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- Create Date October 11, 2011
- Last Updated November 6, 2021
No. 8
Quarter past two o'clock p.m.
The Speaker in the Chair
Members | Present | |||||
Baloyi A,
Beremauro G, Bhasikiti K, Bimha M.C Buka F, Chaderopa F Chambati T.S Chanetsa P.T. Chebundo B |
W.K Chikava B, Chimanikire G, Chimbetete W.M Chininga E.T.C, |
M.M Chinyadza W Chirongwe R, Chirume O Chitando J Chitima A, Chivamba K, Denga P Dongo G.Z |
Dzingirai I
Dzirutwe G Gabuza J.G Garadhi S Goche N.T Gonese I.T Goto R Gwiyo C.C Hlongwane M Hove S.R Huruba T Jembere E Jiri M Kachepa N Kagurabadza M.T Kanzama F Karenyi L Katsande A Kay J.I.H Khumalo N.M, Khumalo S.S, Kumalo M Langa A Mabhena G Machacha C Madubeko J Madzimure W Madzore P Mafios I.D Mahlangu T Mahoka S Makamure R Mandebvu N.T Mangami D Mangena J Maposhere D Maramba P.H Mare M Matibe T.P |
Matienga M Matimba T
Matshalaga O Matutu T Mavima L.D Mazikana P.H Mbwembwe E Mhandu C Mhashu F.G Mhlanga A Mkhosi E.T.M Mlilo O.S Mnangagwa E.D Mnkandlha T Moyo R Mpukuta L Muchaur aya P Mudarikwa S Mudau M Mudavanhu E Mudiwa S Mudzuri E Mudzuri H Muguti C Mukanduri S.T Munengami F Mungofa P.T Munjeyi G Mushonga S.L Mushore L Musumbu E Musundire A.L Musvaire W |
Mutomba W
Mutseyami C.P Muza I Mwonzora D.T Navaya E Ncube S Ndambakuwa F Ndava R Ndebele G Ndhlovu A Ndlovu M. M Nemadziva N Nezi W Ngwenya B Nhema C.D.F Nyakudanga O Nyamudeza S Nyamupinga B.B Raradza E Sai S Samkange N.T.C Sansole T.W Saruwaka T.J.L Shirichena E Shoko H Shoko M Sibanda D.S Sibanda P.N Sindi C Sithole A Tachiona M Tazviona R Undenge S Zhanda T.P Zhuwao P Zinyemba M Ziyambi W.Z Zwizwai M.
Printed by Order of the House
Absent with leave
Hon. Chidakwa W, Hon. Cross E. G, Hon. Dumbu F, Hon. Masaiti E, Hon. Matamisa E,
- Papers laid upon the Table-
The Minister of Labour and Social Services
2010 Annual Report : National Social Security Authority (NSSA) [Chapter
The Minister of Finance
Multiple Indicator Monitoring Survey (MIMS) Final Report [Chapter 22:19]
- The Minister of Public Works moved: That Notices of Motions No.s 1 to 5 for today, stand over until Order No. 17, for today, has been disposed of.
Motion put and agreed to.
- The Minister of Economic Planning and Investment Promotion moved:
THAT WHEREAS, Subsection (1) of Section 111/B of the Constitution of Zimbabwe provides that any convention, treaty or agreement acceded to, concluded or executed by or under the authority of the President with one or more foreign states or governments or international organizations shall be subject to approval by Parliament;
WHEREAS the Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe and the Government of the Republic of Botswana was signed on the 21st March 2011;
WHEREAS Article 20 of this Agreement provides that it shall enter into force thirty (30) days after the date of the letter of the two notifications;
AND WHEREAS the Government of Zimbabwe, having signed the aforesaid
Agreement is desirous of operationalizing it;
NOW THEREFORE, and now therefore, in terms of subsection of sub-section 111B of the Constitution, this House resolves that the aforesaid agreement be and is hereby approved for ratification.
Motion put and agreed to.
- The Minister of Economic Planning and Investment Promotion moved:
THAT WHEREAS, Subsection (1) of Section 111/B of the Constitution of Zimbabwe provides that any convention, treaty or agreement acceded to, concluded or executed by or under the authority of the President with one or more
foreign states or governments or international organizations shall be subject to approval by Parliament;
WHEREAS the Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe and the Government of the Republic of India was signed on the 10th February 1999;
WHEREAS Article 14 of this Agreement provides that it shall be subject to ratification and shall enter into force one month after the date of exchange of Instruments of Ratification;
AND WHEREAS the Government of Zimbabwe, having signed the aforesaid
Agreement and is desirous of operationalizing it;
NOW THEREFORE, and now therefore, in terms of subsection of sub-section 111B of the Constitution, this House resolves that the aforesaid agreement be and is hereby approved for ratification.
Motion put and agreed to.
- Adjourned debate on motion on the ratification of Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran which was signed on the 9th day of May 1999 (Adjourned 6th October – The Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Prof. Mutambara).
[Day elapsed: 2]
Question again proposed: THAT WHEREAS, subsection (1) of Section 111/B of the Constitution of Zimbabwe provides that any convention, treaty or agreement acceded to, concluded or executed by or under the authority of the President with one or more foreign states or governments or international organizations shall be subject to approval by Parliament;
WHEREAS the Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran was signed on the 9th day of May 1999;
WHEREAS Article 13 of this Agreement provides that it shall enter into force and be binding on the date of submission of the last instrument of ratification by one Contracting Party to the other Contracting Party;
AND WHEREAS the Government of Zimbabwe, having signed the aforesaid
Agreement and is desirous of operationalizing it;
NOW THEREFORE, and now therefore, in terms of subsection of sub-section 111B of the Constitution, this House resolves that the aforesaid agreement be and is hereby approved for ratification.
Motion put and agreed to.
- Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned 6th October – The Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs).
[Time elapsed: 3 hours 06 minutes]
Question again proposed: That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows:-
May it please you, your Excellency, the President:
We, the Members of Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to Parliament – Hon Zhuwao
On the motion of the Minister of Public Works: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.
- Adjourned debate on motion on the death of Retired General Tapfumaneyi Ruzambo Solomon Mutusva Mujuru (Adjourned 6th October - The Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Prof. Mutambara).
[Day elapsed:2]
Question again proposed: That this House expresses its profound sorrow on the sudden, untimely and tragic death on Tuesday, 16 August, 2011 of Retired
General Tapfumaneyi Ruzambo Solomon Mutusva Mujuru Commander of the Zimbabwe National Army and former Hon Member of Parliament;
PLACES on record its deepest, proud and sincere appreciation of the grand, sterling and services par excellence the late Retired General and former
Member of Parliament rendered to the Nation;
JOINS the rest of the country in mourning and consoling the Hon. Vice
President Amai Mujuru the widow of our hero; and
RESOLVES THAT its deepest and heartfelt sympathies be conveyed to the entire Mujuru family- Hon. Bhasikiti.
On the motion of the Minister of Public Works: Debate adjourned until tomorrow.
- On the motion of the Minister of Public Works: The House adjourned at half past four o'clock p.m. until tomorrow.
- N. M. MOYO Speaker.
*1. | HON. D SIBANDA: To ask the Co-Ministers of Home Affairs to explain:
i) why records of birth certificates for all districts in the country dating as far back as 1982 are only kept in Harare, a situation which forces people to travel that far to get these valuable documents; and ii) why the Ministry is not entering data on such birth certificates into the computer for easy access by the Provinces.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 5th October 2011]
HON SITHOLE: To ask the Co-Ministers of Home Affairs to explain to the House:
i) the criteria used in allocating new vehicles to relevant police stations countrywide; and ii) how the Ministry expects Rural Police Stations to operate effectively when they do not have vehicles at their disposal as is the case with Ndali Police Station in Chiredzi District of Masvingo Province. [Deferred from, Wednesday 5th October 2011] |
HON. CHIMHINI : To ask the Co-Ministers of Home Affairs whether the Ministry could consider deploying traffic police to alleviate the problems faced by the members of the public due to the increase in traffic volumes and failure by motorists to observe traffic regulations during peak hours.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 5th October 2011]
*4. | HON. CHIMHINI: To ask the Minister of Education, Sport, Arts and Culture to |
quantify the contribution to the GDP by the Arts and Culture sector and inform |
the House how the Ministry intends to promote this sector which has the potential
to generate revenue for the fiscus.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 5th October 2011]
*5. HON. MAHLANGU: To ask the Minister of Education, Sports, Arts and Culture to inform the House:
- i) what the Ministry has done so far in accelerating the achievement of Millennium Development Goal No. 2 (MDG2); ii) the Ministry's progress in achieving this goal by 2015;
- the challenges being faced by the Ministry in achieving this goal; and
- what the Ministry is doing to overcome these challenges.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 5th October 2011]
*6. HON CHIMHINI: To ask the Minister of Labour and Social Service to inform the House whether there are any plans to increase the survivors pension fund payout since the current amount is paltry.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 5th October 2011]
*7. HON. MAHLANGU: To ask the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare to explain to the House:
- How much Beam allocation has been disbursed to Bulawayo Province so far this year and a breakdown for each constituency;
- The criteria used to select the beneficiaries of the fund and state who does it; and
- advise the House on the control mechanisms put in place by the Ministry to ensure that the Ministry curbs corruption and that the money is disbursed on a non-partisan basis. [Deferred from, Wednesday 5th October 2011]
*8. HON. MAHLANGU: To ask the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare to inform the
- i) what the Ministry has done to ensure that sufficient funding is available to all the Ministries in order to accelerate the achievement of MDGs; ii) whether the country is on track in achieving Millennium Development Goals by 2015;
- what the Ministry has done so far in order to achieve the Millennium Development Goals 1 and 8;
- the challenges being faced by the Ministry in realising these MDGs and what the Ministry is doing to overcome them;
- what the Ministry is doing to ensure that it engages the Members of Parliament on the MDGs for their representative function and budget scrutiny; and
- how the amount of money hat has been availed so far by the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP) and other developmental partners,
including the Government to ensure the achievement of the MDGs by 2015.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 5th October 2011]
*9. HON. MUSHONGA: To ask the Minister of State in the President's Office to explain to the House why the following members of the Central Intelligence Organisation have been allowed to hold political party positions as Central Committee Members of ZANU PF whilst they are still in full-time employment of the state:
Tabeth Kanengoni from Mashonaland Central
Jesca Chidza from Manicaland
Lazma Humbe from Manicaland
[Deferred from, Wednesday 5th October 2011]
*10. HON. MUSHONGA: To ask the Minister of Foreign Affairs to inform to the House :
- Why the Zimbabwe Government is refusing to handover Protais Mpiranya who was the commander of the Rwandan Army's Presidential Guards during the Rwandan Genocide and to explain
- the government policy on genocide perpetrators in Rwanda and Ethiopia particularly those who committed rape, sexual offences including violence and murder. [Deferred from, Wednesday 5th October 2011]
*11. HON. MUSHONGA: To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development to explain to the House:
- why the barley tobacco delivered to the auction floors has not been purchased;
- what assurances the government is giving to ensure our barley tobacco farmers are encouraged to continue growing more barley tobacco; and iii) whether the government has an intervention strategy in as far as the growing of barley tobacco is concerned.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 5th October 2011]
*12. HON SULULU: To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development to inform the House weather:
- i) ARDA Silobela is still under the Ministry or now privately owned; ii) the benefits accrued by the local people from the operations of ARDA silobela;
iii) who the beneficiaries of the outputs from ARDA; and iv) whether the money from its operations is disbursed to the Treasury.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 5th October 2011]
*13. HON. MAHLANGU: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Welfare to inform the
- what strides the Ministry has taken to ensure that Mpilo and Central Hospitals improve the state of health delivery system which of late has been a cause of concern for Bulawayo residents and those in surrounding areas;
- what the Ministry is doing to curb corruption which has seriously affected the state of delivery system in the two hospitals; and
- when the Ministry is going to to start building a third referral hospital for Bulawayo which it promised ten years ago since the current two hospitals Mpilo and Central are failing to cope with the increasing number of patients.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 5th October 2011]
*14. HON. MAHLANGU: To ask the Minister of Health and Child Welfare to inform the
- what the Ministry has done so far to ensure that it achieves Millennium Development Goal 4, 5 and 6 (MDGs) which relate to reducing child mortality, improving maternal health and combating HIV and AIDS, malaria and other diseases by 2015;
- the challenges the Ministry is facing in achieving these MDGs; and iii) what the Ministry is doing in to overcome these challenges and ensuring these MDGs achievable by 2015.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 5th October 2011]
*15. HON. MUSHONGA: To ask the Minister of Mines and Mining Development to explain to the House why;
- i) Zimbabwe is the only country which mines Diamonds without any relevant Diamond Mining Law. ii) diamonds in SADC countries belong to the State.
iii) mining companies get less than twenty percent (20%) of the
proceeds of their mining operations. iv) there is so much secrecy in the mining companies operating in the Chiadzwa Diamond Fields in terms of those involved and what they are producing and also what the state's share is.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 5th October 2011]
*16. HON. D. SIBANDA: To ask the Minister of Water Resources Development and Management to inform the House when Bulawayo would have its water supplies pumped up from Mtshabezi Dam to alleviate the water shortages in the City.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 5th October 2011]
*17. HON. D. SIBANDA: To ask the Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education to inform the House what the government policy is as regards the students' loans and
grants which the Ministry used to provide.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 5th October 2011]
*18. | HON. D. SIBANDA: To ask the Honourable Deputy Prime Minister Khupe in her |
capacity as the President of the Global Power Women Network Africa, to to | |
inform the House what key interventions have been advocated for in order to | |
ensure that women and girls are protected from HIV/AIDS infections.
[Deferred from, Wednesday 5th October 2011]
*19. | HON. D. SIBANDA: To ask the Hounorable Deputy Prime Minister Khupe, in her |
capacity as the Goodwill Ambassador for the Campaign on the Accelerated | |
Reduction of Maternal Mortality, to inform the House the progress that has | |
been made in scrapping the user fees as part of the millennium development goals | |
aimed at improving maternal health so that t mortality rate is reduced by at least | |
75% by the year 2015. [Deferred from, Wednesday 5th October 2011]
*20. | HON. MAHLANGU: To ask the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources |
Management to inform the House:
i) the challenges the Ministry is facing in order to achieve the Millennium Development Goal No. 7 (MDG 7) of Ensuring Environmental Sustainability by 2015; ii) what the Ministry has done so far to ensure that it overcomes these challenges; and iii) how much has been availed to the Ministry so far towards the achievement of this goal (MDG 7).
[Deferred from, Wednesday 5th October 2011] |
That this House
SADDENED by the tragic and untimely death of the Honourable Minister of
Public Service and member of Parliament for Gutu South, Professor Eliphas Mukonoweshuro on the 5th of August 2011;
NOTING that the loss was felt by the whole nation, which mourned a committed and dedicated luminary of our struggle for independence, democracy, freedom and justice;
NOW THEREFORE, THIS HOUSE Conveys its, profound condolences to the widow of our departed leader;
Expresses its deep sorrow and sadness at the tragic and unexpected loss of life;
Takes this opportunity to celebrate the life of a man who rendered sterling services to the nation both before and after independence.
To move:
That this House takes note of the Report on the Pan African Parliament Permanent Committee on Trade, Customs and Immigration matters workshop that was held in Gaborone Botswana in July 2011 to promote the involvement of the committee and members of Parliament on Trade, Customs and Immigration in Regional Integration efforts.
That this House
COGNIZANT of the need to publish in the gazette and to enforce all delegated legislation in conformity with the relevant Principal Acts;
DISTURBED that the Indigenisation and Empowerment (General) Regulations
Statutory Instrument No. 21 of 2010, as read with the minimum requirements for
Indigenisation Implementation Plans for businesses in the mining sector GN 114/2011, do not conform with the Government's Policy of economic revival which aims at encouraging Direct Foreign Investment;
CONCERNED that the responsible Minister promulgated the Indigenisation Empowerment Regulations without due regard for private enterprises and industries which are critical for Zimbabwe's economic recovery;
CONDEMNING the practice by the responsible Minister to invoke delegated legislation on foreign owned companies without Cabinet Authority, in contravention of bilateral agreements, a situation which puts the Government's credibility into disrepute;
NOW THEREFORE, resolves that the responsible Minister withdraws forthwith the Indigenisation and Empowerment Regulations and replaces them with revised versions which address broad based empowerment programmes.
That this House
NOTING the state of affairs that has prevailed at the Marange Diamonds Fields since their discovery in 2006;
RECOGNISING the need for Government to take immediate steps to manage and control the exploitation and marketing of the mineral;
- takes immediate steps to nationalise and prescribe all diamond mining operations, both formal and informal that are currently underway on the Marange Diamond Fields;
- That Government takes steps to remove all unauthorised personnel from the fields and secure the boundary to prevent unauthorised entries;
- through the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development invite offers and enter into an agreement with reputable companies to mine the mineral on behalf of Government of Zimbabwe in compliance with the Kimberly process;
- establishes a Compensation Court for claims arising from the mining exercise and a Community Trust to represent the people of Marange in the mining venture.
That the motion on the unconstitutional statements made by some Service Chiefs which was superseded by prorogation of the Third Session of the Seventh Parliament be restored on the Order Paper in terms of Standing Order No. 43.
- Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on
Mines and Energy on the state of affairs at Shabani Mashava Mine (S.C.10,
2011) (Superseded by prorogation of the Third Session of the Seventh
[Day elapsed: 1]
Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Mines and Energy on the State of Affairs at Shabani-Mashava
Mines (S.C.10, 2011). - Hon Chindori-Chininga
- Adjourned debate on motion on the First Report of the Portfolio Committee on Local Government, Rural and Urban Development (Adjourned 26th September – D. Sibanda).
[Day elapsed: 2]
Question proposed: That this House takes note of the First report of the Portfolio Committee on Local Government, Urban and Rural Development on the public hearings on the state of service delivery by the Municipalities of Harare, Chitungwiza and Norton. (S.C. 6, 2010)- Hon. Matimba.
- Adjourned debate on motion on the death of Retired General Tapfumaneyi Ruzambo Solomon Mutusva Mujuru (Adjourned 6th October - The Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Prof. Mutambara).
[Day elapsed:2]
Question proposed: That this House expresses its profound sorrow on the sudden, untimely and tragic death on Tuesday, 16 August, 2011 of Retired
General Tapfumaneyi Ruzambo Solomon Mutusva Mujuru Commander of the Zimbabwe National Army and former Hon Member of Parliament;
PLACES on record its deepest, proud and sincere appreciation of the grand, sterling and services par excellence the late Retired General and former
Member of Parliament rendered to the Nation;
JOINS the rest of the country in mourning and consoling the Hon. Vice
President Amai Mujuru the widow of our hero; and
RESOLVES THAT its deepest and heartfelt sympathies be conveyed to the entire Mujuru family- Hon. Bhasikiti.
That the National Incomes and Pricing Commission Bill (H.B. 10, 2010) which was superseded by the prorogation of the Third Session of the Seventh Parliament be restored on the Order Paper at the stage at which the Bill had reached in terms of Standing Order No. 131 (1).
THAT WHEREAS, subsection 111/B of the Constitutions of Zimbabwe provides that any convention, treaty or agreement acceded to, concluded or executed by or
under the authority of the President with one or more foreign States or governments or international organisations shall be subject to approval by Parliament.
WHEREAS the Interim Economic Partnership Agreement was signed in Mauritius on 29th August 2009 at a signing ceremony between the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) and the European Union (EU);
AND WHEREAS the government of Zimbabwe is a signatory to the interim Economic Partnership Agreement, and is desirous of becoming party to the interim Economic partnership Agreement;
AND WHEREAS the entry into force of the said Agreement is conditional upon its acceptance by the parties in accordance with their respective constitutional procedures;
NOW THEREFORE, in terms of subsection (1) of section 111B of the Constitution, this House resolves that the aforesaid Agreement be and is hereby approved for ratification.
THAT WHEREAS subsection (1) o section 111B of the constitution of Zimbabwe provides that any convention, Treaty or Agreements acceded to, concluded or executed by or under the authority to the President with one or more Foreign States or Governments or International Organisations shall be subject to approval by Parliament;
WHEREAS the International Coffee Agreement was concluded in London, United Kingdom on 28th September 2007 at the Conference convened by the International Coffee Organisation (ICO);
AND WHEREAS the government of Zimbabwe is Signatory to the International Coffee Organisation, and is desirous of becoming party to the International Coffee Agreement 2007;
AND WHEREAS the entry into force of the said Agreement is conditional upon its acceptance by the parties in accordance with their respective Constitutional procedures;
NOW THEREFORE, in terms of sub-section (1) of the section 111B of the Constitution, this House resolves that the aforesaid Agreement be and is hereby approved for ratification.
THAT WHEREAS, subsection (1) of section 111B of the constitution of Zimbabwe provides that any convention, Treaty or Agreement acceded to, concluded or executed by or under the authority of the President with one or more Foreign States or governments or international Organisations shall be subject to approval by Parliament;
WHEREAS the 2nd Revised Cotonou Agreement was concluded in Brussels, Belgium on 19th March 2010 at the Extraordinary Joint ACP – EU Ministerial Meeting and signed in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso on 22nd June 2010 during the joint ACP – EU Council of Minister's;
AND WHEREAS the Government of Zimbabwe is signatory to the Cotonou
Agreement, and is desirous of becoming party to the 2nd revised Cotonou Agreement;
AND WHEREAS the entry into force of the said Agreement is conditional upon
its acceptance by the parties in accordance with their respective constitutional procedures;
NOW THEREFORE, in terms of subsection (1) of section 111B of the Constitution, this House resolves that the afore-said Agreement be and is hereby approved for ratification.
THAT WHEREAS, subsection 111 B of the Constitution of Zimbabwe provides that any convention, treaty or agreement acceded to, concluded or executed by or under the authority of the President with one r more foreign states or governments or international organizations shall be subject to approval by Parliament;
WHEREAS the Trade Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe and the Government of the State of Kuwait was concluded in Kuwait on 25/10/1997
AND WHEREAS the Government of Zimbabwe is a signatory to the Trade
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe and the
Government of the State of Kuwait, and is desirous to becoming Party to the
Trade Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe and the
Government of the State of Kuwait,
AND WHEREAS the entry into force of the said agreement is conditional upon its acceptance by the parties in accordance with their respective Constitutional procedures;
NOW THEREFORE, in terms of subsection (1) of section 111 B of the Constitution, this House resolves that the aforesaid Agreement be and is hereby approved for ratification.
- Adjourned debate on motion in reply to the Presidential Speech (Adjourned 6th October – The Minister of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs).
[Time elapsed: 3 hours 06 minutes]
Question proposed: That a respectful address be presented to the President of Zimbabwe as follows:-
May it please you, your Excellency, the President:
We, the Members of Parliament of Zimbabwe, desire to express our loyalty to Zimbabwe and beg leave to offer our respectful thanks for the speech, which you have been pleased to address to Parliament – Hon Zhuwao
At 1000 hrs in Committee Room No. 413
Moyo (Chairperson) Hon. Baloyi, Hon. Chaderopa, Hon. Hlongwane, Hon. Mandebvu, Hon. Matonga, Hon. Moyo S, Hon. Mudarikwa, Hon. Jembere, Hon. Muchauraya, Hon.
Mudiwa, Hon. Musumbu, Hon. Sibanda, Hon. Varandeni, Hon. Ziyambi. Clerk – Mr Mutyambizi
At 1000 hrs in Committee Room No. 3
Hon Matienga (Chairperson) Hon. Chibaya, Hon. Chitima, Hon. Chirume, Hon. Chitima, Hon. Dzingirayi, Hon. Goto, Hon. Kagurabadza, Hon. Mahlangu, Hon. Masukume, Hon.
Matibenga, Hon. Matienga, Hon. Mharadza, Hon. Navaya, Hon. Nyamupinga, Hon. Shirichena, Hon. Sithole A. Clerk - Mr Kunzwa
At 1000 hrs in Committee Room No. 4
EDUCATION, SPORTS AND CULTURE: Hon. Mangami -(Chairperson)
Hon. Bhasikiti, Hon. Chihota, Hon. Chimhini, Hon. Chitando, Hon. Dumbu, Hon.
Haritatos, Hon. Kumalo Marvellous, Hon. Khumalo S., Hon. Madubeko, Hon. Mangami
- , Hon. Mhashu F.G., Hon. Mudzuri H, Hon. Mupukuta, Hon. Muza, Hon. S.M Ncube, Hon. Nezi, Hon. Sibanda F.M. Clerk - Ms Chikuvire
At 1000 hrs in Committee Room No. 1
Hon. Moyo (Chairperson) Hon. Chimbetete, Hon. Gonese, Hon. Makuyana M,
Hon.Maramwidze, Hon. Masvaire, Hon. Matibe, Hon. Maposhere, Hon. Mbwembwe, Hon. Moyo R, Hon. Munjeyi, Hon. Mutomba, Hon. Muza, Hon. Navaya, Hon. Nemadziva, Hon. Ngwenya, Hon. Nyamudeza, Hon. Sai, Hon. Sindi, Hon. Tazviona, Hon. Zhuwao, Hon. Zinyemba. Clerk - Mrs Hazvina-Mushunje.