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Wednesday, 9th December, 2020

The Senate met at Half-past Two o’clock p.m.





THE HON. DEPUTY PRESIDENT OF SENATE: I have to inform the Senate that the MDC-T Party has nominated Hon. Sen. M. R. Dube as their Deputy Chief Whip and not Hon Sen. Dube.



HON. SEN. MUZENDA: Mr. President, I move that Orders of the Day, Nos. 1 to 3 be stood over until Order of the Day No. 4 has been disposed of.


Motion put and agreed to.



Fourth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech.

Question again proposed.

HON. SEN. MATHUTHU: Thank you Mr. President. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for allowing me to debate this important motion on the State of the Nation Address by the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Cde. Dr. E. D. Mnangagwa on the Official Opening of the Third Session of the Ninth Parliament of Zimbabwe. Allow me Mr. President to thank the mover of this motion, Hon. Sen. Chirongoma. Allow me Mr. President to thank the mover of this motion, Hon. Sen. Chirongoma and the seconder Hon. Sen. A. Dube. Mr. President, before I start debating this motion, allow me to bring to the attention of this Senate that during the President’s salutation, he acknowledged the presence of the leader of the opposition in our Parliament, Hon. Dr. T. Khupe. This is part of our political reforms as evidenced by the involvement of the opposition in debating the State of the Nation Address.

Mr. President, in this regard I am sure this will yield a positive result. The President was very grateful to the people of Zimbabwe for the discipline and resilience they showed during the difficult times in managing the COVID-19 pandemic. He also mentioned other challenges the country faced, that of climate change. The country has faced three consecutive droughts in succession and coupled with sanctions imposed in Zimbabwe by the West and its allies, they have not helped the economy to grow to an expected level. The President said, we will overcome these challenges. On COVID-19, he encouraged people to stick to the WHO guidelines in order to prevent the country from being affected by the second wave.

He also talked about the transitional stabilisation programme. In the past Mr. President, we used to complain about good programmes being introduced but no implementation. With this TSP, we have seen results. We applaud our Government for having managed to stabilise prices of basic commodities that were being increased daily. The introduction of foreign currency auction system and the monitoring of ecocash transactions Mr. President, has also helped the country to move forward.

Indeed, according to the President’s SONA address, Vision 2030 is on track. I would also like to thank the President for authorising the re-opening of schools and emphasising on the health of both the teacher and the child. The issue of face masks has seen headmasters saying masks must be uniform in colour. They have contracted their relatives and friends to make these and selling them at exorbitant prices.

On the issue of water, it plays an important role in human and animal life. I urge my Government to address the water situation in the country especially our towns and cities. Also, the issue of control between ZINWA and local authorities needs to be addressed urgently.

Mr. President, the state of our roads especially in the rural areas needs urgent attention and again the issue of control arises. On the issue of control, we have three roads authorities. We have the local authority which is council, the DDF and the Ministry. Can we have these harmonised for easy administration of our roads and have one road authority responsible.

The President talked about the launch of the First Five Year National Development Strategy from 2021 to 2025, the NDS1. I hope the new dispensation as it is known to make things happen, would not make this document gather dust and be condemned to the national archives. We would like to see the implementation and success of this Strategy. The NDS1 will spare economic development if properly implemented.

Before I conclude Mr. President, let me talk about the big elephant in the room, which is corruption. This animal knows no boundary, the President said this vice cannot co-exist with sustainable economic development and growth. If we want to get rid of corruption in this country, let us support His Excellency the President. He is the Commander-in-Chief and we are his foot soldiers. Justice must also take its course without fear and favour.

In conclusion Mr. President, I would like to touch on the issue of outstanding Bills with the spirit now exhibited in this august Senate by Hon. Members from both sides, no hate speeches being thrown at each other and the discipline shown Mr. President, I am sure there is a saying that where there is a will there is a way. I promise more work will be done in this Third Session of Parliament than before. United as Zimbabweans we stand, divided we fall. I will leave the other issues to my colleagues to debate on Mr. President, I thank you.

*HON. SEN. FEMAI: Thank you very much Hon. President for giving me this opportunity to debate on this motion which was moved by Hon. Sen. Chirongoma and seconded by Hon. A. Dube. Firstly, I would like to thank my party that allowed us to debate the Presidential Speech, I thank them very much. I thank the new dispensation for giving us the opportunity to understand each other and being able to debate what the President would have said. I sympathise for the time we wasted fighting each other not engaging in constructive debates.

We wasted our time not doing anything constructive instead of building our nation. It is the people’s anticipation that we build this nation so that people benefit. From what the President said, I do not see anything wrong. He mentioned all that we need to do and that is what he made us to do this year. Because of that, I want to thank him for giving us the direction on how to fix this nation.

Firstly, he talked about farming specifically the Pfumvudza Programme. Looking at Pfumvudza in 2005, I went to my rural home in Chimanimani. When I got there my elder brother was digging these holes. I enquired on what he was doing and he said this is the programme. We went to Zvishavane, Masvingo, Gutu and Nyika. We went all over. We also went to Mutare and Rusape, until we got to Marondera and came back looking at this Pfumvudza Programme, meaning to say that there is something that is happening, work is being done. What the Ministers respond to is the truth because they are on the ground, they are doing their work and I would like to thank them because this programme has been a success.

Now that the rains are here, I would like to thank the chiefs on this Pfumvudza Programme, they heard the Head of State talking about Pfumvudza and the chiefs did their part when they spoke to spirit mediums and I am confident they did that. So that is why you see we are seeing the rains.

The President also mentioned the issue of roads. We saw the Harare Bulawayo road is in a good condition. The Masvingo highway is also being fixed, the Masvingo to Beitbridge road. You might think you are in London. You can see clearly during the night. Even your car if it is an old model, because the road has been fixed it actually runs like new. The roads are looking good. Though it has not reached Harare, we are seeing the progress. We are seeing the good work that is being done. Again, we are thankful to the young Ministers because they are able to run around. I would like to thank the new dispensation for such appointments.

Now coming to COVID-19. If your father instructs you not to do something, your father would have spoken in his own voice warning you to stay home so that you are protected from this pandemic. I would like to thank all Zimbabweans, especially those who say they have nothing to do with politics, they showed us politicians that when it comes to a pandemic of such a nature they come together, they are united. Everyone stayed at home despite their political affiliation. Everyone obeyed the rules and regulations and stayed at home. I would like to thank the Minister for the instruction he gave. It reduced the rate of infection and the death rate. It even actually reduced the flu virus. Everyone stayed at home. It was an advantage because we never interacted and it actually protected people from various diseases.

Again, we look at the issue of dams. We want more dams than those that are being commissioned right now, especially in dry areas like Chimanimani - coming down to the lowveld, even in Dande. As long as there is a river let there be a dam. For us to do away with draught we should have as many dams as we can. If we are having dams, if we are having irrigation, people will not experience drought. We will not have some of these problems that we are experiencing such as people changing money on the black market using mobile money, ecocash.

We also want them to focus on Kunzvi Dam. That one has taken a lot of time to be completed. I am seeing that this new dispensation is putting into action all that which was lying idle. They sprung into action. I kindly ask them to get into action and work on Kunzvi dam so that we alleviate the perennial water challenges facing Harare. People in town have no water; they are tired of looking for water. That one if they are to work on it, it should alleviate the water problems. Let them look for a contractor to do the work and commission the dam so that we move forward.

We are also happy with the issue of peace and harmony in the country. It shows the development of the country, but I also want to tell you something - I will give the illustration of caterpillars. If caterpillars are in a tree you will never hear them make any noise. You could sit under a tree but you would never hear them making a noise, but after two days you will see the tree without leaves. They would have eaten the leaves slowly. Therefore with that illustration I am advising people to say if you see the Government, the leadership in silence it is not an advantage for people to engage in corrupt activities. When we wake up, we see Zimbabwe as a tree without leaves, it means corruption has destroyed us. I do not know and I wonder why these people do not listen when we say we do not want corruption. What kind of people are these that do not listen to what we say? We always say we do not want corruption. Today they would have started on something else. Corruption is very dangerous, it is cancerous. It spreads through the whole body and it kills someone in a few days.

If corruption attacks a country, all the people will die. It is dangerous. People will have mental problems and different other ailments. People are not getting money because there are people who are hording money and engaging in money laundering. Others will be having $100 million in their pockets, stored in their homes. Someone will be having as much as $100 million in their own home, in their own pockets while banks have no money. That is where we expect the Head of State to keep on talking and dealing with this issue. If it was possible this Senate should keep on talking about what the Head of State mentioned.

Let us be strong, let us make it a song on our lips to say corruption is bad. The Head of State said we do not want corruption in our country. Here in this august House we are saying we do not want corruption. That is why the Head of State said in his speech if this country is like this there is no development. Even for him, it is difficult for him to lead such a corrupt country.

I would like to remind everyone, all the MPs through you Mr. President, that myself, as I stand in this House as an opposition Member of Parliament - if I correct you or say something, I might speak in riddles but I will be trying to highlight an issue to you. I might be in opposition but where I see that there is an error, I will always highlight it to you. We are now giving solutions. We are no longer criticising just for the sake of criticising. That is what our leader said. It is a way of actually highlighting criticism and trying to give a solution. No one should get angry when we engage in such a manner.

If you hear me saying in a certain area we should establish dams, do not think that I am criticising you, I am actually giving you a solution as someone who is in agreement with the Head of State, but all of us if we are saying yes to everything, we will not know where there is an error or where there is a problem. We are actually trying to advise him by giving him correct information. I would like to thank you Hon. President.

THE HON. DEPUTY PRESIDENT OF SENATE: I would like to urge Hon. Senators to wear your masks properly, cover your nose and mouth. Covid is still there and it has come very stronger than it was in the first place. We do not just want to wake up and hear that another Senator has died. I plead with you, let us wear our face masks properly. Again do not forget to switch off your phones.

HON. SEN. CHIRONGOMA: I move that the debate do now adjourn.


Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Thursday, 10th December, 2020.



          HON. SEN CHIEF NECHOMBO: I move the motion standing in my name that this House takes note of the Report by the Zimbabwean Delegation to the 5th Annual General Meeting of the African Parliamentarians Network on Development Evaluation (APNODE) held from 28th to 30th of August 2019 in Abidjan, Cote D’ivoire.


HON. SEN. CHIEF NECHOMBO: Mr. President, more than ever before, the debate on the need for monitoring and evaluation is now a finished debate, with only one direction, one answer, implementation, implementation. The need for us to move on to a higher order of monitoring and evaluation is now an inexcusable need.

In view of this and the desire to achieve Vision 2030, the Hon, Speaker of the National Assembly, Hon. Adv. J. F. Mudenda led a delegation of six Honourable Members of Parliament. Hon. Sen. Chief Nechombo, Hon. P. Mpariwa, Hon. F. Mhona, Hon. T. Mavetera, Hon. O. Sibanda and Hon. W. Madzimure and three staff members, Ms. M. Mushandinga, Mr. C. Mukushwa and Mr. C. Ratsakatika to the 5th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of APNODE. The theme of the AGM “Shaping the Africa We seek: The Vital Role of Parliamentarians in Evaluation Capacity Development”. The AGM was held in Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire from 28 to 30 August 2019 and was hosted by the Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) based at the African Development Bank.

Mr. President, the meeting was attended by over sixty Members of Parliament form thirteen countries, across the African Continent, development partners and evaluation stakeholders were also present.

The meeting discussed APNODE’s 2018-2019 Annual and Financial Reports. Participants were trained in monitoring and evaluation. There were also panel sessions on two important topics, namely “Diversifying APNODE’s Resource Pool” and the African Continental Free Trade Agreement”.

Our Speaker of the National Assembly, Hon. Adv. J. F. Z. Mudenda gave some remarks during the official opening ceremony and was the main presenter during the panel discussion on the topic, “Diversifying APNODE’s Resource Pool”.

The highlight of the AGM was the resolution to bestow Honorary Membership to Hon. Speakers of member countries of APNODE, who include Hon. Adv. J. F. Z. Mudenda. This was followed by the remarkable achievement of the election of four Members of the Zimbabwean delegation into the new APNODE Executive Committee.

Mr. President, let me move on to the highlights, summary of the AGM, at the same time encouraging Hon. Members to go through the already issued detailed full report.


          During this orientation session, the APNODE Secretariat explained the voluntary nature of the Network, whose membership is derived from Members of Parliament across the African continent and individuals interested in promoting the use of evidence based development evaluation. The membership of the Network has grown from seven countries in 2014 up to twenty countries in 2019.


          The following issues were observed:

  • The need to coordinate efforts to include other regional groupings in the programme; and
  • That Burkina Faso had reviewed its Parliamentary rules and established a Standing Committee on Evaluation which works full time on evaluating the use of resources and implementation of policy.


  • Countries to adopt national evaluation policies;
  • Country budgets to have an allocation of funds for the creation of evaluation systems and programmes
  • To capacitate Members of Parliament and staff to enable them to use the results of evaluations.


          A short training session focusing on the introduction to development evaluation was conducted for the participants. Accountability and transparency were identified as key principles of a democratic society.


          The outgoing Chairperson of APNODE, Sen. Roger Mbassa-Ndine gave some remarks at the official opening ceremony. He urged Members to mobilise resources for the Network’s activities and encouraged other member states to follow the example set by Cote D’Ivoire which had institutionalised monitoring and evaluation by providing for it in the country’s Constitution.

His Excellency, Amadou Soumahoro, Speaker of the National Assembly of Cote D’lvoire, officially opened the Annual General Meeting. He noted the important events lined up for the AGM such as the elections of a new Executive Committee and the development of a long terms strategy for the network. He saluted Hon. Speaker, Hon, Adv. J. F. Mudenda for his distinguished presence together with Parliamentarians present, for demonstrating the importance they accorded to evaluation of public policy.

On the Year End Review

          The following issues were raised:

  • The need for Aggressive Membership Drive.
  • Active National Chapters.
  • Approval of the Network’s Budget.


The first panel session at the AGM was on “Country Evaluations and the Role of the Legislature”. The discussion revealed that for countries to follow a positive development path, there is need to evaluate development through developing a national policy and evaluation systems.

Given the diversity of country evaluation strategies, participants were called upon to harmonise their evaluation policies and to develop key enablers in order to ensure effective use of evaluations.

The second panel discussion was on “Diversifying APNODE’s Resource Pursue.” The Hon. Speaker, Adv. J.F.Z. Mudenda gave the main presentation. He made a passionate plea for domestic resource mobilisation.

Hon. Advocate J. F. Mudenda called for the institutionalisation of development evaluation and funding for monitoring and evaluation from the national budgets. The Hon. Speaker also proposed the engagement of a professional fundraiser (grandmaster) to help the network in its fundraising efforts.

Mr. President, allow me to move on to the 2nd part of the AGM which was on APNODE, Parliamentary Oversight and the African Continental Free Trade area

Panellists spoke glowingly about the signing of the agreement which they envisaged would strengthen inter-African Trade and lead to the creation of more jobs.

One of the perceived challenges of implementing the African Continental Free Trade Area was the possible migration of people from weaker economies to stronger economies and the greater risks of terrorism arising from the free movement of people.

Elections for APNODE’s New Executive

Another highlight of APNODE’s Annual General meeting was the elections for a new Executive Committee for a two year term for the period (2019-2021). Four of the Members attending the Annual General Meeting were elected to the APNODE Continental Executive Committee. These are:

Hon Felix Mhona (Zimbabwe) Treasurer

Hon. Sibanda (Zimbabwe) Committee Member

Hon. Chief Chikukwa (Zimbabwe) Committee Member

Hon. Mpariwa (Zimbabwe) Committee Member

The meeting deliberated and agreed on a proposal to amend the Network’s Constitution in order to create the position of honorary members for Speakers of Parliaments whose parliaments are affiliate members and for the outgoing Chairperson, Hon. Sen. Mbassa-Ndine. Thus, Hon. Adv. J.F. Mudenda became one of the two Speakers who are now honorary members of APNODE. The other honorary member is the Speaker of the Parliament of Sudan.


Following the deliberations on the AGM, the Committee makes the following recommendations that:-

Government of Zimbabwe, through the relevant structures should finalise the development of the national monitoring and evaluation policy and launch it by 31 December 2020 had it not been Covid 19 pandemic.

Government of Zimbabwe should institutionalise monitoring and evaluation in all its systems and processes beginning January 2021. A model that best suits our conditions should be adopted.

Government should embark on capacity building programmes on monitoring and evaluation which should be implemented across ministries, local authorities, state enterprises, parastatals and the private sector.

Parliament should facilitate capacity building for members of the APNODE Executive Committee in particular and Members of Parliament in general in monitoring and evaluation as part of its capacity building initiatives.

Parliament should institutionalise monitoring and evaluation by recognising APNODE as a Committee of Parliament at the beginning of the 3rd Session of the Ninth Parliament.

Parliament should gradually adopt technical infrastructure as a means of enhancing monitoring and evaluation.

Parliamentarians should demand evaluation reports for various policies implemented by Government at regional and national levels.

In conclusion, the Executive Committee of the local chapter of the APDNODE is grateful to the Administration of Parliament for the support it has received that enabled its members to attend the 5th Annual General Meeting held in Cote D’voire. Let me end by these words, procrastination of monitoring and evaluation is procrastination of social economic development because it is only through evaluation that value exists. I thank you.

*HON. SEN. CHIEF MAKUMBE: Thank you Mr. President. I would like to support what our Hon. Members did with a few words. I can see that we did our Budget, which is our desire as a Government on what we want to do for our citizens. But for us to know how these things have been implemented, we want monitoring and evaluation so that we see how the projects that we had in mind are progressing.

Our 2013 Constitution talks about devolution which means that the power is now channelled back to the rural areas. The provinces are going to be given money from the national fiscus and the people at the ground will now get what they want. In order for them to get what they want, we need monitoring and evaluation.

We are happy that the leaders of Parliament, including Chief Nechombo, were included in the committee which will run for two terms. This means that as a country and as part of APNODE, we will have support from other countries so that our desire as a nation will include monitoring and evaluation. For sure, when we are doing our Budget, we should look at each and every Ministry. That money would be monitored to see whether it has achieved the desired results. That is where monitoring and evaluation comes in.

We also want to thank the Speaker of Parliament that he was accorded an honorary membership which is very rare. We have heard what he said which means that he is intelligent and he is a good leader. He is blessed by being a leader. That is why our country is crying for removal of sanctions so that we work with other nations and see where we are getting it wrong - all that needs monitoring and evaluation. We are encouraging Government, Committees or Chiefs when we are working for the people, we should do monitoring and evaluation.

I just want to support what one of my colleagues, the Hon. Chief did because I have seen that we cannot go anywhere without monitoring and evaluation. If we go to school, at the end we are examined to find out whether we understood what we have learnt. Thank you.

HON. SEN. DR. MAVETERA: Thank you Mr. President Sir for granting me the opportunity to add my voice to the report which has been submitted to this august House by Hon. Sen. Chief Nechombo. Mr. President, allow me to start my contribution by congratulating our fellow MPs who were chosen to be members of the incoming executive for the coming two years, that is Hon. Mhona, Hon. Sibanda, Hon. Sen. Chief Nechombo and Hon. Mpariwa. I want to congratulate them. More importantly, I would want to urge them to take this opportunity to institute what they learnt from this into our country.

Mr. President Sir, the theme of our meeting if I got it correctly was ‘Shaping the Africa We Seek’. I think it can only be achieved when we look and trace whatever we plan. The importance of M&E can never be over-emphasised. I think as a country, we have got very good examples of what happens if we do not have M & E structure in whatever we do. If we do not have M & E, it is going to be a room for corruption. A good example is the Gwanda Solar Project Mr. President. Public funds were disbursed to someone who did not produce anything. What was lacking? We only got to learn it when it was now going through the courts. We should not wait until that if we had M & E.

Madam President, allow me to say it is unfortunate, probably if I missed it in our incoming budget, that there was not much money which was deliberately dedicated to fund M & E. I think from our National Charter which is our Constitution, one of the most important role of Parliament is to provide oversight. That is basically M & E Madam President. The importance of this trip should not just be taken as one of those outside of the country visits but one which is very important for the very reason of our existence as a Parliament to monitor and provide oversight on what the Executive is doing. It is incumbent upon Parliament to make sure that before we even do this, all of us as Parliamentarians should be capacitated.

I think to start the ball rolling my other Hon. Members who were elected into this august Executive will start to push Parliament to capacitate parliamentarians so that we will have the necessary skills to provide the oversight role which we are mandated by the Constitution to provide. Once we do that Madam President, I am sure that will be a catalyst for national development. M & E Madam President, literally asks us to assess what we are doing and whether we have done it correctly. If we have failed we need to find out what the reasons are and how we can improve. That is basically what M & E is all about. As a Government, this should be in every Ministry. When Portfolio Committees provide their oversight role, one of the things they should start from now is to see whether the structure of the Ministry is conducive to achieve those objectives. That cannot be there if there is no division or department for M & E. We need to start. It is never too late for us to implement this.

In a nutshell Madam President, I would want to echo the recommendations. The report provided us with practical, feasible recommendations which are important for us as a people if we are to achieve our national dream or vision, which is Vision 2030. We cannot achieve it if we do not have the necessary tools to look at how we do our things, that is M & E which is monitoring and evaluation.

I would also want to add my voice to make sure that we quickly institutionalise M & E in all our Government departments not only Government. Government provides the catalyst for development. Government influences policies in what is happening in the private sector. The private sector also will have the opportunity to start to implement policies which will move our nation forward.

Madam President, I think I have already said this on my first presentation for Parliament to empower us so that we can be able to provide our most important function, which is providing oversight for what the Executive is doing and that is M & E. I hope before the end of the coming year we will have workshops and trainings to capacitate us as MPs so that we will be able to execute our mandate in providing the much needed important aspect of oversight for what the Government is doing. I thank you Madam President.

HON. SEN. CHIEF NECHOMBO: Madam President, I move that the debate do now adjourn.


Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Thursday, 10th December, 2020.



Sixth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the Extraordinary Session of the Council of the  Inter-Parliamentary Union.

Question again proposed.

HON. SEN. MUZENDA: Madam President, I move that the debate do now adjourn.


Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Thursday, 9th December 2020.



Seventh Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence.

Question again proposed.

*HON. SEN. A. DUBE: Thank you Madam President for affording me this opportunity to add my voice on the motion of GBV. I will add my voice on what I think, what I know and what I have seen on gender based violence during the commemoration of 16 days against gender based violence. We are treating each other as animals in this country there is no longer love, it is like we are staying in the jungle where there are no laws.

Street kids left their homes because of gender violence, and it is not their fault. I will look at both sides the woman side and the man side. As women we must stop violence that is taking place in the rural areas. Women are dying and every year yet we talk of gender based violence when we commemorate 16 days against gender violence. If a woman goes to police to report after being beaten by the husband, they will write a small note and say you should go back and give this to your husband. You go back to take your husband with you to the police, the husband will be alert and he will tell you to go back to the police saying that the people who gave you the note are your man and ban you from entering the house. So, as a woman you just enter the homestead and you are beaten thoroughly which beatings sometimes will result in death. When we were young if you report a case to the police the police will come and take the accused with them but now when you report the complainant is asked to go and give a note to the accused inviting him to come to the police station. I think the police must be educated and well resourced so that they can handle cases of domestic violence.

If we do not address this the women will continue suffering. This habit of giving complainants pieces of paper to give to accused persons must stop, our President is a listening President; he should put his foot down and command the police to do their job properly. I was beaten one day by my husband, he was a soldier, I went to the camp and reported I was given a note to go and give to my husband I told them that if I go back I will be beaten again. I was told to go back so that we fight and if one dies they will come with a metal coffin. So, I just rested my case just like that. I am appealing to His Excellency the President that a person who engages in domestic violence must be prosecuted and given stiffer sentence.

I met a pregnant woman in Magwegwe her husband used to beat her because the man had a girlfriend. The pregnant woman would be told to leave the matrimonial bed so that she sleeps on the floor. The husband beat her whilst she was pregnant and when she was due she died during child birth. We just saw a coffin coming to collect the body. What people do when a husband and a wife start fighting because of social media, we rush to record. We do not even mind whether the people are properly dressed or someone is going to die, we just take pictures and it is very painful and because of that we will not stop it.

I used to be a councilor for Victoria Falls. I would sleep with three women per night, bashed women and I would not sleep attending to them. They would come to me because they did not have anywhere to go, they did not have any parents. The husbands would then follow and they would say okay, I will forgive you because I have come to the councilor. If you had gone to your place I was going to kill you, but now I am just respecting the councilor. So I would counsel them and some would go back and live without any challenges but what happens is when those women have been bashed if you start counseling them they will tell you that I am also tired so I will also look for a boyfriend.

It does not help. If your husband is beating you, you should go back to your home and start afresh than to continue staying in an abusive relationship and you will also start looking for boyfriends so that you would hurt him because in the end you will die because no husbands want their wives to have boyfriends. They will start thinking that probably the children are not theirs, so you will be fighting every day until someone dies.

My cousin brother went to the liberation war despite the fact that he did not want to go. Early in the morning my aunt and her husband ran out of the house naked and they started fighting outside. So this cousin of mine was still young. He told his wife to take a cloth to go and wrap around his mother. No one could go there to stop them because the wife and the father were naked. That violence is the one that led my cousin brother to join the struggle. He left his young wife and one child and he did not come back. He died. He went to war because of gender based violence (GBV). We should speak about it; we should speak against it strongly. We should nip it in the bud because some men are provoked at times. So I am pleading with the President that he should stamp his foot down.

In the bible you know how Eve made her mistake but Adam did not beat up Eve because he knew women are a weaker vessel. So we are getting our men into trouble because of the way we answer back when we are angry. We should forgive one another because we have children and our children will think that in order for women to behave they have to be beaten. So we should feel for one another. I am a weaker vessel I cannot beat a man and I will never get that power. For us not to kill each other you should know that your husband is the head of the family and he knows that you are his helper, but it does not mean that as the head we should run away from you so that you remain in the village alone. We should return to the first love so that we do not hate one another and you know that this is my wife, this is my husband. If you have any challenges which are not reconcilable you should go back to your family whilst you are still alive.

These people should be given stiffer penalties so that they will not repeat the same offence again and the women should not retaliate by also engaging in adulterous affairs. Thank you very much.

HON. SEN. DUBE: Madam President, I move that the debate do now adjourn.


Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Thursday, 10 December, 2020.



Eighth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the death of Hon. Sen. Air. Chief Marshal Rtd. Perence Shiri.

Question again proposed.

*THE MINISTER OF STATE FOR MASHONALAND CENTRAL PROVINCE (HON. SEN. MAVHUNGA): Thank you Madam President for giving me this opportunity to also contribute to this motion which was raised by Hon. Sen. Tongogara. We would like to appreciate the work that was done by Hon. Shiri. The greatest work that that he did was to liberate the citizens of this country from colonial rule in 1980 and we want to thank him for that.

The late Hon. Minister, as you have heard from the mover of the motion, went to war when he was a boy. Driven by the plight of the country at that time, he left school and went to fight for this country with others. He did a very good job. During the liberation war he taught the liberation skills in Mugagawo. We all know that for someone to be called a soldier and be able to fight against the enemy, he would have been fully trained. He did a very good job. He did not end there. He was one of the leaders during the war and he was leading Tete Province as Provincial Field Operational Commander. A well known battle was fought there. A lot of people who were being led by the late Hon. Shiri survived that battle. After the liberation struggle, he joined the Army. There were three groups of armies: the colonial army from the Smith regime, the ZIPRA army and the ZANLA army. He was appointed to be one of the commanders who united the three groups. You could not see the differences between these groups.

He later joined the Air Force of Zimbabwe where he led the airmen whom we all know that they are very good at their work. You see these airmen during national events, for example doing fly-pasts and air shows. All this came from the leadership of the late Hon. Shiri who was also known as Bigboy Chikerema. It did not end there from defending his country. He also worked in the Command Division where he was working with the President and the programme went on very well.   He did a very good job there, we all saw it.

We also want to remember the late Minister for the work that he did when he retired from Army, he never showed that he was a feared soldier, he was able to blend with the public. He had good relations with Mashonaland Central.   We mourn the death of a very important figure in our province because we used to sit everyday with him. When he was appointed the Minister of Agriculture, when we were discussion the issue of the economy, we never had a problem with him. We could see that he knew the scope of his work, what was expected of him, he humbled himself and did a very good job.

We harvested a lot of wheat, it doubled from the previous farming season. He came with a lot of programmes for example the Mechanisation Programme that we all know where he went to Belarus and sourced farm implements to be brought in this country and assist our farmers so that our local farmers are able to get. We saw him running around encouraging farmers to pay attention to the changing season. He mentioned the need for dams to be constructed. We saw him running around with the issue of dams. In my province a dam called Semwa is being built in a dry area called Rushinga. It is being built right now. The intention is for people to do irrigation and electricity as well. Mt Darwin will also be able to get water from there. In Bindura which is the capital city of Mashonaland Central, there is Bindura Dam which was also built because of the efforts of the late Hon. Sen. Perrance Shiri. All farmers around this dam will be able to do irrigation on their farms using enough water. This water will also allow industries to function and a lot of people will be able to get safe water for consumption. Looking at the pandemic that we have in the country, it will be of great assistance that people access clean water.

I also want to thank the late Hon. Senator for the Pfumvudza farming programme. People could not accept such programmes in previous years but because of the works of the late Senator, this programme has spread all over the country. This was the planning of a leader who knew the plight of his people and he also knew that hungry people are difficult to lead, hence the Pfumvudza programme was introduced as a sustainable solution to hunger. He did not only look at the issue of poverty alleviation.

Today’s paper was talking about the GDP since 2012-2018; our Province has contributed greatly to tourism. The late Cde Shiri made Arcadia Dam which is part of his farm to be a domestic tourist attraction. It was because of his initiative to promote domestic tourism. There is also Kanyemba, Hon. Shiri also made this area a tourist attraction and he recognised and established that we could have a place just like Victoria Falls. As we speak right now, it is being fixed to be a city. We are looking at revamping domestic and international tourism. We also look forward to seeing it contributing to the fiscus of this country.

Hon. Shiri is one of the leaders who looked back at places where he fought during the war of liberation. People where still learning in mud classrooms but he built Murongwe Primary and Secondary schools so that people would go to school. His wish was to have development in the area and provide basic education to children so that they also develop not only themselves but the community. There are no flashy or big schools in this area but there are proper schools. There is Mariga School which was built in that area. Chapoto school was also raised because of his initiative. In Muzarabani, there are a lot of schools too. He played a leading role in persuading and relaying information to authorities so that they could have a school build in the area and was fulfilled.   It was all through his hard-work.

Hon. Shiri did not leave out the issue of health. He built a clinic in Murongwe. In Kanyemba, he played a leading role so that there is a rural health centre which was in line with health guidelines.

Hon. Sen. Shiri was a unifier. In our province, he would not entertain back biting but he would bring those people together and let them work for the development of our province.

With the advent of COVID-19, I remember that he educated a lot of people about this pandemic. He was always alive to doing his job. Even when he got ill, I had seen him on the 23rd and I had a meeting with him in his office. The meeting that we had was work related. He was a strong person. We never thought it would get serious, it was not our expectation. What pained me is the manner in which he died – he died of covid-19 after having campaigning for people to stay safe from covid-19. Yes, he was declared a national hero. People managed to attend the funeral but others failed. That is where we were touched. To say with all the credentials that he had not many people attended his funeral. His friends could not pay their last respect to him. We thank you for the flypast and witnessed soldiers doing their air shows as their last respect and even the gun salute. I would like to say we were pained by the earth of Hon. Perrance Shiri. I had nightmares after witnessing his burial process. I would want to say Hon. Perrance Shiri, you fought a good fight and we saw your hard work. Rest in peace Hon. Big Boy Chikerema. We shall follow also. I thank you Madam President.

+HON. DUBE: Thank you Madam President. I would want to thank Hon. Tongogara who moved the motion so that we mourn together as a family with Mashonaland Central. The Rtd. Air Marshall Perrance Shiri was someone known by many people and we used to read about him in newspapers. His history depicts that he is someone who fought for the liberation of this country. Hon. Shiri’s history is illustrious and everyone knows about his history in Zimbabwe. Hon. Members would talk about his good works, fighting for Zimbabwe’s independence. We are here today as legislators because of Hon. Perrance Shiri’s dedication and commitment to fight for independence. He is illustrious son of the soil. We are told that he was a commander during the liberation struggle. Even after independence he was a commander of the Air Force. We always heard that there was Air Marshall Shiri. We never knew that would miss him. We would meet him in person and he did a good job at the Air Force of Zimbabwe working with the ground force so that Zimbabwe became peaceful country from independence when the forces were amalgamated and things worked out well for everyone. He was someone who was very loyal. After retiring from the Army he did not relaxed. We thank the President Cde. E. D. Mnangagwa for appointing him after identifying his strength and he appointed him to head the Ministry of Agriculture. Hon. Perrance Shiri as a senator and Cabinet Minister ran the Ministry and everyone saw him committed and dedicated to his work. At times we thought that he was someone who could not talk to people as an Air Marshall but he was a humble and loving person. He was a soft speaker and hard worker. It is rare in a country like Zimbabwe for someone who is appointed to a higher position to put on overalls.   The normal thing is to put on nice clothes to demonstrate that we are Hon. Members of Parliament unlike Hon. Shiri who would put on overalls and work suites. This showed that he was talented and had God given gift for him to be what he was.

We all know that he was the Leader of the House. At times when he noticed something he would talk to the Hon. Member in person and in privacy. He did not admonish anyone in public. This showed true professional leadership. He demonstrated through the good works. Mashonaland Central’s loss is our loss as a nation because Hon. Shiri was an illustrious man. He was known for raising the flag of Zimbabwe. When people talking about pfumvudza, a certain Member of this House said that it was a good programme. When Hon. Shiri started this programme he demonstrated what he was talking about by teaching people conservation farming. Now the programme has been adopted nationally. Pfumvudza/Intwasa is something which is being talked of by Zimbabweans. As a Senate, we have lost a cadre and no one can change the will of God. My desire is that the whole of Zimbabwe was supposed to come and mourn him together with Mashonaland Central Province but we could not do that because of COVID-19 regulations which unfortunately was the cause of his passing on.

This was the first time for us to hear that there was a person of that stature who passed on as a result of COVID-19. This was really touching and painful knowing that this was our leader in the Senate. The few people who witnessed his burial could not believe it, it was painful. It was God’s plan because that is all our way. When the children of Israel were led by Moses they saw Canaan and unfortunately Moses did not and this is something that is biblical. This is an analogy of what happened here. We also did not have the chance to accompany him but as an individual, I mourn together with the Late Hon. Sen. Rtd Air Chief Marshall Shiri’s family, Mashonaland Central Province and the entire nation.   May his soul rest in eternal peace; it is painful to lose a national hero. It is quite sad that we watched the burial on television but we could not change that because it is God’s plan. God allowed us to know him personally. If he had passed on whilst he was Air Marshall with the Air Force of Zimbabwe, then most of the people were not going to know him. When he joined this august Senate, we got to know that he was a very humble, loving and professional person.

For the short period of time we met and knew him and wherever he is lying, I would like to say may God watch over him. Another Hon. Senator said that it is painful but his soul is resting well. Let us cry for those who are alive. I thank you.

HON. SEN. KHUPE: Thank you Madam President for giving me this opportunity to also put some words to this motion which was raised by Hon. Sen. Tongogara. Let me start by saying this is not an ordinary motion because it is a motion which triggers some painful memories. I remember the last words I spoke with the Late Hon. Sen. Rtd Air Chief Marshall Shiri. We sought an appointment with him together with my co-Senator representing the disabled, Hon. Sen. Timire and he agreed. The Hon. Sen. went there and I was not able to go there. So, his last words to me before his departure from this planet, as soon as I finished greeting him he said, ‘ko imimi ndakanzwa zvichinzi hamuna kuuya wani kuoffice kwandakati muuye’. Why we wanted to visit him was that he had said after the audit of the farms which were given to the people, he would look for a special accessible place to allocate to us.

As soon as I heard that he had passed on I became a troubled soul, that is why I was always quiet thinking about the Late Hon. Sen. Rtd Air Chief Marshall Shiri. He was not an ordinary person; he was a liberator not only for ZANLA but for the country as a whole. No history of this country will be written fully without a chapter dedicated to Hon. Sen. Rtd Air Chief Marshall Shiri, his contributions during and after the war. I hope if people are honest in writing a good history they will not forget to also write about his contribution during the Second Republic during the new dispensation.

Many people have said a lot, which is correct that he was handsome. I want to use these words; he would simply throw away his suit and tie and be an ordinary person. He was a down to earth person, so my brief contribution is that it is not only the family of the Late Hon. Sen. Rtd Air Chief Marshall Shiri, it is not only the people of Mashonaland Central, ZANU PF as a party or former liberation fighter who lost but it is the entire country that lost a freedom fighter on his own right.

Madam President, I want to say to the family of Late Hon. Sen. Rtd Air Chief Marshall Shiri wherever they are, that they should always remember that Zimbabwe lost a hero and a contributor, not them only but the entire Zimbabwe. He was a gentleman whom you could approach without fear. He was a gentleman who was prepared to listen; he was a gentleman who could interact with anybody, anytime and anywhere.

In our last budget meeting we had in Bulawayo we continually shared some jokes at the Holiday Inn. I also discovered that he was not only receptive to me alone but it was his nature. He was a very good gentleman. With these few words, I say Cde. Shiri Bigboy Chikerema, my brother, my comrade, a liberator; may your soul rest in eternal peace in the hands of the Lord. I thank you.

HON. SEN. TONGOGARA: Madam President, I move that the debate do now adjourn.

HON. SEN. MUZENDA: I second.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Thursday, 10th December, 2020.

On the motion of THE MINISTER OF STATE FOR MASHONALAND CENTRAL PROVINCE (HON. SEN. MAVHUNGA), the Senate adjourned at Twenty Seven Minutes to Five o’clock p.m.

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