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  • Last Updated September 24, 2021


No. 6





















Quarter past two o’clock pm The Speaker in the Chair




Members Present





Banda T;

Beremauro G;

Bhasikiti Chuma K;

Bhebhe A;  Bhudha S.

Bunjira R

Butau D

Chakona P

Chamisa N

Chapfika D

Chasi F

Chibagu G

Chibaya A

Chidavaenzi E

Chibaya A

Chidhakwa S

Chigudu M

Chigumba C C.

Chikomba L

Chikuni E

Chikwama B

Chikwinya N

Chimanikire G

ChimeneM M

Chimwamurombe A

Chinanzvavana C

Chinomona M M

Chinotimba J Chipanga K

Chipato A

Chirisa F

Chitembwe V J

Chitindi C

Chitura L

Chivamba K

Chiwetu J Z

Chombo I M.C

Cross E G

Damasane S A.E;

Dhewa  W

Dube S

Dziva T M

Gava M

Gezi T

Goche N

Tasungunurwa; G I

Gumbo J M

Gwanetsa K K

Gwanongoza E

Haritotas P

Hlongwane M

Holder J

Hungwa  G

Jaboon J

Kachepa N

Kadungure D A

Kagonye P

Katsande A

Kaukonde R J

Kaukundiza M

Kazembe K

Kereke M

Khanye N

Khumalo M

Khumalo T

Khupe T

Kuruneri C

Kwaramba G

Labode M R

Mabuwa C

Mackenzie I

Madanha M

Madondo T

Madubeko J

Madzimure W

Madzore P

Madzore S

Mahiya M

Mahlangu T

Mahoka S

Majaya B

Majome F J

Makoni R R

Makonya J

Makunde T

Makweya M

Mandipaka O

Mandiwanzira S C

Mangwende S

Manyengavana M

Maondera W

Mapiki J

Maridadi J

Marumahoko R

Masamvu L

Mashakada T

Mashange W

Mashayamombe S Mashonganyika D

Masiya D

Masuku P

Matambanadzo M

Matangaidze T Matangira T R

Mataruse P  Mathe G

Matibenga L G

Matienga M

Matimba K M

Matuke L

Mavenyengwa R

Mavima P

Mawere M

Mawere M RN S

Mbwembwe E

Mguni O

Mhere E

Mhlanga A

Mhlanga N J

Mhona F T

Midzi A B M

Mkandla M

Mlambo W B.J;

Mliswa T P

Mnangagwa E

Mohadi K C

Moyo F  Moyo G Moyo L Moyo R

Mpariwa P

Mpofu B

Mpofu M M

Mpofu R

Mtingwende T

Muchenje F

Muchenje M S

Mudambo T

Mudarikwa S

Mudau M Muderedzwa R

Mudzuri E

Mafunga A

Mukanduri S T

Mukwangwariwa F G

Mukwena R

Munengami F Murai E

Musanhi K S

Musanhu S K

Mushohwe C

Musiiwa A

Musundire A L

Musvaire W

Mutematsaka C

Mutezo M

Mutinhiri A

Mutomba W

Mutseyami P

Muzondiwa E S

Muzungu -  Masaiti E

Muzembi W

Ncube D M

Ncube H  Ncube O

Ncube S

Ndebele A

Dlovu A

Ndlovu D M;

Ndlovu M S

Ndlovu N

Ndoro L F

Nduna D

Nhema C F.D.;

Nkatazo M M

Nkomo M

Nkomo M

Nkomo R

Nkomo S S

Nyahwo A

Nyamupinga B B

Nyanhongo M

Nyathi B

Nyere C

Nyoni S G G

Paradza K

Passade J


Pemhenayi B

Phiri F P

Porusingazi E

Runesu B

Rungani A

Munochigwa M

Ruvai E

Samkange J T

Sansole T W

Saruwaka T L.G.;

Shongedza E Shumba K D Sibanda C C

Sibanda D

Sibanda D P

Sibanda L

Sibanda M

Sibanda Z

Sithole G K

Simbanegavi Y Sindi C

Thembani S Z


Toffa J                                               Unganai T D                                      Zindi I

Tongofa M                                         Vutete M                                          Ziyambi Z

Tshuma B                                          Wadyejena J M                                   Zvidzai S

Tshuma D                                          Watson N J                                        Zwizwai M

Tsogorani J                                        Zemura L

Tsomondo C                                      Zhou P

Tarusenga U.D                                   Zhou T


Printed by Order of the House


Absent with leave



  1. The Speaker reminded Members that speeches for inclusion in the Hansard, would be forwarded to respective Members, within an hour of the speech, during the sitting of the House for correction. Members were requested to correct grammatical and spelling errors only and return the speeches to the Hansard department.


  1. The Speaker also reminded Members who prefer to debate in vernacular that they were requested to speak slowly and pause in order to allow interpreters to capture and interpret their speeches correctly.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned 25th September  –  The Minister of State for Presidential Affairs in the President's Office).


[Time elapsed: 2hrs 40 mins]


      Question again proposed: That a respectful address be presented to the President of       Zimbabwe as follows: -


May it please you, your Excellency the President:


We the Members of Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and   beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to Parliament.- Hon Mbwembwe.


               On the motion of the Minister of Tourism and Hospitality Industry: Debate adjourned until    tomorrow.



  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Health Sector in Zimbabwe (Adjourned 26th 

September  -The Minister of  State for Provincial Affairs- Matabeleland South Province).



[Day elapsed: 1]

                 Question again proposed: That this House-


ALARMED by the deteriorating nature of the health sector in Zimbabwe which include the health infrastructure and services;


CONCERNED by government’s lack of adequate attention, time and effort into averting the health crisis;


DEEPLY WORRIED by the expanding gap between the private and public health delivery systems;


ALSO DEEPLY ALARMED by the reports from Harare Central Hospital where mothers are delivering babies on the floor;


FURTHER CONCERNED by the shortage of basic services such as water at government institutions;




Resolves that the Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Care conducts an inquiry into the health sector in Zimbabwe  - Hon. Dr. Labode.


On the motion of the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1.    The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs made a Ministerial Statement     congratulating the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker on their election to the Office of

Speaker and Deputy Speaker and the way forward on the Ruling party’s Manifesto regarding government policies.


  1. On the motion of the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs The House adjourned at nineteen minutes past five o’clock pm.



  1. F. MUDENDA,















1.         HON. KHUPE    HON. LABODE


That this House:


ALARMED by the number of women dying from breast and cervical cancer in Zimbabwe;


CONCERNED by the unavailability of cancer treatment in Zimbabwe;


DEEPLY WORRIED by the lack of accessibility to cancer treatment in Zimbabwe;


FURTHER CONCERNED that cancer treatment is not affordable especially to the majority of women;


DEEPLY SADDENED that cancer treatment is not available, accessible and affordable;




Recommends the introduction of a cancer levy in order to save many lives; and


Calls for the establishment of cancer treatment units in every district.



  1. HON. G. MOYO

            HON. E. CROSS


That this House-


RECALLS attacks by the terrorist group Al-Shabaab on Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya;


DEEPLY SADDENED by the death of sixty-two people and one hundred and seventy-five people who sustained injuries as a result of this terrorist attack;




Condemns the attack on the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya; and


Expresses its condolences to the families who lost their loved ones and our solidarity with the people of Kenya at this trying time.



  1. HON. S. S. NKOMO

            HON. MPARIWA


That this House-


NOTING that Zimbabwe was once the breadbasket of Southern Africa and has now been reduced to a basket case;


DISTURBED by the Government’s lack of precautionary programmes to avert hunger in the face of poor rainy season;


CONCERNED  by the acute shortage of food which has resulted in more than two million people facing starvation particularly in Masvingo, Midlands, Matebeleland and Manicaland Provinces;


MINDFUL of the fact that in Zimbabwe more than 2.2 million people are in need of food to avert starvation;




Resolves to set up a Parliamentary Committee to enquire into the food shortage crisis that is currently engulfing Zimbabwe; and


Calls upon Government to implement an urgent non-partisan drought and starvation mitigation programme.



  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Health Sector in Zimbabwe (Adjourned 1st October - The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs).



[Days elapsed: 2] Question proposed: That this House-


 ALARMED by the deteriorating nature of the health sector in Zimbabwe which include the health infrastructure and services;


 CONCERNED by government’s lack of adequate attention, time and effort into averting the health crisis;


DEEPLY WORRIED by the expanding gap between the private and public health delivery systems;


ALSO DEEPLY ALARMED by the reports from Harare Central Hospital where mothers are delivering babies on the floor;


FURTHER CONCERNED by the shortage of basic services such as water at government institutions;




Resolves that the Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Care conducts an inquiry into the health sector in Zimbabwe  - Hon. Dr. Labode


  1. Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned 1st October  – The Minister of Tourism and Hospitality Industry).


[Time elapsed: 4hrs 08 mins]


Question proposed: That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows: -


May it please you, your Excellency the President:


We the Members of Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to Parliament- Hon Mbwembwe.







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