Gender               : Female


Date of Birth     : 17 \ 10 \1951


Place of Birth: Bulawayo


Title                   : ADV


Status                : Single


House                : Senate



Contact Details


 House Address  : 43 Lewisam Avenue

  1. O. Chisipiti Harare


Cell Number     : 0712 220 525 \ 0772 550 310


Landline Number: 04 495149


Email Address  :


Academic Qualifications (institutions Attended and qualifications attained)


Primary              :


Secondary         :              




University         : M. Phil (Masters in Policy Studies)


Any other Forms of Training


 Parliamentary Career


First elected Senator in 2005 and reelected in 2013 and 2018.







Political History


 Politically active since the age of 11, rose to different political stages in the party, now a member of the politburo since 2000 to date.



Career in General


Principal Gweru Polytechnic

Lecturer for 25 years



Areas of Interest

Reading and Farming


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