Full Names: Mhangwa Leslie Everman


Constituency: Chinhoyi


Political Party: CCC


Nick Name:  Energiser


Gender: Male


Date of Birth: 02/08/1982


Place of Birth: Harare


Title: ENG                    

Marital Status: Married  


House: National assembly



Contact Details


Home Address: 4233 Coldstream Chinhoyi


Cell Number: 0777512298


Landline Number:


Email Address: engmhangwa @gmail.com

Facebook:  leslie Mhangwa

Twitter: @lesmhangwa




Academic Qualifications:


Primary:   Sinoia Primary School 1989- 1995



Secondary: Chinhoyi  High School  1996-2001



University: UZ BSC Eng(Hons)- Elec

UNISA Public Sector Project mgt


Any Other Forms of Training:  MSC Strategic Management- Edinburg Business School(in progress)


Parliamentary Career:


Political History:  ZimPF then MDC A now CCC



Career in General:   

  • Temporary teacher 2002
  • ZESA attachee
  • Post Graduate eng-2003-2008
  • Eagle wings Engineering (SA) 2008-2012
  • MD Mhangwa Consulting Eng 2012-2015
  • Owner 2015 to date



Additional Information:  Currently an Engineering Consultant with business interests in the SADC region


Areas of Interest:

  • Energy and power development
  • Energy saving initiatives
  • Environmental issues
  • Local governance
  • Sport
  • Chess
  • Religion




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