Full Names: Kudhlande Patricia                           Secondary: Amhlophe Secondary School -Bulawayo


Constituency: PR                                                   University:


Political Party: ZANU PF                                    Any Other Forms of Training


Nick Name: Mother Sharks                                                            Parliamentary Career


Gender: Female                                                      Political History

  • Born ZANU PF, now Central Committee Member


Date of Birth:  15/09/1971                                    Career in General


Place of Birth: Bulawayo                                      – Businesswoman


Title: Ms                                                                  Additional Information


Marital Status: Widow                                         Areas of Interest

House: National Assembly                                    – Gender

  • Development

Contact Details

  • Mining

Home Address: Nyanyadzi Primary School

                          Box 10


Cell Number: 0772205002


Landline Number:


Email Address: trishande@gmail.com






Academic Qualifications


Primary: St Peters Primary School – Bulawayo

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