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                                                  PARLIAMENT OF ZIMBABWE

Tuesday, 25th February, 2020.

The National Assembly met at a Quarter-past Two O’clock p.m.


(THE HON. SPEAKER in the Chair)



THE HON. SPEAKER: There are Hon. Members who when

advised by police on duty to proceed and park along the fence on Kwame Nkrumah Avenue so that they do not park behind other vehicle that already parked facing this building, they do not do so. I am therefore advising the Hon. Members that the police are now under my instruction that any Member who refuses to do as directed by the police will have their vehicle clamped and toured away. – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible

interjections.] -




THE HON. SPEAKER: I have to inform the House that the Privileges Committee currently inquiring into the alleged acts of misconduct by the MDC-A Members of Parliament has requested an extension of time assigned to conclude investigations and this has been granted. The Committee is now expected to report its findings and recommendations on the 14th of May 2020.


THE HON. SPEAKER: I also have to inform the House that the Public Relations Department is appealing to all Members of Parliament who have not yet submitted their biographies to do so. These should be submitted to the Director Public Relations Rdt. Major Mbewe in Office

Number 312, Third Floor, Parliament Building, extension 2240 or to Mr.

Nyamuramba in Office Number 4, Third Floor, South Wing whose extension is 2143 or 2310 or to Ms. C. Mpofu-Muvhami, Office Number 520, Fifth Floor, Pax House, South Wing, extension 2007.

HON. CHIKWINYA: Thank you Hon. Speaker. I have a point of

clarification. My point of clarification arises from your earlier announcement on parking instructions. You would recognise that - if you have been to the parking bay, the majority of parking lots around the rear end of our parking lot are occupied by vehicles that are broken down and are parked for the purposes of garaging and that is then limiting space for Hon. Members to be able to park. Can that area be cleared?

THE HON. SPEAKER: That is not a point of clarification. It is a point of recommendation.  Very much noted and appreciated.

HON. HAMAUSWA: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir. I rise on a point of privilege to bring to your attention that our rights as Members of Parliament are being affected by the continued unavailability of water especially in urban areas. I recall as you also might recall that last


THE HON. SPEAKER: In urban areas?

HON. HAMAUSWA: Yes, like in Harare where we have

continued unavailability of water and this is affecting our effective representation of the people because we have to go round fetching water. The issue that I want to bring to your attention Hon. Speaker is that the Minister of Local Government has not yet approved the budget by City of Harare. This has also affected the ability of City of Harare to offer service delivery because they are using a budget that was prepared in 2018 when the rate was 1:1. Lastly Mr. Speaker Sir, last year we agreed that the Minister…

THE HON. SPEAKER: Order, order! I sympathise with the Hon. Member. That question should be directed tomorrow during question time and the water situation does not affect the Members of Parliament per se but the communities in the concerned areas. So raise it tomorrow during Question Time

        HON. HAMAUSWA: Hon. Speaker, I am not challenging your

judgment but last year we instructed the Minister responsible for water

to Minister bring a Ministerial Statement.  You gave us assurance in

October Hon. Speaker that the Minister was going to give a Ministerial Statement and in October we were saying because of the prediction that in 2020 the country is going to receive normal to below normal rainfall, what were the measures the Government was putting in place to avert water crisis. You agreed to that in this House but to date the Ministerial Statement was not given. We are saying can the Government employ technology based strategies like water harvesting such that the little water that we receive we harvest the water. We also expedite dam …

THE HON. SPEAKER: Order, order! Hon. Member looking at me – [AN HON. MEMBER: Hamauswa] – No, no, the young man – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections] – Order! Hon. Hamauswa, your point of privilege should simply have been a reminder of that Ministerial Statement and then what you discussed will then arise during the debate of that Ministerial Statement – [HON. HAMAUSWA: Thank you Mr. Speaker.] – Order, I have not finished. In our Shona language we say sometimes kukwira gomo hupoterera, handiti.

HON. NDUNA: I rise on a point of privilege Mr. Speaker. Times without number we have debated the issue of registration of children Mr. Speaker Sir, in terms of birth certificates and identity cards. Why I bring out this point - if you indulge me Mr. Speaker, if the Minister can come in and give a Ministerial Statement so that the issue of moratorium registration of kids …

THE HON. SPEAKER: Order, please sit down. I repeat points of privilege must affect the privileges – Hon. Tsunga, are you with me?

Matters of privilege must relate directly to your privileges please.

HON. CHINYANGANYA: Thank you Mr. Speaker. I rise on a

point of privilege. We were given these tablets but they do not have sim card slots. How does Parliament expect us to …

THE HON. SPEAKER: Order Hon. Member. You were not here

and you must read the Hansard. I said last time if you have got any issues about the use of tablets go and see our ICT Department.

HON. CHINYANGANYA: Please, can you allow me to finish.

They do not have …

THE HON. SPEAKER: I am aware of that – [HON.

CHINYANGANI: Allow me to finish because you do not know what I want to say.] – Order, order! All matters relating to the use of tablets refer them to ICT and they will tell you what we agreed with your Chief Whips and what needs to be done. I refer you there and you will get the answer from there.

+HON. MAHLANGU: I still remember last week when we

discussed on the issue about the examination fees.  We overlooked to look at fee for practical subjects and we would like that to be reexamined Mr. Speaker.

THE HON. SPEAKER: That has nothing to do with your privileges. Hon. Chinyanganya, we agreed as a Committee on Standing Rules and Orders and your Hon. Chief Whips were supposed to advise you on how to get around the issue of even Wi-Fi and what not and how that problem can be solved. Go to ICT and you will get the answer. If your Chief Whips did not tell you, ask them.




First order read:  Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the

Privileges Committee on allegations of soliciting for a bribe against Hon. Mliswa and other three Members.

Question again proposed.

THE HON. SPEAKER:   In terms of Standing Order No. 111, every Member against whom any charge has been made and whose conduct is under debate, having been heard in his or her place, must withdraw while such charge is under debate and must take no further part in the proceedings.  Therefore, I request the affected members to leave the House to allow for debate on the matter.  May the Hon.

Members leave the House.

HON. T. MLISWA:  Just a point of clarification, can we now go home.

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Just go somewhere around.

The Hon. Members left the House.

HON. BITI:   Mr. Speaker, I rise to defend or to support the esteemed concerned three Hon. Members.  Mr. Speaker, you will be aware that the charges that were levied against the particular three…

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Is it three Members or four Members?

HON. BITI:  Particular four Members were of a criminal nature Mr. Speaker Sir.  They basically related to alleged corrupt activities in respect of which they were alleged to have solicitated for a bribe from a gentleman by the name Mr. Goddard during the process of executing their parliamentary work as Members of the Mines Parliamentary Portfolio Committee.  Mr. Speaker Sir, this House does not condone corruption and this House as I am talking to you right now, has many committees that are investigating issues of corruption that are arresting and suffocating our country.  I refer in particular Mr. Speaker Sir, to the investigations that are taking place before the Agricultural Committee chaired by Hon. Wadyajena and other committees including the Public Accounts Committee.  So we say no to corruption.  Mr. Speaker Sir, where an allegation of corruption is made, it has a stigma that arrests the accused person, the concerned person.  That stigma sometimes is hard to wash away and where an allegation of corruption is made against a Member of Parliament or any other person for that matter Mr. Speaker, there must be high standards of scrutiny and a high standard of honour vis-à-vis the proof of the allegation.  The standard of proof is not proof on a balance of probabilities.  It is proof beyond reasonable doubt even though the enquiry is a disciplinary enquiry.

Mr. Speaker Sir, when you read the report of the esteemed chairperson of the Privileges Committee Hon. Sen. Chief Charumbira, the report with great respect is full of circumstantial evidence, is full of speculative innuendos and is full of unjustifiable assumption.  The fundamental assumption being made there is that once an Hon. Member of Parliament is in touch with a member of the public, then there is a corrupt intention or a corrupt motive but surely Mr. Speaker, that cannot be correct.  We are elected Members of Parliament and our duty is to engage.  The one fundamental thing that rings in that report is the unstated premise that any contact with an outside and external member can only be for corrupt purposes.  That surely Mr. Speaker is not correct.  It is not a correct inference at all, more- so when the report itself accepts that the only incriminating discussion was a discussion around the request of money made by one of the Members, Hon. Chikomba.  It turned out that there was irrefutable evidence that in fact, Hon. Chikomba was owed money by one of the gentlemen that was in the company of Mr. Goddard.

Mr. Speaker, I want to submit that although you consider that there was prima facie proof hence the reason why you ordered the commission.  When you read the report of Chief Charumbira, it is clear that the case was extremely frivolous, the case was extremely vexatious, the case has no substance and must be dismissed with the contempt it deserves.  I therefore urge this House Mr. Speaker Sir, to uphold the finding of not guilty on the main charge and then acquit the Members on the alternative charge.  The motion as it was put did not have an alternative charge.  Therefore, it was incompetent for the Privileges Committee to convict the Hon. Members on an alternative charge that was not put to the accused persons for lack of a better word.  Mr.

Speaker, you will be aware that one of the founding principles of our Constitution is the right to a fair trial or a fair public hearing as codified in terms of Section 68 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe.  A right to a fair disciplinary hearing requires that a proper charge is put to an accused person which he can answer to.  The accused persons answer to a charge of corruption.  The Committee said they were not guilty.  That should be the end of the matter.  The Committee cannot, through the back door, try to panel beat a non-existent matter with great respect Sir.

I conclude Mr. Speaker by appealing to all Members of the House on both sides to acquit the four gentlemen on the alternative charge.  I thank you very much Mr. Speaker.

HON. NDUNA:  Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  In debating the motion that speaks to and about the Disciplinary Committee that was set up for the Members of Parliament I want to put it on record that the other protagonist that I am talking about is Hon. Temba Mliswa Mr. Speaker Sir, whose relationship with this Hon. Member is quite open for all to see and is quite acrimonious to say the least.  However, Mr. Speaker Sir, I want to stand here on this platform and seek that he and the other three Hon. Members be acquitted because of lack of evidence that incriminates and points them to the said crime.

I say this for two reasons Mr. Speaker Sir. The crime according to the report that has been produced does not have the qualities of being a committee meeting.  It is known Mr. Speaker Sir that when Members conduct a Portfolio Committee meeting outside the precincts of Parliament, it is with your blessing Mr. Speaker Sir.  None of that has been presented as evidence to show that you have actually given your blessings for the Committee on Mines and Mining Development to carry out their business outside Parliament.  So, that kangaroo meeting or that meeting of Hon. Members cannot be said that it was a committee meeting because it had its Chairman of the Mines and Mining

Development Committee, Hon. Temba Mliswa embedded in it Mr.

Speaker Sir. It was outside Parliament so it cannot be said that it was a committee meeting because it does not have the first quality that you were supposed to adjudicate on in terms of giving assent or permission for them to carry out Parliamentary business outside the precincts of Parliament.  This is because in so doing, you are also taking charge or you are looking at issues to do with security.

I say this because I am alive to the public hearings that we carry out which you give authority to Mr. Speaker Sir and we are always as Members of Parliament outside the precincts of Parliament, we are always guided in our operations.  This is the first issue that I want to bring to the fore.

The Second one Mr. Speaker Sir, just the meeting of Hon.

Members because they come from one common committee outside

Parliament does not make it constitute a Parliamentary committee. It is my fervent view Mr. Speaker Sir that the write up or the report misdirected itself in hoping and thinking that the Hon. Members’ caucus outside Parliament constituted a committee of Parliament, so if the crime was centred on that matrix, it falls face first Mr. Speaker Sir.  Just on that one, it fails its credibility and litmus test.  I ask that it continues to fail on that.

Hon. Temba Mliswa, Member of Parliament for Norton

Constituency is actually sitting on a $10 million dollar lawsuit by yours truly Mr. Speaker Sir.  I will not stand here and castigate him on an issue that he is not guilty on.  I would want the courts to adjudicate on his credibility if there is a case to answer.  On the case before you or on the report before this House, I request Mr. Speaker Sir that this report as it relates to criminalise Hon. Temba Mliswa and the others be dismissed and that they find favour in the eyes of this House in that they are not guilty of a crime that has been tabulated and pointed to in that report.

Mr. Speaker Sir, I ask that irrespective of any acrimonious relationship that any members of this House has with any of the Members that have been incriminated that they find the wheels of justice and the probability and the weight of the evidence and substance that has been presented that these Honourable Members are not guilty.  Also because of that substance and evidence to also justifiably not find Hon. Temba Mliswa and the other three guilty of an offence they did not commit, otherwise we are setting a bad precedence.  We are all going to be found guilty of offences that we have not committed.

Mr. Speaker Sir, I want to applaud you for principles of natural justice.  You have given Hon. Members time to respond to the allegations and that is a principle of natural justice.  If that can also be afforded to all Hon. Members of Parliament because we are all creatures of the Constitution.  Although we are Hon. Members of Parliament, we are also supposed to uphold the dictates, ethos and values of the Constitution and align ourselves to the same Mr. Speaker Sir.  I hope that my submissions are going to be taken seriously and these Members are not going to be found guilty, lest we fall by the same sword.

Mr. Speaker Sir, I thank you for giving me this opportunity to vociferously, effectively and efficiently ventilate the issues embedded in this report. I thank you.

HON. SIKHALA:  Thank you very much Mr. Speaker Sir.  It is sad that Parliament today is made to discuss issues that did not exist at all.  My first point of query Mr. Speaker Sir, is that Parliament as an institution is looked upon to uphold the rule of law, constitutionalism and its oversight role on other issues.  Mr. Speaker Sir, the allegations that are being debated here originated from a newspaper report which in essence and as we all understand that at law, we should not be able to charge persons on the basis of third party information that has been provided with anti-evidence.

Mr. Speaker Sir, the whole Parliament of Zimbabwe went on an errand to chase a wild goose on the basis of a Herald report.  How many reports have been raised about Members of Parliament seated here today by different newspaper outlets for the whole Parliament to come and sit down and put in place a privileges committee to investigate individual Members of Parliament basing on rumours?  Let me give you a practical example Mr. Speaker Sir and I do not think it will offend anyone.  When the Deputy Secretary for youths in the ZANU PF political party, Mr.

Lewis Matutu had a press conference.  He accused certain Members in this House, including you Mr. Speaker Sir, of involvement in corruption.

Should Parliament take the words announced at the ZANU PF

Headquarters for us to say we want to investigate them here – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] – We want to preserve the dignity and integrity of this institution.  From today onwards, we must learn that, we must never base our operations as an institution of the State on hearsay and rumours that are being peddled outside this Parliament.

It was unfair, honestly Mr. Speaker, to be frank with you, to drag four Hon. Members of Parliament to this Committee.  Their names have been severely damaged; they have been defamed on the bases of a lie.  To quote from the report, Mr. Speaker Sir, it says; ‘the reports were brought by one Tundiya who was alleged to be a conman,’ to which the

Committee uphold that truly, he was a conman.  So, for the whole

Parliament to expend resources on the allegations by a conman – [Laughter.] – Mr. Speaker, we are destroying the integrity of this

Parliament.  This is a lesson for reference tomorrow.  The precedent that this Parliament set on putting in place the Privileges Committee based on hearsay outside Parliament will bring chaos.  I could come here and say Mr. Speaker Sir, I have received reports that when you were the Civil Aviation Authority of Zimbabwe (CAZ) Chairman, you gave tender to supply fuel to CAZ to your son and it is reported here in this newspaper that your son did not supply the fuel after being paid US$400 000.  Will that be fair to your integrity Mr. Speaker Sir? – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] – when I base those allegations on newspaper reports,  How many of us here have had allegations on a lot of things outside the parameters of our operations?

So, I want to condemn the Member of Parliament who moved this motion to vilify, causing the incarceration of other Members of

Parliament based on rumours.  We have learnt a lesson, tomorrow Mr. Speaker Sir, we must not gallop everything that comes outside Parliament.  That is my preliminary point I wanted to say Mr. Speaker


Secondly, this issue must not be debated, it is very clear that there is no issue.  The Committee itself were lucky that they got extra sitting allowances, lucky them; but they were really chasing a wild goose, which was not even necessary for this Parliament.  For us to even plead for their acquittal, we are reducing ourselves into some stupid people who have been brought to this Parliament – [Laughter] – there is no reason for us to plead for their acquittal at all.  There is no prima facie case against the four Members of Parliament, we must not debate it, we must just dismiss it as one evil wind that has passed through this

Parliament – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] – we are wasting our time, these Members have nothing to answer and it has become a lesson to us.  We must never base our accusations against Hon. Members of Parliament on hearsay evidence and on rumours.  We must base our Privileges Committee on evidence.  So, I thank you Mr. Speaker Sir, that these Hon. Members have been absolved and it is agreed. You have heard the submissions by Hon. Nduna that honestly speaking, these things will make it difficult for Members of Parliament to execute their roles and duties.  Let us dismiss this report with the contempt it deserves and it is not worthy for Hon. Members of Parliament to even debate it.  Let us vote now and say that we have taken note of the report; the Members of Parliament have got nothing to answer, they are acquitted and have no case to answer.  I thank you Mr. Speaker.

HON. NYATHI: Mr. Speaker Sir, first of all, I want to thank you for setting up a Privileges Committee to look into the case of our four

Hon. Members of the Parliament of Zimbabwe.  By simply setting up a Privileges Committee, it is a clear statement that this Parliament does not condone any form of corruption – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] – and for that, I am very happy.  I have closely followed up the deliberations of this case and I also want to mention that this case leaves us a learning cue as Parliamentarians that, we must conduct ourselves honourably and reasonably and we must discharge our duties as Hon.

Members in a fair and proper manner at all times.

However, as I was going through the proceedings, I have realised that there is a member of the public called Shephered Tundiya who seems to be a person who does not have any honour at all and one who is well mentioned as a conman.  As a result, this Parliament had to spend a lot of time deliberating on issues that I would personally say were not of any value.  So, I think that this case had no facts that would bring out proof beyond reasonable doubt.  I also want to concur with other Hon. Members that this case lacks any proper evidence and I think that it must be closed and thrown out of the window.  I thank you.

HON. MATARANYIKA: Thank you very much Mr. Speaker Sir,

for allowing me to add my voice to this debate.  I would like to remind the House that I am the one who raised the point of privilege and I did this after a headline appeared in one of the most read newspapers –

[HON. SIKHALA: But you are a lawyer, you base it on newspapers.] –

HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.]

THE HON. SPEAKER: Order.  Hon. Sikhala, when you spoke,

nobody interrupted you.  So, in all fairness, let us hear the other side.

Thank you.

HON. MATARANYIKA: Thank you very much Mr. Speaker Sir

for defending me but as a lawyer, I am used to this and I am not affected in any way.  When the newspaper headline appeared, I received not less than 10 calls from different people asking the authenticity and some of them actually blaming Parliamentarians for being corrupt.  I took a principled stance to protect the integrity of this House and that is the reason why I stood up and raised the point of privilege.  I am so convinced Mr. Speaker Sir, that if in your wisdom, you had not seen a prima facie case  in this matter, I am sure you would not have allowed the request for a Privileges Committee to be set up.  So, the fact that you did shows that there was a prima facie case. Some of us are coming from a clean background and if such a headline was to appear again, I would still raise a point of privilege to protect the integrity of the House.

I thank you.

HON. K. PARADZA: I move that the privilege’s report be


HON. SIKHALA: I second.

THE HON. SPEAKER: Procedurally, the mover of the motion

has to come and conclude the matter; in this case it is the Hon. Sen.

Chief Charumbira.

HON. TOGAREPI: I move for the adjournment of the debate.

HON. K. PARADZA: I Second.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Tomorrow, Wednesday, 26th February, 2020.



HON. TOGAREPI: I move that Orders of the Day, Number 2 to 11on today’s Order Paper be suspended until Order of the Day Number 12 has been disposed of.

HON. CHIKUKWA: I second.

Motion put and agreed to.






HON. CHIKUKWA: I move the motion standing in my name that this House takes note of the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Local Government, Public Works and National Housing on Fact Finding visit to Cyclone Idai affected areas.

HON. MATEWU:  I second.

HON. CHIKUKWA:  Thank you Mr. Speaker.

1.0    Introduction  

1.1 The districts of Chimanimani and Chipinge were hit by Cyclone Idai which was characterised by violent winds and torrential rains resulting in loss of lives, livelihood and huge destruction of transport, communication and education infrastructure.  Cyclone Idai has been described as one of the worst tropical cyclones on record to affect Africa.  The storm caused severe carnage in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi - leaving many people dead, some missing and a lot of damage to property and infrastructure.  Cyclone Idai has also been described as the deadliest tropical cyclone recorded in the South-West Indian Ocean basin.  In Southern Hemisphere, Idai currently ranks as the second deadliest tropical cyclone on record since the 1973 Flores cyclone.

1.2 Following the Cyclone Idai disaster, the Portfolio Committee on Local Government, Public Works and National Housing resolved to conduct a fact finding visit to Cyclone Idai affected areas in Chimanimani and Chipinge. The object of the visit was to assess the impact of Cyclone Idai as well as the rehabilitation efforts being made.  Thus as enshrined in the Standing Order and Rules No. 20, the Committee performed its oversight function by visiting the affected areas of Ngangu and Kopa in Chimanimani and Tanganda in Chipinge.

2.0    Objectives of the Visit  

2.1 To assess the impact of Cyclone Idai in the affected areas.

2.2 To assess the preparedness of the Civil Protection Unit in dealing with the Cyclone Idai disaster and to find out plans in place to deal with a disaster of such magnitude in future.

2.3 To assess the extent of the damage and progress made in rehabilitation of infrastructure and find out challenges faced in rehabilitating the requisite infrastructure.

2.4 To find out the measures in place to relocate those who were affected to safer places.

3.0    Methodology  

3.1 The Committee invited the Permanent Secretary for Local

Government, Public Works and National Housing, Mr. G.

Magosvongwe to a meeting to be briefed on the impact of Cyclone Idai and the measures in place to assist the Cyclone Idai victims.  Following the meeting with the Permanent Secretary for Local Government, Public Works and National Housing, the Committee then visited affected areas in Chipinge and Chimanimani that is Ngangu, Kopa and Tanganda from

22 to 24 July 2019.

4.0    Committee’s Findings  

4.1 The Permanent Secretary, Mr. Magosvongwe informed the Committee that the government was intensifying interventions on recovery, rehabilitation, reconstruction and resettlement in a bid to restore normalcy in the Cyclone Idai affected areas.  He mentioned that after the temporary works that targeted emergency restoration of accessibility, water, sanitation, power, communication, health and shelter, all affected provinces had progressed into the planning and recovery phase. This phase sought to bring sustainable development and restoration of the damaged infrastructure.

4.2 Mr. Magosvongwe informed the Committee that traditional leaders from the affected areas were consulted by the government in order to incorporate their views and prioritise their needs in the restoration agenda. The meeting with the traditional leaders also outlined the challenges that were likely to be encountered during the recovery phase.  He pointed out that the traditional leaders gave government a go ahead in its efforts to restore normalcy in affected communities and this includes the relocation exercise.

4.3 Mr. Magosvongwe reported that there were regular occurrences of earth tremors in the Beacon-hill area in Chipinge.  A visit to the area by the Provincial Meteorological Officer proved that indeed there were tremors approximately every three days and the communities were leaving in persistent fear.  Mr. Mashava, the District Development

Coordinator also reported the issue of tremors in Chipinge during the

Committee’s visit.  The Committee was informed that the

Meteorological Department was carrying out an assessment to establish the cause of the unprecedented movement of the huge rock boulders deposited at various points in Ngangu and Kopa.

4.4 The Committee was further informed by Mr. Magosvongwe that schools experienced severe damage to infrastructure and educational material. This resulted in the closure of 33 primary schools and 10 secondary schools in Chimanimani District.  A total of 139 schools were affected with varying degrees of damages and disruption to the wellbeing of an estimated 90 847 learners.  The cost of the damages was estimated at US$5 million.

4.5 The Permanent Secretary further explained that plans were in place to relocate the internally displaced persons (IDPs) to safer and habitable areas.  Mr. Magosvongwe emphasised the need for private sector and development partners to assist with resources.  The

Committee was informed that Econet Wireless had pledged to build 500 houses for the Cyclone Idai victims.

4.6 On the rehabilitation of roads and bridges, Mr. Magosvongwe informed the Committee that over 95% of the major roads were accessible except Vimba Primary School, Vimba shops, Cashel-Chikukwa, Chimanimani-Tilbury, Chimhenga-Mutambara, Merry Waters, Paidamoyo-Rusitu Valley School roads. However, accessibility to most communities, schools and clinics was restored as a result of support from the Department of Roads, District Development

Fund, Bitumen World, Econet, Green Fuel and Masimba Construction.

He noted that a total 584 km of roads were damaged in Chipinge and Chimanimani and a minimum of $59.7 million was required to rehabilitate the roads.  He emphasised the need for government and other private partners to release more funds and resources before the rain season starts to enable rehabilitation of infrastructure.

4.7 Mr. Magosvongwe reported that a total of 12 health facilities from Chipinge and Chimanimani districts were partially damaged (7 in Chimanimani and 5 in Chipinge).  The damages caused to health institutions were estimated at US$46 900.  The Committee was informed that the disaster indicated that there were some serious gaps in terms of health facility accessibility and availability in Chimanimani and Chipinge Districts.

4.8 It was explained by Mr. Magosvongwe that Cyclone Idai destroyed water, sanitation and hygiene infrastructure thereby increasing communities’ risk to water-borne related diseases.  Most communities rely on springs for their water supplies and most of these springs were damaged leaving the communities resorting to unprotected water sources.  Schools and rural clinics had their sources of water destroyed as well and US$12.7 million was needed to replace seventeen pumps that were damaged.

4.9 Pertaining to agriculture, the Committee was informed that the assessments conducted revealed that more than 50% of land under maize crop, banana plantation and tubers was wiped away.  It was also submitted that a total of eighteen major irrigation schemes were affected and an estimated cost of US$8 655 000 was needed for rehabilitation.  A significant number of livestock were lost and about 86 dipping facilities were damaged.  Due to the disruption in the agriculture sector and community livelihoods in general, the food and nutrition security was equally affected.

4.10 The agriculture plantations, horticulture facilities, timber industries, mining areas, and retail sectors were also destroyed by the Cyclone Idai. This has greatly militated against localised economic growth.  The cumulative loss in the industrial sector alone was estimated at $11 million.

4.11 The heard that at least 300 electric poles were damaged or destroyed. This greatly affected economic activities including business operations, mobile money transfers and other businesses that require electricity.  Furthermore, independent power producers which used to feed electricity into the main grid had their infrastructure severely damaged.

4.12 Telecommunications sector also experienced losses to the tune of US$2 million as a result of network disruptions due to power failure.

4.13 Mr. Magosvongwe applauded the response by individuals, corporates and development partners to the appeal for donations and provision of psychosocial support in Manicaland.  He emphasised the need for an integrated and coordinated distribution of the donations for the smooth operations of 8 UN Agencies, about 60 Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and the Red Cross.  He appealed for more assistance with food and non-food items for the affected households in all affected Districts.

4.14 The Committee was informed by the Permanent Secretary that a total of nine cases were under investigation for allegations of abusing donations for Cyclone Idai victims.  The Committee heard that five cases went through the courts resulting in four convictions and one acquittal.  Hearing dates had been set for the other three whilst the accused in the fourth case was still at large.

4.15 In terms of search and recovery, Mr. Magosvongwe informed the Committee that the second phase of the excavations of the sites identified by cadaver dogs from South Africa was concluded at Kopa on 26 May 2019.   No human remains were identified at nine out of ten sites spotted by sniffer dogs.  The excavator was unable to reach one of the sites due to the presence of huge boulders.

4.16 Following the oral evidence presented by the Permanent Secretary, the Committee conducted a fact finding visit to the areas that were affected by Cyclone Idai in Chimanimani from 22 to 23 July 2019.  The Committee visited Ngangu and Machongwe and held a meeting with the District Development Coordinator DDC (formerly District Administrator), Mr. J. Misi and other stakeholders such as the Health, Finance, Psycho-Social Services Officers, Chief Saurombe and some victims of Cyclone Idai. The meeting was held at the District Offices in Chimanimani. The DDC and the officers also had an opportunity to brief the committee on their experiences, the interventions as well as the progress made in addressing the adversities of Cyclone Idai. The Committee was taken aback and appalled by the horrific accounts presented by the officers and the victims.

4.17 The DDC reported to the Committee that the roads and bridges were severely damaged and needed urgent attention. He explained that some areas like Skyline were very dangerous for heavy vehicles and are very slippery when it rains.  He emphasised the need for the rehabilitation of the roads and bridges before the rain season to allow access to Chimanimani. He thanked the development partners and government for the work done to the roads and bridges to make them traversable during the disaster.

4.18 The roads that needed urgent attention before the rain season included the Rusitu valley business link from Jopa to Christina (20 km) and the Kopa-Thabiso-Machongwe loop which needed resurfacing.  He explained that the roads will be inaccessible during the rainy season. Other roads in the district also needed urgent gravelling. Most bridges were also destroyed during the cyclone. These include the Mhandarume, Muusha, Charter and Tiya Primary school bridges. The Committee had an opportunity to see the dilapidation of some of these bridges en route to Ngangu in Chimanimani.

4.19 On the electricity supply frontier, the DDC notified the Committee that there were areas that were still without electricity since the dissipation of the cyclone. These areas were in urgent need of transformers and these areas included Nhedziwa rural service centre which needed 5 transformers to support over 600 families.

4.20 In his presentation the DDC also informed the Committee that five emergency camps were established in Chimanimani District namely the Arboretum, Nyamatanda, Garikai, Kopa and Ndima Camps to cater for the Cyclone Idai victims who were left homeless.  Arboretum was home to 58 households, while Nyamatanda held 30 households and Garikai held 83 households. The Kopa and Ndima

Secondary School camps catered for 58 and 8 households respectively. The Committee had the opportunity to visit and interact with the displaced people in the Arboretum camp. The camp, like in all other camps had a grave shortage of basic amenities such as ablution facilities and water supply.  There were only two water points with 5 taps each and two x 10 000 litres water tanks. The Committee observed that there was lack of adequate security and outdoor lighting around the camp. The Committee also observed the undignified living setup, where parents and grown up children share one tent.

4.21 Concerns were also raised by the inhabitants on the frequency with which food was being distributed in the area which was said to be once a month.  The DDC informed the Committee that during the disaster everyone received food but now that the emergency was over and they were in recovery phase, only affected people were receiving food hampers once a month.  Mr. Misi explained that food distribution was from government and from private donors like Red Cross.  There were other partners such as Non Governmental

Organisations and church based organisation that were active in the area and were providing humanitarian aid to the survivors.  Sometimes beneficiaries get food from Red Cross and nothing from government because of challenges of fuel to bring the food from the warehouse.  The Committee was informed that the district was getting a lot of support from partners in terms of food and blankets.

4.22 The DDC explained that there were cases where food relief was stolen at Silver Stream Warehouse because the security was inadequate.  That warehouse had since been closed as it was an open area.  The DDC office then moved the donations to a warehouse which can be locked and this has since reduced the incidences of theft. The DDC reassured the Committee that there will be no cases of theft or mismanagement of aid going forward.

4.23 The DDC complained that the intermittent supply of fuel had greatly militated against the Office’s ability to efficiently distribute food to all camps as per the schedule and also the other day to day operations of the DDC’s office.  The greatest challenge that the office of the DDC was facing was to select those who are genuinely in need of food aid because many people who were not affected sneaked into the camps purporting to be victims of the disaster.  The Committee was also informed that DDC had no vehicle.  The district was using one vehicle which belongs to Civil Protection Unit.  He complained that lack of a suitable and reliable vehicle had negatively affected the District Office’s operations.

4.25 The District Health Officer revealed, much to the dismay of the Committee, that the district had no District hospital and the injured were being treated at clinics or were transferred to Mutambara and Chipinge Hospitals. Furthermore, the mortuary in the District was designed to hold no more than 4 bodies, hence bodies were put in the hospital and in surrounding churches. At the peak of the disaster, some victims had to spend a night with dead bodies which was a traumatic experience.  There was also an erratic supply of medicines for chronic illnesses such as BP and Diabetes and the demand for these medications had invariably increased since the disaster.

4.26 The Committee was pleased to hear that the government was very active and responsive during and after the disaster. Emergency rescue services were disbursed through the Zimbabwe National Army, the South African Army and other partners such as Econet Wireless.

Currently there were 29 partners operating in the area. The Ministry of

Local Government, Public Works and National Housing disbursed ZWL$700 000 as part of the devolution funds which were used for the provision of services. The DDC commented that the Council was however working on a shoe-string budget and was in need of more funds.  The people who used to pay rates and fees were affected and the Chipinge Council had been left without any source of revenue.  The DDC also thanked all the government departments that worked day and night during the disaster.

4.29 Schools were destroyed as well, one school lost 2 students.  The Committee was also pleased to hear that schools in the district opened on time and those who were living in the schools that were destroyed were relocated to the camps.

4.30 Chief Saurombe and others who witnessed the disaster explained that the district had experienced some cyclones before but what happened during Cyclone Idai was different.  They said warnings were given but because of the nature of the cyclone, it did not matter whether the houses were on a high level, low or level ground.  The cyclone struck all the different levels.  The people of Chimanimani were left wondering why such a disaster struck.  The victims appealed to government to speed the process of rehabilitating roads and bridges and appealed to government to resurface the roads.  They said the process of reconstruction was too slow, considering that it will soon be rainy season.

4.31 The Traditional leadership, in the area revealed to the

Committee that they had carried out peace-building and appeasement exercises in the district in a bid to ensure that there is no repeat of such event in future. The committee noted that the victims of Cyclone Idai and the people of Chimanimani in general were pleased with the work that the DDC was doing and the progress that the District made in mitigating the impact of Cyclone Idai.

4.32 The Committee wanted to know the resettlement plan for the displaced people and the DDC notified the Committee that there was a plan in place and an area had been identified where houses could be built.  The Committee was informed that a layout plan was already in place but there might be challenges because some people have indicated that they did not want to be moved.

4.33 The victims appealed to the government to speed the process of declaring the missing persons dead to enable processing of some benefits from insurances and to process documents.  Some families were appealing to government to facilitate the process of searching their relatives’ bodies in Mozambique so that they can give the deceased decent burial.

4.34 The Committee visited Kopa on the second day of the fact finding mission. The road to Kopa bore crystal clear testimony of what the Committee was to expect upon arrival at the final destination. The road and the rivers were filled with very large rock boulders. The mountain face showed evidence of apparent mudslides and collapse of debris.  The Committee was briefed by the traditional leadership in Kopa and leadership of the victims of Cyclone Idai.  The Committee heard very touching testimonies of those who survived.  Some were narrating how they lost their loved ones.

4.35 The Committee had the opportunity to visit the site which was previously home to many people, particularly the civil servants as well as a sprouting township.  All that remained of that township was dilapidation evidenced by a sea of rock debris and parts of the remains of the bridge that once towered above the area, the conduit between the township and the schools across the river. The Committee was told that 30 people were saved from the police post when a rope was thrown across the flooded river. Over 200 people died when the bridge which had held a large amount of water capitulated and the survivors lost their livelihoods.

4.36 Dzingire School in the area lost 52 students and 4 teachers.

Most of the people also lost their academic and personal credentials. The Committee was pleased to hear that the DDC was very active in the post-disaster phase, working flat out to ensure that the survivors received the help they required. The Committee was also pleased to hear that the government and other strategic partners were very responsive and provided health, food and accommodation services to those who were affected by the disaster.  The Committee was also impressed by the progress made in resuscitating Ndima High School where water supply was restored, ablution facilities were rehabilitated and houses are in the process of being constructed.

4.37 A camp was established a few metres from the river, where families were given tents. The camp catered for 52 households. Of concern to the Committee, however, was that this camp lacked adequate basic amenities and outdoor lighting.  As such there is need for urgent refurbishment of the camp.

4.38 The traditional leadership and the victims implored the government, through the Portfolio Committee, to speed the processing of death registration certificates as this was important in their healing process. The victims also asked for swift assistance to go to Mozambique to search for their bodies so that they are able to rebury their relatives. They also implored the government to institute measures that will allow them to replace their lost credentials such as birth registration certificates, national identity cards and passports.

4.39 The Committee visited Chipinge district on 24 July 2019.

The Committee learnt from Mr. Mashava, the District Development Coordinator that the violent cyclone destroyed electricity lines, transformers, roads, bridges and housing and health infrastructure as well as communication amenities. He informed the Committee that unlike in Chimanimani district, the district of Chipinge recorded seven deaths and multiple injuries. Five of these deaths were caused by drowning as the people tried to cross the flooded rivers and forty five people were recorded missing, most of these had visited relatives in Chimanimani.

4.40 Chipinge community relies on irrigation and the Cyclone Idai destroyed most of the irrigation infrastructure such as dams and weirs affecting the people of Chipinge their source of income. The dams include the Mwara, Dandon, Maradale and Mahemu dams and the Chidzadza, Maunganidze, Masocha and Musirizwi weirs. Dip tanks also collapsed. Thousands of people were affected along the Chipinge agriculture value chain.

4.41 On the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) frontier, the Committee was told that potable water points in the district were either contaminated or washed away. In addition, the sanitation facilities, particularly for the wards along the Save Valley collapsed. This had worsened the already dire sanitation situation in the district.  The Committee was pleased to learn that the district had started the process of assessing the water quality and had collected samples from 16 springs and boreholes.  Findings revealed that only 4 sources of water were satisfactory while the other 12 had innumerable traces of e-coli bacteria. This has necessitated the need for on-site water treatment and this was being done through the distribution of the scarce aqua tablets.

4.42 The Committee also learnt that the education sector felt the brunt of the Cyclone Idai. Sanitation facilities in 77 schools collapsed and 21 schools no longer had access to safe, potable water.  In addition, many Small to Medium Enterprises in the District were affected. SMEs in the agriculture, timber, dairy and retail sectors were affected the most.

This has had a negative bearing on the welfare of people in the district.

Assessments revealed that the SMEs needed an estimate of US$3 500 000 to recover from the Cyclone Idai. The district, through the DDC expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the Government for their responsiveness following the Cyclone. The government availed

ZWL$100 000 for emergency works. The funds were used to rehabilitate

South Down Road, Tamandai Business Centre, Nyamukunga Box

Culvert and the Dakate Causeway. The DDC expressed to the

Committee that fuel shortages have stagnated the operations of the District. The Committee was also shocked to learn that the people who were engaged in rehabilitation works have not been paid their allowances since the works started. Most of the people were using their own funds to travel to the rehabilitation sites and back. This had impacted negatively on the morale of the workers.

4.43 The Committee held a meeting with people of Chipinge at Simudza Primary School.  Victims narrated how their experience during the disaster and how they were left homeless and without any means of supporting themselves.  It was again a delicate and sympathetic moment to the Committee.  The victims, especially widows appealed to the

Committee for assistance in terms of foods, clothes and reconstruction.  They also complained that there was no progress in terms of rebuilding considering that the rain season will start soon.  Some also appealed to government to proivde tents to stay claiming that they were not given.

5.0 Committee’s Observations 

5.1   The Committee observed that there was limited resources allocated to the Civil Protection Unit towards disaster management. This gap therefore exacerbated the impact of Cyclone Idai in the affected areas.

5.2     The Committee observed that the road and transport infrastructure was dilapidated and this will affect movement on the onset of the 2019/2020 rainy season.

5.3    The Committee observed with dismay that people who were working tirelessly to restore services in the affected areas in Chipinge and Chimanimani had not been paid. This had affected their morale and willingness to work. Further, they were incapacitated to continue reporting for work.

5.5    The Committee observed that the rural and urban settlement plans had not been updated in line with the changing demographic and environmental variables.

5.6 The Committee observed that that some teachers at Dzimura School who were victims of the disaster were staying in tents and that such a situation undermined their status.

6.0 Committee’s Recommendations

6.1 Government should swiftly rehabilitate the transport infrastructure before the onset of the 2019/2020 rain season.

6.2 Government should swiftly avail funds for the remuneration of people who are working in the rehabilitation of infrastructure in Cyclone Idai affected areas by 31 December 2019.

6.3 There is need to revisit the rural and urban settlement planning to match the demands of the changing environmental variables by 31 December 2019.

6.4 There is need for the establishment of a ring-fenced disaster fund that will act as a buffer during times of crisis by 31 December


6.5 There is need to swiftly address the housing and water, sanitation and hygiene infrastructure backlog to prevent the onset of enteric infections by 30 November 2019.

6.6     Government should also speed up the process of declaring those missing person dead to enable processing of necessary paper work 31 December 2019.

6.7    The District Development Coordinators of Chimanimani and Chipinge should be allocated suitable vehicles that are proper for the terrain by 31 December 2019.

6.8     In the event that government fails to provide decent accommodation facilities for the victims of Cyclone Idai, there is need to improve the facilities at the camps such as ablution and lighting system by 30 November 2019

6.9      Government should provide agricultural inputs to the victims of Cyclone Idai under the Presidential scheme during the 2019/2020 agricultural season. I thank you.

         HON. CHIKWINYA:  I have a point of order.


your point of order?

HON. CHIKWINYA: Thank you Hon. Speaker.  My point of

order arises primarily from the nature of the motion on the Order Paper under discussion.  Hon. Speaker, I want to bring it to your attention that the people of Zimbabwe expect us to be part of the solution as elected representatives. Cyclone Idai happened around March, 2019 and we are discussing this report around March, 2020; one year later.  If you have listened to the recommendations, the majority of them have an expiry date of around December.

I want to implore the Business of the House Committee which comprises probably the Members of the Speaker’s Panel, Leaders of the Opposition and Leaders of Government for them to be able to shape the Order Paper so that at least Parliament responds in time to matters of national interest.  Had this Committee been dispatched to areas affected by Cyclone Idai, which was very correct, they were supposed to go to the affected areas in time, come back to Parliament in time, report in time so that at least the Executive can act in time.  Right now people are bedeviled with other natural phenomenon in Binga, Bulawayo and Chimanimani.  Some of the bridges reported to be re-built have again been affected, so I want to bring this to the attention of the Business of the House Committee to be able to clean up the Order Paper so that at least we are seen to be responding in time.  Tomorrow we are seen to be a Parliament discussing Cyclone Idai when we have other issues of emergency nature now.  So, can you please direct the Business of the House Committee to act in time?  Thank you.             

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Thank you very much Hon.

Chikwinya. Your advice and suggestion has been noted.  Thank you very much indeed.

HON. MATEWU:  Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  First of all, I want to thank Hon. Chikukwa for such a concise report that really touched on the visit that we did in Chimanimani and Chipinge.  Mr.

Speaker Sir, it is common cause that on 4th March, they started to notice that there were swelling winds which were just above Madagascar in the

Indian Ocean.  It was clear Mr. Speaker Sir that by the 12th March,

Cyclone Idai had formed and in this country, we do have a

Meteorological Department.  It was also clear Mr. Speaker Sir when Cyclone Idai developed into a fourth category hurricane and was heading towards Beira, to those who do geomorphology, the direction of the cyclone was egg shaped and somehow when it hit Beira, it was inevitable that it would actually hit Zimbabwe as well.

Now, the question Mr. Speaker Sir is that this was a predictable hurricane and it was also predictable on 14th March when it hit Beira that the next day it would hit us in the eastern highlands.  To our surprise Mr. Speaker Sir, nothing was done to ensure the safety of those people who died in this hurricane.

In this country, 270 000 people were affected by Cyclone Idai, 51 000 of them were misplaced, 364 deaths were recorded and over 600 people went missing because of this cyclone.  It was disheartening Mr. Speaker Sir when we visited a village in Kopa.  There was a village there and the village was no longer in existence.  The whole village had been wiped out.  All you could see there were big borders of stones that have travelled from the mountains to that catchment place – [HON.

MEMBERS:  Inaudible interjections.] -

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Order, Hon. Member.  Hon.

Members, I do not think you would want to force me to use Section 109 to name you but if this is your choice, I will certainly go ahead.  What I am asking you please, can the Hon. Member be heard in silence.  May you lower your voices please?

HON. MATEWU: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  I was saying, it was disheartening and heart breaking when we visited Kopa.  There was a village there which had, I think around 293 homes or people who lived there but the sad thing was that all the homes but one had been destroyed by boulders which came from the mountains.

The horror stories which we heard on that day were so disheartening Mr. Speaker Sir.  I spoke to a gentleman who was a businessman who said he had his car, shop, house, children and wife swept away by the river.  There were so many stories like that which we heard on the day.  This was just beside a school and you can imagine the school children who go to that school who lost some of their classmates and teachers, I think four teachers from that school were swept away.

So, Mr. Speaker, it is incumbent for the Government to ensure that there is preparedness in the event that such an occasion or a natural phenomenon ravages this country again.  We call upon the Civil Protection Unit to be capacitated to deal with such issues.  It was also sad to note that when we visited Chimanimani District Offices, the District Development Coordinator had a borrowed vehicle.  For such an area which is prone to natural disasters because of its geographical location to have no vehicle at all from the Civil Protection Unit, was displeasing to say the least.  They had to borrow cars in order to visit the affected areas.

One of the recommendations which was given Mr. Speaker Sir was; the rainy season is coming again, February/March.  We know because of the geology and the climate that, this is the time in March and April when we have tropical cyclones forming over the Indian Ocean.  However, to our surprise, even two weeks ago when heavy rains ravaged this country again, we noted that in Chimanimani, one of the bridges also collapsed.  There is a tendency of not being serious Mr. Speaker Sir in terms of how we deal with natural disasters.  We can see the same happening in Binga and Bulawayo.  God help us if we are to have another Cyclone like Cyclone Idai taking place.

Mr. Speaker Sir, in conclusion, I want to say that we need the

Government and the Ministry of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing to be better prepared and hire experts, giving enough resources not just when these things happen but also before they happen so that when it happens, we will be absolutely prepared to deal with the aftermarth.  The early warning systems are given in all the towns and villages so that there is time to relocate all the people and their livelihoods.  When Cyclone Idai formed on the 4th of March and by the time it hit on the 14th of March, if maybe on the 11th, when we had seen that this is a strong cyclone heading towards the mainland Beira, we should have relocated all these people.  We should not have had the deaths and people missing whom we are reporting of today Mr. Speaker Sir.  Thank you very much.

HON. NYATHI: Mr. Speaker Sir, I also want to contribute something as a Member of the Portfolio Committee on Local Government, Public Works and National Housing.  However, before I comment, I want to appreciate and thank all other Portfolio Committees from this august House which took their time to visit the disaster stricken areas in Manicaland.  I also want to thank other related Ministries which also had an opportunity to go there to put their heads together and make sure that the situation in Manicaland is restored to normalcy.

Of note, I also want to thank the Ministry of Transport and

Infrastructural Development and the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services.  I was listening to the television and radio and information was passed on to almost every corner of Manicaland and

Zimbabwe.  However, like what happened in the olden times, even in the time of Noah when it was announced that there was going to be rain, everyone never took it serious and they were relaxed.  This is the same situation that occurred in Manicaland.  However, I also want to thank all Zimbabweans who contributed in cash or kind to make sure that the situation in Manicaland was catered for.  I also want to thank our regional friends and our all-weather friends who sent some assistance to Zimbabwe so that our situation in Manicaland and in this disaster stricken area could be alleviated.

However, I have a few recommendations which I want to proffer in terms of our preparedness or the Civil Protection Unit.  May there be all weather helicopter; may they be purchased so that whenever we have disasters of this magnitude, there will be assistance given to casualities who will be affected in those areas.  Secondly, I also want to recommend that, there should be an emergency preparedness unit which is specially trained for such types of eventualities.  I wish to also recommend that may the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development set aside special funds to equip the Civil Protection Unit.  I have also realised that these disasters are not a onetime event but they are going to be with us for a long time.

So, there is need for us to also give a special training for emergency units that are specialised in construction of bridges so that whenever our bridges break, or are swept away we will be able to move by road to access the disaster stricken areas. Whenever, there is need, we can then use an all weather helicopters to get to those who will be affected.  There is therefore need for the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development to make sure that the Civil Protection Unit is given adequate funds in order for us as Zimbabweans to be well prepared in the event of any volatile weather which comes without warning for us to have been prepared for such situations as

Zimbabweans. Once we do that, then we save lives because one life lost means a lot to us as Zimbabweans.  I thank you.

HON. NDUNA: I just want to briefly add my voice to the report presented by the Chairperson of the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Local Government, Hon. Chikukwa and seconded by Hon. Matewu.

Hon. Speaker, this is our theatre of dreams and this is where we make laws for the good order and governance of the people of

Zimbabwe.  It is only prudent and fair that whatever it is that we debate here, formulates those laws that we come here to make.  Our roles as has been mentioned by Hon. Sikhala are three in one; legislative, representative and oversight.  I say this with a heavy heart in that we learn from a lot of experiences that these Hon. Members in this august House have gone through individually and what the electorate out there in their constituencies have also gone through. I ask that we learn from what disasters have befallen the Members of Parliament and the electorate in their constituencies and build from that, use that as a pedestal and as a platform to enhance the preparedness and to enhance the laws that we make so that we can have safety nets and fall backs on issues such as the Cyclone Idai if they re-occur.

I want to digress a bit; when we talk of Road Traffic Accidents, these are also disasters and by their very nature, they are called accidents.  When we speak about them vociferously and ventilate on issues that touch on this disaster, it is so that when there is a reoccurrence we are better prepared than before.  However, when we come here, time without number and talk about these issues but when they reoccur, we are still ill prepared; it means we are playing tomfoolery games. So, my prayer is that whenever we talk of natural and un- natural disasters, it is so that we learn from them and we are better prepared in the future.  The Bible says, “In the year King Uzziah died, I saw Lord”. Let us learn from the mistakes and disasters that occur.  What happened to me for argument sake, when I was involved in a car accident and lost my two children, I would not want it to occur to anyone.  So, when I come here and speak about road traffic accidents, their prohibition…

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Order! May you concentrate

on Cyclone Idai and be brief.

HON. NDUNA: Thank you for your guidance.  Mr. Speaker, we

would not want any disasters, natural or unnatural to befall anybody after it has been unmasked.  The accident that I am talking about named

Cyclone Idai is like a nightmare in 4D or 5D that has hit this nation.  It is my view that if it is well ventilated, spoken about, safety nets are put and guidelines for future to avert reoccurrence in the future.  As an august House we can influence the Executive in a certain path, direction, mission and trajectory so that we can save lives using these natural disasters that have occurred ahead of time.

Therefore, my clarion call is that when ever these natural disasters occur in the future we use the following items debated here today so that we have safety nets in that future.  The issue of climate change, our remittances to the world governing body, to the UN.  Those remittances in the global community should be used to bolster our preparedness.  The issue of climate change is real; this is what is bringing these natural disasters into our camp or our nation.

It is my view, hope and clarion call that if we can get some of that money in those coffers to buy equipment such as the one that has been mentioned by Hon. Nyathi; helicopters that are all weather, seeing that they are all dimensional and they can view in very extreme and difficult weather conditions in order that we extricate our people ahead of time before these natural disasters befalls them.

Secondly, the Civil Protection Unit, as we speak before the natural disaster Idai and including now, is ill-equipped.  It is my hope and thinking that instead of only having that pittens come from the gold finger who is the Minister of Finance and Economic Development, we also augment and compliment the resources that go towards the CPU using our God given natural resources, gold in particular and our platinum also.  We need to get some of our resources in terms of a percentage quantum that we are exporting to take care of the Civil Protection Unit in terms of capacitating it so that in the future we are not here debating the same issue about capacitation of CPU, DDC as has been mentioned in the manner that we are today.  Let us learn from this natural disaster.

It is my thinking that if we come in together with the global community in order to avert, avoid and to completely annihilate the issues of global climate change.  In fighting this scourge we can win, I have already spoken about ubiquitous amount of mineral wealth but as a global community we have much more than that.  It is my thinking that the biggest powerhouses in the developed countries, the first one in United States and China; these developed nations are the greatest emitters of green house gases which are the major causes of climate change.  It is my thinking that their contribution amalgamated with ours, put together can go a long way in saving lives.  The global average of lives lost due to road carnage is three and ours here in Zimbabwe is five.  I think for us to have more than five deaths per day due to these natural occurrences and disasters is unheard of.  We should use what we have to get what we want, get what we can in order to save the lives that we come here to speak about and to speak for in terms of our representative


The last issue Mr. Speaker Sir, if this natural disaster had occurred in this august House, we would have died in a few hours considering the number of people that are not yet accounted for.    Let us speak as though we are speaking for ourselves.  Let us love our neighbour as we love ourselves.  Let us love the people of Ngangu as we love ourselves Mr. Speaker Sir.  When we speak for the people that have been affected by this natural disaster let us speak as though we are speaking for our children.  I ask that as we consider the lives that were lost, we should know it could have been us.  We are 370 together with Senate, we lost more than 370 lives that have not yet  been accounted for.  Let us love these people like we love ourselves.

I want to applaud the efforts that have been put together by Hon. Sacco, he was from day 1 on the ball.  If we can help him in his efforts and also as has been said and alluded to by Hon. Chikwinya, if we can expeditiously deal with such issues of national importance as and when they occur, this will do the nation good.  The issue of declaring persons

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Order, order, may you wind up Hon. Member.

HON. NDUNA:  As I wind up, I ask that there be declaration of these missing persons so that we can have closure to this issue.  I also want to applaud the people of Chegutu West because they contributed meaningfully to help the people that had been affected by this natural disaster.  I clap my hands for them including the artisanal miners.

*HON. CHIKUNI:  Thank you Mr. Speaker.  Let me follow in the footsteps of the Committee and also come up with my own views.  Mostly I want to say the Committee went to Chimanimani and Chipinge last year.  A report is now being presented, several months down the line, in February, which means that some of the recommendations may turn out to be irrelevant.  It is my plea that once a Committee has gone out, they should come back and table their report and the responsible

Ministers will be listening to the report and from the Committee’s recommendations, they come up with a programme of action.

I want to thank the Government for its intervention in Cyclone

Idai.  This was observed by the Committee.  I want to believe that the Committee had a lot of work during Cyclone Idai because it was also looking into the resettlement of the people, road construction and rehabilitation.  I want to thank our Defence Forces for opening roads so that people can access the way to Chimanimani. The area had proved to be impassable.

Mr. Speaker, if we flash our minds back and go there today, it appears as if the disaster took place yesterday.  The Committee did a sterling job, it should have been the first Committee to hit the ground running when such a disaster has occurred.  If funds are available, the Committee should be empowered in terms of resources so that it can do its work. A lot of people perished as we heard from the report.  Those that were listening are able to deduce that.

I would want to thank the Chimanimani Community, the Chiefs,

Village Heads, District Administrator, they did a commendable job.  This was a disaster that needed people to act.  Traditional leaders performed rituals and the Government also carried out its work.  We would want to thank our President Hon. E. D. Mnangagwa who went up and down to that area.  He visited all the districts that were affected by

Cyclone Idai – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] -  Plenty of goods were sourced in Chimanimani, Chipinge and even in Masvingo.  They were those who were stealing nevertheless majority of the people benefited.

We want to thank the inhabitants of that area that whenever there was a company that would be on the ground not doing its work, they would report the culprits and the culprits would lose the contracts.  Companies that were delivering and deserving were then given the contracts to rehabilitate the roads.  There are two companies in the area that are responsible for rehabilitating the roads in that area.  What is not proper is that those people who are in temporary shelters should as of now resettled permanently.  That is the major challenge that they are facing because the tents are not secure.

Mr. Speaker, some of the people that are there, are now a burden to the District Coordinating Committee because there are now artisanal miners or there are also people who want to take advantage of the situation to get stands when the resettlement process begins.  It means that the Committee’s hands are full and it still has a challenge in ensuring that they come up with deserving and authentic beneficiaries.

We are in the rainy season, it means those people are not safe in those temporal shelters.

I want to thank the Government for the assistance that they gave to Charles Iwanga Institution where some children died.  They were given new land to build their school.  It is a vast piece of land, it should be able to build its own school.  The people in that area are now being employed in road openings and so forth.

Lastly, I want to show my gratitude to the President for bringing more donors who are assisting in rebuilding the affected areas. This shows that the President is at the helm of activities happening on the ground. Thank you.

*HON. MPARIWA: I want to thank the mover of the motion Hon. Chikukwa and the whole Committee that went on the ground to assess the situation on behalf of Parliament. In our culture, if a disaster occurs and no one comes to support there is a lot of talk. We showed that we are the people’s representatives.

I would want to touch on three issues. Firstly, the Committee called the Civil Protection Unit which is responsible for looking into such disasters. We realise that from time to time that Committee is found wanting. It does not have adequate resources or its composition is not clear in cases where as Members of Parliament we want to make follow up with them or clarification. In most instances, they end up looking for helicopters all over because of lack of preparedness.

Mr. Speaker, disasters such as floods did not start with Cyclone Idai. If we are to ask the Hon. Members here present, most of them have taken funeral policies showing that we are aware that something might happen untimely. Why can we not as a country be prepared always for such occurrences? We also have the Taskforce Committee that is made up of different ministries. This committee and its composition should be well-known and their numbers should be made available.

Why did I stand up to contribute? In our African culture, when such a disaster occurs there should be a ritual that is carried out to make sure that the souls of the deceased rest in peace but we cannot do that if we do not know the numbers of the deceased and where exactly they are. I think that is an issue that we need to look at and I heard the recommendation that was made by the Committee which is in line with


The third issue is that whenever there are such disasters, resources should be timeously mobilised and begging bowls quickly extended to well-wishers so that our discomfort is minimised. In the case of Cyclone Idai, the number of victims was unknown as well as the quantities of the donations that were made. It is important that there is transparency and accountability in the manner in which goods and clothes are distributed so that those uncouth elements that are amongst those who reap where they did not sow should not unjustly enrich themselves. These people are so immoral to the extent that they will even steal meat at a funeral wake. We advocate for transparency and accountability because these are important tenets of our African culture. There are rumours that there are certain known individuals who stole the goods that were meant for the disaster victims. These culprits should be tried before the courts of law and once found guilty should be given deterrent sentences. In fact, the courts should use these culprits as guinea pigs so that like-minded offenders will be deterred from committing such offences.

Lastly, there is the issue of publicity. We need to publicise our predicament so that we get support and assistance. I say so because if we do not account for the assistance that we will have received, in future our benefactors may not trust us and they will not lend us a helping hand. I say so being mindful of the floods that we are experiencing in Binga and such other areas. We still need the hand of well-wishers and donors which can only be extended if we conducted ourselves in a transparent and accountable manner. We have fresh disasters that are taking place in Binga which need our attention as Parliament. I say to those that perished in Cyclone Idai, may their souls rest in peace.

*HON. TOGAREPI:  I also rise to raise my voice on Cyclone Idai. We lost a lot of our relatives and friends as well as a lot of our wealth. Our people’s standard of living was greatly affected. I am grateful for the relations that we enjoy with SADC countries and other countries such as China. I am grateful to our Government for maintaining such cordial or warm relationships. Our friends, especially our all weather friend China came to assist us once Cyclone Idai disaster had befallen us. Although the assistance cannot bring back our dear- departed relatives, it is consoling to note that the assistance went a long way in comforting our people. It helped our people to get help in the form of clothes and food provision, a demonstration that as a people we approached the disaster as one united family. This has taught us a lesson that should future problems affect us, we should remain united because disasters come when we list expect them. When we look back, we observe that there has been a long time without any disasters in

Chimanimani and Chipinge. We also urge organisations such as Red Cross and others to always be prepared to help the Zimbabwean people whenever a disaster strikes.

Lastly as Parliament, we should find ways in which we can express our gratitude to NGOs and all our friends who gave us a helping hand after the aftermath of Cyclone Idai so that our benefactors would know that we are an appreciative people that express gratitude for any assistance that is given to us. I thank you.

*HON. KARENYI:  Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  I want to take this opportunity to thank Hon. Chikukwa together with Members of the Committee for visiting my home area in Chimanimani to assess the situation.  That alone Mr. Speaker is similar to the fact that when you encounter a challenge such as death and people come to pay their condolences with relatives and friends, you feel relieved knowing that there are people who care.  So that gesture by the Committee made people feel that Parliament is seized with the matter and cares even though it was done rather late.

I urge Parliament that if such disasters happen in other areas, this Committee should be availed funding to visit the area in time so that people appreciate and welcome the help that may come.  What I want to say Mr. Speaker, is on the issue of women.  The value of a woman has been reduced.  If you consider the way people are living in tents there is no privacy.  Everyone requires some degree of privacy.  When a person builds a home even if it is a thatched home and is able to wake up and prepare for her children she is content with what is available at that time but if we consider the situation in Chimanimani, the value and dignity of a woman has been reduced such that the pride of being a mother is lost.

The women sleep in the same tent with the children and the husband.

My request is that we try and assist to address the dignity of the woman.  As we progress Mr. Speaker, we will end up with child marriages.  The young girls in Chimanimani for those who come from the area now want to get into child marriages looking for a better way of life which they see as a solution.  So my request Mr. Speaker Sir, to those providing relief services is that they come up with programmes that will protect the dignity of the girl child health services and education.

Mr. Speaker, the issue of poverty has increased.  Before the disaster, yes they were in poverty but the level was better off than what it is now. They used to get things to sell such as chickens and other belongings but because of the disaster poverty has increased with nothing in terms of property.  If it was possible, the Government would design programmes that can bring them cash so they can improve their livelihood.  This would also ensure that they economically build themselves.  Where someone had 10 cows if the Government gives one that one can bear more cows to build up family wealth.  One cow can benefit a number of families as it will be passed on after bearing one or two cows in each household.

Another thing Mr. Speaker, people in the community used to receive counselling sessions as psycho social support but currently this is no longer available to all those who were disturbed by the disaster.  I think that if there are other NGOs who may be listening to this debate they should reconsider going back to render relief services since others are failing to accept and deal with the trauma of losing loved ones.

Others lost all family members and relatives and need more counselling.  It is my plea that such people continue to receive this psycho social support.

Another issue is on climate change which was mentioned in this

House and this is a global issue.  The loss in vegetation through deforestation is contributing a lot.  My request is that the Forestry

Commission should come up with a programme for Chimanimani which experienced Cyclone Idai.  There is need for constant tree planting programmes in order to preserve our soil.

We heard the MP of Chimanimani East informing us that some of the food stuffs expired before it was distributed.  When the Government avails such programmes, it should make follow ups to ensure that distribution is done above board and efficiently.  If there are challenges they should be addressed.  If there is no transport then it should be availed so that people have food to eat.

Mr. Speaker, I also want to talk about the issue of infrastructure.  My expectations were that where bridges would be rebuilt, there was need to have materials that are recommended by professional engineers.  This is because the issue of bridges is of concern. With the recent rains, some of those bridges have already been destroyed, for example at Biriri, the bridge we expected and thought would be sufficient has now been destroyed.  It is probably because of the quality of material used or it is because of the heavy rains.  My request is that professional engineers assess the reconstruction of these bridges to avoid spending money annually to repair the bridges.

In conclusion Mr. Speaker, I want to thank all those who assisted in offering relief services to the people of Chimanimani.  Everyone needs to be appreciated for rendering the required service even a child needs to be appreciated.  Thank you Mr. Speaker.

*HON. CHINOTIMBA:  Mr. Speaker, let me start by thanking the Chairperson of my Committee and the Hon. Members of that same

Committee.  In English they always say that better late than never. Despite the fact that we went there late, we were able to visit the affected area.  It is my considered view that in future whenever such disasters occur, this Committee should quickly be given funds so that it visits the affected area as quickly as possible.  For instance, there are some floods that are occurring in Binga and yet the Committee has not visited Binga.  It will be pointless for the Committee to visit Binga three to four months down the line or during the 2021rainy season because that would be an embarrassment to Parliament more- so when all the donors, well wishers and other people will have visited the affected area before this relevant Committee has carried out its oversight function – [AN HON. MEMBER:  Inaudible interjection.] – Madam may you keep quiet?

*THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Hon. Chinotimba, may you

please address the Chair. 

*HON. CHINOTIMBA: May the Vice President of the

Opposition please allow me to debate in silence.

*THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Hon. Members, please lower

your voices.

*HON. CHINOTIMBA:  I say that Parliament should timeoulsy dispatch its relevant committees to disaster areas because it would be embarrassing if these committees go on the ground a long time after the disaster would have occurred.  It is akin to going to commiserate with the bereaved long after the deceased has been buried.  This is unAfrican and  unacceptable.  Let me thank the South African Government for providing us with helicopters and their expert military engineers who constructed the access bridge at Kopa.  Let me extend my gratitude to the South African Defence Forces and their Zimbabwean counterparts for a job well done.

Let me go further and suggest that our Zimbabwean Speaker of Parliament should write a letter expressing gratitude to his South African counterpart for the assistance that we received.  It is important.  It has already been expressed that we should thank other countries that come to our assistance.  I am grateful to all.

His Excellency E. D. Mnangagwa did not choose who he wanted to support him.  He was in Dubai.  He was on a visit in Dubai but after the disaster, he returned back home.  He abandoned his seven day visit.

Such a type of behaviour is commendable and it is appreciated – [HON.

MEMBERS:  Inaudible interjections.] -

*HON. NDEBELE:  He went to Dubai and what did he bring? 

*THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Hon. Chinotimba, may you

please address the Chair.  Ignore them.

*HON. CHINOTIMBA:  May the Hon. Member withdraw his

statement.  He said you went there and what did you bring.  That is not befitting of the behaviour of an Hon. Member.  He should behave like an Hon. Member.  We are talking about people that died.  He should not be saying such bad things.  It is only the wizards and witches who say that, not a living Member of Parliament.

*THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  The Hon. Member alleged to

have said you went there and what did you bring back, may you please withdraw that statement.

HON. NDEBELE:  It is me Hon. Speaker.  I said he went to Dubai.  What did he bring from Dubai.  So, I withdraw that statement [Laughter]. 

*THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Thank you Honourable

Member.  That is the spirit that we want in this honourable House Hon.


*HON. CHINOTIMBA:  In terms of contributions, I would want to thank the Hon. Members that raised some funding.  I will not forget to thank those I represent.  They looked for 30t of clothes and food.  Even if we had a disaster in Buhera South, our constituency will manage because they  managed to mobilise the resources because we had observed that our magnitude was at a lesser extent compared to the total disaster that was in the Chipinge and Chimanimani districts.  We had to come up with round nuts and all sorts of food to contribute.

What hurt us most was that we requested for a vehicle because we did not have transport.  We requested the Ministry of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing.  They only came to collect 25t and up to now they have not collected the remainder of the goods that we have.  Some of the food stuffs and the goods are now being destroyed by


The people of my constituency, where we have the center of the constituency where we hold meetings, they are seeing these things and it tends to put them off because once people contribute, they expect people to take the goods and give those that are deserving.  One member of the community was taken aback when we tried to give her back the dress that she had donated.

The Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing and the Civil Protection Unit should timeously act and once they have been given donations, they should timeously collect the donations and deliver them to deserving persons.

We once told the Hon. Member of Parliament, Hon. Sacco but he also did not have transport.  We still have these items.  A few items remain but it pains me that people made their contributions whole heartedly.  This could mean it is a tip of the iceberg because there might be other such goods that might have been contributed that are in the other districts.  So, I urge the relevant Committee and the Ministry of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing  to take these goods to their recipients so that everyone is happy, both the recipients and the givers.

Lastly Mr. Speaker Sir, I would want to thank the people of

Zimbabwe for supporting the President, President Mnangagwa.  They did not act along political lines whether they were MDC or ZANU PF.  Once the President informed the nation of the disaster, the people listened to their President although some people denied that he is their President.  They heeded his call after he said that he is the President of the country and they had experienced a disaster.  The people heard him and listened to him.  I want to thank the people of Zimbabwe for listening to their President although some have their reservations, but they heard it and they heard the President’s plea that anyone should contribute.  So I thank you – [HON. MEMBERS:  Inaudible interjections.] –

HON. TOGAREPI:  I move that the debate do now adjourn.

HON. N. NDLOVU:  I object.  We still want to debate – [HON.

MEMBERS:  Inaudible interjections.]-

HON. MUSHAYI:  Allow us to debate.  We want to debate.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Order, order Hon.  Members.

Order, order! I will allow an Hon. Member from each party and that is it.    +HON. N. NDLOVU:  Thank you Mr. Speaker for affording me

this opportunity to debate on the national disaster that occurred in Chimanimani.  Firstly, I would like to thank the Committee on Local

Government and the Chairperson, Hon. Chikukwa for visiting the area.  Before I proceed Mr. Speaker Sir, if ever there is a disaster such as this, the Committee on Local Government should visit the affected area very quickly.  You should provide funding for them so that they visit the area quickly.

Two weeks ago, there was another disaster that happened in Binga but I see that the Committee on Local Government is still here.  Is it because there is no funding for them to visit the area?  Mr. Speaker, my request is that you provide funding for them to visit Binga.  When the disaster occurred in Chimanimani, a lot of people made donations including churches.  Even my church in Gwanda also contributed.  If you send the Committee on Local Government to visit the place and be on the ground, you will realise that there are bins all over where people are depositing their contributions.  The contributions can be taken to Binga as soon as possible.

My point is, when there is disaster or death, there are no political parties in disasters.  There is no ZANU PF or MDC.  In Chimanimani, we saw people receiving donations wearing regalia.  They should be reminded that this has nothing to do with political parties meaning that people who perished were from either political party.  So, this is not a one party thing.

Going forward Mr. Speaker, there should be accountability and as I have already stated that we also made contributions in Gwanda, we do not know whether or not the intended beneficiaries received the donations.  We want to know whether or not the intended beneficiaries received the donations.  We all saw an old lady who walked from Mbare who carried her donations on the head. We would like to thank her for contributing and for her kind heart.

We also want the Civil Protection Unit to be ready at all times because disasters can happen at any time.  We had floods in Binga and now we have the Coronavirus and we are not sure when it is going to attack us here.  So we want the Civil Protection Unit to be on the lookout and the country should also be on high alert.  We do not want the President to be saying that because of this, we are now diverting funds to this.  We do not want to be making contributions all the time Mr. Speaker Sir.

*HON. PRISCILA MOYO:  Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir. I want

to add my voice on the report that is in regard to Cyclone Idai that occurred in Chimanimani and Chipinge.  It hurt the entire country and as a result, it also united the entire country.

From what we have heard in this august House, we plead with the Government to make follow-ups because we are in the rainy season.  Other infrastructure that have been repaired have now been destroyed and people have suffered from the floods that are occurring in the area.  May Government take this opportunity to go and ensure that people have portable and safe drinking water.  Government should also send people to ensure that those who lost documentation such as identification cards and birth certificates acquire these with ease so that children do not lose out on attending school.

From the report that was tabled, we have not heard if what the

Committee recommended was done or whether the Committee’s recommendations have since been taken on board.  Some people are still in temporary shelters or in tents as the report suggests.  Imagine a situation where as a family you live for a whole year in a tent. This is quite painful.  It is unpalatable.  As a way of living, imagine the girls sharing the same room with their parents.

It is my considered view that the Committee should go back and evaluate the situation that is on the ground and to see whether or not their recommendations were taken on board and as to whether the donations that were received were put to good use.  There are allegations of theft of property and we also hear that the beneficiaries are yet to receive some of the goods that were meant for them.  May the

Committee look into it so that they resource the Committee so that it can go back and carry out a monitoring and evaluation exercise so that we see what is now actually prevailing on the ground.

It is my considered view Hon. Speaker that I need to reiterate that the Committee should go back and carryout an evaluation.  I was quite pained by Hon. Chinotimba when he explained that to date, the donations that he had sourced in his constituency are yet to be distributed yet at the moment we have people who are suffering due to lack of sufficient means and carrying out a comfortable life.  With these few words, I rest my case.  I thank you.

HON. TOGAREPI:  Mr. Speaker Sir, I move that the debate do now adjourn.

HON. NDUNA: I second.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Wednesday, 26th February, 2020.



HON. TOGAREPI:  I move that the rest of the Orders of the Day be stood over until Order of the Day Number 23 has been disposed of.

HON. NDUNA:  I second.

Motion put and agreed to.

HON. C. MOYO:  On a point of order Mr. Speaker, I would like to raise the issue of quorum which is very important in this House.  Can you check on the quorum Hon. Speaker Sir?  I thank you.

Bells rung.         

         An objection having been taken that there being present fewer than (70) Members, the bells were rung for Seven Minutes and a Quorum still

not being present, THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER (HON.

MUTOMBA) adjourned the House without any question put at Twenty

Minutes past Five o’clock p.m. pursuant to the provisions of Standing Order Number 56.

         NOTE: The following Members were present when the House adjourned: Hon. Bushu B.; Hon. Chibagu G.; Hon. Chibaya A.; Chidakwa P.; Chikukwa M. R.; Chikuni E.; Chingosho C. P.; Chipato

A.; Dzepasi G.; Dzuma S.; Gwanongodza E.; Kabozo S.; Kapuya F.;

Kashiri C.; Khumalo S. S.; Madhuku J.; Madziva S.; Masango C. P.;

Masenda N. T.; Mavenyengwa R.; Mbondiah M.; Mhona F. T.; Mkandla

M.; Mkaratigwa E.; Moyo C.; Moyo Priscilla; Mpofu M. M.;

Mudarikwa S.; Mukuhlani T.; Murambiwa O.; Mushayi M.; Musiyiwa

R.; Mutambisi C.; Ncube E.; Ncube Ophar; Ndebele A.; Ndiweni D.;

Ndlovu N.; Nduna D. T.; Nhari V.; Nkani A.; Nkomo M.; Nyabani T.;

Nyabote R.; Nyamudeza S.; Nyathi R. R.; Nyere C.; Paradza K.; Rungani A.; Samambwa E.; Samson A.; Shava J.; Sithole Josiah; Svuure D.; Togarepi P.; Tsunga R.; Tsuura N.; Tungamirai T. and Zhou P.

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