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No. 17




















Quarter past Two o‘clock p.m The Speaker in the Chair




Members Present



Beremauro G,                                                            Kumalo M

Bhasikiti K,                                                                Langa A

Biti L.T                                                                      Mabhena G

Chaderopa F Chambati T.S Chamisa N                   Machacha     C    Madamombe     S

Chebundo B                                                              Madubeko     J     Madzimure      W

Chibaya A                                                                  Madzore P

Chikava B,                                                                 Mafios I.D

Chikwinya S,                                                             Mahoka S

Chimanikire G,                                                          Majome F.J

Chimbetete W.M                                                       Makamure R Mandebvu N.T

Chimhini D.A,                                                           Mangami D Mangena J

Chininga E.T.C,                                                        Mangoma E.S

Chinomona M.M                                                       Mangwana M.P

Chinyadza W                                                             Maposhere D Maramba P.H

Chirongwe R,                                                             Maramwidze E H

Chirume O                                                                 Mare M

Chitando J                                                                  Mashakada    T    Matamisa      E.E

Chivamba K,                                                              Matibe T.P

Denga P                                                                      Matshalaga O

Dongo G.Z                                                                 Mavima     L.D    Mazikana      P.H

Dube P                                                                       Mbwembwe E Mhandu C

Dzingirai I                                                                 Mkhosi E.T.M

Dzirutwe G                                                                Mlilo O.S

Gabuza J.G                                                                Moyo J.N

Garadhi S                                                                   Moyo R

Gonese I.T                                                                 Moyo S

Goto R                                                                        Mpariwa P

Gumbo J.M                                                                Mpukuta L Muchauraya P

Gwiyo C.C Hlongwane M                                        Mudarikwa S

Hove S.R                                                                   Mudau M

Jembere E                                                                  Mudzuri H

Jiri M                                                                          Muguti C

Kachepa N Kagurabadza M.T                                  Munengami F Mungofa P.T

Kapesa R                                                                   Mushonga S.L

Kay J.I.H                                                                   Mushore L

Khumalo S.S,                                                            Musumbu E

Khumalo T                                                                Musundire A.L Musvaire W

Mutambara AG

Mutinhiri T

Mutsekwa G.T

Mutseyami C.P Muza I

Mwonzora D.T

Mzembi W

Navava E

Ncube S Ndambakuwa F

Ndebele G

Nemadziva N

Nezi W

Ngwenya B

Nkomo S.S

Nyakudanga O

Nyamudeza S Nyaude B

Nyoni S.G.G

Rutsvara R

Sai S

Samkange N.T.C

Sansole T.W

Saruwaka T.J.L

Shirichena E

Shoko H

Shoko M

Sibanda D.S

Sibanda F.M Sibanda P.N

Sindi C

Sululi A

Tachiona M Tazviona R

Varandeni J

Zhuwao P

Zinyemba M

Ziteya K.S

Ziyambi W.Z Zwizwai M.




Printed by Order of the House


Absent with leave

Hon P. Chanetsa,Hon. Dzinotyiweyi H.,Hon F Kanzama,Hon L Karenyi,Hon E.T Matinenga,Hon M Matienga,Hon E.G Mukonoweshuro,Hon. Mutomba W.,Hon. Nezi W.


  1. The Minister of Finance, with leave, moved: That the provisions of Standing

Orders Nos. 22, 33(2) and 34(5) regarding the automatic adjournment of the House at five minutes to seven o‘clock p.m. and at twenty five minutes past one o‘clock p.m. on a Friday, private members motions taking precedence on Wednesdays after question time and that question time shall be on

Wednesdays respectively, be suspended on Wednesday 9th December 2009 in respect of the Finance (No. 3)  Bill [H.B. 13, 2009] and Appropriation (2010) Bill [H.B. 12, 2009]


  1. The Minister of Finance with leave, moved: That provisions of the Standing

Orders Nos. 109 and 205(5) relating to the reporting period of the

Parliamentary Legal Committee and stages of Bills respectively, be suspended in respect of the Finance (No. 3) Bill (H.B.13, 2009) and the Appropriation (2010) Bill (H.B. 12, 2009)


  1. Report from the Parliamentary Legal Committee NOT being an adverse report on the following bill:-


Date Received


Finance (No.3) Bill, 2009 (Departmental Draft) …………..9th December, 2009


Second Reading-  Forthwith.


  1. SECOND READING- Finance (No.3) Bill (H.B. 13, 2009)-The Minister of Finance.


Bill read a second time.  Committee, forthwith


(House in Committee)                  Clauses 1 and 2 put and agreed to.

On Clause 3

The Minister of Finance moved:  That on pages 4 and 5 of the Bill delete paragraph (a) of the new section 14(2) and substitute:


―(a) in the case of a person other than a company, a trust or a pension fund, at the specified percentage of each dollar of each of the following parts of his or her taxable income from employment earned in foreign currency—

  • so much as does not exceed one thousand nine hundred and twenty

United States dollars;

  • so much as exceeds one thousand nine hundred and twenty United

States dollars but does not exceed six thousand United States dollars;

  • so much as exceeds six thousand United States dollars but does not exceed twelve thousand United States dollars;
  • so much as exceeds twelve thousand United States dollars but does not exceed eighteen thousand United States dollars;
  • so much as exceeds eighteen thousand United States dollars;‖.


Clause 3, as amended, put and agreed to.


Clauses 4 to 10 put and agreed to.

            On  Clause 11


The Minister of Finance moved:  That on page 8 of the Bill delete the first six items of the new Part II of the Schedule to Chapter I of the Finance Act [Chapter 23:04] and substitute—

―14(2)(a)(i) Up to US $1920  ........................................................................ 0
14(2)(a)(ii) US $1921 to US $6000  ............................................................ 20
14(2)(a)(iii) US $6001 to US $12 000  ......................................................... 25
14(2)(a)(iv) US $12 001 to US $18 000  ...................................................... 30
14(2)(a)(v) US $18 001 and more 35
14(2)(b) Taxable income of individual from trade or investment ........... 25‖.


On page 9 of the Bill delete in the new Part II of the Schedule to Chapter I of the

Finance Act [Chapter 23:04] the item relating to section 14(2)(g) of the Finance Act

[Chapter 23:04]  and substitute—

―14(2)(g)      Taxable income of company or trust derived from mining         operations ......................................................................................   25‖.


Clause 11, as amended, put and agreed to.

On Clause 12


The Minister of Finance moved:  That on pages 9 and 10 of the Bill delete clause 12 and substitute the following clause:

                         12          Amendment of section 8 of Cap. 23:06

Section 8 (―Interpretation of terms relating to income tax‖)(1) of the Income Tax Act

[Chapter 23:06] is amended in the definition of ―gross income‖ with effect from the

year of assessment beginning on the 1st January, 2010, and any subsequent year of assessment in paragraph (f) II

  • in provisos (x) by the deletion from the definition of item B of the formula of

―employer‖ and the substitution of ―employee‖;

  • by the repeal of provisos (xi), (xii), (xiii) and (xiv) and the substitution of—

―(xi) in the case of a motor vehicle, in respect of the year of assessment beginning

on the 1st January, 2010, and any subsequent year of assessment, the cost to the employer shall be deemed to be the following

  • one thousand eight hundred United States dollars, in the case of a motor vehicle whose engine capacity does not exceed one thousand five hundred cubic centimetres;
  • two thousand four hundred United States dollars, in the case of a motor vehicle whose capacity exceeds one thousand five hundred cubic centimetres but does not exceed two thousand cubic centimetres;
  • three thousand six hundred United States dollars, in the case of a

motor vehicle whose capacity exceeds two thousand cubic centimetres but does not exceed three thousand cubic centimetres;

  • four thousand eight hundred United States dollars, in the case of a motor vehicle whose capacity exceeds three thousand cubic centimetres;

and such deemed cost shall be reduced proportionally where the period

of use of the motor vehicle is less than the year of assessment:‖.


Clause 12, as amended, put and agreed to.


Clauses 13 and 14 put and agreed to.


            On Clause 15

The Minister of Finance moved:  That on page 10 of the Bill delete clause 15 and substitute the following clause:


                        ―15       Repeal of section 36F of Cap. 23:06

With effect from the year of assessment beginning on the 1st January, 2010, section 36F of the of the Income Tax Act [Chapter 23:06] is repealed.‖.


Clause 16 put and agreed to

On Clause 17

The Minister of Finance moved:  That on pages 10 and 11 of the Bill delete paragraph (c) and substitute the following paragraphs—


―(c) with effect from the 1st January, 2010, in subparagraph (p)—

―(p) the first five thousand United States dollars or one-third, whichever is the greater, of the amount of any severance pay, gratuity or similar benefit, other than a pension or cash in lieu of leave, which is paid to an employee on the cessation of his or her employment, where his or her employment has ceased due to retrenchment under a scheme approved by the Minister responsible for labour or the Public Service:

Provide that the exemption provided in this subparagraph shall apply only in respect of the first forty-five thousand United States dollars of any such pay, gratuity or benefit payable to him or her in any one year of assessment.‖.


Clause 17, as amended, put and agreed to.


Clauses 18 and 19 put and agreed to.

On Clause 20

The Minister of Finance moved:  That on page 12 of the Bill, in the definition of ―cottage industry‖, by deletion of ―that are based in or conducted from the residential premises of the operators thereof, whether or not‖ and the substitution of ―whether or not they are based in or conducted from the residential premises of the operators thereof, and whether or not‖.

Clauses 21 and 22 put and agreed to.

New Clause Inserted In Part III

The Minister of Finance moved:  That on page 14 of the Bill, insert in Part III

(―Value Added Tax‖) before clause 23 the following clause, the subsequent clauses to be renumbered accordingly—


                          “23        Amendment of section 6 of Cap. 23:12

With effect from the 1st January, 2010, the Value Added Tax Act [Chapter 23:12] is amended in section 6 (―Value added tax‖)(1)(d) by the insertion of the following proviso thereto

―Provided that this paragraph shall not apply to the supply of second-hand motor vehicles that are subject to special excise duty on sales or disposals of second-hand motor vehicles referred to in section 172B of the Customs and Excise Act [Chapter 23:02].‖.

Clauses 23 to 27 put and agreed to.

On Clause 28

The Minister of Finance moved:  That on page 15 of the Bill, delete the existing clause

28 (―Amendment of section 56 of Cap. 23:12‖).


Clauses 29 to 32 put and agreed to.

Substitution of Part VI

The Minister of Finance moved:  That on page 17 of the Bill delete Part VI and substitute the following Parts:



Substitution of Chapter VII of Finance Act [Chapter 23:04]

               33       Substitution of Chapter VII of Cap. 23:06

With effect from the year of assessment beginning on the 1st January, 2010, Chapter VII

of the of the Finance Act [Chapter 23:04] is repealed and the following is substituted—



36 Interpretation in Chapter VII

(1)  In this Chapter—

  • ―principal Act‖ means the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 21:05];
  • every expression has the same meaning it would have when used in the principal Act.
  • ―financial institution‖ means—
    • any banking institution registered or required to be registered in terms of the Banking Act [ 24:20]; or
    • the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe and any of its agents or subsidiaries, such as Fidelity Printers and Refiners (Private) Limited.

(2)  The expression ―this Act‖ when used in the principal Act shall be construed as including a reference to this Chapter.

37  Rates of mining royalties, duty and fees

For the purposes of the provisions of the principal Act specified in the Schedule the rates of royalties, duty and fees shall be as therein shown.

37A  Collection of mining royalties

(1)  With effect from the 1st January, 2010, and every subsequent year of assessment, the following persons shall, as agents for and on behalf of Commissioner-General of the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority, deduct royalty on the following minerals at source, based on the face value of the invoice therefore—

  • in respect of precious stones, precious metals (other than gold), base metals, industrial metals, coalbed methane and coal, the Minerals Marketing Corporation established in terms of the Minerals Marketing Corporation Act [Chapter 21:04] or any person authorised by the Minerals Marketing Corporation to export such minerals in its own right;
  • in respect of gold, the Minerals Marketing Corporation established in terms of the Minerals Marketing Corporation Act [Chapter 21:04] any person authorised by the Minerals Marketing Corporation to export gold in its own right and every financial institution.
    • Royalties deducted in terms of subsection (1) shall be remitted by the person deducting them to the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority no later than the tenth day of the month following the month in which the proceeds from which the royalties were deducted are received.
    • If royalties are not remitted timeously in terms of subsection (2), interest, calculated at a rate to be fixed by the Minister by statutory instrument, shall be payable on so much of the royalties as remain unpaid during the period beginning on the day next following the last day provided for its remittance and ending on the date the royalties are remitted in full:

Provided that in special circumstances the Commissioner-General of the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority may extend the time for the remittance of royalties without charging interest.‖.




Provision of principal Act  
 1. Section 245 (Royalties) Percentage of gross fair

market value

of mineral produced

(a) Precious stones…………………………………… ................................ 10
(b) Precious metals……………………………………. ............................... 3,5
(c) Base metals……………………………………… .................................. 2
(d) Industrial metals………………………………… .................................. 2
(e) Coalbed methane………………………………… ................................. 2
(f) Coal…………………………………………. ......................................... 1
Provision of principal Act Rate of duty or fee
 2. Section 275 (Transfer duty) $US 1 for each $100 or part thereof of the consideration
 3. Section 276 (Fee for the registration of hypothecation of mining locations):

(1) Hypothecations passed before Secretary—

                                              Amount secured

                       Exceeding                             but not exceeding

US $                                          US $

0                                              20 .......................................




0 20










1 000

1 200

1 400

1 600

1 800

40 .......................................

60 .......................................

100 ......................................

200 ......................................

300 ......................................

400 ......................................

600 ......................................

800 ......................................

1 000 .....................................

1 200 .....................................

1 400 .....................................

1 600 .....................................

1  800 .....................................

2  000 .....................................














































                and for every additional US $200 or part thereof  
         (2)  For the registration of every deed of hypothecation .............................   2 00  
 4. Section 278 (Fee for the registration of options on mining locations)

A primary fee of ............................................................................................          and

(a) where consideration is given, for every $100 or part thereof of the

consideration  ........................................................................................   (b) where no consideration is given  ...........................................................













 5. Section 280 (Fee for the registration of tribute agreements)  ......................   2 00  


Amendments to Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 21:05]

               34       Amendment of section 87 of Cap. 21:05

With effect from the year of assessment beginning on the 1st January, 2010, the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 21:05] is amended in section 87 (―Application for order‖)(2)(a) by the deletion of ―two cents per month‖ and the substitution of ―one hundred United States dollars per month‖.

               35       Amendment of section 93 of Cap. 21:05

With effect from the year of assessment beginning on the 1st January, 2010, the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 21:05] is amended in section 93 (―Limitation of area of reservation‖)(2)(c) by the deletion of ―sixty-five thousand hectares‖ and the substitution of ―twenty thousand hectares‖.

               36       Amendment of section 99 of Cap. 21:05

With effect from the year of assessment beginning on the 1st January, 2010, the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 21:05] is amended in section 99 (―Failure to submit programme‖)(3) by the deletion of ―eight cents per hectare‖ and the substitution of ―one hundred United States dollars per hectare‖.

               37       Amendment of section 100 of Cap. 21:05

With effect from the year of assessment beginning on the 1st January, 2010, the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 21:05] is amended in section 100 (―Report by concession holder on work carried out‖)(3) by the deletion of ―two cents per hectare‖ and the substitution of ―one hundred United States dollars per hectare‖.

               38       Amendment of section 113 of Cap. 21:05

With effect from the year of assessment beginning on the 1st January, 2010, the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 21:05] is amended in section 113 (―Disposal of deposits‖)(c) and

(d) by the deletion of ―two cents for each hectare‖ and the substitution of ―one hundred United States dollars foe each hectare‖.

               39       Amendment section 244 of Cap. 21:05

With effect from the year of assessment beginning on the 1st January, 2010, section 244

(―Royalty‖) of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 21:05] is amended

(a) in subsection (3) 

  • in paragraph (a) by the repeal of ―two hundred dollars‖ and the substitution of ―two hundred United States dollars‖;
  • in paragraph (b) by the repeal of ―two hundred dollars‖ and ―three hundred dollars‖ and the substitution of ―two hundred United States dollars‖ and

―three hundred United States dollars‖ respectively;

               40       Amendment section 245 of Cap. 21:05

With effect from the year of assessment beginning on the 1st January, 2010, section 245

(―Fixing of royalty‖) of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 21:05] is amended      (a) by the repeal of subsection (1) and the substitution of

―(1)  The rate of royalty payable in terms of section 244 shall be fixed by the

House of Assembly in the Schedule to Chapter VII of the Finance Act [Chapter 23:04].‖;

(b) by the repeal of subsection (5) and the substitution of

―(5)  In fixing the rate of royalty payable in terms of subsection (1) the House of Assembly may fix different rates of royalty in respect of different minerals and mineral-bearing products.‖.

               41       Amendment section 251 of Cap. 21:05

With effect from the year of assessment beginning on the 1st January, 2010, section 251 (―Monthly returns and payment of royalty‖) of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 21:05] is amended

  • in subsection (1)
    • by the deletion of ―mining commissioner‖ where it occurs for the first time and the substitution of ―Commissioner-General of the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority, or an officer of the Authority appointed for the purpose by the Commissioner-General‖;
    • by the deletion of ―mining commissioner‖ where it occurs for the second time and the substitution of ―Commissioner-General or officer‖;
  • in subsection (2)
    • by the deletion of ―mining commissioner‖ where it occurs for the first time and the substitution of ―Commissioner-General of the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority, or an officer of the Authority appointed for the purpose by the Commissioner-General‖;
    • by the deletion of ―mining commissioner‖ where it occurs for the second time and the substitution of ―Commissioner-General or officer‖;

               42       Amendment section 252 of Cap. 21:05

With effect from the year of assessment beginning on the 1st January, 2010, section 252

(―Inspection of books and records, etc.‖) of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 21:05] is amended by the deletion of ―mining commissioner‖ and the substitution of ―CommissionerGeneral of the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority‖.

               43       Amendment section 253 of Cap. 21:05

With effect from the year of assessment beginning on the 1st January, 2010, section 253

(―Prohibition of disposal of minerals when royalty or returns, etc., have not been lodged‖) of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 21:05] is amended

  • in subsection (1)
    • by the deletion of ―mining commissioner‖ where it occurs for the first time and the substitution of ―Commissioner-General of the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority, or an officer of the Authority appointed for the purpose by the Commissioner-General‖;
    • by the deletion of ―mining commissioner‖ where it occurs for the second time and the substitution of ―Commissioner-General or officer‖;
  • in subsection (2)
    • by the deletion of ―mining commissioner‖ where it occurs for the first time and the substitution of ―Commissioner-General of the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority, or an officer of the Authority appointed for the purpose by the Commissioner-General‖;
    • by the deletion of ―mining commissioner‖ where it occurs for the second time and the substitution of ―Commissioner-General or officer‖.‖

               44       Repeal of General Notices 381 of 2003 and 16 of 2004

For the avoidance of doubt it is declared that, with effect from the 1st January, 2010, General Notices 381 of 2003 (published in the Gazette Extraordinary dated the 29th August, 2003) and 16 of 2004 (published in the Gazette Extraordinary dated the 9th January, 2004) are repealed.



                         45          Validation of SI 135C of 2008

Notwithstanding any enactment or ruling to the contrary, the Exchange Control (Exchange Rate) (Amendment) Direction, 2008 (No. 5), published in Statutory Instrument 135C of 2008, is hereby validated, and is deemed to have come into force on the 1st May, 2008.


Schedule (Section 22) put and agreed to.


Bill to be reported with amendments.


(House resumed)


Bill reported with amendments.  Referred to the Parliamentary Legal Committee.



  1. The Minister of Finance moved: That Orders of the Day Nos. 1 to 6 stand over until Order of the Day No. 7 has been disposed of.

Motion put and agreed to.




(House in Committee


Main Estimates of Expenditure for the year ending December 31, 2010 (Cmd R.Z. 5. 2009).

Vote No. 1- ―President and Cabinet‖, US$50,568,000 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 2- ―Office of the Prime Minister‖, US$6,078,000 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 3- ―Parliament of Zimbabwe‖, US$6,781,000 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 4 – ―Public Service‖, US$48,890,500 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 5- ―Defence‖, US$98,293,000 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 6- ―Finance‖, US$161,980,000 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 8- ―Audit‖, US$2,216,000 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 9- ―Industry and Commerce‖, US$2,613,900 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 10- ―Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development‖, US$55,771,700 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 11- ―Mines and Mining Development‖, US$3,746,000 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 12- ―Environment and Natural Resources Management‖, US$3,823,000 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 13- ―Transport and Infrastructural Development‖, US$20,737,700 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 14- ―Foreign Affairs‖, US$42,427,000 put and agreed to. Vote No. 15- ―Local Government, Urban and Rural Development‖, US$11,106,000 put and agreed to.


Vote No. 16- ―Health and Child Welfare‖, US$156,473,600 put and agreed to. Vote No. 17- ―Education Sport, Arts and Culture‖, US$276,753,000 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 18- ―Higher and Tertiary Education US$70,264,000 put and agreed to. Vote No. 19- ―Youth, Indigenisation and Empowerment‖, US$14,913,000 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 20- ―Home Affairs‖, US$103,613,000‖, put and agreed to.

Vote No. 21- ―Justice and Legal Affairs‖, US$46,131,000 put and agreed to. Vote No. 22- ―Media, Information and Publicity‖, US$2,841,000 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 23- ―Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperative Development‖, US$1,375,000 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 24- ―Energy and Power Development‖, US$1,499,500 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 25- ―Economic Planning and Investment Promotion‖, US$1,460,000 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 26- ―Science and Technology Development‖, US$3,140,000 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 27- ―Women‘s Affairs, Gender and Community Development‖, US$3,792,000 put and agreed to.

Vote 28- ―National Housing and Social Amenities‖, US$3,506,000 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 29- ―Water Resources Development and Management‖, US$2,704,000 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 30- ―Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs‖, US$8,978,000 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 31- ―Tourism and Hospitality‖, US$1,456,000 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 32- ―Labour and Social Services‖, US$27,522,500 put and agreed to. Vote No. 33- ―State Enterprises and Parastatals‖, US$1,149,000 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 34- ―Information and Communication Technology‖, US$5,699,100 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 35- ―Public Works‖, US$12,199,000‖, put and agreed to.

Vote No. 36- ―Regional Intergration and National Cooperation‖, US$1,201,500 put and agreed to.

Vote No. 37- ―Lands and Rural Resettlement‖, US$6,979,000 put and agreed to.


Main Estimates of Expenditure to be reported without amendment.


Report adopted.


Bill ordered to be brought in by the Minister of Finance in accordance with Main Estimates of Expenditure adopted by the House.


  1. The Minister of Finance, pursuarnt to the order, presented a Bill to apply a further sum of money for the services of Zimbabwe for the year ending 31 December, 2010.-Appropriation (2010) (H.B. 12, 2009).


Bill read the first time.  Referred to the Parliamentary Legal Committee.


  1. The Minister of Finance moved: That Order of the Day No. 1, for today, stands over until Order of the Day No. 6 has been disposed of.


Motion put and agreed to.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned 1st December The Minister of State in Vice President Mujuru’s Office)


Question again proposedThat a respectful Address be presented to the

President of Zimbabwe as follows-


May, it please you, Your Excellency, the President:


We, the Members of Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to Parliament – Hon. Nyamupinga.


[Time elapsed: 3 hours 58 minutes]


On the motion of the Minister of Finance:  Debate adjourned until Tuesday, 2nd February.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the report of the SADC PF Observer Mission to the Botswana Elections (Adjourned 1st December, 2009-The Minister of State in Vice President Mujuru’s Office)


[Days elapsed: 3]


Question again proposed:  That this House takes note of the report of the

Observer Mission to Botswana on the SADC Parliamentary Forum Interim Statement regarding the Botswana General Elections held on 16th October 2009- Hon Mungofa.


On the motion of the Minister of Finance:  Debate adjourned until Tuesday 2nd February.


  1. Report from the Parliamentary Legal Committee NOT being an adverse report on the following bill:-


Date Received


Finance (No.3) Bill, 2009 (H.B. 13A, 2009)…..9th December, 2009




  1. CONSIDERATION: Finance (No.3) Bill (H.B. 13A, 2009)-The Minister of Finance


Amendments in Clauses 3, 11, 15, 17, 20, new clause inserted in Part III and substitution of Part VI put and agreed to, and Bill as amended, adopted.


Third reading- forthwith.


Bill read a third time.


  1. Report from the Parliamentary Legal Committee NOT being an adverse report on the following bill:-


Date Received


Appropriation (2010) Bill  (H.B. 12, 2009)…….…………..9th December, 2009


Second Reading- forthwith.


Bill read a second time.   Third reading, forthwith.


Bill read a third time.


  1. Bills transmitted to the Senate-


Date Transmitted

         Public Finance Management (H.B. 9A, 2009)


         Audit Office (H.B. 10A, 2009)


Appropriation (2010) (H.B. 12)


Finance (No.3) (H.B. 13A)………………………………..9the December, 2009


  1. On the motion of the Minister of Finance: The House adjourned at six minutes to four o‘clock p.m. until Tuesday, 2nd February 2009 at a quarter past two o‘clock in the afternoon.












That this House takes note of the first report of the Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Welfare on Drugs and Medicines ( S.C.3, 2009).


  1. Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned 9th

December The Minister of Finance)


Question proposedThat a respectful Address be presented to the President of

Zimbabwe as follows-


May, it please you, Your Excellency, the President:


We, the Members of Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to Parliament – Hon. Nyamupinga.


[Time elapsed: 3 hours 58 minutes]


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the report of the SADC PF Observer Mission to the Botswana Elections (Adjourned 9th December, 2009-The Minister of Finance)


[Days elapsed: 4]


Question proposed:  That this House takes note of the report of the Observer

Mission to Botswana on the SADC Parliamentary Forum Interim Statement

regarding the Botswana General Elections held on 16th October 2009- Hon Mungofa.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the importance of an accurate voters roll

(Adjourned 1st December, 2009-The Minister of State in Vice President Mujuru’s Office)


[Days elapsed: 3]   Question proposedThat this House:


NOTING that an accurate voters roll is central and key to a credible electoral process;


ALARMED by the chaotic state of the voters roll in Zimbabwe as evidenced by the presence of names of deceased persons, geriatrics over 100 years old, multiple entries and a multitude of general inaccuracies;


CONCERNED that little action has been taken to correct the situation despite several calls to do so from various quarters;


CONVINCED that an audit of the voters roll is urgent and necessary to ensure that future elections are credible;


NOW, THEREFORE, this House calls upon the inclusive government to immediately carry out a comprehensive audit of the voters roll to rid it of all inaccuracies and irregularities- Hon Matutu.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the death of the National Hero, Senator Richard

Chemist Hove (Adjourned 1st December, 2009-The Minister of State in Vice

President Mujuru’s Office)


[Days elapsed: 3]


Question proposed: That this House expresses its sympathies on the untimely death of the National Hero, Senator Richard Chemist Hove on 22nd August 2009 and resolves that its condolences be conveyed to the family of the late Hon Senator- Hon Ziyambi.


  1. FIRST READING: Public Order and Security Amendment Bill (H.B. 11, 2009)Hon Gonese.















HON. CHIMBETETE:  To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural

Development to explain the reason for the delays in the surfacing of the Binhanya Road which runs from Nyanga to Ruwange and to assure this House that the Ministry has budgeted for its surfacing in the coming budget for 2010.

[Deferred from Wednesday 21st October] 




HON. CHIMBETETE:  To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development to state the measures the Ministry is putting in place to prevent carnage at Tombo One, which has become a black spot following a number of fatal accidents in that area dating as far back as 1991 to the latest one this year.

[Deferred from Wednesday 4th November]



HON. CHIMHINI:  To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development to explain why the Odzani Jombe to Mutare road has not been surfaced as a matter of priority in view of the fact that since 2005 quarry stones and gravel were already piled at the Honde River Bridge.

[Deferred from Wednesday 21st October] 




HON. MARAMWIDZE:  To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Development to state when the surfacing of the Gutu/Buhera road would be completed.

[Deferred from Wednesday 4th November]





HON. SANSOLE: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrstructural

Development to inform this House whether the Ministry has any plans to tar the border road from Makunku in Binga District, through Makwa, Chisuma to the Bulawayo/Victoria Falls road.

[Deferred from Wednesday 18th November]



HON. P.N. SIBANDA: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural

Development to state the plans the Ministry has to surface the section of the Karoi- Binga considering that the road appears on the map as tarred but on the ground it is not.

[Deferred from Wednesday 18th November]



HON. BALOYI: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development to inform the House:-
i) When the dualisation project of the Harare Beitbridge highway will start given the substantial inflows of the revenue from the recently introduced toll gates; and
  1. ii) What strategy the Ministry has to repair rural roads given the general poor state of these roads across the country.


*8.       HON. NDEBELE: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development:


  1. i) To give a detailed breakdown of R1 986 million which was disbursed in the Official Opening preparations of Maitengwe and Ramaquabawe

Bridges; and ii)            Whether he is aware of the state of the road from Gwanda to Maphisa and if he could consider undertaking a conducted tour of the road with a delegation so that positive action is taken towards the construction of this road.


*9.       HON. MARAMWIDZE: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development to explain if it is logical for Members of Parliament to pay tollgate fees when they are on national duty travels all over the country for 24 hours per day.


*10.     HON. GARADHI: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development to explain:

  1. why there is no improvement in the construction works of the HarareChirundu road which has gone on for more than 5 months since the introduction of tollgates; and
  2. what the revenue generated from tollgates is used for.


*11.     HON. JIRI:  To ask the Minister of Local Government, Rural and Urban Development to explain:

  1. Why Rural District Councils have been operating without audited financial statements over the years as evidenced by the Chikomba Rural District Council whose last audited accounts were produced in 2003.
  2. What measures the Ministry is taking to address cases of gross maladministration in the running of Council Affairs where some assets have been misappropriated over time Chikomba Rural District Council is a case in point.
  • What criteria has been used to employ the staff in the Administration of Councils and to state whether it is by merit or nepotism.


[Deferred from Wednesday 4th November]


*12.     HON. KAGURABADZA: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Rural and Urban Development to explain what the ministry has done to ensure that it complies with Article 14 of the GPA, which calls for the depoliticisation of the office of the traditional chiefs.


[Deferred from Wednesday 18th November]


*13.     HON. S. L. MUSHONGA: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Rural and Urban Development to inform the House:

  1. what the government policy is towards housing cooperatives that purchased unserviced and undivided pieces of Peri-Urban land since year

2000 in contravention of the Regional, Town and Country Planning Act

(Chapter 29:10) Section39; ii)     if there is any government waiver in the requirements of Section 39 of the

Regional, Town and Country Planning Act (Chapter 29:10); iii) whether the Ministry is aware that unscrupulous property developers are trying to use premises of  the Regional, Town and Country Planning Act (Chapter 29:10 to dishonour several contracts they entered into since the


year 2000 to detriment of several poor households who invested their savings in buying these unserviced and unapproved subdivisions; and iv)        if the Ministry of Local Government Urban and Rural Development could


come up with a Statutory Instrument to retrospectively regularise the above mentioned scenario.

[Deferred from Wednesday 18th November]



HON. CHIMHINI: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Rural and Urban Development to explain:

i) The circumstances surrounding the suspension of headman Andrew

Moses Sahumani by the District Administrator on 2nd January 2009; ii) Whether there is a time frame for such suspensions which badly incapacitate the functions of traditional leaders as justice delayed is justice denied; and

iii) Whether District Administrators, Assistant District Administrators and Chief Executive Officers of Councils are allowed to engage in politics given that those in Mutasa District are publicly showing their allegiance to a particular political party resulting in a collision path with the MDC dominated Rural District Council.



HON. MARAMWIDZE: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Rural and Urban Development to explain why the ZANU PF Councilors who lost in last year's elections are finding their way back in the Council through the so called

―Special Interest‖ Councilors  What is their special interest duty there as if the winning councilors are failing to do their work.



HON. BEREMAURO: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Rural and Urban Development to inform the House who administers resettlement areas, is it the Ministry of Lands, DDF or local authority.


*18.                                         HON. VARANDENI: To ask the Minister of

Transport and Infrastructural Development to inform the House:


i) whether there are any plans to repair bridges and roads damaged by

Cyclone Eline and Cyclone Japhet linking Zaka, Bikita  and Chiredzi North Constituencies; and


ii)if the Ministry allows the local authorities to hire the services of donors who have  the machinery to maintain the roads.



HON. SHOKO: To ask the Minister of Water Resources Development and Management to inform the House when the suburbs of Unit ‗O‘, N, G, M, and N in Chitungwiza South Constituency would get piped water and to explain the problem being faced.

[Deferred from Wednesday 4th November]

*18. HON. KAGURABADZA: To ask the Minister of State Enterprises and Parastatals to confirm:

i) whether or not the Ministry of State Enterprises and Parastatals Management recently flighted advertisements for CVs for persons wanting to become board members of various state enterprises.

  1. when the Ministry would assume control function of appointing members to the Board as it currently falls under various Ministries in terms of the legislation creating the enterprises in question;


[Deferred from Wednesday 18th November]

*19.     HON. A. SITHOLE: To ask the Minister of Water Resources Development and Management to:

  1. explain whether the Ministry is aware that Chilonga Irrigation Scheme in Chiredzi District has not been operating for almost two years; and
  2. state whether the Ministry is aware that engines from the irrigation scheme which were taken to Masvingo for repairs have not been returned to date.


[Deferred from Wednesday 18th November]

*20. HON. SANSOLE: To ask the Minister of Water Resources, Development and Management:

  1. i) whether he is aware that Deka River has been polluted by the following companies which discharge them toxic waste into the river,

Hwange Colliery Company, South Mining and ZESA; and ii)  assure the House that the Ministry will take appropriate remedial action to ensure that this practice is discontinued and to make provision for alternative sources of clean water for the communities and livestock in the vicinity of Deka river.



[Deferred from Wednesday 18th November]


HON. BALOYI: To ask the Minister of Water Resources Development and Management to inform the House:


i)        The progress to date on the Chikombedzi Growth Point water supply project; ii)      When the progress will be completed given its importance to the growth of the town through attracting investors; and iii)           Why it has taken so long to for ZINWA to repair pumps at Chilonga

Irrigation Scheme and what has been done to date;



HON. CHIMBETETE: To ask the Minister of Water Resources, Development and Management to inform the House,


i)        Whether the Ministry is aware that the Nyanga District Council has

serious problems in terms of its water supplies because of the ineptitude of ZINWA whose handover of the water reticulation systems is long overdue and has resulted in unrealistic changes; ii)      When the Nyanga District Council would take over the water distribution so that residents are assured of water supplies and charged reasonable amounts and attend to repairs timeously which in the past has been carried out by artisans from Harare

*23. HON. KAGURABADZA: To ask the Minister of State Enterprises and Parastatals to explain:




i)         how the various private companies established by state enterprises relate to the Audit Office and whether they are audited by the CAG and if they submit reports to Parliament; ii)           whether there are any standard guidelines with respect to these companies on corporate governance issues and how Ministries deal with board appointments for subsidiary companies;  iii)      whether these companies are not a means of evasion by the Parastatal Executives of compliance with statutes creating Parastatals, for instance on matters of conditions of service; and iv)            to what extent Ministers ensure that subsidiaries are complying with Parastatals-creating statues vis-à-vis Parastatal-owned companies.

[Deferred from Wednesday 18th November]




HON. A. SITHOLE: To ask the Minister of Tourism and Hospitality Industry tѯ explain:

i)        what package is there to encourage communit⁩es in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area to develop cuɬtural tourism related matters; and ii)           whether thѥre are any opportunities which can be taken a¤vantage of during the 2010 World Cup rhow case in Sou䁴h Africa.

[Deferred from Wedn⁥sday 18th November  




H聯N. A. 䁓ITHOLE: 䁔o ask 䁴he Minister of Env䁩ronmental and Naturql Òesources Management to explain:

i.        if he is aware tiatР⁩n耠the IJ00⁩-2009 cropping searon farmers from Chiredzi District lost crops from elephants and were killed by elephants trying to protect their crops; ii.         what the Ministry is doing to protect the people's lives in both communal and resettlement areas; iii. how far the Ministry has capacitated local authorities to allow villages both in communal and resettlement areas to manage veld fires; and

iv.        what stops Zoological Society which is assisting National Parks in developing Gonarezhou Park from being registered.

[Deferred from Wednesday 18th November]




HON. BALOYII: To ask the Minister of Environmental and Natural Resources Management to explain:

i)        What the Ministry is doing to take advantage and build on the

Boundless Southern Africa Expedition's or the Kingsley Holgate

Expedition's – awareness campaign early this year; and ii)   What the Ministry is doing about wildlife in resettled areas given reported rampant poaching and the deadly veldfires that consumed vast forests and killed several people this year;

*27. HON. MUTSEYAMI: To ask the Co-Ministers of Home Affairs to explain:

i)        the Ministry's position with regards to the export of scrap copper; ii)     why the Ministry allows the export of copper scrap in view of the fact that Zimbabwe has not mined copper ever since the closure of Mhangura Copper Mine;

  • whether the issuing of copper export permit does not directly promote vandalism of copper based infrastructure belonging to NRZ, ZESA,


  1. when the births and deaths registration department would conduct mobile registration exercise in outreach areas;
  2. whether the Ministry would extend the mobile births and deaths registration exercise to urban centres; and

how the Registrar-General general handles registration requirements for orphaned and vulnerable children who do not have guardians.


[Deferred from Wednesday 18th November]





HON. P.N. SIBANDA: To ask the Co-Ministers of Home Affairs to inform the House the measures that the Ministry has put in place to curtail the threats to livestock posed by poachers and illegal immigrants in the Binga area and to explain if the Binga ZRP Station is adequately equipped to deal with the situation.

[Deferred from Wednesday 18th November]



HON. CHEBUNDO: To ask the Minister of Co-Ministers of Home Affairs to state:

i)        Why the Ministry is compulsory enrolling all the General Hands from the Police Stations and Camps, as Regular Police by giving them force numbers; ii)    Whether this will compromise the police profession as these do not possess the usual pre-requests for enrollment as members of the police force; and

                iii) What value addition does this have on the up keeping of the rule of law.


*30.     HON. CHIMHINI: To ask the Co-Ministers of Home Affairs to explain:

  1. Whether it is the government policy for police officers not to arrest army personnel for criminal offences because the army personnel are seniors to police officers; ii) Whether he is aware that army personnel from 3 Brigade Mutare confiscated an MDC Party flag on 13 October 2009 at Hauna Growth

Point and threatened MDC councilors resulting in case No/ (REF CR 31/10/09 RUDA POLICE) being reported; and iii) What action has since been taken to return the MDC Party flag and bring to the errant soldiers so that the public may have confidence in the police force.


*31. HON. MANGAMI: To ask the Co-Ministers of Home Affairs to explain:

  1. i) what measures the Ministry is taking to assist women who do not possess identity documents in view of the fact that after the liberation struggle some of them were assisted by their husbands and brothers to get these but have since lost them and whenever they apply for replacements they are requested to produce birth certificates which they never had;
  2. what steps the Ministry is taking to assist those women without children who are required to bring their children as witnesses whenever they apply for new birth certificates in order to acquire identity cards; and
  • what measures the Ministry is taking to assist those with short birth certificates who have difficulties in getting long birth certificates as these are processed in Harare.


HON. S. L. MUSHONGA: To ask the Minister Health and Child Welfare to explain:

i)       why Howard Hospital in Mazowe Central has virtually become a referral hospital for patients from Harare and whether the Ministry is aware that as a result of the dollarisation of the currency these urban patients are literally elbowing out rural people who cannot afford to pay US$10 to get a medical card; ii)       whether the Ministry is aware that the donor funded distribution of ARVs and ancillary drugs to people living with HIV and AIDS is inadequate at Howard Hospital resulting in patients going for months without the life prolonging drugs; and iii)   when Rosa Government Hospital in Mazowe Central would be

accorded the referral status in order for it to distribute the life prolonging drugs in view of its central location, accessibility and less congested as people from Harare do not overcrowd it.

[Deferred from Wednesday 18th November]





HON. SANSOLE: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Welfare to inform the House when the designated Hwange District Hospital at ―Five Miles‖ would be completed and to state when clinics at Milonga, Sidinda and Songwa would be fully equipped and operational.

[Deferred from Wednesday 18th November]




HON. GARADHI: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Welfare to inform the House:

i)         if he is aware that two doctors at Chinhoyi Provincial Hospital are

using government facility for their private patients e.g Doctor Mvurume is conducting operations using government facility for personal gain; and ii)    if it is allowed for doctors to change 3 beasts for service when a patient wants treatment at the government hospital he refers patients to his surgery and charge them 3 beasts for treatment.



HON. SARUWAKA: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Welfare why his Ministry is not reinstating Mr. Cleopas Njopera as driver in compliance with the determination and directive by the Labour Court LC/MC/32/06 on 13 May 2009.
*36. HON. CHITANDO: To ask the Minister of Education, Sport, Arts and Culture to inform the House:

i)        what progress has been made as regards the FIFA Goal Project; ii)            what progress has been made in the renovation of the National Sports Stadium; and to state; and



[Deferred from Wednesday 18th November]


HON. BALOYI: To ask the Minister of Education, Sport, Arts and Culture to explain the strategy if any the Ministry have to promote sporting talent in rural areas such as Sengwe and Matibi 11 in Chiredzi, given the lack of local private corporates such as those that support and/or promote sport in urban centres.



HON. MUCHAURAYA: To ask the Minister of Media, Information and Publicity whether there is any political will on the part of government to free the airwaves from the ZBH monopoly and if so how this has been demonstrated.

[Deferred from Wednesday 18th November]

*39. HON. S. L. MUSHONGA: To ask the Minister of State for State Security in the President‘s Office to inform the House:
i) whether it is government policy for members of the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) to join political parties and hold provincial party positions whilst still in active service of the state; and
ii)       whether the Minister is aware that the Deputy Director, Elias Kanengoni Special Projects in the CIO, holds a provincial party position in ZANU PF Mashonaland Province and if so, what action the Ministry is going to take in order to make sure that the civil service remains apolitical and professional.

[Deferred from Wednesday 18th Novembr]


*40.     HON. CHIMHINI: To ask the 䁍inister of Agricunture, Mechanisation and†Irrigation!Development to explain:


i))Why there is still no activity at Eupotedzi Yrrigation Project which was

established in 2004 even l⁩ng after the Minister gave an assurance to this House that thɥ⁩required transformer would be installed as⁩per request;

iii)           when the National Sports Stadium would be open for the first game.

ii)ĉhether staff deployed toȠwor+ o䑮 the project are on government payrollȠas they ha⁩e beef 䁩dle for the p⁩st f/ur moѮths;

  • Whether it is government policy that no other partner can take over and fund the completion of the government initiated project and to state why Government has not approached such bodies like the EU to support this important project; and
  1. Whether the producer price of 6 cents per kilogramme of tea which being offered to tea growers from Zindi and surrounding areas by Eastern Highlands tea estates is a fair price on the market and if not, whether the outgrowers could be assisted to get value for money for their produce.


*41.     HON. CHIMHINI: To ask the Minister of State Enterprises and Parastatals to explain:


  • Whether he is aware that the Katiyo Estate workers have not received their salaries since May 2009 even though the Minister assured this House that a recovery plan for ARDA Project was in place; and
  1. What the long-term strategy in resolving the challenges at the company is.




HON. GARADHI: To ask the Minister of Youth Development, Indigenisation and Empowerment if he is aware that young people are being trained country wide especially in Chinhoyi at Chemagamba Police Station and to explain the kind of training those youths are being subjected to.
*43. HON. SIBANDA F.M: To ask the Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education to state:


i)          The number of students who have been selected and benefited to study

at Fort Hare and other Universities in South Africa since the inception of the Presidential Scholarship Programme to South Africa; ii)              How many students per Province of Zimbabwe benefited;

iii)             The selection criteria since inception to date;

iv)             The status of 2009-2010 applicants to the same universities in South


v)               The Minister's response that the selection of would be beneficiaries of

the said programme is undemocratic and biased against students/applicants from other Provinces; and vi)     The condition of the welfare and privileges of Freedom of Association of the students in the said Universities that is in political terms.


*44. HON. BEREMAURO: To ask the Minister of Lands and Rural Resettlements to inform the House why the Ministry issued an offer letter for Rydings School of Karoi in favour of Gerald Mlotshwa when the District Land Committee, Provincial Land Committee and the late Vice president Msika had recommended that the offer letter be issued to Rydings School Parent Association.


*45. HON. KAGURABADZA: To ask the Minister of Justice and Legal Affairs to inform the House:


  1. i) the current number of prisoners held by the Zimbabwe Prisons

Services; ii)             prisoners waiting trial; iii)           prisoners awaiting sentence; iv)             prisoners serving sentence; and

  1. undergoing civil imprisonment.


*46.      HON. KAGURABADZA: To ask the Minister of Justice and Legal Affairs to inform the House:


  1. i) what is being done to de-congest the prisons; ii) what is the average death rate in Zimbabwe's prisons per month; and iii)          what is the most prominent cause of death.


*47.      HON. GARADHI: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Rural and Urban             Development to inform the House:


  i)        if he is aware that Chinhoyi Council is not functioning properly because of over-staffing, the staff compliment required is 250 people but now it is 500 workers; ii)       the reasons being the additional workers were politically recruited and what the Ministry is doing to address such a problem; and iii)        that people need service and Chinhoyi Council is incurring unnecessary expenses on paying for excess staff.


HON. VARANDENI: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Welfare to inform

the House what they are doing with to the shortage of malaria tablets Quartementher and BCG for children in clinics mostly in Bikita South Constituency.

*49. HON. GARADHI: To ask the Minister of Energy and Power Development to explain why load shedding is getting worse in Chinhoyi with some sections of the town going for more than 5 days without electricity


*50. HON. VARANDENI: To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development to explain:


  1. why AICO Africa took ¼ of the farmers shares after the privatisation of


  1. why the Minister cannot give new farmers virgin land than to take fields of good farmers that reduces yield on crops;
  • why farmers that were give land to grow cane are taking off sugar-cane and growing maize; and
  1. i) where the harvested crops are as Grain Marketing Board is reportedly


*51. HON. MUTSEYAMI: To ask the Minister of Media, Information and Publicity to explain the scientific formulae that is used in determining broadcasting licensing fees and why do we study the licensing regime elsewhere in the region.


*52. HON. GARADHI: To ask the Minister of Media, Information and Publicity to explain why ZBC always reports negatively about the Prime Minister, a case in point being on 1 December where the Hon. Prime Minister delivered a good speech in the House which was welcomed by all legislators including ZANU PF, but when it came to ZBC, the Prime Minister was castigated for his speech.




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