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No. 37
















Quarter past two o’clock p.m The Speaker in the Chair




Members Present




Baloyi A,

Beremauro G,

Bhasikiti K,

Bhebhe A,

Bimha M.C

Biti L.T

Chaderopa F Chambati T.S

Chamisa N

Chanetsa P.T.

Chebundo B

Chibaya                A

Chidhakwa W.K

Chikava B,

Chikwinya S,

Chimbetete W.M

Chimhini D.A,

Chininga E.T.C,

Chinomona M.M

Kachepa               N

Kagurabadza M.T

Mkhosi E.T.M

Mnkandla T

Moyo E

Moyo R

Mpofu N

Mpofu               O.M

Kanzama F

Kapesa R



Katsande A

Kay J.I.H

Khumalo M,

Khumalo N.M,

Khumalo S.S,

Kumalo M

Mabhena G




Madzimure W

Mafios I.D

Mahoka S

Majome F.J


Makone T.M


Mangena J









Muchauraya P

Muchena O. N

Mudarikwa S

Mudau M

Mudenge I.S,

Mudzuri E

Muguti C


Mungofa P.T


Mushonga S.L

Mushore L

Musumbu E


Musvaire W





Chinyadza W

Chirongwe R,

Chirume O

Chitando J

Chitima A,

Denga P

Dongo G.Z

Dube C.R.E

Dube M




Dzirutwe G

Gabuza J.G

Garadhi S

Gonese I.T

Goto R

Gumbo J.M



Hlongwane M

Hove S.R

Huruba T

Jiri M



Mutambara AG

Mutinhiri A

Mutinhiri T

Mutomba W

Mutsekwa G.T

Mutseyami C.P

Muza I

Mwonzora D.T

Mzembi W

Navava E

Ncube                     S

Ndambakuwa F

Ndava R

Ndebele G

Ndhlovu A

Nemadziva N

Nezi W

Ngwenya B

Nhema            C.D.F

Nkomo S.S

Nyakudanga O

Mangwana M.P

Maposhere           D

Maramba P.H

Maramwidze E H

Mare M

Masaiti E Mashakada       T

Masukume N.P.S

Matamisa          E.E

Matibe T.P

Matienga             M

Matinenga E.T

Matonga               B

Matshalaga          O

Matutu T

Mavima L.D Mazikana P.H Mbwembwe E

Mguni N

Mhandu C

Nyamande J Nyamudeza S

Nyamupinga B.B

Nyaude B


Matiza B.J

Pemhenayi C.F

Rutsvara R

Samkange N.T.C

Sansole T.W

Saruwaka T.J.L

Shirichena E

Shoko M

Sibanda F.M

Sibanda P.N

Sindi C

Sithole A

Sululi A


Tazviona R

Timba J.Z

Tshuma B

Zhanda T.P

Zhuwao P

Zinyemba M

Ziteya K.S

Ziyambi W.Z




Printed by Order of the House

Absent with leave

Hon Khumalo T

Hon Mpariwa P

Hon Matibenga L

Hon Mpofu O

Hon Dr Mombeshora DT

Hon Sibanda D


  1. The Speaker informed the House that the MDC-T Party had made further changes to Portfolio Committee membership due to clashes in the meeting times:- Hon Karenyi moves from Health and Child Welfare to Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism; Hon Gwiyo from Public Service,

Labour and Social Welfare to Foreign Affairs, Regional Intergration and International Trade.  The following Hon Members had also been assigned additional Committees: Hon P.N. Sibanda- Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism; Hon D. Sibanda- Budget, Finance, Economic Planning and Investment Promotion and Hon Chimbetembe- Public Works and National Housing.


  1. The Minister of Finance, with leave moved: That provisions of Standing Order No. 33 regarding the precedence of Private Members Business on Wednesdays and Standing No. 34 regarding the taking of questions for oral answers at the commencement of business on Wednesdays be suspended in relation to the Finance (No. 2) Bill (H.B. 6, 2009) and the Appropriation (Supplementary) 2009, Bill (H.B. 5, 2009).


Motion put and agreed to.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion to bring in a Bill to make further provision for the revenues and public funds of Zimbabwe and to make provision for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto (Adjourned 16th July 2009-The Minister of Finance.


Question again proposed:  That leave be granted to bring in a Bill to make further provision for the revenues and public funds of Zimbabwe and to make provision for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto-The Minister of Finance.


Motion put and agreed.


  1. The Minister of Finance accordingly presented a Bill to make further provision for the revenues and public funds of Zimbabwe and to make provision for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto- Finance (No.2) Bill, (H.B. 6, 2009).


Bill read the first time.  Referred to the Parliament Legal Committee.


  1. The Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs moved: That Orders of the Day Nos. 2 to 8, for today, stand over until Order of the Day No. 9 has been disposed of.


Motion put and agreed to.




(House in Committee)


Supplementary Estimates of Expenditure for the year ending December 31, 2009 (Cmd R.Z. 4, 2009).

Vote No. 1 – “President and Cabinet”, US$36,006,346 put and greed to.

Vote No. 2 – “Parliament of Zimbabwe”, US$5,226,100 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 3  – “Public Service ”, US$7,521,211 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 4 – “Defence”, US$66,169,095 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 5 – “Finance”, US$148,881,076 put and agreed to.

Vote No.6 – “Vote of Credit”, US$391,000,000

Vote No. 7  – “Audit”, US$1,474,800  put and agreed to.

Vote No. 8 –  “Industry and Commerce”, US$6,566,812 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 9 – “Agriculture Mechanisation and Irrigation Development”, US$ 43,264,162 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 10 – “Mines and Mining Development”,US$3,877,300 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 11 – “Environment and Natural Resources Management”, $US 2,469570 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 12 – “Transport and Infrastructure Development”, US$ 22,470,546 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 13  – “Foreign Affairs”, US37,440,100 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 14  – “Local Government, and Rural Development”, US$ 9,964,010 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 15  – “Health and Child Welfare”, US$120,754,646 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 16 – “Education, Sport, Arts and Culture”, US$161,300,760 put and agreed to.

Vote No.  17 – “Higher and Tertiary Education”, US$44,243,112 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 18 – “Youth, Indigenisation and Employment”, US$17,357,517 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 19 – “Home Affairs”, US$64,808,464 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 20 – “Justice and Legal Parliamentary Affairs”, US$37,193,685 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 21  – “Media, Information and Publicity”, US$1,371,160 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 22  – “Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperative

Development”, US$1,080,300 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 23 – “ Energy and Power Development”, US$1,219,018 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 24  – “Economic Planning and Investment Promotion”, US$ 914,294, put and agreed to.

Vote No. 25  – “Science and Technology Development”, US$1,255,150 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 26  – “Women   Affairs, Gender and Community Development”, US$2,554,900 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 27  – “National Housing and Social Amenities”, US$3,274,400 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 28 – “Water Resources Development and

Infrastructure”,US$3,936,990 put and agreed to

Vote No.29 – “Constitutional and Parliamentary and Management”, US$ 280,333 put and agreed to.

Vote No.30 – “Tourism and Hospitality Industry”, US$743,123 put and agreed to.

Vote No.31 – “Labour and Social Services”, US$33,306,910 put and agreed to.

Vote No.32 – “State Enterprises and Parastatals”, US$406,483 put and agreed to.

Vote No.33 – “Information Communication Technology”, US$1,497,086 put and agreed to.

Vote No.34 – “Public Works”, US$8,133,241 Vote No.29 – “put and agreed to.

Vote No.35 – “Regional Integration and International Cooperation”, US$ 347,300 put and agreed to.

Vote No.36 – “Lands and Rural Resettlement”, US$1,624,100 put and agreed to.

(House resumed)

Supplementary Estimates of Expenditure reported without amendment.


Report adopted.


Bill ordered to be brought in by the Minister of Finance in accordance with the Supplementary Estimates of Expenditure adopted by the House.


  1. The Minister of Finance, pursuant to the order, presented a Bill to apply a further sum of money for the services of Zimbabwe for the year ending 31st December, 2009-Appropriation (Supplementary) 2009 Bill (H.B. 5, 2009).


Bill read the first time.  Referred to Parliamentary Legal Committee.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the report of the delegation to the Second

Forum of African Parliamentarians for Education (FAPED) II Workshop

(Adjourned 16th July 2009-The Minister of Defence)


[Day Elapsed: 1]


Question again proposed:  That this House takes note of the report of the delegation to the Second Forum of African Parliamentarians for Education (FAPED) II Workshop held from 5 to 6 May 2009 in Dakar, Senegal- Hon Mangami.


On the motion of the Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs:  Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. On the motion of the Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs: The House adjourned at twenty eight minutes to five o’clock p.m.

L.N.M. Moyo








  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the report of the delegation to the Second Forum of African Parliamentarians for Education (FAPED) II Workshop

(Adjourned 22nd July 2009-The Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs)


[Day Elapsed: 2]


Question proposed:  That this House takes note of the report of the delegation to the Second Forum of African Parliamentarians for Education (FAPED) II Workshop held from 5 to 6 May 2009 in Dakar, Senegal- Hon Mangami.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on addressing poverty in the rural areas

(Adjourned 14th July 2009- Hon J.M Gumbo)

[Day elapsed: 2]


            Question proposed: That this House-


SHOCKED by the levels of abject poverty that perpetually assail the inhabitants of communal areas;


CONCERNED by the fact that 70% of the national population live in these poverty stricken areas and yet 95% of them have little or no income to meet their basic needs;


AWARE that past governments have perennially failed to economically empower communal dwellers preferring instead to issue food hand-outs;


EXTREMELY DISTURBED by policies of past governments, which

concentrated on erecting social infrastructure whilst ignoring the critical role of productive investment in the development process;


ALARMED that economic dualism and the vicious cycle of poverty pervading the communal areas is being exacerbated by the persistent failure of the Government to initiate policies and programmes to redress the same;


FURTHER AWARE that the combined effect of over-population, lack of economic opportunities, and poor incomes, have catalysed a self-reinforcing process of environmental destruction in rural areas, in general, and communal areas in particular;


FURTHER CONCERNED by the deliberate indifference to the plight of communal people, and the parochial, puny and paternalistic policies enunciated by the institutions of government controlling the allocation of national resources;




  1. Calls upon Government to put in measures to eliminate the abject poverty debilitating the communal areas;
  2. Expresses its support for the initiation of policies and programmes aimed at eliminating the dual economic structure existing in Zimbabwe and to concomitantly integrate the communal areas into the modern economy; and
  • Requests the Portfolio Committee on Budget, Finance and Investment Promotion to undertake an urgent in-depth study and analysis of the problem, and recommends comprehensive measures which will ensure the allocation of the requisite material and human resources needed to extricate communal Areas from their state of underdevelopment- Hon Chinyadza.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the report of the delegation to the SADC  Parliamentarians’ Policy Dialogue on Poverty and Social Transfers

(Adjourned 17th June 2009- The Deputy Prime Minister, Hon Mutambara)


[Day Elapsed: 1]         Question proposed: That this House


Takes note of the report of the delegation to the SADC Parliamentarians’ Policy Dialogue on Poverty and Social Transfers held in Johannesburg, South Africa – Hon Chimanikire.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the media environment in Zimbabwe

(Adjourned 17th June 2009 – Hon Gonese)


[Day elapsed: 1]

            Question proposed:  That this House-


CELEBRATING the consummation of the Global Political Agreement, in particular its expressed commitment to reforming the media environment in Zimbabwe as stated in Article 19 of the same;


CONCERNED by the slow progress made towards achieving media plurality and diversity;


DISTURBED by the Executive’s failure to bring before Parliament for amendment the legislation that curtails media freedom;


NOTING the continued bias and lack of paradigm shift in the public media, particularly the Herald and the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation;


ALARMED by the Minister of Media, Information and Publicity’s brazen and unbridled contempt of a High Court ruling that declared the Media and Information Commission illegal;


DISTURBED by the Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe’s failure to grant broadcasting licenses to other private players in line with the provision of the Global Political Agreement;


CONCERNED by the slow pace of constituting the Zimbabwe Media Commission;




Calls on the Minister of Media, Information and Publicity to constitute the Broadcasting and Services Board (BAZ) which should immediately start granting licenses to other media players by August the 6th 2009;

Calls on the Executive to bring before Parliament for amendment or repeal all pieces of legislation that curtail media freedom;

That the public media, particularly the Herald and the ZBC, provide balanced and fair coverage to all parties in line with Article 19 (d) and (e) of the GPA;   That the Minister of Media, Information and Publicity must respect the rule of

Law and abide by the High Court ruling that nullified the existence of Media, Information Commission;

That the constituting of the Zimbabwe Media Commission be quickened and

brought to finality and closure by July 15th 2009; and

That this Parliament commits itself to supporting a Constitution that guarantees, specifically, media freedom – Hon Chikwinya.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned

16th June 2009 – The Deputy Prime Minister Hon Khupe) 


[Time elapsed: 13 hours 04 minutes]

Question proposed


That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows:-


May it please you, your Excellency the President:


We, the Members of Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to Parliament - Hon Mazikana.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the structural dislocation of Zimbabwe’s economy (Adjourned 16th June 2009- The Deputy Prime Minister, Hon



[Days Elapsed: 6]

Question proposed: That this House-


CONCERNED WITH the structural dislocation of Zimbabwe’s economy, macroeconomic dysfunctionality and the pervasive levels of failure by the state.


DISTURBED BY the high levels of poverty, unemployment and suffering of the people of Zimbabwe.


CONCERNED BY the collapse of the public education, public health and public transport infrastructure in the country.


FURTHER CONCERNED BY the deeply seated humanitarian crisis, the absence of the rule of law, the food crisis and the extent of deprivation and want by our people.


ALARMED BY the high levels of corruption, looting, avarice, asset stripping, patronage and clientelism prevalent in the country.


CONCERNED BY THE militarization and politicization in the distribution of food.


FURTHER CONCERNED by the deliberate indifference to the crisis by those in control.




  1. To express its strong concern to the responsible authorities and urge all concerned to direct their energies towards the rebuilding of Zimbabwe.


  1. To call for the crafting of policies to address these challenges being faced by Zimbabweans- Hon Biti.


7.         HON. GONESE              HON. MAJOME


 That this House-


COMMENDING the people of Zimbabwe on a fairly decent election on 29 March 2008.


CONCERNED by the reports of alleged murder, torture, rape, arson and looting that took place after the harmonized elections of 29 March 2008.


FURTHER CONCERNED by levels of lawlessness, abuse of the rule of law and abuse of state institutions in this violence.



A select Committee of Parliament be appointed to investigate the violence that took place after the March 28 elections and report its findings to Parliament – Hon. Gonese














HON. S. MOYO: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural


i)            how safe it is for Zimbabweans to use passenger trains in view of the serious signal problems faced by the NRZ; and

ii)          what plans the Ministry has regarding the hundreds of old wagons that have been lying idle at various railway stations countrywide over the years since they have been depreciating with time.

[Deferred: Wednesday, 17th June 2009]




HON. D. A. CHIMHINI: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development when the Jombe- Mutare road which starts from the Bvuma turn-off will be tarred since it is an important link and a shorter route to Mutare.


[Deferred: Wednesday, 17th June 2009]




HON. P. N. SIBANDA: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural

Development to inform this House whether the Binga-Karoi road is in the Ministry’s plans for tarring, as this route is shorter and therefore cheaper than the one that goes via Bulawayo.

[Deferred: Wednesday, 17th June 2009]

*4. HON. CHITANDO: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development to state why the Topora – Chatikobo gravel road has not been maintained for more than 10 years a situation that has led to bus operators withdrawing their services from that area.


*5.       HON. NYAUDE: To ask the Ministers of State for National Healing to inform the House:

  1. whether they are aware that on the 19th and 20th March 2009,  ZANU PF officials in Bindura South Constituency, namely, Matangira and Muzondo addressed rallies denouncing and rejecting the Global Political Agreement and the inclusive Government  and that these officials questioned the integrity of the three principals to the Global Political Agreement; and
  2. whether any measures will be taken to ensure that people are not misled at rallies.


[Deferred: Wednesday 1st April 2009]


*6.       HON. JIRI: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Urban and Rural

Development,           why Rural District Councils have been allowed to operate year in year out without audited financial statements .e.g. Chikomba district councils last audited accounts were produced in 2003 or before;     what the Ministry is doing about the gross mal-administration in the running of council affairs, particularly by those of Chikomba Rural District Council where assets have been personalized and misappropriated for a period in excess of five years; and iii)             what arrangements have been put in place to address the above concerns with the urgency they require.

[Deferred: Wednesday 13thApril 2009]


*7.       HON. S.L. MUSHONGA: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Urban and Rural Development to inform the House:

  1. what the Government policy is towards Housing co-operatives that purchased unserviced and undivided pieces of peri-Urban land since year 2000 in contravention of the Regional, Town and Country Planning Act chapter 29:10 section 39;
  2. if there is no Government waiver in the requirements of section 39 of the Regional, Town and Country Planning Act Chapter 29:10. whether the Ministry is aware that unscrupulous property developers are trying to use this section to dishonor several contracts they entered up to the year 2000 to the detriment of several poor households who invested their savings in buying these unserviced and unapproved subdivisions; and
  3. if the Ministry of Local Government Urban and Rural Development could come up with a Statutory Instrument to retrospectively regularize the above mentioned scenario.
*8. HON MADZIMURE:  To ask the Minister of Defence to inform the House what happened to guns that were allegedly issued for campaign purposes to retired army officers and war veterans during the period 29 march 2008 to 30 June 2008.

[Deferred: Wednesday, 25th March 2009]


*9. HON. F.M. SIBANDA:  To ask the Minister of Defence to state:-
  the correct position of the Defence Forces regarding the political order as

signed on 15th September 2008 and the measures the Ministry is taking to ensure that the entire Defence Forces uphold the Global Political Agreement (G.P.A).


the steps the Ministry is taking to protect junior soldiers from unwarranted threats by their Commanders for supporting the new political order as signed on the 15th September 2008.


  [Deferred: Wednesday, 25th March 2009]


HON. NYAMANDE:  To the Minister of Defence whether the service Chiefs still maintain that they will not salute the Prime Minister, Hon. Morgan Richard Tsvangirai and to explain their absence during the swearing in of Prime Minister by His Excellency, the President.

[Deferred: Wednesday, 25th March 2009]




HON. P. N. SIBANDA: To ask the Minister of Media, Information and Publicity whether the Ministry has plans to replace the radio booster at Kamativi Tin Mine as it used to supply television and radio reception to Kamativi and Binga.

[Transferred: Wednesday, 17th June 2009]

*12. HON.C.R.E. DUBE: To ask the Minister of Energy and Power Development:-

i)       what the Ministry’s policy on the refurbishment and rehabilitation of thermal power stations in urban centers apart from Hwange Power Station is; and

ii)     how much contribution to the national grid these thermal power stations would make if they were to be fully operational.


[Deferred: Wednesday, 17th June 2009]





HON. D. A. CHIMHINI: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Welfare:-

i)      what the ministry is doing about the constant electricity load shedding at Hauna district hospital which has a mortuary and theatre that go for hours on end without electricity since the hospital cannot afford to purchase diesel to keep the generator running; and

ii)    whether the ministry can proffer a possible solution to keep the hospital functioning properly.

[Deferred: Wednesday, 17th June 2009]

*14. HON. N. MASUKUME: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Welfare to


why the Ministry expels pregnant student nurses when the government has invested a lot of money from its coffers, an alternative should be found so as to retain manpower in the hospitals;

what the Ministry’s position is on buildings that were constructed but have gone for years without operating for example Munyamani clinic in Mwenezi west

Constituency;            the Ministry’s plans regarding the follow up on vapositori parents who do not send their children for immunization as these are at high risk of contracting infectious diseases; and

     what the Ministry is doing to alleviate the problem of shortage of ambulances in Mwenezi District.


[Deferred: Wednesday, 17th June 2009]


*15.     HON. NYAMUDEZA: To ask the Minister of Health and Childwelfare :

  1. In view of the fact that Chipinge Hospital staff went on strike twice this year in protest against corrupt administrative staff, what were the findings of the team that probed the incident;
  2. why those staff members who were arrested for the alleged corruption, fraud, looting, negligence of duty, abuse of office, diesel and government assets were released before investigation;
  • if it is government policy to allow other workers to request for the release of their colleagues from police custody inorder for them to conduct investigations and audit;
  1. why is it that the investigating team comprised some relatives of the accused persons;
  2. if it is also government policy to allow some workers from the private sector to be accommodated in hospital residence at the expense of hospital staff; and
  3. to inform the House what the results of the audit report conducted at Chipinge Hospital were.


*16.     HON. S.L. MUSHONGA: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Welfare:

  1. why Howard Hosipital in Mazoe Central has virtually become a referral hospital for patients from Harare and whether the Ministry is aware that with the dollarisation of the currency these urban patients are literally elbowing out rural people who cannot afford to pay US$10 to get a card;
  2. whether the Ministry is aware that the donor funded distribution of ARV's and ancillary drugs to people living with HIV and AIDS is inadequate at Horward Hospital and as a result the patients go for months without the life prolonging drugs; and
  • when Rosa Government clinic in Mazowe Central would be accorded the referral status in order for it to distribute of the life prolonging drugs since it is centrally located, accessible and not congested by people from Harare.


*17.     HON. M. SHOKO: To ask the Minister of Youth Development, Indigenisation and Empowerment:-

  1. to explain the logic behind the creation of youth zones in Chitungwiza; and
  2. to elaborate whether the youths manning these zones earn a salary and explain the rationale of employing more people at a time when Government is struggling to pay teachers and nurses salaries.


[Deferred: Wednesday, 17th June 2009]


*18. HON. F. M. SIBANDA: To ask the Co-Ministers of Home Affairs to inform the House:


what action the Ministry intends to take against members of the Bulawayo Traffic Police who are demanding bribes from commuter omnibus drivers on a daily basis;

why there are always 5 road blocks in Bulawayo on the following roads (a) Pumula –Khami road to the city, (b) Plumtree road to the city, (c) Luveve road to the city as these stage managed road blocks delay workers to their workplaces;            what the ministry is doing to protect innocent commuters and commuter omnibus drivers so that they move about freely conducting their daily business;            why road worthy vehicles are impounded when the drivers refuse to pay bribes to the Bulawayo Traffic Police Officers;

what the ministry doing is to correct this ugly and unprofessional behavior by police; and

when police officers will be retrained in human rights issues as agreed upon in the G.P.A signed on the 15th of September 2008.


[Deferred: Wednesday, 17th June 2009]


*19.     HON. M. SHOKO: To ask the Co-Ministers of Home Affairs to inform this House:


  1. whether or not those who brutally murdered Yona Genti, Ngoni Waite,

Archford Chipiyo and an identified youth on 17 June 2009 near the Skyline Golf Club Compound (RRB No. 0333672) have been apprehended and to state the progress that has been made in bringing the culprits to book; and

  1. why the police have refused to release the post mortem results to Yona Genti’s parents.


*20.     HON. B CHEBUNDO: To ask the Co-Ministers of Home Affairs to explain why the Ministry is failing to uphold the rule of law at the Inogo Farm in Kwekwe where arson and assaults which are committed with impunity have become the order of the day.


*21.     HON. C. SINDI:  To ask the Minister of Tourism and Hospitality to state:-


  1. why some small local tourist attractions, such as the Murehwa famous breathing mountains , the Gandavaroyi falls in Gokwe North District, the Chinhoyi Caves and many others around the country are not adequately developed to give local and international tourists a variety of tourist attractions to choose from; and
  2. if there is need to identify and rebrand such attractions in order to augment the inflow of the much needed foreign currency.


*22.     HON. DZINGIRAYI: To ask the Minister of Public Service to explain:


  1. if the Ministry is aware that it is a criminal offence to pretend to be remunerating someone when infact there is no salary at all; and
  2. what is happening to the dollar component of the salary which appears on the pay advice slips but does not reflect in bank statements.


*23.     HON. CHITANDO: To ask the Minister of Public Service to inform the House:

  1. i) the policy and procedure for one to be employed as a civil servant; ii)  the number of people who were employed by the Ministry of Youth

Development, Indigenisation and Empowerment in March 2008; iii)  the policy and procedures which were used to employ the youths in the Ministry of Youth Development, Indigenisation and Empowerment in

March 2008; and iv)  the reasons why the employment documents for those who were employed by the Ministry of Youth Development, Indigenisation and Empowerment in March 2008 are being processed now when they had already been on the payroll.


*24.     HON. NYAMUDEZA: To ask the Minister of Public Service:


  1. How far the Ministry had gone with the staff audit that was announced early this year; and
  2. what action has been taken against the alleged ghost workers.






Finance (No. 2) Bill (H.B. 6, 2009).- The Minister of Finance (Referred 22nd July 2009).


Appropriation (Supplementary) 2009 Bill (H.B. 5, 2009) (Referred 22nd July 2009).







Committee Room No. 311 at 1000 hours


                Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism

Hon. Bhebhe A (Chairperson), Hon. Bhasikiti, Hon. Chitima, Hon. Machacha, Hon. Mahoka, Hon. Marima, Hon. Matienga, Hon. Mazikana, Hon.

Mpofu N, Hon. Ndambakuwa, Hon. Nezi, Hon. Saruwaka, Hon. Shoko M,

Hon. Sibanda. – Clerk – Mr Ndlovu


Committee Room No. 3 at 1000 hrs


Higher Education, Science and Technology

Hon Mpofu N (Chairperson), Hon. Chanetsa, Hon. Chitando, Hon. Dumbu, Hon. Khumalo Martin, Hon. Kumalo Marvellous, Hon. Mafios, Hon.

Maramwidze, Hon. Matamisa, Hon. Matibenga, Hon. Mguni N, Hon. Muza,

Hon. Ndhlovu A, Hon. Zhuwao. – Clerk Miss Mudavanhu


Committee Room No. 1 at 1000 hrs


Transport and Infrastructure Development

Hon. Chebundo, (Chairperson,) Hon. Baloyi, Hon. Dongo, Hon. Dzirutwe, Hon. Huruba, Hon. Machacha, Hon. Madamombe, Hon. Mandebvu, Hon.

Mhlanga,  Hon. Mupukuta, Hon. Mushore, Hon. Ncube S, Hon. Nyakudanga,

Hon. Rutsvara. Clerk – Ms Macheza


Committee Room No. 2 at 1000 hours


                Home Affairs and Defence

Hon. Madzore, (Chairperson) Hon. Huruba, Hon. Mafios, Hon. Mutinhiri, Hon. Ziteya, Hon. Mangena, Hon. Mhandu (Rtd) Major C, Hon. Moyo R, Hon. Mutseyami, Hon. Mwonzora, Hon. Sibanda P N, Hon. Sululu. Clerk – Mr Daniel.


Committee Room 311 at 1400 hrs


Public Works and National Housing

Hon. Mupukuta (Chairperson), Hon. Chimhini, Hon. Jiri, Hon. Kachepa, Hon. Gonese, Hon. Mabhena, Hon. Mbwembwe, Hon. Mudzuri H, Hon.

Ndambakuwa, Hon. Ndebele G, Hon. Ngwenya, Hon. Shirichena.  Clerk – Ms



Committee Room No. 413 at 1000 hrs

            Mines and Energy

Hon. Chindori-Chininga (Chairperson), Hon. Dube C, Hon. Dzingirayi, Hon. Katsande, Hon. Kay, Hon. Makamure, Hon. Maposhere, Hon. Mare, Hon.

Mudarikwa, Hon. Mungofa, Hon. Musvaire, Hon. Ncube,  Hon. Nemadziva, Hon. Shoko.  Clerk - Mr Manhivi



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