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  • Create Date September 24, 2019
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No. 74






















Half past two o’clock pm.


Deputy President of the Senate in the Chair.



Members Present Chabuka K.

Chifamba J. 

Chimbudzi A.

Chimutengwende C.

Chinake V.

Chirongoma J. M.

Chitanga Chief

Chundu Chief

Dube A

Dube M. R.

Femai M.

Gumpo S.

Gweshe K. Hungwe S. O Khupe W.

Komichi M.

Makone T. M. Makumbe Chief Maluleke O. M.

Mapungwana Chief

Masendu Chief Mavetera T. Mathupula Chief Mathuthu T.

Matiirira A. Matsiwo Chief Mbohwa M.

Mkhwebu A.

Moeketsi V.

Mohadi T. B.

Mpofu S.

Mudzuri E.

Muronzi M.

Mutsvangwa M. Muzenda V. T.

Mtshane Chief

Mwonzora T. D.

Ncube S.

Ndlovu M.

Ndlovu P.

Nechombo Chief

Nembire Chief

Ngezi Chief

Ngungumbane Chief

Nhema Chief

Ntabeni Chief

Nyathi R.

Phuti M.

Rambanepasi C.

Rwambiwa E.

Sekeramayi S. T.

Shoko G.

Shumba C.

Siansali Chief Sinampande H.

Timveos L.

Tongogara A. K.

Tsomondo B.

Wunganayi T.

Zivira H.



In attendance in terms of section 138(2) and (3) and section 104(3) of the Constitution Hon. Ziyambi Z.


Printed by Order of the Senate   



Absent with leave Hon. Sen. Timire R.


  1. The Deputy President of the Senate informed the Senate of the upward review of the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) allocation from $80 000.00 to $175 238.00  per constituency and urged Senators to submit projects for funding amounting to the  tune of that amount.


  1. The Deputy President of the Senate also informed the Senate that there would be a Roman Catholic Church Service on Wednesday, 25 September, 2019 at 1230 hours  in the Senate Chamber and that everyone was invited to attend.


  1. Reports from the Parliamentary Legal Committee NOT being adverse reports on the following-


Date Received


All Statutory Instruments published in the Gazette during the month of August 2019,

Education Amendment Bill [H. B. 1C, 2019] …….………….…..…24 September 2019


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the Thematic Committee on Human

            Rights on Familiarization Visits to Featherstone, Ngundu, Beitbridge, Gwanda and                Plumtree Police Stations and Border Posts. (Adjourned 5th September, 2019 – Hon.  Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs)


[Days elapsed:  5]


 Question again proposed: That this House takes note of the Report of the Thematic  Committee on Human   Rights on Familiarization Visits to Featherstone, Ngundu,  Beitbridge, Gwanda and Plumtree Police Stations and Border Posts. (S.C. 9, 2019) -

               Hon.  Sen.   Dr.  Sekeramayi


On the motion of Hon. Sen. Dr Sekeramayi, seconded by Hon. Sen. Khupe: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the Thematic Committee on  Indigenisation and Empowerment on the Implementation of Empowerment

                      Programmes in the Mining Sector.  (Adjourned 3rd September, 2019 – Hon. Sen.



[Days elapsed:  5]


 Question again proposed: That this House takes note of the Report of the Thematic Committee on  Indigenisation and Empowerment on the Implementation of

Empowerment Programmes in the Mining Sector. (S.C. 13, 2019) - Hon. Sen. Mbohwa


On the motion of Hon. Sen. Mbowa, seconded by Hon. Sen. Muzenda: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the Thematic Committee on Gender and Development on Cancer Treatment and Control in Zimbabwe (Adjourned 3rd   September, 2019 – Sen. Ncube)


[Days elapsed: 16]


Question again proposed: That this House takes note of the Report of the Thematic   Committee on Gender and Development on Cancer Treatment and Control in Zimbabwe (S. C.  8, 2019)Hon. Sen. S. Ncube.


Motion put and agreed to.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion the protection of the environment and the sustainable use of natural resources (Adjourned 3rd August, 2019 – Sen. Chifamba)


[Days elapsed:  10]


              Question again proposed: That this House;


 COGNISANT that Section 73 of the Constitution obligates the State to protect the  environment for the benefit of present and future generations through reasonable  legislative and other measures that prevent pollution and ecological degradation,  promote conservation  and secure ecologically sustainable development and use of  natural resources;


 ALSO COGNISANT that wild animals depend on the environment as a habitat and  source  of food;


 CONCERNED that human beings are endangering the survival of wild animals  through the unsustainable harvesting of wild fruits which results in human and  wildlife conflict;


 FURTHER CONCERNED that environmental management agencies are failing to  adequately protect the environment as indigenous fruit trees continue to be cut  indiscriminately, thereby depriving wild animals of their source of food and shelter;


              NOW THEREFORE, resolves to:


  1. enact a law that prohibits the bulk harvesting and selling of wild fruits and policies that boost agricultural production in order to revive local industry thereby      improving citizens’ source of livelihoods;


  1. call upon Government to adequately empower the Environmental Management Authority (EMA), including recruitment of a sufficient number of Environmental      Officers to enable the agency to effectively execute its mandate; 


  1. recommend to the Ministry of Environment, Tourism and Hospitality Industry and Ministry of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing to strengthen        collaborative efforts towards protection of the environment, particularly, to stop      the cutting of trees Sen. Chifamba.


On the motion of Hon. Sen. Chifamba, seconded by Hon. Sen. Ncube: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the need for a legislative framework on pensions and insurance benefits (Adjourned 3rd September, 2019 – Hon. Sen. Timveos)


[Days elapsed: 14]

              Question again proposed: That this House;


 CONCERNED with the glaring gap in the regulatory framework on matters to deal  with administration and compensation of policy holders and pensioners whenever a  plethora of irregularities arise, a situation that has resulted in pensioners and policy  holders, being prejudiced of their benefits;



FURTHER CONCERNED that some administrators of pensions and insurance services have taken advantage of the economic challenges to cause further prejudice by coming up with inaccurate benefit calculations, engaging in governance malpractices within pension schemes and insurance policies, poor accounting and record keeping and manipulating regulations and legislation to their benefit;


DISTURBED by the complete disregard of the welfare of pensioners by the concerned authorities;


NOW THEREFORE, resolves that:


  1. the Executive establishes an adequately empowered entity to address challenges affecting pensioners and policy holders with a view to comprehensively      compensate all those who have been prejudiced;


  1. pensions and insurance legislation be urgently reviewed in order to eliminate loopholes that have been exploited to prejudice policy holders and pensioners; 


  1. new regulatory approaches be introduced in order to cater for the interests of all stakeholders, pensioners and policy holders before the end of this year; and


  1. the Executive urgently implements recommendations of the Justice Smith Commission of Enquiry on Pensions and Insurance Benefits Sen. Timveos


On the motion of Hon. Sen. Timveos, seconded by Hon. Sen. Rambanepasi: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the need for the enforcement of the law on child marriages (Adjourned 3rd September,2019 – Hon. Sen. Tongogara.)


[Days elapsed:  16]


Question again proposed: That this House;


RECALLING that child marriages were a rare occurrence before Zimbabwe’s independence; 


NOTING that the extended family, community leadership and members used to play a critical role of inculcating good morals and values in children, a culture which minimised child marriages;


CONCERNED by the disintegration of the extended family unit and the community social moral fabric resulting in increased number of juveniles entering into marriage partnerships with adults;


NOW, THEREFORE, calls upon the Government in collaboration with other stakeholders including traditional and religious leaders to vigorously enforce the law against offenders engaging in child marriages and inculcate cultural values that ultimately discourage and bring to an end all forms of child marriages- Hon. Sen. Tongogara


On the motion of Hon. Sen. Tongogara, seconded by Hon. Sen. Shoko: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the perennial shortages of clean and potable water in most towns and growth points (Adjourned 3rd September, 2019 – Hon.  Sen. Ncube)


[Days elapsed:  17]


Question again proposed: That this House;


COGNISANT that Section 77 (a) recognises the right of every person to safe, clean and potable water;


DEEPLY CONCERNED by the perennial shortage of clean and potable water in most towns and growth points, which has over the years greatly contributed to an outbreak of waterborne diseases such as cholera and typhoid;


NOTING that according to the Ministry of Health and Child Care, more than US$50 million was utilised in containing the cholera outbreak during the year 2018 alone;


NOW THEREFORE, calls upon Government to urgently allocate foreign currency to local authorities for the development of water infrastructure in towns and growth points and purchasing water treatment chemicals. Hon. Sen. Wunganayi.


On the motion of Hon. Sen. Wunganayi, seconded by Hon. Sen. Timveos: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.


  1. On the motion of Hon. Sen. Mzenda seconded by Hon. Sen Mkhwebu: The Senate adjourned at twenty-three minutes to four o’clock pm.




          HON. GEN. (RTD) M. R. NYAMBUYA,   

                                                                                                 Deputy President of the Senate.  









  1. CONSIDERATION: Education Amendment Bill [H. B. 1C, 2019], as amended-The Minister of Primary and Secondary Education.


(Clause 14k under consideration)


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the Thematic Committee on Human

            Rights on Familiarization Visits to Featherstone, Ngundu, Beitbridge, Gwanda and                Plumtree Police Stations and Border Posts. (Adjourned 24th September, 2019 – Hon.

              Sen. Dr Sekeramayi)


[Days elapsed:  6]


 Question proposed: That this House takes note of the Report of the Thematic  Committee on Human   Rights on Familiarization Visits to Featherstone, Ngundu,  Beitbridge, Gwanda and Plumtree Police Stations and Border Posts. (S.C. 9, 2019) -  Hon.  Sen.   Dr.  Sekeramayi


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the Thematic Committee on  Indigenisation and Empowerment on the Implementation of Empowerment

                    Programmes in the Mining Sector.  (Adjourned 24th September, 2019 – Hon. Sen.



[Days elapsed:  6]


 Question proposed: That this House takes note of the Report of the Thematic Committee on  Indigenisation and Empowerment on the Implementation of

Empowerment Programmes in the Mining Sector. (S.C. 13, 2019) - Hon. Sen. Mbohwa


  1. Adjourned debate on motion the protection of the environment and the sustainable use of natural resources (Adjourned 24th September, 2019 – Hon. Sen. Chifamba)


[Days elapsed:  11]


              Question proposed: That this House;


 COGNISANT that Section 73 of the Constitution obligates the State to protect the  environment for the benefit of present and future generations through reasonable  legislative and other measures that prevent pollution and ecological degradation,  promote conservation  and secure ecologically sustainable development and use of  natural resources;


 ALSO COGNISANT that wild animals depend on the environment as a habitat and  source  of food;


 CONCERNED that human beings are endangering the survival of wild animals  through the unsustainable harvesting of wild fruits which results in human and  wildlife conflict;


 FURTHER CONCERNED that environmental management agencies are failing to  adequately protect the environment as indigenous fruit trees continue to be cut  indiscriminately, thereby depriving wild animals of their source of food and shelter;


              NOW THEREFORE, resolves to:


  1. enact a law that prohibits the bulk harvesting and selling of wild fruits and policies that boost agricultural production in order to revive local industry thereby      improving citizens’ source of livelihoods;


  1. call upon Government to adequately empower the Environmental Management Authority (EMA), including recruitment of a sufficient number of Environmental      Officers to enable the agency to effectively execute its mandate; 


  1. recommend to the Ministry of Environment, Tourism and Hospitality Industry and Ministry of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing to strengthen        collaborative efforts towards protection of the environment, particularly, to stop      the cutting of trees Sen. Chifamba.


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the need for a legislative framework on pensions and insurance benefits (Adjourned 24 September, 2019 – Hon. Sen. Timveos)


[Days elapsed: 15]

              Question proposed: That this House;


 CONCERNED with the glaring gap in the regulatory framework on matters to deal  with administration and compensation of policy holders and pensioners whenever a  plethora of irregularities arise, a situation that has resulted in pensioners and policy holders, being prejudiced of their benefits;


FURTHER CONCERNED that some administrators of pensions and insurance services have taken advantage of the economic challenges to cause further prejudice by coming up with inaccurate benefit calculations, engaging in governance malpractices within pension schemes and insurance policies, poor accounting and record keeping and manipulating regulations and legislation to their benefit;


DISTURBED by the complete disregard of the welfare of pensioners by the concerned authorities;


NOW THEREFORE, resolves that:


  1. the Executive establishes an adequately empowered entity to address challenges affecting pensioners and policy holders with a view to comprehensively      compensate all those who have been prejudiced;


  1. pensions and insurance legislation be urgently reviewed in order to eliminate loopholes that have been exploited to prejudice policy holders and pensioners; 


  1. new regulatory approaches be introduced in order to cater for the interests of all stakeholders, pensioners and policy holders before the end of this year; and


  1. the Executive urgently implements recommendations of the Justice Smith Commission of Enquiry on Pensions and Insurance Benefits Sen. Timveos


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the need for the enforcement of the law on child marriages (Adjourned 24th September,2019 – Hon. Sen. Tongogara.)


[Days elapsed:  17]


Question proposed: That this House;


RECALLING that child marriages were a rare occurrence before Zimbabwe’s independence; 


NOTING that the extended family, community leadership and members used to play a critical role of inculcating good morals and values in children, a culture which minimised child marriages;


CONCERNED by the disintegration of the extended family unit and the community social moral fabric resulting in increased number of juveniles entering into marriage partnerships with adults;


NOW, THEREFORE, calls upon the Government in collaboration with other stakeholders including traditional and religious leaders to vigorously enforce the law against offenders engaging in child marriages and inculcate cultural values that ultimately discourage and bring to an end all forms of child marriages- Hon. Sen. Tongogara


  1. Adjourned debate on motion on the perennial shortages of clean and potable water in most towns and growth points (Adjourned 24th September, 2019 – Hon. Sen. Wunganayi)


[Days elapsed:  18]


Question proposed: That this House;

COGNISANT that Section 77 (a) recognises the right of every person to safe, clean and potable water;


DEEPLY CONCERNED by the perennial shortage of clean and potable water in most towns and growth points, which has over the years greatly contributed to an outbreak of waterborne diseases such as cholera and typhoid;


NOTING that according to the Ministry of Health and Child Care, more than US$50 million was utilised in containing the cholera outbreak during the year 2018 alone;


NOW THEREFORE, calls upon Government to urgently allocate foreign currency to local authorities for the development of water infrastructure in towns and growth points and purchasing water treatment chemicals. Hon. Sen. Wunganayi.


HON. SEN. TIMVEOS: To ask the Minister of Finance and Economic Development to state whether Chinese businesses operating in the mining sector are paying any royalties to Government and if so, to advise on the total amount paid in 2017.



  [Deferred from 1st November, 2018]




HON. SEN. MOHADI: To ask the Minister of Finance and Economic Development to inform the House how funds collected from the Health Post at Beitbridge Border Post are disbursed and utilised.        

                                                                                       [Deferred from 18th July 2019]



HON. SEN. TONGOGARA: To ask the Minister of Finance and Economic


Development to inform the House the measures being taken by the Government to


monitor and enforce  compliance to Statutory Instrument 142 Reserve Bank of


Zimbabwe (Legal Tender) Regulations 2019, as business operators in down town



Harare continue to charge their products in foreign currency.

  [Deferred from 5th September 2019]



HON. SEN. MOHADI: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural

Development to update the House on progress made by the Ministry on fencing the


  1. COMMITTEE: To resume on the Adverse Report by the Parliamentary Legal Committee on Statutory Instrument No. 247 of 2018, Agricultural Marketing Authority (Command Agriculture Scheme for Domestic Crop, Livestock and Fisheries Production) Regulations, 2018 published in the Gazette during the month of November, 2018. (progress reported 5th March 2019) – Hon. Samukange.












Bulawayo- Beitbridge as a remedial measure to keep away stray animals along the          road.


 [Deferred from 1st November, 2018]


*5.      HON. SEN. TONGOGARA: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural        Development to inform the House the measures being put in place by the Ministry to           normalise the issuing of vehicle number plates.



  [Deferred from 5th September 2019]




HON. SEN. CHIMBUDZI: To ask the Minister of Women Affairs, Community, Small and Medium Enterprise Development to state the current number of women with disabilities in the country by age and per province.

                                                                                          [Deferred from 20th June, 2019]


HON. SEN. DUBE A: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Care to state when the construction of student nurses’ accommodation at Tsholotsho District Hospital will be completed. 

                                                                                   [Deferred from 20th June, 2019] 


HON. SEN. S. NCUBE: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Care to explain to the House the policy regarding goods donated to hospitals and clinics. 





                                                                                    [Deferred from 18th July 2019]


HON. SEN. S. NCUBE: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Care to inform the House the circumstances relating to the dumping of goods donated to Chiredzi District Hospital at a time when there is acute shortage of such goods at the Hospital.





                                                                                    [Deferred from 18th July 2019]


HON. SEN. MAVETERA: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Care to inform the House on the progress made towards the construction of a central drug store at Harare Central Hospital.



                                                                                    [Deferred from 18th July 2019]



HON. SEN. MAVETERA: To ask the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare to explain to the House the recruitment procedures for officers at management level at health institutions and to state whether any procedures were followed in the recruitment of the current Chief Executive Officer for Harare Central Hospital. 





                                                                                    [Deferred from 18th July 2019]


HON. SEN. MAVETERA: To ask the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social

Welfare to: 

  1. inform the House on the progress made in fulfilment of the promises made by Government to health workers following their last industrial action; and 


  1. state the number of health workers who have benefitted from the customs duty        free vehicle scheme to date.

                                                                                               [Deferred from 18th July 2019] *13. HON. SEN. SHOKO: To ask the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare to: 

  1. inform the House why Government refused the supervision of implementation of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Commission of Inquiry Report and Observation of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Recommendations of Standards.


  1. state when the implementation of recommendations of the ILO Committee on Application of Standards will commence, including; labour reforms, reregistration                  of labour unions that had their certificates revoked and also when the harassment                of leaders of trade unions will come to an end.



[Deferred from 25th July 2019]




HON. SEN. SHOKO: To ask the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare to explain to the House when the International Labour Organisation Convention No. 190 on Violence and Harassment and Recommendation No. 206 concerning the Elimination of Violence and Harassment in the World of Work will be ratified and domesticated by Zimbabwe.

[Deferred from 25th July 2019]


HON. SEN. MAVETERA: To ask the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement to state:  the amount of financial resources released by the Treasury towards financing the Command Agriculture Programme this farming season and to confirm whether such allocation will be adequate for the expected outputs.



                                                                                    [Deferred from 18th July 2019]


HON. SEN. MAVETERA: To ask the Minister of Foreign Affairs to:

  1. inform the House the number of foreign embassies that Zimbabwe has worldwide and to give a detailed breakdown of the investments that each one of them has brought to the country during the past 2 years; and
  2. justify the continued existence of embassies that are not bringing any meaningful investments to the country.



                                                                                    [Deferred from 18th July 2019]




HON. SEN. CHIMUTENGWENDE: To ask the Minister of Foreign Affairs to inform the House when the Government will sign the Malabo Protocol to the Constitutive Act of the African Union on the Pan-African Parliament and to elaborate measures being taken in this regard.

  [Deferred from 5th September 2019]




HON. SEN. CHIMUTENGWENDE: To ask the Minister of Foreign Affairs to explain to the House measures being taken by the Government towards the achievement of the African Union Agenda 2063 including encouraging the participation of Pan-Africanist and private   organisations, amongst other stakeholders.

  [Deferred from 5th September 2019]


HON. SEN. M. NDLOVU: To ask the Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education to


explain to the House Government policy regarding university students’ loans, including; disbursement agency, selection criteria and repayment modalities.

  [Deferred from 5th September 2019]








Education Amendment Bill. [H.B. 1C, 2019] –The Minister of Primary and Secondary Education (Referred 5th September 2019).






Thursday, 26th September, 2019


At 1000 hours in Committee Room 3


 Indigenisation and Empowerment: Hon. Sen. Mbohwa M. (Chairperson); Hon.  Sen. Chirongoma J. M; Hon. Chief Chitanga, Hon. Sen. Chief Chikwaka; Hon. Sen.

                          Chief Chundu; Hon. Sen. Dube A; Hon. Sen. Femai M; Hon. Sen. Komichi M;

 Hon. Sen. Makone T; Hon. Malinga J. T; Hon. Sen Mpofu B; Hon. Sen. Ndlovu P;  Hon. Sen. Chief Nechombo; Hon. Chief Nembire; Hon. Sen. Chief Nhema; Hon.  Sen. Chief Nyangazonke; Hon. Sen. Phuti M; Hon. Sen. Rambanepasi C; Hon. Sen.  Tsomondo B; Hon. Sen. Zivira H. (Committee Clerk - Mr. B. M. Nyathi)


At 1000 hours in Committee Room 4


 Peace and Security: Hon. Sen. Dr. Parirenyatwa P. D. (Chairperson); Hon. Sen.  Chabuka K; Hon. Sen. Chief Charumbira; Hon. Sen. Chifamba J; Hon. Sen.

 Chimbudzi A; Hon. Sen. Dube M. R; Hon. Sen. Komichi M; Hon. Sen. Makone T;  Hon. Sen. Chief Makumbe; Hon. Sen. Chief Mapungwana; Hon. Sen. Mathuthu T;  Hon. Sen. Matiirira A; Hon. Sen. Chief Matsiwo; Hon. Sen. Mkhwebu A; Hon.  Sen. Mohadi T. B; Hon. Sen. Moyo S. K; Hon. Sen. Mudzuri E; Hon. Sen.  Mwonzora D; Hon. Sen. Ncube S; Hon. Sen. Ndlovu M; Hon. Sen. Chief Ngezi;  Hon.  Sen. Chief Ngungumbane; Hon. Sen. Chief Ntabeni; Hon. Sen. Nyathi R;  Hon. Sen. Chief Siansali; Hon. Sen. Dr. Sekeramayi S. T; Hon. Sen. Sinampande H.

              M; Hon. Sen. Timveos L. (Committee Clerk—Mr. W. Marume)


Monday, 30th September, 2019


At 1400 hours in Committee Room No. 3


Gender Development and Empowerment: Hon Sen. Ncube S. (Chairperson);  Hon. Sen. Chifamba J; Hon. Sen. Chief Chikwaka; Hon. Sen. Chimbudzi A; Hon.  Sen. Hungwe O; Hon. Sen. Khupe W; Hon. Sen.  Mavetera T; Hon.Sen. Moeketsi  V; Hon. Sen. Mpofu  S; Hon. Sen. Muronzi M; Hon. Sen. Ndlovu P; Hon. Sen.  Chief Nembire; Hon. Sen.  Nyathi R; Hon. Sen. Timire R; Hon. Sen. Chief

          Nhema; Hon. Sen. Nyathi R;  Hon. Sen. Timire R;  Hon. Sen. Wunganai T; Hon.  Sen. Zivira H. (Committee Clerk - Mr. L. Majoni)


At 1400 hours in the National Assembly


 HIV and AIDS: Hon. Sen. Femai M. (Chairperson); Hon. Sen. Chief Chitanga;   Hon. Sen. Dube A; Hon. Sen. Chabuka K; Hon. Sen. Chifamba J; Hon. Sen.   Chirongoma J. M; Hon. Sen. Dube A; Hon. Sen. Dube M. R; Hon. Sen. Komichi M;  Hon. Sen. Maluleke O. M; Hon. Sen. Chief Mapungwana; Hon. Sen. Mathuthu T;  Hon. Sen. Matiirira A; Hon. Sen. Chief Matsiwo; Hon. Sen. Dr. Mavetera T; Hon.

              Sen. Mbowa M; Hon. Sen.         Mkhwebu A; Hon. Sen. Ndlovu M; Hon. Sen. Ndlovu

 P; Hon. Sen. Dr. Parirenyatwa P. D; Hon. Sen. Phuthi M; Hon. Sen. Rambanepasi C;  Hon. Sen. Chief Siansali;  Hon.  Sen. Shoko G; Hon. Sen. Sinampande H. M;  Hon. Sen. Timveos L; Hon. Sen. Tongogara A; Hon. Sen. Tsomondo B. (Committee  Clerk - Mrs. E. Mafuruse)


At 1400 hours in Committee Room No. 4


 Human Rights: Hon Sen. Dr. Sekeramayi S. T. (Chairperson); Hon. Sen. Chief              Charumbira Hon. Sen. Chinake V; Hon. Sen. Gumpo S; Hon. Sen. Gweshe K; Hon.  Sen. Chief  Makumbe; Hon. Sen.  Chief Mapungwana; Hon. Sen. Chief Masendu;  Hon. Chief  Mathupula; Hon. Sen. Mavetera T; Hon. Sen. Mohadi T. B; Hon. Sen.  Mwonzora D;  Hon. Sen. Muzenda T. V; Hon. Sen. Chief Ngezi; Hon. Sen.  Chief Ntabeni; Hon.  Sen. Chief Nyangazonke; Hon. Sen. Shumba C; Hon. Sen.  Rwambiwa E. (Committee Clerk - Mr. K. Usai)



Tuesday, 31st September, 2019


At 1000 hours in Committee Room No. 413


                        Sustainable Development Goals: Hon Sen. Chief Mtshane K. (Chairperson); Hon.

                Sen. Chidawu O; Hon. Sen. Chinake V; Hon. Sen. Chief Chundu; Hon.        Sen.

                Gweshe K; Hon. Sen.  Hungwe O. S; Hon. Sen. Khupe W; Hon. Sen.              Maluleke

  1. M; Hon. Sen. Chief Masendu; Hon. Sen.Chief Mathupula; Hon. Sen. Moeketsi V;

 Hon. Sen. Mpofu B; Hon. Sen. Mpofu S; Hon. Sen. Mudzuri E; Hon. Sen. Muzenda  T. V; Hon. Sen. Chief Nechombo; Hon. Sen. Rwambiwa E; Hon. Sen. Shoko G;  Hon.  Sen.Shumba C; Hon. Sen.Timire R;  Hon. Sen. Tongogara A. K; Hon. Sen.

 Wunganayi T. (Committee Clerk - Mr. B. Vangiranai

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