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SENATE HANSARD 24 September 2019 28-74


Tuesday, 24th September, 2019

The Senate met at Half-past Two O’clock p.m.








inform the Senate that I have received a Non Adverse report on the Education Amendment Bill [H.B. 1C, 2019] from the Parliamentary

Legal Committee.

I also have to inform the Senate that I have received a Non Adverse report for all the Statutory Instruments Gazetted during the month of August 2019.


Furthermore, I have to inform the Senate that following the presentation of the 2019 Mid-Year Budget review and supplementary budget by the Minister of Finance and Economic Development on Thursday, 1st August, 2019, Senators are advised that the CDF allocation from 2019 has been reviewed upwards from RTGS 80 000.00 to RTGS 175 238.00 per constituency.  Members are therefore advised to submit projects for funding amounting to RTGS175 238.00.


I have to inform the Senate that there will be a Roman Catholic Church service tomorrow, Wednesday, 25th September, 2019, at 1230 hours in the Senate Chamber.  All Catholics and Non Catholic members are invited.





First Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the report of the

Thematic Committee on Human Rights on familiarization visits to Featherstone, Ngundu, Beitbridge, Gwanda and Plumtree police stations and border posts.

Question again proposed.

HON. SEN. SEKERAMAYI: Mr. President, I move that the debate do now adjourn.

HON. SEN. KHUPE: I second.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Wednesday, 25th September, 2019.






Second Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the report of the Thematic Committee on Indegenisation and Empowerment on the implementation of empowerment programmes in the mining sector.         Question again proposed. 

   *HON. SEN. CHIRONGOMA: Thank you Mr. President for

giving me this opportunity to debate on this motion.  Our Committee visited mining areas and we talked to chiefs in those ares on what they are doing with the monies that they are receiving from Community

Share Ownership Trusts.  Let me talk about Mhondoro, Ngezi, Chegutu, Zvimba Community Ownership Trusts.  We met with the mining management and they articulated how they work and how they are helping the community and also explained to us their relationship with the Chiefs.  We were very happy because we saw that Chiefs are given money and they engage in projects together with their communities. The mine as well is aware that it is surrounded by villages in that area. We saw that the Mhondoro Ngezi Community Share Ownership Trust constructed schools in the area. They have projects that they are doing in rural areas to help the people there. We visited the schools and they told us how much money was put in those schools and we were satisfied that indeed a good job was being done. It was pleasing to note that the mine was ploughing part of its profits back into the community. All the chiefs from Mhondoro, Ngezi, Chegutu and Zvimba gave us a report that they had dip tanks erected for them by the mine.

Coming to the money that was given to the chiefs whether it  reached the people, we found that they were given $10 000 in cash, which did not do much in terms of development. Chiefs are not doing a lot but they said that after realising that their money will finish, they got into partnerships with chicken producers so that the money can circulate amongst the people. We were shown some chicken projects which were being done.

We visited Unki Mine in Shurugwi. We met the management and wanted to know their relationship with the surrounding community. They informed us that they were staying well with the people and they were working very well. We went around and were shown two schools which they built. We were happy. These were schools that they started from scratch. We observed that the indigenisation and economic empowerment drive is going on very well.

We met the chiefs and they told us that when they were given the money, they looked for a rig and sunk boreholes. We got a record that they sank so many boreholes and they also bought a truck. The chiefs informed us they were working well with their subjects. We were very happy Mr. President because something was happening there.

From there we went to Marange Zimunya Community Ownership Scheme. We met the management and they informed us that they work hand in glove with the community. We did a tour and saw some factories of dress making which were deep down in the rural areas. The ladies were being taught how to sew and market their wares. We also visited a school which was built by the mine. It was a beautiful school.

We saw that the mine is helping the community.

From there because we did not have much time, we met the chiefs and we wanted to see how they were performing. We were informed that in Marange there is a headman called Chiadzwa who was working with the mine and is more popular than Chief Marange. Apparently Chief Marange was not pleased because he is the head but his headman is the one who is getting much recognition from the mine. We wanted to find out from the chief how they were working but we did not get anything from the chief that was satisfactory.

The community was complaining that they were not getting anything. The mine is giving them a hard time. They said that for them to drive around they have to get a permit to travel in that areas. If you move around beyond the stipulated times, you will be prosecuted. People were really complaining saying that they were being given laws in their own land. As a Committee, we felt that has to be investigated.

The other complaint there is that children in that area are not getting any help from the mine – mining companies do not want to employ them. We were informed that there are educated youths in the area but the mine is shunning them. We also met a challenge that the people that were removed from that area were not getting any help from the mine.

That is what we came up with when we were investigating this issue of share ownership trusts. The roads are not very good. They are crying about the roads in Marange Zimunya. That should be investigated and rectified so that the community and the mine should have a good relationship like the other community share ownership trusts. With those few words I thank you Madam President.

+HON. SEN. S. MPOFU: Thank you Madam President for giving

me this opportunity to add my voice on this motion which we visited different Community Share Ownership Trusts.  I would like to thank the Chairperson of the Committee Hon. Sen. Mbowa for leading us at all times as we moved around the country in order to assess how these community share ownership trusts are functioning and if they are functioning legally.

We began with Mhondoro-Ngezi.  We wanted to see what the share ownership trust is doing.  We began at ZIMPLATS, which is the company that gave them money to begin their work.  However, before we speak about the share ownership trust, ZIMPLATS laid down for us the things that they are doing in Mhondoro-Ngezi.  As a company, there is a lot that they are doing.  They built classroom blocks for the community.  In most cases, they help in building health facilities.  They also managed to construct a bridge.  People were facing challenges trying to cross a particular place.  These are the good things that this company is doing.  They are managing to assist the community that they work with.

The community share ownership trust for Mhondoro-Ngezi is also working on different and various projects.  They were using the money that they were given for projects.  They are doing farming as well as keeping bees and chickens.  They are also doing small grains such as sorghum and millet.  What we noticed about Mhondoro-Ngezi Share

Ownership Trust when we inquired from the people is that most people are not aware of it because they do things without consulting people on what they want.  In some instances, they do projects that the community is not interested in.

In addition, they need to know how the money was used.  The share ownership trust seems not to be sure as to how much they used in each project.  There is therefore some lack of transparency and accountability.  It is very vital that they should inquire from the people what they should use with the money that they receive.

We also went to Shurugwi and visited Unkie Mine.  We wanted to visit Tongogara Share Ownership Trust.  The company – Unkie Mine is also assisting people in terms of development.  They are constructing classroom blocks as well as health facilities such as clinics, houses for the teachers as well as Blair toilets and fencing the schools.  In addition to that, they said that they looked for a machine to drill wells for the people.

When we visited, they had managed to drill 150 wells for the people.  However, one challenge they are facing is that ZINWA is charging them about $30 per well.  Therefore most of the money that they want to channel for this is then paid to ZINWA for each of the wells that they dig.  I wonder what this money that ZINWA is collecting is for. We would have loved the Minister to hear about this issue.

We ended up in Zimunya-Marange.  We realise that ZCDC is the company that is there.  It has availed about $5 million to them.  However, ZCDC also has many things it is also doing in order to help the people in the community such as the project for making uniforms and overalls.  They have also built a beautiful computer lab and science block at Gandauta Secondary School.  This is a good thing that the company has done apart from share ownership trust.  They have also put solar pumps at the clinic.  This is done by the company directly.  We need to applaud such things.

Another challenge that people are facing in Zimunya-Marange is that there are people who were moved at a place where a dam is being constructed.  They were moved to another area and the company had promised that they would build houses as well as give them farms.

However, all this has not happened and the people are struggling and suffering.  There are others who are in some houses that were provided by the company but they do not know where they will plant their crops.

A contribution from Chief Marange revealed that the company is causing division amongst the people especially the community and the traditional leadership.  The company seems to be in favour of the headman instead of the chief.  A house was built for the headman but the chief does not have all that.  The chief is struggling and does not have all that the headman has.  Indeed the headman is prioritised more than the chief yet he owns the community.  We would like the Minister to look into this so that division does not occur amongst these people. There is need for the chief to also have a house that is built by the company because he is the head of all traditional leadership.

People pleaded on the issue of permits because they need permits to move from one area to another. If the permit expires, one faces challenges moving around.  If they are caught without a permit, they are beaten up thoroughly.  People were pleading that they should not be abused in their communities.  At the same time, where they collect these permits, it is a far-away place and they request that this be done in their communities.  It is a plea that the Minister ensures that the people who were moved to ARDA have proper houses as they were promised before they were moved to where they are today.  I thank you Madam President.

HON. SEN. TIMVEOS:  Thank you Madam President for giving

me this opportunity to add my voice to this motion.  I want to thank the Committee that went around the country to see what is going on especially in terms of mining and Community Share Ownership Trusts.

Madam President, this Community Share Ownership Trust was a very good initiative which really helped a lot.  I want to give you an example of Zvishavane where this Community Share Ownership Trust actually built quite a few schools and a clinic, which means that it did very well.  The chiefs that were administering it, I know even now they still have a bit of money left aside.

What I really wanted to say is that I want to look at the aspect of women.  When it comes to mining, women do not really have the proper support and I think when communities get an opportunity to get a trust such as this women should be considered.  Women can achieve a lot and there are quite a few women that want to venture into mining, but because of resources, they do not have this opportunity.

Madam President, since the Committee has brought this important subject of this Community Share Ownership Trust we need a mining law that can support women so that they can venture into the mining sector without hindrance.  There are quite a lot of women that are doing mining now but they have a lot of problems resource wise and also harassment because men that are into mining are not very friendly to us as women.

Madam President, the Constitution is clear that we must occupy these positions where we can actually contribute to the economy.  So when the Community Share Ownership Trust comes again, it should have that portion where women are empowered and as women, I remember the last time there were groups that were even given opportunities.  I remember there were groups that were given an opportunity for them to have licences to buy gold as well.  I want to recommend even little cooperatives that we can do as women so that we can get support from all over the country.

Madam President, when it comes to mining, some of these companies that have come are not really friendly to the communities.  I want to give an example of the Chinese company that is mining chrome in Zvishavane at Mapanzure area.  They have caused a lot of damage in terms of environment.  There are holes everywhere.  The cattle are actually dying as a result of falling into these holes instead of them fencing the areas.  I remember last year the communities actually sat down and called them, but all they have done after all that mining, they actually bought exercise books for one of the primary schools which I think is not enough with the funds that they are getting from that area. They are getting a lot of money which is why I can understand the Government needs to look at our laws to see if they are really abiding by the Constitution.

The Constitution says that the people that actually stay in that area should benefit from that resource and from what you are hearing in Marange, there are actually problems in that area.  The community feels that they are not benefiting and the people that are coming from outside are the ones that are benefiting, which is not fair.  I think the law should be clear that our children, husbands and our wives in that local area should be the first to be employed and they should get paid properly.

In Zvishavane, the workers in one of the mines, the mine that I am talking about belongs to the Chinese nationals, the workers are not getting paid properly and they do not even have days off.  They work seven days a week.  These Chinese are actually training people to be slaves, which is not good.  Government should look also at the people that work at these mines to make sure that they are remunerated well and they are given breaks.  The law is clear on that.  We come here at Parliament, we have time for lunch, we have time for break which is why we start in the afternoon I suppose, but these people that work at that mine do not even have time for a break and they work seven days a week.

Madam President, let us look at our mines and make sure that our communities benefit and the Government in turn will actually benefit as well because employment would have been created for our people and everything will all go well.  Especially in this country, Madam President, when we say Zimbabwe is a rich country, we are talking about the mining sector because we have so many minerals.  When I was doing my research, I found we have over 62 minerals that can actually bring a lot of money into Zimbabwe, but we are not really utilising them well.

Madam President, with these few words, I want to appeal to the chiefs mostly because they are the ones that actually administered, I do not know if it was happening around the country but in Zvishavane, they were the ones who were really administering this, that they should actually consider women and make sure that we also improve our standards of living.  I thank you.

HON. SEN. MBOWA:  I move that the debate do now adjourn.

HON. SEN. MUZENDA:  I second.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume:  Wednesday, 25th September, 2019.





Third Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the Thematic Committee on Gender and Development on Cancer Treatment and Control in Zimbabwe.

Question again proposed.

HON. SEN. NCUBE: Thank you Madam President.  I stand to move for the adoption of the motion standing in my name.  However, before I do that, I would like to thank all the Hon. Members who contributed to the motion.  We heard that cancer treatment machines were bought and we hope that they have been installed so that people’s lives are saved.  I therefore move that the motion that:

This House takes note of the Report of the Thematic Committee on

Gender and Development on Cancer Treatment and Control in Zimbabwe be adopted.

Motion put and agreed to.



Fourth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the Thematic Committee on Gender and Development on Cancer Treatment and Control in Zimbabwe.

Question again proposed.

   HON. SEN. NCUBE: Thank you Madam President for giving me

this opportunity to debate on this motion. When God created the earth, he gave us wild fruits which are for both human beings and wildlife.

However, we are realizing that there is a challenge that comes as a conflict between the two, that is human beings and wildlife.

We have quite a number of wild fruits which are being eaten by both human beings and wildlife.  As such, we have realised that human beings have disregarded the fact that wildlife is also sitting on the same wild fruits.  People are harvesting most of the wild fruits, leaving nothing for the wild animals, hence the wild life end up causing havoc within people’s homesteads looking for food.

Looking at what people eat as wild fruits; there is a wild fruit called nyii, this fruit is said to be delicious.  It is found in different places but there are provinces where it is mainly found, it is mainly found in Masvingo, which is called nyii in Shona and umnyi in Ndebele.  This wild fruit is supposed to be eaten by wild animals but people are now harvesting this fruit to make money by selling it.

I also looked at another wild fruit called mazhanje in Shona.   I have not found a Ndebele name for it, but I am told they are also called mashuku.  The fruit is mainly found in Mashonaland Province.  When God created the universe, he made sure that each and every Province has a unique wild fruit associated with  that province.

The third fruit also does not also have a Ndebele name, it is called masawu.  It is mainly found in Mbire.  This wild fruit is being sold by many people.  The other fruit is called uxakuxaku in Ndebele and in Shona it is called Matohwe, it is found in quite a number of places in the country.  We also have another fruit called tsubvu in Shona and umtshwankela in Ndebele and is said to be found in the greater part of Zimbabwe.  Umtshwankela is found in hotels where it is provided for as dessert.  There is another wild fruit called umqokolo in Ndebele and found in Matebeleland North and is said to be more like a tomato but it is a bit different because its main colour is purple.

There is another wild fruit called mobola which is a plum found in the forests.  When we look at the way people are harvesting all these wild fruits compared to the number of wild animals in the forest, you realise that, indeed it is posing a challenge to the wild animals.  If people who have other means of survival are turning to harvesting wild fruits as a form of living, then the wild animals are left with nothing to eat.  As a country, we are getting money from the wildlife.

There is another fruit called amarula, which is amaganu in Ndebele. We are getting Amarula beer from this fruit but baboons feed on this fruit too.  The way people are fetching these wild fruits is leaving these wild animals without anything to eat because these animals do not feed on grass only.  However, in fetching these wild fruits, we are supposed to remember that we have wild animals that are supposed to also feed on the same wild fruits that we are fetching to make a living.  These animals are of use to us as a country, we realise that we have got the big five they attract tourists and we get foreign currency and have a lot more benefits as well.  If we take these wild fruits and sell them, we then have a challenge whereby these wild animals end up going to nearby homesteads and eat people’s produce and conflict with humans instead of getting that from the forests.

What I remember being said the other day is please do not take away wild fruits from wild animals and do not ever take away a bird from a cat after having pawed on it so that it can feed. We must learn from this so that we will avoid being attacked by wild animals because we are taking away what is supposed to be theirs.  You cannot go into the forest and face the opposite direction from animals because wild animals have realised that human beings are now a threat to them, therefore they are their predators.

Therefore, as people we should realise that each time we fetch these wild fruits, we leave some for our wild animals.  These people who are selling wild fruits should make sure that they take some and leave some for wild animals. It is not supposed to be the way we are doing it, whereby we are just taking almost everything to sell and forget about the wild animals which are this important to our country. This motion is meant to resolve the conflict between wild animals and humans.  We used to eat makemeswani in Ndebele.  When there was drought, we ate this fruit using our hands and made sure we left some for the wild animals or the next person.  Today people are taking baskets into the forests to fetch everything and forget about the next person and forget about the wild animals.

Let us remember that these other creations in the form of wild animals are also supposed to get something from the same forests.  We realise that nowadays there is no electricity and the consumption of firewood is more than what we used to have in the past. People are now cutting down trees and the rate at which trees are being cut - we realise that in the next 50 years, we will face a very big challenge.  We are encouraging people not to cut down trees for firewood but make sure that we preserve our forests.  Let us not forget that there is the next generation that is supposed to survive on the same trees that were created by God.

Let us teach each other to desist from causing veld fires.  I fail to understand what EMA’s duty is. I feel it is a useless organisation because the way veld fires are seen in the forest is just too much. So let us respect these forests.  People in rural areas use firewood for cooking but they do not cut down trees, they pick dried wood and use them for cooking.  In conclusion, I continue to focus more on wild fruits that are being sold my people.  Let us please guard our wild fruits in this country because our country is a very beautiful country and has all the wild life

in it.

If we fetch all wild fruits in these forests, then we will disadvantage birds and all wild animals that are found in the forests.  Right now people are not even considering that birds stay in trees and prepare nests to lay their eggs there; they are only concerned about earning a living through selling firewood and wild fruits, forgetting wild life. This motion is important; people should realise that even though we are facing challenges as a country, we are not supposed to cut down trees for firewood.  Let us go back to picking up dried wood and not cutting down trees.  I want to thank all the previous speakers. We must remind each other on the importance of preserving our forests. I thank you.

HON. CHIFAMBA: Madam Speaker, I move that the debate do now adjourn.

HON. SEN. S. NCUBE: I second.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Wednesday 25th September, 2019.





Fifth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the need for a legislative framework on pensions and insurance benefits.

Question again proposed.

HON. SEN. TIMVEOS: I move that the debate do now adjourn.


Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Wednesday, 25th September, 2019.



Sixth Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the need for the enforcement of the law on child marriages.

Question again proposed.

HON. SEN. TONGOGARA: I move that the debate do now


HON SEN. SHOKO:  I second.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Wednesday, 25th September, 2019.




Seventh Order read: Adjourned debate on motion on the perennial shortages of clean and potable water in most towns and growth points.

Question again proposed.

HON. SEN. WUNGANAYI: I move that the debate do now


HON SEN. TIMVEOS:  I second.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Wednesday, 25th September, 2019.

On the motion of HON. SEN. MUZENDA seconded by HON. SEN. MKHWEBU, the Senate adjourned at Twenty Three Minutes to Four o’clock p.m.



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