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- Create Date August 14, 2021
- Last Updated November 6, 2021
No. 83
Quarter past two o’clock pm. The Speaker in the Chair.
Members Present
Hon Chamisa S
Hon Chanda G
Hon Chidakwa J
Hon Chidakwa P
Hon Chidziva H
Hon Chikomba L
Hon Chikudo R
Hon Chikukwa M.R
Hon Chikuni E
Hon Chikwinya S
Hon Chiumbaira G
Hon Chingosho C.P
Hon Chinotimba J
Hon Chinyanganya M
Hon Chipato A
Hon Chitura L
Hon Dinar K
Hon Dube B
Hon Dube G
Hon Dube M
Hon Dzuma S
Hon Gezi T
Hon Gonese I.T
Hon Gumbo J.M
Hon Gwanongodza E
Hon Hamauswa S
Hon Houghton J.R
Hon Hwende C
Hon Jaja J
Hon Kabozo S
Hon Kambamura P
Hon Kankuni W
Hon Karenyi L
Hon Hon Kashiri C
Hon Kureva E
Hon Kwaramba G
Hon Maboyi R.M
Hon Machakarika T
Hon Machingauta C
Hon Machingura R Hon Madhuku J
Hon Madzimure W
Hon Madziva S
Hon Mafuta S.V
Hon Mago N
Hon Mahlangu S
Hon Majaya B
Hon Makoni R.R
Hon Makonya J
Hon Mamombe J
Hon Mangora B
Hon Maphosa L
Hon Marikisi N
Hon Markham A.N
Hon Maronge C
Hon Masango C.P
Hon Mashonganyika D
Hon Masuku E
Hon Matangira T.R
Hon Matarinya D.M
Hon Mataruse P
Hon Mathe S
Hon Matsikenyere N
Hon Matsunga S
Hon Mavenyengwa R
Hon Mavetera T.A
Hon Mawite D
Hon Mayihlome L
Hon Mguni S.K
Hon Mhona F.T
Hon Mkandla M
Hon Mukaratigwa E
Hon Mliswa T.P
Hon Mnangagwa T.M
Hon Molokela-Tsiye F.D
Hon Moyo C
Hon Moyo Peter
Hon Moyo T
Hon Mpame C
Hon Mpariwa P
Hon Mpofu A
Hon Mpofu M.M
Hon Mpofu R
Hon Muchimwe P.T
Hon Mudarikwa S
Hon Mudyiwa M
Hon Mugidho M
Hon Munetsi J
Hon Murai E
Hon Murambiwa O
Hon Murire J
Hon Musabayana D
Hon Musanhi K.S
Hon Mushayi M
Hon Mushonga P.M
Hon Musiyiwa R
Hon Mutambisi C
Hon Mutodi E
Hon Mutomba W
Hon Mutseyami C.P
Hon Myambo A
Hon Ncube E
Hon Ncube F
Hon Ncube Ophar
Hon Ncube Owen
Hon Ncube Soul
Hon Ndiweni D
Hon Ndlovu N
Hon Ndlovu S
Hon Nguluvhe A
Hon Ngwenya S
Hon Nhambo F
Hon Nhari V
Hon Nkani A
HonNkomo M
Hon Nyabani T
Hon Nyabote R
Hon Nyamudeza S Hon Nyere C
Hon Nyokanhete J
Hon Paradza K
Hon Phulu K.I
Hon Rungani A
Hon Rwodzi B Hon Sacco J.K
Hon Saizi T
Hon Samambwa E Hon Samson A
Hon Samukange J.T
Hon Sansole T.W
Hon Saruwaka T.J.L
Hon Seremwe B
Hon Sewera J.N
Hon Shamu W.K
Hon Shava J
Hon Shirichena E
Hon Shongedza E
Hon Shumbamhini H
Hon Sibanda D.S
Hon Sikhala J
Hon Singo L
Hon Sithole James
Hon Sithole Josiah
Hon Sithole S
Hon Soda Zhemu
Hon Svuure D
Hon Tarusenga U.D
Hon Taruvinga F
Hon Tekeshe D Hon Toffa J
Hon Togarepi P Hon Tongofa M
Hon Tshuma D
Hon Tsunga R
Hon Tsuura N
Hon Tungamirai T
Hon Watson N.J
Hon Zemura L
Hon Zhou P
Hon Zhou T
Hon Ziyambi Z
In attendance in terms of section 138(2) and (3) and section 104(3) of the Constitution
Absent with Leave
Hon Chiyangwa;
- Papers laid upon the Table-
The Minister of Finance and Economic Development
Dollar Credit Line Agreement between the Government of Zimbabwe and the ExportImport Bank of India: Renovation of Bulawayo Thermal Power Station.
Dollar Credit Line Agreement between the Government of Zimbabwe and the ExportImport Bank of India: Upgrading of the Deka Pumping Station and River Water Intake System Project.
- The Speaker informed the House that the circulation of Standing Orders had not been done as earlier announced on 1st August 2019. However, they had since been circulated and Hon Members were requested to make their submissions to the Office of Counsel to Parliament and to the email address, clerk@parlzim.gov.zw before the close of business on Thursday 19th September 2019.
- The Speaker drew the attention of the House to an error on the Order Paper, on page 2017 where the date inadvertently appeared as Thursday 5th September 2019 instead of Wednesday 4th September 2019.
- The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, moved: That Order of the Day No. 1, for today, stands over until Order of the Day No.2 has been disposed of.
Motion put and agreed to.
- SECOND READING: Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime Amendment Bill, (H. 4, 2019)-The Minister of Justice Legal and Parliamentary Affairs.
On the motion of the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.
- The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, moved: That Orders of the Day Nos. 3 to 5, for today, stand over until Notice of Motion No.6 has been disposed of.
Motion put and agreed to.
- Hon Chikukwa, seconded by Hon Markham moved: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Local Government, Public Works and National Housing on Gwanda Residents’ Petition on violation of rights to human dignity, water and clean environment. (S.C. 6, 2019)
On the motion of Hon. Togarepi seconded by Hon. Chikukwa: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.
- On the motion of Hon Togarepi seconded by Hon Mutseyami: The House adjourned at twenty minutes to to five o’clock pm.
HON MABOYI: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development to state when the Beit Bridge- Masera- Manama Hospital road which is currently in a bad state would be tarred and bridges along that road would be rehabilitated.
[Deferred from 29th May 2019]
HON. CHIBAYA: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development to inform the House when the Zimbabwe National Roads Authority (ZINARA) will release funds to the City of Gweru to enable the local authority to complete construction of the following roads in Mkoba Constituency:- a) from Mkoba 7 Bus stop to Mkoba 15 Turn-off; and
b) Mkoba 12 turn-off to Mkoba 17 Turn-off. [Deferred from 24th July 2019] |
HON. G. DUBE: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development to inform The House: |
- when the tarring of the Chisuma-Deka Road in Hwange District will commence; and
- when the resurfacing of the 5 kilometres stretch of road construction in the Gwayi area, along the Bulawayo-Victoria Falls Highway will be completed considering
that the project began two years ago.
[Deferred from 24th July 2019] |
HON.SHIRICHENA: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development to inform the House when the road linking Mataga Growth Point to Chegato High School and West Nicholson will be tarred.
[Deferred from 24th July 2019]
HON MURAMBIWA: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development to inform the House when the Jerera-Harava-Chatikobo-Mashate road will be tarred.
[Deferred from 24th July 2019] |
HON MURAMBIWA: To ask the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development to inform the House when the Chivamba-Bangala road and the Jerera –Govo road will be repaired.
[Deferred from 24th July 2019] |
*7. | HON. P. MASUKU: To ask the Minister of Finance and Economic Development to inform the House on the amount of money used to purchase vehicles for Chiefs in 2018.
[Deferred 21st November 2018] |
HON. SHOKO: To ask the Minister of Finance and Economic Development when the other Commission of Inquiry that looks at the payment modalities for persons and insurance losses incurred during the economic meltdown of 2005 – 2008 will be constituted as recommended by the first commission of inquiry report.
[Deferred 21st November 2018] |
*9. | HON. MADZIMURE: To ask the Minister of Finance and Economic Development to explain Measures being taken against some business people who are operating a fourtier pricing system.
[Deferred 21st November 2018] |
*10. | HON MOYO C: To ask the Minister of Finance and Economic Development to explain to why Bulawayo City Council is charging four categories of Value Added Tax(VAT) per billing that is, sewage fixed VAT, solid waste management VAT, Sewerage domestic VAT and VAT.
[Deferred 21st November 2018] |
*11. | HON GONESE: To ask the Minister of Finance and Economic Development to state whether ZANU PF party paid custom duty for the vehicles imported for the 2018 election campaign and if so, to provide the evidence of such payment and state the |
total amount paid in that regard.
[Deferred 21st November 2018]
HON GONESE: To ask the Minister of Finance and Economic Development to state the amount paid by the Government to hire a private Gulfstream jet for the former First Lady, Grace Mugabe to attend her mother's funeral.
[Deferred 21st November 2018] |
*13. | HON. I. NYONI: To ask the Minister of Finance and Economic Development whether the two percent intermediated money transfer tax is chargeable on customs duties, Value Added Tax (VAT), Payee and fines.
[Deferred from 5th December 2018] |
*14. | HON. CHIKUDO: To ask the Minister of Finance and Economic Development to provide Statistics of all mega deals signed by Government in the last 10 years and an update in terms of their implementation.
[Deferred from 5th December 2018] |
*15. | HON. CHIKUDO: To ask the Minister of Finance and Economic Development to give an update of the revenue realized by government through the Intermediated Money Transfer tax by source and on a daily basis since the inception of S. I. 205 of 2018 and how it has been utilized.
[Deferred from 5th December 2018] |
*16. | HON. CHIKUDO: To ask the Minister of Finance and Economic Development whether the Ministry could consider converting into equity pension savings still stuck in long term non liquid assets date backing to 2009 in order to unfairly deprive pension funds contributors.
[Deferred from 5th December 2018] |
HON. CHIDZIVA: To ask the Minister of Finance and Economic development to explain to the House government policy on supporting local investors.
[Deferred from 20th March 2019] |
*18. | HON. B. DUBE: To ask the Minister of Finance and Economic Development to explain the government position regarding compensation of bank account holders whose savings were eroded during the Zimbabwean Dollar period. |
[Deferred from 12th June, 2019] |
*19. | HON. B. DUBE: To ask the Minister of Finance and Economic Development to explain measures being taken by the government to assist Gweru City Council to raise the US$ 6 million for purchasing pumps for transmitting water from Mabongobwe Dam to the City. |
[Deferred from 29th May 2019]
*20. HON. BANDA S: To ask the Minister of Finance and Economic Development to inform the House measures being taken to manage the multi-tier pricing system and state when the RTGS Dollars will become the sole trading currency.
[Deferred from 17th July 2019]
*21. | HON. MAYYIHLOME: To ask the Minister of Finance and Economic Development to explain to the House the measures being taken to curb the misappropriation of public funds at revenue collection agencies such as the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority and Zimbabwe National Roads Authority. |
[Deferred from 17th July 2019] | |
*22. | HON. MAYIHLOME: To ask the Minister of Finance and Economic Development to inform the House: |
a) when lifestyle audits of Executive Officers of state-owned enterprises, public officials and revenue collection officers will be conducted. | |
b) whether the Ministry is considering levying a presumptive tax on individuals who lead affluent lifestyles through utilization of unbanked financial resources.
[Deferred from 17th July 2019] |
HON. SEN. TONGOGARA: To ask the Minister of Finance and Economic Development to inform the House the measures being taken by the Government to monitor and enforce compliance to Statutory Instrument 142 Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (Legal Tender) Regulations 2019, as business operators in down town Harare continue to charge their products in foreign currency.
[Deferred from 28th August 2019] |
HON. HOUGHTON: To ask the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education to explain measures being taken by the Ministry to ensure teachers who are conversant with the local language are deployed to schools such as in Tonga speaking areas, particularly in primary schools.
[Deferred from 12th June, 2019]
HON. CHOMBO: To ask the Minister of Environment, Tourism and Hospitality Industry to state:
(a) the possible permits that can be issued for fishing in Biri dam in Makonde district; |
(b) the number of fishing permits issued to the people from the surrounding | |
community; and | |
(c) the criteria used in awarding fishing permits.
[Deferred from 12th June, 2019] |
*26. | HON. MASANGO: To ask the Minister of Environment, Tourism and Hospitality Industry when the Ministry would introduce a Communal Areas Management Programme for Indigenous Resources (CAMPFIRE) in Mhangura constituency, in particular the Kismet area.
[Deferred from 12th June, 2019] |
*27. | HON MAYIHLOME: To ask the Minister Environment, Tourism and Hospitality Industry to explain to the House the measures being taken to curb the encroachment of forests by farmers in Matabeleland Province. |
[Deferred from 17th July, 2019] | |
*28. | HON. TSUURA: To ask the Minister of Energy and Power Development to inform the House of Ministry’s plans for the refurbishment of power stations which were established before independence. |
[Deferred from 17th July, 2019] |
HON. CHIMINA: To ask the Minister of Energy and Power Development to inform the House the criteria that is used for electricity load shedding and to explain why Mkoba 4, 5, 14, 15 and 19 Suburbs are the only ones experiencing electricity power outages in Gweru.
[Deferred from 28th August 2019] |
HON. RAIDZA: To ask the Minister of Energy and Power Development to inform the House when the faulty electricity transformer which was sent for repairs will be repaired and restored to the Chomunyaka Primary School in Mberengwa East Constituency
[Deferred from 28th August 2019] |
*31. | HON. S. SITHOLE: To ask the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement to state whether the Ministry could consider banning the movement of cattle and other livestock during the night since it is contributing to high stock theft in the country.
[Deferred from 12th June, 2019]
*32. | HON. MASANGO: To ask the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement to apprise the House on measures being taken to curb the alleged corruption involved in the selling of maize at Grain Marketing Board depot in Mhangura Constituency.
[Deferred from 12th June, 2019]
HON. MASANGO: To ask the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement to state when the Ministry would drill boreholes in Mhangura Constituency considering the acute shortage of safe drinking water in the area.
[Deferred from 12th June, 2019] |
*34. | HON MABOYI: To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Lands and Rural resettlement state whether there are any plans to put up irrigation infrastructure at Zhovhe Dam in Beitbridge West Constituency to enable surrounding communities to benefit from the water reservoir. |
[Deferred from 12th June, 2019]
*35. HON. KARUMAZONDO: To ask the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water Climate and Rural Resettlement to inform the House when the Ministry will construct the Nyatana Dam in the Maramba Pfungwe Constituency, a development which will benefit Mashonaland East and Mashonaland Central Provinces.
[Deferred from 17th July, 2019] *36. HON. MAYIHLOME: To ask the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water and Rural Resettlement to;
- explain to the House the criteria used to determine farm rental charges;
- clarify whether factors such as the type of ecological regions are taken into account when determining farm rental charges.
[Deferred from 28th August 2019]
*37. HON. SHIRICHENA: To ask the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement to inform the House when the Ministry will expand the Zvavachari Irrigation Scheme in Mberengwa South.
[Deferred from 28th August 2019]
*38. HON. RAIDZA: To ask the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement to inform the House when the Ministry will repair old and drill more boreholes in Mberengwa East Constituency as people are currently fetching drinking unsafe water from the Save River, where they are prone to waterborne diseases and attacks by crocodiles.
[Deferred from 28th August 2019]
*39. HON. RAIDZA: To ask the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement to inform the House when boreholes will be drilled at the following health institutions in Mberengwa East Constituency in view of the fact that expecting mothers and other patients seeking medical services are currently being requested to bring their own water:
- Negove Clinic
- Ingezi Clinic
- Murongwe Clinic
- Svita Clinic
- Vutsanana Clinic
- Mponjani Clinic; and
- c) Mataruse Clininc
[Deferred from 17th July, 2019]
*40. HON. B. DUBE: To ask the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare to state when monthly pension pay outs would be reviewed upwards to match the current costs of living.
[Deferred from 12th June, 2019] *41. HON. L. SINGO: To ask the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare to inform the House the Ministry’s Policy regarding the recruitment policy in the government institutions wherever vacancies arise in particular areas in view of the fact that some departments engage workers coming from areas outside those where vacancies will have occurred despite the fact that the locals would be adequately qualified for the jobs being advertised.
[Deferred from 17th July, 2019] |
HON. CHIKUNI: To ask the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare to inform the House what Government policy is regarding organisations that deduct pension contributions from employees but do not remit anything to the National Social Security Authority.
[Deferred from 28th August 2019] |
HON. S. SITHOLE: To ask the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare to inform the House what the Government policy is regarding payment for the transportation of grain from Grain Marketing Board depots to beneficiaries of the Drought Relief Programme.
[Deferred from 28th August 2019] |
HON. CHIMINA: To ask the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare to inform the House Government what the policy is regarding the distribution of grain under the Food Deficit Mitigation Programme and to explain why political party structures are used to distribute grain in some areas of the country, such as Ward 16 in Chiwundura Constituency and to state whether there are any measures by the Ministry to curb such practices.
[Deferred from 28th August 2019] |
HON. RAIDZA: To ask the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare to state when Mr Marozva Zhou (EC Number 0962545T, Department 3530/5150) who was employed as a teacher from 1 September 2007 to 31 January 2009 will be paid his salary.
[Deferred from 28th August 2019] |
HON. B. DUBE: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing to state any efforts being made by the Ministry to assist Gweru City Council to secure the US$6 million required for the purchase of pumps for the water pumping system at Mabungubwe dam.
[Deferred from 12th June, 2019] |
*47. | HON. SITHOLE G.K: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing to state the position regarding the implementation of a housing policy for Chitungwiza Town.
[Deferred from 12th June, 2019]
HON. SITHOLE G.K: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing to state the names of the people who were allocated residential, industrial and commercial stands in Chitungwiza over the past twelve months. |
[Deferred from 12th June, 2019]
*49. | HON. SITHOLE G.K: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing to give an update on the number of people on the housing waiting list of Chitungwiza Municipality.
[Deferred from 12th June, 2019] |
HON. MASANGO: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing whether Mhangura constituency would benefit from the recently procured Zimbabwe United Passengers Company (ZUPCO) and if yes to state when are they expected to start plying the routes.
[Deferred from 12th June, 2019] |
HON. MASANGO: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and
National Housing to state when residential stands will be issued to curb the prevalent challenge of overcrowding in Mhangura.
[Deferred from 12th June, 2019] |
*52. | HON MABOYI: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing when the Beitbridge government complex would be completed since the structures are already deteriorating. |
[Deferred from 12th June, 2019]
*53. HON. BANDA S: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing to inform the House what Government policy’s regarding the licensing of bars near schools, for a case instance, the one opposite Blackstone Primary School along Cork Road in Mount Pleasant.
[Deferred from 17th July, 2019]
*54. HON. SITHOLE S: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing to explain when the Ministry will take measures to improve the conditions of service for headmen and village heads in order to motivate them in their work.
[Deferred from 17th July, 2019]
*55. HON. MARKHAM: To ask the Minister of Local Government Public Works and National
Housing when the Ministry would formalize the Hatcliffe Consortium settlement which has been in existence for the past ten years and to further explain when the settlers would get their title deeds.
[Deferred from 17th July, 2019]
*56. HON MARKHAM: To as the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing to explain;
- Why developers have been allowed to sell stands, evict people and demand payment when they have not even serviced the area.
- What the government is going to do about the non-existent utilities.
[Deferred from 17th July, 2019] *57. HON. MARKHAM: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing to inform the House why ZINARA completed the construction of the dualisation of the Robert Gabriel Mugabe Airport Road using the Harare Province allocation yet Auger Investment had been paid.
[Deferred from 17th July, 2019]
*58. HON MARKHAM: to ask the Minister of Local Government Public Works and National Housing to inform the House what the Ministry is doing to reimburse the connection fees for the residents of Mabvuku Tafara and Harare North who were expected to get a rebate for a period of four years following the passing of a Council resolution to that effect and to further elaborate why the Harare City Council has only partially reimbursed such amounts and ignored some areas within the constituencies.
[Deferred from 17th July, 2019]
*59. HON. MARKHAM: To ask the Minister of Local Government Public Works and National Housing to;
- Inform the House the circumstances under which the Newmarch Farm, in Borrowdale within the city limits was acquired and developed without the authority of the owner.
- Elaborate how the outline plans from the city passed from the original owner to the developer without compensation.
- Explain how the developer was chosen and to further the protocol used since the incumbent had neither experience nor investment for the infrastructure.
[Deferred from 17th July, 2019]
*60. HON. MARKHAM: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing to inform the House the remedial measures the Ministry has put in place to cover the financial gap arising from the withdrawal of the Chinese loan.
[Deferred from 17th July, 2019]
*61. HON. MARKHAM: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing to inform the House whether the Ministry would intervene and maintain the donated boreholes which the Harare City Council appears to be having challenges maintaining as only 18 out of the 27 boreholes are functioning.
[Deferred from 17th July, 2019]
HON. SHIRICHENA: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing to inform the House the measures being taken by the Ministry in collaboration with Mberengwa Rural District Council and the Zimbabwe National Water Authority to install pipelines for the transmission of water from Mundi-Mataga Dam to Mataga Growth Point.
[Deferred from 28th August 2019] |
*63. | HON. CHIMINA: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing to inform the House when the supply of tap water to Mkoba 14, 15 and 19 in Gweru will resume considering that the supplies were cut-off in 2015. |
[Deferred from 28th August 2019]
HON. RAIDZA: To ask the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National
Housing to inform the House when the Vutsanana-Ingezi and Hwikwi-Mudzidzi Roads in Mberengwa East Constituency will be surfaced in view of the fact that financial resources for these projects were provided for in the 2019 budget. [Deferred from 28th August 2019] |
HON. A. MPOFU: To ask the Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services to state when the Ministry would to install a Viewing Screen and establish an Information Centre at Mataga Business Centre in Mberengwa considering its remoteness area and poor television signal.
[Deferred from 20th March 2019] |
HON. DUBE B.: To ask the Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services to explain government policy regarding the licensing of community radio stations in Zimbabwe and why it has taken too long for the Ministry to license a community radio station in every district of the country.
[Deferred from 12th June, 2019] |
*67. HON. BANDA S: To ask the Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services to inform the House whether the Ministry has any plans to exempt viewers and listeners who do not watch ZTV or listen to local radio stations from subscribing licenses for local broadcasting services.
[Deferred from 28th August 2019]
*68. HON. MASANGO: To ask the Minister of Women Affairs, Community, Small and Medium Enterprises Development to explain the role of Community Based Development Coordinators and to state whether there are mechanisms in place to monitor their activities.
[Deferred from 12th June, 2019]
*69. HON. BANDA S: To ask the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs to state when the Ministry will consider reducing the master’s fees on deceased estates in view of the fact that the current charge of 4 percent of the gross asset value is too exorbitant a situation which leads to loss of benefits that has to be realised by orphans and widows.
[Deferred from 17th July, 2019]
*70. HON. KARIMAZONDO: To ask the Minister of Youth Sport Arts and Recreation to inform the House when the Ministry will construct a Vocational Training Centre in the Maramba Pfungwe Constituency.
[Deferred from 17th July, 2019] *71. HON. MATSIKENYERE: To ask the Minister of Youth, Sport and Recreation to inform the House Government positon regarding the dissolution of the Zimbabwe Cricket Board by the Sports and Recreation Commission and to explain whether the Ministry has any plans to engage the International Cricket Council to rescind its decision to suspend the Zimbabwe Cricket Team.
[Deferred from 28th August 2019]
That this House takes note of the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Budget,
Finance and Economic Development on Mr Charles Mandizvidza Ganagana’s
Petition to Parliament of Zimbabwe on Progress made on the Implementation of the Recommendation of the Commission of Inquiry into the Conversion of Insurance and Pension Values from the Zimbabwe Dollar to United States Dollar (S. C.7, 2019).
That this House:
COGNISANT that Section 23 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe exhorts the State to take reasonable measures to economically empower and safeguard the welfare of Veterans of the Liberation Struggle;
ALSO COGNISANT that there are pieces of legislation which provide for the welfare of war veterans and ex-detainees, except for war collaborators;
DEEPLY CONCERNED with the deplorable living conditions of the majority of war veterans, war collaborators and ex-detainees;
NOW, THEREFORE, calls upon Government to:
Urgently table a bill or bills aligning the related pieces of legislation to the Constitution;
Recognise the respective contributions of war veterans, war collaborators and exdetainees during the liberation war; and
Prioritise the provision of reasonable pension and other benefits which take into account the prevailing cost of living.
That this House;
INSPIRED by government’s commitment towards the achievement of Vision 2030 to transform Zimbabwe into a Prosperous and Empowered Upper Middle Income Society which resonates well with African Union Agenda 2063 and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals;
ENCOURAGED by the Transitional Stabilization Programme which sets in motion the building blocks for the realisation of the 2030 country’s vision;
CONCERNED that previous government efforts to stimulate economic development and move the country out of the current economic challenges have yielded intermittent short term gains;
NOW, THEREFORE, calls upon government to immediately adopt an incentive regime for the productive sector aimed at promoting value addition, innovation, fusion of technologies and adaptation to the prevailing economic environment.
That this House;
NOTING that 15% of the Zimbabwean population are people with disabilities;
CONCERNED with the conditions of extreme poverty and deprivation among the majority of people with disabilities;
ALSO CONCERNED by the absence of holistic solutions to alleviate poverty among them;
NOW, THEREFORE, urges Government;
- To come up with a comprehensive national policy on persons with disabilities;
- To Ensure regular disbursement of the monthly social grant to all people with disabilities; and
- To Provide adequate amenities and facilities for people with disabilities in public buildings, public transport, as well as the provision of amenities such as wheelchairs, computers and braille text books.
NOTING that cholera, dysentery and typhoid are prehistoric diseases associated with overcrowding, unplanned urban settlements and absence of social amenities;
CONCERNED about the recurrence of cholera, typhoid and dysentery in Zimbabwe;
ALSO CONCERNED by the government`s failure in addressing the dilapidated water and sewer infrastructure in urban areas in order to eliminate these diseases.
NOW, THEREFORE, this House,
- Calls upon the Government to urgently find a solution to the problem of cholera; and
- Urges the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development to allocate adequate resources to deal with the water and sewer infrastructure challenges as an intermediate solution to the problem.
That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Care on the Network of African Parliamentary Committees on Health Conference held in Kampala, Uganda, from 30-31 October 2018.
That this House;
AWARE that Zimbabwe has generally a young population with the 2012 National Population Census estimating the population under the age of 35 years to be at 77% and the youth aged 15 to 34 years constituting 56% of the economically active population;
ALSO AWARE that the majority of the youth are the hardest hit in terms of unemployment as the 2012 National Population Census data showed that the youth aged 15-34 years constitutes 84% of the unemployed population;
MINDFUL of section 20 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe which compels all institutions and agencies of government at every level, to take reasonable measures including affirmative action programmes, to ensure that the youth, among other things, are afforded opportunities of employment and other avenues of economic empowerment as well as representation in political, social, economic and other spheres of life;
APPRECIATING Government efforts in establishing Vocational Training Centres with a view to ensuring that the youth are equipped with the essential skills and also establishment of the Empower Bank which provides starter-up funds for youth projects;
NOW, THEREFORE, calls upon Government to:
- Immediately review requirements for accessing funding under the Empower Bank to make them more friendly to the youth;
- Review the Zimbabwe National Council Act to make it more responsive to the needs of the youth, including the provision for a youth quota in all leadership positions in both the public and private sectors; and
- Take the necessary measures to ensure the fulfilment of the requirements of the provisions of Section 20 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe.
That this House:
RECOGNISING that Members of Parliament, with the exception of Independent candidates, are elected to Parliament on a political party ticket
ACKNOWLEDGING that every political party is guided by its own ideology, values and principles which largely influence the manner in which members of the party debate on issues brought before Parliament
AWARE that once a Member of Parliament is elected, he or she becomes a representative of every citizen of Zimbabwe in his or her constituency and not just those that voted for the Member
CONCERNED that Members of Parliament cannot fulfill this representative role to its letter and spirit due to the strictures imposed by political party ideology which is enforced by the whipping system
NOTING that Section 61 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe affords every citizen, including Parliamentarians, the right to freedom of expression and the right to seek, receive and communicate ideas and other information
ALSO NOTING that Section 148 (1) of the Constitution provides that Members of Parliament have freedom of speech in Parliament and in all Parliamentary Committees and, while they must obey the rules and orders of the House concerned, they are not liable to civil or criminal proceedings, arrest or imprisonment or damages for anything said in, produced before or submitted to Parliament or any of its committees.
COGNISANT, however, that this privilege is invalidated by Section 129 (1) (k) of the
Constitution which gives political parties the unfettered power to recall a Member of Parliament whom, in executing his or her representative function, does not toe the party line
DEEPLY CONCERNED that this provision entrenches the whipping system and limits Members of Parliament’s ability to debate freely, earnestly and without fear or favour on issues that affect the people of Zimbabwe where the matters appear to contradict the party line
NOW, THEREFORE, calls upon Parliament to: Urgently amend Section 129 (1) (k) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe so that it stays execution of any notice of expulsion of a member until the Constitutional Court has certified that due process was followed.
That this House;
CONCERNED with the highly contested elections in Zimbabwe since the 1990s which are divisive and a source of polarisation and conflict in Zimbabwe;
DETERMINED to provide a permanent solution to the challenge and disease of electoral authoritarianism and heavily contested elections;
NOW, THEREFORE, resolves that the Joint Parliamentary Legal Committee and Portfolio Committee on Justice Legal and Parliamentary Affairs:
- Conduct a review of the existing electoral laws in Zimbabwe; and
- Recommend electoral legislative reform aimed at creating an environment for holding free, fair, just and credible elections.
That this House, takes note of the Report of the 139th Assembly of the Inter-
Parliamentary Union (IPU), Geneva, Switzerland from the 14th to 18th October, 2018.
That this House;
NOTING that agriculture is the mainstay of Zimbabwe’s economy;
FURTHER NOTING that climate change is negatively affecting agricultural production through intermittent rainfall patterns and excessively high temperatures;
CONCERNED that the Meteorological Department forecast an El Nino induced drought during the 2017/2018 farming season;
ALSO CONCERNED by the death of 3 430 cattle due to tick-borne diseases between November 2017 and May 2018 leading to loss of draught power; NOW, THEREFORE, calls upon Government to:
- Conduct awareness programmes on the forecast drought and encourage farmers to practice conservation farming;
- Provide financial resources to the Department of Veterinary Services for the control of tick-borne diseases and awareness programmes; and
- Provide tillage tractors under the Command Agriculture Programme to farmers in the most affected regions.
That this House;
COGNISANT that the 16 days, from 25 November to 10 December mark a period of a global campaign against gender based violence mainly perpetrated on women and girls.
ACKNOWLEDGING Government’s commitment in addressing violence against women through ratification of both international and regional instruments such as the Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development;
ALSO ACKNOWLEDGING that the Government has set up a number of legal frameworks, which include among others the Domestic Violence Act, the Criminal Law and Codification Reform Act and the Constitutional provision of the Bill of
Rights as some of the laws that are meant to curb violence against men and women;
CONCERNED that most violence that prevails unabated in society is worst felt at household levels where the silent victims are subjected to sexual violence, harassment, inequality in the distribution of family financial resources;
SUPPORTIVE of this year’s international theme which is “#End Gender Based Violence in the World” and further localized by Zimbabwe to “# Creating zero tolerance to sexual harassment at the workplace”
DESIROUS to see an end to all forms of violence in society and most particularly against the female folk who are mostly vulnerable to attacks by their male counterparts.
NOW, THEREFORE, in fulfillment of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, this House calls upon-:
- The government to put in place adequate measures such as domestication of Instruments that promote a conducive environment to decisively discourage any form of violence at work places and in the homes;
- The Women’s Organizations come out in full support and strongly condemn violence against women and girls in all its forms during the 16 days of activism against gender based violence and beyond; and
- That deterrent sentences be put in place to punish gender based violent crimes even long after the 16 days of activism against gender based violence campaign are over.
That this House:
DEEPLY DISTURBED by reports of rampant abuse of women and girls including, indecent assault, rape and other sexual acts allegedly committed by members of the security forces;
APPALLED that some of the heinous acts are being allegedly committed without protection and in the presence of children;
WORRIED that the culture of fear and despondency has been instilled into this group;
CONCERNED that a culture of paying a blind eye to these human rights abuses by state agencies has resulted in the failure to bring to book;
DISMAYED that there is no appropriate remedial action as the victims cannot report to the same institutions whose members are allegedly responsible for the same acts;
COGNISANT of the culture of impunity pervading the institutions in question;
RECOGNISING that other alleged grave injustices such as mass arrests unjustified-d denial of bail and fast track trials undermine the justice delivery system;
NOW THEREFORE calls on the Executive to:
- Expeditiously act to put a stop to these grave injustices and abuses;
- Uphold the rule of law and create an environment for reports to be made; and
- Expedite the enactment of an independent complaints mechanism in accordance with the provisions of Section 210 of the Constitution.
Amendment proposed by Hon. Masiya:
To delete all the words after "That this House" and substitute with:- the following
“NOTING WITH CONCERN that the sanctions which were imposed on Zimbabwe by Western countries are unjustified as they are meant to cripple the economy, as part of the regime change agenda.
AWARE that there are certain elements within the country, operating in collaboration with some multi-national companies and non-governmental organisations, that are being used by neo-colonialists to cripple the economy as part of that grand regime change agenda;
APPRECIATING the professionalism, responsiveness and dedication to duty, demonstrated by our security forces in defending the country during the well calculated destabilization acts of terrorism unleashed in some urban areas under the façade of a job stay away from 14 to 16 January 2019;
COGNISANT that the current government was given a clear mandate to govern the country through the 31st July 2018 harmonised elections which were credited for being peaceful, free, fair and credible as confirmed by the Constitutional Court and any attempts to remove a constitutionally elected government by unconstitutional means is highly uncalled for;
RECOGNISING the critical role played by our security forces in defending the country against any internal and external destabilization efforts;
NOW, THEREFORE, calls upon:
- Parliament to condemn in the strongest terms, the recent violent demonstrations which resulted in unwarranted destruction of property and loss of life;
- Government to ensure security forces are provided with the necessary budgetary support to be able to deal with any threats of peace and security in the country.
- Government to expeditiously investigate the looting and wanton destruction of property and ensure rogue elements are brought to book in accordance with the law”.
That this House:
COGNISANT of the invaluable contributions of pensioners to the socio-economic development of Zimbabwe;
ALSO COGNISANT that ZimStats recorded a year on year inflation rate of 31 percent in November 2018;
CONCERNED that the National Social Security Authority (NSSA) currently pays out minimum monthly pension benefits of $80.00 per individual;
DEEPLY CONCERNED that the majority of pensioners are living in conditions of extreme poverty as they can no longer afford basic needs such as food, clothing and medical services;
NOW THEREFORE calls upon government to urgently review upwards NSSA pension pay-outs from a minimum of $80.00 to $200.00 and establish a National Health Insurance Scheme.
That this House:
NOTING the importance of traditional leadership in the country.
COGNISANT of the role traditional leaders play in culture and heritage
CONCERNED with very poor remunerations and benefits of traditional leaders,
AWARE that Section 284(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe states that an Act of Parliament must provide for the remuneration and benefits of traditional leaders to be fixed with the approval of the President given on the recommendation of the Minister responsible for Finance and after consultations with the Minister responsible for traditional leaders
NOW, THEREFORE calls upon the Minister of Finance and Economic
Development and The Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing to urgently review the remunerations and benefits of traditional leaders for the approval of the President.
COGNISANT that section 82 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe provides for the rights of the elderly which among others include the right to receive financial support by way of social security and welfare;
NOTING WITH CONCERN that most of the elderly are living in abject poverty due to the disintegration of the concept of extended family;
NOW, THEREFORE, this House calls upon the Executive:
- To come up with a comprehensive national policy for the supporting the elderly in order to preserve the dignity of life; and
- To ensure monthly disbursements of social grants for the elderly.
COGNISANT that Zimbabwe joined the rest of the world in commemorating the United Nations International Anti- Corruption Day on 9 December 2018 to sensitize the people about the adverse effects of corruption;
DISTURBED that in 2018, Zimbabwe was ranked Number 160 out of 180 countries on Corruption Perceptions Index by Transparency International, which is three steps down from 2017;
NOTING WITH CONCERN that corruption costs the nation at least 5% of GDP thereby negatively affecting service delivery and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and also the country’s vision 2030;
CONCERNED that the vulnerable groups in society such as the poor, women, children, youths, people living with disabilities and the elderly mostly bear the burden of corruption;
ALSO CONCERNED that corruption greatly undermines the existence of state institutions, the administration of justice and as a result, threatens the stability and security of our great nation;
NOW. THEREFORE, this House calls upon the Executive-
(a) To fully implement the United Nations Convention against Corruption ratified in 2007 and the Public Entities and Corporate Governance Act passed in this august House in 2018; and
(a) To strengthen institutions responsible for fighting corruption such as the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission, the National Prosecuting Authority and the Office of the Auditor General through provision of adequate financial, human and material resources and support.
That this House;
COGNISANT of the sanctity of the right to life and that it should be enjoyed by every human being;
FURTHER COGNISANT that some innocent people are given a death penalty after they fail to defend themselves and prove their innocence in a court of law; and
AWARE that the death penalty has been a contentious issue the world over with a number of countries opting to scrap it from their statutes;
NOW, THEREFORE, calls upon the Executive to abolish the death penalty.
That this House;
ACKNOWLEDGING the need for government to ensure food security in the country by providing optimum support to the agriculture sector;
AWARE that the country is divided into the five ecological regions with regions one to three supportive of crop farming while four and five are suitable for livestock production;
APPRECIATING government efforts in empowering the farmers through the provision of inputs support under the Command Agriculture Programme as part of efforts in ensuring that the country is food secure;
COGNISANT that some farmers in certain provinces have benefited under the Command Livestock but however some farmers in other provinces are yet to benefit under the Programme;
NOTING that the crop farmers have considerably benefitted under the Command Agriculture compared to livestock farmers taking into account the widespread distribution of crop inputs and the gestation period;
NOW THEREFORE, calls upon the Government to:
- Put in place a Land Bank which provide equitable support to both cropping and livestock farmers;
- Urgently revive the Cold Storage Company or establish a livestock commodity board to promote the marketing of livestock products; and
- Facilitate the export of livestock products by exploring non-traditional foreign markets.
NOTING that the tourism sector is a major contributor to the development of the country’s economy;
COGNISANT that Kariba constituency boasts of abundant tourism resources;
ALSO NOTING WITH CONCERN the extreme marginalization and neglect of the Omay region of the Kariba Nyaminyami rural area;
NOW, THEREFORE this House, calls upon the Executive To full exploit the tourism resources for Kariba town and the surrounding areas and ensure that the people derive benefits from their resources.
That this House;
CONCERNED that Zimbabwe continues to experience perennial challenges of hunger even during years of good rains;
ALSO CONCERNED that the country’s agro-business remains highly uncompetitive in the region due to the reluctance by government to embrace technological advancement in the sector such as Genetically Modified Organisations (GMOs); and
FURTHER CONCERNED that the market is currently flooded with processed food products with GMOs from surrounding countries, thereby further crippling the agriculture sector.
NOW THEREFORE; calls upon government to review the agricultural policy and embrace the technology of GMOs in order to improve agricultural productivity.
That this House;
COGNISANT of the multiple roles of Councillors in terms of Section 71 of the Rural District Councils Act [Chapter 29:13] which include, inter-alia, supervision of ward development programmes, attending Rural District Committee meetings and addressing issues raised by local people;
CONCERNED with the low remuneration of Councillors in Rural District Councils which is currently a paltry sitting allowance of less than $150.00 per month;
NOW, THEREFORE, calls upon the Ministry of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing to urgently review the remuneration of Councillors to include monthly salaries, non-monetary benefits such as residential stands in towns located in their respective provinces and vehicles during their tenure of office.
That this House;
CONCERNED that the current fuel crisis in the country is adversely affecting all sectors of the economy;
DISTURBED that the shortages are a serious security concern which detractors may take advantage of, to destabilise the economy and undermine investor confidence in the country;
NOW, THEREFORE calls upon Government to formulate a policy that will curb the current bottle necks in the procurement of fuel and permanently resolve the fuel shortages.
That this House takes note of the Report on the 53rd Session of the ACP Parliamentary Assembly and the 37th Session of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly held in Cotonou, Benin from 28th November to 5th December 2018.
That this House;
DEEPLY CONCERNED at the ever deteriorating welfare conditions of victims of the liberation struggle;
MINDFUL that the freedom and peace that we currently enjoy came through the heavy sacrifice of the precious lives of our gallant men and women who took up arms to fight injustices perpetrated against the masses by colonialists;
COGNISANT that there has been procrastination in the process of recognising compensating and vetting the liberation war victims who suffered various forms of disability during the war;
DISTURBED by the fact that liberation war victims have been left vulnerable as evidenced by their inability to access medical services, food, decent accommodation and school fees for their families;
NOW, THEREFORE, urges the Government to:
- Collate and compile an accurate database of all those liberation war victims who have not yet been compensated.
- Expedite the vetting of all victims who assisted during the liberation war;
- Expeditiously compensate all such victims, in whatever way as a sign of appreciation for their assistance and collaboration; and
- Provide wheel chairs and pay for their medical expenses, particularly surgery
for those who still have bullets lodged in their bodies and whose eye sight and ears were affected by the effects of shrapnel and other fragments during the war.
That this House; takes note of the Second Report of the Portfolio Committee on
Health and Child Care on the State of Medicines and Drugs Supply in the Public Health Institutions of Zimbabwe (S.C. 6, 2019)
- Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Defence, Home Affairs and Security on the Gwanda Community Youth Development Trust Petition on the access to primary documents (Adjourned 27th August 2019- Mayihlome)
[Days elapsed: 3]
Question proposed: That this House takes note of the Report of the Portfolio
Committee on Defence, Home Affairs and Security on the Gwanda Community
Youth Development Trust Petition on the access to primary documents (S. C.9, 2019)- Hon. Mayihlome
- Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare on Petition Regarding Delays in the Operationalisation of Statutory
Instrument 125 / 2013 (Adjourned 29th August, 2019 – The Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development)
[Day elapsed: 2]
Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare on Petition Regarding Delays in the Operationalisation of Statutory Instrument 125 / 2013 Children’s (NonPublic Service Probation Officers) Regulations. (S.C.3, 2019)- Hon. E. Ncube
- Adjourned debate on motion on the state of the road network in most local authorities
(Adjourned 29th August, 2019- The Deputy Minister of Energy and Power Development)
[Day elapsed: 2]
Question proposed: That this House;
WHEREAS Section 264 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe provides for governmental powers and responsibilities to be devolved to provincial and metropolitan councils and local authorities whenever appropriate;
AWARE that local authorities have a responsibility to maintain the road infrastructure within their jurisdictions;
CONCERNED with the massive deterioration of the road network in most local authorities especially in urban areas.
ALSO CONCERNED with the failure by local authorities to maintain roads due to the shrinking revenue base.
NOW, THEREFORE, this House resolves;
That Government urgently decentralise the collection of vehicle licence fees and road user charges currently collected by ZINARA to local authorities. - Hon. Mushoriwa
- Adjourned debate on motion on the first report of the Portfolio Committee on Local
Government, Public Works and National Housing on Gwanda Residents’ Petition on violation of rights to human dignity, water and clean environment (Adjourned 3rd September 2019- Hon Togarepi)
[Day elapsed: 1]
Question proposed: That this House takes note of the first report of the Portfolio Committee on Local Government, Public Works and National Housing on Gwanda Residents’ Petition on violation of rights to human dignity, water and clean environment. (S.C. 6, 2019)- Hon Chikukwa)
- Adjourned debate on motion on the condolence message for the late Hon Vimbai
Tsvangirayi-Java (Adjourned 20th June 2019- Hon Mushoriwa)
[Days elapsed: 18]
Question proposed: That this House expresses its profound sorrow on the sudden and untimely death on Monday, 10th June 2019, of Honourable Member of Parliament for Glen View South, Mrs. Vimbai Tsvangirai-Java;
PLACES on record its appreciation of the services which the late Member of Parliament rendered to Parliament and the nation; and
RESOLVES that its deepest sympathy be conveyed to Mr. Java, the Java family, the Tsvangirai family and the Glen View South Constituency - Hon Mushoriwa.
- Adjourned debate on motion on the condolence message for the late Hon. Obedingwa Madlala Mguni (Adjourned 27th June 2019- Musabayana)
[Days elapsed: 14]
Question proposed: That this House express its profound sorrow on the sudden and untimely death on Tuesday, 18th June 2019, of Honourable Member of Parliament for Mangwe Constituency, Mr. Obedingwa Madlala Mguni;
PLACES on record its appreciation of the sterling services which the late Member of Parliament rendered to Parliament and the nation; and
RESOLVES that its deepest and heartfelt condolences be conveyed to Mrs Mguni, the entire family, relatives, friends and the Mangwe Constituency- Hon Phuti
- Adjourned debate on motion on the condolence message for the late Hon. Gumbwanda (Adjourned 18th July, 2019- Hon Mavenyengwa)
[Days elapsed: 12]
Question proposed: That this House expresses its profound sorrow on the sudden and untimely death on Tuesday, 25th June 2019, of Honourable Member of
Parliament for Zaka East Constituency, Mr Kaston Ringirisai Gumbwanda;
PLACES on record its appreciation of the sterling services which the late Member of Parliament rendered to Parliament and the nation; and
RESOLVES that its deepest and heartfelt condolences be conveyed to the entire Gumbwanda family, relatives, friends and the Zaka East Constituency- Hon Mavenyengwa.
34 Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the Delegation to the Inter-
Parliamentary Union meeting on the adoption of the Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular migration (Adjourned 25th June, 2019 – Hon. Togarepi)
[Days elapsed: 17]
Question proposed: That this House takes note of the Report of the Delegation to the Inter- Parliamentary Union meeting on the adoption of the Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular migration held from 6th to 7th December 2018 in Rabat, Morocco – Hon. Nduna
- Adjourned debate on motion on the Report on the 52nd Session of the ACP
Parliamentary Assembly and the 36th Session of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly (Adjourned 25th June, 2019 – Hon. Togarepi).
[Days elapsed: 18]
Question proposed: That this House takes note of the Report on the 52nd Session of the ACP Parliamentary Assembly and the 36th Session of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly – Hon. Saruwaka.
- Adjourned debate on motion on the Reports on the 7th International Parliamentary
Conference on the Implementation of the International Conference on Population and
Development (Adjourned 25th June, 2019 – Hon. Nduna)
[Days elapsed: 17]
Question proposed: That this House Takes note of the Reports on the 7th International Parliamentary Conference on the Implementation of the International Conference on Population and Development, held in Ottawa, Canada on 22 to 23 October 2018, and the International Conference on Family Planning held on 12-15 November 2018 in Kigali, Rwanda – Hon. Kwaramba
- COMMITTEE: To resume on the Zimbabwe Investment Development Agency Bill (H.B. 2, 2019)- (progress reported 27th August 2019 –The Minister of Industry and Commerce)
(See Notice of Amendments)
- Adjourned debate on motion on the SECOND READING of the Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime Amendment Bill, (H. B. 4, 2019)- (Adjourned 3rd September, 2019 (The Minister of Justice Legal and Parliamentary Affairs.)
[Days elapsed: 1]
Question proposed: That the Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime Amendment Bill, (H. B. 4, 2019) be now read a second time- The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs.
- Adjourned debate on motion on the SECOND READING of the Coroner’s Office Bill, (H. B. 5, 2019) – (Adjourned 27th August, 2019-The Minister of Justice Legal and Parliamentary Affairs.
[Days elapsed: 3]
Question proposed: That the Coroner’s Office Bill, (H. B. 5, 2019) be now read a second time- The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs.
- Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned 30th
July, 2019 – The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs)
[Time elapsed: 14 hours 43 minutes]
Question proposed: That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows: -
May it please you, your Excellency the President:
We, the Members of Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to Parliament- Hon. Kwaramba.
- Adjourned debate on motion on the Report of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission on
2018 Harmonised Elections (Adjourned 27th June, 2019 – The Minister of Justice Legal and Parliamentary Affairs)
[Days elapsed: 15]
Question proposed: That this House takes note of the Report of the Zimbabwe
Electoral Commission on 2018 Harmonised Elections presented to the National Assembly in terms of Section 241 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe- The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs.
Zimbabwe Investment Development Agency Bill, 2019 (H.B. 2, 2019)
On page 6 of the Bill, delete the definition for “Minister” on lines 27-28 and substitute― ““Minister” means the Minister of Finance or any other Minister to whom the President may from time to time assign the administration of this Act;”.
On page 8 of the Bill, after line 6 insert the following paragraphs―
“(o) to have investment officers in provinces and districts representing the Agency;
- to support the devolution program by having provincial representation and offices in every province of the country;
- to promote investments across the country especially for marginalized groups such as women and youth, and providing cross-linkages with mainstream investors.
Clause 5 of the Bill is amended as follows―
- On page 8 of the Bill, after line 42 by the insertion of the following paragraph―
“(p) a desk for the health sector.”.
- On page 9 of the Bill, by the deletion of sub-clause (4) on lines 3 to 5 and substitute― “(4) Persons manning the desks referred to in subsections (1)(d) to (p) should be senior employees, officers or representatives who are capable and fully empowered to make decisions by their Agency, departments or Ministry.”.
- On page 9 of the Bill, by the deletion of sub-clause (9) on lines 24 to 27 and substitute―
“(9) Every person, including every Minister, Statutory corporation and local authority, whose duty it is to consider requests made by the Agency for purposes of this Act, shall ensure that, as far as possible, priority is given to the consideration of every application and request made by the Agency on behalf of a person carrying on or proposing to carry on an approved activity in a special economic zone or elsewhere.”.
- On page 9 of the Bill, by the deletion of sub-clause (10) on lines 28 to 31.
Clause 7 of the Bill is amended as follows―
- On page 9 delete “eight (8)” and substitute “nine (9)” in line 39;
- On page 9 delete “three” and substitute “six (6)” in line 40; (c) On page 10 delete “five” and substitute “three (3)” in line 1;
(d) On page 10 delete “and Secretary of the Board” in line 4.
Clause 7 of the Bill is amended as follows―
- on page 9 of the Bill, delete the chapeau to sub-clause (1) on line 39 and substitute―
“(1) With the approval of Parliament the Minister shall appoint eight (8) members to the Board of whom―”.
- on page 10 of the Bill, delete sub-clause (3) on lines 5 to 6 and substitute―
“(3) The Minister shall ensure that—
- men and women are equally represented in the composition of the Board; and
- all Zimbabwe’s regions are fairly represented.”.
Delete Clause 7 of the Bill and substitute the following―
“7 Composition of ZIDA Board
- There shall be a Board to be known as the Zimbabwe Investment and Development Agency Board which shall consist of―
- the Chairperson appointed by the President after consultation with the
Committee on Standing Rules and Orders;
- eight other members appointed by the President from a list of not fewer than twelve nominees submitted by the Committee on Standing Rules and Orders.
- In appointing the eight members referred to in subsection (1)(b)―
- five shall be chosen from the private sector;
- three shall be chosen from the public sector at director level and above in line with the Public Entities and Corporate Governance Act.
- The Chief Executive Officer shall be an ex officio member of the Board and the Secretary to the Board.
- In appointing the Board members the President shall have regard for the provisions of sections 17 and 18 of the Constitution.
- The Board shall, at its first meeting, elect a Vice-Chairperson of the Board from among its members:
Provided that the Chairperson and Vice- Chairperson shall be different genders.
On pages 10 (lines 38 to 45) and 11 (lines 1-16) delete the clause and substitute. “9 Chief Executive Officer and staff of Agency
- Subject to this Act, the President shall appoint a person to be the Chief Executive
Officer of the Authority, on such terms and conditions as the Board, with the approval of the Minister, may fix.
- No person shall be appointed as Chief Executive Officer and no person shall hold office as Chief Executive Officer if he or she is not a citizen of Zimbabwe.
- The Board with the approval of the President shall terminate the appointment of the Chief Executive Officer if he or she would be required in terms of paragraph 3(b), (c) or (d) of the First Schedule to vacate his or her office had the provisions of that section and paragraphs 2(b) and (c) of the First Schedule applied to him or her.
- Subject to the general control of the Board, the Chief Executive Officer shall be responsible for—
- managing the operations and property of the Authority; and
- supervising and controlling the activities of the employees of the Authority in the course of their employment.
- The Board may assign to the Chief Executive Officer such other functions as the
Board thinks fit: Provided that the Board shall not assign to the Chief Executive Officer any duty that has been assigned to the chairperson of the Board.
- Any assignment of functions in terms of subsection (5) may be made either
generally or specifically and subject to such reservations, restrictions, and exceptions as the Board may determine, and may be revoked by the Board at any time.
- The Board may employ on such terms and conditions as it may determine
employees who are necessary for the conduct of the business of the Authority and may suspend, discipline or discharge any such persons.
- The Board may delegate its powers referred to in subsection (7) to the Chief Executive Officer.
- The Agency may, with the approval of the Minister, make rules relating to staff ”.
Clause 14 of the Bill is amended as follows―
- On page 12, in the heading by the deletion of “senior” on line 34;
- On page 12, insert the following sub-clause (2) after line 40;
“(2) Where an investor has been allowed to bring expatriate staff, it should be on the condition the investor shall impart local personnel with expertise with a view to take over upon the expiration of the expatriate’s contract of employment.”.
the preceding sub-clause will accordingly be numbered (1).
Clause 21 is amended as follows―
- On page 15 delete sub-clause (3) on line 36 to 38 and substitute―
“(3) The Board shall within three (3) days approve or refuse to approve any application for an investment license submitted to the Agency in terms of subsection
(1) or (2):
Provided that failure to approve an application within the three (3) day period will automatically deem approval.”.
- On page 15 delete “Chief Executive Officer” and substitute “Board” in line 39;
- On page 16 insert the following sub-clauses after line 2—
“(6) Any person who is aggrieved by a decision of the Board may, within fourteen (14) days after the date of the decision, appeal against the decision to the Minister.
(7) The Minister may on an appeal in terms of subsection (6), within seven (7) days after the appeal was noted —
- confirm, vary or set aside the decision of the Board;
- remit the matter to the Board for further consideration with such directions or advice as he or she considers necessary.”.
On page 16 insert the following sub-clause after line 12—
(2) The Agency may also issue an indefinite licence upon the investor meeting set criteria by the Agency, and paying any fee, if any, as may be prescribed.”;
the preceding sub-clause will accordingly be numbered (1).
On page 16 insert the following sub-clause after line 33—
(3) Every licensed investor shall submit to the Agency at such intervals as the Agency may direct such statistical data and such information and returns as respects his or her sales and purchases and other operations as the Authority may require.
On page 21 insert “within sixty (60) days” after “shall” on line 34.
On page 24 delete sub-clause (6) on lines 31 to 33 and substitute—
“(6) Any investment licence approved by the Zimbabwe Investment Authority under the Zimbabwe Investments Authority Act [Chapter 14:30] and by the Zimbabwe Special Economic Zones Authority under the Special Economic Zones Act [Chapter 14:34] shall continue to be governed by the said Act until the term of such licence has expired.”.
Clause 48 is amended as follows—
- On page 2 delete sub-clause (6) on lines 26 to 29 and substitute—
“(6) With effect from the fixed date every person employed by the Zimbabwe Investment Authority and the Zimbabwe special Economic Zones Authority immediately before that date may be transferred to the service of the Agency on terms not less favorable than those enjoyed by him or her immediately prior to his or her transfer.”.
- on page 25 delete sub-clause (8) on lines 36 to 41 and substitute—
“(8) Until such time as conditions of service are drawn up by the Agency, the terms and conditions of service applicable to employees of the Zimbabwe Investment Authority constituted by Zimbabwe Investment Authority [Chapter 14:30] or the Zimbabwe Special Economic Zones Authority constituted by the Special Economic Zones Act [Chapter 14:34] as the case may be, shall continue to apply to every employee transferred to the Authority as if every such person were still in the service of the Zimbabwe Investment Authority or the Zimbabwe Special Economic Zones Authority as the case may be.”.
On page delete “three” and substitute “five” in line 32.
- Marriages Bill (H.B. 7, 2019) - The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs (Referred 29th August, 2019).
- Freedom of Information Bill (H.B. 6, 2019) - The Minister of Information, Media and Broadcasting Services (Referred 29th August, 2019).
- Zimbabwe Media Commission Bill (H.B.8, 2019) - The Minister of Information, Media and Broadcasting Services (Referred 29th August, 2019).