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No. 31























Quarter past two o’clock pm. The Speaker in the Chair.




Members Present



Banda T;

Beremauro G;

Bhebhe A;

Bunjira R

Butau D

Chakona P

Chamisa N

Chapfika D

Chasi F

Chibagu G

Chibaya A

Chidhakwa S

Chigudu M

Chikomba L

Chikuni E

Chikwama B

Chikwinya N

Chikwinya S

ChimeneM M

Chimwamurombe A

Chinanzvavana C

Chinomona M M

Chinotimba J

Chiota P C

Chipanga K

Chipato A

Chirisa F

Chitembwe V J

Chitindi C

Chitura L

Chivamba K

Cross E G

Dhewa  W

Dokora L D K

Dube S

Dziva T M

Gava M

Gezi T  Gonese I.T Gumbo E.

Gumbo S

Gwanongodza E

Haritatos P

Hlongwane M

Holder J

Hungwa  G

Jaboon J

Kachepa N

Kadungure D A

Kagonye P

Kasukuwere S

Katsande A

Kaukonde R J

Kaundikiza M

Kazembe K

Kereke M

Khanye N

Khumalo M

Khupe T

Kuruneri C

Kwaramba G

Labode M R

Mabuwa C

Machingura R

Madanha M

Madondo T

Madubeko J

Madzimure W Madzore S

Mahiya M

Mahlangu T

Mahoka S

Majaya B

Majome F J

Makoni R R

Makonya J

Makunde T

Makweya M

Mandipaka O

Mangwende S

Manyengavana M

Maondera W

Mapiki J

Maridadi J

Marumahoko R

Masamvu L

Masara Budha S

Mashakada T

Mashange W

Mashayamombe S

Mashonganyika D

Masiya D

Masuku P

Matambanadzo M Matangaidze T

Matangira T R

Mataruse P

Mathe G

Matibenga L G

Matienga M

Matimba K M

Matuke L

Mavenyengwa R

Mavima P

Mawere M


Mawere M RN S

Mbwembwe E

Mguni O

Mhere E

Mhlanga A

Mhlanga N J

Mhona F T

Midzi A B M

Mkandla M

Mlambo W B.J;

Mliswa T P


Moyo F

Moyo G

Moyo L

Moyo R

Mpariwa P

Mpofu B

Mpofu M M

Mpofu O M

Mpofu R

Mpofu S

Mtingwende T Muchenje F

Muchenje M S

Mudambo T

Mudarikwa S

Mudau M

Muderedzwa R

Mufunga A

Mukanduri S T

Munochinzwa M

Mukwangwariwa F G

Mukwena R

Munochinzwa M.

Munengami F

Murai E

Musanhi K S

Musiiwa A

Musundire A L

Musvaire W

Mutematsaka C

Mutezo M

Mutinhiri A

Mutomba W

Mutseyami P C Muzhavazhe J

Muzondiwa E S

Ncube H

Ncube O

Ncube S

Ndebele A

Ndhlovu Alice

Ndhlovu  Annastancia

Ndlovu D M;

Ndlovu M S

Ndlovu N

Ndoro L F

Nduna D

Nkatazo M M

Nkomo Mail

Nkomo Malachi

Nkomo R

Nkomo S S

Nleya L

Nyahwo A

Nyamupinga B B

Nyanhongo M

Nyathi B

Nyere C

Passade J

Pedzisai I

Pemhenayi B

Phiri F P

Porusingazi E

Rudzirwayi J M

Rungani A

Ruvai E

Shamu W K

Shongedza E

Sibanda D

Sibanda D P

Sibanda L

Sibanda M

Sibanda Z

Sithole G K

Simbanegavi Y

Sindi C

Tarusenga U  D

Thembani S Z

Toffa J

Tshuma B

Tshuma D

Tsogorani J

Tsomondo C

Undenge S

Vutete M

Wadyajena J M Zemura L

Zhanda P T

Zhou P

Zhou T

Zindi I

Ziyambi Z

Zvidzai S

Zwizwai M





Printed                        by                         Order                         of                         the                          House



Absent with leave


  1. Papers laid upon the table

            Office of the President and Cabinet

District Development Fund Estimates of Expenditure 2012


  1. The Speakerinformed the House of a change in the membership of Committees where Hon. G Sithole moves from the Portfolio Committee on Foreign Affairs to the Public Accounts Committee.


  1. The Speaker also informed Hon. Members that in terms of Standing Order No. 34 (7), no Member shall be entitled to more than four oral questions to one Minister on any sitting day. questions.


  1. Questions without notice.


  1. Questions with notice


  1. Majome, seconded by Hon. Matibenga, moved:


That this House-


NOTING that the 16 days of activism against gender based violence began on 25 November and ended on 10 December 2013, the International Human Rights Day under the theme End Violence Against Women: Fight Militarism;


DISTURBED by the high rate of gender based violence in Zimbabwe, that is, against women and girls, particularly since January last year (2013) 1050 women and have been raped;


CONCERNED by the low rate of apprehension, conviction and sentencing of perpetrators of gender based violence;


CONCERNED by the absence and lack of crime forensic experts in Zimbabwe, as well as the lack of forensic rape investigation kits;


FURTHER DISMAYED by the lenient sentences passed against rapists, given a possible life sentence;


COGNISANT that at the launch of last year’s 16 days of activism campaign government launched the National Gender Based Violence Strategy 2012-2015 whose four key result areas are Prevention, Service Provision, Research, Documentation, Evaluation and Coordination.


NOW THEREFORE, resolves that;


  1. I) There be legislated a mandatory sentence for rape, including statutory rape, of not less than thirty years and appropriate sentences for other forms of gender based violence. ii) The government immediately engages adequate services of forensic scientists for purposes of investigating rape. ii) The government immediately and continually equips all police stations with forensic investigation rape kits.
  2. iv) The government immediately crafts, adopts and implements with stakeholders an action plan, with a budget, of the Zimbabwe National Gender Based Violence Strategy: 2012 -2015.


On the motion of the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. On the motion of the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs: The House adjourned at five o’clock pm.


  1. F. MUDENDA, Speaker.







  1. Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned 4th February The

Minister of State for Provincial Affairs - Mashonaland East)


[Time elapsed: 14 hrs. 43mins.]


Question proposed: That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows: -


May it please you, your Excellency the President:



We the Members of Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to Parliament- Hon Mbwembwe.






That this House -


            AWARE that the Government of Zimbabwe has a duty of transparency and accountability in respect of     its stewardship of national assets in pursuit of the national interest.


FURTHER AWARE of our commitment to promote gender equality and empower women as envisaged by millennium development goal number 3 and more fully by our constitution.


DEVASTATED by the violence unleashed by the Board of Directors of the Hwange Colliery

Company Limited on the women who moved to gather at the corporations General Office in Hwange on the 7th of  October 2013 intending to peacefully press on the Board the urgency of the need for payment of long overdue wages by the company to its employees.



            NOW, THEREFORE:


i.Calls upon the Government of Zimbabwe as the majority shareholder of the Hwange Colliery ii.Company Limited, to exercise its ownership to provide the relief sought by the community iii.stakeholder.





That this House -


            COGNISANT that government has committed itself to a salary increase for public servants;


           AWARE that any increase will be minimal given resource challenges;


            RECALLING the Government resolution on the need to introduce non-monetary benefits to        augment salaries of Public Servants;



            NOW, THEREFORE:


Calls upon the Minister of Finance to immediately implement the non monetary benefits giving all public servants a duty free certificate to import a vehicle for personal use.




That this House takes note of the report on the 2013 Madagascar Elections by the Zimbabwe Parliament Observation Team, 2014.





            That this House takes note of the report  of the Zimbabwe Delegation to the workshop on  Strengthening  Police Oversight accountability in Southern Africa from 4 – 6 December 2013 at OR Tambo Hotel,             Johannesburg in South Africa.


Adjourned debate on motion on gender based violence (Adjourned 5th February- The Deputy  Minister of Home Affairs)


[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed:


That this House-


NOTING that the 16 days of activism against gender based violence began on 25 November and ended on 10 December 2013, the International Human Rights Day under the theme End Violence Against Women: Fight Militarism;


DISTURBED by the high rate of gender based violence in Zimbabwe, that is, against women and girls, particularly since January last year (2013) 1050 women and have been raped;


CONCERNED by the low rate of apprehension, conviction and sentencing of perpetrators of gender based violence;


CONCERNED by the absence and lack of crime forensic experts in Zimbabwe, as well as the lack of forensic rape investigation kits;


FURTHER DISMAYED by the lenient sentences passed against rapists, given a possible life sentence;


COGNISANT that at the launch of last year’s 16 days of activism campaign government launched the National Gender Based Violence Strategy 2012-2015 whose four key result areas are Prevention, Service Provision, Research, Documentation, Evaluation and Coordination.


NOW THEREFORE, resolves that;


  • There be legislated a mandatory sentence for rape, including statutory rape, of not less than thirty years and appropriate sentences for other forms of gender based violence.
  • The government immediately engages adequate services of forensic scientists for purposes of investigating rape.
  • The government immediately and continually equips all police stations with forensic investigation rape kits.
  • The government immediately crafts, adopts and implements with stakeholders an action plan, with a budget, of the Zimbabwe National Gender Based Violence Strategy: 2012 2015 – Majome.





That this House takes note of the report of the 34th Session of the ACP Parliamentary Assembly and the 26th ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 20 to 27 January 2013.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the Delegation to the Conference of Parties of the United Nations Framework Conventions on Climate Change COP (19) (Adjourned 30th January- Dr. J. M. Gumbo)


[Day elapsed: 1]




Question proposed:



That this House takes note of the report on the Conference of Parties of the United Nations Framework Conventions on Climate Change COP (19) held from 11th - 22nd November 2013 in Warsaw, Republic of Poland- Hon. A. Ndhlovu.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the proliferation of alleged illegal structures and illegal   allocation of stands (Adjourned 4th December – D. Sibanda)


[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed: 


That this House;


CONCERNED by the proliferation of illegal structures put up by the homeless at a time the  local Authorities of Harare, Chitungwiza and other Local Authorities elsewhere in the country are dismantling such structures which are the only means of accommodation available to these people without providing alternative accommodation.



DISMAYED by the reluctance of the law enforcement agencies to apprehend the illegal land  developers and unregistered co operatives that are swindling and shortchanging desperate home  seekers of their hard earned cash.



            NOW THEREFORE:


Calls upon the Government to take-


  • Remedial measures by putting in place programmes that are sustainable and settlement plans that are pro-poor.


  • Action against these illegal land developers and unregistered cooperatives – Hon.




  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the constrained space that Parliament is currently operating in (Adjourned 3rd December – Dr. J.M. Gumbo).


[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed: That this House:


NOTING that the Constitution of Zimbabwe provides for a Presidential Proclamation in setting        the venue for the sitting of Parliament;


CONCERNED that the current parliamentary venue does not provide a conducive environment for serious debate;


            RECALLING the need to devolve arms of state and bring Parliament to other centres too;



            NOW, THEREFORE:


Calls upon this House-


  • In the short term to change the venue for the sitting of Parliament;


  • To consider moving the seat of Parliament to Bulawayo; and


(c)       To provide resources for minimum renovations to the current Parliament. – Hon.  Misihairabwi - Mushonga


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the intermittent power cuts by ZESA (Adjourned 3rd December – Mpariwa).


[Days elapsed: 7]


Question proposed: That this House:


ALARMED by the intermittent power cuts to both domestic and commercial consumers as a result of load-shedding and faults;


CONCERNED by the lack of capacity by ZESA to attend timeously to faults;


DEEPLY WORRIED by the ever increasing gap between demand and supply;


ALSO DEEPLY ALARMED by the lack of investment into the power sector by the shareholder;


FURTHER CONCERNED by the flight of qualified and experienced personnel which has adverse effects on the electricity supply industry;




Resolves that the Portfolio Committee on Mines and Energy conducts an inquiry into the power sector in Zimbabwe. – Hon. Maridadi


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on breast and cervical cancer (Adjourned 21st November – Hon. Gonese)



[Days elapsed: 3]


Question proposed: That this House -


ALARMED by the number of women dying from breast and cervical cancer in Zimbabwe;


CONCERNED by the unavailability of cancer treatment in Zimbabwe;


DEEPLY WORRIED by the lack of accessibility to cancer treatment in Zimbabwe;


FURTHER CONCERNED that cancer treatment is not affordable especially to the majority of women;


DEEPLY SADDENED that cancer treatment is not available, accessible and affordable;




Recommends the introduction of a cancer levy in order to save many lives; and


Calls for the establishment of cancer treatment units in every district Hon. Khupe



  1. Adjourned debate on motion on sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe by the US government and European Union (Adjourned 21st November – Hon. Gonese).


[Days elapsed: 5]


Question proposed: That this House:


CONCERNED by the high rate of de-industrialisation in Zimbabwe’s major cities and towns continuously in the last 12 years;


FURTHER CONCERNED by the levels of unemployment currently experienced in Zimbabwe;


DEEPLY WORRIED by the sanctions induced poverty levels that have blighted Zimbabweans for the past 12 years;


PERTURBED by the alarming brain and skills drain experienced by Zimbabwe’s economy in the last decade;


ALARMED by the arrogant unilateralism of the West which imposed sanctions on Zimbabwe without engaging in exhaustive dialogue;




Calls on the European Union, Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America to lift all forms of sanctions they imposed on Zimbabwe.


Resolves to submit this motion, together with a covering letter to the European Parliament, the

European External Action Service, the United States Congress, the Australian Parliament, New Zealand Parliament and the House of Commons, encouraging them to urge their governments to lift all forms of sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe – Hon. Hlongwane


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on food shortages in Zimbabwe (Adjourned 15th October – The Minister of State for Provincial Affairs – Harare)



Question proposed


That this House-

[Day elapsed: 1]


NOTING that Zimbabwe was once the breadbasket of Southern Africa and has now been reduced to a basket case;


DISTURBED by the Government’s lack of precautionary programmes to avert hunger in the face of poor rainy season;


CONCERNED  by the acute shortage of food which has resulted in more than two million people facing starvation particularly in Masvingo, Midlands, Matebeleland and Manicaland Provinces;


MINDFUL of the fact that in Zimbabwe more than 2.2 million people are in need of food to avert starvation;




Resolves to set up a Parliamentary Committee to enquire into the food shortage crisis that is currently engulfing Zimbabwe; and


Calls upon Government to implement an urgent non-partisan drought and starvation mitigation programme –Hon. Nkomo S.S.



  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the terrorist attacks on the Westgate Shopping Mall in Kenya (Adjourned 3rd October - The Minister State for Provincial Affairs- Harare).



[Days elapsed: 2] Question proposed: That this House-

RECALLS attacks by the terrorist group Al-Shabaab on Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya;


DEEPLY SADDENED by the death of sixty-two people and one hundred and seventy-five people who sustained injuries as a result of this terrorist attack;




Condemns the attack on the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya; and


Expresses its condolences to the families who lost their loved ones and our solidarity with the people of Kenya at this trying time - Hon. G. Moyo.



  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Health Sector in Zimbabwe (Adjourned 1st October - The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs).



[Days elapsed: 2] Question proposed: That this House-


ALARMED by the deteriorating nature of the health sector in Zimbabwe which include the       health infrastructure and services;


CONCERNED by government’s lack of adequate attention, time and effort into averting the    health crisis;


DEEPLY WORRIED by the expanding gap between the private and public health delivery     systems;


ALSO DEEPLY ALARMED by the reports from Harare Central Hospital where mothers are delivering babies on the floor;


FURTHER CONCERNED by the shortage of basic services such as water at government institutions;




Resolves that the Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Care conducts an inquiry into the health sector in Zimbabwe - Hon. Dr. Labode.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the establishment of a Women’s Bank (Adjourned 20th November Hon. Gonese).


[Days elapsed: 4]


            Question proposed: 


That this House-

             ALARMED by the number of women informal traders in Zimbabwe;


CONCERNED by the lack of empowerment of women regardless of the establishment of flea      markets in Zimbabwe;


ALSO CONCERNED by the levels of poverty regardless of empowerment programmes put in     place by government and NGOs, such as flea markets;


DEEPLY SADDENED by lack of financial literacy programmes by government and NGOs         targeted at women in the retail trade.


DEEPLY WORRIED by the attitudes towards women informal entrepreneurs by financial           Institutions;




Calls for the establishment of a Women's Bank that will not require collateral. - Hon Khupe.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the realignment of existing laws to the Constitution (Adjourned 21st November The Minister of State for Provincial Affairs- Mashonaland East).


[Days elapsed: 3]


            Question proposed: 


That this House:


ACKNOWLEDGING that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and all existing laws have to be aligned to the new Constitution;


RECOGNISING that the current pieces of legislation must reflect the thrust and spirit of the progressive dispensation brought about by the new Constitution;


WORRIED that the Executive seems to lack the necessary commitment and enthusiasm to expeditiously attend to this matter;


CONCERNED  that the lack of certainty regarding which laws are not consistent with the letter and spirit of the new Constitution will result in the lack of clarity on the legal position on various issues;




            Calls upon the Executive to urgently take steps to amend a number of laws to align them to the Constitution- Hon. Gonese.



  1. Recommital:- COMMITTEE: Income Tax Bill (H.B. 5A, 2012)- The Minister of Finance and Economic Development.
  2. COMMITTEE OF SUPPLY (Supplementary Estimates of Expenditure (2013) – Vote Nos. 1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 17a, 20, 21, 31 and 34).













That this House –


RECALLING the signing of the Kadoma Declaration;


WORRIED by the continued disharmony between and among the government, labour and industry;


DESIROUS of seeing a concerted and team approach to resolving challenges in the economy;




Resolves that Government initiates social dialogue discussions between government, business and labour;


Calls on Government to activate the Tripartite Negotiating Forum constituted by government, business and labour.




                        QUESTIONS FOR ORAL ANSWERS




*1.       HON GONESE: To ask the Minister of State for Presidential Affairs in the President’s Office to outline to the House

  1. The annual budget of the Presidential scholarship fund.


  1. Whether it is not prudent to use the fund to upgrade the infrastructure of local Universities in order to arrest the capital outflow.


  • Why the fund is administered outside the Ministry of Education; and


  1. The beneficiaries by province since its inception.


  [Deferred from Wednesday 4th December, 2013]


*2 HON ZINDI: To ask the Minister of State for Presidential Affairs to avail the management of
  government parastatals; board of Directors and Chief Executive Officers salaries and


allowances and fees to the House.



                                                                                [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]
*3. HON MADUBEKO:  To ask the Minister of Health and Child Care to explain to the House whether  it is still  a government policy to have clinics every 10kms and if so, why is it not so in Vungu  Resettlement area.

[Deferred from Wednesday 4th December, 2013]



*4. HON NDUNA: To ask the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education to explain its position


regarding 2.6% of the range of 3-24 who have not had access to education.



                                                                                [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]
*5. HON NDUNA: To ask the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education to explain how the


Ministry intends to achieve MDG number 2; to axchieve universal primary education by 2015.


[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]

*6. HON NDUNA:  To ask the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education to explain what the
  Ministry is doing to ensure the full implementation of career guidance and counseling services



for the youths.

[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]

*7. HON NDUNA:  To ask the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education to inform the House:
i. The Ministry's strategy regarding the screening of teachers before employment.
  1. Whether they have access to a register of offenders deemed unsuitable to work with children.


        [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]

*8. HON NDUNA:  To ask the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education to explain the Ministry's


policy to ensure there is no social exclusion of children with disabilities in the education sector.


                                                                                [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]
*9. HON NDUNA:  To ask the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education to explain the Ministry's


  1. to bridged the infrastructural and human resource gap in the digital divide between urban and rural schools
  2. To harness the use of ICT in socio economic development through building the human and motivational capacity for information capacity for information and Communication Technology.

[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014] *10.      HON MANGAMI:  To ask the Minister of Health and Child Care to explain Government policy on the assistance given to people whose health care treatment requires a lot of money for ailments such as   transplants.

[Deferred from Wednesday 22nd January, 2014]


*11.  HON MADZIMURE:  To ask the Minister of Local Government Public Works and National Housing to give a detailed breakdown of salaries and other benefits being paid to the Town Clerks and Directors of Harare, Bulawayo , Mutare, Gweru, Masvingo and Kwekwe.


        [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]


*12.    HON MADZIMURE:  To ask the Minster of Local Government Public Works and National

Housing          to inform the house;


i.The amount of money borrowed from China for Harare City Water reticulation  at Jeffrey Morton Water Works?

ii.The conditions of the China – Exim Bank loan agreement.

iii.The seconded Engineers to advise on the number of Local engineers to be trained.


[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]


*13.     HON. MADZIMURE:  To ask the Minister of Local Government Public Works and National Housing          to;


  1. confirm whether the owner of the land between Kambuzuma section 6 and Marimba Police Satation is Joshua M. Nkoma Housing cooperative.

v.State the names of registered cooperatives on this piece of land, the number of stands allocated to each cooperative as well as the number of members belonging to each cooperative.

vi.Inform the house whether the entire construction taking place is legal, if not why does the council of the City of Harare not taking any action.

vii.Disclose th the house the person   responsible for selling and receiving payment for stands being sold. viii.Explain why stands at the cooperative are sold to the highest bidder when they belong to the members.

ix.Explain why Joshua M. Nkomo cooperative was allowed to connect water and sewer without following procedures.


[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]


*14.    HON MADZIMURE:  To ask the Minister of Local Government Public Works and National

Housing          to inform the House;


  • The owner of the school that was built on the said land.
  • Where the owner of the school got the authority to construct it.
  • Where the owner or constructor of the school got the land from?


[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]

*15. HON. NDUNA: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National
  Housing to explain the following:

(i)            the Ministry’s progress regarding the finalization of a National Disaster Risk Strategy and the formation of district disaster preparedness strategies both for the short term and long term; and

(ii)           the Ministry’s policy regarding embracing technology such as Global Information Systems to improve its emergency management system.


[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]


*16. HON. NDUNA: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National
  Housing to state the measures the Ministry is taking to address the current housing
  backlog in Chegutu West District in order to achieve the fundamental right to decent

[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]

*17. HON. NDUNA: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National
  Housing to explain the plans the Ministry has to address the demand for library services  in
  Chegutu West District.

[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]





HON. NDUNA: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National

Housing to explain the Ministry’s policy regarding the development of new and  refurbishment  of existing public amenities on land allocated for that purpose in Chegutu West District.

[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]



*19. HON. NDUNA: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National
  Housing to explain the measures the Ministry is with respect to servicing, upgrading and



the establishment of effective lighting in urban areas.

[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]



*20. HON. NDUNA: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National
  Housing to explain the following:

(iii)      the Ministry’s progress regarding the finalization of a National Disaster Risk Strategy and the formation of district disaster preparedness strategies both for the short term and long term; and

(iv)      the Ministry’s policy regarding embracing technology such as Global Information Systems to improve its emergency management system.


[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]



*21. HON. NDUNA: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National
  Housing to state the measures the Ministry is taking to address the current housing
  backlog in Chegutu West District in order to achieve the fundamental right to decent



[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]



*22. HON. NDUNA: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National
  Housing to explain the plans the Ministry has to address the demand for library services  in



Chegutu West District.

[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]

*23. HON. NDUNA: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National
  Housing to explain the Ministry’s policy regarding the development of new and  refurbishment


of existing public amenities on land allocated for that purpose in Chegutu West District.


                                                                       [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]
*24. HON. NDUNA: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National
  Housing to explain the measures the Ministry has put in place with respect to servicing,
  upgrading and the establishing an effective lighting system in urban areas.
                                                                         [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]
*25. HON ZINDI: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing to
  avail the salaries and allowances of the management of all local authorities to the August

[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]



*26. HON ZINDI: To ask the Minister  of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing
  whether the majority of employess of the city of Harare have not been paid their salaries since
  last year from November to date while the Town Clerk and the management continued to
  receive their salaries, allowances and bonuses.


                                                                       [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]
*27. HON MADZIMURE:  To ask the Minister of Local Government Public Works and National Housing to give a detailed breakdown of salaries and other benefits being paid to the Town Clerks and Directors of Harare, Bulawayo , Mutare, Gweru, Masvingo and Kwekwe.
                                                                         [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]


*28.     HON MADZIMURE:  To ask the Minster of Local Government Public Works and National Housing to inform the house;


  1. The amount of money borrowed from China for Harare City Water reticulation at Jeffrey Morton Water Works?
  2. The conditions of the China – Exim Bank loan agreement.
  • The seconded Engineers to advise on the number of Local engineers to be trained.


[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]


*29.    Hon. Madzimure:  To ask the Minister of Local Government Public Works and National

Housing to;


  1. confirm whether the owner of the land between Kambuzuma section 6 and Marimba Police Satation is Joshua M. Nkoma Housing cooperative.
  2. State the names of registered cooperatives on this piece of land, the number of stands allocated to each cooperative as well as the number of members belonging to each cooperative.
  • Inform the house whether the entire construction taking place is legal, if not why does the council of the City of Harare not taking any action.
  1. Disclose th the house the person responsible for selling and receiving payment for stands being sold.
  2. Explain why stands at the cooperative are sold to the highest bidder when they belong to the members.
  3. Explain why Joshua M. Nkomo cooperative was allowed to connect water and sewer without following procedures.


[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]


*30.    HON MADZIMURE:  To ask the Minister of Local Government Public Works and National

Housing          to inform the House;


  1. The owner of the school that was built on the said land.
  2. Where the owner of the school got the authority to construct it.
  • Where the owner or constructor of the school got the land from?


[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]



*31.     HON MADZIMURE:  To ask the Minsiter of Finance and Economic Development to inform the       house;


  • When Dr G. Gono left the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe
  • Whether an audit to determine the state of affairs was carried out. If so what was the outcome .
  • The amount of gold and cash reserves that was handed over by the ex – Reserves Bank of Zimbabwe Governor to the Acting Governor.
  • Who authorised, for the past three years, the sale of gold from the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe , how much gold was sold and where was it sold.
  • How far the Central Bank has with ts retrenchments exercise.

[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]

*32 HON MADZIMURE:  to ask the Minister of Finance and Econmic Development to explain why Mr. G. Pasi is still at ZIMRA since the term of office for the Commissioner General of Taxes expired.


                                                                       [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]
*33. HON ZINDI: To ask the Minister of Finance to explain to the House of the measures in place to
  ensure policy consistency in our economy in order to create a suitable and conducive
  environment for foreign direct investment given the competition in the SADC region.



[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]

*34. HON MADZIMURE:  To ask the Minster of Finance and Economic Development to inform the


  1. When Dr G. Gono left the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe ii.Whether an audit to determine the state of affairs was carried out.  If so what was the outcome.

iii. The amount of gold and cash reserves that was handed over by the ex – Reserves Bank of Zimbabwe Governor to the Acting Governor. iv. Who authorised, for the past three years, the sale of gold from the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, how much gold was sold and where was it sold.

  1. How far the Central Bank has with its retrenchments exercise.

[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]


*35.    HON CROSS:  To ask the Minister of Transport to inform the House on;

  1. The total arrears owing to staff of the National Railways in terms of the salaries, overtime and allowances upto the end of December 2013.
  2. The plans the Minister has to ensure that these obligations are met and the plans in place to revive the railways and ensure that it is able to assume its role as the primary system of transport for bulk commodities, experts and imports.
  • When the appointments of a new substantive Chief Executive for NRZ and;
  • To confirm the National Railways of Zimbabwe have had their bank accounts garnished by ZIMRA and NSSA to recover unpaid obligation to both organisations and to outline the impact this will have on the payment of salaries and salaries to staff in January 2014.


[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]


*36.    HON CROSS:  To ask the Minister for Sports, Arts and Culture to explain to the House;


  • The reasons for non payment of salaries and other allowances to the National Zimbabwe Cricket team since October 2013.
  • The background to the debt incurred with the Metropolitan Bank and the loss of interest on the ICC grant of US$6 million to the Cricket Association amounting to almost million.
  • Why the ministry has not taken action to correct the situation where several senior members of the cricket in Zimbabwe hold senior positions in the Bank despite the conflict of interest; and
  • Outline the mechanisms in place to ensure the situation is rectified as soon as possible so that Zimbabwe can resume normal cricket activities.


[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]


*37. HON CROSS:  To ask the Minister of Environment, Water and Climate to inform the house on the
  progress made on the construction and completion of the Tokwe – Mukosi Dam and an estimate


of the cost  over runs and reasons for them.


                                                                        [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]
*38. HON NDUNA:  To as the Minister of Environment, Water and climate to explain to the House what  the Ministry is doing with regard to the development of an updated National Water master Plan  that addresses emerging issues of urban, industrial and mining water in the nation.


                                                                        [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]
*39. HON. NDUNA: To ask the Minister of Water, Environment and Climate to explain the following
in view of the fact that geographical and climate data on Chegutu West District can only be
  obtained from Harare:

I)        the Ministry’s policy regarding the establishment of agro-ecological stations, global positioning systems and global information; and  ii)            what the Ministry is doing to ensure that accurate climatic and geographical data is easily accessible for agricultural planning purposes.


                                                                          [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]


*40. HON. NDUNA: To ask the Minister of Water, Environment and Climate to explain the following in view of the fact that geographical and climate data on Chegutu West District can only be  obtained from Harare:

iii)      the Ministry’s policy regarding the establishment of agro-ecological stations, global positioning systems and global information; and  iv)           what the Ministry is doing to ensure that accurate climatic and geographical data is easily accessible for agricultural planning purposes.


                                                                          [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]


*41. HON. NDUNA: To ask the Minister of Water, Environment and Climate to explain the measures
  the Ministry is taking to extend responsibility to producers for purposes in order to achieve the


Environmental Management Authority’s goals of reducing pollution and by minimizing waste.


                                                                        [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]
*41. HON. NDUNA: To ask the Minister of Water, Environment and Climate to state:
  • the measures the Ministry has taken to address the agro-ecological differences and needs that exist between urban and rural communities in terms of energy, given that Chegutu West comprises of 12 urban and 3 rural wards with 26% of the population still using wood as the primary source of energy.
  • the strategies the Ministry has employed to educate the communities on the long term effects of deforestation and the need to build sustainable communities.


[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]


*42. Hon Nduna:  To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation  Development to
  explain the Ministry's policy regarding adaption and mitigation measures on climate


variabilities within the agricultural sector to safeguard food security.


                                                                       [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]
*43. Hon Nduna:  To ask the Minister of Agriculture Mechanisation and Irrigation Development to
  explain the Ministry's Policy regarding the use of technologies such as Global Position systems
  and Global Information Systems to map irrigated land.



[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]

*44. HON ZINDI: To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development to
  explain why the Ministry has stopped announcing the pre-planting producer price of maize and



                                                                       [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]
*45. HON ZINDI: To ask the Minister  of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development  to
  explain why the money to procure maize and wheat from outside the country can be sourced
  while funds to pay farmers for their wheat and maize delivered to Grain Marketing Board are
  not made available.


                                                                       [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]
*46. HON ZINDI: To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development to
  update the House on the progress regarding the Chinese loan facility for the rehabilitation of the
  Grain Marketing Board Silos.


                                                                       [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]
*47. HON NDUNA: To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development to
  explain the major challenges faced by the food assistance programme and the Ministry's
  strategy to address these challenges.


                                                                       [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]
*48. HON NDUNa:  To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation  development to
  explain the Ministry's policy regarding adaption and mitigation measures on climate
  variabilities within the agricultural sector to safeguard food security.



[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]

*49. HON NDUNA:  To ask the Minister of Agriculture Mechanisation and Irrigation Development to
  explain the Ministry's Policy regarding the use of technologies such as Global Position systems
  and Global Information Systems to map irrigated land.
                                                                         [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]


*50. Hon Nduna:  To ask the Minister of Youth, Indeginisation and Economic Empowerment to
  explain the Ministry's strategy to address the multi – sectoral needs of the youth such as
  community centers, sports facilities and health education.


                                                                        [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]
*51. HON. NDUNA: To ask the Minister of Youth, Indigenization and Economic Empowerment
  explain             the following:

(i)          the policies the Ministry’s has put in place to curb the social exclusion of youths in indigenous empowerment programmes; and

(ii)         the Ministry’s policy regarding the formalization of the informal sector to ensure that there is no economic exclusion with regards to accessing credit and insurance facilities.


                                                                          [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]


*52. HON. NDUNA: To ask the Minister of Youth, Indigenization and Economic Empowerment
  explain             the following:

(iii)       the policies the Ministry’s has put in place to curb the social exclusion of youths in indigenous empowerment programmes; and

(iv)       the Ministry’s policy regarding the formalization of the informal sector to ensure that there is no economic exclusion with regards to accessing credit and insurance facilities.


                                                                          [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]


*53. HON. NDUNA: To ask the Minister of Energy and Power Development to explain:
  • the Ministry’s policy regarding the period of electrification of newly established households considering that the of Forit Community in Chegutu West have not had electricity for over 25 years.
  • the measures the Ministry has taken to educate such communities on alternative sources of energy.

[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]



*54.     HON ZINDI: To ask the Ministry of Energy and Power Development:

  1. Whether the Ministry carried out an awareness campaign for motorists to appreciate the benefits of blending petrol with ethanol and allay the fears that blended fuel damages Nissan Engines.
  2. To put in place incentives like reducing prices of blended fuel and encourage its use.




                                                                       [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]


HON. NDUNA: To ask the Minister of Lands and Rural Resettlement to the measures the Ministry is implementing ensure the equitable distribution of land given that under the land reform  exercise only 26% of the women who applied were allocated land.
                                                                         [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]


*56. HON. NDUNA: To ask the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare to explain the Ministry’s policy
  to guarantee the social security and dignity of elderly citizens considering that there is no old
  people’s home for a population over 1000 citizens who are over the age of 65 years in Chegutu West.  


                                                                       [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]  
*57. HON. NDUNA: To ask the Minister of Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperative  
  Development to explain the measures the Ministry has put in place to enhance the business and  
  skills training of beneficiaries of various funding schemes to ensure that these entrepreneurs  
  succeed and recapitalize the funds.  
                                                                         [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]  
*58. HON ZINDI: To ask the Minister of Home Affairs to give options to reduce the rampant corruption at road blocks.  
                                                                         [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]  
*59. HON ZINDI: To ask the Minister of Home Affairs to inform the house the measures the Ministry  
  has Taken to the police officers involved in the bribe taking scandal at roadblocks.  


                                                                       [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]  
*60. HON ZINDI: To ask the Minister of Home Affairs whether it is the Ministry's policy to continue  
  with road blocks and spot fines and transfer officers involved in corrupt activities.  

[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]

*61. HON ZINDI: To ask the Minister of Home Affairs whether it is Ministry policy to throw spikes  
  and smash commuter omnibus window screens.  



                                                                       [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]  
*62. HON ZINDI: To ask the Minister of Home Affairs whether he is aware that commuter omnibus  
  drivers are now paying protection fees to the traffic police officers in order to avert spot fines.  


                                                                       [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]  
*63. HON MADZIMURE:  To ask the Minister of Home Affairs:  


  1. To give a monthly breakdown of sport fines collected by the police ar road blocks from January 2012 to November 2013.
  2. To inform the House the amount of money from the proceeds, paid to the consolidated Revenue Fund. If not what was the money used for.

[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]

*64. HON ZINDI: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Care to explain to the house why the Chief
  Executive Officer and the Managing Director for PSMAS are paid astronomically high salaries
  of USD$250 000 and USD$190 000 respectively.



                                                                       [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]
*65. HON ZINDI: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Care to explain to the House why PSMAS

pharmacies are unable to supply most of the drugs that are prescribed by doctors.

[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]



*66. HON ZINDI: To ask the Minister  of Health and Child Care to explain why PSMAS is not
  restricted to being a Medical Insurance provider instead of being involved in providing medical
  services as well.


                                                                       [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]
*67. HON ZINDI: To ask the  of Health and Child Care to explain why PSMAS is failing to renew its


                                                                       [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]
*68. HON NDUNA: To ask the Minister  of Health and Child Care to explain what the ministry is doing  to raise public awareness on mental health issues to reduce the stigmatisation associated with mental illness.


                                                                       [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]
*69. HON NDUNA: To ask the Minister  of Health and Child Care to explain the Ministry's policy
  towards community and human rights based approaches in the management of Mental Health.


                                                                       [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]



HON NDUNA: To ask the Minister  of Health and Child Care to explain what the Ministry is doing  to successfully decentralize the Mental Health into the primary health care system.

[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]

*71. HON NDUNA: To ask the Minister  of Health and Child Care to explain the Ministry's strategy to


address the human resource gap and capacity building need for mental health centers.


                                                                       [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]
*72. HON NDUNA: To ask the Minister  of Health and Child Care to inform the house:
  1. Systems that are in place to ensure access to obstetric care for rural women.
  2. The steps that are in place to ensure reliable ambulance services.


  [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]


*73. HON ZINDI: To ask the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs to explain why all


Ministers did not attend the Post-Budget Seminar held on January 13,2014 at Rainbow Towers.


                                                                       [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]
*74. HON NDUNA: To ask the Minister of Public Service Labour and Social Welfare the Ministry's
  policy towards the integration of children with special needs in the socio-economic realm of
                                                                         [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]


*75. HON NDUNA:  To ask the Minister of Public Service Labour and Social Welfare to explain how


the Ministry is doing to address the ratio of children to social worker.


                                                                       [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]
*76. HON NDUNA:  To ask the Minister of Public Service Labour and Social Welfare the Ministry's
  strategy for the recruitment and retention of critical social workers in the light of the blanket
  freeze by government.


                                                                       [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]
*77. HON CROSS:  To ask the Minister of Transport to inform the House on;
  1. The total arrears owing to staff of the National Railways in terms of the salaries, overtime and allowances upto the end of December 2013.
  2. The plans the Minister has to ensure that these obligations are met and the plans in place to revive the railways and ensure that it is able to assume its role as the primary system of transport for bulk commodities, experts and imports.
  • When the appointments of a new substantive Chief Executive for NRZ and;
  1. To confirm the National Railways of Zimbabwe have had their bank accounts garnished by ZIMRA and NSSA to recover unpaid obligation to both organisations and to outline the impact this will have on the payment of salaries and salaries to staff in January 2014.


[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]


*78.    HON CROSS:  To ask the Minister of Sports, Arts and Culture to explain to the House;


  1. The reasons for non payment of salaries and other allowances to the National Zimbabwe Cricket team since October 2013.
  2. The background to the debt incurred with the Metropolitan Bank and the loss of interest on the ICC grant of US$6 million to the Cricket Association amounting to almost million.
  • Why the ministry has not taken action to correct the situation where several senior members of the cricket in Zimbabwe hold senior positions in the Bank despite the conflict of interest; and
  1. Outline the mechanisms in place to ensure the situation is rectified as soon as possible so that
  Zimbabwe can resume normal cricket activities.


                                                                       [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]
*79. HON CROSS:  To ask the Minister of Environment, Water and Climate to inform the house on the
  progress made on the construction and completion of the Tokwe – Mukosi Dam and an estimate
  of the cost  over runs and reasons for them.



[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]

*80. Hon Nduna:  To as the Minister of Environment, Water and climate to explain to the House
  what the Ministry is doing with regard to the development of an updated National Water master


Plan that addresses emerging issues of urban, industrial and mining water in the nation.
                                                                         [Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]


*81.     Hon Nduna:  To ask the Minister of Youth, Indeginisation and Economic empowerment to           explain the Ministry's strategy to address the multi – sectoral needs of the youth such as         community centers, sports facilities and health education.


[Deferred from Wednesday 5th February, 2014]









Sovereign Wealth Fund Bill, (H. B. 6, 2013) - The Minister of Finance and Economic Development (Referred 30 January 2014).





Monday 10th  February 2014


At 1000 hours in Committee Room No. 1





Banda T.; Chitindi C. ; Gumbo S.; Jaboon J.; Kaundikidze H.M.; Madanha T.; Madondo T.; Maondera

W.; Masamvu L. ; Mhlanga A.; Midzi A.B.; Moyo G.; Mpofu M.M.; Muchenje S.; Mudambo T.;

Mudzuri E.; Murai E.; Musanhi K.S.; Ncube S.; Nyanhongo M.; Sibanda M.; Sindi C.; Tawona Nduna D.T.; Wadyajena J.M.; Zhou P. (Chaiperson – Hon Midzi A.)


Clerk- Ms Macheza


At 1000 hours in Committee Room No. 2




Chimanikire G.; Chinotimba J.; Chipato A.; Chiwetu J.Z.; Gwanetsa K.K (RTD BRG GEN);

Machingauta C.; Madzore P.; Madzore S.; Mandipaka O.; Mashange W.; Matangira R.T.; Matibenga

L.; Mavenyengwa R.; Mawere – Mubvumbi R.Y.N.S.Y.; Moyo R.; Muderedzwa R.; Mukwangwariwa F. G.; Mukwena R.; Mutinhiri T.; Mutseyami P.; Ncube O.; Nleya L,; Rungani A. (Chaiperson – Hon Sibanda C.)


Clerk- Mr Daniel


At 1000 hours in Committee Room No. 4




Chidavaenzi E.; Chirisa F.; Cross E.; Dziva T.M.; Madzimure W.; Marumahoko R.; Mashakada T.

Masiya D.; Matimba K.M.; Mbwembwe E.N.; Mhlanga J.N.; Misihairambwi – Mushonga P.

Mpariwa P.; Muchenje F.; Mudau M.; Musundire A.; Nkomo M.; Nkomo S.S.; Nyamupinga B.B. Paradza K.; Pedzisai I.; Rungani A.; Sansole T.; Sibanda Z.; Simbanegavi Y.; Thembani S.

(Chaiperson – Hon Mpariwa P.)


Clerk- Mrs Nyawo

At 1000 hours in the Government Cacus





Chimwamurombe A.; Kwaramba G.; Mackenzie I.; Mahoka S.; Manyngavana M.; Mashange W.; Masiya D.; Mhona F.T.; Mpofu B.; Mpofu M.M.; Mpofu S.; Mufunga A.; Mupfumira P.; Ndhlovu A. Thembeni S.Z.; Toffa J.; Zemura L. (Chaiperson – Hon Ndhlovu A)


Clerk- Mr Mazani


At 1000 hours in the Senate Chamber




Bhebhe A.; Budha S.; Chimene M.; Gabbuza J.; Haritatos P.; Holder J.; Kaukundiza M.; Kazembe K. Khumalo T.; Madubeko J.; Maridadi J.; Matambanadzo M.; Matangaidze T.M.; Matangira T.R Matuke L; Mguni O.; Mhlanga N.; Mukwena R.; Munengami F.; Musvaire W.; Muzondiwa E.

Ndebele A.; Nkatazo M.M.; Pedzisai I.; Pemhenayi B.; Ruvai E.; Zhou T. (Chaiperson – Hon Matuke L.)


Clerk- Mrs Mataruka


At 1000 hours in Committee Room No. 3




Butau D.; Chakona P.M.; Chidavaenzi M.; Chigudu M.; Chikuni E.; Chiwetu J.Z.;Kadungure D.A Labode R.; Machingura R.; Makonya J.; Mashange W.; Mataruse P.; Mawere M.V.; Midzi A.B.

Muchenje F.; Munochinzwa M.; Mutematsaka C.; Ncube O.; Ncube O.; Ndhlovu D.; Shongedza E. Sibanda L.; Zhou T. (Chaiperson – Hon  Mataruse P.)


Clerk- Mrs Hazvina


At 1400 hours in Committee Room No. 1





Bunjira R.; Chibaya A.; Chidavaenzi E.; Chikwama B.; Chivamba K,; Kachepa N.; Katsande A.

Madanha M.; Madondo T.; Mapiki J.; Mpariwa P.; Mpofu R.; Mufunga A.; Ndhlovu A.;

Ndlovu S.; Nduna D.T.; Nkandla M.; Nkomo R.; Phiri F.P.; Sibanda P.; Sindi C.; Unganai T.D.

(Chaiperson – Hon Chikwama B.)


Clerk- Ms Masara



At 1400 hours in Committee Room No. 4






Beremauro G.; Bhebhe A.; Butau D.; Chapfika D.; Cross E.; Gava A.; Gumbo E.; Katsane A.; Kaukonde R.J.; Khumalo M.; Kuruneri C.; Madzimure W.; Mangami D.; Mhona F.T.; Misihairambwi Mushonga P.; Mukanduri S.T.; Mukwangwariwa F.; Musiiwa A.; Passade J.; Shongedza E.; Sibanda D. Sithole G.; Tshuma B.; Tsomondo C. (Chaiperson – Hon Chapfika D.)


Clerk- Mr Ratsakatika


At 1400 hours in Committee Room No. 413






Chakona P.M.; Chamisa N.; Chikwinya S.; Gumbo S.; Hungwe G.; Kazembe K.; Khumalo M; Machingura R.; Mahiya M.; Majaya B.; Makhosini H.; Mashonganyika D.; Matuke L.; Moyo A. Mudambo T.; Mutematsaka C.; Nkomo M.; Nyathi B.; Pemhenayi P.; Zindi I.; Zvidzai S.

(Chaiperson – Hon Chamisa N.)


Clerk- Mr Munjenge


At 1400 hours in the Senate Chamber





Beremauro G.; Chakomba L.; Chapfika D.; Chikwinya N.; Gonese I.; Kachepa N.; Kavu A.; Kuruneri

C.T.; Majome J.; Makoni R.R.; Mashayamombe S.; Matangira T.R.; Mawere – Mibvumbi Ricky

N.S.Y.; Mutematsaka C.; Mutingwende T.; Muzungu – Masaiti E.; Nkatazo M.M.; Shumba D.;  Tshuma B.; Tsunga A.; Zindi Irene (Chaiperson – Hon Majome J.)


            Clerk- Ms Zenda          

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