Full names:  Jaravaza  Mecky


Constituency:  Zvishavane Ngezi


Political Party: ZANU PF


Nick name:  Jay Jay|


Gender:  Male


Date of Birth:  12/ 05/ 80


Place of Birth:  Chirumanzu




Marital status:  Married


House: National Assembly


Contact Details


Home Address:  4731 Izayi Park



Cell Number:  0777140817 / 0717975342


Landline Number: 0514000


EmailAddress:  JaravazaMecky@gmail.com





Academic Qualifications


Primary:  Makanya Primary School


Secondary: Nyika Seconday Mamina


University: University of Zimbabwe



Any Other Forms of Training


Parliamentary Career

MP Zvishavane Ngezi 2023


Political History


Career in General


Sec for Information and Publicity


Additional Information


Areas of Interest



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