Full Names: Mayihlome Levi


Constituency: Umzingwane


Political Party: ZANU PF


Nick Name: Brig- Gen.RTD


Gender: Male


Date of Birth: 04/11/53


Place of Birth: Umzingwane


Title: Brig-Gen (RTD)


Marital Status:  Married


House: National assembly



Contact Details


Home Address: 33Gwanda Road Riverside Bulawayo



Cell Number: 0772104105


Landline Number: 0292280798


Email Address: mayihlomel53@gmail.com


Twitter: @levimayihlo


Skype: N/A


Academic Qualifications


Primary:  Bonjeni/Mzingwani Primay



Secondary: Mzingwane High School



University: UZ BSc. Economics

MSC International Resource Management & Planning


Any Other Forms of Training:  

  • CACC Rapid Results
  • Diploma in Purchasing
  • Diploma in Business Studies


Political History: (ANC) ZAPU YOUTH 1972

ZANU PF 1987 to date



Career in General:  

  • Liberation war
  • ZNA up to Brig Gen
  • NRZ OPS Director
  • NRZ Fin & Admin Director
  • 9th Parliament



Additional Information:  


Areas of Interest:

  • Social Development,
  • Finance,
  • Defense,
  • Transport,
  • International Relations


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