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Wednesday, 15th March, 2017

The National Assembly met at a Quarter-past Two O’clock p.m.


(THE HON. SPEAKER in the Chair)

          HON. NDUNA:  I rise on a point of order that speaks to Standing Order Number 69. Mr. Speaker, I have two very pertinent issues that I need to bring to the attention of this House.  The first one is, with your indulgence, that the Minister of Home Affairs in particular who deals with registrations of nationalities and citizens of our country. I am aware that we have a third of our population that does not have birth certificates or registration certificates. Can we have at least a ministerial statement to that effect so that we can get to know when and how mobile registration units can come on the ground so that our people can have also a moratorium, a period within which they can register without any payment both for birth certificates and for identity cards.

          The second one borders on electricity Mr. Speaker Sir. Recently, there is a unilateral decision that was made by ZESA in particular to the issue of upping the payments for domestic and business entities to the effect that I for one, for my business, have to pay 80% out of whatever payments I have to make for my electricity token that goes towards ZESA. There are entities that cannot pay, in particular the domestic and the businesses that are meant to liquidate their debt first before they can make payments. What this has done, it has certainly made life very difficult for the electorate in particular where I come from. I am calling at least for a statement from the Minister of Energy and Power Development to that effect so that we can alleviate the plight of the masses of Zimbabwe. I thank you.

          THE HON. SPEAKER: Order! May I urge Hon. Members to

appreciate what a privilege is, otherwise we can be misdirected. The issue raised by the Hon. Member, particularly the latter one, is contained in the Order Paper and the matter will be discussed as a motion. That is why we encourage Hon. Members to collect their Order Paper in advance so that you can check what is on the Order Paper. In future, let us not take time for our privileged time of Question Time.


          HON. MUTSEYAMI: On a point of order, may I find out who

will be our Leader of the House. Besides the issue of the Leader of the House, we only have two Cabinet Ministers and the rest are Deputy Ministers. The other one has been causing controversy of challenging the Minister of Finance and Economic Development. I think we have to respect this House Mr. Speaker. This is sad – [HON. ZWIZWAI: Pane one Minister nemuzukuru.] -

          THE HON. SPEAKER: I hear you Hon. Mutseyami. Hon.

Zwizwai, spare me the discomfort of sending you out please - [Laughter.] - I have a list of Ministers who have sought leave of absence. The Leader of Government business is overseas in Geneva. Hon. Chinamasa was not in good shape and is normally our – [AN HON. MEMBER: Inaudible interjection.] - When the Chair is speaking you listen. Thank you. He was not feeling well and sometimes we have to do without a Leader of Government business.

          The second observation is that some three weeks ago, you gave some very good commendations to Deputy Ministers that they had performed exceptionally well and let us give them the chance to do likewise again - [HON MEMBERS: Hear! hear.] -

          HON. MACHINGURA: My name is Hon. Machingura from

Chipinge Central. -  [HON. ZWIZWAI: Ndewe ZANU Ndonga.] -

[Laughter.]-  I thank you Mr. Speaker Sir, for you have a very good way and patience of dealing with fact free contributors. My question goes to the Minister of Energy and Power Development. In our recent interactions with the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education, he indicated a penetration factor of ICT which is close to a factor of one. Is the Minister prepared for that situation? I thank you.


DEVELOPMENT (HON. DR. UNDENGE): I would urge the Hon.

Member to give me the schools in question because we have a programme which is rolling for electrification of schools. As the Ministry of Energy and Power Development, it is our objective to ensure that every school in Zimbabwe and every public institution is indeed electrified and that programme is rolling on.  If he gives me the list of the schools, I will be able to tell him when they will be electrified.  I thank you Mr. Speaker.

          HON. CHAMISA:  Thank you Hon. Speaker.  I have heard a very important question from Hon. Machingura about electrification of our schools across the country.  My supplementary question to the Minister is to say, without a proper comprehensive plan, do you think that it is sustainable for Government to take electricity to all the schools in the absence of a centralised settlement plan that ensures that we do not have schools even in areas where it is not going to be economic or possible for Government to get electricity?  Are you also looking at a master plan in terms of going forward, wherein you are going to determine together with other ministries where schools are supposed to be placed so that all the amenities are made accessible to those settlements?

          HON. DR. UNDENGE:  Mr. Speaker Sir, perhaps let me take

Parliament a little bit backwards.  In 2002, this Parliament passed an Act to create the Rural Electrification Agency (REA).  It was after noticing that the pace of rural electrification was a bit slow.  In the same breadth, Parliament resolved that for every payment of electricity, 6% is subtracted and it goes to the Rural Electrification Fund, specifically to ensure that all our public institutions, which include schools, clinics, hospitals wherever they are in Zimbabwe are electrified.  So far, the Rural Electrification Fund has electrified over 8 800 institutions.  May I advise the Hon. Member that every school in Zimbabwe no matter where it is located, it is our objective as Government to make sure that it is electrified.  I thank you.

          *HON. ENG. MUDZURI:  Thank you Hon. Speaker.  My

supplementary question to the Minister is, we want electricity to be available in schools so that we can set up our ICT equipment.  Can the Minister enlighten us on what is happening concerning rural electrification because the poles are deteriorating?  What we want to know is, will these rural areas be able to access electricity?  There are rural areas that can spend a month without getting electricity because the poles would have worn out.  What have you done to ensure that electricity is available at all times? I thank you.

          HON. DR.UNDENGE:  I am happy that the Hon. Member asking me this question is a former Minister of Energy – [HON. ZWIZWAI:

Abvunza neShona kauyu.] – I will answer him Mr. Speaker in English.  He is well conversant with English. I believe he is an Engineer, if I am not mistaken.

          THE HON. SPEAKER:  Can you proceed.

          HON. DR. UNDENGE:  May I perhaps further elaborate that

when we look at all schools, there are those which are near the grid and those which are far away from the grid and we have an off-grid solution.  At such schools we will put in solar energy.  It is understandable that if we are to connect the national grid everywhere, it will take long.  The quickest solution is, areas which are far away from the national grid, at such schools we will install solar energy so that at least they will have access to electricity.  Regarding ZESA poles which are falling due to heavy incessant rains, we will ensure that the repairs at least last longer.

Of course, you are talking about poles which fell after heavy rains.  We have many such cases and I think so far it has cost ZESA millions of dollars.  As Government, it is our mandate to ensure that we repair all the faults.  We put in place the grid system, repair and install new poles where those would have broken or decayed.  The exercise is ongoing Mr. Speaker.  I thank you.

          HON. K. SIBANDA:  Thank you Mr. Speaker.  My question is directed to the Minister of Youth Development, Indigenisation and

Empowerment – [HON. CHIBAYA:  Inaudible interjections.] –

          THE HON. SPEAKER:  Order, order!  Hon. Chibaya, you go through your Whip.  Hon. K. Sibanda, can you continue.

          HON. K. SIBANDA:  Thank you Mr. Speaker.  My question is directed to the Minister of Youth Development, Indigenisation and Empowerment.  Can you advise this House, what plans your Ministry has to financially empower youths who have undergone vocational training in your Ministry all over the country who cannot be absorbed in the formal sector?


Thank you very much Mr. Speaker Sir.  I would like to thank the Hon. Member for that very important question, which talks to young people who constitute a significant component of our population.  Mr. Speaker Sir, the Ministry is involved in the provision of skills through our 42 vocational training centres.  Those 42 vocational training centres also provide entrepreneurial skills.  The objective of providing vocational, technical and entrepreneurial skills is to enable the young people to be able to be financially included.  Mr. Speaker Sir, as a Ministry, we have received from Treasury during the year 2016 an amount of $2,5 million. We are utilising that amount towards establishment, as indicated by the Minister of Finance and Economic Development, of a youth focused micro-finance institution. Processes of establishing that particular microfinance institution are at an advanced stage. Over and above that Mr.

Speaker Sir, through part of the indigenisation legislation, the Reserve

Bank of Zimbabwe has put in place measures for all financial institutions to provide at least 5% of their loan book towards empowering young people. I thank you.

          HON. TOFFA: Mr. Speaker, my supplementary question to the

Minister is; I just heard him talking about Vocational Training Centres. What about the youths that do not attend Vocational Training Centres and what methods will the youths use to join these Vocational Training Centres? Also, when youths are enquiring about funding most of them are asked about collateral which they do not have. I would like to know from the Minister what measures he has taken to cover that gap for the youths.

          HON. ZHUWAO: Thank you very much Mr. Speaker Sir. I

would like to thank the Hon. Member for the four questions that she has put forward. The first question Mr. Speaker, talked to young people that have not had access to Vocational Training Centres. Mr. Speaker Sir, all young people must be regarded irrespective of whether they have gone to any particular institution or not. To that end Mr. Speaker Sir, the answer to the question that was posed earlier on remains valid.

          The second question Mr. Speaker Sir was with regards to how the young people can enroll at Vocational Training Centres. We have 42 Vocational Training Centres throughout the country. It will depend on which particular area that young person resides in for them to be able to enroll at a Vocational Training Centre that is probably closest to them. However, we also have other Vocational Training Centres that we are actually developing to be centres of excellence. For example, Chaminuka Vocational Training Centre which is becoming a centre of excellence in terms of tobacco production and that is an initiative that is being conducted together with BAT as part of the BAT economic empowerment programme.

Mr. Speaker Sir, the third question was regarding funding but I did not quite get – [MR. SPEAKER: Collateral.] - Yes. The issue of collateral for young people is that we recognise that as you are starting out, a young person will hardly be able to get collateral. To that end, we have put in place through the Old Mutual indigenous programme, which is a programme that will allow young people that do not have collateral to be able to access that particular facility. However Mr. Speaker Sir, we are also in discussions with the Central Bank as part of the National Financial Inclusion Strategy, for the Central Bank to engage with financial institutions so that they can utilise the transaction history of young people that utilise financial institutions as a basis of securitising their access to credit. Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.

*HON. SITHOLE: My supplementary is that I wanted to enquire from the Minister what his plans are in terms of the two million jobs.

Where does his Ministry stand?

*HON. ZHUWAO: I want to thank the Hon. Member for his question enquiring on the plans regarding Vocational Training Centres in line with employment creation for youths in order to sustain themselves. Mr. Speaker, as I have alluded to, in Zimbabwe we have 42 Vocational Training Centres. What we would want is to sit down and consult Members of Parliament as I am going to explain in the Ministerial Statement that I will give. We want every constituency to have a Vocational Training Centre. Why we want to do that is because each constituency has young people in its area who would also want the skills and knowledge for them to be able to sustain themselves.

So, we will be engaging Members of Parliament who have the vibe for the youths to have a source of livelihood. We know that there are Members of Parliament who would not want such plans in their constituencies to empower the young youths so they can sustain themselves – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –

THE HON. SPEAKER: The Hon. Minister said he would make a

Ministerial Statement. You will then interrogate that Ministerial Statement. Why can you not wait for that and he is doing it today – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] – Order.

*HON. MLISWA: Thank you Mr. Speaker. Minister, the issue is not about giving youths funds. When Hon. Kasukuwere was the responsible Minister, he gave the youths money and it failed, and it was given to one party. What measures have you put in place to ensure that those youths without collateral are able to repay that money?

*HON. ZHUWAO: I want to thank the Hon. Member for posing that question. I want to explain Mr. Speaker as I have done before, that I had requested that you give me an opportunity to give a Ministerial Statement that will enable me to explain the measures that we have put in place to empower the youths; and also to ensure that they are able to have a livelihood and sustain themselves. I also want to say that on the issues that were raised but are not in the Ministerial Statement, that the facilities for funds for the youths which started in 2007,  most of the funds were being managed by financial institutions such as CBZ, IDBZ and Cabs. Those financial institutions are not aligned to any political party. I thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.

          HON. MASHAYAMOMBE:  On a point of order Mr. Speaker

Sir, we have a concern on the list that is submitted to you to recognise us.  We are also here and our names are not on the list. - [HON.

MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] -

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Order, order! Hon. Mashayamombe, do you want an answer or not?  Hon. Mashayamombe, that is a question that must be properly addressed at the Caucus or directly to the Chief whip.

*HON. MAZIVISA:  Thank you Mr. Speaker.  My question is directed to the Minister of Energy and Power Development, Hon. Dr. Undenge.  Hon. Minister, we know that in life people are different.  We have different gender, male and female, some are tall and some are short.  Mr. Speaker, we have a challenge that in the constituencies that we represent, there are elderly people who are between 70 years and 80 years as well as above 80 years.  They are not being disaggregated in terms of billing by ZESA.  The elderly do not have any source of income so if they use for example three megawatts; they are being charged the same amount as those in Borrowdale or Highlands.  Is there no policy that can disaggregate such groups of people in life?  I thank you. -

[HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] -

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Order, Hon. Members.  Hon. Members

on my left, I did indicate that there is some discomfort in sending out an Hon. Member.  If you do not agree with the questioner, please hold your cool and allow the Hon. Member to ask the question in silence.

*HON. CHINOTIMBA:  On a point of order Mr. Speaker Sir.  When Hon. Mazivisa was posing his question, the Hon. Members on the left were saying that Mazivisa is gay.  - [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] -  It was Hon. Mutseyami and we want him to withdraw that statement.  - [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] -

THE HON. SPEAKER: Order, order, order Hon. Members.  In terms of our Standing Orders, we need to maintain the decorum of the

House and avoid name calling - unsubstantiated.  Hon. Mutseyami, - [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] - Order, order.  Hon. Chinotimba alleges that Hon. Mutseyami – kana mataura zvakadaro, please withdraw.

*HON. MUTSEYAMI:  Thank you Mr. Speaker.  I never said those words.  I request that the audio recording be referred to because I never said that.  How can I refer to him as being gay or homosexual as if I was ever intimate with him?  - [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible

interjections.] -

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Order, order, we will check with the audio recording to get the truth.


DEVELOPMENT (HON. DR. UNDENGE):  Mr. Speaker Sir, Hon.

Mazivisa was asking whether we can extend social welfare status to the elderly people who are above the age of 70, when it comes to payment of ZESA bills.  In actual fact, I am classifying it as a social welfare matter and we do have a department of social welfare, which caters for such incidences.  However, we will look into that in conjunction with the relevant social welfare department to see whether something can be done.  I thank you.

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Order, please listen very carefully to the

Minister’s response.  He said he will look into the matter in conjunction with his colleague in the other Ministry.

HON. ZVIDZAI:  My question is directed to the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare.  In my constituency as in many others, there are thousands and thousands of people in my constituency as in many others, there are thousands of people with disabilities.  Many are blind, others are wheel chair bound and there are a lot of them that are living with albinism.  Consequent upon their inability to deal with the needs around school fees for their children, getting proper education for the children and health services for their children and dependants, I would like to find out if there is any policy on the part of the Ministry to deal with those exigencies in the communities.  I actually believe that there is 1.2 million cases of people in the country that live with the disability of visual impairment.


would like to inform the Hon. Member that current initiatives which we are taking up as a Ministry to specifically target the number of the disabled which he rightly puts at 10% of our population are at an advanced stage.  We are in a process right now to come up with principles which will be governing the establishment of the Disabled Persons’ Act.

          The outreach programme has already been taken to six of the ten provinces.  We believe that in the next few months, we should be able to have gathered enough information that will speak to the new Disabled

Persons’ Act that we are currently in the process of making.  I hope that that will adequately address those issues.  In the interim, the policies that we have which target vulnerable people deliberately have an affirmative action towards the disabled persons.

          *HON. ZWIZWAI:  My supplementary question is that there has been mention of employment, issues of food and also of people living with disabilities who are about 1.2 million.  As a Ministry I would like to know what you are doing about their challenges. Have you considered having a voters’ roll for this group of people so that they will be able to vote for their representatives in Parliament than for them to vote for people who will not stand for them and yet they are a population of 1.2 million.

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Order. The supplementary question does

not arise because it is misdirected in terms of the original question.

+HON. NDEBELE: My question is directed to the Deputy Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education.   There is a STEM program which caters for A’ level sciences.   I would like to know if there is any policy that is in place to make sure that there is transparency when children are being enrolled.  I have taken note that there are children with As but are not being considered for this programme because there are children with Cs who are connected to school heads and are being given all the places.


that I will be able to answer him properly.

I thank the Hon. Member for his question that seeks to understand the policies that we have in the Ministry that takes effect to the position that students that have ‘As’ or higher passes are not taken by STEM because they do not have headmasters who are their relatives.

The Ministry’s policy is that any student who will have achieved a grade of ‘C’ or better qualifies to have his or her education paid under the STEM programme.  It is not the prerogative of the headmaster to choose who benefits from the programme.  We have science and technology officers across the country who represent all the provinces or students can go to our ZIMDEF offices in every part of the country to register for the fees payments under the STEM programme.

Should you have a specific problem where a student was denied access to the facility, we will be glad to solve that money if you approach my office or our Principal Directors.

This programme is open to every student who has a grade ‘C’ or better in the country irrespective of where they are coming from or who their parents are.  As long as they have a grade ‘C’ or better and if they are going to study the four subjects, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics, they shall get access to the programme.  I thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.

HON. P. D. SIBANDA:  My supplementary question is, indeed, we do appreciate that the Ministry has decentralized offices to provinces.

They have advertised in the press widely about the programme.  However, there are areas that have no access to most media channels in this country and that are remote and far away from provincial offices.

I can give an example of Matabeleland North; your office is based at Mhlahlandlela which is in Bulawayo….

THE HON. SPEAKER:  May you go to the question please Hon.


HON. P. D. SIBANDA:  What are you doing to ensure that that programme becomes accessible especially to students that are based in rural areas?

HON. DR. GANDAWA:  Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir. It is indeed true that specifically for Matabeleland North, the Science and Technology officer is based in Bulawayo but we have given them resources to make sure that they visit every high school to make sure that if they collaborate with the headmasters and the District Education Officers and make sure that those deserving candidates; because in most cases, the people that live in the rural areas are the ones that fail to…

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Hon. Minister, address the Chair please.

HON. DR. GANDAWA:  Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  Most students who stay in the rural areas are the ones who are disadvantaged and they could benefit from this programme.  We are putting all measures in place to make sure that our science and technology officers visit each and every school that offers science programmes that could benefit from the STEM programme but we are open to any suggestions that could make the STEM programme successful for the benefit of the nation.  I thank you.

HON. D. SIBANDA:  I am glad that the Minister has highlighted that ZIMDEF officials are in all provinces.  What measures are you putting in place to safeguard the places - because I understand that those places are on a first come first served basis?  What measures are you putting in place to make sure that it is a decentralized provision to make sure that those in Matabeleland or Bulawayo get those in Matabeleland or in Bulawayo for instance, get those places.  Rather than having someone coming from Mutare to occupy the position in Matabeleland, what measures are you putting in place to make sure that it is decentralized – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] – to make sure that those in respective provinces get the places before you take those coming from afar?  Thank you very much.

          THE HON. SPEAKER:  Order, order Hon. Member, while you

are still there.  It is not clear, I think, when they come from Mutare to get positions, what sort of position is that?

          HON. D. SIBANDA:  Mr. Speaker, I am talking of the Science places (STEM) at high schools.  You will find that others are coming from different parts of the country to register in Bulawayo.

          THE HON. SPEAKER:  To register in Bulawayo, alright.

          HON. D. SIBANDA:  Mr. Speaker, maybe to add on, the Hon. Minister said it is decentralised so every province has got a ZIMDEF office, which means positions are all over the provinces.  So, how are they safeguarding places in schools? – [HON. CHINOTIMBA:

Inaudible interjections.] –

              THE HON. SPEAKER:  Order, order Hon. Chinotimba, respect

your colleague.



(HON. DR. GANDAWA):  Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir and I want to thank the Hon. Member for the question.  The ZIMDEF Offices and Science Technology offices across the country serve any member irrespective of where they come from.

If a person is coming from Matabeleland North and they apply in Matabeleland South, the individual in that respective area must serve that student.  In terms of the payment, we do not select where the student comes from because it is a national programme and it should remain like that.  I hear what you are saying Hon. Member, that you want the people in that area to benefit.  If we concentrate as she is suggesting, we will indeed …

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Order, order as the Hon. Member is suggesting.

HON. DR. GANDAWA:  As the Hon. Member is saying, we will disadvantage quite a number of students who could benefit because in certain provinces, for example in Matabeleland North, there are a few high schools that offer the Sciences so we opened it up so that even those students who come from Matabeleland South where there are less schools that offer Sciences can go and access the courses from other provinces.  So, it is open irrespective of where the student is coming from.  I thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.

HON. NDEBELE:  Another supplementary as the originator Mr.

Speaker Sir.

THE HON. SPEAKER:  You are the last to ask the supplementary question but before you do so.  Can you allow me to make a short announcement?



THE HON. SPEAKER:  I would like recognise the presence of visitors from Mbizo Constituency represented by Hon. Mupereri.  You are most welcome – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] – [HON.

MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –

HON. NDEBELE:  Thank you Hon. Speaker, on numerous occasions our Government has been accused of creating ghost workers and ghost supporters in some cases – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] – My question regarding the ZIMDEF Fund which has also been bedeviled by similar allegations of corruption is; are there any policies that will safeguard this fund since the Hon. Minister has explained that it allows for the crisscrossing of students from one province to the other?  Can the Hon. Minister assure us if his policies are waterproof in terms of safeguarding this fund from the creation of ghost students?

HON. DR. GANDAWA:  Thank you very much Mr. Speaker Sir and I want to thank the Hon. Member for the question.  The way the fund is executed in terms of the STEM Programme is that the headmasters from respective schools, after registering the students, compile lists of students and submit those to the ZIMDEF Offices.  The officer responsible for that particular province will visit the school to cross check and verify whether indeed the students are indeed attending classes there or have been registered there before payment is made.

There is a verification process that is done.  The auditors also follow up to determine whether the disbursed funds are equivalent to the students that are learning.  Even when the next term starts because at times some students register and they dropout – the system must be able to pick out if there is a change on the number of students as per the original registration.  I thank you.

*HON. CHIKOMBA:  Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir, my question is directed to the Minister of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development.  Hon. Minister, since we are expecting a bumper harvest this farming season, we had depots in the rural areas where we would take our produce.

Now that we have a lot of maize and produce and people cannot ferry their produce as far as Gokwe from my constituency, are you going to open depots to ensure that they are accessible to everyone so that people bring their produce in?



Speaker, I want to thank the Hon. Member for the question that he posed.  We are going to open satellite depots to enable farmers to take their produce to the Grain Marketing Board (GMB).

The satellite depots will be in relation to GMB as well as cotton.  It is not only about the bumper harvest that we are having but we also know that in other areas, the road networks are bad.  So to insure and preserve our produce, we will assist by establishing satellite depots.

HON. DR. MUKANDURI:  My supplementary to the Minister of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development is, will it be possible to also mobilise transport to allow or assist them to sell their produce to the nearest depot because some of our rural folk worked very hard under very difficult conditions to produce the bumper harvests? 

HON. DR. MADE:  Madam Speaker, I have already stated that we are going to open satellite depots.  The purpose of the satellite depots is to assist farmers so that they do not transport the produce for long distances – that is the purpose of a satellite depot.

A satellite depot assumes that the grain has already been bought and is now in the hands of GMB – that is it.  I have made that clear but to say we will provide transport.  No, we are making the satellite depots nearer to the farmers.  If we try to say we are going to do everything – I will say in here, we will provide transport then we do not achieve it.  No, the satellite depot must be nearer, the grain is protected there and when GMB is ready to move it to their main depots, they will do that.  It is the same with cotton.  I have said for cotton or for any farmer, no farmer should be moving more than 5 kilometers.  You cannot draw scotch carts and so forth beyond any reasonable point.  Hon. Member, I thank you.  I have simply just emphasised that we will do that.

          Hon. Members having wanted to pose many supplementary


             THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Supplementary questions are

over.  Those three are enough.

          *HON. MUDARIKWA: Thank you Madam Speaker.  My

supplementary question is that Minister, since you have opened depots to bring our produce; when are you going to inform us of the prices for all our agricultural produce because the pricing that is being mentioned each and every year is that of maize only, yet we have a variety of crops that have been grown?  We also want to find out if we can get seed for those crops and at what price?  I thank you.

HON. DR. MADE: Grains will be bought at $390 per metric tonne, all other commodities we do not determine the prices for them but they will all be bought.  All grain, sorghum, millet and maize will be bought at $390 per metric tonne.

           THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I heard as if the Hon. Member

wants to know what price is the other small grains.  Of which maybe you can promise that in the future you are going to give those prices because even if the people know that all the grains are going to be bought by GMB, what about the small grains?  I heard as if that was the question from the Hon. Member.

          HON. DR. MADE: Madam Speaker, that is exactly what I said.  I said all small grains and maize will be bought at $390 per metric tonne.

We do not fix the price for all other pulses and so on.

          *HON. SITHOLE: Thank you Madam Speaker.  I would like to know what Government plans are and the position of the Government concerning Command Agriculture.  We heard one of the Government leaders saying that Command Agriculture implementation did not work out well.  Professor Jonathan Moyo appeared on television saying that.

So we would like to find out from the Minister that is it true that

Command Agriculture did not yield the intended results?  Thank you.


like to thank the Hon. Member for the question.  I am not aware of what he is talking about.

          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Who is saying that?  Hon.

Minister, are you referring to what was said by the Hon. Member or what?  You are giving the answer yourself, can we hear it from the

Minister?  – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –  Hon.

Members on my right, that is too much.

          HON. DR. MADE: I am very clear on what the Hon. Member

said that Professor Moyo had said this.  I do not know that.  – HON.

MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –

          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order, order Hon. Chibaya

please take your seat?

*HON. MUFUNGA: Thank you Madam Speaker.  We also heard

the Minister saying that all grain will be bought at $390 per metric tonne.  My question is in areas close to the border, such as Mbire and Rushinga produce cotton.  They sell most of the cotton in Mozambique because they do not know the pricing.  What plans do you have as a

Government to ensure that the cotton that was sponsored by the

Government is not taken to another country?  What is our position?


like to thank the Hon. Member for the question that he raised in relation to cotton farming because our people end up selling their cotton in Mozambique.  We will look into the matter seriously.  With time I will enlighten the House on cotton farming as well as the pricing. –[HON.

MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –         Hon. Chinotimba having risen to speak. 

          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order, order Hon. Chibaya.

Hon. Chinotimba, I am calling for order.

*HON. CHIONOTIMBA: On a point of order Madam Speaker.  I want to raise a supplementary question.

          THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I said after three

supplementary questions, there would be no more supplementary questions.  Please take your seat.

          +HON. R. MPOFU:  Thank you Madam Speaker.  My question

is, there is a road from Maphisa to Gwanda.  This road has gone for years without being tarred.  This is a road from a district to a province.  This road is used by many people, including women going to the hospital.   It is a busy road.   What is Government policy on that Hon.

Minister?  I thank you.

 Hon. Zwizwai having commented on the delay by the Minister to respond.

           THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon. Zwizwai, you have been

given three warnings.  I was here; I will take up from those warnings and send you.



Thank you Madam Speaker. The Hon. Member has asked a question on when the road from Matopo to Gwanda will be tarred. I think it has been on the programme for a very long time and that people who are going to hospital sometimes find it difficult to reach to the hospital and also the bridge was washed away.

Madam Speaker, let me start by saying that most of our roads are facing a big problem mainly because of the normal to above normal rainfall that we received during this rainy season. Most of our roads which require to be surfaced have stayed quite a long time without being surfaced. The reason has been due to lack of funding. Let me start by saying that this road from Matopo to Gwanda is on our priority for surfacing.

Currently, we are mobilising funds to see to it that this road is surfaced. There are so many programmes that we are pursuing which start from Public Private Partnerships and we are also looking for investors who are willing to invest on some of these roads on a build, operate and transfer arrangement. So, this road is actually on our programme and sooner or later, it will be tarred. I thank you Madam Speaker.

*HON. CHIBAYA: Thank you Madam Speaker. My

supplementary question is - from your response, you mentioned that our roads are no longer worthy. May you enlighten us as a nation because we have lost lives because of the status of our roads? What are you doing do address the situation of our poor road network to ensure that we do not lose more lives? Thank you.

*HON. ENG. MADANHA: I want to thank Hon. Chibaya for the

question that he raised. It is a very pertinent question and in line with the truth that we have met a lot of road accidents because of the poor road network. What I would want to clarify is that whenever there are heavy rains, the first enemy of our road network is water or the rains. This year we have been blessed with a lot of rains which has led to a bumper harvest. On the other hand, this rain has destroyed our road network. I want to promise to all those listening that the Government has plans to restore our road network.

We have three plans and the first one is on emergency works. If you go out there, you find that there are people who are addressing the issue of potholes to ensure that we drive on safe roads. The second plan is to restore our bridges and protecting them from being washed away by the rain. The third plan is to resurface the roads. So, I want to say that there are three Ministries which are the Ministry of Transport and

Infrastructural Development, the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development and the Ministry of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing.

These Ministries formed a Committee as you are aware, that the roads have been proclaimed to be in a state of national disaster. There is a Committee that was formed to mobilise funds to address the poor road network with the three plans that I have highlighted. As of now, I want to enlighten this House that we now have US$20 million that is being used to address phase one that I have mentioned. We have also requested other parties such as the Zimbabwe National Army to assist us especially in the construction of bridges. Bridges take long to construct and we know that others from the army have barely bridges that are made from steel and they can be made in one day to enable people to access the other side. We want to end this pothole menace that is in our nation. I thank you.

+HON. NDEBELE: Thank you Madam Speaker. I would like to ask the Minister why there are no funds set aside for those who would have been injured in road accidents. Some people die and some get injured, but you collect a lot of money from people. I thank you.

HON. ENG. MADANHA: Thank you Madam Speaker. We have

got a fund with Traffic Safety Council of Zimbabwe which is destined to helping victims of post crush accidents. Everybody knows that all cars pay insurance. So, Traffic Safety Council collects twelve and a half percent of all money that is paid for third party insurance and that is part of the money that is used to cater for problems of post crush victims.

HON. MUDARIKWA: Thank you Madam Speaker. Hon.

Minister, you have admitted that the state of the roads is a disaster. Are we going to see a situation where you are going to reduce the maximum speeds on our roads? The current maximum speed is 120 km per hour and 80 km per hour for heavy trucks. Thank you.

+HON. L. SIBANDA: Thank you Madam Speaker. I heard the Minister saying that funds that are collected from insurance companies are given out to people. Who are the people who have benefitted from those funds?

HON.  ENG. MADANHA: Thank you Madam Speaker. This is a

very important question. What I can confirm is that there are some people who have been helped through this fund. All along since 2009 when dollarisation was introduced, people were not paying third party insurances and there were a lot of fake cover notes in the insurance industry. From 2015, that is when we started enforcing this condition that all third party insurance should remit twelve and a half percent to

Traffic Safety Council. This money has been paid to some victims and part of the money is being used to fence some of our roads. For example, if you go to Bulawayo, you will see that there is some perimeter fencing, and that is the money that is being used. Part of the money is being used to buy even ambulances which will help victims of accidents. So, the fund is there and I know it is going to intervene and do something. I thank you Madam Speaker.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Can you answer Hon.

Hon. Sibanda having stood up.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: You brought in your question through the back door. We cannot have that. Can you please answer Hon. Mudarikwa’s question.

          HON. ENG. MADANHA: Actually for the benefit of doubt, the Hon Member can put her question in writing so that I can give her the details of who has been paid from this fund.

          Hon. Mudarikwa has asked a very important question. When we

are going to rebuild the roads, I do not think there is going to be any

shift in terms of the speed on the road. Why do I say so, when you build a road the speed is determined by the width of the road…

           THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon. Minister, in terms of the

question he was talking about now when the roads are not yet built and repaired. This is where the question is coming from. We cannot talk about when the roads have been built.

          HON. ENG. MADANHA: Madam Speaker, this is not a normal

practice. It involves a lot of investment and since the roads are being repaired and they will be repaired in no time through the three phases that I have indicated in which case there will not be any reason why we should reduce our speed because it will be a very unnecessary investment. I thank you.

          Questions Without Notice were interrupted by THE HON.

DEPUTY SPEAKER in terms of Standing Order No. 64.

          HON. D. S. SIBANDA: I move that time for Questions Without

Notice be extended by 15 minutes.

          HON. MUNENGAMI: I second.

          HON. MUDARIKWA: I object.

          Motion put and negatived.

          *HON. MUTSEYAMI: On a point of order.  Previously in this House, I asked a question to Hon. Minister Chidhakwa and the Hon. Speaker was in the chair. The issue was that His Excellency came and gave a statement to say that the small scale miners were given a loan of $100m that has improved gold production in this nation. But the $100m was never given to small scale miners, which means His Excellency was given false information to say that there was a loan that was advanced to small scale miners.

We asked the Minister to explain to us who gave the President false information and enlighten us but he promised that he would look into it. The Minister promised to go and look into it and find out who would give such false information to the President. The Minister has not responded to this issue from the day that I asked this question.



Speaker. That is work in progress and I will advise Parliament.

*HON. CHAMISA:  When I look at the Standing Orders that guide the conduct of this House, there are a lot of procedures that we are not adhering to especially on Section 79, it says “every Member desiring to speak must rise in his or her place and must address himself or herself to the Chair”. I have observed that there is this scenario of coming up with written lists. This is in violation of the Standing Orders. I know that there are challenges in that probably the Chair does not know other Hon. Members but it is allowed for the Speaker to just point to that particular Member so that we do not violate the Standing Order. The written list that we are now presenting to you takes us back to an era in primary school where this was used. My request is that we go according to the Standing Orders. I would expect the Standing Orders to be followed as we agreed.

Secondly, on the issue of the Standing Orders, we said if a Minister finds it difficult to come to Parliament, he or she should put it in writing to the Speaker in order to give honour and respect to this House. If you look at it, most of our Ministers see it as a joke. My request is that we teach our Hon. Ministers good conduct. Hon. Dr. Made comes everyday and there is no need to educate you. For those who do not come, we want to educate you because you cannot fool around with Parliament. You should not take us for granted and play around with us in this august House because this is not right. I thank you.

*THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon Chamisa, you

mentioned the issue of recognising Members that they should stand up on their feet if they want to contribute. It is true, that is what should be happening but the other challenge that we faced was that if all Hon. Members are to stand up at the same time, we cannot see those who are seated right at the back. There was a report that those who want to debate be listed in advance but it does not mean that only those on the list will be recognised. Those who are not seen and feel that they are not being recognised is because sometimes they are right at the back and we cannot see them. We have liaised with the administration that we should not have a rule that Members should be listed for them to debate.

Secondly, you mentioned about Ministers and their attendance to Parliament. I have a whole list that is two and half pages long and they have all requested the leave of the House because they are committed elsewhere.  I can actually read them out if you are interested – [HON.

MEMBERS:  Inaudible interjections.] -

            *HON. MLISWA:  My issue Madam Speaker emanates from the

fact that I need to be educated because from parties that do have Chief Whips, if the Chief Whip stands to give a position, one from the same party objects.  What do you say?  When there was a request to extend Question Time, Hon. Mukwangwariwa seconded it and an Hon. Member from the same party objected it.  We end up being involved in factions.

My question is that some of us do not have Chief Whips.  What Hon. Chamisa was saying is, we no longer understand the issue of bringing lists to the Speaker.  I am no longer from ZANU PF so if I ask questions, it is as if you are against me as a Member of Parliament for Norton.

Three times I have stood up and you are not recognizing me.

I will put it in writing and point out that the Speaker seems to be supporting the ruling party.  I was expelled from ZANU PF and I have come back.  I am not being recognised; you continue to victimize us – [Laughter.] -  I mentioned it last time to the Speaker and I actually informed the Speaker that you are destroying my spirit.  Even today I went to him.  ZANU PF writes a list of Hon. Members who want to debate and MDC does the same.  What about me?  Who will write my name?  We want to be a Parliament that discusses national issues regardless of party.  We are now approaching a political angle to show that you are partisan.  When you are in the Chair, may you be nonpartisan.  We came from the people and we are representing the people.  What really is my issue?  Is it because I am not a ZANU PF member?  I thank you.

*THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Order, order please.  Hon. Mliswa, I think I have addressed the issue of coming up with a list of people to be recognised.  Secondly, the fact that you won against ZANU PF has no relevance in this august House – [HON. MEMBERS:

Inaudible interjections.] -  Order!  Can we have order please!  I am at work right now as I am doing this.  As I assumed the Chair, I am sure you saw me communicating with the Speaker.  The Hon. Speaker advised me that Hon. Mliswa should be given an opportunity but the challenge was we spent a lot of time on supplementary questions.  When the Hon. Speaker handed over the Chair to me, he informed me that I should give you the floor to debate, so to say that you are being victimized, that should not be entertained by Hon. Members.  That is not true.  So, let us not be angry because there is nothing of that sort.

Thirdly, on the issue of the Chief Whip, the Chief Whip as we are in this House does not speak on behalf of any other Member.  Every Member who comes from his constituency is representing his constituents and not the Chief Whip.  What happened is what we can term free and fair.  So, the Hon. Member who spoke in this House was actually representing his constituents.  Lastly, Hon. Mukwangwariwa is not a Chief Whip, so if he gave his opinion, it is the same as Hon.

Mudarikwa giving his own opinion.  Let us proceed.

*HON. MAONDERA:  On a point of order Madam Speaker.

*THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  What is your point of order?

*HON. MAONDERA:  My point of order Madam Speaker is that we should talk to the Hon. Members who are causing violence in their constituencies.  For example, In Highfield West there was violence at Zororo Centre and Hon. Mazivisa was said to be involved.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Hon. Member, you are out of

order.  Can you take your seat?

*HON. CHINOTIMBA:  Thank you Madam Speaker.  My point

of order is that if you do not bring your grievances forward, no one will assist you.  So, when Hon. Mliswa was giving his grievances, I wanted to inform him that it should be good for him to ask for forgiveness from the party so that he is re-admitted into the party.

*THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Hon. Member, you are out

of order.  May you resume your seat?




  1. HON. P. D. SIBANDA asked the Minister of Energy and Power

Development to state whether the Ministry has a policy to compensate the people who were displaced from the Zambezi Valley during the period 1955 – 1958 to pave way for the construction of Kariba Dam.


DEVELOPMENT (HON. DR. UNDENGE):  Madam Speaker, the

Ministry of Energy and Power Development superintends over Zambezi

River Authority Bi-National Statutory Body jointly owned by the Governments of Zambia and Zimbabwe.  The Zambezi River Authority created a trust fund called Zambezi Valley Development Fund in 1997.  The purpose of the fund is to ameliorate the suffering of displaced communities in the Zambezi Valley through implementation of projects identified by the said communities.

Projects implemented to date include construction of schools, irrigation schemes, clinics and installation of hammer mills.  The Trust Fund is funded by the Zambezi River Authority and Zimbabwe Power Company through monthly contributions of 1% of the monthly water sales invoice.

          HON. P.D SIBANDA: I believe that since this was a question with notice, the Minister should have favoured us with the names of the schools and irrigation schemes that have been done in the Zambezi Valley because I come from there. I know of only one irrigation scheme since 1997 that has been done. Therefore, I do not know whether the Minister is able to supply me with the names of the irrigation schemes and the schools that have been developed from that fund. Thank you Hon. Speaker.

          HON. DR. UNDENGE: Madam Speaker, I will certainly furnish the Hon. Member with the names of schools, clinics and irrigation schemes which have been funded and developed by the Zambezi River Authority. I thank you.

          HON. GABBUZA: Madam Speaker, if the fund is jointly managed by both Zambia and Zimbabwe, why is there such a wide disparity between what Zambians are getting from what Zimbabweans are getting? Like my colleague has said, only two projects in Zimbabwe have been funded but in Zambia almost in every ward there is a clinic which was built by the Zambezi River Authority.

          HON. DR. UNDENGE: Madam Speaker, sometimes I wonder

whether they come from the Zambezi valley because we have so many projects that have been developed by the Zambezi River Authority. Perhaps, let them allow me to come and furnish them with what has been done because what he is telling me is his counterpart in Zambia seems to be more informed. However, I will ensure that they are also informed about what has happened on the Zimbabwe side. Thank you.


Thank you Hon. Minister, I think that is the best, that you bring the information to the House.


  1. HON. GANGARAHWE asked the Minister of Energy and

Power Development, to indicate when the following schools in

Mhondoro-Mubaira constituency would be electrified considering that the connection fees were paid 2 years back:

  • Mavhudzi Primary School in Ward 8;
  • Nyamweda Primary School in Ward 10; (c) Zibhowa Primary School in Ward 4; and

                (d)    Chief Nyamweda’s homestead.


DEVELOPMENT (HON. DR. UNDENGE): Mr. Speaker Sir, I would

like to inform you that electricity connection to Mavhudzi and Nyamweda Primary Schools was scheduled to be carried out during the month of March, 2017. The delays were due to shortage of prepaid meters. The Region has since received some prepaid meters and ZETDC is in the process of clearing connection backlogs, giving priority to schools and hospitals. As for Zibhowa Primary School, seven paid up points at the school were connected two weeks ago. Chief Nyamweda’s homestead will be connected by the week ending 24 March, 2017. ZETDC is currently in the process of ordering materials for the connection.  



  1. HON. GANGARAHWE asked the Minister of Energy and

Power Development, to explain why the Zimbabwe Electricity

Transmission and Distribution Company disconnected electricity at

Chipashu Primary School in Mhondoro-Mubaira Constituency in Ward 4 a year ago, in view of the fact that when they connected electricity they had proof of payment.


DEVELOPMENT (HON. DR. UNDENGE): Madam Speaker, may I

clarify that Chipashu Primary School was not disconnected from the grid. However, five clients at the school who had not paid their connection fees were the ones that were disconnected. The clients have since regularised their supply contracts and have been reconnected after they paid standard connections fees.



  1. HON. GANGARAHWE asked the Minister of Energy and

Power Development, to state when the Rural Electrification Agency (REA) would electrify the following schools in Mhondoro-Mubaira constituency, given that REA failed to complete the 2016 roll out programme:

  • Gonza Secondary School in Ward 8
  • Makuvatsine Primary School in Ward 8
  • Gora Primary Schools in Ward 6
  • Nyokandove Primary School in Ward 7
  • Peters Primary School in Ward 7
  • Chibikira Primary School in Ward 1
  • Muzavazi Primary School in Ward 27
  • Gavaza Primary school in Ward 5
  • Gavaza Secondary School in Ward 5



response to questions raised by Hon. Gangarahwe, Makuvatsine Primary School is scheduled for electrification in 2017, subject to budgetary provisions. Muzavazi Primary School near Watyoka Rural Service Centre was electrified prior to 2002 although the transformer is faulty.

Rwizi (Gavaza) Primary and Secondary Schools are both electrified.

Gonza Secondary School is electrified.

With respect to Gora Primary School which is 5 km from the existing 11 kv grid network; Nyokandove Primary School which is 5 km from the existing 11 kv grid network; Chabikira Primary School which is 1, 5 km from the existing 11 kv grid network and St. Peters Primary School which is 1.3 km from the existing 11 kv grid network. Mr. Speaker Sir, the Rural Electrification Fund (REF) is currently working on a Rural Electrification Master Plan (REMP) which should be completed this year. Once produced and adopted, this document will form the basis for programming all electrification projects in the rural areas including the four institutions above.



  1. HON. M. S NDLOVU asked the Minister of Agriculture

Mechanisation and Irrigation Development to inform the House when silos would be provided at the Grain Marketing Board (GMB) depot in Plumtree.



Speaker, I want to thank the Hon. Member and I respond as follows; that GMB provides silos when the capacity exceeds 1 500 metric tonnes. At the moment, the depot that is there is adequate for the grains in the area. That is what I can say but seasonally, this year we are expecting that this area will certainly produce more than the level that I have talked about.

So the matter will be looked at as we get the capacity.  Thank you.


  1. HON. M. M. MPOFU asked the Minister of Agriculture,

Mechanisation and Irrigation Development, to explain to the House what measures the Ministry has put in place to conveniently and easily access maize buying points in rural areas, in view of the anticipated bumper harvest, following the above normal rains during the 2016-2017 farming season?


response to that question is that GMB is identifying areas to establish collection points that will be opened in April, as I also indicated during the session on the questions without notice.

*HON. CHAMISA:  I heard the question raised by Hon. Mpofu concerning where grain will be procured.  We want you to explain the validity of us having a bumper harvest because the other day, I heard the Minister of Finance and Economic Development saying we are expecting 3 million metric tonnes of maize and I heard Hon. Minister Made on radio saying we are expecting 2 million metric tonnes.  So far we have two conflicting figures.  What really is the truth of the matter so that we can adequately prepare for the bumper harvest that lies ahead of us?

          HON. DR. MADE:  To respond to the Hon member; as he rightly said, we have made some projections and we have certain expectations that we look at because we cannot go to every household to check what they are expecting.  Overally, when we look at cereals we are looking at maize, small grains etcetera, so the Minister did not make a mistake when he gave his figure because this is a global situation.  So, when we say 2 million, within that range it could be 2.5 million and if we include all those other items, that range will move to 3 million and that is acceptable for now.  But when we do the actual harvesting, that is when we take the final position.  So, the first round we look at the hectares planted, second round is expected output then lastly, we look at what is marketed to the various institutions. I thank you.


  1. HON. M. M. MPOFU asked the Minister of Agriculture,

Mechanisation and Irrigation Development, to inform the House what budgetary allocations have been set aside to cater for the timeous payment to farmers who would deliver maize to GMB as an incentive and also to motivate them so that they maximize production of maize in future


have already alluded to, farmers will be paid just as what happened for the 2015/2016 season, where all farmers who delivered maize and wheat have been paid.  Farmers are now not only encouraged but must open bank accounts. We have already appealed to the banks to go out to the farmers and make sure that they facilitate ease of opening bank accounts.


  1.   HON. M. M. MPOFU asked the Minister of Agriculture,

Mechanisation and Irrigation Development, to explain to the House what measures the Ministry has put in place to combat the outbreak of red locusts which have the potential of destroying the anticipated good harvest throughout the country.


has not been an outbreak of red locusts in Zimbabwe this rainy season.  However, the Ministry is on full alert and monitoring the situation through the International Red Locust Control Organisation for Central and Southern Africa (IRLCO-CSA).


  1. HON. NDLOVU asked the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development to inform the House when a bridge would be constructed across Tjankwa river, considering that pupils spend as many as 2 to 3 weeks without attending lessons owing to the flooded river.



MADANHA):  I am advised that the existing drainage structure at Tjankwa on the Plumtree-Samenani road is a low causeway, which will need upgrading at some point in the future.  However, there are other roads in the province with a higher priority such as Bulawayo-Nkayi; Bulawayo-Tsholotsho and Plumtree-Mpoengs, which my Ministry has to

attend to first.



  1. HON. S. M. NDLOVU asked the Minister of Transport and

Infrastructural Development to inform the House on the Ministry’s position regarding a newspaper article to the effect that Plumtree- Tsholotsho road was tarred.



MADANHA):  The Plumtree-Tsholotsho road is a gravel road.  The article that appeared in the newspaper is erroneous.  The road requires re-gravelling in the short term but this repair work requires a substantial amount of funding and this has not been availed as yet.  Due to the limited funding availed, the Department of Roads was only able to carry out maintenance grading.  Re-gravelling will be carried out when the required funding is availed.  The long term plans are to tar surface the road, subject to availability of funds. I thank you.

HON. GABBUZA: Madam Speaker, this was one of the roads that was advertised for BOT and many others – advertisements were flighted and after that, the Ministry just went quiet.  Were there no takers for all these roads?  What exactly was the problem?

HON. MADANHA:  It is very unfortunate that personally, I never saw the advert as such but the position right now is that the advert was erroneous.  I do not know how it ended up in the newspaper.

HON. NDUNA:  We have a lot of road making equipment like graders and ancillary in the army engineers corps which the Minister alluded to earlier when he said military men or the army can build belly bridges in no time at all across any stream and river if so required and if called upon to do so.

My question that borders on a supplementary is, how far is the Ministry in terms of relating with the army in order to mitigate on the effect of destruction of roads with a view of optimally utilising their equipment that they have got and their expertise?


are you still speaking to the newspaper article question that was raised by the first speaker.

HON. NDUNA:  Yes, I am speaking to the maintenance, regarding the reconstruction of the road.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  It is not arising from the

response from the Minister.  I think you can ask it on the other questions that are going to be asked.

HON. S.N. NDLOVU:  I have a supplementary question on the

Plumtree-Tsholotsho Road.  I think the Minister is mixing the two.

There was an article by Hon. Minister Gumbo….

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Order Hon Ndlovu.  I said the

next question because the Hon. Minister has already responded to that effect.

HON. S.N. NDLOVU:  He has responded but he is putting two articles separately.  Hon. Gabbuza has said there were advertisements that were flighted about the tender to deal with this road but the article that came out was given out by Hon. Gumbo – the Minister now but the advertisements were flighted when Hon. Mpofu was still the Minister of Transport.  He should not mix the two.

HON. MADANHA:  The answer that I have availed is the correct position of the Ministry of Transport.  This answer is actually coming from the department of roads who are indicating that the newspaper article was an error.  I think that is the final answer that I can avail to this House.


  1. HON. S.M. NDLOVU asked the Minister of Transport and

Infrastructural Development to explain why the Westfield Tsholotsho Road has not been graded for the past 15 years yet its feeder roads are graded yearly.



Madam Speaker, the Westfield-Tsholotsho Road falls under the jurisdiction of Umguza R.D.C and the official name is SeafieldTsholotsho.  According to the R.D.C, maintenance grading was last carried out in 2014.  This intervention might not have had a lot of impact as the road requires re-gravelling.  To that effect, the road has been put into the re-gravelling programme for Umguza R.D.C for 2017.  I thank you.

          HON. S.M. NDLOVU:  I have a point of clarification to make.  This road passes right through the constituency of Bulilima East and is nowhere near Umguza which is being talked about here.

          HON. MADANHA:  What I am saying Madam Speaker is that the

road falls under the purview of the Umguza R.D.C.  I never said it goes through Umguza R.D.C - [HON. MEMBERS:  Inaudible interjections.]


          HON. S. M. NDLOVU:  I am perplexed that people think that I am mistaking the English that was spoken.  The road passes...

          THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Order Hon. Ndlovu.  Order,

order Hon. Ndlovu.  I have allowed you to ask the new question.  This is what I want you to stick to.  There is no need to defend yourself in the House.

Hon. Munengami having stood up to ask a question on behalf of an absent Hon. Member.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Order, order Hon. Members!  Order!  Order Hon. Munengami! I will not allow anyone to stand on behalf of another Member of Parliament unless the necessary procedure has been made.  In this case, there was no communication to the Speaker so I will not allow that.


  1. HON. M. M. MPOFU asked the Minister of Transport and

Infrastructural Development, to explain to the House what the Ministry’s plans are as regards the damaged bridges caused by incessant rains and also on upgrading low level bridges which hinder movement of community members and school children when accessing essential services such as hospitals/ clinics, police stations and schools as was the case in the Silobela Constituency where bridges leading to Silobela

District Hospital, Loreto High and Primary Schools and Silobela ZRP Police Station at some point were over flooded for over four consecutive days.


MADANHA):  Madam Speaker, the incessant rains that the country has received this season have resulted in the further deterioration of our already aged road networks.  This damage has been further worsened by flooding especially in the southern provinces caused by cyclone Dineo.  The Ministry of Finance and Economic Development has so far raised $15.3 million of the $100 million that is required for the emergency road repair programme.  This money is to be availed to all road authorities, Department of Roads, Urban Councils, District Development Fund and Rural District Council.

          The Department of Roads has compiled the requirements for the damages on the major road networks and the estimated cost for repairs is

$18.2 million nationally.  This cost does not include the cost of upgrading structures that are low lying and prone to flooding but are intact.  Priority for repairs is going to be placed on major links.  For example, the Masvingo to Mbalabala Bridge, wash away and missing links to vital services.  The final goal is to have every wash away repaired.  The bridges that were flooded will be attended to after the missing links have been replaced.  I thank you Madam Speaker.

            HON. NDUNA:  My supplementary question is, the Hon. Deputy

Minister is a product of the army engineers corps himself.  He is aware that the army also has an engineers corps which can effectively, efficiently and expeditiously lay infrastructure for the good of the people in any set up so that we can quickly traffic any disused bridge situation, any impassable stream or river.  To what extent has the Ministry engaged the army in order to mitigate such effects without just engaging them for nothing because we have been informed that there is money for that purpose?  To what extent have you engaged the army for payment purposes for them to expeditiously lay belly bridges and infrastructure in no time at all in order to put infrastructure for the betterment of the citizenry because we owe the goodness of our roads to the people of Zimbabwe and posterity?

           HON. ENG. MADANHA:  Thank you Madam Speaker, I want to

thank Hon. Nduna for the supplementary question.  I think the regulation states that when you do work, you must be paid for it.

          I want this august House to know that we have engaged the army, not only for the emergency works.  I am well aware that the army has even submitted their expression of interest to work on most of our programmes.  A clear example that I may want this House to know is on the construction of the Beitbridge/Harare/Chirundu Road including the Harare ring-road where the army has expressed its interest to come and work on this project.  Let it be known that for the local contractors, we have reserved 40% of the total contract sum on this road which will be shared amongst those contractors who are going to work on this programme.

          As far as the emergency works are concerned, we have definitely engaged the army whom we have specifically requested for the supply of belly bridges because most of our roads have been cut due to the collapse of infrastructural structures like bridges, culverts and shelverts.  The army usually uses the belly bridges which are mounted within no time and can be dismounted when a proper bridge is constructed.  So, I would like to appreciate and thank the army who have actually accepted to intervene and come and work with us.  I know preparations are in progress and we are going to start working with the army for all those emergency works.  I thank you.

          HON. PHIRI:  My supplementary question is on councils.  The Hon. Minister spoke about major roads and link roads as most of them have been destroyed.  Where exactly do councils come in?  Also, how can the local people assist in mending these roads?

           HON. ENG. MADANHA:  Thank you Madam Speaker, I want to

thank the Hon. Member for asking a very important question.

          Let me make it clear that in this country, we have four entities that are responsible for road construction, maintenance and rehabilitation.  The Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development is mainly in charge of major roads but we have gravel and earth roads.  Both these roads have categories.  If you look at your road maps, you will find that most of these roads have numbers which indicate to which entity the road belongs. I appreciate the Hon. Member has pointed out that our Rural District Councils do not have capacity to work on most projects,  something which we have encouraged them, through ZINARA, to improve on their capacity in terms of recruiting engineers and technicians who can manage the money that they are receiving from ZINARA for road maintenance.

In as far as where the community can intervene, let me also suggest to this House that we are mooting ideas of introducing labour based technologies whereby we are going to ask the communities to come and work on the roads.  They will be trained and paid salaries.  In the Ministry, we have experience that such work will produce work which is just equivalent to what machines can produce.  So I think this is one area where the communities can benefit on the works that are happening on the roads.  I thank you Madam Speaker.



  1. HON. S. MPOFU asked the Minister of Transport and

Infrastructural Development, to explain to the House the Government policy regarding the health of officers manning the tollgates, considering that they are exposed to poisonous fumes emitted by vehicles passing through the tollgates especially those who sit inside the cubicles.



MADANHA):  Thank you Madam Speaker.  ZINARA installed fresh

air ducts on 40 out of the 65 tolling booths countrywide.  These fresh air ducts bring in fresh air into the booths to counter the outside air.  A maintenance plan is in place to allow for repairs of the ducts periodically whilst checks of the amount of fumes or emissions from outside sources is measured every quarter through environmental hygiene surveys to track both outside and personal exposure levels.  Madam Speaker, employees also go for yearly periodicals to ascertain their health status as another control measure.  Tool box stocks on effects of fumes are also undertaken for awareness.

          ZINARA is in the process of completing the installations of the same fresh air ducts to the remaining 25 touring booths.  The process will be done before the end of the second quarter.  I thank you Madam Speaker.

          HON. MUTSEYAMI: My supplementary question is, may you

kindly put it on record that as we speak, those officers manning tollgates are being attended to in terms of their health.  May you please put it on record to this Parliament?

          HON. ENG. MADANHA: Thank you Madam Speaker.  I think

the answer has said it all that there is a programme; there is a plan to attend to all those working in those environments.  This is something which has been recently introduced and maybe in one or another, they have been effective but…

          THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Hon. Minister Madanha, the

Hon. Member is asking if you can confirm that all is in order in terms of the health of all those workers.

          HON. ENG. MADANHA: I confirm Madam Speaker, because

there was one Hon. Member who asked last month.  That is when people start moving and putting these….

          THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: That is the question because

the Minister said she must put it in writing.

          HON. ENG. MADANHA: I confirm.

          HON. MUTSEYAMI: Sorry Madam Speaker, the Minister had

not confirmed.

          THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: He said he confirms, Hon.


          HON. MUTSEYAMI: He put it to the House that they are in

preparation to attend to those situations but right now, we have officers who are manning tollgates who are being exposed to the fumes.  My question is, as we speak today, are you attending to officers in terms of their health or you are preparing to?

            THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Order, order Hon. Mutseyami.

The Minister has confirmed according to what he said.  I clarified the question to him and then he said he confirms.  So, if you want you can go and check.



  1. HON. KANHANGA asked the Minister of Agriculture,

Mechanisation and Irrigation Development to inform the House what the

Ministry is doing to bring sanity in cases where beneficiaries;

  1. Did not have land and capacity and have converted inputs to personal use.
  2. Have not paid back anything ever since they were allocated
  3. Have abused inputs at district level and have not utilized the land despite the fact that they were supplied with requisite measures at the express of productive farmers.




  1. Matters have been reported to the police and the culprits have been brought to book.
  2. I am not aware of any of these cases.
  3. I am not aware of inputs that have been abused at the district level.



  1.   HON. MUDARIKWA asked the Minister of Agriculture,

Mechanisation and Irrigation Development to explain to the House

  • Why the Grain Marketing Board (GMB) flighted an advertisement for a tender of 50 000 metric tonnes of maize and to further clarify whether that is not an indirect way of       setting the price of maize as GMB does not seem to have a       set price for maize?
  • Why the advertised tender is meant for millers only and no other consumers of maize?



  • The GMB is either acquiring or disposing of its products as a public institution is required to float a tender in order to achieve transparency and value for money. The answer to question
  • The disposal of grain through tender is meant for bona fide



  1. SANSOLE asked the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development to inform the House what plans are in  place to repair the damaged culvert along the Hwange-Deka Road, about  17km outside Hwange town, where the gravel surface below the tarmac  has been eroded to the extent that the road surface has collapsed, posing  a serious hazard to the lives of motorists.



MADANHA):  The wash away at the 17km peg was caused by water that over topped the culvert.  Materials for the repairs have been received and work will commence once the incessant rains have subsided.




  1. SANSOLE asked the Minister of Transport and

 Infrastructural Development to inform the House on the measures that  the Ministry has put in place to make it obligatory for the coal mining  companies between Hwange Town and Deka River to repair the Hwange  – Deka road, which has been extensively damaged by heavy vehicles  plying that route.



MADANHA): The Section in question is trafficked by heavy vehicles  hauling coal from the adjacent mines.  Previously, we engaged the mines  to carry out maintenance activities on this section and they did so to  enable other light vehicles to use the road without challenges.  We will  re-engage the mines to continue with the maintenance works.



  1. SITHOLE asked the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development to state the total number of vehicles on the country’s roads by category.



Madam Speaker, the total number of vehicles on the country’s roads is 1 166 453 broken down as shown below in the vehicle class categories that apply in Zimbabwe:-

Category of vehicle


12 300 kg net mass (motor vehicles)

933 673

2 301 – 4 600kg net mass (motor vehicles)

53 889

4 601-9001kg net mass (motor vehicles)

50 469

Over 9 001 net mass (motor vehicles)


550kg factory rated load capacity (small trailers)

28 271

1-70 cm3 engine capacity (motor cycles)

7 322

Over 70cm3 engine capacity (motor cycles)

39 218

Tractors and farm equipment

23 623



  1. SITHOLE asked the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development, to inform the House what the total length  of tarred roads in Harare and in Chitungwiza is.



Madam Speaker, the total length of tarred roads in Harare and in Chitungwiza is 4 300 km and 432 km respectively.  I thank you.

          Questions with Notice were interrupted by THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER in terms of Standing Order Number 64.

             *HON. CHINOTIMBA: On a point of order Madam Speaker.  I

move that the time for questions with notice be extended. – [AN HON. MEMBER: Haiti kuwedzerwa.] – If it cannot be extended, it is okay but you are not the Speaker.

            THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: There is an objection, so I can

no longer extend the time.



[H.B. 2, 2017.]


and Reconciliation Commission Bill (H. B2, 2017).

          Bill read the first time.

          Bill referred to the Parliamentary Legal Committee.




ZimCHEER Herald is a publication that outlines the Ministry of Youth, Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment initiatives to identify, acknowledge and celebrate Zimbabwe young entrepreneurs who are innovatively, enterprisingly and resiliently contributing to Zimbabwe’s sustainable socio-economic transformation and development.

          The ZimCHEER initiative is motivated by His Excellency,

President R.G. Mugabe’s clarion call in 1986, that youth must play an equally crucial vanguard role in the struggle for economic power by solving the remaining contradictions of economic independence in the same way that youth played a crucial vanguard role in the struggle for political independence by solving the then contradictions of political power.  His Excellency consistently directed that our political independence must lead us to economic independence.

          Pursuant to this, the Ministry of Youth, Indigenisation and

Empowerment Development will be celebrating Zimbabwe’s champions and heroes of the economic empowerment revolution.  During the last quarter of 2016, the Ministry of Youth, Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment, through all of its youth officers spread across all the country’s wards, districts and provinces, has identified 39, 385 young entrepreneurs who have created a total of 93, 692 jobs.

          The ZimCHEER initiative is consistent with  His Excellency,

President R. G. Mugabe’s statement during the 21st February Movement

Celebrations in 2016 that “Our development thrust as a nation recognises that youth constitutes, not only the majority of our economically active population but also forms a critical productive force in our country.  Our first commitment is to empower the youth so that they become creators of employment and that we can accommodate them in various sectors of the economy.  This will be done by allocating given percentages of operations in the economic sectors, including land. In line with ZIM ASSET, our vast natural resources will be effectively exploited as we add value to them with effective participation of the youth, thus creating a more employment for them”.

          Volume 1, Issue 1 of the ZimCHEER Herald published in the first quarter of 2017, celebrates His Excellency President R. G. Mugabe’s legacy of nurturing young economic champions and heroes in the new frontier of the economic empowerment revolution in order to harness the youth demographic dividend. Consistent with Government’s superlative record of investing in Zimbabwe’s young people, Zimbabwe is poised to harness a demographic dividend so as to further the country’s economic transformation and growth within the ZIM ASSET Framework.

          The ZimCHEER initiative is part of the measures designed to integrate young people within the country’s developmental agenda. To that end, the Zimbabwe Youth Council has also established four anchor companies to allow young people to contribute to the four clusters of ZIM ASSET. These include:

  • Youth Feed Zimbabwe;
  • Youth Shape Zimbabwe;
  • Youth Make Zimbabwe; and Youth Employ Zimbabwe.

Furthermore, the Government will facilitate the establishment of Empower Bank as an Innovative Micro-Level Financial and Merchant Banking Services Institution.

The Ministry of Youth, Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment is implementing the Zimbabwe Youth Empowerment Strategy for

Investment’s Youth Empowerment Model which consists of three components.  The ZimCHEER initiative is the first component that identifies and celebrates young innovative, enterprising and resilient young people, upgrades the young entrepreneurs vocational training, entrepreneurial and technical skills of our Vocational Training Centres and National Youth Service sites, facilitates coaching, mentorship and incubation, and assists them in protecting their ideas and innovations.

The Youth Empowerment Model’s second component provides aggregated support services through four business eco-systems anchor companies in accordance with the four clusters of the ZIM ASSET namely; Youth Feed Zimbabwe, Youth Make Zimbabwe, Youth Shape Zimbabwe and Youth Employ Zimbabwe.

The third component of the Youth Empowerment Model facilitates for youth financial inclusion by encompassing financial advisory and support services and Micro-finance through Empower Bank.

Zimbabwe’s young entrepreneurs have displayed a tremendous amount of innovation, enterprise and resilience. We do have a very good story to tell. Our young entrepreneurs are Zimbabwe’s Champions and Heroes of the Economic Empowerment Revolution. They are our very own ZimCHEER. The very first edition of the ZimCHEER Herald profiles only 20 of the 39 385 young entrepreneurs indentified throughout the country.

The Hon. Deputy Minister Tongofa holding the Volume 1 of the ZimCHEER Herald Book. 

Mr. Speaker Sir, this is the Volume 1 of the ZimCHEER Herald which we are launching and we will give each Hon. Member to go through it. We used our own youth officers to gather information about young people who are in each constituency and we have got 39 385 young people who are engaged in business activities. These are the young people and 20 of them are in this Herald. These are the young people who will be capacitated with the money from the Empower Bank.

So, each constituency should have its own young people who are already engaged in business and this is the first edition of the

ZimCHEER Herald. Because we have been witnessing non performing loans from young people, because they were receiving loans without proper training when they were not doing anything and most of them were not using the money for the business purposes, but some of them were diverting the money for other things other than the business issues.

 We have decided to gather data from the various constituencies of the young people who are already doing something and these are some of the young people who are doing something in their constituencies. We are also saying these are the people who deserve to be capacitated and to be given the money from our Empower Bank when we start operating. I thank you.

On the motion of  HON. MATUKE, seconded by HON. D.

SIBANDA, the House adjourned at One Minute past Five o’clock p.m.



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