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Wednesday, 6th March, 2024

The Senate met at Half-past Two o’clock p.m.



      THE HON. DEPUTY PRESIDENT OF SENATE: Hon. Sen. Tshabangu, you have to go and put on a jacket.

         Hon. Tshabangu left the Chamber.



         I have to inform the Senate that on Tuesday, 4th  March, 2024, Parliament was notified by Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) in terms of Section 39 (7) (a) of the Electoral Act [Chapter 2:13], that with effect from 1st March, 2024, Hon. Sen. Mdhluri Maxwell for Manicaland Province was duly appointed as Member of the Senate to

fill in the vacant in the Senate that occurred following the recall of the incumbent Member of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) Party.

Section 128 (1) of the Constitution provides that, before a Member of Parliament takes his or her seat in Parliament, the Member must take the oath of a Member of Parliament as set out in the Third Schedule of the Constitution.

Section 128 (2) states that the oath must be taken before the Clerk of Parliament.  I, therefore, call upon the Clerk of Parliament to administer the Oath of a Member of Parliament.


    HON. SEN. MDHLURI MAXWELL subscribed to the Oath of Loyalty as required by the law and took his seat. - [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] -


    THE HON. DEPUTY PRESIDENT OF SENATE:  I have received Non-Adverse Reports from the Parliamentary Legal Committee on Statutory Instruments Nos. 240, 245, 246, 247, 248 and 249 of 2023 and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 10 (a) of 2024. 


       THE HON. DEPUTY PRESIDENT OF SENATE.  I have to remind Hon. Senators that the onus is on them to correct their speeches before they are printed in the Hansard.  Copies of these speeches are brought to the Senate by orderlies and should be corrected and returned to Hansard within 15 minutes. In the event that the Senate adjourns before an Hon. Senator has been favoured with a copy of his or her speech, Hon. Senators are required to go to the Hansard office, room number 112 and correct their speeches.                         

      Furthermore, Hon. Senators are reminded that corrections are restricted to grammar and spelling mistakes only.  Hon. Senators should not attempt to refine their speeches by adding new material that they did not raise during the debate or to remove issues raised during debate. If there are distortions in their speeches, they should approach the Director-Hansard, Ms. Kanyume in office number 108.


     THE HON. DEPUTY PRESIDENT OF SENATE:  I also want to inform the Senate that Hon. Sen. Chief Chitanga has been appointed as a Member of the delegation to the Inter-Parliamentary Union.  He replaces the late Hon. Sen. Chief Makumbe.  



      THE MINISTER OF STATE FOR HARARE (HON. SEN. TAWENGWA):  I move that Order of the Day, Number 1 be stood over until the rest of the Orders of the Day have been disposed of.

      Motion put and agreed to.



          Second Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission on the 2023 Harmonised Elections.

         Question again proposed. 

          +HON. SEN. R. NDLOVU: I would like also to debate a bit on the electoral report. All of us are aware that an election has three major things which happen before an election date. There is what is called pre-election which is preparation for an election, there is election day and post-election period.

I will first of all look at the preparation of an election. All of us in this august House are aware that before an election, there are a lot of activities like campaigns that take place. In the past elections, there are a lot of things that happened. There are people who were assaulted before an election. In the ZEC report that is not mentioned. We have Hon. Members who were assaulted and their vehicles were damaged, but that did not appear in the ZEC report.

On the actual election day, some polling stations had no ballot papers.  Some polling stations were opened at 1400 hours in the afternoon. That affected other people such that they did not manage to vote. In rural areas, people did not vote because it was dark and it was difficult for them to access the polling stations. That is what happened. There were no ballot papers and some polling stations did not open at the stipulated time frame.  It was very unusual that the voting process took two days. Normally, the whole process should take place in one day. In the past election, there was a delay in the process of tabulating the votes. That was a mistake on the part of ZEC. That being the case, people were skeptical that there could be something happening in those two days.

After the counting of the votes, there was a surprise in the manner in which the votes were counted and the way they were announced. In the past, results were counted and an announcement was made about those Members of Parliament and councillors who would have made it. Again, an announcement on Proportional Representation Members would be made, but in the recent past election it was something different. First there was an announcement of the results of the President of Zimbabwe. That was not the normal way in which things were done. We were used to a scenario where results for Presidential election were announced according to provinces. That did not happen in the August 2023 election. We just got information on the grand total for the Presidential election.  We were not used to such a scenario and we were surprised. We took our time to find out how the people had voted in the provinces. These are the issues that we are saying ZEC did not conduct the election properly.

In the post-election period after the announcement of the results, I did not see people in jubilation that there was an election. That was indicative to me that the election had not been properly conducted.  Again, that was indicative to me that people were not happy with the way in which things had been done. We are requesting ZEC to be impartial to all the parties involved. ZEC should handle all the contesting parties in the same manner. We also trust that ZEC should do proper justice to its mandate. Furthermore, we are requesting that in future, they should write a report of things that would have happened so that it reflects credibility and the people will know that ZEC does its job properly. I thank you.

THE HON. DEPUTY PRESIDENT OF SENATE: Unfortunately, the Department of ICT is letting this House down. It is very unfortunate and this is the second time that it is happening. I have said it before that it is important and it is a priority that the interpretation system is fixed. It has got to be done. I am sure we have people who know this technology. As it is, am not the only one who has not followed up that debate. I am sure there are many other Senators. Clerk of Parliament, please pull up your socks.

          +HON. SEN. E. NYATHI: Thank you Mr. President. We thank ZEC for the work they have done with regard to the recently concluded elections. Before the elections, we had the delimitation process where we encountered some problems. People were being transferred from one ward to another. When you go to the voter education, we are grateful to ZEC for the work that they have done. People were educated and also registered. They came again for voter verification. When it came to election time, elections were conducted properly. We would like to thank the President for the manner in which he emphasised that there should not be any violence.

Where I come from in Insiza, Matebeleland South, there was no violence during the elections. People were running around campaigning and talking to each other. Normally, elections are a problem because everyone expects to win. The truth is, we are grateful to ZEC for a job well done. In Insiza, ballot papers arrived on time such that by 7 am, polling stations had been opened and people voted. After counting the votes, the results were displayed outside the polling station and the councillor, M.P and President were announced as having won. We are grateful as Insiza, we have nothing to complain about. We are grateful to ZEC that the elections were peaceful and no one went to court. For us, we would like to thank ZEC for a job well done.

THE MINISTER OF STATE FOR HARARE (HON. SEN. TAWENGWA): I move that the debate do now adjourn.  

          Motion put and agreed to.

          Debate to resume: Thursday, 7th March, 2024.




          HON. SEN. MAVENYENGWA: I move the motion standing in my name that this House:

WHEREAS on 5th December, 2018, His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Dr E. D. Mnangagwa, declared every first Friday of each month as a National Clean-Up Day;

APPALLED by individuals and organisations who fail to partake in the campaign as declared by His Excellency the President; 

GRAVELY CONCERNED that local authorities are negating the National Clean Up Day Campaign by not doing justice in cleaning the cities resulting in rampant littering;

NOTING that funding and resource mobilisation for cleaning our country is inadequate:

NOW, THEREFORE, calls upon —

(a) the local authorities to strictly enforce the by-laws on the cleaning of cities by ensuring that offenders are punished;

(b) the Government to set aside adequate funding towards National Clean-Up Campaigns and come up with strategies to mobilise more resources for such activities; and

(c) encourage all Zimbabweans and organisations to take part in Clean-Up Campaigns.


          HON. SEN. MAVENYENGWA: I rise today to introduce a motion on a matter of critical importance to our nation, the ongoing challenge of waste management and the vital need for a cleaner and healthier Zimbabwe. I want to begin by expressing my sincere gratitude to you, Madam President, for allowing me to present this motion.

The state of cleanliness in our country is a dire issue that demands immediate attention. From overflowing landfills in urban centres to polluted rivers and mountains in rural areas, the impact of improper waste disposal is felt across every corner of Zimbabwe.

In Zimbabwe, tackling waste management and fostering a culture of cleanliness has surpassed political affiliation. His Excellency, Dr. E.D. Mnangagwa's ‘National Clean-Up Day’ initiative launched in 2018, outdoes political boundaries and calls upon all citizens, regardless of background or belief, to contribute to a cleaner and healthier nation. This monthly campaign encourages individuals from all walks of life to dedicate two hours on the first Friday of each month to cleaning their communities, parks, and public spaces. The President himself regularly participates, setting a powerful example of unity and shared responsibility. While political figures often champion such initiatives, the true heart of this campaign lies in the collective action of ordinary citizens, demonstrating the power of community spirit and individual commitment in paving the way for a cleaner and more beautiful Zimbabwe.

For sure, every first Friday, streets bustle with activity as neighbours join hands to pick up litter, businesses organise clean-up drives, and even school children put on gloves to tackle overflowing bins. The air thrums with a shared purpose, a sense of community rising above individual differences. From bustling cityscapes to rural villages, the ‘National Clean-Up Day’ has become a monthly ritual, a chance for everyday Zimbabweans to contribute their two hours and witness the collective impact of their efforts. While challenges remain, the enthusiasm and commitment are undeniable, painting a hopeful picture of a nation united in its pursuit of cleanliness.

Just yesterday, our very own Her Excellency, Dr. A. Mnangagwa was shown on the news engaging different individuals from different political backgrounds cleaning the town of Harare. That, my fellow Senators, is a perfect gesture of leading by example, of a tremendous leader. I want to take this opportunity to thank the First Lady for the splendid job she has been doing for our country. Indeed, she has been very busy since the year started and for that we are grateful. If the First Lady takes the Clean Up seriously, what more a mere citizen!!!

A web of legislation aims to control littering and promote responsible waste management. The Environmental Management Act (EMA) serves as the cornerstone, outlining general waste disposal prohibitions and empowering local authorities to designate waste collection sites. Notably, section 83 (1) explicitly forbids littering, carrying significant fines or imprisonment for violators. Additionally, the EMA's Hazardous Waste Management Regulations impose stricter controls on specific waste types, requiring licences and designated disposal facilities. Further regulations address effluent and solid waste disposal, outlining procedures for waste treatment and disposal depending on its classification. However, enforcing these regulations remains a challenge. Limited resources strain local authorities, and public awareness campaigns are crucial to encourage behaviour change and deter littering. While the legal framework exists, its effectiveness hinges on consistent enforcement, robust infrastructure development, and fostering a culture of environmental responsibility among citizens and organisations.

While all striving for cleanliness, a direct comparison between Zimbabwe, Rwanda, and UAE reveals both shared aspirations and contrasting realities. On one hand, all three nations have prioritised National Clean-Up campaigns, demonstrating a collective commitment to a healthier environment. Rwanda's Umuganda, UAE's National Clean-Up Day, and Zimbabwe's National Clean-Up Day share features like community participation and government leadership.

However, significant differences emerge in infrastructure and enforcement. Both Rwanda and UAE boast robust waste management systems with widespread waste collection, recycling facilities, and efficient disposal methods. I visited both countries and they were very clean. One would not even see any litter in the streets. In contrast, Zimbabwe faces infrastructure gaps, hindering consistent waste collection and leaving many areas reliant on individual initiatives. Additionally, stricter enforcement in Rwanda and UAE deters littering and illegal dumping, contributing to their visibly cleaner landscapes. While Zimbabwe has similar regulations, enforcement remains a challenge, leading to persistent waste issues in some areas.

The fight for a cleaner Zimbabwe cannot be won on willpower alone. While the dedication of communities and individuals participating in Clean-Up campaigns is commendable, it is time to acknowledge the stark reality: mobilising resources is paramount to securing lasting change. We need increased investment in waste collection infrastructure, from expanding our fleet of garbage trucks to establishing efficient recycling plants. Strengthening enforcement mechanisms for littering and illegal dumping is crucial, coupled with educational campaigns that foster environmental awareness and behavioural change. This necessitates not just individual contributions but also collaborative efforts between the government, private sector, NGOs, and communities.

Our President's call for a cleaner Zimbabwe is not just a directive, it is a challenge and a beacon of hope. It is a call to arms for each and every one of us to wield not weapons, but brooms, trash bags, and a renewed sense of responsibility. Let u answer this call not out of obligation, but out of respect for ourselves, our communities, and the breath-taking land we share.

Additionally, Zimbabwe is a country known for its exquisite sites suitable for tourism. What would the tourists as well as delegation visitors think when they are welcomed with dirty streets and parks? Madam President, I believe the City Councils along with an individual Zimbabwean, can create a clean Zimbabwe. In the same line of thought, the Zimbabwe is open for business mantra means we have investors coming from different parts of the world at any time any day. Thus, it is imperative to always be ready and that means having a clean country. As a nation, it is trite to stand ready for anyone.

          Remember, the laws against littering and improper waste disposal exist not to restrict us, but to protect us. Every plastic bottle tossed carelessly, every overflowing bin ignored, becomes a threat to our health, our environment, and our future. Let us not wait for enforcement; let us embrace these regulations as guiding principles for building a cleaner, healthier nation. Today, let us pledge to not just participate in clean-up drives, but to make every day a clean-up day. Let us answer the President's call, not just with words, but with action, and together, write a new chapter in Zimbabwe's story – a chapter marked by pride, responsibility, and a shared commitment to a clean and sustainable future.

There are a limited number of litter bins in the CBD areas of towns. Buses and kombis do not have litter bins for passengers to use which eventually enables them to throw litter everywhere and anywhere. I believe in starting small, thus if we try as much as we can to make sure there is sufficient litter bins in every corner of the city and in all things that are for public use, we will attain a clean Zimbabwe.

I believe this motion reflects the concerns of my constituency and the wider public. It is time for us to act decisively and work together to ensure that Zimbabwe becomes a nation we can all be proud of, a nation where clean streets, unspoiled landscapes, and a healthy environment are not just aspirations, but a reality. Remember cleanliness is next to Godliness. I thank you.

*HON. SEN. TONGOGARA: Thank you Mr. President for giving me the opportunity to debate this very important motion raised by Hon. Sen. Mavenyengwa.  This issue is very pertinent and it requires us as Zimbabweans to uphold ubuntu. When we were growing up, we could wake up early in the morning and clean the yard and put all the trash in the rubbish pit.  Those who are tenants know that it is pertinent to clean where you stay and everyone knows that.  The problem is, we have no designated places to deposit our garbage unless we dig pits to deposit the litter in our yards.  Wherever you go, you see huge piles of garbage.  Those who are responsible for the disposal of the garbage disposed by people are not doing their work at all.  In the past, people staying in towns knew when the bins would be collected by council.  The garbage bins were put outside and council would collect and deposit the garbage at designated places.  There is nothing like that anymore.  Council is no longer practicing this type of hygiene.  Even the bins are no longer being distributed amongst the households.  We are accusing people for not exercising cleanliness but the problem lies with council which is not collecting the garbage.  Council should work to ensure that the garbage is deposited at designated places. 

          I also want to thank Government for the Pomona project.  People said a lot of things when this project started but the Government continued to make sure the dumpsite issue was resolved.  We recently read in the papers that there is recycling going on at Pomona and there is production of electricity into the national grid.  However, when this project started, many people were against it and they were saying people wanted to misuse the money, but currently Pomona is doing very well.  So, I am requesting that we have more dumpsites like Pomona where recycling and production of electricity is done so that the country benefits.  It is very important that we use the garbage for the benefit of the country just like what is happening at Pomona.  Right now, we are here representing different constituencies and the key thing which should be encouraged is to teach people from our different constituencies cleanliness and hygiene.  If we achieve this, we will have somewhere to start from.  We give people enough knowledge that disposing garbage in undesignated areas is not a good thing.  It will act as a reminder because most people are aware of this issue, so it is very important for MPs to go out and remind the people especially in towns.  The problem is rife in towns because of different people with different cultures and practices emanating from where they come from.  Their way of handling the environment is also different, so it is important to teach them how to manage garbage.  This should however start with the city fathers because they are the ones who are letting us down in terms of garbage management.  This will help alleviate diseases like Cholera.  You see that when there is a Cholera outbreak, people blame the Ministry of Health and the Government, but it is important to look at the root cause of the problem.  We blame those who are supposed to provide services like medicines but those who are supposed to prevent the occurrence or the spread of these diseases are not being blamed.  Therefore, it is very important to find ways to address the problem. 

          Hon. Sen. Mavenyengwa also raised the issue of garbage bins.  The Environmental Management Agency (EMA) sometimes does put bins but they are so small that by 10am, they will be full as people bring litter from their homes and throw it in those little bins.  If it was possible, let us go back to our traditional way of doing things.  People used to put their bins outside and council would take away the garbage for disposal.  People could be fined for improper disposal because the bins were there.  Currently, people deposit garbage at the wrong places and if you want people to pay a fine, they will ask you where the bins are.  Let us address the issue of bins and make sure that we have enough bins in the country which are big enough and can serve the whole population in towns. 

          I also want to thank His Excellency the President, Dr. E. D. Mnangagwa and his wife Dr. A. Mnangagwa, for working hard towards the National Clean-Up campaign and ensuring that we stay in a clean environment.  They leave their jobs behind and go and lead Clean-Up campaigns to ensure Zimbabweans stay in a clean environment and our tourists can emulate the good behaviour and the proper practices happening in the country.  I am encouraging Hon. Members in this august House to follow the rightful way that is being led by the first family, of upholding ubuntu and doing things right so that our country can be emulated by other countries.  Let us follow suit wherever we are.  Right now, most of us travel from one place to another in our cars and we should also have small bins where you put all the litter.  Even those you give transport will see the bin and will put their litter in the bin.  So, teach everyone you are with the proper way of disposing garbage. 

Even when you are in a bus, Mr. President, it is important to spread the education of proper disposition of garbage. Even those in buses, they must be told that they must have bins in their cars for people to dispose their waste after eating their bananas or other fruits. This will help us as a country. I remember one day Mr. President Sir, I was travelling the same direction with a bus and someone just threw out an empty bottle and almost hit my windscreen. I only thanked God that I did not face the incident of the windscreen being crashed by the bottle. If the education of proper disposal…

– [Time Limit.] –

Thank you Mr. President. If these bus drivers and passengers were educated about the issue of proper disposal of waste, we would not have situations like that. I was saying let us teach all the public transport providers that it is important to have dust bins in their vehicles. Let it begin with us as legislators to have bins in our cars. This will help to uphold the beauty of the country. We were once a country which was emulated by other countries. Thank you Mr. President Sir for awarding me this opportunity.

^HON. SEN. MALULEKE: Thank you Mr. President for giving this opportunity to contribute towards the motion raised by Hon. Sen. Mavenyengwa on the issue of hygiene and having a clean environment. We thank His Excellency for introducing this clean-up campaign programme on 5th December 2018, that on every first Friday of the week, we must clean our environment so that we have a clean environment. We want people who are known by cleanliness be it a father, mother, girl or boy. In the past Mr. President, each and every household would have a pit to dispose of their waste and garbage. Even the younger ones were taught that.

During the marriage ceremonies, when the wife was being handed over to the husband’s family, the first thing they did was to make sure they reach the in-laws’ family early in the morning and sweep the yard. We have got a problem Mr. President because most of the untidiness originates from the towns. That is why there are high cases of Cholera and Diarrhea and the spread of the same starts from towns. Right now in Bulawayo, there is a high spread of Diarrhea. Councils must make sure that waste is collected and disposed of on proper areas. These councils are the ones collecting levies from people because people are paying for the services. Therefore, the service must be delivered.

Councils must make sure that the bins are placed at all bus tops and in all public places. There is no one going to work and make sure that our environment is clean. We are the ones who should make sure that we are staying in a proper and clean environment. Let us unite and work together to ensure that our environments are clean. Right now some of the waste that is found in most areas is not garbage as such, it is money. For example, empty bottles of water, plastic bags and tins are needed for recycling purposes. We need to learn to separate our garbage as a country and sell those that can be recycled.

Mr. President, it is important to focus on teaching people that there is recycling needed to be done so that we can get money and women can be uplifted, especially in rural areas and even in towns. There is spread of a lot of diseases because of the garbage and dirt. Right now Chiredzi and many other areas were affected by Cholera. When the environment is not clean, there is quick spreading of different of diseases.  Hence, there is need for us to unite and make sure that our environments are clean. For example, in an area where there are flies, diseases spread quickly. We must work together in our communities and clean our environments. We must not blame other people for our environments when they are not clean, but we must work as a country and united as Zimbabweans to make sure that our environments are clean.

I also encourage councils to have designated dump sites. Right now there are no proper dump sites. People are selling their goods everywhere, but there are no proper garbage disposal sites. Mr. President, I remember an incident where a woman was carrying a baby walking on top of garbage, and she, together with that baby, fell down. They were both injured. Hence, it is important to make sure that as communities, councils, as Members of Parliament and as citizens, we use proper garbage disposal ways. I also thank Hon. Sen. Mavenyengwa for bringing this pertinent motion. Let us work together from our rural areas and towns in cleaning our areas. The First Family, His Excellency, Dr. Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, His Wife, Amai Auxillia Mnangagwa began an important programme. They put aside their work to go and clean the environment. If His Excellency and the First Family take time to clean during the cleanup campaign, who are we? As Zimbabweans, we must emulate and follow the example of His Excellency to ensure the environment is clean. I thank you Mr. President.

*HON. SEN. RUNGANI: Thank you Mr. President. I want to support the motion raised by Hon. Sen. Mavenyengwa on the issue of cleanliness in our country so that we can live well without any challenges from diseases. The issues of garbage have increased. In the past, Harare City was referred to as the Sunshine City. Garbage was being disposed at the designated areas. Right now it is no longer the same. Garbage is being disposed everywhere, but it is supposed to be carried by the responsible people. Residents deposit their garbage in bins, but are not being collected. It ends up a culture that garbage is not being collected. It was supposed to be collected by the responsible authorities and disposed at the designated areas. Who is responsible for carrying garbage and disposing it? We have got different Government departments, but councils were given the mandate to make sure that garbage is disposed at the rightful places.  Even as a mother at home, I must make sure that the garbage is deposited at the rightful place. As people, if we are given jobs to do, we must execute them properly.  Long back, we used to go to Mbare, it was a clean place.  The place used to be very smart but right now in Mbare, there are huge piles of garbage.  You find that people are cooking food at those dirty places.  People are buying food from those places.  Hence you see that those who are responsible of carrying garbage and disposing it at the rightful places are not doing that.  We must make sure that they are executing their duties properly.  They started by not collecting bins and bins ended up spilling. 

          If they are given the task to collect bins, they must collect bins.  Those people who are into buying and selling, they are selling at dirty places.  This has resulted in the spread of diseases.  I visited my relative in Chitungwiza, sewer was spilling, sewage was everywhere and some people were selling food near the sewer which had busted.  How do we expect people not to contract diseases when we have such places?  The President allocated people different tasks concerning the environment, but those people are not executing them properly.  Hence, he put aside one day, which is the first Friday of every month to make sure that as Zimbabweans, we go around picking all the dirt and depositing them at the rightful places to prevent the spread of diseases. 

          Right now, both rural and urban councils are not executing their duties properly.  Where we come from, people are throwing pampers everywhere.  When we grew up, it was a taboo to see a pamper which is not properly disposed.  People are now throwing pampers everywhere after putting it in a plastic. 

          Mr. President, as leaders of the people, I think that it is very important to teach people not to throw garbage at undesignated places.  I see that those who are in councils are not executing their duties properly.  Our towns used to be the cleanest towns in this continent.  Right now, in towns, you find that all the open spaces are now filled with garbage.  Mr. President, let us get united as a country, as communities, and make sure that garbage is being deposited at designated places.  I feel that councils from rural to urban are no longer doing their duties properly.  Rural councils are no longer carrying garbage and disposing the garbage properly.  People must dispose pampers and all other types of garbage properly.  Thank you, Mr. President.

          *HON. SEN. GOTORA: Thank you Mr. President for giving me the opportunity to add my voice to the motion.  Let me take this opportunity to explain where the problem is emanating from.  The issue of debt in the country or uncleanliness; if you go back to culture, as a son of a Chief, I know one of the duties of Chief Chinhamora is to make sure that his place is properly preserved.  There were places where we call durunhuru or dump sites to make sure that our area of Chinhamora stays clean.  There were places again in these rural areas called zambarota where we put ashes after removing them from a fireplace.  It means that people grew up knowing that these places are designated for those who are going to properly deposit the dirt.  During the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, there was the African Development Fund which we now call RIDA, some of us know it as DDF.  There were people who had the responsibility of making sure that different areas are kept clean.  We used to call these people environmentalists, people who make sure that the environments are clean.  If people saw that you were not properly depositing the garbage, it was an offence.  During the Government of Smith, there were 32 laws for the environment management and preservation of wet areas.  We noticed that the laws were many and we consolidated them to come up with one law.  That is where the Environmental Management Agency (EMA) comes from.  EMA is a combination of 32 laws. 

EMA has powers through the Ministry of Environment, to make sure that the environment is clean.  But the problem emanates from the structure of EMA. From each and every district, you find that there is one officer and an office orderly; they are only two.  They cannot manage the whole district to make sure it is clean.  I am referring to rural areas and towns.  A district is a district no matter it is in town or rural area.  Most of the EMA officers spend their time at head offices and we do not know what they are doing there. I do not want to dwell much on this issue. The power to make sure that our country stays clean is there in different laws, but there are no law enforcement agencies for these laws. For example, the Rural District Council Act has 65 powers and six of them have something to do with the environment, but there is nothing that is happening. The Urban Council Act has 45 powers and out of these, six of them there is something to do with cleanliness and the environment. So where is the problem? The problem is that we are giving people jobs which they cannot deliver because we have ministries who are supposed to supervise these things at national, provincial and district level. My question is that what are these people doing in offices? We are allocating them a budget every year for them to go and do what?

          For example, the Minister of Environment, his Permanent Secretary, Chief Director and Director pass through different roads seeing garbage and litter everyday, but they do not say anything to council in terms of executing their duties. The laws are there. Again, the Minister of Local Government passes through where houses are being built at undesignated areas, but he does nothing to stop the construction of these houses. We are giving them money to do what because they are not executing their duties?  Are we giving them money to go for workshops in Victoria Falls but at the grassroots level, not executing their duties properly?

          Senator Maluleke spoke in her own language, but she was talking about the powers of chiefs and all traditional leaders to make sure that we stay in a clean environment. She also spoke about the powers of local authorities whether rural or urban to make sure that the country is clean. Right now, we have given the President the job to go around the city picking litter, yet the President gave us the laws to make sure that we administer those laws. We have given the task to the First Lady to go and clean right in front of the Town House where there is a Mayor, Town Clerk and Director of Health, yet there is an Act which empowers these people about the seven areas which they are expected to execute. What are those people doing? Why are we keeping them at these jobs? That is the question which I have.

          Let us make sure that all the laws to do with the environment and cleanliness in the country are followed to the latter. The EMA Act and the Environment Act discourage the use of plastics like those being given at OK or TM supermarkets. In other countries, they have copied our laws and they are no longer giving plastic bags. They are giving people khaki carrier bags.  The laws which countries like Rwanda are using are the same as ours, but the problem we have here is enforcement. Those who were given the jobs to execute on the issue of environment are not doing their jobs properly. I thank you.

          *HON. SEN. MUPFUMIRA: Thank you Mr. President for giving me this opportunity to add my voice on the motion raised by Hon. Sen. Mavenyengwa, seconded by Hon. Sen. Tongogara. Most of the issues have been raised. I want to say that we need to help each other as leaders to find a better solution to address this issue without pointing fingers at each other.

I want to look at the issue of litter first. There is litter which decomposes like vegetables and leaves and then we have the other types of garbage which do not decay and here I am talking about metal cans and plastic bottles. A long time ago in our villages, we used to have garbage, but the issue of handling it was different. We used to sweep our yards everyday, but not all the litter was thrown away. Materials which decompose were used to make compost.  Litter is something that we stay with in our everyday lives. What is important is how we dispose litter. Materials such as food leftovers and leaves can help us to make our own composts. Even in town at my place of residence, I do have a compost. Everything which decays, I make sure that I deposit it at my compost and the litter which does not decompose like plastics and tins are recycled.

The problem that I see nowadays is that we do not have proper knowledge that plastics are not meant to be deposited in the dustbins. Plastics can be recycled to make things like buckets or bags and this can empower our people. What is needed is to educate people on the proper methods of waste management. There are industries which are taking plastics and other empty containers for recycling. Right now if you throw away litter in the bins, there are people who are going about searching the bins for these materials for sale. We must teach each other to separate the recyclable materials from the litter which cannot be recycled. We must teach our people on how we can benefit from the plastics. For example, at this moment in time, we expect our country to reach a point where we do not allow plastic to be thrown away. For plastic to decompose, it takes over 40 years for plastics to decompose.

          If you have an opportunity to go to Lake Chivero and see what is in Lake Chivero, people in households and even those in industrial areas go there to deposit their dirty and we end up not wanting to eat fish from Lake Chivero. When we talk of Clean Up, we are talking about even the industrial deposits or waste being deposited in Mukuvisi and other water sources, but knowledge is needed to teach people about separating the garbage which decay and that which does not decay. We cannot be able to fight this issue of separation of dirty if we do not include the students.

          If you farm using manure from the compost, you will find that those crops are defined under organic which fetches more money in the market. Let us learn that our places are being cleaned and the dirty is being separated. A bus can come from South Africa with its dirt on the bus but the moment people cross the border, they open the windows and begin to through away rubbish. We are the ones who are opening the windows and throwing out the garbage, not the Government. So, why is it that the moment people cross the border and enter Zimbabwe, the start to open windows depositing their dirt outside?

Let us teach our children from early childhood to make sure that they know the proper way of depositing the garbage. If you attend a function, you see young children going around picking the empty bottles and putting them in plastic bags. As elders, we just throw away our litter everywhere. Right now, even here in Parliament, we do not have bins and even in our cars but we have got a lot of food stuffs in the cars. We must have bins even in our cars. We used to have clubs in the past in rural areas and even here in towns, where people were taught on how to dispose of their garbage properly.

Right now, we are now pointing fingers at each other. What are you thinking as an individual about the garbage that you have left at home? Let us teach our children from a young age so that they know how dirt is deposited. Our curriculum in schools must include the issue of proper garbage disposal and environmental issues. As people’s representatives in different areas, let us take the initiative to start activities like clubs for both women and men and how we can teach each other the recycling of garbage for income generation. Let us create gardening competitions for those who are using organic manure.

We tend to have good composts from the dirty which we generate from our houses. It is very important even for those in public transport and kombis, there is need to engage them on proper garbage disposal. If you look at SDG 8, it talks of safe working environments. Whether it is local government or the Government itself, it must make sure that those people who are selling their goods and services are given safe and good working environments. We must make sure that we provide decency and that those women who sometimes clash with council, running away from council police officers, are given proper designated areas where they can sell their wares with proper disposal bins. We can make sure they pay taxes because they are working from proper places.

Let us make sure that we craft laws which create good working environments. We see that it is easy if we go and see the Pomona area. People used to complain about Pomona, but those who started that programme saw it as important to have such a programme where garbage can be used to produce something profitable. The council now knows that if you go to Pomona and deposit your dump, you will be paid. There is a place in Victoria Falls and even at Victoria Falls Hotel where they have a programme which they use the garbage to come up with different things which they sell. Hence, we need this knowledge to cascade to all other people so that we can benefit as a country.

I am not going to repeat what other Hon. Members have said, but there is need for enforcement so that those who are seen depositing their garbage unprocedurally are dealt with and fined. You find that those who are in the business of collecting garbage such as plastics come back to you selling wares like handbags. Let us teach the youth and all age groups. Let us be united as Zimbabweans that we teach people about the positives which can come out from the garbage. Yes, the Local Government in the past said they were going to give three plastic bins for households to deposits their rubbish; one for decomposing material, one for plastics and the other for bottles.

Let us make sure that we sit down with the councils and make sure that these things are done properly. There are people who are collecting garbage and benefitting from it. Hence, we are pleading that information on how to separate garbage and how people can benefit from it must be cascaded to schools, churches and so on to make sure people know. In Mashonaland West, people were saying they are the ones who do a lot of organising in terms of rallies and other stuff and hence, it is very important to make sure that as individuals, we come up with ideas for proper disposal of garbage.

The Ministry of Agriculture must help us to use the disposed litter in order to come up with composts which can be used as fertiliser in our farms and not rely on chemicals.  These crops which are grown using composts fetch high prices in other countries.  Let us educate each other, and let us work together to make sure that as Parliamentarians, we do not dispose garbage at undesignated places. 

We can set an example that at Parliament, we are not allowed to dispose garbage at undesignated places.  Yes, it is very important to know that the garbage which we throw away is very important.  Let us learn to separate the garbage which decomposes from that which is recyclable and make sure that as a country, we develop.  Let us unite as a country and make sure that we stay in clean environments.

HON. SEN. KABONDO:  Thank you Mr. President. My words are few because others have already contributed.  I do not know if I will repeat what has been said because we use different languages, therefore I may have failed to understand the other language.  As I listened, I heard Hon. Senators talking about what they would have seen happening. My contribution will be different because I do not stay in the city, but will mainly focus on where I stay and what happens on hygiene.  My words are very few, but very important because they hinge on people’s lives.  I stay in a national park where we have beautiful trees that can encourage you to stay outside and enjoy the fresh air, but we cannot do that because of dirt around us, the sewer system.  We stay indoors because of the bad smell from the sewer. Before I say a lot, I would want to say that smelling, that bad air from the sewer does not bring good health.  Therefore, we are appealing that as we come up with ways of improving hygiene, let us always think of what the people will breathe in as fresh air.  Thank you so much. 

HON. SEN. C. NDLOVU:  I would also want to debate the motion about waste management.  I understand that every first Friday of the month, all cities or people should clean their areas of work or residence because there will be a lot of trash. 

This matter of waste management is a deliberate matter because these cities have got responsible authorities – these authorities go to work and the question is why do we continue to see waste at undesignated places?  At every province, there is a Resident Minister who stays in that province, in the city there is a Mayor and Town Clerk as well who are in charge of that city.  Now, we hear the President of a country saying please attend to waste management when we have such authorities in place.  What causes that waste to be there?  These people who are mandated to do the job – why are they failing to carry out their mandate?  Is it possible that they have failed to supply them with relevant vehicles to ferry the waste?  We should examine that matter as to what is the root cause of that.

It is common cause that there should be waste which should be moved. Now it is our duty to attend to this every first Friday of the month.  Where are the responsible authorities who are supposed to do that?  This is why I stood up to say this before you.  There is something wrong that needs to be examined here.  What is the root cause of this matter?  We always talk about waste which is at undesignated places – what causes that?

It is not the President’s responsibility to look into such matters when there are authorities mandated to do that. This is why I am raising this Mr. President Sir. 

HON. SEN. MAVENYENGWA: I move that the debate do now adjourn.


Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Wednesday, 7th March, 2024.



  Fourth Order read:  Adjourned debate on motion on Programme on Climate Smart Agriculture.

  Question again proposed.

  HON. SEN. MOHADI:  I move that the debate do now adjourn.


  Motion put and agreed to.

  Debate to resume:  Thursday, 7th March, 2024.



  Fifth Order read:  Adjourned debate on motion on the successive road accidents on consecutive days which claimed the scores of lives in the month of November 2023.

  Question again proposed.

  HON. SEN. MLOTSHWA:  I move that the debate do now adjourn.

  HON. SEN. ZVIDZAI:  I second.

  Motion put and agreed to.

  Debate to resume:  Thursday, 7th March, 2024.



Sixth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on Programmes to curb drug and substance abuse by the Youths.

  Question again proposed.

  HON. SEN. HUNGWE:  I move that the debate do now adjourn.

  HON. SEN. TONGOGARA: I second.

  Motion put and agreed to.

  Debate to resume:  Thursday, 7th March, 2024.



Seventh Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the Delegation to the 53th Plenary Assembly Session of the SADC Parliamentary Forum.

  Question again proposed.

  HON. SEN. MBOHWA:  I move that the debate do now adjourn.

  HON. SEN. HUNGWE: I second.

  Motion put and agreed to.

  Debate to resume:  Thursday, 7th March, 2024.



Eighth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech.

Question again proposed.

HON. SEN. HUNGWE: Mr. President Sir, I move that the debate do now adjourn.


Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Thursday, 7th March, 2024.

On the motion of HON. SEN. HUNGWE, seconded by HON. SEN. TONGOGARA, the House adjourned at Twenty-Three Minutes past Four o’clock p.m.

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