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  • Create Date October 17, 2013
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No. 11





















Quarter past two o’clock pm The Speaker in the Chair




Members Present




Banda T;                                                        Chiwetu J Z                                                  Madzore S

Beremauro G;                                               Damasane S A.E;                                        Mahiya M

Bimha M C;                                                   Dube S                                                          Mahlangu T

Bunjira R                                                       Gandawa G                                                  Majaya B

Butau D                                                         Gava M                                                         Makoni R R

Chakona P                                                     Gezi T                                                           Makonya J

Chamisa N                                                     Tasungunurwa; G I                                      Makunde T

Chapfika D                                                    Gumbo E.                                                    Makweya M

Chibagu G                                                     Gumbo S.                                                     Mandipaka O

Chibaya A                                                     Gumbo Joram                                              Mangami D

Chidavaenzi E                                               Gwanetsa K K                                              Mangwende S

Chibaya A                                                     Gwanongoza E                                            Manyengavana M

Chidhakwa S                                                 Hlongwane M                                              Maondera W

Chigudu M                                                    Holder J                                                        Mapiki J

Chigumba C C.                                              Hungwa  G                                                   Maridadi J

Chikomba L                                                   Jaboon J                                                       Marumahoko R

Chikuni E                                                       Kachepa N                                                   Mashakada T

Chikwama B                                                  Kadungure D A                                            Mashange W

Chikwinya N                                                  Katsande A                                                  Mashayamombe S

Chikwinya S                                                   Kaukonde R J                                               Mashonganyika D

Chimanikire G                                              Kaundikiza M                                               Masiya D

ChimeneM M                                               Kazembe K                                                   Masuku P

Chimwamurombe A                                    Khumalo M                                                 Matambanadzo M

Chinamasa P                                                 Khupe T                                                        Matangira T R

Chinanzvavana C                                          Kuruneri C                                                   Mathe G

Chinomona M M                                         Kwaramba G                                                 Matibenga L G

Chinotimba J                                                 Labode M R                                                 Matienga M

Chipanga K                                                   Mabuwa C                                                    Matimba K M

Chipato A                                                      Machingauta C                                             Matiza B J

Chirisa F                                                        Machingura R                                              Matuke L

Chitembwe V J                                             Mackenzie I                                                 Mavenyengwa R

Chitindi C                                                     Madanha M                                                 Mawere M

Chitura L                                                       Madondo T                                                  Mawere M RN S

Chivamba K                                                  Madzimure W                                             Mbwembwe E

Chiwa D                                                        Madzore P                                                    Mguni O


Mhere E                                                        Musiiwa A                                                     Phiri F P

Mhlanga A                                                    Musundire A L                                             Porusingazi E

Mhlanga N J                                                 Musvaire W                                                  Rudzirwayi J M

Mhona F T                                                    Mutasa D N                                                  Runesu B

Misihairambwi P M                                     Mutematsaka C                                           Rungani A

Mkandla M                                                   Mutinhiri A                                                   Ruvai E

Mliswa T P                                                    Muzhavazhe J                                               Samkange J T

Moyo F                                                         Muzondiwa E S                                             Sansole T W

Moyo G                                                         Muzungu -  Masaiti E                                  Saruwaka T J.L.;

Moyo L                                                          Ncube D M                                                   Shamu W K

Moyo R                                                         Ncube H                                                       Shongedza E

Mpariwa P                                                    Ncube O                                                       Shumba K D

Mpofu B                                                        Ncube S                                                         Sibanda C C

Mpofu M M                                                  Ndebele A                                                    Sibanda D P

Mpofu R                                                        Ndlovu D M;                                                 Sibanda L

Mpofu S                                                        Ndlovu M S                                                  Sibanda M

Mtingwende T                                             Ndlovu N                                                      Sibanda Z

Muchenje F                                                   Ndoro L F                                                     Sithole G K

Muchenje M S                                              Nduna D                                                       Simbanegavi Y

Muchinguri O                                                 Nguni S R                                                     Tarusenga U  D

Mudambo T                                                  Nkatazo M M                                               Thembani S Z

Mudarikwa S                                                Nkomo M                                                      Tshuma B

Mudau M                                                     Nkomo M                                                     Tshuma D

Muderedzwa R                                             Nkomo S S                                                    Tsogorani J

Mudzuri E                                                     Nleya L                                                         Tsomondo C

Mufunga A                                                   Nyahwo A                                                     Vutete M

Munochinzwa M                                          Nyamupinga B B                                          Wadyajena J M

Mukwangwariwa F G                                  Nyanhongo M                                              Zemura L

Mukwena R                                                  Nyathi B                                                        Zhou P

Munengami F                                               Nyere C                                                        Zindi I

Murai E                                                          Nyoni S G G                                                 Ziyambi Z

Musanhi K S                                                  Paradza K                                                     Zvidzai S

Musanhu S K                                                Passade J

Mushohwe C                                                Pemhenayi B

Printed by Order of the House



Absent with leave

Hon. Bhebhe ; Hon Chombo IMC; Hon Madubeko; Hon Ncube;




  1. The Speaker made a ruling on Hon. Zvidzai’s notice of motion which was inadmissible as it breached provisions of Section 155 (d) of the Standing Orders No. 62D.


  1. The Speaker reminded Hon. Members to confirm their attendance to the 2013 Pre-budget Seminar which would be held from 31st October to 3rd November 2013, at Elephant Hills Hotel in Victoria Falls, with the Public Relations Department.


  1. The Speaker also informed the House that a capacity building workshop for Women Parliamentarians organized by WIPSU would be held in two groups at Montclair Hotel in Nyanga. The workshop would be held from 19 to 21 st October for the first group and the date for the second group would be advised in due course.


  1. The Speaker informed the House that the Committee on Standing Rules and Orders had appointed Members to serve in the following Committees which were expected to sit within seven days of their appointment.


  1. Committees appointed:





Banda T.; Chitindi C. ; Gumbo S.; Jaboon J.; Kaundikiza H.M.; Madanha T.; Madondo T.;

Maondera W.; Masamvu L. ; Mhlanga A.; Midzi A.B.; Moyo G.; Mpofu M.M.; Muchenje S.;  Mudambo T.; Mudzuri E.; Murai E.; Musanhi K.S.; Ncube S.; Nyanhongo M.; Sibanda M.;  Sindi C.; Nduna D.T.; Wadyajena J.M.; Zhou P.  – Hon Midzi to be Chairperson.





Chimanikire G.; Chinotimba J.; Chipato A.; Chiwetu J.Z.; Gwanetsa K.K (RTD BRG GEN);

Machingauta C.; Madzore P.; Madzore S.; Mandipaka O.; Mashange W.; Matangira R.T.;

Matibenga L.; Mavenyengwa R.; Mawere – Mubvumbi R.Y.N.S.Y.; Moyo R.; Muderedzwa R.; Mukwangwariwa F. G.; Mukwena R.; Mutinhiri O.; Mutseyami P.; Ncube O.; Nleya L,; Rungani A.  – Hon Sibanda C. to be chaiperson.


Beremauro G.; Chakomba L.; Chapfika D.; Chikwinya N.; Gonese I.; Kachepa N.; Kavu A.;

Kuruneri C.T.; Majome J.; Makoni R.R.; Mashayamombe S.; Matangira T.R.; Mawere –        Mubvumbi Ricky N.S.Y.; Mutematsaka C.; Mtingwende T.; Muzungu – Masaiti E.; Nkatazo     M.M.; Shumba D.;  Tshuma B.; Tsunga A.; Zindi I. - Hon Majome J. to be chairperson.





Chamisa N.; Chidavaenzi E.; Chikwinya S.; Chimanikire G.; Chivamba K.; Chiwa D.; Dhewa

W.; Gabbuza J.; Holder J.; Makoni R. Makunde T.; Maridadi J.; Masiya D.; Matibenga L.;

Moyo R.; Muderedzwa R.; Mutseyami P.; Ndebele A.; Ndoro L.F.; Nkomo M.; Paradza K.;      Runzwirwayi J.M. Sibanda M.; Sibanda S.R.; Tsogorani J.; Wadyajena J.M.; Zwizwai M.I.;  –  Hon Dehwa W chaiperson to be.






Chikwinya N.; Chimwamurombe A.; Chirisa F.; Machingura R.; Mahlangu T.; Hlongwane M;

Makunde T.; Mapiki J.; Marumahoko A.; Moyo G.; Mpofu B.; Mukanduri S.T.; Mutematsaka             C.; Mutinhiri A. Nkomo M.; Paradza K.; Paradzai M.C.; Porusingazi E.; Sibanda D.; Sibanda

Z.; Sithole G.; Tsogorani J.; Watson N.  – Hon Porusingazi E. Chairperson to be.




Bunjira R.; Chidavaenzi E.; Chiwa D.; Gwanongodza E.; Haritatos P.; Jaboon J.; Kaukonde R.J.

Khumalo T.; Manyengavana M.; Masamvu L.; Mashakada T.; Matambanadzo M.; Mguni O.;

Mhere E.; Mpofu M.M.; Muchenje F.; Murai E.; Mutomba W.; Ndhlovu A.; Ruvai E.; Shumba        D.; Sibanda M.; Tarusenga U.D.  – Hon Kaukonde R. Chairperson to be




Beremauro G.; Bhebhe A.; Butau D.; Chapfika D.; Cross E.; Gava A.; Gumbo E.; Katsande

A.;        Kaukonde R.J.; Khumalo M.; Kuruneri C.; Madzimure W.; Mangami D.; Mhona F.T.;

Misihairambwi Mushonga P.; Mukanduri S.T.; Mukwangwariwa F.; Musiiwa A.; Passade J.;              Shongedza E.; Sibanda D. Sithole G.; Tshuma B.; Tsomondo C.  – Hon Chapfika D.

Chairperson to be


Masiya D.; Banda T.; Batsirai P.; Bhebhe A.; Butau D.; Chidhakwa S.; Chimene M.;

Chipanga           K. Chitembwe J.; Chitindi C.; Dube S.; Gava M.; Gezi T.; Gwanetsa K.K.; Kavhu A.;

Mashonganyika D. Matangira R.T.; Mavenyengwa R.; Mpofu M.M.; Musanhi K.S.; Nkomo    S.S.; Nkatazo M.M.; Nleya L. Porusingazi E. Vutete M.  – Hon Butau D. Chaiperson to be.




Bhebhe A.; Budha S.; Chimene M.; Gabbuza J.; Haritatos P.; Holder J.; Kaundikiza M.;

Kazembe K. Khumalo T.; Madubeko J.; Maridadi J.; Matambanadzo M.; Matangaidze T.M.;

Matangira T.R Matuke L; Mguni O.; Mhlanga  J.N.; Mukwena R.; Munengami F.; Musvaire

W.;  Muzondiwa E. Ndebele A.; Nkatazo M.M.; Pedzisai I.; Pemhenayi B.; Ruvai E.; Zhou T. – Hon  Matuke L. Chairperson to be.




Bunjira R.; Chibaya A.; Chidavaenzi E.; Chikwama B.; Chivamba K,; Gwanongodza E.;

Kachepa N.; Katsande A.; Madanha M.; Madondo T.; Mapiki J.; Mpariwa P.; Mpofu R.;        Mufunga A.; Ndhlovu A.; Ndlovu S.; Nduna D.T.; Nkatazo M.; Nkomo R.; Phiri F.P.; Sibanda  P.; Sindi C.; Unganai T.D.  – Hon Chikwama B. chairperson to be.





Chimwamurombe A.; Kwaramba G.; Mackenzie I.; Mahoka S.; Manyengavana M.; Mashange             W.; Masiya D.; Mhona F.T.; Mpofu B.; Mpofu M.M.; Mpofu S.; Mufunga A.;   Ndhlovu A.       Thembani S.Z.; Toffa J.; Zemura L.  – Hon Ndhlovu A Chaiperson to be.




Chinanzvavana C.; Chipato A.; Chitembwe J.; Chitindi C.; Chivamba K.; Dhewa M.; Khanye

  1. Mahiya M.; Makonya J.; Makweya M.; Mandipaka O.; Mliswa P.T.; Moyo L.;

Mtingwende T. Muchenje F.; Munengami F.; Muzondiwa E.; Ncube S.; Phiri F.P.; Runzirwayi          J.M.; Saruwaka T.; Sindi C.; Tsunga A.; Watson N.J.  – Hon Mliswa P. T. Chairperson to be.




Butau D.; Chakona P.M.; Chidavaenzi M.; Chigudu M.; Chikuni E.; Chiwetu J.Z.;Kadungure

D.A; Labode R.; Machingura R.; Makonya J.; Mashange W.; Mataruse P.; Mawere M.V.;

Midzi  A.B.; Muchenje F.; Munochinzwa M.; Mutematsaka C.; Ncube O.; Ncube O.; Ndhlovu D.; Shongedza E.; Sibanda L.; Zhou T.  – Hon  Mataruse P.chairperson to be.


Chakona P.M.; Chamisa N.; Chikwinya S.; Gumbo S.; Hungwe G.; Kazembe K.; Khumalo M;

Machingura R.; Mahiya M.; Majaya B.; Hlongane M.; Mashonganyika D.; Matuke L.; Moyo        A.; Mudambo T.; Mutematsaka C.; Nkomo M.; Nyathi B.; Pemhenayi P.; Zindi I.; Zvidzai S.         – Hon Chamisa N. Chaiperson to be.




Ndoro L.F.; Chibagu G.; Chipanga K.; Chivamba K.; Labode R.; Mahiya M.; Makweya M.;  Mashayamombe S.; Mataruse P.; Mathe G.; Matuke L.; Mhere E.; Moyo L.; Munengami F.          Musiiwa M.; Ndlovu M.S.; Nkomo M.; Sibanda L.; Simbanegavi Y.; Tshuma D.; Vutete M.;         Zhou P.; Zwizwai M. – Hon Labode R. Chaiperson to be.




Chigudu M.; Chikuni E.; Chikwinya N.; Chitura L.; Chiwa D.; Gumbo S.; Kadungure D.A.;

Katsande A.; Kavu A.; Mangwende S.; Matibenga L.; Matienga M.; Mpofu R.; Munochinzwa

M.; Mutomba W.; Muzungu Masaiti E.; Ndlovu D.; Nyamupinga B.B.; Nyanhongo H.M.;       Nyathi B.; Nyere C.; Shongedza E.; Tsomondo C.  – Hon Nyamupinga B.B. Chaiperson to be.




Chidavaenzi E.; Chirisa F.; Cross E.; Dziva T.M.; Madzimure W.; Marumahoko R.; Mashakada  T.; Masiya D.; Matimba K.M.; Mbwembwe E.N.; Mhlanga J.N.; Misihairambwi – Mushonga P.

Mpariwa P.; Muchenje F.; Mudau M.; Musundire A.; Nkomo M.; Nkomo S.S.; Nyamupinga  B.B.; Paradza K.; Pedzisai I.; Rungani A.; Sansole T.; Sibanda Z.; Simbanegavi Y.; Thembani

– Hon Mpariwa P. Chaiperson to be.




Butau D. ; Chikwama B.; Chinotimba J.; Dhewa W. M.; Gwanongodza E.; Hungwa G.; Khanye N.;

Mackenzie I.; Madondo T.; Majome J.; Maondera W.; Mashayamombe S.; Masuku P.; Matimba K.M.;

Matuke L.; Mpofu S.; Mudau M.; Muderedzwa R.; Mudzuri E.; Ndlovu  N.; Nkomo R.;  Passade J.; Pedzisai I.; Sibanda P.D.; Zindi I.; Zvidzai S.; Hon Zindi I. Chaiperson to be.




Budha S.; Chibagu G.; Chidhakwa S.; Chitura L.; Gezi T.; Gonese I.; Kachepa N.; Kaundikiza M.

Kavu A.; Kwaramba G.; Machingauta C.; Mahoka S.;  Majaya B.; Mangami D.; Mangwende S.;

Mashayamombe S. Mbwembwe E.N.; Mhlanga A.; Mpofu M.M.; Muchenje S.; Musvaire W.;

Mutomba W.; Nduna D.T. Nyere C.; Sansole T.; Sibanda L.; Zemura L.  – Hon Mangami D. Chaiperson to be.




Beremauro G.; Chibaya A.; Chikomba L.; Chikuni E.; Chipanga K.; Chirisa F.; Chiwa D.

Chiwetu J.Z.; Dube S.; Dziva T.M.; Hungwa G.; Kadungure D.A.; Madanha M.; Madubeko J.

Madzore P.; Madzore S.; Mahlangu T.; Masuku P.; Mathe G.; Matienga M.; Matimba K.M. Mhlanga J.N.; Muzhavazhe J.; Pedzisai I.; Sibanda M.; Simbanegavi Y.; Toffa J.; Zhou T.  – Hon Wadyajena J.M. Chaiperson to be.




  1. Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned 3rd October – The  Minister of State for Provincial Affairs- Harare).


[Time elapsed: 7hrs 04 mins]


Question again proposed: That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows: -


May it please you, your Excellency the President:


We the Members of Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to Parliament- Hon Mbwembwe.


            On the motion of the Minister of State for Provincial Affairs - Manicaland: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. Maridadi seconded by Hon. Chimanikire moved:


That this House:


ALARMED by the intermittent power cuts to both domestic and commercial consumers as a result of load-shedding and faults;


CONCERNED by the lack of capacity by ZESA to attend timeously to faults;


DEEPLY WORRIED by the ever increasing gap between demand and supply;


ALSO DEEPLY ALARMED by the lack of investment into the power sector by the shareholder;


FURTHER CONCERNED by the flight of qualified and experienced personnel which has adverse effects on the electricity supply industry;




Resolves that the Portfolio Committee on Mines and Energy conducts an inquiry into the power sector in Zimbabwe.


On the motion of Hon J. M. Gumbo, seconded by Hon Gonese: Debate adjourned until Tuesday 5 th November.



  1. On the motion of Hon. J.M. Gumbo, seconded by Hon .Gonese: The House adjourned at nineteen minutes past five o,clock pm until Tuesday 5 th November 2013 at a quarter past two o’clock in the afternoon.



  1. F. MUDENDA,











  1. Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned 17th October – The Minister of State for Provincial Affairs- Manicaland).


[Time elapsed: 7hrs 27 mins]


Question proposed: That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows: -


May it please you, your Excellency the President:


We the Members of Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to Parliament- Hon Mbwembwe.



  1. Adjourned debate on intermittent power cuts by ZESA (Adjourned 17 th October – Gumbo J.M.)


[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed: That this House:


ALARMED by the intermittent power cuts to both domestic and commercial consumers as a

result of load-shedding and faults;


CONCERNED by the lack of capacity by ZESA to attend timeously to faults;


DEEPLY WORRIED by the ever increasing gap between demand and supply;


ALSO DEEPLY ALARMED by the lack of investment into the power sector by the shareholder;


FURTHER CONCERNED by the flight of qualified and experienced personnel which has adverse effects on the electricity supply industry;




Resolves that the Portfolio Committee on Mines and Energy conducts an inquiry into the power sector in Zimbabwe. – Hon. Maridadi






That this House -


            AWARE that the Government of Zimbabwe has a duty of transparency and accountability in respect of        its stewardship of national assets in pursuit of the national interest.


FURTHER AWARE of our commitment to promote gender equality and empower women as envisaged           by millenium development goal number 3 and more fully by our constitution.


DEVASTATED by the violence unleashed by the Board of Directors of the Hwange Colliery

Company Limited on the women who moved to gather at the corporations General Office in Hwange on the 7th of  October 2013 intending to peacefully press on the Board the urgency of the need for payment of long overdue wages by the company to its employees.



            NOW, THEREFORE:


Calls upon the Government of Zimbabwe as the majority shareholder of the Hwange Colliery Company

Limited, to exercise its ownership to provide the relief sought by the community stakeholder.





That this House:


ACKNOWLEDGING that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and all existing laws have to be aligned to the new Constitution;


RECOGNISING that the current pieces of legislation must reflect the thrust and spirit of the progressive dispensation brought about by the new Constitution;


WORRIED that the Executive seems to lack the necessary commitment and enthusiasm to expeditiously attend to this matter;


CONCERNED  that the lack of certainty regarding which laws are not consistent with the letter and spirit of the new Constitution will result in the lack of clarity on the legal position on various issues;


NOW, THEREFORE, calls upon the Executive to urgently take steps to amend a number of laws to align them to the Constitution.






That this House -


            NOTING that the constitution of Zimbabwe provides for a Presidential Proclamation in setting the     venue for the sitting of Parliament;


CONCERNED that the current parliamentary venue does not provide a conducive environment for              serious debate;


RECALLING the need to devolve arms of state and bring Parliament to other centres too;





  1. In the short term to change the venue for the sitting of Parliament.


  1. To consider moving the seat of Parliament to Bulawayo.


  1. To provide resources for minimum renovations to the current Parliament.










That this House;



ALARMED by the number of women informal traders in Zimbabwe;


CONCERNED by the lack of empowerment of women regardless of the establishment of flea  markets in Zimbabwe;


ALSO CONCERNED by the levels of poverty regardless of empowerment programmes put in     place  by government and NGOs, such as flea markets;


DEEPLY SADDENED by lack of financial literacy programmes by government and NGOs        targeted at women in the retail trade.


DEEPLY WORRIED by the attitudes towards women informal entrepreneurs by financial     Institutions;


NOW THEREFORE calls for the establishment of a Women's Bank that will not require            collateral .




  1. Adjourned debate on motion on breast and cervical cancer (Adjourned 16th October – The Deputy Minister of Health and Child Care)



[Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed: That this House -


ALARMED by the number of women dying from breast and cervical cancer in Zimbabwe;


CONCERNED by the unavailability of cancer treatment in Zimbabwe;


DEEPLY WORRIED by the lack of accessibility to cancer treatment in Zimbabwe;


FURTHER CONCERNED that cancer treatment is not affordable especially to the majority of women;


DEEPLY SADDENED that cancer treatment is not available, accessible and affordable;




Recommends the introduction of a cancer levy in order to save many lives; and


Calls for the establishment of cancer treatment units in every district Hon. Khupe



  1.  Adjourned debate on sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe by the US government and European             Union  (Adjourned 16th October – The Deputy Minister of Health and Child Care).         [Day elapsed: 1]


Question proposed: That this House:


CONCERNED by the high rate of de-industrialisation in Zimbabwe’s major cities and towns continuously in the last 12 years;


FURTHER CONCERNED by the levels of unemployment currently experienced in Zimbabwe;


DEEPLY WORRIED by the sanctions induced poverty levels that have blighted Zimbabweans for the past 12 years;


PERTURBED by the alarming brain and skills drain experienced by Zimbabwe’s economy in the last decade;


ALARMED by the arrogant unilateralism of the West which imposed sanctions on Zimbabwe without engaging in exhaustive dialogue;




Calls on the European Union, Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America to lift all forms of sanctions they imposed on Zimbabwe.


Resolves to submit this motion, together with a covering letter to the European Parliament, the

European External Action Service, the United States Congress, the Australian Parliament, New Zealand Parliament and the House of Commons, encouraging them to urge their governments to lift all forms of sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe – Hon. Hlongwane



  1. Adjourn debate on the motion on food shortages in Zimbabwe (Adjourned 15th October – The

            Minister of State for Provincial Affairs - Harare)


That this House-

[Day elapsed: 1]



Question proposed


NOTING that Zimbabwe was once the breadbasket of Southern Africa and has now been reduced to a basket case;


DISTURBED by the Government’s lack of precautionary programmes to avert hunger in the face of poor rainy season;


CONCERNED  by the acute shortage of food which has resulted in more than two million people facing starvation particularly in Masvingo, Midlands, Matebeleland and Manicaland Provinces;


MINDFUL of the fact that in Zimbabwe more than 2.2 million people are in need of food to avert starvation;




Resolves to set up a Parliamentary Committee to enquire into the food shortage crisis that is currently engulfing Zimbabwe; and


Calls upon Government to implement an urgent non-partisan drought and starvation mitigation programme –Hon. Nkomo S.S.



  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the terrorist attacks on the Westgate Shopping Mall in Kenya (Adjourned 3rd October - The Minister State for Provincial Affairs- Harare).



[Days elapsed: 2] Question proposed: That this House-


RECALLS attacks by the terrorist group Al-Shabaab on Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya;


DEEPLY SADDENED by the death of sixty-two people and one hundred and seventy-five people who sustained injuries as a result of this terrorist attack;




Condemns the attack on the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya; and


Expresses its condolences to the families who lost their loved ones and our solidarity with the people of Kenya at this trying time - Hon. G. Moyo.



  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Health Sector in Zimbabwe (Adjourned 1st October - The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs).



[Days elapsed: 2] Question proposed: That this House-


ALARMED by the deteriorating nature of the health sector in Zimbabwe which include the health infrastructure and services;


CONCERNED by government’s lack of adequate attention, time and effort into averting the health crisis;


DEEPLY WORRIED by the expanding gap between the private and public health delivery systems;


ALSO DEEPLY ALARMED by the reports from Harare Central Hospital where mothers are

delivering babies on the floor;


FURTHER CONCERNED by the shortage of basic services such as water at government institutions;




Resolves that the Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Care conducts an inquiry into the health sector in Zimbabwe - Hon. Dr. Labode.














*1. HON.  CHINOTIMBA:  To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National

Housing to explain whether it is government policy for Local Authorities to employ

Zimbabwean citizens and issue residential stands on a partisan basis  and



 to state the measures that government has put in place to curb such malpractices.


HON SARUWAKA:  To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing to clarify the position regarding the chairing of committees by different political parties in Rural District Councils, Town Boards and Municipalities especially the Audit

Committee which is now assigned to the main opposition party in Parliament as provided in the constitution, to enhance accountability.



 HON. GONESE:  To ask the Minister of Tourism and Hospitality Industry to give an update on  progress made by the Ministerial Task-Force mandated to investigate the invasion of the Save Conservancy and recommendations made to government in that regard.


HON. D. SIBANDA:  To ask the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare to explain  why the Registrar General, Mr Tobaiwa Mudede and the Chairman of Civil Service

Commission, Dr. Mariyawanda Nzuwah are still in the employment of the state after they have reached their retirement age.



HON. GONESE:  To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development to explain:
  i)   the circumstances surrounding the inordinate delay in the completion of the Harare

International Airport Road linking with Enterprise road; and


  1. ii) why Municipal land was transferred to a contractor prior to completion of the



*6. HON MAHIYA:  To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development why it has
  taken too long for the government to construct roads in Mashame, Gandavaroyi and


Nyaurungwe in Gokwe Gumunyu constituency.
*7. HON GONESE:  To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development to inform and


explain to the House;


i) The contractor responsible for the Christmas Pass Sector of the Plumtree Mutare road.
  ii)  Why there is very little progress being made to complete the project and why the quality of


the supposedly finished sections of the road appear to be substandard
*8. HON GONESE: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development what policy
  intervention the government has to rehabilitate the National Railways of Zimbabwe to a viable


*9. HON MPOFU M.:  To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development to explain to
  the House whether there are plans in place to expeditiously revive programmes whose progress
  has been static over the years such as;


  1. Completion of Nkayi in Kwekwe road which was last done in 2006


  1. Maboleni- Cross Roads Business Centre Road which was last done in 1998


     Gweru- Silobela which was done before Independence
*10. HON MADUBEKO: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development to explain
to the House when the Ministry intends to complete the lower Gweru road which was started in






HON. GONESE:  To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Mechanization and Irrigation Development to state the tonnage of grain Zimbabwe has imported from Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique and other neighboring countries during this year.


HON MPOFU M:  To ask the Minister of Agriculture and Mechanization and Irrigation

Development to inform the House what plans the Ministry has to resuscitate the ARDA farmers, Mayoka Irrigation and Loreto Irrigation Schemes in Silobela which are currently in a dysfunctional state.

*13. HON MADUBEKO:  To ask the Minister of Agriculture Mechanisation and Irrigation Development Department to explain to the House


  1. The circumstances behind the delay of the reconstruction of Shagar Dam which has continued to affect the irrigation scheme in the community.


  1. The Ministry’s plans to reconstruct the dam.





HON. MARIDADI:  To ask the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs to state when the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act will be amended to ensure that suspects and  accused persons, that is, defendants in criminal proceedings are accorded the rights to which they are entitled under sections 50 and 70 of the new Constitution.


HON ZINDI:  To ask the Minister of  Home Affairs to give this House statistics regarding fatal acceidents that occur as a result of other motorist ramming behind stationery broken down haulage trucks or fuel tankers from 2009 to date
*16. HON SARUWAKA:  To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing to clarify whether a mayor or a council chairperson has authority to;


i) Deny councilors of political parties from being members of any committee of their choice.





ii) Bar councilors of political parties from being members of a specific committee as was the case in Mutasa Rural District Council where MDC-T councilors were barred from being members of the Finance Committee
*17. HON MADUBEKO:  To ask the Minister of Local Government and Rural  Resettlement to explain to the House;


i)      Why Chiefs were last issued vehicles in 2004.


ii)    The Ministry’s plans to consider the plight of chiefs.


iii)  The government’s policy to construct and electrify chiefs homesteads.






HON MPOFU M. M.:  To ask the Minister of Mines and Mining Development why Malgreen Gold Mine co-owned by Mwana Africa and Pan Africa Mining Resources continues to lie idle after its operations displaced the local people when they were hurriedly started despite the fact that the mine has complete structures.


 HON MPOFU M.M: To ask the Minister  of Mines and Mining Development to explain what action would be taken against Mwana Africa Mining Company which pegged 75% claims of Silobela constituency but has dismally failed to work on them.
*20. HON MPOFU M.M: to ask the Minister of Mines and Mining Development to explain the Ministry’s policy regarding claims that continue to lie idle when the locals who can take advantage and empower themselves by conducting mining activities continue to suffer




HON SARUWAKA:  To ask the Minister of Environment Water and Climate whether the mining operations by the Russian Company in Penhalonga along Mutare River is done in conformity with Environmental Management Authority regulations government.
*22. HON GONESE: To ask the Minister of State for Presidential Affairs in the President’s Office  to outline to the House
  1. The annual budget of the Presidential scholarship fund.


  1. Whether it is not prudent to use the fund to upgrade the infrastructure of local Universities in order to arrest the capital outflow.



  • Why the fund is administered outside the Ministry of Education; and


  1. The beneficiaries by province since its inception.


*23.      HON GONESE:  To ask the Minister of Youth, Indigenization, Economic and Empowerment to outline to the house


  1. I) The amount of money disbursed by the Kurera/Ukondla Youth Fund.




ii) The beneficiaries of the fund.
*24. HON MADUBEKO:  To ask the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education to explain to the
  House on the plans of the Ministry to construct classrooms and houses for teachers, respectively


in Vungu resettlement area who have been using homesteads and trees since 1999.
*25. HON MADUBEKO:  To ask the Minister of Health and Child Care to explain to the House whether
it is still  a government policy to have clinics every 10kms and if so, why is it not so in Vungu


Resettlement area.
*26. HON CROSS:  To ask the Minister of Budget, Finance and Economic Development to inform the
  House on the

i) Terms and conditions agreed  with the International Monetary Fund as the basis of the

Staff Monitored Programme ii) The plans that exist to ensure compliance with the Staff Monitored Programme iii) Whether Zimbabwe is on the Staff Monitored Schedule


*27. HON CROSS: To ask the Ministry of Budget, Finance and Economic Development to give the
  House a clear statement of revenues accruing to the State from the tax collected during the first


seven months of 2013 and to make a forecast of these revenues to the end of the year.
*28. HON CROSS: To ask the Ministry of Budget, Finance and Economic Development to explain to
  the House whether the government will be able to meet its essential obligations from these
*29. HON MADUBEKO:  To ask the Minister of Lands and Rural Resettlement to explain the

government’s policy with regard to the allocation of farms to Chiefs in their respective areas.




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