. Speaker Sir, I know like I have said, even the President is a teacher by profession, when he considered bringing the teaching council to Parliament to be regulated as a body, he knew very well that the profession has to be regulated.  We have, like I have said, enlightened a lot of people as a profession and we have managed to make everybody be organised, if not all legislators here, who happen to have passed through teachers.

          Mr. Speaker Sir, I will take this opportunity to thank teachers from my constituency who have worked tirelessly to make children pass.  Some of the schools that I have here have actually scooped prices at district level.  Allow me Hon. Members, Mr. Speaker Sir, to mention just a few of them in recognition of their work.  That is Gokwe St. Agnes Primary School, my former school, which has even groomed me to become a Head in my previous work experience.  I would also mention Muyambi Primary School, Sengwa Primary School, Zhombe

Primary School, Mapfumo Primary School, Ngondoma Primary School,

Gavave Primary School, Gwehava Primary School, Nyaradza Primary

School, Rumhumha Primary School, Mateta 1 Primary School, Ndhlalambi and others.

          Mr. Speaker Sir, may I also thank the health institutions in my constituency, especially Gokwe Hospital staff for the sterling work despite limited resources, and not forgetting other Government departments who through their hard work have seen Gokwe growing.

          Mr. Speaker Sir, His Excellency the President also mentioned the coming of the Motor Vehicle Fund, an important fund if put into being.  Some people have been disabled due to these accidents and it is important that they continue to earn a living through the fund.

          I would like to look at my last point here which happens to be the Cooperatives Society Amendment Bill that His Excellency the President mentioned in his speech.  If amended, this will give it teeth since currently most cooperators are being swindled of their hard-earned cash.  So if it is amended, I think, it will make people accountable for the monies that they collect through these cooperatives.

          Mr. Speaker Sir, I thank you once again for affording me this opportunity to add my voice to the President’s Speech.

           HON. MUDEREDZWA:  Thank you very much Mr. Speaker Sir,

for giving me the opportunity to make a contribution in regard to the speech on the Official Opening of the Fifth Session of the Eighth Parliament of Zimbabwe that was made by His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Cde. R. G. Mugabe.

          First and foremost, I would like to thank the mover of the motion Hon. D. M. Ncube and his seconder, Hon. Mlilo.  I would also like to thank the honourable House for its high standard of discipline during the course of the delivery of the speech by the President of the Republic.

          Mr. Speaker Sir, the President covered a lot of areas of attention in regard to the nature or the tasks that Parliament has to undertake during the last session but I am going to touch on a few items in order to give others leeway to make contributions in other areas.

On good corporate governance issues, we welcome the introduction of the Public Entities and Corporate Governance Bill which will usher in a new culture of how we do business in Zimbabwe especially in State owned enterprises which are SOEs.  Hopefully, we would like to believe the culture is going to cascade down into the private sector so that at least we have good governance practices from

Government to the private sector.  The Bill put emphasis on prevention as opposed to cure and indeed, the best way of fighting corruption is to prevent it in the first place by putting in place prohibitive systems that will discourage corrupt practices.  In other words, we have seen that the Bill is poised at a systems approach where it is impossible for an officer to engage in corrupt practices because detection will be much earlier than the offender expects.

Mr. Speaker Sir, my experience is that prosecution alone may not effectively prevent corruption.  What is important is for us as a nation to expose situations where corruption is committed.   In this regard, I would like to call upon the Anti-corruption Commission, the police, security services and the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) to take the lead in the fight against corruption.  I would also like to urge the newly promoted Prosecutor-General, Mr. Ray Goba, to put his hands to task.  Currently, we have problems with cases on corruption that are yet to be finalised.  We are saying as Zimbabweans, we should shun corruption.

Mr. Speaker Sir, His Excellency the President of the Republic was also concerned about the death rate on our roads.  The continued loss of lives on our roads due to road traffic accidents is a cause for concern and each and every Zimbabwean is equally worried.  The establishment of the Motor Vehicle Accident Funds will of cause go a long way in ameliorating the situation but it will not cure it.  What is important is to change the attitude of our motoring public.  How do we do it?

We are saying, Mr. Speaker Sir, the Traffic Council of Zimbabwe, the police and other stakeholders should carry out a sustained awareness campaign to educate drivers on the importance of life.  We would also like to applaud the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural

Development for coming up with a new Highway Code.  We would like to urge the motoring public, driving schools and all those who are exposed to our roads to familiarise themselves with it so that we make our roads safer.

Mr. Speaker Sir, I would like to reiterate and say that the prosecution of offenders alone will not solve the problem.  Even the police should be inclined towards educating members of the public as opposed to prosecution.

Mr. Speaker Sir, I would also like to touch on the aspect of antihuman trafficking that is now a bother within the region and beyond.  The problem of trafficking in persons should also be tackled with commitment and zeal taking into consideration disturbing experiences of our fellow Zimbabweans who have come from afar narrating their disturbing encounters.  We, however, take comfort in the fact that the Government of Zimbabwe in that regard, has come up with a strategic plan called the Zimbabwe Trafficking in Persons National Plan of Action (NAPLAC), whose focus is to ensure a society that is free from trafficking in persons.

On that score, Mr. Speaker Sir, we would like to congratulate the Ministry of Home Affairs for taking the lead in this regard.  We are aware that on the 9th of September this year, there was an awareness drive that was carried out in Bulawayo on how we could prevent trafficking-in-persons.

Mr. Speaker, Sir, on the proliferation of firearms, that is the spreading of firearms, we are happy and we welcome the protocol against the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking firearms and the parts thereof.  We believe that by reducing firearms that are in private hands, our country can be safer than it is at the present moment.  I am also happy that in Zimbabwe, we have effective measures that we have taken to control possession, use and the manufacture of firearms.  I would like to believe that if countries which are within the region and those beyond, commit themselves in that direction, we will have a relatively peaceful region where the commission of crimes, use of firearms is quite absent.  Mr. Speaker Sir, our region can be safer with fewer firearms in private hands as compared to the situation that is obtaining at the present moment.

Mr. Speaker Sir, my speech cannot be complete without highlighting our fears on cyber-crime management.  This is a new phenomenon, but I would like to believe that the introduction of the Bill is going to open our eyes.  It is going to open the eyes of those who are dealing with security related matters so that at least, we are safe and secure in the area of cyber crime and cyber security.  Mr. Speaker Sir, we urge those stakeholders who are involved - including the police, the Anti Corruption Commission and the National Prosecuting Authority to be conversant with this Bill because it is going to enable us to deal with cyber crime.  This is because it is going to enable us to deal with the nature of crimes associated with cyber crime.

Lastly, I would like to thank Hon. Members in this august House on the day the President of Zimbabwe presented his speech.  More especially, I give credit to Hon. Members to Hon. Members from the opposite side, the MDC, they were quite disciplined and we would like that type of – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] – uniformity to  continue.  This is because Hon. Members, we started this Parliament not moving in the same direction, but I have seen that there is now coherence and we are moving in the same direction.  I hope that next time, if the same type of Hon. Members is brought to Parliament, then the Ninth Parliament of Zimbabwe will be one of the best.  I would like to thank you.

*HON. PHIRI: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  Firstly, I would like to thank our President, the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe who is also the Commander in Chief of the Defence Forces, the First

Secretary of the party which has good leadership in Zimbabwe, ZANU PF.  I would also like to thank Hon. Ncube and Hon. Mlilo for their debate in support of the Presidential Speech.

To begin with, the speech that was given by the President supports the 10-Point Plan which he gave us.  If you listen attentively to his speech, you would realise that he covered many areas.  However, I will say a few things on what I have heard and seen, based on the

Presidential Speech.  The President spoke about the amendment of the Labour Law.  In the past two years, most employees were dismissed from their work.  Those who have read today’s news have seen that there were also 300 Air Zimbabwe employees who were fired without a reasonable cause.  We also have some workers who were fired as a result of company closure and they were dismissed and yet they have been dismissed a long time back as they were not getting their salaries.  This was done so that they would not be paid their accumulating salaries.  For example, workers from David Whitehead, even to date, eight years have lapsed and they have not yet been given their salaries.  We would like the amendment to provide for these anomalies so that these workers will get paid their money.

I would also like to take a closer look at the Bill which the President spoke about, the Shop Licences Amendment Bill, which is yet to come.  Mr. Speaker Sir, there is chaos in our cities, towns and growth points as people are selling their wares everywhere.  One cannot freely move across pavements because vendors are selling their wares everywhere.  They are no longer following by-laws because the laws which are there are not clear.  Many council officials are confiscating people’s wares which they will be selling and some of these things are not returned, they are stolen.  People are unable to recover their wares which would have been confiscated by the municipal police when they claim them back.  We have also seen people selling on the shop-owners’ doors. The shop owners’ paid licences but you find someone selling at the front of their shops selling the same wares that are in the shops, because the law is not clear on how to handle those people. Also councils are not availing market places for those people to sell their wares. If they are availing places, they avail them where there is no business and where there are no volumes of people. There is war between the vendors and councils.

          I believe that the law that is going to be brought in is going to look into that. We also see many people who are looking for licences and they are not getting them. They are not getting them because of debts which are owed by the owners of the businesses. Mr. Speaker Sir, I would also want to talk about cooperatives which the President talked about. The cooperatives are the backbone of building houses in Zimbabwe because they have constructed many houses. We want the new law to give more powers to the cooperatives to work properly without stealing people’s money and without shortchanging the people when building houses.

          Many constitutions of cooperatives are not clear because there are two Ministries which are involved. One day they are supposed to report to the Ministry of Local Government and the other day they are supposed to report to the Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises. I think this law is going to clarify on how they are supposed to operate.

Also looking at the Mines and Minerals Amendment Bill, there is chaos in the mines out there. Our youths because of lack of employment, you find them working underground, but there is no compensation when they get hurt or maimed. The Government is getting a lot of money from gold but those who are mining the gold are not being remunerated well and also their health is not important.

          When they are injured, they are told to look into that for themselves. He also talked about teachers - someone talked about it. I was a teacher for 25 years and children used to pass very well. We would get awards for that. Going back to the teachers, you see that teachers are getting a raw deal. Even their remuneration is not good. Most of our leaders came from the teaching profession and even many politicians were once teachers. So, we want this law to empower the teachers out there so that they will be happy and enjoy doing their work, because they are engaged in teaching children, the future leaders. The Teaching Profession Council, we want those who get into that Council to be professionals who know about teaching and that Council should not have corrupt people.

          Finally, I want to talk about the issue that really pains me which the President talked about concerning young children who are being raped. Raping young children causes a lot of things. I want to touch on other things that I am coming across in my constituency. My constituency has a place where people share one room since the Second World War in 1945. Those people still use communal toilets up to now. Those houses are called GBs, which means General Barracks. They were for soldiers and some of them are called SQs, which means Single Quarters. You can imagine - since 1945 up today, we have not revamped those houses.

          I want to talk about the raping of minors because children are sharing the same bedroom with old people. This is causing despondency upon families. We should look at those children and those families. The toilets which are communal do not have doors that someone closes when they are using them. Old people, be it the father or the mother, it is the same toilet that is used by the minors. When the children get into the toilet, the elders also get into that toilet. We tried to revamp those toilets.

          I had left that I was the Mayor for Kadoma for two terms and winning resoundingly. I revamped those toilets and those houses. Since I left, nothing has been done and there is no improvement at all. So, I urge the Government to remove that which causes people to rape children so that the people do not share toilets and houses, not only in Kadoma but everywhere countrywide. Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.

          HON. HOLDER: Thank you Mr. Speaker. I would like to

contribute towards the Presidential Speech that the President announced in this august House, setting the agenda for us as legislators on this Fifth Session. There are many points that His Excellency touched on. I am going to touch on just a few issues of concern. The President spoke about the success of Command Agriculture. I was impressed that the other day while I was reading the newspaper, I discovered that one million tons of maize was delivered to the GMB.

Mr. Speaker, there are few things that we need to polish on the Command Agriculture issues. It is a good initiative but I think it would be better for the farmers to receive the inputs on time in order for the

Command Agriculture to be successful.  The last time what happened Mr. Speaker was that some farmers did not receive adequate fertilizer on time and some farmers did not receive the inputs on time.  So I think when the President alluded to the success of the Command Agriculture Programme, I think it is wise for us to try and encourage the Executive to make sure that these inputs are there on time.

          Mr. Speaker, we know that we have four seasons a year.  This time we are expecting a lot of rain but if the rain does not come and our dams are still silted the way they are, we are going to face a challenge of water.  I think as Hon. Members of Parliament, we need to encourage our community on water harvesting.

          Mr. Speaker, the President also spoke about the Estate

Administrations Amendment Bill.  There are issues that are happening when people pass away.  Some of these issues affect our relatives, our people and the general public where corruption seems to take the lead.  Corruption is also in the offices of Government.  Why do I say that?  If one person agrees to do something which is not right, I think with this Amendment Bill coming to this House, we need to debate and scrutinize the Bill so that these issues of corruption will be dealt with.

          Mr. Speaker, in the ease of doing business in this country, out of 190 countries on the World Bank report, we are on 161.   Due to the bureaucracy that is in place, we still do not have the one stop shop.  When foreigners come into this country and want to invest, there is no one stop shop.  So, we need to look at that.

Mr. Speaker, the Public Entities Corporate Governance Bill is a very important Bill and I feel that the sooner this Bill comes to this House and debate on it, the better it will be.  We would not have issues like what happened in the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development with Professor Gudyanga where he chairs all the boards and he has no one who oversees him.  It becomes a real problem especially in terms of corporate governance.

Mr. Speaker, the Land Developers Bill, we read in the papers a lot of issues that are taking place, especially to do with land.  You find that people are buying land and are being quote as third parties, where things are not clear.  As a result, you find that a person loses his money, the land or houses are demolished.  So, the sooner this Bill comes to this House, I think we as Hon. Members of Parliament should debate it robustly and make sure that there is no loophole that would be left open.

Mr. Speaker, with the Mines and Minerals Amendment Bill, there is a big challenge.  It is still a one size fits all.  When we say one size fits all, whether you are a small miner, medium miner or large miner, it is

the same laws.  This is where there are a lot of challenges.  Out there where we have a lot of artisanal miners, they do not even understand the content that is in the Mines and Minerals Amendment Bill.  We need to try and see how best we will be able to go out and teach the people and try and get an understanding of where it becomes a win-win situation.

The biggest challenge that we face in the Exploration and Marketing Corporation Bill, marketing and beneficiation go together, exploration and mining go together.  Now, when we put it together, it looks like we want to get rid of some of the boards because somebody has put his hand in the MMCZ, which was the only entity of Government which makes good profit, good money and is able to sustain itself.  The biggest challenge that we are facing Mr. Speaker is that although it is the same value chain, it becomes a bit of a problem if we do not separate those two.  If we keep them together, we are now duplicating the MMCZ Act.  If we are going to duplicate the MMCZ

Act, it means one is going to override the other.  I feel that we need to work out a situation where the beneficiation and marketing go together, the exploration and mining go together.

Mr. Speaker, on the Gold Trade Act and the Precious Stones Act, that is one of the very sore and sad stories where you find a person is caught with 3 grams and is sentenced to five years in prison or caught with emeralds that have no value and is sentenced to three years mandatory yet a lot of people got away with diamonds worth $15 billion and no one was ever sent to jail for that $15 billion.  Therefore, on this Gold Trade Act and Precious Stones Act, Mr. Speaker we need to look at the way we are going to deal with this because some of the sentences are far too harsh, especially for the artisanal miners.  Artisanal miners are people who are basically trying to make a living.  The President spoke about decriminalising them but here we are playing cat and mouse chasing them, catching them and putting them in for five years at the taxpayers’ money.  It becomes a sad story.  So we need to look at that in a robust way.

Mr. Speaker, before you licence your vehicle, you have to get an insurance.  Most of the Members of Parliament and people out there, just buy third party insurance.  I do not understand why we have the third party insurance when it does not even cover for accident victims, road disasters and stuff like that.  I am glad that there is a vehicle accident fund but I think we need to scrap the third party insurance because we are now duplicating.  It is just a way of taking money away from us because by the end of the day, no one in this august House or out there has actually benefited from third party insurance.  It is just a rip-off.

Mr. Speaker, I am not going to say much.  His Excellency spoke to us as Parliamentarians and he said that we need to be well informed in order for us to give robust debates.  The problem with us here in Parliament is we are not punctual, disciplined and there is a problem especially from Ministers that were appointed.  Some do not even come here and we do not even know what they look like.  We see them in the newspapers only.  We need to see them here in order for us to talk to them.  The reason why we can talk to these Ministers is so that when they talk to us, they lead by example that they have come here, we get understanding. If there is something we do not understand, we find a way of finding each other so that we can go out there and give the right message, but the problem is we play cat and mouse.  There is always an excuse.  Some Members of Parliament just come here to mark the register and walk out, which is short changing the general people out there who actually elected us to come here.

Mr. Speaker, I would like to encourage the Members of Parliament to try and be honest with themselves, to come on time, to be also well disciplined and to make sure that when we are debating we should not be like hooligans making noise in this House.  We should be able to understand each other like what happened when His Excellency was here.  Mr. Speaker, with those few words, I thank you.





have to inform the House that I have received the following from the

Parliamentary Legal Committee: Adverse report on the Shop Licence

Amendment Bill [H.B.10, 2016], Non- Adverse report on Statutory

Instrument 79, 80-85 and 87 published during the month of July, 2017, Non-Adverse report on General Notices 315439 published during the month of July, 2017 and the Adverse Report on Statutory Instrument 74 published during the month of July, 2017.

HON RUNGANI:  I move that the debate do now adjourn.


Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume:  Tuesday, 26th September, 2017.






standing in my name that the motion on Fair Regional Representation which was superseded by the end of the Fourth Session of the Eighth Parliament be restored on the Order Paper in terms of Standing Order No. 73.

HON. MARIDADI:  I second.

Motion put and agreed to.



HON. RUNGANI:  I move that the House do now adjourn.


Hon. Adv. Chamisa having stood up to debate.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Order, order please.  May you resume your seat?  I have asked whether you were in agreement but you were seated until I stood up.  I cannot reverse that.

Motion put and agreed to.

The National Assembly adjourned at Half past Three o’clock p.m.

until Tuesday, 26th September, 2017.

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