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Thursday, 24th February, 2022

The National Assembly met at a Quarter-past Two O’clock p.m.





THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  In terms of Section 39 (7) (a) of the Electoral Act, Chapter 2 (13), I have been notified by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) that Moreblessing Tembo of MDC-T party has been duly appointed a party list Member of the National Assembly for the Bulawayo Metropolitan Province with effect from 18th February, 2022. 

Section 128 (1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe provides that before a Member of Parliament takes his or her seat in Parliament, the Member must take the oath of a Member of Parliament in the form set out in the third schedule.  Section 128 (2) states that the oath must be taken before the Clerk of Parliament.  I therefore call upon the Clerk of Parliament to administer the Oath of a Member of Parliament to Hon. Moreblessing Tembo.


HON. MOREBLESSING TEMBO subscribed to the Oath of Loyalty as required by the law and took her seat – [HON. MEMBERS:  Hear, hear.] –


THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  I have to inform the House that Hon. Sen. Eng. E. Mudzuri is replacing Hon. P. Misihairabwi-Mushonga as delegate for the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly. 

HON. TEKESHE:  Thank you Madam Speaker Ma’am.  I would like to compliment Hon. Mhona, Minister of Transport for walking the talk.  Last time when he was in the House, he asked Members not to wait for Question Time.  If you find anything amiss in his Ministry, you just phone him and he will address the issue.  I phoned him and he acted swiftly.  I was very happy.  He gave me value as an MP – [HON. MEMBERS:  Hear, hear.] -  I wish all the Ministers would do the same and act the way Hon. Mhona acted. 



  HON. TOGAREPI:   I move that Orders of the Day Number 1 to 14 on today’s Order Paper be stood over until Order Number 15 has been disposed of. 

  HON. TEKESHE:  I second.

  Motion put and agreed to. 



HON. TOGAREPI:  I move the motion standing in my name that this House-

MINDFUL that at the attainment of Zimbabwe` s Independence in 1980, the Government of the First Republic extended an olive branch of peace as an          endeavour to show its unwavering commitment to reconciliation with the erstwhile enemies as a way of fostering peace, tranquillity and lasting unity;

  DISTURBED that the imperialists and their surrogates deliberately sought to undermine such noble gestures by Government and resorted to diabolic strategies at the instigation of their paymasters and embarked on a smear campaign meant to vilify all noble efforts to achieve everlasting peace for the First Republic and its generations to come;

  COGNISANT that the same forces of imperialism supported by their kith and kin have always been at the forefront of the under develop campaign of our motherland and have shamelessly perpetrated the most heinous crimes ever on the black majority since the inception of colonialism;

  CONDEMNING IN THE STRONGEST OF TERMS the unethical practice by our former colonisers who de-cultured our people and portrayed our land as that of uncivilised and poverty stricken tribesmen all in the quest to entrench their hegemony and to grab the land for their personal aggrandisement, with no form of reparation to the dispossessed black majority, the rightful owners of the land;

  NOTING WITH DISDAIN that more than four decades after the attainment of our independence, there are some die hard imperialists who still suffer from          nostalgia and dream of repossessing our land, our heritage, through spurious and unfounded arguments that they deserve reparation from our Government for the land that was rightfully repossessed and handed over to its owners, the          people of Zimbabwe,

  NOW, THEREFORE, in view of the foregoing,

  1. Calls upon our citizens to stand firm in solidarity and thwart any attempts by forces of imperialism to even raise in any form, issues to do with any form of compensation to such misguided malcontents;
  2. Demand restitution from the countries that caused untold sufferings to the Black majority and unduly benefitted from the economic resources of our land;
  3. Demand reparation for each of the years that the country laboured under the bondage of colonialism; and

Strongly condemn the imposition of sanctions on Zimbabwe for repossessing its land from imperialists.

         (V) HON. RAIDZA:  I second.

  HON. TOGAREPI:  Thank you Madam Speaker.  I have come here with a heavy heart to move this motion and it has been my wish since I came into Parliament that I would move this motion.  I want to speak on behalf of the people of Zimbabwe; on behalf of the veterans of the liberation struggle and many of my people who suffered because they were exposed to the vagaries of colonialism.

As I present this motion, I am aware that at the attainment of Zimbabwe’s independence in 1980, the Government of the First Republic extended an olive branch of peace, as an endevour to show its unwavering commitment to reconciliation with the East world enemies as a way of fostering peace, tranquility and lasting unity.  I am disturbed that the imperialists and their surrogates deliberately sought and still seek to undermine such a noble idea by Government and resorted to diabolic strategies of vengeance after losing the war of liberation against the sons and daughters of Zimbabwe.

They have embarked on a smear campaign meant to vilify all noble efforts to achieve everlasting peace during the First Republic and again in the Second Republic, they are still attacking us and causing a lot of suffering to the people of Zimbabwe.  I am cognisant that the same forces of imperialism are supported by their kith and keen who are bitter that we repossessed our stolen land.  I condemn in the strongest terms the unethical practice by our former colonisers who de-cultured our people, portrayed us as uncivilised and poverty stricken tribesmen, all in the quest to entrench their hegemony and grab the land for their personal use and for their descendants, with no form of reparations to the disposed Blacks, the rightful owners of the land.

I note with disdain that more than four decades after the attainment of independence, there are some die-hard imperialists who still suffer from the nostalgia and dream of re-colonising Zimbabwe.  Their descendants must pay for the effects of colonialism.  Zimbabwe will never be a colony again.

Madam Speaker Ma’am, the people of Zimbabwe, young and old demand that the British pay reparations for the crimes committed during colonisation and after the creation of their surrogate Government of Rhodesia.  The British committed crimes against humanity on our land.  They continue to do so to this day with impunity, through imposing illegal sanctions.  Zimbabwe has to be compensated for the damage it suffered as a result of colonialism as our forefathers were dispossessed of their assets – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] – This disadvantaged the native Blacks to date.  The process of colonisation was heinous and very cruel.

  The British during colonialism killed our people, tortured those who dared to resist them, forcibly took our land, took our cattle, raped our women, displaced our people to arid and disease infested areas, imposed their culture and religion on us.  During the liberation struggle with the complicity of the British, their surrogate Rhodesian Government used chemical weapons on innocent civilians.  They poisoned community water sources, hanged thousands of our people, killed children and women, bombed civilians and bombed refugees in Mozambique and Zambia.  Mass graves are all over Zimbabwe: Kambingoma and Ndeende, Gutu are evidence to the British atrocities.  This is why I say the British must pay for their sins.  They must pay the people of Zimbabwe for the heinous colonial process they did to the people of Zimbabwe.

Madam Speaker, the German Government agreed to pay billions of dollars to compensate the Namibians; the Herero, their particular tribe that suffered at the hands of the Germans for the crime of colonisation as they do accept that this was an evil act.  Why can the British not do the same here in Zimbabwe for the people they killed, for the torture they did to our people?  The British already demonstrated that they can compensate.  They have compensated the veterans of the Kenyan people for the same atrocities.  Why can they not come and compensate us, pay reparations to the people of Zimbabwe yet they butchered our people, took their skulls for trophies in their museums.  Yes, they have remains of our First Chimurenga heroes as trophies of conquest.  They have them and that is the evidence that even the United Nations (UN) can use against the British.  There is evidence - they took away the remains of our people into their museums, which people they killed, tortured, or hanged - they must pay.

  This is indisputable evidence of crimes against humanity perpetrated to our various generations, which can only be healed through reparations and public admission of crimes committed during colonialism.  The former colonialists, instead of accepting the responsibility of colonisation and support the Government, they believe they are a superior race.  The imposition of illegal sanctions on Zimbabwe, after it embarked on the land reform which was meant to correct the historical injustice, is testimony of how unrepentant these former colonial thieves are.

  The other day I saw the Queen going around inspecting gold bars stashed in their volts and I asked myself, whether the old woman had any sense as to where the gold was stolen from.  They looted our gold, yet they have the audacity to call Zimbabweans and the rest of Africa poor.  We are poor because the British stole our gold; pay it back Your Majesty.  Pay back the gold.  Pay back the gold and all the minerals you robbed from Zimbabwe. 

  These former colonial plunderers and allies have been using their local puppets to further their agenda to destabilise Zimbabwe since independence.  These puppets are in the form of the opposition, some Non-Governmental Organisations, Churches, Journalists and through these regime change surrogates, the British wish evil upon our motherland.  The imperialists and their stooges try to discredit the Government of Zimbabwe.  They have not condemned the illegal sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe.  Those surrogates, those who run the agenda of the British in Zimbabwe, have refused to condemn sanctions; so we live with them.

  The Government of Zimbabwe, after the West imposed sanctions, turned to the nations which help Zimbabwe maintain its hard won independence but the imperialists went on to vilify the support from friendly nations as part of the regime change agenda supposedly imposed on the nation have been termed to be  targeted, targeted yes to the people of Zimbabwe.  The institutions that were placed on sanctions were economic drivers and this was deliberate to target ordinary citizens of this nation.  Madam Speaker, today they have imposed sanctions and we need to take action. The British must pay for their crimes.  Those who have collaborated with the British and caused the suffering of ordinary Zimbabweans through subversive and treasonous acts should be ashamed of themselves.  I wish they could take their bags and go to their masters.

  Madam Speaker, the agents of imperialists sold their souls for the sake of money.  The whole world agreed that the imposition of sanctions on Zimbabwe is illegal, even the UN Rapporteur condemned the evil illegal sanctions.  What she did was in tandem with the clarion call by SADC, AU, Russia and other progressive nations who want justice for the people of Zimbabwe.  The local agents who support and are still supporting these activities that affect the image of Zimbabwe cannot be allowed to have any stake in the leadership of this country.  They come up with lies, falsehoods and fake abductions in support of the British Empire.  The forces of negation deserve to be thwarted Madam Speaker by enacting a legislation to ban them from public office plus a jail term, which will deter would-be future puppets. 

We need to defend our homeland since the nations which are causing anarchy do have stricter laws to safeguard their sovereignty.  If you go to America today they have the Logan Act to defend their country against sell-outs in their midst.  Here in Zimbabwe, we want to legislate the same to deal with surrogates of imperialism yet the British and their friends claim it is undemocratic; it is against their human rights - very shameful. 

  Madam Speaker, the time is now to take a firm stance and demand reparations from the stubborn and unrepentant British.  I demand reparation from Britain for causing a heinous time to the black Zimbabweans, unduly benefiting from our economic resources.  I demand restitution for each of the years that Zimbabwe laboured under the bondage of colonialism.  I strongly condemn the imposition of sanctions on Zimbabwe for repossessing its land from imperialists.  This shows the former colonizers are still unrepentant, hence I demand that they pay for their sins.  I call upon the United Nations to stand firm in solidarity with the people of Zimbabwe and thwart any attempts by the forces of imperialism to resist the payment of reparations. 

If the United Nations is a democratic institution, it should stand with the people of Zimbabwe.  Our claim is legitimate, many of our people were killed, and our land was taken.  Everywhere they have dug holes, taking our gold and diamonds to build their country; we need that money paid back and the Queen must pay.  I urge even those in the non-governmental organisations, opposition political parties and human rights activists who are funded by the British to subvert our Government to support the call for the British to pay back our gold, copper and other resources they stole from our motherland.

I demand that the British return the remains of our prophets stashed in their museums; I demand that we get back the remains of Chingaira, Nehanda and all the remains of our leaders whom they killed.  My call is for Members of this Parliament to stand with the people of Zimbabwe, to stand with our history and demand that the British pay for their sins, pay for the atrocities and for stealing our resources. This 9th Parliament must stand together and demand that the British pay.  Our Government has done everything to seek re-engagement but the British are poisoning every attempt that we make and they forget that we are in the circumstances that we are in because of the atrocities, and the crimes they committed during colonialism. 

So, re-engagement may work with other countries but the British cannot forgive us for defeating them on the battlefield when we fought to liberate ourselves.  We have evidence in this country, of people who were killed, and if reparations according to the United Nations Charter are paid for what has happened throughout history, they are paying reparations for the reconstruction of Iraq. This is going on as we speak, so the same must be done for this country.  We tried reconciliation Madam Speakerbut it is not working because we are dealing with people who are cruel, who have the audacity to discuss Zimbabwe each and every time they meet yet we extended the hand of peace and reconciliation.  We still have white people here in Zimbabwe who are roaming and doing their business freely yet we know some of them were part and parcel of the heinous killings of our people but we had said let bygones be bygones.

Madam Speaker, we want our gold, we want those gold bars returned to Zimbabwe.  Britain is rich today because of the wealth they have stolen from Africa, Zimbabwe in particular.  We want that gold to come back to Africa, to come back to Zimbabwe.

In conclusion, the people of Zimbabwe out there are worried that we seem to be trying to get blood out of a stone; we are dealing with unrepentant colonizers.  Some are ashamed, some people fall short to make peace with former colonies progressively but they still have nostalgia. The British feel one day they will recognise Zimbabwe and that is why when they discuss Zimbabwe, they think we are a village. They expect us as their leaders and representatives to demand reparations, and that the British pay back our gold.

Madam Speaker, from today, many likeminded Zimbabweans, wherever we are going to meet Britons, we will ask for our gold; I will personally lead that.  They benefited, they are in their state of benefit today because of what was stolen by their forefathers, so I will ask for it.  I will urge them to go to the Queen to ask her to pay us because we want our gold back.

Therefore, to the Queen; we want our gold and diamonds.  Zimbabwe will never be colonised again, our people are ready to defend it, and so there is no question of re-colonisation.  We need our gold now!  I thank you – [Hear, hear.] –

HON. RAIDZA: Thank you Madam Speaker.  I want to thank Hon. Togarepi for affording me an opportunity to second his motion. It is a very important motion and core for who we are as Zimbabweans today.  We have a history as a nation and it cannot be just wished away like that.  We are a recognised country in our own right as Zimbabwe.

Madam Speaker Ma’am, it is not contested up to this day that the land was stolen from us Zimbabweans by our colonisers.  Throughout this whole century up to independency, in 1884, I understand there was a Berlin Conference where these European countries sat down and decided to conquer and colonise Africa.  However, Britain chose to come here and colonised Zimbabwe.

When they came here, they took land, they did not buy and that is the essence of this whole motion. This land was stolen from us Zimbabweans.  This conflict over land led to the war of liberation that happened in Zimbabwe.  For us to be independent in 1980, there were a lot of sacrifices that the sons and daughters of Zimbabwe paid through losing their blood.

  Madam Speaker Ma’am, when these colonisers came, they created a structural imbalance in terms of our land distribution.  They chased the owners of the land to what they used to call the reserved areas where the land was not good for anything and they took over the all the rich land. 

  At one of the censuses carried out, it was found out that there were not more than 220 000 who took over 80% of the good land here in Zimbabwe.  The millions of the black people were driven to the reserved areas or the now called rural areas where the land was not good.

  When the British South African Company came here in Zimbabwe, they did not bring any cent and that is why in this motion we are calling for our country to be paid for what Britain has done to this country.  They did not bring any investment to this nation and say we are going to invest so much and after investing this much for this period, this is the return that we will get out of Zimbabwe.   However, they only got out with the profits that they got from our land; that is why we have a call today to say Britain is liable and they have to pay us back.

The Britons tilled, mined and carried out a number of commercial activities in this country. They benefited a lot whilst we, as the owners of this land, remained poor in our reserved areas.

  Therefore, we are saying today, this is the most opportune time for us to call for these reparations.  As alluded to by Hon. Togarepi the colonisers of nations like Namibia, Germany and Kenya agreed to compensate but our colonisers as Zimbabwe, have got that history of refusing to honour everything.  If we look at the Lancaster House Agreement, we heard that they had agreed that the first 10 years, they were going to find a way to compensate the black majority so they could get their land back. 

  However, round about 1990 we had the Government of the former Prime Minister of Britain, Tony Blair reneging on that contract saying they were no longer liable.  As the owners of the land, we were left with no option but to come up with some legislative processes to make sure that we take back what belonged to us. 

The issue of land Madam Speaker, is a very big issue, that is why the sons and daughters of Zimbabwe took up arms and said enough is enough, we want our land back.  Land is the means of production and that is why the Britons came here, they knew that.  Without land, you cannot talk about any economy.  That is why we have decided to say this is the time to get our land back so that we can start working for ourselves because we have realised that nyika inovakwa nevene vayo. 

After the processes of taking back the land started, the enemy did not keep quiet but came back with a number of strategies to make sure that they disturb the country because they knew that the moment they do not disturb us, we were going to become very successful. As long as we have our land, we have got the labour because when they came here, they did not bring their own labour. They came and took our brothers, sisters, grandmothers and forefathers to go and work for them and so they did not bring any labour.

  They knew that as long as they have got the land, our own land and we have our own labour, it was obvious that we were going to become successful as black Africans. They realised that we will become economically independent but their plan was for us to remain dependent on them. We are grateful for the initiatives which were taken by our First Republic, that they went on despite these things which were already obvious that the coloniser was going to hit us back.

They hit us back in the form of sanctions and I think we are all aware of the reason why we are having the sanctions today as a nation. Some of the people or even these colonisers make our people to believe that these sanctions are targeted. This assertion was already rebutted by the UN representative who came to Zimbabwe to say no, these sanctions that are being publicised like they are targeted were not targeted. Likewisw, the United Nations came and found that out for themselves. The rapporteur found out that these sanctions are hurting ordinary Zimbabweans.

  We can give very good examples. We have private companies who have got funds that are locked outside. We have got private companies who cannot access the lines of credit and now we wonder to say some of these companies are not on their list of the targeted people that they want to target. We see that these colonisers were targeting our economy. That is why now if you go to the industries, we realise that there is no serious production that is taking place. Our companies are incapacitated. They cannot do business.

  We are going to continue this song that sanctions must go. We are grateful as well on this front that SADC saw it fit to support us as Zimbabwe and declare a day of commemorating these sanctions and continue calling for these sanctions to go. SADC as a block are helping us as well to make sure that these sanctions are removed. Sanctions are hurting all of us and even the people that they are claiming that they are not targeting because if our health infrastructure is not working, who will go to those hospitals? It is us and if we do not have medicine, it is us as ordinary people as well. If our economy is not performing because of these sanctions, it affects us because the prices of goods are going up.

  We need to unite and it is not supposed to be a one party song or the Government song but it has to be for all of us. We hear some in our opposition party circles calling for these sanctions to go. This is the kind of spirit that we need. We are Zimbabweans and Zimbabwe comes first to all of us. These issues that affect us lead us to be united and to speak with one voice because the enemy is coming in to divide and rule us. We are saying today, no to divide and rule. We need our country to be allowed to operate as an independent State.

  We will never be a colony again. These are some of the moral issues that Britain has to look at and say these people have suffered enough prejudice. So we need to play our part. We need to make sure that we reparate - we pay. What is wrong to bring back what you have stolen? It is not right to take what does not belong to you. This is the time that Britain must bring back what they have stolen. Today we look like we are a poor country – how can we be compared to developed nations whilst we had a century of our resources which were being stolen? There is no way that we can be at the same level with them.

  They had an opportunity of more than years of looting from us and now we are starting from where they have lost and you wonder at times what their interest is in a small nation like ours. They know what is in this country and that is why they want to keep their eye on us and in whatever that we do and wherever we go. We understand His Excellency Dr. E. D. Mnangagwa came up with the re-engagement efforts and they are following everywhere like what Hon. Togarepi has said, but we are very grateful as many nations where our President is visiting and is engaging. They are seeing what we are talking about today. That is why we see a number of countries trying to make friendship with us because it is his motto that we must not be an enemy to anyone. We must be a good friend to everyone.

  This is the time that Britain must give us an apology and it is good that they apologise so that we move forward. They might think that by giving a hand of reconciliation as a nation, we have forgotten. We have forgiven but we did not forget what they have done to us and that is why we continue to talk about it today. So I am here to support the motion, the request, the proposal and the prayer from the motion by Hon. Togarepi that this is the time that the sanctions must go. We need to get the reparations and we need to be paid for what was stolen from us. Thank you.

  HON. NDUNA: Thank you Madam Speaker and good afternoon to you.

  THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Good afternoon Hon. Nduna.

  HON. NDUNA: I will endeavour to add my voice to the motion by Hon. Togarepi, seconded by Hon. Raidza. I see the Clerk of Parliament and yourself Madam Speaker Ma’am were busy this afternoon making an Hon. Member take the oath. It is just and it is right. I will straight away go to Section 119 of the Constitution that speaks to and about the role of Parliament in particular as it seeks to make laws for the good order and governance of the people of Zimbabwe and also to represent the electorate, the unsuspecting innocent citizens that vote us into office.

  This motion speaks to the core, the heart, the pith of the needs and cries of the people of Zimbabwe. As I stand here, I want to ask that the role of parliamentarians and of Parliament be transcribed verbatim from the Constitution into the Hansard so that it actually shows what our role is as parliamentarians.

  Hon. Togarepi and Hon. Raidza are in the right place and position to call for the prayer as they do, of the reparation using the ubiquitous amount of our mineral wealth which left gaping holes in our society after the protracted war of liberation. They were supposed to have repaid us because we were provoked without any reason. War is war but I also want to take this House to Section 84, that is the rights of our liberation war heroes. I want that transcribed from the Constitution into the Hansard so that the people of Chegutu West Constituency in particular, and Zimbabwe in general, can see that we are moving in conformity with this noble motion in so far as it relates to both reparation and also compensation by the erstwhile colonisers who fought against us in the quest of the Zimbabweans  trying to get their sovereignty, defend the same and also get from the shackles of bondage, the land of both our heroes, forefathers and forebears.

  I want to go to the issue of property rights and I ask that Section 71 of the same Constitution be transcribed from the Constitution into the Hansard because Parliament is a place of record. Long after we have gone through natural attrition, there is need for the people of Zimbabwe to get to see that one day we asked for property rights that existed even before the erstwhile colonisers and the law of the Cape of Good Hope, including the law that was established in the Constitution of 1891.

  I listened very carefully and the root of the debate is the issue of land. I ask that Section 72 of the Constitution be transcribed from the Constitution into the Hansard so that the people hear us debating and can see the root cause of this debate and also that it is known that when the erstwhile colonisers came into this country, they did not come with any piece of land. They did not come with any piece of mineral. They did not come with any wealth of any nature. Even the horses that they then got they found them here. The Loot Committee that Hon Raidza spoke of, they actually formed a Loot Committee to come and make sure that they separate the people of Zimbabwe from their property, including their cattle and livestock.

  The point I seek to make is that they had nothing when they came. Even the Bible says ‘we came with nothing and we shall leave with nothing’. What is very important about the erstwhile colonisers for them to build their nations using our wealth? They came with nothing - let them go with nothing even before their demise. There is only one life to live, we cannot live in abject poverty caused by another man. The prayer is well directed and there is need for those that are still alive to pay for the sins of their fathers and forefathers because the issue that we speak about is wealth. There is value that was exhibited or that was preserved because of our minerals. Therefore, I ask in the same vein that the same mineral wealth and the same value that has been preserved all this time needs to be repatriated back to Zimbabwe. If they cannot repatriate the 100%, at least let them attempt to do it in the manner they did for the aborigines and for the Kenyans and a lot of other European countries standing when they compensated the African countries, especially for having colonised them, plundered their resources, took their women and cattle.

  That brings to mind – at some point during the colonial era and also during the slave trade in particular in Rome, the slaves were not allowed to even relate to the European person. The male slaves were not even allowed to procreate, copulate and have conjugal rights with a woman of their race but it was possible for the slave masters to procreate or copulate with the slave women. It is unfortunate that cannot be reversed. However, if it was possible here is an opportunity that the women of the other race now need to be given to the African race so that we can have what we missed during the time that we could indulge in the same process because we are a people together and this was supposed to occur in the same way.

However, what is it that we can put our hands on is the mineral. What is it that we can put our hand on is the decapitated heads of our chiefs, Mbuya Nehanda and Sekuru Kaguvi. Those heads that were taken as trophies need to repatriated back to modern Zimbabwe because first and foremost, we are Africans. We should not forget that. These are some of the reasons why there is no copious amount of rainfall. It is because we are still grieving, the bones of Mbuya Nehanda have not risen and the heads of Chief Chingaira, Mbuya Nehanda and Sekuru Kaguvi have not come back.

  By the way, the people that I speak to and about were hanged at the current RBZ. That is where they were hanged and it is not mere coincidence that the statue of Mbuya Nehanda is in Samora Machel right at the centre of that road. It is at least that we can appease these spirits.

However, I know for a fact that our mineral resource is finality resource. When you go to Section 72 (vii) (c) of the Constitution, it says the people of Zimbabwe should be enabled to assert their right to land. I will tell you what that means. It means in totality we need to have our minerals and to assert our right to our minerals. It is incumbent upon us to request as we do, that our minerals be given back to us. It will not be enough, sufficient, just or right for us only maybe to get US$4 quintillion as reparations. It would not make any sense.

Madam Speaker, the minerals that were removed from our mines and land are a finality resource, and some of these minerals are the ones that actually make airframes; the tantalite and uranium that they are fighting for in order that they create nuclear bombs. These are some of the minerals that were removed from Zimbabwe and as I talk about uranium in particular, we mean no harm to anybody. We just want to beneficiate and value-add our uranium in order that we get power but I am alive to the fact that the erstwhile colonisers and the Europeans mean no harm. They want to dissipate and make sure they bring each other to extinction through bombing and annihilating each other’s armies.

According to current affairs Madam Speaker, we are just waiting to hear what is happening in Europe because they are busy trying to bomb each other out of this world. As I said yesterday, Psalms 90: 10, there is no one who has any right to kill another person except to remove the shackles of bondage like we did through the protracted liberation struggle. Psalms 90: 10 says a man is appointed to live ‘three score and ten’ which is 70 years. So, if you terminate their life by hook or crook or otherwise, you will always have blood on your hands and it is not right.

I urge the...

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon. Nduna, you are left with five minutes.

HON. NDUNA: Aah, thank you Madam Speaker. That is more than enough to thank the people of Chegutu West Constituency.

However, I am going to say riding on the prayer as has been requested that those minerals, if they come back in whatever form; either in cash or kind, we certainly can be better than Europe by any stretch of imagination. Section 13 (4) of the Constitution, I ask that you do not get to be surprised because of all these sections. Yours truly is still in his second semester at law in the University of Zimbabwe. It says that the minerals should benefit the places from where they are extracted. So, we cannot benefit London using Zimbabwe’s minerals. We need to benefit Chegutu West using the minerals from Pickstone Peerless Mine which has operated since the time of Rio Tinto, more than 20 years before independence, that is in the 70/60s.

I request that being the second largest gold reserve in the whole of Africa, it should and must relinquish – it should bring back its minerals to Chegutu in particular and Zimbabwe in general, so that we can be at par with all other nations as we fight to have the SDGs 2030, Agenda 2030, Continental Agenda 2063 and Industrialisation SADC Agenda of 2015. We are hamstrung. Our hand is tied at the back and we are fighting with one hand. If all our minerals come back, we can be on a level playing field with all other nations globally and nationalities numbering to seven billion of the electorate.

I want to thank you for giving me this opportunity to vociferously, effectively and efficiently contribute to this noble motion in the manner and way that the people of Chegutu West Constituency have asked me to come and debate. On the 26th March, 2022, I ask that they do not make me unequally yoked. They should give me the other ZANU PF members and make sure that I can fully carry out my mandate in the local authority of the Chegutu Municipality. Thank you.

  (V)HON. MUCHIMWE: I would like to thank Hon. Togarepi for the motion he brought up in this august House. I would like to start by saying if someone does wrong and is not powerful they will do a similar or even more battle. These people, the Europeans and Great Britain, when they colonised us knew that in a certain period we would uprise and claim our independence. So, they set up our hearts so that we would remain ignorant in the field of manufacturing. They set systems in education so that our people, instead of learning technical subjects they lured us to advance in academic work in particular.

Up to this date, Zimbabweans cannot manufacture essential commodities like vehicles, phones and even machinery that produce essential commodities. They forced us to learn English. The fact that they introduced their language to us is not bad but the way that they did it made many people desperate and abandoned the studies that they were doing in colleges. The five O’ level system including English was a bottleneck strategy to dismay people from learning how to manufacture.

One would be denied to do a certain course because they had no English after passing seven subjects. They said without English you cannot do this. The CBDs of every city in Zimbabwe are theirs. They never paid money for these. They acquired them when they were in the country so that when they left, they set systems which would make them benefit from these buildings or industries they constructed using our resources. During the struggle, people died and they never cared about this.  There are so many graves in Mozambique, Zambia and Botswana, where the remains of young boys and girls who lost their lives fighting for the liberation of their country are interred but they do not even care about that also.

         Remember during the liberation struggle and during the colonial regime era, Smith was given sanctions.  It was a lie that the Rhodesian dollar had more power than the US dollar.How could the Rhodesian dollar be more than the United States dollar when we were under sanctions?  We are under sanctions currently and from the research that we conducted, the United States dollar and bond were 1:1 but look at it today; it is now 1:300 – what is that?  These people are not good.  This House must consider Hon. Speaker, this motion as very important.  Every Member of Parliament must vote to make this a law that the British are not good.  They are always harassing and doing things that hurt us.  I thank you.

         HON. MPARIWA:  Thank you Madam Speaker.  Let me take this opportunity to thank the mover of this very important motion Hon. Togarepi, seconded by Hon. Raidza.

         This motion Madam Speaker takes us down memory lane in terms of what has happened, what was happening and what is obtaining.  Perhaps, really to thank the two Hon. Members for the rejuvenated efforts in terms of what needs to be corrected and to be done by us as a country as well as  making right what has been wrong.

         Why do I say so Hon. Madam Speaker?  It is because everyone has a role to play in terms of building the country.  I want to say as from our side as the opposition in this Parliament, we have been clear.  My President and everyone else, the leadership at our public meetings and rallies have actually said, sanctions must go because they are hurting the ordinary person … - [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] – Our own communities, brothers and sisters, when we are here, we may not feel it but down there, people are suffering because of the sanctions.  Hence to involve everyone else and to state the opposition’s stance on sanctions.  I stood up to correct that because I think, we are open, have said it and denounced sanctions.

         I want to applaud the Second Republic Madam Speaker for the re-engagement efforts that His Excellency has put in placewhich have been paying dividends.  Of course, here and there you have people who will also go vachinodirajecha, which is very unfortunate - [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] – because when we think we have moved 50 steps forward, we are drawn 100 steps backwards.  So I think, we need collective effort, be united and need to fight this particular evil that has been in the way of development, employment and everyone.

         You will realise Madam Speaker, that 15% of our nationals are in the diaspora.  Close to home, we have about 10% of them working in the region.  Why is that?  This is because whatever was supposed to be benefiting our own nationals is no longer there - the salaries and everything else as well as economically.  Zimbabweans are good to such an extent that everywhere you go, you will find that at a platform, sometimes you become so embarrassed because they will say we are from Zimbabwe, we are from Zimbabwe.  We have not been able to create more employment, stable salaries and do what we were supposed to be doing as a nation because of the sanctions.

  My last point will be on the creation of unity platforms where we can collectively, as political parties in Parliament, stand up and speak against sanctions so that people begin to realise that we are walking the talk as Zimbabweans and we are together in the fight against the evils.  Let me take you to the Bible because I saw my Hon. brother, he should be a pastor by now, Hon. Nduna, when he quoted the Bible and it reminded me of what the Bible says.  I cannot recall where exactly but I think we should be able to research in which chapter it is in the Bible where it says, ‘The earth is the Lord’s and all that dwelleth in it’, ‘nyikandeyaMwari, nezvesezvirimairi’.

  When God gives us gifts, a nation with minerals, resources and everything we should celebrate.  So we must guard what we have been given by the Lord jealously because it belongs to us.  When God gives us, we are custodians of what he has given us and not for ourselves but for the future generations who are the youths – young boys and girls and everyone else who remains behind.  We will be a laughing stock if we are not able to fight against whatever evils are prevailing at the moment that affect the marginalised, the communities, the women and my farvourite area of those with disabilities.  I thank you.

  *THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Hon. Chikuni, please switch off one of your phones and remain with one.

  (V)*HON. CHIKUNI:  Thank you Madam Speaker.  I would like to add a few words to the motion that was tabled by Hon. Togarepi, seconded by Hon. Raidza.

  The imperialists must return what they plundered from our nation.  It is important that our schools teach the history of Zimbabwe and imperialist relations.This should be clear in our history for our learners to know.  Indeed when you recall some experiences like what Hon. Togarepi was saying, it is really touching.  The imperialists closed some mines which were supposed to benefit Zimbabwe so that people cannot get gold and other minerals.  They closed even roads that were supposed to be used.  There are some things which we see. In urban cities, they built houses, even up to now they are making profits from such houses.  It is important that they reimburse the nation for all the resources they plundered, whether it is livestock, mines, animals which were taken to their countries.  Let me thank His Excellency, the President for his re-engagement efforts.  I believe that some of these efforts are beginning to pay off.  For example, we receive Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) which is going to be used in this country.  This issue is quite touching.  We want whatever is ours and we want to be compensated.  The imperialists were plundering Zimbabwe’s resources and this was benefiting their nation.  I thank you Madam Speaker Ma’am.

          (V)HON. T. MLISWA:  Thank you Madam Speaker.  I want to commend the mover of the motion, Hon. Togarepi and the Seconder, Hon. Raidza.  When you have a lawyer seconding your motion, then it has substance and of course, another second year student, Hon. Nduna, it makes quite a lot of impact.  I am not a lawyer but am somebody who appreciates nationalism and patriotism which is in us. 

  Madam Speaker, it is not a secret that we were colonised and as a result, we went to the liberation struggle which had its own founding principles.  The struggle was not about going and fighting,that is what people seem not to understand.  What was the struggle about?  It was about economic emancipation, meaning that we had to be in charge of the economic affairs of our country.  This is because without being in charge of the economic affairs of the country, it becomes a problem.  We also have to look at the damage that was caused as a result of the British colonising us.  That damage then leads to the aspect of compensation, which Hon. Togarepi talked about and he is right to say compensation.  Really, we have not been pushing for what belongs to us.  If we have to go for our compensation which the British are guilty as charged, we would actually be a better country from an economic point of view. 

  I do not want to talk about sanctions.  I want to talk about what the country has and what the country is owed.  I would like to focus on the low hanging fruits that are before us, compensation.  What we must be doing right now is setting up a committee to look into issues of compensation and how much we need to be compensated.  The real issue is how much will we be compensated.  Nobody talks about the figure.  Madam Speaker, you know that our forefathers were moved to land which was tsetse-fly infested, like Gokwe and not even rich soils.  They were being removed from the rich soils and the land that has been given to us by God.  They suffered.  They lost their cattle in the process.  Madam Speaker, they lost their cattle and their wealth. 

These colonisers came and they had horses.  They would be able to ride those horses until the horse was tired, then you mark your piece of land.  Whoever is occupying that is relocated.  The question where the compensation comes in is justified.  How much cattle, infrastructure and business were lost?  To me, we need figures on that.  When we present those figures, then we are on the right course.  All these figures that we are presenting today will never come to beat the figures of compensation and people are compensated at the end of the day.  The world over, the Red Indians are talking about compensation as well.  We have Australia again, where there are minority groups that are also talking about compensation. It continues.  Namibia itself, the Bushmen are also speaking about compensation. The challenge lies within us to come up with figures so that there can be compensation.  Once we get that compensation, we have a foundation or basis to resuscitate our economy.  If we resuscitate our economy, we are able to then produce.  What is also critical is while we have got the land with us Madam Speaker, we must be talking about us being given title deeds.  These colonisers had title deeds. 

  THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  I think we have lost the speaker due to network challenges.

  HON. T. MLISWA:  Madam Speaker, what I was saying,  I do not know if you heard this point and I can repeat it.  It is important for us to have title deeds because when they took our land, they then got title deeds after invading our land.  How can they be so evil as to invade one’s land and then you have title for it?  Today we have repossessed our land and we are sitting on offer letters and 99-year leases.  Why is the Government not giving us title?  This is our land.  They had title deeds for land which was not theirs. Why are we still stuck on offer letters and 99-year leases?  Not only that, we are shortchanging ourselves because the offer letters and the 99-year leases do not even give us capital for us to farm.  They do not even give us loans in the banks for us to improve our agricultural activities.  Madam Speaker, that is the sole reason why you see that most of the land is underutilised.  This is not because the farmers cannot till the land or Zimbabweans are lazy.  Zimbabweans are hard working in every nation and it is well known world over.  What we need is capital and resources to be able to farm - the same resources that were extended to the white farmer who invaded our land. 

The Government and the banks surely give money to somebody holding a title deed on land that was invaded.  They are not giving money to somebody who repossessed land and has an offer letter and a 99-year lease.  These are some of the issues.  We are in power and we must not be afraid to be in power.  I have always said this and the Speaker always says the ruling party ZANU PF “ndoirikutonga, ndiyo irikutitungamirira.”  *What are they afraid of, they have the power. So, they should avail the title deeds.  We are grateful because of the land that we were given where we are farming.  I am talking to you right now from my farm. The credit goes to the former late President, the icon Cde. R. G. Mugabe, who was relentless in making sure that we get land.  If there is anything that we must be all grateful for, it is that we were totally empowered.  When you have land, you have a resource which can go on and on.  You can build a house to ease housing challenges, which Government is embarking on, making sure that there is a national housing programme.  Once you have a farm, it becomes your home.  Once you have land, you produce.  This will also help in terms of accommodation.

  Secondly, it helps in terms of business.  You can set up your own shop; you can set up your own factory on your farm, you can set up your own school on your farm, you can set up a clinic on your farm which benefits everyone.  This is the empowerment we have but sadly, we have to ensure that the war veterans, the freedom fighters are given their 20% because these are the same people who went and fought for us.  Those who died must also be empowered through the families that are alive today.  The spouses of these veterans must be rewarded and remembered all the time.  That is why it is important that any family, wife/husband of a national war veteran must be seen to be like that war veteran who went to the struggle because that is the face of that man who liberated the country; that woman who liberated the country.  So what are we doing to fulfill that mandate of ensuring that the freedom fighters also get their 20% - [Technical glitch]

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon. Mliswa, I think we have lost him.

(V)HON. T. MLISWA: Madam Speaker, I want to also say that while we were colonised by the British, we must be very clear to know who we re-engage muvengi anoramba ari muvengi. Why are we re-engaging them?  What do we need from them?  We have more resources than them.  They built London and UK because of our resources and we must engage from a position of authority.  We cannot re-engage with somebody who has not compensated us; somebody who took a lot of wealth from us.  Their kith and kin, no wonder why the land reform itself had so much controversy because the kith and kin were affected. They were enjoying Zimbabwe’s vegetation and service grams in access, Spenser and so forth.  They were enjoying the sun of Zimbabwe and all the estates that they owned.

The Government was very kind to them.  The Government extended the one man one farm which most of them did not believe in when the land reform was embarked on.  Most of them are regretting why they did not follow the one man one farm which was there - surrender all the farms and then we are able to live together and so forth.  A hand of reconciliation was extended to the British by the former Prime Minister of Zimbabwe, then the late Robert Mugabe to say, come let us live together.  The Union Jack, which we all know was then brought down so that we could be there.  We meant well.  We reconciled with them, despite them killing our own people.  As Zimbabweans, we have been generous, we have been kind enough.  Our leaders are God fearing leaders.  They said whatever happened in the struggle happened, let us move forward. 

The compensation which is being spoken about must be revisited.  It should be revisited in exposing the British that they do not stand for their word.  They call themselves gentlemen, they call themselves all that but they renege on the Lancaster Gate. So the land reform was as a result of their reneging on an agreement which has been done, ceasefire, compensate us and you will compensate the White farmers and so forth.  That is how it was.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon. Mliswa, you are left with five minutes.

(V)HON. T. MLISWA: Thank you Madam Speaker.  So let us revisit the Lancaster Gate, which is the document that guided us towards what we want. 

Madam Speaker, I also want to talk about - let us not allow us to be colonised by the Chinese or any other country.  We cannot go through that again.  The very same land that we fought for, already we are inviting other people to colonise us.  We are now reversing the land reform by making sure that the joint ventures which are done are being done by the former White farmers who owned the land, who are being given money by the British through financial institutions; through our own institutions as well.  Why are our own institutions giving money to people who already have money?  When are we going to be empowered?  That is a very difficult one, if a Black farmer goes and asks for money, they do not get it but a White farmer with a joint venture on a farm which was given to a Black farmer, they get money yet the owner of the farm does not get money.  We need to be true to ourselves.  The land bank, CBZ and all the commercial banks must give money to our farmers because without us being given resources we are not going anywhere.

It is important that the Chinese respect our ancestral land.  The British traumatised us.  Now, we are facing another trauma by them getting our ancestral land.  ZANU PF which is the ruling party, which is the Government of the day, must not contradict itself. While we are fighting the British, they are bringing another coloniser.  We will not allow that again.  We must protect the innocent people in the rural areas who are the majority; who suffer the most by ensuring that their land is protected.

The title deeds, like I said, which any villager has in the resettlement is ‘guva rasekuru/rambuya’ - may we respect that or else we will not be a people.  We cannot allow another form of colonisation to happen to us through any race; through the Chinese.  We must stand strong and ZANU PF, despite it having good relationship with China, we are grateful to what China does but China is for the Chinese, Zimbabwe is for the Zimbabweans.  There is no Zimbabwean who owns land in China – [Technical glitch]

*HON. NYATHI: Good afternoon Madam Speaker.  I would like to thank Hon. Raidza for moving the motion regarding the illegal sanctions that were imposed on Zimbabwe.  It is important to know that Zimbabwe is not a country which is volatile.  It is a peaceful nation.  From the 1960s, our leaders tried by all means to engage in talks so that Zimbabwe, despite being colonised by the British, should be restored to Zimbabweans without bloodshed.  This continued for a long time until Zimbabweans understood that the people that they were engaging, who were imperialists, who came using the Bible as Missionaries pretending to be believers but not believing in what they were preaching were not faithful to their word and their commitment.  This is what led Zimbabweans deciding to take up arms.  It was not difficult because Zimbabweans were just saying that you colonised our country, so we want Zimbabwe to be restored.  Zimbabweans were talking of issues like the right to vote, the right to democratic elections and self governance but because the British were greedy they knew that Zimbabwe was created by God and it was like Canaan in the Bible, of which we learn that the children of Israel saw it fit to leave Egypt and go to Canaan. Today Zimbabwe is a blessed nation, it is more blessed than many nations and the world-over, that is why you find that other countries fight Zimbabwe not because we committed any sin but because we are interested in our minerals and at the end of the day, they want us to fight each other as citizens of Zimbabwe.

  Madam Speaker, even after attaining independence in 1980, imperialists, our colonizers, even today do not accept that Zimbabwe is independent.  That is why you see that they try by all means to recolonise Zimbabwe using different tactics that as Zimbabweans we would fight each other and as we fight each other, they will take advantage of that and plunder resources.  We refuse that and we implore that the illegal sanctions should be removed because Zimbabwe did not commit any sin but you discover that the mind of engagement and re-engagement is also seen during the New Dispensation being led by His Excellency Dr. E. D. Mnangagwa who is saying that Zimbabwe needs to re-engage with other countries and Zimbabwe is prepared to re-engage.  Those who want to invest in Zimbabwe should approach the Government and discuss modalities. 

This is what is happening right now in Zimbabwe; we still have that mind.  It is important also that the British would know that whatever they were doing in this country, Zimbabweans who had their wealth were impoverished, even those who were healthy ended up being disabled and sick. Those who owned good houses and homes ended up living in bushes like animals.  Those who had families ended up losing their children, some who were healthy were compromised, some were bitten by  mosquitoes and tsetse flies and others contracting diseases and mental illnesses like depression and stress because they were burdened by the problems they were facing caused by erstwhile colonisers.  Some of our cadres committed suicide because they could not handle the pressure and they did not know where to go and who to approach. Even up to now, there are some who passed away during the liberation struggle who were not properly buried, some in mass graves.  There are parents who are suffering right now because they do not have closure and they do not know where their children died and where they were buried.   There is no compensation for losing their children. 

Madam Speaker, Zimbabwe has been impoverished despite being blessed because of the colonial history between Zimbabwe, Britain and its allies.  So, you discover that during the time the British were displacing Zimbabweans they would come to a neighbourhood where relatives were living because in the past, people would build their homes along kinship ties.  They would enjoy folktales as families but when the white man came to Zimbabwe, they displaced families and relationships amongst mothers, daughters, fathers and sons.  They would just pick people and relocate them to foreign places and some would also be displaced.  However, over the years, some would discover their relatives after tracing where they were working, be it at the railways, and others would trace others only to find that some were displaced in Binga, Manicaland, Gokwe and this disturbed the kinship ties and the extended set-up which was there.  This came as a result of colonialism. 

The other speakers mentioned that some leaders where decapitated and their heads were displaced and taken to the Queen’s residence.  These are the people who were preaching that man was created in the image of God but they were destroying the black populace. This is embarrassing and this is an abomination.  So, it is important to inform Zimbabweans that no one chose to be born in Zimbabwe.  We can differ in ideologies but in terms of being Zimbabweans, we are one. So we need to be together because this is our country.  When God created Zimbabwe and Zimbabweans, he knew that during calamities, poverty and other disasters, as citizens of Zimbabwe we would overcome all these challenges because we were created in a different way and the texture of Zimbabweans is different.  We are people who are resilient, so as Zimbabweans it is expected that we discuss our own issues, we must not politicize. For example, when Zimbabwe is denigrated, responding to that does not mean that you are being political but you will be defending your nation as you understand what Zimbabwe means. 

Madam Speaker, I believe that Zimbabwe was created in a different way. What we were given like crops, climate and our vegetation are sufficient for Zimbabweans so that Zimbabweans can live in abundance.  There must not be poverty in Zimbabwe. However, we are poor because of the imperialist system and the imperialists will continue fighting and dividing us as Zimbabweans.  At the end of the day, we will end up having different ideologies instead of growing our economy together.  As Zimbabweans we end up fighting for petty things. 

 It is therefore, my plea to Zimbabweans that we need to unite on this issue, advocate for the removal of sanctions and emphasising that there is nothing that we did which qualifies us for sanctions like what His Excellency normally says that Zimbabwe should be peaceful.

It is also important that we all stand together with our SADC leaders who stood with Zimbabwe after having looked at this issue and then came to a decision that Zimbabwe does not deserve to be given economic sanctions.  Some even stood up saying that Zimbabwe was not given economic sanctions but these were targeted sanctions.

  Madam Speaker, I have children who go to school with others who are in the Diaspora, at one point my uncle had challenges in Britain, so I had to send him some money but the money was brought back to Zimbabwe on the argument that that money cannot be received from a country with economic sanctions.  So, sanctions are real, they affect different processes and people.  The SADC leaders saw that the economic sanctions that were slapped on Zimbabwe are affecting the progress of different programmes in the SADC region because Zimbabwe contributes to the growth of the SADC region.   That is why they set aside a day where SADC will unite with Zimbabwe to fight economic sanctions. 

  Therefore, if we stand together advocating for the removal of sanctions, then other countries might also stand with us even those who are in the western parts of the world.  It is therefore, important to address the British and their allies that it might be difficult for them to own up that for sure they destroyed people’s livelihoods in Zimbabwe by taking their land and other things. 

  Our leaders are not saying that the whites should leave Zimbabwe but the issue is that those who have multiple farms should relinquish some of the farms and remain with one farm because they did not buy these farms even though they have title deeds.  The owners of the land who were dislocated should also benefit.  Those who have 5 should relinquish 4 and these other 4 are supposed to benefit local people. That is why you find many white farmers had to relocate because they did not want to do that.  However, Zimbabwe maintained its position to sit down and discuss these issues. 

  Britain and her allies should sit down and discuss the removal of these illegal sanctions because this can be done if British Parliamentarians stand together with Zimbabwean Parliamentarians.  This is not difficult, it is a very easy decision which can be made in the British Parliament, and there is no cost that is incurred.  If they do that, then we would understand that the British are preaching a religion that they believe in God.  If they do that, then we would say since Zimbabwe lost a lot of mineral resources to the British, livestock which was taken from Zimbabwe and other resources, then there will be need for engagement so that Zimbabweans are compensated for what they lost. 

  I would like to say the Britons should let us work hand-in-hand so that we can sing the same song from the same hymn book, the same chorus that sanctions must go.  Zimbabwe must be freed from sanctions. I thank you.

  *HON. P. MOYO: I would like to thank Hon. Togarepi for moving this motion which was seconded by Hon. Raidza.  Madam Speaker, this is a very critical issue, however, I will not say much because much of what I wanted to say was said by the previous speaker. 

  So, I would like to say that our brothers and sisters who went out to liberate Zimbabwe bought this nation by their efforts. The other important issue is that title deeds are important in Zimbabwe, whether it is in local government or in different departments.  Most title deeds are in the hands of the whites, so it is surprising that most of these title deeds belong to imperialists who even left the country long back.

  As I am speaking, I have properties but all my properties do not have title deeds.  There are a lot of laws which we inherited from the imperialist system.  The good thing is that if I buy a stand or land, after paying, then I should get title deeds.  So this motion is pertinent in that it addresses such issues.

  It is not right that when there was war, Zimbabweans united to fight the enemy but after attaining independence, then you distribute land to a few individuals not giving land to other people.  It is important that things are done in a proper manner. I want this issue to be taken to His Excellency the President or else I will do that on my own to explain that we are being denied to get land and offer letters. Right now I do not have a farm, so I use my rural or communal area for rearing my livestock. So this is quite a touching issue. I will go to His Excellency to explain this.

  The other thing is that rural based people – it is painful that white people were killing people who were living in the rural areas so that they occupy their land, not considering that some wanted to stay near their ancestors’ graveyards. People like Roy Bennet used to brew beer to honour traditional leaders. It is unfortunate that we now have people who disturb graveyards of our ancestors’. In the Zvimba area, the Chinese are plundering natural resources, mountains and bio-diversity.

  We have sacred mountains which need to be preserved and so we fear for these sacred mountains. At the end of the day, we end up contradicting ourselves by destroying graveyards and other significant artifacts. In our area, when people sleep outside, then it rains. As part of our culture, I would like to implore responsible authorities that we need to honour our ancestors and forefathers, especially when giving concessions to the Chinese who might not value our traditions.

  My desire is that Zimbabwean citizens should not complain of being deprived of their basic rights, but they should be beneficiaries of different initiatives. During the liberation struggle, I lost two sisters but two survived and they benefited from the land reform programme. Of course, in other instances, white people did some good things for those who honour and respect our culture. I would also like to commend ZANU PF for the education initiatives which were mooted after independence, the indigenisation programme and other developmental projects.

  The land reform programme was a good initiative. However, you find some areas like in Mazowe where people are surrounding a mountain. I would like to thank the Hon. Member who moved this motion and the Hon. Member who seconded the motion. It is important to make sure that whatever we are doing is good for the country. In the past, we saw people like Musorowegomo and Jonathan Moyo hosting biras which were significant to the development of our culture as a nation. Nowadays, we just rush into doing things whether we are ready for elections or not.

  Madam Speaker, I would like to thank you for allowing me to contribute to this motion. I will not say much because some of the things that I wanted to talk about have already been said, especially regarding title deeds which are crucial in city councils. It is important that when a citizen buys a piece of land, they get their title deeds. May you please take this concern to His Excellency the President? If you do not do that, then I will take it on my own. I thank you.

  (V)*HON. CHIBAGU: I want to add my voice concerning the matter that was raised by Hon. Togarepi, seconded by Hon. Raidza. I want to speak truthfully from what I witnessed. As the people of Zimbabwe, when we come to this beautiful august House, we come here to enact legislation that will enhance development but the people that we have fought against have taken our land and they have left the country. God said Britain is Britain and Zimbabwe is Zimbabwe. These people should learn to do their farming in Britain and they should leave us to do our farming in Zimbabwe. What is it that they envy in Zimbabwe?

         It is because they have threatened and intimidated our forefathers in our own land. More than 20 years, they are still interested in Zimbabwe. Let us learn from that as children of Zimbabwe and let us go ahead and get more land. If we are going to share that land as Zimbabweans, let us share the land without any envy or negative feelings. There is no need to use anger in sharing land. What we need is development. We want to thank our President because a country is ruled by its people. No one from Zimbabwe has ever gone to Britain to go and challenge the British. As children of Zimbabwe, let us stand united, protect our country and be patriotic. We are not happy with other people who go there and badmouth our country.

  We do a lot of farming as Zimbabweans. What I have seen is that all agricultural products that we farm here are written “made in Britain or whatever country”. Does this mean that we are unable to add value to our products? All what we see is coming from our agriculture. Cotton itself can be value added and we come up with better products. They want to come here because they know that there is cheap labour. Some people do not want to work, they want to feed off other people’s sweat. The milk and honey that they are talking about here in Zimbabwe, I am sure they also have that in their country. What they want here is cheap labour for us to work as slaves. As Zimbabweans, we should know where we are coming from and where we are going.

  From Bulawayo to Mutare, from Masvingo to Chirundu, we are all one people. When we are in this august House, let us unite and show that we develop our nation. Let us not fight and cause conflict. We were sent by our representatives to come to Parliament and not to come and tell lies. What we want is to develop our nation and to rule the country as the owners of the land. The President has done well for us and he said that the country is run by its own native people.

Now when you go to Britain you learn all this English and you end up working there because they want cheap labour and use us as slaves. Let us stand as a united people of Zimbabwe and assist each other on how we can develop our country. The clothes that we are wearing today have labels indicating “made in Britain, made in America,” yet the cotton came from here. My request is that we stand as the people of Zimbabwe and plan for our future.  Let us remove all anger and hatred. All our vernacular languages should be spoken, knowing that we are one people. That is what we want in Zimbabwe. That is what we want and we should develop our areas and go back to our communities. That way, we will become Zimbabweans who have a future and a vision.

  Let us not talk about the white men. They have nothing to do with Zimbabwe. Let us remind ourselves and not forget that we are the people of Zimbabwe. We were brought into this august House by our representatives to build and not for us to fight others. I know amongst us we have others who are sell-outs. After the sitting they are busy making calls to foreigners overseas. My request is that as children of Zimbabwe, let us unite and become one.

  As we leave and go to our different constituencies, let us see what resolutions we have agreed on as a nation so that every constituency is able to develop and we also monitor on progress made and how we can continue on that trajectory. Have you ever seen a white man working for a black man? It is the black people who go and work for them and we call them “boss”. When we were created by God, he said we are the natives of Zimbabwe and therefore we should know that we are one people in all the ten provinces. So let us not be divided by other people. My request is that we have come from far - our President keeps reiterating on the issue of development. He has said that a country is developed by its own native people. So let us see what we are doing. 

  In Mbire where I am from, people looked down upon the Doma people and wanted the white people,but go and see how the Doma people have engaged in irrigation farming. Since yesterday we have received a lot of rainfall in Mbire. People know where they are coming from and where they are going. It is important to educate one another. Let us not look to the white men; we do not have anything to do with them. What did they do that has developed this nation? What they have done is to destroy this nation. Let us look back and see where we have come from and focus on our future and ask each other what we can do to develop ourselves

         From Bulawayo to Mutare, we are the ones who are doing all the dirty work. Have you ever seen a white man doing anything that we do? As blacks, we do all the donkey work. Are we donkeys? We do not want that. They are the ones who come here using aeroplanes so that they can use us as cheap labour and they take our resources and they bring them back with the labels “made in Britain, made in America”. Where did our resources go? We were given legs and hands to do that. It is only that they are white skinned. We should know where we are coming from.

  Hon. Members, I am happy that God gave us a good President who is bold enough to tell us where are going. He reminds us that a country is developed by its own people. The whites should stay in Britain. We never go there. So, as Zimbabweans we should share the farms that we have acquired and utilise them so that in terms of food security we are covered. We need to change our attitude as Zimbabweans. The white people are the ones who caused wars in Zimbabwe.

         My request is that as parliamentarians, we are Zimbabweans and one people. Let us build our nation and let us put our heads together and see how we can develop and not to come here and speak a lot of lies to outsiders about our nation. I thank you.

  (V)HON. MUDARIKWA: I want to thank you Madam Speaker for allowing me to debate this very important motion. I also want to thank Hon. Togarepi seconded by Hon Raidza for bringing in the motion. The root cause of African poverty started in 1652 when Jan van Riebeeck began to plunder Africa, they used slave trade. They created the Berlin Conference where they partitioned Africa as a source of raw materials to EU.  I have mentioned this element of the Berlin Conference as a source of raw materials for EU because when Zimbabwe was put on sanctions, everybody agreed on the basis of the Berlin Conference. Even ourselves, at one time we were brainwashed by the British. We were taking pride that now we are better off, we were colonised by the British which is the biggest empire in the whole world.

Hon. Speaker, colonialism is colonialism. It is a crime against humanity. It is an evil that was designed to plunder the wealth of Africa. The nationalist uprising displayed by blacks never displaced the ideals of colonialism.  What I mean about ideals of colonialism is the element of economic powers. The economic powers remained in the hands of the white people because only after the Land Reform Programme people realised that we must get our land. That is when Zimbabwe was put on sanctions.

Hon. Speaker, I want to explain to people who do not understand the sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe. Our sanctions were imposed outside the UN and AU. What it means is, our sanctions were imposed outside the SADC and on the basis of a particular race which had been benefitting from the plunder and looting of Zimbabwe. If today we are to ask ourselves, how many tonnes of gold were looted from Zimbabwe ever since the opening of the first gold mine? How many tonnes of platinum and coal were looted from Zimbabwe?

On this basis this motion, which was brought by Hon. Togarepi is awakening an opportunity for people to get some form of orientation to understand the basis of the evils that were created by colonialism. Obviously, they used different means. They divided us and started talking about tribalism and that we are not Christians and so on. You know, you would feel very sorry for yourself because you were born African. There were other European churches where I went to be baptised, I cannot mention names and they said no, your name Simbaneuta Mudarikwa is too long. It cannot be said by angels. You will never enter the kingdom of God, we will give you a new name and I said aah, I am sorry. Let me go and ask my father whether I should get a new name. I was given the name Simbaneuta Mudarikwa then but somebody wanted to give me a pro-European name so that I can enter the kingdom of God. These are some of the challenges that we faced as Africans.

The issue of sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe were violations first and foremost of the UN Charter of 1945. It actually violated the other line core International Human Rights Treaties; the International Convention of Civil and Political Rights in 1966 and it was put into force in 1977, International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination in 1965 again and enforced in 1969 and the Convention on Elimination of Discrimination Against Women in 1979 and enforced in 1981. Hon. Speaker, why I am trying to give these conventions is for people to understand that these are legal international instruments which are there and I am lucky that I have three daughters who are lawyers, who have assisted me in bringing these conventions which basically are there to say what has been done is outside the international conventions.

The issue we face is how to explain the violation of the human rights. You explain it in such a way that the Government of Zimbabwe is hamstrung. It cannot provide essential services to its people; basic and services like education, health delivery and provision of social welfare to the people because it is under sanctions. By putting the Government of Zimbabwe under sanctions, those people have violated the human rights of the twenty-five million people of Zimbabwe. So, this is where I am coming from so that people understand how these sanctions are affecting our people.

Many people try to say aah; these are targeted sanctions or this and that, which is not it. Sanctions are a violation of human rights. Those countries that have enforced sanctions on Zimbabwe, it is my desire that they be taken to the Hague, the criminal court as they have committed genocide. People are suffering because of sanctions. They have committed a criminal offence and an offence against international statutes which they are signatories to. It is very important that time and again we need to remind ourselves how we should move forward as a nation. We must remind ourselves as Parliament that imposition of sanctions on Zimbabwe is illegal. We must continue singing this song.

Yes, there are some of us who have benefitted from sanctions because they were part of the people who designed these sanctions. They said aah, sanctions are like this because they are benefitting from the sanctions. The whole idea was to have a situation where sanctions are used to create discontentment and an uprising against Government. Zimbabweans have been sent to school and are very educated. They understand that the situation has been imposed by the British and the British have persuaded their kith and kin to say please help me continue stealing from Zimbabwe and make sure that – you know the filtration propaganda that Zimbabwe is doing this and that, and a lot of many other illegal things that can come up in the media.

The Parliament of Zimbabwe must be saluted for allowing such a motion because these types of motions create a situation where those who were lost and who think they can come back repent, but also more importantly, the issue of sanctions must be highlighted by the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission. The ZHRC must take this issue on a national tour of Zimbabwe explaining to the people that sanctions are criminal and a crime against humanity because there is violation of human rights.

The other very important thing is when looking at the poverty of Africa as I mentioned before, it was a product that was created by colonialism. Colonialism has got many institutions that supported it. The legacies of colonialism in Africa are still there everywhere. I remember a situation when I was still a young boy. One of my relatives was working for a white man and when he came home, he bought an ox and called it ‘Kaffrand’ – that is why we have known of cattle ‘Kaffrand’ in the communal lands.  It is a process of the liberation of our minds.  We must then continue the Chitepo College of Ideology to educate people so that they understand where they are coming from.  Certain words like Kaffrand which means kaffirland.  A kaffir is a hewer of wood and drawer of water.  So these are some of the issues that we must continue to educate our people on that we have been downgraded and must continue to fight.

  The other very important thing is; we see it in many instances where you visit other countries.  They say, we do not want to see Zimbabweans in this country or we do not want people from Mozambique in this country.  Hon. Speaker, Africa was one and all these states that you see are a product of colonialism. Why they partitioned these states is that the more you are partitioned, the more you are weaker and you have no capacity to work on your own.  If you look at the Inter-African Trade, it is not much but we look at some of the West African countries and former French colonies.  Some of them are very proud that they were colonised by France and that they can fly into Paris without a visa, they have a night club where they can spend the whole night playing Rhumba. 

  Colonialism is colonialism; it is a crime against humanity.  It must be condemned.  People must be reminded like when we attend church every Sunday, we must remind our people about the evils of colonialism.  We must also remind our people to understand why we are in this current situation. 

Hon. Speaker, I can spend the whole day talking about the late President Samora Machel of Mozambique.  In one of our interactions when he was addressing one FRELIMO Congress he said, ‘It is the duty of every citizen in Africa to educate others about the evils of colonialism.’  So it is our duty as Hon. Members of Parliament to go out there and preach that the sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe are illegal and criminal.  I thank you Hon. Speaker for allowing me to contribute on this very important motion.  I think our Hansard producers must increase the number of Hansard copies particularly this week, so that we distribute them to schools in our constituencies.  I will send some of the copies to universities in South Africa so that people can actually understand why we are where we are today. 

You go to many countries; they do not even understand that the wealth that you see in Europe, most of it came from Africa because there are no minerals in Europe.  I will give you an example; France does not have a single gold mine but has huge gold reserves.  Hon. Togarepi alluded to the Queen going around seeing gold in every camp.  Most of that gold came from Africa and in West Africa they used to call it, the Gold Coast because they were there to loot the gold.  These are the same people who are coming back to us and say, Aaah you know, violation of Human Rights; you cannot do this and that.  It is important that we continue as an institution of Parliament to remind and educate our Hon. Members about the evils that have been created by sanctions.

I also want to thank Hon. Chibagu, on the way she contributed.  She was contributing from a mother’s view point and I think as an aunt, if she tells this to the people in the village – the people will understand her better than us.  She was actually expressing that Africa is for Africans.  You know during the Second World War, I remember one man who used to say, when the British were giving commands,they would say Germany must remain with Germany; Germany must remain where it is.  Germany for Germans, Britain for the British  and Africa for us all – that meant that Africa is for everybody, Britain for the British and Germany for Germans.

I want to thank you very much Hon. Speaker.  I thank you.

  *HON. PORUSINGAZI:  Thank you Madam Speaker Ma’am.  I want to thank the mover of the motion Hon. Togarepi as well as the seconder of the motion Hon. Raidza and all those who debated the motion until now and I am also picking up from there.

  I want to talk about the evil nature of our former colonisers especially the British.  The wickedness that they had before and even today. As you are aware, in rural areas which are the areas that were most affected, these colonisers came and displaced our ancestors and resettled them in areas that are poor.  In my Constituency, Chipinge South, if you see where people reside, that is not the area where they were originally staying.  They were resettled in an area where there is a lot of mosquitoes and Tsetse flies; if you know places such as Mahenye, Gonarezhou and Mabewu – that is where they were resettled.  The colonisers took the fertile land where there is milk and honey and placed our ancestors in Region Five – that is Chipinge where you see there is Clear Water, South Downs and other places.  Then they resettled our people in Mutema, Chibuwe as you go down that area and they went to Region One where there is good rainfall as well as Region Two where they were farming crops such as macadamia nuts, avocado, tea, coffee and other agricultural products. They wanted us to remain dependent on them.

  They were evil in the sense that they used our ancestors for cheap labour.  They were used to cultivate the land, herd the cattle and all those menial jobs. They were lucky if they got any remuneration.  There was no remuneration that they would get as cheap labour. 

  Their wickedness is also reflected in the sense that an African could not go to school.  They had a glass ceiling for African education.  That is why you find that our forefathers only went up to standard one and two because of the colonialists.  They also destroyed our culture.  Sometimes when engaging some cultural practices, you were arrested but that was our culture.  Those are is some of the wickedness that this august House should know Madam Speaker to see the evil nature of the colonialists. 

  In terms of religion, they are the ones who told us how to commune with God.  When you come to our traditional African religion, they did not want that.  They wanted us to be Christians.  That is why we had missionaries and we now have missionary schools.  Yes, they provided us with education but we are also sad because they destroyed our culture and we lost out in that area. 

What surprises us is that wherever our heritage was, those are the areas that they targeted to be theirs.  We talk of areas like Victoria Falls where they talk of David Livingstone.  There is also Chilo Gorge around Mahenye.  They are running the heritage which belonged to our forefathers.  If you go to Chilo Gorge, there is a waterfall that is about 55 metres.  They say they discovered that area but traditional leaders like Chief Mahenye knew that area.  They used to go and perform rituals to spirit mediums.  My question is: does it belong to them?  For me, that is colonisation.  We are the ones who discovered the area. 

Even here in Harare, most streets were named after their people like, John Kawin, Philip Street and so on.  We do not even have one in Chipinge to name Porusingazi Street.  We are the ones who were born there but we still have Jobert Street, Kirk Street and so forth.  That is colonisation.  The clubs that are available, most of them even after independence are still in their names.  They are the chairpersons and they give each other the clubs as well as name them. 

When we talk about compensation, I do not see the transparency of compensating a fraudster.  If someone steals from you and you catch the thief, if they demand compensation does that make sense?  They are the ones who should compensate us by returning or paying rentals for all the years that they have used our land.  They never gave anything to this country but they plundered our land and took resources to their countries. 

Madam Speaker, I do not know what influenced Hon. Togarepi.  This motion was long overdue and it must be debated and we should come up with watertight solutions on how we can address these issues.  In future, our children will blame us and they will ask us what we were  doing in Parliament without addressing such issues.  We need to come up with an agreement on how we can bring an end to this.  Let us come up with a solution.  When we talk of colonisation, it affected all the black people.  If we look at our background, even those people from various parties were affected by colonisation.  This is a challenge for all of us. Let us unite and address this injustice that took place.  In Jesus’ name, I want to end here and I thank you Madam Speaker for giving me this opportunity. 

*HON. CHIKUKWA:  Thank you Madam Speaker Ma’am.  Most of the things I wanted to say have already been said but I have three issues that I need to add to the debate.  Firstly, I am deeply pained that when the colonialists came to this land, they used the Bible but it was not theirs.  I realised that they started taking what is not theirs way back.  The Bible belonged to the Jews.  If you look at what happened to the Jews and what is happening in Zimbabwe, it is only among the Jews that we hear of manna and having food whilst in the desert.  From my research, it is only in Zimbabwe where people used to go under the tree and get food showing that Zimbabwe is a nation that has always been loved by God. 

For those who research, they would realise that the Old Testament is the same with the traditional religion that we had.  We used to take cattle and sheep to sacrifice.  I did not see this happening in Britain but I saw this happening in Israel among the Jews.  The colonisers envied the gold that was in Zimbabwe. When you talk about demons, for them to say there is marine spirit, it was something known amongst them in Britain.  That is why some people say they cannot stay at a residence without a swimming pool.  They can tell you that they want to swim at night. 

I want to talk about land.  That is the issue that God mentioned that he gave Israel land.  I want us to look at Israel and look at Zimbabwe.  In Joshua, the Bible says, “you Israel, I go to the extent of fighting other nations so that you get independence’, which is the same with us.  During the liberation struggle, the spirit mediums used to go and consult the spirit.  When we talk of Nehanda, they were the spirit mediums because no one went and brew beer for Nehanda but it was a spirit that possessed her, which is what happened with the Israelites.  

  So for people to say that because they have taken back their country they then want to impose sanctions on us because we have taken our nation back, I think that is demonic.  For me, those are evil spirits because you are taking what God has given me.  The Bible says that I will bless you whilst you are in your country.  For sure, Zimbabwe is blessed.  Our Zimbabwe does not have snow.  Our climate is very favourable. 

         The problem we have is, we are the ones shooting ourselves in the foot when we have misunderstandings or conflicts. I want to urge the people of Zimbabwe that if we look at countries like America, they fought a number of wars such as the Vietnam war but people asked, where were you when the Vietnam war was fought? This means they value the issue of their nation.  Likewise, we should value our nation.  Let us not go and request for sanctions.

  The bad thing about sanctions is that they are not only affecting politicians but everyone.  When you go to the hospital, everyone is affected because we all have relatives who need medical attention.  I heard someone saying that when money was sent from abroad, it was actually sent back yet the person is not a politician.

  Due to these sanctions that were imposed, there are issues that are spoken by people, that of development.  There is no country that has made infrastructure without the support from other countries.  So the banks that are supposed to assist us withhold their support because of the sanctions that were imposed on us.  We are now like people with leprosy and are isolated.  Even in Africa, there are other countries that would want to engage with us but for them to openly pledge their support they fear to be also placed on sanctions.

  It is important for us who are in Parliament to sing from the same hymn book that sanctions must be removed.  Even the person who has requested for those sanctions has a relative who is affected.  There is no country that does not have challenges.  I went to one of these countries and I was shocked to find out that there are people who live in caravans.  In our country, we do not have such type of accommodation but in developed countries there are people who live in caravans.  However, they never expose such ills. 

  The challenge that we have is that we wash our dirty linen in public.  So let us unite and know that we can agree to disagree.  It is not right for you to go out and tell people that my husband is a bully.   Some will envy you and say it is better, as long as I am using his name.  So, what I am saying is that sanctions must go because they are demonic.  I thank you.

  (V)*HON. CHINOTIMBA:  I want to thank Hon. Togarepi for moving this motion.  It is a very important motion that was well researched.  I know there are others who do not like this motion.  I also know that as we discuss this motion, most countries will be listening to what we are saying.  I remember sometime this month, America and Britain discussed on Russia that it was disturbing the livelihood of the people but they do not know that they are the ones who violated the human rights and who have caused our country to be where it is today.  Even our own currency has lost value.  There is no country that does not have its own country except Zimbabwe because of the Europeans.

  Muammar Gaddafi of Libya had suggested that we can have a United States of Africa and this did not go down well with the British and Americans.  They decided to get rid of Muammar Gaddafi and they succeeded.  What they do not understand is that we were given this country Zimbabwe by God and our ancestors.  We have our own people who want to be licking the toes of the Europeans.  Yesterday one person said that when we take over this nation, we want the Europeans to come back and I laughed.  A living black individual who has relatives here in Zimbabwe  wants the white people to come back, I do not believe in that.

  Also to accept the issue of gays and lesbians, those are common among the cultures of Europeans.  It is painful to find black people in Zimbabwe wanting to have those whites back in this country.  I remember a song that was composed by Cde. Chinx, that the people of Zimbabwe should know that we are who we are. 

Many people lost their lives during the liberation struggle in areas such as Nyadzonia, some died in Romania and others in different countries.  When they fell sick we could not bring them and repatriate them back to Zimbabwe.  There are parents who do not even know where their children died and someone amongst us has the guts to say the white people should come back to Zimbabwe.  Let us learn and be careful of what we say.  When you see such people talking something like that, they should not be among other men but should go and slaughter the goat.  This does not build Zimbabwe.  Sanctions affected us.  Sanctions are not good.  They were imposed on you and me so that we can never enjoy our land.  Some people are given money for calling on sanctions but that money does not come to you.  They are told if you do this, we will be in good books with you.  At first it was the issue of why land was taken and now they ask them to remove certain people.  What countries such as Britain, America and European Union want is oil, Afghanistan does not have a bank because the money was taken by the Americans.  That is what is happening in Zimbabwe.  After 20 years they knew that Zimbabweans would rise.  Now the people of Zimbabwe do not know that there are people who died to liberate this country.  Hon. Members, we need to educate our people, we need to run this country.  We should not call for the Europeans to come and rule the land. 

  Madam Speaker, there is no love between us as the black people and we should never think the Europeans will ever love us.  Hon. Togarepi has been inspired by a spirit to bring this motion, so we want that spirit to reign in Parliament.  We should never forget those who lost their lives in the liberation struggle and we should also remember those who suffered during the liberation struggle.  We hear that the teachers should continue striking.  My question is - what next if they continue striking? We are not able to get money because of sanctions.  Nothing is progressing because of sanctions.  Satan should leave the nation of Zimbabwe and we should be united and be a people with one vision.  If your child asks you where Zimbabwe came from, we should have a history to talk about not to say the country has been destroyed by so and so.

  Madam Speaker, some of us are calling for sanctions, so as Africans we should be principled.  Those people who call for sanctions should be brought to book, it is a criminal offence.  That legislation should come into effect.  In America, if you say anything negative about America you are beheaded. Why are we so afraid to put this law into effect?  Anyone who talks about sanctions, it is a criminal offence and that person should be beheaded as well because we have a beautiful nation which is a blessed country.  Calling for sanctions should attract a life prison sentence. 

  Madam Speaker, the motion that was brought by Hon. Togarepi should be debated and we come up with legislation for imprisonment of those who call for sanctions. Britain deported our people and likewise those people who are here and are calling for the whites to come should also be chased away from this country.  When Britain deported Zimbabweans, they only came with paper bags after years in Britain but when we see the British doing this, we do not even see the bad and evil nature.  They should get on the plane and go to Britain and we will then know that we are dealing with our own country. 

  I request that this motion be debated again and that everyone be given an opportunity to debate this motion until people are tired of debating it.  Europeans are not good at all, they are murderers so the farms that we took from them should not in any way compensate them.  What compensation should we give them and for what?  Compensation for the fact that they took away my father’s land, cattle and all the domestic animals, we were left with very little and we enjoyed milk from our cows.  Our President is a listening President and what we are saying is that there should be no compensation.  No compensation should be made to the evil white person.  Thank you Madam Speaker.

  *HON. TEKESHE: Thank you Madam Speaker, I do not have much to say because most of the issues have already been debated.  I just want to give my opinion on the issue of sanctions on the experiences that I faced.  I was thinking that sanctions were targeted but when I came across this experience, I realised that they are not only targeted.  I wanted to send money to Dubai to top up my Parliamentary vehicle, and it was a challenge for me.  CBZ was unable to do that four times, I lost money which failed to go through until I had to use illegal means through Steward Bank where they had to change that money to rands. That is how the money then got to Dubai.  So, that is when I realised that sanctions are targeted yes, but they affect everyone; so the sanctions are for everyone.  I think sanctions should be removed. By the time the money got there I realised that the VX had been phased out and there were now 3-series that had not yet been released.  So I will come to the end of the life of Parliament without a vehicle. I think sanctions need to be removed because they are affecting us. I faced challenges in sending my money to Dubai.  By the time the money got there, I realised that the VX had been phased out and there were now 300 series that had not yet been released.  So, we are almost coming to the end of the life of Parliament without a vehicle.  Therefore, sanctions should be removed because they are affecting us.

  For us to win this war against sanctions, the battle that we are facing in attacking Britain as called for by Hon. Togarepi, we must be united.  If one has a contrary view, then they should be considered as enemies. Even if a person is from the opposition party, for example if you look at Hon. Malema giving advice to President Ramaphosa in Parliament, he said you will not survive if you do these things.  So, we should unite as Zimbabweans, if we unite, only then will we be able to fight this battle against sanctions.

 Here, as Parliamentarians from different parties, we are friends and we work together very well, so we need to sell it out to our constituencies so that we can fight these battles united.

  Compensation is needed because they took our land.  I come from Rusape and I want to talk about Chief Chingaira.  We want his head to be repatriated back to Zimbabwe.  So, I thank you Hon. Togarepi, you have brought in a very good motion.  Sanctions must be removed.  When there is a delegation going to call for the removal of sanctions, I also want to be part of the team.  I thank you.

*HON. MUSARURWA: In 2009, political parties signed the Global Political Agreement. In the GPA we saw political parties in Zimbabwe coming to an agreement that sanctions must be removed.  The reason why sanctions had to be removed was that the sanctions were targeting certain individuals.  Sanctions affected the livelihoods of the people in Zimbabwe which included the transfer of funds and also the collapse of companies in Zimbabwe. – [Technical glitch] -  

*HON. CHITURA: Thank you Madam Speaker.  I want to add my voice concerning the issue of colonialists.   They came and took over land and livestock from our ancestors.  These people were evil, even the hospitals were written African Hospital and they had a Rusape European Hospital.  They used our parents and ancestors as cheap labour and they were just given what was known as a tickey/penny at the end of the month. 

If you look at those who have left the country and gone abroad, they are using other parties to come into this country.  These colonialists know that in Manicaland, there is gold; they know the different areas where there is a lot of mineral resources and wealth. These British people imposed sanctions on us. They were not targeted but they are for everyone. Even one who does not know about sanctions is also affected.  In schools, these colonialist never wanted us to be educated, they only had a few individuals whom they wanted to acquire education.  Our fathers were not allowed to have clear beer but our own brewed 7 days and Chibuku. So, I think no compensation should be paid to the European farmers.

+HON. MUDAWU: The sanctions are affecting everyone. When we move around especially in Matabeleland, Matopo there is a very big grave and we realised that there is nothing that we can do to it, because it is for the white people.  Even if we go to the grave of Cecil John Rhodes, there is nothing that you can do but you cannot find such a grave for a black person in a foreign land.  The white people have their own sacred places where they want everyone to respect them but you cannot find the same thing being done for a black person.  Why do white people want to put sanctions even on the dead?

We should take into consideration that these sanctions apply to everyone and it is high time that we remove them.  Why should we be sanctioned for our own land and properties? We are having foreigners in our country who are part of those putting sanctions on us.  They should leave our country.  I therefore, call for the removal of sanctions.

*HON. SHAVA: My view is that these sanctions are supposed to be removed, for those who say they are not supposed to be removed, then they should also leave our country.  If you go to their countries and they ask you about your passport, they harass you a lot. I want to thank the President of the country who introduced programmes that our youth are undertaking and anything that they do, they manage to support themselves. The whites say that the Government is not good but His Excellency is a good leader who stands with the citizens of this country. There are citizens of this country who also second these sanctions and all those who are outside the country are evil and are not good at all.

  If you see them aligning with a black man, know that there is something that they want that they are interested in. There is nothing they want in this country rather than making the citizens suffer. They are really bad and evil that they also manage to cause conflict amongst us as citizens and cause conflicts amongst us as blacks and they just stand and watch us as we fight each other. Let us unite with our leader and accept his ideas and move forward and build our country. If you see yourself being led by a black man, they are interested in...

  HON. T. MOYO: On a point of order Madam Speaker. The Hon. Member should raise her motion and leave Committees and MDC outside because we are the MDC leaders. Thank you.

          (V)*HON. SHAVA: Thank you Madam Speaker. I am really sorry for the word that I have used. I was trying to say that those who formed the organisation were not on the lead, but these whites are the ones that are interested in causing conflicts. They want to cause conflicts amongst us. I was saying that those who cause confusion are supposed to be captured and repatriated to their countries. We do not envy anything from their countries but they are the ones that envy our good living that we have within our country. Even if we do not use cooking oil, we can use peanut butter and even grinding mills we can fix them now on our own.  We have now learnt a lot. The President brought a lot of projects in this country. They can now leave our country and leave what belongs to Caesar to Caesar. This is our ancestral land and everything that is within the country belongs to our ancestors. The whites did not bring anything here even any cake but they just came with their bags only and they got the money which they got which they raised within our country. If they are tired, they just pack their bags and they go back. They are troubling us and all the confusion that is happening, they are the ones that are causing it. With these few words, I say that let them go back. If anyone is arrested, he is supposed to be thrown into prison for the rest of his/her life. They should just leave us alone to enjoy our beautiful Zimbabwe. Their evilness is even affecting the rainfall pattern. 

  THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER (HON. MAVETERA): Hon. Musarurwa, I will give you the opportunity to contribute to the motion.

   (V)*HON. MUSARURWA: Thank you Madam Speaker Ma’am. I was saying that in 2009 during the global political agreement when all political parties agreed that there is need for the removal of the illegal sanctions, I remember the first speech that was given by the late Dr. Morgan Richard Tsvangirayi. The reason why all political parties agreed to advocate for the removal of these illegal sanctions is because this was affecting all Zimbabweans. So at one point, there was hyper-inflation in Zimbabwe and a lot of companies were forced to close. Even those who were employed lost their jobs. So today, considering this motion which was moved in this august House, I want to support my fellow Members of Parliament and I would like to say that these are not just targeted sanctions but they are affecting ordinary citizens. My plea is that these sanctions should be removed forthwith. I thank you

         (V)*HON. MADZIVA: I would like to thank you Madam Speaker for giving me the opportunity to contribute towards this motion which was moved by Hon. Togarepi, seconded by Hon. Raidza. Firstly, I would like to say that sanctions should be removed. Secondly, let me point out that white people are very divisive. They enjoy seeing people fighting so that they take advantage. Thirdly, white people are opportunists who use situations for example right now the CCC party which is clamouring for the return of white people in Zimbabwe. This is not right and this should not be happening in Zimbabwe. We need to unite as Zimbabweans and work together for the development of Zimbabwe because the imperialists, during the struggle made us suffer a lot. Everyone knows the pain that we went through. A lot of comrades were shot but we allowed the white people to continue living in Zimbabwe even after independence.

  The illegal sanctions should be removed and white people should go back to their countries of origins. I would like to thank His Excellency the President, E. D. Mnangagwa who came up with the mantra that the country should be ruled by its owners. We are the owners of Zimbabwe. We need to work together; building Zimbabwe, developing different sectors of the economy such as road rehabilitation. If we do not unite then the white people will take advantage of that. The imperialists are only interested in disturbing peace in Zimbabwe and that is why they brought sanctions. So sanctions must go. With these few words, I thank you.

  HON. TOGAREPI: I move that the debate do now adjourn.

  HON TEKESHE: I second.

  Motion put and agreed to.

         Debate to resume: Tuesday, 1st March, 2022.

On the motion of HON TOGAREPI seconded by HON TEKESHE, the House adjourned at Eleven minutes to Six o’clock p.m. until Tuesday, 1st March, 2022.







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