Full names:  Bhila Roy


Constituency:  Chiredzi North


Political party:  ZANU PF


Nick name: 


Gender:  Male


Date of Birth:  25 February 1980


Place of Birth:  Chipinge


Title:  Mr


Marital status:  Married


House: National Assembly


Contact Details


Home Address:  C/O 2 Lot 3A Essanby,



Cell Number:  0774 717 427


Landline Number:


Email Address:  roybhila@gmail.com






Academic Qualifications (


Primary:  Chipiwa Primary School

Secondary: Mkwasine Secondary School




Any Other Forms of Training



Parliamentary Career

Member of the National Assembly from 2018 and was reelected in August 2023


Political History

2001 – 2002 District Secretary for ADM


Career in General


Additional Information


Areas of Interest

  • Soccer and netball


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