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Wednesday, 9th June, 2021

The Senate met at Half-past Two o’clock p.m.





THE MINISTER OF PUBLIC SERVICE, LABOUR AND SOCIAL WELFARE (HON. PROF. MAVIMA): I move that Orders of the Day, Nos. 1 to 4 be stood over until the rest of the Orders have been disposed of.

Motion put and agreed to.



HON. SEN. MOHADI: I move that Order No. 5 be stood over until the rest of the Orders have been disposed of.

HON. SEN. MUZENDA: I second.

Motion put and agreed to.



HON. SEN. TONGOGARA: I move the motion standing in my name,

That this House;

MINDFUL that Zimbabwe attained its independence after a protracted liberation war;

ALSO MINDFUL that SADC played a pivotal role in assisting liberation movements in Southern Africa;

COGNISANT that SADC member states with assistance from UNESCO and SADC are currently reviewing the liberation struggle history curriculum and developing appropriate materials covering various modules such as, Youth in the liberation struggle and the role of front line states;

AWARE that it is essential to document the history of the liberation struggle;

DESIROUS to ensure the teaching of liberation history from a national to a regional perspective;

NOW, THEREFORE, calls upon Government to provide material and financial support to the SADC initiatives for the development of the liberation history modules.


HON. SEN. TONGOGARA: Thank you Mr. President.  Would you please allow me to read my motion?


HON. SEN. TONGOGARA: Thank you Mr. President.  Mr. President, it is a known-fact that Zimbabwe attained its independence through a protracted war of liberation.  Many lives of both young and old were lost.  The journey to independence was filled with various daunting challenges.  Mr. President, allow me to take you back in time; food shortages, lack of medicine supplies, transport, clothes and uniforms was the order of the day during the liberation struggle.  For us women, menstruation was a nightmare because we lacked sanitary wear.  It is needless to mention the spies who undermined our struggle during our war of liberation.

Mindful of the above, beyond doubt we owe the success of the liberation struggle to the then frontline States such as Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia who played a preponderate role in assisting the liberation movements with logistical support, that is, training camps, accommodation, security, moral and technical support to the liberation fighters just but to mention a few.

Mr. President, in a progressively more globalised world, emphasis is increasingly being placed on the significance of attitudes, values and communication skills as crucial educational ccompetencies required by individuals to optimally function as global citizens.  Mr. President, nowhere is this statement more important than it is for the Southern African Development Community (SADC).  SADC seeks therefore, “…to carry forward its vision of peace, freedom, reconciliation, social cohesion, solidarity, resilience and development for the generations to come.”  To realise this vision, the teaching of liberation history from a regional perspective could potentially play a pivotal role in fostering responsible citizenship values in the region.

Mr. President, during the August, 2017 Council of Ministers meeting held in Ezulwini, Eswatini, Council approved that Global Citizenship Education (GCED) values and the Southern Africa Liberation History (SALH) education be integrated in the school syllabus and further requested SADC Ministers of Education to operationalise competencies required by individuals to optimally function as global citizens.  Nowhere is this statement more important than it is for the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC).  SADC seeks therefore “...to carry forward its vision of peace, freedom, reconciliation, social cohesion, solidarity, resilience and development for the generations to come.”  To realise this vision, the teaching of liberation history from a regional perspective could potentially play a pivotal role in fostering responsible citizenship values in the region.

Madam President, during the August 2017 Council of Ministers meeting held in Ezulwini, Eswatini, Council approved that global citizenship education be integrated in the school syllabus and further requested SADC Ministers of Education to operationalise the decision.  The decision was taken to ensure that the younger generation in SADC is afforded an opportunity to learn and critically reflect on the history of the liberation struggles in the region.  This is envisioned to promote social cohesion and regional identity in the medium to long term.  Subsequently, the integration of liberation history in the curricula and syllabi will further contribute to the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 4 target 7 in relation to the, “promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development.”

In June 2018, during the Joint meeting of Ministers of Education and Science, Technology and Innovation, in Durban, South Africa, SADC Ministers approved the establishment of a Regional Working Team comprising Curriculum Experts from all SADC Member States with the mandate to determine the status of teaching of the Southern African Liberation History and the extend of its inclusion in the school syllabus.  Consequently, the university of Namibia was therefore commissioned to do a comparative mapping study to review GCED content, practices and articulation in curricula and teacher education in the SADC region.  It was therefore acknowledged that in as much as there is some form of GCED content being taught in SADC schools it is of paramount importance to shift from teaching history from a National to a Regional perspective.

Madam President, it is against this backdrop that SADC, UNESCO and the Southern African Research and Documentation Centre

(S-A-R-D-C) are developing appropriate materials for this purpose, covering various modules such as

  • Youth in the Liberation struggle;
  • The Regional Dimensions of the Liberation Struggle; Role of the Frontline States, just but to mention a few.

This build on and uses the materials compiled by the SADC Hashim Mbita Project on Southern African Liberation Struggles.

It will be remiss of me not to mention that the lack of knowledge of the National Liberation Movements and the sacrifices made by nationalists within their countries and the pan-Africanist revolutionaries in other countries for the independence of the region has led to today’s youth becoming increasingly disengaged with the past political and social realities, lack of participation in nation building and civic education, intolerance, xenophobia and other intercultural problems.  Hence the fundamentals of the initiative of teaching the youth our liberation history from a regional perspective are to:

  • Build solidarity amongst the youth
  • Encourage learners to understand the regional historical linkages.
  • To promote teaching of history in a uniform approach
  • Forge an understanding of common humanity and to develop an appreciation, respect for differences and diversity.
  • Sharing values and responsibilities beyond colonial boundaries.
  • Forge a regional identity to combat discrimination and xenophobia.

I would also like to acknowledge the efforts that Zimbabwe has taken in so far as teaching liberation history is concerned.  The Zimbabwe History curriculum places emphasis on African and European History.  The curriculum in Zimbabwe covers SALH education to a notable extent.  The history of South Africa, Namibia, Angola, Zambia and Malawi is studied in fair detail.  Zimbabwe, like Namibia and Tanzania has integrated GCED and SALH education fairly well in their curricula.  GCED and SALH education are thus taught in Form 1 to Form 4 in subjects such as history, geography and heritage studies amongst others.  However, it is of paramount importance that we work hand in glove with the SADC and UNESCO in a bid to come up with a uniform approach to teaching liberation history.

As we may all be aware, Zimbabwe was honoured by the African Union (AU) to host the African Liberation Museum and to play a coordinating role in the construction of a unique repository of our African Liberation heritage.  This idea of a Museum of African Liberation was endorsed by African Ambassadors and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) last October in Harare.  Subsequently, His Excellency President Mnangagwa officially led the ground breaking ceremony of Africa’s new 53 acre Museum of African Liberation site in Harare on 14th December 2020.  This Museum is beyond doubt an opportunity for education and cultural diplomacy for all those countries that fought to win their freedom.

Essentially, we achieved political independence through solidarity with other regional countries, now our goal should be for our youth to understand our historical linkages and make use of them to promote regional and economic development.  There is an English phrase which says “catch them young.”   We need to educate our young ones to inculcate regional values that promote regional integration and development.

Now therefore, in light of the above, I urge the government of Zimbabwe to support these SADC initiatives and provide material and financial support to the UNESCO-SARDC initiative to develop these modules on liberation history, especially as both of these offices are hosted in Zimbabwe, that is the UNESCO regional office and the Southern African Research and Documentation Centre, whose founding patron was Mwalimu Julius Nyerere and also that the African Liberation Museum is also based in Zimbabwe.  I thank you.

*HON. SEN. CHIRONGOMA: Thank you Mr. President for giving me this opportunity to support the motion which was raised by Hon. Tongogara which is meant to support the liberation struggle. Until we attained independence, indeed it was a very difficult period for the black people. When imperialists came to Zimbabwe, they took advantage of us and they took Zimbabwe as their own, which was painful for the majority. They came with their colonialist laws which were meant to deprive the black people of their basic rights. First, they started with the introduction of jobs which were not fair on black people who were forced to work for free without getting any payment.

Mr. President, people were observing this and at first, they obeyed until they became fed up and decided to go out. The path to liberation was not an easy one. The farms that you see across the country, even the sub-divisions that were done by the white people were to their advantage and to the detriment of the black people who were resettled on poor land whilst they took arable land. After noting this, the black people decided to form liberation movements like the African National Congress and started to observe the bad things of the imperialist system.

The black people continued and eventually ZAPU was formed and it continued to oppose the imperialist system. During that same period, the whites saw that black people were beginning to realise their rights. So black people were being overcome by weapons like rifles, so in return the blacks began to sabotage the white people’s crops and they would just destroy their dip tanks. After ZAPU, the MDP was formed and ZAPU was also banned. When it was banned, ZANU was also formed led by Ndabaningi Sithole, then he fought hard to attain independence. ZAPU and ZANU separated with each party taking a different path but with the same objective of attaining independence because we were not independent then.

The other thing that was painful is that the same white man stood with his vote of maybe 20 people versus one yet we are the same. Black people wanted the ‘one man one vote’ system. This continued until these political parties, ZAPU and ZANU saw that the imperialist system did not understand any other language besides war. Blacks were not given the opportunity to learn such that when you attained Standard 6 you were assumed to be educated. The Zimbabwean women were taken as people with no value and women could not get identity cards until independence. This journey came at a point when it was decided that there should be war.

These political parties decided to work together to fight the imperialist system but eventually they separated again so that we remained with ZANLA and ZIPRA forces. The war continued until the whites realised the seriousness of it. There was a real war situation until the white man realised the seriousness of the black man. People were detained and treated like animals until at a time when the liberation struggle intensified. A lot of people died - the young and old, women and men, and even the whites perished. Their soldiers were also dying.

The journey of independence eventually came in 1980 when we got the First Republic. We got our independence then. In other provinces, I observed the other day that there were a few schools where students were being taught. For example, in Mashonaland West where I come from, you will discover that secondary schools are only three or four. So most people became drop-outs at standard 6 levels.

This motion which was raised by Hon. Tongogara shows that the path to independence was not an easy one but because of the will of God, we attained independence.  Today we are in the Second Republic and independence and freedom is continuing.  Our President, Hon. E.D. Mnangagwa is working very well; there is progress in terms of development in the nation.  I thank you.

HON. SEN. TONGOGARA: I move that the debate do now adjourn.


Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Thursday, 10th June, 2021



THE MINISTER OF NATIONAL HOUSING AND SOCIAL AMENITIES (HON. GARWE): Thank you Hon. President of Senate.  I wish to make a Ministerial Statement on Zimbabwean Rural Transformation Programme focusing primarily on the provision of water and waste management systems.

According to available demographic statistics in the country, 70% of our population resides in the rural areas of which 60% of that population is now susceptible to open defecation.  A study By Dr. Smartson P. Nyoni and Mr. T. Nyoni highlights that the magnitude of open defecation is catastrophic.  Globally, 15% of the population still practices open defecation.

Hon. President, open defecation and poor sanitation results in the spread of water borne diseases that affect both the children and adults.  The outbreak of such diseases results in the disruption of education programmes as well as any productive work impacting negatively on community development and the overall economic productivity of our country.  This is a survey done by the Human Rights Watch in 2013.

According to P. Morgan, open defecation is practiced in rural areas especially in the bush owing to lack of accessible sanitation or as a result of traditional cultural practices. Timely remedial intervention which involves the deliberate investment towards alternative system which improves rural sanitation and flushable toilets is of paramount importance. Furthermore, open defecation has been a source of transmission of water borne diseases such as typhoid, diarrhoea, dysentery and cholera.

Pursuant to that study, Hon. President, the aspirations of NDS 1, 2021 – 2025 and Vision 2030, says that there is now a compelling need to embrace appropriate technology towards the disposal of human waste in informal and dysfunction settlement as well as in the rural communities.

Rural waste management system is an innovation by Zimbabweans which Government intends to apply in communities that do not have proper sewage systems.  The system is readily available for application in rural communities and or dysfunctional settlements dotted throughout the country in the peri-urban areas.  The system uses at least 2 litres of grey water per flush in comparison to the conventional system which uses 7 to 9 litres of portable water.

Apart from using the 2 litres of water, the system can also use water that has been used after washing clothes or bathing.  Furthermore, the proposed system is economically viable in terms of water use and the overall cost attendant infrastructure.  The system is fitted with a water closet, water tank and also fitted with a seal that eliminates any odor emanating from the pit.  The system may also be connected to the water mains in areas with running water.  In rural areas where running water is a challenge, the system is installed with a 10 liter water tank which can be filled manually from time to time.

Additional requirements include the erection of a septic tank and a soak away.  The design of the septic tank and soak away is subject to the number of people using the system. The system can also make use of the existing pit-latrine infrastructure, thus reducing construction costs by as much as 80%.

The construction of a septic tank and soak away maybe be done through the participatory approach by local communities.  This refers to schools and clinics in the rural areas.  The system comes with a washing basin and a fitted sanitizer cylinder.

Hon. Senators were shown the system.

It is important to note that components associated with the system will be distributed throughout the country from ordinary hardware stores and dealerships.  The components are also manufactured from recycled plastic paper.  In that regard the normal bidding process and procedures that require contractors being asked to come and work on the programme are only necessary where there is bulk procurement.

The proliferation of informal and dysfunctional settlements that are also served by pit latrines and open wells is of major concern in peri-urban and urban areas.  Their existence is contradictory to the aspirations of NDS1 and Vision 2030.


In August 2018, His Excellency Cde Cyril Ramaphosa, the President of the Republic of South Africa promised to get rid of open pit latrines in schools across the country following numerous deaths of pupils.  This was according to a report by a tabloid called South Africa’s Eye Witness News.  The South African Government commissioned an audit of the country’s 25 000 schools in September 2018 and an infrastructure plan for replacing pit latrines.  According to the same tabloid, partial assistance came from donors, the Nelson Mandela Foundation and UNICEF.  The above mentioned organisations eventually emerged as key financing partners of the Sanitation Appropriate for Education (SAFE) programme.

Mr. President, His Excellency Dr. E.D. Mnangagwa’s vision 2030 which he pronounced in 2018 states that ‘Zimbabwe must attain upper middle income economy status by 2030 and as a matter of course, Government must now take a deliberate position to provide sustainable, modern and affordable infrastructure in both urban and rural communities. Vision 2030 also speaks to SDG 6 which states ‘Ensure availability and sustainability of the Management of Water and Sanitation for All”

Mr. President, we are pleased to inform the Hon. Senate that the system has been developed, installed, tried and tested at Glen wood Primary School in Epworth as a pilot project.  We are further pleased to inform the Senate that the system has proven to be effective, functional and user friendly in terms of applicability and cost.

It is our considered view that if this system is implemented to the letter and spirit, a solution to the rural sanitation challenges may have been found as we gravitate towards achieving the aspirations of vision 2030.


The system is going to be rolled out by the Ministry of National Housing and Social Amenities in collaboration with the ministries of Primary and Secondary Education, Health and Child Care and Local Government and Public Works.

The Ministry of Industry and Commerce through the application of the National Quality Policy will be approached in setting up stocks designs or prototypes to be replicated country wide. The Standards Association of Zimbabwe and the Harare Institute of Technology are also key players in design and development of this technology where issues of the use of alternative renewable energy are now paramount.

The Ministry of National Housing and Social Amenities is facilitating discussions between the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and Technology Development and Sant Con Consortium with a view to foster the possibility of local production of the technology using universities and technical colleges country-wide.

Phase 1 of the roll out programme is focussing on rural schools, community centres and clinics.  The programme may be funded through Schools Development Associations, Constituency Development Fund, devolution funds or donor participation.

It is against this background that the Ministry of National Housing and Social Amenities seeks the Senate’s indulgence in supporting the programme by directing part of the Constituency Development Funds towards financing the implementation of the waste management system in peri-urban and rural communities.

We have brought the system with us here.  The tank on top is a ten litre tank where you can put water using the manual system.  We use grey water, which is the water that we use for washing hands when we are having meals. Instead of throwing away that water, it can be poured into that tank.  When we wash our clothes, it can be poured into that tank; when we bath, instead of throwing away that water, we can use it there.  The smaller tank underneath is for the system.  It flushes two litres only and it is more effective than the conventional system that we use.  On the left side, we have a cylinder – because of COVID-19 we said as we were developing the system; let us look at ways of ensuring that we have got sanitizers within the ablution system.  So that cylinder will have a sanitizer.  Underneath that cylinder is a basin for washing house.  I so submit.   I thank you.

THE DEPUTY PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE:  Thank you Hon. Minister for bringing us such a progressive and innovative system which will clearly improve the quality of lives of our people in the rural and peri-urban areas.  We must not lose sight of the fact that the majority of our people live in the rural areas.

*HON. CHIEF CHARUMBIRA: Thank you Mr. President, it will be very difficult to just ask questions but please guide us so that we do not digress.  This is a new concept which we need to understand.  I would like to thank the Hon. Minister whom I revere because he is able.

During his presentation, I thought about a lot of things and I was asking myself if this project has been implemented in the rural areas and whether it has been accepted.  I heard that this was tested in Epworth but we also understand that is supposed to benefit rural areas but it was experimented in an urban set up.  I am saying this because at one point, we were very busy with jatropha projects and we lost a plant.  We were told that fuel would be availed in every Province but right now, no one is talking about the jatropha project.

Whilst we celebrate, this concept must be first implemented in the rural areas so that there is testing for efficacy.  At one point, there was a biogas project – we had biogas stoves and we were told that people were no longer going to be using firewood but small amounts of biogas but where are all these technologies right now?  These technologies sometimes are done by people who are not in the rural set up.  We need to understand first whether this project is going to apply to every rural area.  We need to determine the source of water whether it is going to be coming from underground or from where – all these things should be clear.  I heard the Hon. Minister quoting an author ‘Morgan P’ – these people are not found in rural areas but it is important that we put it in the right context. We want development in our country. Diseases like cholera, typhoid and so forth are prevalent in high density areas but in the rural areas they are not very prevalent, so I am saying this is a good initiative but how can this be improved to benefit the rural communities?  You mentioned dysfunctional communities and you gave the example of peri-urban and rural areas.  I do not know how this was raised.   I believe that this would fit in primary and secondary schools.  I believe this would make sense in such areas even when there are sporting activities.  We need to clarify whether this is going to be availed for free to rural communities or how much it is going to cost.  I thank you.

*HON. SEN. CHIEF CHUNDU:  I would like to thank the Minister for the new initiative which is expected to benefit rural communities.  My question is - when is this going to be implemented and how is it going to be implemented since the rural areas constitute 60% of the population?  Who is going to benefit first?  Is there a particular social class that is expected to benefit from the project?  Sometimes you find people quarrelling over such initiatives.  Some say they do not want to see traditional leaders being involved in these projects.  I thank you.

*HON. SEN. CHIEF MAKUMBE: Thank you Hon President.  I am happy to hear technological advancements because that is my area of specialisation.  I would like to support what was raised by my President of the Chiefs’ Council.  For sure the mentioning of white men as a referral point should be clarified because we need to know how rural people are going to benefit from such an initiative because this is something which is made from recycled plastics.  Are the citizens involved in the production of this new initiative or maybe we are supporting a personal project of someone who wants to benefit? We need to know whether this is empowerment for young people in rural communities.  If it is working then we would like to know the life-span of the product.  The Minister might explain how this will last because our people like new ideas.  However, we do not want our people to lose their monies taking projects which will be white elephants and might not work.  So we need to understand the local content of this.  For those in Watsomba community, we need to understand how they can take ownership of such a project.  Is this going to be sold whilst they take our money or are we going to supply plastics and get something as a community?

*HON. SEN. CHIEF NGEZI:  Thank you for affording me the opportunity to add a few words.  I appreciate that the Hon. Minister knows that rural people have a lot of knowledge, so I think when implementing such a project, it is important to involve rural communities.  This is what the President of the Chiefs’ Council mentioned, that such new technologies might not necessarily benefit rural communities.  So, it is important that communities understand how they will be taking part.  I thank you.

*HON. SEN. CHIMBUDZI: I would also like to thank our Hon. Minister who presented on development.  He said that we cannot achieve Vision 2030 because there are water reticulation and waste disposal challenges.  This is true because in some homesteads there are no toilets and they use the bush system.  I want to understand from the Minister, looking at Vision 2030 and the challenges that we are facing such as things that are supposed to be found in communities but are not there at the moment.  My question is - what is government planning to do to make sure that Vision 2030 is attained?  I would also like to put my weight behind what the traditional leaders said.  It is important that the right information be given to the rural communities.  I thank you.

*HON. SEN. FEMAI:  Thank you for giving me this opportunity to support the ministerial statement that was given by the Hon. Minister.  I do not think it is fair that there is much criticism but the Hon Minister said this initiative is going to prevent diarrhoea outbreak in urban centres.  There are outbreaks of diarrhoea because there is shortage of water.  I believe that in urban areas, this programme should be compulsory.  My question is - will the rural communities benefit from this new technology or is it going to be sold to rural communities?  We know that those who are in urban centres also have rural homesteads, so we need clarity as to whether it will be availed to every homestead or not.  I thank you.

*HON. SEN. CHINAKE: My question will touch upon what has already been mentioned by my fellow members. The first issue is that we appreciate the Hon. Minister for bringing new technologies to rural areas. In rural areas where we come from, you discover that compared to urban locations, there is no water and the boreholes which were sunk in rural areas are now also being sunk in urban areas. So Hon. Minister, I believe this new technology should be implemented in towns first so that we can ascertain whether it works well or not.

*THE MINISTER OF NATIONAL HOUSING AND SOCIAL AMENITIES (HON. GARWE): Let me thank all the Hon. Senators and our traditional leaders who asked questions. I will start with the question that was asked by Hon. Senator Chief Charumbira. He asked about dysfunctional communities. These are areas which are for example, in Mashonaland East places like Caledonia and Solomio and Mboki in Mutare. These are dysfunctional communities which are supposed to be having running water and sewer but they only have pit latrines. They do not have addresses. When you want to visit someone, they will tell you they will wait for you at the “gazebo” then you follow that person to their house.  When a thief steals, you cannot trace him in Caledonia.

Diseases are there and the magnitude might differ between rural and urban areas but cholera, dysentery and other water borne diseases are found. Water, like I explained, we use grey water, the water that we wash our hands with, the water that is left after bathing or washing clothes or blankets is the water that we use. This was done because in rural areas, there is no access to water like in urban centres because we will be having septic tanks and soak-aways. If it is a school, for example if there are 700 children, the septic tank would be big and we then fit bio- digesters to generate electricity from the system that you mentioned Senator Chief Charumbira.

These are some of the benefits that are found from this project. The other benefit is that we are using an existing toilet. A toilet that was already built but we are just covering the pits. This is not a portable toilet but it is only fitted on an existing toilet. If it is a school where there are 300 children then at the boys section, there will be a soak away and septic tank and the same thing will be done at the girls section.

You also asked Hon. Senator Chief Charumbira where this has been implemented. We started with OFID schools. These are schools that were built by Government with funding from OFID which are found in eight rural provinces. For example in Chivhu, we are going to start implementing that project. We did that in Epworth because of its access so that people can go and see. We have a school that already has this system.

Hon. Senator Chief Chundu, you asked when this will be implemented. This has already been implemented. I mentioned that this project is already running in Mashonaland East. Last week we were in Bubi, Matebeleland North and next week we will be in Manicaland. We are targeting 17 schools which have model buildings which were constructed by Government. This is what Government envisions that every school in Zimbabwe will attain modern standards.

Hon. Senator Chief Makumbe, you asked the benefits that we derive from this programme. Remember that in 2018, the President mentioned that Zimbabwe should be a modern country. What it means is that when in Bulawayo, Harare or Gweru, we see flushing systems but this should not be limited to urban areas. When Zimbabwe becomes modernised, this will be replicated in every province, city or rural area where there is water and proper sanitation according to Sustainable Development Goal Number 11, which talks about water and sanitation. This means that the livelihoods of rural communities will be improved so that their livelihoods are the same with those in the urban areas. For example, right now DDF is sinking boreholes in different parts of the country in line with the sanitation vision.

You also asked what the life expectancy of this technology is. The durability of any technology depends on how people are going to be using it. The utility of any technology is determined by how people look after it so that it is durable. Its life expectancy will be determined by how we look after it.

There was also a question on its local content – the local content is 100%. The young man who came up with the idea is called Edwin Shavi from Matabeleland North.  This is his idea, you know His Excellency, the President is opening innovation hubs at universities with such new innovations.

What we are agreed with his invention is that the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education together with our Ministry and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education tastes standards through colleges who are going to implement this, together with the inventor of this new technology.  This is not meant for his employees but it is also meant for the plumbers and other people who are going to get employment from his innovation.

There was also a question of the traditional leader’s involvement – the first thing is that Government wants to implement this project in all rural schools and hospitals in the same rural areas.  The second programme will be done in the chief’s residences; the Government is going to pay for schools, clinics and the chief’s residents.  If the Government capacitates chiefs, they will then be involved in Government projects and programmes so that they will be implemented in all rural communities.

This is a long term programme which will go beyond 2030 because most Zimbabweans are using pit latrines.  So, we are now in a world of technology, we cannot succeed like Singapore where 60% of the population is using pit latrines.

This is a Government’s vision of empowering the chief’s lifestyle, their people, schools and hospitals.  However, this is free to everyone, the system can use running water, and it is cheaper.  The price is a third of what we buy in companies like Halstead Brothers.  W-systems in Halstead Brothers is more expensive than this, so, it is more in the reach of many if it is done by university then the cost will be cheaper so that everyone has access to such a new technology.  This is what the President was talking about that no one will be left behind.

Hon. Sen. Chimbudzi you mentioned the roll out plan, Hon. Sen. Femai, the problem of water shortages in urban areas is a temporal problem which will be alleviated by local authorities.  We cannot say that Zimbabwe would not prosper because the City of Harare has failed to address the water challenges.  We all know these challenges especially the City of Harare so we are not going to dwell on that today.

Hon. Sen. Chinake you asked whether it is going to be used in the rural areas – yes, this project will be implemented in rural areas even in urban areas where there is running water, it can be connected.  When there is no water, it can be reconnected back to that tank and people can flush using that system.   I believe I have addressed all the questions, I thank you.



Seventh Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the financing from the fiscus.

Question again proposed.

HON. SEN. FEMAI: I move that the debate do now adjourn.


Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Thursday, 10th June, 2021.



Eighth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the report of the 2021 virtual Parliamentary hearing at the United Nations on fighting corruption to restore trust in Government and improve development held on the 17th and 18th February 2021.

Question again proposed.

HON. SEN. MUZENDA: I move that the debate do now adjourn.

HON. SEN. SHUMBA: I second.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Thursday, 10th June, 2021

On the motion of THE MINISTER OF PUBLIC SERVICE, LABOUR AND SOCIAL WELFARE (HON. PROF. MAVIMA), the Senate adjourned at Ten Minutes to Four o’clock p.m.

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