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Wednesday, 11th October, 2017

The National Assembly met at a Quarter-past Two o’clock p.m.






          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I have to inform the House that the Zimbabwe Parliamentarians on HIV and AIDS (ZIPAH) Executive Committee is inviting Members to a meeting on Thursday, 12th October, 2017 at 1200 noon in the Government Caucus Room.


THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I have received apologies

from the following Ministers and Vice Presidents;

Hon. C. Mushowe, Minister of State in the President’s Office,

Responsible for Scholarships; Hon. S Mandiwanzira, Minister of

Information Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services;

Hon. F. Moyo, Deputy Minister of Mines and Mining Development; Hon. Eng. T. Matangaidze, Deputy Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Services; Hon. P. Zhanda, Deputy Minister of Agriculture (Livestock); Hon. Prof. J. Moyo, Minister of Higher and Tertiary

Education; Hon. Major General Retired H. Bonyongwe, Minister of

Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs; Hon. Dr. I. M. C. Chombo,

Minister of Finance and Economic Development, Hon. P. A. Chinamasa,

Minister of Cyber, Security, Threat Dictation and Mitigation; Hon. M.

  1. Bimha, Industry and Commerce; Hon. Kasukuwere, Local

Government, Rural Development and National Housing; Hon. Vice President Mnangagwa, Hon. VP Mphoko, Hon. S. Sekeramayi Defence and Hon. S. K. Moyo, Minister of Information, Media and Broadcasting Services.


          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  I have to acknowledge the

presence in the Speaker’s Gallery of students and teachers from Kezim College from Harare province.  You are most welcome – [HON.

MEMBERS: Hear, hear.]

          HON. MLISWA: On a point of order Madam Speaker.  Good

afternoon Madam Speaker.  First of all, I want to congratulate the new Ministers who have been appointed by His Excellency for he is empowered to do that.  I want to also say to the outgoing Ministers, especially Hon. Chinamasa that he was a hard working man, who was very honest….

             THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  What is your point of order,

is that a point of order Hon. Mliswa?

          HON. MLISWA:  Yes, it is a point of order. I want to pay tribute to Hon. Minister Chinamasa, the way he discharged his duties as a Minister of Finance and Economic Development.  The way he conducted himself was something that we never saw of any Minister.

He was here to respond no matter how tough things were, and being the Minister of Finance and Economic Development which is critical in the running of the country,  I want to congratulate ….

          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Hon. Member, that is not a

point of order, you are debating.  You cannot just start debating, I think first of all you should notify the Chair.

          HON. MLISWA:  Okay, can I do that now ….

            THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Not, now, we have got other

things to do, we have Question Time.

          HON. GONESE:  In terms of Standing Order No. 63, it specifically states that in addition to Standing Order Number 26, a

Minister who is unable to attend the sitting of Parliament under Section 107(2) of the Constitution, shall make an application for leave of absence.  I do not believe that we have been complying with the Standing Orders as strictly construed or interpreted, in the sense that my reading of that Standing Order Madam Speaker, predicates that the Ministers must individually make an application in writing.  However, what we have been doing falls foul of the Standing Orders in the sense that we are just having a blanket list of applications.  This is illustrated by just what happened today whereby on your list, you had the name of the Deputy Minister of Local Government Hon. Christopher Chingosho, who was said to have been one of those members seeking leave of absence when in fact we have him in the Chamber.  So, it really casts aspersions on the authenticity of those blanket written statements.  I believe that we must strictly comply with the meaning in the letter and the letter in the spirit of the Standing Order in question so that each Hon. Minister who seeks leave of absence makes an individual application in writing.   When it says that the Minister shall make an application – my understanding is that it is the Minister himself/herself who has got to make that application for leave of absence as opposed to having just a list being sent to this august House.

I want to take it further Madam Speaker.  I think it is also important that when that leave of absence is being sought – I am happy that the new Minister of Foreign knows that he has to attend Parliament unlike the outgoing one.  It is a big refreshing difference in terms of approach.  Going back to my issue Madam Speaker, I think we must also take it a step further and say that when this leave of absence  .. .    –

[HON. MEMBERS:  Inaudible interjections] –

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Hon. Members, we are not

supposed to make noise.  Order! Can we have order in the House?  One other day you may need to also make a point of order and you need to know how it is done.

HON. GONESE: I wanted to say taking it a step further, I think that the intention of the Standing Orders is to have reasons being given and that is the reason why an application is to be made by the individual Minister.  As it stands, we have no idea as to where those Hon. Ministers are and I believe that the intention and the letter and spirit of the Standing Order was to enable the Speaker to whom the application is made to be furnished with the details.

HON. SAMUKANGE:  On a point of order.

HON. GONESE: No, you cannot make a point of order with another point of order Madam Speaker.

HON. SAMUKANGE:  No, no but the rules are here.  We cannot keep on being told lies.  No, the rules are here and we cannot keep on being told that the rules are saying this.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Order Hon Samukange.  Hon Gonese, conclude your point of order – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible

interjections] -

HON. GONESE:  Yes, Madam Speaker, I was going to conclude but it is unprocedural for senior counsel to stand up – he is a senior lawyer and he should know that …

HON. SAMUKANGE:  He is now being personal that I am not allowed to speak because I am senior counsel.  Where does it say that as senior counsel I cannot speak?  – [HON. MEMBERS:  Inaudible interjections] –

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Hon. Samukange, can you

please take your seat.  I will give you a chance to speak if you want to do so.   – [HON. MEMBERS:  Inaudible interjections] – Order, order

Hon Members.  What is happening, I see Hon Members facing backwards.  Hon. Member, I am chairing this House and you have got to face this side.

HON. GONESE: Madam Speaker, I was just about to say that I believe the rules are formulated in such a manner as to enable the Minister to give reasons as to why they are unable to attend Parliament so that the office of the Presiding Officer is furnished accordingly.  My concern is also that we are not abiding by the provisions of the Constitution.  If you look at Section 90 of the Constitution, it says that the President must not only obey the Constitution but also ensure that the provisions of the Constitution are applied.

 I am worried when the Secretary of Administration of a political party convenes a meeting of an organ of that political party whereby Hon. Ministers who are required in terms of Section 107 to be in Parliament, fail to attend Parliament because they may need to attend meetings of an organ of a political party.  I do not think we are upholding the provisions of our Constitution.  It is a point which we have raised before.  I believe that meetings of such a nature must be scheduled on a date when there is no important business for the whole nation of Zimbabwe to be transacted.  I believe that the provisions of our Constitution should prevail over any other dictates or other interests people might have.

  For this reason, in addition to what I have raised in terms of Standing Order No 63, I also want to say that I think we are not following the provisions of the Constitution.  Those are my submissions Madam Speaker.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Thank you Hon. Gonese. Before you speak Hon. Samukange, I have to respond to him. Yes, I have a list which I was given by Administration.  The list is based on letters which were submitted by the Ministers.  That one for Hon. Chingosho was for yesterday.  It is in our office and it is a mistake that it was recorded for today.   But all the Ministers sent in their letters of absence to Administration. .  – [HON. MEMBERS:  Inaudible interjections] –

Order Hon. Members, we allow Members of Parliament to stand up and put their points of order.

HON. SAMUKANGE:  Standing Rules Order No. 63 – I want to read it because I believe some Members do not have the green book.    –

[HON. MEMBERS:  Inaudible interjections] –

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Order Hon Members, order.

HON. SAMUKANGE:  This is what it says; Accountability of

Vice Presidents and Ministers.  Standing, Order No. 63 says, “in addition to Standing Order No 26, a Minister who is unable to attend the sitting of Parliament under Section 107 (2) of the Constitution, shall make an application for leave of absence in writing”  –  [HON.

MEMBERS:  Inaudible interjections] –

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Wait Hon. Members, you

should learn to have patience.  Hon. Members on my left, you have a problem because as long as it is one of your members you want them to speak I am presiding.  Let us hear what he is saying and if he is wrong, it is the duty of the Chair to respond to him.

HON. SAMUKANGE:  It says, this is what I want to stress that it says the Minister must make the application in writing to the Speaker.  Madam Speaker has confirmed that she has received the application in writing.  The point which I want to make which I believe that the Hon. Gonese was misleading the House, is that the rules do not say the Minister must come here and make the application in person, which is what he was trying to insinuate - which is wrong.

            THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Thank you Hon. Samukange

but I think that I understood what Hon. Gonese was saying.  Maybe it is because you did not know that this list – we received the letters and it is in our offices and no one is wrong here.  Can we please proceed with Questions without Notice?

          HON. THEMBANI:  Thank you Madam Speaker.  My question is

directed to the Deputy Minister of Local Government, Rural Development and National Housing.  When are you going to restore order, especially in the high density suburbs where unregistered shops and containers are being erected and are operating without paying anything either to the Government or to the local authorities?  I thank you.



CHINGOSHO):  I want to thank the Hon. Member for the question.  The Ministry is very much concerned with what is happening on the state of disorder.  As result, on Friday there is going to be a meeting where the Minister has called all the local authorities to come so that we address this problem.  Thank you.

          HON. MLISWA:  Madam Speaker, the Minister is aware that

those people are on the streets because the First Lady ordered them to stay there.  So, is the Minister telling me that he is overriding the First Lady in removing them?

            HON. CHINGOSHO:  I want to thank the Hon. Member for that

question.  The answer is that there is no overriding of the order which was given – [HON. MEMBERS: By who?] –

          In fact I am saying, in the first place I was not personally aware that there was that order given for people to be in that disorderly arrangement.  What I am saying is that, what is illegal is illegal and this is what the Ministry is trying to address.

            HON. THEMBANI:  Thank you Madam Speaker.  This has been

going on for quite some time and we do not want any meetings because the Government is losing as the shops which are supposed to pay tax to local authorities cannot now afford to do so because of these shops which are not in order.  I thank you.

          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Was it a supplementary

question because I thought it was a comment.

          *HON. NDUNA:  Thank you Madam Speaker Ma’am.  Hon.

Minister of Local Government, Rural Development and National Housing, are you aware of the fact that these local authorities are actually fund raising by collecting a Dollar from each of the vendors who are in the streets?  Do you know that there are those who are engaged in fundraising by taking the money and pocketing it and it is not going to Government coffers and it is not earmarked for service delivery?

          *HON. CHINGOSHO:  Thank you Hon. Speaker and I want to

thank the Hon. Member.  We are aware of that fact as a Ministry and because of that, the Ministry is now drafting a Land Developers’ Bill that will ensure that people are going to be settled legally.  This Bill is being brought in order to address such challenges.  I thank you.

           HON. P.D. SIBANDA:  The Hon. Deputy Minister acknowledged

that there was an order that was given and that the Ministry is not overriding the order.  My understanding of an order is that it comes from an office that is clothed with authority backed by law.  Where does the First Lady get authority to give orders about issues of governance in the country?

          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Is that a supplementary question – [HON. MEMBERS: Madam Speaker, you cannot allow the Minister to answer because there was no questionWe need to protect our Ministers] –

          HON. P.D. SIBANDA:  Thank you Hon. Speaker.  My supplementary question was emanating from the answer that was given by the Hon. Deputy Minister where he acknowledges that there was an order which was given but the Ministry was not overriding the order.  Then I indicated that my understanding of an order is that it comes from an office or a person that is clothed with authority and therefore, where does the First Lady draw her authority to give orders on how local authorities are governed?

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  I rule out that supplementary question – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.]- Yes, because the original – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.]- Order Hon. Members.  Can we have order?  Why are you standing up?  Order, can we have order!  Hon. Member can you sit down?  Order, order Hon. Members.  Hon. Member can you sit down?  Take your seat please.  Order Hon. Members, we have got to learn to listen.  We have procedures in this House.  The original question had nothing to do with the order which was given by the First Lady, so we cannot come back to discuss that order.  We are discussing about councils to do something with cleaning up.  So, I think we are not going to discuss about that instruction from the First Lady, no.

HON. P.D. SIBANDA:  On a point of order, Madam Speaker.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  What is your point of order?

HON. P. D. SIBANDA:  Honourable Speaker, with all due respect my supplementary question was based on the answers that were given by the Hon. Deputy Minister emanating from the first supplementary question that came from Hon. Melissa.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Can I help you Hon.

Member.  I heard from the Minister.  He did not even want to discuss what was brought in - the instructions from the First Lady.  It is the Ministry which is going to – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.]- Order Hon. Member.

HON. P. D. SIBANDA:  Why do you not allow the Hon Minister to respond?

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  No, I do not allow everything

to happen in this House.

HON. P. D. SIBANDA:  No, he has got to respond – [HON.

MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.]- 

HON. MANDIPAKA:  Thank you Madam Speaker – [HON.

MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.]- 

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Order Hon. Melissa.  Why

are you so angry?

HON. MANDIPAKA:  Thank you Madam Speaker, my question goes to – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.]-  

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Hon. Members, Hon.

Melissa, Hon. Sibanda and Hon. Chimanikire please allow me to hear what the Hon. Member is saying.

HON. MANDIPAKA:  Thank you Hon. Speaker, my question goes to Hon. Nyasha Chikwinya.  I hope she is paying attention.  You are the Minister of Women’s Affairs, Gender and Community Development.  My question is, can you clearly articulate before this august House your community development policy as you are implementing it in various rural areas or in urban centres.  Can you articulate it to this august House so that we clearly understand it? –

[HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.]- 

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Order Hon. Members.


you very much.  The question that has been asked by the Hon. Member is very pertinent.  When it comes to policy, I need to be guided by the policy document itself.  So, it is not proper for me to articulate policy issues without the document itself.  I therefore would prefer that I go back to my boardroom, look at the legislation and whatever is there and  bring it to the House.  I thank you.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Hon. Members can we be

serious please.  We are so many in this House.  Once you just make some whispers, the whole room is full of noise.

HON. DR. KHUPE:  Thank you very much Madam Speaker.  My question is directed to the Minister of Women’s Affairs, Gender and Community Development.  Today, 11th October, is the International Day of the Girl Child.  My question is, what is it that you are doing as a Ministry to make sure that sanitary wear is available in schools so that girls do not miss lessons?  As you know, statistics have shown that girls miss up to about 60 days per year and you also know that education is the biggest vaccination against poverty, so what is your Ministry doing?

At the same time, October is breast cancer awareness month, also known as pink October.  What is your Ministry doing in making sure that you intensify awareness programmes on cancer, as we know that early detection of cancer saves lives?  I thank you.



11th  is indeed a very important day on our calendar and as a Ministry, we would want the girl child to have a proper place in society.  The girl child is my future, my hope and my legacy and without protecting her, we would not have done our duty.

Coming to the issue of sanitary napkins and towels for women, we have two companies that we have approached that are going to give sanitary towels for women for free.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Address the Chair Hon.


HON. CHIKWINYA:  We have two companies that we have

actually contracted to produce sanitary towels for those young girls she is talking about for free.  One of the other companies has said we are unable to do it for free because of budgetary constraints, but we can sell the sanitary towels for 50c down from $1 and we are still looking into that.  When that happens I am urging Members of Parliament here, to be part of the programme to ensure you reach out to schools and ensure that this programme takes shape.

Regarding the cancer awareness programme – indeed, this is an issue that we must all look at because young girls, older girls or our grannies are victims.  We are working in collaboration with the Ministry of Health so that we up the campaign and ensure that in every sector, be it a church, be it a school, there is awareness about cancer and also breast examinations at all centres.  We are also advocating that there be more treatment centres for breast cancer and any other cancer as it were, and we are still negotiating with the Ministry of Health and Child Care.

I thank you.

HON. CHASI:  Thank you very much, Hon. Minister.  Madam Speaker, I would like to check with the Hon. Minister when this process is likely to commence because this is a long outstanding matter and we have had condoms freely available in toilets for a very long time and women and the girl child have suffered and continue to suffer for a very long time.  So, I would be extremely honoured if I got to know when we can expect that these pads be generally available, not only to the girl child, but in rest rooms for women generally because we know that this is a feminine problem. Thank you.

HON. CHIKWINYA: I am sorry that I am unable to give the exact dates of when this will take shape because of the various economic situations companies are currently facing but I am sure that in the next week after having consulted the companies, I will give a definite answer.

HON. MUTSEYAMI: On a point of order. My point of order is with reference to Standing Order Number 68 (d) with regard to the newly sworn in Hon. Minister Zhuwao. I have a very burning question for the good of this nation. He only came in a minute ago, hardly three minutes in the House he has already left. I think it is something that His Excellency must note the importance of this House and probably for the newly sworn in Ministers to go through a workshop to understand the importance of this House.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Before he went out, he spoke

to the Chair and explained that at the moment he has not yet been briefed about the Ministry. So, he has gone to meet one of his officers so that he gets briefed. I had to allow him to go.

HON. MLISWA: My supplementary question to the Minister is that the issue of the girl-child is critical and cannot be delayed any further. Government has got money to buy condoms which are available for free but sanitary wear is not available for free. Is it because of misplaced priority because condom money is there but sanitary wear money is not there? So, where are the priorities and it cannot be a money situation because vanozvarwa neizvozvo, hapana zvavangaite. Kunyange kumaruzevha kwatiri uku zvinoita kuti self-esteem yemwanasikana idzikire. This is a serious matter that cannot be further delayed. These things must be here like yesterday, not tomorrow.

HON. CHIKWINYA: Thank you Madam Chair. I cannot agree with the Hon. Member more. He is very correct. That is why we are making all frantic efforts to make sure that it comes no later than tomorrow. I thank you.

HON. NDEBELE: My supplementary question is that in her response the Minister indicated that she has sub-contracted two companies to start the production of sanitary towels for free. Could she kindly favour us with the processes that she followed in sub-contracting those companies and their names because they are only two? I am reminded that the same Ministry started hiring people before flighting adverts to the public.

HON. CHIKWINYA: Madam Speaker, the companies came

voluntarily and because of the concern that the member has just alluded to that it is a critical area, these two companies came on their own and are working frantically to make sure that we get this problem out of the way. So, I am not at leisure to disclose who they are. I am sorry – [HON.

MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –

HON. NDEBELE: On a point of order Madam Speaker. One, this is public information. The two companies may have come to her voluntarily but one of the companies as she said, is now requesting for $0,50c per sanitary pad. So, we must know the names – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] – This is the same thing she did with the hiring of bank tellers without first advertising. That is corruption – [THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: That is not corruption.] – This is public information, ndizvo zvamunoita kuZANU.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order, Hon. Members. I do not allow that here – [HON. CHIKWINYA: Inaudible interjections.] –

Hon. Minister, do not talk to him, talk to me – [HON. MEMBERS:

Inaudible interjections.] –

*HON. R. N. S MAWERE: My question is directed to Hon.

Made, the Minister of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation

Development –

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order, Hon. Members sitting

in front. Stop talking to each other plus you are very far from each other and you are making noise. You are very much respected people in this House.

*HON. R. N. S. MAWERE: My question is directed to Hon.

Made. Minister, what is your Ministry’s position concerning people who are in rural areas who are failing to access or get assistance for

Command Agriculture because they are requested to bring slips from GMB, yet we know there has been drought before. Command

Agriculture only started last year. Those in rural areas cannot get those invoices. What is your Ministry doing about it to ensure that these people also get inputs and become part of the Command Agriculture Scheme because it seems like the rural folk are now marginalised. Thank you.



Speaker, I want to thank the Hon. Member for the question. The Hon. Member gave me details of where it is happening. So, I am sure we will be able to assist him.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I am sure you have heard Hon. Member – [HON. R. N. S. MAWERE: Supplementary!] – You cannot stand up on a supplementary question because he said the places where it is happening he would want to know so that he can investigate.

*HON. R. N. S. MAWERE: It is happening in my constituency.

HON. CHIBAYA: I will refer my question to the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Hon. Mguni. Hon. Mguni, people are sleeping in queues waiting for the processing of identity documents and birth certificates. What is your Ministry doing Hon. Minister to speed up the process? I thank you. 


MGUNI):  Thank you Madam Speaker and thank you Hon. Chibaya. We have assembled a lot of teams. However, we have come across challenges because of these documents that are being given for free. We have gone to other departments to look for officers to reinforce our teams that can be inducted in three days and understand the correct process. Some of the departments are now saying they have run out of staff. However, we have gone to other Ministries that we think can help us, especially Ministry of Youths and the Gender Ministry represented by the Minister here, so that they can help us with more people to create more teams because come 30 November, we foresee us extending that date because if we are moving with those smaller teams, it will take longer. So, we want to meet the deadline and we are expanding our teams. I thank you Madam Speaker.

          *HON. MUTSEYAMI: Thank you Madam Speaker. My

supplementary question to Hon. Mguni is that the issue of identity cards  that we are talking about, right now the teams that are giving out identity cards, there is a programme that is going on to register people but there is a challenge in that of the teams that are giving identity cards, there are certain areas that they will get to in November to avail documents, but the registration team from ZEC will have passed that area.

So, that team from ZEC will pass through the 18 and the 22 years to get documents. It is difficult for them to travel from the rural areas to the centre to go and get identity cards. What are you going to do as a Ministry to ensure that there is a programme to ensure that the young are able to get their identity cards when the BVR comes to their area? Once the BVR has passed, are they going to come back again to register those who will not have got their identity cards?


MGUNI): Thank you Madam Speaker. Home Affairs have heard that problem and we have said those who are in phase one and phase two of registration will be ahead of the Home Affairs process. We have requested that ZEC and Registry should combine and come up with a resolution on what to do. We realised this problem and we saw that they should combine so that they work this out. I thank you.

          HON. MUTSEYAMI: Thank you Madam Speaker. May  I seek

clarity from the Hon. Minister since this is a process which is already happening and it is under way. What is it  that you are doing as a matter of urgency because you are talking of a thing which is happening right now in Chipinge. What is it you are doing as a matter of urgency Hon. Minister with your joint Ministries to come up with a solution urgently, something that you can put across to the nation? Thank you Madam



MGUNI): Thank you Madam Speaker. My answer is that we had picked it up that ZEC may be in front of Home Affairs. Therefore, we ordered the Registry and ZEC to talk to each other and come up with a plan whether they are going back to the places where ZEC was in front or Home Affairs will announce another system, but we will come here to announce what they will have agreed.

          +HON. J. TSHUMA: Thank you Madam Speaker. My

supplementary question goes to the Deputy Minister. We still have a problem that people who are in Bulawayo and want to acquire national identity cards and birth certificates are being referred to Lupane and Harare. Of what help is that when people are not accessing national identity cards and the birth certificates? We are of the view that people should acquire those documents where they are and not to be referred somewhere. What are you going to do about it to rectify that? I thank you.


MGUNI): I thank you Madam Speaker. The first thing is that the issuing of national identity cards for free, you cannot do that to an illegal person. It should be given to the bona fide person who is supposed to get that birth certificate for free and not some wrong person. If there are other requirements which are not available, they will then say go back to your original home and come back with the relevant document so that they can issue you a national identity card or birth certificate for free. Bulawayo had a lot of problems and they would conduct me. There are a lot of people who have been helped. I am worried that it is not of help when everybody is saying it is of help. We got a number of people who were helped on a daily basis on different places. What is required is that people should come as bona fide people to get those documents.

          HON. NDUNA: Is there a way that the Ministry is going to

decentralise the issuance of citizenship status in terms of its office? What we are seeing is that people are coming from as far as Chegutu and other areas to come to Harare to get citizenship status because they are not being given citizenship status at district and provincial offices. Is there a plan to decentralise in particular, the citizenship status so that the people of Chegutu in particular do not have to move to Harare and Zimbabwe in general?

          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: It is not Chegutu only Hon.



MGUNI): Thank you Madam Speaker. Although it is not a follow up question, it is a new one. I would like to bring to your attention that when someone is applying for citizenship status, you do not only come to the Registry Department. You need other offices like Immigration and Security which will vet you. You also need Foreign Affairs. So, the only area where it has got those offices at one go is Harare. That is what makes people to come to Harare. It is not about decentralization. I thank you Madam Speaker.

             +HON. L. SIBANDA: Thank you Madam Speaker. My question

is directed to the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs. My question is are people not allowed to conduct kitchen meetings or if you want to have a kitchen meeting you should apply to the police? Last week we tried to conduct kitchen meetings in Nkayi and police came with the teargas and fire arms and chased people from their homesteads where the kitchen meeting was supposed to be held.

          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order Hon. Members. That

one is a particular question. Can you please bring that in written form?

          +HON. L. SIBANDA What is Government policy when

conducting kitchen meetings?

          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon. Minister, do you have

anything to say in order to help her?


MGUNI): Thank you Madam Speaker. According to Section 2.19 of the Constitution, the police have five prerogatives to prevent, detect, protect and to call into order wherever there is disorder and they will use POSA.  Therefore, any gathering which has more than 15 people or even five depending on the type of the gathering, the police has to be notified.  It

is up to their discretion to see whether they will go and monitor the situation or not.  However, I have not seen any report concerning the kitchen meetings but I am aware of the kitchen parties where police always respond where there is noise but they allow them to happen. Unless there is noise within that party, they will start attending to arrest the people who are causing this.  Thank you Madam Speaker.

          HON. DR. KHUPE:  Thank you very much Madam Speaker.

Hon. Minister, we are talking about private meetings which are held in private homesteads.  Are you supposed to notify the police in regards to a meeting which takes place in a private homestead, which is exactly what happened in Siganda?  It was a private meeting, there was no noise.  There was no disturbance of anything but the police decided to come with teargas and guns to disburse people.  Is that Government policy?

          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Before the Minister comes in,

there is vehicle number ADI 9333, white Ford Ranger blocking other vehicles.  Another vehicle number ADF 7031, silver Land Cruiser is also blocking other vehicles.  Can you please go and rectify that.

          HON. MGUNI:  Thank you Madam Speaker.  One thing about

private meetings, that is why I would like an example of such incident being reported to us.  This is because I now have the assumption and perception that a private meeting could involve only family members.  Once it involves the neighbours, some people will alert the police.  Can we have a report specifically for that private meeting?  I thank you.

           THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  This is why I had advised the

Hon. Member who brought in this question that he should put it in writing, include the particular dates and place so that the Minister looks into it and you will have a full answer.

          HON. D. SIBANDA:  Thank you very much Madam Speaker.

The question to the Minister is very clear.  When we say kitchen meeting, it is a holistic way of saying a gathering in a private home.  However, my supplementary question is, how does the POSA come in at a private property?  Thank you.

          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  I think we go back to the

same question that the Minister now wants to know where this happened.  I think you can bring this question in writing.

          HON. D. SIBANDA:  Madam Speaker, I thank you very much.  I hear you very well.  When the Hon. Member raised the question –

[HON. MEMBERS:  Inaudible interjections.] –

 THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Order Hon. Members!  Hon.

Mashayamombe please, “ndirikukunzwai” from this Chair.

HON. D. SIBANDA:  When the Hon. Member raised the question, she clearly stated that it was in Siganda in Tsholotsho.  Madam

Speaker, for your information, these meetings have always been there. Whether it is a church meeting or family gathering, it is a kitchen meeting.  We are not talking about kitchen parties.  My supplementary question is, how does POSA come in then at a private gathering?

HON. MGUNI:  Thank you Madam Speaker.  What is encompassed by POSA is protection of life and property.  The people who are walking to that private area, if they are detected by other people and exchange wrong words among themselves, the other people have the right to report to the police.  So, police will come and protect, whether they are going to a private area or wherever.  That is what POSA means.

Thank you Madam Speaker.

HON. PHIRI:  Thank you Madam Speaker.  My question is directed to the Deputy Minister of Local Government, Rural Development and National Housing.  What is the Ministry doing to assist local authorities in avoiding flooding like what happened last year due to poor drainage in most towns and cities?  Thank you.



CHINGOSHO):  Thank you Madam Speaker.  I would like to thank the

Member for the question.  The Ministry, through its Department of Civil Protection is coming in to assist local authorities to try and help them solve the problem of drainage.  I would like to also say that local authorities have got financial problems.  It is not that they are just letting all these things go like that.  Due to lack of finance, they have not been able to address this problem quickly.  This is the reason why the Ministry is coming in with the Department of Civil Protection.  Thank you.

HON. MAONDERA:  Hon. Deputy Minister, you said local

authorities have problems of finance to clear the drains.  It is provided for in the Constitution that 5% of the National Budget should be channeled towards local authorities.  What is your Ministry doing to make sure that local authorities are given their 5% to alleviate the problem of finance so that they will be able to clear the drains?

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  I am afraid your

supplementary question can divert the first question.  He said the Ministry is coming in to help local authorities with the issue of drainage.

This is where the Ministry is coming in.

HON. MAONDERA:  Madam Speaker, he said the local

authorities have financial problems.  I am saying, it is provided for in the Constitution that 5% from the National Budget should go towards local authorities.  What is his Ministry doing to make sure that they get the 5%?

HON. CHINGOSHO:  Thank you Madam Speaker.  I would like

to thank the Hon. Member.  Although it is provided for that the local authorities will get 5% of the National Budget, they have not been getting that because of lack of finance, which I have already pointed out.

Thank you.

HON. PHIRI:  Thank you Madam Speaker.  The Deputy Minister has talked about the Civil Protection Unit.  Has the Ministry given funding to this department because the department has no money as far as we know?

HON. CHINGOSHO:  Thank you Madam Speaker.  I would like

to thank Hon. Phiri for the question.  My answer is, yes, of late, the department has been given money.  We have received one million from China and one million from the UN.  The money is not enough but this is what we have received so far.

          HON. GONESE:  I have a supplementary question.  In response to an earlier question about what his Ministry is doing to ensure that local authorities get the 5% as stipulated in Section 301 of our Constitution, the Hon. Deputy gave the impression that the reason is because of lack of resources.  I want to find out from the Hon. Minister what they are doing to ensure that the provisions of Section 301 are fulfilled which specifically provides that on Act of Parliament must provide for the equitable allocation of capital grants between provincial and metropolitan councils.  What has his Ministry done to ensure that this Act of Parliament is brought before us so that the necessary legislation can be enacted and local authorities, provincial and metropolitan councils when they are established can then get this funding from the fiscus in terms of the provisions of the Constitution?

          HON. CHINGOSHO:  The Ministry is in the process of trying to bring this Act before the House so that there could be that provision for the benefit of all the local authorities.

            HON. GONESE:  When His Excellency came before Parliament,

that Bill was not among those Bills which His Excellency indicated to be brought before this august House.  I would like to know when that is going to happen because this is the last session of the Eighth Parliament.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Are you asking when the Bill

is coming in?


HON. CHINGOSHO:  The Ministry is going to make sure and is working very hard to make sure that all the outstanding Bills including that one, are brought before this House before the end of this Session.

HON. MANGAMI:  My question is directed to the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development.  What is the Government policy regarding compensation when an accident has been caused by stray animals?  What is the role of the owner of the animal in that?  When are we going to see other roads being protected through fencing like what is happening in Bulawayo?



MADANHA):  The policy says, in the first instance, all roads must have a perimeter fence to prevent wild animals from getting on to the roads.  But if we look back, we will see that most of this fence was vandalized sometime around the year 2000.  Right now, animals are getting onto the roads and they are causing accidents.  In such a case, the owner of the animal is supposed to compensate for the damage caused when that animal collides with a vehicle.

However, as the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development, we are working flat out to ensure that all our roads have a perimeter fence to prevent such accidents because they are preventable.  As you can see, along the Plumtree-Harare-Mutare road, we have already fenced some sections although we have got some problems of funding. The Traffic Safety Council of Zimbabwe is actually fencing some of these roads and it is our intention as a Ministry to fence all roads so that we avoid collision between vehicles and animals.  I thank you.

HON. GABBUZA:  What the Minister has indicated is about communal areas.  In commercial farming areas, whose responsibility is it to fence the perimeters of the road?

HON. ENG. MADANHA:  In commercial areas, the commercial farmer is supposed to fence his farmland to prevent his animals from straying onto the road. That is why we give him responsibility to compensate for any damage caused due to collision between his animals and any vehicle that might be transiting.  I thank you.

HON. J. TSHUMA:  My supplementary question is, does the

Ministry have any policy on a punitive sort of measure, for example the Bulawayo-Harare road, the Ministry put a very good fence but right now you find animals on the road.  It looks like somebody is opening for these animals to get onto the road.  Is there any policy whereby there is a definite punishment that these people are going to get besides compensation?  Do we have a law which will charge these people to make this issue a criminal issue because we are talking of life and death here?

HON. ENG. MADANHA: It is a crime to cut off a perimeter fence.  Yes, I agree that sometimes you find animals on the road.  This is due to some vandalism but if you look at how we implement this perimeter fencing, we involved the local leadership who are supposed to take care.  Right now, what we are doing is that local leadership, that is the chief and headmen oversee certain sections of the road and also do some sensitisation to their local people that they are supposed to take care of the perimeter fence.  If anybody is caught vandalising, it is a crime and is punishable by law.

HON. NDUNA:  The issue of road side fencing is very key. Your Committee got to have the Minister have this windfall that is being utilised for this road-side fencing.  That as it may be, one would want to know when the Ministry is going to put a grid on the gates that are attributed to the road side fencing to stop the animals from going through those gates if the gates are opened using the same money.

How much is the Ministry pushing the insurances to pay for those who would have been engaged in road carnage due to the stray animals on the roads.



MADANHA):  Yes, the construction of grids on some sections like when coming from a commercial farming area into a rural area is supposed to be an operation which is done whenever you are constructing a road.  Some of these grids have broken up and we are going to repair all those grids so that we prevent animals moving from commercial areas to the rural areas.  In terms of compensation through the Traffic Safety Council, we are actually sensitising them to compensate some of these accidents.  But all depends on whether such animals are insured, because most of them are not and this is a problem which needs to be rectified.  As time goes on we are going to ensure that such accidents are actually compensated for damage caused.  Thank you.

          HON. NDUNA:  I think there was a misconception on the insurance part.  There is third party insurance and passenger insurance which is supposed to optimally and effectively compensate those that would have been involved in road carnage whether due to stray animals or automobile.  How far is the Ministry enforcing compliance in particular on insurance companies to compensate those that would have been involved in road carnage, whether third party or passenger insurance?

          HON. ADV. CHAMISA:  Just a point of order Madam Speaker.

My question is to do with curtailing and cutting out the answers that are supposed to be given because the Minister made a commitment to Parliament that there was going to be a Ministerial Statement on road accidents mitigation programmes, especially after the King Lion accident.  Is it not possible  - because some of the issues that Hon. Nduna has raised are also part of that comprehensive paper which has not come to Parliament?  When is the Minister going to bring that?  We are very diligent as Hon. Members on the things that are given to us as a commitment by Ministers.  When are you able to bring that paper because that paper will answer all the issues that we are raising around insurance schemes and protection of our passengers in circumstances of accidents?

          HON. ENG. MADANHA:  Madam Speaker, I would like to thank

Hon. Chamisa for his question.  Definitely the Ministry is still working on it because this thing is done by a lot of Ministries who are involved in this.  So, I know we are working on a press statement and once it is ready it will be released.

          *HON. ZWIZWAI: Thank you Madam Speaker, First and

foremost I would like to congratulate Hon. Mzembi on his new appointment  as Foreign Affairs Minister.  I also want to thank him for the sterling job that he did which led to the President’s removal of spikes from the roads when he was heading the Ministry of Tourism and Hospitality Industry.  My question is that our country is seen as having conducted controversial elections and that has affected our relations with other countries.  It is being mentioned in different parts of the world and even in the SADC region and we are about to go into the 2018 harmonised general elections.  We are now doing voter registration and already, there are disagreements which have a bearing on the outcome of these polls.  I would want to find out as the new Minister of Foreign

Affairs – the English say a new broom sweeps better –

THE HON DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Can you please ask your


  HON. ZWIZWAI:  The question - thank you for bringing me on track Madam Speaker.  My question is as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs what plans do you have to ensure that our country holds credible elections that will lead to no contestations and living harmoniously after the poll results have been declared.


MZEMBI):  Madam Speaker, I would like to thank the Hon. Member for the question regarding what plans are going to be afoot to ensure that

Zimbabwe’s name remains credible in the political arena as regards elections.  I want to tell Hon. Zwizwai that the ruling party, after it was elected, the first branch to congratulate Government for holding such a poll was the United Nations.  This happened in Victoria Falls when we had the United Nations World Tourism Organisation.  If he recalls what happened then, I was the Minister who was receiving other dignitaries that had come together with His Excellency the President.

Among those to first congratulate Zimbabwe was the then Secretary General of United Nations Ba-Ki-Moon, followed by another visitor who was the Secretary General of the UNWTO and the 121 countries.  We were all happy when we left that place because Government elections had been endorsed by such a body.  I would want to move forward and say that we will even do better than what we did before in conducting these polls so that we continuously remain being accredited with holding credible elections.  Hon Zwizwai and all Hon. Members know that this position was given to a credible person.  I thank you.

          *HON. ZWIZWAI: I would want to thank the credible person who differs from the previous one who was not -

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  There you go Hon Member.

Mind you it is a supplementary question and it should be shorter than the first one.

HON. ZWIZWAI: I am sorry Madam Speaker, I withdraw the statement, please forgive me.  My supplementary question is that, I was watching on television when Zimbabwe was congratulated by Mr. Ban Ki-moon and everyone.  It was for your being chosen to host the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) in Victoria Falls.

I am talking about the harmonised general elections and not the soft boardroom politics that you had.  I am talking about the no go areas such as the farms so that people can go and be able to campaign properly so that we have a proper election and we have reports from the Africa Union and other bodies.

          *THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Your question has been

understood Hon. Zwizwai, that what are you going to do to ensure that other countries come and observe our elections.


MZEMBI):  Madam Speaker, the portfolio that I hold - the key principle is engagement and communication between parties and should there be any differences, my duty is to reconcile the two warring parties so that they can talk using diplomacy.  I would want to inform Hon. Zwizwai that I am a person who can give you my personal experience that I am a victim of a stolen election.  The same organisation that you would want to come and observe the elections stole an election from me.

We should find one another and sit face to face.

Madam Speaker, I was in China and I would want to give

Parliament a brief history.  I went to China for the confirmation of the Secretly General of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation and when the confirmation was done – Hon. Chamisa and others please listen, I beg you my dear brothers.  Where there was supposed to be confirmation by secret ballot of the two-thirds of the sitting General Assembly, there were 137 countries.  If we required a two-thirds confirmation, 92 would have been required.

 I would want this august House to listen on this issue.  We had two days and they were refusing confirmation by secret ballots and we eventually reached a consensus and in Zimbabwe we gave them a lecture on democracy on how elections are run.  They agreed that we are capable of running lections.  Inside this august House we have experts who can run these elections. That is why we came up with a very good Constitution and 98% of the Zimbabwean people agreed that we should deal with our own issues and we will be able to go further.  I thank you.

Questions Without Notice were interrupted by THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER in terms of Standing Order No. 64.

HON. MLISWA:  I am requesting that time for Questions

Without Notice be extended.

HON. MUFUNGA:  I object.


          Question No. 1 having been deferred.

          HON. MAJOME:  Madam Speaker, I cannot help but raise a very strenuous point of privilege.  This question has been on the Order Paper for more than half of this year.  I am getting the sense that the Hon.

Ministers are deliberately violating their responsibility in terms of

Section 107 of the Constitution.  The Executive is making fun of Section 107 of the Constitution which gives Ministers an obligation to come and answer questions that they have collective responsibility for.

          This question of mine has been on the Order Paper for nearly nine months now.  Initially I posed it to the Minister of Home affairs who decided to be clever and avoid the question and said that it should be posed to the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Services.  It is only last week that the Hon. Minister then, the former Minister and the Deputy were in the House – they gave a very flimsy and very pathetic excuse, with respect Madam Speaker.  They claimed that they were not in a position to answer the question but this question is a question on notice Madam Speaker.

They were aware of the question and last week the two of them promised that they were going to answer this question today.

Unfortunately, the former Minister is no longer a Minister but there is a Minister in the Ministry.  From what I understand, there should have been an answer that is ready and the Deputy Minister is available and they are not here again.  This is a matter of critical national importance as to why the Registrar General continues to be in office when he looks like he is over the age of 65.  I have no choice but to suspect that they are trying to protect him, but surely they cannot continue running away from a question.  The reason why this question is No. 1 on the Order

Paper is because last week Hon. Speaker you undertook that it would be No. 1.  It is No. 1 but neither the Minister nor the Deputy is here.   Can they not just read the answer that was prepared for them?

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Hon. Member, I hear you and

I think that since there were recent changes, Minister Zhuwao asked to go out so that he meets with those officers who are going to brief him.  Also, the Deputy Minister was one of those who were on the list that they were seeking an apology.  So, I think that you have to be patient enough so that this question continues to be on the Order Paper so that we have the answer, if I may appeal to you.

HON. MAJOME:  Can the question be No. 1 again.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:   I think the administration is


HON. MAJOME:  Thank you.

*HON. ADV. CHAMISA:  On a point of order Madam Speaker.  Madam Speaker, is it possible that in future, when there is a reshuffle, there should be taken into consideration the work that the Ministers do in this august House because we were seeing that most of the Ministers, are not being professional.  We are not seeing that being taken into consideration when Cabinet is being chosen.

I request that the current Ministers that we see who do not constantly come to Parliament, when a Cabinet reshuffle is being done, we should, as Parliament, be able to advance that certain individuals should not be entitled  to be Ministers, especially with regards to Questions With Notice.  May you commit to this as Parliament, that we put it in writing to His Excellency the President so that this issue can be looked into when he is doing a Cabinet reshuffle so that we have a crop of Ministers that work very well.

*THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  I recall that you are also a Member of the Standing Rules and Orders.  You can take it to the Standing Rules and Orders so that issues can be dealt with.

I thank you.  On question number 2.  Hon. Gezi is no longer in the House.  The Minister of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development is also not in the House.

*HON. MLISWA:  Madam Speaker, Parliament is an august House.  It is a respectable House and it should be seen to be doing its work.  This is our final session.  The Ministers and the Members of Parliament are not here.  Members who come here on proportional representation such as Hon. Gezi, they are coming here, what are they doing?  What are the 70 women coming to do here?  It is actually being a burden on the finance.  Where are they?  Who is she representing?

*THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Hon. Member, I rule you

out of order.  I do so because it is not only Hon. Gezi who is not here because of the questions that are here.  He is saying there are too many women and you are not doing any justice to your increased numbers.

*HON. MLISWA:  My point is that Parliament is already too bloated and the Minister once said. There is the question of the women Ministers.  I have come with women representatives and I am saying they represent the women.  Where is she?  This Barcosi for Hon.

Members is not good.  We are sick and tired of this – [HON.

MEMBERS:  Inaudible interjections.]-

*THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Order Hon. Members, if

there is a point of order raised by one member, you should wait up until the Chair makes a ruling before coming with a different point of order. You are talking about proportional representation for women because they have failed to come to Parliament.  I have seen a lot of Hon.

Members who are men and women who fail to come here and ask their questions, so I could not entertain you on that one.

HON. MLISWA:  I withdraw my statement.  I apologise.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  And the Chair is a woman

too.  Alright, I accept that apology.

HON. MAJOME:  On a point of order Madam Speaker.  Hon.

Madam Speaker, my point of order is a point of order as a female Member of Parliament and I do accept that you made your ruling, but I believe that Hon. Members of Parliament must be reminded to have respect for women.  Female MPs are equal citizens and that in particular the whole Senate is full of Members of Parliament of proportional representation.  Madam Speaker – [HON. MEMBERS:  Inaudible


*THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  So how are we supposed to

hear each other?

HON. MAJOME: Hon. Madam Speaker, I think Hon. Members who use derogatory language against women in this Parliament are prohibited in terms of the Standing Rules and Orders and must be disciplined.  The Senate is a whole House of this Parliament that is full of proportional representation MPs, but only because some of the proportional representation Members of Parliament are men, some Members of Parliament who make fun of female Members of Parliament do not make fun of Senators.

Hon. Madam Speaker, I think this Parliament should take a stand and show respect for female Members of Parliament.  They are the best behaved and they are the ones that usually sit in here and maintain quorum when everybody has gone out.  They do not make as much noise, they do not heckle and they are only there for proportional representation because the men refuse to vacate the 105 seats.  If male Members of Parliament want females to be lesser members, they must remove those who are occupying more than 50% of seats so that there are 105 and 105.


  1. HON. MACKENZIE asked the Minister of Environment,

Water and Climate to explain why the Parks and Wildlife management Authority prohibits the movement of indigenous people in Kariba Town and not to fish using lines in the leisure bay whilst allowing white people in their small fishing boats to fish and move freely in the leisure bay –

[AN HON. MEMBER:  He is not here.]-

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Why do you answer for the

Minister while he is there?  What is wrong with you people?

Hon. Minister, I thought environment is part of your portfolio?


very much Madam Speaker.  Yes, it is under my portfolio.  Can I defer the question to next week?

HON. ADV. CHAMISA:  Hon. Speaker, I rise again because if you have regard to all the questions that are on the Order Paper, you will realise that the Ministers are not around, but then this speaks to the delinquency of Hon. Ministers, Madam Speaker. I think this is now a very important stage wherein we are called upon as Parliament to start charging Hon. Ministers because we have spoken, talked and done everything that is possible in terms of trying to exercise our oversight function. It is clear that our Ministers - why do we not take down the names of all the Ministers who are not here because it is consistent with our Constitution and the Standing Rules and Orders so that we deal with those Ministers. We have the power.

I am in the SROC as you said Hon. Speaker and I am going to move a motion that for the first time, we must have Ministers. We must start coding them and making sure that we actually take a record of the Ministers who have consistently been truant and who are consistently bunking Parliament. We cannot continue. Look at the benches. They know that today they are supposed to be responding, granted some are in the Politburo but most of those who are not in the Politburo are actually not here. Some have just disappeared because they do not take this

Parliament seriously.

Now, if we are to be taken seriously as Parliament, we also have to have serious measures against Ministers. Hon. Speaker, I do not know what we are going to do but I am recommending that we must take down the names of the Ministers who have become a problem in this

Parliament. Those Ministers who have not responded to questions, let us write to them and charge them and if they have issues to explain, they must come and explain like what my Hon. Minister has done. To say, look I am here I do not have a response because I am new, which is fair.

You cannot just say you do not come here.

Hon. Mbwembwe came here to try and explain, which is okay but for those who are not here, they are not here because they think that we are absent in our minds. We are absent in terms of our risk exercise of oversight function. Let us bite those who are causing problems. We have barked enough. Let us bite for once as Parliament because we have teeth to bite Hon. Speaker.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon. Adv. Chamisa, I do

support what you are saying but for today only and because of these changes, I think you can bear with us or the Ministers. Some are saying they have not yet been briefed about the mandate of their portfolios. So please, I will support you even in the SROC but thereafter, I think we have to be tough. Thank you very much.

HON. ADV. CHAMISA: Thank you Madam Speaker.

On the motion of HON. RUNGANI seconded by HON. MUKWANGWARIWA, the House adjourned at Nine Minutes past

Four o’clock p.m.

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