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NATIONAL ASSEMBLY HANSARD 09 February 2016 42-32


Tuesday, 9th February, 2016

The National Assembly met at a Quarter-past Two O’clock p.m.


(THE HON. SPEAKER in the Chair)

HON. NDUNA:  On a point of order Mr. Speaker Sir.

THE HON. SPEAKER:  I beg your pardon?  You have a point of order!

HON. NDUNA:  Yes, Mr. Speaker.  It is according to Standing Orders, Section 68 (d), on a point of privilege.  It is noted with great concern that we are now having logjam on our Order Paper because we cannot conduct the business of Parliament to its conclusive end each sitting day.  Mr. Speaker, I raise this concern because yesterday, as we set in your Committee of Transport and Infrastructure Development, which I am the Chairperson, we noted with concern that we, as a

Committee, have about two reports that have not been disposed of because at the end of each sitting day, we did not have a quorum that makes sure we can present our reports to their conclusive end.

Mr. Speaker Sir, I want to take you to the Constitution.  Section 143 (3) of the Constitution speaks to the House referencing the Minister of Finance and Economic Development.  It says “the President may, by proclamation, dissolve Parliament if the National Assembly has unreasonably refused to pass an Appropriation Bill referred to in Section 305”.  I will take you to Section 305 of the same Constitution which is the supreme law of the land.

Mr. Speaker, Section 305 (2) states that “the estimates of revenue and expenditure must be presented to the National Assembly in terms of subsection (1) on a day on which the Assembly sits before or not later than thirty days after the start of each financial year.....”.  Mr. Speaker Sir, why do I bring these sections to the fore?  It is because we burnt midnight candles on our two days of sitting here because we feared in part that the President was going to dissolve Parliament.  We wanted to make sure Mr. Speaker, that the Budget, according to Section 305 (2), was going to be passed on time within the limits.  Mr. Speaker, Section 129 (k) of the Constitution speaks to this House about members that do not come to the House for 21 consecutive days.  However, I am talking to members that come to the House religiously all the time that at least on a sitting day, can we depose of what motions and reports on the Order Paper so that we are not found to be an ‘eight to five’ House Mr. Speaker.

In conclusion, you have always raised a concern that Ministers are not coming to the House on Wednesdays but Mr. Speaker, when you point a finger to a particular individual, remember four are pointing at you.

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Order! Order!  Can the Chair be heard in silence? Hon. Nduna, you started very well but went into some valley of discussion which had nothing to do with your substance of your point of order which is that Hon. Members must stay here to complete the business of the House.  That is the substance of your point of order.  To that extent, your point of order is valid, notwithstanding what you stated later on about other sections of the Constitution.

Having said that, I hope today hon. members will make a difference and stay here as  long as it is possible and dispose of the matters that are on the Order Paper because the notes are getting too voluminous as well as the Order Paper.  It is important that we debate our motions, complete them and then hon. Ministers can respond accordingly.

I appeal to you to stay put here until you have concluded the business of the House.  This is also in the interest of the fact that you represent the electorate from whom you derive the authority to be here in terms of the Constitution.  Let us respect that authority by being present all the time until business of the House is disposed of.




Economic Zones Bill [H.B. 15, 2015].

Bill read the first time.

Bill referred to the Parliamentary Legal Committee.




DEVELOPMENT (HON. CHINAMASA):  I move that Orders of the

Day, Numbers 1 and 2 be stood over until the rest of the Orders of the

Day have been disposed of.

Motion put and agreed to.



Third Order read: Adjourned debate in reply to the Presidential


Question again proposed.

HON. SITHOLE:  Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  Firstly, I would like to thank the recent Supreme Court judgement which prohibits marriages for girls below the age of eighteen years.  I would also want to thank Hon. Webster Maondera, Member of Parliament for Glen Norah who moved a motion in that regard.

My contribution to the Presidential Speech touches more on the macro-economic environment in terms of trying to improve our economic environment; my contribution is that maybe, we should first look at the macro-political environment so that we would be able to have a good economy because these things go hand in hand.  We cannot talk of economic growth when we do not have political stability in the country.

The first thing that I would want to talk about is to have an issue to do with peace and reconciliation which should be spearheaded by the Government.  In that regard, I would want to see a scenario whereby we do not, as a Government try to sweep hot issues under the carpet.  By that I mean we have burning issues which Government tries to ignore.  I will cite those issues that took place between the 1983-1987 period.  Matabeleland and Midlands experienced Gukurahundi and the President is on record saying that it was a moment of madness.  Those issues should be addressed by Government.  If it does not have money for compensation, at least it should apologise to the people of Midlands and

Matabeleland. [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear].

Not only that, but people also have issues to deal with what happened after the 31st March, 2008 elections.  There was a lot of political violence; issues to do with short and long sleeves.  Most people were killed during that time and we have to address those issues [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear].   That would help to make our country a peaceful nation.  If the country is very peaceful that will also attract investors.

We also have issues to do with the disappearance of people in our country.  Edison Sithole, my relative, disappeared along the street behind Parliament.  Up to now people do not know where he is. We also have Itai Dzamara, Mr. Speaker. - [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear] - The issue of Itai Dzamara, it is our appeal that Government takes measures to ensure that police do sufficient investigations to make certain that we find him.

Then on the political scene, we have issues to do with the electoral reforms.  Any Government that comes into place has to come without controversy.  We need electoral reforms that actually guarantee voter confidence and confidence of the vote.  The other issue that we would want to see regarding the Presidential Speech, is the issue to do with the contract which is there between the voters and the Government of the day.  The voters put the Government in power.  They actually give Government two things; power and money through taxation but we would not want a Government that pursues vulgar priorities, where we see Senior Government Officials – when we do not have money; for example, recently the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development failed to pay bonuses on time because Government said it did not have money.  However, personally, I do not believe Government does not have money to pay bonuses because during the year which is currently under review, 2015, we had Presidential trips which amounted to more than US$150 million [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear], yet the wage bill for bonuses is only US$120 million.

The other issue that we would also want to see dealt with is the harmonization of various Acts of Parliament to the Constitution.  If you read Section 90 of the Constitution well, it talks about the duties of the President and one of the duties which is mentioned there is to promote unity and Section 90 (2) (d) talks about the President accepting the diversity of the people.  This should be adhered to Mr. Speaker, because we cannot have a scenario where the First Lady, Dr Amai, distributes Government inputs at party political rallies. - [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear] -   That is actually in contravention of the Constitution.

The other issue that we should be looking at is trying to revive the industry.  The President spoke at length on the issue to do with our economic revival and in my own opinion; I think this can only be done through encouraging Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).  We cannot talk about FDI without talking about our diaspora citizens.  If we demand diaspora remittances we should also demand diaspora votes.  Those two things should go hand in hand. - [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear] -

We should try to ensure that our citizens who are abroad should be able to exercise their right to choose the Government of their choice by voting through the various embassies dotted around the globe.

Then on the issue to do with corruption, Zimbabwe, at one point was ranked number 157.  It was worse off than war torn Rwanda which was ranked number 112 and Mozambique which was ranked number 72.  We have to deal with this phenomenon called corruption in this country, which actually is eating into our investment and the prospects of economic growth.  If you go along Seke road, you will see not less than six road blocks.  I think if we move into – like what the President said and what is written in ZIM ASSET, if we promote Information, Communication Technology, increase the broadband capacity and have a national database of everything in this nation - for example, there should be a National database which has every citizen’s I.D number and all the registered vehicles number plates..  In that regard, it will not be necessary for us to deploy police officers to roadblocks but they can just go online and get all the details pertaining to licence payments or requisite papers that drivers have.  This will help us to deal with the case that the Hon. Minister of Finance and Economic Development has been talking about of trying to manage the wage bill.  We will not need a lot of police officers on the ground since all the information will be online.  If you move to that era of IT, it will be easy for this nation to cut costs on the wage bill and a lot of other things.

The President also talked on the issue of tourism.  Last year there was a lion, which was actually a celebrity and the most popular lion in the whole world - Cecil, which was killed through a policy of Government called Trophy Hunting.  It is my personal opinion that we do away with trophy hunting because it is a culture where a registered and licensed hunter is allowed to pay a fee to hunt a specified animal and take the head of the animal as a trophy to his/her country.  So, I think if we do away with trophy hunting, we would be able to conserve our wild animals.  Through that conservation, even our grand children will be able to see these animals.

Let me also touch on the issue to do with drought.  Recently, Government declared a National State of Emergency regarding drought, yet two decades ago, Zimbabwe was able to supply 250 million people with food.  I think it is still possible for Government, through the relevant Ministries, to come up with strategies so that they will be able to harness the water that we have in our various dams.  We have more than 11000 dams in this country and it is possible to make sure that using the right methods we will be able to avoid such situations as droughts.

Now, on issues to do with Government priorities; this month, on 21st February, 2016, the President will be turning 92.  His birthday comes at a time when we have just declared a National State of Emergency for food.  I then find it actually disturbing that we have people who want to raise nearly a million dollars to celebrate a birthday when we are facing hunger in this country.  - [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear] -   We have a good example of the President of Tanzania,

President John Magufuli, who has done a lot to cut costs in Government.  This is exactly what I am saying, so if anyone is opposing cutting of costs by Government, I do not know whether they are for the people or against the people.

The other thing is that you are actually on record to have said Members of Parliament should read the Constitution and Standing Rules and Orders.  On Friday, I went to the Papers Office looking for the

Standing Rules and Orders; I actually heard there are only a few left.  Hence, I would like to request through you Mr. Speaker, the few remaining copies of the Standing Rules and Orders, which gives us how to conduct ourselves in Parliament, be given to the Hon. Members who are heckling at the back so that they understand how to conduct themselves in this august House – [HON. MEMBERS: hear, hear]-

THE HON. SPEAKER: Order, order! Hon. Sithole you should

admit that you lost your copy of the Standing Rules and Orders because each Member of Parliament was given a copy which was placed in their pigeon holes.  So, if you lost one, first thing is to admit that you lost and not to say the Standing Rules and Orders are not available, that is incorrect. Thank you.

HON. SITHOLE: Thank you Mr. Speaker, I was looking for the

amended version, I have not yet received it, and maybe I lost it.

Mr. Speaker, I would also want to touch on the issue to do with peace.  Recently, we have been seeing a lot of demonstrations from the students, especially when they were coming to Parliament.  I would want to touch mainly on the issue to do with the response that the anti-riot police have been giving to these students.  Section 59 of the Constitution, states that every citizen has a right to demonstrate and petition peacefully. Most of these demonstrations, in my own opinion, have been peaceful.  I actually get worried when these students are demonstrating sometimes for food which costs US$5.00 or even US$3.00.  Then, instead of the State addressing that issue, it employs heavy handedness through the riot police, puts fuel in their trucks, spending more per average student that would be US$130. 00 in just trying to stop a demo that is demonstrating for a US$5.00 meal - for me it does not make sense.

The other issue that I would want to touch on is education.  Zimbabwe is regarded as the second most literate nation in Africa, which is a good thing, Section 27 of the Constitution states that the State must put in place practical measures to ensure that children get basic and compulsory education.  Last year in November, 2015, I was talking to the Vice President of MDC-T, Hon. T. Khupe who was telling me that – [HON. MEMBERS: inaudible interjections] – during the year 2015, she paid fees from her own pocket for more than 100 students; that is actually being a nationalist.  Then on the other hand, we look at the Vice President from the other side, who is the Vice President of this country, Hon. P. Mphoko; reports state that he stayed in a hotel for more than 400 days.  The room that he was using costs US$405.00 for bed and breakfast and in my constituency I have three Government Primary Schools, the total number of students is 5 400, who  have not been receiving basic education assistance module fees. Fees per child is roughly US$30.00, if you multiply US$30 by 5 400 students, you come up with $162 000.00 which is exactly equivalent to the amount that was spent by the Vice President in the hotel. So, the reason why this country is in a mess is because of corruption and very vulgar priorities, Mr.


Lastly, my constituency in Chitungwiza that I have been talking about which is the hub of Zimbabwean celebrities, the likes of Aleck

Macheso, the late Cephus Mashakada, Winky D, they all come from

Chitungwiza.  I would also want to see a scenario whereby the Government tries to support our artists.  I propose we should even have an 80% policy on local content coverage that is on ZTV and even on other national radio stations so that these artists will get coverage.   I also feel that the Government is not doing enough to stop piracy. Outside Parliament building, we have pirated disks that are being sold; we also have other Hon. Members who buy those pirated disks.  We should try by all means to ensure that we protect our local artist so that we have in place measures that stop this piracy.

The last issue is about jobs.  ZIM ASSET talks about the creation of 2, 2 million jobs and the Fiscal Statement that was announced by the Minister of Finance and Economic Development, Hon. Chinamasa, talks about freezing of posts.  The Fiscal Policy Statement does not speak to ZIM ASSET, they are going at a tangent, most of those who are affected by this unemployment which is around 80%, compared with South Africa it is around 35%, are the youths and I am also a member of the youths.  Section 20 of the Constitution is very clear that the Government must put in place measures to ensure that our youths are trained, educated, get employment and most of these youths are not employed. Unemployment is a social ill that the Government must address.  This is being evidenced by the number of demonstration, protests that we see every day in the streets.

So, in my opinion, the Government must come up with practical solution measures.  Taking into consideration that Zimbabwe is the second richest country in Africa based on underground resources. We have platinum, gas and a lot more.  We also have one of the most educated Ministers, Professor Jonathan Moyo, the twitter and our President who is the most educated in the world.  So I do not see any reason why we have an educated Cabinet and a lot of underground resources, yet we are still poor.  It shows that what is lacking is political will.

I think it is high time as Parliament, we do not consider whether you are ZANU PF or MDC but seriously look into Section 97 (2) paragraph D, which talks about the fitness of the President to continue.  We should discuss that issue and put it as a motion. I am against some of my colleague MP’s who have been saying the President went on holiday while the county is burning, he should come back and address the issues – in my personal opinion, I differ.  The President should actually stay in that holiday for a lifetime, he needs to rest, and he should spend most of his time with his family especially on the back ground of the reports that Bona is pregnant.  So, the President might need to spend more time with his grandchildren [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections]-

THE HON. SPEAKER: Order, order, order.  Hon. Sithole, you should read your Standing Rules and Orders very carefully, you are not allowed to bring the name of the Head of State to disrepute-[HON.

MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections]- order, order, there is one Chair.

So, I am asking you to withdraw that statement.

HON. SITHOLE: Thank you Mr. Speaker.  I withdraw the statement that the President should rest.  Thank you.

HON.  K. SIBANDA: Thank you Mr. Speaker for affording me this opportunity to present my maiden speech to this august House –

[HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections] –

THE HON. SPEAKER: Order.  Hon. Mutseyami, you also made a maiden speech here and nobody disrupted you and your colleague next door there who shall remain nameless.  So please can you allow Hon. Sibanda to make his deliberations, which is going to be part of his maiden speech.  Let us hear him.

HON. K. SIBANDA: Thank you Mr. Speaker.  In this Third

Session of the Eighth Parliament, it is with utmost gratitude to the Nkulumane electorate for electing me as their representative in this National Assembly.  As the Nkulumane Constituency, we mourn the loss of your colleague in Parliament, the late Hon. T. Mahlangu.  In this regard, I request the people of Nkulumane and the nation to continue with the solidarity we have exhibited.

Mr. Speaker Sir, as the incoming Member of Parliament for Nkulumane Constituency, I have many fresh ideas to revive and replenish the aforementioned constituency in the face of the hard social economic conditions under my leadership.   The constituency will lobby for matters that would be addressed as a matter of urgency, which include, but not limited to the following;

Industry – Mr. Speaker Sir, I will lobby for the resuscitation of

Bulawayo’s ailing industry and commerce, which will be achieved through the creation of sound investor-friendly conditions, which embraces the economic empowerment of indigenous Zimbabweans.

The scrapping of illegal sanctions and equitable sharing of

Government funds should contribute immensely in the restoration of Bulawayo’s la gloire as an industrial hub of the nation.  Lending rates-

HON. BUNJIRA: On a point of order.

THE HON. SPEAKER: Order, there is a point of order.

HON. BUNJIRA: Thank you Mr. Speaker.  My point of order is that the Hon. Member is whispering and we cannot even hear him.  I think it is a serious offence.

THE HON. SPEAKER: Order, you can only hear whispers if you are not listening and also making some noise.  Please can you allow the Hon. Member to be heard in silence.  Can you please speak up.

HON. K. SIBANDA: Lending rates by banks should be reviewed downwards as the current position frustrates business start-ups as demonstrated in the year 2015.  The revitalization of Bulawayo industries as outlined in the ZIM ASSET should be given special attention as it is a prerequisite against brain drain, capacity underutilisation and growth prospects.  The economy should align consumption with balance of payment where local procurement is preferred to imports.  This will curb the influx of substantial goods and promote quality consumption.  This is meant to protect local industry and products which in turn creates employment.

Mr. Speaker Sir, the future and the present lies with our young people who have unique ideas and exuberance.  It is mandatory to empower our youths financially to enhance economic growth.  This could be achieved by encouraging and funding entrepreneurial projects and training such as Empretec.  Further, the setting up of a skills centre will also go a long way in helping our young people to attain self actualisation.

This kind of initiative has seen success in areas like Lobengula and Sizinda Vocational Training Centres.  The need to support the ever growing informal sector can be addressed through proportional, equitable distribution of funding so as to capitalize business projects particularly for the current jobless and aspiring self-employed youths, women and all marginalised members of my constituency.  The

objective will be to bring the informal sector into the mainstream economy so that youths will be able to benefit and be assured of financial independence.

Mr. Speaker Sir, I will lobby for the improvement and resuscitation of education in my constituency.  To address the problems of distressed tertiary students who are subjected to constant disruption of further studies due to failure to pay school fees.  I am advocating for the reintroduction of Government grants to cushion them from the current state of affairs.

For primary and secondary education, I am recommending the completion of Mncumbathi Secondary School in my constituency to alleviate the problem of overcrowding in surrounding schools.  This will make the student-teacher ratio to be sustainable.  There is also need to strike a balance between feeder schools and secondary schools.

There is need to lobby for science laboratories to be built in all secondary schools to ensure an effective scientific foundation and further studies at our local university – The National University of Science and Technology (NUST).  The objective is to perpetrate the high literacy and numeracy rate of the nation.  Furthermore, I propose inclusive education conditions where the disabled are able to learn under the same environment as their able-bodied peers.  This will go a long way in overcoming societal stigma bedeviling most people with disabilities.  Children who drop out of school, school leavers and those who have never been to school should be given opportunities to learn skills so that they also contribute to economic growth.

Mr. Speaker Sir, social welfare is an important aspect to breeding a sound and productive citizenry.

Water is a natural resource which is essential for human survival and socio-economic development. I will advocate for the constituency’s participation in water governance as provided by the 1998 Water Act.  This will be done so that all those who are directly and indirectly affected by the crisis can contribute meaningfully by cash or otherwise towards the mitigation of water crisis.

It will be our priority to ensure that the Gwayi-Shangani pipeline to Bulawayo contributes to the improvement of food security and livelihood of Nkulumane residents.  I appreciate the efforts made by the Government in the Mtshabezi water project despite the poor rains and dwindling water levels.

Mr. Speaker Sir, it is of utmost importance as a Member of Parliament to address the challenges faced by vulnerable groups such as widows, widowers, orphans and the disabled.   I advocate for a welfare state, where the vulnerable and marginalised groups are provided with monthly stipends to cushion them against economic hardships.  Mr.

Speaker Sir, in my constituency, approximately 5 150 households out of  14 500 live in abject poverty.  This should be mitigated given the availability of resources.

Health and Safety

          Mr. Speaker Sir, our societal set up has disintegrated, hence affecting our health system. One in every four teenage girls gets married annually resulting in young children born with no birth certificates.

Teenage pregnancy has deleterious effects on the health of the young mother and child. It disrupts physical, educational and psychological developments of parties involved hence; our health system in Nkulumane faces challenges in terms of capacity and resources. The health crisis and shortage of drugs, linen, equipment breakdown and inadequate staff can be addressed by encouraging private public partnership to solve the problem.


          The Bulawayo City Council waiting list has been an eyesore. The general populace is not housed. If the stands are available, they are very exorbitant in price. We can seek well-wishers partnership with Government to service land for the purposes of building affordable houses. Instead of building detached houses, a move to build two storey flats which in turn will accommodate more people is ideal.


The demand for electricity continues to grow,  with less production of electricity comes with it load shedding which has impacted negatively to the society as electric gadgets are damaged, normal life is disturbed and burglary is given a chance.

There is need to embark on a massive go green strategy so as to alleviate the power shortage. Once more, strategic partners from the East should be sought in solving the problem. I would like to applaud the Government for importing 300 Megawatts of electricity from South Africa to its grid which has eased incessant power cuts. Also the refurbishment of existing power stations is greatly appreciated as it will further increase the capacity, so as recapitalisation of the Bulawayo Thermal Power Station by $87 million for retooling. Mr. Speaker, I rest my case.

HON. MUDYIWA: Mr. Speaker Sir, allow me to add a word in response to the motion moved by Hon. Mutomba. In response to the Presidential Address on the occasion of the Opening of the 3rd Session of this 8th Parliament, I will also give my maiden speech in this august

House. I would like to applaud His Excellency the President, Cde. R. G.

Mugabe for setting the Constitutional alignment pace by ushering a busy session legislative calendar.

I want to start by the forthcoming Bill to combine the War Veterans Act and Ex-Political Prisoners, Detainees and Restrictees Act into one Act to incorporate the War Collaborators. I have a particular interest on war collaborators whom I feel have not managed to get the support and cover they deserve, just like the war veterans. It is my hope that this new Bill will pave way for War Collaborators to get some appreciation since they played a very important role during the liberation struggle. Still on the same note, the construction of three Zimbabwe

Liberation War Memorial Hospitals in Harare, Bulawayo and Victoria Falls is a welcome development. I hope it will even assist the comrades and communities at large to receive quality medical care.

Mr. Speaker Sir, the National Code of Corporate Governance Bill to bolster the fight against corruption which will be brought for consideration before Parliament is critical. This was long overdue. The corrupt tendencies by some managers and board members experienced in the past resulted in the near collapse of parastatals like NRZ, Air Zimbabwe and GMB because there was no Code of Corporate

Governance. The mismanagement at PSMAS cannot be condoned at all as this led to gross shortchanging of members of the public and legal battles have been the most common news, and feature at parastatals even more than productivity news. The national Code of Corporate Governance will go a long way in bringing about sanity at these big institutions and resuscitation of our economic performance. Enacting of such a code will come as a welcome demonstration of political will in Zimbabwe to curb this scourge.

Allow me to comment on the Education Amendment Bill to align the Education Act of 2006 with the Constitution. The review of the

Primary and Secondary School curriculum is a welcome development. This will promote a sense of patriotism and nationalism among our children as the saying goes “catch them young”. The Ministry has done a great consultation job. It is my sincere expectation that what shall be brought before this august House will be a resemblance of what the population of Zimbabwe hereby represented, want. Zimbabwe needs to continue to invest in education, regain and maintain its status as the country with the highest literacy levels in Africa.

Moving on to the Local Authorities Bill to be introduced in Parliament during this session, it is my desire to see this law adequately addressing issues of dismissal or discipline of councilors, mayors and chairpersons of local authorities. These people are charged with service delivery and their conduct should be above board. We have witnessed service delivery and amenities going to the dogs over the last decade. The local authorities need to be put to bed as proper progressive governance takes its course.

I am glad that His Excellency, the President has maintained on his legislative schedule, the Public Health Bill and the enactment of a Regulatory Authority for Medical Aid Societies. The Public Health Act was done in the early 20th century. You would agree with me that a lot of diseases emerged as the population soared. Health is a dynamic field and it needs an Act that is current and relevant.  As mentioned before, it is my strong desire to see this House passing an Act that will restore the health safety nets and havens that medical aid societies used to provide.  I call upon the Minister responsible to ensure that this Bill finally comes to being since this is the 3rd time it is appearing on the legislative calendar, as far as I remember.

Allow me at this juncture Madam Speaker, to divert to my maiden speech and speak on issues from Mudzi District where I stem from.  Let me begin by thanking people of Mudzi for choosing me to represent them in this august House until 2018 and below. - [HON. MEMBERS:

Inaudible interjections]-


Hon. Sibanda.  Can the Hon. Member be heard in silence?

HON. MUDYIWA: Thank you Madam Speaker.  Mudzi is one of

the least developed districts as compared to districts elsewhere.  The district lags behind in almost every aspect of infrastructural development.  Below are some of the issues which need urgent attention:

  1. Provision of clean water – Mudzi area is Natural Region 5,

and therefore very dry.  The characteristics of the region are: annual rainfall of 450 to 650 mm, severe dry spells during the rainy season and frequent seasonal droughts.  There are only six dams in the Constituency, most of which have reduced water capacity due to siltation.  The District Development Fund (DDF), which  is charged with the responsibility of maintaining our dams and road construction have got only one grader and nothing for dam scooping.

Some dams were pegged more than 30 years ago but have not been constructed to date.  The provision of water in my Constituency is priority number one, as women walk up to 15 km to fetch water and do their washing.  Livestock is equally affected and cattle are dying even during this summer season because all rivers dried up because very little was received.  One can imagine what will happen from winter until the next summer season.  Most of the boreholes have dried and more should be drilled in the area to alleviate water shortage.  The ideal situation will be to drill a borehole in every village.

  1. Road Network – Madam Speaker, you would not want to drive

on the majority of the roads in the rural areas, particularly in my Constituency which are in bad shapeMost of these roads were last attended to more than 20 years ago.  We have areas like Chimango, Chisvo, Bension Mine and Kachimana where the roads need grading and resurfacing.  Some people in these areas have to endure as much as 20 km walking to the main road to access transport.  The DDF whose responsibility is to maintain the roads has only one grader which is always parked due to lack of fuel.  I call upon ZINARA and the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development to attend to these roads as a matter of priority, so that we have ZUPCO and other private buses plying the routes to ease transportation woes.

On the same note, a number of bridges in the area are dangerous to cross, particularly during the rainy season.  These bridges need urgent attention, otherwise some areas will be inaccessible, come the heavy rains.

  1. Electrification/Computerisation – The President’s

Computerisation Programme is greatly applaudedHowever, most schools in my constituency have no computers yet, hence school children there cannot be compared to those who are computer literate.

This technological advancement cannot be realised without electricity.

We have quite a number of areas that are without electricity.

In some areas, we have electricity poles with cables that were fitted a long time ago but the project has been idle for over three years now.  Some of the poles are falling down and need to be propped up so that electricity can be connected.

  1. Clinics - On health matters, there are very few clinics in the area and people walk for up to 20 km to access health facilities. The area is malaria infested, particularly during the summer season, hence the need for more clinics and satellite clinics need no emphasis at all.   I understand we have a policy to have a clinic at least within 10 km of every household.
  2. Schools – There are only two ‘A’ Level schools in the whole Constituency, no Government school, no boarding school and no Vocational Training Centre (VCT). There is only one boarding school in Mudzi District, which means our school children have to look for ‘A’ Level places elsewhere outside the district.  At one high school in Chifamba, ‘A’ Level students have to rent accommodation at the nearest growth point and in the surrounding villages.  This is unacceptable, considering that these young boys and girls still need parental care, without which they end up indulging in unbecoming behaviour.  Resultantly, there is poor performance academically and the region produces very few ‘A’ Level students for university qualification.

There is virtually no development at schools in my Constituency because the parents are failing to pay school fees for their children due to economic hardships.  This is a real challenge. I therefore call for the revival of BEAM.

  1. Mobile Network - Coverage is very poor in areas like Masenda, where people have to climb up a tree to communicate on the cellphone.  Cellphone handsets are now affordable but no network coverage. The three Mobile Network Service Providers should install more boosters in the area, that is Net One, Econet and Telecel.
  2. Identity Cards - Last but not least Madam Speaker, allow me to conclude my debate on an issue  that  is of great importance to every elected Hon. Member in this House.  We have quite a number of people who do not vote because they do not have National Identity Cards…   -

[HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections] -


HON. MUDYIWA: Thank you Madam Speaker.  The process at Mudzi District Office is cumbersome and people should make a number of trips to get an ID Card.  Considering the transport cost involved, many people abandon the process.  The Registrar General’s office should not wait for general elections to sent mobile registration teams to rural areas.  This should be an on-going exercise and should commence now.  I thank you Madam Speaker.

HON. P. D. SIBANDA: Thank you Madam Speaker for allowing

me to debate for the first time this year, again the first time on the Presidential Speech since I came to Parliament.  I am going to concentrate mainly on economic issues raised by the President in his Speech.  I am going to critically look at the 10-Point Plan and other economic views that he shared with us in that particular speech.

In doing so Madam Speaker, I am going to try and paint the economic situation that is currently prevailing in the country.  I am going to try and identify the problem that has brought us to this economic situation that we are facing as a country.  I am also going to try and proffer solutions; maybe that might not be in tandem with the 10Point Plan and other views that were given by the President.  I think it is important Madam Speaker that we indicate that Zimbabweans have economically suffered for too long.  At times Zimbabweans begin to ask themselves about what it is that they have done to deserve such perpetual economic suffering for a number of uninterrupted decades –

[AN HON MEMBER: Sanctions!] –

Madam Speaker, I think it is important for us to stop the blame game in whatever we do as a country.  It is high time that as a country we look at ourselves and introspect where we have gone wrong and where we need to take corrective measures.  It is not by mistake Madam Speaker, that countries such as Ethiopia, Mozambique and Kenya are thriving economically.  It is not by luck that they are thriving economically.  They are thriving because there are deliberate policy decisions that are taken by the people and its leadership to ensure that they grow their economy; neither is it a mistake nor a misfortune that we find ourselves in the scenario that we are as a country.  Similarly, the fact that the Republic of South Africa right now is facing serious economic volatility is not by mistake or misfortune.  So, we will not develop because of luck as a country.  We will not grow economically by luck as a country.

Before I proceed Madam Speaker, let me state that I had an opportunity to analyse the 10-Point Plan that was presented by the

President in this august House.  My conclusion is that the plan is far away from being the panacea for economic growth in this country.  It is such a weak plan that you cannot even grow the profit of a tuck shop if you use that kind of a plan.  It is such a plan that even if you try to apply it to Alpha and Omega Dairy, it cannot get out of the current financial situation that it is facing.

What are the challenges that we are facing?  Madam Speaker, I do not want to start somewhere far away from here.  I want to start right here because charity begins at home.  Madam Speaker, the economic situation of this country has seriously compromised the responsibilities and duties that Parliament is supposed to discharge.  Let me explain why.  The majority of Hon. Members that are here have become beggars and net borrowers – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] -  The majority of Members, we read in newspapers everyday that they are being sued for debts that they owe.  The reason is that the majority of Members of Parliament are net borrowers and beggars and I will explain why I am saying so.

Since we were sworn-in in 2013 Madam Speaker, nobody in this House has ever received sitting allowances from Parliament.  Madam Speaker, as a matter of right and not privilege, Members of Parliament are supposed to be given fuel so that they are able to go and service their constituencies.  Right now as I speak, I am sure if there are Members of Parliament who are servicing adequately their constituencies, maybe they are those based in urban areas that are able to cycle within their constituencies and be able to see their members.  Also, maybe those who were able to corruptly acquire wealth in this country during the time of looting spree that was taking place in this country but every other ordinary Member of Parliament is not able to adequately service their constituents.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Order Hon. Sibanda.  I would

like you to focus on your debate and also make sure that you substantiate whatever you are alleging to other Members of Parliament that you claim have been acquiring their wealth through corruption.  I want you to withdraw that – [HON. MEMBERS:  Inaudible interjections.] -  Order, order!  I want you to withdraw that because you do not have the evidence.

HON. P.D SIBANDA:  Madam Speaker, I suggest that you make your judgement after I am done with my debate because I am actually going to justify and substantiate whatever I am saying.  Whatever I am debating here is as factual as possible.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Do you have anything on

paper right now so that whatever you are alleging, you can submit it to the Hansard Department? – [HON. MEMBERS:  Inaudible interjections.] – If you do not have it, I want you to withdraw.

HON. P.D. SIBANDA:  Madam Speaker, can I substantiate

corruption activities.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  I am saying you have

generalised that statement.  If you do not have anything written on paper as evidence, I would want you to withdraw that.

HON. P.D SIBANDA:  Let me substantiate that.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Are you challenging me?

HON. P.D SIBANDA:  No, I am not challenging you.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Can you please withdraw and

you can then continue with your debate.  Withdraw your statement.

HON. P.D SIBANDA:  Madam Speaker, can you allow me to

substantiate my statement.


HON. P.D SIBANDA:  Madam Speaker, if you want me to

substantiate on the issue of corruption that there are Members who could have acquired wealth corruptly in this country, I will refer you to basically two issues.  Two or three years ago, the Anti-Corruption Commission of Zimbabwe had obtained warrants to go and search into offices of two members of Cabinet who are Members of Parliament on allegations that in that search they were going to confiscate material which was going to prove that they were involved in corruption.  Those members of the Anti-Corruption Commission were barred from getting into the Ministers’ offices.  They were also arrested and prosecuted for trying to prove corruption.  Therefore, what I am saying is not farfetched.

Secondly Madam Speaker, it is only a few months ago when we heard that a Cabinet Minister improperly collected $100 000 from PSMAS.  He claimed that he had returned that money when facts on the ground indicate that he did not return the $100 000 – [HON. MEMBERS:  Hear, hear.] – Madam Speaker, in a very honest and patriotic manner, let us not try to hide corruption under the cover of

‘withdraw, withdraw’.  We have to say things as they are – [HON. MEMBERS:  Hear, hear.] – This country has suffered for too long when a few are benefiting out of national resources of this country.

Madam Speaker, let me be honest and say these days I am very much ashamed to be addressed as honourable because there is nothing honourable about being a Member of Parliament any more.  What is honourable when I have to go and beg for money in order for me to travel to my constituency because I do not have fuel?  What is honourable about me if I have to go and borrow each and everyday for the love of going to see how my people are suffering in the constituency?  What is honourable about that?  Madam Speaker, this is a very clear indication that the economic situation in this country is not good and we need to go beyond the 10-Point Plan.

The situation does not only affect Members of Parliament.  I can go to my colleagues, the Hon. Ministers.  The majority of Ministers, especially those that were not able to loot are poor.  They are poor Ministers as we speak.  The majority of Cabinet Ministers that were not involved in any looting spree are poor Ministers.  If you look at them, you can see their frustrated faces.  They are hungry faces.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Order Hon. Member!  Sit

down.  Hon. Sibanda, when you are presenting your facts, please try not to be too emotional about these things.  Try not to use hard language when describing other Members of Parliament.  Cabinet Ministers are also Members of Parliament.  So, let us just respect each other in the

House please.

HON. P.D SIBANDA:  Thank you Madam Speaker.  Cabinet

Ministers are not very miserable but obviously they are poor.  Madam Speaker, I am not speaking this from nowhere.  I interact with Hon. Ministers; the majority of them are my colleagues, we are of the same age, G40 – [Laughter] – Not in terms of faction, but in terms of age.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Order, order!  Let me warn

you for the last time. If you do not take this House seriously, I will not allow you to continue with this debate. Please withdraw your statement that you have recently said and concentrate on the facts of your presentation.

HON. P. D. SIBANDA: Madam Speaker, I am not sure exactly what you want me to withdraw?  It is unfortunate that the term generation 40 has become associated with poisonous politics of

Zimbabwe, what I am...

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Hon Sibanda, stop defending

yourself and just withdraw what you said.

HON. P. D. SIBANDA: I withdraw Madam Speaker.  What I was

trying to say is that my interaction with Hon. Ministers has actually shown that there is no business anymore that Hon. Ministers are doing because they do not have the resources.  They are simply going to offices to sit and wait for salaries which might not even come.  That is how the situation is in the country.  Soldiers - I am not talking about the foot soldiers, the privates and so on, I am talking of generals.  They are not happy; they are complaining that the economic situation is not good.  The Justice system and its personnel are complaining and businesses have folded - that is the current situation.  I cannot talk about the common person who is down there in Binga, who is down there in Ngezi. People are suffering and we need to seriously look into how we can grow this economy.

Then the question becomes what is the problem?  Why has our economic situation deteriorated to this level?  Some will blame Hon. Chinamasa as Minister of Finance and Economic Development but I think that is not correct, we cannot blame him; he has done his best under the circumstances.  We cannot blame Hon. Chinamasa, he is a saint, he is a good person, and he has tried his best to save his country.

So, where is the problem?

Madam Speaker, a country just like a company has got a Chief Executive Officer, and the responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer of a company is to ensure that he adds value to the investment of the shareholders and if they fail to do that they are fired.   In this country the Chief Executive Officer is His Excellency, the Commander in Chief, the Chancellor of all Universities.  You can say all the titles that you want to say but he is the Chief Executive Officer of Zimbabwe, and the entire responsibility to ensure that the economic welfare of the people of Zimbabwe is improved lies solely on his shoulders.  If things are not ticking, it is his blame.  The bark stops with him.

He is the one who appoints Cabinet Ministers, some who are not performing.  Some of the Cabinet Ministers are non-performers.  If we were going to access them on a point of 10, most of them fall far much below 5.  Actually, I am told some Cabinet Ministers are already sleeping – [Laughter] – He is the one who fails to take action when corruption thrives.  Up to now the Chief Executive of Zimbabwe has not explained to Zimbabweans where the over $2bn worth of diamonds that came out of Marange went to and he is silent about that, for him everything is okay.  He is the one who has been consistently presiding over inconsistent policies, policies that are disastrous to economic growth.  He has done that constantly, so he is...

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Order, order Hon. Sibanda.

According to Standing Order Rule No. 93 (1), Section B, the use of the name of the President irrelevantly in debates or for the purpose of influencing the House in its deliberations – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections] – I repeat do not unnecessarily use the name of the President in your presentation in order to influence the debate in the

House.  This is now allowed.

HON. P. D. SIBANDA:  I have not used the name of the

President; I have mentioned the Office of the President.  He is the Chief Executive Officer of this country and he is the one that submitted this speech that I am debating today.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Order, Hon. Sibanda.  I will

not allow you to continue doing that, trying to pretend as if the Office of the President is not the President – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections]- You are talking about the current President and you are not allowed to use his name to influence the debate.  Just go to your debate and talk about the economy of the country.

HON. P. D. SIBANDA:  Madam Speaker...

HON. MUNENGAMI:  On a point of order Madam Speaker.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  What is your point of order?

HON MUNENGAMI:  Madam Speaker, I find it hard that we debate a speech that was presented by the President in this House and do not talk about the President.  So, what it means is that the speech that was presented by the President must not be debated because we cannot avoid talking about the President because he is the one who delivered it.  I think the hon. member is within his rights to talk about the President and actually he must mention the President by name because we have one President in this country.  I thank you Madam Speaker.

HON. P. D. SIBANDA: Madam Speaker, I...

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Order, hon. member your time is up – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections] –

HON. MUNENGAMI:   On a point of order Madam Speaker.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: There is no more point of

order! His time is up!

HON. MUNENGAMI: On a point of order Madam Speaker.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: What is your point of order? 

HON. MUNENGAMI: Yes I rise Madam Speaker to extent the time the Hon. Member is debating. Thank you Madam Speaker.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Is there any objection?

HON. D. TSHUMA: I object Madam Speaker.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Order! Order! Is there any


HON. D. TSHUMA: Point of order Madam Speaker. I have been given the floor. Sit down! I have been given the floor!


MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections]-

HON. D. TSHUMA: You do not have the floor you sit down!

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Order! Everyone sit down! Hon. Member sit down! Order! Hon. Sibanda sit down! Hon. Sibanda sit down! Order! Order Hon. Members! Can you behave yourself? This is not a beer hall! Order! Sit down. Hon. Members from my right side and my left side can you please maintain order in the House! This is not a shabbeen or a beer hall! Order!

Firstly, I am addressing the first order that was given and after that I will address the second order. I am still addressing the first order that was raised by Hon. Munengami. I said is there any objection and I recognised Hon. Tshuma.

HON. D. TSHUMA: Thank you Madam Speaker for your



HON. D. TSHUMA: Yes I object to the extension of his time.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Order! Order. I am doing the

procedures of Parliament. I will raise your order later on. Hon. Sibanda Order! Hon. Sibanda I said I am still addressing the first order. After I am done with it I will take the next order.

In terms of the Standing Orders I do hereby divide the House. Order Hon. Members. The amended Standing Orders state that the fact that there is an objection by a Member of Parliament means that command is final. So, is there any further debate?

HON. P.D. SIBANDA: Do not tell me rubbish! Point of order!

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: I cannot allow him to have a

point of order because he was the one debating.

HON. P.D. SIBANDA: Madam Speaker, I think you are abusing your powers.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: What is your point of order?

HON. P.D. SIBANDA: Madam Speaker, in a very honest

observation this is our country in which all the leaders that are here are chosen in order to protect the interest of the generality of the 15 million Zimbabweans. While I was debating you interrupted me several times and you did not take that opportunity - [inaudible interjections]- madam Speaker you interrupted me several times and that time of your interruption I am sure was taken into consideration. My point of view

Madam Speaker is that …

HON. ZWIZWAI: On a point of order.

HON. P.D. SIBANDA: Your ruling is going to stifle my right to debate as a Member of Parliament. I just want to indicate Madam

Speaker that you are wrongly interfering into my right to debate as a

Member of Parliament. I had not done the twenty minutes or 30 minutes that is required. You spent almost half of that period of time that was meant to be mine, interrupting me.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Hon. Members from the right

side and from the left side. This is the last time I am going to give these warnings. I am going to take action. Thank you Hon. Sibanda we have heard your point of order.

HON. ZWIZWAI: On a point of order.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Order! I will not entertain any

other point of order.

HON. ZWIZWAI: I did not recognise you.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Order Hon. Members! Order

Hon. Members, Hon. Sibanda. Do not force me to take the hard action because I will do that. Order! Hon. Members!

HON. ZWIZWAI: Thank you Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker

the issue that I want to raise is a small issue. If you look at our clock there it has two lights before the Clerks at the Table there is one that is darker red light and an orange light. So those lights reflect the time that the Hon. Member has and the red light indicates that his time has elapsed. So what happened is that no light went on. We knew we were in the middle of addressing the one who was debating. So for that reason we would want to go back to what the law says that if it has not reflected the members should be given time. This does not need us to go and seek the services of a witch doctor. There is nothing that you can tell us Hon. Mupfumi. Some of you Hon. Members have very little portfolios and you cannot come here and tell us some of these issues. May be Hon. Zhuwao, if he speaks we can listen to him because he visits the State House more often than any other. Thank you.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Hon. Members from my right

side and my left side, please behave like Hon. Members in this House. I have heard what Hon. Zwizwai has raised and what I want to say is that the clock that you are talking about reflected. Whoever says “ah-h” this time, I will request the Serjeant-at-Arms to escort you out of the House.

So, this issue shall be laid to rest.

+HON. R. MPOFU: Thank you Madam Speaker. Firstly, I would like to congratulate our President and Commander-in-Chief of the

Defence Forces for the speech that he delivered here in Parliament. Firstly, I would want to talk about land. The President of the country is a very good leader in the whole of Africa. We are now complaining that our economy is not performing well but this is because of the whites. If we look at our own country we have to unite and assist each other especially for us Members of Parliament, we must support the

President’s Ten-Point Plan.

Madam Speaker, when I look at some people who come to play here in Parliament, I wish it was during the war. These people should be made to run so that they jump out of the windows. We should be representing people out there. We are not here to discriminate each other. We must be here to see how we can remove sanctions and improve the economy of our country. Yes, the President of this country gave us farms but there are some people who said they did not want  farms. Those are the people who are coming to disturb us on our farms.

Why did they not go to Britain because they support whites?

Madam Speaker, it is painful because we know the truth but we are trying to evade it. We, as women know that even if a man gets money, he can go and drink beer with all the money but us as women, we know that the family has to be fed. Everything has to start with a woman because the woman is the one who is worried about what happens in the home. When it comes to education, the President gave us computers all over. He did not discriminate according to parties when he distributed those computers. Our education system has improved more than any other country. He is an elderly person and he has a vision.

Madam Speaker, people fought for this country and I am saying that the President should have many more years to live. Some say a woman is not good at times because she is there to cause disharmony amongst the people but there is a woman who comes to Parliament and she is worried about the economy. We should unite as women and not look at which party one comes from. We should unite and not discriminate against each because we all have the same ancestors. We do not have white ancestors. We are not here to play. If you want to play, why do you not just go home and play.

I am still on the Ten Point Plan that was mentioned by the President of this country. Yes, you can check how many schools we have in this country. During the whites’ rule there were no secondary schools. We did not have many schools but now children are attending school. We do not have money in this country, yes because of the sanctions that were imposed on us. My request is that we should unite as children of Zimbabwe. We should not discriminate each other according to political parties.

When it comes to health issues, the President of the country spoke about health. He does not want corruption. He is not corrupt and he does not want corruption. During the Inclusive Government, why did you not sort it out when you were in office? Why did you not sort it out? My plea is that we should unite and let us look at what the President wants.

Let us unite in the face of the crippling drought because the President is saying we should all eat. He is not discriminating. He is not saying that food is not for the Opposition.  Madam Speaker, let us unite as blacks.

I come from Matabeleland South and when the President came, we received maize. Yes, it was not enough because of sanctions but let us sort out the issue of sanctions. Let us unite and declare that these sanctions must go. We must speak the same language that “sanctions must go”. We should not wait for the British to come and rule us. How many times are they going to rule us? No British is going to rule us in this country. We have our own President. Even if he is old and has to use a walking stick, he will still rule us. When he left his chairmanship of the AU, I heard that they elected him as a rapporteur. I do not know, if ancestors were to come out, are they going to speak in English? We are not here to destroy each other. We are here to plead that we unite. We should know why we are here.

The President spoke about the issue of war veterans. The issue of war veterans is a serious issue. The President of this country is saying that people should unite. War veterans, war collaborators and everyone fought for this country. War veterans would not have just fought on their own without people cooking for them. Women too, were cooking for them and offering them shelter. For those who support whites then I should say that you should not worry about them because they are always there to betray others.  There is Lucifer and Jesus was also betrayed, so we should accept that. We should note that there is Lucifer up there. We want peace in Zimbabwe. The President of this country talks about war veterans and if a war veteran dies and is not given a decent burial, then it means that he did not join the War Veterans Association because they do not want to contribute $20. There are some who do not want to make those contributions. Why is it that they do not want to make their contributions and get decent burials?

We know that there are sell-outs who do not want to unite with others. I am saying the President should rule this country whether you like it or not. Let us look at his past achievements, ZANU PF has achieved a lot in this country.  We may deny it yet we know ZANU PF achieved a lot and the whites failed.  The whites came to this country and took our gold after misleading our ancestors but now let us look at the land reform.  When they came, they took our money and bought tractors for their grandparents.

Madam Speaker, when these whites came in …

An Hon. Member having passed between the Chair and the Hon.

Member speaking.

THE DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Order, order!  Hon. member, I think

it is high time you should understand the rules and procedures of the House.  You are not supposed to disturb the vision between the Chair and the person who is debating.  You may continue hon. member.

+HON. R. MPOFU:  Thank you Madam Speaker, during the

Land Reform Programme, the whites came in and took money that they got from our mines and bought tractors and machinery for themselves.  Now, when the President says we should take over the farms, they are complaining.  Yes, we now have farms but we do not have implements just like what the whites used to have.  Even those from the opposition should also get farms because we are not discriminating.

Madam Speaker, I love everyone.  I am saying that they should get farms even though they are getting double payments.  They are paid at Parliament and also get paid elsewhere – how about us from ZANU PF who only get paid once?  So, where else are we going to get money from?  We also need implements and we are working very hard.  We go into the fields and use hoes for ploughing and someone will be following putting the seed down.

We are better off because we drive Ford Rangers and other latest models but some people died during the liberation struggle.  There is no one who does not have a relative who died during the liberation struggle, even those from the opposition have relatives who were killed by the whites but they seem to have forgotten because it is now like a soccer match.  Now, those from the opposition are now saying they have forgotten about the blood of their late relatives who perished during the liberation struggle.

These sanctions must go and the President is going to rule this country forever, whether you like it or not.  Thank you Madam Speaker.

HON. RUNGANI:  Madam Speaker, I move that the debate do now adjourn.

HON. DZIVA:  I second.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Wednesday, 10th February, 2016.



HON. RUNGANI:  Madam Speaker, I move that Orders of the Day, Numbers 4 to 20 be stood over until Order of the Day, Number 21 has been disposed of.

HON. D. SIBANDA: I second.

Motion put and agreed to.



Twenty-first Order read:  Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the Pan African Parliament Session held in Midrand, South

Africa, from the 4th to 18th October, 2015.

Question again proposed.

HON. A. MNANGANGWA:  Thank you Madam Speaker, I rise to thank Hon. Members who supported the Pan African Parliament

Report that I tabled before this august House late last year.  Particularly, my mention goes to Hon. Mashakada; Hon. Mpariwa; Hon. Chasi and Hon. Mapiki for the sound contributions they made in support of my report.  I also thank our Zimbabwe delegation and would like to mention that we worked as a team and in harmony during these sessions.

I, therefore, move the Motion that this House takes note of the Report of the Pan -African Parliament Session held in Midrand, South

Africa, from 4th to 18th October 2015.

Motion put and adopted.



HON. RUNGANI:  Madam Speaker I move that we revert to

Order of the Day Number 18 on today’s Order Paper.

HON. DZIVA:  I second.

Motion put and agreed to.




Eighteenth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on alleged maladministration of Premier Medical Aid Society and call for their prosecution.

Question again proposed.

HON. MPARIWA: Let me thank Hon. Cross for bringing a motion to the House pertaining to Premier Medical Aid Society. I know Hon. Speaker that a lot was said during the debate by Hon. Members pertaining to this particular motion in terms of the report and what was coming out in the media and everywhere else. I stand to support the facts that were raised by Hon. Members during debate.

You may recall that this is one of the biggest medical societies in Zimbabwe to which all the civil servants actually belong to. A lot of money has been invested in this particular institution. When you cannot account for any cent, be it $50, the nation shakes because it is to do with public funds. As the Chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee, I also stand to support the motion in terms of the problems/ issues that were raised and the concerns from the public.

Can you imagine Hon. Speaker that members of the public can no longer access medical assistance in terms of them being members of the public medical aid? In some hospitals or service providers, you will find that a whole range of medical aid societies are accepted and they write it clearly on the notice board but not PSMAS, when actually you are a member contributing and deductions are done, and no service is provided. You know Hon. Speaker that civil servants are one of those that are lowly paid members of the society. When you have been contributing in terms of getting health assistance and you cannot get it, but on your pay slip deduction is made, then it is a problem.

I wish the House could adopt this motion in terms of those facts that were raised by others and also what I am saying. One appeal that I have stood up to appeal for is the availability of the forensic audit report that was done on this particular institution so that it is availed to

Parliament so that every member gets a copy and we walk through the report to see how much damage was done to this particular institution. At the end of the day, this institution belongs to the members and not the executive of that particular institution. Having said that Madam Speaker, I wish to appeal to members of this august House to adopt this particular motion. Thank you.

HON. CROSS: Madam Speaker, I rise to thank members for their contribution to this debate and for the support across the House which I received in support of this particular motion. In summing up, I just want to emphasise to members the significance of this particular matter.

The total sum of money which we are looking at which was misappropriated during the last five years was $120 million. That is equivalent to five years of the budget of Parliament. The salary drawn by the Chief Executive Officer, Mr Dube in his last year of service before he was dismissed from the position would have paid the salaries of every single Member of Parliament of this House. Every single Member of

Parliament could have been paid just from the salary of one individual. In fact, six executives over a period of five years drew a total of salaries and allowances worth $64 million. The official salaries over the same period of time were $2, 9 million, which means they drew unlawfully $61 million from the resources of the society equivalent to 95% of the amount which was paid to them as individuals.

In addition to this, they were drawing salaries, not only from the society but also from the investment wing and in certain cases, from the subsidiary in Zambia. In addition to that, the majority of these extraordinary payments were either authorised by the Chief Executive Officer or by the board. In fact, where authority was given, the auditors could only find authority given by particular Chairpersons.

Allowances worth $24 million over five years were paid to 16 staff including a secretary and driver to Mr. Dube. These allowances covered the following elements; educational, board, special, housing, DStv, fuel, groceries and acting allowances, and quarterly benefits. Only 17% of these allowances were taxed. The balance was not taxed and society incurred another $9, 5 million in taxes on these allowances. That means over a five year period, those 16 individuals benefitted to the extent of $34 million.

Madam Speaker, the budget for this House this year is $20 million and here are allowances for these ridiculous issues being paid to these individuals. In addition, the holiday allowances paid to Mr. Dube and his family totaled $6 000 per day or $539 000 in three years. In addition, he drew cash loans worth $350 000. He drew travel and subsistence allowances worth $3, 2 million. None of these payments passed through the payroll. In other words, they were not taxed.

Madam Speaker, one of the trips which were covered by this subsistence and travel allowance was a private trip to Nigeria to see the Prophet T.B. Joshua. Payments were also made for relatives, including his son-in-law and his daughter to go on holiday. $22 million was spent on land, buildings and motor vehicles all of which with inadequate documentation and records. This includes a house for the Chief

Executive Officer at a cost of a million dollars.

The report reveals two transactions involving Hon. Muchinguri of the purchase of a vehicle for $60 000 and a plot of land for $45 000 without any valuations or board approval. In addition to this, the report states that $3,8 million was paid to “high profile individuals (politicians, legislators and Government officials)” who have not been named.

Madam Speaker, the reason why I list these things is because this is a very complex and serious matter. What I have done is to add to the motion, a rider which I am debating to day. The rider is that this matter should now be referred by this House to the Committee on Health which should be instructed by the House today to call each of these individuals to the House for Public Hearings. This should include the entire board on which there are seven permanent secretaries, some of whom are extremely prominent civil servants. It should include all former senior staff and those individuals who are named in that audit report as being beneficiaries of this maladministration payment, and that should include the Minister of Health and Child Care.

I am hoping then that once we have done Public Hearings and investigated these matters, we will then come back to the House with a full report and recommendation for action. I think the House has the responsibility to follow. Madam Speaker, I recommend this motion to this House that:

DISTURBED by the recent revelations disclosed by a forensic audit conducted into the affairs of the Premier Medical Aid Society;

ALARMED that many millions of subscribers’ funds have been used to pay senior staff massive salaries and other benefits;

WORRIED that this occurred at a time when the Society was failing to pay service providers and other creditors on time; FURTHER WORRIED that the Society’s members were unable inter alia to access medical services, get treatment and purchase drugs;

CONCERNED that among those affected were civil servants who already suffer from the inability of the State to pay reasonable salaries and other emoluments:

NOW, THEREFORE, this House calls upon the Executive to-

  • immediately set in motion processes for the prosecution of all those who benefitted from this scandal;
  • take remedial action to recover the funds that were paid to those individuals who were unjustly enriched;
  • investigate the role of the board of the Society that was in charge of the affairs of the society at the time of this abuse of funds and if found culpable, that prosecution be extended to former Board

Members; and

  • review present remuneration policies of the Society and bring them in line with current Government policy.

Motion put and adopted.  



HON. RUNGANI:  Madam Speaker, I move that we now revert back to Order of the Day, Number 5.

HON. D. SIBANDA:  I second.

Motion put and agreed to.






HON. NDUNA:  Madam Speaker, I would ask the Administration of Parliament to go on power point for my presentation on road carnage.

I will present the First Portfolio Committee Report....

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Hon. Nduna, I think your

motion is that we reinstate the motion on the Order Paper.  Is it not so?

You are not going into detail but reinstating the motion on the Order


HON. NDUNA:  I think we have passed that stage.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  No, it was not passed.  It was

still being debated because we have to pass it here.  It is in our papers.

HON. NDUNA:  I move that the motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Transport and Infrastructural Development on the causes of road carnage, which was superseded by the end of the

Second Session of the Eighth Parliament, be restored on the Order

Paper in terms of Standing Order No. 152 (1).

HON. RUNGANI:  I second.

Motion put and agreed to






          HON. NDUNA:  I move that the motion on the Second Report of the Portfolio Committee on Transport and Infrastructure Development on the Operations of the National Railways of Zimbabwe, which was superseded by the end of the Second Session of the Eighth Parliament, be restored on the Order Paper in terms of Standing Order No. 152 (1).

HON. SINDI:  I second.

Motion put and agreed to.




HON. NDUNA:  I move that the motion on Mineral Exploration which was superseded by the end of the Second Session of the Eighth Parliament be restored on the Order Paper in terms of Standing Order No. 152(1).

Madam Speaker, I need to wind up this motion and be responded to by the relevant Minister in the Executive.

HON. CROSS:  I second.

Motion put and agreed to.




          HON. NDUNA:  I move that the motion on the Harmonisation of the Land Act and the Mines Act, which was superseded by the end of the Second Session of the Eighth Parliament, be restored on the Order Paper in terms of Standing Order No. 152(1).  Madam Speaker, I need the two Ministers in the Executive to come and respond on the harmonisation of Land Act and the Minerals Act, so that we can know that our people on the ground are not being disenfranchised because of the two Acts not speaking to each other.

HON. J. TSHUMA:  I second.

Motion put and agreed.




HON. NDUNA: Mr. Speaker, I move that the motion on War

Shrines which was superseded by the end of the Second Session of the

Eighth Parliament be restored on the Order Paper in terms of Standing

Order No. 152 (1). This will give an opportunity to the Minister of War Veterans and War Collaborators to come into this House and respond on the condition, restoration and upkeep of the war shrines both in

Zimbabwe and outside the boarders of this nation.

          HON. MPALA:  I second.

          Motion put and agreed to.





HON. NDUNA: I move that the motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, which was superseded by the end of the Second Session of the Eighth Parliament be restored on the Order Paper in terms of Standing Order

No. 152 (1).

          HON. MPALA:  I second.

Motion put and agreed to.



          HON. MATUKE:  I move that Order of the Day, Number 10 be

stood over until the rest of the Orders of the Day have been disposed of.

HON. D. SIBANDA:  I second.

Motion put and agreed to.






HON. MATUKE:  I move that the debate do now adjourn.

HON. D. SIBANDA:  I second.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Wednesday, 9th February, 2016.

On the motion of HON. MATUKE seconded by HON. D.

SIBANDA, the House adjourned at Eighteen Minutes to Five o’clock p.m.

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