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Tuesday, 15th June, 2021

The Senate met at Half-past Two o’clock p.m.





HON. SEN. MUZENDA: I move that Orders of the Day, Nos. 1 to 4 be stood over until the rest of the Orders have been disposed of.

HON. SEN. MOHADI: I second.

Motion put and agreed to.



HON. SEN. MOHADI: I move the motion standing in my name that;

This House takes note of note of the Report of the 48th Plenary Session of the SADC- Parliamentary Forum held virtually from the 4th to the 5th of December 2020.


HON. SEN. MOHADI: Thank you Madam President. Madam President, I hereby present the report of the 48th Plenary Assembly Session of the SADC Parliamentary Forum which was held virtually on 4th to 5th December 2020.


The 48th Plenary Assembly Session of the SADC Parliamentary Forum was held virtually on 04 and 05 December 2020. The deliberations were aimed at consolidating Administrative and Financial matters of the Forum as well as to discuss issues of regional concern.

Hon. Advocate Jacob Francis Nzwidamilimo Mudenda, Speaker of the Parliament of Zimbabwe, led the delegation which comprised the following Members of Parliament:

  • Tambudzani Mohadi, Member of the Standing Committee on Food, Agriculture, Natural Resources and Infrastructure;
  • Goodlucky Kwaramba, Member of the Standing Committee on Gender Equality, Women Advancement and Youth Development and Chairperson of the Zimbabwe Women’s Parliamentary Caucus;
  • Dought Ndiweni, Member of the Standing Committee on Democratisation, Governance and Human Rights;
  • Anele Ndebele, Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Trade, Industry, Finance and Investment; and
  • Joyce Makonya, Member of the Standing Committee on Human and Social Development and Special Programmes.

Official Opening Ceremony

The Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Professor Sylvestre Ilunga Ilunkamba, was Guest of Honour and officially opened the Plenary Assembly. The Premier pronounced his country’s support to efforts to transform the SADC Parliamentary Forum into a SADC Regional Parliament as his country assumed the Presidency of the SADC PF.

Professor Ilunkamba recalled that, in the aftermath of the aggression war in 1998, SADC troops, made up of Angolan, Namibian and Zimbabwean contingents supported DRC troops to put an end to foreign aggression. He said DRC would forever remain grateful for such regional cooperation, thus paying tribute to the troops that fell in the battlefield to defend the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the DRC.

In proposing a vote of thanks, the Speaker of the National Assembly of Botswana, Hon. Phandu Tombola Chaha Skelemani stated categorically that it was unacceptable that SADC remained the only region in Africa without a Regional Parliament.  He paid tribute to the mutual dependence among Member States of the SADC region attested by the intervention to maintain peace in the DRC.

Statement by the Speaker of the National Assembly of Zimbabwe, Hon. Advocate Jacob Francis Nzwidamilimo Mudenda Pursuant to Rule 45 of the Rules of Procedure

Hon. Mudenda recalled that on 11th October 2020, he moved a motion in accordance with Rule 26 (4) of the Rules of Procedure regarding the tabling of motions on matters of urgency and regional importance to support the candidature of Hon. Duarte Pacheco of Portugal for the position of President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU).

In this regard, the Hon. Speaker was happy to report that Hon. Duarte Pacheco was overwhelmingly elected as the 30th President of the IPU after an unprecedented online election held during the Extraordinary Virtual Session of the IPU’s Governing Council on 2nd November 2020.

The election of Hon. Pacheco would precipitate his vision of having Parliaments playing critical roles in finding collective responses to global challenges.

Furthermore, the Hon. Speaker reiterated President Pacheco’s commitment to strengthening the IPU by building bridges between countries, peoples and continents to address the problems facing the world. There was also an urgent call to respect the voices of all Parliaments regardless of their sizes or geographical location.

Adoption of the Report of the Executive Committee

The Executive Committee tabled its report for consideration and adoption during the 48th Plenary Assembly meeting, which was duly adopted.

Update on Transformation of the Forum into a SADC Regional Parliament and Related Plenary Assembly Matters

Plenary Assembly noted with appreciation the highly successful Lobby Meeting led by the Hon. Advocate Jacob Francis Nzwidamilimo Mudenda, Chairperson of the Strategic Lobby Team to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Lesotho, Rt. Hon. Dr. Moeketsi Majoro, on Monday 9th November 2020. The meeting expressed profound gratitude to the Speaker of the National Assembly of Lesotho, Rt. Hon. Sephiri Enoch Motanyane, for facilitating this meeting.

The Plenary Assembly expressed profound appreciation to the National Assembly of the DRC, through Hon. Speaker Jeanine Mabunda, for hosting the 48th Plenary Assembly Session. Hon. Speaker Mabunda was elected SADC PF President unopposed. She became the first woman from her country to assume the Presidency of the SADC PF.

The Plenary Assembly noted the Transformation Agenda and Roadmap document submitted to Member Countries as the most practical implementation tool for the transformation process. The Parliament of Zimbabwe has since made positive comments towards the document.

Update on the Official Residence of the Secretary General

The Plenary Assembly noted with appreciation that the Forum had purchased an official residence for use by the Secretary General (SG). The Plenary noted that the SG had since moved into the new property situated at Erf 2052, Klein Windhoek, 89 Joseph Mukwayu Ithana Street, Ludwigsdorf, Windhoek, Namibia.

Secondment of Staff from National Parliaments

The Plenary Assembly noted and appreciated the secondment of staff from the Parliaments of Angola, Malawi, Seychelles, Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa to the SADC PF Secretariat. Other countries were requested to fill the remaining slots on the Forum’s administrative paradigm.


Motion on a Matter of Urgency and Regional Importance: Condemning Terrorist Attacks in the Republic of Mozambique and Expressing Solidarity with the Government and People of Mozambique

The Plenary Assembly Session adopted a motion strongly condemning terrorist attacks in the North of Republic of Mozambique and the unrest in the Eastern part of the DRC. With respect to the armed insurgency in Mozambique, the Plenary Assembly noted that such terrorism was threatening that country’s security and sovereignty and undermining the efforts to consolidate the Rule of Law and Democracy. The Plenary called for a regional response to the terrorist attacks in Mozambique to avoid the phenomenon spreading to other SADC Member States.

Motion on the Impact of the African Migratory Locust on Agriculture and Food Security in Southern Africa

Plenary Assembly adopted a motion calling for an integrated pest management system in managing the locusts in order to effectively control the further spread of the pests.

Motion on Debt Cancellation Campaign Initiative and Conference of Speakers and Heads of African Parliaments

The Plenary Assembly noted the establishment of the Conference of Speakers and Heads of African Parliaments (CoSAP), which was officially launched in October 2020, by the Speakers of the Parliaments of Nigeria, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, Senegal, and South Africa. Member Parliaments were enjoined to support this initiative and advocate for debt cancellation as a remedy to the current dilemma the region and continent are facing in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Recommendations and Way Forward

  • Parliament of Zimbabwe to support the “Proposed SADC Parliament and the Transformation Roadmap” produced by the Joint Task Team as a practical way to complete the missing link in the regional integration matrix. In this regard, the Parliament of Zimbabwe has written to the Executive reiterating unqualified support to the Transformation agenda.
  • Parliament of Zimbabwe notes and appreciates the assumption of Hon. Christophe Mboso N”kodia Pwanga as the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
  • Parliament fully associates itself with calls for a regional approach to root out terrorism in Mozambique and other parts of the world. A regional effort should be made to nip the scourge.
  • Zimbabwe stands ready to respond to the growing infestation of the African Migratory Locusts which threaten to exacerbate regional food insecurity.


Hon. Esperanca Laurinda Francisco Nhiuane Bias, Speaker of the National Assembly of Mozambique and outgoing President of the SADC Parliamentary Forum, concluded the Plenary Assembly by thanking all delegates for the support that her country received in the last two years of Presidency of the Forum. She encouraged the Plenary Assembly to continue pushing for the transformation agenda

On behalf of the SADC PF and on his own behalf, the Hon. Speaker of Parliament of Zimbabwe saluted the outgoing President of SADC PF for presiding over the affairs of the Forum with tact, firmness, impartiality, fairness and credibility. He implored the outgoing President of SADC PF to thank the President of Mozambique, H.E Filipe Nyusi, for graciously supporting the National Assembly of Mozambique to host the Plenary Assembly for a record three consecutive times.

The Plenary Assembly adopted the nomination of Hon. Advocate Jacob Francis Mudenda into the Executive Committee of the SADC PF spearheading the Transformation of the Regional Forum into a Regional Parliament. This role, he continues, as the Chairperson of the Strategic Lobby Team of the Transformation of the Forum into a Regional Parliament. I thank you.

          HON. SEN. DR. SEKERAMAYI: Mr. President, Hon. Senators, I stand to fully support the report given by Hon. Sen. Mohadi and want to say to Sen. Mohadi, it was good that you followed the discussions.

The 48th SADC Parliamentary Forum held from 4th to 5th December is a necessary platform for SADC. It is a platform that enables our leaders to meet even virtually and exchange ideas, ideas aimed at making sure that we develop energetically all the countries in SADC.

As you have reported, there was need to look at the financial situation and administrative situation, but all that is always done when there is a good motivation and that motivation is necessary. Mr. President, it is also advisable that we should support the transformation of the SADC PF into a Regional Parliamentary Forum. If you take the DRC which was chairing this, DRC is one country where SADC countries, for example, Zimbabwe, Angola and Namibia have played a very critical role. The support by Zimbabwe, Angola and Namibia to the DRC government resulted in the insurgence failing to topple the government and that is in the interest, not only of the DRC but of SADC as a whole.

Mr. President, as Zimbabwe, we condemn, as they did, the terrorism that is now affecting Mozambique. The area of Cabo Delgado points towards Zimbabwe and if there is instability in that area, it is a question of time before that insurgence tries to attack Zimbabwe. So it is in my opinion absolutely necessary that we should take precautionary measures to stop that.

The Eastern DRC, to all intents and purposes, is part of our own regional community and it is important that we are able energetically, to support the Mozambicans. Mr. President, yes we have got a problem of the locusts. I think our own systems should be able to address that so that the locusts do not become a menace, not only to the eastern part of the DRC, but they can become a menace to the whole of SADC, Zimbabwe included and so we should take measures to stop that.

I would want to say I think our Government should support the idea of a Regional Parliament so that there is that platform which enables us to share ideas. With these few words Mr. President, I want to support the recommendations of the meeting. I thank you.

*HON. SEN. KOMICHI: Thank you Mr. President for according me this opportunity to debate on this motion which has been brought by Hon. Sen. Mohadi on the 48th meeting of SADC PF which took place in Angola. We thank him so much for the work that he did. We are so thankful about the reuniting of the SADC so that we become one family.

The idea that there should be a Regional Parliament is a very good idea. This shows us that we have a good vision, that as African countries we want to use our unity so that we benefit from our countries as Africans.

The former speaker said that this platform is used to talk about ideas that have to do with our economy in the region, and our politics. If we have this vision, even investors in SADC will find us with regional laws from our Parliament because the Regional Parliament will help us to come up with strong policies for investors and our policies will be emanating from one source of power. What causes us Africans to be divided is having different policies. If you go to Mozambique you find their investment policies are different from what we have here in Zimbabwe and in Botswana. Investors who come will play games with us.

The diamond that we have here can be found in Botswana, but the policies vary so much that some people end up being exploited when others want to keep their wealth as a country, this is leading us to a regional integration. If you do that, you find that will open up new ways of doing business.   I can see SADC becoming a huge market. As Zimbabwe with our 14 million people and the whole SADC is 300 million, that integration will give us power as the black people so that we become strong. If we want to engage in dialogue with the other parts of the world, this dialogue of integration will be empowered.

We should be proud because out of the integration, we have power. What we are witnessing in Mozambique, the terrorists should not be left like that because it has been proved that foreigners propagate conflicts. The former speaker referred to the Eastern DRC. It says that in the whole world, it has the largest deposits of minerals, they are concentrated there. Eastern DRC will never test peace because there are multinational companies who come to exploit and propagate conflicts so that they get the chance of exploiting those minerals. What is happening in Mozambique should not be left like that because someone said that they may extend to Zimbabwe. There are mineral deposits in Muzarabani so the minerals that are in Mozambique are also in Muzarabani. Why can we not think that if the terrorists are disturbing the economy in Mozambique, what will stop them from disturbing the economy in Zimbabwe? So, regional integration, as the leaders have said, should be celebrated because we were tasked to lead the transformation. If it is true, we should put our heads together as Zimbabweans and be proud to be bestowed with that responsibility. We should be proud because they have seen that in Zimbabwe, we have people who are intelligent. So, they have given us that authority, and we should support this as Zimbabwean Parliament, that this work should succeed.

They also talked about debt cancellations. The debt that we have in Zimbabwe, we cannot pay them back otherwise we will be left with nothing. So, the idea of moving the motion of debt cancellation should be supported by everyone in SADC. So, we should make sure that there are serious engagements that should take place so that the debts are cancelled and we start from a fresh page because we do not have the capacity to pay the debt. It is a very pertinent issue that was deliberated there. As SADC, we should make sure that we work on the process of peace. No country should live in conflict in SADC and no country should lack in SADC. What causes unrest in our midst really affects our economies. Unfortunately, the world is now a global village. It is not by choice but because of technology, we are now a global village. That is why when one country is affected through social media, it will have reached the whole world within a small space of time. Which means we are one.

So, we should make sure that as SADC region, we should have democratic inclinations in place which are admirable. We should have a model democracy which we agree on as members of SADC. I think if we do that, it means that our investors will have confidence in us. We need to sit down and agree on what we mean by democracy so that when we put it on the platform, we know that Africans from time immemorial were democratic. Our Chiefs as they were leading us know what is good and bad. I think because of our level of education, we should have an admirable system which is not challenged by people.

Mr. President, we should challenge the world as Africans because we have resources more than any other continent on the universe. We are supposed to help other countries outside Africa. We should be on the forefront of helping other countries. We must take that challenge because we have gold, diamond, copper, all the minerals that are there, they are found in Africa. As Africans, we should take pride in ourselves by making sure that wherever we are, we should do admirable things. I believe that this movement which is happening in SADC is heading towards the right direction.   We should take it seriously because we are transforming ourselves as Africans to become better people.   Thank you Mr. President.

*HON. SEN. FEMAI: Thank you Mr. President for awarding me an opportunity to participate at an opportune time where we say a child has been born on the eastern side and people are going to celebrate the birth of a child passing through Zimbabwe. I am very thankful to the one who moved the motion, Hon. Sen. Mohadi and the Chief. I would like to thank the Speaker of the House of Assembly who led the delegation that came with a position as has been mentioned by the previous speakers. This resolution by SADC is very good. It is befitting for this nation.

I wanted to make a comment on the SADC countries, that they have now woken up in this period. They can now see the benefits of unity. Now because of that, we are going to clap hands for SADC for they have woken up from their slumber that they have now come up with a Parliament for Southern Africa. It is my wish that they do not end there. There should be an army that is designed to defend the continent against insurgency so that we work together with the help of the Parliament. The Army should be there, specifically for SADC.

It therefore eases the issue of sanctions that we have always been crying of. Trade will be coming through SADC and because of our unity, we are able to achieve more. So, the introduction of the SADC Parliament will ease the sanctions. As a result of our unity, the sanctions will have to be done away with because they cannot affect the whole continent.

There is an advert that used to come on TV which encourages people to kill mosquitoes before they kill you. As many did not know what they were supposed to use to get rid of the mosquito, they found out that a child had passed on due to malaria. People should take things seriously. When advice comes through, people should take heed of it with all the seriousness needed.

People think because the insurgence is in Mozambique, they should ignore it. It will come through to Zimbabwe as well because Mozambique is just next to us. This is where our independence came from – this independence that we are enjoying. If we closely look at what the previous speaker has said, we have a lot of riches in our minerals. My question then is, these people who have brought war, are they from Mozambique. We now hear we have different groups that are training. Are there no other things that people can focus on? Where are people getting guns? These are the things that we can ask as SADC to investigate who exactly is bringing these guns. Who is supplying these guns to Africa? What we want is machinery to drill boreholes, not guns. With time, we will discover the location where this ammunition is coming from.

All we know is that our riches are beneath the soil. They have their resources that they need to focus on. Some of them have reserves that they do not even offer to us. They have their own mineral resources but they so much admire our own diamonds. They want them as raw materials to take to their countries without benefiting this nation. So I wanted to thank SADC for this initiative that they are encouraging. They should keep themselves glued to that idea. This way, people are able to survive and realise their own dream as Southern Africa, and ourselves as Zimbabwe. Especially in Parliament, we should be able to contribute as a unified force to say we should act upon certain situations, for example the one in Mozambique. Assistance that we are supposed to send to Mozambique should be seen as united forces coming through to assist.

I have a story that I want to tell. The owner of the homestead had a problem with the rats and he set a trap. The rat asked the bull to get rid of the trap. The response was, ‘the trap is for you Mr. Rat because you are the problem.’ He even went to the goat to ask for assistance. The response from the goat was, ‘if you really want to stay amongst the domesticated animals you can join us.’ He went to the cock and he said, ‘get away, we do not want to see you at this homestead. The snake passed near the trap and was trapped. When they heard noise coming from the trap, they sought light to check what had been caught and one of the family members was bitten. People were shocked to see that it was a snake. Now that there was a funeral, they had to look for something to eat. It was only the cock that was going to be cooked as relish. The number of people that had increased, people had to go for the bull to feed funeral attendees. The bull was gone because they were told and never hid to the warnings. If possible, the war in Mozambique should be considered in our budget. We will be involved because of our proximity. Before this thing comes to us, we should deal with it. This is a trap that we hear of from a distance but it will come to us one day. It is better we deal with it from that side. I encourage people to deal with this war once and for all before many lives are lost.

Let us put our heads together and encourage SADC to prevent this war. Let us not allow foreigners to extract our God given wealth. If you see myself Hon Femai, allow me to dig and collect these minerals because I am Zimbabwean, but if it was someone else they should go back to their homes. It is always not good that foreigners who bring guns into the country are the ones who come to get our resources. That is my request that we are left out as Zimbabweans to dig and look for these minerals on our own.

*HON SEN. CHINAKE: Thank you very much Mr. President for giving me this opportunity to debate. I would like to say thank you very much to Hon Sen. Mohadi for this motion that she brought to this House. I will also want to thank the Speaker of Parliament, Hon Mudenda for leading this delegation.

It is very true that in SADC, we are actually behind because if you look at other countries in Europe they have their own groups such as G7 or G8. This is where they have the World Bank;they are actually in harmony. They understand each other very well. We actually go there and borrow money from them and they communicate very well.

If you go to China you will find the British, Chinese and Japanese there. If you go to America, all those people are there. Even if you go to Germany, all these people are there but in the SADC region, there is nothing like that. Look at what is happening in South Africa; our children are in that country. They actually get to a time when they experience xenophobic attacks and get burnt. They are chased from that country but in Europe nothing of that sort happens. They actually look after each other. People work in each other’s country and look after each other.

The initiative that was started by SADC to establish a Parliament is a noble cause because they should come up with a resolution to say we should look after each other as SADC region, to say every problem that is faced by one country is not for that particular country only but it has to be faced with a holistic approach from all other countries. Way back, South Africa used to get help from this country but now it is the other way round. People went to Wenera. We are thankful to the SADC region for this initiative that they have started.

If you look at Africa, there is oil, diamonds and a lot of things that are taken by the white people to go and fix other products in their countries and they come back as second hand goods sold to us. As SADC, why can we not come together with a solution or an industry that manufactures vehicles? We have everything both human and capital resources. We need to sit down and come up with such initiative. We have a problem of collecting oil from Mozambique but we do have oil in the SADC region. Let us come together and come up with a resolution that we cooperate. Fuel should be cheap because we have the resources from within. We are very good at farming in this country because we do not have a problem with cotton or maize but in most times, we actually import because we are not discussing as a people.

As black people, we hate each other. During Ian Smith’s regime, no white person would roam the streets; those with mental challenges would be locked up somewhere. As black people, we laugh at each other and that is our problem. When we see each other, we cannot assist each other. We should support each other and not allow people from afar to laugh to us or see what we do.

Another point is that we should appreciate our culture very much. If you look at the Long Chen Complex, you will see that the Chinese have built it to reflect their culture. Let us come together as a people. Is it because we are cursed as a people? When our children go out and learn another culture, they do not return back. If we establish a Parliament as SADC, they should look at all these things that we are mentioning, to say what do we do for SADC to progress?

Most of the countries are landlocked, so let us come together as a region to have our own resources. There is nothing that comes from heaven. Most of the things are here with us. With blessings that we have from the Lord, let us fix our own economy and other pertinent issues so that we have progress in the country. I thank you.

HON SEN. MOHADI: I move that the debate do now adjourn.


Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Wednesday, 16th June 2021.



HON. SEN. CHIMBUDZI: I move that Order of the Day Number 6 be stood over, until the rest of the Orders of the Day have been disposed of.

     HON. SEN. MATHUTHU: I second.

     Motion put and agreed to.



HON. SEN. TONGOGARA: I move that Order of the Day Number 7 be stood over, until the rest of the Orders of the Day have been disposed of.

     HON. MUZENDA: I second.

     Motion put and agreed to.



Eighth Order Read: Adjourned debate on motion on the need to

provide material and financial support to the SADC Initiatives for the development of the liberation history modules.

Question again proposed.

HON. SEN. TONGOGARA: I move that the debate do now adjourn.


Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Wednesday, 16th June, 2021.



Ninth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the financing of football from the fiscus.

Question again proposed.

*HON. SEN. TONGOGARA: Thank you Mr. President for

according me this opportunity to support the motion, which was moved by Hon. Sen. Femai, in line with soccer. We heard of heart rending stories, that we produce a lot of prominent players but after playing soccer, after they retire, they end up being paupers. They cannot even take care of their hospital bills and they end up being vagabonds. After playing for the country and raising high the flag of the nation, they do not see the benefit of their efforts.

Mr. President, in some developed countries, their soccer teams end up participating in the World Cup, bringing medals for their countries, because they fully support them. The challenge that we have in this country, which I think should be rectified, is that those who play soccer, we do not consider it as their formal employment. In those developed countries they spend their day practicing soccer, waiting for matches and when they go for matches, they will be ready. They take it as their job and when they fall sick, they are taken care of but in this country, we do not do that.

The challenge we have here is that we say we have a national team but they are employed somewhere else. After their day to day activities, they go for trainings, yet they will be tired. I do not think they will be fit enough to train to match those who spend their time practicing. Therefore, my plea is that if we say we have a national football team, they should be well looked after. When they go for practice, they should be provided with transport instead of using public transport as they will be tired and fatigued. So, through our Ministry of Sports, which we know that our President has a vision that everyone should be given a place to lead in the field which they are competent in, we urge Government to support our players, that is why we have the Minister of Sport, who is a swimmer. These people are supposed to represent the country, the players should be well resourced so that when they go out representing us, they will play wholeheartedly, knowing that they are well looked after. They should be provided with accommodation. They must not rent apartments because when they want to go to represent the country, they will be stressed because they will not be having money to look after their families. If we have national teams that represent us, their welfare should be well looked after so that they know that soccer is their source of employment. By so doing, this will encourage the players to put all their energy in practicing and when we compete for the national or international teams, we will raise our flag as Zimbabwe. I thank you Mr. President.

*HON. SEN. SEKEREMAYI: Thank you Mr. President for giving me this opportunity to debate. Soccer is a game, it is very exciting and it needs support. When we grew up as young children, we did not have anything; we used to play soccer in the streets making our own plastic balls. People are motivated by those great and famous players, they want to go and play soccer so that they will be like them. What we must know is that if all those great footballers were adequately paid in their country and got the support they needed, they will return to their country. Let us try by all means to promote soccer, netball and all the sports in this country. Most of the countries where soccer is successful, their governments will be funding them. Let us strive as a nation to support these boys and girls in their sports.

Mr. President, you remember we used to have a Parliament team that used to go and play soccer in Zambia, this shows how the country support sports. Yes, the programme might have come to an end but you will see that there was that emphasis of adequately supporting these sporting disciplines. Looking at David Mandigora, it does not show a very good picture. People should be admiring success of their legends. I support that idea to say those in sport must be supported fully.

We should perform above expectation. I do not see any reason why we should not have a football team that can defeat teams from other countries. On that note Mr. President I say with those few words let us adequately support our sport.

*HON. SEN. MUPFUMIRA: Thank you Mr. President for affording me this opportunity to speak on this motion raised by Hon. Sen. Femai. It is very true that our players from different sporting disciplines end up being destitute on the streets without a reflection that they have done great things for this country. People who are in sports, arts and culture end up like this, let us look at people like the late Mukadota, we understand very well there is a period in which they got all the support but there was no programme to support them.

Soccer is just like business, you do not start planning your life when you are aged, you must plan your life when you are still young bearing in mind that you will grow old and one day you will retire and then fail to play soccer. The Government must play a big role in assisting people and making them aware of investment plans, how can they invest for their future. There must be a fund that will be meant for assisting people. Let people be taught that things will one day come to an end; the glory will come to an end. They should be in a position to prepare for their future. If someone is into sport, it is good when they are still active but when they age most of them die in the same way. They will just be people who need assistance. Let us look at people like Chings Chingaira, he started entertaining people during the liberation struggle but just before he died, people started looking for funds to assist him.   We must teach our youths to plan for their future, things like contributing for their medical aid, and funeral policies when they die or get ill. It does not give a good picture when people suffer and show signs of struggle; all this time people are suffering, there should be a plan to say those who are into athletics or who play football, there should be some assistance that they get as they begin their journey.

Even an insurance policy would do to safeguard them or a pension policy to say when they are old or they are not able to participate anymore because of injury or any other reason they will be looked after. We should be in a position to assist them so that our country is not shamed. We are being left behind.

We are afraid to have our children venture into sport because maybe they lack advice. One of our cricketers, Andy Flower was introduced to the Hall of Fame for being one of the best cricketers in the world. If as Zimbabwe we are able to get someone like Andy Flower getting his name onto the Hall of Fame, why can we not do the same for other sports?

When people are now looking for money to bury you, there is no dignity. It is a shame. These people did a great thing for this country. They are actually freedom fighters. They did great things for us but now we are looking for money to bury them. It is a shame. We need to make sure that there is a retirement plan for these people, but retirement is not designed when one has become old. These things should be done upon inception of a particular sport. The moment they begin, this is where a plan should be made. At an advanced age, where do I start looking for a house? Plans should be made; financial management should be carried out to say this is a business. Even the farms we have, it is a business. Some take it for fun. Those who take it seriously actually achieve a lot.

How will they get respect when they experience these things? If children express their intention to get themselves into sport parents actually stop them from participating. They actually discourage them from playing soccer and say, where on earth have you seen football being a paying sport? We have got examples of the likes of Peter Ndlovu. It actually changed their lives and that of country such that we are proud as a nation to say these people excelled in their lives because of sport. Let us be serious; there should be a policy that looks into the welfare of these people when they retire from sports.

Let us make sure we do something and bring dignity to those who work very hard. These are the ambassadors of this nation. Let us make sure we do something to ensure that these people have a better life. Maybe this is why we have teams that have not excelled. We need proper plans for this sporting fraternity, financial education, financial management from when they start until they finish, especially preparation for their future; not that when they are done we start talking about investment. With those few words, I would like to thank Hon. Sen. Femai for raising this motion.

*HON. SEN. CHIMBUDZI: Thank you Madam President for affording me this opportunity to add my voice in support of Hon. Sen. Femai’s motion and his seconder, in terms of sport specifically in line with soccer. Most issues have been articulated about what is happening in the soccer field. Let me say that soccer brings people together. Soccer is entertaining. These days if you see where Dynamos and Highlanders play each other, you will find that people in Zimbabwe love soccer.

It is very true that soccer players are in trouble. When they go to the African Cup of Nations (AFCON), it is a major tournament which players should be trained for. Even if it is a friendly match between Zimbabwe and other countries, we do not expect to see our people travelling to Malawi by road. They should fly there, it shows that as a country we are respecting our soccer players because they are going there representing our country.

If we look at the lives they are living, it looks like we do not care about their welfare. ZIFA should have a plan for those who retire so that current players can gain experience from retirees like Peter Ndlovu. I do not see why he cannot train the youngsters.

We have seen in the rural areas that there are some school leavers who are good in soccer but no one is looking at them. Like what others have said, we are neglecting them. We should come up with many teams so that our children engage in various sporting activities. Soccer is dangerous because one can fracture a hand or leg and in some instances they may not receive proper medical attention, yet they are doing it for the country. That should be rectified. When our players go out to play, when they are not happy they will not win because they would have gotten no assistance from the country. They will just be going there as a duty, which is a shame to our country.

I remember when our national team played against Somalia; we know that Somalia has never won any game but they beat our country. There was a party in Somalia because they had thrashed Zimbabwe. That should be rectified because they are representing our country and it brings pride to our country. If a soccer player wears his uniform, he should bring out the stature of Zimbabwe by the way he is dressed and the way he plays. It shows preparedness.

I think the powers that be should look into that because our players are representing the country. With these few words, I want to thank you.

THE TEMPORARY PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE: Let me remind Members of this august House that you should rise from your seats to be recognised not to raise your hands.

*HON. MAVETERA: Thank you Madam President for giving me an opportunity to add a few words on the motion which was moved by Hon. Sen. Femai and supported by Senators in this House. Madam President, the motion that is before us is very pertinent. It is a touching and painful issue. I think what Hon. Senator Femai brought into this house is shameful. It is shameful in that we watch our players becoming paupers. They have a history. We had so many prominent players but their end was sad. They ended up being paupers but if you look at other countries which encourage their people, they are doing well. I think you know about Brazil, where Pele came from. He is respected by his country, he is an ambassador and is a symbol of his country to the extent that whenever there is a world cup, it does not pass without Pele’s presence. It started by being recognised by their own country.

Madam President, why are we not taking that route? We heard that the Government should pour in money but I think that is a small issue. It think Government is bigger than that, Government should come up with a policy when it comes to sportsmen. I think when we were growing up in the 1970s and early 80s, people who wanted to make money were being told to join the Dynamos executive and to become rich, because there was no policy. So thieves would rush there, that is the culture which we have put into our sporting discipline.

I remember when Highlanders was playing Dynamos, the Chairman from Dynamos would come with his bouncers and they would collect money and put it in their pockets. Where is the Government there? It is happening because there is no policy and the criminals are looting what should benefit the country. Soccer is now a business; there is no business which has paid a lot of people than soccer. That is why you see that when the FIFA President is here, he will receive more recognition than the head of State because there is money and it is organised. That is what we are pleading with our Government that they should pour money but they should come up with a policy of what will be happening in soccer. The policy should state who should be there and what should they do and the players should be told that they are entering into a business venture. It is not a luxury that you can do after doing your other duties. The Government should screen to find out who gets in. I think we will move forward. Our Constitution says that the Government should do things that bring national unity. There is no other way of promoting national unity besides soccer. Soccer unites us, I think those who know, when we united and rally behind the Dream Team, all of us know that Zimbabwe was put on the map.

Mr. President, if we go to politics, you find that there is ZANU PF and MDC. There is no Zimbabwe but when it comes to soccer, all of us would go there united. I think policy should foster national unity and that is the aim of the Government that we should come up with strong laws so that we would promote sports in the countries including what others have said that our players are ambassadors. If you look at Zimbabwe, you find that the people who have put us on the map are these sporting people who end up being paupers. Look at how Peter Ndlovu and Moses Chunga played and now we have Nakamba, Mwariwari, we have many of these players. I think we were put on the map by Bruce Grobbelaar who raised the flag of Zimbabwe and in other sports we have N. Price and many more.

I think the Government should see how important is soccer so that we should support it by enacting laws which are followed by everyone. This will make our country move forward and also create employment. I want to give an example before I sit down of Wieslaw Grabowski. He came here, he did not have anything, his wife is a doctor but he found a gap of potential, he formed an academy called Black Aces Academy and that is where many children were groomed to play for Zimbabwe. The training was not enough but some of them are now rising up, so I am saying that soccer can empower people.

We do not want our national heroes to die paupers death. Some of them cannot even afford a coffin and we forget that one day we were watching them as they were raising the flag of Zimbabwe as we were defining ourselves as Zimbabweans. With these few words Madam President, allow me to take my seat. The onus is upon us that we should come up with laws. Even in Europe, if you look at urban laws that control soccer, you find that they are strict laws. We do not have laws in place and thieves have taken advantage because there is money there. Thank you Madam President.

*HON. SEN. CHIEF MAKUMBE: Thank you very much Madam President for giving me the opportunity to contribute to what others have said. Usually when you are the last one, a lot of things would have been said. I would like to thank Hon. Sen. Femai for the motion that he has brought to this House. As a chief I would like to say most of my life has been spent in the football fraternity. This is something that I understand to benefit a lot of people. You can actually live out of it.

We are looking at return on capital. Those who sail their ways during the football match actually get paid. A lot of people who are involved get something out of a match. A soccer match brings people together but the biggest problem that we have is that soccer was sponsored by companies like Meter Box and Hunyani. The companies used to get tax rebates because they were into the development of sport and entertainment.

As an Upper House of Parliament, we should look into this situation and say soccer is beneficial to so many people in the country. This is a sport in which we all understand each other despite our differences. We should find something that we inform Ministry of Finance and other responsible authorities to say those who are involved in soccer do get rebates so that they involve themselves in the development of these sports.

We all remember Ericsson. He died of blood pressure. We found Clemence Matau and he became one of the soccer stars. We sent him to school from Form Three up to Advanced Level until he joined the national team. When it becomes difficult, all this being done, you have invested a lot of money and there is nothing that comes out of it. We want to help each other as a House to say for these people to develop themselves, they should be assisted in a certain manner that does not allow them to die without investment.

When you look at cricket, those who play cricket get a lot of financial benefits. I have never seen an Old Mutual Cup in Zimbabwe but Old Mutual is one of the biggest companies. These are some of the things that pull us back as a country. Let us look at those wealthy companies. What are they doing for the people of Zimbabwe? Most of the people are glued on soccer. Wherever you go in the rural areas, you see people playing soccer. In companies like Mhangura, there was an apprenticeship programme to say after the soccer season, people will continue working as usual. We are between a rock and a hard place. Those companies that are into development of soccer should find assistance looking at tax rebates so that it acts as a motivation and encouragement to invest in this country. Most of them are dying from drug abuse. Some of them are dying without anything.

In 1980, when we got our independence, David Mandigora became soccer star of the year. We should be thanking him but nothing much is being done for the efforts that he made to this country. We should sit down and deliberate on the way forward to say what then do we do when someone has passed on. It is now more than 40 years since we attained independence but Douglas Vambe the ZBC news drummer died a poor man. We should support each other. If we do not think of ourselves, who then will come through and support us? I just want to support Hon. Sen. Femai’s motion.

Most of the challenges are to do with funding. If we get sponsors who support the development of sport on Zimbabwe, we will be happy. The likes of Musona are products of Ace Academy. Dynamos and Caps United does not produce players, they buy players. People are brought together through sport and this is what brings Zimbabweans together. Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity.

HON SEN. FEMAI: I move that the debate do now adjourn.


Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Wednesday, 16th June 2021.



Tenth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the report of the 2021 Virtual Hearings at the United Nations on fighting corruption to restore trust in Government and improve development prospects.

Question again proposed.

HON SEN. MUZENDA: I move that the debate do now adjourn.


Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Wednesday, 16th June 2021.

On the motion of THE MINISTER OF STATE FOR MASHONALAND PROVINCE (HON SEN MAVHUNGA), the Senate adjourned at Twenty-Four minutes past Four o’clock p.m.

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