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- Create Date June 17, 2016
- Last Updated November 15, 2021
Friday, 17th June, 2016
The National Assembly met at Half Past Nine O’clock a.m.
(THE HON. SPEAKER in the Chair)
HON. SAMUKANGE: Mr. Speaker Sir, I would like to draw the attention of the House to the fact that there is no quorum.
THE HON. SPEAKER: Order, next time when there is such an important item like the one that was adjourned because of no quorum, I think it beholds all of us to canvas for support. Otherwise you are defeating the cause of the importance of that subject matter. –[HON.
MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.]-
Order, let me finish what I am saying. It beholds each one of us to canvas attendance so that you complete the business. If we had completed business yesterday, some of you would have travelled early this morning and so on. You cannot defeat your plans and not debate at the same time. It is double loss of time. So, we will ask that the bells be rung for seven minutes while we wait.
[Bells rung]
An objection having been taken that there being present fewer than (70) members, the bells were rung for Seven Minutes and a Quorum still not being present, THE HON. SPEAKER adjourned the
House without any question put at Three Minutes to Ten o’clock a.m. pursuant to the provisions of Standing Order Number 56.
NOTE: The following members were present when the House adjourned: Hon. Bunjira; Hon. Chibagu; Hon. Chibaya; Hon. Chigudu; Hon. Chinanzvavana; Hon. Chipato; Hon. Chitembwe; Hon. Chitindi;
Hon. Chiwetu; Hon. Dutiro; Hon. Gezi; Hon. Jaboon; Hon. Kachepa;
Hon. Kadungure; Hon. Karoro; Hon. Kaundikiza; Hon. M. Khumalo; T.
Khumalo; Hon. Kwaramba; Hon. Majaya; Hon. Makari; Hon. Makonya; Hon. Mandipaka; Hon. Mangami; Hon. Mangwende; Hon. Mapiki; Hon. Maridadi; Hon. Marumahoko; Hon. Mashonganyika; Hon.
Matambanadzo; Hon. Matienga; Hon. Matsunga; Hon. R. N. S. Mawere; Hon. N. Mguni; Hon. Mlilo; Hon. Mpala; Hon. R. Mpofu; Hon. Mudambo; Hon. Mudau; Hon. Mudzuri; Hon. Mudyiwa; Hon. Mufunga;
Hon. Mukwangwariwa; Hon. Mukwena; Hon. Munengami; Hon.
Munochinzwa; Hon. Murai; Hon. Musundire; Hon. Mutomba; Hon.
Muzondiwa; Hon. M. S. Ndlovu; Hon. N. Ndlovu; Hon. Nduna; Hon.
Pemhenayi; Hon. Porusingazi; Hon. Rungani; Hon. Samukange; Hon.
Shava; Hon. Shongedza; Hon. D. S. Sibanda; Hon. P. D. Sibanda; Hon. K. Sibanda; Hon. Sithole; Hon. Simbanegavi; Hon. Toffa; Hon. B.
Tshuma; Hon. Vutete and Hon. Wadyajena.