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No. 8




















Half past two o’clock pm.


The President of the Senate in the Chair.




Members Present

Chabuka K.

Charumbira Chief F. Chifamba J. Chikwaka Chief Chinake V.

Chirongoma J. M.

Chundu Chief Dube M. R.

Femai M.

Gweshe K.

Hungwe J. D.

Hungwe S. O.

Khupe W.

Komichi M. Makumbe Chief Maluleke O. M. Mapungwana Chief Mavetera T. Mathupula Chief Mathuthu T.

Matiirira A. Matsiwo Chief Mavhunga M.

Moeketsi V.

Moyo S K.

Mpofu B.

Mudzuri E.

Munzverengwi A.

Mupfumira P.

Muronzi M.

Muzenda V. T.

Mtshane Chief

Mwonzora T. D.

Ncube S.

Ndlovu P.

Nechombo Chief

Nembire Chief

Ngezi Chief

Nhema Chief

Ntabeni Chief Nyathi R.

Phuti M.

Rambanepasi C.

Rwambiwa E.

Shoko G.

Shumba C.

Sinampande H.

Timire R.

Timveos L.

Tongogara A. K.

Tsomondo B.

Wunganayi T.

Zivira H.




In attendance in terms of section 138(2) and (3) and section 104(3) of the Constitution


Printed by Order of the Senate


Absent with leave

Hon. Sen. Dr. Malinga J. T.


  1. On the 14th of November, 2019 Hon Togarepi raised a matter of privilege in the National Assembly regarding the conducts of Hon Members of the Movement of

Democratic Change Alliance Party (MDC), whereby since 2017 each time His

Excellency Hon E.D Mnangagwa attends Parliament in his official capacity as head of State and Government they either do not rise as a mark of respect or they walk out of the House.  Hon Togarepi found the behavior by the Hon Members to be grossly disrespectful of the office and person of the Head of State and Government in terms of parliamentary customs and practices which the institution of Parliament in any jurisdiction is expected to observe.  He also found such conduct to undermine the dignity and integrity of the august House.


The Speaker ruled that there existed a prima fasi case of contempt of Parliament and accordingly the National Assembly resolved that the Committee on Standing Rules and Orders appoints a Privileges Committee to investigate the conduct of the MDC-A and come up with corrective measures.


On Thursday 28th November 2019, the Committee on Standing Rules and Orders nominated the following Members to serve in the Privileges Committee;

  1. Hon J. Samkange – Chairperson
  2. Hon J. Chirongoma
  3. Hon O. Hungwe
  4. Hon C. Kashiri
  5. Hon S. Mathe
  6. Hon L. Mayihlome
  7. Hon P. Misihairambwi-Mushonga
  8. Hon K. Paradza and
  9. Hon A. Samson


The terms of reference for the Privileges Committee are as follows;

  1. To investigate the conduct of Hon Members of Parliament of the MDC-A in consecutive instances whereby they
    1. Did not rise for His Excellency the President;
    2. Walked out of Parliament on His Excellency the President; and
    3. Did not bother to attend Parliament whenever His Excellency the President attended Parliament.
  2. To establish whether such conduct as outlined in 1(a), (b) and (c) above constitutes contempt of Parliament;
  3. Any other incidence that may arise from the investigation; and
  4. To report its findings and recommendations to the National Assembly by the 28th February 2020.


  1. The Deputy President of the Senate informed the Senate that the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Tourism and Hospitality Industry, through the Forestry Commission had proposed to involve Members of Parliament in efforts to curb deforestation, by organizing tree planting events in all parts of the country. He advised that every Member of Parliament was encouraged to establish woodlots of 1600 trees each and that further information regarding the proposal was deposited in the Members’ pigeon holes.


  1. The Deputy President of the Senate also informed the Senate that Parliament had received a petition from Zireva Kudakwashe of Mhondhongori Primary School in Zvishavane beseeching Parliament to ensure that investment in the mining sector benefits local communities through enforcement of Community Share Ownership Schemes by the Executive.


The petition had since been referred to the Portfolio Committee on Industry and Commerce and the Thematic Committee on Indigenisation and Empowerment.


  1. Bill Received from the National Assembly-


Date Received


Zimbabwe Investment Development Agency… …………………..3rd December, 2019

Bill [H. B. 2A, 2019]


Second reading – tomorrow.


  1. Sen. Femai seconded by Hon. Sen. Chirongoma, moved: That this House takes note of the Report of the Delegation to the Pan- African Parliament High Level Summit on HIV and health financing in Africa, held in Brazzaville, Congo from 11th to 12th July 2019.


On the motion of Hon. Sen. Femai, seconded by Hon. Sen. Shoko: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. Sen. S. Ncube seconded by Hon. Sen. Khupe, moved: That this House takes           note of the Report of the Thematic Committee on Gender and Development on            the             plight of people with disabilities and challenges faced by women  and girls            with disabilities in Zimbabwe. (S.C.18, 2019)


On the motion of Hon. Sen. S. Ncube, seconded by Hon. Sen. Shoko: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned 13th

           November, 2019 - Hon Sen. S. Mpofu)


                                                                                     [Time elapsed: 2 hour 01 minutes]


Question again proposed: That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows-


May it please you, your Excellency the President: We, the members of Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to Parliament-Hon. Sen. Muzenda.


On the motion of Hon. Sen. Muzenda, seconded by Hon. Sen. Chirongoma: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. On the motion of the Minister of State for Mashonaland Central Province: The Senate adjourned at quarter to five o’clock pm.




Deputy President of the Senate.









  1. SECOND READING: Zimbabwe Investment Development Agency Bill [H.B. 2A, 2019] – The Minister of Industry and Commerce.



  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the Delegation to the Pan- African

Parliament High Level Summit on HIV and health financing in Africa, held in

Brazzaville, Congo from 11th to 12th July 2019 – (Adjourned 3rd December 2019 – Hon



[Day Elapsed:1]


Question proposed:  That this House takes note of the Report of the Delegation to the Pan- African Parliament High Level Summit on HIV and health financing in Africa, held in Brazzaville, Congo from 11th to 12th July 2019 – Hon Femai.


  1. Adjourned debate on the Report of the Thematic Committee on Gender and

Development on the plight of people with disabilities and challenges faced by women and girls with disabilities in Zimbabwe (Adjourned 3rd December 2019- Hon Senator S. Ncube).



[Day Elapsed: 1]


Question proposed:  That this House takes note of the Thematic Committee on Gender and Development on the plight of people with disabilities and challenges faced by women and girls with disabilities in Zimbabwe S.C. 18, 2019) – Hon Senator S. Ncube


  1. Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned 13th November, 2019 - Hon Sen. S. Mpofu)


                                                                                     [Time elapsed: 2 hour 23 minutes]


Question proposed: That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows-


May it please you, your Excellency the President: We, the members of Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to Parliament-Hon. Sen. Muzenda.



  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the unconditional and immediate removal of the illegal economic sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe (Adjourned, 13th November, 2019—Hon. Sen. Mbohwa).

[Days elapsed: 4]


Question proposed: That this House


COGNISANT that the 39th Ordinary Summit of SADC Heads of States and Government held in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, strongly condemned the prolonged adverse illegal economic sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe by the West and unequivocally called for their unconditional removal;


MINDFUL that SADC has always been calling for the immediate lifting of sanctions to facilitate the socio-economic recovery of the country leading to the resolution to declare the 25th October 2019 as the date on which SADC Members States collectively voice their disapproval of the illegal sanctions through various activities and platforms


DEEPLY CONCERNED with the duplicity by the West and its allies who are masking the protracted illegal regime change agenda under the guise of targeted sanctions


GRAVELY DISTURBED that the so-called targeted sanctions have brought untold suffering to ordinary Zimbabweans through de – industrialization resulting in high levels of unemployment, among many other economic challenges


WORRIED that the crippling sanctions have affected all spheres of our economic and social services through the ever-increasing skills flight which has decimated all meaningful development in the last two decades;


NOTING with disdain the arrogant unilateralism and disrespect for the rule of law of countries that illegally imposed sanctions on Zimbabwe;




  • Calls upon the United States of America, the European Union and its allies to urgently and unconditionally remove the illegal sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe at their instigation as these have resulted in horrendous suffering of the ordinary Zimbabwean citizens;
  • Resolves that dialogue be given a chance and that the perpetrators be encouraged by the collective voice of the SADC Region to urge their governments to lift all forms of sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe;
  • Applauds the SADC Region for rising with one voice in support of the unconditional and immediate removal of the illegal economic sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe-Hon Sen. Mbohwa.



















WHEREAS in terms of section 327(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe provides that an international treaty which has been concluded or executed by or under the authority of the President does not bind Zimbabwe until it has been approved by Parliament;


AND WHEREAS the Framework Agreement of the International Solar Alliance was opened for signature, at Marrakech on 15 November, 2016; and it entered into force on the 6th of December, 2017;


AND WHEREAS the said Framework Agreement of the International Solar Alliance was signed on the 17th of July, 2018 on behalf of the Republic of Zimbabwe;


AND WHEREAS Article VII (1) of the Agreement provides for signature, ratification, acceptance, approval and accession;


NOW, THEREFORE, in terms of section 327(2) (a) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, this House resolves that the aforesaid Agreement be and is hereby approved for ratification.








Thursday, 5th December, 2019


At 1000 hours in Committee Room 3


 Indigenisation and Empowerment: Hon. Sen. Mbohwa M. (Chairperson); Hon.  Sen. Chirongoma J. M; Hon. Chief Chitanga, Hon. Sen. Chief Chikwaka; Hon. Sen.

Chief Chundu; Hon. Sen. Dube A; Hon. Sen. Femai M; Hon. Sen. Komichi M;

Hon. Sen. Makone T; Hon. Malinga J. T; Hon. Sen Mpofu B; Hon. Sen. Ndlovu P;  Hon. Sen. Chief Nechombo; Hon. Chief Nembire; Hon. Sen. Chief Nhema; Hon.  Sen. Chief Nyangazonke; Hon. Sen. Phuti M; Hon. Sen. Rambanepasi C; Hon. Sen.  Tsomondo B; Hon. Sen. Zivira H. (Committee Clerk - Mr. B. M. Nyathi)


At 1000 hours in Committee Room 4


 Peace and Security: Hon. Sen. Dr. Parirenyatwa P. D. (Chairperson); Hon. Sen.  Chabuka K; Hon. Sen. Chief Charumbira; Hon. Sen. Chifamba J; Hon. Sen.  Chimbudzi A; Hon. Sen. Dube M. R; Hon. Sen. Komichi M; Hon. Sen. Makone T;  Hon. Sen. Chief Makumbe; Hon. Sen. Chief Mapungwana; Hon. Sen. Mathuthu T;  Hon. Sen. Matiirira A; Hon. Sen. Chief Matsiwo; Hon. Sen. Mkhwebu A; Hon.  Sen. Mohadi T. B; Hon. Sen. Moyo S. K; Hon. Sen. Mudzuri E; Hon. Sen.  Mwonzora D; Hon. Sen. Ncube S; Hon. Sen. Ndlovu M; Hon. Sen. Chief Ngezi;  Hon.  Sen. Chief Ngungumbane; Hon. Sen. Chief Ntabeni; Hon. Sen. Nyathi R;  Hon. Sen. Chief Siansali; Hon. Sen. Dr. Sekeramayi S. T; Hon. Sen. Sinampande H.

M; Hon. Sen. Timveos L. (Committee Clerk—Mr. P. S. Munjenge)



Monday, 9th December, 2019


At 1400 hours in Committee Room No. 3


Gender Development and Empowerment: Hon Sen. Ncube S. (Chairperson);  Hon. Sen. Chifamba J; Hon. Sen. Chief Chikwaka; Hon. Sen. Chimbudzi A; Hon.  Sen. Hungwe O; Hon. Sen. Khupe W; Hon. Sen.  Mavetera T; Hon.Sen. Moeketsi

V; Hon. Sen. Mpofu  S; Hon. Sen. Muronzi M; Hon. Sen. Ndlovu P; Hon. Sen.  Chief Nembire; Hon. Sen.  Nyathi R; Hon. Sen. Timire R; Hon. Sen. Chief  Nhema; Hon. Sen. Nyathi R;  Hon. Sen. Timire R;  Hon. Sen. Wunganai T; Hon.  Sen. Zivira H. (Committee Clerk - Mr. L. Majoni)



At 1400 hours in the National Assembly


 HIV and AIDS: Hon. Sen. Femai M. (Chairperson); Hon. Sen. Chief Chitanga;   Hon. Sen. Dube A; Hon. Sen. Chabuka K; Hon. Sen. Chifamba J; Hon. Sen.   Chirongoma J. M; Hon. Sen. Dube A; Hon. Sen. Dube M. R; Hon. Sen. Komichi M;  Hon. Sen. Maluleke O. M; Hon. Sen. Chief Mapungwana; Hon. Sen. Mathuthu T;  Hon. Sen. Matiirira A; Hon. Sen. Chief Matsiwo; Hon. Sen. Dr. Mavetera T; Hon.  Sen. Mbowa M; Hon. Sen.  Mkhwebu A; Hon. Sen. Ndlovu M; Hon. Sen. Ndlovu

P; Hon. Sen. Dr. Parirenyatwa P. D; Hon. Sen. Phuthi M; Hon. Sen. Rambanepasi C;  Hon. Sen. Chief Siansali;  Hon.  Sen. Shoko G; Hon. Sen. Sinampande H. M;  Hon. Sen. Timveos L; Hon. Sen. Tongogara A; Hon. Sen. Tsomondo B. (Committee  Clerk - Mrs. E. Mafuruse)


At 1400 hours in Committee Room No. 4


 Human Rights: Hon Sen. Dr. Sekeramayi S. T. (Chairperson); Hon. Sen. Chief              Charumbira Hon. Sen. Chinake V; Hon. Sen. Gumpo S; Hon. Sen. Gweshe K; Hon.  Sen. Chief  Makumbe; Hon. Sen.  Chief Mapungwana; Hon. Sen. Chief Masendu;  Hon. Chief  Mathupula; Hon. Sen. Mavetera T; Hon. Sen. Mohadi T. B; Hon. Sen.  Mwonzora D;  Hon. Sen. Mupfumira P., Hon. Sen. Muzenda T. V; Hon. Sen. Chief  Ngezi; Hon. Sen.  Chief Ntabeni; Hon.  Sen. Chief Nyangazonke; Hon. Sen.  Shumba C; Hon. Sen.  Rwambiwa E. (Committee Clerk - Ms. K. Usai)


Tuesday, 10th December, 2019


At 1000 hours in Committee Room No. 413


Sustainable Development Goals: Hon Sen. Chief Mtshane K. (Chairperson); Hon.

Sen. Chidawu O; Hon. Sen. Chinake V; Hon. Sen. Chief Chundu; Hon. Sen. Gweshe K; Hon. Sen.  Hungwe O. S; Hon. Sen. Khupe W; Hon. Sen. Maluleke O. M; Hon.

Sen. Chief Masendu; Hon. Sen.Chief Mathupula; Hon. Sen. Moeketsi V;  Hon. Sen.

Mpofu B; Hon. Sen. Mpofu S; Hon. Sen. Mudzuri E; Hon. Sen. Mupfumira P, Hon.

Sen. Muzenda  T. V; Hon. Sen. Chief Nechombo; Hon. Sen. Rwambiwa E; Hon. Sen.

Shoko G; Hon. Sen. Shumba C; Hon. Sen.Timire R; Hon. Sen. Tongogara A. K; Hon. Sen. Wunganayi T. (Committee Clerk - Mr. B. Vangiranai)



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