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SENATE HANSARD 18 July 2019 28-58


Thursday, 18th July, 2019

The Senate met at Half-past Two o’clock p.m.







inform the Senate that on the 25th June, 2019, Parliament received a petition from Zimbabwe Aids Network on the failure to Government to contribute US$6 million to the Global Fund in order to access US$400 million from the International Health Fund to buy anti retroviral drugs.

The petition has been referred to the Joint Thematic and Portfolio

Committees on HIV/AIDS and Health and Child Care respectively.



a Thursday, we have got Questions Without Notice.  I have a list of Ministers who have sent their apologies and they are as follows:

Hon. S. B. Moyo – The Minister of Foreign Affairs and

International Trade;

Hon. J. G. Moyo – The Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing;

Hon. J. Mhlanga - The Deputy Minister of Local Government,

Public Works and National Housing;

Hon. Mupfumira – The Minister of Environment, Tourism and


Hon. E. Moyo – The Deputy Minister of Primary and Secondary


Hon. V. Haritatos – The Deputy Minister of Lands, Agriculture,

Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement;

Hon. D. Karoro - The Deputy Minister of Lands, Agriculture,

Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement;

Hon. P. Kambamura – The Deputy Minister of Mines and Mining Development and the Hon. Vice President Chiwenga.


       HON. SEN. SHOKO:  My question goes to the Minister of

Labour and Social Welfare.  What is Government policy on increases to pensioners that fall under NSSA? I thank you.


WELFARE (HON. MATUKE):  Starting this month, pensioners have been given a bonus which is double their normal pension.  Which means those who were getting about 100 dollars will be getting 200 dollars.  There is a slight increase of ten percent to whatever they have been getting.  That is taking place when the exercise to try and evaluate the pension is underway.  We hope in less than 60 days they are going to receive adequate pension to meet the harsh economic conditions.  Thank you.

HON. SEN. SHOKO:  The Minister has pointed out to say effective from the first of this month, NSSA pensioners are going to get double. Unfortunately, I am one of them and we have already been paid.

We did not get that double, we are still getting the old $10, $30 and $80.

Thank you.


Shoko, you are now being specific. You ask a question of policy and the Minister replied.  That is now a specific question.

+HON. SEN. TIMVEOS: My question is directed to the Minister

of Home Affairs.  There is an issue of vuzu parties that has decimated our children in Bulawayo.  I can see that we are being retrogressive  because it is alleged that if a child sleeps with 10 or more people, they will get a trophy.  Those parties are held from Thursday to Sunday.   Because of that our children are  being decimated.  I have had that you arrested some of these things but they are continuing.  Can you please come and ban these things totally?  I thank you.


like to thank the Hon. Senator for that question of concern.  I would like the Hon. Member to note that we work with everyone.  It is easy to arrest a person today but we should work together.  I understand all that which is happening and we have arrested some here and there but we will continue to arrest some.  Everyone who causes havoc will be arrested and prosecuted.  I also urge residents of Bulawayo, myself and the police to work together so that we stop this problem because these children belong to us.  I thank you Mr. President.

HON. SEN. B. MPOFU: My question is directed to the Minister of Energy and Power Development.  What is the Government policy on load shedding at colleges, boarding schools, hospitals and universities?

Thank you.


DEVELOPMENT (HON. CHASI): Thank you Mr. President. I

appreciate the question that has been asked by the Hon. Senator.  I want to inform the House that the decision to load shed is a very painful one for both Government and our utility.  In terms of policy, we try as much as possible to avoid critical institutions like hospitals, schools and related institutions but I would like the House to understand that we are in a very difficult situation in terms of availability of power.

I want to take this opportunity to urge Hon. Members here to pay their bills and also to encourage those in their constituencies to do so.  I need this House to understand that there is a heavy load on our utility in terms of outstanding payments by consumers to the tune of $1.2 billion.  This constitutes a very serious drag on the capacity of ZESA to generate power to meet its day to day financial needs but also importantly, it makes it impossible for investors into the power sector to find us as an attractive destination for investment.  So in short, the policy is that we try as much as possible to avoid load shedding of critical institutions but technically, it may not be avoidable in some circumstances but we will also try and look in a case by case basis to see whether there is a possibility of avoiding that a particular situation.  I thank you.

*HON. SEN. TONGOGARA: Thank you Mr. President. My

question is directed to the Leader of the House in the absence of the Minister of Transport.  May the Minister inform the House as to how far the Ministry has gone in terms of addressing the shortage of number plates for vehicles because these vehicles are causing a number of challenges pertaining to breaking of traffic rules and one cannot record the registration number since they are not registered.  Thank you.



President. I want to thank Senator Tongogara for the question.  It is true that there is a shortage of number plates and they are availing temporary plates.  In the past, those temporary number plates were supposed to be used locally but now this has been extended to regionally since there are no number plates.  This is because when we changed from the number plates we had before, they had security features that cannot be manufactured here but because of the challenges faced by the country in accessing foreign currency it became a challenge. The question pertaining to when this will be addressed is specific and I would not know the measures that they are taking on a day to day basis. You can put your question in writing and the Minister can respond to you informing you how much money they will have got and the number of number plates acquired as well as the month when they intend to roll out the number plates. I thank you.

*HON. CHIRONGOMA: My question is directed to the Minister of Home Affairs. We realised that in urban areas the commuter omnibuses especially kombis, you find that two or three touts are hanging right at the back of the commuter omnibus, even from all the way from Chitungwiza and they even pass police roadblocks. What does policy say pertaining to this?


has cultivated a culture of indiscipline. We seem to have allowed or tolerated indiscipline everywhere. I am happy with the question that has been asked Hon. President. Traffic management has become a very difficult or involved issue in the whole country and the culture of each one of us as individuals in Zimbabwe has become that of each one of us individually wanting to do things for themselves. We have ended up forgetting that the whole space of Zimbabwe belongs to all of us individually and collectively. As a result of this greed that is there, we have even allowed a situation where kombis just run riot everywhere with no control whatsoever.

The local authorities have become part of that environment tolerating anarchy in the country. Yes, I as Minister of Home Affairs together with the police, local authorities and the Minister of Local Government are in the process of designing a traffic management situation. I am happy that we have also the Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education here who has lecturers and students who up to now have managed Mr. President to give us certain solutions to the management of all the sectors of the economy.

It is also the responsibility of every family or individual to bring that culture of discipline. Come five o’clock here in Harare, you cannot drive anymore. Everybody does what they want. Even if a police officer raises his left or right hand nobody wants to follow that because all of us are rushing. We have this culture of rushing and one begins to wonder as to where we are rushing to. We have no culture of tolerance anymore as a country. We have a culture of I want to do it now on my own, I do not care what everybody else says.

So, the issue of kombis that the Hon. Senator has raised, yes we may have a situation where police officers should rush or run to this but let also remember Mr. President that our police force service in

Zimbabwe needs at least 7 000 vehicles but we have much less than that. How do you chase a kombi without the necessary resources and his has been happening for the past 20 – 30 years. so, there is anarchy. Ndiri kubvuma zvataurwa apo. Toitei? Ini ndiri kuti tese ngatibatanei maoko tichibatsirana so that we have discipline as a country, family and individually. Thank you

*HON. SEN. CHIEF NGEZI: My question to the Minister of

Home Affairs is what measures do you have in place concerning

availing the ZRP vehicles in order for them to access crime scenes promptly?


HERITAGE (HON. MATHEMA): Indeed Mr. President and the

House as a whole, we need a police service or force that should react instantaneously almost. A police force that reacts in that way is a police force that also has the necessary vehicles or transport system. Currently, we are working on a programme to have each police station have not just one police vehicle but several vehicles so that the reaction time is shorter than we have now. Now we have a situation that members of the police services walk to the crime scene and we just cannot accept that. This is because of the budgetary constraints that we have and the environment that has taken place in the past 20 years.

Part of that environment has been brought about – let us face it and I know that some people do not like this – but part of that environment has been caused by the fact that the country is under sanctions. We cannot access, Mr. President let the truth be said that we have some of these challenges – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] …

THE HON. DEPUTY PRESIDENT: Order, will you allow the

Minister to deliver his answer in peace.

HON. MATHEMA: Sanctions also means that as Government we cannot access the vehicles that we want. We have to go through certain systems and for you to access a company or have vehicles from Japan you have to go through an international banking system or monetary transfer system that will not be seen by the powers that be internationally. If anybody thinks that sanctions have no effect, then one wonders why they even called for them. One even wonders why they designed them. That is part of the problem but yes, I accept we need as a police force of Zimbabwe more vehicles, accommodation at bases, stations and everywhere but under these circumstances I know it is easy for some of us to say it is because we are mismanaging.

Yes, we are mismanaging because of the sanctions that you called for yourselves – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections] – Mr. President, the truth has to be said but we are doing the best we can to do  at stations and everywhere but under these circumstances, I know that it is easy for some of us to say it is because you are mismanaging.  Yes, we are mismanaging because of the sanctions that you caused yourselves - [laughter] - Mr. President, the truth has to be said that we are doing the best we can so that our police force has enough, not just vehicles, ZRP needs helicopters and drones.

We cannot even manage the traffic system here in Harare or Bulawayo and Mutare.  As the Minister of Home Affairs, I need to be kept abreast with what will be happening in the streets whilst I am in my office – that is called traffic management.  We have to know what a thief is doing in which shop, that is what is done everywhere in the world.

So it is because of the resources, that is why our police force reaction time is not very good.  I thank you.

*HON. SEN. WUNGANAYI: I heard the Minister talking                                about the issue of buying cars from outside the country to help our police force.  Why should we run to import cars yet we have a local car assembly - Quest in Mutare? Is Quest not able to assemble cars that we can appreciate as our local product?

HON. MADIRO: Thank you Mr. President, I thank the Hon.

Senator for that question.   Going to Quest Motor Assembly you, should be having your money at hand.  If you do not have the money, how can you go there? The businesses are at their lowest, the taxes are low because the whole economy was affected by the sanctions that we have.  That is what it is; there is nothing we can do.  If some of us are failing to look at each other or look at this country in unison, this country belongs to all of us.

However, when others take that opportunity of the freedom and democracy that we have to impose sanctions on this country, then we are not thinking together.  So if we do not have enough money even to buy vehicles from Quest, we will have to look for friends who will be able to give us those vehicles.   The factories must be returned to the operational situation where they are able to produce.  Those who love to criticize us as the Government saying we are mismanaging when in fact they have caused the sanctions themselves – there is nothing we can do about it.  So, we are doing the best we can.


allow one more supplementary because – [laughter] – order, order! What is funny, I have got a list of people who want to ask questions here so I cannot allow the whole one hour to be dedicated to one question.  So what is funny?

*HON. SEN. MWONZORA: Thank you Mr. President and the

Hon. Minister who was talking about the issue of sanctions.  The Smith regime had sanctions imposed by the United Nations and it also had war on top of that which was consuming about $1 million per day.  They had strong businesses that the local currency was able to sustain and it was powerful, compared to so many other countries whilst under those sanctions.

In South Africa there was apartheid, they were under sanctions for a long time but their mines were operational, industries were running and employment was there.  Why is it that our Government is failing to think like what others who were under sanctions were doing?  The Governments that I have mentioned were able to keep the local currency in a stable manner, so why not us?

HON. MADIRO:  At least the Rhodesians did not have a political party in opposition like we have – [HON. SENATORS: Inaudible interjections.]-


Senator asked his question and was heard in silence by everybody.  The Hon. Minister is now responding to the question.  I think we should be mature enough to let him finish his answer.  If you want to raise another question, by all means, do so.

HON. SEN. TIMVOUS: On a point of order! He is also under

oath so he should tell the truth.


seat Hon. Sen. Timveos.  Your point of order is neither here nor there because you have not in any way demonstrated that he is under oath and he is not telling the truth.

HON. SEN. SHOKO:  On a point of order.  Mr. President, the problem that we have is that you have already declared to say no more supplementary question. So I have a problem that that the issue will be left hanging.


Shoko, I said we cannot keep on having supplementary question on one issue but I did not say you may not ask the Minister of Home Affairs any questions – I never said that.

HON. MADIRO: So sometimes some of us love to go back to the

past in order to justify their positions politically in the country but when they go back to the past, they are distorting issues.  I am saying anybody who is serious about this country; we cannot forget about ZIDERA.

ZIDERA has affected all of us, our factories, our businesses, we cannot access loans outside Zimbabwe because of ZIDERA and there is a political party that brought about ZIDERA.

ZIDERA was not created by ZANU PF; it was created by the opposition in this country. As long   as those conditions continue, as the ruling party, we will do the best we can and indeed we are doing the best we can under the present circumstances.  What was expected to happen did not happen, so in so far as the police or Ministry of Home Affairs is concerned, we will do the best we can under the circumstances that are facing us to source as much as we can from within the country, the materials and the services from any company in Zimbabwe and from any company outside Zimbabwe despite of the sanctions.    We have to make sure that all the departments of Home Affairs do the best that they can to produce the services and the materials that are required and expected of us by every citizen of this country.  Thank you.

      HON. SEN. KOMICHI: On a point of order Mr. President.


of order?

HON. SEN. KOMICHI: The Minister has just said ZIDERA was

not caused by ZANU PF but he is insinuating that the opposition party brought ZIDERA.  The Senate would want to know which opposition party it is so that we can deal with it here?


responded to a question which he was asked.  If you feel very strongly about an aspect, you are quite free to raise a motion and debate it in this Senate.

*HON. SEN. SHUMBA: Thank you Mr. President.  My question is directed to the Minister of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage. I have noted with concern that we have touts at most bus stops who snatch people’s belongings whilst trying to force the travelers to get into their buses.  What is Government policy regarding this bad behaviour by touts? I have asked this question because I sometimes use public transport and I am really concerned but for those who always travel in their cars, they do not witness this.  If I had my own vehicle Mr.

President, I would have not asked this question, maybe if I get one, I will not ask.  That is why I have asked this question now.  It is because I do not have my own vehicle.  I thank you.


acknowledge that this is a bad behaviour indeed and we do not want this.  We obviously need a transport system in each of our cities that will also do as what ZUPCO is doing today.  A system where buses will be known what time they will arrive; we will also allow commuter omnibuses to be there so that we will have competition.  Transport systems that will enable us create laws but for the touts to be there, it is illegal and they have to be stopped, we do not want that.

On the other hand, sometimes I feel that people isolate themselves from the police to do the job alone.  The police is there as part of the Executive and they are party of the system.  Therefore all of us have to be police officers wherever we are – [Laughter.] – Because I cannot do any investigation on an issue without going to the community Mr.

President.  We are the community and we must work.  I accept that because of the sanctions, the economic situation and high rate of unemployment, we now have more touts.  This is why the President said we will open this country for the whole world to come and invest here so that this will create more jobs for our young people and also create their own employment.

+HON. SEN. PHUTI: The subsidised transport is only found in urban areas only; there is no subsidised transport in rural areas...


supplementary question.  That is a question on its own, even though my Ndebele is not very good.

*HON. SEN. CHINAKE: Thank you Mr. President. My question is directed to the Leader of the House.  What plans do we have to ensure that when the President of Zimbabwe is choosing Ministers, he does not choose persons with previous convictions like those who had their banks liquidated and people lost their savings?  What is Government policy on choosing Ministers? – [HON. SENATORS: Hear, hear.] –



you Mr. President and to thank the Hon. Senator for his question. The Constitution of Zimbabwe was drafted by the people of Zimbabwe led by COPAC which had 3 parties.  When this Constitution was drafted, all the Zimbabweans participated and people voted for the Referendum on which a 90% yes was attained. The President was given powers to choose his ministers. It is not written that people with previous convictions or those who stole chicken in their rural areas will not be chosen to be ministers.  This Constitution also outlines the expected qualifications that qualifies one to be a minister and that is what the

President adheres to when choosing ministers.  So, I would urge the Hon. Senator to go and read the Constitution of Zimbabwe, he will be guided accordingly that our President follows what is in the Constitution.  I thank you.

*HON. SEN. CHIMBUDZI: Thank you Mr. President, my

question is directed to the Minister of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage. What is Government policy on recognising our neighbourhood watch police on the duties that they do to protect the community and to ensure that they are respected?  I thank you.


policy recognises those people and we will continue to work with them.  It is our wish that funds permitting, through the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, we will do something for them.  Thank you very much.

+HON. SEN. ZIVIRA: My question is directed to the Ministry of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage; I want to know what to do with the thieves who break into the house during power cuts?


policy is whether there is ZESA or not, anyone trespassing will be prosecuted.  Our request is that the community should work hand-in- glove with the ZRP.  We also urge community members to have the phone numbers of the nearest ZRP police stations.

+HON. SEN. ZIVIRA: My supplementary question is it will be dark, so how are people supposed to see the criminals when it is dark?  I thank you

HON. MATHEMA: Thank you Mr. President.  The police will

enter where it is dark and the police can see also where there is light.  Whether there is ZESA or not, residents need to work with the police but you will find that the police will follow up a case and arrest someone and the people will say they do not know the person.  The ZRP will do the best it can to follow any criminal activities and all criminals whether it is dark or light.  That is what the Constitution requires us to do.  What the surrounding communities do, it will be more difficult for ZRP to work with the community if they are not cooperative but you can be rest assured that whether it is dark or clear, ZRP will look for criminals.

*HON. SEN. CHIEF CHIKWAKA:  Thank you Mr. President.

My question is directed to the Leader of Government business in relation to the Ministry of Agriculture.  What is Government policy in relation to gazetted prices for grain?  How long does it take for it to come into effect?  We realise that GMB is still paying farmers old prices for their grains yet they have gazetted new prices.  This will disadvantage farmers to go into the next season.  Secondly, what plans are in place to assist small scale farmers, A1 and communal farmers in relation to ferrying their produce to the GMB because monies that are paid by farmers to transporters is too high?  Again what is Government policy is relation to constructing silos closer to farmers so that it will be easier for them to take their grains to GMB?



President.  The question asked by the Hon. Senator is very pertinent.  Government policy is that as soon as we gazette new prices of grain, they automatically come into effect.  If there are places where GMB is still paying old prices, they are being corrupt because Government has already stipulated the new maize price to farmers.  Those farmers who would have already send their grain to GMB before the new prices were gazetted, Government stated that they should be adjusted.

Government also announced that transportation of grain is becoming too high, so Government has set aside a budget to set collection points which are closer to the farmers.  This has already started and GMB is busy installing those collection points and many farmers, especially those young farmers are using these points, so that transportation of grain becomes easier and affordable.

*HON. SEN. WUNGANAYI: Thank you Mr. President.  My

question is directed to the Minister of Home Affairs.  Mr. President, we have got a challenge especially for the small holder farmers who spend the whole year growing their tobacco.  In transporting their tobacco to the auction floors, they are robbed on their way to the floors.  It is sad that children who will have engaged in farming due to lack of employment lose whatever produce they would have made.  So, I wanted to find out what measures the Government has in place to ensure that they protect the small holder farmers from these challenges?


HERITAGE (HON. MATHEMA): Thank you Mr. President.  I would

like to thank the Hon. Member for that question.  Mr. President, only last week, ZRP actually arrested four people who were doing exactly what the Hon. Senator is saying.  We designed a plan because we had been informed; we had got intelligence that indeed people were harassed as the Senator is saying.  We made that plan and we arrested four people last week.  There was a shootout and one of them was injured.  Those people are in police cells as we speak.  What I am also advising the House is that let us also have that coordination with the police force wherever there are increased number of incidences where people are deliberately targeting the young farmers; let us work together; let us assist each other.  We will do the best we can even under the circumstances where we do not have enough vehicles but I know Zimbabweans out there have always worked with the police as witnessed by last week’s incident.  Thank you Mr. President.

HON. SEN. TSOMONDO: Thank you Mr. President.  My

question is directed to the Minister of Public Service and Social Welfare.  We have the elderly in this country.  Those who were looking after them died due to the HIV/AIDS pandemic.   At this point, they no longer have food, we want our aged to be well looked after.  What is Government policy saying concerning social protection for the elderly?


President.  This is a very pertinent question.  Government has measures to ensure that all the aged are assisted.  Firstly, there are food handouts that are given to those people, especially in rural areas through committees in those areas who compile a register of the elderly.  The department uses the database to deliver food to these aged people.  There are also grants, the new system will be that they will be getting this money on their mobile phones but most of them do not even have the mobile phones. So, our officers from the Social Welfare Department should access those areas and ensure that the beneficiaries get the grants.

Our social welfare workers are few, so we need to come up with measures as to how we can work around it.

The Government also has a plan to increase the old people’s homes where the aged who do not have anyone to look after them would be housed. Those aged would be taken to those homes where they will be well looked after with the support from the Government. I think those are the measures that we have in place as a Government. It is the duty of Government to ensure that social protection measures are in place for the aged. I thank you.

[Time Limit]

HON. SEN. TIMVEOS: Mr. President, I move that we add 20 minutes because we have more questions to ask the Ministers.

HON. SEN. SHOKO: I second.

Motion put and agreed to

HON. SEN. A. DUBE: My question is directed to the Minister of

Higher and Tertiary Education. Hon. Minister, what does Government policy say regarding the training of specialist doctors in our local universities?



(HON. PROF. MURWIRA): I wish to thank the Hon. Senator for that question. Indeed, our national skills audit which we did between December, 2017 and April, 2018 showed that our skills levels in the medical or health field are at 5%. We have a deficit of 95% that might explain why most people look for medical services elsewhere. This is the result of this statistic. What are we doing about it? Government policy is that we have now adopted what we call Education 5.0. What does it mean? It means in addition to the traditional missions of teaching, research and community engagement which is workshops, you know people like to attend workshops and talk about things that they have researched or they have researched on something and have to teach it. So we are in a round cycle.

This has resulted in most of our people being able to know because we have 94% literacy but our skills level are at 38%. It means we have people who can talk a lot and do little. This is very important information that we are using to start to drill in and move our education to 5.0 where we are saying we need innovation and industrilisation. All we are saying is that we need knowledge and skills.  So, we now have a deliberate policy of skilling our medical personnel, making sure that they are trained to the highest level. One of the things that we have done is to make sure that we have a third medical school which is at Midlands State University which is in the process of being grown right now and we have provided it this year with around 180 lecturers so that they are able to function.

We are in the process of strengthening NUST to make sure that they are also more competent. With the UZ we are strengthening it as well. We are looking forward as well to having a new pharmaceutical school at HIT and the new one for eyes which we are doing at Bindura

University of Science and Technology. All these are efforts to increase the number of specialists within our system but what we know for sure is that we have a 95% deficit which is very important to know because in order to move somewhere you have to know where you are coming from.

We are in the process of making Zimbabwe’s education work for its people because we have said an education system has to be rooted in the environment that it is trying to transform. Therefore, all the needs of the Zimbabweans are the ones which are informing us in terms of the number of specialists that we have to train. So, we are consciously in the meantime training doctors trying to make them specialists. At the same time we have this policy also which says we have to look at professional bodies that are preventing people from practicing as a way of turf protection. So, it is another policy measure that we are doing to make sure that we make people that would have trained as specialists elsewhere, we make it easy for them to come and practice in Zimbabwe.

So, these are the policy issues that we are pursuing. We are trying to cover the gap between the 94% literacy and 38% skills level. Five percent skills availability in medicine, we have a gap of 95% to cover because that is what we are doing so this is the move that we are taking.

Thank you.

THE TEMPORARY PRESIDENT: Just to comment that I saw

some Senators indicating to me to tell the Minister that time please but I have never known where a Minister is told to stop while responding. You allow Ministers to be at liberty to go deep as they can and not forgetting him being a Professor shave rinobva rauya kana vabvunzwa mibvunzo. Other Ministers I know will not take as much time.

+HON. SEN PHUTHI: My question is directed to the Minister of Home Affairs.  What is the government doing about the printing of passports?


MADIRO): Thank you Mr. President, last week I issued a statement and even on Tuesday this week - yes, the passport offices faced difficulties emanating from the fact that we are importing some of the consumables like ink and ribbons.  However, I can assure the House that within the next three to four weeks we will be producing around 3 000 passports a day.  I thank you.

*HON. SEN. CHIEF MAKUMBE: Thank you Mr. President.

My question is directed to the Minister of Information, Communication,

Technology and Courier Services.  A few weeks ago Statutory

Instrument 142 of 2019 was introduced with regards to monetary issues.   In the rural areas where we come from, our elderly people are not well informed of the changes.   The unauthorized foreign exchange dealers are going to the rural areas misinforming the elderly and taking away their foreign currency.  So, what is Government policy with the dissemination of information with regards to Statutory Instrument 142 of 2019 to avoid unscrupulous illegal money changers from stealing from our parents?



SERVICES (HON. MUSWERE): Thank you Hon. Chief Makumbe

for your question.  Statutory Instrument 142 of 2019 does not prohibit possession of foreign currency but it does not allow people to do domestic transactions with it.   The previous Hon Senator said there are people who are going to the rural areas misinforming the elderly that the USD has devalued hence taking their money for a lesser value.  We urge our parents in the rural areas to listen to their radios and televisions on such informative things on the IS 142 of 2019.

However, if our parents do not understand the radio programmes on SI 142 of 2019, we encourage them to go to information centres to get further clarification.  We are also aware that every constituency has got a Member of Parliament and a Councilor who can also clarify the issue of IS 142 to the public.   In addition, I would like to emphasize that foreign currency still has great value but is no longer a legal tender which can be used to transact locally.  If you want to use that money, you have to go to those authorized money changers such as the banks and change it into our local currency.

*HON. SEN. CHIEF MAKUMBE: The Hon. Minister did not

get my question right.  I said what measures have you put in place for our parents in the rural areas to be fully aware of the changes set out in the Statutory Instrument 142 of 2019.  In the rural areas there is no electricity or anything to transmit information.

*HON. MUSWERE: Thank you Mr. President.  I think the question needs more time for me to investigate further so that I will be able to give a comprehensive response.

HON. SEN. CHIEF SIANSALI: My question is directed to the Minister of Justice.  What is Government policy with regards to payment of Chief’s courts as it does to other judges and officials in the Judicial Services Commission?  I thank you.



Mr. President for the question asked by Hon. Sen. Chief Siansali.  It is indeed a pertinent question.  The programme of implementing what has been asked has delayed a bit.   We were supposed to look at the laws, especially the Traditional Leaders Act and other laws which touch our courts in order to advance the Chiefs Courts.  However, the process of sailing the Bills to Parliament has delayed a bit but it is work in progress.  We are going to visit the traditional leaders also to hear their views on the crafting of the new law.  I thank you.


CHARUMBIRA): I had restricted supplementary question but Hon. Minister the Hon.  Chief is asking that the assessors, presiding officers do not have allowances.

HON. ZIYAMBI: Yes, that is what I have alluded to that for us to do that, we need to craft a law pertaining to that first.  So that is the work we are carrying out at the moment.  I thank you.

*HON. SEN. MOEKETSI: Thank you Mr. President for giving me this opportunity.  My question is directed to the Minister of Energy, Hon. Chasi.   What is Government policy because back home our electrical gadgets are no longer working because of the continuous going on and off of electricity.  What I have bought yesterday, I cannot go back and buy it because I will  no longer be able to buy the electrical gadgets.  What is Government policy regarding this issue as our electric gadgets continue to be damaged?  Thank you.


DEVELOPMENT (HON. CHASI): Thank you Mr. President.  I

apologise for the electrical gadgets that are being burnt because of load shedding.  I would want to urge the people that they must switch off their gadgets when there is no electricity so that when electricity comes back, it will not affect the gadgets.  I want to let the Senate know that this time we are is different from the past, we have a problem of electricity and we will continue to have this problem for quite some time. Government is working hard to alleviate this problem but I just want to urge the people to pay their bills in time, even if we manage to get RTGs 200 million, this will help a long way in alleviating this problem.  I thank you.

*HON. SEN. DUBE: Thank you Mr. President. My question is directed to the Minister of Energy and Power Development.  I just want to ask the Minister why is the fuel we are importing not enough to meet our demands as we continue to have long queues?  Our husbands are no longer sleeping in houses but they are sleeping in queues. Women are left in cold this winter. My child came home without fuel and his wife started shouting saying that he did not sleep in a queue but slept somewhere and she threatened that she was leaving to pave way for a new wife called PUMA.  Homes are breaking Mr. President because of shortages of petrol and diesel, please make diesel and petrol available.


DEVELOPMENT (HON. CHASI):  I apologise for this problem that women are sleeping alone because their husbands will be in queues. I also apologise for the home breaks. I want to plead with my fellow men that they must not take advantage of this situation to be promiscuous this is not a good attitude.  We hear your concerns and now we are busy looking for fuel.  What is troubling is the issue of thieves in the petroleum industry.  Today they are refusing to accept plastic money and RTGS demanding US dollars.  We are planning on cancelling their licences so that homes will not break.   I thank you.

*HON. SEN. FEMAI: Thank you Mr. President, my question is directed to the Minister of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage.  He was bemoaning the issue of sanctions.  Traditionally we say mwana anokanganisira amai anodzorwa neshamhu kusvika oziva kuti arikutadza.  My question is, what is Government policy on reforming the economy so that people will not continue to suffer?  What is

Government policy in making sure that the sanctions are lifted?


HERITAGE (HON. MATHEMA): Thank you Mr. President, I am not

so sure that this question falls under my purview.  All I can say is that Mr. President, the present Government has come out with economic strategies that will assist us defeat the challenges that we have today.  This is why we are saying let us have - not just internal investors, we are also inviting foreign investors.  It is only after they have invested in this country that we will receive as much fiscus as we can in the form of taxes from the companies that will have invested in this country.  The answers required or the results will not be seen tomorrow but is going to take us a bit of time.  Let us all be patient and indeed programmes are there not just for the economy but in all the sectors of the economy. That is why we have all these ministries doing the best they can. I thank you very much.

Questions Without Notice were interrupted by THE


CHIEF CHARUMBIRA) in terms of Standing Order Number 62.



  1. HON. SEN. CHIMBUDZI asked the Minister of Home

Affairs and Cultural Heritage to appraise the Senate on measures being taken to preserve local cultural values and whether the Government is collaborating with other key players such as traditional leaders and the education system in this regard.


HERITAGE (HON. MATHEMA): Thank you Mr. President, culture simply put is a way of life of a community.  UNESCO defines culture as that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, arts, morals, laws, customs and any other capabilities and habits acquired by a human being as a member of society.  Culture in its broad sense is a pillar for nation pride and identity.  Properly leveraged on, it provides the most reliable and sustainable building block for social and economic development.  The Ministry of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage is key to the promotion and preservation of local cultural values, national pride and identity through well established institutions in documentation, preservation and safeguarding of cultural knowledge, tangible and intangible, namely, National Museums and Monuments of Zimbabwe and National Archives of Zimbabwe in collaboration with traditional leaders and other Government institutions such as the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, National Museums and Monuments of Zimbabwe, through the discipline of ethnography, documents and preserves knowledge of our changing customs and traditions.

The results of research into these areas manifest themselves in the form of cultural heritage collections in museums, exhibitions and publications in various national archives of Zimbabwe; acquire preserves and provides access to national historical documentation. NAZ, Public Archives and Research division builds up national historical sources in the form of archives and manuscripts.  These are complemented by oral history collections targeting informants on national history, customs and traditions instrumental in supporting the mandate of Traditional Leadership as outlined in Chapter 282 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, Amendment No. 20, Act 2013.  The presence of National Archives of Zimbabwe and National Museums and Monuments of Zimbabwe offices in the provinces allows them to fully represent and capture cultural aspects within the country.

In addition, National Museums and Monuments of Zimbabwe has been instrumental in the protection and transmission of our liberation heritage values through identification and protection of liberation heritage sites, exhumation and reburials, monumentalisation of important liberation heritage such as Pupu, Chinhoyi 7, Tongogara Memorial, Kamungoma the national and Provincial Heroes Acres and landmark liberation heritage sites outside the country.   Whilst  rehabilitation of liberation heritage sites is ongoing within the country, the Ministry has initiated repatriation of human remains of the First

Chimurenga/Umvukela heroes, notably Mbuya Nehanda, Mapondera,

Mgandane, Chiwashira, Chinengundu Mashayamombe, Chingaira and Sekuru Kaguvi currently believed to be housed in various British institutions.  In this regard, the Ministry is working closely with Traditional Leaders.

Recognising that the future of heritage lies with the youth, the Ministry has a robust heritage outreach programme that aims to maintain mainstream heritage education among school children.  To this end, National Museums and Monuments of Zimbabwe conduct periodic heritage outreach programmes throughout the country.  To complement this programme, the organisation runs structured class visits and an expanded heritage quiz programme that covers all provinces.  The programme is conducted in collaboration with the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education.

Realising the threat of globalisation to minority cultures, the

National Museums and Monuments of Zimbabwe has come with Community Museums project intended to preserve and promote minority cultures and practices according to the 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expression.  To this end, the Ministry has already established two Community Museums at Binga and Hwange to cover the Tonga and Nambya Cultures.  Other communities earmarked for this cultural equity programme include the Kalanga, Venda, Shangani and others.

Whereas the National Heritage Institutions of Museums and Archives hold huge repositories of cultural heritage material for the country’s collective memory, the Ministry has been a crucial player in the protection and promotion of Intangible Cultural Heritage issues such as sacred sites of national historical and spiritual significance like

Shavarunzi, Chitungwiza, Chaminuka and Njelele, all of which have been designated as National Monuments.  To achieve this, the Ministry works closely with traditional leaders, local custodians and civic societies through a National Intangible Heritage Committee.  The Committee has so far successfully registered with UNESCO the following items as of universal value; Jerusarema Mbende, Mbira and Nehanda and Kaguvi Trial Manuscripts.

Keeping with its mandate of educating, raising awareness and transmitting cultural values, the Ministry through National Museums and Monuments of Zimbabwe has developed Radio and Television programmes such as Heritage in Focus.  In addition, the Ministry has embarked on the development of heritage sites and field museums.  These institutions and ongoing cultural research programmes ensure the survival of our cultural values.  I thank you Mr. President.



DEVELOPMENT (HON. PROF. MURWIRA), the Senate adjourned

at Six Minutes past Four o’clock p .m until, Tuesday, 23rd July, 2019.

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