Full names:  Kanupula Trymore


Constituency:  Harare South


Political Party: ZANU PF


Nick name: 


Gender:  Male


Date of Birth:  28 July 1988


Place of Birth:  Chegutu


Title: Mr


Marita status:  Married


House: National Assembly


Contact Details


Home Address:  6070 Stoneridge, Harare


Cell Number:  0778503247


Landline Number:


EmailAddress:  tkafuneni.com

Facebook: N/A

Twitter:  N/A


Skype: N/A


Academic Qualifications


Primary:  Nyambiri Primary School

(1996 – 2002)


Secondary: Musinambi Secondary

8 subjects 

A Level – 5 points




Any Other Forms of Training: Administration


Parliamentary Career: First time



Political History

2010 District Official

2012 – 2013 District Chairperson

2023 Honourable Member


Career in General

Self employed as businessman in the transport industry


Additional Information

Now in dairy retail and wholesale business

Director Guardalet Investment


Areas of Interest

Transport business

Property Development

Security Companies


















































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