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Thursday, 11th October, 2018

The National Assembly met at a Quarter-past Two O’clock p.m.


(THE HON. SPEAKER in the Chair)



THE HON. SPEAKER: I have to inform the House that the

Committee on Standing Rules and Orders has designated the following

Hon. Members to the Pan-African Parliament;      

  1. Chief F. Z. Charumbira – (Leader of the Delegation);
  2. B. Rwodzi;
  3. P. Togarepi;
  4. S. Mathe; and
  5. Dr. T. Mashakada


THE HON. SPEAKER: I also have to inform the House that the Committee on Standing Rules and Orders has appointed the following Hon. Members as Chairpersons of Portfolio


  1. D. M. Mataranyika - Justice and Legal Affairs;
  2. C. Chinanzvavana- Environment and Tourism;
  3. M. Chikukwa - Local Government, Public Works and

National Housing;

  1. T. P. Mliswa – Mines and Mining Development;
  2. J. M. Wadyajena - Lands, Agriculture, Climate and

Water and Rural Resettlement;

  1. E. Huni - Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare;
  2. K. Paradza - Foreign Affairs and International


  1. Rtd. Brigadier General L. Mayihlome - Defence,

Home Affairs and Security Services;

  1. F. Mhona - Budget, Finance and Economic


  1. Dr. R. Labode - Health and Child Care;
  2. C. Madiwa – Women’s Affairs, Community, Small and Medium Enterprises Development;
  3. Eng. D. Garwe - Transport and Infrastructural


  1. P. D. Sibanda - Information, Media and

Broadcasting Services;

  1. D. Molekela - Higher and Tertiary Education,

Science and Technology Development;

  1. M. Tongofa - Youth, Sports and Recreation;
  2. P. Misihairabwi-Mushonga - Primary and Secondary


  1. C. Hwende - Information and Communication Technology and CoUrrier Services;
  2. J. Sacco - Industry and Commerce; - [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] – and when I ask you to leave you say I am unkind. Please maintain your cool.
  3. Hon G. Gabbuza – Energy and Power Development; and
  4. T. Biti - Public Accounts Committee.


THE HON. SPEAKER: Hon. Members appointed to the Portfolio Committees will be reflected on the Order Paper because the numbers are many.



         HON. BITI: I move that Orders of the Day, Numbers 1 to 3 on today’s Order Paper be stood over until the rest of the Orders of the Day have been disposed of.


Motion put and agreed to.



First Order read: Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech.

Question again proposed.

*HON. SHAMU: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir. Firstly, I want to thank you for giving me this opportunity to join my colleagues in this august House to congratulate you as our Speaker. We unanimously agreed and voted for you to be the Speaker of this august House to guide proceedings and to bring us back to the fold when we are getting lost in line with the Standing Rules and Orders of Parliament. I also want to take this opportunity to congratulate all returning and new Hon.

Members in this august House.

I want to thank Hon. Kwaramba and Hon. Musabayana for moving and seconding the motion respectively in reply to the Presidential Speech which showed us the way forward. As a representative of all the people in Chegutu East Constituency and also on my own behalf, I also want to congratulate His Excellency the President Hon. E. D. Mnangagwa on his overwhelming success in the presidential elections and as the Commander-in-Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces. I pray that the spirits of the land and the Lord himself will guide him as he executes his mandate in a successful manner that will bring to fruition the aspirations of the people of Zimbabwe.

Mr. Speaker Sir, the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe said that the significance of the First Session of the Ninth Parliament was that it was his first time to speak to us as Head of State and President of Zimbabwe. Secondly,  this historic event ushered Zimbabwe into a new epoch of  lasting peace, unity of purpose rather than myopic, unproductive political agendas.   The success and development of this nation is dependent on what we do in this House supported by masses in urban and rural areas and also those in Government and the private sector.

His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe’s address came and I quote, “at the dawn of the Second Republic,” end of quote.  Mr. Speaker Sir, John. F. Kennedy, the 36th President of the

United States of America said, and I quote, “Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly erasing old barriers, quickly building new structures.” These were the words that were spoken by the 36th President of the United States, Mr. John F.


Mr. Speaker Sir, when his Excellency the President urged us as Members of Parliament to always act in national interest and preach the gospel of peace, love, harmony, tolerance and hard, honest work, his views resonated with those of J. F. Kennedy.

As we stand united by our vision to be a middle class income economy by 2030, we stand on the brink of a technological revolution that will alter the way we live, work and relate to one another, in scale,  scope and complexity.  This is the fourth industrial revolution.

Mr. Speaker, the First Industrial Revolution used water and steam power to mechanise production.  The Second Industrial Revolution used electric power to create mass production.  The Third Industrial Revolution used electronics and information technology to automate production.  Now, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is building on the third, the digital revolution that has been occurring since the middle of the last century,    Zimbabwe should not lag behind.

Mr. Speaker Sir, His Excellency the President emphasised that agriculture remains a key sector in the resuscitation and growth of our economy.  When I went through the 2017 Annual Report of the Lands Commission, I noted that the Commission faced challenges of inadequate funding and was seriously constrained by lack of mobility.  I do hope that these shortcomings will be addressed in order to bring finality and sanity to the land reform in our great country so farmers can concentrate on increasing production.  Agriculture is pivotal to our national economic recovery programme.

Mr. Speaker Sir, in Chegutu East Constituency, we will forever remain indebted to His Excellency the President and Commander-inChief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces, Cde Dambudzo Mnangagwa for the ground breaking ceremony he presided on the 24th July this year, heralding the beginning of mining by Karo Mining Holdings, an international platinum mining giant at Chirundazi, Msinami, Chegutu East Constituency.  The investment will directly create 15 000 jobs and indirectly 75 000.  In other words, 90 000 people stand to benefit.

This  therefore means that in Chegutu East Constituency, we are now the direct beneficiaries of two platinum mining companies, namely Zimplats and Karo Mining Holdings.  His Excellency the President is a man of action.  Those of us who worked with him during the armed liberation struggle and after independence can testify.

Mr. Speaker Sir, in 2013, I had the opportunity to work with him as he gave on the sport guidance in the construction of the ZANU PF

Midlands province 6.5 million dollar Convention Centre – and accomplished the task in a record time of three months.  This is the character of the man.

I thank you Mr. Speaker for the opportunity to contribute to this very important debate on a motion whose content will guide us in all our future deliberations.



here.  The first one is that, I recognise the presence in the Speaker’s Gallery of teachers and girl students from Epworth Secondary School, together with Plan International matrons from Harare Province.  You are most welcome – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] –

HON. MAJAYA: On a point of privilege…

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Your point of privilege will be

noted just now, I have another announcement.



THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: The second announcement that

I have is that, I have to inform the House that the Committee on Standing Rules and Orders (SRO) has appointed the following Members to serve on the Parliamentary Legal Committee; Hon. J. Samukange as the Chairperson, Hon. C. Mpame, Hon. D. M. Mataranyika, Hon. I. K.

Phulu and Hon. M. Mavhunga.  I thank you.

*HON. MAJAYA: Thank you Madam Speaker Ma’am.  My point

of order is on Standing Rules and Orders, Section 68 (d).  Yesterday we had the Leader of the House where we asked questions on the spiraling  prices of commodities and she said that a Ministerial Statement would be presented today by the Minister of Industry and Commerce.  As we speak right now, we are not at ease because a lot of concern is being experienced in terms of the rise in prices on a daily basis.  I thank you.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Responding to your point of

order Hon. Majaya, we are being notified that the Hon. Minister is currently in the Senate and we are going to wait from him to respond to us.  Hon. Shamu, the ruling is that it has been rejected. Thank you so much.

HON. PRISCILA MOYO:  Thank you Madam Speaker.  I rise to welcome the inaugural address to this august House – [HON.

MEMBERS:  Inaudible interjections.] –

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Order, order, please.  The

speaker deserves to be heard in silence.  Thank you.

HON. PRISCILA MOYO:  Thank you Madam Speaker.  I rise to welcome the inaugural address to this august House by the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Hon. Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa on the 18th of September 2018 and to agree with him from the onset that we indeed enjoyed very peaceful, free, fair and democratic elections.  In my Constituency, Mwenezi West, both the President and myself resoundingly won the very peaceful contest we went through and I also want to thank the people of Mwenezi West for voting me.  We also continue to enjoy the peaceful environment that existed before and during the elections to this very day and I have no doubt in the future.

Madam Speaker, I want to fully support the President’s commitment to prioritise the economic development of our nation as a strategic response to achieve our national economic development aspirations and in particular the commitment to make Zimbabwe a middle income economy with a per capita income of not less than US$3500 and increased investment, more jobs, broad-based empowerment and reduced poverty.  These lofty goals resonate particularly well in my Constituency of Mwenezi West where we suffer from perennial shortages of rain and drinking water.  I call on the authorities responsible for water issues to prioritise the provision of boreholes in my constituency while those responsible for welfare should provide more and regular provisions to the food insecure families of which we have so many.

Madam Speaker, I fully support the call to bring about economic order and growth, job creation and end the scourge of corruption.  In my constituency many young people resort to mostly illegal immigration to South Africa in search of jobs with quite some negative consequences to their own personal security and welfare.  These young people badly need jobs and other economic empowerment opportunities.  There is also a need jobs and other economic empowerment opportunities.  There is also need to increase and improve the educational, health and road infrastructure in my constituency to support the development vision outlined by the President.  It is unbelievable that so many years after our independence, we do not have a single boarding school in my constituency and we also do not have a hospital and adequate clinics.

Madam Speaker, I take not of the bold economic measures which the President is advocating for and I urge the responsible authorities to deploy additional measures including security measures against the street foreign currency traders and those controlling them.  Although my constituency is prone to regular bouts of drought, we do well agriculturally whenever the heavens favour us with rains.  Our good soils produce good crops without fertilizers.  In this regard, Madam Speaker, I fully agree with President Mnangagwa’s observation on the role agriculture should play in the resuscitation and growth of our economy.  we do have a few water bodies in my constituency such as the Manyuchi Dam that must be utilised to support the national development agenda.  There are no adequate irrigation schemes centred on this dam, no organised exploitation of the dam’s other resources such as fish and no hydro power production facilities despite that these schemes are all very doable.  I urge the responsible authorities to exploit the vast economic opportunities offered by the Manyuchi Dam in Mwenezi and I want to support.

HON. MADZIMURE:  On a point of order Madam Speaker.  The Hon. Member who has got into the House crossed your path between you and the speaker.  He must go back.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Thank you. May the Hon.

Member who has passed here, please go back and use the proper way.  I thank you.  May you continue.

HON. PRISCILA MOYO: Thank you Madam Speaker.  I also want to welcome the President’s vision on devolution and my hope is that it will improve the development prospects in my constituency which has over the years complained of receiving inadequate development attention from the centre.  We need improved water and sanitation.  We need to see our Mwenezi District centre Rutenga developed as a dry port strategically located to serve the rest of the country and a strategic connection to both South Africa and Mozambique.  In this regard, it is important to fully revive and expand the activities of the National Railways of Zimbabwe nationally and all their infrastructure at Rutenga and to be guided by the master plan already in place for the further development of Rutenga and its dry port opportunities.

Madam Speaker, Mwenezi West benefited immensely from the land reform program.  However, our newly resettled people without exception lack the most basics of life’s necessities.  They need Government to focus its development endeavours to provide schools for the children, roads, clinics, boreholes, clean drinking water, other related infrastructure.  They cannot understand why our mobile operators are failing to provide and construct base stations in their areas as they pay for services.  In particular, in Wards 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16 and 17 of the Mwenezi West Constituency people still go without the mobile telecommunication services taken for granted in many parts of the country because there are no base stations.  Madam Speaker, I call on these mobile service providers and the Ministry of Information Communication Technology to address this situation with the urgency it deserves.  The legislative agenda of the Ninth Parliament as outlined by the President is ambitious and necessary and I fully support it as it has great impetus on our National Development Agenda.

Last but not least, I once again extend my congratulations to both

ZANU PF and His Excellency President Emmerson Dambudzo

Mnangagwa for resoundingly winning the most free and fair elections in our country.

   Hon Kapuya having walked between the Member speaking and the


THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Order, Hon. Kapuya.  May

you please go back and go the other way.

HON. PRISCILLA MOYO:  Thank you Madam Speaker.  I also

congratulate both Mr. Speaker and Madam Deputy Speaker for their election, again in a free and fair democratic poll in this august House.  I thank you Madam Speaker.

*HON. NYERE:  Firstly, I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to add my voice to the Presidential speech.  I want to congratulate all Members who managed to come back to this august House.  I also want to congratulate the Speaker for being re-elected as the Speaker of the National Assembly.  The President, in his speech mentioned the issue of tourism.  Zimbabwe is a beautiful country and has a lot of resources and sites that attract tourists.  They should come and enjoy the peace and tranquillity in Zimbabwe.  Kariba is a tourist attraction area and what we would want to see is the people of Zimbabwe being able to also visit these tourist attractions.  However, what stops us are the prohibitive fees charged in such tourist areas.  My request is that the hotel rates should be different for tourists and

Zimbabweans.  This will give us an opportunity as the people of Zimbabwe to also visit those areas.  This will be an incentive for the locals to engage in tourism.  Kariba is quite wide and extends to Binga and Bumi Hills.  So, what we request is road infrastructure to ensure that people coming from Bulawayo can access Kariba without going round because when they get to Kariba, they have to get a boat to Bumi Hills.

The President of the nation reiterated certain issues which he talked about on his inauguration.  He said that no one would defraud Zimbabwe again and any person found doing such things should be arrested.  As leaders, we hold onto these words and do not want to be found defrauding the nation.  Stealing is corruption on its own.  The President also said that no one is above the law.  All of us should respect the law but we find even in this august House, we cannot even follow the rules.  The Speaker is always saying order, order because we do not listen.  We want our constituents to know that as representatives, we are able to follow and obey the law.  When they watch us on TV, we do not want them asking what was happening.  We want a situation where people will appreciate when they see us on TV.  So, we should adhere to the rules of this House.  We should also obey the laws that were laid out by the Head of State and Government, the President.  With these few words, I want to thank you.

HON. DZUMA:  Thank you memo.  Madam Speaker memo.

HON. D. SIBANDA: Good afternoon Madam Speaker.  On a point of order, the Hon. Member has just addressed the Hon. Speaker as memo.  Could the Hon Speaker, for the benefit of this House correct the Hon. Member?

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Order, maybe for the

benefit of the House, when you first addressed what was the first word Hon Dzuma?

HON. DZUMA:  I said Madam Speaker Maam. Let me begin by congratulating the President of the Second Republic Hon. Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa on his victory in the 2018 harmonised elections along with the Members of Parliament here present.  I would also like to thank the people of Buhera West Constituency for their support without which I would not be in this Ninth Parliament of Zimbabwe.

Madam Speaker Ma’am, I commend President Mnangagwa’s vision for Zimbabwe; which is to be a middle income economy with a per capita income of US$3 500, increased investment, decent jobs, broad based empowerment, free from poverty and corruption by 2010.  In order to achieve this vision, there is need for us to unite and work to the best of our abilities.

I also commend President Mnangagwa‘s international engagement and re-engagement policies underpinned by mutual respect, peaceful development, shared principles and common values.  This is a positive stride towards development because no country can exist on its own in the international community.

Madam Speaker Ma’am, the economy of Zimbabwe is facing challenges and economic sabotage is amongst these challenges.  There are elements that seek to make our economy scream just like the Chilean economy was made to scream in the 1970s.  The people of Zimbabwe are now in a state of panic due to price hikes and demand for commodities has risen and it is our duty as parliamentarians to remain vigilant, give hope to our people and build this economy of our great country.

An Hon. Member having passed between the Chair and the Hon. Member on the floor.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Order, order.  Hon. Member

may you please go back.

HON. DZUMA: Buhera West like any other part of the country is affected and infected with cholera.  I thank the Ministry of Health and Child Care and various developmental partners for their own going effort to curb the spread of the cholera virus.  I would like to state that Buhera West is a beneficiary of food aid from the Government of Zimbabwe through the social welfare Ministry and I urge the Members of Parliament present to facilitate ....

HON. TSUNGA:  On a point of order Madam Speaker.  Hon.

Speaker, the Hon. Member is referring to a cholera virus and I am not too sure whether it is a virus or a bacteria.  He must let us have the correct facts.  Thank you.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  The point of order has been

overruled.  Thank you.

HON. DZUMA: Madam Speaker, it is the cholera outbreak and I would like to state that Buhera West is a beneficiary of the MurambindaBirchenough Bridge Highway which is under construction.  The completion of this highway shall make the Buhera Road network efficient and boos business for the district.  Madam Speaker Ma’am, when completed, the Marovanyati Dam which is located on the Mwerahari river 5.5 km. west of Murambinda growth point shall supply domestic and industrial water to Murambinda growth point and the irrigation of 1 249 hectares.  The dam has a capacity of 50 million cubic metres of water.  The dam is also a potential area for the command fishery programme.

I am currently in the process of working towards the replacement of six electricity transformers belonging to schools in my constituency, rehabilitating boreholes for the community, working with the Zimbabwe National Waster Authority (ZINWA) to extend save tape water supply to other areas within Murambinda growth point and drilling new boreholes within Buhera West Constituency in order to promote sanitation and hygiene.  Efforts are underway to carry on with electrifying Buhera West Constituency.

As our President, His Excellency Hon. Emmerson Mnangagwa

said, we must all individually and collectively put shoulders to the wheel and play our part in the rebuilding of our great country.  I thank you Hon. Speaker Ma’am.

HON. MASANGO: Madam Speaker Ma’am, I am Precious

Chinhamo Masango, Member of Parliament for Mhangura Constituency in Mashonaland West.  I thank you for affording me this opportunity to support the motion moved by Hon. Kwaramba and seconded by Hon.

Musabayana on the speech made by His Excellency, President E. D.


I would like to begin by congratulating our President, His

Excellency, First Secretary and Commander-in-Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces of Zimbabwe for his victory in the July harmonised election.  I would also like to thank ZANU PF party members of

Mhangura Constituency who voted for our President E. D. with 24 924 votes.  Mhangura loves E.D – makorokoto baba veZimbabwe.  Madam

Speaker Ma’am, I also feel honoured and humbled by the people of Mhangura for according me this privilege ...

An Hon. Member having passed between the Chair and the Hon.

Member on the floor.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Order, order.  Thank you.

HON. MASANGO: Madam Speaker Ma’am, I also feel honoured

and humbled by the people of Mhangura for according me this privilege of being in this august House - thank you Mhangura.

Madam Speaker Ma’am, our President really is a great leader, a listening President and a man of action.  He really deserved this resounding win.  His Excellency is preaching peace and unity nearly every day and even on the Opening of the Ninth parliament, he said, “To deliver a more prosperous Zimbabwe, we have to work tirelessly, be servant leaders, in love, unity and harmony”.  Madam Speaker Ma’am, these are words only spoken by someone who wants great things for this country and it is our mandate as parliamentarians to see to it that we deliver for Zimbabwe and Zimbabweans.  He said we have to create jobs and in Mhangura, youth and women will benefit so much by having a vocational training centre whereby there will be trained and equipped to be their own bosses.  Mhangura Constuency is in an area with major rivers as the boundaries – there is Angwa River along Chirundu Highway, Hunyani adjacent to Chinhoyi town to Dande.  It is in natural region 2A and 2Bmeaning to say it is an agricultural constituency which allows the growing of all major crops viz, maize, soya, tobacco and cotton.  That is the reason why the largest grain silos are located in the Constituency at Lions Den.  In any bad season, generally the country may realise low yields, but the constituency suffers only 50% drought effects - hence on job creation, my constituency will benefit immensely by having a tobacco auction floor because tobacco deliveries have remained tremendously high.  Madam Speaker, I appeal that Mhangura farmers be given the necessary agricultural inputs on time so that agricultural practices are done on time for economic development.

Madam Speaker, His Excellency has reiterated the need to improve our social services and the provision of requisite infrastructure, water and sanitation.  Mhangura welcomes this move.  We have been without safe drinking water in nearly all the nine wards in Mhangura.  The general populace is drinking water from rivers together with animals.  If this cholera pandemic gets to Mhangura, Madam Speaker, it will be a disaster.  As I have said, I have nine wards, so if for now I can get two boreholes per ward, that will be a very good start.

Mhangura constituency has more than 50 000 people and we only have nine clinics and one hospital.  My constituency will greatly welcome an increase in the number of the clinics.  Sick people travel for about plus or minus 15km to get medical help and that is not a healthy situation.

Madam Speaker, with the help of the Government, my constituency would also appreciate building of ECD centres.  Five year olds travel for nearly 5km to 7km to get to the nearest school.  This will lead to them disliking school immensely.

Madam Speaker, I applaud our President E. D. Munangagwa on the issue of developing our roads.  In my constituency the roads are really in a bad state.  Some areas are inaccessible by car.  People walk for about 20km to 30km in the bush.  Since these people are farmers they also end up selling to middlemen, popularly known as madhaiza or they are charged exorbitant prices by transporters to ferry their produce to the GMB or auction floors.  Roads go hand in hand with communication boosters.  They are needed in Mhangura constituency.

Madam Speaker, His Excellency also touched on the mining sector being a key component of our economic recovery programme.  That is very true.  I kindly refer you to Job 28:1-28 where it covers it all for the

Zimbabwe economy because it is God’s wisdom.  My constituency boasts of copper reserves around Mhangura town and gold and other minerals all over the constituency.  Therefore, I am calling for the resuscitation of Mhangura Copper Mines and support for artisanal miners as this will also create jobs for the people.

Madam Speaker, His Excellency is a leader par excellence.

‘Listen, we have to end corruption.’  Those were his words and it really has begun.  We have evidence of people getting arrested for corrupt activities and in my constituency, I would love to have some people brought to book on the issue of selling land.  Kwakatengeswa minda uko.  Land invasion is still going on and it is causing environmental damage.  To cleanse my constituency of this rot, Madam Speaker, vanhu ngava sungwe.  If no action is taken, it will be a total disaster.  There are a lot of people willing to testify on this issue.

Madam Speaker, these are the observed concerns of Mhangura people at large.  I trust and believe that in the tenure of this Government we will try to achieve 80% of the requirements, especially with Baba

Mnangagwa as our leader.  Long live E. D.  I thank you.

*HON. SHONGEDZA:  Thank you Madam Speaker for affording

me this opportunity to add to the debate in this august House and it is my second term.  I want to thank the President of the nation Zimbabwe for winning the 2018 elections resoundingly, especially in Mashonaland Central he won in all constituencies.  Where I come from in Mt. Darwin, he was able to win resoundingly.

HON. CHIKWINYA:  On a point of order Madam Speaker.

During the debate of Hon. Karenyi the Chair’s ruling was that we should not mention provincial results of presidential elections.  The Hon.

Member has mentioned Mashonaland Central provincial results – [HON. MEMBERS:  Inaudible interjections.] -  It was ruled when Hon. Karenyi was at the table that when referring to Presidential elections, you should refer to the national results.  So, I therefore move for the adoption of that ruling, otherwise the member is challenging the Speaker’s ruling.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  To respond to your point of order, Hon. Chikwinya, we are encouraging the Hon. Member to avoid referring to provincial results as declared by the Speaker yesterday.

HON. DZUMA:  On a point of order, Hon. Speaker.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  What is your point of order?

HON. DZUMA:  Can she therefore withdraw that statement.

Thank you – [HON. MEMBERS:  Inaudible interjections.] -

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:   I think we have said it before

that she should avoid referring to provincial results.  Thank you.

*HON. SHONGEDZA:  Thank you Madam Speaker for your protection.  Madam Speaker, I want to thank the women of Mt. Darwin for voting for affording me my second term in this august House.

Madam Speaker, the President mentioned the issue of land.  On the issue of land he outlined the farming methods we are supposed to adopt in Zimbabwe and also mentioned the mechanisation programmes that should see us importing more implements for enhancing our farming programmes. We already have the Command Agriculture Programme that has already yielded positive results towards boosting the economic development of Zimbabwe. Farmers are achieving improved yields through this programme and in particular where I come from, many farmers have bought themselves personal vehicles as a result of their participation in the Command Agriculture Programme.

However, the road infrastructure in my home town Mt. Darwin has become inadequate due to the current increases in number of vehicles on our roads. The vehicles are now so many and the volume of traffic on our roads has increased. We are therefore requesting the Ministry of Energy and Power Development to install traffic lights in Mt. Darwin town. Those are important because many people are engaged in farming and they are continuously becoming more able to buy own vehicles as a


The President further mentioned that Government would invest in road construction in the country. In Mt. Darwin, there is Ndoda Road that is currently under construction and the work going on there is very pleasant. The road has been lying idle for many years now but because of the coming in of President Mnangagwa and the ushering in of the Second Republic, the road is now being constructed. Madam Speaker, as the road construction is progressing, my other request is, we have another road that stretches from Mudzengerere where I come from to Karanda Hospital. Karanda Hospital serves people from all over the country and therefore that road needs to be urgently tarred. That road should to be tarred because most patients from all provinces in the country usually end up at Karanda Hospital. In the same regard Madam Speaker, there is another road that stretches from Dotito to St. Albert’s Hospital.

Madam Speaker these hospitals have exceptionally good doctors and also, the hospitals are well equipped. My request is therefore that the Government should consider tarring these roads to ensure easy access to these facilities by anyone from any other province in the country whenever they might want to access any emergency medical services from these hospitals. The tarred roads will further help to ensure that women will not give birth on their way to the hospitals as is currently experienced due to the bumpy state of roads leading to those hospitals.

The President further articulated a number of Bills which will be coming to this august House during this First Session of the Ninth Parliament. Among them is the Bill that will touch on early child marriages. My request to women in this august House is that we support the Bill when it comes to Parliament so that it is passed into law. I am saying so because our children are being mercilessly married by these elderly men who believe that if they marry young girls, they would not grow older. When this Bill will be presented in this august House, we have to unreservedly support it as women and with these few words, I thank you Madam Speaker.

HON. MADHUKU: Thank you very much Madam Speaker for

according me this opportunity to add my voice to the motion raised by Hon. Kwaramba on the present State of the Nation Address that was delivered to us on the Opening of the Ninth Parliament. Allow me Madam Speaker to heartily congratulate our great visionary and statesman, the President of the Second Republic of Zimbabwe, His Excellency Hon. Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa for a resounding victory that was won in a peaceful, free, fair and democratic election period which Zimbabwe had never experienced before.

Madam Speaker, in his address, the President incessantly appealed and made passionate excitations for peace. That was so because peace is pivotal and an indispensable ingredient for politico-socio-economic development. Because of the peace that prevailed in our country coupled with other conducive investment friendly policies enunciated by His Excellency, we should see an improved economy especially if we all work together noting that economic transformation is naturally a process and not a once-off event.

The President further made mention of increased growth in the tourism sector in the country. This sector falls under the second pillar of vision 2030 that relates to the need to achieve inclusive economic growth. I can actually confirm that the President’s clarion call that Zimbabwe is open for business has already attracted a number of tourists and boosted this year’s tourists arrival even in rural some areas such as Bikita East Constituency. Save Conservancy has witnessed improved business as a result of international hunters who are visiting us thereby leading to a significant contribution to foreign currency inflows into the country. We therefore say, thank you very much for these policies, to our great statesman Cde. E. D. Mnangagwa.

He further made a call for us to improve our existing tourism infrastructure and this is very applicable to my constituency. There, we have great need of a 300km perimeter fence. Fence is the solution against the human-wildlife conflict menace that we are experiencing on a day to day basis in the Save Conservancy. Lions, elephants and buffaloes are on free range wrenching havoc in the area. These lions attack people, kill people and prey on livestock such as cattle. Many of those lions have now permanently relocated to forests and mountains in nearby resettlement areas. Elephants further destroy crops on the other end to the extent that the vulnerable people now perennially are in need of drought relief even when it was not supposed to be necessary. In that respect, buffaloes also continue to spread the foot and mouth disease to cattle they come in contact with. All those factors will unnecessarily continue to drain the fiscus until the fence is in place.

The President in addition bemoaned the need for us to develop a relevant, appropriate and modern education system for our country. Provision of education falls under the fourth pillar of Vision 2030 which focuses on social development. Madam Speaker, this is a crucial matter because education is pivotal and forms the backbone of all forms of national development. The need for relevant modern education is critical especially in view of the current high global unemployment rates being worsened by great strides being achieved in technological developments.

For instance in Africa, the two economic giants like South Africa and Nigeria have 27.2%  and 18.8% unemployment rate respectively although they have not been hit by sanctions unlike Zimbabwe, which means that this issue of unemployment is a global challenge which should be fought.

There is therefore great need to impart into our learners critical lifelong skills that equip them to be more of job creators than job seekers. As the President said, relevant infrastructure in the education sector is required especially in the rural areas which have been lagging behind in development. This is to enable all learners to be part of the global train or movement driven by current pedagogical processes like elearning and other learner centred scientific learning techniques.

Allow me also to add my voice to the President’s call to servant leadership by everyone in the services portfolio so as to provide the best services to our people. The President is calling upon all of us to be God fearers; and servant leadership precisely means to lead like Jesus, the greatest role model of all time taking people on a transformational trajectory. This is leadership typified by love and responsibility, leading by example, visionary leadership, team building and motivation. Taking people on this transformational journey involves aligning our hearts, heads, hands and even habits. So, we have to start leading by example even in this august House. Let us all listen to the President’s call and shun egocentrism and selfish or self centred leadership so as to build a Zimbabwe that we all want.

Let me end again by most sincerely thanking the people of Bikita East who voted me to be part of this august House. It is my belief and hope that the trust they have reposed in me, I will not disappoint. I thank them so much. May God bless our President, Cde Mnangagwa. May God bless Zimbabwe. May God bless all of us in this House. I thank you.

+HON. ALICE NDLOVU: Madam Speaker Ma’am, I thank you

for affording me this opportunity to debate on this motion. I would like to thank our President Hon. E. D. Mnangagwa and I would like to congratulate him for winning the elections. The President has a wide vision because he is able to lead everyone including those who hate or like him.

Our leader Hon. Mnangagwa has empowered our country. Where I come from in Matabeleland, livestock and people are being fed. We now have a university in Gwanda. I will not talk about the Command Agriculture because Matabeleland was a dry region but at the moment, we are now taking maize for grinding and our cattle are multiplying.  You are all aware that factories were closed in Matabeleland but because of ED Pfeee, he has done a great job and companies are opening. Trains have started moving again.

Let me talk about one of the precious minerals. We are taking all gold to Fidelity Refineries because we now have a leader who is saying people should be issued with licences and people are progressing as they are buying cars. As it is, there is Hon. Taruvinga who has employed 500 people through gold because we have gold in Matabeleland. This has been made possible by the able leadership of our President E. D.

Mnangagwa. The President has allowed his wife to visit people in hospitals. That is a hallmark of a very great leader. We now have a mother who visits all the patients. She does not discriminate.

We voted for ED because of his works. We did not make any mistake at all. As for Matabeleland, you know that we rely on animal husbandry. We now have cattle that we got through our President E. D.

Mnangagwa. I thank you.

*HON. MAKONI: Thank you Madam Speaker for giving me this opportunity. I want to congratulate our President Emmerson Mnangagwa for resoundingly winning the 2018 election and also his deputies. I also want to thank all Hon. Members who voted for Hon Advocate Mudenda and his deputy. I want to congratulate all Members of Parliament who made it into this august House – congratulations.

I want to thank Hon. Kwaramba and Hon. Musabayana for moving

and seconding this motion respectively. It is a pertinent motion. In his speech, the President looked at the issue of agriculture which we believe is the backbone of our economy and has alleviated poverty. We also request that the Government should support us and also the Command

Agriculture project has given us a lot. Secondly, there is no more starvation in Zimbabwe especially in Mashonaland East, there is no hunger at all. The challenge we are facing right now is that of fewer silos. In Mashonaland East, we have place like Macheke which engage in farming of tobacco. What we request is that there be tobacco floors so that the farmers can sell their tobacco. When the farmers sell their tobacco in Harare they lose their monies to thieves.  Madam Speaker, the President also mentioned the issue of health.  My request is that, on health, there should be support in terms of hospitals.  Yes, the hospitals are there but our request is that they be increased.  People are travelling very long distances to access medical services.  So, what we are requesting is that, the hospital be within accessible distances to the people.

We also request that the Ministry of Health and Child Care be availed a greater allocation in terms of the budget to get medication.  On the issue of education, our request is that, yes, schools are there, but we request for more schools to be built to ensure that children do not travel very long distances.  What is happening is that children travel very long distances and are subject to abuse and experience gender based violence.

Once that is addressed, it will create a good atmosphere for them to go to school.

On mining, our request is that, women should be availed the opportunity to engage in mining because empowering a woman is empowering a family and a nation.  This is because when they get money, their first port of call is to ensure that the family is well fed.  When we go for elections, women do not make it because they do not have financial resources and yet men do have resources, hence, men have an upper hand when it comes to elections. I want to thank you Madam Speaker for the time that you have afforded me.

+HON. MABOYI: Thank you Hon. Speaker for affording me this opportunity.  I would like to support what was said by the Hon. President when he addressed this House.  He addressed a lot of things including agriculture when he spoke about Command Agriculture.  In Matebeleland, when we talk of agriculture, we will be looking at livestock, cattle and goats and also fish.  When we talk of agriculture, especially in Beitbridge, we have very good cattle.

We would like the Government to assist us when it comes to artificial insemination so that we will also have good breeds.  We have the Brahmans and goats which are as big as cattle.  We do not know how the Government can assist us when it comes to cattle.  Here, I am talking about brahmans, simbrah and so on – [AN HON. MEMBER: Inaudible interjection.] - Maybe some people do not understand because they do not know about it.  We are saying, the President spoke about all this.

We have a place called West Nicholson where beef was processed.  We want assistance, we want our cattle in Beitbridge to be taken to West

Nicholson and be processed into beef so that we can export the beef.  There is everything in West Nicholson except machinery.  We need machinery so that West Nicholson can start operating.  Matebeleland North and South can both benefit from this so that people can also get employment – [AN HON. MEMBER: Inaudible interjection.] – I do not know about that, I am talking about what I saw – [AN HON. MEMBER:

Inaudible interjection.] – Madam Speaker Ma’am, could you protect me because they are disturbing me.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Order, may the Hon. Member

be heard in silence.  You are protected Hon. Member.

HON. MABOYI: Thank you Madam Speaker Ma’am.  I spoke

about Command Agriculture when I spoke about cattle and goats.  We would also like assistance when it comes to education.  A lot of people from my area are not educated.  I was wondering if the Minister of

Primary and Secondary Education could assist – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] – I was still talking about schools because if you send a woman to school, you would have educated the whole nation.  A lot of our young women are not educated, if they could be taught to read and write.

These women I am talking about have a lot of goats and cattle.  When there is an agricultural show, they lose their cattle because they are taken by men and they make a loss.  So, I was asking if there could be a Vocational Training Centre where people who are less educatred can be taught.  When you talk of universities, those are for people who are educated, but for those who are not educated, they should be send to vocational training centres or taught life skills where they can use their hands like plaiting or farming.  They also need some education when it comes to even running their gardens so that they know how much fertilizer they should use.  We want assistance in those areas.

Coming to tertiary education, our request is that there be a university branch for those who are well educated.  Our children go to

Great Zimbabwe or Gwanda Universities whilst some go to Bulawayo.  In Beitbridge, if they could also assist us by giving us a piece of land where they can have a university.  Most of our children spend the day in South Africa, they just cross the border because it is nearby.  However, if we get such a place, they can spend the day in our own country learning or even learning Venda.  I am also Venda but now I am speaking in Shona or Ndebele.  If only we could have a campus.  I thank you.

HON. CHIBAGU: I want to thank you Madam Speaker for affording me the opportunity.  I want to thank Hon. Kwaramba who was seconded by Hon. Musabayana.  I was surprised that here in Parliament, we are three hundred and seventy something and I am happy.  I want to thank our President Mnangagwa for the justice that prevailed.  I want to thank the people of Zimbabwe for going out in numbers to vote.  As we were voted into Parliament, we should know our role and function because when the President presented his speech, he said many things that touched us.  When we are in this House, let us give thought to whatever we want to say.  We should be united and come up with ideas that will develop our nation because both of us have a duty to perform and we owe it to the electorate.  I also want to thank the President, Cde. Mnangagwa for the voting that we did in Zimbabwe.  I want to say that ZANU PF did well.  You managed to vote 100 percent and that was a surprise to everyone else – [HON. MEMBERS:  Inaudible interjections.] – I will say whatever I want in this House because I am unconquerable.

We voted and we want people with vision, people who know what they are doing and who know why they went to war.  We were happy voting for Cde. Mnangagwa because during the war, we experienced many challenges but today, we are here.  Therefore, I want to thank the President.  The President gave his Speech and the promises he made, I know he will fulfil because he is a truthful and honest man.  For those who wanted to engage in farming, we all got inputs, there is no one who can say they are going to face hunger or starvation.  I have 70 tonnes of maize and 9 tonnes of soya beans, what else do I need when I can get a million out of that produce.  I am happy with what President Mnangagwa did because he is a man who does not mince his words.  I

also want to thank Mashonaland Central and Zimbabwe as a whole for the voting that you did as ZANU PF supporters.  We want to do better next time because currently, we are voting for people with vision who know that they represent the nation.

President Mnangagwa knows where he is coming from and where he is going – [HON. MEMBERS:  Inaudible interjections.] – Oooh please, give me an opportunity because I cannot listen to what you are saying.  I have forgotten my paper but I can still speak off the cuff.  The issue that I want to talk about is that, Madam Speaker, when we come into this august House, we do not come here to eat.  We want to build our nation and the issue that I am trying to say is that our President Hon.

Mnangagwa – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] -

I want to proceed by saying Hon. Mnangagwa has done many things in my area Mbire.  I have Eureka Mine that has not been producing for more than fifteen years and now, he has commissioned the mine and has employed a number of people.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Hon. Member, I request that

you speak using the microphone so that people can hear what you are saying.  You can proceed.

*HON. CHIBHAGU:  The issue that I am talking about here is that President Mnangagwa is a man of his word who lived and fulfils his promises.  In Mbire, employment has been created.  Eureka Mine in Guruve has been reopened.  President Mnangagwa came and opened the mine and employment was created, children are working and people are happy.  I also want to say that President Mnangagwa came to Guruve a second time and commissioned a very big irrigation scheme because he realised that we know what we are doing.  In Zimbabwe, we are the ones at the forefront in terms of production of wheat.  We are eating bread and we do not even worry about the cost because we are baking our own bread.  That is why you see we are well fed.

Mr. Speaker Sir, I want to talk about the issue of Kanyemba.  The Kanyemba Road, Chitsingo Road, Gonono Road and Chikafa Road are now tarred.  My car can now move along tarred roads.  All this is because of President Mnangagwa.  If they put gravel, I do not have any challenge.  Currently, our President, after working on that, I want to say Kanyemba Road - the issues that I raised in the last session that from Mbare to Kanyemba, it was a challenge to maneovour that road but currently, if you want to order goods, you do not have to go round.  You can go to Tanzania and order your goods and cars.  All that is as a result of President Mnangagwa.  I also want to say congratulations women; we are now being treated as people.  When President Mnangagwa came, the

Zimbabwe Women’s Micro Finance Bank was opened and even the

Youths Bank is also functional.  For those who are lazy, it is your own fault but you know that if you are into farming, you can get your money.

I can get my million and spoil myself.

My request is that when we come to this House, we must unite and we also say no to corruption – [HON. MEMBERS:  Inaudible interjections.] –

HON. TARUSENGA: Madam Speaker, the Hon. Member on the

floor should stick to the motion.  She is talking about herself, getting her millions, her cars and now using tarred roads.  Our request is that she sticks to the presidential speech and not what she has as an individual.

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  According to what you have

said, I do not see a point of order.

*HON. CHIBHAGU: I want to conclude by saying that as

Zimbabweans, let us unite and be one so we can get rid of corruption.  Corruption is affecting our economy and there is no development.  In the last session, we witnessed some people defrauding the State and now we hear the President saying no to corruption.  We want everyone to engage in farming because we are all able bodied.  You can do your work and earn your own living as an able bodied person.  I thank you Madam Speaker.

HON. NGWENYA:  Thank you Madam Speaker for affording me

the opportunity to present my maiden speech in this Ninth Parliament.

HON. P. D. SIBANDA:  On a point of order Hon. Speaker.  I am amused by the manner in which the leadership of Parliament, including the Chief Whip of the governing party, how they have made concerted efforts to ensure that a motion that is of national importance and relevance to the prevailing situation in the country should be blocked in a manner that it should not be debated.  In my view Hon. Speaker, we are not doing justice to the country which is currently in a serious economic crisis which likely to lead into a humanitarian crisis.

However, there is deliberate frustration that such a situation affecting the nation should not be debated.  Hon. Speaker, I seek your indulgence that a ruling be made on that issue.

HON. KWARAMBA:  I move that the debate do now adjourn.


THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Let me first respond to Hon.

Sibanda before I take what Hon. Kwaramba has just said.  Hon. Sibanda, what you have said is not in line with the motion that was being debated.  I think the debate that we had was concerning a motion which was moved by Hon. Kwaramba.  So, you point of order is not derived from the current debate and there is no point of order.

HON. NDEBELE:  On a point of order Madam Speaker, may I

draw to your attention that there is no quorum in the House.

[Bells rung]

[Quorum formed]

  THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER:  Thank you very much Hon.

Member.  We have more than a quorum.  We have 77 Members so we are continuing.

HON. KWARAMBA: I move that the debate do now adjourn.

HON. TOGAREPI: I second.

Motion put and agreed to.

Debate to resume: Tuesday, 30th October, 2018.

On the motion of HON. TOGAREPI, seconded by HON. CHINOTIMBA, the House adjourned at Twenty Seven Minutes past

Four o’clock p.m. until Tuesday, 30th October, 2018.








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