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Wednesday, 27th May, 2020

The National Assembly met at a Quarter-past Two O’clock p.m.


(THE HON. SPEAKER in the Chair)



THE HON. SPEAKER:  I have two announcements.  The first

one relates to order in the House and the question of decorum in terms of our Standing Order Number 76 (1).  Every Member must –

  1. appear in attire befitting the dignity of the House;
  2. make obeisance to the Chair in passing to and from his or her seat and upon entering and leaving the Chamber;
  3. not pass between the Chair and any Member who is speaking, nor between the Chair and the Table;
  4. not stand in any of the passages or gangways in such a way that they block the vision of the Speaker to other parts of the


  • If the Speaker or the Chairperson, as the case may be, is of the opinion that the attire of a Member present in the Chamber during a sitting of the House is unsuitable or unbecoming to the dignity of the House, he or she may order that Member to withdraw from the precincts of Parliament until such time as the Member concerned is suitably dressed.
  • The provisions of this suborder must apply mutatis mutandis to a meeting of a Select Committee. In other words, your dress code here in the Chamber must be exactly the same when you attend your committee meetings.
  • For the avoidance of doubt, suitable attire shall be construed to mean formal dressing for both male and female Members. 5) The attire for male Members shall include the following – a)  suit;
  1. jacket and tie;
  2. safari suit.

6)  The attire for female Members shall include the following –

  1. suits;
  2. African wear;
  3. full dresses;
  4. skirts and blouses.

7)  The following shall be excluded –

  1. jeans;
  2. t-shirts;
  3. sleeveless outfits; and
  4. any other outfit or attire which the Chair or Presiding Officer may see unfit.


THE HON. SPEAKER:  I wish to remind Hon. Members to bring

their tablets for further configurations to enable them to participate in virtual meetings.  Officers from the ICT department are stationed at the Members’ Dining Hall to assist Hon. Members.  Members of

Parliament in the Chamber are also being encouraged to log on to the Zoom platform during debates to enable other Hon. Members to follow proceedings from the breakaway rooms.

I have received some request for privileges from Hon. M.

Nkomo, Hon. Nyabani and Hon. Misiharabwi-Mushonga.

*HON. NYABANI: Thank you Mr. Speaker.  My point of

privilege is that looking at our country at the moment, we were elected by the people to represent them and legislate so that the economy of this country could be developed.  I have however observed as I move around the country that the prices o f commodities have gone up.  In the past, people used to access funds from the bank but the money is now on the streets.   If you hearken to a child when he or she is asked where milk comes from, they will indicate that it comes from a tin, oblivious of the fact that milk comes from the cow due to the fact that most children are not used to see cows producing milk but buying it from shops.

We have Committees such as the one on Budget and Finance, Industry and Commerce - it is the duty of this august House to come up with laws.  Why are we failing to come up with laws that are progressive and will enhance the development of this country so that the likes of Nyabani and others know that they can access their money from the banks?  We should not have runaway inflation, $1 500 as the price of sugar.  Many a times as Members of Parliament, we are seated and doing nothing about it.  Our constituents have been and are asking what the state of affairs is with regards to our country’s economy?

My plea to you Hon. Speaker is let us look into such issues so that the people we represent in our rural constituencies appreciate the work that we are doing here.

THE HON. SPEAKER: Your point of privilege, Hon. Nyabani makes some intelligent contribution regarding the state of our economy.  I suppose your suggestion can also be tackled directly and addressed by the Hon. Minister of Finance and Economic Development, while the two Committees you have mentioned can also probe into the matter so that in the end, there will be a meeting of minds in the process of trying to harness the runaway inflation.  So

we shall engage the Hon. Minister of Finance accordingly and he should make a statement to this august House on the way forward.

+HON. M. NKOMO: I would like to be assisted on my point of privilege by the Leader of the House.  It concerns the Covid-19 pandemic that came whilst we had not yet received our vehicles as Members of Parliament, which vehicles we are supposed to use  to move around our constituencies educating people on this pandemic.  Therefore, I would like to find out when we are going to get our cars as the Ninth Parliament.

+THE HON. SPEAKER: Thank you very much Hon. Member

for your point of privilege.  However, I understand what you said, there was a group from the Committee of Budget and Finance that met the Minister of Finance and Economic Development who is responsible for the National Budget and he was made aware of that issue.

The Minister of Finance has written to me concerning that issue, saying that he will sit down with the Governor of the Reserve

Bank of Zimbabwe so that they can try and get the foreign currency in order for them to quickly pay for the cars for all the Hon. Members of Parliament.  I received the letter on Friday last week. Hon. Minister Ziyambi is the Chairman of the board which is looking into the issue of vehicles for Members of Parliament.  He is ensuring that this process is handled quickly by the Minister of Finance who handles the National Budget.  I thank you.

HON. MISIHARABWI-MUSHONGA: Thank you very much

Hon. Speaker.  My point of privilege is to bring to the attention of the

House and yourself, Hon. Speaker that today is Menstrual Health Day.  I know Mr. Speaker that you, in your personal capacity have really been supportive to the conversations around menstrual health.  Today as we celebrate Menstrual Health, I just want to bring it to your attention that our ladies toilets, up to now do not have the equipment that allows for female Members of Parliament to access pads or tampons.

I think charity begins at home, if we are going to speak about menstrual health and understand what it means for women to access or not access, we need ourselves to be sensitive to that process.  It does not take a lot, it just takes us putting the machinery there and it does not have to be for free; female Members of Parliament are able to just buy.  As you may know, menstrual periods do not necessarily wait for lockdown nor do they give you a warning sometimes.  So, when you do not see the female Members of Parliament or when you see them dashing away, it is because nature has called and we do not have access to those things. I thought as a celebration of that particular day, I should bring that to your attention.

HON. T. MLISWA: On a point of order. The way they are seated there is wrong. I am a bit dismayed by our ministers with the way they are seating here. They must know their hierarchy – the way they sit in Cabinet even at the party. I can actually assist them in terms of that structure. They cannot just sit like that. You are a Deputy Minister (Hon Chiduwa) but he is senior in the party and he is number six in terms of security in the Politburo. You cannot sit there. Find somewhere to sit. I do not have to tell you that. We need to exercise that, whether you are a Minister of Finance or not, you are a junior in the party. He is the Secretary for Security. Find somewhere to sit. Honestly, we cannot continue like this. Look at that! What do people say about us? I was more senior than you. I have been a Central Committee member of the party.

THE HON. SPEAKER: Hon. Deputy Ministers, please find space that side. Do you want me to mention you by name?

Hon. Mliswa, thank you for your protocol observation. Perhaps, you might need to reconsider going back where you belong-[HON MEMBERS: Hear, hear].

It is an important day today indeed and with your permission, female Members of Parliament, I have been inspecting the male toilets but I was hesitant to go into your female toilets. From now onwards, I will be escorted by the Deputy Speaker who will be the vanguard to check if there is anyone inside so that she ensures that the facilities requested by Hon Misihairabwi-Mushonga are in place. I request the Deputy Speaker to be on my toes and ensure that is done as soon as possible.

HON. T. MLISWA: On a point of order Mr. Speaker Sir. I

realise that the Minister of Health and Child Care is not here and so is the Deputy Minister at a time when Covid-19 has uncertainty. We have just come from a break. We are seized with questions especially about children who will be writing examinations. We would want to know whether teachers, headmasters and students will be tested. It is only him who can answer that. I do not think that the Leader of Government Business will be qualified to answer that. I am surprised that neither of them is here at a time like this.

THE HON. SPEAKER: I did not receive any apology. Leader of the House, would you want to speak on their behalf?



messages that all Deputy Ministers must come to Parliament because

Monday  was a holiday and today there was Cabinet. I requested His

Excellency to release some Ministers. We have the Deputy

Chairperson of the National Taskforce, Hon. Muchinguri who is very much seized with all the issues pertaining to Covid. The Minister of Health was still engaged. There are several ministers who can tackle issues to do with Covid that are in the taskforce, for example the

Minister of Local Government, the Minister of Social Welfare and the Minister of Higher Education. They are heavily involved in the taskforce and I believe the ministers who are here, given the competing meetings that have been there and the need to respect the institution of Parliament are able to answer the questions at hand, hence you saw us coming while Cabinet was still in session. I believe other Cabinet Ministers who are here will beef in where the Cabinet Ministers who are here would have left out.

I believe Hon Speaker, with your indulgence, I send apologies to Cabinet Ministers because of the need to have Cabinet today due to the holiday on Monday. I think the attendance is not very bad.

THE HON. SPEAKER: As you rightly said, I think Deputy

Ministers should have been here definitely to assist the Hon Ministers who you said are fully seized with the matter on Covid-19.

HON. T. MLISWA: On a point of order. The issue is not about them being seized but it is respecting this House by sending in apologies, which is a requirement of which they did not do that and many others too. Whether they are attending Cabinet or not, this is an important institution in terms of oversight. It is because they look down upon this institution. No wonder why Members of Parliament have not gotten cars. The Cabinet Ministers have got two cars each already before Members of Parliament have cars. That is how lowly we are looked down upon. It cannot continue. It is a point of rules. Who submitted the list? I do not want to labour you a lot but I am then asked to say Hon Speaker, where is the list of those who apologised today. I am now forced to do that in terms of the rules and then we would want to know why they are not here. If Cabinet is so important then let it be for Parliament as well.

Things are happening and inflation is up yet the Minister of Finance is not here. Whilst these ministers are here they cannot control the purse because issues of Covid-19, for them to be properly tackled, the issue of resource must be there. The next thing is we will be referred to the Minister of Finance. We have to take this seriously Mr. Speaker Sir and I think we cannot continue like this. Since we opened this Ninth Parliament, they do not take us seriously. The President, in his wisdom, every Minister of a certain portfolio - if that is the case, he could have just appointed Hon Muchinguri –Kashiri to be the Minister of everything. It is in his wisdom that he realises the expertise which are within them. I thank you.

THE HON. SPEAKER: I think one of the duties of the Leader of Government business is to report to Parliament on issues that affect the working situation or modus operandi between Parliament and the Executive.  The Hon. Minister did explain that Ministers are in

Cabinet and it is a very important institution as well.  It is part of Government, so we cannot say because it is Wednesday today; therefore Cabinet should not take place.  I think we have to have a balancing act here.  That is why I said there is no excuse for the Deputy Minister of Health but for other ministers, the apology has been tendered and the other Ministers who did not have critical issues to proceed with in Cabinet have been released.  I think we have a fair representation so far.

*HON. TOGAREPI:  As is known by the country, tobacco farmers bring in foreign currency and they are in the top foreign currency earning category like mines and such other sectors.  I would like to ask the Minister of Finance that at present, tobacco farmers are receiving 50% of their earnings in foreign currency which is a retention given by the Reserve Bank.

The agricultural inputs that they buy for use are pegged at the parallel market rate.

*THE HON. SPEAKER:  Hon. Member, may you go straight

to the question.

*HON. TOGAREPI: What measures have been put in place to assist tobacco farmers so that they are able to go back and grow tobacco in future in the next season.



giving 50% in foreign currency and 50 % in the local currency.  Our tobacco farmers have been moaning that everything that they buy is pegged at the parallel market rate.  They want that issue to be resolved.  We have encountered the same problem with the miners and we were discussing with the various groups.  As we speak, some of our farmers have said that they may not bring in their produce.

As of yesterday, we had raised US$70 million in terms of sales which is 40% of what we were expecting.  As Treasury, we are in negotiations with them since last week so that we can come to an amicable agreement that leads to a win-win situation between the farmer and the Government so that our farmers are able to go back and do their farming.

*HON. KWARAMBA: I am happy with the question that has been asked by the Chief Whip.  I would want to supplement his question and say that this does not only affect tobacco farmers but maize farmers too.  In the communal lands, there are problems.  Farmers were given command assistance and there are conmen who are going round buying maize using forex.

*THE HON. SPEAKER:  Order, order.  Please ask your supplementary question.

*HON. KWARAMBA:  Maize farmers are also suffering from the same effects as tobacco farmers because their produce has a foreign currency component.  Are there any measures that are going to be put in place so that maize farmers are also paid in foreign currency?

*HON. CHIDUWA:  As Treasury, we are well ahead in encouraging our farmers so that they grow and develop.  We have $6.2 billion that was put aside by Government to encourage our farmers so that they can continue farming.  In terms of paying maize farmers, we have said that they should not spend more than seven days without receiving their money.

You can find out from farmers that you know that all those that delivered their grain were paid within seven days.  We have a float of $200 million which is at the Grain Marketing Board to ensure that once a farmer has delivered maize, they instantly get paid so that they can buy the inputs.  In terms of conmen...

*THE HON. SPEAKER:  Order, I urge you to stick to one language.  Its either you stick to English or vernacular and this will show that we are proud of our mother tongue.  As a teacher, I do not like people who switch from one language to another.

Secondly, Hon. Deputy Minister; the question says, farmers that are also growing maize are complaining that they would want to be paid in foreign currency. What is your response?

*HON. CHIDUWA:  We are currently paying $12 358 per tonne.

*HON. KWARAMBA:  My question has not been answered.

*THE HON. SPEAKER:  Hon Deputy Minister, please answer the question properly. Are you ever going to consider paying maize farmers in foreign currency as is the case with the tobacco farmers?

*HON. CHIDUWA: As of now, we are paying the amount that

I have stated.  We have not looked at paying them in foreign currency.  Tobacco farmers are being paid in foreign currency because tobacco is sold out of the country and it earns foreign currency.   

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Because of the systems, we only allow two supplementary questions

*HON. K. PARADZA:  Thank you Hon. Speaker.  My supplementary question is with regards to maize farmers that are under the command scheme.  All the money that they are being paid is being taken over by CBZ because of interest rates.  Those that sell inputs such as pesticides and herbicides are charging their monies using the black market rates in repayment.  So the farmers have not earned anything.  The majority of their earnings have gone back to paying CBZ.

HON. CHIDUWA:  The Hon. Member’s supplementary

question is that those that have given loans to our farmers now want to recoup what they have invested in the farming season.  As a Government, it appears that it is the parallel market that they are using but as Government, we have an official rate.  As Treasury, what we are simply doing is working to ensure that our exchange rate in terms of the exchange rate of our currency should improve, but we are unable to then go into the agreements that they made with these farmers because they will be in agreement with what they would have entered into.  They may be unable to control that.

HON. T. MLISWA:  A point of clarification Hon. Speaker.

THE HON. SPEAKER:  I am afraid we cannot have more than two supplementary questions.

HON. T. MLISWA:  I just seek clarity from the Deputy

Minister of Finance.

THE HON. SPEAKER:  A point of clarity happens only when there is a Ministerial Statement.  In this case, we cannot allow a point of clarity.

HON. MADHUKU:  Thank you very much Mr. Speaker Sir.

My question is directed to the Minister of Information

Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services or the Leader of the House.  What is Government policy on ICT infrastructural development and network provision to every corner of Zimbabwe as well as Government regulatory policy on internet data charges by service providers?  I thank you.



COURIER SERVICES (HON. PHUTI):  I would like to thank the

Hon. Member for raising the question.  I take it that the question is in two parts.  The first part relates to the issue of ICT infrastructural development as well as provisions of network across the country.

I would like to point out that there is a question in the Order Paper that was raised in the form of writing which I thought would be satisfied by that same answer, but with your permission, I can go on to explain that the ICT infrastructure framework of infrastructure sharing has taken shape.  It means that the three mobile operators currently are going to share initially 50 towers, that is the three mobile operators that you know.  However, the Universal Service Fund, through the regulator POTRAZ, has started construction of extra towers that have been shared amongst the three operators.  The first one has since been done and is working as I speak now in Mt Darwin.

The second part of the question is with regards to data and charges.  Pertinent as this question is, I would like to ask for your permission, Mr. Speaker Sir, to ask the regulator through our Ministry to compile a comprehensive report on this issue as I admit that it is an issue of concern especially these trying times of this pandemic.  So allow me to say that we will bring a report on the issue of the data charges.  I thank you. 

HON. TSVANGIRAI: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  My

question is directed to the Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education.  Mr. Speaker, schools are set to reopen for ZIMSEC for those who are writing ZIMSEC examinations.  In Glen View, I am facing a challenge where - I am guessing the country at large schools are saying they are not even prepared to intake those students who are coming to write the ZIMSEC examinations.  The Grade 7 exam classes are saying they do not have masks, some are underprivileged to even afford a single mask Mr. Speaker.  My question to the Minister is - how prepared are these schools to reopen and receive students for them to come and undertake those examinations?  I think we need clarity on how they are going to roll out that process.

THE HON. SPEAKER: There are two ministers that relate to education.  I will allow the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education and then of Higher and Tertiary Education.



much Mr. Speaker Sir.  Thank you for the question.  In terms of preparations for the opening of ZIMSEC examinations, work has been done on giving the guidelines on the nature of preparations which are required for that purpose.  We have also submitted a budget to Treasury so that we could be assisted.

However, we are currently working on how we are going to share between the Ministry, the parents and the schools in terms of the provisions of sanitisers, face masks and so on so that our schools can conduct the examinations.  A lot of schools are already coming to us to say they are ready to conduct those examinations but we are aware that schools are differently resourced.  In particular, the private schools are ready but the public schools need to be assisted and we are currently working on the matrix and waiting for finance to assist.

Thank you.

HON. TSVANGIRAI: Mr. Speaker, whilst maybe private schools are ready, those are more privileged people.  However, in Glenview - and I can also imagine in rural areas, I cannot imagine someone affording even a mask and even to say sanitiser, that is another story.  Right now if you go to some public offices in high density areas, they do not even observe social distancing, no mask and there is nothing.  I went around my Constituency Mr. Speaker and the majority said that they are not ready to take in students at the moment.  I personally committed to provide some masks for Grade 7 pupils because they do not have anywhere to start.  That is where I say I need clarity to say, are you really sure that those schools are ready?

HON. E. MOYO: Yes, we are determined to make sure that schools conduct examinations.  Government is going to provide the bulk of what we require to be prepared for those examinations.  We are currently launching in different provinces our readiness plans.  Last week we were in Matebeleland North and today the Minister and the Permanent Secretary are in Manicaland where we are launching that programme and schools are producing a lot of these sanitisers and face masks.  We think by the time examinations start, we shall be ready.  I thank you.



Speaker.  I wish to thank the Hon. Member for asking Primary and Secondary and Higher Education but I will complement the answer.

Hon. Speaker, we are cognisant of the negative effects of COVID 19.  In responding to it, we do it in a very measured way.  What we have decided to do after His Excellency, the President’s statement that we shall be opening gradually; starting with the examination years, what we have done is, we have met all the universities and discussed about their preparedness plans. The consensus was starting from the first week of June - which is next week, the universities which are ready will start with the final year students, the rest of the students are going to go online.

From February, when we saw this pandemic happening in China, we started developing online materials.  The only problem that we were going to face was the internet charges and so on.  However, we have since approached private and telecommunication companies who have written to us to say, they are willing to support this programme by subsidizing the data to the students.  Students will actually access the websites for free.  We are going to take it in our stride. What that basically means is that by July, we expect all the final year students to have written, and the rest - from first year to third year will come for two weeks for their exams but they will be rotating so that we do not crowd our students at the universities.

In terms of sanitisers and everything, I think the universities as you might have leant Hon. Member, have produced the bulk of the sanitisers that are needed in this country.  They have also produced the bulk of masks, even the one I am putting on, for the whole country – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] – So there is capability to do so but we will be very careful and we will be assessing as we go.  If things are impossible, we will not push because education is done by living people, so life first – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] – We believe that whilst we go in and implement the plans that we have here, reality on the ground will tell us whether we can continue or we have to adjust.  This is the way we are going to do it Hon. Speaker but we expect that by end of August, we would have cleared the first semester which normally is supposed to end by end of May.  June and July and August are normally vacation, if we manage, which we believe we can, to have the semester end by August, we would have lost nothing in terms of the year.

Education as we know it, the way it is going to be delivered is going to change completely.  We are now going for blended learning, which is a mixture of e-learning and face to face in order to make sure that we continue giving the students the rights that are guaranteed in the Constitution of promoting access to higher and tertiary education.

I thank you.

*HON. MAKONYA: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  My question is what is going to happen to the markers who will attend to these examinations.  How will they be protected?  Are these papers going to be sanitised before they are marked since we understand that COVID 19 spreads by merely touching the surface?  Thank you.

*HON. PROF. MURWIRA: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  I

also would like to appreciate the question.  All the employees of our tertiary institutions are supposed to be very hygienic.  This is because of the sanitisers that they receive.  So all those who handle any material that is used for these examinations are supposed to use gloves as well as alcohol based sanitisers.  Like I said, I agree that we are not 100% intelligent but we have to analyse whether our measures are working efficiently.  If they are not, we will panel beat as we go.

HON. A. MPOFU: I would like to thank the Hon. Minister for Higher and Tertiary Education for the preparations that they are making.  However, I would like to ask what kind of assurance we can get from the Ministry on the issue of access, particularly for rural students.  It is well talked of that there are digital technologies, internet and everything.  Can he give us some kind of assurance on what extend the rural children will not be prejudiced.  I thank you.

HON. MURWIRA: Thank you Hon. Speaker.  I would like to thank Hon. Mpofu for that question.  The issue of access, because we cannot be talking to ourselves, we have to talk to the students. The issue of access is an issue that has been troubling us and we started working on it.  As I said, in February, as this problem was coming, we sat with the universities and said, if it comes – which is probable to the closure of our universities and colleges, what will we do.  So, they came up with solutions - the first one was let us develop online material and so forth, and we did that but then we said how will our students access.  The most difficult issue was the data costs because we knew the costs can be very prohibitive.  So we wrote to all the operators of this country and said we are going to have problems here, as operators what are you going to do to assist.  What is very heartening is that by February we were working with a company called Liquid Telecom and they provided free internet for all our 48 higher and tertiary education institutions which is actually a very good thing.

So access was addressed that way, but the access that we are talking about is the access related to network coverage.  Apparently, all our higher and tertiary education institutions are in urban setting somehow, which we have to address of course but there is a higher and tertiary education closer to you.  We always say wherever you are there is a Higher and Tertiary Education Institution closer to you. That Higher and Tertiary Education Institution has an eduzone which is a free internet service for our students but that is far away.

Hon. Speaker in certain areas the network is there, so there is no problem.  Not all areas have network, that is where you go for that point number B, where you go to your nearest institution to access the internet.  You do not have to go into a building, this internet was put in the grounds so in terms of social distancing there, it becomes also easy.  It is all over the grounds and we really want to thank that provider for doing this.  In addition, we are going to be given data bundles in the new provision for all our students so that they are able to go and download and then go wherever they can go to do their work offline.

However Hon. Speaker, there is also an issue of whether everybody has a phone, laptop and everything.  That one we are looking at it and everybody who is disadvantaged to the extent of not having that we will discuss that on an individual basis.  What we are committed to do is giving our students an education come rain, come shine, we cannot be defeated by covid-19, we have to defeat it but in doing so, we shall not be careless.  I thank you.

HON. MAVENYENGWA: My question is directed to the

Deputy Minister of Finance and Economic Development.  Is the fixed exchange rate your Ministry announced working given the disparity between the parallel market rate and the official rate?



Speaker.  What I want to say is the fixed exchange rate regime was introduced as a policy package within COVID-19.  In terms of our projections, when we looked at the dynamics of what was going to happen during the COVID period we realise that we needed certainty.

That certainty in terms of the variation that was happening in the foreign currency market we decided to say we should have a fixed exchange rate.  Looking at what is happening in the market at the moment, we have a high disparity that is there.  It is between the fixed exchange rate which is at 1:25 and the alternative market which as of two days ago was close to 1:80 but then had gone down I think to 1:60.  So, in the short to medium term, what I can say is our position with regards to the fixed exchange rate was only within the time for COVID but post COVID surely we cannot continue with a fixed exchange rate regime because the fixed exchange rate at the moment you can see that few people are using it.

Hon. Speaker, going forward, looking at the fundamentals and what is happening in the market in terms of production and what is going to be submitted by the stakeholders – obviously, we are going to move away from the fixed exchange regime. Hon. Speaker, probably we will adopt a Crawling peg or a managed float going forward.  I would say at the moment, the fixed exchange rate regime is what is there but going forward, there is going to be some changes.

HON. MUSIKAVANHU: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  I would

like to get clarification from the Deputy Minister on the duration that he is making reference to on the COVID period, given the position that it is an indeterminate situation we are in.  Would it not be more prudent to just let the system relate to the market dynamic, because COVID does not have a fixed timeframe?  Thank you.

      HON. T. MLISWA:  On a point of order Mr. Speaker.  You

said clarity is referred to Ministerial Statement.  He wants clarity, I do follow proceedings.

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Well, it is a supplementary question,

there is a difference.

HON. CHIDUWA: Thank you Hon. Speaker. What is guiding

us are the COVID levels that we are getting from the Ministry of Health and Child Care. In terms of the timeframe to say when are we going to be reaching that time when we say we have reached the end of COVID, it is not necessarily the end of COVID, but when we say business is back to normal.  What I can say is within Treasury, we have been discussing to say how long is the COVID pandemic going to last.  So we are consulting and we may not necessarily reach the end to say we should change policy after COVID.  We are working on it because we have seen that given what is happening in the market, there is need for us to adopt a system which is flexible and closer to what is being determined by the market.

*HON. MATANGIRA:  My follow up question is that is the

Minister of Finance also saying that it is the grass that suffers if the two elephants are fighting especially the economy.  If we were to go and buy irrigation equipment for people who want to grow wheat, the parity of exchange rate is 75 to 80 and that is not attainable.  The prices that we have in the agricultural sector as a nation has been pegged in the value of the US$. Are we making headway Hon. Minister when things are so expensive, unaffordable and are available? Everything is now upside down. We are being crippled so to speak. Thank you.



Hon. Speaker. It is true that prices are going up. The prices are going up because of the parallel market exchange rate which is being used in the setting up of prices in the shops. As a Ministry, what we have done at the moment is to investigate or find out what makes our currency to be stronger. Our currency can only be strong if our industries are operational. Our currency can be strong if we are exporting and earning foreign currency. Currently, there are some people that are causing the runaway inflation. What they do in the parallel market is illegal and the illegal activities can be stopped by you and me.

We see people that are transacting foreign currency on the streets and the reason why people go to the streets is because of you and me. So, what we are doing at the moment is to conduct investigations and find out how the parallel market operators are doing it. That is why you find that some banks and eco-cash money transfers who are involved in the parallel market, measures have been taken against them and the rate has since fallen from RTGS$80 to the US$ to RTGS$50 to the US$. We are seeing that prices are going up but we are still working to ensure that we bring it under control.

Thank you.

  HON. T. MLISWA: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir. My question

is directed to the Vice Chairperson of the National Task Force on COVID-19. There are quarantine centres which were established but are not working. The first case in Norton, of COVID-19 positive was a result of somebody who came from Cape Town, put in a quarantine centre, was tested and before the results were out, they were released. What role are quarantine centres playing? With schools opening, what have you done as the National Task Force to protect the frontline staffers, the teachers and the headmasters? Are we going to have them tested before they conduct classes? Are the pupils coming from their homes going to be tested again? If so, do you have enough test kits to test the entire number that will go to school – the teachers, the headmasters and pupils to safeguard the health of these young people who are the future of tomorrow? Thank you. 

    THE HON. SPEAKER: Before the Hon. Minister answers, I

would want to say, the wearing of the face masks is mandatory in terms of the law and the masks must cover your nose and mouth and not your mouth only. If you leave your nose uncovered, according to the medical specialists, you transfer the droplets coming from your mouth and you may infect others innocently. So let us cover our noses and mouths together.


(HON. MUCHINGURI-KASHIRI): Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir. I

want to thank Hon. Mliswa for his two very important questions. The first question has to do with some quarantine centres that are not working well. We have around the country in all provinces quite a number of these quarantine centres. Rightly so, some established secondary schools, universities and other centres that were identified; some even at Polytechnics and others have been operating very well. This is because the numbers that we were expecting at the beginning were minimal. I am sure through the briefings that we have been issuing out through our communication pillar, we have been receiving an influx of our own Zimbabwean returnees from South Africa and also Botswana without any prior arrangements with our own

Government, hence they have put a lot of pressure on our systems.

At times we have found ourselves incapacitated and I must say that because of that problem, the responsible Minister of Labour and Social Welfare through our systems has had to identify additional centres to make sure that some of those challenges are addressed. I must say within the next week we are expecting 3 000 returnees, not just from our neighbouring countries but beyond. We continue to have these problems but yes, challenges are here and there and one such is at the Polytechnic. I am sure that the one that he raises was adequately addressed but we have had some challenges. The Task Force is really up to that responsibility bestowed on it.

The second issue has to do with the opening of schools since most of these quarantine centres were based at secondary schools. We are aware that with the relaxation of Level 2, where the President made an announcement after recommendations from the two Ministers of Education, we will not make recommendations where we have not done enough research in terms of where we would want to place our returnees. I must say churches have come forward pledging their full support and we are going to move a number of these returnees into some of these centres.  We have had quite a number of stakeholders whom we are working with and I want to assure the Hon.

Minister that the Ministers of Education…

THE HON. SPEAKER:  You want to assure the Hon.

Member.  He is not yet a Minister – [HON. T. MLISWA:  I receive.]

– [Laughter.] –

HON. MUCHINGURI-KASHIRI:  I want to assure the Hon.

Member that your teams are working 24/7 to make sure that there is adequate preparedness for schools to operate normally and also to make sure that we are ready to take up those returnees as they come

The last one which is the third - I had overlooked that one, is whether there is enough PPE to make sure that we prevent more infections, vis-à-vis those that will be teaching during the opening up to allow students to undertake their exams.  Yes, we are falling short in other areas but I want to thank the Ministry of Education; both Ministers.  You know very well that universities have taken a leading role to produce enough PPEs in terms of masks and sanitisers and ensuring that they are adequately resourced.

Let me also assure the Hon. Member that the primary and secondary school Ministry has already gone on another exercise to make sure that schools, through their own sawing clubs embark on this exercise to make sure that teachers and students are also protected.  Test kits as he is pointing out, remain of concern because there is competition internationally for this very important task. I must assure again the Hon. Member, that Government has gone all out to make sure that these test kits are available, particularly in these red spots.  So, we do have some teams that are visiting all the respective institutions to evaluate the preparedness of these schools.  In some cases, yes we will be able to provide and others not but we are trying.  We are using every opportunity to ensure that these PPEs are provided.  Prevention is a priority of our taskforce.  I thank you.

HON. T. MLISWA:  Let me applaud the Hon. Minister for her responses which were honest.  She said ‘we are incapacitated’, which means we cannot in ordinary sense. So why do we continue if we cannot?  We also talk about test kits not being enough.  The issue is not about the PPE but is about testing the front line staff so that they are not a risk to the students.  On average, how many teachers or headmasters are expected to be in that position?  We prioritise them.

We hear we received over 200 test…

        THE HON. SPEAKER:  Supplementary question!

HON. T. MLISWA:  My supplementary question Mr. Speaker

Sir is, her answers fall short of the desired result to achieve this with resources.  There are no resources.  Why do we continue when there are no resources?  Credit goes to the schools.  I was at one today where the schools in Chegutu have done well with PPEs.  The Chinhoyi University of Technology has done well but we do have incapacitation. You were a headmaster, a famous English teacher; when incapacitation is brought up, it means we cannot.  So why are we continuing risking people’s lives?

HON. MUCHINGURI-KASHIRI:  Thank you Hon. Speaker.

The issue that he raises is very key to our success as he is rightly pointing out because we realise that this facility of testing is not readily available internationally. Zimbabwe has no capacity to produce these test kits.  As I have indicated earlier on, that there is serious competition internationally, wherever we are getting this and wherever we can purchase, from we are making every effort to make sure that they are available.

However, His Excellency, after engaging all the stakeholders – after a Statutory Instrument was put in place, there is a second one as a follow up to the earlier one which required testing as a key requirement, came up with four key areas.  The first one would be temperature testing where a school is required to have a thermometer. The second one is the use of sanitisers, the third is social distancing and the last one is washing of hands.  We have been educating our nation to make sure that they are aware of these four key requirements but the issue of testing remains a necessity where possible to make sure that we will not leave any stone unturned.  With these four components, we are sure that if well practiced and put in place, it will go a long way to prevent our people from being infected.  I thank you Mr. Speaker.


much Mr. Speaker.  Three weeks ago, we were hit as a nation with an alleged abduction of three females, one being a Member of

Parliament.  My question to the Minister of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage is that three weeks down the line, we have not had a full report on what exactly happened.  Could he please explain to us why we have a delay in getting the results of what happened?  Furthermore, on what day or date will he be promising us that the nation will be fully addressed on what exactly happened around that alleged abduction?


much Hon. Speaker.  The Hon. Member has raised a very important issue pertaining to the protection and sanctity of life of the citizens of Zimbabwe, particularly, what the Hon. Member has raised with regards to the allegations of abductions of three citizens.

Investigations are still underway because allegations have been raised but however, it is critical that the police do extensive investigations to establish exactly what happened.  They are still mere allegations and when the police are through with their investigations, definitely the nation will be informed of what exactly happened.  If there is any Member who has information which will assist the police in their investigations, they are welcome.  I want to assure the Hon. Member and this august House that the police are doing everything within their power to establish the truth.  I thank you.

HON. T. MLISWA: For a long time, the First Republic was known for violating people’s rights.  The second Republic, the

President is a reformist, is a democrat and it is incumbent upon the

Ministry of Home Affairs to even bring up even reports of Itai

Dzamara so that these things come to a completion once and for all.  This country is not moving anywhere internationally because of these issues.  The police have the manpower to investigate anybody at any time when they feel like it.  When it is time to arrest us, they have resources, when it is time to now go for a case which is important for this country, which is damaging the reputation of this country; they then say it will take time.

So, when are you then going to be an efficient police? If the police are not efficient, the Commissioner General must go because he commands that.  We need people in office who are able to deliver not to just appease and patronize.  So, what are they doing to remove the Commissioner General who is failing to get his team to investigate on these issues?

HON. MADIRO: The Hon. Members’ supplementary question

is that the police seem to be inefficient according to his view.  It is not the intention of the Government to have an inefficient police force.  I want to assure the Hon. Member and the Members here that our police, as compared to other nations, are in the top class.  In actual fact, an effective and efficient police is dependent on the community in terms of provision of information because such occurrences happen within the community and the citizens will have information.  If the information is not provided, the police will be very ineffective.  So, we are calling upon those who have information, whether it is pertaining to Dzamara or the recent allegations, that they provide such information.

Let me also say that it is not right to witch-hunt and for the police to depend on information which is not adequate to establish a crime or what would have happened.  So it is important that the Community work together with this police to ensure that we have a success rate.

With regards to corruption which the Hon. Member is raising among some Members of the police force, yes, there maybe a few bad apples who indulge in corrupt activities.  It is not Government policy to ignore and I want to emphasise that His Excellency, the President and his Government have in many fora pronounced the abhorrence of any corrupt activities.  Anyone who is seen to be indulging in such practices will definitely be brought to book.  So, Hon. Speaker, we take note of the concerns raised by the Hon. Member in terms of success rate but I want to submit that our police force is one of the best in the region.  I thank you.

*HON TEKESHE: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  My

supplementary is to enquire as to whether there is no time frame, for instance on the Dzamara case which has been going on for years.  Why is there no time frame? Five years the person has been missing, there is no response.  I am not condoning that a person went missing; a police officer went missing a single day in Glenview and in a single day, 20 people were arrested and three were convicted.  The Court asked you to give a response but to date, none has been received.  Do you look at a person’s background before you investigate the case?

Do you know that everyone is equally covered by the laws of Zimbabwe?  I thank you.

HON. MADIRO: In terms of the issue of the timeframe that has been asked; the timeframe that you are talking about when an offence has been committed or an incident has happened, when the police then say that they have arrested the accused person, it is our wish but those who do that would have committed offences and are quickly apprehended.

People cannot just be arrested willy nilly without evidence lest we run into the risk of being called a police state.  The Court of law requires sufficient evidence.  The example which has been given, the Dzamara case, I want to believe that the Minster of Home Affairs came here on several occasions and has given response in terms of how far they have gone in the investigation of Dzamara case.  We do have a service charter that lays out what is expected to be done when an offence has been committed and when it should be concluded.

However, once we had talked about a particular case, then it depends with the evidence that would have been found and there will obviously be a suspect who could be arrested.  If there is no sufficient evidence, it is not possible that the police can arrest anyone. That is why you then hear when such cases are presented before the courts, the presiding magistrates or judges will then acquit the suspect because the police will not have done their duty properly.  Police are supposed to come up with strenuous investigations so that they find adequate evidence to present before the law.  I thank you. 

*HON. MAKONYA: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir, may I be

allowed to lower my mask. My question is directed to the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare. What measures have you put in place to people that used to earn their living from vending before the advent of Covid-19 because at the moment, they are unable to execute their duties to raise money so that they can look after their families.  I am talking about people that used to work in flea markets, they are now closed and are seated at home.

At one time, they were asked to submit their mobile numbers with a view to some funds being transferred in their phones. We are now being asked what has become of the money that people were supposed to receive so that they can sustain themselves. I thank you.


the question Hon. Member. We have a programme that the Hon Member has made reference to that we put in place to ensure that we assist those vulnerable members that lost their livelihood because of Covid-19. We are envisaging to assist about one million people. We requested that the information be complied as has been said by the Hon Member. The information is compiled depending on their sector or groups such as cross border traders and other various groups.

At the moment, we now have 201 000 names that are registered.

Last week, we disbursed money through the mobile phones for about 100 000 people. This week, we anticipate that another 100 000 will have received that money. We were disbursing ZW$180 per individual for the month of May. Next month, we are disbursing ZW$300 per person. We already have this money. The majority of those that have registered will soon receive the money. Should there be persons that have not registered they should go to the Ministry of Social Welfare or Local Government authorities in their respective areas as well as to the Ministry of Small to Medium Enterprises because we want that number to grow so that we can help our citizens that lost their livelihood as a result of this pandemic.

I want this august House to know that as we speak we now have ZW$8bn that has been promised to be disbursed to us by the Ministry of Finance so that we continue to assist the people of Zimbabwe. That amount is going to be targeted to these people as well as to ensure that there is food for those that are in rural and urban settlements. I thank you.

*HON MAKONYA: My supplementary question is that the $180 that you are disbursing, is it a once off payment or it will continue per month until the disease is contained? The $180 cannot sustain a person who has a family. It cannot buy a 5kg pack of mealie meal. How is that person going to live? If you look at our housemaids, they are earning $1000 per month. If you give $180 to a person who needs to pay rent and send children to school, that person will not survive.  Please, I implore you to look into that issue. I thank you

*HON. PROF MAVIMA: I said during the first month, we disbursed $180 per person and that was the amount that was being given to those that were receiving assistance from the Department of

Social Welfare. This amount was reviewed upwards in February. With effect from next month, that is June, those people will be receiving $300 per month. I have said that we have $8 billion that has been allocated to us.   We are going to review this figure to see if it would be sufficient up until we get to January with our programmes and we are able to do it.  We will also be taking into consideration the rise in prices.

We also want this august House to note that at the moment, the Government has a programme where roller meal will be sold at a subsidised price of $70 only – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] – well I hear some disgruntlement, but it depends on the availability of the mealie-meal.  The Cabinet meeting held today was to look into the issue so as to ensure that the $70 mealie-meal reaches everyone in the country.  There is a programme that there be maize meal for $70 and they are given $300 that they can use to buy other things that would sustain them.  I thank you Hon. Speaker.


THE HON. SPEAKER: May I apologise that at the beginning,

I indicated that I had not received apologies.  Apparently the apologies were under my other folder.

The apologies that we received from some Hon. Ministers include Hon. D. Marapira, Minister of State in Vice President

Mohadi’s office, Hon. M. Chombo; Deputy Minister of Local

Government and Public Works and Hon. Modi, Deputy Minister of

Industry and Commerce

HON. T. MLISWA:  Thank you very much for that list but there are other Ministers who are not here and I am not sure if Cabinet is still on.  You had given them the leeway that they were at Cabinet and a few mininisters had been picked to come.  If Cabinet is still on then I withdraw but if it is not on, then we would need answers.

THE HON. SPEAKER: The Cabinet is still on and accordingly you may withdraw your statement.

HON. T. MLISWA:  I therefore withdraw my statement.

THE HON. SPEAKER:  The full list of all who have tendered their apology will appear on the Order Paper tomorrow.

*HON. MUTAMBISI: My question is directed to the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare. What is Government’s policy with regards to civil servants such as nurses and teachers that they can access subsidised mealie-meal in the communal lands because at the moment people from the rural areas cannot access the towns because there is no transport?


that a Cabinet meeting took place today and there was debate on how best that subsidised mealie-meal can be accessed in sufficient quantities to reach the relevant people and how it can be distributed throughout the country for easier access so that all people in those areas can easily buy the mealie-meal.  This exercise is being lead by the Ministry of Agriculture and the logistics are now at an advanced stage.  Parliament is aware that there is a company called Silo Foods into the people with various ailments because they do not have sufficient food.  These susceptible people are on the social welfare programme

HON. T. MLISWA:  On a point of order Madam Speaker.  The reality of the matter in the country is that everybody is vulnerable now, that is the truth.  Unless the Minister has got new statistics which he must give us but with the way the economy is, everyone is vulnerable. So we must address everyone and the Minister must also tell us if we have enough maize because we continue to bark.  We could be barking up the wrong tree.  Do we have enough maize to supply the whole country?  If we do not have enough maize he must say we do not have enough maize.  Hazvidi kunyepa.  Munhu wese anenzara kumamisha uko

*HON. PROF. MAVIMA:  Madam Speaker, I do not believe

that I should respond to a point of order.  I would want to respond to the question that has been posed by the Member of Parliament -

[HON. T. MLISWA:  Inaudible interjection.]-

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Hon. Mliswa, you are

bringing in a new question. Please, take you seat.  Let the Minister respond.

* HON. PROF. MAVIMA:  Thank you Madam Speaker. I was

just saying that the majority of people that live with various ailments including HIV are on our social welfare programmes where they are allocated twice.  There are some funds that are disbursed to them twice so that they maintain their health.  Those that are in the communal lands are given 50kg of maize per household.

There are two programmes.  The first one is issued by the

Department of Social Welfare.  We are being assisted by the World Food Programme using various organizations and 7.6 million were being assisted in this country by these two programmes.  These two programmes are still ongoing despite the advent of Covid-19.  The people from World Food Programme will stop their programmes in May and June.  We are not stopping these programmes this year.

They will continue with their programmes.

In urban centres people were registered.  Those that were registered include those that have lost their livelihood because of the pandemic and those that are on the social welfare programme, we now have about 250 000 people.  These are the people that are receiving the funds that I earlier on made reference to.  In the majority of cases people with these ailments are also found amongst the persons I have mentioned.  I thank you.

Questions Without Notice were interrupted by THE HON.

DEPUTY SPEAKER in terms of Standing Order No. 64.




  1. HON. MNANGAGWA asked the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare to explain when the roll out of the urban food aid programme would commence and to state what system the Ministry intends to use to ensure transparency and that the aid gets to the intended beneficiaries.


would like to inform this House that the distribution of food aid in urban areas has already commenced.  The actual distribution started with Harare and Bulawayo.  At the moment, 12 269 households are being assisted with food aid in Harare Province and 12 968 are being assisted in Bulawayo.

As you may be aware, the urban vulnerability assessment estimates that a total of 400 000 households will be food insecure during the 2019/2020 season.  The Ministry is working with development partners to ensure that no one will die of hunger during this drought season.  World Food Programme has piloted a cash-based transfer in Epworth whereby the urban beneficiaries are receiving assistance through mobile transfer so as to enable them to access food.

The cash-based modality has been noted to be very effective and efficient in urban areas as the targeted beneficiaries receive their allowances through mobile platforms, thereby reducing the risk of corruption.  The World Food Programme has now extended the programme to the following districts; Buhera, Gokwe North, Mudzi, Hwange, Nkai, Kariba and Norton.  The programme is anticipated to reach 100 000 individuals in urban areas.  Government, through the Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare is in the process of registering beneficiaries in other urban areas and in kind distribution will commence as soon as more grain has been availed for the drought relief programme.  In actual fact Hon. Speaker, we have now registered 50 000 households in urban areas and the programme has now migrated to cash transfers for all the urban areas.  I thank you.




  1.   HON. M. M. MPOFU asked the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare to explain to the House the measures the Ministry has put in place to redress the exorbitant amounts being charged to transport grain maize from the Grain Marketing Board (GMB) to the distribution points considering that the fifteen dollars transport per bag is not affordable to the vulnerable members of the community.



Madam Speaker.  Hon. Speaker, following the incessant increase of transport costs for grain distribution to vulnerable households, the

Ministry has engaged the services of the District Development Fund

(DDF) and the Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA).  Both DDF and

ZNA will assist in the transportation of grain from the respective

GMB depots to the grain distribution points.  We have gone further Hon. Speaker, to also give each district some money to engage private transporters so that the recipients do not pay for the transportation of the maize grain that they receive through social welfare.  Thank you

Hon. Speaker.



  1.   HON. M. M. MPOFU asked the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare to explain to the House the rationale of re-bagging maize and grain from the Grain Marketing Board, which is currently being done at ward level in the Silobela Constituency and to elaborate on any security  on safeguard measures that have been put in place to protect the vulnerable households who have to contend with deprivation of 10kgs which is removed from each bag culminating in about three tonnes being removed from six hundred bags which is then shared among the councilors and the distribution committee.



Speaker.  Hon. Speaker, the re-bagging of maize is solely the responsibility of the GMB.  It is against the drought relief policy to re-bag maize at community level, distribution points or to take some of the grain meant for beneficiaries by any person who is not entitled to such.  In the occurence of such cases, a report should be made.  At all distribution points, a help/zvichemo/iskalazo desk is available for any aggrieved beneficiary or community member to lodge their complaints.  Grievances can also be escalated to the District Drought Relief Committee or the Provincial Drought Relief Committee or even at the national level.

The Ministry has taken note of the re-bagging of maize in Silobela Constituency and I would like to assure Hon. Members that investigations will be made and appropriate action will be taken thereafter to correct this malpractice.




  1.   HON. OMAR asked the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare to inform the House of the Ministry’s plans to pay all transportation costs for maize to the underprivileged in Mwenezi East Constituency instead of having them to pay part payments as they are already reeling under economic hardships.



Speaker.  The Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare has engaged DDF and ZNA to transport grain from the GMB to the distribution points.  In addition, with allocations coming from the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, we have also provided transportation funds to all the districts in order to ensure that beneficiaries do not pay for the help that they receive from the

Government.  The Ministry will look into the issues specifically from Mwenezi and I want to assure you that no one will go hungry this drought season because they cannot pay for the transportation of their grain.



  1. HON. S. SITHOLE asked the Minister of Public Service,

Labour and Social Welfare to inform the House of the Ministry’s plans to ensure that people living with disabilities who get their pensions through mobile platforms are not cheated by unscrupulous dealers who charge an extra fee?


opportunity Hon. Speaker, to inform the House that the Ministry is encouraging persons with disabilities and other representatives to transact using legally registered entities to avoid being cheated by unscrupulous dealers and being charged extra fees than that which is necessary.  Persons with visual impairments are being encouraged to appoint a trusted representative to receive money on their behalf.  The same also applies to those with severe disabilities such as cerebral palsy which usually affects the brain and speech making transaction very difficult.


  1. HON. M. M. MPOFU asked the Minister of Local

Government and Public Works to inform the House when Silobela

Constituency is expected to benefit from the Zimbabwe United

Passenger Company (ZUPCO) buses programme in view of the fact that the current bus fares charged by the conventional buses one way is beyond the reach of many members of the travelling public in Silobela.


Ma’am, ZUPCO is doing a rebuilding capacity and it will definitely consider Silobela Constituency and other areas once the next batch of buses is received.



  1. HON. TSUURA asked the Minister of Local Government and Public Works to inform the House on measures being taken by the Ministry to ensure that all residents pay rates, levies and water bills.



Ma’am, local authorities do consult on all levels of the budgeting cycle so that they agree with clients on levels of rates, levies and tariffs to be paid by residents.  Consultations instill inclusivity and ownership of the process and outcomes which motivate compliance and willingness of residents to pay.

The Government encourages local authorities to embark on constant engagements with ratepayers and residents associations on the need to honour their financial obligations and dues to council for improved service delivery.  Reciprocally, local authorities should always deliver quality services to minimise public complaints which may cause resistance and non-committal to payment of rates, water bills and charges.

Madam Speaker Ma’am, summarily local authorities should provide improved services in the areas of water and sanitation, roads, public safety, public lighting and social amenities to entice residents to pay the rates.


  1.   HON. MASANGO asked the Minister of Local

Government and Public Works to explain why Makonde Rural

District Council moved their offices from Mhangura to Lions Den.


AND PUBLIC WORKS (HON. CHOMBO): Mhangura is still a

sub office of Makonde Rural District Council.  Council has staff at this office serving the needs of residents and other stakeholders residing in that area.  The local authority has never relocated the sub office and has no intention to do so.  Furthermore, some council meetings are being held at Mhangura sub office where there is a spacious boardroom.




  1. HON. NKANI asked the Minister of Mines and Mining Development to explain the Government policy on obligations by mining companies operating in particular jurisdictions to contribute towards rehabilitation of roads that they use and the infrastructural developments.


DEVELOPMENT (HON. KAMBAMURA): Thank you Madam Speaker.  Currently, there are no provisions in the Mines and Minerals Act to enforce mining companies to contribute towards the rehabilitation of roads that they use and infrastructure development. The Government, through the Environmental Management Act

(EMA) Act 13/2002 Chapter 20.27 requires companies to have Environmental Impact Assessments before the beginning of any project and also at the end of that project. EMA requires mining companies to have an Environmental Impact Assessment done before the beginning of any mining project. Rural District Councils do charge a levy on all mining production which is meant to cater for, amongst other things, infrastructural requirements. Government is putting in place mechanisms to ensure that all mining titles can only be renewed after payment of RDC levies.




  1. HON. M. NKOMO asked the Minister of Mines and

Mining Development to explain progress that has been made so far in securing an investor for the Siwale Methane Gas Project in Lupane as this will go a long way towards solving the country’s energy challenges.


prospective investor for the Siwale Methane Gas Project. The external investor has secured project funding facility for a 15 MW Pilot Power Production Project from Coal Bed Methane Gas. Production is scheduled to start by July 2020. Phase 2 will scale up the project to 200 MW by July 2023 and Phase 3 will scale up the project to 1000 MW by December, 2027.



  1.   HON. MASANGO asked the Minister of National Housing and Social Amenities to explain when the Ministry is going to construct public toilets at Chebanga village in Mhangura constituency.



Madam Speaker. Initially, the Ministry of National Housing does not provide public toilets at village level. Inasmuch as it is mandated to provide social amenities for both urban and rural communities, it is not mandated to provide public toilets in village set ups. We would encourage the Hon. Member to look into facilitating blair toilets and other forms of ablutions within the communities by the villagers as they are constructing their own houses.

However, if the Hon. Member is referring to community wash rooms, those can be constructed by the Ministry of National Housing at public stations such as bus stops in urban areas or railway stations.

Those are the ones that are provided by the Ministry. If the Hon.

Member feels that Chebanga village qualifies for something such as a community wash room or public toilets, that means we would have to visit Mhangura Constituency to see the actual set up at that particular village to see if that village qualifies for the social amenity that the

Hon. Member is asking about.


  1. 31.  MASANGO asked the Minister of National Housing and Social Amenities to inform the House when residential stands will be issued in Mhangura to curb the accommodation challenges.


SIMBANEGAVI): Since the Hon. Member is also asking specifically when residential stands will be issued in Mhangura, it is also relevant for the Hon. Member to indulge us as a Ministry to be able to visit Mhangura Constituency to get a grasp of what is really on the ground in that particular constituency with regard to residential stands, whether they are available in the local municipality or their RDC before we can specifically say this is the time that we will be issuing the residential stands. I thank you.





  1. HON. MADZIMURE asked the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare to inform the House the numbers of elderly people that are registered under the social welfare programme in Kambuzuma Constituency, Wards 14 and 16 and to disaggregate them by name, age, sex and residential addresses.


take this opportunity to inform you that the entire Harare Metropolitan Province has a total of 12 269 households that are currently benefiting under the Food Deficit Mitigation Programme.  However, the available data base is not disaggregated by ward.  Currently, the data base for Warren Park/Kambuzuma has a total of 230 beneficiaries.  A copy of the same is available Hon. Members.



  1. HON. MADZIMURE asked the Minister of Public

Service, Labour and Social Welfare to inform the House what food rations have been distributed to those Social Welfare and quarterly since January 2019 to date.


aware Hon. Members, grain distribution in Harare Province commenced in March 2019.  In light of this, a total of 5 232.36 metric tonnes of grain has been distributed in Harare as at 30 November 2019.  The drought relief policy stipulates that each household is entitled to a 50kg bag of maize per month.  These same households are also receiving public assistance allowances on a monthly basis amounting to $100 per month.  This allowance is meant to assist with relish and other basic requirements for the vulnerable people.



  1. HON. MADZIMURE asked the Minister of Public

Service, Labour and Social Welfare to inform the House:

  1. what tonnage of food rations was allocated to Kambuzuma

Constituency, Wards 14 and 36 respectively?

  1. why beneficiaries were requested to pay for transportation of rations to the distribution centres, for example Kambuzuma Section 2 Hall.
  2. why presidential inputs beneficiaries in Ward 10 Zaka North Constituency did not receive the complete package of inputs, that is fertilizers.
  3. How many people benefited by names and quantities of inputs allocated to each of them.



Madzimure, please note that each eligible beneficiary receives a 50kg bag of grain per month per household.

  1. Members, please note that following the incessant increase of transport costs for grain distribution to vulnerable households, the Ministry has engaged the services of the District Development Fund and the Zimbabwe National Army. Both DDF and ZNA will assist in the transportation of grain from the respective

GMB Depots to the grain distribution point.

  1. Madzimure, kindly be advised that all Presidential

Input are the prerogative of the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement.  Therefore, may I kindly refer you to the responsible Ministry for further clarifications.

d)     Grain Distribution Kambuzuma/Warren Park

1. Amideo Farisi 63-532914P63 25 Kambuzuma
2. Bamuriwo William 63-040322N63 394 Kashangura

Kambuzuma 2

3. Baulen Nittah 68-007061H68 2194 Section 6


4. Bonzo Monica 75-056792T50 1097 Box 48 Aspindale


5. Bopoto Franscisa 42-099345O48 935 Kambuzuma Section


6 Bundu Faresi 63-486139X63 3029 Sec 6 Kambuzuma
7. Chaitezvi Musekiwa 63-238204C47 566 Kambuzuma
8. Chakodzonga Moses 63-095977H47 925 Sec 3 Kambuzuma
9. Chari Evah 63-677174T47 455 Kambuzuma
10. Charuma Jakonda 63-227056K38 12 Rukudzo Rd

Kambuzuma 3

11. Chasi Fransisca 63-357821W15 329 Kambuzuma 2
12. Chatambarara Sammie 63-319697G11 1387 Sect 4 Kambuzuma
13. Chawira Venia 80-038654L42 1029 Sect 3 Kambuzuma
14. Chibi Gladys 63-375939P04 1123 Sabi Rd


15. Chidzvondo Anna 75-446754Q47 172 Sect 1 Kambuzuma
16. Chigumira Violet 63-162792H25 2200 Section 6


17. Chigwida Musafare 63-33316Q25 36 Nyota Rd Kambuzuma


18. Chikomba Catherine 18-000088M18 507 Sect 2 Kambuzuma
19. Chikumba Joyce 63-510838T25 25 Tsanga Rd


20. Chigore Blessing 71-052206H71 767 Sect 3 Kambuzuma
21. Chingore Locadia 63-448474G47 1841 Kambuzuma
22. Chingwaro Agnes 63-596329T71 1382 Kambuzuma
23. Chingwena Jane 48-043874B48 115 Kambuzuma
24. Chinowawa Neddie 63-635985X49 855 Kambuzuma
25. Chinyani Nancy 63-944399F05 751 Sect 3 Kambuzuma
26. Chinyura Anna 63-093927E25 100 Kambuzuma
27. Chipa Lilian 63-065174B13 99 Kambuzuma


28. Chipangura Stella 63-410907Y45 243 Av. Kambuzuma
29. Chipungu Sparks 73-871202S30 2397 Gwenzi Rd


30. Chirevo Hamudi 63-026118Z44 2328 Sect 6 Kambuzuma
31. Chirombe Erinera 68-552601N34 436 Kamb 2
32. Chirumanzu Joseph 63-501461B27 1343 Kambuzuma
33. Chisango Rilopher 63-485655W32 1583 Chisango


34. Chitehwe Tsitsi 63-1235714A25 774 Sect 3 Kambuzuma
35 Chitiyo Julia 63-620879D42 9001 Section 2


36 Chiundiza Lovemore 63-760021V63 2095 Kambuzuma
37 Chiwanga Martha 63-286997 N42 1690 Section 5


38 Chiwara Helen 63-235789C50 1914Kambuzuma 5
39 Chiwashira Oppah 63-367871V18 327 Section Kambuzuma
40 Costa Violet 63-631339Y07 2102 kambuzuma

Section 6

41 Denhere Tichareva 63-240630P24 1015-29 Mbewe


42 Dube Jesilina 26-066225C26 751 Section 3 kambuzuma
43 Dube Jobe 63-042634B43 1008 14 Shandwe


44 Dube John 63-265781C58 1253 Kambuzuma 4
45 Dzapasi Jessie 15-041351T15 1881 Section 5


46 Dzekerere Leocardia 63-269372F24 1437 Kambuzuma
47 Dziro Venah 50-022884Z50 1326 Kambuzuma


48 Dziwani Abel 63-079961Z43 200 Mutange Ave


49 Dzumbira Shadreck 63-040467W75 413 Kambuzuma
50 Fashu Rosemary 63-131933Q05 733 Kambuzuma
51 Fazenda Esnati 63-526702M63 69 Mutasreni


52 Fulesi Yonamu 63-463206V63 2422 Kambuzuma
53 Gandanzara Tracy 63-6511516E47 16 Mukura Ave


54 Gavaza Theresa 63-350867M32 1438 Kambuzuma
55 Gombingo Chipo 63092908X07 12216 Section 4


56 Govere Pascal 63-33328B18 2021 Section 6


57 Gwengwe Grace 63-092908X07 9005 Section 1 kambuzuma
58 Hangayika Tewu 63-672316N68 746 Kambuzuma
59 Hari David Harold 63-049123E63 2476 Magada Road


60 Heteckery Miriam 63-491236M63 1332 Kambuzuma 4
61 Huni Elizabeth 63-645942W25 2426 Chirime Road


        Kambuzuma 6
62 Ishemunyoro John Jera 63-299989K18 10 Makura Ave


63 Jagada Nobelungu 63-683521S07 1201 Section 4


64 Jaji Janet 63-655876T25 11 Kambuzuma 3
65 Jali Luciah 63-613380C04 2162 kambuzuma
66 Jeka Julia 63-744645G77 1217 Section 4


67 Jekese Emilio 63-366555P27 1680 Section 5


68 Joe Theresah 63-179213G63 1839 Section 5


69 Jowa Rebecca 63-377103E47 29 Kambuzuma 1
70 Kahari Muzanenhamo 63-017200F47 1043 Kambuzuma
71 Kamhoti Anastancia 63-414838W49 12543 Kambuzuma
72 Kampira Esina 63-145423D32 1813 Section 5


73 Kamukombe Ruviya 63-455543Q71 2122 Kambuzuma
74 Kamukondiwa Jessina 63-155741T42 2570 Kambuzuma

Section 5

75 Kamusikiri Ivy 15-023799G48 1046 Kambuzuma
76 Kaondera Ebba 24-006606L32 66 Kambuzuma
77 Katiyo Weston 47-028127D47 1753 Section 5


78 Katiyo Margaret 08-390796E47 2591 Kambuzuma 5
79 Katsukunya Edah 63-299823E48 1575 Kambuzuma 5
80 Kazangarare Hither 63-299841Z38 523 Kambuzuma
81 Kembo Alice 63-188583R63 526 Kambuzuma
82 Kusema Fred 63-057853T15 562 Kambuzuma 2
83 Kwawa Esteri 63-300098D15 304 Kambuzuma
84 Kwenenhu Rhoda 63-433041G13 1967 Kambuzuma
85 Lumbe Joice 63-343618H43 1704 Section 5


86 Mabika Fannuel 63-375725G67 79 Kambuzuma 1
87 Machaka Reminos 63-223906L27 1532 Section 5


88 Machaya-Munjeri Julia 63-621268B15 76 Kambuzuma
89. Madinga Ever 63-138769W29 238 Tsunga Rd.

Kambuzuma 2

90. Madziyo Thandiwe 44-058727V44 1950 Taguta Rd,


91. Magadzire Esinath 63-437774B27 327 Kambuzuma 2
92. Magura Egenia 63-598443R48 1576 Kambuzuma 5
93. Mahachi John 63-204610M26 98 Kambuzuma


94. Mahwere Rebbeca 63-657526M12 158 Kambuzuma
95. Majakwara Patricia 42-014490Y42 1599 Kambuzuma 5
96. Makahamadze Julia 63-355798X43 2646 Kambuzuma Section


97. Makaya Tenias 63-225307K63 191-9th Cres W/Park
98. Makiyi Caroline 63-1433822K45 1352 Kambuzuma 4
99. Makotsa Enia 42-040172N42 1223 Kambuzuma 4
100. Makumbe Alifa 08-485202V07 236 Westwood


101. Makuwa Elizabeth 22-052120V25 2074 Kambuzuma
102. Maloya Ellen 63-664603E63 2086 Kambuzuma
103. Mandapa Eniah 63-513469D63 1149 Kambuzuma
104. Manguta Timothy 63-023215T63 788 Kambuzuma
105. Manhize Merlin 63-516154M07 272 Section 1


106. Manyonganise Kumirayi 63-619648Q27 1057 Sect 3 Kambuzuma
107. Manzini Martha 26-031840C26 1836 Section 6


108. Maonga Samukeliso 08-3605405S53 1751 Kambuzuma
109. Mapfumo Gelly 43-031529A47 2593 Kambuzuma 5
110. Mapondera Felistas 63-299905P15 77 Section 1 Kambuzuma
111. Marambakuwanda Raidah 63-318600P68 80 Cashel Rd Kambuzuma
112. Marara Felistas 63-285801N18 1622 Kambuzuma
113. Mariwa Laimon 63-262483S45 14 Rukudzo Rd


114. Marungisa Vaida 63-678773G63 2327 Sect 6 Kambuzuma
115. Masambanaka Josephine 63-277636N47 317 Kambuza
116. Masanzu Sarah 08-076177C05 325 Tsanga St



117. Masaravanda Eugenia 63-436261G26 1361 Kambuzma
118. Masawi Tibutsia 63-524049D32 19 Makura Ave


119. Masaza Obster 63-393506J63 2786 Kambuzuma 6
120. Masendeke Sotina 63-376781E22 146 Westwood


121. Mashayamombe Ephraim 63-161781J32 2552 Kambuzuma 4
122. Masimbira Seti 63-638330X80 1787 Kambuzuma
123. Matauro Ebbie 63-611722A07 1166 Kambuzuma Sect 4
124. Matoro Lancelot 63-079016X50 2150 Kambuzuma
125. Matsinde Melvah 63-430945D07 31 Msasa Ave

Kambuzuma Sect 4

126. Matuhwe Rosah 63-456276M63 1588 Kambuzuma
127. Mavushe Phillip 63-542307Z22 133 Kambuzuma
128. Mbawa Eda 63-155319K63 2107 Kambuzuma
129. Meda Meggy 63-320180G15 1619 Sect 5 Kambuzuma
130. Mhlanga Efraida 63-202716D13 1138 Kambuzuma
131. Mkosi Douglas 63-544217A29 2215 Sect 6 Kambuzuma
132. Mlambo Maria 42-084324E42 2049 Sect 6 Kambuzuma
133. Moffat Ledwin 63-532150J27 2389 Gwenzi Rd


134. Moffat Peter 32-047577X32 866 J Nkomo Hsng Coop


135. Mongoro Effie 63-645619S06 2253 Mbondoni


136. Moyo Lillian 63-388845S28 2152 Kambuzuma
137. Muchenje Ellen 63-781406B18 2750 Sect 5 Kambuzuma
138. Muchetwa Regina 63-074965T42 4050-98th Cre



139. Mudarikiri Zephenias 63-456455G27 20 Tsanga Rd


140. Mudyariwa Lydiah 75-120650E18 1261 Kambuzuma 4
141. Mufundisi Domingo 63-390724K63 2655 Kambuzuma
142 Mugabe Muchaendepi 63-620880E22 163 Kambuzuma
143 Muganiwa Ruth 50-029984R50 1313 Kambuzuma 4
144 Muhlakurewa Jestina 63-188002K42 2361 Msasa Sect 6


145 Mujeri Rosemary 63-468153X45 1784 Section 5


146 Mukahiwa Pesverayi   2588 Section 5


147 Mukotokwa Josephine 63-434260G75 880 Section 3


148 Mundiziya Lucia 63-688624P13 1837 Section 5


149 Muparadzi Christine 63-504497B25 666 Section 2


150 Mupfumira Snodia 32-021593D32 1095 Section 3


151 Murambinda Shuvai 63-204409T26 681 Kambuzuma
152 Murime Reggie 75-019715S75 1312 Kambuzuma
153 Musarurwa Patrick 63-477502J27 2206 Chinyika Cres

Section 6 Kambuzuma

154 Musewe Daina 63-147967T50 4 Zimuto Kambuzuma
155 Mushaninga Nekati 63-135945B25 17 Nyota Road


156 Mushipe Fadzai 63-434050D27 1097 Kambuzuma 3
157 Mushonga Shenika 15-017771X15 1114 Sabi Road


158 Mushonga Theresa 63-128487V43 2202 Westwood Road


159 Musonza Grace 63-459064S63 970 Rukudzo Section 3


160 Mutandiro Susan 63-371402H18 1087 Kambuzuma 3
161 Mutoredzanwa Rosemary 63-707357D18 1595 Section 5


162 Muvirimi-Dzotizeyi Edina 63-523056Z47 1155 Kambuzuma
163 Muwani Tariro 63-452226K26 1740 Kambuzuma 5
164 Muwono Gladys 18-022491N18 831 Joshua Nkomo


165 Muyome Faina 63-459773N63 1094 Section 3


166 Muzeka Stellah 63-501491J37 371 Kambuzuma 2
167 Muzongondi Rongina 64-448391R27 236 Westwood drive


168 Muzuva Maggie 63-577045H42 1940 Section 5


169 Mwinjilo Ferestah 63-48647D63 2203 Section 6


170 Nazare Bridget 63-285119M47 2473 Section 4


171 Ndaruza Serita 43-084000L43 1019 Kambuzuma
172 Ndlovu Similo 23-026028Q23 594 Jushuwa


173 Ndlovu Clarine 13-001724H13 1423 Section 4


174 Ndomeni Sheila 63-388378G47 377 Kambuzuma
175 Ndoro Lucia 63-376644F47 2247 Kambuzuma
176 Nevanji Memory 63-476590S32 2937 Kambuzuma
177 Ngwaru Calton 63-1327157V27 2567 Kambuzuma

Section 5

178 Nherera Marita 32-063741R32 2056 Section 6


179 Nherera Martha 70-205992K58 31-34 Cres Waren Park 1
180 Njagu Ethel 27-048423J48 766 Shashe Road


181 Njarava Giveson 63-506907W04 579 Section 2


182 Nyagade Samson 50-024223E50 256 Kambuzuma
183 Nyakudya Latremouille 63-1515452N35 784 Kambuzuma 3
184 Nyamande Juliet 47-156126H47 371 Section 2


185 Nyamazana Judith 63-258576W32 1990 Kambuzuma
186 Nyamundanda Wilson 50-065248X50 1695 Kambuzuma 5
187 Nyoka Monica 63-114718D47 1026 Mbowe Road


188 Nyoni Margret 63-497514L58 1142 Kambuzuma
189 Pedzisai Esnath 12-005652W12 1968 Kambuzuma
191 Phiri Christina 63-673823B63 318 Kambuzuma 2
192 Rashayi Marsline 47-060197M22 1289 Section 4


193 Rugedha Speki 32-0319673L32 36 Kambuzuma
  Rusike Judith 63-737351D63 1950 Kambuzuma
194 Sakupwanya Clara 63-140692L50 504 Section 2


195 Sande Esnati 63-378876G63 2202 Westwood


196 Shamu Pauline 63-405025E43 1016 Section 3


197 Shamuyarira Serenia 63-034742Y15 1986 Kambuzuma
198 Shonhiwa Charlse 63-990729P80 1681 Kambuzuma
199 Shoniwa Joyce 63-318606W25 78 Section 1


200 Shundai Philemon 63-086100X75 1896 Kambuzuma
201 Sibanda Phildah 63-287277S47 2234 Kambuzuma 6
202 Sibve Margaret 63-111847H85 2324 Kambuzuma
203 Sikhosana Ndah 29-03975K58 9013 Section 1


204 Simango Annie 63-044120R13 1151 Kambuzuma
205 Simbi Ashanti 63-437444S63 500 Section 2


206 Sithole Edith 63-314614G07 138 Kambuzuma
207 Siziba Elizabeth 63-277508Z21 852 Section 3


208 Solomon Tania 63-685463D63 1941 Kambuzuma
209 Songore Jesman 63-490736T47 2919 Kambuzuma
210 Suwedi Anna 63-343041F63 2080 Sec 6 Kambuzuma
211 Tafirenyika Fatima 63-536945W26 1855 Section 5


212 Tagarira Felistas 63-528630H25 08 Tsanga Road


213 Tahwa Moffat Tsinde 63-040024R71 1586 Sec 5 Kambuzuma
214 Takaendesa Joice 63-449428T25 791 Kambuzuma 3
215 Takawira Sabina 08-163129Q77 2071 Section 6


216 Tasiyana Madrene 63-258644V70 1357 Kambuzuma
217 Tekere Jane 63-504152B11 673 Section 2


218 Tembo Jesca 63-286308P07 626 Kambuzuma 2
219 Tinkenawo Catherine 63-206513F45 60 Section 1


220 Tiyani Betty 63-124271D42 154 Kambuzuma
221 Tsikirayi Modester 63-414609X18 2225 Kambuzuma
222 Wood Rosemary 63-155383E00 2217 Section 6


223 Zambara Tsitsi 63-402404F18 687 Makura Avenue


224 Zaranyika Alfred 63-112323A47 1689 Kambuzuma
225 Zhareta Theresa 63-285882B32 3 Cashel Road


226 Zhuwarara Scholastic 63-472830F70 1615 Section 5


227 Zhuwawo Merina 63-382524X43 2212 Section 6


228 Zuze Avirinyu 63-027603N63 380 Aspindale


229 Zvotowona Issac 08-159879H07 852 Kambuzuma
230 Zvovamwe Chipo 63-701754L47 18 Tsanga Road





  1.   HON. CHIMINA asked the Minister of Public Service,

Labour and Social Welfare to explain to the House:-

  1. Government policy on distribution of food under the Food Deficit

Mitigation Programme;

  1. whether it is Government policy for the Ministry to distribute food through ZANU PF Political Party structures as practiced in Wards 10 and 16 in Chiwundura Constituency rather than elected councilors and

Ward Committees as practiced in other wards; and

  1. whether the Ministry has any plans to increase food allocations per household since there are currently severe shortages due to drought as in the case of Chiwundura Constituency.



Parliament, the following is the Government implementation structure of the programme as spelt out in the Food Deficit Mitigation Strategy


  • Regular Food Security Assessments are conducted by the Zimbabwe Vulnerability Assessment Committee (ZimVAC) to select wards within districts and determine numbers of people in need of food aid.
  • After the document is produced, national and provincial sensitisation is done.
  • District Drought Relief Committee (DDRC) meets to allocate ward beneficiary numbers depending on the vulnerability ward maps and agree on a schedule for public meetings to introduce the Government of Zimbabwe and the development partner/cooperating partner aid intervention.
  • At ward level, public meetings are called and convened through the District Development Coordinator under the auspices of the DDRC with the assistance of local leadership to introduce the objectives of the programme and explain the beneficiary selection, criteria, registration and distribution modalities.
  • At village level, beneficiary numbers are predetermined for each village. The communities rank themselves based on food

security indicators and potential income.  Only potential beneficiaries are registered based on the cut-off for that village.  Eighty percent quorum of all village household members present should participate.  The rest of the village members (nonbeneficiaries) registered their names and ID numbers on a secondary register according to their ranking.  A help desk is established at this level.

  • DDRC to decide cut-off on the village/ward Master Register depending on food availability and taking guidance from the ZimVAC vulnerable food insecure population for the respective ward and the other food aid programmes already in place.
  • Verification shall not be conducted prior to distribution of food, but as an ongoing process during the implementation of the Free or Community Food for Assets/ Community Work Programme.
    1. Member of Parliament, as indicated above,

Government makes use of Drought Relief Commitment in distributing food in times of drought.  However, your concern for the above mentioned constituency is noted and investigations will be done to ensure that the correct channel is followed.

  1. The Ministry had a target of approximately 1.5 million households across the country. Currently, the Ministry is assisting 760 692 households with grain and it has also been providing rice to different constituencies.  In addition, World Food Programme through its lean season has up-scaled to cover all the eight rural provinces.  If there are serious cases of households having no food at all, it is encouraged that you alert the Drought Relief Committee at District Level to make assessments and assist accordingly.


  1.   HON. HOUGHTON asked the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare to explain Government policy regarding the deployment of teachers in rural areas and whether the Ministry prioritises the deployment of primary school teachers to areas where they are conversant with local languages of such areas, for example

Tonga speaking areas.


please be advised that the Commission is now taking into consideration the issue of minority languages in the recruitment process for teachers.  In Matebeleland North and Midlands, the Commission is deploying Tonga, Nambya and Ndebele speaking teachers.  Bulawayo is getting Ndebele and Matebeleland South is getting Sotho, Vender and Ndebele affluent teachers.  Most Shangani teachers are being deployed to the Chiredzi region.  To address deficiencies, there is also the introduction of re-skilling of teachers in the respective areas and on appointment, a member should be deployed to rural areas for a period of not less than two years before being considered for transfer to urban areas.


  1.   HON. CHAMISA asked the Minister of Local Government and Public Works to inform the House on what measures the Ministry has taken to construct a secondary school in Mbare.


question must be redirected to the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education who are responsible for this.



  1.   HON. CHIMINA asked the Minister of Local Government and Public Works to inform the House the Government policy regarding allocation of ZUPCO buses in the Midlands Province and to state when Chiwundura Constituency will be allocated buses considering that all other neighbouring constituencies have received their allocations.



Ma’am, as highlighted on Hon. Chimina’s question, ZUPCO will definitely consider Chiwundura Constituency and other areas once the next batch of buses is received.


  1. HON. CHIMINA asked the Minister of Local Government and Public Works to explain to the House whether Chief Chiwundura who has been occupying the post in an acting capacity for the past eight years is entitled to any benefits considering that he has received none although he has been performing similar duties as substantive chiefs.


must state before the House that Stephen Musindo Chiwundura was appointed on the 2nd January 2020 as substantive Chief Chiwundura.  Nonetheless before that, Zebediah Denhere Tavengwa has been the Acting Chief.  He was appointed on the 15th of August 2011 and he has been on payroll. His E. C. Number is 6116820R.

Madam Speaker, Acting Chiefs receive the same salary as substantive chiefs with the exception that Acting Chiefs do not receive vehicles under the Chiefs Vehicle Scheme, the understanding being that Acting Chiefs are normally sons to the substantive chiefs. It follows that they can inherit the deceased’s car and uses it.


  1.   HON. I. NYONI asked the Deputy Minister of Local

Government and Public works to explain the criteria used to award rates and water rebates by local authorities to senior citizens.



Act makes provision for rates exemption in Section 270.  There is no provision for the exemption of rates for senior citizens but only for institutions that cater for them.  There is no provision in the Urban Councils Act to exempt any person from paying service charges which are calculated on a cost recovery basis.  The Urban Councils Act and the Public Finance Management Act provides that each council make its own budget.  Should a council wish to provide water and rates at a subsidised level, then it would make that determination on its own and would be required to indicate where the subsidy was to come from.  It would be up to the individuals within that council to approach the council with a proposal.



  1. HON. OMAR asked the Minister of Lands, Agriculture,

Water and Rural Resettlement to inform the House when sufficient acaricides chemicals for dip tanks in Mwenezi District will be availed as cattle are dying because of tick borne diseases due to lack of the necessary chemicals.



MARSHAL SHIRI): The Government has been facing serious challenges in implementing the national communal dipping service meant to protect the national herd from tick-borne diseases over the past two years. Severe shortages of dip chemical resulted in serious disruptions to the communal dipping programme and consequently in the increased prevalence of tick-borne diseases.

My Ministry has been facing challenges in procuring dip chemicals for the national dipping programme because the dip

Chemical manufacturing companies were failing to access foreign currency to import raw materials required in the manufacture of the acaricides.

Fiscal transfers to the Department of Veterinary Services for the procurement of dip chemicals are being directed to areas that are badly affected by tick-borne diseases. I can confirm that there is an allocation for Masvingo Province and Mwenezi too will access the acaricides.

Farmers too are kindly advised not to wait for Government and buy dip chemicals to dip their cattle and protect them from tick-borne diseases.



  1.   HON. OMAR asked the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water and Rural Resettlement when the Ministry will provide subsidised drugs and medicines for farmers’ livestock through extension officers so that the farmers are not exploited by unregistered veterinarians.



MARSHAL SHIRI): Hon. Member, it is the responsibility of

Government to ensure that all drugs distributed are registered. Price variations from various distributors are accounted for by the foreign currency component of acquiring these drugs. Almost all livestock drugs or the active ingredient are imported. All veterinarians in Zimbabwe are registered.

On that note, farmers are encouraged to improve their animal husbandry practices and biosecurity so as to reduce or eliminate the need for expensive Veterinary drugs.



  1. HON. CHIMINA asked the Minister of Lands, Agriculture,

Water and Rural Resettlement to inform the House whether it is Government policy for the Ministry to distribute farming inputs through ZANU PF Political party structures as practiced in Wards 10 and 16 in Chiwundura Constituency.



MARSHAL SHIRI): Madam Speaker, I have no communication that confirms the alleged practices in Wards 10 and 16 in Chiwundura Constituency. The Presidential Input Scheme is a social protection programme that targets poor farming households with an input pack enabling the household to produce for its household food security. Communities are charged with the responsibility to select the beneficiaries. 



  1. HON. CHIMINA asked the Minister of Lands, Agriculture,

Water and Rural Resettlement

  • To inform the House the Government policy on the maintenance of boreholes in rural areas such as Chiwundura Constituency and to explain why boreholes in this constituency have not been serviced for the past three years; and
  • Whether the Ministry has any plans to drill more boreholes in Chiwundura Constituency considering that the people have to travel more than seven kilometers in search of clean and safe water.


MARSHAL SHIRI): Hon. Member, before 2010, Government had

multiple players in the water, sanitation and hygiene service provision. Government recognised the need of a coordinated water and sanitation sector and established an Inter-Ministerial Committee on Water and Sanitation under the chairmanship of the Minister responsible for Water. The Committee is called National Action Committee on WASH (NAC).

The National Action Committee (NAC) has the overall coordination and management responsibility of the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector, providing holistic, national WASH policy direction and guidance and is the one-stop-entry into, and a monitoring, supervisory and resource mobilisation hub for the WASH sector in Zimbabwe.

My Ministry is involved in the drilling of boreholes, especially in water stressed areas whilst DDF provides services in the rural areas through borehole drilling and rehabilitation and together with ZINWA, they, from time to time, implement Government programmes supported by development partners. Other service providers include NGOs, private sector, local entities such as mining companies (usual under the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Community level Committees.

The Chiwundura boreholes which require rehabilitation are part of the 20, 116 boreholes and deep wells which are non-functional in the country and require resources to the tune of ZW$117,158,024 for rehabilitation.

(b)    The Ministry had prioritised the drilling of new boreholes programme as a drought mitigation strategy this year and would be focused on areas critically affected by the current drought. As such, borehole drilling rigs have since been deployed to each rural province to ensure that water crisis areas are quickly addressed. The selection and prioritisation of areas of intervention is being done through the offices of the Ministers of State for each province, which is taking charge of the borehole rigs and determine areas to drill.

The first round of priority areas had already been drilled and new priority sites are being collated and I would urge the Hon.

Member to submit the priority sites for borehole drilling through the Office of the Minister of State for implementation. However, the other priority sites which were earlier submitted from the Chiwundura

Constituency are Mandindindi Ward 14, Ward 9 Tongogara, Ward 11 Mutengwa and Ward 18 Nehanda and need to be reconfirmed.


  1. 59.  J. CHIDHAKWA asked the Minister of Lands,

Agriculture, Water and Rural Resettlement to inform the House when Mabvuku/Tafara will have potable water considering that the constituency has been without tape water for more than a decade.


HARITATOS):  Hon. Speaker, my Ministry assists local authorities in the discharge of their functions under the Rural District Councils Act [Chapter 29:13] and the Urban Councils Act [Chapter 29:15] with regard to the development and management of water resources in areas under their jurisdiction and in particular, the provision of potable water and the disposal of waste water.  As such, my Ministry is mandated to intervene when the local authorities fail to discharge effectively the delegated mandate of water provision.

The Mabvuku/Tafara water challenges arise from the weakened pumping capacity amidst the expansion of the city.  The expansion of the city had not been commensurate with the water abstraction and treatment capacity hence the furthest areas are severely affected.  However, a lasting solution through the development of the Kunzvi – Musami Dams is being implemented.


  1.   HON. J. CHIDHAKWA asked the Minister of Lands,

Agriculture, Water and Rural Resettlement to inform the House when the Kunzvi Dam Project will commence given that it is the only hope for water source for Mabvuku/Tafara constituency.


HARITATOS):  Hon. Speaker, Government is very much committed to the construction of the Kunzvi Dam Project to alleviate the water supply challenges faced by the City of Harare and its satellite towns.  The Kunzvi Project is one of the top priority projects under the

Transition Stabilisation Programme and Infrastructure Investment Plan.  To that effect, an allocation of ZWL $259 million had been made under the 2020 budget for the dam to commence this year.  Contract negotiations are being finalised and the dam will commence this year.  The project comprises of the construction of the Kunzvi Dam and Musami Dam, the water supply treatment plant and the pipeline to take water to the Harare’s eastern suburbs and Mt Hampden where the new Parliament building is being constructed.

The project is expected to be complete in three years’ time.



  1.   HON. RAIDZA asked the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water and Rural Resettlement to inform the House when the construction of feedlot in Ward 7, Mberengwa East Constituency will be completed.


HARITATOS):  Hon. Speaker, the community project to construct a hundred (100) beast feedlot in Ward 7 of Mberengwa East

Constituency started in 2013 with financial support from the Food and

Agriculture Organisation (FAO).  The project was not completed and ADRA took over.  It failed to complete the project too and as it stands now, the responsibility to complete the construction rests with the community.   



SIMBANEGAVI), the House adjourned at five Minutes to Five o’clock p.m.

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