Gender            :  Female


Date of Birth   :05-10-51


Place of Birth  : Chiredzi


Title                :  Mrs


Status              : Married


House              :  Senate




Contact Details


Home Address           :287 Inyathi Rd, Chiredzi


Cell Number   :  0775767170


Landline Number: N/ A


Email Address : N/ A



Academic Qualifications (institutions Attended and qualifications attained)


Primary           :Muteyo Primary School


Secondary       :



Tertiary/ University:   Currently Studying for a Bachelor of Science in Development Studies degree. 



Any other Forms of Training

  • Women Adviser
  • Red Cross Instructor
  • Village Health Worker



Parliamentary Career


Member of Parliament since 2013 to date


Political History

  • Active in Politics since 1960
  • Freedom Fighter  in 1970
  • Assisted with food and clothing in the liberation Struggle
  • Recruited boys and girls into the liberation struggle together with Cde Eliot Chauke
  • District  Member of ZANU- PF
  • Provincial Member of ZANU – PF
  • Current Central  Committee Member



Career in General


  • Teaching
  • Co-coordinator Nurse AID ( Red Cross)


Areas of Interest

  • Soccer
  • Clubs and Projects for Women


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