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Wednesday, 12th October, 2022.

The National Assembly met at a Quarter-past Two O’clock p.m.





          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I have to inform the House that there will be a pre-budget briefing seminar on Monday, 17th October 2022, at the Rainbow Towers Hotel, Harare in the Main Auditorium.


          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I also wish to advise the House of the change of dates and venue for this year’s pre-budget seminar.  The dates are now 21st to 24th October, 2022 at the Rainbow Towers Hotel in the Main Auditorium.  All members of Parliament are invited to attend the two events.  Hon. Members are requested to confirm their attendance with the following Public Relations personnel on their contact numbers:

Ms. T. L. Manyemba  0772803810;

Ms. E. Huwa                0772359534;

Mr. T. Kahlamba         0773055640 and

Mr. F. Muchimba        0776448686. 


          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I have received a list of Hon. Ministers and Deputy Ministers who have sought leave of the House: Hon. Vice President C. D. G. N. Chiwenga, Hon. O. C. Z. Muchinguri-Kashiri, Hon. Prof. P. Mavima, Hon. Dr. E. N. Ndlovu, Hon. K. Kazembe, Hon. R. Mavhungu-Maboyi, Hon. Prof. A. Murwira, Hon. Prof. M. Ncube, Hon. C. Chiduwa, Hon. Chitando, Hon. K. Conventry, Hon. Sen. M. Mutsvangwa, Hon. J. G. Moyo, Hon. Dr. F. M. Shava and Hon. D. Musabayana.

          HON. MARKHAM: Madam Speaker, you read out a handful of apologies but I can only see one Hon. Minister in this House and I would like to make that point of clarity for the people on Zoom that the only Hon. Minister attending is the Minister of Transport and the media as well should understand that on the apologies that have come in, there is an assumption that they are in the House but there is only one Hon. Minister in the House today – [HON. MEMBERS:  Inaudible interjections.]

          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Order Hon. Matangira.

          *HON. HWENDE: Thank you Madam Speaker, I need clarity regarding the Hon. Vice President and Minister of Health and Child Care, Hon. C. G. D. N. Chiwenga. Since I was elected as a Member of Parliament in March, I have never seen him in this House.  We have a lot of issues that we want to ask him concerning the health of the nation.  Since March, now we are in October, our term of office is going to expire before we even meet him.  My question is: is he still the Vice President and Minister of Health and Child Care or he is now out of office? - [AN HON. MEMBER: Unonyepa.] –

          *THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Thank you Hon. Member. I would like to inform you that the Hon. Vice President and Minister of Health and Child Care is still in office – [HON. MEMBERS:  Inaudible interjections.] – Order Hon. Members, order please, Hon. Matangira and Hon. Murai, order please. Hon. Matangira, order or else I will send you out - [AN HON. MEMBER: Zvaakapfeka nhasi ndozviri kuita kuti adai.] -


          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon. Mhona will be our acting Leader of Government Business – [HON. PARADZA AND HON. MATANGIRA: Inaudible interjections.] –

          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon. Paradza and Hon. Matangira, please, may we have order in the House.   

          HON. KABOZO: Good afternoon Hon. Speaker and thank you for affording me this opportunity to express myself in this institution.  My question is directed to the Minister of Finance in his absence, I will direct my question to the Leader of Government Business.  What is the Government policy measure in place with regards to the worn out US dollar notes which are in circulation? I have noted with concern that even at our tollgates they are no longer accepting even slightly torn notes - which is worrisome, taking into consideration that we do not print US dollar notes here in Zimbabwe. What is the Government policy measure in place to get rid of this activity?  I so submit and I thank you – [HON. MATANGIRA: Inaudible interjections.] –

          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon. Matangira, please. 


          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: You were busy talking to Hon. Matangira and not listening to the question. Hon. Kabozo, please may you repeat your question.

          Hon. Kabozo repeated his question.  

THE MINISTER OF JUSTICE, LEGAL AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (HON. ZIYAMBI):  Thank you very much Madam Speaker. The owners of the notes, through their embassy issued a statement that was made public on the usage of those notes. I think as Government, we cannot issue a contrary statement to what they said. I thank you.

HON. KABOZO: Thank you Madam Speaker. Is the Minister aware that there are agencies across the country who buy the tattered and torn USD notes at a rate half of the amount of the note on offer? For example, if you have a USD20 note which is tattered and torn, you are given USD10 note, which is daylight robbery. What is the Government doing to get rid of this discord in the market? I rest my case Madam Speaker and I thank you.

HON. ZIYAMBI: Thank you Madam Speaker. This is not our currency. It is a US American government currency. We do not have any control whatsoever over it and we do not even control what happens beyond our borders. So I am not the right person to issue a policy over a currency that does not belong to the Zimbabwean Government. I thank you. 

*HON. MUDARIKWA: Thank you Madam Speaker. My question is directed to the Minister of Environment. Veld fires have affected a lot of places in Zimbabwe. What plans does the Ministry of Environment have in place to curb these veld fires and what mechanisms are there in place to assist victims that are losing properties as well as livestock? I thank you Madam Speaker.

THE MINISTER OF JUSTICE, LEGAL AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (HON. ZIYAMBI):  Thank you Madam Speaker. The issue of veld fires has disturbed us a lot, especially this year. There are laws in place which can cause people to be arrested but mostly what is happening is that our forests have been destroyed. The challenge is that the perpetrators of these veld fires cannot be identified. Those fires are just witnessed. It is an issue that was discussed yesterday as a result of the tragedy that happened in Esigodini where 10 lives were lost as they were trying to put out the fire. The tragedy was declared a national disaster by His Excellency the President. The victims are being assisted. What is of paramount importance is not what the Government is doing in terms of veld fires but Government can observe what is happening in all our areas. It requires all of us to look into the issue and own it as individuals so that our land, livestock and fields are not destroyed. This is an issue for Hon. Mudarikwa, MPs, the traditional leadership and all the communities to ensure that they put a stop to the veld fires. Thank you.

*HON. MUDARIKWA: Madam Speaker, I want to thank the Leader of Government Business for his response but it is my plea that the relevant Minister should come to Parliament and issue a statement in response to these issues and the modalities they have in place to curb the fires and to ensure that awareness is created on veld fires. As MPs and the local leadership, we should ensure that the Natural Resources Board committees are put in place as was the case before. I thank you.

*THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: We have understood your request Hon. Mudarikwa. The relevant Minister - the administration of Parliament is going to get the request.

*HON. MURAI: I heard the Minister’s response which is vital as regards veld fires. I wanted to find out if there are any measures that are being put in place to ensure that once the veld fires have started, are there any fireguards to stop spreading these fires? Furthermore, are there any committees that are in place to fight the veld fires and the communities as well because it is the duty of everyone? These fires are started during the night and hence the perpetrator is not easily located.  Do we have such measures in place in all these places where veld fires are prone? Thank you.

*HON. ZIYAMBI: We still have fireguards in place in rural and communal areas. The traditional leadership; the chiefs and headmen or village heads are in the forefront in ensuring that there are fireguards in place. The owners of the farms should put fireguards in place but the problem that we have is that where we even have a fireguard, because of the windy conditions, the fire will leap over the fireguard. Fines are in place but off head, I cannot tell what they are because there have been changes to the fines several times.

In the past few years, these have been deterrent fines but even if we put fireguards, if we have not conscientised one another especially those that look after mice and rabbits cause veld fires willy nilly, we will not win. It is my fervent hope that the experts, through the Minister, will come and give a statement as per the request in a bid to know the measures that have been put in place so that these veld fires cannot continuously cause us sleepless nights.

 (v)*HON. NDUNA: Veld fires are caused by those that smoke in their motor vehicles and throw away cigarette stabs. Can there be a law that is enacted to that effect so that the veld fires will not be caused by cigarette smokers? I also urge the Minister of Home Affairs that these smokers be ticketed when they get to roadblocks. I thank you.

*HON. ZIYAMBI: Hon. Nduna is saying that the people that are responsible for causing veld fires are those who smoke from their vehicles and there should be a law that bars people from smoking whilst they are in their motor vehicles. There is a law that people should not be smoking in public. We go back to what I earlier on mentioned that the issue is all about awareness. There are laws that are in place that cover everything that he is talking about.

*HON. MUSARURWA: My question is directed to the Minister of Health and Child Care as well as the Minister of Justice. What position has been taken by Government with regard to young girls that are dying whilst giving birth? The question arises because in the past, we had an outcry of Memory Machaya who died at the age of 14 whilst giving birth. At the moment, we have Nokutenda Hwaramba who also passed away while in labour. From Memory Machaya to the present case of Nokutenda Hwaramba, what measures have been put in place by Government to ensure that young girls do not die trying to give birth?

*THE MINISTER OF JUSTICE, LEGAL AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (HON. ZIYAMBI): Firstly, such children, all things being equal, should not be pregnant. It is an offence for the person who impregnated that girl. So, we do not expect such behaviour. It is illegal because the Ministry of Health and Child Care, from research, observed that the child’s body will not be ready to deliver a child, which will end up in both the child and the mother to remain alive. Our laws make it illegal for children that are under age to be pregnant and  give birth. We want to arrest the perpetrators who are raping our children by making them sexually active before they are of age. It is these murderers or offenders that should not be protected by the community when the police come wanting to arrest them because the law enforcement agency, upon investigating the case, the relatives and neighbours will never make a clean case of it that the child was molested by an old man who lives in the area. Let us urge our children and our communities to desist from impregnating young children. I thank you.

*HON. MUSARURWA: Thank you Hon. Minister for the response. My supplementary question is; what has been done about Memory Machaya’s case? We now have another case of Nokutenda who is yet to be buried. What has been done so far because if I remember well, you did say some time back that you had made some investigations pertaining to Memory Machaya and you were trying to see if the person who committed the murder should be arrested.  So has the culprit been arrested?  Can you please give us an update on the issue?  I thank you.

*HON. ZIYAMBI:  Thank you very much Madam Speaker.  The Hon Member wants to understand how far we have gone with the investigations.  But if I try to answer that question, I may give a wrong answer because I do not have the dockets for that case. This is now a specific question and I urge the Hon. Member to put the question in writing so that the responsible Minister can respond.  I thank you.

HON. MAPHOSA: On a point of order Madam Speaker.  When the issue of Memory Machaya was brought to this House, it was an outcry for these religious groups to stop taking advantage of minors and abusing them.  The Minister promised and said there was a team on the ground investigating the issue.  So, I do not think it needs dockets.  We just want the Minister to clarify if anything happened after their investigations because he is the one who promised this House.  When we want anything to do with dockets, we will ask Hon. Kazembe to come with the answer.  I thank you.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Hon. Maphosa, let me try to assist you.  The Minister responsible is Hon. Kazembe and not Hon. Ziyambi.  So, the answer that he proffered is answering the question asked.

HON. MAPHOSA:  Sorry, Madam Speaker, I do not mean to go against your ruling but if that is the issue, then we have to transfer that question to Hon. Kazembe so that he comes with that answer to this House.  The nation is looking at us and they are worried because these issues seem to be protected by us the law makers.  So I ask you to make a ruling that Hon. Kazembe, the Minister of Home Affairs, comes to this House on these issues and give us an update.

THE HON DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Thank you Hon Maphosa, that is exactly what Hon. Ziyambi said.  He asked the Hon. Member to put the question in writing so that Hon. Kazembe can bring a written response.

HON. DR. LABODE:  Madam Speaker, I am hurt and shocked that the levels of teenage pregnancies in Zimbabwe have reached epidemic levels and for us to sit here and pretend there is a social norm or a family core that will deal with that issue is very sad.  I remember Minister Nyoni came in this House and presented a report of 55000 teenage girls who got pregnant within a month.  The report on Education said 10000 teenage girls left school because of pregnancies and we sit here and pretend it is something that will just disappear.  What I am saying is that we have a serious problem at hand.  We need to do everything within our power and deal with Section 35 of the Public Health Act.  We know that our young women are indulging in sex.  Why do we want to pretend that they should not go to health facilities and get that service that can serve them?  We have to do something. 

HON. CHINYAN’ANYA:  My supplementary question is: what is Government doing to conscientise especially the apostolic sects because that is where this issue is rampant in trying to impart the knowledge that child marriages are outlawed.  This issue needs to be addressed, especially among the apostolic sects.  I thank you.

HON. ZIYAMBI:  Thank you Madam Speaker.  I spoke strongly against child marriages and the position of Government is that it is wrong.  Whether done by apostolic sects, Methodists or Seventh Day Adventists, it remains wrong.  All of us have a responsibility because I do not think we have one sector of our society which is Apostolic Faith.  We are all related.  It is our duty to teach our relatives on the wrongs of child marriages.  So I implore my dear Hon. Member to also take it upon himself to preach the gospel that child marriages are wrong.  I thank you.

*HON. MADZIMURE:  Madam Speaker, it is public knowledge that anyone who impregnates a 15 year old should be …

          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: May you please be connected.

          *HON. MADZIMURE: Madam Speaker, I know that children are not supposed to be sexually abused.

          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Order, Order, you are still not connected Hon. Madzimure.

          *HON. MADZIMURE:  Madam Speaker, I am saying a child who is 14 to 15 years is likely to be sexually active but when that child is pregnant and you take the child to health facilities; to come up with a rape case that should be reported.  Most people are now avoiding going to health facilities because they are afraid of reporting.  My question is: what should be done to avoid a scenario where this child is denied  healthcare because of fear of someone’s conviction?

          *THE MINISTER OF JUSTICE, LEGAL AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (HON. ZIYAMBI):  Thank you Madam Speaker.  I do not understand the Hon. Member’s question. If the child goes to hospital, she can be given medication but once she gets there, the medical personnel will want to know who impregnated her. 

Even when you are injured in a beerhall fight, you are first advised to report the matter to the police so that the police can apprehend the perpetrator.  As Government, when an underage pregnant child comes to hospital, we want to know who impregnated that child.

          (V)HON. P. D. SIBANDA:  Thank you Madam Speaker Ma’am.  My question is directed to the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare.  However, I have heard of his absence and therefore, I will ask the Leader of Government Business.  Hon. Speaker, there is an association for teachers that goes by the name of ‘Teachers for ED’ which is coercing District Schools Inspectors and school headmasters to attend  its meetings and functions.  What is the Government policy in  protecting teachers from this coercion, and intimidation by a political association of teachers?  I thank you.  

          *THE MINISTER OF JUSTICE, LEGAL AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (HON. ZIYAMBI): Thank you Madam Speaker Ma’am.  Hon. Sibanda says that there are teachers who are being forced to join a political party that is not of their choice.  Our law does not allow anyone to join a political party except of their own free volition.  I thank you.

         THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Hon. Leader of the Government Business please, may you listen to the question?  You may proceed Hon. Sibanda.

          (V)HON. P. D. SIBANDA:  Madam Speaker, my supplementary question to the Hon. Leader of Government Business is, looking at the fact that this association is politically aligned; will those members of that association be allowed to be polling officers in the next general election, looking at the fact that they are politically aligned?  I thank you.  

          HON. ZIYAMBI:  Thank you Madam Speaker Ma’am.  Madam Speaker, we do not have a policy of going about asking civil servants for their political cards before they are enrolled to do work that they are supposed to do.  I thank you.

          *HON. NYABANI:  Thank you Madam Speaker Ma’am.  My question is directed to the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare.  She promised that in October people would be receiving food but people are hungry and we are almost at the end of October.  When are people in the communal lands going to be receiving this food?  I thank you.

          *THE MINISTER OF JUSTICE, LEGAL AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (HON. ZIYAMBI): Thank you Madam Speaker.  Madam Speaker, last season certain areas received good rains whilst others did not.  The Department of Social Welfare went and carried out an investigation to ascertain where there are insufficient grains in the form of maize.  So the areas were then identified so that starting last month, they could receive food hand-outs but if his area is in dire straits, maybe the department of Social Welfare officers did not go to his area. 

So if he were to inform the District Development Coordinator (DDC) they will be assisted because the position is that areas that received relatively good harvest are not going to receive anything, but those that are hard hit will be assisted.  We do have DDC if omissions were made, we do have DDC’s that are in such areas as well as employees from the Social Welfare Department.  If they are quickly alerted, the plight would be alleviated. I thank you.

          *HON. MPARIWA: Thank you Madam Speaker.  I believe the Minister has tried his best to answer Hon. Nyabani’s question.  My request therefore is that all of us may not ask the same question because there are a lot of areas where food relief has not reached.  I therefore request that the relevant Minister comes to the House and gives a ministerial statement on the issue of food distribution so that everyone is in the know and that the areas that might be left behind may also be assisted so that there is proper accountability. If Hon. Nyabani’s constituency did not receive the same plight, the same may also apply to other Members of Parliament’s constituencies. I thank you.

          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: This is a good request, the responsible authorities will ask the relevant Minister to bring a ministerial statement pertaining to your request.

          HON. NDUNA: To add on to that question, what is going to be done to those that are able-bodied who may be involved in food for work?  Can he also address that issue when he comes to this august House?

          HON. ZIYAMBI: Thank you Hon. Nduna, we have understood you.  Yes, there is food for work; it is done per district depending on the investigation as to how many people do not have food and how many are able-bodied and those that are vulnerable.  Those that are able-bodied may then be involved in projects that will aid their communities.

          HON. MASENDA: My question is directed to the Minister of Energy and Power Development – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –

*HON. HWENDE: On a point of order! Madam Speaker, you have observed that from the time that I have been here, it is only the ZANU PF Members of Parliament who have been asking Ministers questions.  Wednesday is a question time; it is a time when we ask the Executive about current events.  You are just giving ZANU PF members the chance to ask questions, why then are we here?  They should have simply gone to the ZANU PF caucus and ask each other questions instead of us sitting here without asking questions.

          *THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon. Member, you are not being sincere, I am using these pieces of papers that I have. We are going to have two from ZANU PF and one from CCC and one from MDC – that is my modus operandi.

          *HON. MASENDA: Our Government allowed the use of multi-currency including RTGS.  There is a law that is mandatory that fuel operators should have some fuel that they sell in RTGS and that is not being done.  What measures is Government taking to ensure that these service stations are compliant to sell diesel and petrol in RTGS because most people do not earn USD?  I thank you.

          THE MINISTER OF JUSTICE, LEGAL AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (HON. ZIYAMBI): Thank you Madam Speaker. It is true that it is sold in USD as well as ZWL.  Those that do not get foreign currency are allowed to sell in USD.  Those that would have acquired foreign currency from the auction should sell in USD.  The percentage of our fuel that is sold in ZWL is not more than 20%.  It is a correct observation that the majority of fuel service stations are selling using USD because we have allowed all those that are into the fuel industry to use their own free currency to buy fuel and continue operating using their foreign currency and resale in USD.

          HON. A. NDEBELE. Good afternoon and thank you for this opportunity.  Madam Speaker, what is Government policy with respect to the establishment of a comprehensive, efficient and affordable public transport system.  I am raising this question Madam Speaker on the basis of a clearly failed relationship between ZUPCO and private transporters in the provision of public transport.  I thank you.

          *THE DEPUTY MINISTER OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS (HON. CHOMBO): Thank you Hon. Member.  I did not get the question and I ask the Hon. Member to repeat the question.

          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon. Ndebele, please can you ask the question again.

          HON. NDEBELE: Madam Speaker, I just wanted to check what Government policy is in respect of the establishment of a comprehensive, efficient and affordable public transport system?  I indicated that I am raising this question on the basis of a clearly failed relation between ZUPCO and private transporters in the provision of public transport.  If I may add more for the Minister’s assistance, in Bulawayo in the last 3 weeks, we have not been getting transport during the week except end of day Friday.  I thank you.

          THE DEPUTY MINISTER OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS (HON. CHOMBO): Thank you very much Hon. Speaker and Hon. Ndebele for the pertinent question. I understand where you are coming from. What has happened is that after the COVID-19 pandemic, we have amended the Statutory Instrument which limited the mass transportation to only ZUPCO.  We have opened the transport system to private players and also we have awarded some companies who are already constructing buses to add to the compliment that is in the system. 

          We have seen that so many companies have moved away from ZUPCO but we have given them routes, it is not going to be easy but in a few weeks, you are supposed to see change because they are now getting their routes.  If there was a crew from Budiriro, they will get their permit to ply that route so very soon you are going to see a change but right now, we are in the middle of amending the Statutory Instrument; that is why you saw that there was a glitch on the transportation system.  I thank you.

          HON. A. NDEBELE: When Government was in the thick of things in the provision of public transport, we noticed that the fares were fairly affordable to the ordinary man.  What measures have been put in place to ensure that the status quo remains, even when the entire spectrum has been opened to private players because affordability is a real issue in this economy?

          HON. CHOMBO: Thank you very much Hon. Speaker and Hon. Ndebele for the question. We have tried to put a lid on the charges; we have tried to control the fares that are being charged.  We give a leeway of plus or minus what the transporters can charge. We also have to bear in mind that these people are also in business to make money.  So we cannot really say they cannot charge an affordable fare to the public. At the same time, we also have to protect the masses and that is what ZUPCO is there to do.  What we have done is that we have made choices more available; one can choose to wait for ZUPCO or to try to go and board a bus.  We are going to try and control the fares but we are limited to a certain extend.

          (V)HON. NDUNA: Thank you Madam Speaker.  In the Eighth Parliament, Government through the gold finger or the Hon. Minister of Finance, gave to the mass transport bus operators, a 100 bus cap to be introduced or imported on a 5% duty.  Government went further in the Ninth Parliament to give 100% duty free importation to bus operators.  Could it please the Minister to remind the bus operators that Government has actually given them the opportunity to make money by removing duty on the buses; they can extend that hand to the masses for an effective, efficient, resilient and robust mass transport system which is both cheap and affordable to the masses.

          Would it please the Minister to remind the bus operators to actually give a hand that they have been offered by Government on the importation of buses on a duty free platform?  

          HON. CHOMBO: Thank you Hon. Speaker and Hon. Nduna.  What you have said is exactly what we try to make sure that we put in the formulation when we were trying to come up with a cap for the increases in the fares.  We try to remind the transporters and I think they are taking heed.  I thank you.

          HON. BITI: Thank you very much Madam Speaker, my question to the esteemed Deputy Minister of Local Government and Public Works  is that contrary to what she has said, the law still reposes a monopoly for all forms of transport to ZUPCO and that law is Section 4 (II) of the Public Health COVID-19 Regulation Statutory Instrument [83:2020]. Only today, I was in the Constitutional Court trying to argue that that provision is unconstitutional; so the question still remains relevant to the Minister.  Why are you still keeping the monopoly of public transport ZUPCO when ZUPCO has failed and perhaps the Leader of the House can help?  Why should ZUPCO be allocated to the Minister of Local Government and not to the Minister of Transport who has the skills and the Acts of Parliament that are necessary to administer public transport and to harmonise public transport so that the people of Zimbabwe are well served? I thank you very much Madam Speaker Maam. Ipai Mhona mhani basa. July Moyo imbavha iyi.

HON. TOGAREPI: On a point of order. Madam Speaker, I think Hon. Biti must withdraw his statement. Vati vaJuly imbavha. I think it is wrong and it is unparliamentary.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon. Biti, please may you withdraw your statement which you said July Moyo imbavha?

HON. BITI: I withdraw. July Moyo is not a thief.

THE MINISTER OF JUSTICE, LEGAL AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (HON. ZIYAMBI): Thank you Madam Speaker. The question by Hon. Biti is - why the urban transport system is not with the Ministry of Transport. Urban transportation worldwide and it is not unique to Zimbabwe, is with the local authority or Local Government. So that has been the case. The issue is about the management of that particular transportation system which must be enhanced. Even if you transfer it to Ministry of Transport, I do not think that is the problem that we are faced with in our urban transportation system. Our urban transportation system started declining when sanctions were imposed on us – [HON. MEMBERS: Ahhh.] – You recall Madam Speaker that when we were in the 90s when we were...

HON. MOLOKELA-TSIYE: On a point of order. The Hon. Minister may need to be reminded that the so-called sanctions are not more than 25 years old. ZUPCO has been having problems throughout since 1980. In the 90s we had transport problems. So the problems of ZUPCO are far older than sanctions. Stop using an excuse that does not exist.

HON. ZIYAMBI: Ndikakupindura unochema. Thank you Madam Speaker. Notwithstanding that the Hon. Member who has spoken is completely lost,we had an efficient transport system in the early 80s and that is not a fact. It is a myth. Having said that Madam Speaker, the problem that we had is, in any business you need to retool and ensure that you renew your fleet. The problem we had now with sanctions imposed on us, we had a shrinking economy, we were not free to trade with everyone. That compounded even our transport system. I am saying so on the backdrop that everything having been equal, we should have developed our transport system to a level that we would marvel with. However in 2018, His Excellency embarked on a programme to ensure that we have new buses within ZUPCO and that process has eased the transport shortages and ensured that transportation in Zimbabwe is affordable. That programme is continuing. We are even having collaborations and partnerships, joint ventures to ensure that we have buses that are assembled in Zimbabwe. All this is being done to ensure that we ease the transportation shortage. So the issue per se is not where the local municipal transportation system is housed but to ensure that we have adequate reliable buses within our roads. I thank you.

HON. A. NDEBELE: On a point of order Madam Speaker.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: What is your point of order Hon. Ndebele?

HON. A. NDEBELE: Madam Speaker, with the greatest of politeness due, may I request for a ministerial statement so that it does not look like I am putting the Minister in a corner because in her response, she speaks of limiting transport fares to a certain amount, an amount she did not state readily. She also speaks to controlling the fares and the establishment of a bus manufacturing plant and there are no timelines attached thereto. Therefore, I am requesting that we give her time to bring to this House, a ministerial statement that will enunciate all these steps that her Ministry is considering in the provision of an efficient public transport system.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Thank you Hon. Ndebele. I am sure the Hon. Deputy Minister has taken note of that.

HON. MARKHAM: On a point of clarity to help the Minister. Madam Speaker, the ZUPCO budget is under Spatial Planning. As a result of ZUPCO budget being under Local Government Spatial Planning, no spatial planning is happening because there are no funds because ZUPCO is taking all the money. The Ministry is actually handicapped. So in the statement, can the Ministry separate Spatial Planning and ZUPCO because there is no master plan for water, for sewerage, for roads, for clinics and for anything in Local Government and for all rural and urban constituencies because the Spatial Planning has had no money for 15 years? I thank you.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Thank you. The Hon. Deputy Minister has taken note of that.

HON. RAIDZA: On a point of order Madam Speaker. On the issue that Hon. Ndebele has raised, I also want the Minister to include the policies and other things that they are doing as a Ministry as a way of encouraging more investors to come in that mass transport system so that we end up having an efficient mass transport system in the country.

          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Thank you Hon. Raidza. I am sure the Hon. Deputy Minister has taken note of that.

          (v) HON. NDUNA: Mass transport system includes – [Technical glitch] –

          HON. MATAMBO: In the continued absence of the Minister of National Security, I will pose my question to the Leader of the House. What is the Government’s policy regarding threats or claims to State security? On three occasions, the Government mentioned the presence of a third force in the country and up until this very day, nothing has been done to apprehend the third force. I have seen that the victims, when the Government mentioned the presence of the third force, are the ones who have actually been arrested. He mentioned the presence of the third force when there was abduction and torture of the girls. They also mentioned the presence of the third force when there was massacre of people on 1st August and the Government acknowledged the presence of the third force. Up until this very day, and we are heading for the next elections which are due in 2023, nothing has been done.

          THE MINISTER OF WOMEN’S AFFAIRS, COMMUNITY, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES DEVELOPMENT (HON. DR. S. NYONI): That is a very pertinent question. I think the security of the nation and of any nation is a priority to a nation. If he could put that in writing so that it is answered properly, then all his concerns will be addressed.

          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon. Matambo, please may you put the question in writing as the Minister has said.

          +(v)HON. E. MASUKU: [Technical glitch].

          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon. Masuku, that is a very specific question can you please put it in writing.

        +(v)HON. E. MASUKU: Madam Speaker –

          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: No, the question must be put in writing so that the Hon. Minister will bring the answers to the House. – (v)[HON. E. MASUKU: Inaudible interjection.] – Maybe I misquoted her. I must have misunderstood her. My Ndebele must have lost me there.

          HON. RAIDZA: My question is directed to the Minister of Women’s Affairs, Community, Small and Medium Enterprises Development. Last year we heard the leader of the country speaking strongly about the issue of ensuring that we end GBV in Zimbabwe. What measures have been put in place to ensure that we eradicate GBV that involves women and young children? I thank you.

          THE MINISTER OF WOMEN’S AFFAIRS, COMMUNITY, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES DEVELOPMENT (HON. DR. S. NYONI): This is a very important question that the Hon. Member has raised. I think Zimbabwe is having a second pandemic, the GBV, which is happening in homes and also workplaces through sexual harassment and we are seeing it happening in young girls including rape. When His Excellency signed the high level compact, he was really showing as the Head of State, that it is unacceptable in our nation. As a result of that signing, my Ministry has disseminated that document to provincial level but unfortunately it continues.

I am appealing to Hon. Members that let us join hands and bring a stop to GBV. It happens because of several reasons and some of those reasons are within our control. Again, what we have done as a Ministry is that we have set up one stop centres throughout the country. So far, we have done it in six provinces where if a woman faces GBV, they can go to these centres which are built close to hospitals so that they have access to medical care, counselling, the Victim Friendly Police and our Ministry will also be there so that a woman may need to stay there and acquire a skill for themselves before they are relieved. All that is needed to rehabilitate a woman who has gone through GBV and will be in that centre. We are just about to open one in Bulawayo which is now complete. Thank you very much. We all need to unite to end GBV, thank you.

HON. MOKONE: Minister, you mentioned about six provinces where you have set up centres where women can actually report gender based violence.  What about in the four remaining provinces, where can women go and report if they are being exposed to gender based violence?

HON. NYONI:  Thank you Madam Speaker.  That is a very important follow up question.  As a Ministry, we take seriously the issue of gender based violence because when a woman undergoes violence of any sort, she goes through trauma that is not just physical but also mental and psychological.  As a result, we have also set up mobile one- stopcentres and in areas where we do not have one-stop-centres built, we also have mobile one-stop-centres.  The phone numbers will be made available to those provinces so that women can call and the mobile one- stopcentre or the organisations that are working with the Ministry can then attend to those women.  We do not want any woman out there who has undergone gender based violence to feel alone and continue to suffer.  This is why we are saying let us stop gender based violence.  Our priority is to prevent it but when it happens, we should all join hands to ensure that the victim or survivor is taken care of because in most cases, it is not their fault but the side effects that follow the trauma is not good for a woman. 

The mobile one-stop-centres are available and the Ministry will make available the phone numbers that members can call.  We also hope that apart from the above, they can report to the police.  We are having these facilities because we do not want it to be just a police case.  We want, when a woman reports, to also have the psychological counselling, a doctor and someone to give them hope that being or undergoing violence is not the end of the world.   I thank you.

(v)HON. NDUNA: On a point of order, …

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Hon. Nduna, with all due respect, my job does not allow me to review a decision that was made by the previous Speaker, so your point of order has been overruled.

HON. MUNETSI:  Thank you Hon. Speaker.  My question is directed to the Minister of SMEs.  A decision was reached in Cabinet about cooperative models. 

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Order Hon. Members, may we have less noise in the House please.  Can you please lower your voices so the Hon. Member can be heard?

          HON. MUNETSI (Spking) …a decision was reached in Cabinet about Co-operative Model laws and this was meant to include cooperatives in the drive to attaining Vision 2030 … - [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –

          THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER (HON. MUTOMBA):  Hon. Members, order, order! Order Hon. Munetsi, may you take your seat.  Hon. Members! Hon. Members! You are forcing me to send you out of the House! Less noise in the House Hon. Members!  You may proceed Hon. Munetsi.

          HON. MUNETSI:  Thank you very much Hon. Speaker Sir.  I was saying that a decision was reached by Cabinet about Cooperative Model laws.  This was meant to include cooperatives in the drive towards attaining Vision 2030.  Let me just find out from the Hon. Minister at what stage are we in the implementation of that model?  Thank you.

          HON. DR. S. NYONI:  Thank you Hon. Speaker Sir – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –

          THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Order, order! Hon. Members, I do not enjoy sending any one of you out of the House.  You may proceed Hon. Minister Nyoni.

          HON. DR. S. NYONI:  Yes.  Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir, this is a very important question.  Cooperatives the world-over have been found to be one of the oldest development and most effective models because they attack different aspects of development and human beings and in society.  First, they help people to come together in what we call solidarity economy and work together and trust each other.

          Secondly, it also mobilises resources to minimise the resources that people will be using.  The Hon. Member is right; Cabinet tasked the Ministry to look into the cooperative department or model that we are using in Zimbabwe to see if it is still competent to the global practice and relevant to the situation we face in Zimbabwe.  As a result of that, I led a team of the Ministry and others to Rwanda that has a very good development model using cooperatives.  In Rwanda, they are using cooperatives to mobilise their society for almost everything.  So, as a result of that visit, we have passed - [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –

          THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Order Hon. Members! Hon. Chimina! Hon. Chimina!

          HON. DR. S. NYONI:  As a result of that visit, we have tasked a study that is being done by one of our universities to make sure that it is professionally done.   The university is on the ground right now to do a study using our report, comparing and also researching on the best practices of other countries and also the lessons learnt by ourselves through our own model. 

The report will be out in November then from November on, my Ministry will be able to craft a new cooperative model but apart from that, I am sure the Hon. Members are aware that based on that best practice, we will then craft and review the Cooperative Act so that the cooperative movement becomes a strong, well informed, well organised, well researched and well grounded movement to propel our society towards Vision 2030.  I thank you.

*HON. CHIMWAZA:  Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  Mr. Speaker Sir, my question is directed to the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare.  People who live with disabilities are in dire poverty and in dire straits because they are found in public places begging with children who are dressed in school uniforms.  What is Government policy as regards people who are living with disabilities in terms of monthly grants that they receive?  How much are they receiving in terms of foreign currency?  Thank you.

*THE DEPUTY MINISTER OF PUBLIC SERVICE, LABOUR AND SOCIAL WELFARE (HON. MATUKE):  Thank you Hon. Speaker.  Hon. Speaker, the Hon. Member tried to pose a question, so let me try and respond.  The Government has employed a director who is in charge of disabilities, who is responsible for issues pertaining to people living with disabilities.  There are several programmes that we have.

Firstly, let me inform this august House that if we have people who live with disabilities and would want to receive wheelchairs or clutches, the  Government, through the Department of Social Welfare, has created a department that deals with people living with disabilities.  It also receives an allocation from the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development so that it looks solely into the issues that pertain to people living with disabilities. 

Let me take this opportunity to inform this august House that there are a lot of aides that have been bought for people who live with disabilities such as wheelchairs and clutches.  If there are such people that are within your communities, if they approach our ministries through our provisional and district offices, they will be assisted in line with the budget that we received to buy equipment for people living with disabilities. 

          There are a lot of Government institutions where such people can be assisted in many ways especially free education.  We want to encourage Members of Parliament in various constituencies to quickly bring forward such people with disabilities to the Ministry so that they are assisted. 

          There are some funds that are dedicated for people living with disabilities for self help projects.  They will also be assisting in ensuring that they run viable and sustainable projects.  So, in brief, I would want to tell the Hon. Member that if they have specific areas and people that are facing such challenges, they should approach our Ministry. The Ministry can also send its officials to go and assess so that these people can be assisted.  I thank you.

          HON. CHINYANGANYA: Thank you Mr. Speaker.  I would want to thank the Hon. Minister for such a good response.  My supplementary question is that I heard him talking about funds that are dedicated to people living with disabilities.  May the Hon. Minister disclose the offices where such people can approach for assistance?  The majority of them are unaware of the existence of such funds that are being given by the Government.  I thank you.

          *HON. MATUKE: I would like to thank the Hon. Member for the question.  All our district countrywide have social welfare offices.  In the not too distant future, we shall be having officers that specifically deal with people that are living with disability. However, go to any of our district or provincial offices to understand how they can be assisted.  If at all there are any challenges you can come through to our head office with your list of people in need of assistance.

          HON. MOKONE: Thank you very much Madam Speaker.  The Hon. Deputy Minister said that they have decentralised the distribution of essentials to people living with disabilities but I would like to know what criteria you are using to distribute things like wheelchairs?  In my province, in Matabeleland South, we have seen a lot of people struggling, in need of wheelchairs but they cannot access them. 

          HON. MATUKE: I think it is an important question. The distribution is through your local offices. We have got social welfare officers in every district and all what we need is to approach the office and put across your request and requirements then we can distribute those items direct to those offices.  You can even call at our office with  proof that you have people who are handicapped within your district.

          *HON. MUCHENJE: There are people who are living with disabilities in the streets and are not able to access assistance.  I question one of them why they are not being assisted, some of them are blind, they are led by small children who do not know where the Government offices are. 

As you assist those who can move on their own, how are you assisting those that are on the streets?

          HON. MATUKE: We are helping those that are far away from us but they are those that are immediately near us that are on the roads.  We do not have a law that forces people to be removed from the roads.  It is Government intention that the many places that have been put in place can assist such people.  They can be assisted through structures of Members of Parliament and other leadership that is in the districts where we live.

          We remove such people from the streets and take them to these places but the difficulty is that they get a lot of money through well wishers unlike the support that they receive from these institutions.  So, we may not be in a position to arrest them or possibly remove them.  We cannot therefore, push them off the streets so that they can go to these institutions.

          HON. NYAMUDEZA: Thank you Mr. Speaker.  My supplementary question is that there are people that live with albinism, can they receive their ointment from the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare?

          HON. MATUKE: It is a right for everyone living with disability to be assisted by Government despite the fact that sometimes resources might not be enough but it is their right to get assistance.  If these people are located, whether individually or as a group, the Government is mandated to assist them because they should live just like any other able bodied person. 

          Therefore, those people with albinism are very important and we categorise them in the same group with those living with disability and in need of assistance.  In terms of their special lotions, as long as  these people are identified and located, assistance will always be rendered to them for as long as resources are available.

          Questions without Notice were interrupted by THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER in terms of Standing Order No. 68.



  1. HON. RAIDZA asked the Minister of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation to inform the House when the Ministry will complete the requisite cooperation arrangements with Mberengwa Rehabilitation and Orphanage Centre in Mberengwa East Constituency for the benefit of the youth.

THE DEPUTY MINISTER OF YOUTH, SPORT, ARTS AND RECREATION (HON. MACHAKARIKA):  The Ministry of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation has been in discussion with the owners of the establishment as far as 2020 on modalities of collaboration and since then, there is no agreement that has been reached.  Plans are in place to further engage the owners and the local authority with a view to ensure that the centre is fully functional.

Hon. Speaker Sir, also the Government policy is to establish multipurpose youth interact centres in every human settlement in order to increase opportunities for the development and empowerment of the youth.  In this respect the Mberengwa Rehabilitation and Orphanage Centre provides this opportunity and the Ministry will seek the assistance of Mberengwa District Council to complete the requisite cooperation arrangements with the Mberengwa Rehabilitation and Orphanage Centre.  Mr. Speaker Sir, I thank you.

HON. RAIDZA:  My supplementary question - I did not get the answer clearly Mr. Speaker Sir from the Minister.  Is it the Minister’s submission that Murawu will need to enter into a cooperation agreement with the rural district council or the Ministry will continue to be involved in this whole arrangement that we are pushing for this VTC to be opened in Mberengwa East Constituency?  Thank you.  

*HON. MACHAKARIKA:  Thank you Hon. Speaker for the clarity that Hon. Raidza seeks.  As Government, we are there to work with local authorities and the owners of places to ensure that we bring development to those areas in line with our policy as the Ministry of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation.  As a Ministry, we will try our best to have dialogue with them so that this can be quickly concluded and there will be development in Hon. Raidza’s Mberengwa Constituency.  Thank you. 


  1. HON. CHIDZIVA asked the Minister of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation to inform the House what the Ministry is doing to ensure that young citizens in Highfield West engage in productive activities which keep them away from indulging in drug and substance abuse.

          THE DEPUTY MINISTER OF YOUTH, SPORT, ARTS AND RECREATION (HON. MACHAKARIKA):  The Ministry has been carrying out drug awareness campaigns among the youth not only in Harare but in all the 10 provinces.  The National Youth Day attracted more than 40 000 people from all the 10 provinces who attended the event with the theme, ‘Alleviate Drug and Substance Abuse by the Youth’. 

Also the Ministry through the ZYC has been organising awareness discussions on Capitalk Radio, Classic 263 Radio and Zimbabwe Television Network on drug and substance abuse during the first quarter of the year 2022.

With specific reference to Highfield West, the Ministry has been carrying out the following activities among others to ensure that youth engage in productive activities which keep them away from indulging in drug and substance abuse.

1      Carrying out drug awareness campaigns.

2    Creating platforms for entrepreneurship training.

3     Establishing and supporting sport clubs for talent identification.

4       Encouraging youth to enroll with our Vocational Training Centres (VTCs) for skills development.

5    Implementing the Integrated Skills Outreach Training Programmes.

6    Assisting in drafting business planning and promotion proposals so that the youth can access funding from financial institutions such as the Empower Bank.

7   Monitoring and Evaluation of youth business enterprises and also offering a platform for on-line business courses through our youth interact centres.

I want to thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.

*HON. CHIDZIVA:  Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  I am satisfied by the majority of your response but that is your manifesto of your intentions in Highfield West because that is where the problem is, where youth are idle, but what you have stated is what you are supposed to do.  When do you intend to carry out this programme?  I thank you.

*HON. MACHAKARIKA: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir. I thank Hon. Chidziva for his supplementary question. As I have earlier on stated in my response, we are there to ensure that Hon. Members such as Hon. Chidziva’s constituency is developed. It is also his right to come to us and show us areas that may need assistance so that we can collaborate with each other. As he has posed this question, we are there to work hand in glove with him. We need to have a good relationship as we are all Zimbabweans and we are in the same country. I thank you.

          *HON. MADZIMURE: Thank you Hon. Minister for the response and everything that you have said. In his response, he did not mention about what is at the fore of the issue that relates to the youth in terms of recreational facilities. Hon. Speaker, why our children are continuously not having any recreation is because football grounds, tennis courts, volley ball, basket ball courts are no longer in place countrywide. You can no longer find children where there is infrastructure for sporting activities. Those sporting infrastructure take the children out of the streets. What plans do you have as a Ministry to ensure that this is done because this will keep them busy and by the time they go home, they will be tired, have their meals and go to sleep? What measures do you have in place for our constituents and have you identified such possible projects in our respective constituencies? I thank you.

          HON. MACHAKARIKA: Thank you for the supplementary question Hon. Madzimure. Let me hasten to point out that as the Ministry of Youth, Sport, Arts and Culture, it is our mandate to work with Local Government. We do not have recreational facilities that belong to our Ministry but we work hand in glove with local authorities so that we can come up with the infrastructure. Look at Kuwadzana, we put infrastructure in place for sports. I expect that by the time we sit down with the local authorities, we will come up with agreements that will lead us into constructing several recreational facilities as you have mentioned. I thank you.

          HON. BITI: Mr. Speaker Sir, the issue of drugs is affecting our youth. The drug called crystal-meth, also known as mutoriro, guka, traditional drugs also prepared in the hemp known as mbanje, the abuse of cough mixtures is spreading and is rife, particularly in schools. So I want the Minister to tell us what measures his Ministry is taking to ensure that we stop the importation of these medicines into Zimbabwe, deal with the barons, the drug lords that are bringing these drugs? Wherever you go to court, wherever you read in the newspapers, it is only the runners that are being targeted but the real mbingas, the masterminds of these drugs are not being arrested. What programme is the Ministry putting for the rehabilitation of these children because often times when these children become wasted, become drug addicts, the society looks down upon them and even parents chase them away. They commit crime in order to feed their drugs and they become the scam of the nation. Thirdly, what programme is the Ministry putting in place to rehabilitate these young people who have fallen prey to these dangerous drugs? Thank you.

          THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Thank you very much Hon. Biti but my assessment of your question is that your first two points look like they are actually new questions which I believe are supposed to be directed to the policy? Your third question I think it is for him to answer unless if the Minister has got the answers to the three points that you have raised. Thank you.

          * HON. MACHAKARIKA: Thank you Mr. Speaker. Let me thank Hon. Biti for the supplementary question. When we look at the concerns that you raised, these are very important. Let me say that we are in the process of starting programmes to inform the youth about the dangers of drugs. Tomorrow we are going to launch a programme that will teach the youth so that they are discouraged from indulging in drugs. I want to thank Hon. Biti for the supplementary questions. We are there to ensure that we create awareness countrywide so that the youth cannot be indulging in drugs which will be detrimental to our country. I thank you.


  1. HON. CHINYANGANYA asked the Minister of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation to inform the House what the Ministry is doing to promote baseball and softball in the country.

          THE DEPUTY MINISTER OF YOUTH, SPORT, ARTS AND RECREATION (HON. MACHAKARIKA): The Ministry of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation drafted its 2021 to 2025 Strategic Plan which feeds into the National Development Strategy 1 which itself is driven from Vision 2030 of ‘An Empowered and Prosperous Middle-Income Society’. In the NDS1, major outcomes relating to sport are ‘increased participation in sport and recreation and ‘improved sport performance’. To achieve increased participation, Sport and Recreation Commission (SRC) supervises, guides and supports the activities of registered National Associations, including the Zimbabwe Baseball Association and the Zimbabwe Softball Association.

          The two organisations are registered with the SRC with a clear mandate to deliver baseball and softball to the people of Zimbabwe. It is important to note that the two sport codes are not compliant as national associations and are not present in the ten provinces of the country. To date, the associations are present in three provinces hence the thrust by the Ministry through the SRC to capacity build, grass root develop, strengthen, improve governance and compliance as we foster provincial, national, regional and international participation. In that regard, the SRC is spearheading the delivery of baseball and softball to the people of Zimbabwe as reflected below:

          Capacity building:

          The SRC aims to enhance the technical and administrative capacities of the baseball and softball associations by conducting a series of workshops in Sport Administration for Association Secretaries General, Sport development and promotion for Development Directors, Resources mobilization for Treasuries and Marketing Committees, event management for event conveners, anti-doping, safe sport, and Women Leadership Programme for women sport leaders.

          Governance and Compliance:

          This year, the SRC has conducted two virtual quarterly meetings during which national executive members were exposed to a wide range of topics deliberately designed to assist National Associations including baseball and softball to embrace good corporate governance principles in their day to day operations without which it would be difficult to convince benefactors to come on board. Other areas also touched upon are safe and clean sport, high performance, marketing and business development among other areas.

          Grassroots Development:

          The Ministry and SRC promoted and supported the holding of local leagues, community tournaments, festivals and galas at which various sport codes were involved and baseball and softball have been included on the activities. Local competition activities also help to mobilise youth and keep them away from the vagaries of drug and substance abuse and other undesirable conduct.

          Strengthening of Community Sport Clubs:        

          The Ministry and SRC, through their provincial and district structures, assisted multi-discipline and single sport clubs to revamp their administrative structures, review constitutions, conduct membership recruitment drive and mobilise resources. This way, the clubs are more effective in providing baseball and softball activities for their membership in the community.

          International participation:

          In order to provide opportunities for testing and measuring talent and its development, the Ministry and SRC provide administrative and moral support to clubs and national teams to participate in regional, continental and international events. The baseball association was provided with the necessary clearances to participate in the Baseball 5 regional tournament held in Tanzania in May 2022. The arrangements around the above tournament were communicated very late by the organisers and the Ministry could not support financially due to inadequate lead up time and only the tour clearances were provided. Thank you.

*HON. HWENDE: On a point of order. The issue of absence of Ministers has been raised several times. There may be no point in us sitting here because as you can see, the Ministers are not coming to this august House. Last time that we had question time, it was the same situation. Today we face the same predicament; there are no Ministers to answer questions. From time to time, we have been making these requests to you as Mr. Speaker, to ensure that Ministers do come and attend. If it is becoming too much for them, they need to leave their posts as Ministers. There are youths who were voted into the Central Committee and if they are tired, they should allow these youths to come through.


  1. HON. I. NYONI asked the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education to inform the House when the Ministry will construct a secondary school in Bulawayo East Constituency.

          THE DEPUTY MINISTER OF PRIMARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION (HON. E. MOYO): The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education is aware of the critical shortage of school infrastructure countrywide, including Bulawayo East Constituency. With respect to Bulawayo East Constituency, the Ministry is aware of a critical shortage of schools especially in Mahatshula suburb. That need has already been prioritised and a secondary school is budgeted for in the 2023 financial year.

          In addition to that, there are also plans to decongest crowded classes through the construction of additional classroom blocks in existing schools. We have also had some partners coming on board to build new schools and in some cases, additional classrooms in existing schools.

          HON. I. NYONI: Bulawayo East Constituency has eight primary schools and these are Government primary schools and council primary schools. This is the constituency that also has private schools. These are secondary schools in the area. This takes to a point whereby most of those students that are in the Government and council primary schools have no secondary school to go save for the one girls secondary school. It is quite clear that the need for secondary schools is quite urgent. Can the Minister give some time frames when the secondary schools will be built in the constituency? After Grade 7, some children have to go quite some distance; they have to board transport which is a problem at the moment.

          HON. E. MOYO: In my response, I did indicate that the construction of secondary schools is an ongoing exercise and we have already prioritised one for next year, which is Mahatshula where council has been approached for land for the construction of a Government secondary school within that constituency. It may be difficult at a glance to construct all the required schools but however step by step, we are taking that initiative and also inviting partners and other private players to come on board to assist, especially the church community. For next year, that has already been prioritised. One school that I know which has already been prioritised is Mahatshula Secondary School.

          (v)HON. S. BANDA: I just want to understand from the Hon. Minister. For schools that were promised to be constructed in 2022 which were around 200, how many of them have been constructed so that we have got a realistic knowledge on whether they are going to be built.

          HON. E. MOYO: For 2022, we have started the construction of eight schools, one school in every rural province in the country. That is already ongoing. The number that was initially budgeted for could not be reached as a result of partly inflationary pressures which resulted in the inadequacy of the budget to cover all the schools. We trimmed down the number of schools to be constructed in 2022 to eight and we had to start off with the rural provinces where the walking distances by students is very long. Going into next year, the budget out-turn is going to determine the number of schools that we are going to construct. However, we are aware of the serious problem that we have in terms of infrastructure in the schools.

          We have a lot of partners that have come up who are building a number of schools countrywide. I may not have the statistics at the moment but in terms of Government infrastructure provision, what I have given is what is obtaining on the ground.

          (v)HON. WATSON: They are assisting Government with schools that will be Government schools and not private schools because the crisis is that there are insufficient Government schools and it is cost related.

          HON. E. MOYO: I am not very sure if I picked up the import of the question, however, I will answer the way I seem to have understood it. The provision of education especially the infrastructure in education, in terms of the Constitution, private players are allowed to come in and participate in the provision of educational infrastructure in the country.  Government, through district local council authorities, is providing the majority of educational infrastructure in the country. Therefore, Government schools are quite small in number but Government does assist the councils in the construction of schools in the country.  I think Government is doing its best in terms of that provision of infrastructure for education.  I thank you.

          HON. NYAMUDEZA: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  My supplementary question is what are the requirements for the construction of a secondary school if the community is prepared to construct one?  How long will it take to let members to go ahead?

          HON. E. MOYO: Thank you Hon. Speaker Sir.  I would like to thank the Hon. Member for that question. The procedure is that a resolution must arise from the community concerned, which requires a school.  Through their representatives, either councillors or Members of Parliament, that resolution is taken to the local authority who must also confirm the availability of land for the construction of that particular school.  Once that has been done, then an application to the Ministry’s District Education Office, is made.  The application is to get authority to establish and construct a school.  The Ministry will look at their management information system to see if really it is going to be a viable school.  Once satisfied that it is going to be a viable school and that the local authority has confirmed the existence of land for the construction of that school, then a recommendation is passed on to the provincial office to say as a district, we support the application to establish and construct a school.  Their input is taken to head office.  Then the final decision is taken at head office and a letter of authority to establish and construct is then given. 

Normally, all things being equal, that process should not take more than three months.  That is our normal timeline.  Once that is done, then physical planning plans are  issued and the Ministry also issues the standard classroom plans, administration block and cottages.  Those are obtainable from our Ministry or from the Ministry of Local Government.  Construction can then commence.  I thank you.


  1. HON. TOBAIWA asked the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education to inform the House the measures that have been put in place to protect students at Globe and Phoenix Primary School in Kwekwe after the damage of infrastructure and the closure of the ECD classroom due to destructions caused by mining activities.

THE DEPUTY MINISTER OF PRIMARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION (HON. E. MOYO): Thank you Hon. Speaker Sir.  I would like to thank the Hon. Member for the question.  The Ministry is saddened by the invasion of our schools by illegal miners, putting the safety of our learners on the ropes.  About the Globe and Phoenix Primary School in Kwekwe, the matter was reported to the police and the miners have since been banned and mining activities at the school have stopped.  The ECD learners at the school have relocated to a renovated house within the school premises and plans to rebuild the classroom block are underway.  I thank you.

*HON. TOBAIWA: Thank you Hon. Minister for the response.  Hon. Minister, police came and ordered the miners to stop mining activities last month but as we speak, the road which is supposed to be used by school children has been dug again.  Also, the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development has pegged yet another mine just a few metres from the school.  What steps can be taken by your Ministry so that the school children at that particular school are protected?  On the other hand, you are stopping mining activities at the school but Ministry of Mines continues to offer some  miners a mine close to the school again, less than 50 metres from the school.  What can you do as a Ministry to protect the school children?

HON. E. MOYO: Thank you very much Hon. Speaker.  I would like to thank the Hon. Member for the supplementary question.  Ordinarily, when a mine is to be established, a certificate from EMA has to be obtained.  I am not very sure whether the community was consulted because they must ascent to the establishment of a mine.  They should be issued with that EMA certificate. 

At the moment, because I am not aware of that latest development, I am going to take it up.  We will carry out investigations and perhaps link up with our colleagues in the Ministry of Mines to establish what really is obtaining.  We believe that the learning of our children is a big priority in the country.  Therefore, we must give them precedence over anything else.  That will depend on our interactions with our sister Ministry.  I thank you.

The Minister of Energy and Power Development having walked in, the Hon. Speaker reverted to Question 5


  1. HON. RAIDZA asked the Minister of Energy and Power Development to inform the House when transformers will be installed at the following institutions in Mberengwa East Constituency –

(a) Murongwe Clinic in Ward 3, which has been without electricity for over 10 months;

(b) Chomunyaka Primary School in Ward 8;

(c ) Ruurangwi Primary School in Ward 8 and

(d) Richard Hove homestead in Ward 8, under Chief Mataruse of Zibengwa village

        THE MINISTER OF ENERGY AND POWER DEVELOPMENT (HON.  SODA): Thank you Hon. Chair.  I would like to thank Hon. Raidza for the question.  Allow me to respond as follows; ZETDC has started receiving the first batch of the ordered 10 000 transformers.  We are expecting to receive 1 500 transformers by the end of November, 2022.  Some of these will be allocated to cover critical institutions like schools and clinics.  The transformers which the Hon. Member has requested will be covered in the allocation that will be done in November, once we start to receive the first batch of the 1 500 transformers which we are expecting.  I thank you.

        HON. MAHLANGU: Thank you very much Mr. Speaker Sir.  It might sound as if it is a new question but it is not a new question.  Since the Minister said they have got the batches of those transformers, my question is in urban communities, they are paying installments.  Why is it that after they have done everything for themselves, they should pay the amount equivalent to $279 at the prevailing rate for ZESA to go and install transformers while they have bought them on their own?

          HON. SODA:  Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  We have a scheme where customers can provide their own equipment in the event that there is a fault and ZESA does not have the equipment in stock.  Many times this is happening when the customer would be expecting to be reconnected immediately.  We have come up with a scheme where customers can provide their own equipment and it can be installed immediately once that has been availed to ZETDC.  The people that would have made contributions to buy the equipment will get electricity units in lieu of the amounts that they would have put together to buy the equipment.  That means if a transformer bursts or develops a fault and customers cannot wait until ZESA mobilises resources to buy a replacement transformer for their area, they can put together resources and buy the equipment.  They will be repaid through provision of electricity units. 

          Mr. Speaker Sir, the other question which was asked by the Hon. Member is: why are the customers supposed to pay for connection fees.  Maybe that will become a specific question because I may need to interrogate where that has happened, especially connection fees for a transformer.  Customers are not supposed to pay for reconnection of their transformers but where a customer would have provided materials to have connections at their own facilities, they are supposed to be paying for connection fees.  I thank you Mr. Speaker Sir. 

          HON. MOKONE:  Thank you very much Mr. Speaker.  My point of order Mr. Speaker …

          THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Are you raising a point of order or it is a supplementary question?

          HON. MOKONE:  It is a point of order.

          THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Go ahead.

          HON. MOKONE:  You said that you are expecting about 10.000 transformers and you are expecting the first batch of 1500 by December.  My plea to you is, may you please also consider a location in Gwanda Central by the name Spitzkop North?  It has not had ZESA for the past 20 years and they are saying there are no transformers for them to connect the location.  May you kindly consider that location?  That is the location where I stay as well.  We depend on solar energy, there is no ZESA at all.

          *HON. HAMAUSWA:  I would want to thank the Hon. Minister of Energy and Power Development for responding very well.  I am happy that he has got plans to buy transformers that are going to be distributed in areas with transformers that are no longer functioning.  There are transformers which are being given to other communities but we see that communities are the ones that are going to put security on the transformers.  Hon. Minister, what is the Government policy to protect the transformers from thieves?  Is it the responsibility of the communities to protect the transformers?  You said if residents buy a transformer, they will be reimbursed in the form of electricity units.  However, there are communities like Warren Park, Donview and Cold Comfort where residents contribute their money to protect their transformers from thieves.  We are happy that they are responsible citizens but is that not the duty of ZESA to make sure that transformers are secure?  There are people who live in rural areas who are not able to mobilise funds to put security around their transformers. 

          HON.  SODA:  Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  There are many ways to protect ZESA equipment.  For example, there is the target hardening which has been explained by the Hon. Member.  This is a way where you look for ways to protect the transformers.  When thieves come, they will not be able to temper with the transformers.  ZESA is putting burglar bars around the transformer, which makes it impossible for the thieves to take the transformer or it will delay them.  Protecting transformers is the role of ZESA.  Transformers are ZESA properties even if communities buy their own transformer when they feel that Government is taking too long.  The people are reimbursed their monies through electricity units because transformers are a property of ZESA.  People can take decisions on how best to help ZESA in protecting transformers because the transformers are servicing them.  Some employ security guards.  If the transformer is stolen, replacement takes long.  Hence, some communities take it upon themselves to mobilise funds to protect the transformers.  In responding to the Hon. Member’s question, it is the role of ZESA to protect transformers.  Some communities partner with ZESA so that ZESA property is protected and people get electricity all the time. 

          *HON. HAMAUSWA:  Mr. Speaker Sir, my point of clarity is: does it mean ZESA does not have the capacity to use modern ways to protect the transformers?  This makes it easier because someone in the office in town can see that there are thieves who are trying to steal a transformer in Warren Park.  Thank you. 

          *HON.  SODA:  Thank you Mr. Speaker.  Like what I have already explained, there are many ways to protect ZESA equipment.  They have CCTVs that are being installed so that they can monitor the equipment.  They are also installing anti-intrusion devices where properties are.  In some areas, they are using drones to monitor the area where there are transformers.  ZESA is using the modern technology and also working with the community using CCTV and drones.  In the near future, ZESA will use smart meters that use artificial intelligence. If someone is trying to temper around where there is a smart meter, it will send a signal that there is something going on with the transformer.  We are going to see all these things being implemented even the meters that are being used now are going to be changed.  Right now, ZESA has a number of meters that are going to be changed.  The problem of people that are not paying their electricity bills will be a problem of the past also.

          *HON. NYOKANHETE: My supplementary question is that people are buying their own transformers, if ZESA takes long to attend to them, there is a problem when they need refund from ZESA.  An example is that I bought a transformer in Masvingo but the money has not yet been reimbursed up to now and it is almost two years now.  What is it that can be done regarding this issue?

          *HON.  SODA: Thank you Mr. Speaker. This is not a policy question but those are some of the problems which might arise from Masvingo and not to all areas.  Can you specify the area so that we get enough details to help you? The policy says when someone buys property for ZESA whilst ZESA does not have enough funds, the person must be reimbursed because it is ZESA property.

          Question 20 having been read out and the Minister responsible not present

          *HON. HAMAUSWA: Mr. Speaker, this question has been on the Order Paper for long.  We kindly ask the Minister to come and attend to this question.




  1. HON. B. DUBE asked the Minister of Energy and Power Development to explain to the House:

a) The reason for charging electricity supplied to local authorities at commercial rates given that they are struggling to pay off outstanding electricity bills:

b) Whether the Ministry is considering reviewing that policy?

THE MINISTER OF ENERGY AND POWER DEVELOPMENT (HON.  SODA):  I thank the Hon. Member for the question.  Allow me Mr. Speaker to respond as follows:

           The cost of electricity is the same for all customer categories whether they are local authorities or not, also the non-cost reflective tariff to USc10.63 is being charged across all the customer categories.  When one assesses the tariff across the customer categories, commercial rates are actually lower than the domestic rates as this is meant to support the business fraternity. 

         Further, local authorities are charging market rates for their water supply rates and land prices and have even pegged them in US dollars effective 1st August 2022 whilst the utility’s charges are still in ZWL.  Effectively, if one is to convert the current ZWL electricity charges at interbank rate, the tariff is even less than the USc10.63 that was approved by the regulator ZERA yet the average import rate is USc10.7 whilst the cost reflective tariff of USc16 is required by the utility, even as supported by World Bank consultant studies.  Additionally, there is no subsidy to fund the gap; the losses are all being carried by the utility.  As such, the local authorities need to pay for the value of the electricity that they are consuming and assumedly, this cost is part and parcel of the budgeted figures that are used by local authorities to come up with the rates and water charges that are being billed to the customers. ZESA does not have any subsidies that can be extended to the local authorities but all sectors of the economy are supposed to play their part in paying for the value of the electricity that they are utilising.

        The Ministry has no capacity to provide subsidies at the point in time. As long as there are no provisions for subsidies from the budget which Parliament approves, it would be impossible to give a non-commercial tariff to the local authorities.  The local authorities, through their line Ministry, may have to call and motivate for support from the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development.


  1. HON. CHIDZIVA asked the Minister of Energy and Power Development to inform the House:

a) When ZESA will compensate residents in Highfield West for the electrical power cables they bought to replace stolen cables;

b) When ZESA will revive its sub-office that services Highfield West and Glen Norah, to facilitate convenience in payments of bills by the community.

c) When ZESA will conduct a feasibility study in Highfield West to assess the capacity of the current installed transformers in servicing the growing community;

d) When ZESA will separate Gazaland Industrial Area from the residential grid in order to curb continuous power cuts in Highfield West.

THE MINISTER OF ENERGY AND POWER DEVELOPMENT (HON.  SODA): I thank the Hon. Member for the question.  Allow me Mr. Speaker to respond as follows:

  1. ZESA has a Customer Supplied Material Scheme through which it reimburses customers who would have procured replacement materials on behalf of the utility.  However, the policy follows strict procedures to avoid abuse of the facility.

The utility has checked our records and there is no outstanding reimbursement pertaining to Highfield West clients.  In fact, the utility is not aware of any replacement cable that was bought by the clients that is due for reimbursement.  Should there be any such replacements that have not been reimbursed, the clients should approach ZETDC office.

The utility has been working on simplifying and creating convenience to the customers, especially in ensuring that the customer accesses all their required services at the touch of a button in the comfort of their homes.  Most of the customers, 730 000 out of a customer base of 830 000 customers, have been migrated to prepaid metering and the remaining are being concluded by year end.  The utility has worked to ensure that the third-party vendor foot print for the acquisition of electricity tokens has been reduced to at least 5kms of reach of the customers. It has also enrolled all the banks and all the mobile money platforms as part of the third parties that allowed the customers to access power and to pay for their electricity.  Further to that, a National Call Centre has been set up with different handles that include social media platforms such as WhatsApp, Facebook, sms, Twitter, the websites as well as the short code 704.  All these are meant to create convenience to the customer and remove the need for the customer to travel to ZESA office. The utility is working to ensure that the ZESA office is in the customers’ homes.  These are the reasons why the small sub-offices remain closed as the country is driving towards technology.

ZESA is continuously monitoring and evaluating the performance of its network and where necessary, reinforcement and reconfiguration of projects are implemented.

At the moment, there are no transformer capacity challenges in Highfield West.  The challenges that have been faced of late are those of transformer vandalism that have resulted in temporary back feeds and voltage problems in some areas. These challenges are not indicative of long-term transformer capacity limitations but are rather short comings of temporal back feeds.

  1. The challenges of power cuts in Highfield West have nothing to do with the linkage between the industrial and domestic loads.  The power cuts are more to do with the supply and demand mismatch that result in the utility having excess load shedding.

The utility, in its master plan, has a plan to reinforce the Gazaland Industrial area by way of erecting an additional 11kV feeder.



          HON. MUTAMBISI: Mr. Speaker, I move that Orders of the Day, Nos. 1 to 9 be stood over until Order No. 10 has been disposed of.

          HON. HWENDE: I second.

Motion put and agreed to.



          HON. MAVETERA: Mr. Speaker, I move the motion standing in my name that this House takes note of the Report of the Delegation to the African Parliamentarians’ Network on Development and Evaluation (APNODE) on the 7th APNODE Annual General Meeting held from 1st–3rd August, 2022 in Rabat, Morocco.

HON. MATHE: I second.

HON. MAVETERA: 1.0   Introduction

1.1    The Speaker of Parliament, Hon. Adv. J. F. N. Mudenda led a delegation of Parliamentarians to the 7th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the African Parliamentarians’ Network on Development Evaluation (APNODE). The AGM was held from 1 to 3 August 2022 in Rabat, the Kingdom of Morocco. Running under the theme, “Effective Parliamentary Public Engagement for Inclusive Development,” the AGM was held at the House of Councillors of Morocco.

2.0    Composition of Delegation

The Zimbabwe delegation

2.1    The Speaker’s delegation comprised of Hon. Sen. Langton Nechombo, Hon. Paurina Mpariwa, Hon. Omega Sibanda and Hon. Tatenda Mavetera. Members attended the APNODE Executive Committee’s meeting held on 1 August 2022 before proceeding to join other Members of APNODE at the Orientation Session which Hon. Mavetera chaired. After the Orientation Session, the Members participated in a training session on, “Using Evidence in Policy and Practice: Lessons from Africa,”

Hon. Mavetera chairing a session

3.0    Special Session for Speakers and Presidents

3.1    The Speaker of Parliament’s first engagement at the AGM was a special session for Speakers of National Assemblies and Presidents of Senates held on 1 August 2022, hosted by H. E. Enaam Mayara, the President of the Moroccan House of Councillors of the Kingdom of Morocco. The House of Councillors is the equivalent of the Senate in Zimbabwe. Also, in attendance were Sen. Lindiwe Dlamini (Senate President in Parliament of the Kingdom of Eswatini), Hon. Fabakary Tombong Jatta (Speaker of the National Assembly of the Gambia), Hon. Delfim Santiago Das Neves (Speaker of the National Assembly of São Tomé and Principe), Hon. Simplice M. Sarandji (President of the National Assembly of the Central African Republic) and Hon. Mary Ayen Mijpk (1st Deputy Speaker of the Council of States of the Republic of South Sudan). The session was held behind closed doors.

                 From left to right, Hon. Delfim Santiago Das Neves, Hon. Simplice M. Sarandji,

Sen. Lindiwe Dlamini, His Excellency. Enaam Mayara,Hon. Adv. J. F. N. Mudenda, Hon.

Fabakary Tombong  Jatta.

4.0    Official Opening Ceremony

4.1    On 2nd August 2022, the AGM was officially opened by the President of the House of Councillors in the Kingdom of Morocco, His Excellency Enaam Mayara. Hon. Mayara welcomed the delegations to the Kingdom of Morocco. He acknowledged the presence of five leaders of Parliaments at the AGM and noted that the meeting was a landmark development for APNODE. He commended the theme of the AGM for reflecting inclusive development which he admitted was an important aspect of people’s development aspirations. Parliamentarians were called upon to contribute towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. His Excellency Enaam Mayara indicated that challenges could be overcome through unity of purpose leveraging on Africa’s abundant natural resources. He pledged the Kingdom of Morocco’s support for APNODE to ensure that the Network achieves its objectives and assured the meeting that the House of Councillors of the Kingdom of Morocco would join APNODE as an institution following in the footsteps of Zimbabwe.

4.2    The Speaker’s Remarks

4.2.1 As part of the opening ceremony, there were several Speakers who included the Speaker of Parliament of Zimbabwe who made some remarks. In his remarks, Hon. Adv. J. F. N. Mudenda acknowledged the incisive opening remarks by the President of the House of Councillors of the Kingdom of Morocco, which had covered critical areas on Development Evaluation (DEV). He also recognised the dynamic Chairman of APNODE, Hon. Adomahou and his Executive Committee for doing exceptionally well in driving the APNODE agenda. The Speaker tendered the Zimbabwe delegation’s gratitude for the hospitality extended to it and through His Excellency, President of the House of Councillors send a congratulatory message on the anniversary of the 23rd year of the King of Morocco’s accession to the throne.

4.2.2 Hon. Adv. J. F. N. Mudenda then drew the attention of participants to the African Union (AU’s) Agenda 2063 alluded to by the host President of the House of Councillors. He outlined the eight (8) key areas to which the Agenda addresses as follows:

  • African Identity and Renaissance;
  • Struggle against Colonialism and the Right to Self Determination for people

still under Colonisation;

  • Integration Agenda;
  • Agenda for Economic and Social Development;
  • Agenda for Peace and Security;
  • Democratic Governance;
  • Determining Africa’s Destiny; and
  • Africa’s place in the World.

4.2.3 The Speaker pointed out that these were very challenging areas where development evaluation should apply its critical thought. He reminded participants that there were only eight (8) years left to get to 2030, the set period of achieving the SDG targets. Hon. Adv. J. F. N. Mudenda noted that following its formation in 2014, APNODE only had fourteen (14) member states out of a possible fifty-four (54) countries. He viewed this as a serious indictment on the current Members who had joined the team that champions Development Evaluation (DEV)

4.2.4 He called upon all Parliaments under the AU flag to raise the APNODE flag higher as he opined that inclusive development must be championed by all Parliaments under the AU not only by the current Parliaments that have APNODE Chapters.

4.2.5 The Speaker encouraged participants not to despair by reflecting on the formation of the Organisation of African Unity, where the idea of the organisation was championed by fourteen (14) people in two groups, the Casablanca group and the Monrovia group. He explained that eventually, the two groups had collapsed into one group and in 1963 the Organisation of African Unity had been formed by thirty-three (33) member states. Fifty-nine years later, virtually all fifty-four countries had become members of the African Union.  

4.2.6 Furthermore, Hon. Adv. J. F. N. Mudenda expressed the view that APNODE should create a sense of urgency in ensuring that all the fifty-four (54) AU countries and their Parliaments embrace APNODE without fail. He highlighted that Development Evaluation was the heart of Parliaments’ oversight, representation and legislative roles. He emphasised that since Parliaments look at value for money in the expended Budget, the taxpayer’s money that emerges as the public purse, Parliaments were enjoined to ensure that there is prudential accountability of that public purse.

4.2.6 He proffered that the APNODE Executive Committee was enjoined to address the five (5) regions that constitute the Pan-African Parliament for them to embrace and that resources had to be mobilised so that the Executive moves around to convince those Parliaments that are still hesitating to join APNODE. He stressed that this was a critical assignment. The Speaker argued that doing so would be a demonstration that African Parliaments share the African identity and its Renaissance. He further pointed that the implementation of Agenda 2063 and the African Continental Free Trade Area (ACFTA) would not be effective without the use of barometer of Development Evaluation.

4.2.7 The Speaker highlighted the cardinal need for the continent to be seen as one Africa, with one voice singing the APNODE melody. He identified the current COVID-19 pandemic as a risk that countries had to contend with in APNODE’s journey as it had destabilised the countries’ Gross Domestic Products (GDP), in some instances resulting in zero Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth. He stated that Parliaments were expected to ensure that their governments get out of the zero-growth rate by coming up with mitigatory measures.

4.2.8 The Speaker also identified climate change as another risk to be addressed by Parliaments as the risk is likely to derail the development agenda. He observed that climate change had in fact destabilised the world economy as funds that were meant for development ended up being utilised for infrastructural reconstruction after the disastrous impact of climate change. He noted that the droughts, floods and the tornedos had been extremely destructive of people’s livelihoods. Thus, Parliaments have the responsibility to come up with stout budgets to address the climate change adversities. 

4.2.9 Hon. Adv. J. F. N. Mudenda referred to the Russia-Ukraine conflict which had also destabilised the world economy. He indicated that in the middle of that destabilisation, Parliaments should play a role in ensuring that the conflict does not continue to destabilise their economies. He expressed his pleasure with the efforts which have been taken by the Inter-Parliamentary Union of establishing a taskforce from the five (5) African geo-political groups to engage the Parliaments of Ukraine and the Parliament of the Russian Federation so that lasting peace can be attained through dialogue. He bemoaned the effects of war which brings about massive destruction of human life and infrastructure, hence the need for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. 

4.2.10 The Speaker highlighted that it was important for Parliamentarians to bear in mind the risks that may threaten the championing of APNODE’s vision, mission and objectives among Parliamentarians in the Continent.  

4.2.11 Additionally, the Speaker stated that ACFTA together with Agenda 2063 should be tools that bring Africans together to achieve continental development. He observed that quite a number of Parliaments had not ratified Agenda 2063 and the ACFTA. He further expressed his displeasure for the Eswatini and his delegation’s failure to travel from their two respective countries directly to Rabat as they had to pass through Dubai and France, then come down to Rabat in Africa.  

4.2.12 He stressed the need to establish an African identity, a Renaissance, that Africa must awaken and exploit its natural resources which are enormous. Hon. J. F. N. Mudenda demanded that Africans should refuse to be the “Dark Continent” in the world and that APNODE should assist in ensuring that such a misconception about the African Continent is re-directed elsewhere.

4.2.13 The Speaker concluded by wishing APNODE and the African Union success in embracing development evaluation as a tool to influence inclusive development. 

5.0    APNODE’s Annual Report

Hon. Mpariwa presenting the Network’s Annual Report

5.1 Hon. Mpariwa presented that Network’s Annual Report (2021-2022). The following were key areas covered in the report:

  • Meetings of the Executive Committee;
  • The Network’s Strategic Plan and Costed Work-Plan (2021-2023);
  • Expanding the Network;
  • Cementing the Network through National Chapters; and
  • Capacity Building; and Resource Mobilisation.

6.0    APNODE’s Financial Report

Hon. Senator Chief Nechombo presenting the Network’s Financial Report

6.1 Hon. Sen. Chief Nechombo presented the Network’s Financial Report (2021-2022) with the following key highlights:

  • Opening balance of US$ 25 947, 26;
  • Network’s membership fees;
  • In-kind donations from development partners;
  • Expenses incurred during the financial period; and

End of year balance of US$ 41 087, 26 because no capital expenditure was incurred.

7.0    High Level Panel Discussion 1

7.1 On the same day, the Hon. Speaker of Parliament participated in a High-Level Panel discussion on the topic “Eight (8) years to realise the SDGs: Re-imaging African Parliamentarian’s Strategic Imperatives.”  The other Speakers who were present at the AGM also took part in the discussions and shared their country experiences. The following are some of the issues raised during the panel discussion:

  • That Parliaments should play a more constructive role in ensuring that sound national policies are formulated and implemented.
  • That the implementation of Agenda 2023 places people at the centre of development which should, therefore, encompass the youth, women and vulnerable groups.
  • That Parliaments should ensure that National Budgets reflect the demand for government development agenda and must provide robust oversight to avoid imprudent management of the public purse.
  • That in pursuing the development agenda, peace, security and liberties are prerequisites.

7.2 The Hon. Speaker of Parliament made the following interventions:

  • The topic for discussion called for reimaging, rebranding and repositioning of our Parliamentary processes which accentuate the implementation of SDGs.
  • Zimbabwe had suffered economic sanctions in the last twenty-two (22) years but had set its vision of an upper middle-class economy by 2030 despite the heinous sanctions.
  • In Zimbabwean law, reforms had been instituted to achieve the ease of doing business and in the process attracting both domestic and foreign investments.
  • The Transitional Stabilisation Policy (TSP), an economic policy characterised by austerity measures had helped the country to save resources for other sectors during the implementation of the TSP’s successor programme, the National Development Strategy 1 (NDS1).
  • Parliament of Zimbabwe had established an Expanded SDGs Committee under the supervision of the Hon. Speaker and the Committee on Standing Rules and Orders in order to accelerate the implementation of the SDGs by 2030.
  • It was no longer business as usual as some Ministries had to work during the weekends in order to ensure the achievement of SDGs as directed by His Excellency, the President of Zimbabwe under the periodic 100-days performance cycle.

8.0    High Level Panel Discussion 11

Hon. O. Sibanda participating in a panel discussion

8.1    Hon. O. Sibanda participated in the second High-Level Panel discussion whose topic was “Institutionalising Evaluation as a Governance Tool: What Role must Parliamentarians play to realise this Goal.” Hon. Sibanda made some of the interventions below:

  • Zimbabwe had a National Evaluation Policy and a Ministry in the President’s Office responsible for Monitoring Implementation of Government Programmes.
  • The Speaker of Parliament, Hon. Adv. J. F. N. Mudenda was Parliament’s champion on issues of Development Evaluation.
  • A couple of awareness workshops had been held with Parliamentarians on Development awareness.
  • Civil society organisations, churches, community leaders and other stakeholders must be capacitated on the importance of Development Evaluation.

9.0    Closing Ceremony

Hon. Speaker chairing the closing session

8.1 On 3 August 2022, Hon. Advocate J. F. N. Mudenda chaired the closing session of the AGM. The host President of the House of Councillors of the Kingdom of Morocco, His Excellency Mayara delivered the closing remarks. He congratulated all the participants for a successful AGM which the people of Morocco felt honoured to have hosted. He thanked the APNODE Executive Committee for the trust demonstrated in selecting Morocco as host of the AGM and announced Parliament’s resolution to support APNODE to ensure that Network achieves its objectives. He assured participants that the Parliament of the Kingdom of Morocco was working hard to overcome its challenges that militated against the improvement of the lives of the people. He concluded by indicating that the Kingdom of Morocco was open  to future cooperation at bilateral and or at multilateral levels. To buttress his support for APNODE, he affirmed that their Parliament would also join as an institutional member of APNODE.

Indeed Mr. Speaker Sir, I think it is quite important for us to continue emphasising the need for development evaluation for us as a country. We realise that we have APNODE which is a chapter where Hon. Members of Parliament should be involved in and there we are talking of making sure that as Parliamentarians, we need to evaluate the work that we are doing. We realise that we have the CDF and if you look at it, there is not much that has been done. There is need for us as a country to be able to evaluate and really find out what ways we can be able to do to make sure that it is fully implemented.

          You realise that we have got a team here in Parliament which goes to evaluate what has been done by parliamentarians when it comes to CDF. So what we need to then do as Parliament is for us to evaluate our work. We need to be able to come up with measures that will make sure that we are effective as parliamentarians. Let me thank His Excellency, Dr. E.D. Mnangagwa for setting up a Ministry which is responsible for development evaluation.

On that note, it is quite important for us to make sure that we evaluate even when it comes to devolution. We have devolution funds and it is important for us to make sure that we evaluate how effective devolution has become.  We also need to make sure that as parliamentarians, our main role is to make sure that we play the oversight role on ministries to do with monitoring and evaluation. The moment that we look at development evaluation as a country, we become effective. As it is, a lot of people are saying that Parliament does not have teeth but at the end of the day, the moment that we start monitoring and evaluation and have certain ways to start evaluating what we do, I believe that we can be effective. I thank you for giving me this opportunity to present this report.

*HON. MUTAMBISI: I want to add a few words on the delegation that attended the APNODE meeting. Firstly, I would want to thank the President, Dr. E.D. Mnangagwa for his vision by bringing up the Ministry of Monitoring and Evaluation headed by Hon. Gumbo. We have a lot of things that are taking place especially in our councils. We should investigate and see what is happening there if there is no corruption and also look at the devolution funds to find out if people are getting access to all those things through us parliamentarians playing our oversight role. With these words, I want to say that as Parliament we are encouraged to do our oversight role on everything that is taking place by evaluating the programmes.

With these few words, I want to thank the delegation that went to APNODE and learnt a lot of things. They will also teach us how to evaluate all these Government departments. 

I move that the debate do now adjourn.

HON. MOKONE: I second

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Thursday, 13th October, 2022.



          HON. MUTAMBISI: I move that all Orders of the Day be stood over until Order of the Day Number 19 has been disposed of.

HON. MOKONE: I second.

Motion put and agreed to.



          HON. MUTAMBISI:  Mr. Speaker Sir, I move that all Orders of the Day be stood over until Order Number 19 has been disposed of.

          HON. MOKONE:  I second.

          Motion put and agreed to.




      WHEREAS Section 327 (2) (a) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe

provides that an international treaty which has been concluded or

executed or under the authority of the President does not bind

Zimbabwe until it has been approved by Parliament;

      AND WHEREAS the Agreement between the Republic of

 Zimbabwe and the Republic of Turkey on Trade and Economic Co-

operation was signed on 10th October, 2018, in Turkey, the Republic of Turkey ratified the Agreement on 7th April, 2022, in Ankara. Zimbabwe has not ratified the Agreement;

      AND WHEREAS the entry into force of this agreement is on the

date of receipt of the last written notification, by which the parties

notify each other through diplomatic channels, of the completion of

their internal legal procedures required for the entry into force;

      AND WHEREAS the Republic of Zimbabwe is desirous to ratify to

the said Agreement:

      NOW, THEREFORE, in terms of Section 327 (2) (a) of the

Constitution of Zimbabwe, this House resolves that the aforesaid

Agreement be and is hereby approved for ratification.

      HON. MUTAMBISI: I move that the debate be now adjourned.

      HON. MOKONE: I second.

      Motion put and agreed to.

      Debate to resume: Thursday, 13th October, 2022.

                   On the motion of HON. MUTAMBISI seconded by HON. NYOKANHETE, the House adjourned at Seventeen Minutes to Six o’clock p.m.


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