Full Names: Mavima Paul


Constituency: Gokwe Sengwa


Political Party: ZANU PF


Nick Name:


Gender: Male


Date of Birth: 25/09/1963


Place of Birth: Kwekwe


Title: Prof


Marital Status:  Married


House: National assembly


Contact Details


Home Address: No. 66 Folyjon Crescent Glenlorne Harare


Cell Number: 0716800043


Landline Number:


Email Address:  pvmavima@gmail.com

Facebook:  prof. Paul Mavima

Twitter: profpaulmavima


Skype: N/A


Academic Qualifications


Primary:  Mateta Primary School Gokwe



Secondary: Amaveni Sec School Kwekwe O’Level

Fletcher High School A’ Level


University: UZ BSC & MPA

Florida State University Phd

Any Other Forms of Training:  

  • Phd in Public Admin & Policies

Parliamentary Career:  2013 to date



Political History: ZANU PF



Career in General:  professor of Public Admin and Policy




Areas of Interest:

International Relations,

Rural Development,

Social Protection,

Primary & Secondary Education


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