Full Names:  Bajila Collins Discent 


Constituency:  Emakhandeni-Luveve


Political party:  CCC


Nick name:  DCB


Gender:  Male


Date of Birth:  25 January 1988


Place of Birth: Matobo


Title:  Mr


Marital status:  Married


House: National Assembly


Contact Details


Home Address:  13639 Luveve, Bulawayo


Cell Number:  0773 969 762


Landline Number:


Email Address:  discentbajila@gmail.com


Twitter:  @DCBajila




Academic Qualifications


Primary:  Homestead Primary School


Secondary: Emakhanden High School


University:  BSC Development Studies


Any Other Forms of Training


Parliamentary Career

Elected into the National Assembly in August 2023




Political History

Joined MDC in 2006

Joined CCC in 2022


Career in General


Additional Information


Areas of Interest

  • Climate change
  • Agriculture
  • Sports


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