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NATIONAL ASSEMBLY HANSARD 28 February 2017 43-40


Tuesday, 28th February, 2017

 The National Assembly met at a Quarter-past Two o’clock p.m. 


(THE HON. SPEAKER in the Chair)




THE HON. SPEAKER:  I have to inform the House that all

Hon. Members of Parliament are invited by the Ministry of

Primary and Secondary Education to a workshop on the New

Education Curriculum.  The workshop will be held on Monday, 13th March, 2017 and Hon. Members will be advised of the venue and time of the workshop in due course.


THE HON. SPEAKER:  I also wish to remind Hon.

Members of the Provisions of Standing Order No. 103, relating to the Time Limit on Motions.  I, therefore, appeal to Hon. Members to debate motions in time and for the movers of motions to wind up their respective motions within the stipulated 21sitting days.  Hon. Members with motions which have exceeded the Time Limit are advised to wind up their respective motions, failure of which the affected motion will automatically fall off the Order Paper and not be reinstated.



HON. MATUKE:  I move that Orders of the Day, Numbers

1 to 9 be stood over until the rest of the Orders of the Day have been disposed of.


Motion put and agreed to.





HON. PARADZA:  I move the motion standing in my name:

That the motion on the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Foreign Affairs on the bilateral visit to the Parliament of Kuwait, held from 25th to 29th April, 2016, which was superseded by the end of the Third Session of the Eighth Parliament, be restored on the Order Paper in terms of Standing Order No. 73.


HON. P. D. SIBANDA:  Thank you Hon. Speaker.  My point of order is merely to try and wish my very good friend, Hon. Chadzamira for convincingly and resoundingly winning the provincial chairmanship for ZANU PF in Masvingo.  Thank you Hon. Speaker.

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Order, order.  Hon. Sibanda, this is not a House of jokes.  For all intents and purposes, you are not in the knowhow on the matters that you raise.  Therefore, please do not poke your nose where you are not supposed to.  Hon. Paradza, can you proceed.

HON. PARADZA:  Thank you Mr. Speaker, I will now attempt to do it properly.  I move the motion standing in my name:

That the motion on the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Foreign Affairs on the bilateral visit to the Parliament of Kuwait, held from 25th to 29th April, 2016, which was superseded by the end of the Third Session of the Eighth Parliament, be restored on the Order Paper in terms of Standing Order No. 73.


HON. CHAMISA:  Thank you Hon. Speaker.  This is a very important motion without doubt.  It is important because some of us who have been following events have not seen significant change in terms of the practice that was being discussed in that report.  However, our worry is that the Minister has been legendary in being absent without official leave.  We want to know if there is an assurance – [AN HON.

MEMBER: Inaudible interjections.] -  Yes, it is a fact.   You can go and check your Hansard.

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Address the Chair please.

HON. CHAMISA:  Sorry Hon. Speaker.  The Minister has found this a strange place to be and would there is very strong undertaking by the Minister that he is going to come and give seriousness to the business of Parliament.  We may end up restoring this motion but he will not motion himself to this Parliament and it would become another futile exercise.  Is there any assurance Mr. Speaker Sir, that the Minister for once, is going to take the business of Parliament seriously, because he has not done so in the past.  We have made numerous calls and we have even made efforts to get in touch with the Executive, even the President himself to say, this man is away without official leave (awol).  Even in Committees, he does not come.  We just want to know if this man has repented, changed and amended his ways to come to Parliament.  We need an undertaking that he is a serious official of Government.  We cannot just come here to sit and restore motions that are not going to be responded to Mr. Speaker.  Thank you very much. God bless you.

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Hon. Chamisa, we appreciate your observation and the Chair would like to inform you and the august House that the Hon. Minister is alive to the issue and certainly will present himself to answer to the motions.  That, he assured me.  Thank you.

Motion put and agreed to.






HON. PARADZA:  I move the motion standing in my name that the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Foreign Affairs on the exchange visit to the Palestine Legislative Council, held from 15th to 20th May, 2016, which was superseded by the end of the Third Session of the

Eighth Parliament, be restored on the Order Paper in terms of Standing Order No. 73.


HON. MARIDADI:  Thank you very much Mr. Speaker.  I realise we are restoring a lot of motions on the Order Paper and this is the second motion that the Portfolio Committee on Foreign Affairs is trying to restore on the Order Paper.  I am wondering Mr. Speaker, if these motions that we are restoring on the Order Paper have a lot of value to the Zimbabwean population, given the limited time that we have in Parliament.  I will say peace Mr. Speaker, we have pressing issues in this country.  One such issue is xenophobic attacks in South Africa which I think the Portfolio Committee on Foreign Affairs should take a lead on....

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Order.  Hon. Member, you are being very unprocedural.  This motion was tabled before debated and we are following the procedures accordingly.

HON. MUTSEYAMI:  Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir and good

afternoon.  My point of order Mr. Speaker Sir, is to do with the request I gave in this House with your acceptance, whereby we requested the Hon. Minister of Transport to come up with a Statement with regards to the condition of the road.  I was so specific to mention the condition of the road from Birchnough/Tanganda to Chiredzi, which I mentioned is in such a bad state that it is so urgent to have attention.  It was accepted that the speech would be delivered.

Mr. Speaker Sir, I am sorry for the Hon. Members who are shouting.  The state of the road is bad and you need to appreciate these things, hazvinei neParty.  Zvimwe zvacho munafunga zvakapfurikidza.

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Order.  Hon. Member, you are out of order.  What you should be debating is the restoration of the motion –

[HON. MUTSEYAMI:  Order, you do not argue with the Chair.]Order, you do not argue with the Chair, please – [HON. CHINOTIMBA: 

Inaudible interjections.]Hon. Chinotimba!





HON. PARADZA: Mr. Speaker, I move that the motion on the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Foreign Affairs on the visit to embassies, held from 16th to the 19th November, 2016, which was superseded by the end of the Third Session of the Eighth Parliament, be restored on the Order Paper, in terms of Standing Order No. 73.


Motion put and agreed to.







HON. CHIWETU: Thank you Mr. Speaker. I move that the  motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Defence, Home Affairs and Security Services on the Immigration Department at the Forbes Border Post (S. C. 20, 2015), which was superseded by the end of the Third Session of the Eighth Parliament, be restored on the Order Paper, in terms of Standing Order No. 73.


Motion put and agreed to.






HON. CHIWETU: I move that the motion on the Second Report of the Portfolio Committee on Defence, Home Affairs and Security

Services on the Attempted Jail Break at Chikurubi Maximum Prison, which was superseded by the end of the Third Session of the Eighth Parliament, be restored on the Order Paper, in terms of Standing Order No. 73.


Motion put and agreed to.




HON. MUSUNDIRE: I move that the motion on the Conditions

in Prisons, which was superseded by the end of the Third Session of the

Eighth Parliament be restored on the Order Paper in terms of Standing  Order No. 73.

HON. D.S SIBANDA: I second.

         Motion put and agreed to.







HON. CHAMISA: Thank you Hon. Speaker Sir. I move that the

Second Report of the Portfolio Committee on Information

Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services on the mobile telecommunication sector in Zimbabwe, which was superseded by the end of the Third Session of the Eighth Parliament of Zimbabwe be restored on the Order Paper in terms of Standing Order No. 72.

HON. MLILO: I second.  

Motion put and agreed to.



HON. MATUKE: Mr. Speaker, I move that Order of the Day, Number 17 be stood over until the rest of the Orders of the Day have been disposed of.

Motion put and agreed to.




HON. SIMBANEGAVI: Mr. Speaker, I move the motion

standing in my name that this House conveys its profound gratitude to

His Excellency, the President, R. G. Mugabe for addressing a Joint Sitting of Parliament on the State of the Nation.

Expresses its commitment to and support for the views contained in his address and that a respectful address be presented to His

Excellency, the President, informing him of the sentiments of the House.

HON. MLILO: Mr. Speaker Sir, Hon. Mutseyami zvibate.  Thank

you, I second.

THE HON. SPEAKER: Hon. Mlilo, can you be procedural please.

HON. MLILO: I second.  

HON. SIMBANEGAVI: Mr. Speaker Sir, initially I would like to thank the President of Zimbabwe, His Excellency Cde. R. G. Mugabe for the presentation of the progressive State of the Nation Address; in his address the President talked about the introduction of measures to promote local content requirements.  It is a welcome move by Government as it ensures that the ZIM ASSET programme continues to be successful as well as the Ten Point Plan which as you know talks about the maintenance of economic growth, job creation, value addition and beneficiation.

His Excellency the President indicated that Government is geared towards increasing local production and skills development for a sustainable and competitive supplier base for all commodities.  The SI 64, 2016 is one example of policy aimed at improving local production capacity.  Government has always been the main supporter and promoter of food security in this country.  It is important to note that it continues to support the people each year in all seasons.  About 300...

HON. MUNENGAMI: On a point of order Hon. Speaker.

         THE HON. SPEAKER:  What is your point of order?

         HON. MUNENGAMI: The motion which is being debated by

Hon. Simbanegavi is about the State of the Nation by the President, but unfortunately most of the Members of Parliament on the other side are now moving outside, yet you always say that it is important for Members of Parliament to sit down as you can see they are just moving out.  I thank you.

HON. SIMBANEGAVI: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir, about 300

metric tonnes of maize was imported and distributed through the GMB depots and the Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Services.  It is a noble gesture as people will have food while they engage in the current agricultural season.  The availability...

         HON. S. CHIDHAKWA: On a point of order Mr. Speaker Sir.

         THE HON. SPEAKER:  What is your point of order?

         HON. S. CHIDHAKWA: The Hon. Member is reading.

THE HON. SPEAKER:  You are allowed to refer to your notes, please continue Hon. Member.

HON. SIMBANEGAVI:  Thank you for the protection Mr.

Speaker Sir.  The availability of inputs such as maize seed, fertilisers and fuel through command agriculture for both irrigable and nonirrigable land has seen the current cropping season looking promising towards a good harvest.  As Members of Parliament, I think we should also take it upon ourselves to educate our constituents on the importance of small grain programmes as well as other cash crops to create a balance between food availability and economic empowerment.

Mr. Speaker Sir, our development partners who support the Government’s commitments in food security provided more than 25 000 metric tonnes of seed this season; I thank them for such support.  Livestock production for milk, beef and hides has improved this year indicating industrial growth.  In his address, the President focused more on agriculture because it is the season that we are currently in as well as economic growth.  The mining sector is significantly growing and doing well.  However, there is need to have a more comprehensive and organised structure of small scale miners to avoid leakage of precious minerals into the parallel black market thereby disadvantaging the mainstream economy.  Parallel markets in the mining industry hinder a guaranteed fair tariff.  The country has recorded production increases in gold. platinum, coal, chrome and diamonds.  There is need to ensure that the mining industry remains afloat. It is essential to craft policies and strategies that foster growth and transparency in the mining sector.

The Special Economic Zones continue to promote good business through increased trade, increased investment and effective administration locally and regionally.  However, there is serious need for more employment creation opportunities for young people - promotion of informal sector businesses through the facilitation of loans to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), especially those owned by the youths and women.  The President indicated that a micro-finance bank would

be introduced under the Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises.  This is a welcome and eagerly anticipated move as it will go a long way to improve local production using local resources. Government should continue to promote investor friendly measures to boost confidence of investors through effective corporate governance and policy consistency.  I appreciate that Government has always strived to strengthen good trade relations.

I therefore hope that the foreign investors, business community and labour sectors will also operate in good faith to support the

Government’s efforts. The President, in his speech, highlighted the importance of financing women’s projects and business activities.  I hope that Government will seriously follow up on this promise and commit to creating a specific fund for women in business.  Women participate in all the sectors of the economy, therefore their access to capital ensures a strong and sustainable economy.  The micro-finance bank should be fully financed, resourced and decentralized to all areas in the country so that women from all levels, especially those in the rural areas can apply for the loans successfully.

It is also important to note that the President takes special note of the high levels of gender based violence in our country.  The police and the courts have to take a stronger stance against gender based violence in domestic set-ups as well as educational and employment places.  There has been a high rate of reports of abuse of girls in tertiary institutions for good grades.  There are reports of women being beheaded or strangled by their spouses or boyfriends.  There should be a multi-sectoral approach to gender based violence.  It is my hope that this will be taken seriously.  Rapists, murderers, child molesters and domestic violence perpetrators should be severely sentenced.  All of us, including the churches, communities and political leaders should fight against gender violence.

This brings me to the issue of health and health services as indicated by the President in his State of the Nation Address.  This a critical issue …

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Order, order, Hon. Holder and your two

colleagues there, you either are here or out.

HON. SIMBANEGAVI:  I was speaking on the issue of health and health services.  It is good that Government is keenly focused on national health provision.  Child mortality for children under the age of 5 years has gone down over the years due to improved child nutrition and good immunization programmes in rural areas.  However, in recent months, statistics of women dying during child birth have increased.

Some of the complications could have been treated and prevented.  There is need to put up more clinics in remote areas as well as improve road networks for better transportation to referral clinics.  I want to categorically thank the President as well as Government for the continuous provision of anti-retrovirals, the constant research and review of HIV/Aids drugs and regimens that has seen a reduction of HIV/Aids related deaths and transmission to unborn babies.

I agree with His Excellency, the President that the supply of electricity has improved a lot in this country.  Load shedding is almost zero now.  We thank Government’s efforts for such good work.  May it continue to be so, as electricity is essential in agriculture, health, education and mining.  In fact, electricity is a basic need.

I now come to the issue of education. The President talked about the introduction of STEM in Primary and Secondary education.  It is a good move as more young people have become more interested in mathematics and science subjects as well as engineering and technical subjects.  It is a good foundation for industrialization and business development.  Zimbabwean graduates are recognised for knowledge and skill at both the regional and continental levels and this is due to

Government’s efforts.

Zimbabweans are hard working people and His Excellency, the President thanked them in his speech for their resilience against all manner of economic hardships and for showing national pride and unity.  As Members of Parliament, we should continue to strive for peace and tranquility in our country.  In his closing remarks, the President also prayed for good rains this season.  The Lord has heard his prayers and as always, the Almighty listens to his chosen and rains have come in abundance.  I wish greater life to all Zimbabweans and I hope that water harvesting strategies will be initiated to ensure that this entire God given resource will not go to waste.  I thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.

+HON. MLILO:  I am going to debate using my mother tongue for the benefit of my constituents.  I would like to thank the President of the State for a job well done on his State of the Nation Address.  In his speech, he highlighted the issue of El-Nino and I am happy that the

Government that we have, has set up so many ways to fight the drought.  I am also happy that so many people were given food such as maize and they were not only giving to those who are faced with drought.  I know that the Government that we have is a God given Government that is able to support everyone in the country.  When you go right round the country to different constituencies, you will realise that most of the things that are thrown away as rubbish are things that are expensive.  This is a sign that people are able to get things that can sustain them. I also want to highlight on the issue of mining. Most of the artisanal miners I know came forth after the laws that were in place by the President of the State. The artisanal miners were given an opportunity to mine gold. Those are the minerals that are assisting the economy of the country. In my own view, I know that the minerals, especially gold that is coming from the artisan miners - Hon. Labode please stop disturbing me.

I also want to touch on the issue of peace. We have to take note that in our country, the President has put up what is called competent police force. The police men that we have are able to maintain peace in the country. The soldiers that we have in the country are also able to maintain peace and this is one of the things that has managed to improve our industry especially the tourism industry. Most of the people now come to visit  the Victoria Falls. The tourism industry has also increased a lot.  The Government of President Mugabe has been able to put up the big airport that we have in Victoria Falls. We have visitors that are coming especially from outside the country.

There are some tourists who come to see some of the birds that have been discovered in Zimbabwe which are not common in other African countries. The money that we get from the tourism industry will go a long was in improving the economy of the country. One other thing that I am also happy about is the way that the Government, through the President did on the issue of women rights. There is nothing that we can say in this country without touching issues to do with women rights. There is no one in this country who came without having a mother. The only person who has pure love is a mother. The President put up different laws that support women, for example, the domestic laws. I am directing this to people who are seated on the other side of the House. I know that most of them love to beat up women but when you go to different police stations, you will realise that every police station has a victim friendly unit.

They put up this unit so that many people who are abused through domestic violence are able to be assisted. So many people commit that crime. We urge that they be locked up in jails for such crimes. I also take note that the major reason why the Government had to put up the law on domestic violence is to protect women. Again, when you look at the issue of the lives that are lost when women are giving birth, most of the times when you go to the hospitals, you meet some nurses who are not friendly, who victimise  those who come to deliver babies in their hospitals.

There is also a special instrument, Statutory Instrument 64 that was  brought up by the Government of Zimbabwe that we have. This statutory instrument is meant is for those who are opposing the Government  or who want to bring in foreign laws and want to apply that to the Zimbabwean situation. The Government, through the Ministry of Industry  and Commerce brought up this statutory instrument. Those who are against the Government and those who are against the improvement of the nation went to the borders and demonstrated but the Government managed to   fight that. This shows that statutory instrument is actually working. The companies who are doing production through manufacturing, if you go to Mutare, there is a company that produces cooking oil or those who are producing   mealie- meal are actually functional.

HON. MLISWA: On a point of order?

THE TEMPORARY. SPEAKER: What is your point of order?

HON. MLISWA: Mr. Speaker Sir, the State of the Nation

Address is very important. I am quite surprised by the Hon. Members  of ZANU PF who are leaving the House  first before they are told of the direction the country is taking because the Head of State have spoken. Some of them are still going outside Mr. Speaker Sir; you have to tell them that they represent people. So it is important that they represent people when you are here. I do not know what other business they are going to do out there when they were elected by the people to represent the people here. Mr. Speaker, can you please talk to the ruling party members of Parliament to represent people and respect the State of the Nation Address. Thank you.

THE TEMPERARY SPEAKER: Thank you Hon. Mliswa. Point

of order sustained. Oder, Hon. Members I think there is a lot of sense in what the Hon. Member has said and it is incumbent upon us from members from my right to make sure that we remain in the House and listen to the debates. Even if you have nothing to offer but it pays if you listen, tomorrow you might be wiser.

+HON. MLILO: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.

HON. MARIDADI: Point of order?

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: What is your point of order?

HON. MARIDADI: My point of order is that I heard what Hon. Mliswa said but as Members of Parliament, we are allowed to say what was presented was nonsense and it is allowed for ZANU PF to walk out if they do not agree with the speech.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Order please, Hon. Maridadi,

the Speaker has already commented on that there is no point of order. There is no point of you standing up and try to make some speech.

+HON. MLILO: I was still saying that there are manufacturing companies who have managed gain so much profit especially after the statutory instrument was implemented. We will realise that so many people were able to gain employment. We want to congratulate the Government for such a good job that they did. I also want to take this opportunity to touch on the issue to do with farming.

The Government has done a sterling job on this. The President agreed to the setting up of the command agriculture which was used as the plan of action for farming in this country. We also want to thank our living God for giving us the rains. I would like to say that command agriculture has been overwhelmingly successful and, the ideas of our ZANU PF Government have actually worked.  All the ideas that they have; you will realise that they are trying to fight against drought.  There is no nation that will survive with drought and the Government has put up different ideas as a way of fighting against drought and when we get to harvest time, so many people will be able to benefit from that.  I always meet my friends for example, Hon. Toffa whom I have seen going to her farm to get maize from there.  Government prioritises the issue of farming so that people are able to fight against drought.

I also would want to touch on the issue of ZESA.  The days when we used to have load shedding are over because long back, we used to hear stories like food going bad because of load shedding.  So many people have highlighted the issue of too many potholes.  I know that there are a few people who acknowledge the improvement on availability of electricity.  We will again realise the coming up of the Dema Diesel Plant which has also helped to ease the problem of the load shedding.  Some of the Members of Parliament, especially those who are quiet, know that what I am saying is very correct and most of you are looking so smart because we no longer have any load shedding and you are able to iron your clothes.

In conclusion, I would like to touch on the issue of education. When it comes to education, the Government did a sterling job.  I want us to take note of the fact that, there is no province without a university and this is a sign that the Government is prioritising education. This is why so many people in Zimbabwe are educated.  That is why even amongst our Members of Parliament, we have doctors, lawyers and professors - for example, one of the Hon. Members from the opposition, Hon. Chamisa.  This is a sign that education is one of the most important things in our country and the Government is trying by all means to see that everyone is able to get education without any discrimination.  I would like to urge Members from the opposition party to clap hands, especially when we are saying things that are valid.  I would like to thank the job that was done by the Government.  Some of the Members, for example Hon. Prince managed to get education which was brought by the President and we need to acknowledge and applaud the President when he is doing such good things.  I would like to thank and applaud the Government for the good ideas that they are putting in place as a way of trying to improve the economy of the country.

On the issue of potholes, which is a day to day thing that is being highlighted, we have to take note that they are not brought about by the President, but some of the things are due to nature.



THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Order please.  I would like to

make this announcement.  “ Please join us for a breakfast meeting for the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Industry and Commerce and the business community on Wednesday, 1st March, 2017 at 07.30 a.m. to

09.30 a.m. at the Meikles Hotel.  We look forward to welcoming you all

Hon. Members there.”

HON. CHAMISA:  Thank you very much Hon. Speaker Sir.  I

want to start by thanking hon. Simbanegavi and Hon. Mlilo for their very important motion.  You are aware that, the most important thing in any nation is the view and perspective of a leader of that nation.  In our situation, you can clearly tell that the views of the President reflect on the situation on the ground.  But, what is clear is that, from the State of the Nation that we got from President Mugabe, that State of the Nation is actually indicative of the actual state of our nation.

I say so because you do not need a speech of the President to know how the people are living in the country.  All you need to do is to go out in the street, go out into the villages, go out into the rural communities and ask people how they are surviving.  The state of the nation is better stated by the situation of our rural communities who have challenges with access to basic necessities who have problems with access to issues of food and issues of good roads to make sure that they can access one place or another.

Hon. Speaker Sir, the state of the nation can only be articulated by your workers.  Go and ask the workers, they will tell that the state of the nation is such that companies and factories are closing.  The state of the nation is such that, you go and ask those who are working, they have gone for seven, eight or nine months, you name it; whether it is in the city council or even in the private sector, companies cannot pay workers their salary.  There is simply no decent wage.  That is the state of the nation.  You go and ask the state of the nation and the pensioners will tell you that they have not received their pensions.  In fact, their pensions were eroded away because of our migration from one currency to another.  That is the state of the nation.

The state of the nation is better articulated by the War Veterans who will tell you how they are struggling in an independent Zimbabwe to have a decent wage and to have a decent salary. Our War Veterans are living a miserable life.  They are living under squalid conditions and I can tell you that War Veterans have a serious challenge in this country.

They have not been catered for…

*HON. CHINOTIMBA:  On a point of order Mr. Speaker.  The

Vice President of the opposition party, my young brother, we want to hear what he is saying but he is the same person who is questioning why War Veterans were given money.  It is painful to hear someone talk about this issue and yet the party that he leads does not recognise war veterans.  If they want us to vote for them, I am sorry, we will not vote for them. – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –


Order, order! Hon. Members.  Hon. Chinotimba, what you have said does not need a point of order.  We will give you an opportunity to debate.

HON. CHAMISA: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir for that

intervention.  I was just indicating that it needs no rocket scientist to tell you that the state of the nation is such a sorry state of circumstances.  You need to go and ask your war veterans; our war veterans, how they have not been able to secure funding for their own children.   There is no country that can ever survive without looking after its own veterans.

The United States of America looks after their war veterans.  The

United Kingdom looks after their war veterans but us as a country…       *HON. MATANGIRA: Mr. Speaker Sir, we are debating about

the President’s State of the Nation Address.  My point of order is that we should not delve into issues that you were actively involved in by saying that the war veterans are unable to send their children to school.  Which war veterans failed to send their children to school? – [HON.

MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –

*THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Order, order please.  Hon.

Members, if the Chair makes a ruling, let us respect the ruling.  If

anyone has concerns over the debate that is going on, you are free to debate later on, not to continue giving point of orders.

HON. CHAMISA: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  Once again, I want to thank you and also thanking Hon. Matangira for the realisation that indeed, we must all together as political parties; as Members of Parliament work to achieve the common goal for which our liberation struggle was waged.  We want to make sure that our war veterans have a fair life.  We want to make sure that our war veterans have got pride of place in terms of our remuneration we are giving them.

The state of the nation is such that we have not looked at the total number of war veterans.  Up to now, we are still auditing to find who is a genuine war veteran and who is not.  I think that state of the nation is indicative of how we have neglected our war veterans.  We should know our war veterans in every community, countryside and in every province.  Our war veterans are supposed to be spillers and symbols of significance and of our importance as a nation.

This is where I must say Mr. Speaker Sir; the state of the nation is so sorry that the revolution is now devouring its own fathers.  Not only that, we have even gone to the extent of having war veterans when they are demonstrating, we teargas them.  We throw canisters on them; real war veterans who fought for the liberation of this country – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] – It is a serious issue Mr. Speaker Sir because it tells you the state of the nation.  When the fathers of the revolution begin to cry, what will happen to the children and the sons of the revolution?  Those who did not participate in the revolution, if they are seeing the fathers cry, it tells you that we have begun to squander and destroy the tree of the revolution.  This is the state of the nation.

The state of nation; is when you begin to see even the state of our roads – go to our road users.  Ask them how many accidents have been caused on account of the nature and state of our roads.  That is the state of the nation.  The state of nation is going to be told by people in Tsholotsho and Lupane, who have had problems of floods; this is the state of the nation and we have not been able to help them as a country.

The state of the nation Mr. Speaker Sir, is being told by factories that are not operating in Bulawayo; intuthu ziyathunqa is not there.  The factories are not operating because the state of the nation is such that we have not paid attention to things that matter – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] –

For a long time, the state of the nation is such that we concentrate on politics at the expense of economics. We have been focusing too much on slogans at the expense of uniting our people to move forward.  We have become perennial people who are preoccupied with factions within political parties, forgetting that we have factors to make sure that our country moves forward.  We want to do down that one.  We want to do down that other.  That is not what we want.  The state of the nation Mr. Speaker is not a good state of the nation.

Go to the doctors; ask them what the state of the nation is all about.

The state of the nation is so sorry that the doctors cannot be catered for.  They cannot even attend to our hospitals – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] – That is the state of the nation.  Go to the nurses, they will tell you that they cannot even administer a paracetamol - that is the state of the nation.  When pregnant women are being asked to come to hospital with their own water and blankets, that is the state of the nation.

Hon. Speaker Sir, the state of the nation is so sorry that we have a problem that we need to solve as a country and as a people.  The state of the nation can be told by the Dzamaras.  When you go and ask the Dzamara family – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] – they will tell you that they do not have one of their own.  They will tell you that they cannot even account of a citizen for a citizen, after 1980 independence, internally displaced persons.  That is the state of the nation.

The state of the nation is such that it will tell you that when you go into our provinces, they will tell you that they have never received any support from the Government in terms of infrastructure to make sure that our country is better than what it is supposed to be.  The state of the nation is in the schools, where you have a whole Minister of Government trying to tear apart a curriculum which has been serving this country so well – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] – That is the state of the nation; where you have a Minister who just wakes up on a drunken stupor, he wants to change a national curriculum.  He has no basis for changing that national curriculum.  What does he do, he wants to introduce alien concepts into our education.  I want to give you one secret Mr. Speaker Sir and Hon. Members would know…

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Order, order Hon. Members.

Hon. Chamisa, there is a workshop on this curriculum.  So, let us not pre-empt what we are going to discuss there.

HON. CHAMISA: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  I am so guided, I know there is a workshop on Monday.

*HON. MASHAYAMOMBE: On a point of order.  My point of order is that Hon. Chamisa said drunken Minister. – [HON. MEMBERS:

Inaudible interjections.] –

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Order, order Hon. Members.

Hon. Chamisa, may you withdraw the word stupor?

HON. CHAMISA: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.  I withdraw that

humbly. In fact, my intention was not to indicate that the Minister is drunk, but that it is the stupor. I hear you and I withdraw that Hon. Speaker Sir. I was condemning the stupor and not the Minister. I just want to say the State of the Nation is ably told, if you go into the high density suburbs, a neighbour cannot even visit their neighbours because the roads are so tattered and torn. You have the sewer system, it is so shambolic and that is the State of the Nation. It tells you that the centre can no longer hold. We cannot come here as Hon. Members of Parliament and continue to preside over an economy, a Government and administration that is so distant from the ideals of the liberation struggle.

What was the liberation struggle all about? The liberation struggle was about one man one vote, the sovereignty of the people, the dignity of a people, the people of Zimbabwe and that is what we want. Let us go back to the ideals of the liberation struggle. To do that, we must not repeat the mistakes of 2013, of having a disputed election. Let us not have the mistake of having disputed elections. How do we have agreed elections in this country?  There are two things Hon. Speaker Sir.

Number one - let us call for a national dialogue from all political parties and all national stakeholders. Yes, President Mugabe, President Tsvangirai and all the other presidents; let us talk about how we are going to develop our country and the national dialogue to think about the tomorrow that we want to see for our country, so that you are not alienating. This is no longer about partisan and political parties. It is about our nation and our generation and the future generation to be served. Let us come together black, white, yellow, pink, Ndebele, Tonga and Shona. Let us unite the Vendas and look forward to say, how do we build our country? We need a national dialogue.

The second issue which is my suggestion as a resolution to move forward is, let us come together and agree on the nature, character and the extent of elections we want to have in Zimbabwe. We should not have another disputed election because our crisis is a crisis of leadership.

It is of governance. We do not want to destroy the legacy of the liberation war heroes who fought to liberate this country. We need to build on that legacy and how do we do that? Let us come together Hon.

Speaker Sir...

THE TEMPORARYSPEAKER: Order Hon. Member. You are

left with 2 minutes.

HON. CHAMISA: Thank you. Two minutes is actually too much

Hon. Speaker Sir. I am just concluding. Let us have one credible Voters Roll in this country so that we are all agreed on that as a way of resolving the State of the Nation. Number two is, let us make sure that we go biometric in voting so that we resolve all the other issues that have caused problems. Thirdly, we need to do is have a framework that is agreed upon in terms of removing all the technical people who are partisan in the conducting of ZEC as a board that manages elections.

We need to have equal access by political parties to media so that we are able to see who is saying what to the people of Zimbabwe and do away with a partisan approach in terms of the media. We need to have underwriters like SADC and the United Nations so that they are able to underwrite the elections in Zimbabwe. We agreed on that election and what do we need to do? Let us deal with people who always thrive on stealing elections and coming here without the mandate of the people. I know them and we do not want to mention them. They are not wanted in their constituencies but when they are here, they want to appear larger than life, and this is why they are not able to do anything.

Hon. Speaker Sir, we need to have free and fair elections and a truth and reconciliation programme so that we are not revenging. We are not looking at the past but we just want to say this far and no further in terms of affecting people’s rights so that we are able to unite. I want to thank you for listening and for giving me the time just to contribute.

This is the State of the Nation. Thank you very much. – [HON.

MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] -

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Order, order. Thank you Hon.

Chamisa. Let me clarify on the invitation or breakfast that I had earlier on read to you. I am informed that it is only the Portfolio Committee on

Industry and Commerce to attend this.

HON. MLISWA: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir for giving me this opportunity to debate on the State of the Nation Address, also known as

SONA. Let me thank Hon. Simbanegavi for having moved this motion. It is not in dispute that His Excellency Cde. R. G. Mugabe is the

President of the nation, that he was democratically elected and he is the CEO of the Republic of Zimbabwe, if we have to use the corporate language. It is equally not in dispute that failure for the country and the economy to suffer, the buck stops with him. It is equally not in dispute that the Ministers in Cabinet are appointed by him to perform his vision.

It is also not in dispute that failure to perform, they must be reassigned.

I want to touch on the ZIM ASSET which is a programme which was initiated by the Government to ensure that the welfare of the Zimbabwean people at large transforms. It is also not in dispute that any programme must be reviewed from time to time to see that it is assessed whether it is doing well or not. ZIM ASSET has not been assessed. I speak with authority being a Member of Parliament after the 2013 elections, where I was in support of ZIM ASSET.

I was a member of the ruling party as a Member of Parliament and believed that it was important for us to move with that programme and the manifesto that we had sold to the people. It is without question that I also supported ZIM ASSET. I still support ZIM ASSET if it is performing and not when it is not performing. Willowvale Motor Industries is a good example of us making our cake grow and equally eating from it. Members of Parliament decided, through the Executive not to buy cars from a State owned car manufacturing, which is a total inconsistency in terms of what ZIM ASSET was about.

ZIM ASSET was about building the local industry or you can call it domestic resource mobilisation. We missed an opportunity.  Cars which came in were not manufactured in Zimbabwe, which means employment and foreign currency was equally exported against a background of production not happening. So, you have a situation where you are exporting jobs and foreign currency but you are not earning foreign currency which certainly leads us to the situation that we are in of a liquidity crunch. The bond notes must not be blamed that they are here. It is how they have come to be here, that we must look at; it is because of failure and indiscipline on the part of Government to stick to its Manifesto, the policy that it would have said it would do.

I want to say this Mr. Speaker Sir, sanctions are an old story, and corruption has superseded sanctions.  Corruption has superseded sanctions, the State of the Nation Address clearly; the President is very clear in terms of zero tolerance on corruption.  Some of us who are disciplined in nature will always follow what the President says.  We were loud about people being corrupt and for them to be brought to book but instead we were fired from the parties that we were in because we followed what the President had said that there should be zero tolerance on corruption – just by bringing it up,  you are expelled.  No wonder why my colleagues on the left side are quiet on corruption because they know that they will be expelled like me and it will be very difficult for them to come back to Parliament like I did.

So, the party which is the Government of the day has had policy inconsistency where you talk about ZIM ASSET, our industry growing - that does not happen that is a policy inconsistency.  Even those who want to put money are watching what you are doing and they realise that you cannot even stick to the things that you say you will do.  There is no institution that will put in money when you do not stick to that.

If anything, Mr. Speaker Sir, we have been reduced to a VAT economy where the Minister, I think dreams about which sector he should come up with in terms of the VAT.  Of late it was the meat VAT but he rescinded on it to show that he is under pressure to raise money through VAT.  We cannot be a VAT economy; we must be an economy that produces.  You even want to VAT meat, what can you VAT, what value addition is on a cow? It is slaughtered.  Fortunately, he rescinded on that after members of Parliament and I must say Hon. Zindi was one of them who brought the issue up.

So, there is absolutely no idea, no clue as to where the money is going to come from.  I would like to support Hon. Chamisa’s point in terms of the fact that the state of the economy must be based on what is on the ground.  Members of Parliament are underfunded; they cannot even get to their constituencies, it was not addressed. There are three pillars of the State, Parliament, the Legislature being one, representing people - has not been able to execute its duties; which mean whatever we have talked about here is not coming from a well informed view, and it is more of the social media that we are picking up.  Instead of us being well funded, going back to the people and in terms of the Government policy which is there on the CDF which I think is critical for the Members of Parliament to be visible and to augment and support Government policy; that money is not there.

So, Members of Parliament who are supposed to represent people have not been able to represent the people through Government policy because if they are given a CDF, they are then able to complement

Government’s effort. For example, if there is no borehole in an area, that CDF can be used to dig a borehole. By so doing, we are complementing Government effort, we have not been able to do that.  So, I am equally disturbed by the failure or maybe the President was mis-informed about the performance of Parliament; it is non-performing.  It is a worrying factor which has got to be considered if we are to move forward.  We have the aspect of equitable distribution of wealth; the resources in

Manicaland where there are diamonds are not found in Matabeleland South neither in Matabeleland North, yet all the people from both provinces are Zimbabweans.  Why can they not benefit from the resources this country has? You have a situation where one province is richer than the other province, so when people move from one province to the other, they think they are getting they are getting into another country yet we are in one country.

The issue in terms of the resources being equitably distributed is something which I think has got to be revisited through the indigenisation Empowerment Act which empowers the resource in the community to then ensure that the people in that community benefit.  The Community Ownership Trust, let us review what have they done to change the welfare of the people in these areas; absolutely nothing.  There has not been accountability in terms of how these resources are done.  Members of Parliament who are in these areas where there are so many resources cannot even benefit from them.  The whole idea of having the chiefs to also be the custodians or to superintend over that, also has loopholes, is to do with capacity.  They are dealing with the man and women who understand business. With due respect, I think we all have our roles to play and I am not saying the chiefs do not understand  business but it is an aspect of comprehending issues – are they really representing people in the manner that they should?

If you look at Manicaland, the chiefs in the area, what do they have, nothing and yet they are the custodians of the Community Ownership Trust.  It just shows that there needs to be far review on that in terms of the performance of the C.O.T’s.  I was hoping that the State of the Nation Address would be able to look into some of these initiatives which Government brought about to see whether they are working or not.  A review is certainly needed in terms of some of these.

There is also an issue of the indigenisation policy – policy inconsistency.  The Minister, Hon. Zhuwao says one thing, the Minister of Finance says the other thing, and the monetary authority says the other thing.  This is one Government, there is no opposition in that Government, it is all ZANU PF but they behave as if they are opposition within the governing party.  So, to me what are they really doing in Government? They then expect to labour the President, to issue a statement overriding Hon. Zhuwao’s statement, Hon. Chinamasa’s statement, Dr. Mangudya’s statement.  I am just trying to prove to you the work the President has to do, but he does not have to do the work, he can make it easier for himself by reshuffling the Cabinet and ensuring that competent people are appointed

Mr. Speaker Sir, ZANU PF has got a lot of competent people who can be Ministers, some are young and vibrant but they have not been given the opportunity.  The State of the Nation Address, you cannot ignore the performance of the Cabinet of the day.  Cabinet is responsible for the implementation of the policies that Government brings on board.

So, you can see pretty well that the Cabinet has not been performing. Equally; there was no mention of a reshuffle where we believe that a new broom sweeps clean.

Mr. Speaker Sir, you have the issue of the SDGs, where are we as a nation? MDGs are done and SDGs are there. There are 17 of them.

How do you dovetail the SDGs in what you are doing as a Government? There was no mention of that whatsoever, which means that we are not part of the global village? We are on our own. These SDGs are key in terms of Zimbabwe being at the same level. They are key in terms of us being a part of them.

I want to equally talk about the issue on unemployment. I totally agree with Hon. Simbanegavi that energy has improved. Energy has improved in the households and not in the industries. There is no industry. To me industry is what drives the nation. It is not our houses. We have no production happening in our houses. To me we were supposed to see industry taking off and producing. By having to produce then we can thank – the reason why we have so much electricity is because there is no industry. The day there is industry we will not have electricity. It is important that Bulawayo industry takes off. That was the hub of industry. When you go there, it is a sorry state. It is no longer Bulawayo that it used to be. We used to go to Bulawayo knowing very well that we will get everything that we want. Bulawayo has become another province belonging to South Africa because everything you see there is coming from South Africa. So, what are we producing as Zimbabweans?

The aspect of the war veterans is key. Thirty seven years after independence we are still debating and talking about the welfare of the veterans of the struggle, that is unheard of. We are hoping that those who were in the struggle look after each other but it seems they are failing to look after each other, so there are calls for a certain generation which respects the founding principles of this country – there has got to be some transformation in terms of moving forward as a country. We cannot say we are moving yet we are not. It requires serious transformation and respect of the veterans of the struggle so that we are able to respect them because these are issues where our generation will be haunted by them. We do not want to be haunted by things we do not know. We never went to war. We expect the Executive to move with speed in addressing the welfare of the war veterans.

I support Hon. Chamisa on that and it has absolutely nothing to do with you belonging to a party. It has everything to do with you being Zimbabwean, understanding why we are where we are, how we got where we are and that is what it is at the end of the day.  There is no party in this country that has a monopoly of the war veterans. It is important that we want those that believe that they have the monopoly of the war veterans to behave so, but their behaviour is totally the opposite of them saying that they are a revolutionary party and that they respect the war veterans. Instead they tear-gas the war veterans under the same Government where you have a Minister and a Commissioner General of Police who is a war veteran tear-gassing his fellow war veterans.

Our question was, were they really at war together? It is an embarrassment, humiliation and I was hoping that in the State of the Nation Address, His Excellency brings some calm to this situation. It is something which I must say that the party that is in power must be warned that 2018, the war veterans are not there. They are for Zimbabweans - for what they fought for - multiparty democracy, oneman one-vote and the biggest reform that has happened in 2018 is that the war veterans will be for everyone and they will not be for the ruling party. I thank you.

*HON. MASHAYAMOMBE: Firstly, I would want to say

congratulations to President Mugabe for turning 93 years old. Happy birthday Gushungo! I am grateful for the speech that the President delivered to this august House. I will start with the issue of infrastructure which is important, especially in Harare and other major cities of Zimbabwe because of the state of roads that we now have. We do not have sufficient water in most cities. We do not have good sewerage systems and our road networks are deplorable. If you were to go round in the suburbs in Harare, you would observe that the majority of the tarred roads are no more. This is an important issue. They were damaged by the rains. The responsible Ministers for the repair of such infrastructure should heed the President’s call because he has ordered that these amenities be attended to. The problem that we have is that the Ministers who are delegated to perform these tasks are not performing.

The eastern part of Harare has no water. We are aware that more than $140m was borrowed to ensure that there is water in Harare. The $140m is almost finished but there is no water in Harare. These issues should be attended to so that there is improved service delivery and a better way of life for the citizens of Harare. The blame lies squarely on the Ministers. The President would have played his part.

He also talked about irrigation schemes. We have water in abundance this year. God heeded our prayers and we have sufficient rains. Command agriculture was introduced and the majority of people ploughed but the problem we have is the lack of water harvesting techniques. The responsible Ministers should come up with measures to ensure that we have dams developed and we should have more inland dams to harvest this water.

We need weirs like the one in Beatrice when cross Mupfure River.

This is not a dam but just a weir. It ensures that Mupfure River perennially has water and people are able to irrigate. It enables us to do our agriculture through irrigation from January to December. We ask the responsible Ministers to perform so that we are guaranteed in that regard.

Our leadership urged us to go back to constituencies to go and do our work. The problem that we face is that we have nothing to give to the people in our constituencies. There is no Constituency Development Fund (CDF). If this CDF were to be availed we will be able to go there and work with the people. The parastatals that we work with as Members of Parliament like ZESA, they tell you that they have no transformers and power lines. ZINARA tells you that that they do not have bitumen tar and they cannot do anything for the roads. It would have been most helpful if Members of Parliament were given their CDF so that meaningful work is done and our leaders do not castigate us.

How do you expect me to work in my constituency when there is no CDF? We urge that CDF be disbursed to Members of Parliament. Let us agree as Members of Parliament that whenever the budget is going to be passed, we do not pass it without an input on CDF because it is important for the development of constituencies.    You then hear of Members of Parliament being accused of stealing some of these CDF funds due to poverty.  So we urge that the CDF funds be disbursed so that they are used in a normal manner.  If we were not to mention this, we would be leaving a lot of stones unturned.  His Excellency - [HON.

MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –


Hon. Members.  May the Hon. Member please be heard in silence, I think your voices are too loud?  Hon. Mashayamombe, you may continue.

*HON. MASHAYAMOMBE:  Thank you Madam Speaker.  The

President also spoke very strongly on the strengthening of industries.  I was quite touched by that issue because I reside in Harare and the majority of people work in Harare.  A lot of industries have closed down and the majority that are working are not optimally performing.

The introduction of S.I. 64 that bars the importation of inputs from other countries is good and well accepted yet we are still seeing processed goods coming into the country despite S.I. 64 being in use.  This Statutory Instrument was meant to create employment for Zimbabweans.  After the introduction of bond notes, companies now have serious problems importing raw materials as cash is now being sold.  Companies are now adversely affected and failing to transfer foreign currency to import raw materials.  The bond note is good as it enables the availability of money supply within the country but as a

Government, we should go further and maybe adopt the Rand for use in Zimbabwe so that people can trade and there is foreign currency in our economy.  South Africa uses the Rand and if possible, we should adopt the Rand system so that manufacturers can import raw materials from South Africa.

We are not producing much in Zimbabwe. Hon. Mliswa spoke about the issue of taxes; we have too many taxes in Zimbabwe.  People are heavily taxed in Zimbabwe and if possible, Government, through the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, should look for other forms of revenue rather than saddle people who are already burdened with these taxes by imposing other taxes.  There are too many taxes and they are now a burden on the people.

The President also alluded to the issue of constructing new schools because our population is increasing.  In my constituency, Harare South, we have few schools.  We urge the relevant ministers to expedite building of more schools as we run the risk of having more children not attending school.

The President also spoke on the issue of food distribution.  At the centres, the majority of the people in towns are not self-sustaining.  We urge that they also be given food aid like their rural counterparts.  For instance in Harare South, which is my constituency; there are a lot of places where people reside in compounds.  These former farm workers have nowhere to go as some come as far as Malawi.  They are unemployed and have no means of sustaining themselves.  We would appreciate it if they were to be given food handouts.  Some Members of Parliament who are based in rural constituencies may think that we want to take the cloud away from them but the position is, we have serious problems of people who need food assistance in Harare South especially in Hopely.  We should have a situation where food handouts are given to both the urban and communal dwellers.

The President also spoke about corruption in Zimbabwe.  Corruption is a serious issue in Zimbabwe and a lot of people disagree on corruption.  Corruption is now being taken in a bad way as being used to fight other people.  Corrupt activities should be investigated and dealt with in a constitutional manner.  We should not be pointing fingers at one another without evidence of the said corrupt activities.

Lastly, I would like to say that in Zimbabwe, we urge our people to be united because the President urged us to be united regardless of our political affiliation or chief we fall under.  United we will stand and divided we will fall.  If we are united, our country will be able to develop.  I thank you.

HON. MUDARIKWA:  Madam Speaker, the address by His

Excellency the President on the state of our nation created a spring board for our economic transformation.  The introduction of S.I. 64 means that local producers are now able to get a market.  For example, in my constituency, we produce vegetables and we were competing with GMOs that were coming from South Africa.  So, S. I. 64 stopped all that and as we are talking, there is an improvement in terms of quality and quantity of the vegetables now being produced by our people at Mbare Musika.

  1. I. 64 also created a situation whereby our people are now participating in the growth of the economy.  We cannot have a situation where our people are economic spectators.  So, the S. I. 64 must be supported.  When S. I. 64 was introduced, a lot of people made a lot of noise because they did not understand that when Zimbabwe was exporting beef to the European Union (EU), we were given a quota, not to Britain but a quota for the whole EU.  There is no country that does not protect its own economy.  Donald Trump, the incumbent President of the United States of America recently said, ‘America for Americans’.  He is protecting the American market.  – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.]-  Protecting your economy is the key to success and this is what Cde. Robert Gabriel Mugabe, our State President has done.  He has managed to ensure that our people produce under free and fair conditions. – [AN HON. MEMBER: Election!] – No not election.

Madam Speaker, when you look at ZIM ASSET, it means using what we have.  We have practical examples of the success of ZIM ASSET.  In my constituency, Uzumba Constituency, we have 27 primary schools and 26 secondary schools.  We are left with one primary school that does not have a secondary school.  ZIM ASSET means you are masters of your own destiny.  Yesterday, during the struggle, we were saying we are masters of our own liberation.  This is what we are doing, we are masters of our economic development and we have to continue with this programme we are doing, develop our people.  Social development of our people is the key to the success of any economy.

The element of political situation that many Hon. Members have tried to mention, when there is a country and you go to general elections, you have 22 political parties, it shows that there is a desire to rule.  That country is stable and the 22 political parties disappear and ZANU PF comes out victorious.  It shows that it is accepted by the people and it is for the people.  In a situation where we are Madam Speaker, the production of gold by our people, the small scale miners, during the past year 2016, they produced ten tonnes of gold.  What does it mean?  It means that most of our people were involved in some form of economic activity.  That is critical in any economic development.  We can talk of the Stock Exchange but that gold Stock Exchange where my mother, father and my grandparent is able to go into the river and do a little bit of panning and get some money, are now part of the economy.  That is what is known as economic transformation.

Madam Speaker, the Governor of the Reserve Bank, Dr. Mangudya mentioned the issue that, it must never be criminalised to have gold in your pocket.  Gold is part of our society. The Great Munhumutapa Empire was created by gold and we continue to support the small scale gold miners because they are the answers to our economic development.  What does gold do when it is available in a country?  If we had our own currency, it improves, you will hold the gold against your currency.  You can also borrow against the gold reserves that you have got.  So the small scale miners are very critical to the transformation of our economy.  They are also very critical to the participants. Economics is different from soccer where you have got 11 people in each team and 60 thousand people sitting in a stadium clapping hands.  Economics means the 60 thousand people must also be participating in that activity and at the end of the day, we achieve results.

Command agriculture – when His Excellency mentioned about command agriculture, a lot of people laughed.  As we prayed, God gave us rains, we now have enough maize to take us for the next three years.  Zimbabwe will never import maize again.  This is the chance for us Zimbabweans to consolidate our position, identify communities that need food and make sure they all get food.  This is critical and it is the responsibility of this august House.  Certain members of the Committees that are responsible for social services must come and engage the relevant Ministers to say, this constituency does not have food.  Hunger knows no political party.  We need to realise that we are the third arm of the State and must continue to work together as a team.

The maize was imported, we want to thank our Government for importing maize and distributing it to the people.  The Micro-Finance Bank is coming but as legislators, we must make sure that micro-finance does not reap, steal from people because most of them, their interests rates are out of this world.  Most of the teachers and civil servants you see are under siege.  They are slaves of micro-finance  institutions and this must be corrected.  This august House cannot preside over such issues.  If you go to the newspapers everyday, there is a house for sale.  That house for sale does not mean that owner was not a good manager, it is the interest rates that we have allowed.

Banks are declaring huge profits, against what?  They are stealing from people.  This must be corrected yesterday.  The women’s participation in the economy is critical.  We must have a women’s bank yesterday.  We are seated here every year, there is going to be a woman’s bank every year and it does not happen.  Why does it not happen?  It is our duty as Hon. Members to respect our people.   Now they have gone back to their hotels.  They are sleeping and drinking tea there, tomorrow they come here for five minutes and go back and drink tea.  It is not leadership.

Leadership is about presenting the problems that I have from my constituency and engage the Ministries like what the Health Committee did.  I have seen them engaging the Minister to say this is good and this is right so that we move together as a country and as a community.

Gender based violence must never be allowed to raise its head in any community because people were created by God to love each other.  We must never be seen to be fighting.  Love is like margarine.  You must always spread it over to all corners of the slice of bread – [Laughter.] – so that the nation develops in peace.  When there is love, the nation moves and is develops in peace.  I also am available Madam

Speaker – [Laughter.]

Health service is critical to the development of any nation.  We have over four thousand trained nurses and as Parliament, we must move a motion and say, all the trained nurses must be employed yesterday so that there is health delivery system.  When there is no health delivery system, it is the women who suffer most because they look after the family, look after the father and look after everybody.

It is critical that, in other instances Madam Speaker, we must focus on critical issues that give us results yesterday.  We must also thank His Excellency because there is massive improvement on the health delivery system.  I had relatives who were affected with HIV, Dr. Chimedza will bear with me.  A person was taking 13 tablets in the morning, 13 tablets in the afternoon and 13 tablets in evening, a total of 39 tablets a day.  When that person sleeps in the House and making funny noise ha-ha-ha because he is under siege but now he only takes one tablet in the morning and goes to bath.  That is an improvement and it is an area that we must continue to battle against AIDS.  We have defeated AIDS and we must salute ourselves.  We must thank ourselves that we have defeated AIDS because we are no longer taking 39 tablets.  We must continue, even in this august House, to say the truth about AIDS.

The issue of electricity in rural areas is critical but it must be backed by training our youths with different skills that benefit the people.

In conclusion, Madam Speaker, I want to thank the Air Force of Zimbabwe and President Mugabe, the Commander-in-Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces.  The Air Force of Zimbabwe, with limited resources, has done a splendid job.  All the people that have been marooned have been airlifted by our helicopters from point A to point B.

Our pilots were working 24 hours a day and that is what we must salute.

We must give credit to people who would have done something good.  The Air Force of Zimbabwe, if you go to Matabeleland or even go anywhere, they are there assisting our people and the Commander-in-

Chief is Cde. Robert Gabriel Mugabe.

Madam Speaker, we can talk but we must realise that this year

2017, is a year where we have received rains more than any other year.

It shows that different committees of Parliament, including the Committee on Agriculture must now ask the Ministry of Agriculture what their plan is. Minister of National Parks, we cannot continue like what we read from the Bible - those people who were told by Jesus to stop fishing, and I will make you fishers of men. We must start breeding fish in all these rivers. It must happen and it can happen. This is happening in other countries where if protein levels improves, then the intelligence of the people improve. When people are intelligent, they are not violent. So, it is a society that we must develop. We must also be able to live together as a community.

         Lastly, I drove from Plumtree to Mutare. I was impressed with the condition of the road. Here and there, there are some faults but it is a sign of a standard road. We must continue to admire good things. Good things must be admired. It was so smooth. The Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development must also be saluted for what they are doing. The current situation of bridges which have been washed here and there, we need now as Parliament to say let us mobilise resources and have community-based construction of these roads so that our people benefit, not to get South Africans to come and dig a trench her and there. No, we must benefit. The purpose of any crisis if it happens is that you must benefit. You must benefit from the crisis. When you have no teeth in your mouth, you are the first recipient of milk. So, harness from this current situation – [Laughter.] - We must benefit from the situation that has happened. I want to thank you Madam Speaker.

*HON. CHINOTIMBA: On a point of order. My point of order is that the Speaker who left the Chair has recognised me after Hon.

Mudarikwa. Do not talk about shebeen issues here.


Hon. Members. Of course, there was a list but I also look at gender issues to say how many women want to speak on the issue and political parties as well. So, we need to be sensitive on all the issues. That is why.

HON. CHAMISA: Hon. Speaker, on a point of order and may it be noted. In fact, I have conversed with Hon. Khupe, our Leader of the Opposition and she requested that I convey this. This is a very serious debate on the State of the Nation but if we may appeal to you Hon. Chair and also the Chief Whip of the current Government, ZANU PF that when you are debating the President’s State of the Nation Address and you have such empty chairs, it tells you part of the state of the nation – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] – No, Hon. Speaker, let …

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Order Hon. Members, can the

Member be protected.

HON. CHAMISA: Thank you. So Hon. Speaker, this has to be known. This is a serious issue. We cannot have vacant seats when we are supposed to have occupied seats because vacant seats entail that there is a vacant leadership and oversight in this Parliament and we must be able to deal with this. Hon. Speaker, this is serious and I hope that you will be able to take this seriously. Thank you.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Hon. Chamisa, your point of

order has been accepted. This is very true and I think as Members of Parliament, we need to be serious with Parliament business on all the issues in Parliament.

HON. MLILO: On a point of order.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Order Hon. Mlilo, is your

point of order on the same issue or is a different one – [HON. MLILO: Let us then convert it to a point of privilege.] - because I think I have already given a ruling that Members of Parliament are supposed to be in the House on all the issues.

HON. MLILO: At least hear me out. While I acknowledge the importance of the State of the Nation Address debate, I think the previous Speaker should as well refer to the Members of the Opposition who are not here  -

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Order, Hon. Mlilo. Order Hon.

Members. My point is clear that Members of Parliament should be in the

House at all times. It does not matter which issue is being debated. You are supposed to be in the House and I acknowledge his point that Members of Parliament must come to Parliament to serve the people because you are here to serve the people. So, I agree and we are going to make efforts to make sure that Members are there in Parliament until end of business.

*HON. MAHOKA: Let me start by expressing my gratitude to Hon. Simbanegavi for bringing this motion on the presentation made by the President. Let me start by saying congratulations Gushungo! I want to talk about the issue of health that was mentioned by the President.

On health, I think the President mentioned some issues but people do not want to take what the President of the nation has said. If the President says something, people should take it up and implement what the President will have said in order for our country to develop. If we look at the issue of health, women are still struggling in hospitals. They are still walking long distances to hospitals which currently do not have any medication. If we talk of the doctors and nurses who are supposed to be providing services; in Karoi, the nurses and doctors do not have accommodation. They stay in the locations in houses that were built by the Government long ago and the rentals are very high considering the salaries that they get. In the end, they cannot sustain their families.

If we go to the hospitals, you find that the doctors are not available at the hospitals. Women cannot go through caesarian section because the doctor is not available but is in the location. You need to put fuel in the ambulance to go and pick up the doctor. What I think is that

Government houses should be occupied by Government employees. They should not pay rent but live for free because what they are doing is voluntary. The salaries that are being paid by Government is very little in terms of remuneration. So, it is more of voluntary work that they are offering. I think the Government should come up with a policy to say Government employees stay in those houses for free to ensure that what the President said in terms of health delivery can be fruitful.

On the issue of the road network, the President mentioned that in the urban areas, the roads would be resurfaced and a research was done.

The research realised that the roads in the urban areas need urgent attention. We have received a lot of rain but most of the areas now have got potholes and in the rural areas, there are no bridges especially in Hurungwe. The bridges are a sorry sight because they were washed away and people cannot access their areas even to go and bury the deceased. A car brings a body from the mortuary but because it cannot cross, you then have the cattle drawn carts carrying the bodies across with another car waiting on the other side. So, it is an issue that needs to be addressed especially in Hurungwe. The issue of roads needs urgent attention. There has been a lot of rain and we need to expedite the process to address our road situation to ensure that we assist those in the rural areas.

On the issue of roads again, in our area there are a lot of crocodiles in the rivers there.  Children are crossing these rivers and I think that more schools should be built so that the schools are accessible.  In Hurungwe, the children have become feed for the crocodiles as they are being eaten by the crocodiles.

HON. CHAMISA:  I need just clarification Madam Speaker.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Hon. Chamisa, is there any

need for a point of clarification.

*HON. CHAMISA:  Yes.  As she is referring to the crocodile, we want to know which type of a crocodile she is referring to.  –[HON.

MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections]-

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Order Hon. Members. I think

the Speaker ruled earlier on that this House is not a House of jokes, we are doing serious business and the Hon. Member is referring to the ngwena that lives in the water.  Hon. Mahoka, you may continue.

*HON. MAHOKA:  Thank you Madam Speaker.  What you have mentioned has pleased me because Hon. Wadyajena is not taking this House seriously.  He should take Parliament business seriously because this is not a place for idle talk, but it is a House whereby we need to seriously work.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Hon. Mahoka, you may just

continue with your debate?

*HON. MAHOKA: On the issue pertaining to violence …

*HON. CHINOTIMBA: Hon. Speaker, if you have made a

ruling, your ruling should be respected by this august House.  If there are intra-party differences in ZANU PF, they should be dealt with at the appropriate place which is outside this House.  Your appeal for speakers to be heard in silence should be respected by all Hon. Members.

*THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Hon. Chinotimba, I hear

what you have said.  Earlier on, the Speaker ruled that this is not a

House of jokes and as such, we should never treat the business of this House lightly.  So on that score, Hon. Wadyajena, may you please withdraw your statement?  Please withdraw your statement.

HON. WADYAJENA:  Madam Speaker, I do not know which statement you want withdrawn.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: You said there are many

crocodiles in here; therefore I want to know which crocodile is being referred to.  Withdraw that statement because the Chair has ruled that you should accordingly withdraw the statement.

*HON. WADYAJENA:  Hon. Speaker, (derogatively refers to an

Hon. Member as Amai ava).

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Please just withdraw your statement. –[HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.]- *HON. WADYAJENA:  No, No, do not threaten me.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Hon. Wadyajena, please

observe the rules of the House.  I want you to withdraw your statement.

*HON. WADYAJENA:  Do you want me to say hon. Father or mother.  Is she male or female?

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Order, Hon. Wadyajena, you

cannot challenge the Speaker.  Please withdraw your statement.

*HON. WADYAJENA:  Madam Speaker, I am now confused.

Which statement?

*THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: The one in which you

mentioned that there are many crocodiles after the Chair had given its ruling.

*HON. WADYAJENA: There are many crocodiles.

*THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Please withdraw your


*HON. WADYAJENA:  There are many crocodiles in the river.

*THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Are you refusing to withdraw

your statement?

*HON. WADYAJENA: She should first withdraw her statement

on crocodile(s).

*THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  I insist you withdraw that


*HON. WADYAJENA: She should first withdraw her statement

on crocodile(s).

THE TEMPORARY SPEKER:  Hon. Wadyajena, I have already made a ruling, withdraw your statement – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] - Order Hon. Members.

*HON. WADYAJENA: Let me go to the Chief Whip first. Hon. Wadyajena approached the Chief Whip.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Do not force me to take


HON. ZINDI: On a point of order Madam Chair.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Just hold on, I want to finish

with this ruling.

*HON. ZINDI:  I want to support you on that issue.  Madam Speaker, I want to say that Hon. Wadyajena should abide by the rules of this House.  He should not exhibit sexist language that tends to demean female Hon. Members by derogatory referring to them as amai ava when in truth, she is Hon. Mahoka.  You yourself has made a ruling but he is totally disrespecting you because you are a woman.  You are Madam Speaker and you are presiding over the proceedings and yet, he has the audacity to say that he wants to go and verify with the Chief

Whip.  I have never heard of such a thing in the history of this Parliament where an Hon. Member wants to consult the Chief Whip after the Speaker has made a ruling.  So, that is being disrespectful and it should never be countenanced at all.

*HON. WADYAJENA:  Hon. Speaker, what this woman has said

- [HON. ZINDI:  Inaudible interjections.] -

*THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Order, order Hon. Members.  Order Hon. Zindi and Hon. Wadyajena, I will now follow Parliamentary procedures.  According to Standing Order Number 107, “any Member, having used objectionable words and not explaining or retracting them or offering apologies for the use of such words to the satisfaction of the House, must be dealt with as the House may think fit; and any Member called to order must resume his or her seat unless permitted to explain.”

*I want to clearly point out that Hon. Members, you have disrespected the Chair.  This House is not going to take this matter lightly.   We will take the necessary corrective measures so that you give due respect to us in the Chair as opposed to exhibiting that you are more powerful than the Chair.  So, I am going to take this matter to the relevant authorities so that it can be investigated.

Hon. Wadyajena went out of the House.

*HON. MAHOKA:  Let me proceed.  On the issue of crocodiles, Madam Speaker, most children in Hurungwe as I speak, were eaten by crocodiles.  So, I do not think that it is a problem for us to talk about in the House that most children are being eaten by crocodiles to ensure that the Government addresses the problem for them to travel to school safely.  On the matter pertaining to domestic violence,  – [HON.

MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] -

*THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Hon. Mahoka, speak to the


*HON. MAHOKA:  On the issue of violence, against women.

Most men in the homes are engaging in violence against women.  The President mentioned this issue but I realise that domestic violence against women is on the increase.  This is because our law enforcement agents, such as the ZRP do not have vehicles for them to be mobile.

Even if women are abused, it is difficult for them to get assistance because the police themselves are not mobile.      Our request is for the Government to increase the number of vehicles in the rural police stations to ensure that women are protected from domestic violence.

Currently, there is the issue of the tobacco season.  Most women will experience gender based violence when they want a share from the produce.  When their rights are violated, they are reluctant to go and report because the police station is too far and they know that the police will not come.  My request is that the Government increases the number of vehicles in rural police stations.

Hon Chinotimba having told Hon. Mahoka that you are left with only four minutes.

         *THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:   Order, Hon. Chinotimba, I

am the Chair and it is me who can only give a ruling.  I thank you.

*HON. MAHOKA: Madam Speaker, I am not left with four


* THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Yes, you are left with four minutes Hon. Mahoka.

*HON. MAHOKA: On the issue of corruption that was alluded to

by the President, I have not noticed any action that has been taken.  Since the President mentioned this, I have not witnessed anyone being imprisoned or brought to book because of corruption.  All those who are responsible for bringing these people to book should ensure that they do their work so that corruption is brought to an end for the development of the nation.

On agriculture and farms, someone talked about VAT or taxes.  I want to support the Hon. Member who alluded to the fact that taxes are now too high.  In A2 farms, they are taxed twice; the council taxes them and the Ministry of Lands and Rural Resettlement also requires tax for that same piece of land…

Hon. Zindi and Hon. Wadyajena having been making noise.

         THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Hon. Zindi and Hon.

Wadyajena, do not make me cross.

*HON. MAHOKA: The issue of farms that I am talking about is of concern because the taxes have become exorbitant.  At the Ministry of

Lands and Rural Resettlement, you have to pay $5.00 for each hectare.  Those who came up with that figure should consider the issue of fertiliser in Zimbabwe.  Fertiliser is expensive in Zimbabwe.  If we are to visit other countries in the region, fertiliser is $10.00 and in Zimbabwe it is $35.00.

If we look at ZINWA, water is core for farmers.  We do not know how ZINWA can say they assist farmers, when they milk them.  They only collect money from farmers but we do not know what that money is used for.  If you sink your own borehole, ZINWA wants payment.  If you build your own dam, they charge you.  When that dam cracks they do not give a hand.  The water that they are charging the farmers is provided  by the Almighty God.  ZINWA only collects revenue from the farmers but they do nothing to support farmers.  We feel that the money that is being charged is too much.

On electricity, the tobacco farmers cure their tobacco using electricity but the price of electricity is exorbitant.  I do not know what can be done to ensure that electricity rates are reduced so that the farmer can realise some profits.  Still on farming, implements and equipment are very expensive.  For example, the tractors, if you buy a tractor from South Africa, it is a challenge to bring it to your farm.  Diesel has also gone up and the farmer in the end does not realise any profit.  The farmer is milked from both angles for the same farm.

* THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Hon. Mahoka, can you wind

up your debate because your time is up.

*HON. MAHOKA: The issue is of farmers who lease their farms to White farmers and they get 5% for the leases.  We want to thank the Government for bringing this Command agriculture.  This enables the farmers to get more money by using good methods of farming.  My request is that those who are still leasing their farms, the Government should repossess those farms and allocate them to those who are serious with farming.  Those who fail to produce after being given implements should lose their farms but should pay for those implements.  Those farms should also be given to people who are willing to farm and produce.  I thank you Madam Speaker.

HON. MATUKE: I move that the debate do now adjourn.

HON. RUNGANI:  I second.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Wednesday, 1st March, 2017.

On the motion of HON. MATUKE seconded by HON.

RUNGANI, the House adjourned at Three Minutes past Five o’clock p.m.






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