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Thursday, 12th October, 2023

The National Assembly met at a Quarter-past Two o’clock p.m.


(THE HON. SPEAKER in the Chair)



          THE HON. SPEAKER:  I wish to recognise the presence in the Speaker’s Gallery, of teachers and pupils from Mahombekombe Primary School in Kariba.  You are most welcome.  Thank you, you may be seated.


          THE HON. SPEAKER: I also wish to remind the House that our Information and Communications Technology Department (ICT) will be issuing WiFi and e-mail credentials to Hon. Members.  In order to expedite this business, officers from the ICT Department will be stationed at the Members Dining Room from 1400 hours every sitting day this week.



          THE MINISTER OF JUSTICE, LEGAL AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (HON. Z. ZIYAMBI):  Mr. Speaker, I rise that this House takes note of the Report of the National Prosecuting Authority for the year 2022 presented to this House of Parliament in terms of Section 262 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe.

          Mr. Speaker, I understand the report was circulated to Hon. Members this week.  So, in order to give them an opportunity to read it so that they can debate, I move that the debate do now adjourn.

          Motion put and agreed to.

          Debate to resume:  Tuesday, 17th October, 2023.



          THE MINISTER OF JUSTICE, LEGAL AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (HON. Z. ZIYAMBI):  Mr. Speaker Sir, I rise that this House takes note of the Report of the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission for the year 2022 presented to this House of Parliament in terms of Section 323 (1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe. 

          Mr. Speaker, this report was also circulated the same time as the one for the National Prosecuting Authority.  So, I move that the debate do now adjourn to enable the Hon. Members to read it.

          Motion put and agreed to.

          Debate to resume:  Tuesday, 17th October, 2023.

          THE HON. SPEAKER:  I want to encourage Hon. Members that these reports having been circulated, I would want you to read them thoroughly, look at the recommendations that have been proffered in those reports and be prepared to debate them so that we do not simply have to rubber stamp the two reports.



Third Order read: Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech.

Question again proposed.

Hon Mashonganyika having been called by the Chair to debate.

HON. MASHONGANYIKA: Mr. Speaker Sir, today I am not feeling well. I will debate next week. Let the others debate on my behalf.

THE HON. SPEAKER: I hope the clinic has attended to you.


THE HON. SPEAKER: We wish you speed recovery and thank you for your attendance.

HON. MUKOMBERI: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir and good afternoon. It is my singular honour to be afforded this opportunity to speak before you in this magnificent august House. First and foremost, I want to congratulate His Excellency, Dr. E. D. Mnangagwa on his reelection into the greatest office of the State of Zimbabwe. It is indeed a signal of his great work exhibited in his first term of office that built a greater degree of confidence in the majority of Zimbabweans. In his stewardship of the nation towards achieving Vision 2030…

THE HON. SPEAKER: Hon. Member, can you tilt the microphone towards you.

HON. MUKOMBERI: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir. I also want to congratulate you Mr. Speaker Sir and Madam Deputy Speaker for your reappointment and reelection as the leaders of this august House. At this juncture, allow me Mr. Speaker Sir, to make some reflection to the SONA address by His Excellency Dr. E. D. Mnangagwa, made on the 3rd of October 2023. The President spoke about a vast number of developmental projects and strides made so far since the beginning of the new dispensation; inter alia, power supply improvement following the commissioning of Hwange Power Station Units 7 and 8; the road network rehabilitation; tourism industry on a growth trajectory, registering an increase of 62% in international tourist arrivals in the first half of 2023; the foreign exchange rate stability through fiscal and monetary policies in place and a greater degree of industrialisation and technological breakthrough; the mining sector registering growth from USD2.8 billion in 2017 to USD12 billion to date;  the growth in food security through the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water, Rural Development, to mention but a few.  All these developmental strides are a testimony of good governance under the leadership of His Excellency Dr. E. D. Mnangagwa.

Mr. Speaker Sir, the President in his SONA went on to highlight a number of Bills that this august House is going to debate on, hence as parliamentarians, we have a mammoth task ahead that calls for us all to be patriotic and dedicated to contribute  all our efforts to the building of our country through passing Bills which support the developmental trajectory that our visionary President is leading us to – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] – Mr. Speaker Sir, the nyika inovakwa nevene vayo mantra by His Excellency Dr. E. D. Mnangagwa challenges every citizen to be patriotic and exert maximum effort that one can to build our dear motherland.

I relate the nyika inovakwa nevene vayo mantra to the old time Castle Larger advert that says, ‘It’s you who make Castle great’– [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] – As such Mr. Speaker Sir, it is us Zimbabweans who make our own Zimbabwe great, for a nation is best built by its own people. The President challenged the Tenth Parliament to finish off the Bills outstanding from the Ninth Parliament and focus on the new Bills. Among the new Bills to be debated in the Tenth Parliament, there exists the National Youth Bill. This shall be useful to curb the increase in drug and substance abuse among the youths as the Bill is targeting provision of mechanisms that will facilitate mainstreaming of the youths in social economic and political spaces as well as the sustenance of the vocational training centers as hubs for local community development.

Mr. Speaker Sir, through this trajectory, the President challenged the private sector of the economy to play their fundamental part in supporting the ongoing initiatives pertaining to youth empowerment and development at large. Mr. Speaker, Sir, I propose that the vocational training centres located in urban centres be funded or empowered to undertake outreach programmes to train the youths in their areas of residents, the grassroots, as most of these do not afford to be staying in towns for skills training at such vocational training centres. In particular, Masvingo South Constituency, the constituency that I represent, is associated with a number of youths who need such hands-on skills to support rural industrialisation. As such Mr. Speaker Sir, centres such as Masvingo Vocational Training Centre and Mushagashe Training Centre be funded to undertake outreach programmes to train rural youths in their areas of residence. This will support the rural industrialisation trajectory through skills training of the youths such that they will be equipped to use the resources around them to come up with factories for production in the rural areas.

Mr. Speaker Sir, His Excellency Dr. E. D. Mnangagwa was on point to mention the need for the Small to Medium Enterprise Act to be reviewed. Such firms have a significant contribution to the economy’s GDP, hence their existence should not be overlooked. SMEs need empowerment for growth through ease access to loans for business expansion as well as being given tax holidays or low tax rates to encourage them to formalise their businesses, hence a great trajectory in the country’s revenue base in the long term. 

The 10th Parliament was also challenged by the President to consider amending the Lotteries and Gaming Act for the purpose of its alignment to the Constitution and the incorporation of corporate governance measures as provided for in the Public Entities Corporate Governance Act.  This stance is greatly plausible since corporate governance good practice is topical globally.  Even in our country, corporate governance issues are topical.  I would propose that all entities, both public and private, be aligned to good corporate governance which I have summarised in the acronym FATALS (Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, Assurance, Leadership and Stakeholder engagement).  This model calls for all entities in Zimbabwe, both private and public and all government departments, to practice the FATALS model in their governance such that they are well aligned to the developmental trajectory insinuated by the President.  Mr. Speaker Sir, at this juncture, allow me to thank you for the time given to reflect on the State of the Nation Address by His Excellency, Dr. E. D. Mnangagwa.  I thank you.

HON. MASUKU:  Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  Allow me to start by congratulating His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Cde. Dr. E. D. Mnangagwa for emerging victorious in the just ended harmonised elections.  Allow me also to congratulate you Mr. Speaker Sir and our Hon. Deputy Speaker for retaining your positions in Parliament.  Makorokoto, amhlope. May I also take this opportunity to congratulate the President for the sterling SONA which provided invaluable insights and motivation as we begin the life of the 10th Parliament.  What was striking to me was his allusion to the fact that Zimbabwe is closer now more than ever before, to the attainment of Vision 2030.  Reflecting on that, I can confidently attest to the fact that Matabeleland North in particular, has become food secure as a result of measures put in place by the 2nd Republic under the enabling leadership of His Excellency, Dr. E. D. Mnangagwa.

Mr. Speaker Sir, countless irrigation schemes meant for the general citizens have been set up in the province and across the entire nation.  Thus, ensuring that every household is food secure.  I cannot over emphasiSe the critical role that the Pfumvudza/Intwasa Programme has played in strengthening food security in Zimbabwe.  I must commend the President for spearheading transformative water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) projects in line with Sustainable Development Goal No. 6.  Access to clean water is not only a fundamental human right, but also a key driver of public health and women’s empowerment.  In the Matabeleland region, critical national projects such as the Gwayi-Shangani Dam construction holds the promise of transforming the lives of our citizens.  Upon completion, this infrastructure will not only provide access to clean and safe water, but will also directly impact women’s lives.  Women who often bear the primary responsibility of fetching water will find relief from the burden of long journeys to secure the essential resource.  This will in turn empower them to allocate their time and energy towards more productive and economically uplifting activities.  Thus, contributing to the broader development of our region.

Mr. Speaker Sir, as we move forward, we must ensure that women are actively involved in the planning and decision making processes related to water infrastructure projects to ensure that their needs and concerns are addressed to further advance gender equality and women’s empowerment in the Matabeleland region and beyond. 

In the mining sector, as mentioned by our Head of State in his SONA, significant strides have been made towards meeting the US$12 billion target.  However, it is essential that we ensure that women are actively involved in the mining industry not just as labourers, but also as decision makers and entrepreneurs.  Women’s participation in this sector can be strengthened through processes that promote gender equality, provide training and support for women in mining and address issues of gender-based discrimination and harassment that women may face in these male dominated fields.

Mr. Speaker Sir, regarding devolution, this gender has the potential to uplift marginalised communities but it must include mechanisms to strengthen women’s participation and decision making at the local level.  Empowering women in devolved governance structures can lead to more inclusive and gender responsive development.  It is vital to ensure that women have equal opportunities to participate in the decision-making process, access to resources and benefits from the fruits of devolution.  Addressing issues of gender based violence and discrimination in local governance in crucial in realising the full potential of devolution in empowering women in Zimbabwe.

Mr. Speaker, I was encouraged by the President, Dr. E.D. Mnangagwa when he observed that one of our goals this session was to pass the National Health Insurance Bill. It is my hope that this Bill will prioritise women’s health and empowerment, ensuring equitable access to quality healthcare with a specific focus on maternal and reproductive health. It is paramount. We need to guarantee women’s access to comprehensive health services including family planning while addressing maternal immortality concerns and eliminating healthcare discrimination.

Further, during this budget circle, I believe we will advocate for adequate funding for healthcare infrastructure, tailored training and healthcare professionals, and targeted awareness campaigns for women’s health issues are essential components to strengthen women’s health and empowerment.

In conclusion, Mr. Speaker, while we celebrate the progress made in food security mining and devolution, we must not forget the imperative of strengthening women empowerment in these areas. We must work diligently to address issues related to women’s health, participation in mining sector and their involvement in the devolution agenda. Only through a concerted effort can we ensure all citizens regardless of gender benefit from the progress and development of our great nation.

The President used to say ‘Nyika inovakwa, inotongwa nevene vayo. Ilizwe lakhiwa, libuswe ngabanikazi balo’. Thank you.

An Hon. Member having passed between the Chair and the Hon. Member speaking.

THE HON. SPEAKER: Please, next time do not pass in front of the contributing Member of Parliament.

HON. MUGWADI:  I start by introducing myself as Hon. Tafadzwa Mugwadi from Buhera West Constituency and I extend my heartfelt congratulations to you Mr. Speaker on your uncontested election and of course, appointment as the Speaker of Parliament. I hope that some of us who used to watch you discharging your duties from that Chair when we were outsiders will have a lot to learn from you in the course of the 10th Parliament.

In the same vein, Mr. Speaker, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe and Commander-in-Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces and of course, a great African statesman, Dr. E.D. Mnangagwa on his election as the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe on the 23rd of August, 2023.

I say Mr. Speaker, that even as I congratulate my fellow colleagues, Hon. Members, and accept my election into this House, I do so appreciating very well that singularly and as an individual, I did not matter on my election but had it not been a very excellent track record of our leading light and our best foot forward, President E.D. Mnangagwa’s first illustrious term of office, we might not have made it if he had not done it well – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] – So, on his account, we were elected and once again, I congratulate him for having us in here otherwise as the saying goes, a good turn deserves another. We have it.

I must say Mr. Speaker, that a long time ago as I grew up, I did not for any single second think that one day I would be a member of this House, not as a by-stander or as a member of the gallery, without taking anything away from those in there but as an Hon. Member of Parliament of the Republic of Zimbabwe – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] –

Mr. Speaker Sir, I want to say and rather commend the President on his speech delivered on the occasion of the opening of the 10th Parliament, the State of the Nation Address. In his speech, the very first paragraph, the President makes mention of the general elections we had on the 23rd of August, 2023. He correctly and rightly qualified them as free, fair and very credible. Not only that, but also probably the first general elections to not be contested after the results had been announced – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] – It is a befitting feature of the Zimbabwean elections, at least going by the recent trends.

You know Mr. Speaker that our colleagues from the opposition bench have never developed a habit of accepting electoral outcomes but for the first time in 2023, they accepted no wonder why there is no contestation of the outcome of the general elections of 2023 at any court of law. I want to acknowledge their maturity in doing so – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] – The rest of course is hullabaloo and bus stop arguments and bar talk, of course, anyone is free to do that. We are a free democracy; we can say anything elsewhere but in principle, the outcome of the general elections of 2023 which saw the election of President Mnangagwa and ourselves are not contested anywhere. So, we do not have at law, a contested election in Zimbabwe for the first time.

I must also say Mr. Speaker that in his speech, the President referenced and assured us that his Government is going to deliver to the 35 000 villages of our nation, boreholes to ameliorate water challenges. Coming from Buhera West, you know very well that climatically and geographically, my constituency lies among those areas where water challenges are perennial because we do not receive good rainfall. In fact, our rainfall patterns are erratic. My constituency as I am speaking right now, I do so with a particular family without which if I do not mention, I would not have done it well; the Mvurwi family which has lost seven members of the same family in the  past few weeks out of a pandemic of Cholera which has affected my constituency.

I am so happy and wish to commend that on its first sitting, the Cabinet acknowledged that reality and measures have been put in place and processes have begun to ensure that we are one of the first priority in terms of receiving those boreholes.  I want to commend the President and his Cabinet for that.  Having leadership acknowledging that reality, at his level shows exactly that we have a leader who is ready to govern to detail and ensure that we provide timely responses to challenges that are with us.

I would want to implore Government departments responsible for disbursing those facilities to also act urgently the same way the President and his Cabinet have acted in response to that reality.  Mr. Speaker Sir, it is not good for me as the Member of Parliament or for us and my colleagues, I am sure they will speak for themselves. I am sure we are four, it is not good to have running battles with Government departments simply because they are failing to ensure what the President has spoken is transformed into practical realities on the ground.  I would want to say Mr. Speaker, that we are counting the days and if those facilities which have been deployed by the President as relief to the challenges that we are facing delay to drill  the boreholes, I am referring to relevant Government departments now Mr. Speaker, we will seek to engage them through this House publicly.  I know that the leader we have does not want to be betrayed by deliberate actions of failing to action things in time. 

Mr. Speaker, I want to commend the President on his speech regarding the heritage-based education.  It is a very emotional issue, the 5.0 education.  Why do I say that? No one had given us a chance when the pandemic of COVID-19 confronted our nation and society.

Everyone and some Parliaments elsewhere, I am sure the British Parliament in particular and members speaking about us as a nation saying that if the pandemic knocks its doors in Zimbabwe, those people are going to die like cockroaches with no one to bury them because they will all be dying, the country’s medical systems are dilapidated and everything is down.  Through the stewardship of our caring President, powered by institutions of higher learning which he had started transforming to institutions of higher learning, we started producing masks as a nation from our polytechnics and universities to ensure that our nation was saved from COVID-19.  We started manufacturing sanitisers here in Zimbabwe while other countries were importing.  We went further through the innovative capabilities of our institutions of higher learning, allow me to call them institutions of higher learning, to take from their innovative capacities to save our nation.  That is testimony of how much, as a nation, we must take seriously the heritage-based education 5.0.   In the same vein, speaking on behalf of my constituency, I was listening very carefully yesterday when the Minister of Education was talking about sending children back home on account of not having paid fees.

He spoke eloquently that it should not happen. I stand here to say when the President said that we must deepen and engender 5.0 into the best education, he also meant exactly that our children must not be sent back home for failing to pay fees because they do not pay fees, it is parents who pay fees.  When they do not have, the nation must not suffer from the tragedy of children being sent back home by teachers and headmasters because at the end of the day, it is the nation that looses because we will not be able to benefit from their innovative capabilities assuming they were supposed to go to tertiary institutions one day.

I wish that once again, this House assists the relevant Government departments and ministries to ensure that these directives are interpreted correctly on the ground so that there are no incidences where some teachers or some headmasters  still send children back home because they have not paid fees or that some children are failing to sit for their examinations because they have not paid fees.  We would have lost as a nation because not having does not translate to having no capacity; the nation will stand to benefit from them one day. 

I must commend the President’s speech on the obsolete-colonial law.  I commend so proudly knowing fully well that I am now much more proud as a Zimbabwean.  I am not only a Zimbabwean, but I am now a Zimbabwean who fully belongs to the nation of Zimbabwe and we control everything. We are the only country from Cape to Cairo that has done everything to ensure that we complete the process of decolonisation.  The question of obsolete laws is coming against the background of a majestic giant decision of land reform which the previous President and of course President Mnangagwa, has championed’ it was a process on decolonisation. 

The renaming of our roads is a process of decolonisation. The installation of Mbuya Nehanda statue which is not far away from this House, was a process of decolonisation. Now we are here to remove those colonial laws which have become irrelevant to an independent sovereign state of Zimbabwe. I am so proud, other countries are not that brave to take those bold decisions.  I am proud to be a Zimbabwean where some decision can be taken between Cape and Cairo. 

Mr. Speaker Sir, finally, I want to comment the President’s speech on youth empowerment.  I am a young person, 36 years of age and not so far away from my fellow young people who are still youths, that is those between 35 and below. The President talked about the tragedy of drug abuse in our nation, I believe that if we heed the President’s call to develop and pass legislation that transforms our society or develop our nation, we can ameliorate the problem on challenges of drug abuse in our nation.  We are losing on those young people when they engage in drugs. I still believe that the enforcement of our laws is not exactly what we would anticipate.

Mr. Speaker, I know what it means to, we normally refer to that as kustika, allow me to use that for lack of a proper word to use.  I do not know whether those responsible for enforcing regulations do not also know that or cannot also see that this young person akatostika.

Mr. Speaker Sir, I wish that the law enforcement agencies could be robust in enforcing laws on drugs like what they do in other countries using breathalyzers and so forth, with a desire to make sure that those who are found wanting with regard to the law, are taken to where they deserve and that becomes a deterrent measure against those that would seek to behave the same some other day. 

Mr. Speaker, without further ado, I want to thank you for this opportunity.  It is my hope that as my parents see me standing in here today, they are proud of a son that they sent to school with nothing, but today he is here.  I hope those who are also being sent to school with nothing and insufficient things will also have an exemplary person to copy from. Only education can transform our society and transform our situations and ourselves from who we were and who we thought we shall be vis-à-vis what we are now.  Otherwise Mr. Speaker, thank you once again for making it.

          THE HON. SPEAKER:  Hon. Bvute, I was watching and trying to see whether there is a script you were using.  I did not see it and yet you articulated so well.  Well done – [HON. MEMBERS:  Hear, hear.]-

          HON. S. ZIYAMBI:  Thank you Mr. Speaker.  First and foremost, I would like to congratulate His Excellency the President, Dr. E. D. Mnangagwa for having won resoundingly the just ended harmonised elections.  These elections we all know were free, fair, transparent and credible.  I would also want Mr. Speaker Sir, to congratulate you and the Deputy Speaker for having been reappointed to your seats.

          In his address, His Excellency highlighted on a number of developmental issues that are being undertaken by the Second Republic.  Notably, we have seen the transformation of agriculture, particularly the Pfumvudza/Intwasa Programme which has gone a milestone in alleviating the problem of hunger in Zimbabwe.

          We all know across Zimbabwe, particularly in Makonde Constituency where I come from, many people have benefitted from the Pfumvudza/Intwasa Programme and as it stands right now, there is quite a number of people whose lives have changed as a result of the Pfumvudza/Intwasa Programme.  The President has highlighted that this will continue and we all know that as it continues, it will alleviate people’s problems and hunger in Zimbabwe.

          Turning on to the mining sector, the President also highlighted that the mining industry has grown from 2.7 billion in 2017 to 12 billion in 2023.  This also alluded to the fact that the artisanal miners were given an opportunity to showcase and mine in various areas.  In Makonde where I come from, artisanal miners have also contributed significantly in the growth of the mining industry.  We would like to applaud the President’s vision in empowering the young people by giving them an opportunity to mine in various areas in Zimbabwe, but however, I would want to think that as we move forward, there is going to be regularisation and registering of those artisanal miners so that they do their mining legally.

          The President also highlighted on the historical Education 5.0.  We have seen a lot of youngsters being innovative enough by having been given an opportunity to showcase their skills from primary level to university level, which means the teaching of Science education starting from primary level has gone a long way in equipping skills to even academically less gifted children in our societies.  This has also seen innovative hubs being developed across all State universities in Zimbabwe. 

In Mashonaland West Province where I come from, there is Chinhoyi University of Technology which has set up an innovation hub and which has also set up an industrial park where there are a lot of projects that are being undertaken.  This is promoting students and equipping them in Mashonaland West Province and Zimbabwe at large.

The President also spoke about drug abuse.  We all know that this has become a menace in this country.  Youngsters have been affected by drug and substance abuse.  We have seen that we have drug lords who are supplying drugs in Zimbabwe and this has affected a lot of our youngsters.  The President has highlighted that we have to take stern measures to alleviate the problem of drug abuse.  So, we commend the President in initiating ideas or coming up with programmes that will alleviate the problem of drug abuse in Zimbabwe.

Mr. Speaker Sir, climate change indeed is real in the world as we all know. Surprisingly in Zimbabwe, we have conserved our forests, waters, fish and our natural resources, but we are at the receiving end and we are suffering because of climate change.  I think the Climate Change Bill will address the problems of climate change in Zimbabwe as we would want to benefit from those countries that are polluters of our world, especially the developed countries.  We have El Nino this year.  Drought is looming and we are being affected as a result of climate change, so it is real that it is there.  I would like to applaud the President for coming up with such innovative ideas and a Bill to really address the issue of climate change.

The President also spoke of human trafficking.  We all know that in Zimbabwe we have a lot of people who are being lured to go and work outside the country, especially in the Middle East.  Some of the scammers flight their job opportunities in newspapers, WhatsApp groups, Facebook and Twitter and many of our women, especially young women, are attracted by those people. They will eventually be afforded an opportunity to go and work outside the country, but when they get outside the country, but when they get outside the country, they will find out that it is different from what they would have expected and they are taken into slavery. They are also driven into commercial sex workers outside the country as a result of human trafficking. So, the President has spoken about that.

Mr. Speaker Sir, the President also talked about the War Veterans Bill and the Veterans of the Liberation Struggle Bill to include Botswana as a transit camp. I think this is commendable because there are people who were not recognised as having been liberation fighters because they would have passed through Botswana or trained in Botswana as a transit camp. We have to applaud the President for having done that.

Mr. Speaker Sir, in my conclusion, the President’s mantra, nyika inovakwa nevene vayo bears testimony to the development trajectory that is happening in this country. We have seen this country growing from 2017, an upward growth that we all have witnessed. We will stand as Zimbabweans, shoulder-by-shoulder, brick upon brick, to build our own country. No one in the world would come to Zimbabwe and build Zimbabwe for us. It is only us Zimbabweans who can build our own country. I thank you Mr. Speaker.

*HON.  NHARI: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir, for giving me this opportunity to add my voice on the motion that was raised by Hon. Nguluvhe, seconded by Hon. Tsitsi Zhou. Mr. Speaker Sir, I want to speak on the issue of drug and substance abuse which was mentioned by His Excellency. Our children have perished due to drug abuse. Government should arrest all those who are selling drugs and those who are abusing these drugs. In few years to come, the current generation of the youths would have perished because of the drug and substance abuse.

Mr. Speaker Sir, I would want to touch on the issue of provision of potable water that His Excellency has alluded to. It is true that the drilling rigs are not enough. In Chirumanzu, Midlands where I come from, we only have one drilling rig at our council offices. I am appealing to Government to increase these rigs so that our councils are able to drill more boreholes, especially in resettlement areas. In these resettlement areas, there is need to increase schools as well as clinics. Because of this situation, parents are forced to enroll their children at non-formal boarding schools where they will be staying alone. This has exposed children to sexual abuse and some engaging in drug and substance abuse.

His Excellency talked about Pfumvudza, where the country has witnessed agricultural growth. Pfumvudza has been beneficial to widows, orphans as well as the elderly as they cannot afford to buy the seed from the market but because of His Excellency’s Pfumvudza Programme, they now have enough food.

Mr. Speaker Sir, His Excellency also talked on the issue of mining. I am appealing to Government to monitor all those that have been awarded mining claims, to see whether they are not abusing them. Many lives have been lost through improper mining practices. His Excellency, in the new dspensation, talked about industrialisation and reindustrialisation. In Chirumanzu, we have Dinson Iron and Steel Company which has employed two thousand people. We are expecting this company to employ 10 thousand more people, which includes more women and youth and a few men.  We are grateful that as women, we can now have employment. There is a town which is going to be constructed around this company. It will increase job opportunities for other people who are not employed by the company.

On the issue of roads rehabilitation, I would want to thank His Excellency the President for the Harare-Beitbridge Road which passes through my constituency Chirumanzu. I am appealing to the Government to deploy police on the road to curb accidents that are happening due to speeding as a result of the good condition of the road.

I would want to thank His Excellency for appointing women to Cabinet posts, especially the youths – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] – Mr. Speaker Sir, it would not be fair for me to conclude my speech without thanking His Excellency the President, Dr. E. D. Mnangagwa for giving us a First Lady who supports women in development programmes. The First Lady has facilitated free screening of cervical and breast cancer.

Mr. Speaker Sir, the First Lady has a programme on nutrition where she is educating us on the nutritional value of traditional foods. This has seen people from Zimbabwe participating in international competitions of cooking indigenous foods. Those who were on television this week witnessed a police officer saying, ndadya rupiza. This is a sign of the great work the First Lady is doing for the development in the country. I thank you Mr. Speaker – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] –



THE HON. SPEAKER:  Hon. Members allow me to make this important announcement in the leadership of our Committees in the National Assembly.  Names of the Committees that will fall under these chairpersons will be published in our Votes and Proceedings of the National Assembly, but the names of delegations to Regional and International organisations will be read at an appropriate time before adjournment by the Hon. Deputy Speaker, as I have to proceed to meet an Egyptian delegation in the next few minutes.

I have to inform the House that the Committee on Standing Rules and Orders has appointed today the following Committees and their Chairpersons. The names of Committees will appear in the Votes and Proceedings as the list is very long.  However, I think it is important that you know the Chairpersons of the Committees, which are as follows:










1. Justice, Legal & Parliamentary Affairs

Hon. E. Mutodi  M ZANU-PF

2. Local Government, Public Works & National Housing

Hon. S. Mandiwanzira  M ZANU-PF

3. Mines & Mining Development

Hon. T. Matangira M ZANU-PF

4. Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water & Rural Development

Hon. S. Maburutse M ZANU-PF

5. Public Service, Labour & Social Welfare

Hon. D. Mashonganyika F ZANU-P

6. Foreign Affairs & International Trade

Hon. W Shamu M ZANU-PF

7. Defence, Home Affairs, Veterans of Liberation Struggle and Security

Hon. A. Nguluvhe M ZANU-PF

8. Budget, Finance & Investment Promotion

Hon. C. Chiduwa M ZANU-PF

9. Women Affairs, Community, Small & Medium Enterprises Development

Hon. G. Mutandi F ZANU-PF

10. Transport & Infrastructure Development

Hon. K. Kaitano M ZANU-PF

11. Primary & Secondary Education

Hon. O. Murambiwa M ZANU-P

12. Sports, Recreation, Arts & Culture

Hon. R. Chiwanza M ZANU-PF

13. Industry & Commerce

Hon. N. Mudekunye M ZANU-P

14. Youth Empowerment, Development & Vocational Training

Hon. M. Ziyambi M ZANU-PF

15. Parliamentary Legal Committee (PLC)

Hon. I. Ndudzo M ZANU-PF
16. Public Accounts Hon. C. Hwende M CCC
17. Environment, Climate, Wildlife, Tourism & Hospitality Hon. J. Mamombe F CCC

18. Health & Childcare

Hon. Molokela M CCC

19. Information, Publicity & Broadcasting Services

Hon. A. Gumbo   CCC

20. Higher Education, Science & Technology Development

Hon. F.  Mahere F CCC

21. Information, Communication & Technology

Hon. D. Chigumbu   CCC

22. Energy & Power Development

Hon. Engineer L Mhangwa   CCC


In terms of our proportionality in terms of the outcome of elections, ZANU-PF is heading 15 Committees while the opposition is heading 7 Committees.  As I indicated, the Regional and International delegations will be read out by the Hon. Deputy Speaker.  Please be around so that you know where you have been placed.  Before I depart for my next assignment, I would like to call upon Hon. Tawanda Karikoga to take the floor.

          HON. KARIKOGA: Thank you Mr. Speaker. It is my singular honour to contribute to the debate on President Mnangagwa’s State of Nation Address. May I also take this opportunity to congratulate the President, Dr. E. D. Mnangagwa for having secured the mandate to serve the people of Zimbabwe. I quote words of wisdom of Athea Gibson who said, “winning it once can be a fluke, winning it twice proves that you are the best”. Your victory is a victory over those who imposed illegal sanctions against us. A victory over those who begged for imposition of illegal sanctions. It is a victory over those cults such as wapusa wapusa.

          Madam Speaker, I want to commend the President, Dr. E. D. Mnangagwa for ensuring that our elections were free from violence and also that our elections were credible, free and fair. Maintaining a peaceful environment pre and post-elections is what most countries the world-over are praying for. In our President, I can safely say that we are properly led and we have leadership in this country – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] – I am also thankful to the people of Gokwe-Mapfungautsi Constituency who voted for me to represent them for the second time. Ndinokutendai abiyeangu!

          Madam Speaker, the wisdom in implementing devolution and decentralisation programme is the complete package in ensuring that rural development takes shape. Increase in resource distribution shall also indeed improve the quality of our people, education, health, roads and water sanitation in our rural constituencies.

          The 10th Parliament looks very exciting on the legislative agenda. The National Youth Bill will also empower and promote youth development and also ensure that hatisisina mayouth ano sticker …

          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon. Karikoga, please may you use one language.

          HON. KARIKOGA: Thank you. In my constituency Gokwe-Mapfungautsi, we are well known for cotton production. We are primarily cotton farmers and we do it with pride. We are proud cotton farmers, and ensuring that our cotton farmers are paid on time and at good rates will definitely increase cotton production and the forex income to our country.

          As I previously mentioned that we are cotton farmers, we are grateful that the 2nd Republic has begun the drilling of 35 000 boreholes across the country and establishing village agro-business units thereby empowering our villagers. We are very grateful about this move.

          The establishment of US$10 million mining and industry loan fund will also empower our artisanal miners and this will also ensure the growth of small-scale miners in my constituency in Gokwe-Mapfungautsi.

          In conclusion, I wish to say congratulations for the re-appointment of our Speaker of Parliament and to you Hon. Deputy Speaker. We say Presiding Officers like what they call you when you are not around, allow me to say it; they say Presiding Officers manyama. Thank you.

          I also wish to say that from where I stand, the struggle of today is not altogether for today, it is for the vast future too. I say to my fellow Members of Parliament, let us proceed with the great task ahead of us. It is time to build our country. ‘Nyika inovakwa, inotongwa nevene vayene’.

HON.  HUNGWE: Thank you Madam Speaker for according me this opportunity to present my first speech in this 10th Parliament. Firstly, I would like to congratulate the President, Cde E.D. Mnangagwa for winning resoundingly on the 23rd August, 2023 elections.  I  want to congratulate Mr. Speaker, Hon. Jacob Mudenda on his re-appointment. I also want to congratulate all Hon. Members for making it to the 10th Parliament.

My name is Tasara Hungwe from Mberengwa East Constituency. Mberengwa East Constituency has total voters of 30 000 and borders Zvishavane-Ngezi Constituency, Mwenezi North and Mberengwa Central. It has a growth point called Mataga where I stay and has several irrigations within the constituency namely; Chawora, Chamakudo, Muchipisi and Mukwakwezi to name a few. On this one, I want to thank the President for providing us with winter wheat inputs. We are expecting a bumper harvest of wheat this year from our irrigations – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] –

There are some challenges from my constituency also namely; water, poor road networks and clinics. There is a challenge of mobile networks in some parts of my constituency in areas such as Bonda and Mabika areas. There is no reliable running water at Mataga, Musumhe, Mbuya Nehanda and Dubukwa Training Camp.

After saying all this, I am very positive with the direction being taken by the Second Republic. On roads, there is an issue of graders which were acquired through devolution and we have two of them at our rural district council; one tipper and backhoe loader which we acquired using devolution funds. I want to applaud the Government and the President for that. We hope our road network is going to improve.

On water, we are happy that the Presidential borehole scheme has already started and almost four boreholes have already been drilled. We are waiting for another round of the drilling scheme. On that one also, we are happy that our Rural District Council also acquired one rig, a brand-new one a few months ago using devolution funds, it is on the ground.  All these complements are being done by the Second Republic.

I now want to move on to SONA, I would like to make some few comments and contributions.  I want to first thank His Excellency the President for various measures he has put in place to improve the lives of elderly people.  The first one being Pfumvudza, this year they are targeting around 3.5 million households.  All this is to make sure that there is food security in this country.  So, I want to applaud the Government and the President for that.  I call upon all Hon. Members and all stakeholders to put all their differences aside and be united for all these programmes to be successful.

I also want to thank His Excellency the President and Government for improved electricity supply.  I would like to appreciate the fact according to statistics this year, the winter wheat at national level, we are expecting around 400 000 of tonnes from the 90 thousand hectares which will create surplus food in terms of flour.  I am also impressed by the price of US$520 per tonne given to farmers this year.  I want to applaud the Government for that.  In his speech, His Excellency touched on the mining industry.  I am happy to say that I am from Mberengwa where there are gold mines and we have discovered some new minerals.  We are discovering a lot of new minerals from our areas, the likes of lithium. There is a rush for lithium daily, we thank God for that.

We are now anticipating that there are going to be more industries which will be doing the beneficiation of those minerals.  I pray that we maintain our stance on beneficiation and in import substitution.  We should also appreciate the high economic activities being witnessed through all the sectors of the economy.  His Excellency is walking the talk on road rehabilitation as what some previous speakers said that Beitbridge to Harare Highway was refurbished. Any economic activity needs connectivity on both transport and ICT technologies. So far we are in the right direction.  We should not ignore the fact that we are under sanctions.

Madam Speaker, I also want touch on the currency; personally, I support the use of our own currency.  I urge the relevant Ministry to continue creating policies which promote the use of our Zimbabwe dollar in our daily expenses.  I do not support the use of multi-currency which happens to be creating uncertainties in the economy from an ordinary person’s point of view.  There is no more significant transactions in RTGs.  You will find that you can go for a week without trading in RTGs personally.  So, let us fight to bring back the confidence which is disappearing daily. 

I want to thank His Excellency the President for showing continuity in all his appointments at ministerial levels.  Most of our Ministers in Government retained their posts, so I want to applaud the President for that. 

On the legislative agenda, I noticed that the President spelt out on the Bills to be concluded during this first session, like the Mines and Minerals Amendment Bill and Insurance Bill which were outstanding from the Ninth Parliament. This shows that there is continuity in the Second Republic. I wish all policies which were crafted in the Ninth Parliament to continue to the Tenth Parliament so that there is continuity for flow of Government and projects.  Also notably is the National Youth Bill to curb drug abuse by our youth.

Let me end by urging all Hon. Members to unite for the good of the development of our country to become an upper middle income by 2030.  I also urge all political parties in Zimbabwe to put Zimbabwe first before self-interests.  We are one and let us not try to take our own country for granted.  We do not want to be carried away by some small issues from political parties.  Remember we were elected to deliver, our mantra ‘Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo’ should click in every Zimbabwean, every leader and everyone should come on board and walk the talk. I thank you.



          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon. Members, I have to inform the House that the Committee on Standing Rules and Orders has appointed the following members to serve on International Parliamentary Statutory Bodies: 

African Parliamentary Union

Hon. T. Gezi,  Hon. T. M. Karumazondo, Hon. Sen. Chief Ngungumbane, Hon. S. Matsunga

Inter-Parliamentary Union

Hon. Sen. Chief Mtshane L. Khumalo, Hon. Sen. Muzenda, Hon. N. Maunganidze, Hon. J. Nyevera, Hon. B. Nyamupinga, Hon. T. Karikoga, Hon. J. Ostalos Siziba

OACPC-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly and EU Africa Parliamentary Assembly - Hon. Gen. Rtd. Nyambuya (Deputy President of the Senate), Hon. P. Moyo, Hon. Adv. Madzimbamuto.

Pan African Parliament - Chief F. Z. Charumbira, Hon. P. Togarepi, Hon. Tafanana Zhou, Hon. E. Masuku, Hon. J. Hadebe.

SADC Parliamentary Forum - Hon. T. Nyabani, Hon. M. Mugomo, Hon. Chief Siansale, Hon. L. Kore.

Association of Senates Shoora and Equivalent Councils in Africa and the Arab World - Hon. M. Bimha, Hon. P. Mupfumira, Hon. J. Z. Timba and Chief Chitanga.

*HON. BUTAU:  Thank you Madam Speaker.  I will debate in Shona so that my constituency understands that I am delivering a message.

First and foremost, I would like to congratulate His Excellency the President Cde. Emmerson Mnangagwa for his resounding victory in the just ended harmonised elections.  I would like to thank our province, Mashonaland Central for doing us proud for having the highest number of MPs who retained 100% Members of Parliament and Councillors for the ruling party.  We want to congratulate our province Madam Speaker.

Furthermore, I would like to congratulate the Mt Darwin District for doing us proud for having voted for its Members of Parliament and Councillors.  I would like to congratulate Mt. Darwin constituency for electing me as their representative in this august House.

I will then move on to His Excellency, the President’s State of the Nation Address.  We had a resounding victory.  President Emmerson Mnangagwa talked about the support that is being given to agriculture.  I am happy about the President’s work that he is doing in supporting the work of agriculture.  I know in Mt. Darwin we rely on agriculture.  The entirety of Mashonaland Central relies on agriculture.  I am quite happy that despite the fact that the rains have not yet started, I am made to understand that the Grain Marketing Board depots are now full to the brim with farming implements that were given to us by the President Cde. Mnangagwa.  I also want to implore that those who are at the Grain Marketing Board depots to ensure that upon receipt of such implements, they quickly distribute them to the farmers so that they timeously reach the farmers because at times the Grain Marketing Board in Mt Darwin delays in the distribution of those implements and seeds. That hinders His Excellency’s agricultural programme because the implements reach their intended beneficiaries, the farmers, way into the farming season.

Furthermore, I urge the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development to come up with a legislation that enables our cotton, tobacco and maize farmers that once they have delivered their produce, they be paid better producer prices so that they can make a living out of it. The payments should be done timeously. By so doing, the programme will be a success. I plead to this House to help me to applaud His Excellency the President about the 35 000 boreholes to be drilled countrywide. I am grateful for His Excellency’s support in that direction.

Looking at ZINWA, let there be legislation that ensures that leadership in those areas is consulted about the boreholes that are to be drilled. Some of the boreholes were drilled without the knowledge of the leadership and at times there was wrong siting and the holes did not produce water. In the end, a lot of dry holes were sunk. Statistics will then record that the boreholes were drilled, but the majority of them will be dry holes. This is because the relevant Minister is not monitoring these programmes properly…

*THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon. Member, please withdraw that statement that the Hon. Minister responsible for the drilling of boreholes will not have done their work properly.

*HON. BUTAU: I withdraw Madam Speaker. Can someone assist me with the correct name for ZINWA?

*THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon. Member, may you look for other words to describe what it is that you want to convey.

*HON. BUTAU: I wanted to say that there were some employees employed by ZINWA who were anti-ZANU PF programmes. They were not supporting the wishes of our party ZANU PF – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] – Madam Speaker, I withdraw.

*THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Let me assist you. You said there were some people in ZINWA who were not discharging their duties properly which resulted in derailing the President’s effort.

*HON. BUTAU: Let me go to mining. His Excellency the President has mentioned that mining should be promoted. Kudos to His Excellency the President. He said there are no more makorokoza, a derogatory term used to those who would be looking for gold, but that they are now called artisanal miners. I am grateful to His Excellency for that. The youths in our areas can now be employed because of mining. We are asking the relevant department responsible for artisanal miners that they be assisted in getting protective and safety clothing so that they do not lose their lives. The majority of them die because of the dust emission from where they will be mining without protective clothing. Others also are being entombed in mines because of the collapse of the mines. We urge Government to do something to improve the artisanal miners’ safety and their mining environment.

Still on mining, His Excellency, President Mnangagwa spoke about the programme where loans are going to be disbursed to those that are in the mining sector. It is our plea that this particular programme also cascades to….

*HON. TOGAREPI: On a point of order Madam Speaker. May the Hon. Member who is debating refer to His Excellency with his full title His Excellency the President.

*THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Thank you. Hon. Butau, if you are making reference to the President of this country, refer to him with his full title. That shows the complete title and respect that goes with his office.

*HON. BUTAU: I thank you Madam Speaker. I stand guided on that point. I would like to thank His Excellency the President, Dr. E. D. Mnangagwa once again for the programme that he spoke about that he is going to encourage development and enhancing of schools and roads. I am very grateful to His Excellency the President, Dr. E. D. Mnangagwa. I would like to express my gratitude because as we speak, only 2kms is left to be completed as planned.  That same road is being tarred and I want to thank our President for that development in the rural areas. On a point of order - [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.]-

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Order, can we have order.

*HON. BUTAU:  Madam Speaker, let me just conclude.  My sincere apologies Madam Speaker, we are new in the House and still learning.  So, as we err, we will be learning.  [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.]- Our President spoke on the issue of supporting women. I would encourage the Minister in charge of women empowerment to ensure that women in the rural areas are involved in programmes that make them self-sustaining through projects so that they do not just wait to ask for everything from their husbands.  If they are able to do projects and earn a living for themselves, it will eradicate early child marriages and reliance on men to fend for them.  I thank you.




THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I have to inform the House that the following Members have been appointed to the Speaker’s Panel:  Hon. R. Machingura, Hon. M. Ncube and Hon. S. Chikomo.

HON. MUTOKONYI:  Thank you Madam Speaker Ma’am.  Firstly, I would like to congratulate His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe and the Commander-in-Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces, Cde. Dr. E. D. Mnangagwa, on the resounding victory after the election.  I also want to congratulate the Speaker of the National Assembly, Advocate J. F. M Mudenda and yourself Ma’’am Gezi on your reappointment to steer this august House as well as all the Parliamentarians who made it through to this House.

The President, Cde E. D Mnangagwa in his State of the Nation Address at the official opening of the 10th Parliament, spoke on various issues of note.  He spoke on resource mobilisation for devolution funds.  Our leader is a listening President and he has seen that for development to happen, it has to get closer to the people, thus he came up with the devolution agenda.  I think we need to clap hands for the President for that noble idea.  A lot of projects were implemented and completed through the devolution funds.  In my constituency, Marondera Constituency, a lot of schools were built to completion, the likes of Kesera Primary School.  We also had drilling of boreholes at Masomera township, which was also solar powered in Marondera East Constituency and various others in the Marondera District as well as the country at large.

The President did speak on disability when he said the agenda of the 10th Parliament should include looking at reviewing of laws, particularly the Disability Act.  This shows that the President is driving the agenda and moving with his mantra that we should not leave any one or any place behind, including the disabled. 

Madam Speaker, the President did speak on various Bills that need to be reviewed, particularly the Water Act, the Zimbabwe National Authority Act and the Plant Breeders Act.  This is in relation to Marondera East Constituency which is an agro-driven constituency with rich soils and water bodies. So, it is of much importance to look into these various Acts in terms of reviewing given this climatic change that is already happening.  This period, we anticipate normal to below normal rainfall and as such, it is very important that as a Government, a lot needs to be done, particularly in the areas of irrigation.

Allow me to comment on the works that have been done by the President, Cde Mnangagwa. In Marondera East, we are very fortunate that we have got a big dam that was built by the 2nd Republic, the Muchekeranwa Dam. In the same constituency, we do have the Marondera University of Agriculture and Technology. As such, we need to utilise these resources. The President, the last time when he came to the constituency, first he came and commissioned the Muchekeranwa Dam and secondly, he came and commissioned the Muchekeranwa Irrigation Scheme. At commissioning the dam, he clearly said that it is not a project if we just build a dam, but it then becomes a project when we start to utilise the dam in terms of fisheries and so on. I also want to commend the President, Cde Dr. E.D. Mnangagwa on that.

In terms of his speech on the State of the Nation Address, the President did speak much on the infrastructure that has been brought by the 2nd Republic, particularly the coming in of Hwange Power Station units 7 and 8 which alleviated the power challenges, particularly to us in the farming community. The farmers are very grateful because they managed to do their winter wheat crop and harvested without power challenges. Previously, there were a lot of power challenges and I want to commend the President on driving the economic agenda of taking Zimbabwe into the future to the Vision 2030 through the policy and the strategy of the NDS1 of 2021 – 2025.

Madam Speaker, I also want to speak on the NDS1 strategy which is driving the country to 2030. In Marondera East Constituency, we have actually taken the same policy and implemented it at ward level particularly on the key pillars that we saw and thought they should drive the constituency towards vision 2030. Of note, we created the committees which are going to drive; the economic growth, the food security and nutrition, infrastructure and utilities, and social protection where we look on the aspect issues of the disabled, elderly, less privileged, child headed families including cases of disaster within the ward.

The fifth one is going to look on the digital economy whereby we say that now we are in the digital era, and for us to complement the Government policies, we said let us have these systems and structures at ward and constituency level so that we can set the parameters and targets, thus achieving the national economic growth. I also want to commend the President, Cde Dr. E.D. Mnangagwa on coming up with a robust policy that is taking Zimbabwe into the future.

Madam Speaker, the President did also speak of the enactment of the Economic Empowerment Bill. It is very important that given our mantra that ‘Nyika inovakwa, inotongwa nevene vayo’, it is us who can create or build this nation to greater heights. That Bill is also going to make sure that it includes the locals in terms of the economic opportunities that may arise in the country.

As such, I want to thank the President on that and in particular, in Marondera East Constituency, like I said earlier, it is agro-driven and is going to benefit quite a number of people in the constituency. I would hasten to say, from the current statistics in terms of the agricultural produces, the country has a target of slightly above 400 000 tonnes of wheat. Of that, Marondera East Constituency is contributing much to those figures.

I would also want to thank the President through his strategies that the country managed to achieve food sufficiency in terms of wheat and grain sufficiency. We are still facing challenges in terms of milk production. I understand the country requires around 1,4 million litres of milk per annum to ensure there is sufficient milk and currently the figure is around 700 000 litres. So, there is much needed in terms of dairy business in the country and Marondera East contributes much to that because we also have a lot of dairy farmers who are working flat out to support the Government to achieve milk sufficiency.

I will come to issues of rural industrialisation. Our President is very clear that we need to drive rural development and industrialise the rural communities. As such, it is very important for us together to have and understand that the rural community, which is were we have the largest population and the drive of creating industries, for example, we are growing a lot of maize and wheat. As such, the industrialisation should start by creating the small milling companies around those farming communities so that people in the rural communities will be able to buy their flour and bake their bread.

Madam Speaker, if you check the current situation is whereby the industries are only found in the urban centres. The wheat is harvested from Marondera and it is driven to National Foods here in Harare or other industries and milled. The millers do their job and sell the product back in Marondera. We are going to make sure we also complement the Government efforts through making sure that us as the legislators, we come up with the policies that will enhance rural development particularly rural industrialisation. 

          Madam Speaker Ma’am, the President also did speak in his keynote address that the tourism sector in the first quarter of 2023 has risen by above 62%.  This is quite commendable and we actually want to appreciate the President in doing so because what has made this to happen is a lot of other things and one of that is the infrastructure that has been built in the country.  If you look at the Robert Gabriel Mugabe …..

          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order, Hon. Mutokonyi, you are left with five minutes.

          HON. MUTOKONYI:  Thank you Madam Speaker. If you look at Robert Mugabe International Airport, it has been modernised and it has been made a world-class airport.  As such that has driven the growth in terms of the tourist attraction.  We have got a lot of national airlines flying into Zimbabwe, it is because of the infrastructure that has been brought in through the national development strategy and by the Second Republic.  I also want to commend the President on that including the border infrastructure, the road infrastructure and this is what enhances the economy and this is what drives the economy into the future. 

          To conclude Madam Speaker, I would want to say we as the Parliamentarians, we would want to once again express our loyalty, to express our allegiance to Zimbabwe.  To make and get known that the people of Zimbabwe are here to serve Zimbabwe and as the Parliamentarians of Zimbabwe, we would also want to thank again His Excellency, the President for his keynote address that has given us direction to take Zimbabwe forward.  I thank you. 

          HON. TAFANANA ZHOU: Thank you very much Madam Speaker Ma’am.  I would like to congratulate His Excellency Dr. E. D. Mnangagwa for a resounding victory.  I also want to congratulate our Speaker on his reappointment.  I also want to congratulate you Madam Speaker on your reelection to be the Deputy Speaker.  I also want to congratulate our Government Chief Whip Hon. P. Togarepi on his reappointment to be our Government Chief Whip.  I also want to congratulate Hon. Tsitsi Zhou on her appointment to be the Deputy Chief Whip, I also want to congratulate Hon. Ziyambi Ziyambi on his appointment to be the Leader of this august House. - [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] –

          Madam Speaker Ma’am, the address by His Excellency evidently highlights the vision and the headway that the country is on under the New Dispensation.  I am sure you all agree with me that this year’s SONA has set the tone of legislative agenda that will help facilitate the implementation of programmes and projects that will enhance the livelihoods of people and communities in the country towards Vision 2030.  He also outlined the milestone that has been chronicled by the New Dispensation.  Clearly the address by His Excellency the President, demonstrates the Government’s commitment and serious determination for legislative and economic progress and as reiterated by His Excellency, can only be achieved if we are united and peaceful. 

          During the speech by His Excellency the President, he highlighted Bills which must occupy Parliament schedule during the First Session of the Tenth Parliament and implored legislators to put all hands on the deck and deal with these critical pieces of legislations as a lot of work lies ahead.  Good laws and policies are one step towards achieving a prosperous Zimbabwe.  In this regard the SONA by His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, charter the nation in the right direction and this can be only achieved with practical action on the ground and that is implementation.

          Madam Speaker, our economy has been on an upward trajectory recording a positive growth rate across all sectors.  With continued unity of purpose as echoed by His Excellency, we can accelerate our ongoing quest to build a modernised and industrialised great motherland Zimbabwe. 

Madam Speaker Ma’am, the mining sector as alluded by His Excellency, there is an upward growth trajectory.  Our mining sector grew from US$2.8 billion in 2017 to the present US$12 billion and is propelling socioeconomic development and growth to enhance the participation of small scale and artisanal miners.  Government established the US$10 billion mining industry loan fund whilst the rolling out of more gold centres will be prioritised.       

Investments in the lithium sector are pleasing and encompass extraction through the value addition. Sitting on the country’s largest lithium ore reserves estimated at 200 million tonnes, the Sandawana Mine a subsidiary of Kuvimba Mining House is in my Constituency, Mberengwa West.  The mine is expected to provide impetus to lithium production and significantly contribute to the national vision of a 12 billion mining economy by end of this year.

Zimbabwe is ranked the sixth largest lithium reserves globally and represents one of the Africa’s biggest producers of the commodity.  The Sandawana lithium processing plant will add to the Star Lithium Mine in Buhera, setting the country on a pedestal to advance the global energy transition through the supply of lithium and related products. 

Madam Speaker Ma’am, on agriculture, His Excellency the President indicated that the robust measures put in place by Government to enhance and guarantee agriculture productivity including irrigation development and climate proofing resulted in the country realising national food security.  Zimbabwe is now wheat self-sufficient, the drilling of 35 000 boreholes and establishment of village agrobusiness units is set to consolidate national agriculture productivity and food self-sufficient. 

The President echoed milestone in the energy sector and power supply.  It has significantly improved following the commissioning of Hwange Power Stations Units 7 and 8 whilst arrangements have been made to guarantee stable supply from existing power stations.  The deliberate investments are ongoing for increase power generation capacity including removing the entry barrier for independent power producers. In this regard, we would like to acknowledge His Excellency the President for replacing transformers in my constituency for Matawo Primary School and Mavorowondo Primary School and clinic and also Masase Hospital Water Works.  

Madam Speaker, modern and efficient infrastructure is the cornerstone for economic development. Road transport is the dominant means of transport in Zimbabwe with 80% of traffic and trade by volume utilising this resource. In Zimbabwe, mining and agricultural exports are a major source of foreign currency and driving force for economic development. These exports are largely exported by road.

In this regard, road transport is therefore supposed to be uplifted for economic and social development in any country. This has a significant implication on development and the economic development of any nation. That is the rehabilitation and maintenance of roads to accessible standards. This will help to enhance connectivity. The Government continues to upgrade the road network across the country. His Excellency has been in the forefront of the country’s road rehabilitation push aiming at improving infrastructure and boost economic growth.

In my constituency Mberengwa West, Kuvimba Mining House is contributing immensely to the developments in the district. They are undertaking road construction starting with Sandawana, Zverenje and Mangena Road to West Nickleson Road. They are also planning to relocate Sandawana Primary School to a more ideal site where children can concentrate on their studies without interference from the mine.

In terms of infrastructure development in my constituency, I would also like to show gratitude to His Excellency, the President for the construction of a bridge at Phoenix, Mwenezi River that was swept away. The bridge was constructed through Public Private Partnership with World Vision. His Excellency emphasised that Government continues to accelerate implementation of the Heritage Based Education 5.0 model aimed at producing goods and services for our country’s socio-economic needs. This science technology and innovation thrust has scaled up science-based education from primary level up to the institutions of higher education. Since the adoption of Education 5.0, local universities and polytechnics have become centres of innovative business ideas as they contribute to addressing national interest issues and effectively responding to social challenges.

Through improved access and utilisation of advanced knowledge and technology, more than 16 universities have been established. His Excellency the President underscored that physical consolidation measures and reforms have ensured positive fiscal outcomes that are critical for budget sustainability and lasting micro-economic stability. Complimentary fiscal and monetary policy have positively impacted on the attainment of prevailing stable micro-economic environment.

He stated that going forward, the 2nd Republic remains resolute in implementing measures that ensure confidence in our domestic currency. Our devolution, His Excellency the President highlighted that the 2nd Republic will increase resources disbursed towards the devolution decentralisation programme. Devolution was identified as a pillar to achieve an Upper Middle-Income Economy status by 2030 and it is a fundamental strength in alleviating poverty and regional inequalities. There are some of the noteworthy highlights of the Zimbabwe SONA. I thank you.

HON. DR. MAKWIRANZOU: Thank you Madam Speaker. First of all, just allow me to ride on the previous protocols that my colleagues have given. Madam Speaker, from Mutoko, I bring you congratulations to our President Dr. E. D. Mnangagwa for being elected President of Zimbabwe. I also congratulate you Madam Speaker Ma’am for being re-elected and appointed as Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly. In addition, I also congratulate Adv. Mudenda for being re-elected and appointed.

The people of Mutoko congratulate all the Hon. Members of Parliament who were elected to represent the various constituencies in our great and God-given Zimbabwe. Our motherland Zimbabwe is truly blessed, not only does it have a large amount of natural resources but it has also been blessed with wise leadership headed by His Excellency, President E. D. Mnangagwa. We have received the news from the SONA that 35 000 boreholes have been successfully drilled and we have received the news with happiness. Our people are now using water from the boreholes for drinking, for animal husbandry and for irrigation of their Pfumvudza plots and mapuno gardens. Mapuno means tomatoes in Mutoko. Mutoko is blessed with a huge amount of natural resources which include granite, gold, lithium, among other natural resources.

We would like to resonate with our President. He has said that we are open for business so that we can create employment in the mines. We also wish to see that large miners are encouraged to have social corporate responsibility by funding Government supervised community trusts. They are taking from us but they are not giving enough. Therefore, we appreciate the USD10 million fund and we hope that this will empower our people.

Our President read out five Bills which were left uncompleted by the 9th Parliament and these Bills include the Mines and Minerals Amendment Bill, Public Finance Management Bill, Medical Services Amendment Bill, the Insurance Bill and the Voluntary Organisation Bill. We want to assure our President that with your leadership, we will complete this legislative work. In addition, we are aware that there are many other Bills. In the President’s State of the Nation Address, he pointed out 10 Bills, but I am aware that they are over 54 Bills, that we have to work on.  The 10 Bills he alluded to were the Disabilities Bill, the Administration of Estates Amendment Bill, the Legal Practitioners’ Bill, the Inheritance and Succession Laws General Amendment Bill, the Repeal of Water Authority Act.  Mutoko is a dry area Madam Speaker Ma’am.  It is merely small earth dams.  Therefore, I am proposing that these small earth dams be desilted during this dry season, so that when the rains come, we can have more water.  Madam Speaker I quote “mombe dziri kufa kumusha uko”.

          We are also aware that there was a sixth allusion Bill by His Excellency, the Plant Bidders’ Act and the seventh one is the Climate Change Bill to regulate gas emissions.  We require that in this Bill, we be treated fairly.  When I say ‘we’ I mean Zimbabwe and other under- developed nations.  What we contribute to the gas emissions is minuscule compared to what the industrialised countries contribute.  So, we are saying that we should not be pressured to reduce gas emissions to the extent that we fail to industrialise. –[HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] –

         The eighth Bill alluded to by His Excellency was the Parks and Wild-Human Conflict Bill.  I just want to quote the villagers in Mutoko “mapere apedza mbudzi nevanhu kumusha kuno”.  The ninth Bill is the Postal and Telecommunications Amendment Bill, again I quote “manetwork anonetsa kuno kwaMutoko”.  Finally, the tenth Bill is the Construction Industry Council Bill. I am from the built environment, I am an engineer by profession.  This Bill will protect and standardise construction by having all practitioners in the built environment registered just like the doctors are registered.  So, we really welcome and appreciate the incision with which His Excellency made us to look at this problem which we have of contractors and other service providers in the construction industry.

          Madam Speaker Ma’am, we are aware that there are many Bills as I have said, may be up to 54 but again, I want to assure you and I can also speak for my colleagues.  We will work diligently to make sure that we enact these Bills timeously.  We will also be particularly drawn to the Youth Bill and the SMEs Bill because these two Bills greatly affect the future of our country.  They affect the employment of our youths.  In Mutoko, we want to banish unemployment – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] – We want to banish unemployment by working on our land, providing food security and by working on our mines exploiting our God-given resources.  No man, no woman, no boy or girl should be drawn to drugs. They are drawn to drugs because they have nothing to do.  This is why we must work on our land and on our mines.  In addition, we want to propose a very high custodial sentence for manufacturers and purveyors of drugs – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] –

The President, Dr. E. D. Mnangagwa mentioned heritage based education 5.0 agenda.  In Mutoko, we are open to any university.  We appreciate that the universities under the 5.0 agenda will bring innovation.  Not only will they bring innovation, but they are also heritage based.  If I can just explain what we mean by heritage based, it is not a force law, but it is ‘s’ for svosve.  This is heritage based, we know svosve, we do not know snow here in Zimbabwe.  So, we are inviting any university which wants to establish a campus in Mutoko, so that we can benefit from the innovation that education 5.0 brings.

          In conclusion, the President, in his State of the Nation Address, gave us a very clear direction and he also invigorated us to achieve Vision 2030, nyika inovakwa nevene vayo. I thank you. 

          HON. MAUNGANISO: Thank you Madam Speaker Ma’am. I would, like thank all who came before me.  It is my single honour to congratulate His Excellency the President on the occasion of his re-election.  Let me also congratulate Mr. Speaker and yourself on the re-election to lead this House.  I could not have been more proud, listening to the State of the Nation Address (SONA), by His Excellency, the President because that was the speech of a man, especially awake to the realities of our nation because he has been there through the vicissitudes of time, from the colonial era throughout the struggle for independence.  He is a man who knows exactly where we are and exactly what needs to be done for our economic emancipation – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] –

          Madam Speaker, I address this House with a heavy heart following a disaster in my constituency. Six homesteads were engulfed by a veldfire.  In a compound, a total of about 20 single roomed houses were destroyed, together with the belongings of the owners.

          Let me dwell much on the programme which is a product of climate proofing by His Excellency the President, Pfumvudza/Intwasa  that is actually a big achievement in the nation dating back from 1980 because it seeks to empower all as the President’s statement, leaving no one and no place behind. 

          Madam Speaker, where I come from, the constituency is predominately a farming area.  What I have discovered is that in his quest to empower all, I think there could be a legislative framework to also cater for the former farm workers because these are receiving Pfumvudza/Intwasa, but they have no land on which to practice.  It will go a long way if there is a legislative framework that allows them to own a piece of land.  I am sure that will go a long way in complementing His Excellency’s efforts to feed the nation.  Resultantly, food security will be an undertaking.

          Madam Speaker, the President spoke of the Youth Bill.  Indeed, it was timely when our youth went, through an education system that I believe was much aligned with the Bantu Education System which only produces labourers and not inventors.

          Madam Speaker, the President launched a programme of innovation hubs. In Mashonaland West we have two, one at the University of Chinhoyi Technology and another at Gwebi College.  A proliferation of such undertakings would aid the President’s initiatives to recover our economy.  We have so much potential, but unfortunately our education sector forces every one of us to be an academic.  Every passing year when Ordinary Level results are published, about 30% of those who would have sat for exams actually make it.  It would appear as if when the Lord made us, only 30% of us were supposed to be academics all for white-collar jobs.

          Madam Speaker, it would go a long way if our education sector is revolutionised in a way that seeks to nurture life skills that will go a long way in creating or empowering individuals that will create employment instead of educating people to look for jobs.

          Madam Speaker, where I come from, the conflict between humans and animals is especially evident and I would like to applaud His Excellency the President for seeking to emancipate the humans that are always at the receiving end.  Whilst it is of paramount importance to safeguard wildlife, I feel it is also important as the President has noted, to actually look at the human side because all wildlife we so much cherish, is especially valuable if humans are alive. 

In my constituency, we have the Darwendale Dam, we have the Biri Dam, a lot of people could benefit if fisheries were allowed to be run by locals.  I am sure this is especially in tandem with the devolution agenda where resources within a community ought to benefit such a community – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] – Madam Speaker, this is not true in my constituency.  We happen to witness strangers arriving in our place to claim what should benefit us.

Madam Speaker, allow me to commend the President on his quest for infrastructure development as housed in the NDS 1, roads are now world class. Driving from Beitbridge to Harare now takes only four hours, it used to be seven.

On that note, allow me to bring to the attention of the House, the abuse of the road commonly known as the Gabriel Robert Mugabe Highway that runs from Norton to Murombedzi.  The road was constructed to ferry a maximum of 10 tonnes, but today, our Chinese friends are abusing it as they traverse on it with 38-tonne trucks, it is becoming a death trap.

We understand that their produce goes a long way in buttressing our efforts to build our economy, but a cost-benefit analysis would make it evident…

HON. TOGAREPI: On a point of order! Madam Speaker, I think the Hon. Member is debating very well, but I suggest that he does not mention a particular group of people.  Many other people use the same road.  His idea is very correct, but mentioning one particular group is like targeting them.  So, may the Hon. Member generalise because it is everyone who uses that road.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I am sure you have taken note of that Hon. Maunganiso.

HON. MAUNGANISO: Thank you, Madam Speaker.  I withdraw. Madam Speaker, a cost-benefit analysis of what is being brought to the economy…

An Hon. Member having passed between the Chair and the Hon. Member speaking.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order, order Hon. Member!

HON. MAUNGANISO:… and the damage being done will bring it to light that the efforts to develop are actually derailing the quest for development.  I would have thought it was wiser if the same material could be transported via a much more commercial route, that is the Chegutu-Norton Road.

Madam Speaker, the President spoke of a lot of Bills especially the one about ZINWA. I think it is specially prudent on such a Bill by this House because it would benefit the economy in a broader way. The dams I have mentioned have water that runs perennially but we have sectors of Zvimba that are not able to irrigate where there are fertile lands. I would want to commend the President for noting that and I would want to urge the House to pass such a Bill. I thank you

          +HON. FISANI MOYO: Thank you Madam Speaker Ma’am. I would like to congratulate His Excellency the President, Dr. E. D. Mnangagwa for winning the 2023 Presidential election. I would also like to congratulate the Hon Speaker, Advocate J. F. Mudenda, yourself the Deputy Speaker and all Members of Parliament for being elected.

          I would like to touch on several points on the President’s Speech when he opened the Tenth Parliament. The President touched on the issue of mining especially gold mining. I would want to add that from my area in Matabeleland South, people actually earn a living through gold mining. I would like to urge Government to remove EPOs. They are now all over. They have taken over and there is no piece of land where people can continue to earn a living.

          The President also spoke about the US$10 million that will assist the youth who are starting mining businesses. We were happy about that and even the locals were happy that people would be assisted and by so doing, they will actually reach their targets through the assistance from the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development. Now that the money has been availed because the President spoke about it, we are now awaiting disbursement of the funds. Most of the times when people are promised such large figures, maybe the people in Matabeleland South are shy, they end up not receiving the funds. Now that I am representing Gwanda South Constituency, I am hoping that we will also get a share because I heard the President talking about those funds here in Parliament.

          I would also want to say to our gold miners throughout Zimbabwe, they really need assistance and advice on how they can carry out their mining businesses so that a lot of accidents will be avoided. I say so because the Ministry of Mines has realised that the miners need to be educated on how they can carry out their businesses and how they can be assisted in trying to raise funds on their own.

          The President also spoke about agriculture. I am happy that the Second Republic has seen to it that people do not go hungry in Zimbabwe. I would like to thank the President for that. Farmers in Gwanda South Constituency and throughout Zimbabwe still need help so that people can actually survive on farming. In my constituency and the surrounding resettlements, I realise that they were given vast pieces of land to farm but they do not have proper implements so that they could reap a lot of grains, but there is also need for machinery for farming and also machinery for drilling boreholes for them.  The President spoke about the issue that boreholes were going to be drilled throughout the country.

Our President Hon. Mnangagwa spoke about farming where he spoke about several groups or what I would call irrigation groups.  The President assisted us a lot on that and we are very happy.  When it comes to dams for irrigation, the President assisted us a lot because now we can irrigate and our livestock can also get water from there.  Now we have water, we no longer have any complaints on that. We are very happy about what our President Dr. Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa has said because he said a lot of dams are going to be built throughout Zimbabwe.

Madam Speaker the President spoke about education.  I thought it was very important for us to look at that because there are people who were resettled in some of these areas.  You will find that there are few schools or if there are schools, you will find that maybe there is only one classroom where children utilise that one classroom from Grade 1 up to Grade 7.  I thought it was important for me to mention that since we are here in Parliament, our President Dr. Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa said it was very important for us to see to it that our education system is upheld. 

The President also spoke about something that is very dangerous.  He spoke about something that is happening in our constituencies.  He spoke about these elicit drinks that are being taken by people.  He spoke about it and we thought it could also assist people to live better lives because this is really damaging especially for the young ones because come to think of it in the next five years, what is going to happen to the youths?  When he spoke about these dangerous drinks, I thought it was really important for the youths to think about it. 

The other thing that I wanted to touch on, I do not know what I can call it in vernacular language, but in English it is called the rehabilitation centres.  I am happy that people should be sent for rehabilitation so as to make sure that people get rehabilitated. 

The President also spoke about roads.  The road from my area to Beitbridge is being constructed and because of that, I would like to thank the President Hon. Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa. 

I would also like to touch on the issue that we still need dust roads.  Even in the urban areas we need these roads to be resurfaced.  The last item that I would like to touch on, Madam Speaker is that in Gwanda South, we are very happy that we have seen some development in our area because of the good leadership of Cde Emmerson Mnangagwa.  I foresee that for the next five years, there will be development and we look forward to seeing that development.

I am new here in Parliament, but I can see what the President has done.  That is why I volunteered myself to come and represent people here because of the wonderful works that he has been doing.  I offered myself to represent the people from Gwanda South because the President said ilizwe lakhiwa, libuswe, likhulekelwe ngabanikazi balo. So as someone from Gwanda, I thought I could also bring the concerns of the people of Gwanda and for that I thank you Madam Speaker.  

HON. KAITANO:  Thank you Madam Speaker.  Let me take this opportunity to congratulate our President His Excellency Dr. E. D. Mnangagwa for winning the just ended elections in a fair, credible and very peaceful environment.  I also want to congratulate you Madam Speaker on being elected to be the Deputy Speaker of this august House as well as congratulating Hon. Adv. Mudenda for being elected the Speaker of this Parliament.  My congratulatory message also goes to all Hon. Members of this august House for making it to the 10th Parliament.  May God bless us all.

Madam Speaker the mantra that says nyika inovakwa nevena vayo in my view is not a mere…

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Hon. Member at the back, please switch off that microphone.  Thank you.

HON. KAITANO:  Madam Speaker the mantra that says, nyika inovakwa nevena vayo is not a mere statement, but rather a rallying call to build our own nation as a people.  There is nobody who is going to come from any part of this world to build our dear motherland Zimbabwe.  If we do not build it ourselves, nobody will come and do that for us.

The mantra resonates very well with myself at a very personal level. It resonates very well with the people of Zimbabwe in general, and with the people of Mudzi West Constituency in particular. In His address, His Excellency, the President of Zimbabwe, Dr. Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa talked about the measures the Government of Zimbabwe has instituted in order to enhance and guarantee agricultural productivity, including irrigation development among other programmes.

Mr. Speaker Sir, these programmes such as Pfumvudza/Intwasa and the various irrigation schemes have undoubtedly and indeed, increased production of agronomic crops, especially maize and wheat. I therefore, call upon the relevant Government ministries and departments to unreservedly push through these programmes in order to ensure that the Vision 2030 goals with regards to food security as contained in NDS1 are achieved.

The mantra of leaving no place and no one behind has been welcomed by many Zimbabweans, more so in rural areas in Zimbabwe and Mudzi District is not an exception. As a people, we applaud the inclusivity leadership of our dear President. It goes a long way to show that our President is a caring President and for that, our people are thankful and our Zimbabwe is indebted to such visionary leadership. Our administrative district of Mudzi, being one of the driest districts in the country, is so excited to know that its request for the building of Chipara Dam, muted and designed in the 1950s is now under consideration through the wise visionary leadership of His Excellency, Dr. E. D. Mnangagwa. Mr. Speaker Sir, the dam will surely provide water for substantive commercial irrigation schemes in order to achieve food security as enunciated in NDS1. This dam is indeed, a key enabler to the achievement of the targets set forth under Vision 2030. I understand this dam will provide water to the whole of Mudzi District as well as parts of Mutoko District.

The drilling of 35 thousand boreholes, a borehole in each village and the subsequent establishing of village agro-business units reverberates very well mostly with our people in rural Zimbabwe as its economy is predominantly agricultural in nature. As you might be aware Mr. Speaker Sir, Mudzi and Mutoko Districts are well known for their massive farming of horticultural products particularly tomatoes, notwithstanding the fact that our people are using water from small wells and from a few non-perennial rivers and small dams.

Having solar powered boreholes is the real deal and a game changer Mr. Speaker Sir, towards the establishment of sustainable agro-based SME businesses in rural Zimbabwe, Mudzi District included. I therefore, pray that the Ministry and Government agencies and departments spearheading the drilling and equipping of these village boreholes expertly and expeditiously push through this programme up to the end for all Zimbabwe to benefit from this critical and well thought of programme.

I also urge all villages and village heads to embrace this programme because water is life. If we had our way Mr. Speaker Sir, we would have requested that the drilling rig be stationed in Mudzi West Constituency which has about 368 villages and roll out this programme until the end. However, we are cognisant of the fact that there are many parts of Zimbabwe which require this precious water for their livelihoods. Mr. Speaker Sir, the President also spoke about the extraordinary growth in the mining sector, which grew from USD2.8 billion in 2017 to the present USD12 billion and how this phenomenal growth is driving economic growth as well as socio-economic development among our people throughout the whole of Zimbabwe.

As Mudzi District, we are grateful to His Excellency for the notable progress in the construction of a gold center in Makaha area of our district. This gold center will indeed enhance the participation of small-scale and artisanal miners in exploiting this revered precious mineral. Our country Zimbabwe is undeniably endowed with abundant mineral resources and as a nation and as a people, Mr. Speaker Sir, we can use what we have in our hands to drive economic growth and social development towards the achievement of the national vision, Vision 2030.

When Moses was asked by God of what he had in his hand, according to Exodus Chapter 3, he answered that he only had his shepherd’s staff in his hand. The almighty God used that which he had and shepherd’s staff was used by God to perform many miracles and delivered people from some bondage. Mudzi District has both gold and lithium deposits in its hand. Mr. Speaker Sir, we pray that our people increasingly become participants and beneficiaries of these mineral resources. If there is one programme that has been impactful towards socio-economic growth and development in Zimbabwe, it is the disbursement of devolution funds to local authorities.

We are so thankful to the President for these devolution funds have gone a very long way towards infrastructural development. Mr. Speaker Sir, in Mudzi District, classroom blocks have been built, clinics have been built, bridges are being constructed and renovated and dip tanks for the health of our livestock are being constructed. The impact of these devolution funds Mr. Speaker Sir, has made us believe that if this fund is increased, it will surely see the accelerated development of many areas, especially rural Zimbabwe. I therefore pray Mr. Speaker Sir, that those districts in Zimbabwe which were heavily disadvantaged during the colonial area may have an increased share of disbursements of devolution funds, and Mudzi District falls into this category.

Like the consideration done on Binga District, Mr. Speaker Sir, Mudzi District deserves a special consideration in terms of accelerated development in its physical infrastructure, its local economy as well as the social fabric which also includes high standard of health and educational facilities and services alike. Mr. Speaker Sir, in his SONA Address, His Excellency Dr. E. D. Mnangagwa displayed an understanding of matters affecting our people. He showed his responsiveness to the needs of Zimbabwe.

With regards to education, his address was and remains spot on and very relevant to the people of Zimbabwe. We are therefore proud of having such a listening and a visionary leader. The Heritage Based Education 5.0 Model which has scaled up Science, Technology and innovation at all levels of education is beginning to bear fruits as we have witnessed local production of oxygen at a commercial level as well as other important products necessary for the very existence of humanity.

In order to ensure that no place and no people are left behind, we urge the two responsible line ministries of education to ensure that all districts of Zimbabwe, including Mudzi District, are part of this thrust towards enhanced education in Science subjects, thus, leaving no place and no one behind. In my constituency of Mudzi West, Mr. Speaker Sir, we appeal to the line ministries to invest more resources (human, financial and infrastructural) towards improving the level of education obtaining in the constituency.  Our two A Level schools are still predominantly subject based and we desperately need at least one boarding school in the constituency. 

In conclusion, Zimbabwe remains focused and resolute in seeing through its own development agenda.  Zimbabwe is unperturbed and remains collected and calm even in the presence of shenanigans by our detractors.  May God bless this great nation of Zimbabwe.  I thank you.

HON. PINDUKAI:  Tendayi Pindukai is my name and I am a Member of Parliament for Guruve North Constituency in Mashonaland Central Province.  Madam Speaker, I would like to start by extending my congratulatory message to His Excellency the President, Cde. Dr. E. D Mnangagwa following his winning the harmonised elections on 23rd August, 2023.  To that effect, I would also like to extend my congratulations to the Hon. Speaker and to yourself Madam Speaker following your reappointment.  This shows your commitment towards servant leadership. 

Let me start by acknowledging and also reflecting on the State of the Nation Address (SONA) made by His Excellency the President, Cde. Dr. E. D Mnangagwa on the official opening of the 10th Parliament at the new Parliament Building in Mt. Hampden.  I am motivated to reflect on the Government’s commitment and putting measures that almost transform our lives through support systems to enhance food security in the country. His Excellency alluded to this when he put forward his motion of the pillars of NDS 1 on food security through the introduction of the Pfumvudza/Intwasa Model which has almost transformed our rural areas.  This is a success programme as in Guruve North Constituency, we have witnessed a number of families who are now food self-sufficient in various ways.  They are even managing to send their children to various schools as a result of such a programme. 

I would also want to urge Government to consider improved resource capacitation to the newly established rural industrial development agency to enhance equipment in various arms of government at local level so that productivity and inclusion in all areas can be recorded so as to accelerate the attainment of Vision 2030.  Rural industrialisation and irrigation development through the construction of dams as well as mechanisation of different irrigation schemes in our rural areas is also commendable.  Madam Speaker, as I address this august House from a constituency that is Guruve North, we have quite a number of irrigation schemes that were resuscitated such as Siyalima, Nyamuseve and Kachuta.  There has also been construction of dams and we have Dande Dam, one of the bigger dams which is currently under construction.  We also urge government and line ministries responsible to expedite the completion of such a life changing water reservoir as it also supports the downstream industries and the livelihoods of people through irrigation schemes.  Our livestock also benefit from the water reservoirs. 

It is also encouraging to note that the President also spoke about power supply and the significant measures that were also taken by government towards improving power supply in our motherland.  In his speech, he also mentioned the commissioning of Hwange Power Supply Units 7 and 8.  It is encouraging to acknowledge that even from our grassroot levels, we have programmes where government is working with private players establishing climate smart solutions in terms of power generation.  In Guruve North Constituency, we have such a plant by the name Guruve Solar Plant that is also generating two to three megawatts electricity daily and feeding into the national grid.  This is commendable and we urge government to accelerate this current initiative into various districts so that the power outages could be a thing of the past. 

Hon. Speaker, climate smart solutions are very innovative and also as we are actually being affected by the changing environment and as we move towards green energy, climate smart solutions are key.  They also attest to the initiatives by Government.

Madam Speaker, economic empowerment has also been witnessed.  We also reflect on the President’s SONA as we noted that the President Cde E. D Mnangagwa spoke about the phenomenal growth in the mining sector which is also very key as we noted the growth from US$2.8 billion from 2017 to US$12 billion to date.  We look forward to supporting the initiative so that the mining sector also contributes more.  On the same issue we noted that there was a facility that was availed by government from my constituency.  We have quite a number of artisanal miners who we look forward to contribute towards the phenomenal growth. 

The President also spoke about the Heritage Education based 5.0 Model which we feel is responding to the current needs of our people from our grassroot or rural communities and this is commendable. The Heritage Based Education 5.0 also champions the production of goods and service. However, we also urge the Government to consider including, accelerating or closing the gap between rural and urban schools so that the Education 5.0 Model can also be realised from the grassroots levels.

In particular, I would like to submit that from my constituency, Guruve North, we have quite a number of areas which are still lagging behind in terms of Advanced Level education. I am sure this is also another platform that feeds into the production of goods and services. We still have quite a number of learners traveling long distances to schools.

I would submit that we also work with the line ministries to make sure that the areas have got such schools. Madam Speaker, the country is best built by its people as always, the mantra by His Excellency the President, Cde. Dr. E.D Mnangagwa. It is true and a commitment towards the attainment of Vision 2030 as an empowered prosperous middle-income economy society by 2030. We also appreciate the bringing in of the ERRP, which resulted in most of our major roads being rehabilitated.

To that effect, we urge our Government and line ministries to also consider other roads which are within rural districts so that they can also be rehabilitated, especially during the onset of the rains. In my constituency, we have another road which is also a road that services almost six wards and a Grain Marketing Board. As we talked about food security, it is also good if that road is also looked at, it will help access the GMB which is where we store our food and inputs for our farmers, that is Guruve-Kachuta Road.

I am also motivated to reflect on the legislative agenda as put forth by His Excellency, Dr E.D. Mnangagwa on the Youth Bill. We are expecting that with such a Bill being expediated, this will result in our youths also getting an opportunity to enrol and also get the necessary skills so that they can meaningfully contribute to our nation. It is also good to acknowledge and appreciate that the President also challenged us as well to look at the Veterans of Liberation Struggle Bill that will also be brought in. I am sure, as we reflect on that, we had a programme where we went around in our respective areas where our collaborators were also vetted. By this time around, we look forward that the coming in of this Bill will result in the vetting process being finalised.

As I conclude, I would like to commend Government initiatives in improving the livelihoods, especially of those in rural areas through rural industrialisation. The strategy will undoubtedly support and also create a market or eco-system for the support of our rural people. I thank you.

HON. MAPHOSA: Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to stand before you. First of all, I need to say congratulations to our President, Dr. E.D Mnangagwa and the Speaker of Parliament, Hon. J. Mudenda and yourself, Hon. Deputy Speaker. My name is Wilson Maposa from Chimanimani West Constituency – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] –

It is my singular honour to be addressing my fellow Zimbabweans. This Parliament debate session comes after a well successful, peaceful and fair election. Hon. Members, now we have been given the chance, for the next five years to work for our constituencies. The President has talked about projects which he has done within the country. I need to talk about energy; Hwange Power Station units 7 and 8, which is a major infrastructure.

Some of the people are just talking about units 7 and 8, but have never been to Hwange just to appreciate what we are talking about. Yes, the President said we need to generate electricity, now as Members of Parliament and the people who lead the country, we have generated electricity, but there is another part which is being left behind. After generating electricity, we need distribution. We also need to check what is there in the distribution before we waste resources from generation.

A few years back, I was so disappointed when I went to Binga. By profession I am an electrician, so I went to Binga when I had been given a job to resuscitate a distribution line. I felt very angry to say Government is generating electricity, but the line had been down for about four to five years. So, I went to ask the people who had done the billing from ZESA to say the line had been lying idle for the past 4  to 5 years and asked them how much they were making per month. They told me a lot of money. I asked myself what the MPs were doing at Parliament.

Government is wasting a lot of money in generation, but no one talks about the distribution side. So, I am appealing to the Minister of Energy and you, Hon. Speaker, yes, the President has put units 7 and 8 and we are generating electricity. If you generate electricity you cannot store it in a granary like grain, and the minute you generate, it has to be distributed and all our lines should be up as a nation. I would like to thank the President who has put it there, but it is all up to us now to make a follow up so that we do not lose money in energy. We are talking of mines and so on. All these things are being backed up by generation.

I also want to thank the President and Government on the state of art of Gwayi-Shangani. I have been at Gwayi-Shangani. Some people just see the picture, but sometimes if you have got the chance, you need to go and appreciate what we are talking about. I hope one of us one day you can spend your money just to go and appreciate, not just to watch on television and photos.  You must drive and go to Gwayi-Shangani so that whenever you stand in front of people and talk about Gwayi-Shangani, you can defend your country and also defend your Government.  Gwayi-Shangani, the moment you want to draw water from it to Bulawayo, I pray there is going to be a green belt along the way to serve our nation.

It is also going to be serving people along the way. Once the water goes to Bulawayo, a lot of people are going to benefit, and they will get some jobs.  My appeal is, whenever we are talking about energy, let us try to make a follow up on distribution site.  Whenever you go to the district engineer for ZESA, you need to know what you are talking about, that is where we are missing a lot.  ZESA is being generated in Kariba and Hwange, it is not going anywhere, but it is only transmitted in one line after spending billions of dollars in generation.  That is a lot of money.  I want to thank His Excellency the President, this Gwayi-Shangani has been on the drawing board for years back, but now the Second Republic has managed to take off.  I am also appealing to people from the opposition; they sometimes talk without visiting the site.  Just go and appreciate what we are talking about as Government in the Second Republic. It is very important to have information than just to talk of something that you do not know. I also need to thank the President for all this. 

Coming to the roads, Government has managed to work on the roads using our own resources without borrowing money from outside the country, this is showing us that the Government is making efforts, we are using our own resources. If I may also pass this message to my fellow Members of Parliament and everyone who is here today.  

Madam Speaker, I want to thank the President; where I come from Chimanimani West, it is a difficult constituency, one part is in region one or two and the other part is in region four or five, and it is another dry area.  It is very difficult and I am appealing to the Government to have more dams; dip tanks and irrigation needs to be resuscitated.  It is very difficult to lead people who are hungry.

I want to thank the President about the Pfumvudza, Intwasa, we learnt this last week and I think people at home have started preparing for Pfumvudza.  I want to applaud the President and Government because this is a noble idea.  We do not want to lead hungry people.

In conclusion, the President said ‘Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo”. I just want to thank everyone who is here, the ball is in our hands now, and we need to work hard for our country in order to be re-elected in the next elections. We must not be afraid of the opposition who claim that we are not doing anything. Others have never been to Gwayi-Shangani and Hwange.  The moment you get to Hwange 7 and 8, you can appreciate and say to yourself, let me be quiet, even some of our friends here have been there. The moment you go there, you will come back a changed person.  I want to thank the President and the Government. 

HON. TSITSI ZHOU: Madam President, I move that the debate do now adjourn.

HON. KARIKOGA: I second.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Tuesday, 17th October, 2023

On the motion of HON. TSITSI ZHOU seconded by HON. MUNEMO, the House adjourned at Eleven Minutes past Six o’clock p.m. until Tuesday, 17th October, 2023.

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