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Tuesday, 14th November, 2023.

The National Assembly met at a Quarter-past Two o’clock p.m.


(THE HON. SPEAKER in the Chair.)



          THE HON. SPEAKER: I have the following announcements.  First, I wish to inform the House that on 18th October, 2023, Parliament of Zimbabwe received a petition from the residents of Mabvuku and Tafara Constituency, beseeching Parliament to reverse the recall of their Member of Parliament.  The petition was deemed inadmissible because the petitioners’ prayer falls outside the jurisdiction or mandate of Parliament.


          I also wish to inform the House that on 25th October, 2023, Parliament of Zimbabwe received a petition from the Zimbabwe Anti-Sanctions Trust, beseeching Parliament to constitute a Special Citizen Economic Empowerment Commission.  The petition was deemed inadmissible because the petitioners’ prayer is already provided for under the National Indigenisation and Economic Board.


          THE HON. SPEAKER: Thirdly, I have to inform the House that all male Hon. Members of Parliament who are interested in supporting female Members of Parliament, under the mantra He-for-She Champions should register with the Women’s Caucus Office in Room Number 133, first floor, New Parliament Building.


          THE HON. SPEAKER: Fourth announcement, Section 129 (1)(k) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe provides that “a seat of a Member of Parliament becomes vacant, if the Member ceases to belong to the political party of which he or she was a Member, when elected to Parliament and the political party concerned, by written notice to the Speaker or the President of the Senate, as the case may be, has declared that the Member has ceased to belong to it.”

          Accordingly, I have to inform the House that with effect from 7th November, 2023, the following Members ceased to be Members for Citizens Coalition for Change Political Party.  First, Admore Chivero – Chegutu West Constituency; Stephen Chatiza – Goromonzi South Constituency; Gift Ostallos Siziba – Pelandaba Constituency; Tapfumanei Willard Madzimbamuto – Seke Constituency; Oliver Mutasa – Zvimba East Constituency; Amos Chibaya – Mkoba North Constituency; Emma Muzondiwa – Midlands PR; Machirairwa Mugidho – Masvingo PR; Constance Chihota Mashonaland East PR; Monica Mukwada – Manicaland PR; Linnet Mazingaidzo – Harare Province and Dephine Gutsa – Mashonaland East PR.

          HON. MOLOKELA-TSIYE: On a point of order Mr. Speaker Sir.  Having listened to your announcement, I need to clarify whether the Hon. Speaker is aware that earlier today, the High Court of Zimbabwe ruled – there was a court ruling today that nullified any further recalls, pending the finalisation of the matter that is before the courts.  Is the Hon. Speaker not aware of that ruling of the High Court that there are no further recalls, pending that decision?

          THE HON. SPEAKER: Thank you very much.  I have not received from any representative of the Citizens Coalition for Change Political Party a copy of that Order.   Once that Court Order is received and states what you are saying, in terms of the law, the Court Order will supersede the recall accordingly.  So, as soon as I get that, I will act in terms of the Court Order.  Thank you.

           HON. MOLOLEKA-TSIYE: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, we will be guided accordingly. I thank you.

          THE HON. SPEAKER: Hon. Members, please take your seats. Hon. Members on my left, please take your seats. I repeat my response to you Hon. Molokela. As soon as I get the court’s decision either way, I will read and if it nullifies the recall, we will read it and the recalls will be nullified accordingly through that court order.




          THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT (HON. MHONA): I move the motion standing in my name that:

          WHEREAS Section 327 (2) (a) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe provides that any international treaty which has been concluded or executed by the President’s authority does not bind Zimbabwe until it has been approved by Parliament;

           WHEREAS the Republic of Zimbabwe is a party to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, signed at Chicago on 7th December, 1944, having acceded to it on 11th February, 1981;

          WHEREAS the Protocol Relating to an Amendment to the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Article 50) (a), was signed on 6th October, 2016;

           WHEREAS paragraph 3 (b) of the aforesaid Protocol states that it shall be open to ratification by any State which has ratified or adhered to the said Convention on International Civil Aviation;

          NOW, THEREFORE, in terms of Section 327 (2) (a) of the Constitution, Parliament resolves that the aforesaid Protocol be and is hereby approved.


          THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURAL (HON. MHONA):  Hon. Speaker Sir, with your wise counsel, you find Orders 1 to 4 are of a similar nature.  I have prepared a statement to consolidate the 4 and with your indulgence, I will address the four motions.  Thank you, Hon. Speaker Sir.

          THE HON. SPEAKER:  My wise counsel tells me that I go by the Standing Orders because I have to put the question on each one of them, so I am asking for debate.

          HON. MHONA: Thank you so much for affording me this important chance to allude to the House on the important Conventions and protocol as alluded to on the Order Paper. The first one being on the Amendment of the Convention on International Civil Aviation Article 50 (a).  Hon. Speaker Sir, since I had consolidated, if you indulge me just for a few minutes so that I put my House in order so as to pick the relevant article.

          THE HON. SPEAKER:  Yes.

          Hon. Mhona having read the motion again.

          THE HON. SPEAKER:  Hon. Minister, you should have spoken of the importance of that Convention.  I do not know whether you did not capture this in your notes. 

          HON. MHONA:  Thank you Hon. Speaker Sir. After your guidance, I had consolidated, so that is where the confusion is emanating from.  I had consolidated all the Conventions on one debate. 

          THE HON. SPEAKER:  You cannot extrapolate from the Convention that is relevant in terms of – surely you were not moving in staccatos from one Convention and back to the other Convention and back to the first one and back to the fourth one.

          HON. MHONA: Thank you Hon. Speaker Sir, let me do that.  Hon. Speaker Sir, allow me to express my sincere gratitude to the House for allowing me to move the motion to consider the Convention.  As alluded to on the ratification of the Protocol relating to Amendment to Article 50 (a) of the Convention on International Civil Aviation Organisation, the Convention that I am talking about is the third and fourth Protocols.  Both relate to the Convention on International Civil Aviation and the Republic of Zimbabwe is a contractive State of the Convention of International Civil Aviation which was signed in Chigaco in USA in 1944 and thus popularly known as the Chicago Convention.  At its 39th Assembly Session on Montreal Canada from 27 September to 6 October, 2016, the International Civil Aviation Organisation adopted the protocol amending Article 50 (a) of the Chicago Convention.  The protocol is not yet in force and shall come into force on the date of the 128th Instrument of Ratification as of September, 2023; 87 contractive states had deposited their instruments of ratification. 

          Article 50 (a) amends the Convention to increase the size of the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organisation, ICAO Council to 40 members.  The ICAO Council is a permanent board of ICAO and is elected by the ICAO Assembly for a period of three years.  It has a number of functions among which are to administer the finances of ICAO, appoint and define the duties of the Air Transport Committee, appoint the members of Air Navigation Commission and adopt international standards and recommended practices for incorporating into the Convention and increase in the number of council members.  We improve the representation and participation of ICAO members in guiding the work of ICAO and reduce concerns that the council does not represent, the wide spectrum of ICAO members.  I so move Hon. Speaker Sir. Motion put and agreed to.





          THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT (HON. MHONA): I move the motion standing in my name 

          THAT WHEREAS Section 327 (2) (a) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe provides that any international treaty which has been concluded or executed by the President’s Authority does not bind Zimbabwe until it has been approved by Parliament;

WHEREAS the Republic of Zimbabwe is a party to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, signed at Chicago on 07 December 1944, having acceded to it on 11 February 1981;


WHEREAS the Protocol Relating to an Amendment to the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Article 56), was signed on 6 October 2016;

WHEREAS paragraph 3(b) of the aforesaid Protocol states that it shall be open to ratification by any State which has ratified or adhered to the said Convention on International Civil Aviation;

NOW, THEREFORE, in terms of Section 327 (2) (a) of the Constitution, Parliament resolves that the aforesaid Protocol be and is hereby approved.

Motion put and agreed to.





THAT WHEREAS Section 327 (2) (a) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe provides that any international treaty which has been concluded or executed by the President’s Authority does not bind Zimbabwe until it has been approved by Parliament;

WHEREAS the Convention on the Unification of Rules for International Carriage by Air entered into force on 4 November 2003;

WHEREAS Article 53 (4) of the aforesaid Convention provides that any State which does not ratify the Convention may accede to it at any time;

NOW, THEREFORE, in terms of Section 327 (2) (a) of the Constitution, Parliament resolves that the aforesaid Protocol be and is hereby approved.

Motion put and agreed to.





THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT (HON. MHONA): Thank you Hon. Speaker Sir.  Let me also thank the august House for the indulgence.  Whereas Section, 327 (2) (a) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe provides that an international treaty which has been concluded or executed by the President’s authority does not bind Zimbabwe until it has been approved by Parliament;

The Convention on the Suppression of Unlawful Acts relating to international civil aviation was signed in Beijing on 10th September, 2010 and entered into force on 1st July, 2018.  Beijing Convention is an important component of international efforts to prevent and punish terrorism targeting civil aviation and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.  The Convention is the result of collective efforts of the international community modernised legal framework for aviation security by criminalising a number of Acts constituting new and emerging threats against civil aviation, including certain preparatory Acts for the offences.  It will strengthen the capacity of States to prevent the commission of these offences and prosecute and punish those who commit such offences provided in Article 1.

Hon. Speaker Sir, the Instrument significantly strengthens the existing international counter-terrorism legal framework and facilitates the prosecution and the extradition of those who seek to commit acts of terror.  The Beijing Convention requires State parties to criminalise specified Acts under their domestic laws and cooperate to prevent and investigate suspected crimes under the Beijing Convention.  It also contributes to the implementation for the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy adopted on 8th September, 2006 by enhancing the global treaty regime on counter-terrorism.  I thank you.

Hon. Nyabani having stood up to debate but codeswitching.

THE HON. SPEAKER: Hon. Member, stick to one language.  If you want to speak in English, stick to it. 

HON. NYABANI: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  This treaty goes by when a passenger or citizen commits a crime whilst on board. Is it his country of origin which is liable to pay for the offence or the passenger himself/herself? Can the Minister clarify?

HON. MUGWADI: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  I felt, it is imperative to add one or two statements to the last convention which the Hon. Minister of Transport has submitted for ratification and debate.  I am so happy by the work that the Minister of Transport reflects in his submission and of course the guidance from the President in respect of these conventions, particularly this one.  Not so long ago, the whole world, I am sure it was in sixes and sevens in terms of trying to explain the disappearance of air services, airplanes, passenger planes and remain to this day unexplained and some of them have not been found.  I am sure besides rising technological advancements that could lead to the establishment of those planes, what was missing was collective approach from the nations with regards to suppression of acts of terrorism and sabotage that harms passengers and results in the disappearance of passenger planes and other air services.  Therefore, I want to commend the Government for bringing this Convention to the House.  It increases the safety of our passengers and it is more relevant now that Zimbabwe is rising in terms of its graph regarding international visitors and tourists of course, the growth of our Aviation industry.  So, this is a very timely Convention for ratification.  I want to salute the Hon. Minister and the President for providing that guidance.  I thank you.

          THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT (HON. MHONA): Thank you Hon. Speaker Sir.  Let me also hasten to thank my fellow colleagues, Members of Parliament, Hon. Nyabani, and also Hon. Mugwadi.  The concerns raised by Hon. Nyabani about the punishment of any act that has been committed through unwarranted behaviour by those who will be flying and then having a bearing on the particular country, just to clarify; we are talking of counter-terrorism measures as a country and it is also in the interest of any given country to profile their passengers before they board and receive. It is very important to know who is on board and I am very happy that now by acceding and ratifying this Convention, we will also be in tandem and in compliance with the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO); a board that superintends over aviation matters, dictates that we must be vigilant as we interact and as we then promote safety in terms of the aviation sector. 

          Therefore, you will find that what any country deems a lawful act will be punishable and this is what this Convention is talking about. In any given country, it differs but what you consider unlawful in your country cannot be tolerated especially if we are talking of passengers flying, whether it could be a threat or a perceived threat that will also be factored in when it comes to the Convention.

          I also want to thank Hon. Mugwadi indeed, for the advent and the contemporary sector in terms of aviation where we are saying we also need to monitor our airspace where we cannot relax as a country and be together with the ICAO and also to appraise the august House that Zimbabwe is not only a Member state but it is in the executive of the 36 member states of ICAO, meaning that any decision that passes through the Executive Council, Zimbabwe will be having its own submission to that, which is something that we consider a major milestone for the country.  Any decision pertaining to the aviation sector, Zimbabwe will be represented and we are saying counter-terrorism is something that we have seen of late in terms of friendly and unfriendly countries.   As a Member of the ICAO, we must not be found wanting when it comes to safeguarding our Aviation sector.

          Motion put and agreed to.

          HON. TSITSI ZHOU: The Hon. Minister of Justice, Legal, and Parliamentary Affairs has asked to be excused.

          THE HON. SPEAKER: He asked you. Who did he ask from?

          HON. TSITSI ZHOU: I am just conveying the message to you Hon. Speaker.

          THE HON. SPEAKER: Were you  asked to tell me that?

          HON. TSITSI ZHOU: The Chief Whip, the Clerk, and the Hon. Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs left the House.  The Chief Whip actually bowed to show that they were leaving the House.

          THE HON. SPEAKER: That reciprocal bow did not mean they should leave forever because he is on the Order Paper, therefore, are you going to handle that?

          HON. TSITSI ZHOU: Yes, Mr. Speaker Sir.



          HON. TSITSI ZHOU: Mr. Speaker Sir. I move that Orders of the Day, Numbers 5 and 6 on today’s Order Paper be stood over until Orders of the Day, Numbers 8 and 7 are disposed of.

          HON. TAFANANA ZHOU: I second.

          Motion put and agreed to.




Eighth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission for the year 2022.

Question again proposed.

HON. OZIAS BVUTE: Thank you for affording me the opportunity to speak on the Anti-Corruption Commission report. I noted with interest the report for the year 2022. It was rather impressive to say the least. Firstly, from a governance perspective, I noted that the Hon. Chair was particular about ensuring that she led by example and the various committees that were setup by the Commission were in full force and functioned professionally and attended to most of the governance issues that related to ZACC.

Of particular interest, was the fact that prior to 2018, there were no audited statements of accounts. That has since been corrected and as of now, the backlog that existed prior has been duly audited and presented to Parliament which is notable.  As a body that is fighting corruption, they should be at the forefront of ensuring that their accounts are audited properly.

As I went through the report, I also noted that there have been significant efforts in trying to improve the conditions of service of their staff. They seem to have a high turnover which is related to issues of remuneration, but Treasury was kind enough to avail an additional Z$1 billion to try and improve their conditions of service. It is my hope and wish that Treasury will continue to look at them kindly and ensure that the staff that they have is retained for purposes of continuity.

On gender equality, the top management is yet again exemplary in that over 50% of its top management is made up of women. It is a truly testing example of what is proper in a country that speaks of equality. The Chairperson highlighted that corruption seems to be a pandemic that is not only focused in the urban areas, but is rural in nature as well with most of the Rural District Councils being at the forefront of doing wrong things. It was interesting to note that an awareness campaign was conducted in 2022, with specific and particular emphasis on rural areas being made aware that corruption is a bane of society and should not be tolerated.

It would appear that the bulk of the cases that ZACC dealt with related to abuse of office that is related to public servants. It would therefore be proper and prudent that greater effort be made in trying to educate and conscientise our public service that theirs is to serve and not to take.

The report also highlighted that moving forward, an Integrity Committee was encouraged to be set up in all the various parastatals with a key emphasis on ensuring that each parastatal has a group of individuals that is looking closely at issues to do with integrity. It is my hope and wish that more parastatals will set up these Integrity Committees and actually ensure that they are providing a service to our society.

In her report, she noted that the bulk of the issues relating to corruption would appear to be centralised in and around Harare, with over 481 cases being reported which constitutes 70% of their total case load. What was also encouraging was that they seem to have improved their processes by setting up a committee that looks at cases. Before they are taken to the National Prosecuting Authority, they weigh the options and see whether the chances of success are there. The report indicated that of all the cases that were taken to NPA, 70% of them were actually tried, convicted and concluded. It is our hope that as a society, we will be at the forefront of ensuring that we capacitate ZACC because corruption really destroys nations and lives.

It is encouraging again that our Government has taken a special note of the fact that we must clean up our parastatals and Government departments and I hope that even though the outgoing chair Hon. Matanda-Moyo is now at another agency, those that have been left will continue the good work that she has done. I would like to commend her and the agency for the work that they did in 2022. It is my hope that they will continue fighting this bane called corruption in the interest of building our beautiful nation, Zimbabwe. I thank you

HON. KARIMATSENGA-NYAMUPINGA: Thank you for the opportunity you have given me to add my voice to this very important report. It is a report that I think is very comprehensive and also very well presented in the way that gives insights into how the Commission is tackling its mandate and its strategic focus. It is a report of great interest to the public and I will try to do justice to it in my debate.

Corruption is a global scourge and many countries have had their economies, financial services, service delivery and many key economic drivers paralysed because of rampant corruption. In Zimbabwe, an effective tackling of corruption is fundamental to the success of the National Development Strategy Goals and attainment of Vision 2030. ZACC in its report, clearly outlines the Commission’s mandate and strategic focus. I applaud them for such comprehensiveness and clarity. It shows how broad and wide the Commission had to approach its work and indeed there has been great effort to effectively execute. There is always room for improvement with changing circumstances. The establishment of selection committees to provide an independent review of all cases that are referred to the Commission is commendable. It helps to refocus and also to reprioritise as they seek to ensure cases of high economic value, high profile individuals and cases of national interest are prioritised.  The number of cases submitted to the NPA in 2022 for prosecution are commendable even though they may look few in the context of the prevalence of corruption across all sectors and spheres in the country.  Commendable also is the fact that they achieved a 72% conviction rate of all cases referred to the NPA. That speaks to effectiveness and avoidance of playing to the public gallery for the sake of publicity.  That also addresses the perception that they practice ‘catch and release’ to hoodwink the public.

          Mr. Speaker Sir, the introduction of two key Bills, namely the Witness Protection Bill and the Public Disclosure Bill is indeed a milestone in the fight against corruption.  The Bills address key issues fundamental to identification of corruption, evidence gathering and successful prosecution on the Witness Protection Bill.  That will address what had been some of the loopholes, protecting the witness during the whole process even afterwards, from victimisation by the perpetrators of corruption.  The Bill will provide security and confidence for witnesses to carry out that patriotic duty that will lead to the successful prosecution.  In the same vein, the Public Interest Disclosure Bill (whistleblower) will encourage and protect whistleblowers, which is key in the fight against corruption.  That is the direction of the fight against corruption in the advanced countries with best practices.  We need to pass these Bills, for failure to pass them into law will continue to impact the rate of conviction negatively.

          The momentum of public awareness has to continue to be improved.  The Commission intensified its awareness programmes and exhibitions to the provinces and must cascade to districts and villages.  The setting up of Integrity Committees in public entities to ensure good corporate governance compliance is indeed fundamental to their pursuit of the adage ‘prevention is better than cure’.  The focus on the prevention is progressive and commendable.  The establishment and presence of ZACC structures in six provinces already demonstrates a commitment to effectively fulfil its well enunciated mandate and functions.  We expect provinces to be covered.

          The focus of Research Committees on specific functional areas helps to inform on policy to address loopholes.  I will touch on research or corruption and gender for example.  It established that women are more impacted by corruption than men.  Women, thus fail to access basic services, fail to access justice and fail to get economic opportunities among others than men because of corruption.  That knowledge is important for social and economic decisions.  Women are in the majority and therefore addressing what impacts them is fundamental to economic development and prosperity. 

          In conclusion, Mr. Speaker Sir, I commend ZACC for good effort and fair representation of women in leadership positions across their staff establishment.  The results of that show in the way this report is presented. Women are effective managers and leaders.  I thank you. 

          HON. I. NDUDZO:  Thank Mr. Speaker Sir.  On page 10 of the ZACC Report, there is an acknowledgement on the Constitutional basis upon which ZACC derives its mandate on the execution of its duties.  There is also, on that page, an acknowledgement that ZACC is cognisant of the provisions of the ZACC Act, in particular Section 12 which gives it certain powers that enables it to execute its mandate.  For the sake of the submissions, I will motivate in this debate and I wish to restate just two of the Constitutional provisions that speak to the mandate of ZACC.

          Firstly, ZACC in terms of Section 255 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, enjoys the power to direct the Commissioner-General of Police to investigate cases of suspected corruption and to report to the Commission on the results of any such investigation.  Secondly, the same provision gives ZACC the power to make recommendations to Government and any other person on measures to enhance the integrity and accountability and prevent improper conduct in the public and private sectors.  As regards Section 12 of the ZACC Act, it is acknowledged on page 10 of the report that ZACC has the power to instruct, advise and assist any officer, agent or institution in the elimination or minimisation of corruption. 

          Lastly, ZACC enjoys the power to assist in the formulation of practice systems and procurement procedures of public and private institutions with a view to elimination of corrupt practices.  Mr. Speaker, while we acknowledge the great work that has been done by ZACC in the year under review, we must also take note of the fact that the intention of the framers of our Constitution was to have the fight against corruption led by ZACC.  It was not their intention that ZACC should monopolise or should have an exclusive role in fighting or in combating corruption.  Hence, they were given these far wide and broader powers to be able to involve other critical stakeholders and to have powers where at any point, they can direct the Commissioner-General of ZRP to investigate any suspect case of corruption and report back on such a case.  What is not coming out in the report that is before us Mr. Speaker Sir, we do not have anywhere where there is any mention of the statistics on the referral that has been made to the ZRP.  There is also no mention of any instructions, directives and guidance and recommendations that have been given to any Government Ministry, department or agency of Government or any private sector institution in terms of which ZACC was giving directives so that there could be assistance in those institutions in fighting and combating corruption.

In my respectful view, corruption affects every facet of our society. There does not exist an administrative ward or district or province in this country where corruption does not impact and affect one facet or the other of our lives. Therefore, ZACC must be encouraged to bring on board as many institutions and as many agencies of Government, especially those that are already benefiting from tax payers funds to assist in fighting corruption.

One would expect in future reports, to see the number of cases that have also been delegated to the police and to see whether that has not assisted in expediting the progress in fighting and combating corruption. I therefore, submit that ZACC must lead but it must also involve others so that we are able to tackle and combat corruption in any form and in areas where there might be issues of suspected corruption.

You can see from the report that presently, ZACC is only operating from six provinces and it means that we have four provinces with as many districts and within those provinces where we do not have physical presence of ZACC; the good thing is that in every administrative district of Zimbabwe, we have the presence of ZRP. So, ZACC must be able to parcel out work to ZRP and be able to give feedback on what has been the quality of assistance that they would have received.

At the end of the day, we are not looking for a situation where someone will come out at night in a shining armor in the fight against corruption. We want to be able to prevent corruption everywhere and in every facet of our lives as Zimbabweans, with ZACC as a constitutional Commission leading but from the report, it seems ZACC is taking everything and in my view, their resources and capacities may be overstretched by taking too much without involving others. That would be my observations. I thank you for the time you have afforded me.

HON. S. SITHOLE: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir and good afternoon to you. I want to thank you for giving me this opportunity to debate over the ZACC report for the year 2022. ZACC is a corporate body established by Section 254 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe. The mandate of the Commission is to combat corruption. I think all Hon. Members have debated and we are going to run over and repeat on the same issue to show that corruption in our nation is a dangerous disease.

We want to thank the Chairperson of ZACC who has left the institution and has now been assigned to another institution. He did a thunderous work in the strategic institution of Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission. The nation which is having corruption as it is in our country Zimbabwe, we have corruption and then sanctions which were imposed on us by the Americans and their allies. It is like a chronic disease on human beings in our country.

As Hon. Members of Parliament, we must assist this institution because when we check through their report, we can find that they are failing to do the mandate of their duties due to funding. I encourage this House that when we are debating the budget, we must see that this institution has a budget that can make their duties run smoothly. I want to thank ZACC because you find that our country is the one which started to go for training in the SADC region for the Cyber Security Training. You can see that Zimbabwe, even His Excellency, President E. D. Mnangagwa, all the time in his statements is against corruption.

I want to think that our country is the first country to send trainers for the Cyber Security in the SADC region. I want also to say Members of Parliament must assist ZACC in our areas, districts, to give some recommendation to ZACC to try to add more personnel. Some have seen that they have a shortage of personnel and sometimes they brought in FAZ to always inform them on what is happening on the ground.

I say so because you find that ZACC is mostly based in urban areas, but in rural areas where corruption is based, you cannot find a ZACC person on the ground. In rural areas, it is like you do not even find councillors. The President gives some inputs to the community and provide free transport but corruption has started also because some other councillors have other people around who have started the corruption and making people pay some money to ferry the inputs but where the President gives some inputs to the community and free transport, the corruption has started also because some other councillors and people around there have started being corrupt, making people to pay some monies to ferry the inputs when the President is saying no one should pay for the inputs. That is corruption also. It seems the corruption is much based in the rural areas. In my conclusion Mr. Speaker, may ZACC try to stretch to all the constituencies and districts in the rural areas. Thank you very much Mr. Speaker.

                   HON. MUKOMBERI: I want to thank you Mr. Speaker for affording me this opportunity to debate on the report of the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission for the year 2022 that was submitted in accordance with Section 23 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe and also with Section 15 of the Anti-Corruption Commission Act Chapter 9:22. The report was so comprehensive and provided detailed and much needed update to the key stakeholders of the country inclusive of Parliament, Government and the general citizens of the country of Zimbabwe on the work that the Commission undertook during the year in question. In the report, a lot of work was done by ZACC in discharging its obligation to combat corruption. This mandate to combat corruption is derived from Section 255 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe and inter alia. This included investigating and exposing cases of corruption in both the public and private sector promoting honesty, financial discipline and transparency. It has the mandate to direct the Commissioner General of Police to investigate cases of suspected corrupt activities and to report to the Commissioner on the results of such investigations.  It is also its mandate to refer matters to the National Prosecuting Authority for prosecution, to require assistance from the members of the police and other investigative agencies of the State and making recommendations to Government on measures to enhance integrity and accountability to prevent improper conduct in the public and private sector.

Apart from this, also Section 12 of the Anti-Corruption Act provides further functions that are also related to the aforesaid functions of the Commission in the quest to combat corruption. It is clear in the report that during the year 2022, the ZACC did a plethora of work in the discharge of its mandate and it is clearly based on the numerical evidence in the report provided by ZACC on the number of cases that ZACC referred to the NPA for prosecution in its discharge of the obligation to combat corruption. Various strategies were put in place to enhance effectiveness of the Commission in its work to combat corruption and these are worth applause. These strategies include the use of whistle-blowers, red flags and the implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy which was launched by the President of Zimbabwe, Dr. E.D Mnangagwa in July 2020. Also, the National Anti-Corruption Strategy, as evidenced in the report yielded a number of fruits in the fight against corruption.

ZACC did a lot of work as evident in the report as the country’s watchdog in seizing ill-gotten wealth. In this respect, a number of cases were reported, where there was seizure of assets that were ill-gotten by various people in the country during the year in question. We are quite confident from the report that ill-gotten proceeds by members of the public or Zimbabweans at large, especially the wealth accumulated from crime, were seized during the period and a number of cases were reported with assets being recovered. This is a signal of great work done by ZACC as a Commission. There is numerical evidence given that there was forfeiture of about 2000 vehicles which were acquired through the abuse of the civil servants scheme during this period. So, this is categorically under the assets ill-gotten by members of the public by using the Civil Servants Rebate Scheme. This stance is greatly appreciated as work done by ZACC during the period in question. Given the evidence in the report Mr. Speaker, I can safely say if ZACC continues using these strategies and implementing such strategies in an effort to reduce or combat corruption in the country, this country will be better placed in terms of reduction in corruption.

At this juncture, allow me to applaud the Commissioner-General, Justice L. Matanda-Moyo for the work done during this period as evident in the report. I can safely say, she left the Commission on a firm ground as she was transferred to another office by His Excellency, the President of Zimbabwe. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

HON. S. ZIYAMBI: Thank you Mr. Speaker for giving me an opportunity to add my voice on the ZACC report. The report entails the operations of the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission for the period under review. Mr. Speaker, ZACC was established by the Constitution of Zimbabwe amendment No. 20 of 2013 Sections 254 and 255 and the ZACC Chapter 9:22. It was established for the purposes of combating corruption, theft, misappropriation of funds, abuse of power and other improprieties in both the public and private sector. For the period under review, ZACC managed to review its strategic plan that it set out and also developed its Annual Performance Plan. 

With regards to staff complement at ZACC, it has staff turn-over of 178 employees, 105 are males and 73 females. Mr. Speaker Sir, it should also be commended that His Excellency the President, Dr. E. D. Mnangagwa promoted gender equity and more-so appointed a woman to head the Commission.  ZACC managed to decentralise some of its operations to six provinces across the country though we all know that corruption is all over the country, but they have made an effort to decentralise so that they can be felt in most of our provinces, about six provinces. 

I would like also to comment that ZACC should reach out every corner of Zimbabwe and be able to cover the four provinces that they have not reached.  They must be able to cascade down to district level at every district in Zimbabwe.  So, more needs to be done to realise the decentralisation process by ZACC.  ZACC prioritises asset recovery in the fight against corruption and in this particular case, they were targeting profile cases and also prevention programmes which they embarked on.

They also prioritised awareness campaigns, that is conducting various awareness campaigns in their fight against corruption in urban and rural areas.  ZACC should also be commended for coming up with three very important programmes.  The first one is the Corporate Affairs, and this was supporting departments such as the Finance and Administration, Human Resources, I.C.T, External Relations and Audit.  On the second one, they also came up with a programme in combating corruption which was responsible for investigation of various cases. 

Mr. Speaker Sir, the period under review, ZACC recorded a total of 684 complaints of suspected corruption. It should be noted that Harare recorded the highest cases with 481 complaints which is notably the highest in the country, followed by the Midlands Provinces with 58 amounting to 8.5%, Bulawayo 43, 6.3%, Masvingo 42, 6.1%, Mashonaland West 17, Mashonaland Central 16, Manicaland 16, Mashonaland East 8, Matabelaland North 2 and Matebelaland South with a paltry 1%.

Mr. Speaker Sir, 308 cases were referred back to the Investigations Department for further investigations and I think in this particular case, it should also be noted that when ZACC arrest perpetrators of corruption, they have to do thorough investigations so that they avoid a situation where cases are referred. One hundred and forty seven (147) cases were referred again to ZRP in terms of Section 255 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe.

Mr. Speaker Sir, in their crime analysis, it shows that criminal abuse of duty and fraud remain the most prevalent crimes in Zimbabwe and in the year under review.  These crimes were recorded and were concentrated in urban local authorities including some Rural District Councils.  These crimes range from illegal sale of land and residential stands, which was also compounded by the emergence of land barons.  Most of them were arrested, so ZACC should be commended for a job well done in trying to bring perpetrators of corruption to book. It should also be noted that the Commission also focused on the prevention aspect of corruption by setting up Integrity Committees which were set in almost every local authority, including Rural District Councils so that …

An Hon. Member having entered and seated without bowing to the Chair.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER (HON. MACHINGURA):  Order Hon. Member, may I ask you to leave the House.  Next time when you come, you bow to the Chair; I thank you, may you leave the House.

HON. W. ZIYAMBI: Thank you Mr. Speaker, so Integrity Committees act as deterrent in terms of corruption, they act as a preventive measure, they detect corruption in every form in those local authorities.  So, ZACC should be commended for coming up with such a strategy in fighting corruption in Zimbabwe.

Mr. Speaker Sir, it should also be noted that the Commission cited Government officials in different line ministries, particularly the Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Fisheries and Rural Development, that the sale of land was also rampant in that Ministry. The Ministry of Mines and Mining Development has suspected cases of corruption.  For the cases that were referred to the NPA by ZACC, they managed to prosecute and convict 23 people and acquitted nine and this amounts to about 72% of conviction rate. However, 338 offenders were males and 84 were females.  In this particular report, it shows that males commit crimes much more than females. 

I should also commend ZACC for embarking on asset recovery. They have managed to recover assets in various countries in Southern Africa and abroad.  This has also increased a lot of revenue that has been siphoned out of the country and we commend ZACC to continue their work of preventing crime.  Hon. Speaker, I want to thank ZACC, particularly its Chairperson Justice Matanda-Moyo, for having come out with a strategy plan that really could fight and prevent corruption in Zimbabwe.  I thank you.

*HON. P. ZHOU: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir. I want to add a few words to the report which is in the House under discussion regarding ZACC. Firstly, I want to appreciate the good job that was done by a female person. As Hon. MPs, I want us to give applause to this remarkable woman who did the constitutional thing of bringing this report in time. This is quite a rich report. It is comprehensive. She covered all the areas which we anticipated and we appreciate that. Looking also at the report, she speaks about the training that is given to employees of ZACC pertaining to what corruption is. Section 255 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe stipulates that ZACC should cover the areas which are mandated under ZACC. There are issues which we find in Section 308 which pertain to investigations and police. ZACC works hand in hand with other Government arms responsible for investigations and prosecution. Regarding cases of corruption in Government, 46% was in the Ministry of Lands, Ministry of Mines and Local Government. These three are at the top in terms of corruption. These are busy ministries because they hold the heritage of the nation.

In the Ministry of Lands, we find land barons. In the mining Ministry, there are issues to do with mines and in Local Government, there are issues to do with service delivery, water reticulation and stands. These are pertinent issues which should be looked into. There is need for investigations to be carried out so that it is determined whether it is true or false. We did get statistics of who was arrested and who was not. Looking at gender statistics, you would find that there are fewer women than men. They were 84 women and 308 men when the report was presented. It is good to note that women have been entrusted with a big responsibility at the ZACC because women fear corruption.

The female Chairperson has demonstrated her ability and this will prompt the President to appoint women to lead in other strategic positions. ZACC has given lessons to the nation, which is quite pleasing. Awareness programmes are done to young people in different areas, rural areas and towns. There is a mantra that ‘catch them young”, where the dangers of corruption are being taught in schools. You will discover that 7 831 people were engaged by ZACC in their quest to prevent corruption. Instead of just arresting without investigating, ZACC did due diligence. I do not want to repeat what others have said. After reviewing the report, this is what I got Mr. Speaker Sir. I thank you.

HON. MATEWU: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir. Since this is my maiden speech, please allow me to thank the people of Marondera Central for re-electing me last August. Also, allow me to thank my Party, the Citizens Coalition for Change ably led by Advocate Nelson for giving me an opportunity to – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –

HON. S. ZIYAMBI: On a point of order Mr. Speaker.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Hon. Ziyambi, what is your point of order?

HON. S. ZIYAMBI: Mr. Speaker Sir, I think this is an august House where we do not come here from our respective constituencies to discuss political parties and ululate at other leaders of different political parties. I think the Hon. Member should withdraw.

HON. MUGWADI: On a point of order.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Hon. Mugwadi, what is your point of order?

HON. MUGWADI: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir. My point of order is that the Hon. Member from the Opposition bench is pretty aware that a few minutes ago, this House was on standstill because the question of leadership in the organisation is undetermined. This is why – [AN HON. MEMBER: That is out of order, Mr. Speaker Sir.] – The matter is before the courts as we are all aware and we – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –  know that they will bring a court order regarding issues to do with their leadership – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Hon. Member, please stick to your debate.

HON. MATEWU: Yes, I am doing that and I am very sorry Mr. Speaker Sir for these new MPs who do not know how to debate in Parliament – [AN HON. MEMBER: Inaudible interjection.] –

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Order, order. Hon. Member, you are no longer debating.

HON. MUGWADI: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir. I am sure everyone will be aware that this House is not a maternal house where some appear to have been born here. We are new and we are proudly so. Thank you very much Mr. Speaker. I must proceed to add my voice with regards to the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission Report which has been brought to this House by the outgoing Chairperson. I must commend the Chairperson for such an informative report whose preparation shows clearly that due diligence was given to it and that there was no desire to leave anything ungiven to this House for deliberation. I must salute the outgoing Chairperson of ZACC.

Mr. Speaker, it is not surprising to see that the writer of this report, Justice Matanda-Moyo is now the National Prosecutor General. It was befitting and this report attests to her capacity. I must say that there is only one thing that I want to allude to the report. It is about the training of Anti-Corruption Commission officers. Mr. Speaker, the debate on the report of ZACC, you will see that as we proceed, it is intrinsically linked to the report from the National Prosecuting Authority because the law and the Constitution provides that where Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) would have made arrests on corruption, they work with the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) to prosecute those cases. I recommend that there be a very constant and strong intimate relationship between the two organs in order to ensure that matters investigated by ZACC do not come to the courts as piece-meal investigations.  Officers in ZACC must therefore, as a recommendation from the report because I cannot discuss about everything that Hon. Members in this House have legitimately and correctly raised.  I cannot repeat it, but I will give a recommendation that officers in the ZACC be thoroughly trained in order to carry out sufficient investigations that are water-tight, such that when these matters are brought before the courts, we do not give prosecutors the burden of having to organise the cases once more in order to make sense and be water-tight before the courts.

          When we do that, I can tell you that the past argumentations about catch and release and so forth will be a thing of the past.  We cannot stop talking about this issue because it is in the public domain.  I am sure it is arising out of not thoroughly investigated cases that are brought before the justice system.  Once we train the officers, I am sure we will deal with corruption thoroughly across our societies.  Regarding the same issue, I must bring to the attention of ZACC on a matter related to things or programmes that the President would have given.  In this case, I would want to talk about the Presidential Inputs Support Scheme, in all its facets as well as the Pfumvudza Programme.

          The report from ZACC did not deal with this matter sufficiently and convincingly in the sense that what we are seeing outside there, it is not good concerning the distribution of such resources.  I bring to your attention a very good example that I noticed, not so long ago.  When these inputs are distributed to various GMB depots, they are released on the basis of names of beneficiaries that would have been submitted by the local leadership and traditional leadership working with their councillors , relevant Government departments and the demonstrators; the AREX officers.  When those inputs are released from the GMB depots, supposedly to reach the people in their various ward centres where they are supposed to receive these inputs, these inputs do not leave the GMB depots without quantities attached to each and every name of the intended beneficiary. 

          Now, what happens on the ground is that when these inputs reach these centres where people are supposed to receive them, the AREX officers have assumed, surprising, discretion regarding the distribution of these inputs and this is causing….

          HON. MATEWU: On a point of order Mr. Speaker Sir.  We are here to debate the report of the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission.  We are not here to debate a specific issue on GMB.  I think this should be left out if we have a report on GMB.  I think we are gloving down away from the report. Let us stick to the report.  I thank you.

          HON. MUGWADI: Thank you very much.  May I respond to the Hon. Member.  I am not debating about the GMB, but I am bringing the ZACC to – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –

          THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER (HON. MACHINGURA):  Order, order! Hon. Member, continue debating.  You direct yourself to the Speaker.

          HON. MUGWADI: Thank you very much Mr. Speaker Sir.  May I proceed to say that I am not debating about GMB, but I am bringing in ZACC to the attention of a corrupt activity that is happening regarding a serious national programme where inputs are distributed to the extent that the Hon. Member is aware that inputs are distributed countrywide and not to an individual.  So, I am bringing and raising this issue to bring it to the attention of ZACC because this is a nationwide programme, which the President has put in place to benefit everyone.  What is happening now, which I am complaining about is the issue which this report is ignoring, that the AREX officers have assumed too much discretion with regards to distribution. This is to the extent that what happens is that the inputs that have not been distributed to beneficiaries because allegedly, they did not bring their identity cards or elderly people who cannot go to those centres could not receive them and no one accounts …

          HON. BAJILA:  On a point of order.  Hon. Mugwadi is raising very important issues that he should go and report them to ZACC.  At the present moment, he should debate the ZACC report, rather than raise new issues that are not part of the report.  These issues are important but they must be reported to ZACC for investigation.  They are not part of the report that is before this House. I thank you.

          THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Hon. Member, I thought he is giving the example to enrich his debate – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] –

          HON. MUGWADI: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  Let me round off by saying…

          HON. SPARE SITHOLE: On a point of order.  My point of order is very simple, to Hon. Members on the other side, they do not realise that God is doing his work, so they must be mature.

          HON. MATEWU: On a point of order.  The Hon. Member is out of order Mr. Speaker – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –

          THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Order, order Hon. Members.  Hon. Mugwadi, please wind up your debate?  Order in the House.

          HON. MUGWADI: Thank you Hon. Speaker. I have given these details to say that AREX officers have assumed too much discretion.  Where the intended national beneficiaries of this programme end up not receiving it because they are accused of not having brought their national identity cards or that elderly people should be wheel-barrowed to these centres to receive these inputs.  If they do not come, they will not receive these inputs.  Why I have given this example is because I am drawing the attention of ZACC, especially now that this is the season where this national distribution is taking place to ensure that we do not have or we would not expect to see this in their report next year that inputs were stolen when we had an opportunity to address it.  I am sure the Hon. Members, from the other side are irked by the mentioning of the man behind these programmes, none other than President Emmerson Mnangagwa and theirs cannot do it.  That is why they are irked. – – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] –

          HON. TSITSI ZHOU: I move that the debate do now adjourn.

          HON. P. ZHOU: I second.

          Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Wednesday, 15th November, 2023.



    FOR THE YEAR 2022

          Seventh Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the report of the National Prosecuting Authority for the year 2022.

          Question again proposed.

          HON. ZVOBGO: I would like to thank you for the opportunity to debate the Zimbabwe Prosecution Authority’s Report for the period instant.  I have read the report with somewhat a heavy heart considering my own background as a former prosecutor.  I look forward to next year whereby Mrs. Matanda-Moyo will have moved into the office of the National Prosecution office.  There was some good news in the report which I will begin to address.  The good news was that we have cooperation with international stakeholders like the Transparency International which we are sisters with in training our prosecutors. That is the excellent news.  It is extremely necessary especially for complicated financial cases.  The other good news is that despite a flood of resignation of prosecutors, the National Prosecuting Authority is replacing them almost speedily as they are leaving, but that is the limit of the good news.

          Going forward, I noticed in the report that there was no discussion as to the causes of these mass resignations and there was no inquiry as to why the prosecutors are leaving in such large numbers.  I think such an inquiry and investigation is certainly necessary.

          I also noticed from the report, there are stand-alone, when you look at the report, the graphics are stand-alone, that is, they are not connected to the previous years. So, it is very difficult to see the progress, either going forward or which direction the institution is going.  I think it is necessary in the next period, next year, for them to have a number of connected graphs detailing that information year by year so that people can connect and see the progress of the authority.

          I also note from the report that it mentioned the low conviction rate for drug-related offences, but at the same time, it does not mention the causes for this.  I think it is something to look at, especially in light of current events and the crackdown against regulated offences. So, those are the issues that I take with the report. However, I think the main issue with the report is the conjunction with the number of cases that have been dealt with in successful prosecutions.  To make it clear, Mr. Speaker Sir, the report details the amount of cases that have been dealt with by the National Prosecution Authority. Clearly from those figures, it is obvious that the National Prosecution Authority is working very hard. The only issue that it does not detail is the success rate, simply put, there are no figures as to successful prosecution and I think this is extremely necessary. 

          Mr. Speaker Sir, you may hear that a particular surgeon has performed a 100 operations within a certain period of time, that will be extremely impressive.   A lot of us will be impressed with that achievement, but then you will not be impressed if you heard that out of the 100 operations, 97 of the patients have died – that would put a different glass on the issue altogether.

          Similarly, if you hear that somebody has designed and built 10 bridges, you will be similarly impressed, but not if you discover that four or five of them have collapsed, that would put a total glass on the issue.  What I am saying is that the report does not speak to the conviction rate that is being achieved by the National Prosecuting Authority and I think that is key because otherwise, how do you judge the progress of the authority? I would like to believe and I would like to submit that in future years, starting from January the 1st term of the new year, that in the future reports, the conviction or what we may call successful prosecutions are detailed.  It is good to know that a lot of cases have been handled, but it would be better to know that they have been handled successfully.  It is crucial and that is actually one of the main gaps in the report.  The hard work is there, but the conviction rate and the success rates are missing and I would like to encourage the National Prosecuting Authority to include that in next year’s report.

          There have been some discussions out of the Hon. Members where they have expressed concern that detailing conviction rates would somehow lead to an uptake in prosecutions and false allegations against citizens.  I believe it would be the reverse.  If you are correlating and identifying the number of successful prosecutions, indirectly you are also tabulating the number of unsuccessful prosecutions.  It means that those prosecutors who are prosecuting cases that are not tenable before the courts will be easily identified.   It would be good for the Zimbabwe Justice system and good for the reputation of the National Prosecution Authority. As a former Prosecutor, I would have enjoyed bearing the responsibility of being identified, either for my positive contributions or my negative answer.  It is therefore important to identify those officers who are not succeeding in their jobs.  This could be for a number of reasons.

          Again, if you look at the issue of numerous resignations that are taking place amongst the prosecutors, which will be connected somewhere with something you would imagine would be a reduction in successful convictions because, of course you are bringing in newly inexperienced prosecutors every now and again. If you bring in newly inexperienced prosecutors and he has the misfortune to face somebody like Advocate Samukange who is a tried and tested legal practitioner, obviously that would put the prosecutor at a disadvantage.

          So, those are my recommendations but the following year, we need to tabulate the success of the NPA over a number of years. Secondly, we speak to conviction rates. I know that in Japan, United States and in most countries, the success of their prosecutions is key to assessing the success of any prosecutorial authority. Mr. Speaker Sir, with that I thank you.

          THE MINISTER OF JUSTICE, LEGAL AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (HON. Z. ZIYAMBI): I move that the debate do now adjourn.

          Motion put and agreed to.

          Debate to resume: Wednesday, 15th November, 2023.



          THE MINISTER OF JUSTICE, LEGAL AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (HON. Z. ZIYAMBI): I move that Order of the Day, Number 9 on today’s Order Paper be stood over until Order of the Day, Number 10 has been disposed of.

          Motion put and agreed to.



          Tenth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech.

          Question again proposed.

          ^HON. NYELELE: Thank you Madam Speaker for giving me this opportunity to debate. Firstly, I would like to thank the President, His Excellency Cde E. D. Mnangagwa because he made sure that the women’s quota system becomes a success. May I also applaud His Excellency the President for the good work that he did. For instance, the construction of the road to Gwai-Lubimbi-Njele, construction of a mortuary at Binga Hospital as well as ambulances and the refurbishment of the Binga airstrip that will ensure that our visitors or tourists will get better access to their destinations.

          His Excellency also gave kapenta rigs to the Chiefs, youth as well as the community to ensure that they get empowered. Construction of clinics is underway at Malaria Sinamsanga, Zambezi and Kalungwizi.  I cannot mention all the places. As I conclude, may I say that our district has greatly developed due to the development programmes that are spearheaded by His Excellency the President. The district is also being developed to enable us to get to Vision 2030, just like what the President says that no one and no place should be left behind because the country is built by its own people. I thank you.

          HON. TSITSI ZHOU: I move that the debate do now adjourn.

          HON. S. SITHOLE: I second.

          Motion put and agreed to.

          Debate to resume: Wednesday, 15th November, 2023.

On the motion of HON. TSITSI ZHOU seconded by HON. S. SITHOLE, the House adjourned at Five Minutes to Five o’clock p.m.


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