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No. 30















            WEDNESDAY, 9TH MARCH, 2022


Quarter past two o’clock p.m.

The Speaker in the Chair.



Members Present




Banda G;

Banda S,

Bhila R,

Bhuda S,

Bushu B.,

Bvute O.,

Chamisa S.,

Chanda G. ,

Chasi F.,

Chibagu G.,

Chidakwa J.,

Chidamba S.,

Chiduwa C.

Chihururu C.,

Chikomba L.,

Chikudo Rueben,

Chikukwa M. R,

Chikuni E.,

Chikwama B.,

Chimbaira G.,

Chimina L.,

Chimwanza J.

Chingosho C. P.

Chinotimba J.,

Chinyanganya M.,

Chipato A,

Chitura L,

Chombo M,

Dube B,

Dube G,

Dube M.,

Dube P,

Dutiro P,

Dzepasi G,

Dzuma S.,

Gabbuza J. G.,

Gandawa M. A,

Gonese I T,

Gorerino O.,

Gozho C,

Gumbo J. M.,

Gwanetsa K. K.,

Gwanongodza E.,

Hamauswa S.,

Houghton J. R,

Jaja J.,

January S.

Kabozo S.,

Kachepa N.,

Kambamura P.,

Kanhutu I N,

Kankuni W,

Kapuya F.,

Karikoga T.,

Karumazondo M. T.,

Kashambe M. T.,

Kazembe K.,

Khumalo S. S.,

Kwaramba G.,

Labode M. R.

Maboyi R M.,

Machingauta C.

Machingura R,

Madhuku J,

Madiwa C.,

Madziva S.,

Mafuta S. V.,

 Mago N,

Makone S.

Makoni R R,

Makonya J,

Mamombe J,

Mandiwanzira S C,

Mangora B.,

Maphosa L.,

Marikisi N.,

Markham A. N.,

Maronge C.,

Masango C. P.,

Masenda N. T,

Mashakada T.

Mashonganyika D,

Masiya D.,

Masuku E,

Masuku P.,

Matangira T. R,

Mataranyika D. M.,

Mataruse P.,

Matemadanda V.,

Mathe S,

Matsikenyere N.,

Mavenyengwa R.,

Mavetera T. A.,

Mavhunga M,

Mawite D.,

Mayihlome L,

Mbondah M,

Mchenje S. M.,

Mguni Hlalani

Mguni S K,

Mhlanga J. N.,

Mhona F T,

Miranzi B.

Mkandla M.,

Mkaratigwa E.,

Mlambo M. M.,

Mliswa M T,

Mliswa T P

Modi R. I,

Moyo C.,

Moyo E,

Moyo Peter,

Moyo T.,

Mpame C.,

Mpofu M. M.,

Mpofu R.,

Muchimwe P T,

Mudarikwa S,

Mudyiwa M.,

Mugweni C. T.,

Mukapiko D. L.,

Mukuhlani T.,

Mukunyaidze S. E. I.,

Munetsi J.,

Munochinzwa M.

Muponora N.,

Murambiwa O,

Murire J, Rtd. Col. Dr

Musabayana D.,

Musakwa E,

Musanhi K. S,

Musarurwa W.Y.

Mushonga P. M.,

Mushoriwa E.,

Musiyiwa R.,

Muswere J.,

Mutambisi C,

Mutodi E.,

Mutomba W.,

Ncube Soul,

Ndebele A.,

Ndiweni D.,

Ndlovu E.,

Ndlovu S.,

Nduna D. T.,

Ngome J.,

Nguluvhe A.,

Ngwenya S.,

Nhambo F.,

Nhari V,

Nkani A.,

Nkomo M,

Nyabani T,

Nyabote R.

Nyashanu M. Dr,

Nyere C.,

Nyokanhete J,

Nyoni I,

Nyoni S. G. G.,

Paradza J,

Paradza K.,

Phuti D.,

Porusingazi E.,

Raidza M.,

Rungani A,

Sacco J. K.,

Saizi T.

Samukange J. T.,

Sansole T. W.,

Sanyatwe C.,

Saruwaka T. J. L.,

Seremwe B.,

Sewera J N,

Shamu W. K.,

Shava J.,

Shongedza E.,

Shumbamhini H.,

Sibanda L.

Sibanda M.,

Sibanda O.,

Sibanda Z.,

Sikhala J.,

Simbanegavi Y.,

Sithole G K,

Sithole James,

Sithole Josiah,

Sithole S,

Svuure D,

Tekeshe D.,

Toffa J.,

Togarepi P.,

Tongofa M.,

Tshuma D.,

Tsuura N.,

Tungamirai T.,

Watson N J,

Zemura L,

Zhemu S,

Zhou P,

      Ziyambi ,






In attendance in terms of section 138(2) and (3) and section 104(3) of the Constitution


Hon. K. Coventry

Hon. Matuke

Hon. Mthuli Ncube













Printed by Order of the House

Absent with leave


Hon. C.G.D.N. Chiwenga; Hon. P. Mavima; Hon. M. Mutsvangwa; Hon. Muchinguri; Hon. J.G. Moyo; Hon. Karoro; Hon. Harotatos; Hon. Masuka; Hon. W. Chitando

  1. Questions without notice.


  1. Questions with notice.


  1. Nguluvhe, seconded by Hon. Tekeshe, moved: That Notices of Motions

Nos. 1 -3 for today, stand over until Notice of Motion No. 4 has been disposed of.


             Motion put and agreed to.


  1. Hon Gabbuza, seconded by Hon Markham moved: That the motion on the

Report of the Committee on Energy and Power Development on the Operations of the Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority which was superseded by the end of the Third Session of the 9th Parliament be restored on the Order Paper in terms of Standing Order No. 77.


      Motion put and agreed to.  


  1. On the motion of the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development:

The House adjourned at one minute to five o’clock p.m.


                                     HON. ADVOCATE J.F.N. MUDENDA,






  1. The Minister of justice, legal and parliamentary Affairs:

That this House takes note of the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission for the year 2020, presented to this House of Parliament in terms of section 323(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe which states that every Commission must submit to Parliament, through the appropriate Minister, an annual report on its operations by no later than the end of March in the year to which the report relates.


  1. Committee: Zimbabwe Independent Complaints Commission Bill (H.B. 5, 2020) - The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs.


(See Notice of Amendments)



  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Second Reading of the Copper Control

Amendment Bill, (H. B. 3, 2021) - The Minister of Home Affairs and       Cultural Heritage. (Restored 2nd November, 2021 – The Minister of Justice,

      Legal and Parliamentary Affairs)


Question proposed: That the Copper Control Amendment Bill, (H. B. 3, 2021) be now read a second time - The Minister of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage


  1. Adjourned debate on the motion on the Second Reading of the Police Amendment     Bill, (H. B. 2, 2021)- The Minister of Home Affairs and     Cultural Heritage.      (Restored 2nd November, 2021 – The Minister of      Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs)


Question proposed: That the Police Amendment Bill, (H. B. 2, 2021) be now read a second time - The Minister of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage.

  1. Second reading: Public Finance Management Amendment Bill (H.B. 4, 2021) – The Minister of Finance and Economic Development.


  1. Second reading: Insurance Bill (H.B.1, 2021) – The Minister of Finance and Economic Development.


  1. Second reading: Insurance and Pensions Commission Amendment Bill (H.B. 6, 2021) – The Minister of Finance and Economic Development


  1. Second reading: Health Services Amendment Bill (H.B. 8, 2021) – The Vice President and Minister of Health and Child Care.

  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the annual Report of the Zimbabwe Gender

            Commission for the year 2020 (Adjourned 23rd November, 2021- The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs)         

                                                                                                [Days elapsed: 13]

Question proposed: That this House takes note of the Annual Report of the

Zimbabwe Gender Commission for the year 2020 presented to this House in

terms of Section 323(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe – The Minister of Women’s Affairs, Community, Small and Medium Enterprises


  1. Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned

     18th November, 2021- Hon T. Moyo)

[Days elapsed: 29]

Question proposed: That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows: -

May it please you, your Excellency the President:

            We, the Members of Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to Parliament - Hon Mutambisi.


  1. Hon. masango

             Hon. GAndawa


                                                                                                                                   [Days elapsed: 3]


That this House takes note of the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Information Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services on Benchmarking Visit to Rwanda held from 10th to 15th October 2021 (S.C.6, 2021).


  1. Hon. Madiwa

 Hon. L. Maphosa

                                                                                      [Days elapsed: 6]


That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Women Affairs, Community and SMEs Development on Public Hearings on minimum mandatory sentencing on rape and other sexual offences (S.C. 4, 2022).



  1. Hon Dr Nyashanu

Hon. Mushoriwa

                                                [Days elapsed: 15]


That the Motion on the Report of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Budget, Finance and Economic Development on the Consolidated Budget Performance Reports for Ministry of Finance and Economic Development and Institutions under its purview which was superseded by the end of the Third Session of the 9th Parliament be restored on the Order Paper in terms of Standing Order No. 77.


  1. Hon. B. Dube

Hon. Raidza


          [Days elapsed: 15]

That this House considers and adopts the Report of the Public Accounts Committee on Challenges faced by the Auditor General (S.C. 1, 2021)

  1. Hon. Musarurwa

            Hon. Dutiro


                                                                                                     [Day elapsed: 9]


That this House takes note of the Report of the Delegation that attended the United Nations Climate Change Conference held in Glasgow, Scotland from 31 October to 12 November 2021 (S.C. 1, 2021)


  1. Hon. Gabbuza

Hon. Ndiweni                                                                                                                   

                                                                                                                                           [Days elapsed: 1]


            That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Energy and Power Development on the Operations of the Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (S. C. 23, 2021).


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Second Report of the Portfolio Committee on Information, Media and Broadcasting Services on the State of Media and Broadcasting Services on the State of the media in Zimbabwe. (S.C. 40, 2021 – (Adjourned 8th March 2022- Hon Mokone).

[Days elapsed: 2]


Question proposed: That this House takes note of the Second Report of the Portfolio Committee on Information, Media and Broadcasting Services on the State of Media and Broadcasting Services on the State of the media in Zimbabwe. (S.C. 40, 2021) – Hon. Mokone.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Third Report of the Public Accounts Committee on the Special Maize Programme/ Command Agriculture (Adjourned 3rd March, 2022 – Hon. T. Moyo).

                                                                                                                                           [Days elapsed: 3]


Question proposed: That this House considers and adopts the Third Report of the Public Accounts Committee on the Special Maize Programme/ Command Agriculture, (S.C. 24, 2021) – Hon. B. Dube.

  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the 76th Executive Committee and the 43rd Conference of the African Parliamentary Union (APU) (Adjourned 2nd March, 2022 – Hon. T. Zhou).


[Day elapsed: 4]


Question proposed:  That this House takes note of the Report of the 76th Executive Committee and the 43rd Conference of the African Parliamentary Union (APU) held in Djibouti from 10th to 15th October 2021 - Hon T. Zhou.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Defence, Home Affairs and Security Services on the State of Service Delivery and Infrastructure at Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) Establishments. (Adjourned 1st March, 2022 – Hon. T. Moyo).


[Days elapsed: 5]


Question proposed: That this House takes note of the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Defence, Home Affairs and Security Services on the State of Service Delivery and Infrastructure at Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) Establishments. - Hon Mayihlome

  1. Adjourned debate on motion on reparations for colonial injustices perpetrated on Zimbabwe (Adjourned 1st March, 2022 – Hon. T. Moyo).

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   [Days elapsed: 7]

            Question proposed: That this House-


            MINDFUL that at the attainment of Zimbabwe` s Independence in 1980 the         Government of the First Republic extended an olive branch of peace as an         endeavour to show its unwavering commitment to reconciliation with the            erstwhile enemies as a way of fostering peace, tranquillity and lasting unity;

            DISTURBED that the imperialists and their surrogates deliberately sought to         undermine such noble gestures by Government and resorted to diabolic        strategies at the instigation of their paymasters and embarked on a smear campaign meant to vilify all noble efforts to achieve everlasting peace for the         First Republic and its generations to come;

            COGNISANT that the same forces of imperialism supported by their kith and       kin have always been at the forefront of the under develop campaign of our motherland and have shamelessly perpetrated the most heinous crimes ever on   the black majority since the inception of colonialism;

            CONDEMNING IN THE STRONGEST OF TERMS the unethical practice by     our former colonizers who decultured our people and portrayed our land as      that of uncivilized and poverty stricken tribesmen all in the quest to entrench their hegemony and to grab the land for their personal aggrandisement, with     no form of reparation to the dispossessed black majority, the rightful owners          of the land;

            NOTING WITH DISDAIN that more than four decades after the attainment of    our independence there are some die hard imperialists who still suffer from      nostalgia and dream of repossessing our land, our heritage, through spurious       and unfounded arguments that they deserve reparation from our Government             for the land that was rightfully repossessed and handed over to its owners, the       people of Zimbabwe,

            NOW, THEREFORE, in view of the foregoing,

  1. Calls upon our citizens to stand firm in solidarity and thwart any attempts by forces of imperialism to even raise in any for issues to do with any form of compensation to such misguided malcontents;
  2. Demand restitution from the countries that caused untold sufferings to the Black majority and unduly benefitted from the economic resources of our land;
  3. Demand reparation for each of the years that the country laboured under the bondage of colonialism; and
  4. Strongly condemn the imposition of sanctions on Zimbabwe for repossessing its land from imperialists – Hon. Togarepi.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion that leave be granted to bring in a Private Member’s Bill – (Adjourned 23rd, February 2022 – Hon Dr. Col. (Rtd) Murire)


[Days elapsed: 7]


            Question proposed: That leave be granted to bring in a Private Member’s Bill to provide for the establishment of Institute of Chartered Loss Control Management, which shall be administered as set out in this Bill; to provide for establishment of a Council; and to provide for matters connected with or incidental to the foregoing – Hon Dr. Col. (Rtd) Murire


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the reburial of freedom fighters countrywide

         – (Adjourned 22nd February, 2022 - Hon. Raidza)




                                                                                                            [Days elapsed: 7]


Question proposed: MINDFUL that the Independence of Zimbabwe was attained after exceptional and selfless sacrifices by our freedom fighters who waged the struggle for independence against all odds;

ALSO MINDFUL that some of the gallant sons and daughters of the soil lost their lives at the prime of their youthful years and have been buried in various unknown graves scattered all over the country in areas where they operated;

CONCERNED that more than forty years after independence some of our gallant heroes and heroines are still not yet decently interred as they continue to lie in some unknown graves where they were buried en masse by the oppressive colonial regime;

NOTING the urgent need to identify such graves wherever they exist so that the souls of our departed dear comrade can be finally laid in eternal peace,

NOW, THEREFORE, calls upon this House to

  1. Assist in disseminating information to the masses of this country which will lead to the identification of graves of our freedom fighters;
  2. Urge the Executive to set up Committees countrywide to ensure that no late freedom fighter fails to get a decent burial as this resonates extremely well with the selfless sacrifice they made to liberate this country; and
  3. Sensitize the public through Hon Members of this august House on the indelible footprints that tell the unforgettable history of this great Nation - Raidza


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the Delegation of the Portfolio

 Committee on Local the Parliament of Kenya – (Adjourned 22nd February, 2022 - Hon. Togarepi)



                                                                                                        [Days elapsed: 8]


Question proposed: That this House takes note of the Report of the Delegation of the Portfolio Committee on Local Government, Public Works, National Housing and Social Amenities to the Kenyan Parliament on a Benchmarking Visit on Implementation of Devolution- Hon. Chikukwa


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on access to menstrual hygiene products for women and girls – (Adjourned 17th February, 2022 - Hon. Togarepi)


                                                                                                [Days elapsed: 8]


Question proposed: That this House-

MINDFUL that menstrual hygiene day is marked on May 28 every year.


ALSO MINDFUL the ability of women and girls to manage their menstruation and health as they could not access menstrual hygiene products during the lockdown period was affected negatively by the Covid-19 due to reduction in income levels.


COGNIZANT that government has endeavored to ensure that sanitary were remains affordable to women and girls through Statutory Instruments Nos. 65 of 2018, 3 of 2020 also the introduction of programs on free sanitary wear in rural schools to assist children from disadvantaged families.


NOTING disadvantaged children are accessing sanitary wear despite concerted efforts by various stakeholders to assist the Ministry of Health and Childcare in the noble cause to address menstrual hygiene challenges.


NOW, THEREFORE calls upon the Ministry of Health and Child Care to:


  1. Empower women and girls who are already in the sewing industry to double their efforts in proving sanitary wear;

  1. Donate to school girls the much needed materials for sanitary wear;


  1. Ensure uniformity in the procurement of sanitary ware so that all

      women and girls benefit and in particular the girls from disadvantaged

      communities of the country – Hon. Masango.

  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Local Government, Public Works, National Housing and Social Amenities on an inquiry into the implementation of devolution in Zimbabwe (S.C. 45, 2021).- Adjourned 15th February 2022Hon Togarepi)

                                                                                                            [Days elapsed: 11]


Question proposed That this House takes note of the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Local Government, Public Works, National Housing and Social Amenities on an inquiry into the implementation of devolution in Zimbabwe (S.C. 45, 2021) - Hon. Chikukwa

  1.   Adjourned debate on the motion on the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Industry and Commerce on the 2021 First Quarter Budget Performance Reports for the Ministry of Industry and Commerce – (Adjourned 15th February 2022Hon Togarepi)

                                                                                                                                     [Days elapsed: 12]

            Question proposed: That this House takes note of the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Industry and Commerce on the 2021 First Quarter Budget Performance Reports for the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. - Hon. Svuure


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the need to curb gender-based violence-

        Adjourned 8th December 2021Hon Kwaramba)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       [Days elapsed: 13]


Question proposed: That this House-

NOTING with concern that since the outbreak of COVID 19 there has been a sharp increase of gender-based violence (GBV) especially domestic violence in the country;

AWARE that Zimbabwe is a signatory of UN international and regional treaties and protocols against GBV, amongst them CEADW, SADC Protocol on Gender and Development;

ACKNOWLEDGING the United Nations Secretary-General’s UNiTE by 2030 to End Violence against Women campaign (UNiTE campaign) that calls for global actions to increase awareness, galvanize advocacy efforts, to end GBV;

Aware that this year’s theme for 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, which will run from 25 November to 10 December 2021, is “Orange the world: End violence against women now!”

RECOGNIZING the efforts that the government has been taking to curb the scourge of GBV through policies and activities in provinces and districts;

WORRIED that if urgent measures are not taken to reduce the prevalence of GBV, there is real risk that GBV will be a real pandemic within the COVID 19 crisis;

NOW, THEREFORE, CALLS upon the Executive to do more to curb GBV among communities by, among others;

  1. deploying more GBV mobile services in districts and provinces; and
  2. building more safe houses - Hon Kwaramba



  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee

        on Local Government, Public Works, National Housing and Social Amenities

        on the Hatcliffe Extension Residents Association’s Petition on the lack of

        requisite infrastructural development, multiple billing and security of tenure.

        (S.C. 39, 2021- Adjourned 23rd November 2021- Hon. Mutambisi)


                                                                                                [Days elapsed: 17]


Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Local Government, Public Works, National Housing and Social Amenities on the Hatcliffe Extension Residents Association’s Petition on the lack of requisite infrastructural development, multiple billing and security of tenure. [S.C. 39, 2021] – Hon. Chikukwa



  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the Portfolio Committee on

      Foreign Affairs and International Trade, on the Virtual Conference held with

     the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National People’s Republic of China

     (S.C.36, 2021- Adjourned 23rd November 2021Hon Mutambisi)


                                                                                               [Days elapsed: 17]


Question proposed: That this House takes note of the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade, on the Virtual Conference held with the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National People’s Republic of China (S.C.36, 2021- Hon Shamu

  1. Committee of Supply.










*1.       Hon Mokone: To ask the Minister of Energy and Power Development to inform the House when the electrification of the houses in Spitzkop north and some parts of Garikai in the town of Gwanda will be done considering that these houses have gone without electricity power since 2004.


[Deferred 2nd March 2022]


*2.       Hon Hamauswa: To ask the Minister of Energy and Power Development to inform the House on the state of preparedness of the power utility personnel to attend to rain induced faults which have seen most parts of Warren Park Constituency going for days without electricity.

[Deferred 2nd March 2022]


*3.       Hon. Mpofu:   To ask the Minister of Energy and Power Development to inform the House whether there are any compelling reasons for ZESA not to attend to faults considering that the issue of lack of availability of transport which had been an issue in the past has since been addressed through the provision of vehicles by the President.

                                                                                    [Deferred 9th March 2022]

*4.       Hon. Mpofu:   To ask the Minister of Energy and Power Development to   explain to the House the emerging trend where  some miners who have money resort to paying  for services rendered by fully employed ZESA employees a situation that has led to them  getting preference at the expense of essential Government institution such as clinics which are not getting due attention.

                                                                                    [Deferred 9th March 2022]


*5.       Hon Mokone: To ask Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Fisheries and Rural Resettlement to inform the House what it is that which is delaying the transfer of the Water plant from Zinwa to the Gwanda Municipality despite promises in 2021 that this will be expeditiously done.


[Deferred 2nd March 2022]


*6.       Hon Hamauswa: To ask the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Fisheries and Rural Resettlement to inform the House why no new boreholes were drilled in the Warren Park Constituency despite the promises made in 2019 that 3 boreholes will be drilled in the area, a situation which has led to residents resorting to using contaminated water.

[Deferred 2nd March 2022]


*7.       Hon Hamauswa: To ask the Minister of Mines and Mining Development to inform the House whether it is true that the Ministry awarded a Chinese company rights to mine in Warren Park and if so, the Minister to confirm:


  1. a) Whether the affected residents were engaged on this development.
  2. b) What measures were put in place to ensure that the people of Warren Park would not be negatively affected by the mining activities considering that extraction of gravel poses devastating health hazards to the community.


[Deferred 2nd March 2022]


*8.       Hon Markham: To ask the Minister of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry to confirm to the House whether the Supreme court judgement Case number SC263/21 (Cosmo vs Patel /meadows Pvt ltd) which ruled that both EMA and City of Harare were not following due processes in their allocations of EIA and Development permits that the Minister has and to explain;


  1. a) What additional measures have been put in place to empower EMA to protect the wetlands and to consult widely instead of just protecting the developer
  2. b) Whether EMA will not support the delisting of the area as a RAMSAR sight to which we are signatories.
  3. c) Whether, the Ministry supports the judgment, and insists that future EIA requested by developers be published.

[Deferred 2nd March 2022]

*9.       Hon. Mpofu: To ask the Minister of Mines and Mining Development to inform the House a) whether or not Mwana Africa is in a position to renew tribute agreements countrywide considering that the company has a stake in half of the country`s gold claims where economic livelihoods of rural communities are depended on;

  1. b) What the Ministry considers as practicable and sustainable in as far as employment creation, with the 2030 vision in mind, is concerned.

          [Deferred 9th March 2022]






             Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee

     on Lands, Agriculture, Water, Fisheries and Rural Resettlement on the Case of

     the Elusive US 28.2 Million Distributed by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe to

     the Grain Millers Association of Zimbabwe (GMAZ) for Wheat Imports

     (Adjourned 3rd March, 2022- Hon. Wadyajena)

[Days elapsed: 20]

            Question proposed: That this House takes note of the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Lands, Agriculture, Water, Fisheries and Rural Resettlement on the Case of the Elusive US 28.2 Million Distributed by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe to the Grain Millers Association of Zimbabwe (GMAZ) for Wheat Imports [S.C. 2, 2021]- Hon. Wadyajena.







  1. 1. Amendment of State Universities Statutes Bill (H. B. 13, 2021) – The Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development. (Referred 17th February, 2022)


  1. 2. Labour Amendment Bill (H. B. 14, 2021) – The Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare. (Referred 17th February, 2022)


  1. 3. Child Justice Bill (H. B. 11, 2021)The Minister of Justice, Labour and

Social Welfare, (Referred 17th February, 2022)


  1. 4. Children’s Amendment Bill (H. B. 12, 2021) – The Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare. (Referred 17th February, 2022)

  1. Private Voluntary Organisation Amendment Bill (H. B. 10, 2021) – The Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare. (Referred 17th February 2022)





            Zimbabwe Independent Complaints Commission Bill, 2020 (H.B. 5, 2019)


Amendment of Clause 6

By the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs


In Clause 6(1) on page 4 of the Bill, delete paragraph (a)  on lines 15, 16 and 17 and substitute:¾

     “(a)   a Chairperson, being a person who is eligible for appointment as a High Court judge or is a sitting judge or former judge, appointed by the President (after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission) from a list of not fewer than seven nominees submitted by the Committee on Standing Rules and Orders of Parliament in terms of section 237(1) of the Constitution; and”.



                                                   AMENDMENT OF CLAUSE 13




In Clause 13 on page 7 of the Bill, insert after line 42 the following paragraph to sub-clause (2):-

“(c) where the action complained of is the subject of an internal disciplinary process

by the appropriate security service at the time the complaint is received by the



Provided that if the Commission is of the view, after consulting with the appropriate security service and taking into account any of its concerns, that the internal process in question has taken too long, then the Commission may fix a reasonable period within which such process must be concluded, in default of which the Commission may itself thereafter entertain the complaint.”



Insurance and Pension Commission Amendment Bill, 2021 (H. B. 6, 2021)



On page 4 after line 13 of the Bill, after the clause 4 (“Functions and Powers of the Commission”), insert the following clause:—

“4 Delegation of functions by Commissioner

 (1) Subject to the Insurance and Pension Commission Act [Chapter 24:09], the Commissioner may delegate to any officer employed by the Commission any functions that is conferred or imposed upon him or her by this Act, other than this power of delegation.

(2) Any officer to whom a function has been delegated in terms of subsection (1) shall exercise it subject to the Commissioner’s directions.

(3) A delegation in terms of subsection (1) —

  • may be revoked or modified by the Commissioner at any time; and
  • shall not preclude the exercise by the Commissioner of the functions so delegated.

 (4) Anything done by an officer in the exercise of a function delegated to him or her by the Commissioner in terms of subsection (1)

  • may be set aside or revised, subject to this Act, by that officer or by the Commissioner; and
  • shall be deemed, until set aside, to have been done by the Commissioner.

(7) This section shall be construed as being additional to and not as derogating from, the Commissioner’s powers of delegation under any other law.”

And to renumber subsequent clauses accordingly

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