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Tuesday, 9th March, 2021.

The National Assembly met at a Quarter-past Two O’clock p.m.


(THE HON. SPEAKER in the Chair)

HON. KWARAMBA:  Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  I rise on a point of privilege. Yesterday 8th March was International Women’s Day, marking the global commemoration of International Women’s Day under the theme #Choose to Challenge.

As the Women’s Caucus, we have chosen to challenge the status quo in women representation in all sectors at decision making level.  In celebrating Women’s Day, we the Members of the Caucus, will continue to push for implementation of section 17 of the Constitution which provides for gender equality.  We will soon be bringing before this House our 50:50 position paper in light of the low representation of women.  We are happy that our listening President, Cde E. D. Mnangagwa has given his nod to 30% women’s quota in local government.  This is just a starting point but we would like a 50:50.  We would like to see this implemented as it lays a basis for more women to be in decision making positions.

I would like to wish all female Members of Parliament as well as spouses of male MPs here present and Parliamentary secretariat, a happy women’s month.  Remember all men are products of women.  I thank you.

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Thank you very much Hon. Kwaramba.  I am sure we join the Women’s Caucus and indeed, the entire nation and world at large in the celebration of the International Women’s Day.

(v)HON. JAMES CHIDAKWA:  Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  I rise on a point of privilege.  The Minister of Primary and Secondary Education was allocated $200 million for the provision of free sanitary wear to school girls in the 2020 National Budget.  Now that 2020 is gone, and in line with the mandatory constitutional requirements of transparency and accountability, I would be glad if you could ask the Minister to issue a ministerial statement in regards to-

  1. How the money was utilised?
  2. How much sanitary wear was bought?
  3. How many schools and girls benefitted?
  4. Who were the suppliers of the sanitary wear?
  5. Was any consultation done on the type of sanitary wear to buy and;
  6. Whether there is a clear guideline in the implementation of the programme.

I thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.

THE HON. SPEAKER:  I recommend that you ask that question tomorrow to the relevant Minister so that it is dealt with immediately.

HON. BITI:  Hon. Speaker Sir, I rise on a point of privilege specifically directed by the Public Accounts Committee to raise this point.  Hon. Speaker Sir, this relates to the meetings of Committees.  At the present moment we are being hampered in that we can only do online meetings.  Some Committee’s work depends on interviews of external bodies that we oversee.  In the Public Accounts Committee, we oversee the Government itself, parastatals, local authorities and bodies and institutions covered by special forensic reports and value for money audits.  So our work as Committees is being crippled by the absence of physical meetings in view of the relaxation of COVID-19 laws and the movement from level 4 to the new liberalised levels, we ask Hon. Speaker that we be allowed to meet; consistent with the law, not more than 30, including the guests and ourselves physically so that we can do the important work that constitutionally we are obligated to do.  I thank you very much Mr. Speaker Sir.

          THE HON. SPEAKER: Thank you Hon. Biti, I thought you made an observation. As far as meeting outside the boundaries of Parliament is concerned, like visiting some parastatals and so on, I think the current protocols by Government and WHO is to allow us now to proceed accordingly.  However, if you want to meet here in Committee rooms we are restricting you Hon. Members and Committees to meet in the National Assembly and in the Senate only.  If you are to meet in your Committee rooms, you should not be more than ten.  So the Clerk of Parliament will give you a written directive accordingly so that you can act in that manner – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] -

          HON. BITI: Thank you Mr. Speaker, may the Lord continue to guide you in your future and your promotions.

          HON. NDEBELE: On a point of privilege Mr. Speaker Sir.

          THE HON. SPEAKER: What is your point of privilege?

          HON. NDEBELE: Thank you Hon. Speaker Sir.  I am raising this on Rule 60 on a matter of public importance.  Hon. Speaker, I do not know how I can bring this across politely but it is a fact that there was little love lost between the previous administration and the people of Matabeleland and all those that live in it.  That saw a lot of painful things Hon. Speaker visiting us as a community, one of those was denying our youth access to vocational skills,  I am rising to bemoan and also to implore your office to request the Vocational Skills Training at Ntabazinduna, the one that was taken away to train police officers, the one that currently lies as a white elephant, that it be given back to the Ministry of Youth as it is the only Youth Training Centre on vocational skills in Matabeleland North; so that our youth are able to access life skills at that vocational centre.  Whatever happened then seems to have happened at the highest political level and to disentangle it, we must operate it at that level.  I implore your office to appeal to the Executive to return the only vocational skills training centre for our youth back to the ministry because Matabeleland North has no Vocational Skills Training centre - other provinces have 5 or 6.  Youth from as far as Binga are made to travel up to Gokwe to access skills training.  I am glad the second republic Hon. Speaker has pledged to put to an end whatever was happening between us - those who live in Matabeleland and the previous administration.  I thank you – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] -

          THE HON. SPEAKER: Order, let me warn Hon. Members when you raise issues of national interest by appealing to the Chair. Do not mix up my role as Speaker of this Assembly and what the Executive needs to do.  Some of these issues are better directed to the Executive directly either by a question during question time, oral or written – [HON. NDEBELE: Inaudible interjections.] – Order Hon. Ndebele, I cannot act as a Commissar to go and plead the case of Hon. Members. While I sympathise and totally agree with your observation, but I cannot act from this Chair accordingly.  So, my advice – [HON. NDEBELE: Inaudible interjections.] – Hon. Ndebele either you hear me or you hear yourself.  I was going to suggest to you Hon. Ndebele to do full justice to this issue.  You may raise a motion that will be debated fully and get our Parliament to pronounce itself on the matter accordingly, because it is quite a substantial matter that should not be left to some negotiations between the Chair and the Executive.

          HON. T. MLISWA: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir, may I add to Hon. Kwaramba’s point of privilege and also as yesterday was Women’s Day, Abraham Lincoln says, “All that I am, or hope to be, I owe it to my mother”.

          THE HON. SPEAKER: You are now debating.

          HON. T. MLISWA: To just add, I just thought it was Women’s Day and I thought I would...

          THE HON. SPEAKER: No, if you want to add, come up with a motion please.

          HON. T. MLISWA: Okay Mr. Speaker Sir, my point of privilege is to do with the Missing Persons Act. The Missing Persons Act states that after two years there has got to be a declaration that somebody who has been missing is dead. We seem not to be seeing it being enforced by the Ministry of Home Affairs. I say this because on this day the 9th, six years ago that is when Itai Dzamara went missing. We have spoken about this many a times in Parliament and there was supposed to be a report back from the Executive pertaining to where the issue is. I thought about the mother and the wife yesterday to say for how long are they going to be in agony and I think it is about time it was brought to its logical conclusion.

          The Missing Persons Act also allows procedures to be taken and also the wind up of the estate as well. It important that we also hear what has happened to that and it is an issue which the Second Republic would be more than happy to dispose of because it about us reforming and a lot of issues. For me, I really thought about the wife and the mother yesterday to say, the agony that they are going through as a family is a bit too much and I think it must get to a point where we say yes he is dead and they are given a death certificate. The estate is wound up and life moves on. We seem to be holding them on to something that they are not in control of. As Parliament, we must be seen to be representing everyone in terms of national interest and to many others who are in the same predicament as well, can it also see its end. Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.

          THE HON. SPEAKER: We will advice the Hon. Minister of Home Affairs to take the necessary steps to have closure to this issue.



          HON. MUTAMBISI: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir. I move that Orders of the Day, Nos. 1 to 9 be stood over until Order of the Day No. 10 has been disposed of.

          HON. MPARIWA: I second.

          Motion put and agreed to.



          HON. MUTAMBISI: I rise to move the motion standing in my name that this House suspends provisions of Standing Orders Number 44 and 107 in respect of the adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Address.

          HON. MPARIWA: I second.

          HON. MUTAMBISI: Thank you Mr. Speaker. In moving my motion on the suspension of Standing Order Number 44 in respect of the adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Address, I have to categorically state that this is not an ordinary motion in the sitting calendar of Parliament. It is a respectful address which must be accorded the decorum that is very befitting of all its characteristics. The time limit for the motion on the adjourned debate in reply to the Presidential Address expired at a time when some Hon. Members were still eager to contribute and offer their gratitude in respect to His Excellency, the President for the speech that he was pleased to address to the joint sitting of Parliament. It is against this background that I crave the indulgence of this august for the suspension of the said Standing Orders so that the debate on this motion is conclusively done. I therefore, move that the provisions of Standing Orders Number 44 be suspended in order to allow further debate on the adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech. I thank you.

          THE HON. SPEAKER: Before I put the question Hon. Member, it is my hope that the debate will be concluded this week. In future we may not allow the waiver because we need to stick to the rules and orders as well. As Whips, I indicated in the Committee of the LCC that you have to stick to the Orders and I hope you have lined up the Ministers to respond so that you can conclude this debate on Thursday.

          HON. MPARIWA: Thank you Hon. Speaker Sir.  In seconding this particular motion that we need to restore the SONA on the Order Paper, it is necessitated by the fact that most of the Hon. Members who wished to debate have not done so adequately and I think the opportunity for them to have issues that connect to their constituencies and in the communities be given in this space of time. I am glad that you have targeted Thursday as the date that every Hon. Member who wish to debate on the motion will do so. I thank you Hon. Speaker Sir.

          Motion put and agreed to.



          HON. MUTAMBISI: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir. I would like to move that Orders of the Day, Nos. 1 to 23 on today’s Order Paper be stood over until Order of the Day No. 24 has been disposed of.

          HON. MPARIWA: I second.

          Motion put and agreed to.



          HON. NDIWENI: I move the motion standing in my name that this House takes note of the Report of the 47th Plenary Assembly Session of the SADC- Parliamentary Forum, held virtually from 9th to 11th October 2020 in Windhoek, Namibia.

          HON. MAKONYA: I second.

          HON. NDIWENI: Thank you Hon. Speaker.

1.0    Introduction

1.1    The 47th Plenary Assembly Session of the SADC Parliamentary Forum was held virtually from 9th  to 11th October, 2020 under the theme: "The Role of Parliaments in Strengthening Accountability During a Pandemic: The Case of COVID-19. In this regard, National Parliaments shared their interventions towards mitigating the exigencies brought by the COVID -19 pandemic.

1.2    The Speaker’s delegation from Zimbabwe was led by Hon. Advocate Jacob Francis Nzwidamilimo Mudenda, Speaker of the National Assembly. It comprised the following Members of Parliament: -

o   Hon. Tambudzani Mohadi, Member of the Standing Committee on Food, Agriculture, Natural Resources and Infrastructure;

o   Hon. Goodluck Kwaramba, Member of the Standing Committee on Gender Equality, Women Advancement and Youth Development and Chairperson of the Zimbabwe Women’s Parliamentary Caucus;

o   Hon. Dought Ndiweni, Member of the Standing Committee on Democratisation, Governance and Human Rights;

o   Hon. Anele Ndebele, Chairperson of the  Standing Committee on Trade, Industry, Finance and Investment; and

o   Hon. Joyce Makonya, incoming Member of the Standing Committee on Human and Social Development and Special Programmes.

2.0    Official Opening Ceremony

2.1    The 47th Plenary Assembly was officially opened on Friday, 9th October 2020 by the Vice-President of the Republic of Namibia, His Excellency, Nangolo Mbumba, as Guest of Honour.

2.2    Hon. Vice-President Mbumba, recalled that in August 2018, during the 38th SADC Summit, President Geingob, then Chairperson of SADC, declared that the SADC Parliament would among other things, not only help buttress the governance architecture of the region, but also be a key driver of the regional integration and developmental efforts.

2.3    The Regional Parliament would provide a vital platform for the citizens to directly link up with their elected representatives and give input into SADC’s regional integration agenda. It is, therefore, imperative that the transformation of the SADC Parliamentary Forum into a Regional Parliament be expedited.

2.4    In her address, Dr.  Stergomena Lawrence Tax, the Executive Secretary of SADC, indicated that the transformation of the SADC PF into a Regional Parliament was at an advanced stage in line with the August 2019 decision of the SADC Summit of Heads of State and Governments to allow for a roadmap towards the Transformation agenda. Dr. Tax anticipated that the process would soon be finalised culminating in the submission of proposals to the SADC Summit scheduled for March 2021.

3.0    Submissions by Heads of Delegations on the Role of Parliaments in Strengthening Accountability during a Pandemic: The Case of COVID-19 and Address by the World Health Organisation (WHO) Director

3.1    The Plenary Assembly received submissions by Heads of Delegations on the adopted theme for the 47th Plenary Assembly Virtual Session. The theme received reports of predominant devastation of livelihoods due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. Accordingly, Hon. Speakers/ Heads of Delegations shared their country experiences on how their National Parliaments had responded to the COVID-19 pandemic.

3.1.1 In his submission, the Hon Speaker of the National Assembly of Zimbabwe outlined how Zimbabwe had limited the coronavirus casualties primarily through His Excellency, President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa’s initiatives to focus on prevention rather than cure. These interventions were spearheaded by the relevant Ministries and Directorates. Government declared COVID-19 as a ‘deadly pandemic’ on 17th March, 2020 and concomitant lockdown measures were put in place since the pandemic had been declared a national disaster.

3.1.2 Furthermore, Government promulgated several Statutory Instruments to bolster the legal framework in combating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 32 Statutory Instruments were gazetted with the Parliamentary Legal Committee (PLC) scrutinising them for their constitutionality. All of them were constitutionally compliant.

3.1.3 The Parliament of Zimbabwe drew an important lesson from the COVID-19 pandemic that in cases of emergency arising from force majeure, Parliaments cannot afford to sit back and leave everything to the Executive. Parliaments must exude innovative leadership in actualising their constitutional mandate of representation, oversight and legislation.

3.2 The Director General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of the  World Health Organisation (WHO),  implored Members of Parliament in the SADC Region to unite and build resilient health systems as the best defence against any health emergency. Dr. Ghebreyesus stressed that unity among the region’s lawmakers regardless of political affiliation as well as collaboration by Member Parliaments is the best defence against COVID-19.

4.0    Adoption of the Report of the Executive Committee

4.1    The Executive Committee tabled its report for consideration and adoption during the 47th Plenary Assembly Meeting.

4.2    Update on Transformation of the Forum into a SADC Regional Parliament

4.2.1 The Speaker of the National Assembly of Zimbabwe presented for adoption the Strategic Lobby Document which guides the strategic lobby initiatives ahead of the SADC Council meetings scheduled for March 2021.

4.2.2 To eliminate discordant voices within the Region on the Transformation Agenda, the Plenary Assembly resolved to resuscitate the lobby initiatives whose mandate is to elicit the requisite support at both the political and administrative level in the SADC Region.

4.2.4 In this regard, the submission by Zimbabwe on its lobbying initiatives, including the unqualified support given by the Executive on the transformation process, was indeed well received by Plenary Assembly.

4.2.4   In a related matter, Plenary Assembly received an update on the report by the Consultant, Mr. Kevin Deveaux, a Canadian lawyer and former Member of Parliament who facilitated and reviewed the Transformation Agenda and Roadmap. Technically, the Consultant’s report is in sync with the Plenary Assembly’s thrust on transformation, hence the need to provide a common approach to lobbying up to March 2021.

4.3    Update on the Official Residence of the Secretary General   

4.3.1   The Plenary Assembly adopted a recommendation to dispose of the official residence of the Secretary General, situated at Erf 3422 (1), 66 Erosweg, Eros, and resolved that a new property situated at Erf 2052, Klein Windhoek, 89 Joseph Mukwayu Ithana Street, Ludwigsdorf, Windhoek, Namibia be purchased. The residence will be purchased through a mortgage loan from a reputable bank in Namibia.

4.3.2    This process should see the finalisation of the matter concerning the Secretary – General’s residence which has hamstrung the organs of the SADC PF, for a long time. Plenary Assembly noted and appreciated Hon. Advocate Jacob Francis Nzwidamilimo Mudenda’s tactful chairing of the ad-hoc Committee which handled and finalised this matter.

4.4    Secondment of Staff from National Parliaments

4.4.1   The Plenary Assembly noted and appreciated the secondment of staff from the Parliaments of Angola, Malawi, Seychelles, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Nine (9) staff members have been seconded by their respective Parliaments to various organs of the Forum on a cost-sharing basis in line with the revised Secondment Policy. Other countries will share the remaining slots on the Forum’s administrative paradigm.

5.0    Motions Adopted During the 47th Plenary Assembly Meetings

5.1    Motion to Ratify the SADC Parliamentary Forum Special Rules of Procedure for Virtual Meetings, In Case of Force Majeure

5.1.1 Following the challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic in working arrangements for all regional and international organisations such as the SADC Parliamentary Forum, the Plenary Assembly debated and adopted the Special Rules of Procedure aimed at avoiding paralysis of business due to inability to convene physical meetings. The Rules are aimed at being innovative and using Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and teleconferencing software such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Skype as an adaptation strategy to the COVID-19 pandemic.

5.1.2 Motion to Amend Article 8 of the SADC PF Constitution to Introduce an Oath or Affirmation of Adherence by SADC PF Representatives Plenary Assembly adopted the provision for an Oath or Affirmation of Adherence by SADC PF Representatives (Members of Parliament). This will be done to enhance accountability to the Forum and promote the SADC identity amongst SADC PF Members of Parliament

5.1.3   Motion to Amend the SADC PF Administrative Rules and Regulations to Align with Namibian Employment Laws Governing Local Employees other than those Holding ­Managerial  Positions The Plenary Assembly adopted a motion which synchronised the Administration’s Rules of Procedure with the Namibian law placing non-managerial local staff of the SADC PF to be employed on indefinite contracts whilst holders of managerial posts can serve two five-year contracts.  The motion stated that diplomatic privileges shall apply only to Regional Staff of the Forum in accordance with the SADC Protocol on Immunities and Privileges (1992).

5.1.4 Motion by Consensus during to Support Hon. Duarte Pacheco as the Next Inter- Parliamentary Union President Hon. Advocate Jacob Francis Nzwidamilimo Mudenda, Speaker of the National Assembly of Zimbabwe, moved a motion to support the candidature Hon. Duarte Pacheco of Portugal for the position of President of the IPU. The motion noted the solid professional antecedents that Hon. Pacheco possesses. Subsequent to this support, Hon. Pacheco won resoundingly and will serve as the next President for the next three years.

6.0           Recommendations and Way Forward

6.1 It is recommended that the diplomatic interventions on the Transformation Agenda to SADC Countries be resuscitated.  The missions will include the countries that have expressed dissent on the establishment of a Regional Parliament, including those countries that have new administrative configurations post-elections such as Botswana, Malawi, Mauritius, Seychelles and Tanzania. This Lobby Team comprising the Hon. Speakers from Angola, Mozambique, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe will be led by Hon. Advocate Jacob Francis Nzwidamilimo Mudenda.

6.2           The Lobby Missions to take advantage of Mozambique’s unreserved support for the transformation of the SADC PF into a Regional Parliament. The team to lobby   the current Minister of Foreign Affairs in Mozambique, Hon. Veronica Macamo Dlhovo, who is the immediate past President of the SADC PF. The missions to begin in November 2020 to March 2021.  This whole process will logically culminate in the Lobby Team being on the side-lines of Summit in March 2021 to ensure that they are ready to clarify any matters that might arise during Summit deliberations.

6.3           Parliament of Zimbabwe to arrange Courtesy Calls with both the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade and the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs to appraise them on the developments on the Transformation Agenda. Both Ministries are to remain in sync with the Executive’s supportive position on the transformation of the SADC PF into a Regional Parliament.

6.4           The Plenary Assembly recommended the strengthening of interventions on the challenges brought in by the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Portfolio Committees on Health and Child Welfare and the Portfolio Committee and Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare to ensure that there are safety nets that are put in place towards the welfare of the public during COVID-19 induced exigencies. Members of Parliament to contribute on the need to ensure that resources are channelled towards mitigating the effects of COVID-19 epidemic.

7.0.   Conclusion

7.1   Hon. Esperanca Laurinda Francisco Nhiuane Bias, Speaker of the National Assembly of Mozambique and President of the SADC Parliamentary Forum, concluded the Plenary Assembly by urging delegations to continue the enhancement of lobbying strategies for the transformation of the Forum into Regional Parliament. Credit is also acknowledged to the Secretary General and her team at the SADC Parliamentary Forum for successfully putting up a well-polished 47th Plenary Assembly Meeting.

7.2     The Hon. Speaker of the National Assembly of Zimbabwe was privileged to move all the motions during the 47th Plenary Assembly Meeting. In earnest, the Lobby Team headed by Hon. Advocate Jacob Francis Nzwidamilimo Mudenda, has to continue its mandated mission to ensure that all countries in the region are symmetrical regarding the Transformation Agenda. I thank you.

HON. NDEBELE: Point of order Madam Speaker. I just want to register dissatisfaction with the way this report was brought to this House. You know, it works well and in good spirit for everyone that sits in the SADC PF to be alerted beforehand that our report is going to come to the House. Why? We are a national delegation and when we go there, we go there united as one team. This happened several months ago. It would have been nice for the Hon. Member to liaise with us so that we refresh our memory. He has just read a report. Reading a report is one thing but for others to stand up and support, and throw light reflects on your report, helps the other members. It throws light on them and gives meaning and life to the report but in the absence of such, we were booby trapped.

I was just told here and the Hon. Member is new on that SADC PF team. Please, I want you to make a ruling so that we nip this behavior in the bud.  If we start dividing each other on partisan lines and you do not tell others in time, it is not what we want in this House. I was only told today.  Hon. Kwaramba was only told today and we protested but the Hon. Member went ahead to give that report.  This will bring division amongst us if we are to go outside and people will be surprised to see us not talking to each other.  Please Madam Speaker; I want you to make a ruling.  It is unfair to us and other Members of this House because this report was brought in an unsanitary manner.  I thank you.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Hon. Ndebele, if you are saying Hon. Kwaramba was also told today so it is not on partisan basis.

HON. NDEBELE:  I am saying it is wrong for him to say it has been on the Order Paper for several months.  How many motions are on the Order Paper to this day?  It does not make sense and we must stop that.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Hon Ndebele, please may you approach the Chair.

HON. NDEBELE:  It must go on record that if we continue like this, we are making this House a circus, simple.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Please may you approach the Chair.

HON. NDEBELE:  Madam Speaker, you just asked me to withdraw sentiments to the effect that this report was brought in on partisan lines.  I withdraw that and I move that we discuss the report at a later date even on Thursday.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Thank you for that.

HON. MUTAMBISI:  I move that the debate do now adjourn.

HON. MPARIWA:  I second.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Thursday 11th March, 2021.



HON. MUTAMBISI:  I move that the House reverts to the first Order of the Day.

HON. MPARIWA:    I second.

Motion put and agreed to.



THE MINISTER OF ENVIRONMENT, CLIMATE CHANGE, TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY (HON. N. M. NDLOVU): Madam Speaker, on the 22nd November 2020, I gave notice to move a motion standing in my name that;

WHEREAS section 327 (2) (a) of the constitution of Zimbabwe provides that an International Treaty which has been concluded or executed by or under the authority of the President does not bind Zimbabwe until it has been approved by Parliament.

WHEREAS the 28th meeting of the parties to the Montreal Protocol, held on 15th October 2016, in Kigali, Rwanda, adopted an amendment to the protocol, now termed the Kigali amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, which amendment entered into force on 1 January 2019.  The main aim of the Kigali amendment is to phase down the production and use of Hydroclorofluorocarbons (HFCs).  Phasing down the use of HFCs is expected to avoid up to 0.3 degrees Celsius of global temperature rise by 2100 while continuing to protect the stratospheric ozone layer;

WHEREAS Zimbabwe is a party to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer and is desirous of becoming a Party to the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on substances but imports them for use in refrigeration and air conditioning appliances for domestic, commercial and industrial applications; the Government has already made great strides phasing down HFCs by promoting the use of zero Ozone Depleting Potential (ODP) and very low Global Warming Potential (GWP) alternatives to HFCs such as hydrocarbons through the training of refrigeration technicians and customs officers who monitor and control HFC trade.  The country therefore stands to benefit by ratifying the Kigali Amendment as this will enable us to access technical and financial support.


The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer is a well established Multilateral Environmental Agreement (MEA) that is successfully preventing massive damage to human health and the environment from excessive ultraviolet radiation from the sun by phasing out the production and consumption of substances that deplete the ozone layer.  The Montreal Protocol has been amended several times, most recently by the Kigali Amendment, which is the fifth in a series of amendments to the Protocol, and was adopted to phase down HFCs, which are mostly used as substitutes for Ozone Depleting Substances (ODSs).  Although HFCs are not ODSs, they are powerful Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) that have significantly high Global Warming Potentials (GWPs).

Committed to addressing the stratospheric ozone layer depletion and climate change, which continue to be threats to development.  Zimbabwe participated at the historic 28th Meeting of the Parties (28th MOP) to the Montreal Protocol which took place from 10th to15th October 2016 in Kigali, Rwanda.  The 28th Meeting of Parties resulted in the adoption of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol.  The Government of Zimbabwe ratified the Vienna Convention and its Montreal Protocol way back in June 1992 binding the country to reduce and eventually eliminate the use of ozone depleting substances (ODSs).

The Montreal Protocol has put the ozone layer on the road to recovery by phasing out nearly 99% of the ODSs that were in use prior to 1989 and in the process, has also mitigated climate change.  Under the Kigali Amendment, parties will phase down production and consumption of HFCs, creating the potential to avoid up to 0.3ºC of global warming by the end of the century.  The main aim of the Kigali Amendment is to phase down production and use of HFCs.

Overview of the Kigali Amendment

The Kigali Amendment will require parties to the Montreal Protocol to gradually reduce the use of HFCs by between 80 to 85% in the late 2040s for developing countries and 2036 for developed countries.  The Kigali Amendment entered into force on the 1st January 2019.

Justification for ratification

Madam Speaker, besides the major objective of addressing the adverse impacts of global warming, there are particular incentives for Article 5 parties (developing countries) that ratify the Kigali Amendment.

The financial mechanism

Article 10 of the Montreal Protocol established a financial mechanism to provide financial and technical cooperation including the transfer of technologies to support Article 5 parties’ compliance with the protocol.  Part of this package is the Multilateral Fund (MLF), which amongst other things, meets the agreed incremental costs of Article 5 parties.  The 28th Meeting of the parties made a number of key decisions about MLF support for Article 5 countries that ratify the amendment.


Article 5 parties will have the flexibility to prioritise HFCs, define sectors, select technologies and alternatives, and elaborate and implement their strategies to meet agreed HFC obligations based on their specific needs and national circumstances following a country-driven approach.

Support for enabling activities

There will be support for enabling activities for institutional strengthening (National Ozone Units), import and export licencing and quotas (Regulations), Article 7 data reporting, demonstration projects and the development of national strategies for phasing down HFCs.

Extra financial support for fast starters

Extra financial support will be available to provide support for Article 5 parties that make a fast start to phasing down HFCs.  Zimbabwe has already benefitted from this facility as CAPRI, a refrigeration appliance manufacturing plant in Harare received financial assistance to convert to ozone and climate friendly technology.

Legal Requirements

Section 327 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe empowers the President or his representative acting under his authority, to conclude or execute international treaties.  In terms of subsection (1) of section 327, the definition of “international treaty” includes protocols and agreements.  Instruments of this nature will only have a binding effect on Zimbabwe if approved by Parliament.

NOW THEREFORE, In terms of Section 327 (2) (a) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, this House resolves that the aforesaid Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer be and is hereby approved.




The Committee on Environment, Climate and Tourism was sensitised on the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol from 3rd to 4th July 2020 at Kadoma Hotel and Conference Centre.  It learnt that the Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the ozone layer was signed on 16 September, 1987 and entered into force for developed countries in 1989. Montreal Protocol is aimed at the protection of atmosphere from pollutants. The protocol is based on the “precautionary principle”. Precautionary principle states that when an activity causes some threat or harm to the public or the environment, general precautionary measures should be taken. This principle is applied when a scientific investigation proves that there is a possible risk in doing some activity. Thus, it seeks to gradually reduce and eventually eliminate the production and consumption of man-made chemicals collectively known as ozone depleting substances (ODS).

ODS are mainly gaseous substances that contain chlorine and/or bromine atoms. ODS do not dissolve in water, are very stable, do not burn easily and have long residence time in the atmosphere of up to 100 years. A few examples of ODS are chloro flouro carbons and Hydrochloro-flouro carbons used in refrigeration and air conditioning, halons used in fire-fighting, methyl bromide used in fumigation of tobacco seed beds and grain storage facilities.

          Domestication of the Montreal Protocol and Implementation Strategies

Statutory Instrument 7 of 2011 cited as Environmental and Natural Resources Management (Prohibition and Control of Ozone Depleting Substances and Ozone Depleting Substances Dependent Equipment) Regulations, 2011 prohibits the importation of ozone depleting substances, controls their imports and exports as well as imports of products and equipment containing ODS and appliances whose functioning relies on continuous use of ODS normally referred to as ODS dependent equipment. The nation introduced regulatory and trade controls, economic incentives and disincentives, good refrigeration practices, training for service technicians, training of customs officers in monitoring and controlling ODS trade and CFC recovery and recycling activities to gradually reduce and eventually eliminate the production and consumption of ODS.

Amendments to the Montreal Protocol

The Montreal Protocol has been amended four times: In 1990, the London Amendment, in 1992 the Copenhagen Amendment, in 1997 the Montreal Amendment and in 1999 the Beijing Amendment and Zimbabwe has ratified the Montreal Protocol and all the previous amendments.

Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol

The Committee was made aware that the phase-down of HFCs under the Montreal Protocol has been under negotiation by the Parties since 2009 until a successful agreement was reached during the 28th Meeting of Parties to the Montreal Protocol held on 15th October 2016 in Kigali, Rwanda. It is the fifth amendment to the protocol, entered into force on 1st January 2019 and was adopted mainly to phase down the production and use of hydro-fluoro carbons (HFCs) which are mostly used as substitutes for ozone depleting substances. Although HFCs are not ODSs, they are powerful greenhouse gases that have significantly high or very high global warming potentials.

The Kigali Amendment includes specific targets and timetables to replace HFCs with more planet-friendly alternatives, provisions to prohibit or restrict countries that have ratified the protocol or its amendments from trading in controlled substances with states that are yet to ratify it, and an agreement by rich countries to help finance the transition of poor countries to alternative safer products.

The Kigali Amendment divided the world economies into three groups, each with a target phase down date. The richest countries including the United States and those in the European Union will reduce the production and consumption of HFCs from 2019. Much of the rest of the world including China, Brazil and all of Africa will freeze the use of HFCs by 2024. A small group of the world’s hottest countries such as Bahrain, India, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates have the most lenient schedule and will freeze HFCs use by 2028.

The Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer is the single largest real contribution the world has made so far towards keeping the global temperature rise "well below" 2 degrees Celsius, a target agreed at the Paris climate. As pressure mounts on governments world-wide for less talk and more action to address climate change, the Kigali Amendment is indeed, a commendable move that adds momentum to a series of new global climate change agreements, including the Paris Agreement.

          Ratifying the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol

Ratification of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol will allow Zimbabwe to:

  1. Contribute to the global efforts under the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to protect the ozone layer and in so doing, combat and slow down climate change.
  2. Access financial resources under the multilateral fund mechanism of the Montreal Protocol to transition to more climate and ozone -friendly technologies and safer products, particularly in the refrigeration and air conditioning sectors where these HFCs are commonly used.
  • The finances will be used to implement projects and activities, raise awareness amongst private sector players and conduct the necessary training.
  • The resources will partly be for institutional strengthening and capacitating the relevant institutions such as ZIMRA, the ZRP and Customs officials to enable identification of products with high global warming potentials in accordance with Article 7 of the protocol.
  1. Gain a competitive advantage in the regional and world markets in products from our industries after adopting new technologies.
  • Technologies are cost-effective and lead to an improvement in the quality of end products, including in energy efficiency.
  1. Have flexibility to prioritise HFCs, define sectors, select technologies and alternatives and elaborate and implement strategies to meet agreed HFC obligations based on their specific needs and national circumstances following a country-driven approach.
  2. Develop an electronic registry and data reporting tools for all controlled substances.
  3. Review of national policies and legislation to control HFCs and HFC appliances.
  4. Identifying alternative refrigerants markets.

  Barriers to Adoption of Zero or Low Global Warming Potential Refrigerants 

  1. The unavailability of new refrigerants with zero or low global warming potential and technologies in the country.
  2. The high costs of new refrigerants and technologies where they are available.
  3. Lack of awareness on benefits of zero/low global warming potential alternatives
  4. Lack of proper refrigeration and air conditioning technician training in new refrigerants and technologies.

Conclusion and Recommendations

The Committee recommends the approval for ratification of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the Ozone Layer. The approval of the amendment will signify the nation’s drive towards promotion of low emissions development pathways in line with the National Development Strategy to achieve improved climate action.   I thank you.

          HON. T. MOYO:  Thank you Madam Speaker for the opportunity that you have given me to add my voice to the motion moved by the Minister of Environment and Tourism seconded by Hon. Musarurwa, the Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Environment and Tourism.

According to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3, it says; ensure healthy and promote well being for all at all ages.  SDG 3.9.1 says that Government should avoid and promote those policies which facilitate the health of the general populace and people should avoid emission into the air and also pollution of water.  It is important that the Zimbabwean Government ratifies the Montreal Protocol and also the Kigali Amendment; these are very important protocols which were ratified by our Government, because of the disastrous effects of climate change.  Climate change has witnessed several disasters which are affecting the developing world and yet the contribution to the depletion of the Ozone layer by the Third World Countries is very limited.

  We saw Cyclone Idai in Zimbabwe which led to the deaths of more than 700 people in Zimbabwe.  If we were to include those that were affected in Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique the number is above 2000.

          So, it is important that our Government has ratified the Kigali Amendment.  This is crucial because the Ozone layer has to be protected so that people will not be affected by those natural calamities and disasters which are a result of the depletion of the Ozone layer.

          There are several benefits of respecting those protocols - there are financial benefits from the multilateral funds and Zimbabwe has already benefited.  We have had the Capri refrigerator Company that has received some funds as a result of this protocol which was signed by the Zimbabwean Government.

          These are incentives for countries to avoid the depletion of the Ozone layer.  This is very important because we need to protect our habitat.  Once companies emit, especially in the United States of America and China, I am sure everyone is aware that the former President of the United States of America did not want the USA to participate in these protocols and now with the rise of a new President, we are going to witness a reduction in the ozone layer. We need to commend the Zimbabwean Government, especially our President, E.D Mnangagwa for ensuring that all these protocols are respected.  I thank you.

          HON. MUSHORIWA: First and foremost, I want to state that in principle, I do not have a problem in terms of having the ratification of this protocol.  However, the challenge that I have is in terms of how Zimbabwe and how generally these protocols are negotiated.

          It is true that the Constitution allows His Excellency the President and whomever he would have assigned to negotiate on behalf of this country and then bring for ratification to this Parliament.  My fear is that there is no sufficient ground work that is being done or at the very least, there is no carry over during the process of negotiations.  One would be happier to understand what would have happened during the pre-negotiations and pre-negotiation period.  As it has been said, there have been about four amendments that has happened to the Montreal and until we read the Kigali Amendment.

          I want to understand form the Hon. Minister, what did the Executive do in terms of collating information from the various stakeholders in Zimbabwe and Africa in general.  The Kigali Amendment categorised nations into three groups.  I do not have a problem with the rich countries being given the deadline they were given, but to then say that Zimbabwe and Africa who are experiencing the adverse effects of global warming due to the Ozone depletion should be put in the same category with China – I think it is queer.  I believe that Africa and Zimbabwe in particular slept on duty because we were supposed to have looked out in terms of the countries that are contributing to the depreciation. Yes, they are the rich countries but China is also up there and you cannot then compare China and Zimbabwe.

          The second issue which I think is critical - this amendment was done in 2016 and we are now in 2021 – that is five years.  The Government has been quiet, it has not been doing anything in terms of bringing this amendment. There are two questions that arise: first, when the Executive went and signed this protocol, was it sincere, genuine or they just signed because everybody was going to ratify it? If they were genuine, the question that arises is: what has been happening in the past five years?  Has there been a carryover or a question of inclusivity consultations that has been happening to warrant this delay of five years?  Is it that Zimbabwe has now been reminded by other countries that it has not ratified the Kigali amendment and then all of a sudden, we were then forced to see this being on the Order Paper?

          The other aspect Madam Speaker is the question of benefits.  It is not enough for the Hon. Minster to come to this august House and say we have benefited from the multilateral fund.  What we need are facts and figures - we need to understand what it is.  How much has Capri benefited and apart from Capri, what other financial benefits have accrued to Zimbabwe?  As Zimbabwe we are experiencing the raw aspect of global warming due to ozone depletion.

          Hon. Moyo has talked about the cyclones that have hit us, the number of droughts that have also hit us.  We want to say, whilst we are bending backwards to say we are going to agree, to say we are going to bear the sins of the rich countries - the question is how much in terms of compensation have we really gotten as Africa or as Zimbabwe, which is a case in point?  I want to believe that Africa and the developing world are being forced to bend backwards so much at the expense of its people.  This is the reason why I am saying the Hon. Minister in terms of  benefits that we have actually heard.  We really needed you in presenting this to then say the tangible benefits Capri got - $3 million or $5 million over such a period, so that at least we appreciate that something is actually coming back to Zimbabwe.

Madam Speaker, as I said when I started - in principle, we do not have a problem in terms of having this protocol rectified. We are simply saying in future, we need two things to happen – consultations prior to the signing of these things and secondly we need to have the speed action in terms of bringing such documents for them to be ratified rather than to wait for five years.  Five years in my view, is too long.  Madam Speaker I thank you.

(v) HON. S. BANDA:  Thank you very much Hon. Speaker for giving me this opportunity to also contribute on the issue of the Montreal Protocol.  Hon. Speaker as far as I know, all of us want to protect the ozone layer, and indeed the ozone layer has to be protected at all cost.  However, I only have a few points that I want to check from the Minister.  There are what we call hydrofluorocarbons and these are compounds which contain hydrogen.  Remember if we go into water and see what the constituent of water is, hydrogen is also there.  When we want to treat water, we also use chlorine.  If any urban or rural council does not have chlorine, Hon. Speaker, they would not be able to protect their water.  Equally, we also have these tablets that we use in the rural areas.  We just put them in the water and then the water is clean.  There is also what we call chlorine which is found in toothpaste.

So once we ratify this protocol, Hon. Speaker, it may mean that we may not have water to drink or toothpaste to wash our teeth.  Further, Hon. Speaker, the hydrofluorocarbons are also found in air conditioning, refrigeration and even in green houses.  So I believe Zimbabwe, at the level that we are, if we just ratify this protocol, things like greenhouses will stop using carbons, so it means even our horticulture will be affected.  Let us say if you are in hot areas and tourists have gone to Hwange or are visiting Victoria Falls and it is too hot, they will not be able to enjoy the fresh air that may come from refrigeration or that may come from the air conditioning.

So Hon. Speaker, I also call for further consideration and research on this very critical issue.  I support that the ozone layer should be protected.  However, it should not be at the cost of us in Africa, because I do not believe that we are emitting as much gases and carbons as is being said since 1987 when the Montreal Protocol was established to 2016 when the last change was made through the Kigali Convention.  I believe that there is more research that has to be done before we ratify this protocol.  Thank you Hon. Speaker.

(V) HON. NDUNA:  Thank you Hon. Speaker.  I want to add my voice and first and foremost congratulate the Minister for bringing this motion and agreement for debate before ratification in the National Assembly.  Having said that I also want to say it is your Committees that are charged with playing oversight on the Executive in the manner that is going to see the Executive bringing in monthly and quarterly reports to Parliament which will be laden with information that speaks to the amounts in terms of usage on the monies or on the resources that would have been accumulated as a result of resources received for climate change and climate change programmes and modalities.

Madam Speaker, I just want to applaud the United States of America as one of the developed countries which is one of the champions in terms of ozone depleting substances in terms of discharging them into the atmosphere together with other developed nations and other industrialised countries such as India.  So the coming on board of the United States really gives a lot of vigour and comfort in that they get to pay for their sins.

Having said that, Madam Speaker, I would like to go into some brief background on issues to do with exactly how ozone depletion came about, what it consists of and exactly how we can use our vision 2030 and our education 5.0 to mitigate the effects of this ozone depleting substances.  Madam Speaker, ozone depletion consists of two related events observed since the late 1970s.  This issue is not only coming to Zimbabwean Parliament today.  It could have come into our Parliament long back, even before the Montreal Protocol of 1987.

Madam Speaker, there is a steady lowering of about 4% in the total amount of ozone in the earth’s atmosphere which is the ozone layer, and a much larger screening time decrease in stratospheric ozone around the excooler regions.  The latter phenomenon is referred to as the ozone hole.  This is what brings our debate to the fore today.

There are also spring time polar tropo atmospheric ozone depletion events in addition to these stratospheric events.  This we need to know.  The main cause of the ozone depletion and the ozone hole are manufactured chemicals as has also been alluded to by Hon. Banda, especially manufactured halocarbon refrigerants, solvents and propellants. The foam blowing agents that is fluoro carbons, the CFCs and the HCFCs and the halons referred to as the ozone depletion substances.  These compounds Madam Speaker transported into the stratosphere by turbulent mixing after emitted from the surface mixing much faster than the molecule can settle once in the stratosphere they release atoms from the halogen group through the proto-dissociation which catalyses the breakdown of the ozone into oxygen and both types of ozone depletion were observed to increase as emissions of halocarbons.

          The ozone layer prevents most harmful wavelengths of ultraviolet light from passing through the earth’s atmosphere. The wavelengths cause cancer that which we have seen as sunburn and permanent blindness and cataract in some instances which were projected to increase dramatically as a result of the thinning of the ozone.  I want this to be inculcated into the minds and hearts of Members of Parliament as to the reason why it is prudent just and right for us to ratify such protocol.

          These were projected to increase dramatically as a result. As I  have alluded to, the thinning of the ozone and these concerns led to the adoption of the Montreal Protocol in 1987.  This is also a response to Hon. Mushoriwa to say this is not a yesterday’s issue, this is a 1970 issue and the bringing in of this protocol by the Hon. Minister is quite timely. It could not have come at the right time than this one and I make a clarion call that there be a call for ratification of the same. The ban came into effect Madam Speaker of these CFCs in 1989.  The ozone levels stabilised by mid 1990 because of these bans in 1989 and began to recover in the 2000 in the age that we are in today as the shift of the jet stream in the Southern Hemisphere towards the southern pole has stopped and might even be reserved, recovery is projected to continue over the next century and the ozone hole is expected to reach pre 1980 levels by around 2075.

          Madam Speaker, in 2019 NSSA reported that ozone hole was the smallest ever since it was first discovered in 1982.  This is quite applaudable. Now turning to Zimbabwe as to how our NDS1 that is 2021 up to 2025 can actually enrich our participation and our benefit out of such a protocol.  The Hon. Prof. M. Ncube, the Minister of Finance and Economic Development has actually given Z$30 million to the Ministry of Transport and Air Zimbabwe in particular to pay off which amongst other debts includes the inclusion of our aviation sector into AITA.  AITA is an aviation board that regulates the movement of aircraft in the global community.  It does not only regulate the movement, but it also monitors and sees who is over flying whose air space because they have radar systems and satellite systems...

          (v) THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon. Nduna you are left with 5 minutes.

HON. NDUNA: Thank you Madam Speaker that issue is going to conclude shortly.  It also uses satellite and radar systems to monitor aircraft even if they land in Zimbabwe or they do not land in Zimbabwe that overfly our air space. Why do I mention this?  You have seen what is caused a contrail layer; it is what is left behind by an aircraft big or small that is using after burner or which is using a lot of gases emitted from it as fuel that helps depleting the ozone layer in the atmosphere which this aircraft is overflying.

          If we are able to detect these aircraft and know which country they come from, we as Zimbabwe can get payment for such happenings in order to compensate the depletion of our ozone layer within our atmosphere.  So, I applaud the Minister of Environment for coming with this protocol and I applaud the Minister of Finance for allowing the aviation sector to also benefit Zimbabwe in compensation of ozone depleting substances in order that we actually play our part in this sector especially on the Kigali amendment.  The people of Chegutu West have sent me to vociferously and effectively debate on this Kigali Amendment Protocol and I thank you for giving me this opportunity and I send their love from Chegutu West constituency.

          HON. GABBUZA: Thank you Madam Chair. When you listen to Hon. Nduna’s debate and the Minister of Environment, together with our Chairman of the Portfolio Committee, clearly you see that some of these protocols are just a lot of technical words which have no practical application on the ground especially a third world country like Zimbabwe.  These are some of the protocols that we are just called, invited, we sign and we go home; no wonder why the Minister had 5 years before he brought this to Parliament.  These are some of the protocols we just enter into without scientific backing or scientific evidence or research.  We just hear what other scientist have researched the Americans, the British, they tell us about global warming and our own background scientist have no evidence and have no capacity to verify what they are just reading in textbooks.

Madam Speaker, why am I raising this, if you look at our history as a country we are just following things that other people have done and we have not engaged our own scientists or capacitated our own scientific research institutions to verify some of these policies and issues that are brought to us.  I will give you some examples, what happened to jatropha, the whole country was running around about growing jatropha, some people even shared their own farms to grow jatropha.  What happened is that we have not seen any diesel coming out of jatropha and the way it was talked about?  Remember Madam Speaker in the 80s there was fungal tea everyone was drinking fungal tea. Everyone was drinking fungal tea and everyone was saying a lot that it treats cancer and all these other diseases but where were our scientists to tell the world that this thing does not work because there is no evidence to scientifically justify it.  Zvihuta, I do not know what other name was used in English but everyone was growing zvihuta and eating them. We were told that they treat cancer, and the eggs are very important. The Israelites and the children of Moses when they were moving to Israel ate them and everyone was healed and our scientists were quiet.

          I am sure almost 90% of the farmers in this country were busy growing zvihuta but after that nothing happened and it just quietly died just because our scientists are not doing their job. We are not capacitating our research institutions who would have told us long back that these things do not work. I can go on and on Madam Speaker, the question I am trying to raise with the Minister is do we have evidence that there is global warming in this country? If we talk about climate change, what is climate change and let us start from there.

          It should be a record of weather studies over a long period of time, but do we have those records? If you say the climate has changed, it is changing from something which was there to something which is new and over a long period of time, but if you look at our situation as a country, how many weather elements are we capable of measuring. Go to this big weather station around Harare in Belvedere. It is supposed to be the country’s largest, but it is in a sorrowful state and the equipment there is almost redundant and there is nothing.

          If you go to many other weather stations that practically worked in the olden days, they are no longer as efficient as they used to be. If we say the climate has changed, where are we getting the evidence if we have not been measuring the weather elements over a long time? If you go through the Zimbabwean weather records, unless we depend on the world meteorological services, most of our weather focusing is based on what South Africa is saying and what other countries are seeing from their satellites. As a country, can we positively and acceptably saying the weather elements have changed when we have not been measuring anything if we do not have the capacity?

          All those things that Hon. Nduna was saying are things that we read in text books. There is an ozone window but where is the ozone window – it is in the Antarctic. Out of this world, out of this continent of Africa .Antarctic is right on the southern pole. If you go through all that information you will clearly see that we are just following what other countries are doing but as a country, we do not have the capacity to measure. The chloroform carbons, the gases that are supposed to be accused of destroying the ozone layer, as a country can we rightly say as of now we can measure carbon dioxide which is in the atmosphere in Zimbabwe? Can we measure the CFCs that are being generated by any industries around, but we have to wait to be told that no, the gases are so many and they are producing a lot of disruptions to the ozone and they also follow suit and sign these protocols.

          What I suggest could be the best when we go to these conferences where there are signing ceremonies, we should push these developed countries to say you are the people generating the CFCs, why do you not give us the capacity to measure what you are saying is responsible for the disruptions because certainly, they could have the capacity but we do not have that capacity and we are expected to just sign. Why do we not push them to say can you capacitate our Belvedere Weather Station and all other stations in the country so that we are able to say effectively temperatures are increasing in the country, but we do not have that evidence and we just say the world is warming? It is called warming in America but are we sure it is warming in a country like Zimbabwe when we have not measured anything?

          So, Madam Speaker, I do not want to say I support, or I do not support because whether we sign or not – somebody says the people of Chegutu West, but to me as a representative of the people of my area, I do not think these protocol affects anything other than just join the band - wagon like all others because certainly we do not verify and stand on scientific evidence to try and convince anyone that we have signed in Zimbabwe. We have reduced so many percentages of our emissions because we do not have the capacity to measure. If it has been measured, the figures that we are given by somebody else from a satellite image and its current level of development does not just measure gases?

          Madam Speaker, I do not want to say I support or I do not support, to me these are some of useless protocols that never benefit Third World countries. The next thing is do not emit carbon dioxide but we need carbon dioxide to generate electricity at Hwange Power Station there. If we stop generating carbon, which means we should stop generating the energy and once we stop that we will be forced to bring energies but at our level we are far inadequate in terms our energy capacity. We do not have enough of the coal powered stations but now we are told to stop the coal fired stations, move on to hydrogen and other clean energies. We move on to these but we are still not having the capacity to generate the little that is there.

          We have a lot of coal reserves in the country and what will happen to all of those things. These are some of the things that when our Ministers go out, they must critically analyse, if need be, they must not sign. They must bring those protocols and have a scientists’ conference with our local scientists and see how best we go around some of those things because they will hit us in the future. They will certainly Madam Speaker and mark my words and very soon we will be told not to use our coal reserves because they generate a lot of chloroform carbons which destroy the ozone layer and next we will be importing energy from them. Madam Speaker, I just wanted to raise these issues. They may not be popular but that is what I think is in position. I thank you.

          (v)HON. DUTIRO: Thank you very much Hon. Speaker for giving me a chance to contribute. It is true that we lack knowledge with regards to climate change as well as weather patterns as we do not have the machinery that is necessary to do the job . That shortage of machinery and knowledge about what is happening with regards to the weather has dire consequences for the masses as it results in hunger. People are also exposed to natural disasters. There is also shortage of water because dams have nothing. We have no option but to follow those measures from nations that are well equipped and funded. It is important for us to also add our signature to these two agreements as we will be able to add a voice when we are part of them. There is nothing we can do given that one is not part of that union.  For example, our Meteorological Department has equipment that they have not received from |Germany just because of a small amount left. We do not have that amount.  Thank you.

          THE MINISTER OF ENVIRONMENT, CLIMATE CHANGE, TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY (HON. M. N. NDLOVU):  Thank you Madam Speaker Ma’am.  I want to thank the Hon. Members starting with the Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on, Environment, Climate and Tourism for a very detailed report that she presented.  I also want to thank the entire Committee with whom, I must acknowledge, we have worked very well in trying to share knowledge on these pertinent matters.  I also want to extend my gratitude to the Hon. Members who have made their presentations today. Diverse views were presented as well as areas that I think I might need to clarify a bit so that the august House will be fully briefed.

          I think most of the Hon. Members were really in support and there is no need to go right behind their contributions.  I will just highlight what Hon. Mushoriwa made reference to.  The first issue that he raises is that the negotiation process does not seem to carry Zimbabweans but he also says, why did it take so long for the ratification to get to Parliament.  For starters, this is a House of representatives whom I believe represent the views of the people as Hon. Nduna also highlighted.

          Also it is important that as we interact in global platforms, especially on pertinent issues, we are part of the voice, we should not allow ourselves to be affected by what other countries decide. It is important that we become part.  The importance of ratifying such protocols is that we then have the flexibility which I have spoken about to decide on our implementation of protocols on the basis of our unique circumstances.

          Madam Speaker, I must admit that the Department of Climate Change which are the custodians or the ones pushing these protocols, have had the disadvantages of being moved a couple of times.  I think in the last five years, they have moved to three different Ministries.  That has taken away the momentum, although it has also given Government time to consult widely including the main companies that are affected by ratification of this nature.

          As I highlighted Madam Speaker, merely we are looking at the companies that are into manufacturing of refrigeration components.  I noted that some Hon. Members were now talking a lot about carbon emissions.  This is ozone depleting substances that we are talking of as well as the HFCs which are used mainly in the manufacture of refrigeration components.

          What has been happening to Capri and I want to thank Hon. Mushoriwa for highlighting that the figure was not raised.  They have received more than US$400 000 to migrate into technologies that are friendly to the ozone layer as well as to the climate.  They are not closing but we have facilitated that they acquire technologies that are friendly to the ozone layer and they have migrated smoothly.  No one can say today that they cannot find a Capri refrigerator.  We have been able to get that support.

          Madam Speaker, over the last five years, we have received more than US$3 million worth of support to the cause of ozone protection.  Hon. Mushoriwa went on to highlight that he has a problem with us being grouped in the same group as China.  I do not know Madam Speaker how I can respond to that, suffice to say that officially, China today is regarded as a developing country.  This has had effect even on other issues that are climate change related because as much as they are major contributors to emissions, they are regarded as a developing country and this is how this was classified.

          Madam Speaker, I think I have touched the issue of the amendment being in 2016 and it is taking time to come here.  I want to believe that  we have the opportunity to consult widely as well as educate key critical stakeholders.  I think I have touched mainly on what Hon. Mushoriwa had highlighted.

          Hon. Banda has reservations mainly on refrigeration for horticulture products.  I think I have already highlighted that refrigeration is not being replaced.  We are only looking at cleaner and smarter technologies that can be used.  Hon. Nduna, I think went quite far in explaining the key advantages of ratification as well as the dangers of continuing on the path that destroys the ozone layer.

Hon. Gabbuza’s view is that this is not scientifically based and that there is no evidence of both global warming and climate change in Zimbabwe.  Madam Speaker Ma’am, I do not know if there are many Zimbabweans who still believe that climate change is a myth.

          Madam Speaker, let me just highlight two issues....

          HON. KASHIRI:  On a point of order Madam Speaker.  The IT Department is letting us down ….

          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKR:  Order, you do not have to unmute your gadget Hon. Kashiri but you have to raise your hand first, then when I recognise you, that is when you unmute your gadget and speak. 

HON. M. N. NDLOVU: Thank you Madam Speaker. I was just highlighting some of the clear evidence about climate change and global warming which Hon. Gabbuza was disputing that it exists.

Firstly, issues of climate change have no boundaries Madam Speaker. We cannot deal with them us as Zimbabwe and say we believe we are not emitting, therefore we cannot be part to these protocols. The effects of climate change we are experiencing are clearly not a result of our actions but we are affected one way or another. It is therefore important that we are part of the global discourse that seeks to address the contribution to these adverse climate conditions.

Secondly, when you look at the global temperatures over the last 100 years, they have increased by close to 2ºC, which is quite worrying. However, following the efforts of the Montreal Protocol dating back as from the 70s as has been highlighted, there is clear evidence that there is now repair of the ozone which had been depleted. It is only right as a country that we move together with such progressive nations to protect our ozone and eventually we will be able to deal with climate change related issues.

I also want to give confidence to Hon. Gabbuza that we do have scientists who give us empirical evidence that we make use of when we make these decisions. I am happy that he is also quite aware of the challenges that we are facing particularly from our Meteorological Department and part of the support we are receiving. Right now, we will be receiving about 20 automatic weather stations from institutions and countries that are in support of these protocols because the responsibility of protecting our climate is faced by us all, including Zimbabwe.

Madam Speaker, I think Hon. Dutiro was also in support. I do not think there is much benefit of going through the points that were raised suffice to say that he also called for the Meteorological Department which I must also highlight as I conclude my response that we are working closely with Treasury and very soon we will be getting support to make sure that our Meteorological Services Department has the capacity to give us the early warning signals that we so desire. Thank you.

I therefore move for the ratification of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol.

Motion put and agreed to.



HON. MUTAMBISI: I move that Orders of the Day, Numbers 2 to 13 be stood over until Order of the Day Number 14 has been disposed of.

HON. MPARIWA: I second.

Motion put and agreed to.



HON. MADHUKU: Madam. Speaker, I seek leave of the House that the motion on provision of non-monetary benefits to Government workers which was superseded by the prorogation of the Second Session be restored on the Order Paper in terms of Standing Order No 75.

HON. MPARIWA:  I second.

Motion put and agreed to.



HON. MADHUKU: Madam Speaker, I move that the motion on provision of non-monetary benefits to Government workers which was superseded by the prorogation of the Second Session be restored on the Order Paper.

HON. MPARIWA:  I second.

Motion put and agreed to.



HON MUTAMBISI:  I move that Orders of the Day, Nos. 15 to 17 be stood over until Order of the Day, No. 18 has been disposed of.

                HON. MAVETERA:  I second.

Motion put and agreed to.



HON. TONGOFA:  I move the motion standing in my name that this House takes note of the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation and the Thematic Committee on Indigenisation and Empowerment on the State of Vocational Training Centres, the Empower Bank and Sporting facilities in Zimbabwe.

          HON. MAVETERA:  I second.


1.0    Introduction

Youth participation is a critical political and socio-economic development issue. Section 20 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe exhorts institutions of Government to take reasonable measures, including affirmative action programmes to ensure that youths have access to appropriate education and training and opportunities for employment. In the same vein, the Zimbabwe National Development Strategy 1 (January 2021- December 2025) recognises the youth as “a valuable resource” which should be allowed to build and strengthen own qualities to facilitate growth and flourishment into responsible citizens. The Government has established Vocational Training Centres (VTCS) to provide entrepreneurial skills training in areas such as agriculture, hospitality and tourism, welding, motor mechanics, business studies, carpentry, building studies, clothing technology, cosmetology, and domestic electrical installation. Additionally, the Government established the Empower Bank to provide social and financial solutions to the financially excluded youths who have limited or no access to capital.

Sport is a widely acclaimed development tool and a social connector. The 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda recognises sport as an enabler of sustainable development. This includes its contribution towards the empowerment of youths and communities, realisation of peace as well as health and social inclusion targets. The Government of Zimbabwe established sporting facilities around the country in order to nurture young talents into career sportspersons, thereby reducing high unemployment levels amongst the youth which is largely attributable to lack of skills.

Pursuant to the oversight role of Parliament, the Portfolio Committee on Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation and Thematic Committee on Indigenisation and Empowerment conducted a joint inquiry into the state of VTCs, sporting facilities and the Empower Bank.


The key objectives of the inquiry were to:

2.1    assess the state of learning facilities, equipment and accommodation at VTCs;

2.2    familiarise with various programmes and projects being implemented at VTCs to promote youth empowerment;

2.3    assess the state of sporting facilities and level of the country`s preparedness to host international matches; and

2.4    assess the level of financial support rendered to young people by the Empower Bank.

3.0    Methodology

The Committees undertook the following activities as part of the inquiry:

3.1    It gathered oral evidence from the Ministry of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation and Ministry of Local Government and Public Works on the state of VTCs and sporting facilities;

3.2    It also gathered oral evidence from Zimbabwe Football association (ZIFA) on progress made towards the refurbishment and upgrading of stadiums in line with Confederation of African Football (CAF) requirements;

3.3    It received oral evidence from Empower Bank on the nature of financial support rendered to young people;

3.4   analysed written submissions from Ministry of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation; and

 3.5   conducted field visits to VTCs and sporting facilities from the 6th to 10th of July 2020 as shown on the tables below:

Table 1: VTCs and sports facilities visited by Group 1

6 July 2020 Masvingo Mushagashe Training Centre

Mucheke Stadium

 7 July 2020 Midlands Zvishavane Vocational Training Centre

Mandava Stadium

8 July 2020 Mat South Pangani Vocational Training Centre

Empower Bank- Bulawayo branch

 9 July 2020


Mat North


Umguza Vocational Training Centre

Barbourfields Stadium

10 July 2020  


Mkoba Stadium

Kaguvi Training Centre


Table 2: VTCs and Sport facilities visited by Group 2

6 July 2020 Manicaland Magamba Vocational Training Centre

Sakubva Stadium

 7 July 2020 Mash- East Rudhaka Stadium

Tabudirira VTC

 8 July 2020





National Sports Stadium,

MufakoseYouth Interact Centre,

Empower Bank- Head office

 9 July 2020 Mashonaland Central


Chaminuka Training Centre

Bindura Urban Vocational Training Centre

10 July 2020


Mash- West


Mashayamombe Vocational Training Centre

Kadoma Vocational Training Centre

4.0 Committees’ Findings

4.1           Oral Evidence from the Ministry of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation

Dr T. Chitepo, the Secretary for Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation informed the Committees that in line with provisions of Section 20 of the Constitution, the Ministry established various youth empowerment programmes and projects across the 10 provinces of the country. These include youth enterprise support and financial inclusion initiatives such as the Empower Bank, VTCs and other service centres aimed at capacitating youths through practical business exposure. In addition, the Ministry created production and incubation hubs specialising in motor mechanics, horticulture, cosmetology, dairy and livestock production.

The Secretary highlighted that the Ministry adopted the VTCs Master Plan in October 2019. She noted that the Master-Plan outlines infrastructural requirements for VCTs and a curriculum review programme in line with modern trends and current developments, amongst other key issues. The curriculum review programme would be conducted with support from the Chinese Government.

The Secretary further informed the Committees that with regards to sporting facilities, the Confederation of African Football (CAF) had conducted stadium inspections in November 2019. In its subsequent report, the CAF stipulated areas of improvement which included security turnstile gates, a levelled pitch, sitting bays, doping rooms, press conference room, official dressing room, first aid kits, flood light 1200 lux, commentary position, photographer area, VIP section as well as ablution facilities. She noted that the Government had already released financial resources amounting to ZWL$37.6 million towards upgrading Barbourfields, Sakubva, Mandava and National Sports stadiums in order to promote sports and tourism in the country.

4.2           Field Visits to VTCs

4.2.1 Enrolment Levels

During the field visits to VTCs, the Committees discovered that the demand for vocational education was overwhelming. This was due to the fact that a majority of students who sit for Ordinary level education examinations come out with less than five subjects passes that are a requisite to proceed to Advanced level of education.

However, the Committees noted with concern that enrolment levels at VTCs were below institutional capacity due to inadequate learning infrastructure. Mrs N Tembo, the Acting Principal of Zvishavane VTC informed the Committee that the institution had the capacity to enroll up to 700 but currently enrolment is at 450 students only. The same trend was observed at Mashayamombe VTC where the enrolment has been on the decline from 500 to 55 students.  Mr B Musatya, the Principal of Mashayamombe VTC in Mashonaland West Province bemoaned that the institution had lost a significant number of female students due to drop-outs. Consequently, female student enrolment had drastically dwindled and in some programmes ceased thereby undermining its relevance in terms of empowering the girl child.

  1. b) Learning infrastructure

The Committee observed that learning facilities and buildings at most VTCs were in a state of deterioration. This was evident at Mashayamombe VTC where the administration block had no window panes, ant mounds were razing down doors and wood infrastructure as a result of lack of utilisation. Additionally, the Committees were dismayed to note that buildings at Panganai VTC in Insiza District were even collapsing. The deplorable state of the buildings pointed to failure to attract students by Mashayamombe and Panganai VTCs. Furthermore, it indicated the lack of effort by responsible authorities to conduct routine maintenance works which ultimately contributed towards the running down of existing infrastructure at VTCs.

  1. c) Training equipment

Obsolete equipment was a serious challenge across the VTCs toured by the Committees. It affected training programmes such as agriculture, carpentry, textiles and clothing and automotive trades. The worst affected institutions were Mashayamombe VTC in Mhondoro Mubaira District, Magamba VTC in Mutare, Kadoma VTC in Kadoma, and Bindura Urban VTC where obsolete equipment was reported to be generally affecting the learning practice of students and undermined the quality of graduates. Mr A. Musariri, the Principal of Chaminuka VTC informed the Committee that the institution was still utilising equipment donated by Germany 30 years ago.

The Committees noted that most of the courses offered at VTCs are not technology intensive which discourages prospective students. A case example is Mushagashe VTC in Masvingo which lacked computers, or internet connectivity. However, it was encouraging to learn that Zvishavane VTC had received a donation of 22 desk tops from Boltrec Engineering Private Limited.

  1. d) Student Accommodation

The acute shortage of accommodation was touted as a serious challenge affecting students enrolled at VTCs. According to information gathered by the Committees at Umguza, Zvishavane, Mutate and Bindura Urban VTC, only 15% of students enrolled at centres could be accommodated on-campus. Further to that, the Committees noted that dormitories at most VTCs were constructed immediately after the attainment of Zimbabwe’s independence in 1980. Due to the wear and tear, ablution facilities at Chaminuka VTC in Mashonaland Central Province were an eye-sore whilst the bedding facilities at Mashayamombe VTC were make-shift old rusty spring beds without any mattresses.

Moreover, the Committees learnt that Bindura VTC had only done two enrolments from 2014 to 2016 and cancelled other enrolments to pave way for construction of trainees hostel and renovations to the learning facility. These construction works were funded by the Freda Rebecca Mine and the Bindura Community Share Ownership Trust. However, completion of the construction projects stalled due to withdrawal of support by the two funders after the community had failed to meet the deadline. The Committees were also informed that Zvishavane VTC had partnered with Mimosa Mining Company which fully funded the construction of a girls hostel at the institution.

  1. e) Projects

The Committees noted a trend of underfunded projects during the visits to VTCs. Most VTCs had projects which were either semi-finished or stalled due to the inadequacy of financial resources. VTCs such as Bindura, Chaminuka and Mushagashe were struggling to fund their projects. The Committees learnt that central government support had a number of bottlenecks ranging from late disbursement of funds to bureaucracy. An illustrative example is Bindura VTC’s pinnacle project which never took off since 2016 due to lack of financial support from the central government. Officials at Mushagashe VTC informed the Committee that despite submitting bids to the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development for the past five years, no allocations towards the centre’s projects had been made through the National Budget.

During the field visits, the Committee toured dairy projects at Kaguvi and Umguza VTCs. The Committee was informed that adequate infrastructure for the two dairy projects had been acquired through the support of Dendairy and were potentially profitable business opportunities. However, both centres were struggling to source cow feeds as local suppliers were charging in foreign currency. In fact, the Committee found out that the Umguza Dairy had 20 heifers, Vet clamp, Spray race, two-point milking machine, four cows abreast milking parlour, a 70 metre borehole, biosecurity, feed storage facility, six milking cans. Unlike Kaguvi`s dairy project, Umguza dairy had a total daily output of 80 litres of milk which was delivered to Dendairy after every two days.

  1. f) The fate of students post-graduation

The Committees found out that most graduates from VTCs were experiencing challenges in acquiring start-up kits to pursue business enterprises, hence the skills acquired were not being utilised in local industry and the market. Graduates from the automotive trade and agriculture programmes at Magamba VTC were failing to meaningfully join the mainstream economy owing to lack of adequate business start-up kits. The Committees noted that this state of affairs undermined the essence of the comprehensive youth empowerment architecture model through business development.

4.3 Empower Bank

Mr S. Mhembere, the Acting Chief Executive Officer of the Empower Bank informed the Committees that the entity is a registered deposit taking micro-finance institution wholly owned by the Government of Zimbabwe. The bank provides social and financial solutions to the financially excluded population with greater focus on the youth, particularly focusing on youth-led businesses and agriculture projects, asset finance, guarantees and savings accounts cutting across urban, peri-urban and rural Zimbabwe. Since 2020, the newly-established bank has lent over $9 million, with 1 500 youths benefiting from the loan facility. The interest rate is 5 to 7 percent depending on the nature of business. However, its services were centralised in Harare and Bulawayo only. A proposal was made for the bank to conduct community reach-out programmes in order to raise awareness to young people in rural areas on its services.  The Committees further established that Empower Bank was being run by an Acting Chief Executive Officer for the past five years and that its Board of Directors lacked a substantive Chairperson which affected its efficiency and effectiveness. It was still in a loss position due to start-up costs, payment defaults and constrained business owing to hyperinflation and the COVID-19 pandemic effects. The Committee was informed that US$ 5 million capital injection was required to meet business growth and new minimum capital requirements for the microfinance bank.

5.0           State of Sporting facilities

The Committees were apprised by the Secretary for Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation on the minimum Premier Soccer League (PSL) and Confederation of African Football (CAF) requirements expected for a stadium as follows:

(i)              A levelled green pitch clearly marked in white;

(ii)           Flood lights 1200 lux covering pitch uniformly;

(iii)        Official dressing rooms;

(iv)          First aid and medical treatment and stretcher carriers;

(v)             Doping control room;

(vi)          Media tribune, press conference room and media facilities;

(vii)      Spectator facilities;

(viii)   A photographer area and camera positions;

(ix)          Signage and bucket seats;

(x)            VIP parking area and;

(xi)          One commentary position.

The Committees conducted visits to sporting facilities after being condemned by the CAF for failing to meet the above requirements. The Committees visited Sakubva in Mutare, Mandava in Zvishavane, Barbourfields in Bulawayo, Mucheke in Masvingo, Rudhaka in Marondera, Ascot in Gweru and National Sports Stadium in Harare respectively. The Committees established that poor sporting facilities had not only made it difficult for the country to host major international competitions, but resulted in loss of revenues that could have been generated from these facilities. The main challenge with sporting facilities is lack of maintenance and that most caretakers who are responsible for the day-to-day maintenance either have little or no expertise in stadium maintenance.

The Committees also established that the current set up of the Sport and Recreation Commission is solely focused on sport development outside facilities. Currently, there is no expertise on the ground to look after the turf for instance. Furthermore, the Stadium Management Board at the Ministry of Local Government and Public Works has completely failed to execute its mandate and is no longer in existence. In the same vein, both the Ministry of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation and local authorities who own stadiums do not have a strategy in place for the countrys stadia. The Committees also noted that devolution funds had not been channeled towards maintenance and upgrading of sporting facilities by local authorities who own them.

A visit by the Committees at Mucheke, Ascot and Mucheke stadiums revealed why these stadiums did not meet 80 percent of the CAF requirements. The pitches were humpy with weeds outgrowing the lawn and lacked markings. The absence of the following critical items compounded the situation; flood lights 1200 lux, official dressing rooms, first aid and medical treatment and stretcher carriers. Furthermore, there were no doping control rooms; media tribune, press conference rooms and the ablution facilities were not safe for use. The B-Arena at Ascot stadium had also been converted into residential stands by the Gweru City Council which demonstrate the local authority’s lack commitment towards sport development.

The Committees’ findings at Mandava, Barbourfields and National stadium also confirmed why these stadiums could not meet the CAF requirements.  At the time of the visits, work was underway to replace the turf, separate VIP area with the rest of the ground and refurbishment of the media and doping control rooms.  The Committees noted that these three stadiums did not have facilities to cater for people with disabilities, bucket seats and floodlights 1200lux. It is pertinent to note that the Committee was impressed by the progress made in upgrading and refurbishing the Mandava Stadium through funds from the Mimosa Mining Company. The stadium had met 98% of the CAF requirements, but what was still outstanding was the purchase of flood light 1200 lux and the total amount required was UDS$ 90 0000.


The Committees made the following observations:

6.1 The shortage of human resources was a serious challenge which exerted too much pressure on employees as they were being forced to multi-task in order to plug the gaps across all the VCTs visited.

          6.2 The equipment and infrastructure in most VTCs was obsolete, an anomaly which affected the learning practice of students, thereby compromising the competency of graduates, particularly in the areas of agriculture, carpentry, textiles and clothing, automotive trades.  Additionally, the Committees were disheartened to observe that the existing infrastructure at VTCs was in a state of disrepair which indicated the lack of goodwill to exercise routine maintenance and housekeeping activities by officers.

6.3 Despite the fact that VCTs have the capacity to take more than 80 percent enrollment of students into tertiary education per annum, most centres had incomplete or white elephant projects due to lack of financial and other resources or in some cases, late disbursement of the same.

6.4 Students at VTCs suffer due to the acute shortage of secure accommodation facilities with conducive and effective studying environments as on-campus facilities could on average cater for 15 percent of the enrolment.

6.5 The lack of access to start-up capital grossly impeded the entrance of graduates into the local industry and mainstream economy thereby undermining the very essence of establishment of VCTs.

6.6 The Empower Bank has operated for more than five years without a substantive Chief Executive Officer which undermines its efficiency and effectiveness.

6.7 Although the Empower Bank aims to provide loan facilities to youths across the country, its services are currently accessed in Harare and Bulawayo and not yet decentralised to rural provinces of the country.

          6.8 The country lacks a clear stadia management strategy. While the Sport and Recreation Commission is largely focused on sport development and outside facilities, there is currently no expertise to maintain the turf in stadia, for example. The Stadium Management Board which used to be under the administration of the Ministry of Local Government and Public Works was no longer in existence.

6.9 The failure by stadiums to meet FIFA and CAF standards was largely due to poor management of sports facilities and lack of prioritisation by owners. For example, all local authorities had never set aside any amount from devolution funds towards upgrading and refurbishment of sporting facilities.

6.10   All the VTCs and football stadiums have not set up enough facilities to cater for people with disabilities


The Committee made the following recommendations:

7.1    The Ministry of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation in collaboration with relevant Government departments should ensure that all VCTs have substantive Principals by 31st October 2021. Acting Principals must be given first preference subject to merit.

7.2    The Ministry of Finance and Economic Development should mobilise adequate financial resources for VTCs and sporting facilities maintenance and development. The Ministry should allocate 80 percent financial resources to VTCs through the National Budget in order to enable these institutions to sustain their operations by 31st December 2021. Additionally, the Ministry must allocate adequate financial resources to the Ministry of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation to ensure that all sporting infrastructure meet international standards within the same timeline. Furthermore, the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development should explore other financial resources mobilisation initiatives such as Public-Private-Partnerships (PPPs) and tax incentives in order to stimulate investment in VTC facilities and sporting infrastructure by 31st October 2021.

7.3 The Ministry of Local Government and Public Works should ensure that at least two percent of the devolution funds is directed towards the development of VTCs by 31st December 2021.

7.4    The Ministry Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation should regulate all VTCs and sporting facilities to ensure that they cater for people with disabilities by 31st July 2021.

7.5 The Ministry of Finance and Economic Development should appoint a substantive Chief Executive Officer and Chairperson of the Board of Directors to strengthen operations of the Empower Bank by 31st June 2021.

7.6 The Empower Bank should decentralise its services to district level and conduct awareness campaigns to ensure that all eligible beneficiaries access its services, including youths in rural areas and students in VTCs across the country by 31st December 2021.

7.7    The Ministry of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation and Ministry of Local Government should appoint a Sports Management Board and sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding the usage and maintenance of sporting facilities by 31st July 2021.


The strategic importance of VTCs, the Empower Bank and sporting facilities to the socio-economic transformation of Zimbabwe cannot be underestimated. VTCs empower our youth with entrepreneurial skills to venture into the small and medium business sector which currently contributes significantly to the country’s domestic product (GDP). Closely linked to that, is the critical financing role of the Empower Bank which provides the much- needed business start-up capital for the youth. Similarly, excellent sporting infrastructure attracts better performance resulting in abundant socio-economic benefits such as employment creation and revenue generation, amongst others. Thus, there is an urgent need for a coordinated approach to the management of sporting facilities in Zimbabwe by the Ministry of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation, and Ministry of Local Government and Public Works.

(v)HON. SARUWAKA: Thank you Madam Speaker. Using the 2019, school examination statistics from ZIMSEC, a total of 206 623 students set for Ordinary level examination, of which 59 879 representing 33, 9%, passed.  This means 146 744 could not make it.  Of the number that passed, those who wrote from schools, there were also 3 336 that were writing from other institutions, those that would have failed previous years who also passed.  The total number of those that passed, those from schools and those from outside school brought the number to 63 215.

          Out of 63 215, only 51 862 proceeded to advanced level. This left 11 353 to join the 146 744 who had failed bringing the total number of people that wrote exams in 2019 at ordinary level who could not proceed with their advanced education to 158 097, which is roughly 160 000.  This is the number annually that is ejected into the wilderness by our education system as it stands today.  These 160 000 young people, these exclude those that proceed to advanced level but fail to go to tertiary education.  They deserve an opportunity to get some skills to help them face the future.

          Therefore, this is where the vocational training centres come into play, where life skills in agriculture, motor mechanics, carpentry, the garments making industry, food industry, and welding and other life skills are imparted to them at these vocational training centres.

          Madam Speaker, this is the case for the vocational training centres and this was the motivation behind the visit - to see how well these institutions are catering for this important section of our population – the youths.  This is a large group of energetic potential innovative and productive group which can contribute to the economic fortunes of their families and the economic development of this country. Failure to harness this volatile group can spell disaster to the whole nation as they can easily slide into drugs, crime, prostitution and other vices associated with idleness.  As you know, Madam Speaker, an idle mind is the devil’s workshop.

Madam Speaker, I was in the group that toured Mushagashe in Masvingo, Zvishavane VTC, Umguza in Matabeleland North and Kaguvi in Midlands Gweru.  What we found out from the tour was very disappointing to say the least.  My Chairman has included every institution in his presentation.  They depicted more of abandoned villages in a war ravaged zone and would easily be mistaken for something else not institutions of learning.  I underline mistaken because these are institutions of learning but you do not necessarily associate them with learning when you look at the state these institutions are in.

What was apparent from our visit is the general kwashiorkor of resources to help these institutions function effectively.  What was even more disturbing, Madam Speaker, is the revelation by the Mashayamombe VTC Principal in Mashonaland West that girls fell victim during the National Youth Service Training at these VTCs at the turn of the century and this affected the enrolment of girls.  This being a month in which we honour women it must be used to underline our commitment as a country to respect women and not abuse them.

VTCs, Madam Speaker, are vital cogs in the development of human skills in this country and should never be looked down upon by anyone, more so those in Government, not least those holding the purse for VTCs from the basis of the expansion of the blue collar industry responsible for spelling development in the industrial revolution our country so desperately wishes to embark on in order to extricate our population from the debilitating poverty we are living through.

We have a great opportunity, Madam Speaker, to turn the fortunes of this country through VTCs now that the formal economy is not working well.  VTCs can revive this great country if they are adequately funded.  In fact, Madam Speaker, looking at the number of students ejected by our education system annually, Government must actually be looking at establishing a VTC in each and every constituency, not district or province but at the constituency level because we have got enough youths that are churned out by our education system that deserve to go through some learning in terms of acquiring skills.  This will give each child a chance to fight poverty.  The current number of VTCs is a far cry in terms of adequacy.  These VTCs must be fully funded and equipped by the State.  Other organisations like what Mimosa is doing at Zvishavane can chip in to assist but the primary role of funding these institutions must lie with our Treasury.

Our trip also looked at sporting facilities to see progress against the CAF guidelines in order to make the stadia usable for international matches.  Our team visited the Mucheke, Mandava, Barbourfields and Ascot stadia.  All these stadia are council owned though Mandava has a special arrangement with Mimosa company where the maintenance and upgrade is done by the platinum producing company.  It was clear from the visits that there is a general neglect and decay of the facilities in the country attributed to lack of resources because councils are relegating sport in their budget.  They are treating it as a non priority.  They claim that they are concentrating on refuse collection, water reticulation, roads, health, education etcetera, even though there is no evidence of such service provision anywhere in the country.

At Ascot there is no ground to talk of.  It is sad to note that these facilities used to be the pride of our country where athletes used to exhibit their skills much to the delight of their communities.  Those were good old days, Madam Speaker, now gone with the wind.  To cut a long debate short the sport facilities in Zimbabwe must be revamped.  Sport is a mega billion business with the potential to turn around the fortunes of this country.  The starting point is the establishment and maintenance of sporting facilities meeting international standards.  We must not allow the sabotaging of those endowed with finance by those bent on destroying these facilities for their selfish ends.  The treatment facing those who built on wetlands where houses and shops are demolished must be listed also on those who build on areas reserved for sport facilities.

What we saw at Ascot stadium is shameful, Madam Speaker, and I plead with the authorities to use Ascot as an example by clearing the settlement in the B arena.  All the master plans for towns and other settlements normally reserve land for sport and I want to appeal that this land must be respected and used for sport.  Let me take this opportunity to appeal to all MPs here that we go out to our constituencies and identify projects built on sport fields for compilation into a document which we then present to the Minister of Local Government for the demolition of any structures build on sport facilities so that we pave way for communities to enjoy sport within their localities.

This might appear radical, Madam Speaker, but the benefits we get from producing in international stars, the wellness and health benefits of a community that takes part in sport is more than what we gain by building on these designated sport fields.

The other area we toured, Madam Speaker, as part of this programme was the empowerment bank.  I do not wish to comment a lot on empowerment bank beyond what the Chair has already presented except to say that these skills at times appear as half hearted measures by our Government to be seen to be doing something yet they are doing absolutely nothing to fund youth projects and initiatives.  Without funding to our youth the chance of our youth making it in life is very little.  So I appeal, Madam Speaker, that the recommendations regarding empowerment bank that have been presented by our Chairman must be taken seriously and action taken as soon as yesterday.  I thank you.

          (V) *HON MAGO: Madam Speaker, I would like to thank the Government for coming up with VCTs so that our youths will be equipped in skills. What pained us as we toured the centres; it looks like there is neglect of these VCTs as alluded by my Chairman. If we look at Bindura VCT, it was only constructed up to roof level which is now dilapidated.  We were referred to the principal there by security guard because there is nothing that is taking place there.

          The VCT in Mashonaland West at Mashayamombe, nothing is taking place there despite the fact that money has been poured there.  Instead of development, it is like we are going in circles.  The VCTs also have shortage of trainers.  There is need to look at the trainer/pupil ratio in these VCTs; for a province we need 15, district needs four trainers, and for satellite we do not know the number. It looks like these VCTs are neglected.  Coming back to Mashayamombe VCT, it looks like there are no girls there. When we inquired we found out that they have an enrolment of 101 boys and 35 girls.

           This did not go down well with us as female Members of Parliament.  On further inquiry we learnt that there were reports of rape cases and that is why there are few girls.  We were shocked that a Government institution has cases of rape to the extent that girls do not feel comfortable to be enrolled there.  Mutare VCT still has an acting principal which shows a neglect of VCTs on the part of Government. This is not an incentive to workers although the acting principal was working whole-heartedly to the extent that if we had the powers we would have made him-a-substantive.  About 80% of school leavers are enrolled in VCTs but the places are looked down upon and neglected to the extent that the students who are channelled from there do not get respect in the industry despite getting good training in skills.  The machines are outdated to the extent that they are not useable in the modern industry where there are new machines.

          The fees that are paid by students at these VCTs are banked centrally.  When they need the money for development they do not get the funds.  If it were possible they would be allowed to keep the funds that they get from their projects for further development. Students who graduate from these colleges cannot start their own businesses because of lack of capital. They are supposed to get money from the Empowerment Bank which is poorly funded. The bank only managed to give 1500 youths countrywide. This might look as a big number but when they further break down you will find that per province probably 5 youths were given money.  This bank must be really supported by Government so that youths will become empowered. The youths are the future of the country. If we leave them like that we will end up having a lot of robbers.  The students who graduate from VCT also help the country, they are just like engineers and doctors from other colleges who after completion go out of the country but these ones are here to stay.

          In conclusion Hon. Speaker, when it comes to our stadiums, I think the Government must be pro-active and not wait for them to be dilapidated first. I thank you Hon. Speaker.

          (V) HON. C. MOYO: Thank you Madam Speaker for affording me this opportunity to also buttress on what has been said by the Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee Hon Tongofa seconded by Hon. Saruwaka.  It is very important that I am a youthful Member of Parliament, who is a leader today. It is very important that we need to inculcate mindset that our youths are leaders of today and leaders of tomorrow.  To begin with Madam Speaker, I want to talk about the national critical skills orthodox 2018 which said we have got an overall gap of skills which stand at 68%. What it means is we have got a mysterious which can be solved by our VCT.

          Secondly, I want to say in education there is a more of ecosystem, we have got our primary schools starting from ECD and our secondary schools, universities and also parts of the ecosystems as Vocational Training Centre. We cannot do without Vocational Training Centres. These centres are for people who need to do their specialised activities which is very important rather than to have people with masters, MBAs and Honours who are selling airtime and are spending 24/7 on social media doing nothing.

          Vocational Training Centres are very important because they are part of education ecosystem. Thirdly if we look at our National Development Strategy 1 which is from 2021 to 2025, if you go to page 148, it talks about human capital development in innovations as engines which will drive NDS1 and the country progress towards Vision 2030. Believe me, Vocational Training Centres are part of human capital development so there is no doubt that Vocational Training as outlined on page 157 are very important because they are also part of our National Development Strategy.

          I need also to highlight the courses at these VCT centres, we talk of motor mechanics, plumbing, welding, carpentry and immediately after finishing the course that person is already ready to enter into a market.  In Bulawayo we do not know about the Empowerment Bank and as a youthful Members of Parliament, I cannot refer my youths in Mpopoma, Pelandaba to go to Empowerment Bank because I do not know where it is and surely something must be done in terms of awareness and visibility because we are saying those products from VCTs must be capacitated from Empowerment Bank by getting initial outlets so that they can start their businesses.

On another note also Madam Speaker you realise that the welfare of teachers at these VCTs are not up to standard.  It is either because of their age and also the lack of seriousness because of the way they will be closed. Maybe it is because of their salaries. So, I propose Madam Speaker. that salaries of those teachers must be looked into so that whenever you go to any vocational training centre, you can see that you can get some sort of a qualification by generally looking at the teachers.

          Lastly, allow me to talk about the sporting facilities. If you can identify talent through these sporting activities, and we need to spruce up our sporting facilities so that those who cannot go to university level can go to sporting facilities in our wards or in our constituencies.

          I support a sporting ground or any other activities in each and every ward so that you can identify our local talent at that low level and then feed them into the national strategy. Government has to do something about that so that at least our locals can benefit. This is in the spirit of devolution. I totally support all the recommendations from the Committee but what is key is to now implement. We do not want to just come up with clear recommendations and leave them in a shelf. Let us make sure that we implore and we take everything from this report and implement it for the sake of our youths who have more energy. Surely this energy must be channeled to activities so that they can feed into the national development which is very important and very clear. As was said on page 148 and on page 157 we need to do something to empower, capacitate and support the innovation from our young people as in the spirit of 5.0 which our Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education always talks about which has industrialisation and modernisation. I thank you Madam Speaker.

          (v)HON. NDUNA: Thank you Hon. Speaker. I just want to add my voice to a report by Hon. Rtd. Major Tongofa and seconded by my brother Hon. Saruwaka. The issue of vocational training centres is key and this is what I am going to touch on first and foremost. Secondly, I am going to touch on sports as an economic development to be championed by the youths who are by the way the majority of this country.

          I introduce my input as follows: where I come from in Chegutu in particular, we have ages 18 up to 35 quantified in 2018, 6 724 and out of that, you will find that not all of those kids or those youths found themselves into tertiary education, in particular, in universities or in other higher places of learning. What I want to put across are the benefits of vocational training centres. One way would be better chances of employment.

          You would remember Madam Speaker or during my time when I was still at school, you would leave school as a school leaver and when you go into employment as a school leaver, you will find that the same person that you were at school with who was of another colour or race, white to be particular, would be your boss but they would not have done very well at school, but they made sure that they hold their practical skills as in apprenticeship somewhere at a workplace that is owned by their parents. So, there is better chances of employment when you go through vocational training. This is where you find that there is better chances of getting employed and economically empowered when you have a lot of skills that have been passed on from generation to generation by your kith and kin Madam Speaker and by vocational training centres and by apprenticeship.

          There are higher learning levels when somebody comes from a vocational institution. That is the second issue. The third issue is the increased job satisfaction. You are doing what it is that you want. The fourth issue is improved flexibility and mobility. We owe it to prosperity and to the future. We need to enhance the visibility of our youths by the establishment of vocational training centres so that they have the improved flexibility and mobility. They are endowed with a lot of energy as Hon. Moyo has alluded to.

          This generation Madam Speaker, certainly has a lot to offer because they are youthful, agile, malleable and they are looking forward to the future. Fifthly, there is lifelong learning from vocational institutions. So, this is what we need to pass down to our generation especially the people of Chegutu West Constituency that I have alluded to.

          The sixth issue is a positive influence on child education in the families like the kids from black Smith vana veMapostori to be precise, they pass on their lifelong skills or their artistry skills of black smith and shoe making.

          So this is a positive influence that can be passed on through vocational  training.  Also the vocational training provides mental health and societal benefits Madam Speaker Ma’am.  It is my thinking that with all these benefits, there is need for vocational training which is meant for school leavers. There must be vocational training for those who want to have more hands-on approach than the academic route especially if they know what industry they want to move into as I have alluded to.  If there is a school lever who wants to work in a child care for argument sake, for art and design for example, then a vocational training centre could be better for the career progression than ‘A’ level combining practical learning with subjects and theory content.

          Often vocational training takes part in the workplace environment.  School leavers have the ability to apply knowledge to real life skills and situation straight away as well as learning interpersonal skills through working in a team environment.  As I have said, it has some way of cohesion and making sure that there is teamwork with colleagues.  Vocational training also is designed to meet specific needs of employers and job seekers. This means that students develop the skills and knowledge that employers want.  This will increase their employability and livelihood of finding a job after completing their studies. That will be a better way of adjusting and likely to find a course that will help them towards their dream job Madam Speaker Ma’am.

I have one  James Ngulube who I paid fees for during his ‘O’ level, not that he was not gifted in academics. I talk about him because he is an acclaimed football player who has also played for Ngezi Platinum and he is now plying his trade at Mbabane Stars in Swaziland.  So, a lot can be gained from vocational training and sports.  It is an economic benefit that can actually see my Constituency and our country getting a lot of development economically through support of sports and vocational training centres Madam Speaker.

          I want to conclude by saying we pull it to prosperity.  In the same way that Government has allowed the companies like NRZ to have private vocational training centres and machine shops in order that they capacitate our youth through apprenticeship, it is time in the same way that we have Government schools and trust schools.  Government allows private players to have private vocational centres and take a cue from ‘Yours Truly’ who is also trying to help the health delivery sector by establishment of accident victims stabilisation centres by the community where I come from.  The community has come hand-in-glove with each other and builds their own health institutions so that they can augment and complement Government efforts in the health delivery sector.

          So, it is much more along the same lines that I now encourage to enact an Act that regulates and promotes the private sector to complement the work being done by the vocational training centres.  This will make sure that we get a lot of graduates after the Bill that seeks to harmonise the qualifications of our higher and tertiary institutions together with the vocational training centres.

          Madam Speaker, I want to thank you for giving me this opportunity to vociferously and eloquently debate and add my voice to this report using the words of the people of Chegutu West Constituency that have commissioned me to present this debate.  I thank you.

          HON. TONGOFA:  I move that the debate do now adjourn.

          (v)HON. SARUWAKA:  I second.

          Motion put and agreed to.

          Debate to resume: Wednesday, 10th March, 2021.



          HON. MUTAMBISI:  Madam Speaker, I move that the rest of the Orders of the Day be stood over until Orders of the Day, Numbers 33  and 37 have been disposed of.

          HON. MPARIWA: I second.

          Motion put and agreed to.



          Thirty-third Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the death of Hon Miriam Mushayi.

          Question again proposed.

HON. I. NYONI: Thank you Madam Speaker for giving me the opportunity to wind up the debate on Order Number 33, on the passing away of Hon. Miriam Mushayi. It is perhaps a coincidence that I am winding up today considering that yesterday was the International Women’s Day. They were niceties that were exchanged on social media particularly highlighting the importance for equal opportunities for women with men. This takes me to the debates that were highlighted by the Hon. Members of Parliament. It was very clear that Hon. Mushayi was a heroine in her own.

From my own point of view, I am sure most of you here and elsewhere are with me, that the particular constituency Kuwadzana East, we look forward that the replacement will be a woman. Therefore, it is up to the various political players to ensure that the niceties that were shared on social media are respected. Thank you to all Hon. Members who debated this important motion.

In conclusion, I would like to move that this House adopts the motion that the House;

EXPRESSES its profound sorrow on the untimely passing on after a short illness on Monday, 7th September, 2020 of the late Member of Parliament for Kuwadzana Constituency, Hon. Miriam Mushayi;

PLACES on record its appreciation for the services which the late Hon. Member rendered to Parliament and the nation at large;

          RESOLVES that its profound sympathies be conveyed to the Mushayi family, relatives and the entire Kuwadzana Constituency, put and agreed to.



Thirty-Seventh Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the recapitalisation of the District Development Fund.

          Question again proposed.

          HON. CHINGOSHO: Madam Speaker, before I close the debate on the need to recapitalise DDF, I want to thank all the Hon. Members of this House on both sides who strongly supported the motion, resulting in DDF being given the recognition it deserves. Although it did not get what it was expecting according to its budgetary requirements, DDF during this new dispensation financial year got its deserving recognition in both urban and rural set ups.

          You will bear witness with me Madam Speaker that before the debate in this august House, DDF was almost forgotten and many people including the Hon. Minister of Finance himself did not quite understand the important role DDF plays in our rural and urban development. At this juncture, I want to thank the Hon. Minister of Finance for responding positively to the call on recognising DDF in this current financial year by allocating reasonable funds to DDF despite the many constraints faced by the nation which included the unbudgeted for natural disasters like COVID-19 and cyclones, which demand a lot of financial support.

There is no doubt that the important role that DDF is playing now in the rural and urban areas in repairing damaged roads, bridges and drilling boreholes is a clear demonstration that DDF is a department that deserves a lot of financial support in the next budget years to come. With these few remarks Madam Speaker, I now move that this House adopts the motion that;

MINDFUL that the District Development Fund provides services to a wide range of clientele which includes among others Non-Governmental Organisations and private individuals all over Zimbabwe;

ALSO MINDFUL that DDF is mandated to facilitate rapid and equitable sustainable rural development and assisting in ensuring adequate food security;

DISTURBED that DDF has been incapacitated in fulfilling its mandate due to dwindling financial resources, obsolete equipment and dilapidated infrastructure;

CONCERNED that the lack of resources at DDF further disadvantages vulnerable communities in terms of development, maintenance of infrastructure, water supplies, tillage services, equipment for hire during rehabilitation and construction of roads thereby impacting negatively on service delivery;

 NOW THEREFORE calls upon the Executive to:

  1. a)      Recapitalise all sections of the District Development Fund so that the department fulfills its mandate and enhance service delivery to its clientele.
  2. b)      That adequate funds be availed for the sustenance of DDF operations countywide by year end, put and agreed to.

On the motion of HON. MUTAMBISIseconded by HON. MPARIWAthe House adjourned at a Quarter past Six o’clock p.m.

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